لو مش من مواليد جيل البومه (1985 - 2000) متسمعش
Walid Mostafa
Waleed Mostafa - وليد مصطفى
لو مش من مواليد جيل البومه (1985 - 2000) متسمعش
السلام عليكم. جماعة بعد ازنكم يعني من هنا وراحنا. ما تلاقي حد
Peace be upon you. Guys, with your permission, I mean from here and we go. You won't find anyone.
عمره ما بين الخمسة وعشرين للخمسة وتلاتين سنة. حاول ما
He is between twenty-five and thirty-five years old. Try not to.
تفسرش مواقفه. يعني اعزروا. عاملوا معاملة اللي واخد على
Interpret his attitudes. I mean, excuse them. Treat them like someone who is used to it.
جماغه كده وماشي دايخ. والله سيبه. سيبه هو غالبان والله
He's acting like this and walking around dizzy. I swear, just leave him. Leave him, he's just a poor guy, I swear.
العظيم. انا بدأت اقتنع ان احنا جيل ملعون. يعني لا ليه حظ في
The great. I have started to be convinced that we are a cursed generation. I mean, we have no luck in...
ارتباط وعلاقات. لا ليه حظ في شغل. حتى خير الكوكب ان انت
Connections and relationships. No, I don't have luck in work. Even the best of the planet is you.
سيبني كده على جامعة. لا في كورونا هتنطلق قاعد مرة. احنا
Leave me like this at the university. No, with Corona, you can't just sit around. We...
الجيل ده. اللي هو مش عارف يعمل حاجة. يعني انا خلاص. يعني حتى
This generation. They don't know how to do anything. I mean, I'm done. I mean, even...
في العلاقات لا احنا الجيل القديم اللي قاعداته وتقاليده
In relationships, we are not the old generation with its rules and traditions.
وجربي وقميص مقفول. ولا احنا الجيل الجديد اللي بدأ يسيبه
"And a jacket and a closed shirt. Or are we the new generation that has started to leave it?"
وهسيندة ومراسي وهما فاهمين بعضه. لا احنا الجيل اللي في
And they are understanding each other. No, we are the generation that is in...
النص اللي فيه ايرور. ايه ده? ايه ده? ايه ده? ايه ده? يعني
The text has an error. What is this? What is this? What is this? What is this? I mean.
بتحاول تقود مع الجداد ومش قادر تسيب القديم. وعندك بقى حالة
You're trying to lead with the new, but you can't let go of the old. And you have a case now.
من الاحداث. كل المعافية دي بقى نتجوز نخلف عيال نطلع عليهم
From the events. All this healing means we get married, have kids, and raise them.
عقادنا سوداء ونتطلق بعدين. ده اللي بيجرب بالزبط. لكن ان انت
"Our contracts are in black and we will release later. That's exactly what is being tried. But you..."
تعيش كده حياة سوية ما فيهش الكلام ده لك. حتى في الشغل. احنا
You live a normal life without that talk for you. Even at work. We...
مش الجيل مسلا اللي هو الموظف المثالي. ولا الجيل الجديد بتاع
It's not the generation, for example, that is the ideal employee. Nor is it the new generation of...
وبتاع احنا جيل في النص كده مش فاهم ايه ايه ده? ايه ايه ده?
"We're a generation in the middle, not really understanding what's going on? What's going on?"
بيعمل شركة لوحده هو صغير ازا ازاي? احنا الجيل اللي هو خد يبني
He is starting a company on his own; he's still young, how is that possible? We are the generation that he took to build.
ده اسمه كمبيوتر بننزل عليه ويندوز. احنا كان اقصد مو احنا
This is called a computer that we install Windows on. I meant not us.
الجاه بس فينا اللي يعرف ينزل ويندوز. ده اسمه ايس دي قل له
The only one among us who knows how to install Windows is this guy named I.S.D. Tell him.
وردو اكسل. تعلمهم بقى يا حبيبي. انا دفعت الفين واثنين. انا فات
Excel has arrived. Teach them now, my dear. I paid two thousand and two. I am in.
المرة كنت شغال في شركة. وحصلت الازمة اللي في اليونان اللي
I was once working in a company. And the crisis that happened in Greece occurred.
قصرت على العالم كله وخفضوا لي مرتبة. تخيل انت بقى واحد لسه
"I fell short in front of the whole world and they lowered my status. Just imagine, you are still one."
خديد جديد وبيتقال لك معلش اسمه انت مرتبك هيتخفض ربعمية جنيه
A new debt, and they tell you "Sorry, your name is confused, it will be reduced by four hundred pounds."
عشان ازمة اليونان. اللي هو. اللي هو تحس مسلا ان في حناءة في
Because of the Greek crisis. It feels, for example, that there is a somehow...
اسكندرية واحد بيدرب نار في شبرى. طب انا مالي? وش معنى انا?
Alexandria, someone is shooting in Shubra. So what does it have to do with me? And why me?
وبعدين انا وقتها ما كنتش فاهم ان اياه قصرت على مصر. فقلت بيعني
And then I didn't understand at that time that he was focusing on Egypt. So I said it means.
ده معايا. ففضلت قاعد. بعدين سنتين ولا سنة ونص الحديد الطول
He's with me. So I stayed sitting. Then after two years or a year and a half, the iron was long.
من غالي. فرفضوني. تخيل يستغني عن مهندس عشان عشان الحديد غالي.
He's expensive. So they rejected me. Can you imagine they would give up on an engineer just because iron is expensive?
انا بحاول حتى اتخيل شكل الراجل جات له ورقة الموازنة ايه? ده
I'm trying even to imagine what the man looked like when he received the budget sheet. What is it?
عندنا عجزة مليار جنيه. هو وليد لسه موجود هو بيقبط ايه? الف
We have a deficit of one billion pounds. Is Walid still around? What is he earning? A thousand?
وستمية جنيه. لا الف ومية كفاية. كفاية. بعدين سنتين يا فندي
And six hundred pounds. No, a thousand and one is enough. Enough. Two years later, sir.
الحديد. الحديد غالي. وليد لسه موجود ممشيش. اه لا. طب ارفدوا.
Iron. Iron is expensive. Walid is still here, he hasn't left. Oh no. Then let's dismiss him.
هو مرتبه يجيب كاميرا بتتحديد. سخين مشي مش مشكلة. الشاي خالص.
He is getting a camera with specifications. Hot, no problem. The tea is completely finished.
ايه? وليد موجود. طب عاينه يعمل لنا كوباية شاي ومشيدة. في ايه?
What? Walid is here. Well, let him make us a cup of tea and a sandwich. What's going on?
في ايه? احنا هنفضل لحد كده انت والله العزيز. وبعدين في
What about it? Are we going to stay like this, by God, the Almighty? And then there is...
الاخر بعد ده كله احنا اكتر جيل اتقل له يا ابني وانا قدك. يعني
After all of this, we are the generation that is often told, "Oh my son, I was just like you." I mean...
المدرس وهو قدي كان بيذاكر على لمبة الجهاز واول جمهورية.
The teacher used to study by the light of the device and the first republic.
المدرسين كلهم اواق الجمهورية. الدكاترة الدكتور كان بيباد في
The teachers are all from the Republic. The doctors, the doctor was in Baad.
المدرج وكان بطل الجمهورية في الريست. انا مش عارف انا ليه
The stadium, and he was the champion of the republic in wrestling. I don't know why.
عاير ان انت بطل الجمهورية في الريست. وقال لي خلي بني ادم
He mocked me that you are the champion of the republic in wrestling. And he told me to let it go.
سوي يروح يشترك في طولة ريست. انا مش عارف. مش لزوم فيديو. انا
"Just go and subscribe to the wrestling tournament. I don’t know. A video is not necessary. I..."
مرة ليه يا مدير في نفس الشركة اللي خفضوني دي قال لي يا ابني
Once, the manager at the same company that reduced my salary told me, "Oh my son."
انا وانا قدك كنت بشتكي من الشغل. يا ابني وانا قدك كنت
I was complaining about work when I was your age. My son, I was the same way at your age.
بركب القطر واروح ليبيا يا ابني. قطر ايه اللي بيودع على ليبيا?
"I'm taking the train and going to Libya, my son. Which train is going to Libya?"
وايه المميز ان انت يعني انت تميزت عني بايه? ما انا رحت مارسا
What's special about you that makes you stand out from me? Didn’t I already go to Marisa?
واحنا رحت اسكندرية. ايه? ايه? وقطر ايه اللي بيودع? ليه? ليه
We went to Alexandria. What? What? And what train is saying goodbye? Why? Why?
الاوفر? وفي الاخر اللي كون نفسه كون. واللي اتجوز اتجوز.
The best offer? In the end, whoever became themselves became. And whoever got married, got married.
واحنا الارشين اللي محوشينهم انتصرفوا في الحمد لله في
We spent the money we saved, thank God, on...
الفترة دي. وكان الله بالسرعة. احنا جي لما بيحوش عشان يجيب
During this period. And may God be swift. We come when he saves to get.
حاجة وهو في السكة بتغلب. انا وصلت لمرحلة ساعات وانا باكل
I need it, and it's overwhelming on the way. I've reached a point where I sometimes eat.
باقعد انا مستمتع واقعد في وسط الناس محترمة وباكل. اما انا
"I sit and enjoy being among respectable people while eating. As for me..."
فكر هو الاكل ده بزعر كم ساعة. كم ساعة اوفرتاين. انا كده كم
Think about how many hours this meal takes. How many hours of overtime? How many am I now?
ساعة موقع بحرقها في اكل كده. وفي الاخر كلنا سناجل الحمد لله.
"I'm wasting time on this food. In the end, we're all single, thank God."
حتى المرتبط من جوة سنجة. يعني ممكن يقول لك المرتبط وهي تقول
"Even the one connected from inside the needle. It means he might tell you the connected one and she says."
لك المرتبط. بس من جوة كده فيه غربة وفيه فيه سنجة كده من جوة.
You are connected. But inside there is a sense of alienation and a certain sharpness within.
فلما تلاقي حد من من اول ما وليت خمسة وتمانين لالفين وانت يعني
So when you meet someone from the moment you became 85 to 2000, and you mean...
في الرنجات دي كده. تحسس على شعر. عاملة معاملة اليتيم انا
In these situations, it's like I'm feeling for hair. I'm being treated like an orphan.
سمعت اني سوابها دي. ما تدوس علي بسيبو. بسيبو في حق.
I heard that I should do this. Don't step on me, leave me alone. It's a right.
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