قصة السعودي عمر الغامدي مع فيلم مسامير - رفض العرض بالخطأ
Sohaib ElDosoky
قصة السعودي عمر الغامدي مع فيلم مسامير - رفض العرض بالخطأ
خلينا بقى نتكلم عن مسامير
Let's talk about nails now.
يا اخوش اللعبة المعفنة هذي
Oh, my brother, this game is terrible.
اوه اوه
Oh oh
لا تكره اللعبة يا سعد
Do not hate the game, Saad.
ولكن اكره اللعب
But I hate playing.
انا بحب مسامير جدا
I really love nails.
بحب كل شغلهم
I love all of their work.
مالك صح
You own it, right?
مالك نجد
Owner of Najd.
مسامير صراحة
Nails, honestly.
انا مفاجئ الموضوع كان بالنسبة لي
I am surprised about the topic.
يعني انا بالنسبة لي مسامير
It means that for me, they are just nails.
انا زي اي شخص تاني
I am like any other person.
متابع ولا اعرف ولا واحد منهم
I follow them, but I don't know any of them.
ما اعرف احد في الفريق
I don't know anyone on the team.
مجرد متابع مستمتع بالعمل الجميل هذا
Just a follower enjoying this beautiful work.
في مرة واحدة كان فيه
Once upon a time, there was...
كان في معرض
He was at the exhibition.
حكاية مسك عندنا هنا في الرياض
The story of musk here in Riyadh.
وحضر كنت اقدم توك انا
And I was present, I was submitting a request.
فحضر واحد من
So one of them attended.
فريق مسامير اللي هو عبدالله سعيد
The team of Masameer, which is Abdullah Saeed.
اهلا وسهلا
ان شاء الله يتابع البودكاست
God willing, he will follow the podcast.
فعبدالله سعيد طبعا هو
So Abdullah is happy, of course he is.
البروجيكت مانجر حق
The project manager of.
مسامير والستوديو
Nails and the studio
ميركوت بالكامل فحضر عندي
"Bring the entire Mircont to me."
التوك وقعد يصالف معايا
He sat and chatted with me.
بعدها فاستغربت انه اصلا متابع
After that, I was surprised that he was actually following.
ال 24 نطار وبيتابعني وهذا مرة اسعدني
On the 24th of November, he is following me, and this made me happy.
طبعا بعدها خلص
Of course, after that it's finished.
سنتين او ثلاث سنوات تقريبا
Two or three years approximately.
مافي اي تواصل بيني وبين عبدالله سعيد
There is no communication between me and Abdullah Saeed.
الين ما فاجأني بتواصل
I was surprised by a message.
على الواتساب عمر كيف حالك
On WhatsApp, Omar, how are you?
احنا عندنا فيلم سينمائي
We have a movie.
طبعا انا عارف انه عندكم فيلم سينمائي
Of course, I know that you have a movie.
انا متابع ايش تبغى مني
I'm a follower, what do you want from me?
فاحنا ندور على فنان
So we are looking for an artist.
VFX يشتغل معانا
VFX is working with us.
لاحظ من كثر من الموضوع مش حقيقي
It is observed that a lot of the topic is not real.
انا ما فهمته انه اصلا يتكلم عني
What I understood is that he is actually talking about me.
لانه ما خطر على بالي انه
Because it didn't occur to me that...
VFX الافلام اللي انا بسويه ممكن يحتاجوه
The VFX for the movies I am doing might need it.
في افلام كرتون
In cartoon movies.
فعالطور رديت عليه انه اسف ماعرف احد
I replied to him that I'm sorry, I don't know anyone.
انت بتقولو
You are saying.
ماعرفش حد مش عارف ومش عارف حد
I don't know anyone who doesn't know and I don't know anyone.
انا حسبته يبغى حد كومبازيتينج
I thought he wanted someone to be compromising.
متخصص في افلام
Specialized in movies
2D يعني
2D means
فقالي لا احنا شوفنا اعمالك
He said, "No, we saw your work."
واجتمعنا امس شوفنا شغلكم في اليوتيوب
We met yesterday and watched your work on YouTube.
وحبينا نعرض عليك
We would like to present to you.
انه تشتغل معانا ك VFX Artist
She works with us as a VFX Artist.
Of course.
طبعا هي
Of course, she is.
صارت مكالمة في الجوال
A call was made on the mobile phone.
فانا في المكالمة كنت اسويني ثقيل مرة
In the call, I was being really heavy.
ورحم بس في زغاريض
"And mercy, but with cries of joy."
جوا وحفلة
Atmosphere and party.
لكن تتخيل يعني
But can you imagine?
فجأة يعني احنا دايما نقول
Suddenly, it means we always say.
يوم ما السينما
The day of cinema
يوم ما حنشتغل في السينما ان شاء الله
One day, we will work in the cinema, God willing.
بس انو متخيلين انو
But are you imagining that...
سنتين ثلاثة اربع سنوات
Two, three, four years.
حتى اللي في امريكا
Even those in America.
ما وصلوا للسينما بسهولة
They didn't reach the cinema easily.
ففجأة يجيني اتصال انو
Suddenly, I get a call that...
وك VFX Artist فصراحة
And as a VFX Artist, honestly
كان اتصال عظيم
It was a great connection.
وكان يوم عظيم هذاك
That was a great day.
الجميل انو قالي خلينا نسوي شي تجريبي
The nice thing is that he told me let's do something experimental.
قبل الفيلم السينمائي عساس نشوف الكيميستري
Before the movie starts, let's see the chemistry.
بينه وطريقة الشغل
Between him and the working method.
فاشتغلنا على مسلسل يعرب
We worked on the series "Yaarub."
على اليوتيوب عندهم
They have it on YouTube.
مو عارف شو دي انا كمان
I don't know what this is either.
لا لازم تشوف مسلسل يعرب
You must watch the series "Yarab."
انا شفته انا معرفش ان انت اشتغلت عليه
I saw it, I didn't know that you worked on it.
لانو البدايات انا ما اشتغلت
Because I didn't work at the beginning.
انا اشتغلت فقط لتقريبا
I worked only for almost.
الاربع وخمس حلقات الاخيرة من
The last four or five episodes of
مسلسل يعرب
Series "Ya'rob"
صراحة ايضا يعرب مسلسل له مكانة في قلبي
Honestly, it also has a special place in my heart.
مسلسل جميل جدا
A very beautiful series.
وقدروا يبعدوا عن الكوميديا
They managed to stay away from comedy.
ويقدموا شي تاريخي عربي
And they present something historically Arab.
يعني تشعر بفخر وانت تتفرج فيه
It means you feel proud when you watch it.
شي مننا يعني
Something from us means.
من قصصنا واشياء اللي احنا
From our stories and things that we are.
ننتمي لها وتشوفها بشكل
We belong to it, and you see it in a way.
ممتع بشخصيات لطيفة يعني
Enjoyable with nice characters, that means.
بسيطة وجميلة
Simple and beautiful.
فصارت التجربة على اليوتيوب
The experiment became on YouTube.
مع انو شغل اليوتيوب لكن
Although it's YouTube work, but...
اشتغلنا بمعايير وكأنو فيلم سينمائي
We worked with standards as if it were a movie.
فالبروسيس كان
The process was
As complex.
والخطوات اللي نمشي فيها وكأننا
"And the steps we take as if we..."
قاعدين نشتغل لعميل او لفيلم
We are working for a client or for a movie.
سينمائي وتجربة يعرب كانت
It was a cinematic experience of Yarab.
ممتعة جدا انا بديت معاهم
Very enjoyable, I started with them.
من الحلقة السابعة ان شاء الله الناس
From the seventh episode, God willing, people.
تلاحظ فرق يمكن ما حدا لاحظ فرق بس
You notice a difference, maybe no one else noticed the difference, but...
Of course.
شغلتي انا
You turned me on.
مهمة اتجه في الاخير
The mission turned in the end.
طبعا شغلتين
Of course, two things.
ومؤثرات بصرية
And visual effects.
ومؤثرات للعالم
And influencers for the world.
فانا كانت شغلتي في
"I used to work in..."
فيلم كرتون طبعا في فنان
It's an animated movie, of course, there is an artist.
بيرسم مدري وقتو دحين اقعد اشرح
"I don't know when he is drawing, but now I'm sitting to explain."
بالتفصيل لكن
In detail, but...
في فنان بيرسم
There is an artist who is painting.
الخلفيات العوالم
Backgrounds worlds
اين كان
Where was it?
لنفرض انو
Let's assume that
في مشهد صحراء مثلا ففي فنانين
In a desert scene, for example, there are artists.
واحد حيرسم الصحراء الجميلة هذي
Someone will draw this beautiful desert.
وبكل تفاصيلها وفي فنان
"And with all its details, in an artist."
حيرسمها تي دي انيميشن
He will draw it in 3D animation.
فريم باي فريم للشخصية
Frame by frame for the character.
وهو يمشي في الصحراء
And he is walking in the desert.
طبعا لو دمجنا الاثنان على بعض
Of course, if we combine the two together.
اوكي تمام لكن
Okay, fine, but...
اولا ما هم مندمجين سوا كالوان
First, they are not merged together like colors.
وثانيا العالم ما هو حي
"Secondly, the world is not alive."
يعني انا
It means "I mean" or "I am."
لما انتوصل عندي هذي
When will you reach me this?
بدمجها مع بعض باعدل الالوان
By mixing them together, I balance the colors.
بعدين باحيي المشهد بانو
Then I will revive the scene by blowing it.
احط غبار في الاتموسفير
I put dust in the atmosphere.
باحط غبار صغير عند رجوله وهو يتحرك
I put a small amount of dust at his feet as he moves.
اذا مشهد ليلي فتلاقيه نلعب
If it's a night scene, then you find us playing.
نجوم اعطيها بريق وما إلى ذلك
Stars, give them sparkle and so on.
فكل المشاهد بعد ما
So all the scenes after that
تنتهي بتمر عليه افنش
It ends with a date that you pass by.
من دمج تلوين
From blended coloring
احياء للخلفيات
Reviving the backgrounds
وكمبوزيتين يعني
And it means composites.
وبعدين في طبعا المؤثرات
And then there are definitely the effects.
لو في ليزر بيطير لو في نار
If there is a laser, it flies; if there is fire.
بتطلع لو في حاجات زي كذا
Are you looking for things like these?
انا بدمج واكون العناصر هذي
I am integrating and creating these elements.
مرات انا باكونها من الصفر
Sometimes I start from scratch.
في الافترافكتس ومرات وهذا الاغلب
In After Effects, and sometimes this is the most common.
نستعين بمكتبات 2D
We rely on 2D libraries.
وطبعا ممتع جدا
And of course, it is very enjoyable.
كمية الشغل طبعا ضخمة
The amount of work is obviously massive.
لدرجة اني
To the extent that I
انت كنت شغال
You were working.
لوحدك في الفيلم
You are alone in the movie.
ولا كان في حد معك
And there was no one else with you.
يعني كنت بتليد
It means "You were being lazy."
تيم ولا كان ككمبوزيتين
Tim or was it comparable?
لا ككمبوزيتين انا كنت
No, like two composites, I was.
لوحدي شغال
I'm working alone.
في يعروب
In Ya'roub.
طبعا كنت شغال لوحدي
Of course, I was working alone.
طبعا في مسؤولية كمان
Of course, there is also responsibility.
يعني مش بس يعني عادة انك في
It means not just that you are usually in...
VFX بقى شي الهم انو ان شاء الله
VFX has become something for them, and hopefully.
شاهد لكن اللي اختلف
"I saw, but what changed"
الان انو في مسؤولية في فنانين بيشتغلوا
Now there is a responsibility among artists who are working.
قبلي فانا يعني قاعد امسك
"Before me, I mean I'm holding on."
شي ثمين جدا ما ينفع اخرى
A very precious thing that is not useful for others.
لا وفنانين مش حد سواي
No, there are artists and no one else.
لا ايوا
No, come on.
وماشاء الله هما في يعروب ومسامير
Masha'Allah, they are in Yaroub and Masameer.
طوروا الموضوع طوروا الخفيات
Develop the topic, develop the hidden aspects.
والرسم والتكنيكس فمخيف
The drawing and techniques are scary.
الموضوع اصل لما استلم الملفات
The subject is original when I received the files.
انت عارف ان
You know that
يعني اكتر الناس اللي انا بحبهم في مصر
It means the people I love the most in Egypt.
اسلام ابو شادي
Islam Abu Shadi
في الكاركتر ديزاين
In character design.
قالوا انا سابو خليفة
They said, "We are the heirs of the caliph."
الناس كده انت ممكن ما تبقاش سمعت عنهم
People are like that; you might not have heard about them.
بس هم اشتركوا في الحاجات دي فلا
But they participated in these things, so no.
الناس زيت ايه لينا حتى يعني شغلهم
People are like oil; they are there for us to work with.
باين والناس عارفهم فانا عارف
It’s clear, and people know them, so I know.
المسؤولية اللي انت بتتكلم عليها قد ايه
How much is the responsibility you are talking about?
فالمخيف شوي انك تاخذ
"It's a bit scary that you take..."
شغل من فنان وبعدين
Work of an artist and then.
انا جديد في التيم يعني هم لسنوات
I am new to the team, which has been around for years.
بيشتغلوا مع بعض وانا جديد في التيم
They work together and I am new to the team.
ففي دائما التخوف هذا اني
So there is always this fear that I...
هخرب اللي هم سوا
I will ruin what they did.
الحمدلله كانت النتائج كويسة ومرضية
Thank God the results were good and satisfying.
It means.
ان شاء الله عجبهم
God willing, they liked it.
الشغل طبعا الوقت كان ضيق جدا هم
The work, of course, the time was very tight for them.
ما شاء الله طموحين جدا وسووا
Masha'Allah, they are very ambitious and they succeeded.
الفيلم بالكامل يعني من كتابة
The entire film means from writing.
السيناريو الى عرض الفيلم في السينما
The scenario for showing the film in the cinema.
ستة شهور
Six months
وهذا يعتبر وقت خرافي
This is considered an extraordinary time.
ايو مرة مش طبيعي
It's an unbelievable time.
طبعا هو يبقى
Of course, it remains.
فيلم كوميدي يعني وموجه
It's a comedy film, meaning it's aimed at an audience.
اكثر للفانز اللي بيحبوا اصلا
More for the fans who already love.
مسامير وكذا
Nails and so on.
Of course.
اللي تغير بس في شغل
The only thing that changed is work.
مسامير انو الشغل صار اكثر
Nails, the work has become more.
الجودة صارت اعلى لانو بنشتغل 4K
The quality became higher because we are working in 4K.
انا توقعت انو اكثر
I expected more.
انا توقعت انو اكثر لانو
I expected it to be more because...
سينما بس اتضح انو 4K
Cinema, but it turned out to be 4K.
كافي انا ناسي الان 4K
I'm enough; I forgot now 4K.
في مشاهد كانت تجيني 6K
In scenes, I used to get 6K.
لانو اخذ مساحة اكثر في الشغل
Because it took up more space at work.
صراحة من امتع الاشياء
Honestly, one of the most enjoyable things.
انت اشتغلت في الستوديو عندهم ولا
Did you work in their studio or not?
هذي من الاشياء الرهيبة في فريقهم
This is one of the amazing things about their team.
انو ما كان عندهم مانع اني اشتغل
They had no objections to me working.
عن بعد فحتى ما
About distance, for even what...
اشتغلت من الستوديو انا اخذت كمبيوتري وعفشي
I worked from the studio, I took my computer and my stuff.
وروحت البيت لانو
And I went home because
الوقت غير طبيعي
The weather is abnormal.
انا حرفيا كنت باصحى
I was literally waking up.
اقعد على الكمبيوتر لينما انام
Sit at the computer until I sleep.
ما باقطع الا صلاة واكل بس
"I only stop for prayers and eating, that's all."
وبليالله بيكفي
"And by God, it's enough."
يعني حرفيا بنشتغل طوال اليوم
It literally means we work all day.
عشان يلا نغطي نقفل المشاهد
Let's cover it so we can close the scenes.
وصراحة في الاخير يعني هما
Honestly, in the end, I mean they are...
قصروا كمان شالوا معايا ما قدر اقول
They also took with them what I couldn’t say.
انا الوحدي اشتغلت الكمبوزيتين
I worked on the two composites alone.
صاروا بعض الفنانين عندهم بيخلصوا
Some artists have started to run out.
انيميشن بيخلصوا
Animation is finishing.
الرسم فما عندهم شي فصاروا
The drawing, so they had nothing and became.
ياخذوا معايا بعض المشاهد اللي
They take some scenes with me that...
تايم كونسيومينج وما فيها شغل كثير
Time-consuming and there's a lot of work involved.
يعني يتطلب التركيز
It requires concentration.
فصراحة ان تجربة عظيمة
Honestly, it is a great experience.
جدا واشكرهم اليوم انا ممتن
Very much and I thank them today; I am grateful.
للفرصة الي اتاحوها لي
"For the opportunity they provided me."
وجميل كان مرة
And it was beautiful once.
تطبيق التولز والاشياء
Application of tools and things
اللي انا اعرفها في الفي فيكس الواقعي
What I know about the real VFX.
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