فتنة النساء والترفع عن الدنايا


المحدث أبو اسحاق الحويني

فتنة النساء والترفع عن الدنايا

المحدث أبو اسحاق الحويني

ها ها ها ها

Ha ha ha ha

الروح تسري والملائك حولنا

The spirit flows and the angels surround us.

طاب المساء والقلب يسبح في بحار الشوق

Good evening, and the heart is swimming in seas of longing.

يحمله الرجال

Carried by men

أسأل دموع العين عن سر البكاء

I ask the tears of the eyes about the secret of weeping.

وعن الأمان والمعاني عن معنى الوفاء

Regarding safety and the meanings of loyalty.

وعن الرضا بالله إن حل القضاء

"And about being content with God when the decree is fulfilled."

وعن الفؤاد محلقا كالطير في جو السماء

"And about the heart soaring like a bird in the sky."

عطر القلوب أريجه قد فاح من هذا اللقاء

The scent of hearts has wafted from this meeting.

الروح تسري والملائك حولنا

The soul flows and the angels are around us.

طاب المساء

Good evening.


And the meeting.

ونستضع أيها المسلمون

And we seek help, O Muslims.



ونعود لله تعالى من شرور يقصنا واسمنا تقنالنا

"And we seek refuge with Allah, the Exalted, from the evils that we narrate and from our names that we have taken."

من يهدي الله تعالى فلا مضل الذي

Whoever Allah guides, none can mislead.

ومن يضلل فلا هادي

And whoever is misguided, there is no guide for them.

وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله أخذب ولا شجل

And I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah, the One, without partner.

وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله

And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.

أما بعد فإن أصدق الحديث كتاب الله تعالى وأحسن أحسن رضاك

As for what follows, the truest speech is the Book of Allah, the Exalted, and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad.

والحمد لله والمؤمنين والدعاء والصالحاء

And praise be to Allah, the believers, and the righteous.

هدي محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم

The guidance of Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family.

وشر الأمور محدثتها

"And the worst of matters are those that are newly invented."

وكل محدثة بدعة

And every innovation is an act of misguidance.

وكل بدعة الضلالة

"And every innovation is a misguidance."

وكل ضلالة الخدعة

"And every misguidance is a trick."

اللهم صلي على محمد وعلى آل محمد

O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

كما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم

As You have blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim.

وقل عالمين أنك حميد مجيد

"And say, 'All praise is due to Allah, who is Praiseworthy and Glorious.'"

وبارك على محمد وعلى آل محمد

And bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

كما باركت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم

As You blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim.

العالمين أنك حميد مجيد

"Of the worlds, indeed You are the Most Praiseworthy, Most Glorious."

كنا نشرح قصة أصحاب الغاب

We were explaining the story of the companions of the forest.

كما رواها ابن عمر

As narrated by Ibn Umar.

مع جماعة من أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

With a group of the Prophet's companions, may peace be upon him.

وهذا الحديث

And this hadith.

الذي جرنا إلى الكلام عليه

"That which led us to speak about him."

هو أن ابن الجوزي رحمه الله تعالى

It is that Ibn al-Jawzi, may Allah have mercy on him.

انتقد فعل هؤلاء

Criticize the actions of these people.

ووصفهم بالغباء

And he described them as stupid.

وقال إن الفهم عزيز

He said that understanding is precious.

وإنما استجاب الله عز وجل لهم

And indeed, Allah Almighty responded to them.

ليقطع من نهم

To cut off from appetite.

كأنما قال

As if he said

أعطهم ليسكتوا

Give them to silence them.

يعني من كثرة إلحاح الملح

It means from the persistent insistence of the salt.

أحياناً يعطى ما يريد ليسكت

Sometimes one is given what they want to be silenced.

فهو خرج فعل هؤلاء على هذا المعنى

"He acted as those did in this regard."

وأنا سجلت اعتراضي عليه

And I have recorded my objection to it.

وبدأت أبين من الفقرة الأولى

And I started to clarify from the first paragraph.

أن اعتراض ابن الجوزي

The objection of Ibn al-Jawzi.

لم يكن في محله

He wasn't in his place.

والحديث ينقسم لثلاث فقرات

The speech is divided into three sections.

الفقرة الأولى

The first paragraph

تتعلق بالرجل

It concerns the man.

الذي الراعي

The shepherd.

الذي لم يسقي أولاده اللبن

He who did not give his children milk.

حتى يشرب أبواه

Until his parents drink.

ونحن اليوم مع المقفى الثاني

Today we are with the second rhyme.

وهو قول الثاني منهما

And this is the statement of the second of the two.

اللهم إن كنت تحبني

O Allah, if You love me.

أعلم أنه كان لبنة عم

I know that he was a cousin.

وكنت أحبها كأشد ما يحب الرجال النساء

And I loved her as much as men love women.

فأصابتها سنة أي مجاعة وحاجة

So a year of famine and need struck her.

فجاءتني تطلب مالاً

She came to me asking for money.

فراوتها عن نفسها فأبت

She tried to deny it but she refused.

ثم جاءت تطلب مالاً

Then she came asking for money.

فراوتها عن نفسها فأبت

She denied it about herself, so she refused.

فراوتها عن نفسها فرضيت

She seduced herself and was pleased.

فلما قعدت منها مقعد الرجل من امرأته

"So when he had seated himself beside her as a man does with his wife..."

قالت يا عبد الله

She said, "O Abdullah."

اتق الله ولا تفضى الخاتم إلا بحقه

Fear God and do not disclose the ring except for its rightful purpose.

أنني فعلت هذا ابتغاء مرضاتك

I did this seeking Your pleasure.

ففرج عنا ما نحن فيه

So relieve us from what we are in.

فانفردت الصفرة قليلاً

The yellow color became slightly isolated.

غير أنهم لا يستطيعون الخرج

However, they cannot go out.

يا له من صبور

What a patient person!

فإن الذي يتغلب على فتنة النساء

"Indeed, the one who overcomes the trial of women..."

هو الرجل بمعنى الكلم

He is the man in every sense of the word.

لأن أعظم فتنة خلفت على الرجال

Because the greatest temptation that has befallen men.

هي فتنة النساء

It is the temptation of women.

كما في حديث أسامة بن زيد رضي الله عنهما

As in the hadith of Usama ibn Zaid, may Allah be pleased with them both.

أن نبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال

That the Prophet, peace be upon him, said.

ما تركت بعدي فتنة أضر على الرجال من النساء

"I did not leave after me a trial more harmful to men than women."

فهي أعظم فتنة يتعرض لها الرجل

It is the greatest temptation a man faces.

فتنة النساء

The temptation of women.

لما ركب فيه من الميل إلى المرأة

When he leaned towards the woman.

لا سيما مع وجود المقتضى

Especially with the presence of the requirement.

يعني لو مفيش مقتضى

It means if there is no necessity.



لكن مع وجود المقتضى ويتعفف

But with the presence of necessity, one can abstain.

يا له من صبور

What a patient person!

ولك أن تعتبر لقصة يوسف عليه السلام

And you may consider the story of Joseph, peace be upon him.

إذا جاز الإنسان أن يعتصم بنبله

If it is permissible for a person to uphold their nobility.

وشرف نسبه

And the honor of his lineage.

عن الترفع عن الدناية

About rising above baseness.

لكان يوسف عليه السلام

If it were Joseph, peace be upon him.

وهو الكريم ابن الكريم ابن الكريم ابن الكريم

He is the generous son of the generous son of the generous son of the generous.

يعني هو ضارب الجذور في العراقة

It means he is deeply rooted in heritage.

عراقة النسب

Nobility of lineage

أبوه نبي وجده نبي

His father is a prophet and his grandfather is a prophet.

وهلوم جر إلى الجد الأعلى وهو إبراهيم عليه السلام

And let us proceed to the great ancestor, which is Abraham, peace be upon him.

كانت كل الدواعي

All the reasons were present.

مع يوسف عليه السلام

With Joseph, peace be upon him.



كان مملوكا

He was a slave.

والمملوك يفعل ما يأنف عنه الحر

"And the slave does what the free man abhors."



كان شابا عزبا

He was a young single man.

لم يتزوج ولم يتسر

He did not get married and did not remarry.

فهو في كامل فتوته وتمانعه

He is in the prime of his youth and vigor.

فهو في كامل شهوته

He is in full lust.

ثالثا كان غريبا

Thirdly, it was strange.

والغريب يفعل في دار الغربة ما يأنف أن يفعله بين أهله وأخوانه

And the stranger does in a foreign land what he would be ashamed to do among his family and brothers.

رابعا هُدِّد

Fourth, it was threatened.

ولئن لم يفعل ما آمره ليس جنًا ولا يكون من الصاغرين

And if he does not do what I command him, he is not mad and will not be among the humiliated.

فممكن يقول أنا مُكرَه

So he might say I'm compelled.

ماذا أفعل

What should I do?



التي تدعو إلى نفسها هي سيدة القصر

The one who invites to herself is the lady of the palace.

فهو آمنٌ من الفضيحة

He is safe from scandal.

لأنها أحرص على أن لا يفتضح أمرها منه

Because she is keen not to have her secret exposed by him.

كل هذه الدواعي تدعوه إلى الزنا

All these reasons urge him towards adultery.

عشان كده أنا قلت لك كذلك

That's why I told you that too.

لكن في مقتضى

But in accordance with

كان في مقتضى

It was necessary.

ومع ذلك



He said.

مَعَاذَ اللَّهِ

God forbid.

إِنَّهُ رَبِّي أَحْسَنَ مَثْوَايٍّ

Indeed, my Lord has made my abode good.

إِنَّهُ لَا يُفِحُ الظَّالِمِينَ

Indeed, he does not guide the wrongdoers.

داء أمام فتنة صلعاء عمياء وداهية دهياء

A disease before a blind, bald temptation and a great calamity.

طيب هو كيف نجأ

Okay, how did he survive?

دعا ربه جل جلاله

He called upon his Lord, may His glory be exalted.

قال وَإِلَّا تَصْرِفْ عَنِّي كَيْدَهُنَّ أَصْبُ إِلَيْهِنَّ وَأَكُمْ مِنَ الْجَاهِلِينَ

He said, "And unless You turn away their plot from me, I might incline toward them and be among the ignorant."

أصبُ من الصبوة

"I am young."

أدخَى الرجل

The man entered.

يصير كالصبي أمام المرء

He becomes like a boy in front of a person.

هذه هي الصبوة

This is the youth.

ولذلك النساء

And therefore the women

أي امرأة تستطيع أن تلعب بأي رجل

Any woman can play with any man.

أي وعي واحد يقول لها أنا ذكر

What consciousness says to her, "I am male"?

وأنا من ظهر راجل والكلام ده

"And I am from the back of a man, and this talk..."

ليس له مناصًا إلا أن يتجه إلى ربه تبارك وتعالى

He has no choice but to turn to his Lord, Blessed and Exalted.

الفتنة دي ما يخلصكش منها غير ربنا

Only God can save you from this temptation.

سبحانه وتعالى وحده

Glory be to Him, the Most High, alone.

فلما استجيبه

When he was answered.

أجار بالله عز وجل أجارة

I seek refuge in Allah, the Almighty.

والمرأة عندها السلاح

And the woman has the weapon.

هو تمام كمالها

He is the complete perfection of her.

وتمام قوتها

And the completeness of its strength.

هل رأيتم في الدنيا مخلوقًا؟

Have you seen a creature in the world?

يكون تمام قوته في ضعفه

His full strength lies in his weakness.

شفتم عجيبة مثل هذه العجيبة؟

Have you ever seen a marvel like this marvel?

تمام قوته في شدة ضعفه

His entire strength lies in his utter weakness.

هي المرأة

She is the woman.

عشان كده المرأة الغبية

That's why the foolish woman...

اللي تحاول تعمل راجل قدام الراجل

"Someone who tries to act like a man in front of a man."

تكسرها على طول

You break it all the time.

لكن هي لو عايزة تكسره تضعفه

But if she wants to break him, she will weaken him.

كل رجل في هذا المسجد وأنا منهم

Every man in this mosque, and I am one of them.



آه صدقوني

Oh, believe me.



ليه معا أولا رجل

Why does a man have first?

وجنس النساء متعصب للرجال

The female gender is biased in favor of men.

تريها لوحدها لما تخليها بنت وراء بنت وراء بنت وراء بنت

"She sees it alone, why doesn't she let it be a girl after girl after girl after girl?"

لو جابت بنت

If a girl is born.

تبقى عايزة تخنق

She still wants to choke.

إنما لو جابت ولد تبقى فرحانة بيه جدا

If she gives birth to a boy, she will be very happy about it.

وبتاعه والولد الحيلة وامه وشوء

And his thing, and the clever boy, and his mother, and his action.

جالها الولد بعد زمن

The boy came to her after a while.

ولو عندها فلوس تدي للولد وتحرم البنات

"If she had money, she would give it to the boy and deny the girls."

تقولك ما صحيح لها زوج وبتاعه والكلام ده

She tells you that it's not true, she has a husband and all that talk.

لكن الولد ده غلبان

But this boy is poor.

وبيجرع لولاية

And he is being appointed to the state.

آه تريها حتى جنس النساء متعصب للرجال

Ah, you see, even the female gender is biased towards men.

بالإضافة لإن الرجال هما اللي بيعمرين الأرض

In addition, it is the men who populate the earth.

هما اللي بيحملوا العلم والجهاد والكلام ده

They are the ones who carry the banner, the struggle, and all that.

وأنا لما قلت مرة من مرات وأمت الدنيا ولم تقعد اي تيالي ما عاديتش الحد اللي هو

"And when I said once upon a time, the world ended and did not resume, I didn't cross the limit that is."

لما طلع شوية منتخبات كده على خنامي الخناد فضائي وأنا انتقدته هذا جدا

When a few teams came up on my satellite receiver, I criticized it very much.

واعتبرته نذير شؤم

I considered it an omen of misfortune.

أن تظهر المرأة وقلت إيه اللي عند المرأة يعني تدوم للرجال

That a woman appears, and I said what does a woman have that lasts for men.

ما العزافهم يعني؟

What does "العزافهم" mean?

العلم للرجال وليس للنساء

Knowledge is for men, not for women.

قامت الدنيا

The world has gone awry.

أنا كان مائز بس المجلس قوم للمرأة يدخلني السجن

I was an outstanding person, but the council made me a woman and imprisoned me.

عشان قلت إيه العلم للرجال

Because I said, "Knowledge is for men."

وفعل للرجال ونزلته أقوله هذا

"And it is a deed for men, and I have brought it down to say this."

لأن العلم مش شوية القشور ولا المواعظة اللي الستة بتقولها مش هو ده العلم

Because knowledge is not just a bit of superficiality or the advice that the woman is giving, that is not knowledge.

العلم القائم على الأصول

The knowledge based on principles.

يبقى دارس أصول فقه ودارس أصول حديث ودارس أصول عربية

He remains a student of the origins of jurisprudence, a student of the origins of hadith, and a student of the origins of Arabic.

ويعرف مداخل الكلام ومخرجه

He knows the entrances and exits of speech.

ويعرف يجتهد

And he knows he strives.

ولذلك أنتوا شوفت الكتب المنشورة من زمن ما تلاقيش اسم واحدة إلا اليومين دول

That's why you see the published books from a long time ago; you won't find a single name except in these recent days.

لما بدوا يحضروا ماجستير ويدخلوا على إنترنت وجوجل والكلام ده ويسألوا لأبحاث وحطوها وقصوا وإلزا

When they started preparing for their master's and went online to Google and such, they asked for research, put it together, and edited it.

بس لكن عشان خاطر تجتهد وتعمل اجتهادة وتشغل مخاها وتدرس أصول الكلام ده مش فاضية هذا الكلام

But just so you can strive and make an effort, use your brain and study the principles of this matter; this talk is not for idle minds.

هي توم تتخرم الجامعة وتتجوز تخلف عيال تقعد في المطبخ

She graduates from university, gets married, has children, and stays in the kitchen.

هي أزكى واحدة على وجه الكور الأرضية

She is the most fragrant one on the face of the earth.

فتعلمش لا تتوصل لحاجة

So you don't learn until you reach something.

إنما الرجال دي شغلته

"Men only deal with this."

وذلك تجد كل الكتب من تصنيف الرجال

You will find all the books classified under men.

سواء في الوصول أو في الفراغ

Whether in arrival or in emptiness.

فأنا لما قلت الكلام ده ما كنتش أقصد أنه أنا أتنقص حد ولا الكلام ده

When I said this, I didn't mean to belittle anyone or anything like that.

بس عايز أقول له واحدة منتقبة أعدالي على شاشة

I just want to tell him that a veiled woman is standing in front of me on the screen.

بتقول لي إن شاء الله

She says to me, "God willing."

هتقول لي مين

You will tell me who.

طب ما تعودوا في المساجد

Well, don't you get used to it in mosques?

ما فيش إطلاق لأي مشكلة

There is no release for any problem.

احمل لي العلم اللي معاكي وروح المساجد وعلم المساجد

Bring me the knowledge you have and go to the mosques and teach the mosques.

والكلام ده

And this speech

لك تطلع لي متغمية كلها كده

Why are you looking at me all covered up like that?

والرجال يقول لي إيه البوع واللي طالع لي على المشاعر فيه والكلام ده

"And the men are telling me what's the fuss and what's coming to me in terms of feelings and this talk."

مش نقصينه وجعال

We are not lacking in anything.

وجاء واحد عمل لي في الآخر قناة للمنتقبات كهو

And someone came to create a channel for veiled women as well.

كمان عشان تبقى إيه

Also so that it will be what?

التقت حلقة البطان كما يقال

The ring of the strap has come together, as they say.

فهو الرجال

He is the man.

لهم في الدنيا

For them in this world.

الحس والصوت والكلام ده

The senses, sound, and speech.

بالإضافة لإن الشرع إداهم صلاحيات

In addition, the law gives them authorities.

وللرجال اللي قاعدوا

"And for the men who are sitting."

اللي عليهم درجة

Those who have a degree.

الرجال قاومون على النساء

Men are resistant to women.

تقدر إن انت تتحكم فيها وتمنعها إنها تزور أهلها وممنوع أهلها يزوروها ومن حق

You can control her and prevent her from visiting her family, and her family is not allowed to visit her, and it is her right.

وإذا انت تجنيت تتحاسب قدام ربنا كده قطعة الرحمة والكلام ده

"When you sin, you will be held accountable before our Lord; that's the essence of mercy and this talk."

لكن هو الحكم ماضي في الدنيا

But the ruling is ongoing in this world.

فالرجل ديكتاتور

The man is a dictator.

أي رجل في الدنيا ديكتاتور

Any man in this world is a dictator.

إيه اللي بيخلي الديكتاتور ما يبقاش غشيم؟

What makes a dictator not be foolish?



هو ده اللي بيرده

This is what he responds.



لكن لو فيش إيمان يصد يبقى ديكتاتور حقيقي

But if there is no faith to resist, then he is a true dictator.



تعالوا بينا بقى نشوف الديكتاتور بيتغلب إزاي

Let's go and see how the dictator is being defeated.

إنما يغلب الدكتاتور بالثناء

A dictator is only overcome by praise.

أنت الرئيس المؤمن وأنت الرئيس الزراعي والرئيس التجاري والرئيس الرياضي

You are the believing president, and you are the agricultural president, the commercial president, and the sports president.

وإنت مش حد زيك ما جرتك شولادة والكلام ده

"You are not someone like you who has gone through such things and talked about it."

نحن مش عارفين ما غيرك كنا نعمل إيه والكلام ده

We don't know what we would do without you and all that.

أول ما الثناء يدخل ودانه

As soon as praise enters his ears.


It is located.

طبعا عارفنا الخصة كده

Of course, we understood the situation like this.

أنا بقول للستة الزكية

I am telling the clever woman.

اشتغل في الأزمة

Work in the crisis.




Your husband.



الحمد لله رجعت إلنا بالسلامة

Thank God you have returned to us safely.

لأنه ممكن يطلع ما يرجعش

Because it might come out and not come back.

عربية تخبط ولا يروح في أي حتة

A car that swerves and doesn't go anywhere.



فكون يرجعلك مرة تانية

"So he can come back to you again."

يعني أنت تستمتع بيه لسه

So you still enjoy it?

وربنا يبرك فيك

May our Lord bless you.

وربنا يخليك لينا

May God keep you with us.

ويرزقنا مش عارفين

"And we are provided for; we do not know."

ويعمل كده

And he does that.

تخيل بقى لو هو حتى

Just imagine if he even...

بيعمل كده على نيابه

He does that on behalf of someone else.

ولا بتاعه

And not a thing.

أنه ما يعمل أي أخر

He doesn't do anything else.

ده لما يكون واحد يعني كده

This is when someone is like that.

متداقي منك تقوله حضرتك

I will tell you, you are too close to me.


And your Excellency.

طبعا يعمل فيك إيه؟

Of course, what can it do to you?


For example

فالمرأة كل ما تضعف تغلب

As a woman weakens, she prevails.



قاعدة جليلة

Noble principle

النساء لو استخدموا القاعدة دي

Women, if they used this rule.

مفيش واحدة تشقى في بيتها

No woman struggles in her home.

ومش عايز يقول بقى أنا تركب الراجل

"And I don't want to say that I rode the man."

وتركب جميلة كمان

And it's also beautiful to ride.

تخلى الرجلات اللي تنفي ناحية

The men who deny their direction have abandoned.



والراجل يبقى راضي

And the man will be satisfied.

يبقى راضي من كل قلبه يبقى راضي

He remains content with all his heart, he remains content.

والنبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

And the Prophet, peace be upon him.

قال إن المرأة خلقت من ضلع

He said that woman was created from a rib.

وإن أعوج الضلع أعلى

"And the most crooked part of it is its top."

فإنها تقيمها وكسرها

For it establishes them and breaks them.

وإن تركته وظل على عوج

"If you leave it and it remains crooked."

فاستنفعوا بهن على عوج

"So benefit from them in a crooked manner."

والنبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

And the Prophet, peace be upon him.

بيّن لنا إن المرأة تغلب

It shows us that a woman prevails.

أدخن تخيل

I smoke, imagine.

مش في الوزن في العاء

Not in the weight, but in the container.

قال إيه؟

He said what?

يا معشر النساء

O assembly of women

ما رأيت أذهب أفعله

I haven't seen what I would do.

أذهب للب الرجل الحازم

Go to the man of determination.

مش الرجل بس

It's not just the man.

الحازم منكم

The resolute among you.

من هو الحازم؟

Who is Al-Hazim?

هو الذي يغلب

He is the one who prevails.

يبقى يطلع الراجل

The man keeps coming out.

الدنيا توقف على رجل

The world depends on a man.

يدخل بيته

He enters his house.

المرأة تتوقف على رجل

The woman depends on a man.

يبقى من الذي يحكم العالم؟

Who remains to rule the world?


The person

هي التي تحكم العالم

She is the one who rules the world.

لما تكون بتغلب الرجل الحازم

When you defeat the determined man.

وتحطه تحت جناحها

And she places it under her wing.

ده تبقى قوتها إيه دي؟

What would its strength be?

دي مفترية

This is a lie.

اللي تعمل القصة دي؟

Who is going to do this story?

لكن أغلب النساء أغبياء

But most women are stupid.

مش عارفين مواضع القوة عندهن

We do not know their strengths.

مواضع القوة عندهن

Their areas of strength.

تكسر الدكتاتور

The dictator breaks.

اللي هو ساكن في صدر زوجك

"Which is dwelling in your husband's chest."

وفي قلب زوجك

"In your husband's heart."

بالثناء عليه

With praise for him.

اوعى تتحديه

Don't you dare challenge him.

وتقف يقباله

And it stands opposite him.

حيكسرك على طول

It will break you continuously.

وكسروا المرأة طلاقها

They broke the woman's divorce.

كما قال النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

As the Prophet, peace be upon him, said.

أنا يعني أسهرت شوية في القصة دي

I stayed up a little for this story.

عشان أبين إن المرأة

To show that the woman

إزاي هي جنس خطير

How is she a dangerous gender?

ولا يستعان على دفع شرها إلا بالله

"And there is no help in warding off its evil except by Allah."

تخيل بقى يعني لما يكون بني آدم

Imagine then when a human being...

لا يدفع شره إلا بالله

Nothing repels its evil except by God.

سبحانه وتعالى هي المرأة

Glory be to Him, the Most High, she is the woman.

عشان كده النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

That's why the Prophet, peace be upon him,

لما قال ما رأيته

When he said, "I did not see him."

ما تركته بعد فتنة

I did not leave him after the sedition.

أضر على رجاله من نساء

He harmed his men more than women.

أنا بقولي الكلام ده بس عشان أوضح لكم

I'm saying this just to clarify things for you.

الحديث رايح فين

Where is the conversation going?

وإزاي هي أخطر فتنة على الرجل

And how she is the most dangerous temptation for a man.

عشان كده الجماعة في الغرب

That's why the people in the West...

يستخدموا المرأة كسلعة

They use women as a commodity.

كل الإعلانات وكل بتاعها

All the advertisements and all that stuff.

لازم يعرضوا لكل مرأة

They must present to every woman.

وهم يعلمون أن الأمم

And they know that the nations

لا ترتقي إلا باستقامة نسائها

It will not rise except by the uprightness of its women.

وأنا أضرب لكم المسألة قبل كده

"I explained the issue to you before."

أقول لكم دور المرأة خفي لا يظهر

I say that the role of women is subtle and not apparent.

زي ما أنا عايز أبني برج

Just as I want to build a tower.

عشرين ثلاثين دور

Twenty thirty turn.

تلاقي محوطين بالخيش كده على مكان الموقع اللي بيبنوا فيه

They are surrounded by burlap like that at the site where they are building.

والمهندسين الإنشائين دول يغتصوا عدة أشهر تحت

And the civil engineers are subjected to several months of under...

ما تلاقيش واحد يقبل عربية وبعدين يقولك إيه

"You won't find someone who accepts a car and then tells you what."

أيه البرج الجميل ده

What a beautiful tower this is!

ما هو ليس بطلعش

What is not revealed?

لا أحد يشعر بالجهد الذي يبذله هؤلاء المهندسون تحت الأرض

No one feels the effort that these engineers exert underground.

يشعر بالجهد الذي يبذله هؤلاء المهندسون تحت الأرض

He feels the effort that these engineers put in underground.

يبتدي البرج يطلع

The tower starts to rise.

يطلع لفوق

It rises up.

وبعدين ياخد شكل الديكور وبتاع

And then it takes the form of the decor and stuff.

خلاص عملنا ديكور وزبطنا الدنيا والكلام دوت

We’ve finished the decoration and set everything up, and that's that.

وبعدين اتعرضت شواء للبيع

Then it was put up for sale.

أول ما يدخل الزبون أهلا إيه الجمال ده

As soon as the customer enters, "Hello, what beauty is this?"

مين المهندس اللي عامل الديكور الجميل ده

Who is the engineer who created this beautiful decor?

الشقة دي أنا عايز الشقة دي

I want this apartment.

ليه ديكورها جميلة وكويسة مش عارفين كده

Why is its decor beautiful and good? We don't know like that.

طب فين إنشاء البرج

So where is the construction of the tower?

فين البرج ده طلع عليه طلع في الهوى يعني

Where is this tower? It has risen in the air, you mean?

ولا خد مجهود وخد دراسات الى آخره

"Don't take effort and take studies, and so on."


Absolutely not.

ولا حد يسأل أبدا عن المهندسين اللي بانوا البرج

No one ever asks about the engineers who built the tower.



صوتك مش كويس

Your voice doesn't sound good.

إنت بقى يجيب المهندسين اللي بانوا البرج

You should bring the engineers who built the tower.

يوم ما العمود يتعاون

One day, the column will cooperate.

يعني ما جيبوش ألا في المصير

It means they only bring it in the end.

ولا أحد يشعر بعمليهن إطلاقا

No one feels my efforts at all.

إنما إنت تشعر بعمل متاع ديكور

You only feel like doing decorative work.

المرأة عملوها زي عمل المهندسين اللي كانوا شغالين تحت الأرض

"They made the woman like the work of the engineers who were working underground."

فاضلوا بقى يغروها وهي يعني ممكن تعوم على كلام الناس

"They keep trying to deceive her, and she might actually get swayed by what people say."

هو أنت ده أنت نص المجتمع هو أنت بهيمة

You are this, you are half of society, you are an animal.

شغلتك تولدي وتردعي وكلام ده

Your job is to give birth and breastfeed, and that's it.

لا أنت نص المجتمع وتأخذ المجتمع معطلة ولا بد مش عارفين إيه وكلام ده

You are not the text of society and you take society as if it is disabled, and it must be that you don’t know what’s going on and such talk.

وفلانة فلانة عالمية في المش عارفين وكلام ده

And so-and-so is a global figure; we don't know this and that.

وطلعت الفضاء ونزلت تحت الأرض وطلعت فوق مش عارف مين

I went into space, went underground, and came up above, I don't know who.

والكلام ده وإنت لسه عادالي مسكالي السكينة وتخرطلي بصل ومش عارفين الكلام

And this is while you're still holding the knife and chopping onions, and we don't understand what's going on.

بدأوا يضمدينوا على هذا الكلام وأخذوا مجموعة من النساء والرجال من عندنا

They started to bandage this talk and took a group of women and men from us.

غربوهم هناك وغسلولهم عقولهم وجم علشان كما أقول كانوا يأكلون عندهم وتغوطون عندنا

They were sent away there, their minds were washed, and they were gathered because, as I say, they used to eat with them and defecate with us.

ما شفناش منهم إلا البالة نازلة

We haven't seen anything from them except for the rags coming down.

جم هنا وغربوا المجتمع كله بالكامل

Gather here and completely alienate the entire community.

ودخلنا في القصة التي لم تنتهي لحد النهار

And we entered into the story that has not ended until today.

وكل ما ندعو المرأة إلى الرجوع إلى البيت مرة أخرى لتربي أولادها

And whenever we call on women to return home once again to raise their children.

يقول لك الرجعية والتخلف والقرون الوسطى وكلام ده

He tells you about backwardness, retrogression, the Middle Ages, and stuff like that.

فالمرأة أخوانا على أكتافها تبنى الأمم

The woman, O brothers, is the foundation upon which nations are built.

وأنا بقول لها الدور بتاعك دور لا يستطيع الرجل أن يقوم به أبداً

I'm telling her that your role is one that a man can never fulfill.

دورك إلا ربنا شهده خلقتك من أجله لا يستطيع الرجل أن يقوم به

Your role, except for our Lord, witnessed it; I created you for it; a man cannot fulfill it.

فلو رجعتي مرة أخرى إلى قواعدك سنجد رجال

If you go back to your principles again, we will find men.

أنا مبارح كنت أتحدث لكم عن صبيان الصحابة

Yesterday, I was talking to you about the boys of the companions.

صبيان الصحابة شوفوا كان صبيان الصحابة عنا إزاي

The boys of the companions, look how the boys of the companions were with us.

شوفوا الرجال ربوهم على الخوف

Look at the men; they raised them on fear.

يقولوا لا تمشي جنب الحيط الحيط لها هودان

They say, "Don't walk close to the wall; the wall has edges."

مش هل أنت لا تصلح تكون

Aren't you fit to be?

ليه لا تصلح تكون ليه

Why can't it be for me?

إيه يعني لنا اسمه

What does his name mean to us?

عايز أب ورايَّه يعلمني

I want a father behind me to teach me.


And understand me.

ويعرف إنه الأجر واحد

It is known that the reward is one.

لكن نحن نشوف البطولات في الأفلام

But we see the championships in the movies.

كل ما تسمع فيلم أمر مختار

Everything you hear is the movie "Omar Mukhtar."

ولا أداة ونشعر في مين ولا بتاع

There is no tool or equipment, and we feel like we are in the water or something.

تبقي أنت لابي لبسك تطوب ونيفسك تبقي أمر مختار

You remain for me as your clothing adorns you, and you wish to be a chosen matter.


All set.

وعايز تكتقاتر وتجاهد وتعمل نشعر فيه الكلام ده

"And you want to work hard and strive and make us feel this talk."

وعالين شد اللحاف ونهاي

"And they pulled the blanket tightly and finally..."



ما فيش يعني لازاي يقول

There is no reason for him to say that.

القائل اللي هو بيقول لك على الناس النومين

The speaker who is telling you about the people who are asleep.

بيقول لك

He is telling you.

مرة واحد نم من جوع

One time a person slept from hunger.

أمشى في حلم محد الشاف

I walk in a dream that is well defined.

شاف قدامه في آخر يوم

He saw in front of him on the last day.

صحن كنافة مفيش أوصاف

A plate of kunafa has no descriptions.

كل وأخيرا صح من نومه

Finally, he woke up.

أتى لهواك النص الحافة

The verse has come for your love.

هذا الجيل بتاعنا هو اللي بيكون لحافة

This generation of ours is the one that is on the edge.

بعد ما يشوفه يشهد اللحافة وينام

After he sees it, he witnesses the crudeness and falls asleep.

ويحلم بقى براحتك ويعمل لك

And dream, stay relaxed, and it will work for you.

فأنا أريد أن أقول دور المرأة دور كبير جدا ودور خطير جدا

I want to say that the role of women is very significant and very crucial.

وأرجو أن يتصور حد من النساء أنني أحق منهم

And I hope that any woman thinks that I am more deserving than them.

لأن الحقيقة طلعت علي سمعة والله وأنا مظلوم فيه

Because the truth has affected my reputation, and I am wronged in this.

أن أنا عدو النساء وما أحبش النساء وكلامهم

I am an enemy of women and I don't like women and their words.

أنا لو أحبش النساء

I don't like women.

فأنا كنتش جوزة البعض

I was not the husband of some.

لكن أنا عارف دور المرأة الحقيقي وعارف قوة المرأة الحقيقية

But I know the true role of women and I know the true strength of women.

من جهة عملها ومن جهة فتنتها كمان

On one hand, her job, and on the other hand, her allure as well.

عطر القلوب أريجه قد فا حمل هذا اللقاء

The fragrance of hearts has carried this meeting.

الروح تسري والملائك حولنا

The spirit flows and the angels are around us.

طاب المساء

Good evening.

عطر القلوب أريجه قد فا حمل هذا اللقاء

The fragrance of hearts has carried this meeting.

الروح تسري والملائك حولنا

The soul flows and the angels surround us.

طاب المساء

Good evening.

تخيل معي الرجل التاني ده

Imagine with me this other man.

اللي أنا اعتبره أفضل واحد في الثلاثة

The one I consider the best among the three.

لأن إحنا بيبعديننا في سؤال الثلاثة اللي بقولك

Because we are asking you about the three questions.

ما الأفضل الثلاثة من وجهة نظرك يعني

Which of the three is the best in your opinion?

أنا من وجهة نظري أفضل الثلاثة اللي إحنا نكلم عنهم منذ وقت

In my opinion, I prefer the three we've been talking about for a while.


He says.

وكان يحبها كأشد ما يحب الرجال والنساء

And he loved her as much as men and women can love.

عاشق والهان

A passionate lover.

ماشي زي ذلاطة كده

Walking like a fool like that.

وأنا في ثانية سنة وكان معانا في الشقة اللي احنا ساكنين فيها

"When I was in my second year, there was someone living with us in the apartment we were staying in."

شاب كده من بلدنا طاهر حمو

A young man like that from our country, Taher Hamo.

كان معلق مع بنت في العمارة اللي قبل

He was hanging out with a girl in the building before.

وقعد طول ما بيذكر في البلكونة ولا بيذكر ولا بيناي الحاجة

And he sat the whole time he was remembering in the balcony, neither remembering nor clarifying anything.

عمالة تتبع خطواتها والقصة

Labor follows its steps and the story.

المهم دخل جوه مش عارف يعمل ايه كده

The important thing is he went inside and doesn’t know what to do.

فواحد قال له ايه الحل؟

So one asked him, "What’s the solution?"

بنت نزلت

A girl has come down.

أولا هو كان مهندن قوي

First, he was a strong engineer.

كان بيكو البلطلون بتاعه

Pico had his baggy pants.

وكان بيكو ازاي؟

How was Biko?

يحطه تحت المرتبة

He puts it under the mattress.

هانا ما عاديوش فلوس

Hana doesn't have any money anymore.

عشان يودي البلطلون لمكواج رجل والتاع

To take the pants to the man’s laundromat.

لأ يشدوا بتاعه لازم يحطوا تحت المرتبة وينام فوق

They shouldn't take it out; they must place it under the mattress and sleep on top of it.

عشان الصبح يلاقي مكو

So that the morning finds a mess.

فلما قال له البيت نزلت

When he said to him, "The house has come down."

زي ما تقول حصل له لوسة

It's like saying he got a little lost.

لبس الشبشب من شبشبين

Wearing the slippers from two pairs of slippers.

واحد برئب واحد بصباع والتاني باربع رجول

One is looking at one with a finger and the other with four legs.

بقولك مهندن جدا وكان نظيف قوي

I told you it was very well-engineered and very clean.

يعني ماشي بيمشي يتأمع كده

It means he's walking around like that.

والبجامة لابس الجاكتة من فوق من لون

And the pajamas are worn with a jacket on top of a color.

والبنطلون من لون ما وعد في البيت

And the pants are a color that is not promised in the house.

فبالتالي يلبس اي حاجة

Therefore, he wears anything.

والجب بتاع البجامة ده مقطوع ومدندل

The waistband of these pajamas is torn and hanging down.

هو قال له البيت نزلت وده ما تعرفش اللي حصل له

He told him the house has fallen and he doesn't know what happened to it.

نزل يجي وراءه لحد ما الحاجة في المزدان الوسطاني

He came down and followed him until they reached the thing in the middle of the garden.

بتاع القطر عندنا الكفر الشيخ يعني

The train guy is in Kafr El-Sheikh with us, you know.

وبعدين رجع

And then he returned.

هاه ايه الاخبار شفتها قال شفتها

Hey, what's up? I saw her, she said I saw her.

ايه يا ابني اللي انت عامله في نفسك ده

What is this that you're doing to yourself, my son?

تنزل بفردتين والبجامة لونين وكمان الجب مقطوع

You get two pieces, and the pajamas are two colors, and also the shirt is torn.

ما تعرفش اللي حصل له

You don't know what happened to him?

اول مرة يشوف المنظر ده على نفسه

It's the first time he sees this view for himself.

لنزل دايخ مش شايف حاجة خالص

He is stumbling and can't see anything at all.

ودي طبيعة اي واحد بيعشق اي حاجة يعني

It's the nature of anyone who loves anything, you know.

تراه نصف عاقل

You see him as half-wise.

معظم عقله روح بالذات لو كان المقابل امرأة يعني

Most of his mind is a soul in itself, especially if the counterpart is a woman.

فدا يعشقها

Fida loves her.

جاءت تطلب مساعدة

She came to ask for help.

فمن لؤمه راودها عن نفسها

"Whoever is despicable has tempted her to herself."


So she remained steadfast.


With her chastity.


And I refused.

شوف لفظ الحديث ده

Look at the pronunciation of this hadith.

ثم جاءت

Then she came.

ثم تفيد التهتيب مع التراخي

Then the indecision benefits with leniency.

تفيد التراخي اطفا عفوا

The delay is beneficial, sorry.

تفيد التراخي

It indicates leniency.

كأنها طافت على ولادي الحلال

As if it has circled around my legitimate children.

حد يغيثها ملأتش

"Is there anyone to help her? I couldn't find anyone."

كلهم لؤمه

They are all despicable.

فقال لي ارجع لي ابن عمي

He said to me, "Return my cousin to me."

اهو من دني ولحني

Is he from my world and my melody?

ثم راجعت

Then I reviewed.

فراوتها عن نفسها فاراضيت

She seduced herself, so I appeased her.

هنا بقى مشكلة

Here lies a problem.

بعض الناس عنده قصور فهم فيها

Some people have a lack of understanding in it.

نقول لك دول احنا عايزين ند الزكاة ند الصدقة للناس الملتزمين

We tell you that we want to give zakat and charity to the committed people.

استعينوا بالمال على طاعة الله الى اثره

Use wealth to assist in obedience to God and its effect.

وبردشوا الدل العصار

And they spoke the truth of the past.

يقول لك العاصي وعاصي لله كيف اسعد وهو عاصي لله الكلام

The sinner says to you, "How can I be happy while I am disobedient to God?"

طبعا هولك حديث ابي رايلة في الصحيحين

Of course, this is the hadith of Abu Raira in the two Sahihs.

ان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said.

قال رجل لأتصدقن الليلة بصدقة

A man said, "I will give charity tonight."

عزب على ان تصدق

"Make it hard to believe."

وعشان تكون صدقة سر طبعا بالليل

And to be a secret charity, of course, at night.

وقابلوا احدة ام حطت صدق في ايديها وانغمض كده

And they met a woman who placed a coin in her hands and closed her eyes like that.

ليه مش عارف يظهر الصدقة

Why can't he show the charity?

مع ان اذا غاد الصدقة جيد ان تبدو الصدقات فنعماه

Although it is good if charity is given discreetly, it should not be displayed.

وان تخفوها وتؤتوها الفقراء

"And if you conceal it and give it to the poor."

فهو خير لهم ولا لكم

It is better for them than for you.

خير لكم

It is better for you.

يبقى السر دايما خير للمتصدق

The secret always remains better for the charity giver.

لكن ابداء الصدقة خير للفقير

But starting charity is better for the poor.

علشان انا ممكن ارى واحدة صدق اغار منه

Because I might see someone I truly envy.

واتصدق زيه

And I see him like that.

فيبقى الفقير سيعود عليه خير كبير

The poor will eventually receive great goodness.

ولذلك ربنا سبحانه وتعالى قال ان تبدو الصدقات

And therefore, our Lord, Blessed and Exalted, said: "If you show your charity..."

فنعماه يعني نعمة ما فعلت ان تبدو الصدقة وان تظهرها

So, to glorify it means the blessing of not showing charity and making it apparent.

ليه لان ستحض غيرك على الايه

Why? Because it will involve others in the verse.

زي حديث جريد ابن عبد الله البجلي

Like the حديث of Jarid ibn Abdullah al-Bajali.

لما قال حديث صح مسلم

When he said the hadith, it is authenticated by Muslim.

جاء رجال من مضر او اغلبهم من مضر بل كلهم من مضر

Men from Mudar came, or most of them were from Mudar, indeed all of them were from Mudar.

وعليهم سيم الفقر فلما رآهم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم تغير وجهه

"And they had the signs of poverty upon them, so when the Prophet, peace be upon him, saw them, his face changed."

وقال لتصدق احدكم من ديناره من صاع بره من صاع تمره

"And let one of you give in charity from his dinar, from his sa' of wheat, or from his sa' of dates."

حتى قام رجل من الانصار اتى بصرة

Then a man from the Ansar stood up and brought a bag.

كاد اهتدوا ان تعجز عن حملها بل عجزت عن حملها فوضعها

They almost managed to carry it, but they failed to carry it, so they set it down.

وتتابع الناس كل واحد بقى يجيب ايه

And people continue to gather, each one bringing something.

يجيب اما لبس او يجيب اكل

He either brings clothes or brings food.

حتى صار عند النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كوماني من طعام ومن لباس

Until the Prophet, peace be upon him, had two piles of food and clothing.

فلما رأى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ذاك تهل وجوك انه مذهبة

When the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) saw that, he became alarmed, as he thought it was a form of sorcery.

وقال من سنه في الاسلام سنة الحسنة

"And he said, 'Whoever establishes a good practice in Islam...'"

فله اجروها واجر ما عملوها الى من قيام الله

"They will receive their reward for it and the reward for what they have done until the Day of Judgment."

سنة السنة الزيانة فعليه اجروها واجر ما عمل بها الى من قيام اهم

"The year of good deeds, indeed, carry them out and the reward for what is done in it is for those who are vigilant."

رجل ادى صدقهم ولا خذ الفئران على جنبهم من دهالهم

A man fulfilled their trust, nor did he take the mice to the side of their paths.

لا ادى صدق خلاص

I did not give sincerity to salvation.

فدي تتابع الناس على الاتيام بالصدقات فدأت خير الفقراء

"Indeed, people continue to come forward with donations, and this is a good thing for the poor."

لكن وان تخفوها وتمثلها الفقراء خير لكم انتم

But if you conceal it and present it to the poor, it is better for you.

علشان تحتفظ بورعك وما داش في عجب ولا رياء الى اخرية

To maintain your piety and not fall into vanity or showiness, etc.

هذا الرجل من الجنسة الزيانة

This man is of the good breed.

الجنس الثاني طلع بالليل مش عايز حد يشوفه

The second gender came out at night not wanting anyone to see it.

حط الصدق في ايد اول واحدة قبلته

Put the truth in the hands of the first one who kissed it.

فاصبح الناس يقولون تصدق الليلة على زانية

"People started saying to give charity tonight to a prostitute."



ده يلاقي العضو مفكرش بقى

This is where the member hasn't thought anymore.

فقال الحمد لله على زانية

He said, "Praise be to God for a fornicator."

لا حول ولا قوة ايضا

There is no power and no strength either.

وقعت في يد زانية

I fell into the hands of a prostitute.

لا تصدق لنا الليلة بصدقه

"Do not believe us tonight with sincerity."

طلع تاني يوم قبله واحدة

The next day, he met someone else.

ام ادهد

Um Adhad

فاصبح الناس يقولون تصدق الليلة على زانية

So the people began to say, "Donate tonight to a prostitute."

فقال الحمد لله على زانية

He said, "Praise be to God for a whore."

لا تصدق لنا الليلة بصدقه

Do not believe us tonight with sincerity.

طلع في اليوم الثالث لا واحد قبله

He appeared on the third day, not one before him.

ام حط الصدق في ايد اول

"Come, put the truth in the right hand."

فاصبح الناس يقولون تصدق الليلة على غنية

So people began to say, "Donate tonight to the rich."

يعني الصدق لم تقع في اي موقع هو يريده

It means that honesty did not occur in any position he desires.

هو عايز يدل المستحق

He wants to indicate the deserving one.

فكأنما هم ان يتصدق مرة اخرى

"Then it is as if they want to give charity once again."

فجاءه ملك في صورة رجل

Suddenly, an angel appeared to him in the form of a man.

قال اما صدقتك فقبلتها

He said, "As for believing you, I accepted it."

طالما صدقت من عندك ما تدور شرح فيها

As long as you believe, there is no need to search for an explanation.

انما وضعتها في يد الله

I have put it in God's hands.

تروح غرب الذي عملت له يعلم اين وقعت

"You go to the west where you worked, he knows where you fell."

واما الزانية فلعلها تستعف

As for the adulteress, perhaps she will seek chastity.

واما السادق فلعله يتوب

As for the sinner, perhaps he will repent.

واما الغني فلعله يخرج الذي عنده

As for the rich, perhaps he will give away what he has.

كأنه لا يتصدق فيخرج الذي عنده

As if he does not give charity, so he brings out what he has.

كم من نساء انحرفنا وانجرفنا الى الزنا بسبب الحاجة

How many women have deviated and been swept away into zina (fornication) due to need?

بسبب الحاجة

Due to necessity.

وانا حكيت قصة ربما تكون سمعتها مني اكثر من مرة

And I told a story that you may have heard from me more than once.

حصلت في شارع الهرم

It happened on Al-Haram Street.

ايام كنت بروح مسجد الرحمة

The days I used to go to Al-Rahma Mosque.

في اول التسعينيات

In the early nineties

وكان في مؤتمر عن المرأة المسلمة

There was a conference about Muslim women.

انا ذاك وكل شيخ من الشيوخ بيأخذ جانب من حياة المرأة المسلمة

I am that, and each elder among the elders takes a part of the life of a Muslim woman.


And he treats him.

فكان في بعض الشيوخ بيدي محاضرة

So there were some elders who had a lecture in my hands.

وبعض الشيوخ الاخرين كان قاعد يتلقى الاسئلة اللي هي في صلب المحاضرة يقدمها للمحاضرة

Some other sheikhs were sitting and receiving questions that are central to the lecture, which they presented to the lecturer.

واللي مش في صلب المحاضرة يركنها على جانبه

And those who are not relevant to the lecture should set it aside.

المهم وصلته ورقة واكتوب فيها انا راقصة واريد ان اتوب

The important thing is that I received a paper saying, "I am a dancer and I want to repent."

وانا واقفة على باب المسجد

And I am standing at the door of the mosque.

مسجد الرحمة

Mosque of Mercy

فدفعه الفضول انه يخرج يشوف ايه الامتذيات الكلام دا صح ولا واحد عمل ما لا

Curiosity pushed him to go out and see if this talk was true or if someone had done something wrong.

فخرج الشيخ رأسا

So the old man went out immediately.



مش رقصا

Not dancing.



على ايه على الاسئلة اللي قدامها

About the questions in front of her.

لقى بنتي 18 سنة 19 سنة في الحديد دي

My daughter is 18 or 19 years old in this iron.

انا بنتي انت اللي كتب الورقة دي انا اتريك

My daughter, you are the one who wrote this paper. I'm surprised.

انا طيب كلميني في الهاتف دا الساعة 10

I am fine, call me on this phone at 10 o'clock.

كلمته البنت

The girl spoke to him.

ايه بقى احوالك ولماذا تبقصين وتروح الملاهي الليلين

So how are you and why are you skipping and going to the nightclubs?

دي ايه الكلام دا

What is this talk?

ارف الله ابي طلخ امي

God bless my father and mother.

وتزوج ابي امرأة رفضت ان تضمنه

My father married a woman who refused to support him.

وتزوجت امي رجلا رفض ان يضمنه

My mother married a man who refused to support him.

واحنا ثلاث بنات

We are three girls.

وانا الكبير

And I am the big one.

لينا نفسنا لحم

Lina, we want meat.

اشتغلنا في البيوت فترة

We worked in the houses for a while.

فاصحاب البيوت نسل اهم ففكرين ان الخدامة دي عرضاء ساقا

The owners of the houses are descendants of important figures, so the servants are merely a showcase of their status.

عشان خدامة ومحتاجة

Because she is a maid and needs it.

ودا سيد البيت والكلام دولة رماهي 20 ولا راضعة من نفسها هترضى

This is the master of the house, and the matter is a state; it has thrown itself for 20, and it is not content with itself, will it be satisfied?

تعرضنا لمعاكسات كثيرة

We experienced many harassment incidents.

نطلع من بيت ندخل على بيت

We leave one house and enter another.

وبعدين في فترة زهق كده وقرف من الحياة كلها

And then there was a period of boredom and disgust with life as a whole.

واحدة جات قالت لي اهو انت ما بتشتغلش لي

"One girl came and said to me, 'Look, you don’t work for me.'"

تعالي دا تعالي شرف المال هالليل

Come on, come on, honor the money tonight.

ارقصولك شوية واتناطلت شوية دولتش كلهم شوية بساطيل وبخبيل

I’m sorry, the provided text does not appear to be clear or coherent. Could you please provide a different text or clarify the message?

هتاخد كل اللي في جيوبهم

You will take everything that is in their pockets.

وهتبقي غنية في ظهر في سنة واحدة بس

And you will be wealthy in a single year.

هتشيل شقة تمليك وتشيل عربية ومش عارفين وكلام دا

You will have a property and a car, and we don't know about all this.

البنت من يأسيها وفقرها والكلام دا وها فقدت

The girl, from her despair and poverty, has lost that.

بدأت تروح المال هالليل وانت عارف الجماعة المساطيل دو

The money started to go tonight, and you know the group of stoners.

يلاقى حجتتوا عليها من هنا ومش عارف يعمل من هنا والكلام دا

He encounters his argument from here and doesn't know what to do from here and this talk.

قدرت تجيب شقة تمليك وقدرت تصرف على قوتها

You managed to get an owned apartment and you were able to afford its expenses.

وجيبوا لبس كويس وما الاخر والكلام دا

"Bring nice clothes and other things and all that talk."

لكن في اليوم اللي انا كنت ابتلك فيه الواحدة

But on the day I was supposed to eat at one.

كنت رايحة عشان اخد النمر بتاعتي

I was going to get my grades.

في قبان مسجد الرحمة فندق اوروبا

At the scale of Al-Rahma Mosque, Europe Hotel.

فالبنت ماشية على الرصيف الثاني اللي عنده الفندق

The girl is walking on the second sidewalk next to the hotel.

دا الطريق اللي رايح وطريق اللي جاي مسجد الرحمة على الشمال

This is the road going and the road coming; the Mosque of Mercy is on the left.

فشعرت بعطش شديد

So I felt an intense thirst.

بتبص كده لقيت فيه ستاند كده من الحديد وعليه قولة

I looked and found a stand made of iron with a saying on it.

الفخاء قدام مسجد الرحمة

The space is in front of the Mercy Mosque.

عدت الشارع عشان تشرب

You crossed the street to drink.

وهي بتشرب سمعت من المحاضر كلمة قررت ان تتوب على الفور

While she was drinking, she heard a word from the speaker that made her decide to repent immediately.

ودا من الغرائب يعني القلوب صناديق مغلقة لا يفتحها الا الله سبحانه وتعالى

This is one of the oddities; hearts are closed boxes that only God Almighty can open.

ممكن تكون في واحدة اخت جايبت تسجيل وجايبت شريط وعملت كر في شريط

There might be a sister who brought a recording and brought a tape and made a copy on the tape.

وتزبط شريط ور ور ور عشان لما المحاضر يبتدي عطول تتك وتسجد

"Prepare the tape so that when the lecture starts, you can immediately get up and prostrate."

دي ما استفدتش حاجة من المحاضر

I didn't benefit from the lecture at all.

واللي ماشي في الشارع هو اللي استفاد من المحاضر

"And the one walking in the street is the one who benefited from the lectures."

خدوا كلمتين والكلام دا زي البنت دي

Take a couple of words and this talk is like this girl.

قررت ان تتوب وقامت تغلع على الالم والورقة وكتب الكلام دا نشربها

She decided to repent and started to write on the pain and the paper, and wrote this: "Let's drink it."

فهذا الشيخ جزاء الله خيرا اعتنى بامرهن وزوجهن

May Allah reward this الشيخ well for taking care of their affairs and marrying them off.

هي قالت لي صراحة ما زلت بجوز

She honestly told me that I am still married.

شوفونا حد يتزوجنا ونقعد في بيوتنا

"Look for someone to marry us so we can stay in our homes."

ما عرفناش كلمة الجلوس في البيوت والعفة والصيانة والكلام دا

We didn't know the concept of sitting at home, chastity, and all that talk.

الا ما تعرضنا لهذه المرضى

Except for the fact that we have been exposed to this disease.

تخيل بنت زي دي لو لقت حد يعطف عليها من الاول

Imagine a girl like her if she found someone to care for her from the beginning.

وتبناها من الاول كان ممكن تروح للزينة يا اخواني

If we had adopted it from the beginning, it could have gone to beautification, my brothers.

كم من ضحايا بسبب الحاجة وسبب الفقر

How many victims are there due to need and poverty?

عشان كدا احنا نحتاج الى ان نرشد اموالنا مرة اخرى

That's why we need to manage our money again.

انا ما بقول لكش روح ادي الفلوس لواحد عاصر الله

I'm not telling you to go give the money to someone who is in need of God.

لأ اديلك وتبغى

I don't want to give it to you.

يعني انا من تجربتي لما اكون لواحد مساعدة

I mean, from my experience, when I am a helper to someone.

اقول له من عايز اختفى

I tell him that I want to disappear.

انت اشوف بيصلي ولا

Do you see him praying or not?

اقول له طيب هديك معاد

I say to him, "Alright, that appointment is set."

انت بتصلي في اي مسجد

Which mosque do you pray at?

ما هو لازم يتقابل في جامعة

What is necessary to meet at the university?

ما انا عايز اعرف بيصلي او ما بيصليش

I just want to know if he prays or not.

بتصلي في اي مسجد يقول المسجد فلاني

Which mosque do you pray in? The mosque is called so-and-so.

قال له طيب هنتقابل الساعة كاسية في المسجد

He said to him, "Alright, we'll meet at 4 o'clock at the mosque."

واروح عليه في المسجد وبصلي معانا ما سنديله المساعدة والكلام دا

"I will go to him in the mosque and pray with us; we will not give him assistance and talk about this."

وما اديلوش مساعدة اطلاقا الا في مسجد

And they didn't give him any help at all except in the mosque.

نصلي مع بعض الصلاة والكلام دا وناخد مع بعض وندي

Let's pray together with this prayer and talk, and we will take together and give.

والله واحد اتت القتلى

By God, one came to the dead.

اتت القتلى كان مجرم كان مجرما كبيرا

The dead were a criminal, a major criminal.

الله يرحمه ويغفر له ما السلم لهذا

May God have mercy on him and forgive him. What is the peace for this?

دا كان عامل رعب للمنطقة اللي هو فيها

This was instilling terror in the area where he is.

وبعدين طلع من البيت في يوم من الايام

And then he left the house one day.

لقيت واحد قاعد على السلم عندي

I found someone sitting on the stairs by my place.

فقام سلم علي

So, Salam stood up.

ايه خير ان شاء الله اسمك ايه قال لي اسم محمد

What is good, God willing? What's your name? He said my name is Muhammad.

خير يا محمد

Good, O Muhammad.

انا لو قعت من السماء وانت تلاقتني

If I fell from the sky and you caught me.

قلت له اهلا وسهلا

I said to him, welcome.

دا من اولها كده

This has been like this from the start.

شار يا محمد قال لي ما بشارش حاجة

"Come on, Mohamed, he told me there's nothing to worry about."

كنت بلطجي

I was a bully.


And I repented.

وجال الكبد

And the liver gall.

خلاص دا عندي الكبد عندي فشل الكبد ايه

I have liver failure, what should I do?

وانا بقى جاي لك عشان تصرف عليك

I'm coming to you so you can take care of me.

انا وعيالي

Me and my children.

تبت صلي محمد قال لي بقيت بصلي دلوقتي

I am praying, Muhammad said to me that I will continue praying now.

سبحان الله كان عفيفا جدا

Glory be to God, he was very chaste.

برغم انه دخل المرعبة دي معاني

Although it delved into terrifying meanings.

لكن كان عفيفا كانش يطلب

But he was chaste; he would not ask.

يجي يقف بس

He just needs to stop.

وانا عارف المطلوب اديله المطلوب

"I know what is required, I'll give him what is required."

فهو رحمة الله عليه مات وانا في المانيا

He, may God's mercy be upon him, died while I was in Germany.

جيت بسأل عليه قال لي

I came to ask about him, and he said to me.



رحمة الله عليه

May God's mercy be upon him.

فدا رجل خليني قلت له غور من يوشي

"Let me tell you, go away from the one who slanders."

التلقت لو تعمل وتخلو تسوي

"The hill did not work and you have to do."

اليس من الجائز ان يرجع مرة اخرى

Isn't it possible for him to come back again?

الى سارقة الى اختلاس

To a thief, to embezzlement.

معادش يقدر يضرب حد لانه عنده فشل كبير

He can no longer hit anyone because he has a major failure.

خلاص لكن انا لما ادينه واسطر عياله واجيب مراته

Fine, but when I give him the money and write down for his children, I'll bring his wife.

ولاد البنات كلهم تنقبوا

All the girls' sons have veiled.

المرأة بس التي لم تنتقب

The woman is the one who did not wear the niqab.

لكن ولاد البنات ثلاث بنات

But the children of the girls are three daughters.

انتقبنا وانتقبنا ايه عن طيب خاطر

We nominated, and we nominated, yes, willingly.

ولا زال الحمد لله لحد النهاردة الجسر موصول

And praise be to Allah, the bridge is still connected until today.

مع الاسرة وفاء لهذا الرجل الذي اسأل الله ان يغفر علاه

With the family, loyalty to this man whom I ask God to forgive.

فانا عايز اقول انه ترشيد انفاق المال

I want to say that it is about the rationalization of spending money.

بيرحم المجتمع من المعاصم

He protects society from sins.

الا يصرك ان ينضم معاصم الى ركب اهل الايمان

Doesn't it please you that Ma'aseem joins the ranks of the people of faith?

طبعا نعمل كلمة

Of course, we make a word.


And we unite.

في سبيل ان احنا نزيل العقبات من المجتمع

In order to remove obstacles from society.

ونأكل الناس المتشردين دول

And we eat these homeless people.

حتى لا يروعوا الى المجتمع

So that they do not intimidate society.

فهي اللي هو بيقول ثم رجعت

So, he is saying, then I returned.

زي ما قلت لكم كان يطاف على ولاد الحلال

As I told you, they used to go around the good people.

طاف على ولاد الحلال ما لاتش حد يدلها

He asked the good people, but no one could guide him.

رجعت ابن عمه

He returned his cousin.

وكان مدلها ايه

And what was its indication?

ستين دينارا

Sixty dinars.

يا اخ شوف البزخ

Oh brother, look at the extravagance.

لما يكون في شهوته

When it comes to his desires.

فازيه لعبة في الانفاق

Fazieh is a game in the tunnels.

وديك بتشوف

You will see.

بديك بتشوف واحد علق مع واحدة

I want you to see someone who got stuck with someone.

تصرف انت في اخفة من المطاعم

Act lightly among the restaurants.

وسفر بيها مش عارف ايه

And traveling with her, I don't know what.

وروح بيها فين وعمل فين الكلام ده

"Where are you going with it and what are you doing with this talk?"

في الوقت ان تدخل على البيت عنده

When you enter his house.

تلاقي مقتر على مراته مقتر على عياله

He is neglecting his wife and neglecting his children.

مش راض يدلهم فلوس والكلام ده

"I am not willing to give them money and talk like that."

لكن في سبيل شهوته يعمل كل حاجة

But in pursuit of his desire, he does anything.

ادلها ستين دينار

Give her sixty dinars.

ووصل الامر بينهما

The matter between them reached.

الى انه قعد منها مقعد الرجل من امرأته

He sat with her as a man sits with his wife.

اصلا ده المفروض يتهابى لعبة

This is supposed to be a game.

خلاص وصل الى

He has finally arrived at.

غاية مناه

Our ultimate goal.

وانت عارف انسان

"And you know, human."

اذا وصل الى غايته

If he reaches his goal.

اذا وصلت حاجته الى الغاية

If his need reaches the goal.

صبره بيروح

His patience is running out.

يعني انت ممكن تبقى

It means you might be.

جعان قوي

Very hungry.

ولكن لديك في الشارع

But you have it in the street.

وقابلت فلان وعلان

I met so-and-so and such-and-such.

وتكلنوا ودردشنوا

And we chatted and talked.

مش عارف ايه اول ما توصل البيت

I don't know what to do as soon as I get home.

تشم ريحة الطبيخ

You can smell the cooking.

عايز اكل دلوقت اهو

I want to eat now, that's it.

اين صبرك يا فتى

Where is your patience, boy?

لا راح صبره

His patience has run out.

اذا وصل الى غايته

If he reaches his goal.

نفد صبره

He ran out of patience.

وقصها بكل حاجة

"And he told her everything."

حتى لو الاسان مثلا اراد ان يدخل

Even if a person, for example, wanted to enter.

خلاء الكلام دي ما يزك نفسه

This speech does not glorify itself.

ما يزك نفسه اول ما يدخل البيت

Whoever purifies himself as soon as he enters the house.

ما يعمرش يمسك نفسه

He can't control himself.

بيانفد الصبر بتاعه اذا وصل الى غايته

His patience will run out if he reaches his limit.

طب ده وصل الى غايته

This has reached its purpose.

المفروض بيعيز اي نعمة بقى

What blessings are supposed to be there?

ازاي كلمة من المرأة

How is the word from the woman?

تقول له

She tells him.

يا عبد الله

O Abdullah

اتق الله ولا تفضى الخاتم

Fear God and do not remove the ring.

الا بحقه

"Except by His right."

فيوم وائف

"A day of standing."

ده مين ده

Who is this?

اللي ممكن يعمل حاجة زي كده

"Whoever can do something like that."

اتق الله

Fear God.

ولا تفضى الخاتم

And do not remove the ring.

الا بحقه

Except by right.

قال فقمت عنها

He said, so I got up from it.

وهي احب الناس الي

She is the person I love most.

وعطيتها ستين دينارا

And I gave her sixty dinars.

ولمن خاف مقام ربه

And for whoever fears the position of their Lord.


Two gardens

افمن هو

Is he the one?

قائم على كل نفس

Responsible for every soul.

بما كسبت

By what you have earned.

فلابد ان تستحضر

You must remember.

نظر الله اليك

God looked at you.

ودي انا بقول لكم

I want to say to you.

لا عاصم منها

There is no protector from it.

الا الله

There is no god but Allah.


What is it?


The issue.

لذلك انا بقول لكم

So I am telling you.

لذلك انا اعتبرت ان هذا الرجل

So I considered this man.

افضل الثلاثة

The best of the three.

لانه غلب هواه

Because he was overcome by his desires.

في شيء لا يكاد المرء

There is something that a person can hardly...

يفلت منه

He escapes from it.

بالاضافة لانه

In addition to that,

لان خيره تعدى الى غيره

Because his goodness extended to others.

واعطى المرأة ستين دينارا

And he gave the woman sixty dinars.


It remains.

عاصم نفسه من الزنا

Asim protects himself from adultery.

وتعدى خيره

And his goodness exceeded.

بالستين دينارا

With sixty dinars.

اللي هو تركها للمرأة

Which means he left it to the woman.

في بعض الطرق الحديث

In some modern ways.

وانا اتركه بحيث درواء

And I let it be as it is.

علي بن ابي طالب بن عمال بن عشير

Ali bin Abi Talib bin Ammal bin Asheer

وابن عمر وجماعة اخرون

Ibn Umar and a group of others.


And desertification.

ان المرأة دي كانت متزوجة

This woman was married.

في الاصل


لم تكن بكرة

It was not a ball.


And then?

وقع في ورطة هي

He got into trouble.

وزوجها مش رايين يأكلوا

And her husband doesn't want to eat.


So when.

راودها عن نفسها

He tempted her to give in to herself.

راحت تستشيره

She went to consult him.

قال لها

He said to her.

اغني عيالك

I will enrich your children.

اه يا ديوس يا ابن الذين

Oh God, son of the ones.

اغني عيالك

I will sing for your children.

يعني تروح تسلم نفسها

It means she goes to turn herself in.


For immorality.

علشان خاطر تجيب ارشين

For the sake of earning a couple of coins.

والكلام دا هو

This is the talk.

والله دا القرود

By God, this is the monkeys.

اشرف منهم

More honorable than them.

وحتى الذين يشنفون في

"And even those who are affected by it."

الحيونات يقولون

The animals say.

لا اغير من القرد

I do not change from the monkey.

وتلاقي النهاردة

And you will meet today.

الاعمالين يعترضوا على الرجم

The two parties object to the stoning.

قلك رجم ايه

He told you what?

واللي انتو بتعملوه هدينة

And what you are doing is a gift to us.

دا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said.

ان الله كتب الاحسان على كل شيء

Indeed, Allah has decreed kindness upon all things.

فاذا قتلتم فاحسنوا القتلة

"If you kill, then do so in a good manner."

واذا دمحتم فاسدون الذبحة

And if you kill, do not kill in a way that is corrupt.

وليحد احدكم شفراته وليورح ذبيحاته

"Let one of you sharpen his blades and prepare his sacrifices."

يقول لك اخي عملوا معاونة البهيمة

My brother says to you, they made assistance for the beast.

اذا كان بيقول لك

"If he is telling you"

لما تجد تذبح الجموسة

When you find the buffalo being slaughtered.

لازم السكينة تكون حامية جدا عشان تخلص

The knife must be very sharp in order to cut.

ولا تعد بالحوان

Don't promise with the taverns.

ثم تقول للرجم

Then you say to the stoning.

نجيب واحد زنى

We bring someone who has committed adultery.

وهو محصن متجوز يعني

He is married and immune, meaning.

محصن متزوجة وزنى

A married woman and adultery.

ونحفرلهم في الارض حفرة لحد السرة كده

"We dig a hole for them in the ground, like this, at the level of the navel."

ونردم عليهم

And we bury them.

وكل واحد يمسك حجر اللي ربنا اقدر

"Everyone holds a stone that God has given them."

ان يشيلوا ويخبطوا في دماغه

To hit and knock in his head.

نفضل نقتل فيهم ايه متساعتين

We prefer to kill them, what do you say?

وممكن الروح ما تطلعش

And it's possible that the soul doesn't leave.

الى اخر نهار كمان

Until the end of the day too.

يعني انتو رحمتم البهيمة

It means you have shown mercy to the beast.

ولم ترحم الانسان

"And did not have mercy on man."

بقى شو هذا بتاعتك

What is this that belongs to you?

والكلام دا ممكن اي واحد يسمعه

And this talk is something that anyone can hear.

يقول له الله كلام معروف

God speaks to him known words.

مقدرش اقول حاجة عنه

I can't say anything about him.



النهاردة انا ليه

Today, why do I have?

احد الشفرة

One of the codes.

بالنسبة البهيمة

Regarding the animal.

لان ما هي الحكمة في تعذيب البهيمة

What is the wisdom in torturing an animal?

من اعزاب فهم يعني

"Whoever understands means..."

ما هي الحكمة انك انت تعذب البهيمة

What is the wisdom in torturing the animal?

يجب سكينة تلمة كده

We need to calm down this situation.

تن تن تن

Tin tin tin

ليه يعني عشان هي حرام عليكم

Why, is it forbidden for you?

مفيش اي مصلحة في تعذيب البهيمة

There is no interest in torturing the animal.

لكن واحد

But one.




My weight.

يشتد الخطر

The danger intensifies.

اذا كانت المزنية بها

If it was the one being mentioned.

هي كمان متزوجة

She is also married.

حتدخل على الناس

You will enter among the people.

نسبا ليس من

Not related to.


Crucify them.

ويصرف الميراث الى غير

Inheritance is allocated to someone else.



ودا اعتداء على الاعراض

This is an assault on honor.

واعتراض خفيف

A slight objection.

مش حد يعرفه

No one knows him.

تخيل المجتمع بقى مفتوح

Imagine the society became open.

للقصة دية

The story has a blood money.

كم من اولاد الزنا واللقطاء والكلام

How many are the illegitimate children and foundlings and the words?

يملو المجتمع كله

The whole society is filled.

دا خراب مستعجل على المجتمع كله

This is a disaster rushing towards the whole society.

ففي حكمة بالغة في الرجم

There is great wisdom in stoning.

وفي تشديد العقوبة

And in the intensification of the punishment

لان اول ما بني ادم يشوف

Because the first thing that Adam sees...

ان في واحد يرجم

There is someone who is stoning.

والله رجعته ملكة جمال

I swear, she has become a beauty queen.

ويعرف ان امره

And it is known that his matter

يكشف خلاص

Reveals salvation

دارش يعمل حياة زي كده

Darsh lives a life like this.

فتصانوا الاعراض

The symptoms worsened.

زي ما ربنا قال سبحانه وتعالى

As Allah, the Exalted, said.

ولكم في القصاصي

"And for you in retaliation..."



طب ازاي يبقى قتلوا في حياة

So how could they have been killed while alive?

قال لك ما هو عارف لو اتل

He told you he doesn't know if he will be killed.

ودايب في استبقاء

And melting in retention.

لحياته وحياة المقتول

For his life and the life of the murdered.

لو علم انه سيقتل

If he knew he would be killed.

سيمتنع من القتل

He will refrain from killing.

وكانت العرب

And the Arabs were

تقولوا هذه الكلمة وكانوا بيعتبروها

They used to say this word and they considered it.

ابلغ او من ابلغ ما قالته العرب

The most significant thing that the Arabs have said.

القتل انفى

Killing is more extreme.


For killing.

وقال لك ما احنا

And He said to you, "What are we?"

جبنا تعبير

We brought an expression.



بسيطة جدا صغيرة خالص

Very simple, very small.

لمعنى كبير

For a significant meaning.

كان القرآن

The Quran was.



ليه لان القتل

Why? Because of the killing.

كلمة انفى

The word "anfi"

ادي كلمة للقتل

Give me a word for killing.

ادي ثلاث كلمات

Here are three words.

القرآن جابها في كلمتين بس

The Quran addressed it in just two words.

القصاص حياة

Retaliation is life.

واحنا عارفين البلاغة قلة الكلام

And we know that eloquence is about speaking less.

كل ما تقل

Everything you say.


The word

ويحمل معاني كثيرة هي دي

"It carries many meanings, this is it."

هي دي البلاغة

This is eloquence.

فهم لما يجوا على النهاردة

They understand when they come to today.

ينكروا الرجل ولكن ليس في كتاب الله

They deny the man, but not in the Book of God.

كما هو في السنة

As it is in the year.

رجم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ورجم ابو بكر

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was stoned, and so was Abu Bakr.

ورجم عمر حتى عمر الخطاب اهان

And even Umar was humiliated.

كما في الصحيح البخاري

As in Sahih Bukhari.

ولولا ان يقول للناس

And if it were not to say to the people

زاد عمر في كتاب الله

Omar increased in the Book of God.

كان لك ذاته على حشية المصحف

You had his essence on the margin of the Quran.

وتنبأ عمر الخطاب ان في ناس

Umar ibn al-Khattab prophesied that there are people...

هيجي ينكروا الرجل

They will deny the man.

وقد حدث هذا

And this has happened.

فالقرى ده اشرف من هؤلاء

So this village is more honorable than these.

اللي هو يقول لك

What he is telling you.

هيسخطوك يا ارد

They will be angry with you, O Jordan.

قال لك يعملون يعني

He told you they work, meaning...

كأن الارد ده احط مخلوق

"It's as if the earth has become the most pathetic creature."

على وجه الارض

On the face of the earth.

طب ادي احط مخلوق على وجه الارض

Then, what should I place a creature on the face of the earth?

اشرف واغير من كثير من الذين

I am honored and better than many of those who.

يدبون على الارض بقدمين

They crawl on the ground with two feet.

فهذا الرجل انا في اعتقادي

This man, in my opinion,

وربما يعني

And perhaps it means

يوافقني بعضكم

Some of you agree with me.

او اغلبكم على ان هذا الرجل

Or most of you think that this man

هو افضل هؤلاء الثلاثة

He is the best of these three.

بقي لنا

We still have left.

الرجل الثالث

The third man

قولي هذا

Say this.

ان الفئران

The mice

يحلونه الوجاء

They solve the dilemma.

يعني تساءل دموع العين

It means questioning the tears of the eyes.

عن سر البكاء

On the secret of crying.

عن الامان

About safety.


And the meaning.

عن معنى الوفاء

About the meaning of loyalty.

عن الرضا بالله

About being content with God.

ان حل القضاء

The judiciary is resolved.

وعن الفؤاد

And about the heart.



كالطير في جنته

Like a bird in its paradise.

انتظر إنتظر

Wait, wait.

كالحش محلق

Like the owl's hoot.

كالسرى محلقا

"Like the night journey soaring."

عطر القلوب أريجه قد فاح من هذا اللقاء

The fragrance of hearts has wafted from this meeting.

أروح تسري والملائك حولنا طاب المساء

I go for a stroll and the angels are around us; the evening is pleasant.

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