الوصية رقم 120 : آداب غسل الميت ومسه

الدرر العلوية

الدرر العلوية

الوصية رقم 120 : آداب غسل الميت ومسه

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فليغتسل بعدما يلبسه أكفانه

"Let him bathe after he wears his shrouds."

ولا يمسه بعد ذلك

And nothing will touch him after that.

فيجب عليه الغسل

He must perform a ritual washing.

ولا تجمر الأكفان

Do not embalm the shrouds.

ولا تمس موتاكم الطيبة

And do not touch your pure dead.

إلا الكافور

Except for camphor.

فإن الميت بمنزلة المحرم

The deceased is like the one who is in a state of sanctity (Ihram).



وعليكم بالقول الحسن عند الميت

"And you should speak good words about the deceased."

فإن فاطمة بنت رسول الله

Certainly! The translation is: "Indeed, Fatimah is the daughter of the Messenger of Allah."

صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم

Peace be upon him and his family.

لما قبض أبوها عليهم السلام

When her father passed away, peace be upon him.

أشعرها بنات هاشم

I felt it, the daughters of Hashim.

فقالت دعوا الحداد

She said, "Let the mourning begin."

وقالت دعوا الحداد

She said, "Let the mourning take place."

وعليكم بالدعاء

And you should pray.

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