Alam Al Nas

H.H. Pope Shenouda III

H.H. Pope Shenouda III Weekly Lectures

Alam Al Nas

H.H. Pope Shenouda III Weekly Lectures

قصة جوزة الأرض تقدم

The story of the earth nut presents.

عن آلام الناس

About the pain of people.

لقدافة البابا شنودة الثالث

The legacy of Pope Shenouda III.

بابا الاسكندرية وبطرات

Pope of Alexandria and the Patriarchs.

كرافة الماركوسية في مصر

The Marxist movement in Egypt.

وسائر بلاد المهجر

And other countries of emigration.

باسم الآب والابن والروح الكدسة لله الوحدمين

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God.

الاربع الجاي

Next Wednesday.

هيكون يوم

It will be a day.

اربع ايوب

Four Ayyoub

فما فيش اجتماع هنا

There's no meeting here.

يبقى نتقابل الاربع

Let's meet on Wednesday.

اللي بعديه لو احنا الاربع وعشنا

The one after him, if we are four and we lived.



بعد كده

After that


You will start.

اسبوع الآلام

Holy Week

فانا عايز

I want.

دلوقتي مش اكلمكم

Right now, I won't talk to you.

عن آلام السيد المسيح

About the pains of Lord Christ


With ability

بقدر ما اريد ان اكلمكو

As much as I want to talk to you.

عن آلام الناس

About the pains of people.

وموقفنا من آلام الناس

And our stance on the suffering of people.

لان السيد المسيح

For the Lord Christ

قيل عنه

It was said about him.



سفر اشعي النبي

The Book of the Prophet Isaiah

الصح 53

The correct 53

لكن احزاننا

But our sorrows


He carried her.

او جاعنا تحملها

He is hungry, bear with it.

فالآلام التي حملها السيد المسيح

The pains that the Lord Christ bore.

من نوعين

Of two types.

آلام السبوع الاخير

The pains of the last week.

آلام خيانة الناس

The pains of people's betrayal.

وآلام الصلب

And the pains of the back

وفيه آلام اخرى

And it has other pains.



آلام الخدمات

Service pains

وآلام الخدمة

And the pains of service.

والام الناس التي يتحملها

And the pain of the people that he bears.

آلام الناس التي يتحملها

The pains of the people that he endures.

وهو كان يحب

And he used to love.

انه يحمل

He carries.

آلام الناس

The pains of the people.

الاحمال وانا اريحكم.

The burdens, and I will rest you.

وكان بيقول انا جاء لكي ابشر المساكين. اعصب منكسري القلوب.

He said, "I have come to proclaim good news to the poor, to bind up the brokenhearted."

وانادي للمسبيين بالعدل وللمأسورين بالاطلاق.

"I call for justice for the captives and for the prisoners to be released."

واعز جميع النائحين. يعني ده اللي كان بيعمله جاي يحمل الام الناس.

"And all the mourners are honored. This means that he was the one who came to bear the burdens of the people."

هو على الصليب حمل خطياهم. لكن في فترة ختمته على الارض كان بيحمل الام الناس.

He carried their sins on the cross. But during the time he was on earth, he was bearing the pains of the people.

كان يعمل على اراحة المتعبين بكافة الطرق.

He was working to relieve the weary in every possible way.

وزي ما قيل عنه في الشعر كنت رجلا لكسيح ويدا لاشل وابا بين اليتامة.

"And as it was said about him in poetry, you were a man with a limp and a hand that was paralyzed, and a father among the orphans."

كان بيهتم بكل احتياج. سواء احتياج الناس في المرض او احتياج الناس في الجوع.

He was attentive to every need, whether it was people in sickness or people in hunger.

او احتياج الناس للتعليم. او احتياج الناس للحكمة.

Or the people's need for education. Or the people's need for wisdom.

كل انواع الاحتياج.

All types of needs.

هنا لكي ناخذ درسا معينا كيف يكون كل واحد فينا قلبا حنونا على الكل.

Here to take a specific lesson on how each one of us can have a kind heart towards everyone.

كيف يكون كل واحد فينا قلبا حنونا على الكل.

How can each of us be a compassionate heart for everyone?

ويشارك الناس في فرحهم وفي تعبهم.

People share in their joy and in their struggles.

زي ما بيقول بولس الرسول فرحا مع الفرحين وبكاء مع الباكين.

As Paul the Apostle says, rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.

ده كلمة بكاء مع الباكين اخف بكثير جدا من قول السيد المسيح اعز جميع الناحين.

This is a word of weeping; with those who weep, it is much lighter than the words of Lord Christ, who honors all the mourners.

كيف يكون الانسان كما نقول برضو في صلواتنا.

How can a person be, as we also say in our prayers?

رجاء من ليس له رجاء ومعين من ليس له معين.

A plea from one who has no hope and a support for one who has no supporter.

عزاء صغير القلوب وميناء الذين في العاصف.

The solace of small hearts and the harbor for those in the storm.

زي سفينة تعصف فيها الامواك.

Like a ship tossed by the waves.

وعيزة الربليل تجد فيه ملجأ ليها.

The awareness of the Lord is a refuge for her.

كيف يكون الانسان شخصية مريحة للكل.

How can a person be a comforting character for everyone?

قلبا مريحا.

A comforting heart.

يريح الكل.

Everyone is comfortable.

ويريح في كل وضع وفي كل موضع.

"And he finds comfort in every situation and in every place."

ده اللي عايز اكلمكوا عنه.

This is what I want to talk to you about.

لا يكفي ان الانسان يفتكر ان فيه

It is not enough for a person to think that there is.

عبارة عن صلاة وصوم وابادة

It is a matter of prayer, fasting, and annihilation.

وقراءة في الكتاب وتأمل

Reading the book and reflection.

كل دي اشياء لفائدة الشخصية.

All these things are for personal benefit.

ولكي تربط قلبه بالله.

"And to connect his heart to God."

لكن ده مش كل حاجة.

But that's not everything.

لازم يكون ليه القلب حنين على القلب.

The heart must have a longing for the heart.

ودي ليها بعض نقاط.

I have some points for her.

ياريت اقدر اتكلم عليها كلها انها ده.

I wish I could talk about it all, that it's this.

ايه موقف الانسان من الام الفقراء والمحتاجين.

What is a person's position regarding the pain of the poor and needy?

ايه موقفه من اصحاب المشاكل.

What is his stance on people with problems?

اللي عندهم مشاكل.

Those who have problems.

ايه موقف الكنيسة ايضا مرين.

What is the church's position also regarding Mary?

ومن المربع.

And from the square.

ومن المشرفين على الموت.

And among those supervising death.

ومن الناس اللي تعبانين من خطايا معينة.

And among the people are those who are troubled by certain sins.

ايه موقفه من اليائسين.

What is his stance on the despairing?

ومن الحائرين.

And among the confused.

ومن العواقر.

And among the barren.

ومن الارامل ومن الايتام.

And among the widows and orphans.

كيف يكون موقفنا تجاه كل هؤلاء الناس.

What should our stance be towards all these people?

كيف نريح الكل على قدر ما نستطيع.

How can we ease everyone as much as we can?

بحيث كل واحد يشوفنا يستبشر خيرا ان فيه راحة جياله.

So that everyone who sees us looks forward to the good that lies ahead.

بقول الكلام ده نمر واحد للاباء الاكليروس اللي قاعدين معانا اساقفة وكهنة.

I say this for the first time to the clergy fathers who are sitting with us, bishops and priests.

واقول هذا ايضا لجميع الخدان في الكنيسة.

And I say this also to all the deacons in the church.

واقوله ايضا لكل فرد.

And I say it also to every individual.

كيف نكون نفوسا مريحة.

How can we be comforting souls?

وقلوبا مملوئة بالحنان.

And hearts filled with affection.

الاخ الواقف يقعد عشانك بتداري على الوراق.

The brother standing is sitting down for you to cover up the documents.

ما تداريش على الوراق.

Don't hide it from the paper.

في انسان ساعات يقف في الكنيسة يفتكر دموع من الخشوع واحترام الكنيسة.

In a person, there are moments when they stand in the church, remembering tears of reverence and respect for the church.

بينما في نفس الوقت بيدايق اللي وراه ومشايف.

Meanwhile, at the same time, it bothers the one behind and doesn't see it.

النقطة الاولانية كيف نكون قلوبا فيها حنان واراحة للفقراء والمحتاجين.

The first point is how we can have hearts full of compassion and comfort for the poor and needy.

احنا هنخش على ايه.

What are we going to enter into?

فهل فكرت كل كنيسة عندكو وكل ابرشية.

Have you considered every church and every diocese among you?

انها تتبح تبايح للفهرة.

It is a slaughtering for the fangs.

اللي موجودين تبع الكنيسة.

Those who are associated with the church.

واللي موجودين تبع الابرشية.

And those who are affiliated with the archdiocese.

لان فيه ناس برضو مش لقيين لحمة يكلوها.

Because there are also people who can't find meat to eat.

ولا انت تتمتع بالقيد.

Nor do you enjoy the restraint.

وتسيب غيرك ياكل ما يكلش.

And let others eat whatever they want.

وتقول دي اسمه النصيب.

She says his name is fate.

لا مش اسمه النصيب.

No, it's not called fate.

احنا لما عملنا لجنة البر هنا في القاهرة.

When we established the charity committee here in Cairo.

قلت الاعضاء لجنة البر ايتين حفظوهم كلهم.

I said the members of the charity committee have memorized all of them.

من سفر الامثال الصحتلات.

From the book of Proverbs.

الاية الاولى بتقول ايه.

What does the first verse say?

لا تمنع الخير عن اهله.

Do not withhold good from its people.

حين يكون في طاقة يدك ان تفعلوه.

When it is within your power to do it.

لا تمنع الخير عن اهله.

Do not withhold good from its people.

حين يكون في طاقة يدك ان تفعلوه.

When it is within your power to do it.

يعني لو كنت تقدر تعمل خير وما عملتوش تبقى خطي عليك.

It means if you could do good and you didn't do it, it would be a sin on you.

لا تقولي بقى انا عشور ولا غير عشور.

Don't tell me now if I'm Ashour or not Ashour.

ده الكتاب بيقول من سألك فاعطيه.

The book says, "Whoever asks you, give to him."

ولن طلب منك فلا تردوه.

And if he asks you, do not refuse him.

لا تمنع الخير عن اهله.

Do not withhold goodness from its people.

حين يكون في طاقة يدك ان تفعلوه.

When it is within your power to do it.

والاية الثانية اللي بعدها على طول.

And the next verse right after it.

لا تقل لصاحبك.

Don't tell your friend.

تعال غدا فاعطيك وموجود عندك.

Come tomorrow, and I will give you what you have with you.

يعني مش بس تعطي ولا تؤخر العطاء.

It means you should not just give or delay giving.

ما يكونش معاك وتقصدك تعال بكرة.

If he is not with you and you mean him, come tomorrow.

في ناس لما يخشوا في مسئولية يتحكموا في المسئولية.

Some people, when they take on responsibility, manage to control it.

انت تيجي وانت ما تجيش وانت تروح وانت ما تروح شي.

You come and you don't come, you go and you don't go.

وانت تستحقه وانت ما تستحقش.

And you deserve it, and you do not deserve it.

يعني رأيك الادسين لما بيقولوا في هذه الحالة يكون منزلتك همد الله منزلة قاضي لا عابد.

This means your opinion is that when the scholars say in this case, your status is like that of a judge, not a worshiper.

العابد يحل على الكل.

The worshipper is a solution for everyone.

القاضي يشوف الحق موجود فين ومين مستحق ومين مش مستحق.

The judge sees where the truth is, who deserves it, and who does not deserve it.

فرصة العيد والناس اللي محتاجين في العيد.

The opportunity of the holiday and the people in need during the holiday.

يعني وانت قاعد في البيت كده متاكل تقول انا اكل لوحدي وفي غيري ما باكل شي.

It means while you're just sitting at home eating, you say I'm eating alone while others are not eating anything.

ممكن في غيرك ما باكل شي تسيب اكلك.

Maybe someone else won't eat anything, leave your food.

عايزكوا كمان انكوا في الفترة اللي قبل العيد بتهتموا بتقبل الاعترافات والحداد دي.

I also want you to focus on accepting confessions and mourning during the period leading up to the holiday.

تهتموا ايضا برعاية الفقراء في حدود خدمتكم.

You should also take care of the poor within the scope of your service.

في حدود خدمتكم.

At your service.

واحد يقول لي لكن الناس دول مش محتاجين دول محتلين.

One person tells me, but these people don't need them, they are occupiers.

صدقوني كل الناس محتلين.

Believe me, all people are occupied.

نعتك عليكم كل الناس محتلين.

You are described by everyone as being occupied.

وخصوصا الناس اللي بتسميهم الجراية اصحاب الدخل المحدود يعني مرتب محدود.

Especially the people whom they call the "jrayah," meaning those with limited incomes, or a limited salary.

فمعلف نفسه.

He is feeding himself.

مولف نفسه على هذا الدخل.

Adapted himself to this income.


Let's talk.

وبنته دخلت في الزواج بقى محتاج.

And his daughter entered into marriage and became in need.


Let's talk.

وهو او حد من هالته احتاج لعملية جراحية يبقى محتاج.

He is one of those who need surgery; he will continue to need it.

انحدث ومضطر ان يسافر في حاجة مهمة في الخارج يبقى محتاج.

If he speaks and is compelled to travel for an important matter abroad, then he will need it.


It means.

ساعات مثلا ايه فيه كنايس والحاجات اللي قلت لهم الوضع ده مش مصبوط لازم تصححوه.

For hours, for example, there are churches and the things I told them that this situation is not right, you must correct it.

فيه كنايس قلت احنا عندنا خدمة اجتماعية.

There are churches where we said we have social services.

ايه الخدمة الاجتماعية؟

What is social work?

ها دي الف عيلة فقيرة.

This is a poor family.

200 عيلة فقيرة 500 زي ميتر.

200 poor families, 500 like a meter.

كل عيلة تاخد 30 جنيه 50 جنيه.

Every family gets 30 or 50 pounds.

صدقوني الجنيه فقد قيمته الشرائية في هاله الايام.

Believe me, the pound has lost its purchasing power in these days.

ما بقاش جنيه جنيه.

A pound is no longer just a pound.

الجنيه كان ايامنا ايامنا واحنا شبان وصغيرين كان الجنيه يعني جنيه.

In our days, when we were young and small, a pound meant a pound.

دلوقتي لو راجل فقير هاتيله جنيه بصلي في شمال عطس.

Now, if a poor man asks for a pound, I pray in the north for sneezing.

كمان لو كنت بختقره.

Also, if I were to underestimate him.

زمان من قيمة 20 سنة او لحاجة كنت ادي الفراشين في الدير مثلا 5 جنيه 5 جنيه.

A long time ago, for about 20 years or so, I used to give the workers in the monastery, for example, 5 pounds each.

وبعدين مرة وانا قاعد لقيت الناس اللي حوالي بيتكلموا.

Then one time while I was sitting, I found the people around me talking.

عن سهر الخضار وعن هالحاجات دي.

About the late-night vegetable market and those kinds of things.

يعني مش دريال.

It means not a dirham.

لان انا انا بشتريش خضار.

Because I don't buy vegetables.



كل عقل بيتي عقل.

Every household mind is a mind.

بعد كده شهر.

After that, a month.

ان حكاية الخمسة جنيه دي شيء تافه لا يصح ابدا.

The story of the five pounds is something trivial that should not be taken seriously at all.

وابتدائنا نعلي الموضوع شوية بشوية بشوية.

And we begin by gradually raising the topic little by little.

لان الناس محتاجين فعلا.

Because people really need it.

اوعى تفتكروا المخدرات.

Don't you think about drugs.

يعني واحد يروح للزخانة وياخد دواء مخدر.

It means someone goes to the pharmacy and gets a narcotic medication.



هذه العطايا ام 30 جنيه و 50 جنيه دي مخدر بيخدر ضمائركو.

These gifts of 30 pounds and 50 pounds are narcotics that numb your conscience.

بتفتكروا انكو عملتو خير وانتو ما بتعملوش.

Do you think you have done good while you are not doing it?

تعمل ايه 50 جنيه و 30 جنيه دي.

What do you do with 50 pounds and 30 pounds?

تعمل ايه.

What are you doing?



او واحد يفتكر انو كاهن وبيؤدي واجبه تمام انو بيوعث انو بيقرأ في الكتاب.

He thinks he is a priest and is fulfilling his duty well by conveying that he is reading from the book.

طب الفقرة عملت فيهم ايه.

What did the doctor do to the vertebrae?

في اية خطيرة جدا في الكتاب المقدس تقول ايه.

There is a very serious verse in the Bible that says.

من يسمع صراخ المسكين ولا يستجيب يصرخ هو ايضا ولا يستجب له.

He who hears the cry of the poor and does not respond cries out as well and is not answered.

زي ما انت بتعمل.

Just like you do.

الكتاب بيقول طوبى للرحمة لانهم يرحمون.

The book says, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."

فان ما كانش انت عندك رحمة يبقى ما تستهلش الرحمة.

If you don't have mercy, then you don't deserve mercy.

بالكيل الذي به تكيلون يكالوا لكم ويزادوا.

In the measure that you use, it will be measured back to you, and it will be increased.

ان كنت كريما مع الناس ربنا يكون كريم معاك.

If you are generous with people, may God be generous with you.

وان كنت بخيل مع الناس ربنا لا يستأمنك على فلوس كتيرة.

If you are stingy with people, God won't trust you with a lot of money.

ولذلك انا بقول لهم في لجنة البر ربنا عايز واحد ايده فرطة.

That's why I'm telling them in the charity committee that God wants someone whose hand is generous.

عشان يستأمنوا على انه يعطي للناس.

So that they can trust that he gives to people.

لكن اللي ايده مسكة.

But the one whose hand is holding.

ربنا يقول ادي له ليه.

Our Lord says, "Give it to him, why?"

هادي له وهو ميزاش يدي غيره.

This is for him, and he won't take anything else.

ايده مسكة.

He has a strong grip.

او مثلا بعض كنايس تهتم بالمباني ولا تهتم بالناس الغلابة.

Or, for example, some churches care about buildings and do not care about the poor people.

وتبقى فرحانة عامل البنافخ.

And you will remain happy, working with the horns.

فعلوا هذه ولا تتركوها.

Do this and do not leave it.

تبقوا الناس الغلابة.

You remain the poor people.

يقول لك يا ابونا انا محتاج ولولي ثمن شقرة اسمنت من اللي انت بتبني بيه.

He says to you, "Oh, our father, I need a little money for the cement that you are using to build."

اهتموا بموضوع الفقرة.

Pay attention to the topic of the paragraph.

موضوع الفقرة.

The subject of the paragraph.

السيد المسيح في مكة خمسة وعشرين جعله مقياسا يخش بيه اللي انسان الملكوته وميخشش.

The Lord Christ in Mecca made twenty-five a measure by which one might enter the kingdom and not enter.

فقال للذين عن يمينه قال لهم كنت جوعانا فاطعمتموني كنت عطشانا فاسقيتموني كنت مريضا فزرتموني كنت محبوسا فاتيتم الي الى اخره.

He said to those on his right, "I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was sick and you visited me, I was imprisoned and you came to me," and so on.

فاعتبر انه كل ما يفعلونه بهؤلاء الناس كأنه فعلوه بيه.

"Consider that everything they do to these people is as if they have done it to me."

قال لهم مهما فعلتم لأحد اخوتي هؤلاء الاصابر سبيل قد فعلتم.

He said to them, "Whatever you did to one of these least brothers of mine, you did it to me."

لذلك انا لما بزور مريض.

So when I visit a patient.

بشعر ببركة لي.

I feel blessed.

كأني بزور المسيح.

It is as if I were at the tomb of Christ.

لانه قال كنت مريضا فزرتموني.

Because he said, "I was ill and you visited me."

ولما روح مستشفى لاجل زيارة مريض معين.

I went to the hospital to visit a specific patient.

كلفت بزيارته من اهله.

I was tasked with visiting him by his family.

قال واحد في المستشفى يطلبني ان انا اخش عنده اخش.

Someone at the hospital is asking me to come in to see him.

بلا مناقشة.

No discussion.

يريد كل كنيسة يكون فيها لجنة البر.

Every church wants to have a charity committee.

لجنة البر يعني ايه؟

What does the Committee of Charitable Works mean?

يعني الحالة تفحص وتعطى كل احتياجاتها.

It means the case is examined and all its needs are provided.

تعطى كل احتياجاتها.

She is given all her needs.

ايه يا جد؟

What's wrong, grandpa?

مش مجرد خدوا قرشين وخلصوا كالحكاية.

It's not just about taking a few coins and finishing the story.

طب انا ده شنو كفوش.

What do you mean by this?

واحد يروح كنيسة.

Someone goes to church.

والكنيسة تفتكر انها يعني بكل كرم ادتو خمسين جنيه.

And the church thinks that, in all its generosity, it gave fifty pounds.

والخمسين جنيه ماينفعولوش بحاجة.

And the fifty pounds won't help him with anything.

يروح كنيسة تاني.

He goes to another church.

ينتلو ثلاثين جنيه.

It costs thirty pounds.

الثمانين جنيه على بعض مايعملوش حاجة.

Eighty pounds will not accomplish anything.

يروح جمعية تنتلو عشرين جنيه.

He goes to the association to spend twenty pounds.

المية كلهم مايعملوش حاجة.

"All of them do nothing."

يروح حتة تاني يقولوها.

He goes to another place and they say it.

مش ده راجل المحتال اللي مر على الكنيسة دي والكنيسة دي والجمعية دي.

Isn't that the conman who passed by this church, that church, and that association?

ما همر عليهم كلهم لان ما فيش ولا واحد منهم ادتو كفايتو.

None of them were able to handle it because none of them gave me enough.

ما فيش ولا واحد منهم ايه؟

Is there not a single one of them?

ادتو كفايتو.

You have done enough.

فاضطر يروح على دي وعلى دي وعلى دي وعلى دي.

So he had to go here and there and there and there.

اظن انا اتكلمت كثير على الموضوع دي هسيبنا شوية.

I think I've talked enough about this topic; let's leave it for a while.

واخش في الباقي يعني.

"Get on with the rest, I mean."

اصحاب المشاكل.

Problematic people.

مش اصحاب المشاكل يعني اللي بيقاملوا مشاكل.

They are not troublemakers, meaning they don't create problems.

المتعرضين لمشاكل.

Those exposed to problems.

اللي عندهم مشاكل.

Those who have problems.

كيف يمكن ان احنا نساهم في حل مشاكلهم؟

How can we contribute to solving their problems?

حلا عمليا.

Practical dessert.

عايزة دراسة.

I want to study.

وعايزة افتقاد.

And I want to be missed.

وعايزة زيارة الناس.

And I want to visit people.

وعايزة ان الواحد اللي يخش في الموضوع دي.

And I want someone who gets involved in this matter.

يكون موضع ثقة.

He is a person of trust.

الكاهق موضع ثقة.

The kahik is a person of trust.

لكن ساعات ما عندهش وقت يزور.

But sometimes he doesn't have time to visit.

المكانش عنده وقت يزور.

He didn't have time to visit.

مفروض توبت لجنة للافتقاد.

A committee is supposed to be formed for visitation.

تكون مجموعة من الشمامسة للافتقاد.

A group of deacons will be visiting.

يكونوا برضو موضع ثقة.

They should also be trustworthy.

للصفات معينة موجودة فيهم.

There are specific traits present in them.

اللي يقدروا يحلوه يحلوه.

Whoever can solve it, let them solve it.

واللي ما يقدروش يحلوه.

And those who cannot solve it.

يرجعوا للقب.

They return to the title.

يشوفوا مشروطه.

They see it conditional.

يعملوا ايه.

What do they do?

لكن نترك الناس في مشاكلهم.

But we leave people in their problems.

الى ان تستفحل.

Until it becomes severe.


And it increases.

وتصل الى اللا حل.

And it reaches a dead end.

قول نعمل ايه؟ نعمل ايه؟

What should we do? What should we do?

تعمل ايه؟

What do you do?

ومرة تسموك اساس عشان ايه؟

And once they called you "foundation" for what reason?

عشان تعمل ايه؟

What are you going to do?

تقول دي حكاية متابعة.

This is a story of following.

اقول لك ليكن.

I say to you, let it be.

الكتاب بيقول كل واحد يأخذ اجرته بحسب تعبه.

The book says that everyone should receive their reward according to their toil.

ربنا هيكثر كل واحد فينا بحسب تعبه.

Our Lord will multiply each one of us according to their effort.

على قد ما يتعب.

As much as it tires.

مشكلة العاطلين مثلا.

The problem of unemployment, for example.

يريد نعرف كيف يمكن ان نعمل من اجل العاطلين.

We want to know how we can work for the unemployed.

ودي ليها طرق كتيرة.

I have many ways to her.

هأجلها دلوقتي.

I'll postpone it now.

هلقتنا بالمرضى مثلا.

You overwhelmed us with patients, for example.

ساعات واحد يفتكر ان زيارة المريض هي كل حاجة.

Sometimes a person thinks that visiting the sick is everything.

قول لك لا كمان الصلاة من اجل المريض.

I tell you, no, prayer is also for the sick.

وهو الصلاة من اجل المريض.

It is a prayer for the sick.

ويفتكر ان زيارة والصلاة هي كل حاجة.

And he thinks that visiting and praying is everything.

لا في حاجات تانية.

No, there are other things.

ايه الحاجات التانية؟

What are the other things?

في امراض مكلفة جدا.

There are very expensive diseases.

وادوية مكلفة جدا.

Very expensive medications.

وعمليات مكلفة جدا.

And very expensive operations.

يعني واحد يفوت على المريض.

It means someone enters the patient.

وايه الحكاية؟

What's the story?

يقول له.

He tells him.

مطلوب مني.

I am required.

عملية في القلب.

Heart surgery.

عملية في الكلة.

Surgery on the kidney.

عملية في الكبد.

Surgery on the liver.

عملية في حاجة دي.

This operation is needed.

يقول له ربني يكون معاك ويمشي.

He says to him, "My Lord will be with you and will walk with you."

خلفت علي كده؟

Did you leave me like this?

طيب انت عارف العملية دي هتكلفه كان؟

Okay, do you know how much this operation will cost him?

ايه مدى مساهمتك معاه في الموضوع دي؟

What is the extent of your contribution to this matter with him?

للكهنة بالذات.

For the priests specifically.

واحد يقول له.

One says to him.

واحد يقول له نعمل ايه؟

One says to him, "What should we do?"

لقنة الكنيسة هي اللي ماسكوا كل حاجة.

The church committee is the one holding everything.

ولقنة الكنيسة ما بتطلعش المالين.

The church's money doesn't come out.

الا بالعافية.

Only with good health.

لا اشوف.

I don't see.

اللي انا اعرفه وبالخبرة.

What I know from experience.

ان كل ما انت تعطي ربني يفتح لك ابواب للعطاء.

Everything you give will open doors for you to give more.



وينزل لك فلوس من حيثه لا تدرج.

And money will come to you from where you least expect it.

احنا جربناه.

We tried it.

ابتدينا نعطل للناس.

We started to disrupt people.

بصنا لقينا ربنا بيبعد بيبعد بيبعد.

We found that God is moving away, moving away, moving away.

من حيثه لا ندرج.

From our perspective, we do not include.

واحيانا ندرج.

And sometimes we include.

لكن ما كناش نفتكر الحكاية تبقى بالشغل ده.

But we didn't think the story would be like this with the work.

الناس ساعات ما بيبعتوش ليكوا لانو عارفين انو كنتوا ما بتدوش.

Sometimes people don't send it to you because they know that you wouldn't give.

عارفوا انكم بتدوا هيبعتونك.

They know that you will be sent.

فتقول لي ارادات الكنيسة مش مكافية.

She tells me that the church's intentions are not enough.

اقول لك مش مكافية لانك ما بتديش.

I tell you it's not enough because you don't give.

لو تدي هتلاقي ربنا فتح لك ابواب.

If you give, you will find that God opens doors for you.

انا مش بقول كلب نظر.

I'm not saying a dog is a sight.

بقول كلب عمل واحنا جربناه.

I say it was a dog that worked, and we tried it.

المستشفيات دلوقتي العمليات بتبقى فيها بالشئ الفلاني.

Hospitals nowadays have surgeries that involve such and such things.

وفوق طاقة الشخص.

And beyond a person's capacity.

صدقوني ساعات ناس بيفوتوا علينا في عمليات نشعر امام ضمائرنا ان لو ما عملوش العمليات دي هيموت هيموت.

Believe me, sometimes people come to us for surgeries and we feel in our hearts that if they don't undergo these operations, they will die, they will die.

اذا لابد نساعدكم.

If we must, we will help you.

تقول لي العين بصيرة واليد قصيرة.

The eye sees, but the hand is short.

لو العين بصيرة بصحيح هتبصر معونة الله وكرم الله وتبصر ازاي يبدح قوة السماء وينزلها من فوق.

If the eye is insightful, it will see God's assistance and generosity and observe how He grants the power of heaven and sends it from above.

هدي العين البصيرة.

Guidance of the insightful eye.

واذا وجدت هذه العين البصيرة.

"And if you find this keen sight."

ربنا هيملالك حاجات كثيرة.

Our Lord will provide you with many things.

انا عايزك افتش علي اللي جاني البر.

I want you to search for what came to me from the sea.

هاي خطية من خطياي اللي باعترف بها اصدقاء.

This is a confession of my sins that I share with friends.

ان انا مفتشت.

I am an inspector.

لا افتش.

I do not search.

بس تجوا تقولولي بقى وتقوح بعتين للجراية ايه قوانين الكنيسة ايه اللي مش عارفين ويفتش علينا.

Just tell me already, and if you send it to the newspaper, what are the church's laws that we don't know, and investigate us.

لا احنا هنفتش عليكم.

No, we will search for you.

ولا يهمنا اللي بيقولوه.

We don't care what they say.

احنا هيهمنا ضمائرنا.

We care about our conscience.

نفتش عليكم.

We are searching for you.

ونشوف لاجلة البر بتعملوا ايه.

Let's see what the committee is doing.

نفتش عليكم. ونشوف لاجلة البر بتعملوا ايه.

We are searching for you. Let's see what the charity is doing.

ونشوف لاجلة البر بتعملوا ايه.

Let's see what you are doing for the sake of the environment.

ايه? النسبة قد ايه?

What? What is the percentage?



على رأي المثل اتاك الموت على تاريخ السنة.

As the saying goes, death has come to you on the anniversary of the year.

اهي مش عايز الليلة تبعت نانا ومش عايزكوا تقولوا اهو كده اسموها

She doesn't want to send Nana tonight and doesn't want you to say that this is what they call her.

الالام من اللي نادي

The pain of those who called out.

لا هي مش الام وان كانت الام تبقى زي الادم زي واحد يعملوله

No, she is not the mother, and even if she is a mother, she remains like Adam, like someone who is made for them.

عملية تريحه من المساعدة.

The process of relieving him from assistance.

الام مزنة. العملية ما تاخدش منه دقايق. لكن لو ما عملهاش

The mother is Mazna. The procedure doesn't take a few minutes. But if she doesn't do it...

الالم يستمر عنده مدة طويلة. فما فيش مانع. ندوس سوية ونصلج.

The pain lasts a long time for him. So there's no problem. Let’s push through together and overcome it.

وتبصت لقونا تقبضي عليكم في اليوم الذي لا تعرفه في الساعة

"And you look for us to hold you accountable on the day you do not know, at the hour."

التي لا تدركها.

That you cannot perceive.

تعملوا ايه مع الفقراء وتعملوا ايه مع المحتاجين وتعملوا ايه في

What are you doing for the poor, and what are you doing for those in need, and what are you doing in...?

اللي كان البالد. انا خايف انا عايز اللي الالة بيصفرلوه للجماعة

"Whoever was the father. I'm scared, I want what the machine is whistling for the group."

دي معلقتين.

These are two tablespoons.

اتفضلوا انصمت.

Please be quiet.

اشتركوا في القناة

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