
Noha Salah




العين ما بتشوفش. الروح هي اللي بتشوف. كم مرة مريت بعينك على

The eye does not see. It is the soul that sees. How many times have you passed by with your eye on...

مكان في ورد والوان كتيرة خضرة. بس ولا مرة لمحت الحاجات دي. وفي

A place with flowers and many shades of green. But I have never spotted these things. And in

يوم مريت من نفس المكان كنت رايحت تتفسح او ما عندكش مشكلة او

The day I passed by the same place, were you going out to have fun or do you not have a problem?

رايحت انهي علاقتك بمشاكل المكان المرتبط بالمكان اللي في

I want to end your relationship with the problems associated with the place you are in.

الزهور ده. فكان اول مرة تشوف فيها الورد والخضرة والالوان

These flowers. It was the first time she saw the roses, the greenery, and the colors.

الكتير. وقتها روحك اتخف. هشافت. اصل اللي بيشوفه هي الروح. مش

A lot. At that time, your soul becomes lighter. It sees. The one who sees is the soul, not...


The eye.



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