لفضيلة الشيخ عبد الرزاق بن عبد المحسن البدر - التعليق على أحاديث إصلاح القلوب
العلم النافع
العلم النافع
لفضيلة الشيخ عبد الرزاق بن عبد المحسن البدر - التعليق على أحاديث إصلاح القلوب
الحمد لله رب العالمين
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
وصلى الله وسلم وبارك على عبده ورسوله
May Allah's blessings, peace, and mercy be upon His servant and Messenger.
نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
Our Prophet Muhammad, and all his family and companions.
اللهم اغفر لنا ولشيخنا وللمسلمين والمسلمات
O Allah, forgive us, our Sheikh, and the Muslims and Muslim women.
أما بعد فيقول المؤلف وفقه الله بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
As for what comes after, the author says, may God grant him success, in the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
الحمد لله رب العالمين
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.
وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له
And I bear witness that there is no deity except Allah, alone, with no partner.
وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله
And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.
صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
May blessings be upon him, his family, and all his companions.
فإن أولى ما صرفت فيه الهمم والعزائم
"Indeed, the foremost thing that efforts and determination should be directed towards."
إصلاح القلوب وعلاجها وحفظ صحتها
Healing and treating the hearts and preserving their health.
ودفع أسقامها وحمايتها مما يفسدها
And to drive away its ailments and protect it from what corrupts it.
وهو المقصود بالقصد الأول
And this is what is meant by the first intention.
لعظم خطرها وشدة تأثيرها على الأبدان
Due to its great danger and strong effect on the bodies.
صلاحا أو فسادا
Righteousness or corruption
كما قال صلى الله عليه وسلم
As the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said.
ألا وإن في الجسد مضغة
"Indeed, there is a morsel of flesh in the body."
إذا صلحت صلح الجسد كله
If it is sound, the whole body is sound.
وإذا فسدت فسد الجسد كله
And if it becomes corrupt, the whole body becomes corrupt.
ألا وهي القلب
That is the heart.
قال الحسن البصري رحمه الله
Al-Hasan al-Basri, may Allah have mercy on him, said.
لرجل داوي قلبك
For a man, heal your heart.
فإن حاجة الله إلى العباد صلاح قلوبهم
Indeed, God's need for the servants is the righteousness of their hearts.
أي أن مراده منهم إصلاح القلوب
His intention for them is to purify the hearts.
التي بصلاحها يصلح البدن
"Through its righteousness, the body is rectified."
وبفسادها يفسد
With its corruption, it corrupts.
وهذه سلسلة نافعة في إصلاح القلوب
This is a beneficial series in reforming the hearts.
قدمتها في حلقات يومية
I presented it in daily episodes.
عبر قناة السنة النبوية
Through the Sunnah Channel.
أرجو الله تعالى أن يعظم بها النفع والبركة
I pray to Allah Almighty to grant great benefit and blessings through it.
وأن يجعلها معونة لنا أجمعين
"And may He make it a help for us all."
على صلاح قلوبنا
For the righteousness of our hearts.
فهي طوع تدبيره سبحانه
"It is under His divine management."
وهو وليها ومولاها لا شريك له
He is her guardian and her protector, there is no partner with Him.
وصلى الله وسلم على عبده ورسوله
And may peace and blessings be upon His servant and messenger.
نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه أجمعين
Our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and all his companions.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
الحمد لله رب العالمين
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له
And I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, with no partner to Him.
وأشهد أن محمد عبده ورسوله
And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.
صلى الله وسلم عليه
May peace and blessings be upon him.
وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين
And upon his family and all his companions.
اللهم علمنا ما ينفعنا
O Allah, teach us what benefits us.
وانفعنا بما علمتنا
"And benefit us with what You have taught us."
وزدنا علما
And grant us more knowledge.
وهدنا إليك صلى الله عليه وسلم
And we are guided to You, may peace be upon him.
سراطا مستقيمة
A straight path.
اللهم آت نفوسنا تقواها
O Allah, grant our souls their righteousness.
زكيها أنت خير من زكاها
You are the best at praising her.
أنت وليها ومولاها
You are her guardian and protector.
أما بعد
Now then,
هذا المؤلف
This author
الذي بين أيدينا
What is in our hands.
And its title.
أحاديث إصلاح القلوب
The Talks on the Reform of Hearts
أو أحاديث
Or hadiths.
نعم أحاديث إصلاح القلوب
Yes, the hadiths of heart reform.
هو في موضوع
He is in a topic.
أحاديث إصلاح القلوب
Talks on the Reform of Hearts
غاية في الأهمية
Extremely important
وكل مسلم
And every Muslim
يحتاج أن
Needs to
تكون له عناية
He will have care.
بأمر القلب
By the command of the heart.
And its reform.
صلاح القلب
Righteousness of the heart.
صلاح كل شيء
The rectification of everything.
وفساد القلب
And the corruption of the heart.
فساد كل شيء
Corruption of everything.
وما يكون
And what happens
في هذا القلب
In this heart.
من مرادات حسنة
Of good intentions.
من مرادات سيئة
From bad intentions.
لا يمكن أن تتخلف
You cannot be delayed.
الجوارح عنها
The predators about it.
كما سيأتي معنا
As will come to us.
في الحديث
In the conversation.
ألا وإن في الجسد مضغة
"Indeed, there is in the body a morsel."
إذا صلحت
If it is fixed.
صلح الجسد كله
The whole body is healed.
وإذا فسدت
And if it becomes corrupted.
فسد الجسد كله
The whole body has become corrupt.
ألا وهي القلب
And it is the heart.
وكما هو واضح
As is clear
في هذا الحديث
In this hadith.
عن هذه المضغة
About this morsel.
التي هي القلب
which is the heart
وأنها قد تكون صالحة
And it may be valid.
وقد تكون فاسدة
And it may be corrupt.
وأنها إذا صلحت
And if it is corrected.
يترتب عليها
It is incumbent upon her.
صلاح البدن كله
The well-being of the whole body.
وإذا فسدت ترتب عليها
And if it becomes corrupt, consequences follow.
أيضا فساد البدن كله
Also the corruption of the whole body.
وهذا يدل على خطورة
This indicates the seriousness.
هذه المضغة
This morsel.
مضغة صغيرة جدا
A very small morsel.
لكن هي الذي لها
But she is the one who has it.
The effect
أثر على السمع
Effect on hearing
على البصر
In sight.
على اللسان
On the tongue
على اليد
On the hand.
على الفرج
On the relief.
على القدم
On the foot.
لها أثر على البدن كله
It has an effect on the whole body.
صلاحا أو فسادا
Righteousness or corruption.
لأن صلاح البدن
For the well-being of the body.
أو فساده
Or its corruption.
بحسب حال القلب
According to the state of the heart.
ولهذا كان من المهم
That's why it was important.
غاية الأهمية
Of utmost importance.
أن تعظم عناية كل مسلم
That the care of every Muslim be esteemed.
بإصلاح قلبه
By repairing his heart.
ومداوات نفسه
And healing himself.
ومعرفة ما يكون به
And knowing what it entails.
صلاح القلب
Purity of the heart
ليفعل ذلك
Let him do that.
وأيضا معرفة ما به
And also knowing what it is about.
فساد القلب
Corruption of the heart
ليجتنب ذلك
Let him avoid that.
وفي هذا الكتاب
In this book
جمع المؤلف
The author gathered.
In it
جملة كبيرة جدا
A very big sentence.
من الأحاديث
From the hadiths
المتعلقة بالقلب
Related to the heart.
لأن الكتاب
Because the book
كما هو واضح
As is clear.
في عنوان أحاديث صلاح القلوب
In the title of the Talks on the Purification of Hearts.
So we gathered.
جمع فيه أحاديث كثيرة جدا
It gathers a lot of very numerous hadiths.
في أصلاح القلب
In the rectification of the heart.
And made
لكل حديث
For every saying.
أو أحاديث
Or discussions.
A title.
تبرز فيه
It stands out in it.
هذه الأحاديث في أوله
These hadiths are at the beginning.
ثم يتبع ذلك بالشرح
Then it is followed by the explanation.
And the statement.
and the clarification
So I think.
والله تعالى أعلم
And Allah knows best.
أنه جمع نصوصا
He collected texts.
عظيمة جدا ومهنة
Very great and a profession.
من أحاديث الرسول
From the sayings of the Prophet.
الكريم عليه الصلاة والسلام
The generous, peace be upon him.
حريم بكل
Harem everywhere.
المسلم أن يتدبرها
It is incumbent upon the Muslim to reflect upon it.
ولهذا وصيتي
And for this, my advice is.
لكل من يقرأ
To everyone who reads.
هذا الكتاب
This book
أن يكون
To be
أن تكون عنايته
To be his concern.
على فهم الأحاديث
On understanding the hadiths.
التي صدر بها
that was issued with
صدر بها
It was issued.
كل فصل
Every chapter
أو صدر بها
Or it was issued by it.
كل عنوان
Every title
يعتني بفهم هذه الأحاديث
He cares about understanding these hadiths.
والشرح الذي أتبعت به
And the explanation that you followed.
هذه الأحاديث
These are the hadiths.
يعينه على ذلك
He helps him with that.
يعينه على فهم هذه الأحاديث
It helps him understand these hadiths.
فإذا فهم المسلم
"When the Muslim understands"
هذه الأحاديث فهما صحيحا
These hadiths are understood correctly.
وجاهد نفسه
And he struggled with himself.
على العمل
On the work.
In it
كان ذلك موجبا
That was obligatory.
بإذن الله سبحانه وتعالى
God willing.
لصلاح قلبه
For the rectification of his heart.
وليعلم أولا وآخرا
And let him know, first and last.
أن صلاح قلبه بيد الله
The righteousness of his heart is in the hands of God.
عز وجل
The Almighty, the Exalted.
ولهذا عليه
And for this reason, upon him.
مع بدل هذه الأسباب
With the change of these reasons.
أن يكثر من سؤال ربه سبحانه وتعالى
To frequently ask his Lord, glory be to Him.
أن يصلح قلبه
To rectify his heart.
وأن يزكي نفسه
And to purify himself.
وأن يؤتي نفسه تقواها
"And that he should give his soul its due of piety."
فإنه تبارك وتعالى
Indeed, He is blessed and exalted.
هو وليها ومولاها
He is her guardian and protector.
فيكثر من دعاء الله
So increase your supplication to God.
سبحانه وتعالى
Glory be to Him, the Exalted.
ثم يتبع ذلك بالمجاهدة
Then it is followed by striving.
مجاهدة النفس
Struggling with oneself
والله تعالى يقول
And Allah Almighty says
والذين جاهدوا فينا
And those who strive in Our cause.
لنهدينهم سبوا لنا
"Let us guide them, they have cursed us."
وإن الله لمع المحسنين
And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good.
وأسأل الله عز وجل
And I ask Allah, the Exalted.
الذي يسر لنا جميعا
What makes it easy for all of us.
هذا الكتاب والجلوس لمذاكرتي
This book and sitting down to study with me.
أن يجعل ذلك حجة لنا لعلينا
"To make that an argument for us rather than against us."
وأن يجعل ذلك سببا لصلاح قلوبنا
"And may He make that a reason for the righteousness of our hearts."
وأن ينفعنا
And to benefit us.
وأن ينفعنا لنا لعلينا
"And may it be beneficial to us, perhaps for us."
سبحانه وتعالى بما
Glory be to Him, the Exalted.
علمنا وأن يزيدنا علما
"Teach us and increase us in knowledge."
And success.
إنه تبارك وتعالى
Indeed, He is the Blessed and Exalted.
سميع الدعاء
The All-Hearing of supplication.
وهو أهل الرجاء وهو حسبنا
He is worthy of hope, and He is sufficient for us.
ونعم الوكيل
And yes, the best disposer of affairs.
فصل القلب هو الأصل
The heart's separation is the origin.
عن النعمان بن بشير
Regarding An-Nu'man ibn Bashir.
رضي الله عنهما قال
May Allah be pleased with them both, he said.
سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.
He says.
وأهو النعمان بإصبعيه إلى أذنيه
And he (the man) pointed with his two fingers to his ears.
إن الحلال بإصبعه
"Indeed, what is permissible is in his finger."
بين وإن الحرام بين
Between it is clear, and the forbidden is clear.
وبينهما مشتبهات
And between them are ambiguous matters.
لا يعلمهن كثير من الناس
Many people do not know them.
فمن اتقى الشبهات
Whoever avoids the doubts.
استبرأ لدينه وعرضه
He cleared himself for his religion and honor.
ومن وقع في الشبهات
And whoever falls into doubts.
وقع في الحرام
He fell into wrongdoing.
كالراعي يرعى حول الحمى
Like a shepherd tending around the pasture.
يوشك أن يرتع فيه
It is about to graze in it.
ألا وإن لكل ملك حمى
"Indeed, every king has a sanctuary."
ألا وإن حمى الله محارمه
"Indeed, the sanctuary of Allah is His prohibitions."
ألا وإن في الجسد مضغة
"Indeed, there is a piece of flesh in the body."
إذا صلحت صلح الجسد كله
If it is rectified, the whole body is rectified.
وإذا فسدت فسد الجسد كله
And if it corrupts, the whole body corrupts.
ألا وهي القلب متفق عليه
"Isn't it the heart that is agreed upon?"
في الصلاحة أو الفساد
In reform or corruption.
فالجوارح حالها بحسب حال القلب
"The actions of the limbs are correlated to the state of the heart."
إن صلحة واستقام
If he is righteous and upright.
صلحت واستقامت
It became right and straight.
وإن فسدت وعوج
And if it becomes corrupt and crooked.
فسدت وعوجت
It became corrupt and distorted.
ومقصود هذا الحديث أن ينتبه كل مسلم
The purpose of this hadith is for every Muslim to pay attention.
إلى أهمية القلب وأسلاحه
To the importance of the heart and its weapons.
وأيضا أن يحذر أشد الحذر
And also to be very cautious.
من فساد القلب
From the corruption of the heart.
ويتجنب الأسباب والوسائل
And he avoids the causes and means.
التي تفضي بقلبه إلى المرض والفساد
That leads his heart to illness and corruption.
هذا الحديث
This hadith.
وهو أول حديث في هذا الكتاب
And this is the first حدیث in this book.
يرويه النعمان بن بشير
Narrated by Al-Nu'man ibn Bashir.
النعمان بن بشير
Al-Nu'man ibn Bashir
رضي الله عنه وعن أبيه
May Allah be pleased with him and his father.
وعن الصحابة أجمعين
And concerning all the companions.
من صغار الصحابة
From the younger companions.
ولما توفي النبي
And when the Prophet passed away
عليه الصلاة والسلام
Peace be upon him.
كان عمر النعمان ثمان سنوات
Omar Al-Nu'man was eight years old.
عمره ثمان سنوات
He is eight years old.
وحفظ للأمة
And a preservation for the nation.
في هذا السن الصغير
At this young age.
يعني الآن قد يكون سمعه من النبي
It means that he may have heard it from the Prophet now.
عليه الصلاة والسلام
Peace be upon him.
وهو ابن ست سنوات
He is six years old.
أو ابن سبع سنوات
Or a seven-year-old boy.
لكن حفظ رضي الله عنه للأمة
But the preservation of the nation by him, may Allah be pleased with him.
هذا الحديث العظيم
This great hadith.
وهنا ألفت لفتة
Here, I draw attention to the point.
أن رواية هذا الصحابي
That the narration of this companion.
The Companions.
The small one.
لهذا الحديث العظيم الكبير
For this great and significant hadith.
هذا الموضوع
This topic
Subject matter.
أن ينشى عليها الصغار
For the young to grow up on it.
كما أنه ينبغي
It should also be.
أن يعتنى
To be taken care of.
بمدارسته الكبار
By studying with the elders.
فهذا صحابي
This is my companion.
سمع هذا الحديث
He heard this حديث (narration).
من النبي
Who is the prophet?
عليه الصلاة والسلام
Peace be upon him.
وهو في سن صغيرة من عمره
And he is at a young age.
And he preserved it.
And he controlled it.
ورواه للأمة
"And he narrated it for the nation."
قال عليه الصلاة والسلام
He said, peace be upon him.
نضر الله امرأة
May God illuminate the face of a woman.
سمع مقالتي فوعاها
"He heard my words and heeded them."
And He preserved it.
وأداها كما سمعها
And he performed it as he heard it.
هكذا فعل رضي الله عنه
Thus he did, may Allah be pleased with him.
وهذا الحديث
And this hadith.
مسائل عديدة
Many issues.
He started it.
النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام
The Prophet, peace be upon him.
بالحلال والحرام
By what is lawful and unlawful.
He said.
إن الحلال بين
Indeed, the permissible is clear.
وإن الحرام بين
"And indeed, the unlawful is clear."
يعني واضح
It means clear.
معنى بين
The meaning of "between".
أي واضح ظاهر
Any clear evident.
الحلال بين
What is halal is clear.
أي ما بينه الله في كتابه
What Allah has explained in His Book.
وبينه رسوله
"And His Messenger among them."
صلى الله عليه وسلم
Peace be upon him.
في سنته
In his year.
والحرام بين
And the forbidden is clear.
ما حرمه الله
What God has forbidden.
في كتابه
In his book
وحرمه رسوله
And his messenger prohibited it.
صلى الله عليه وسلم
Peace be upon him.
في سنته
In his year.
بين الحلال والحرام
Between the lawful and the unlawful.
أمور مشتبهات
Suspicious matters.
معنى مشتبهات
The meaning of "mushtabehat" is "doubtful matters."
أي لا يدري
That is, he does not know.
الناظر فيها
The one who looks into it.
أهي من الحلال البين
Is it from the clear lawful?
أو من الحرام
Or from the forbidden.
The transient.
تشتبه على
You are suspected of.
The spectator.
وهذا الاشتباه
And this suspicion.
ليس يحصل لكل الناس
Not everyone gets it.
وإنما يحصل لكثير منهم
And it only happens to many of them.
ممن حظهم من العلم الشرعي ضعيف
Those who have a weak share of religious knowledge.
أما أهل العلم الراسخون فيه
As for the people of deep knowledge in it
فإن المشتبه ينجل عندهم بما آتاهم الله من العلم
The ambiguous will be clarified for them by what God has given them of knowledge.
ووفقهم الله له من البصيرة والفهم
And Allah granted them insight and understanding.
ولهذا قال لا يعلمهن كثير من الناس
"And for this reason, he said that many people do not know them."
بمعنى أن بعض الناس وهم العلماء الراسخون يعرفون
This means that some people, namely the knowledgeable scholars, know.
هل هو من الحلال أو من الحرام
Is it from what is permissible or what is forbidden?
ولهذا تجد كثيرا ما يحصل
And for this reason, you often find that it happens.
بعض السائلين تشكل عليها مسألة
Some questioners are confused about the issue.
ويأتي إلى العالم ويقول ما حكم التعامل بكذا
He comes to the world and says, what is the ruling on dealing with such and such?
أو ما حكم البيع الفلاني أو ما حكم المسألة الفلانية
What is the ruling on that particular sale or what is the ruling on that particular issue?
وهي مشتبه غاية الاشتباه على السائل
It is highly suspicious to the inquirer.
فيقول لها العالم
So the scholar says to her.
هذه دل الدليل الفلاني أنها مباحة
This is the evidence that it is permissible.
أو أنها غير مباحة
Or it is not permissible.
ثم يروي الحديث
Then he narrates the hadith.
ثم يذكر وجه الدلالة إلى غير ذلك
Then he mentions the evidence for other than that.
مما آتاه الله سبحانه وتعالى من فهم وبصيرة
"From what Allah Almighty has granted him of understanding and insight."
ثم يرشد عليه الصلاة والسلام إلى الموقف الصحيح
Then he, peace be upon him, guides to the correct stance.
عندما يكون الأمر مشتبها على الإنسان
When something is doubtful to a person.
لم يستبن بعد حكمه أحلال هو أو حرام
He has not yet clarified whether it is permissible or forbidden.
ماذا يصنع
What does he make?
قال فمن اتقى الشبهات
He said, "So whoever avoids doubtful matters..."
استبرأ لدينه وعرضه
He sought to safeguard his religion and honor.
أرشد عليه الصلاة والسلام إلى اتقاء المشتبه
He, peace be upon him, guided to avoid the doubtful matters.
والتوقف فيه
"And stopping in it."
حتى يظهر أمره
Until his matter becomes clear.
فإن هذا في استبراء للدين
This is a matter of purifying the religion.
أي بينه وبين الرب
What evidence does he have with the Lord?
Glory be to Him.
واستبراء للعرض
And to ensure purity of reputation.
أي بينه وبين الناس
What is between him and the people?
استبرأ لدينه وعرضه
He sought to protect his religion and honor.
ومن وقع في الشبهات
"Whoever falls into doubts..."
وقع في الحرام
Fell into sin.
وضرب على ذلك
And he emphasized that.
عليه الصلاة والسلام مثالا
Peace be upon him as an example.
قال كالراعي
He said like the shepherd.
يرعى حول الحمى
He pastures around the protected area.
ينشك أن يرتع فيه
It is likely to graze in it.
مثل رعي الأغنام
Like shepherding sheep.
إذا جاء إلى منطقة محمية
If he comes to a protected area.
ممنوع الدخول
No entry
لا دخول ماشية إليها
No entry for livestock allowed.
وأخذ أغنامه إلى قريب
And he took his sheep to a nearby place.
من هذا المكان المحمي
From this protected place.
ستدخل إلى المحم
You will enter the oven.
مثله تماما
Exactly like him.
الذي يستهين بالشبهات
He who trivializes doubts.
ولا يبالي
And he does not care.
استهانته بها تدخله أيضا
His underestimate of her also involves him.
في الحرام
In the forbidden.
وتوصله إليه
"And it brings it to him."
فمن اتقى الشبهات
"So whoever avoids doubts..."
فقد استبرأ لدينه وعرضه
He has cleared himself of his religion and his honor.
ومن وقع في الشبهات وقع في الحرام
Whoever falls into doubts falls into what is unlawful.
كالراعي يرعى حول الحمى
Like a shepherd tending around the pasture.
ينشك أن يرتع فيه
It is likely to graze in it.
ألا وإن لكل ملك حمى
"Indeed, every king has a sanctuary."
ألا وإن حمى الله محارمه
"Beware, the protection of God's prohibitions."
حمى الله التي نهى
May God protect what He has forbidden.
عباده سبحانه وتعالى
Worship of Him, Glory be to Him.
أن يقترفوها أو يرتكبوها
To commit it or to perpetrate it.
أو أن يقع فيها محارمه
Or that his prohibitions may occur in it.
أي التي حرم
Which one is prohibited?
سبحانه وتعالى
Glory be to Him, the Exalted.
على عباده
Upon His servants.
بيّن عليه الصلاة والسلام
He (peace be upon him) clarified.
خطورة القلب
The danger of the heart.
في هذا الأمر الذي ذكر في الحديث
In this matter mentioned in the Hadith.
وفي غيره من عموم أمور الدين
In other general matters of religion.
قال ألا وإن في الجسد
He said, "Indeed, in the body..."
A morsel.
إذا صلحت صلح الجسد كله
If it is rectified, the whole body is rectified.
وإذا فسدت فسد
And if it becomes corrupt, it corrupts.
الجسد كله
the whole body
ألا وهي القلب
That is the heart.
مضغة هذا إشارة إلى أنها
This morsel is a sign that it.
صغيرة جدا معنى مضغة
Very small, meaning a morsel.
أي بقدر مضغة الفنية
"To what extent is the artistic skill?"
صغيرة جدا
Very small
لكنها مع هذا الصغر
But with this smallness
الشديد غاية في الخطورة
The severe is extremely dangerous.
غاية في الخطورة
Extremely dangerous
وشاهدوا ذلك
And they witnessed that.
أن خطورة
That the danger
هذه المضغة الصغيرة
This small lump.
في جوف الإنسان
In the depths of man.
خطورتها على
Its danger to
الإنسان كله
The whole human.
بجميع جوارحه
With all his limbs.
And his feelings.
تأثيرا تاما
Complete effect
لأنه لا يمكن
Because it is not possible.
أن تتخلف الجوارح
That the birds lag behind.
عن مرادات القلوب
About the desires of the hearts
خيرا أو شرا
Good or evil.
صلاحا أو فسادا
Reform or corruption.
قال ألا إن في الجسد
He said: "Indeed, in the body..."
مضغة إذا صلحت
A morsel, if it is good.
صلح الجسد كله
The whole body is healed.
وإذا فسدت فسد الجسد
And if it is corrupted, the body is corrupted.
كله ألا وهي القلب
Everything except for it, which is the heart.
وهذا فيه تنبيه من
And this contains a warning from
نبينا عليه الصلاة والسلام
Our Prophet, peace be upon him.
لكل مسلم أن يهتم
Every Muslim should care.
بإصلاح قلبه
By fixing his heart.
وأن يحذر من فساده
And to beware of its corruption.
وأن يعلم أن القلب
And to know that the heart
إذا صلح
If it is fixed.
صلحت الجوارح
The limbs have been repaired.
كلها وإذا فسد
All of it, and if it becomes corrupt.
فسدت الجوارح
The limbs became corrupted.
كلها فوجب
All of it was necessary.
على كل مسلم أن يعتني
Every Muslim must take care.
عناية عظيمة دقيقة
Great and meticulous care.
بإصلاح قلبه
By fixing his heart.
And he takes.
الوسائل والأسباب
Means and causes
المشروعة المعينة
The specified project
على ذلك وأيضا في الوقت
On that and also at the time
يبتعد عن الأسباب الموجبة
He stays away from the reasons that cause it.
لفساد القلب
For the corruption of the heart.
وفي كل ذلك يدعو الله
And in all of that, God is calling.
سبحانه وتعالى
Glory be to Him, the Most High.
فإن قلوب العباد
For the hearts of the servants
بين أصبعين من أصابع الرحمن
"Between two fingers of the Most Merciful."
يقلبها كيف يشاء
He turns it whichever way he wants.
قبل أن نمضي
Before we proceed.
يستحسن إضافة أما بعد
"It is preferable to add 'However'."
في المقدمة كأنها سقطت
In the introduction, it seems like it has fallen.
يعني بعد أجمعين
It means "after all."
أما بعد فإن أولى
As for what follows, the first is...
ما صرفت فيها
What did you spend on it?
الهمم نعم
The spirits, yes.
حسن الله ليكم
May Allah make it good for you.
يعد هذا الحديث أصلا عظيما
This hadith is a great principle.
في باب إصلاح القلوب
In the chapter on the healing of hearts.
وأن إصلاح الجوارح بصلاحه
"And the rectification of the limbs is through his righteousness."
وفسادها بفساده
"And its corruption is by its corruption."
قال الشيخ الإسلام
The Sheikh of Islam said.
ابن تيمية رحمه الله
Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him.
وفي الجملة القلب هو الأصل
In summary, the heart is the essence.
كما قال أبو هريرة رضي الله عنه
As Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, said.
القلب ملك
The heart is a king.
الأعضاء والأعضاء جنوده
The members and the members are his soldiers.
فإذا طاب الملك
"When the king becomes pleased."
طابت جنوده وإذا خبث
His soldiers are good, and if they are wicked.
خبثت جنوده
His soldiers became wicked.
وهذا كما في حديث
And this is as in the Hadith.
المعمان بن بشير رضي الله عنهما
Al-Mu'man ibn Bishir, may Allah be pleased with them.
المتفق عليه
The agreed upon.
أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
That the Prophet, may peace be upon him,
قال إن في الجسد مضغة
He said, "Indeed, there is a morsel in the body."
إذا صلحت صلح لها
If it is fixed, it will be good for it.
سائر الجسد
The rest of the body.
وإذا فسدت فسد لها سائر الجسد
And if it is corrupt, the whole body becomes corrupt.
ألا وهي القلب
And it is the heart.
نعم قول
Yes, say.
الشيخ الإسلام
The Sheikh of Islam
ابن تيمية رحمه الله
Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him.
في هذا البيان
In this statement
قال القلب هو الأصل
The heart is the essence.
القلب هو الأصل
The heart is the essence.
معنى هو الأصل
The meaning is the origin.
أي أن كل الأعمال
That is, all actions
التي تصدر من الإنسان
That which emanates from a person.
نابعة من أصل
Coming from a root.
هذه الأعمال وهو القلب
These works are the heart.
نابعة من أصل
Originating from origin
هذه الأعمال وهي القلب
These works are the heart.
فالقلب هو الأصل
The heart is the essence.
وإذا كان القلب هو الأصل
And if the heart is the essence.
فماذا تكون الجوارح
So what are the limbs?
القلب أصل
The heart is the origin.
إذن الجوارح تبع
So the birds of prey are a follow-up.
تبع له فيما عليها
He followed him concerning what was upon her.
القلب من صلاح أو فساد
The heart is either good or corrupt.
يقول شيخ الإسلام
The Sheikh of Islam says.
قال أبو هريرة
Abu Huraira said.
القلب ملك الأعضاء
The heart is the king of the organs.
والأعضاء جنوده
"And the members (organs) are its soldiers."
فإذا طاب الملك
"When the king is pleased."
طابت جنوده
His troops are splendid.
وإذا خبث
And if it becomes malicious.
خبثت الجنود
The soldiers were corrupted.
في موطن آخر من كتبه
In another part of his writings.
شيخ الإسلام
Sheikh of Islam
نبه إلى أن قول النبي
He pointed out that the Prophet said.
عليه الصلاة والسلام في حديث النعمان
Peace be upon him in the hadith of Al-Nu'man.
I finished.
بمعنى أن
This means that
The heart
إذا صلح
If it is repaired.
فالجوارح تصلح ولابد
The limbs must be fixed.
وإذا فسد
And if it becomes corrupt.
فالجوارح تفسد ولابد
For the limbs inevitably corrupt.
لأنها تبعية تامة
Because it is complete dependency.
تبعية للقلب
Dependency on the heart
إن صلح صلحت كلها
If the peace is made, everything else will be made right.
وإن فسد فسدت كلها
And if it corrupts, all of it corrupts.
والمثال الذي ذكره أبو هريرة
And the example that Abu Huraira mentioned.
المقصود منه التقريب
The intended meaning is approximation.
لهذا المعنى والتوضيح له
For this meaning and its clarification.
لكن كلام النبي
But the words of the Prophet.
عليه الصلاة والسلام أتم
Peace be upon him, completed.
لأن في المثال
Because in the example
الذي ذكر
The one mentioned.
في المثال الذي ذكر
In the mentioned example.
أبو هريرة رضي الله عنه
Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him.
الملك أو الرئيس
The king or the president.
قد يصلح ويكون
It may be corrected and become.
في الرعية من هو فاسد
In the congregation, who is corrupt?
وقد يفسد ويكون
It may spoil and be.
في الرعية من هو صالح
In the community, who is righteous?
لكن له أثر في الجملة
But it has an effect on the sentence.
له أثر في الجملة
It has an effect in the sentence.
أما القلب خلاف ذلك
As for the heart, it is different.
The heart
إذا صلح
If it is fixed.
لا يمكن أن يتخلف
Cannot lag behind.
أي من الجوارح
Which of the predators?
في أي دقيق من الأمور
In any specific matter.
عن القلب
About the heart
وإذا فسد فالأمر كذلك
And if it becomes corrupt, the matter is the same.
The predators
مع القلب
With the heart.
هي تابعة تبعية تامة
She is completely dependent.
قال رحمه الله
He said, may God have mercy on him.
فصلاحه وفساده يستلزم صلاح الجسد
His righteousness and corruption require the righteousness of the body.
and its corruption
فيكون هذا مما أبداه
This is what he has expressed.
لا مما أخفاه
No, what he hid.
وكل ما أوجبه الله تعالى
"And all that Allah, the Exalted, has obligated."
على العباد
Upon the servants.
لا بد أن يجب على القلب
The heart must be required.
فإنه الأصل
For it is the origin.
وإن وجب على غيره تبعا
"And if it is required of others as a consequence."
فالعبد المأمور المنهي
So the commanded servant is prohibited.
إنما يعلم بالأمر والنهي قلبه
"Only his heart knows about the command and the prohibition."
وإنما يقصد بالطاعة
What is meant by obedience
والامتثال القلب
And the heart's compliance.
والعلم بالمأمور والامتثال
Knowledge of the commanded and compliance.
يكون قبل وجود الفعل المأمور به
It occurs before the existence of the commanded action.
كالصلاة والزكاة والصيام
Like prayer, almsgiving, and fasting.
وإذا كان العبد
And if the servant
قد أعرض عن معرفة الأمر
I may refrain from knowing the matter.
وقصد الامتثال
And the intention of compliance.
كان أول المعصية منه
The first disobedience came from him.
بل كان هو العاصي
But he was the disobedient one.
وغيره تبع له في ذلك
"And others follow him in that."
ولهذا قال في حق الشقي
And for this reason, he spoke about the wretched.
فلا صدق ولا صلى
Neither believed nor prayed.
ولكن كذب وتولى الآيات
"But he denied and turned away from the verses."
وقال في حق السعداء
And he said about the fortunate ones.
إن الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات
Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds.
في غير موضع
In an inappropriate place.
والمأمور نوعان
There are two types of commands.
نوع هو عمل ظاهر على الجوارح
It is a type of work that is evident on the limbs.
وهذا لا يكون إلا بعلم القلب وإرادته
And this can only be achieved through the knowledge and will of the heart.
فإنه يتبع
For it follows.
فالقلب هو الأصل فيه
The heart is the essence of it.
كالوضوء والاغتسال
Like ablution and bathing.
وكأفعال الصلاة من القيام والركوع
And the acts of prayer such as standing and bowing.
والسجود وأفعال الحج من الوقوف والطواف
And prostration and the acts of pilgrimage, such as standing and circumambulation.
وإن كانت أقوالا
And if they were statements.
فالقلب أخص بها
"The heart is more specific to it."
فلابد أن يعلم القلب وجود ما يقوله
The heart must know the existence of what it says.
أو بما يقول ويقصده
Or by what he says and means.
نعم هذا كلام عظيم ومتين للغاية
Yes, this is very great and solid talk.
في بيان ما صدر به رحمه الله كلامه
In the statement of what he issued, may God have mercy on him, there are words.
وهو أن القلب هو الأصل
And that the heart is the origin.
أن القلب هو الأصل
That the heart is the essence.
الآن كما يذكر رحمه الله
Now, as he mentions, may God have mercy on him.
لو نظرنا إلى الواجبات الدينية
If we look at the religious obligations.
يعني مثلا الصلاة
For example, the prayer.
إلى غير ذلك من الطاعات التي أمر الله سبحانه وتعالى بها
"To other acts of obedience that Allah, the Exalted and Almighty, has commanded."
لابد في كل هذه الطاعات
There must be in all these acts of worship.
أن يجب على القلب فيها
That the heart must in it.
فيما تعلق بهذه الطاعات
Regarding these acts of worship.
وجوبا مقدم على نفس العمل
Mandatory is prioritized over the same work.
مقدم على نفس العمل
Applying for the same job.
لأن القلب هو الأصل
Because the heart is the essence.
فالمطلوب في جميع الطاعات
What is required in all acts of worship.
من القلب أولا
From the heart, first of all.
وتحديدا المطلوب من القلب
And specifically, what is required from the heart.
تجاه عموم الطاعات أمرا
In regard to general acts of obedience, it is a command.
العلم والقصد
Knowledge and intention.
العلم بالحق
Knowledge of the truth
And the intention
To understand it.
في فعل الحق
In the act of truth.
فإنه الأصل
For it is the origin.
وإن وجب على غيره
And if it is required of others.
تبعا فالعبد المأمور المنهي
Accordingly, the commanded servant is prohibited.
إنما يعلم بالأمر
The matter is known only by Him.
والنهي قلبه
"And the prohibition is its essence."
وإنما يقصد بالطاعة والامتثال القلب
The intention of obedience and compliance is the heart.
فإذن القلب أصل
So the heart is the essence.
الآن في جميع الطاعات
Now in all acts of obedience.
إلى غير ذلك
And so on.
الواجب على القلب
The duty of the heart.
فيها مقدم
It has a presenter.
لأنه البداية
Because it's the beginning.
بداية من جهتين
Beginning from two sides.
من جهة العلم
On the side of knowledge.
ومن جهة القصد
From the perspective of intention.
من جهة العلم
From the perspective of knowledge.
ومن جهة القصد
On the part of the intention
He says.
وإنما يقصد بالطاعة والامتثال القلب
What is meant by obedience and compliance is the heart.
والعلم بالمأمور والامتثال
Knowledge of the commanded and obedience.
يكون قبل وجود الفعل المأمور به
It should be before the existence of the commanded action.
إذن القلب أصل
So the heart is the origin.
لأن أولا العلم بالمأمور
Because, first of all, knowledge is about the commanded.
ليعمل به
To act upon it.
وأيضا العلم بالمنهي
And also the knowledge of what is forbidden.
ليترك وليجتنب
Let it be left and avoided.
He said.
But rather
يقصد بالطاعة
Obedience is meant.
هو الامتثال القلب
It is the compliance of the heart.
والعلم بالمأمور
And knowledge of the commanded.
الامتثال يكون قبل وجود الفعل
Compliance occurs before the action exists.
المأمور به
The commanded thing.
في الصلاة والزكاة والصيام
In prayer, almsgiving, and fasting.
وإذا كان العبد
And if the servant
قد أعرض
I may decline.
عن معرفة الأمر
About knowing the matter.
And aimed
هذان الأمران المطلوبان من القلب
These two matters are required from the heart.
معرفة الأمر
Knowing the matter
الشيء الذي أمر الله به
The thing that God has commanded.
وأيضا بعد المعرفة أن يقصد
And also after the knowledge that it is intended.
القلب ماذا
The heart, what?
انتثال هذا الذي أمره الله به
This is the compliance with what God has commanded him.
فإن أعرض القلب عن ذلك
If the heart turns away from that.
كان أول المعصية
It was the first sin.
From him
الضمير في قوله منه
The pronoun in the phrase "منه".
عائد على القلب
Return to the heart
الضمير في قوله منه
The pronoun in the phrase " منه"
عائد على القلب
Returned to the heart.
كان أول المعصية منه
The first disobedience came from him.
الآن لما يكون إنسان مستخف بالصلاة
Now, when a person is negligent about prayer.
By fasting
أو بالزكاة أو بالحج
Or by zakat or by pilgrimage.
أو متهاوم بالطاعات
Or one who is indifferent to good deeds.
أول المعصية عنده في استهانته
The first disobedience in his view is in trivializing it.
بهذه الطاعات أين
Where are these acts of worship?
His heart.
من جهة التفريط
On the side of negligence.
إما بالعلم أو من جهة التفريط
Either by knowledge or due to neglect.
On purpose
قال فأول المعصية
He said, "So the beginning of disobedience..."
كان أول المعصية منه
The first sin was from him.
بل كان
But it was
أي القلب
Which heart?
بل كان أي القلب هو العاصية
But rather, it was the heart that was rebellious.
بل كان القلب
Rather, it was the heart.
هو العاصي
He is the sinner.
وغيره تبع له في ذلك
And others followed him in that.
لأنه هو الأصل
Because it is the origin.
هو الأساس في الصلاة
It is the foundation of prayer.
and corruption
فالطاعة هو المعصية
Obedience is disobedience.
في الكفر والإيمان
In disbelief and faith.
في الهداية والضلال
In guidance and misguidance.
القلب هو الأساس
The heart is the foundation.
بل كان هو العاصي
But he was the disobedient one.
وغيره تبع له في ذلك
"And others follow him in that."
ولهذا قال الله عز وجل
And for this, Allah, the Exalted, said.
في حق الشقي
In the right of the wretched.
فلا صدق
So he did not speak the truth.
هذه أين
Where is this?
فلا صدق
So it is not true.
هذه أين في القلب
This is where the heart is.
ولا صلى
And he did not pray.
هذا الآن تبع للتصديق
This is now subject to confirmation.
بمعنى أنه لو صدق
It means that if it were true.
تمام التصديق
Full verification.
لا إنقادت الجوارح
No, the limbs did not yield.
And it became straight.
قال فلا صدق
He said, "So he did not believe."
يعني قلبه فاسد
It means his heart is corrupt.
إذا فسد القلب
If the heart becomes corrupt
تتبع الجوارح فسادا
The predators follow corruption.
فلا صدق ولا صلى
He neither believed nor prayed.
The happy ones.
الله عز وجل في آيات كثيرة من القرآن
Allah, the Exalted and Almighty, in many verses of the Quran.
قال إن الذين آمنوا
He said that those who have believed
وعملوا الصالحات
And they performed righteous deeds.
الإيمان هنا ما في القلب
Faith is what is in the heart.
فإذا عمر القلب
So when the heart is alive
ماذا يكون شأن الجوارح
What is the fate of the predatory animals?
العمل الصالح
Good deeds
يكون شأن الجوارح
The matter of the birds of prey.
العمل الصالح
Good deeds
إن الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات
Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds.
ولهذا إذا عمر القلب حقيقة
And for this reason, if the heart truly thrives.
With faith.
على العمل الصالح
On good deeds.
قال والمأمور نوعان
He said that the commanded ones are of two types.
نوع هو عمل ظاهر على الجوارح
It is a type of work that is evident in the limbs.
وهذا لا يكون إلا بعلم القلب وإرادته
And this can only be achieved through the knowledge and will of the heart.
فالقلب هو الأصل
The heart is the essence.
وهذا إما أعمال وإما أقوال
This is either actions or statements.
إذا كانت أقوالا فالقلب أيضا أخص بها
"If they are sayings, the heart is also more specific to them."
وسيأتي معنا حديث خاص في هذا الباب
There will be a special discussion with us on this subject.
العلاقة بين القلب واللسان
The relationship between the heart and the tongue.
وسيأتي الكلام عليها
The discussion will come to it.
فإذا في باب الأقوال وباب الأعمال
"So in the chapter of sayings and the chapter of actions."
لابد من علم القلب
There must be knowledge of the heart.
ولابد من قصد القلب
And there must be an intention of the heart.
قال فلابد أن يعلم القلب
He said, "The heart must be informed."
وجود ما يقوله أو بما يقول
There is what he says or what he says.
And he means it.
لابد أن يقصده
He must be referring to it.
فإذا علم وقصد نعم
"So, if he knows and intends, yes."
فتبين بهذا أن القلب
It becomes clear from this that the heart
هو الأصل في جميع الأفعال والأقوال
He is the origin of all actions and statements.
فما أمر الله تعالى به من الأفعال الظاهرة
What Allah Almighty has commanded regarding the apparent actions.
لابد فيها من معرفة القلب وقصده
It is necessary to know the heart and its intentions.
وكذلك ما أمر به من الأقوال
And likewise what has been commanded regarding the statements.
لابد فيها من معرفة القلب وقصده
It is essential to know the heart and its intention.
وبهذا أيضا يعلم أن القلب
And with this, it is also known that the heart...
إذا عمر بالإيمان بالله وحبه وتعظيمه
If one lives with faith in God, His love, and His glorification.
وخوفه ورجائه والتوكل عليه
And his fear, hope, and reliance upon Him.
وإخلاص الدين له
"And the sincerity of the religion to Him."
طابت الجوارح وصلحت
The limbs have become good and righteous.
بل لا يتعلم القلب
But the heart does not learn.
لا يتم شيء من المأمور به ظاهرا إلا بها
Nothing that is commanded is accomplished outwardly except through it.
وإلا فلو عمل أعمالا ظاهرة
Otherwise, if he performs apparent deeds.
بدون هذه
Without this.
كان منافقا
He was a hypocrite.
ثم هي في أنفسها توجب لصاحبها
Then it is, in itself, an obligation for its owner.
أعمالا ظاهرة
Visible works
توافقها في الزكاء والاستقامة
Her agreement in intelligence and righteousness.
فمعرفة أحكام القلوب
Understanding the rulings of the hearts
أهم من معرفة أحكام الجوارح
More important than knowing the rulings of the hunting birds.
إذ هي أصلها
Since it is its origin.
وأحكام الجوارح
And the rulings of predatory animals.
متفرعة عليها
Branching out from it.
وهي موطن نظر الرب
"It is the dwelling place of the Lord's gaze."
كما روى مسلم في صحيحه
As narrated by Muslim in his Sahih.
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه
Narrated by Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him.
قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said.
إن الله لا ينظر إلى أجسادكم
Indeed, God does not look at your bodies.
ولا إلى صوركم
"Nor to your images."
ولكن ينظر إلى قلوبكم
But He looks at your hearts.
وأشار بأصابعه إلى صدره
And he pointed with his fingers to his chest.
وروا مسلم وأحمد من حديث أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه
Muslim and Ahmad narrated from the hadith of Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him.
أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال
The Prophet, peace be upon him, said.
التقواها هنا
Her piety is here.
وأشار بيده إلى صدره
And he pointed with his hand to his chest.
ثلاث مرات
Three times.
نعم هذان الحديثان فيهما دلالة
Yes, these two hadiths indicate something.
على المقصود
On the intended meaning.
By their mention.
وهو أن معرفة أحكام القلوب
It is the knowledge of the rulings of the hearts.
أهم من معرفة أحكام الجوارح
More important than knowing the rulings of the hunters.
وكلها مهمة
And they are all important.
لكن أحكام القلوب أهم
But the judgments of the hearts are more important.
باعتبار أنها هي الأساس
Considering that it is the foundation.
وهي الأصل
It is the origin.
ويمحل نظر الرب سبحانه وتعالى
And the Lord's gaze is delayed, Glory be to Him.
ولكن ينظر إلى قلوبه
But he looks at their hearts.
ولهذا قد يكون الإنسان
And for this reason, a person may be.
مثلا في الظاهر
For example, on the surface.
يعمل أعمالا صالحة
He performs good deeds.
لا عن صلاح في قلبه
There is no righteousness in his heart.
وإنما مثلا مراءات للناس
"And it is merely an example of the people's disputes."
أو لمطامع
Or for ambitions.
أو لأشياء من هذا القبيل
Or things like that.
And the sight.
نظر الرب سبحانه وتعالى
The Lord looked, Exalted be He.
إنما هو
It is only him.
إلى القلب
To the heart
ثم ما يتبع ذلك
Then what follows after that.
من أجل
In order to
ما يتبع ذلك
What follows that
من صلاح وزكاء
From righteousness and purity.
And uprightness.
أو في حال فسادة
Or in the case of its corruption.
ما يتبع ذلك من
What follows that is
انحلال وانحراف
Dissolution and deviation.
وفي حديث أبي هريرة
In the narration of Abu Huraira
يقول عليه الصلاة والسلام
He says, peace be upon him.
التقوى ها هنا
"Piety is here."
وأشار بيده إلى صدره
He pointed to his chest with his hand.
ثلاث مرات
Three times
التقوى ها هنا
Piety is here.
أي منبعها
Which spring?
وأساسها وأصلها
Its foundation and origin
The heart
مثل ما قال
Just as he said.
The man
الله عز وجل في سورة الحج
God, the Exalted, in Surah Al-Hajj.
ذلك ومن يعظم شعائر الله
And whoever honors the symbols of Allah.
For indeed, it
من تقوى القلوب
From the piety of hearts.
انظر الآن
Look now.
تعظيم الشعائر
Exalting the rituals.
شعائر الحج
Rituals of Hajj
إذا وجد
If found
هذا راجع إلى ماذا
What is this due to?
إلى الأصل
To the original.
الذي هو القلب
which is the heart
إلى الأصل
To the original
الذي هو القلب
What is the heart.
قال التقوى ها هنا
He said, "Piety is here."
ويشير إلى صدره
And he points to his chest.
ثلاث مرات
Three times
لشاره ثلاث مرات
To gesture three times.
تأكيد لخطورة القلب
Confirmation of heart seriousness.
And importance
في باب التقوى وتحقيقه
In the matter of piety and its realization
And piety.
هي عمل
It is a job.
عمل بطاعة الله
Work in obedience to God.
على نور من الله
By the light of God.
رجاء ثواب الله
The reward of God, please.
وتركن لمعصية الله
"And they abandoned the disobedience to Allah."
على نور من الله
By the light of God.
خيفة عذاب الله
Fear of God's punishment.
لكن كل ذلك
But all of that
الأصل فيه القلب
The essence of it is the heart.
ولهذا التقوى
And for this, piety
ها هنا
Here it is.
في القلب لأنه المنبع
In the heart because it is the source.
For piety.
والمحرك لها
And its engine.
والمحقق لها
"And the investigator of it."
and its corruption
موجب لضد ذلك
Required against that.
فإذا هذا كله
So, this is all.
يؤكد أهمية
Emphasizes the importance.
العناية بأحكام
Care for the rulings.
The hearts
وأن العناية بها
And that caring for it
أهم من
More important than
معرفة أحكام الجوارح
Knowing the rulings of hunting animals
وكلها مهمة
And all of them are important.
ولا بد من العناية بها
It is necessary to take care of it.
فالقلوب هي الأساس
For the hearts are the foundation.
فإذا استقامت على تقوى الله
"When you uphold the fear of God..."
جل وعلا حقا وصدقا
Glory be to Him, truly and unquestionably.
استقامت الجوارح كلها
All the limbs became upright.
عملا بطاعة الله
In obedience to Allah.
وطلبا لنيل رضاه
And in seeking to earn his approval.
جل في علاه
Glory be to Him in the Highest.
وفي المسند عن أنس بن مالك
In the Musnad, from Anas ibn Malik.
رضي الله عنه قال
May Allah be pleased with him, he said.
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said.
لا يستقيم إيمان عبد
A servant's faith cannot be upright.
حتى يستقيم قلبه
Until his heart is set right.
قال الحافظ بن رجب رحمه الله
Hafiz Ibn Rajab, may Allah have mercy on him, said
هو المراد باستقامة إيمانه
He is what is meant by the uprightness of his faith.
استقامة أعمال جوارحه
The righteousness of one's actions and deeds.
فإن أعمال الجوارح
The actions of the limbs
لا تستقيم إلا باستقامة القلب
It can only be straightened with the straightness of the heart.
ومعنى استقامة القلب
The meaning of the rectitude of the heart.
أن يكون ممتلئا
To be full.
من محبة الله
From the love of God.
ومحبة طاعته
And the love of obeying Him.
وكراهة معصيته
And the aversion to disobeying Him.
نعم هذا حديث عظيم
Yes, this is a great Hadith.
في هذا الباب
In this section
قول النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام
The saying of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
لا يستقيم إيمان عبد
The faith of a servant is not complete.
حتى يستقيمه
Until he corrects it.
حتى يستقيم قلبه
Until his heart becomes straight.
ومعنى يستقيم قلبه
And the meaning of "his heart becomes upright."
أي على طاعة الله
Or in obedience to God.
وعلى محبة الله وطاعته
And upon the love of God and His obedience.
ومحبة رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم
And the love of His Messenger, peace be upon him.
And his followers.
فإذا استقام القلب
"When the heart is upright."
على المحبة لله
For the love of God.
والطاعة له
And obedience to him.
والاتباع لرسوله عليه الصلاة والسلام
And following his Messenger, peace be upon him.
استقامة الجوارح
Righteousness of the limbs
And His saying
لا يستقيم إيمان عبد
The faith of a servant does not stand straight.
أي لا تستقيم قلبه
His heart does not straighten.
أعماله لأن الأعمال
His works because the works
تسمى إيمانا مثل ما قال
It is called faith, just as he said.
الله عز وجل وما كان الله
Allah Almighty and what Allah was not.
ليضيع إيمانكم
"To lose your faith."
أي صلاتكم سمى الصلاة
Which of your prayers is called "the prayer"?
لأن الأعمال
Because of the works.
الصالحة كلها
The whole righteous.
داخلة في
Entering in
مسمى الإيمان
The term of faith.
قال لا يستقيم إيمان عبد
He said, "The faith of a servant will not be upright."
أي لا تستقيم أعماله على الصلاح
His deeds do not align with righteousness.
And the payment.
إلا إذا استقام القلب
Unless the heart is upright.
حتى يستقيم القلب
Until the heart becomes straight.
هذه كلمة مهمة جدا
This is a very important word.
قول ابن رجب
The saying of Ibn Rajab
استقامة القلب
Uprightness of the heart.
أن يكون ممتلئا
To be full.
من محبة الله
From the love of God.
ومحبة طاعته
And the love of obeying Him.
وكراهة معصيته
And the dislike of disobeying Him.
هذه الجملة عظيمة جدا في هذا الباب
This sentence is very great in this context.
استقامة القلب
The straightness of the heart.
معناها أن يكون ممتلئا
It means to be full.
من محبة الله ومحبة طاعته
From the love of God and the love of obedience to Him.
وكراهة معصيته
And the dislike of His disobedience.
وقال الحسن رحمه الله لرجل داوي قلبك فإن حاجة الله إلى العباد صلاح قلوبهم يعني أن مراده منهم ومطلوبه صلاح قلوبهم
Al-Hasan, may Allah have mercy on him, said to a man, "Heal your heart, for Allah's need for His servants is the righteousness of their hearts," meaning that His desire from them and what He asks of them is the righteousness of their hearts.
فلا صلاح للقلوب حتى تستقر فيها معرفة الله وعظمته ومحبته وخشيته ومهابته ورجاؤه والتوكل عليه وتمتلئ من ذلك وهذا هو حقيقة التوحيد وهو معنى لا إله إلا الله
There is no righteousness for hearts until the knowledge of God, His greatness, love, fear, awe, hope in Him, and reliance on Him settle within them and fill them up. This is the essence of monotheism and the meaning of "There is no god but Allah."
فلا صلاح للقلوب حتى يكون إلهها الذي تألهه وتعرفه وتحبه وتخشاه هو الله وحده لا شريك له
There is no rectification for the hearts until their deity, whom they worship, know, love, and fear, is God alone, without any partner.
ولو كان في السماوات والأرض إله يؤله سوى الله لفسدت بذلك السماوات والأرض كما قال تعالى لو كان فيهما آلهة إلا الله لفسدتا
And if there were gods in the heavens and the earth other than Allah, both would have certainly been corrupted, as Allah said: "If there were in them many gods besides Allah, they would both have been corrupted."
فعلم بذلك أنه لا صلاح للعالم العلوي والسفلي معا حتى تكون حركات قلوب أهلها كلها لله وحركات الجسد تابعة لحركة القلب وإرادته
It was understood that there can be no reform for the upper and lower worlds together until the movements of the hearts of their people are all for God, and the movements of the body are in accordance with the movement and will of the heart.
فإن كانت حركته وإرادته لله وإرادته
If his movement and will are for Allah and his will.
فقد صلح وصلحت حركات الجسد كله
The repair was made, and the movements of the whole body were corrected.
وإن كانت حركة القلب وإرادته لغير الله تعالى فسد وفسدت حركات الجسد بحسب فساد حركة القلب
If the movement of the heart and its intention are for someone other than Allah, then it becomes corrupt, and the movements of the body are corrupted accordingly based on the corruption of the heart's movement.
نعم أورد رحمه الله هذا الأثر عن الحسن رحمه الله تعالى حسن البصري
Yes, he cited this narration from Al-Hasan, may God have mercy on him, Al-Hasan Al-Basri.
قال لرجل داوي قلبك
He said to a man, "Heal your heart."
داوي قلبك يعني اعتني
Heal your heart, which means take care.
بمعالجة قلبك
By treating your heart.
اعتني بمعالجة قلبك
Take care of your heart's healing.
اعتني بمداوات القلب
Take care of healing the heart.
And he warned him.
إلى أهمية هذه المداوات
To the importance of these remedies.
قال فإن
He said, "So..."
حاجة الله
The need of God.
إلى العبد
To the servant.
صلاح قلوبه أو إلى العباد صلاح قلوبه
The righteousness of his heart or the righteousness of his servants' hearts.
والمقصود بقول حاجة الله
And the meaning of the saying the need of God.
إلى العباد
To the servants.
أي مراده منه
What does he want from it?
مراده سبحانه وتعالى من
What He, the Exalted, intends from
العباد ومطلوبه من
The servants and those required from.
العباد أن يصلح قلوبهم
The servants should rectify their hearts.
لأن القلب
Because the heart
الذي هو
which is
الأصل هو الأساس
The origin is the foundation.
إذا حصل
If it happens
له الصلاح وحصلت له
He has the authority and it has been granted to him.
استقامة الجوارح كلها
The straightness of all the limbs.
And I made amends.
قال رحمه
He said, "May God have mercy on him."
الله تعالى فلا صلاح
There is no righteousness except through God Almighty.
للقلوب حتى
For the hearts, even.
تستقر فيها
You settle in it.
معرفة الله وعظمته
Knowing God and His greatness
and His love
And I feared him.
and his awe
And his hope.
والتوكل عليه
And to place trust in Him.
وتمتلئ من ذلك
And it is filled with that.
وهذا هو حقيقة التوحيد
This is the truth of monotheism.
وهذا في لفتة عظيمة
And this is a great gesture.
من الإمام باب الرجل
From the Imam, the door of the man.
رحمه الله تعالى
May Allah have mercy on him.
أن أساس
That is the basis.
في القلب
In the heart.
صلاحه بالتوحيد للخالق
His righteousness is in the oneness of the Creator.
With unity.
توحيد الخالق
Unity of the Creator
الذي هو معنى لا إله إلا الله
Which is the meaning of "There is no god but Allah."
معنى لا إله إلا الله
The meaning of "There is no god but Allah."
فإذا صلح القلب
When the heart is righteous.
With the oneness (of God)
For the Creator.
تحقيقا للتوحيد
Realization of monotheism.
وعمر بذلك
And Omar did that.
مثل ما ذكر
As mentioned.
رحمه الله معرفة الله
May God have mercy on him, knowledge of God.
His love.
خشيته مهابته
I feared his awe.
رجاؤه التوكل عليه
His hope is to trust in Him.
هذه كلها
This is all.
أعمال قلوب
Works of Hearts
ما ردها إلى
What brought her back?
توحيد علام الغيوب
The Oneness of the Knower of the Unseen
سبحانه وتعالى
Glory be to Him, the Exalted.
فالأساس في القلب
The foundation is in the heart.
الأساس في الجوارح
The basis in the limbs.
هو القلب
It is the heart.
والأساس في صلاح القلب
The foundation of a healthy heart.
توحيد الله سبحانه وتعالى
The oneness of Allah, the Exalted and Most High.
وفي السنن عن النبي
In the Sunnah of the Prophet.
صلى الله عليه وسلم
Peace be upon him.
قال من أعطى لله
He said, "Whoever gives for the sake of God."
ومنع لله وأحب لله وأبغض لله
"And to prevent for the sake of Allah, and to love for the sake of Allah, and to hate for the sake of Allah."
فقد استكمل الإيمان
Faith has been completed.
ومعنى هذا أن حركات القلوب والجوارح
This means that the movements of the hearts and limbs
إذا كانت كلها لله
If it is all for God.
فقد كمل إيمان العبد بذلك ظاهرا وباطنا
The servant's faith has been completed in both outward and inward aspects.
ويلزم من صلاح حركات القلب صلاح حركات الجوارح
The rectification of the movements of the heart necessitates the rectification of the movements of the limbs.
فإذا كان القلب صالحا ليس فيه إلا إرادة الله
So if the heart is sound, there is nothing in it except the will of God.
وإرادة ما يريده لم تنبعث الجوارح إلا فيما يريده الله
And the will of what He wants has only arisen in the limbs when it is what God wants.
فسارعت إلى ما فيه رضاه وكفت عما يكرهه
So I hurried to what pleases him and refrained from what he dislikes.
وعما يخشى أن يكون مما يكرهه
And concerning what he fears may be something he hates.
وإن لم يتيقن ذلك
And if that is not certain.
انتهى كلامه رحمه الله
His speech has come to an end, may God have mercy on him.
ولهذا فإن أمر استقامة القلب
And for this reason, the matter of the heart's uprightness
وعما يخشى أن يكون مما يكرهه
"And about what he fears might be something he hates."
يعني مثل ما تقدم في حديث النعمان
It means as mentioned in the narration of Al-Nu'man.
فمن اتقى الشبهات
Whoever avoids doubts.
فهناك أمر يتيقن المرء أن الله يكرهه
There is a matter that one can be certain that God hates.
فيجب عليه أن يتقي
He must be cautious.
وهناك أمر يخشى أن يكون مما يكرهه الله
There is a matter that is feared to be something that God hates.
وإن لم يتيقن ذلك
And if he is not certain of that.
فأيضا يتقي ذلك
So it also protects against that.
استبراء لذينه بينه وبين الله
Clarification of his faith between himself and God.
واستبراء لعرضه بينه وبين الناس
"And to safeguard his honor before people."
كما تقدم في حديث النعمان
As mentioned in the talk of al-Nu'man.
ولهذا فإن أمر استقامة القلب أمر عظيم
For this reason, the matter of the heart's uprightness is a significant one.
فإن كثيرا من الناس
Indeed, many people
ربما يعنى باستقامة الظاهر
It may refer to the uprightness of the outward appearance.
ويغفل عن إقامة باطنه
And he neglects the establishment of his inner self.
على الطاعة وحسن الإقبال على الله سبحانه وتعالى
In obedience and with a good approach towards God, Blessed and Exalted.
والبعد بالقلب عن أدواء القلوب وأمراضها
And distancing the heart from the afflictions and diseases of the hearts.
التي تبعده عن الاستقامة
that keeps him away from righteousness
والقلوب تتسلل إليها أدواء وأسقام وأمراض
And diseases, ailments, and sicknesses infiltrate the hearts.
تضعف ما فيها من إيمان
It weakens the faith contained within it.
وتنقص ما فيها من دين وطاعة لله سبحانه وتعالى
"And it diminishes what is in it of faith and obedience to God, the Almighty."
ولهذا فإن من الاستقامة على طاعة القلب
Therefore, it is essential to maintain the integrity of the heart in obedience.
والمجاهدة في البعد بها عن الأمراض والأسقام التي تصيبها
And the struggle to keep it away from diseases and ailments that affect it.
فتسقمها وتمرضها
So she becomes ill and suffers from it.
فكما أن الأبدان تمرض
Just as bodies get sick
فإن القلوب تمرض
Indeed, hearts get sick.
بل مرضها أشد من مرض البدن وأخطر
But her illness is more severe than the illness of the body and more dangerous.
نعم يعني القلوب تمرض
Yes, that means hearts get sick.
لأن القلوب أوعية
Because hearts are vessels.
ويتسلل إليها هذه الأوعية
These vessels creep into it.
يتسلل إليها أمور قد تفسد القلب
Matters may creep into her that could corrupt the heart.
وتدخل عليها فسادا
"And you disturb her with corruption."
وغالبا هذا الذي يدخل على القلب
And often this is what enters the heart.
فيحدث له فسادا
It causes him corruption.
إما من جهة السمع أو من جهة البصر
Either from the point of hearing or from the point of sight.
ولهذا جمع بالقلب
And for this reason, it is gathered in the heart.
فإن هذه الثلاثة رب العالمين في قوله
For these three are the Lord of the worlds in His saying.
إن السمع والبصر والفؤاد
Indeed, the hearing, the sight, and the heart.
كل أولئك كان عنه مسؤول
All of that was his responsibility.
فيتسلل إلى القلب من جهة النظر أو من جهة السمع
It sneaks into the heart through sight or through hearing.
أمور تفسد القلب
Things that corrupt the heart.
وتمرضه إما بالشغهات أو بالشهوات
And it either makes him sick through greed or desires.
وسيأتي لاحقا تخصيل لذلك
There will be further clarification for that later.
لأن إذا كانت هذه حال القلوب
Because if this is the state of the hearts
أن يتسلل إليها أمور أسقام وأمراض
That ailments and diseases infiltrate her.
تضعف القلب وتنقص الدين
It weakens the heart and diminishes the faith.
فوجب على المرء أن يعمل على مداوات قلبه
It is necessary for a person to work on healing his heart.
مثل ما قال الحسن رحمه الله للرجل
Just like Al-Hasan, may Allah have mercy on him, said to the man.
داوي قلبك
Heal your heart.
داوي قلبك أي عالج القلب
Heal your heart, meaning treat the heart.
And he checked on him.
إذا شعرت أن القلب فيه مرض
If you feel that the heart is diseased.
من أمراض القلوب
Among the diseases of the hearts.
اعمل على إخراجها
Work on getting her out.
With prayer.
والمجاهدة للنفس
And striving against the self.
حتى تنطلد عن قلبك
Until it is out of your heart.
وتسلم من شرها وضرها
And be free from its evil and harm.
قال نعم لهذا
He said yes to this.
فإن من الاستقامة على طاعة الله
For indeed, being steadfast in obedience to Allah.
أن يحرص المرء على مداوات القلوب والنفوس
One should be keen on healing hearts and souls.
والمجاهدة في البعد بها
"And striving to stay away from it."
عن الأمراض والأسقام التي تصيبها
About the diseases and ailments that afflict it.
إذا كان البدن الظاهر
If the apparent body
He gets sick.
وإذا مرض صاحبه
And if his companion falls ill.
عمل على ماذا
What work?
على علاجه
On his treatment.
وطلب الدواء له
And he requested the medicine for him.
الذي يزول به هذا السقم
"That which removes this illness."
فإن القلب كذلك يمرض
The heart also gets sick.
ومرضه أخطر
And his illness is more serious.
والمضرة التي تترتب على مرض القلب
And the harm that results from heart disease.
أخطر من المضرة التي تترتب على البدن
More dangerous than the harm that results to the body.
مرض البدن
The disease of the body.
في حالة
In case
حق المؤمن كفاره وتمحيص
The حق of the believer is atonement and purification.
باب خير له
A door of goodness for him.
مرض البدن
Disease of the body.
هذا كفاره وتمحيصه
This is its expiation and purification.
حتى الشوكة يكفر بها من خطايا
Even a thorn can atone for sins.
لكن مرض القلب مهلكة
But heart disease is deadly.
مرض القلب سواء بالشبهات أو الشهوات
Heart disease, whether through doubts or desires.
هذه مهلكة عظيمة
This is a great calamity.
ولهذا يجب على الإنسان أن يكون اهتمامه
Therefore, a person should focus his attention.
بمداوات القلب
By healing the heart
أعظم من اهتمامه
Greater than his concern.
بمداوات البدن
By treating the body.
قلت لهم
I told them.
من أعظم ما ينبغي أن يعنى به
One of the greatest things that should be cared for.
تجاه القلب
Towards the heart.
العناية بسلامته
Caring for his safety.
من هذه الأمراض والأسقام
"From these diseases and ailments"
فهذا الذي ينفع العبد
This is what benefits the servant.
النفع العظيم
The great benefit.
يوم يلقى الله
The day one meets God.
ويقف بين يديه
"And stands before him."
Glory be to Him.
قال الله سبحانه
God Almighty said
يوم لا ينفع مال ولا بنون
A day when neither wealth nor children will benefit.
إلا من أتى الله بقلب سليم
Except for one who comes to Allah with a sound heart.
والقلب السليم
And the sound heart.
هو القلب الذي سلم من الشرك
It is the heart that is cleared from polytheism.
والشك وسلم من كل
And doubt is safe from everything.
أمر يسخط الله
An act that angers God.
وسلم من الإصرار على البدع والمعاصي
And he is safe from insisting on innovations and sins.
ويلزم من هذه السلامة
This safety is required.
من هذه الأشياء
From these things.
الاتصاف بأضدادها
Characterized by its opposites.
من الإخلاص لله
From sincerity to God.
واليقين والإقبال
Certainty and acceptance.
على طاعة الله ومحبة الله
In obedience to God and in love for God.
جل وعلا وتعظيمه
Exalted and glorified be He.
وتعظيم شرعه
And the glorification of His law.
فإن القلب
For the heart
إذا كان متصفا بهذه الأشياء
If he is characterized by these things.
سليما من أضدادها
Free from its opposites.
كان بذلك قلبا سليما
He had a sound heart.
له النجاة يوم القيامة
He has salvation on the Day of Judgment.
والفوز بالدرجات العلى
And winning the highest grades.
يوم يلقى الله سبحانه
The day one meets God, the Blessed and Exalted.
نعم في باب إصلاح القلوب
Yes, in the area of mending hearts.
باب إصلاح القلوب
The chapter of mending hearts.
جدير بكل من
It is worthy of anyone who
He works.
على إصلاح قلبه
On fixing his heart.
أن يكثر التأمل
To increase contemplation.
في قول الله تعالى
In the saying of Allah, the Exalted.
إلا من أتى الله بقلب سليم
Except for he who comes to Allah with a sound heart.
وهذا يؤكد لنا
And this confirms to us
الكلام السابق هو أن القلب هو الأصل
The previous statement is that the heart is the origin.
أن القلب
That the heart
هو الأصل
He is the origin.
محل نظر الرب سبحانه وتعالى
The place of the Lord's gaze, Glory be to Him.
إلا من أتى الله بقلب سليم
Except for one who comes to Allah with a sound heart.
يجعل هذه الآية
He makes this verse.
محل تأمله ونظره
The place of his contemplation and observation.
so that
يتعمل فيه
It is worked on.
هذه الآية أثرا في قلبه
This verse made an impression on his heart.
أثرا عظيما في قلبه
A great impact on his heart.
وهو المجاهدة
And he is the struggler.
المجاهدة إلى
Striving to
أن يكون
to be
القلب سليما
The heart is sound.
سلامها أولا من الشرك
"Peace is first from polytheism."
وعرفنا فيما سببه
"And we have known what caused it."
أن أعظم ما يصلح بالقلب التوحيد
The greatest thing that rectifies the heart is monotheism.
والسلامة من البدع
And safety from innovations.
لأن البدع أيضا
Because innovations also.
منها أشياء تتعلق بالقلب
Some of them are matters related to the heart.
وينبع عنها البدع الظاهرة
From it arise the apparent innovations.
فيعمل على إصلاح قلبه
He works on repairing his heart.
وكذلك المعاصي
And likewise, sins.
It avoids.
كل ما يصفط الله من شرك
Whatever God removes from associating partners with Him.
أو بدعة أو معصية
Either an innovation or a sin.
تحقيقا لسلامة قلبه
In pursuit of his heart's safety.
الموجب لنجاة يوم القيامة
The cause of salvation on the Day of Judgment.
يوم لا ينفع
A day when no benefit will be gained.
مال ولا بنون
Wealth and children.
إلا من أتى الله
Except for those who come to God.
بقلب سليم
With a sound heart.
قال ابن القيم رحمه الله
Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, said:
وقد اختلفت عبارات الناس
People's expressions have varied.
في معنى القلب السليم
In the meaning of the sound heart.
والأمر الجامع لذلك
And the overarching matter for that
أنه الذي قد سلم من كل شهوة
He is the one who has been freed from every desire.
تخالف أمر الله تعالى
You disobey the command of Allah Almighty.
And his prohibition
ومن كل شبهة تعارض خبره
"And from every doubt that contradicts his report."
فسلم من أجل قلبه
So he surrendered for the sake of his heart.
ومن أجل عبودية ما سواه
"And for the servitude of anything other than Him."
وسلم من تحكيم غير رسوله
And he is safe from ruling by anyone other than his Messenger.
صلى الله عليه وسلم
Peace be upon him.
فسلم في محبة الله
So submit in the love of God.
مع تحكيمه لرسوله
With his judgment upon his messenger.
صلى الله عليه وسلم
May peace and blessings be upon him.
في خوفه ورجائه
In his fear and hope.
والتوكل عليه والإنابة إليه
And placing trust in Him and turning to Him.
والذل إليه
"And humiliation to Him."
وإيثار مرضاته في كل حال
"And preferring His pleasure in every situation."
والتباعد من سخطه بكل طريق
"And distancing oneself from His wrath in every way."
وهذا هو حقيقة العبودية
And this is the reality of slavery.
التي لا تصلح إلا لله وحده
"Which is only suitable for God alone."
فالقلب السليم
The sound heart.
هو الذي سلم منه
He is the one who was spared from it.
وليس من أن يكون لغير الله فيه شرك بوجه ما
And it is not permissible for anyone other than God to share in it in any way.
بل قد خلصت عبوديته لله تعالى
Rather, his servitude to Allah, the Exalted, has been established.
إرادة ومحبة وتوكلا وإنابة وإخباة وخشية ورجاء
Will, love, reliance, repentance, secrecy, fear, and hope.
وخلص عمله لله
And he completed his work for God.
فإن أحب أحب في الله
"Whoever loves, let him love for the sake of Allah."
وإن أبغض أبغض في الله
"And if one hates, let him hate for the sake of Allah."
وإن أعطى أعطى لله
And if he gives, he gives for the sake of Allah.
وإن منع منع عن الله
"And if he is prevented, he is prevented from God."
ولا يكفي هذا حتى يسلم من الإنقاذ
This is not enough until he is saved from rescue.
والتحكيم لكل من عدا رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم
"And arbitration for anyone other than His Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace."
فيعقد قلبه معه عقدا محكما
He makes a strong bond with him.
على الإئتمام والاقتداء به وحده
In following and emulating him alone.
دون كل أحد في الأقوال والأعمال
"Without anyone in sayings and actions."
من أقوال القلب وهي العقائد
From the sayings of the heart, these are the beliefs.
وأقوال اللسان وهي الخبر عما في القلب
"And the statements of the tongue are a report about what is in the heart."
وأعمال القلب وهي الإرادة والمحبة والكراهة وتوابعها
And the actions of the heart are will, love, hatred, and their consequences.
وأعمال الجوارح
And the actions of the limbs.
فيكون الحاكم عليه
So he will be judged by him.
في ذلك كله دقه وجله
"In all of that, there is detail and generality."
هو ما جاء به الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم
It is what the Messenger, peace be upon him, brought.
فلا يتقدم بين يديه بعقيدة ولا قول ولا عمل
"Nothing should precede him in belief, speech, or action."
كما قال الله تعالى
As Allah, the Exalted, said.
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تُقَدِّمُوا بَيْنَ يَدَيِ اللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ
O you who have believed, do not put [anything] before Allah and His Messenger.
أي لا تقول حتى يقول ولا تفعل حتى يأمر
Do not speak until he speaks, and do not act until he orders.
قال بعض السلف ما من فعلة وإن فعلتها
Some of the predecessors said: "There is no action, no matter how small, that you have done."
إن صغرت إلا ينشر لها ديواناني لما وكيف
"If it is small, it does not publish its two diwanas, when and how."
أي لما فعلت وكيف فعلت
What you did and how you did it.
هنا كلام عظيم جدا
Here is very great speech.
للإمام ابن القيم رحمه الله تعالى
For Imam Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him.
في معنى سلامة القلب
In the meaning of the safety of the heart.
معنى سلامة القلب
The meaning of قلب سلطة is "the soundness of the heart."
بما يكون القلب سليما
When the heart is sound.
وذكر رحمه الله تعالى أن
And he mentioned, may Allah have mercy on him, that...
عبارات أهل العلم
Expressions of the people of knowledge
I disagreed.
في معنى القلب السليم
In the meaning of a sound heart.
لكن يجمع
But it brings together.
كل ما قاله أهل العلم
Everything that the scholars have said.
في معنى القلب السليم
In the meaning of the sound heart.
أن يكون سالم من الشهوة
To be free from desire.
وسالم من الشبهة
And free from doubt.
الشهوة هذه تتعلق بجانب العمل
This desire relates to the aspect of work.
والشبهة تتعلق بجانب العلم
The doubt pertains to the aspect of knowledge.
فيكون القلب سالم من الشهوات
Thus, the heart is free from desires.
سالم من الشهوات
Free from desires.
وسالم من الشبهات
And safe from doubts.
وكل منهما
And each of them.
يعد مرض في القلب
It is considered a heart disease.
لأن المرض الذي يكون في القلب
Because the disease that is in the heart
مرده إلى هذين النعيم
It is attributed to these two delights.
إما مرض الشهوة
Either the disease of desire.
أو مرض الشبهة
Or the disease of suspicion.
فالقلب السليم
The sound heart.
الذي يأتي سليما من كل شهوة
He who comes free from every desire.
تخالف أمر الله ونهيه
Disobeying God's command and prohibition.
ومن كل شبهة تعارضه
"And from every suspicion that contradicts it."
إذن الشهوة تتعلق بالأوامر والنواهي
So desire relates to commands and prohibitions.
والشبهة تتعلق بالأخبار
And the suspicion pertains to the reports.
الذي هو جانب العلم
which is the side of knowledge
فسلم من عبودية ما سواه
So he is saved from the servitude of others.
وسلم من تحكيم غير رسوله
"And he who submits to the judgment of others than His Messenger."
صلى الله عليه وسلم
Peace be upon him.
هذان أمران
These are two matters.
يعني يرتكز عليهم أمر السلامة للقلب
It means that the matter of heart safety relies on them.
الأمر الأول
The first matter
سلامة من عبودية ما سوى الله
Safety from the servitude of anything other than God.
هذا التوحيد
This is monotheism.
الثاني سلامة من تحكيم غير الرسول
The second is safety from judging by anyone other than the Messenger.
عليه الصلاة والسلام
Peace be upon him
وهذا الاتباع
And this following
And he names them.
بعض أهل العلم
Some scholars
توحيد المرسل
Unity of the Sender
وتوحيد المرسل
And the unification of the sender.
توحيد المرسل
Monotheism of the Sender
الذي ورب العالمين بالإخلاص
"By the Lord of the worlds, with sincerity."
وتوحيد المرسل
And the unification of the sender.
صلى الله عليه وسلم بالاتباع
Peace be upon him through following.
By following.
فسلامة القلب عائدة إلى هذين الأمرين
So, the safety of the heart returns to these two matters.
عائدة إلى هذين الأمرين
Returning to these two matters.
التوحيد والاتباع
Monotheism and following (the guidance).
ولهذا يقول
And for this reason, he says
قال بعض السلف
Some of the early generations said.
ما من فعله
"What he did."
يعني عمل
It means "work."
يعمل الإنسان
A person works.
وإن صغر ذلك العمل
"Even if that work is small."
إلا ينشر له ديوانان
"Except for the publication of two collections for him."
يعني يوم القيامة
It means the Day of Judgment.
يسأل سؤالين
He is asking two questions.
لما وكيف
When and how
لما فعلت وكيف فعلت
Why did you do it and how did you do it?
الأول سؤال عن التوحيد
The first question is about monotheism.
والثاني سؤال عن
The second question is about
The followers
الأول سؤال عن التوحيد
The first question is about monotheism.
ماذا كنتم تعبدون
What were you worshipping?
والثاني سؤال
And the second question.
عن الاتباع
About the followers.
ماذا أجبتم المرسلين
What did you answer the messengers?
فيسأل عن هذين
So he asks about these two.
It means.
كل من يقف أمام الله سبحانه وتعالى
Everyone who stands before God, the Almighty.
يسأل عن هذين الأمرين
He is asking about these two matters.
عن عبودية القلب
About the servitude of the heart.
وسلامة من عبودية
And safety from servitude.
ما سوى الله عبودية وبالإخلاص
Everything other than God is servitude and should be with sincerity.
وسلامة من عبودية
And freedom from servitude.
ما سوى
Nothing but
وأيضا اتباع
And also follow.
الاتباع للرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام
Following the Messenger, peace be upon him.
والسلام من تحكيم غير
And peace is from ruling by others.
الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام
The Messenger, peace be upon him.
قال بعض السلف
Some of the predecessors said
ما من فعلة وإن صغرت
No action, no matter how small.
إلا ينشر لها ديوانان
"Except for two collections being published for her"
ديوانان لما وكيف
Two diwanas for what and how.
أي لما فعلت وكيف
What have you done and how?
I did it.
فالأول سؤال عن علة الفعل
The first question is about the reason for the action.
وباعثه وداعيه
And its sender and caller.
هل هو حظ عاجل من حضوظ العامل
Is it an urgent luck from the fortunes of the worker?
وغرض من أغراض الدنيا
"And one of the purposes of this world."
في محبة المدح من الناس
In the love of praise from people.
أو خوف ذمهم
Or fear of their blame.
أو استجلاب محبوب عاجل
Or to seek a beloved that is immediate.
أو دفع مكروه عاجل
Or to avert an immediate misfortune.
أم الباعث على الفعل
The motive for the action.
القيام بحق العبودية
Fulfilling the right of servitude.
وطلب التودد والتقرب
The request for affection and closeness.
إلى الرب سبحانه
To the Lord, Glory be to Him.
وابتغاء الوسيلة
And seeking the means.
To him
ومحل هذا السؤال
And the place of this question
أنه هل كان عليك أن تفعل
Did you have to do it?
هذا الفعل لمولاك
This action is for your master.
أم فعلته لحظك وهواك
"Or did you do it for your luck and your desire?"
And the second
وفيه الآية الكريمة
And in it is the noble verse.
ويوم يناديهم فيقول أين
"And the day He calls them, saying, 'Where are...'"
شركائي الذين
My partners who
كنتم تزعمون
You used to claim.
قال رحمه الله ومحل هذا السؤال
He said, may God have mercy on him, and the place of this question is...
أنه هل كان عليك
Was it necessary for you?
أن تفعل هذا الفعل لمولاك
To do this act for your master.
أم فعلته لحظك وهواك
Did you do it for your luck and your passion?
والثاني سؤال
And the second question.
عن متابعة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم
About the follow-up of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
في ذلك التعبد
In that worship.
أي هل كان ذلك العمل
Was that work?
مما شرعته لك على لسان رسولي
"Of what I have prescribed for you through the tongue of My Messenger."
أم كان عملا لم أشرعه
Or was it an act that I did not legislate?
ولم أرضاه
And I did not accept it.
نعم وهذا أيضا فيها
Yes, and this is also included in it.
الآية الثانية وكلاهما في آخر
The second verse, and both are at the end.
سورة القصص
Surah Al-Qasas
ويوم يناديهم
"And the Day He calls them."
فيقول ماذا
He says, "What?"
أجبتم المرسلين
You answered the messengers.
فالأول سؤال عن الإخلاص
The first question is about sincerity.
والثاني عن المتابعة
And the second is about follow-up.
فإن الله سبحانه لا يقبل عملا
Indeed, Allah, the Exalted, does not accept an action.
إلا بهما
Except by them.
فطريق التخلص من السؤال الأول
The way to get rid of the first question.
بتجريد الإخلاص
By the purity of sincerity.
وطريق التخلص من السؤال الثاني
And the way to get rid of the second question.
بتحقيق المتابعة
By conducting the follow-up.
And safety.
بتحقيق المتابعة
By achieving follow-up
نعم بتحقيق المتابعة
Yes, by achieving the follow-up.
وسلامة القلب
And the safety of the heart.
وطريق التخلص
And the way to get rid of it.
فطريق التخلص من السؤال الأول بتجريد الإخلاص
The way to get rid of the first question is by stripping away sincerity.
وطريق التخلص من السؤال الثاني بتحقيق المتابعة وسلامة القلب
And the way to overcome the second question is by achieving continuity and a sound heart.
من إرادة تعارض الإخلاص وهوى يعارض الاتباع
From a will that opposes sincerity and a desire that opposes following.
فهذا حقيقة سلامة القلب الذي ضمنت له النجاة والسعادة
This is the true safety of the heart, which guarantees salvation and happiness.
نعم يعني هذه خلاصة الآن يعني عظيمة في باب سلامة القلب
Yes, this means that this is now a great summary regarding the safety of the heart.
يوم لا ينفع مال ولا بنون إلا من أتى الله بقلب سليم
On a day when neither wealth nor children will be of any benefit, except for one who comes to Allah with a sound heart.
في سلامة القلب مرده إلى التوحيد والاتباع
The safety of the heart is due to monotheism and following.
مرد السلامة إلى التوحيد التوحيد المعبود والاتباع للرسول
The return to safety is to monotheism, the worship of the One God, and following the Messenger.
الذي هو مقتضى الشهادتين شهادة لا إله إلا الله
Which is the implication of the two testimonies: the testimony that there is no god but Allah.
وشهادة أن محمدا صلى الله عليه وسلم رسول الله
And the testimony that Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the Messenger of Allah.
ويوم القيامة يسأل العباد
On the Day of Judgment, the servants will be questioned.
يسأل العباد عن هذين
The servants ask about these two.
ماذا كنتم تعبدون ماذا أجبتم المرسلين
What were you worshipping? What did you answer the messengers?
طريق التخلص من السؤال الأول والنجاة تجريد الإخلاص
The way to get rid of the first question and survive is to strip away sincerity.
وطريق التخلص من الثاني بتحقيق المتابعة
The way to eliminate the second is by achieving follow-up.
وتحقيق سلامة القلب من إرادة تعارض الإخلاص هذا الأول
And achieving the safety of the heart from the desire that opposes this first sincerity.
وهو أن يعارض الاتباع هذا الثاني
And this is that the followers oppose this second one.
فهذه حقيقة سلامة القلب يعني سلامة من الشهادة
This is the truth of a sound heart, which means safety from witness.
وسلامة من الشرك وسلامة من الأهواء
And safety from polytheism and safety from desires.
سلامته من الشرك وسلامته من الأهواء
His safety from shirk and his safety from desires.
وللقلب السليم علامات تدل عليه وعلى سلامته ونقائه وزكائه
The sound heart has signs that indicate it, its safety, purity, and clarity.
نعم نفعنا الله جمعين بما علمنا وزادنا علما وتوفيقا
Yes, may God benefit us all with what He has taught us and increase us in knowledge and success.
وأصلح لنا شأننا كله وهدانا إليه سراطا مستقيمة
"And rectify for us our affairs all of them and guide us to a straight path."
اللهم آت نفوسنا تقواها زكها
O Allah, grant our souls their piety and purify them.
أنت خير من زكاها
You are the best of those who purify it.
أنت وليها أمولاها
You are her guardian and caretaker.
اللهم يا ربنا يا حي يا قيوم
O Allah, our Lord, O Ever-Living, O Sustainer.
يا ذا الجلال والإكرام أصلح قلوبنا أجمعين
O You of glory and honor, mend our hearts altogether.
اللهم إنا نسألك علما نافعا وعملا صالحا
O Allah, we ask You for beneficial knowledge and good deeds.
اللهم إنا نسألك الهدى والتقى والعفة والغنى
O Allah, we ask You for guidance, piety, chastity, and self-sufficiency.
اللهم أصلح لنا ديننا الذي هو عصمة أمرنا
O Allah, rectify for us our religion which is our safeguard in all matters.
وأصلح لنا دنيانا التي فيها معاشنا
"And make good for us our worldly life in which is our livelihood."
وأصلح لنا آتنا
"And amend for us our affairs."
خيرتنا التي فيها معادنا
"Our choice in which our return is."
واجعل الحياة زيادة لنا
"And make life an increase for us."
في كل خير
In every good.
والموت راحة لنا من كل شر
And death is a relief for us from all evil.
اللهم اغفر لنا
O Allah, forgive us.
ولوالدينا ووالديهم
And for our parents and their parents.
And their offspring
ولمسايخنا ولولاة أمرنا
And to our elders and our rulers.
وللمسلمين والمسلمات
And for the Muslim men and women.
O Allah
آمنا في أوطاننا
We believe in our homelands.
وأصلح أئمتنا وولاة أمورنا
"And may our leaders and rulers be made righteous."
واجعل ولايتنا في من خافك
"And make our governance with those who fear You."
واتقاك واتبع رضاك
And I fear You and seek Your pleasure.
اللهم وفق ولي أمرنا
O Allah, grant success to our leader.
لهداك واجعل عمله في رضاك
Guide him and make his work pleasing to You.
واسدده في أقواله وأعماله
"And guide him in his words and actions."
اللهم وفقه ولي عهده
O Allah, grant success to him and his crown prince.
لما فيه صلاح البلاد
For the benefit of the country.
والعباد ولما فيه
"And the servants, and what is in it."
عز الإسلام وصلاح المسلمين
The glory of Islam and the righteousness of Muslims.
اللهم وفق
O Allah, grant success.
جميع ولاة أمر المسلمين
All the rulers of the Muslims.
للعمل بكتابك
To work with your book.
واتباع سنة
And following the Sunnah.
نبيك محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
Your Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
And make them
رحمة على رعاياهم
Mercy upon their subjects.
O Allah
يا ربنا يا حي يا قيوم
O our Lord, O Living, O Sustainer.
أصلح قلوب جميع
Fix the hearts of all.
ولاة الأمر المسلمين
Muslim rulers.
يا رب العالمين
O Lord of the worlds.
وأصلح قلوبنا أجمعين
And rectify our hearts, all of us.
اللهم فرج
O Allah, relieve (us).
هم المهمومين من المسلمين
They are the distressed among the Muslims.
ونفس كرب المكروبين
"And the soul of those in distress."
وقضي الدين عن المدينين
And the debt was settled for the debtors.
واشي مرضانا ومرضى المسلمين
Our sick and the sick of Muslims.
وارحم موتانا وموتى المسلمين
And have mercy on our deceased and the deceased of the Muslims.
اللهم أصلح ذات بيننا
O Allah, reconcile the matters between us.
وألب بين قلوبنا
"And unite our hearts."
واهدنا سبل السلام
And guide us to the paths of peace.
وأخرجنا من الظلمات إلى النور
"And We brought them out of darkness into light."
واعذنا والمسلمين من الفتن
"And protect us and the Muslims from fitna (trials and tribulations)."
ما ظهر منها وما بطن
What is apparent of it and what is hidden.
اللهم أنجل مستضعفين
O Allah, deliver the oppressed.
من المسلمين
Of the Muslims.
واحقن دماؤهم يا رب العالمين
"And spill their blood, O Lord of the worlds."
واحفظهم بما تحفظ به عبادك الصالحين
And protect them as You protect Your righteous servants.
اللهم وعليك بأعداء الدين
O Allah, deal with the enemies of the religion.
فإنهم لا يعجزونك
"For they will not be able to overpower you."
اللهم إنا نجعلك في نحورهم
O Allah, we place You before them.
ونعوذ بك اللهم من شرورهم
And we seek refuge in You, O Allah, from their evils.
اللهم اقسم لنا من خشيتك
O Allah, grant us a portion of Your fear.
ما يحول بيننا وبين معاصيك
What stands between us and Your sins.
ومن طاعتك ما تبلغناك
"And from Your obedience, what we have reached."
ومن طاعتك ما تبلغنا به جنتك
"And from Your obedience, let us reach Your paradise."
ومن اليقين ما تهون به علينا
"And of certainty is what makes it easy for us."
مصائب الدنيا
The misfortunes of the world.
اللهم اتعنا بأسماعنا
O Allah, bestow upon us hearing.
وأبصارنا وقوتنا ما أحيتنا
"Our sight and our strength have revived us."
واجعله الوارث منا
"And make him the inheritor of us."
واجعل ثأرنا على من ظلمنا
"Let our vengeance be upon those who have wronged us."
واصمنا على من عادانا
"And we are silent towards those who oppose us."
ولا تجعل مصيبتنا في ديننا
And do not make our calamity in our religion.
ولا تجعل الدنيا أكبر همنا
And do not make the world our greatest concern.
ولا مبلغ علمنا
And we have no knowledge of it.
ولا تسلط علينا
"Do not exert power over us."
من لا يرحمنا
Whoever does not have mercy on us.
اللهم أصلح لنا أجلنا
O Allah, rectify our fate.
أجمعين النية والذرية والعمل
All of them intention, progeny, and work.
سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
Glory be to You, O Allah, and praise be to You.
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
I bear witness that there is no deity but You.
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك
I seek Your forgiveness and turn to You in repentance.
اللهم صلِّ وسلِّم على عبدك ورسولك
O Allah, send blessings and peace upon Your servant and Messenger.
نبينا محمد
Our Prophet Muhammad
وآله وصحبه أجمعين
And all of his family and companions.
جزاكم الله خير
May God reward you well.
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