قنوت الوتر
Mostafa Abdellateef
Arabesk Radio
قنوت الوتر
اللهم اهدني فيمن هديت
O Allah, guide me among those whom You have guided.
وعافني فيمن عافيت
And grant me health among those whom You have granted health.
وتولني فيمن توليت
"And take me into your care among those you have taken into your care."
وبارك لي الله فيما أعطيت
And may God bless me in what You have given.
وقني شر ما قضيت
"Protect me from the evil of what You have decreed."
فإنك تقضي ولا يقضى عليك
"For you judge, and you are not judged."
وإنه لا يذل من واليت
"And indeed, none is humbled by those I support."
ولا يعز من عديت
"And he who is oppressed will not be exalted."
تبارك ربنا وتعالي
Blessed is our Lord, exalted.
اللهم اجعلنا ممن تواضع لعظمتك فرفعته
O Allah, make us among those who humble themselves before Your greatness, and You exalt them.
وأقبل إليك تقضي
"And I come to you to fulfill."
وتقرب لك فقربت
"And you drew near to me, so I drew near."
وذل لهيبتك فأحببت
"And I humbled myself before your greatness, so I loved."
وسألك سؤاله فأعطيته
And he asked you his question, so I gave it to him.
وسترت ذنبه وغفرته
And I concealed his sin and forgave it.
وبرحمتك شملته
"And with Your mercy, You encompassed him."
يا أرحم الراحم
O Most Merciful of the merciful.
اشتركوا في القناة
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