٦- كيف تأخذ القرار الصحيح؟

Mohammed Mahnashi

طريق السعادة

٦- كيف تأخذ القرار الصحيح؟

طريق السعادة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings.

يقع الإنسان بعض الأحيان في حيرة في الخيار أو في الاختيار ما بين أمرين

Sometimes a person finds themselves in confusion when choosing between two matters.

يعني يلاقي نفسك كذا محتار تختار شيء أو شيء آخر

It means you find yourself confused about choosing one thing or another.

وكل شيء فيهم أو كل الأمرين هذولا

And everything in them or both of these matters.

كل واحد له حسنات وصيئات ومشاكل وله العكاسات وعليك

Everyone has good deeds and bad deeds, and problems, and they have their reflections, and it is upon you.

وتبدأ هنا المحرك الأساسي لك كثير من الناس

And here begins the main engine for many people.

وكثير من الناس يبدأ المحرك الأساسي لهم في الاختيار

Many people start their primary engine in the selection process.

هو عواطبهم يعني عواطبهم في الراية

He is their sympathizer, meaning their sympathizer in the banner.

وتبدأ تنحرك عليها أو مفعالاتك

And you start to move on it or your actions.

تكون زعلان غطان حابة حب أو غيره

Are you upset because you want love or something else?

وتبدأ تتخذ القرار بناء على مواطيات الآن

And you start to make the decision based on the current data.

ومواطيات ما ستحصل عليه الآن

And the data that you will obtain now.


And she pretends to forget.


You are forgetting.

النتائج اللي على المدى الطويل

Long-term results



كده مني نصيحة

Here's my advice.

يعني إذا طرع قدامك أي شيء أو أي أمر أو أي مسألة أو أي مشكلة

It means if anything appears in front of you, whether it's an issue, matter, or problem.

أو أي أمر من الأمور اللي تلاقي نفسك محتار فيها

Or any matter that you find yourself confused about.

أنا رأيي لك أنك الأول

My opinion for you is that you are the best.

ما تشوف النتائج أو المكاسب على المدى القريب

You won't see the results or gains in the short term.

لا شوف المكاسب اللي على المدى الطويل

Look at the long-term gains.

شوف المكاسب اللي تجنيها بعد سنة

Look at the gains you will make after a year.

بعد شهرين

After two months.

بعد ثلاث شهور

After three months.

بعد سنين

After years

ممكن بعض الأحيان قرارات صغيرة ونتخذها في بداية حياتنا

Sometimes small decisions can be made at the beginning of our lives.


We live.

ومتائجها سنين طويلة

"And its results last for many years."

قرض مثلا

A loan, for example.

تقعد تسدد فيه خمس سنين

You will be paying it off for five years.

قرض بيت

Home loan

قرض تقعد تسدد فيه من 15 إلى 20 سنة

A loan that you will repay over 15 to 20 years.

القرار وفتخاذ القرار

Decision and decision-making.

ما بالأمر السهل

It's not an easy matter.

الخيارات كلها متعددة في كل مكان

All options are varied everywhere.

كتير من الأمور

Many things

ولكن إنك تقول هذا هو القرار اللي بيختاره

But you say this is the decision he will choose.

وهذا هو الشي اللي بيسويه

And this is what he's going to do.

وهو اللي يفرق معاك

And he is the one who makes a difference to you.

وهو اللي بيأثر عليك

And he is the one who affects you.

كثير من الناس الآن في عمارة 50 أو 60 لو كتفعلوا

Many people now live in buildings of 50 or 60 stories if they could do it.

وتقولوا إيش رأيك في القرارات اللي سويتها

What do you think of the decisions I made?

يقولك أتمنى أني أرجع لعمر العشرين

He says he wishes he could go back to his twenties.

وأغير بعض القرارات اللي اتخذتها

And I will change some of the decisions I made.

أغير بعض الأشياء اللي سويتها

I want to change some things that I did.

أغير بعض الانفعالات اللي كانت موجودة

I change some of the emotions that were present.

لأنه في ذاك السن

Because at that age.

قد يكون اختار خيار

He may have chosen an option.

أو سوي شي معين

Or do something specific.

أو تصرف تصرف معين

Or take a specific action.

أو بنى أحلام معينة

Or certain dream builders.

أو اتخذ قرار مالي

Or make a financial decision.

أو قرار في حياته

Or a decision in his life.

بناء على نتائج حالية

Based on current results

وباقي ينفع تمنها سنين طويلة جداً

"And the rest is worth its price for many long years."

إذن الفكرة

So the idea.

الفكرة بس اللي بقى أقولها

The idea is just what I want to say.

أنه إذا صرأ قدامك خيارات

That if options present themselves in front of you.

أو اللي كان قدامك

Or the one who was in front of you.

أنك تختار عدة أمور

You choose several things.

لا تفكر بالآن

Don't think about now.

فكر ببكرة

Think about tomorrow.

وليش بكرة بقريب

And why is tomorrow close?

فكر ببكرة ببعيد

Think about tomorrow from afar.

فكر هذا القرار المتحول اليوم

Think about this transformative decision today.

هيأثر علي بعد خمس سنين

It will affect me after five years.

وش هيكون الوقت

What time will it be?

بعد عشر سنين

After ten years.

وش هيكون الوقت

What time will it be?

بعض القرارات اللي تطار

Some decisions that are made.

ببعض الحالة تأثر حتى عليك

In some cases, it even affects you.

وعلى أولادك

And upon your children.

وعلى حياتك

And for your life.


And misery.

وتدخلك في أشياء كثيرة جداً

And it involves you in many things.

إن القرار مهم

The decision is important.

تأخذ القرار مهم

Making the decision is important.

تأخذ القرار

You make the decision.

وما تفكر في نتائجك بالآن

And what do you think of your results right now?

وما تفكر في حالتك النفسية بالآن

What do you think about your mental state right now?

ولا تفكر في وضعك المعادي

And do not think about your antagonistic situation.

أو النفسي

or psychological

أو الاسماعي

Or the Ismailis.

إلا الآن

Until now




In front

هذا القرار

This decision.

وش هيكون

What will it be?

هذا القرار

This decision

وش ممكن يخليني

What could make me?

يعني حتى بعض القرارات

It means even some decisions.


It prevents you.

أنك تحضر حتى القرارات ثانية

You attend even the decisions repeatedly.


Helps you.

يعني أنا اليوم

It means "I mean today."

إذا اخذت

If you take

كان في السعودية مثلاً

There was in Saudi Arabia, for example.

القرار القروف

The rough decision.

الحد الأعلى للقرار

The upper limit of the decision.




I took.

هل أنا اليوم

Am I today?

لما خذت

When did you take it?


The decision

النسبة الأعلى

The highest percentage

مع أني 5 سنين

Although I have been for 5 years.

ما راح أقدر

I won't be able to.

أو 5 سنين

Or 5 years.

40% من دخلي

40% of my income

يبغس دخله القرار

The decision affects his income.

5 سنين

5 years

لو حصل لي أي طاعة

If I receive any obedience.

ما راح أقدر

I won't be able to.

مثلا 5 سنوات من هؤلاء المعايير اللي انا احطه

For example, 5 years from these criteria that I set.

معناه اني اعرضه لو كان في وظيفة معينة احطه احطه اطلع اي مجاكل فيها

It means that I present it, and if there is a specific job, I will put it and point out any issues in it.

اعرضه بكل الخيارات الصعبة داخل هذا الوظيفة

Present it with all the difficult options within this job.

عشان ما اطلع بلا يكسب لي برد السرعات بعد العمل او اي كان

So I don't end up without benefiting from the speed gains after work or whatever.

عشان بس اقدر اسدد هذا القرض اللي ياخده طبيعية كلمية

Just so I can pay off this loan that I took in a natural way.

اطلع منسح حتى البقرة اللي يطلع لفتح مشروع وقد يفشل هذا المشروع

A person might withdraw from a project, and even the cow that might be involved could lead to the project failing.

وطبعا بيحصل معاناة دمية عليها نطلع

And of course, a doll suffers that we must deal with.

بتلاقي نفسك اخذ داخل دائرة دائرة خيارات

You find yourself caught in a circle of choices.

ودائرة القبول بأوضاع مادية واجتماعية

And the acceptance circle is based on material and social conditions.

انت لو كنت متحرر من تبعات قرارك الاول انت اتخذت قرارك الاول

If you were free from the consequences of your first decision, you made your first decision.

المشكلة مو هنا المشكلة بعد الحانة

The problem isn't here; the problem is after the bar.

تكون دائرة القرارات الصعبة

The circle of difficult decisions.

هي زي الشوك هي زي اللي دخل حق الالغام عدها اول متر من الالغام

She is like the thorns; she is like someone who enters a minefield at the first meter of the mines.

وما عنده قيادة الا انه يكمل ما يقدر ترجع ورا

"And he has no leadership except that he continues what he can, go back."

وزي ما يقول بعضهم في بعض الامتار زي اللي بالع موس

"And as some say, in certain measures like those of Al-Mous."

لا تقدر تطلعه ولا تقدر تبلعه

You can't take it out, and you can't swallow it.

القرار مو بسهل

The decision is not easy.

القرار مو بسهل اتخذ القرار مو بسهل

The decision is not easy; making the decision is not easy.

فان كده هنقول

So, we will say…

انظر لمستقبل وشاور

Look to the future and consult.

الشيء الثاني الشر

The second thing is evil.

الشر وشاور واسأل شخص اعلم منك

Evil, consult, and ask a person who knows more than you.

اسأل شخص اكبر منك

Ask someone older than you.

اسأل شخص مر بتجربة مشابهة لانها بتأثر معاك

Ask someone who has had a similar experience because it will affect you.

لانها بتأثر معاك

Because it affects you.

وداني تسأل قدير

And you ask, "Is it possible?"

تسأل شخص فاهم

You ask an understanding person.

تسأل شخص بيفيدك

You ask someone who can help you.

تسأل شخص تثق في رأيه

You ask someone you trust their opinion.

مو مهم انك تكون بس انك تسأله بس

It's not important that you be there, just that you ask him.

يعني بعض الناس اللي يكون عنده مسألة مهمة جدا

It means some people who have a very important issue.

قد تلقى يسأل اصحابه في الاستراحة

He may have asked his companions during the break.

وناس اساسا ما عندهم خبر عن الموضوع

And people basically have no knowledge about the subject.

او او او خبرتهم نفس خبرته

Oh oh oh, they experienced the same thing as him.

فيحصل على نتيجة قريبة

He gets a result that is close.

وبعضهم يبني على تجارب اخرى بعيدة جدا

And some of them build on very distant experiences.

بمعطيات حتى مختلفة

With even different data.

لا انك تسأل حاول اول شي انك تسأل او تشاور

No, you should first try to ask or consult.

تشاور الشخص الصح

Consult the right person.

الشخص الناسل

The person who is breeding.

الشخص اللي فتك برأيه

The person who impressed me with their opinion.

برأيه مجرى

In his opinion, the course.

وعنده خبرة

And he has experience.

وعنده حقه

And he has his right.

وعنده بعد طبر

And he has a tabernacle after that.



وانك تفتك قرارك

And that you make your decision.



وقبل ما تشاور

And before you consult.

تنظر لموضوع المستقبل

Looking at the issue of the future.

مو للان

Not yet.

ولا تخلي انت بعالاتك

And don’t forget your belongings.

وحالتك النفسية

And your mental state.

تؤثر عليك

It affects you.

تخاف القرار

You fear the decision.

قد تمتد اعثاره

His effects may extend.

في سنين طويلة

In many long years

وهذا شي مهم جدا

And this is very important.

ايضا من الشياء المهمة

Also, from the important things

اللي عليك انتبهه وانت اخذ القرار

What you need to pay attention to while making the decision.

انه هل هذا القرار

Is this the decision?

بيأثر عليك انت لوحدك

It affects you alone.

ولا على الناس العميل

Nor on the people, the agent.

هذا قرارك

This is your decision.

ولا قرار الناس العميل

And there is no decision for the duplicitous people.

بعضنا حيانا تلاقي

Sometimes we meet each other.

تتخذ قرار يؤثر على

Make a decision that affects

على مجمع العائلتك

On your family gathering


And your religion.

والدينك اخوانك

And your religion is your brothers.


Your sisters.

هل انت اليوم تتخذ هذا القرار

Are you making this decision today?


About them

هيتأثروا فيه

They will be affected by it.

هنشاركوك وزع القرار هذا

We will share this decision with you.

هنشاركوك نعمة القرار هذا

We will share with you the blessing of this decision.

هذا ايضا من من الاشياء

This is also one of the things.

اللي لازم تنتبه لها

What you need to pay attention to.

وانت تاخذ اي قرار

And when you make any decision.

قرار مو سهل

It's not an easy decision.

القرار مو سهل

The decision is not easy.

الاختيار مو سهل

The choice is not easy.

الانسان يكون بين خيارين

A person is between two choices.

احلاه وما مر

The sweetest and the most bitter.

لكن انت تكون عندك

But you should have it.




The residents

الخيار واتخاذ

The choice and decision.

القرار المناسب

The right decision

تشابك فيه

Entangled in it.




You study.


Do you see?

ضمن الامور الهامة جدا في اتخاذ اي قرار

Among the very important matters in making any decision.

انك تكون عندك

That you have.

معلومات كافية ومافية

Sufficient information and nothing more.

على الموضوع

On the subject.

اقرأ كتاب

Read a book.

اقرأ خبر

Read the news

ادخل الانترنت وابحث

Go online and search.



لا تتخذ قرار

Do not make a decision.

منال على

Manal Ali


The head

بعض الناس يسألوا

Some people ask.

يطمح من الراسة

He aspires from the head.

يقدح من الراسة

It sparks from the brain.

لا يقدح

It does not offend.

بعض القرارات

Some decisions

اللي يقدح في الراس

What ignites in the mind.

الطنخل اللي من الراس

The thorn that comes from the head.

دمرت عوائل

Families were destroyed.

مسببت اسر

Causing secrets

وسببت بمشاكل

And it caused problems.

وسببت احزان

And it caused sadness.

وضيعت ناس

I lost people.

كان مستقبلهم باهب

Their future was bright.

وانت بتتخذ قرارك

When you make your decision.

لا تتخذ الراسة

Do not take the lead.



هتقول لك تجربتك

You will tell me about your experience.






I understand.

لمب جميع الجوانب

To cover all aspects.

بعد كده

After that

اتخذ قرارك

Make your decision.

لازم يكون عندك حاجة

You must have something.

تصير قرار دي

This becomes your decision.

بعد ما تطمن

After you feel reassured.

طبعا القرار

Of course, the decision.

طمنت القرار

I reassured the decision.

اضبط قرارك

Set your decision.

اتخذ قرارك وانضفيه

Make your decision and stick to it.

اتخذ قرارك

Make your decision.

وخلق قوي

And a strong creation.

اتخذ قرارك ولا تتراجع

Make your decision and don't back down.

اتخذ قرارك

Make your decision.

انك انت اليوم في يدك

You are in your hands today.

كل الاسلحة اللي تخلي

All the weapons that make you...

تنجح هذا القرار

This decision succeeds.

اتخذ قرار مهزوس

A shaky decision was made.

او قرار بعدم ثقة

Or a decision of distrust.

او قرار انت متودن

Or a decision you are expecting.

وتبدأ كل شوية تنظر وراك

And she starts looking back at you every little while.


Where are you?


You will fail.

وراك هتقصر

Why will you fall short?

خلينا نعطيك مثال من الطبيعة اليوم

Let me give you an example from nature today.

ان عندنا كلنا نعرف

We all know that.

مثلا في الغابة او في

For example, in the forest or in

باقي المكتوبة قديمة

The rest of the writing is old.

ان يكون عند الغزال

To be with the gazelle.

اسرع بكثير من النمر

Much faster than the tiger.

او من الاسد اللي قاعد يلاحق

Or the lion that is chasing.

لكن طب كيف يقدر الاسد ان يلحق

But how can the lion catch up?

الغزال اللي يصطاد

The gazelle that hunts.

الغزال يما يشوف الاسد

The gazelle, when it sees the lion.

اول شي يتأخر

The first thing gets delayed.

كثير من الحيات

Many snakes.

يتأخر في اتخاذ قرار الهرب

He is delayed in making the decision to escape.

يجلس لاخر لحظة

Sitting until the last moment.

يتأخر في اتخاذ القرار

He delays in making decisions.


After that.

ينطلق بكل سرعة

He takes off with great speed.

ويتخذ قرار انه ينهض

And a decision is made that he will rise.

او انه يتخبأ

Or he is hiding.

او انه يتصرف ينجف حياته

Or he behaves as if his life is drying up.

طب اما هو يجري

"But he is running."

عارف لو استمر الغزال يجري باتجاه واحد

If the gazelle continues to run in one direction.

وبسرعة زي ما هي

And quickly just like that.



اي حيوان يخترس

Which animal is a predator?

ولكن اللي يحصل

But what happens is...

لو حقق في الافلام نفاقية

If he achieved hypocrisy in the movies.

ولكن الغزال هذا قاعد يجري يجري

But the deer is just running and running.

بعدها يجري خلفه

Then he runs after him.

ويجري يجري بعدها يجري خلفه

And he runs, running behind him afterwards.

كلما اتفق

Whenever they agree

خلفه كلما بطئ

"Behind him whenever he slows down."

وكلما حس

And whenever he felt

بالخوف وكلما حس

With fear, and whenever he feels

بالتردد وكلما اقترب

With hesitation, and as he got closer.

منه المخترس

From whom the excision.

الى ان


اما تخر هو

Is he a graduate?

او انه

Or that

المسافة بينه

The distance between him.

وبين المخترس تقل

And between the mottled, it diminishes.

الاقل قدر ممكن

As little as possible.

في اخترسه

In his/her choosing.

اذا اتخاذ القرار مهم

If decision-making is important.

اتخاذ القرار


والثبات عليه

And steadfastness upon it.

بعد ما تطمنه

After reassuring him.

مهم جدا

Very important.

اختيار الوقت المناسب

Choosing the right time

والاتهم فيه مهم جدا

And the accusations in it are very important.

اتمنى لكم

I wish you well.

ان شاء الله

God willing.

الاستغراب والاحتراف

Astonishment and professionalism.

جميلة وصحي يه

Beautiful and healthy.

ان الله يوفقكم

May God grant you success.

في كل ما تنظرون得ه

In everything you look at.

في حياتكم

In your lives

مع السلامه


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