انشودة ياذاكر الاصحاب كن موتئدبا
انشودة ياذاكر الاصحاب كن موتئدبا
يا ذاكر الأصحاب كن متأدبا وعرف عظيم منازل الأصحاب
O you who remember the companions, be respectful and acknowledge the great status of the companions.
هم صفوة رفعوا بصحبة أحمد وبذاك قد فصوا من الوهاب
They are the elite who have ascended with Ahmad, and with that, they have been distinguished from the generous.
يا ذاكر الأصحاب كن متأدبا وعرف عظيم منازل الأصحاب
O one who remembers the companions, be courteous and recognize the great ranks of the companions.
هم صفوة رفعوا بصحبة أحمد وبذاك قد فصوا من الوهاب
They are an elite who elevated themselves in the company of Ahmad, and thus they have distinguished themselves from the bestowers.
هم ناصر مختار في تبلغه فجزاههم أحمام خير ثواري
They are Nasir Mukhtar in his notification, so may he be rewarded with the best of rewards.
ما بال أهل الغي طول لسانهم وتجرؤوا ورموهم بسباب
What is it with the people of misguidance that they are long-tongued and dare to insult them?
سبوا خيار الخلق من لهم العذاب ولهم نظام بذر الأحساب
They cursed the best of creation, whose fate is torment, and they have a system for sowing lineage.
من قبل صروح أعوج عن حقده في سب شيف متق أواب
From the crooked towers, the hatred of the one who curses a penitent servant is evident.
يا ثاني الاثنين في الغال الذي شهدت له آيات خير كتاب
O second of the two in the cave, who witnessed the verses of the best Book.
واليوم قد صدع الخديث بجرعة ووقاحة
"Today, the conversation has become loud and brazen."
من سافل كداب
Whoever lies is despicable.
هذا النبي محمدا في عرضه سيعمه ذنب وشر عقاب
This prophet Muhammad, in his reputation, will be enveloped by sin and the evil of punishment.
هذا النبي يتأهل ففل المصطفى فليفسأن فسعيه كزراب
This prophet qualifies as the chosen one; his efforts are like shadows.
هاتيك أم المؤمنين فضلها يرغى لنا في سورة أحساب
The mothers of the believers, their virtues are mentioned to us in Surah Al-Ahzab.
يا ثاني الاثنين في الغال الذي شهدت له آيات خير كتاب
O second of the two in the cave, to whom the verses of the best book bear witness.
يا ثاني الاثنين في الغال الذي شهدت له آيات خير كداب
O second of the two in the cave, to whom the verses of goodness have witnessed.
والدمع مني
"And the tears are from me."
كالند المنساء
As the forgotten moon.
من ذاك يجر أن ينال لسانه
From that, it drags that he may attain his tongue.
من زوج خير العجم والآراب
From the best of the non-Arabs and Arabs.
يا من زعمتم حب آل نبيكم
O you who claimed to love the family of your Prophet.
أفلت جماجمكم من الألباب
Your skulls have escaped from the minds.
تنسون في درب الضلال وعدب
You forget in the path of misguidance and punishment.
قد أفيت عذرته بضباب
I have fulfilled my excuse with fog.
يا ذاكر الأصحاب
O you who remember the companions.
كن متأدبا
Be polite.
واعرف عظيم منازل الأصحاب
"And I know the greatness of the ranks of the companions."
هم صفوة رفعوا بصحبة أحمد
They are the elite who elevated with the company of Ahmed.
وبذاك قد خصوا من الوهب
And thus they were given a special gift.
يا ذاكر الأصحاب
O rememberer of the friends.
كن متأدبا
Be polite.
واعرف عظيم منازل الأصحاب
"And know the greatness of the companions' ranks."
هم صفوة رفعوا بصحبة أحمد
They are the elite who elevated themselves through the companionship of Ahmed.
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