الليلة العاشرة
إحدى قنوات المنبر الحسيني
المنبر الحسيني ١٤٤2: الشيخ علي الدهنين
الليلة العاشرة
عظمنا الله أجورنا وأجوركم
May Allah magnify our rewards and yours.
بمصابنا بسيدنا وإمامنا
With our grief for our master and leader.
أبي عبد الله الحسين
Abu Abdullah Al-Hussein
وجعلنا الله تعالى وإياكم
May Allah make us and you.
من الطالبين بدمه
"From those seeking his blood."
والآخذين بثأره
"And those who seek vengeance for him."
مع ولده الإمام الحجة
With his son, the Imam Al-Hujja.
The Victorious
من آل بيت محمد
From the family of Muhammad.
الله مصلي وسلم على محمد وآل محمد
O Allah, send blessings and peace upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.
إنان الله وإنانه
Indeed, we belong to Allah and indeed to Him we shall return.
إليه راجعون
We belong to Him and to Him we shall return.
ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله
There is no power and no strength except through Allah.
العلي العظيم
The Most High, the Mighty.
صلى الله عليك
Peace be upon you.
يا سيدي ويا مولاي
O my lord and my master.
يا أبا عبد الله الحسين
O Abu Abdullah Al-Hussein
And an imam.
And Hussein
ما تدخر البكاء إلا مثل هذه الليلة
You do not reserve tears for any night but this one.
I have had enough.
كفاني كفاني ضنان
Enough, enough, my dear.
أن أرى في الحسين
To see in Hussein.
شفت آن مروان
I saw An Marwan.
Her grudges
فأغضبت الله في قتله
You have angered God by killing him.
وأرضت بذاره
"And I pleased with its seeds."
ذلك شيطانها
That is her devil.
عشية أنهضها بغيها
On the evening that I raise her desire.
فجاءته تركب طغيانها
So she came to him riding her tyranny.
وسامته يركب إحدى اثنتين
His handsomeness is a combination of one of two things.
وقد صرت الحرب أسنانها
The war has sharpened its teeth.
فإما يرى مذعنا أو تموت
"Either you see him submissive or you die."
نفس أبا العز إذ عانها
Nafs Abu al-Izz when it faced it.
فقال لها اعتصمي بالإبا
He said to her, "Hold on to pride."
فنفس الأبي وما زانها
In the same vein as the poet and what enhances it.
إذا لم تجد غير ربس الهوان
If you find nothing but the humiliation of Raab.
فبالموت تنزع جثمانها
"With death, her body is taken away."
أي واي ماما
Any way, mom.
فلما قضى للعلا حقها
When it had fulfilled its right to greatness.
وشيد بالسيف بنيانها
"And he built its structure with the sword."
ترجل للموت
Dismount for death.
عن سابق له أخلة الخيل
About a previous one, he had a horse.
ميدانها وما أجلت العرب
Her field and what the Arabs have delayed.
فما أجلت الحرب عن مثله
So what has delayed the war for someone like him?
صريفها ومعه
Its rustling and with it.
وشجعان يجبن شجعانها
Brave people should be supported by their brave ones.
أيا ناعيا إن جئت طيبة مقبلة
O herald, if you come with goodwill.
فعرج على بكسورة الظلعة
So he ascended on the back of the shadow.
a chisel
وحدث بما مضى الفؤاد مفصلة
"And the heart spoke of the past in detail."
أفاطم لا
O Fatimah, no.
خلت الحسين مجددا
I emptied Hussein again.
وقد مات عطشانا بشط فرامتي
He died thirsty by the shores of Framati.
إذن للطمت الخذ
So, I slapped the cheek.
فأقم عنده
So stay with him.
وأجريت دمع العائل في الوجناتي
And I shed the tears of the family on my cheeks.
أظم الله أجري وأجورك
May Allah increase my reward and yours.
أصبح صباح يوم العاشر
The morning of the tenth has arrived.
وصل الوشي
The embroidery has arrived.
حسين بأصحابه صلاة الفاجر
Hussein is with his companions for the Fajr prayer.
التفت إليهم
He turned to them.
حمد الله تعالى وأثنى عليه
Praise be to Allah, the Exalted, and I commend Him.
وذكر جده النبي صلى الله عليه وآله
And he mentioned his grandfather, the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family.
وصلنا عليه وقال لهم أصحابي
He arrived to them and said, "My companions."
My friends
إن الله قد أذنه
Indeed, God has granted him permission.
في قتلي وقتلكم
In my death and your death.
هذا اليوم
This day
فعليكم بالصبر والقتال
So you must be patient and fight.
وقسم أصحابه ميمنة وميسرة
And he divided his companions into the right flank and the left flank.
وأعطى رايته للعباس
And he gave his flag to Abbas.
وأمر بحفر خندق حول الخيام
He ordered to dig a trench around the tents.
عظم الله أجوركم
May God increase your rewards.
ولما رأى كثرة جيوركم
And when he saw the great number of your warriors.
يؤشي الأعداء
The enemies are approaching.
رفع يديه إلى السماء
He raised his hands to the sky.
He said.
اللهم أنت ثقتي في كل كرب
O Allah, You are my trust in every distress.
دعاء النبي يوم بدر
The Prophet's supplication on the day of Badr.
اللهم أنت ثقتي في كل كرب
O Allah, You are my trust in every ordeal.
ورجائي في كل شدة
"My hope in every hardship."
وأنت لي في كل أمر
"And you are with me in every matter."
نزل بي ثقة وعدة
I came down with confidence and equipment.
كم من هم يضعف فيه الفؤاد
How many are there in whom the heart weakens?
وتضيق فيه الحيلة
"And the means become limited in it."
ويضعف فيه
And it weakens in it.
ويشمت فيه العدو
"Enemy rejoices in it."
أنزلته بك
I brought it down to you.
وشكوته إليك
"And I complained to You about him."
So I uncovered it.
I revealed it.
فأنت ولي كل نعمة
For You are the guardian of every blessing.
أيها إماما
O Imam
هو حسين
He is Hussein.
فجاء رجل من
A man came from
الأعداء قال له
The enemies told him.
ابن جويرة
Ibn Juwairah
أو ابن حوزة
O son of Hawza
ولما رأى النار
And when he saw the fire.
محدقة وراء الخيم
Staring behind the tents.
قال تعجلت
He said I was in a hurry.
بالنار يا حسين
By fire, O Hussein.
قال أنا أقدم
He said, "I am ahead."
على جدي رسول الله
By my grandfather, the Messenger of God.
من هذا
Who is this?
ثم قال اللهم حزه
Then he said, "O Allah, take him away."
إلى النار
To the fire.
وكبت به فرسه
And he controlled his horse with it.
ورمته في الخندق
I threw him in the ditch.
And he died.
وجرت للحسين
And it happened to Al-Hussein.
On her.
عدة كرامات
Several miracles.
في ذلك اليوم
On that day.
ثم أراد أن يقيم
Then he wanted to establish.
عليهم الحجة
They have the argument.
قال لهم
He said to them.
أيها القوم
Oh people
انسبوني من أنا
"Who am I related to?"
أوليس رسول الله
Isn't he the Messenger of God?
قالوا نعم
They said yes.
أوليس علي بن أبي طالب
Is it not Ali ibn Abi Talib?
أمير المؤمنين
Commander of the Faithful
أبي أوليس جعفر الطيار
My father is not Ja'far the Pilot.
عمي أوليس حمزة
My uncle is Hamza.
حمزة عم أبي
Hamza is my uncle.
قالوا بلى كل ذلك نعرف
They said, "Yes, we know all of that."
قال لماذا تقاتلونني
He said, "Why are you fighting me?"
أعلى قتيل قتلته
The highest kill you have killed.
أم تطالبوني بقصاص جراحة
But do you demand of me the retribution for surgery?
قالوا انزل على حكم أبناء
They said to descend according to the judgment of the sons.
على حكم الأمير يزيد
Under the rule of Prince Yazid.
قال هيهات هيهات
He said, "How impossible, how impossible!"
لا والله لا أعطيكم بيدي
No, by God, I will not give you with my hand.
إعطاء الذليل
Giving the slave.
قال هيهات هيهات لا والله لا أعطيكم بيدي إعطاء الذليل
He said, "Not at all, not at all! By God, I will not give you with my hand as a sign of submission."
قولها ولا أفر فرار العبيد
Say it and I will not flee like a slave.
ولا أبايع ليزيد
"I will not pledge allegiance to Yazid."
لا والله
No, by God.
أراد أن يقيم عليهم الحجة
He wanted to establish proof against them.
وخطب خطبة عظيمة في يوم العاشر
And he gave a great sermon on the day of the tenth.
استنصتهم فلم ينصتوا
I asked them to listen, but they did not listen.
ثم تلاوموا فيما بينهم فأنصتوا
Then they blamed each other, so they remained silent.
فقال لهم
So he said to them.
علامة قاتله
A deadly sign.
The meaning of "I seek forgiveness from Him."
قالوا بغضا منهم لأبيك علي
They said out of spite for your father Ali.
فقال تبا لكم
He said, "Damn you!"
أيتها الجماعة وترحى
O community and welcome.
أحين استصرختمونا والهين
"Now you call out to us while we are in a state of distraction."
فأصرخناكم موجفين
"So we called out to you, but you were indifferent."
سللتم علينا سيفا لنا في رقابكم
You have wielded a sword over our necks.
وحششتم علينا نارا
You have missed us with fire.
اقتدحناها على عدونا وعدوكم
We ignited it against our enemy and your enemy.
فأصبحتم إلبا لأعدائكم على أوليائكم
"So you have become allies to your enemies against your own friends."
بغير عدل أفشوه فيكم
"I spread it among you without justice."
ولا أمل أصبح لكم فيهم
"And there is no longer any hope left for you in them."
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