power محاوله فاشله لتلخيص كتاب
Ahmed Galal
Ahmed galal
power محاوله فاشله لتلخيص كتاب
اقرأت كتاب اسمه 48 قانون للقوة
I read a book called "The 48 Laws of Power."
للقوة هي السلطة
Power is authority.
هذا الكتاب مرعب
This book is frightening.
يجب ان يكون لديك سلطة
You must have authority.
اذا ذهبت الى مكان او اعمل في مكان اخر
If you go to a place or work in another place.
لان اكتشف ان هذا الكتاب
Because it turns out that this book...
الرفرنس من المديرين
The reference from the managers.
كل المديرين يعملون بالكتاب
All the managers work by the book.
انا لن اتكلم في الكتاب
I will not talk in the book.
انا لن اتكلم في المديرين
I will not talk about the managers.
انا لن اتكلم في المهم
I will not speak about the important matter.
انا لن اتكلم في المفيد
I will not talk about what is useful.
لنبدأ الاتصال
Let's start the connection.
لانني ازهقت
Because I am exhausted.
يقول اول رول
The first rule says.
يسمى never outshine the master
It's called "never outshine the master."
لن اتكلم انجليزي
I will not speak English.
لانه كتاب انجليزي
Because it is an English book.
ونشرح ونظهر انك تعرف انجليزي
We explain and show that you know English.
اياك تطفي مديرك
Don't turn off your manager.
داخل انت ومديرك مدير
You and your manager are inside.
لا يمكن ان تظهر انك اكبر من مديرك
You cannot act like you are bigger than your boss.
لا يمكن
It cannot be.
لا يمكن انه اكبر من مديرك
It cannot be bigger than your manager.
انه يقوم بالمدير
He is acting as the manager.
انه يدعم مديرك
He supports your manager.
او اضعه
Or I put it.
لا يمكن
It is not possible.
انه يجد المدير
He finds the manager.
انه قد يضغط
He might press.
انه يقب السيل fon
He is accepting the flood.
انه قد يستعرض
He may review.
انه تزداد
It is increasing.
حينها انه يتكلم
At that time, he is speaking.
كيف انت audiobook
How are you, audiobook?
هذا الشريك
This partner.
اتجد مديرك اح!!!!
Do you find your manager annoying!!!!
اتمكن من التالي
I can do the following.
اذا كنت م機會 prop4
If you were to have an opportunity, prop4.
اذا كنت م condemn
If you are condemned
عندي ايضا ن boxer
I also have a boxer.
تعالق الإسم
The intertwining of the name.
never put too much trust in friends
Never put too much trust in friends.
learn how to use enemies
تعلم كيف تستخدم الأعداء
ينهروا بيض
They scold the eggs.
ما تحطيش ثقتك قوي في صحابك
Don't put too much trust in your friends.
الصحاب مقالب
Friends are tricks.
الصحاب مواقف
Friends have their moments.
تستنى صاحبك على المواقف
Wait for your friend at the stops.
His partisanship.
تستنى صاحبك على المواقف
Wait for your friend at the parking spots.
تكبه تروحه
He falls for you.
ربنا يبسيه بالخير الدحيح
May our Lord grant him good, the diligent one.
والله كنت بعشاوة
I swear I was feeling great.
دي حاجاته دي
These are his things.
learn how to use enemies
تعلم كيفية استخدام الأعداء
عدوي ازاي يستخدموه
How do they use my enemy?
دي انا عمري ما عملتها
I have never done that.
ولا فاهمها
And I don't understand it.
فانا مش عارف اشرح حلو
I don't know how to explain it well.
لك conceal your intentions
Conceal your intentions.
To the atmosphere.
Your intentions.
ما تبقاش عامل زي الله طل
"Don't act like you're God, come down."
وكل شوية في الشغل
"Every little while at work."
يا جماعة على فكرة انا عامل
Hey guys, by the way, I'm employed.
فكرة كذا كذا كذا
The idea is like this, like this, like this.
اشرح حلو
Explain it sweetly.
وراح اشرح لو انا عامل ايه وكذا وكذا
I will explain what I am doing and so on.
ولان تيجي فكرة تسرق منك
And now an idea comes to steal from you.
But you
اما انا الليلة الاول
As for me, tonight is the first.
منتج لامف
Lamf product
وماتبينش نواياك
And your intentions are not clear.
لو انت ناوي تستغيل ما تقولش
If you plan to take advantage, don't say it.
سيبها لهم كدة
Leave it to them like that.
بداخل كدة ميتنج ومحتاجينك
We have a meeting inside and we need you.
يجي يجي انا مستقيل.
Come on, come on, I resign.
قلت لك دي حلو قوي وهتجدك في حياتك وفي اي حاجة دانية مش مش شرط
I told you this is really good, and you will find it in your life and in anything else, it’s not a requirement.
سلطة بس هي هتديك تقل كده فاهم؟ اه.
It's just the salad that will give you some heaviness, you understand? Yes.
عندما ناخدش مسلا تلاقي واحد عمال يتكلم يتكلم يتكلم يتكلم فاعي
When we take, for example, someone who is talking and talking and talking, it's tiring.
ايدو فعليش يعني هنا ايضا يلاقي واحد مثلا قاعدة عامل كده
"Does it mean that here you also find someone, for example, doing this?"
رفع يده إذا في إيه فهم? فيه فيه سوبينز يبنوها زينة وما راهد يقوم
He raised his hand, is there something wrong? There are some who want to build it beautifully, but he doesn't want to.
يتكلم أي الحاجة ممكن أصلا يقول كلمتين تلاتة ثم دول فيهم
He speaks, and he might say a couple of words; these words are included in them.
السميم ما هو أنت يتقول كلمتين تلاتة فيهم السميم يتقول كلمتين
The poison is not what you say; you say a few words that contain the poison, you say a couple of words.
تلاتة يعملوا حوار اللي هو إنت مثلا لو هم بتكلموا ثم أنت
Three can have a dialogue, like if they are talking and then you.
قائل مثلا إيه البطاطس المحمرة هي اللي هتخلص الأزمة بتاعة
Someone might say, "Fried potatoes are what will solve the crisis."
الدولار هم ساكت والله العظيم هم ساكت. بس لك اللي هو. ايه
The dollar is quiet, I swear to God it's quiet. But for you, that's it. Yeah.
ماذا عن هذا الحوار؟
What about this dialogue?
كثيراً يعتمد على سمعتك
A lot depends on your reputation.
احفظها مع حياتك
Keep it with your life.
هناك أشياء كثيرة يعتمد على سمعتك
There are many things that depend on your reputation.
احمي سمعتك بحياتك
Protect your reputation in your life.
عندما تتحدث عن هذا وعلى هذا وعلى هذا وعلى هذا في العمل
When you talk about this and this and this and this at work.
سيظهر عليك سمعة أنك ليس راجلاً
You will develop a reputation for not being a man.
عندما يتحدث راجلاً كثيراً بإرادتك كثيراً
When a man talks a lot willingly.
يتحدث بكلام نسوان
He talks like a woman.
سيو سيو سيو
Sio Sio Sio
سمعة العصفير تذهب معك إلى أماكن كثيرة
The reputation of the birds takes you to many places.
عندما ذهبت إلى أماكن أخرى وتعرفت أنك عصفورة
When I went to other places and got to know that you are a little bird.
فالعصفورة تقول لك أنك عصفورة
The little bird tells you that you are a little bird.
ماذا سأفعل؟
What will I do?
سمعتك أولاً
I heard you first.
الودة في الدغري
The meaning of the phrase is uncertain as it does not translate directly to English. It seems to be a colloquial expression. Please provide additional context or clarify the content.
الودة سالك
The path is clear.
الودة برنس
The Prince is loved.
اعتماد على كل مستوى
Reliance on each level
أقسم بالله لا أفهم ماذا يعني
I swear by God, I don't understand what it means.
ماذا بعد؟
What comes next?
هذا المديرين فاشخ
These managers are a failure.
خذ يا بي
Take this, my father.
أفشتك يا بي
I exposed you, my dear.
يقول لك
He tells you.
اجعل الناس يقومون بالعمل لك
Make people work for you.
لكن دائماً
But always
اخذ المال
Taking the money.
عندما تكون مديراً بإذن الله
When you become a manager, God willing.
تخلي الذين تحتك
Let go of those who are beneath you.
هم الذين يعملون
They are the ones who work.
هم الذين يعملون كل الشغل
They are the ones who do all the work.
هم الذين يطلقون الأفكار
They are the ones who unleash ideas.
أعطيهم فعود
Give them a stick.
أنت فقط لو عملت كذا سأفعل لك كذا
If you only do this, I will do that for you.
أنا سأرأيك
I will see you.
وقعد غني عليه
And a rich man sat on him.
أول ما يخلص الشغل
As soon as the work is done.
تأخذ الكريدت
You take the credit.
ماذا يعني تأخذ الكريدت؟
What does it mean to take credit?
ليس كارت شحنة بعشرة
It's not a ten-unit recharge card.
يا رايق
Oh calm one.
The return
هم يدفعون شغل
They are paying for work.
تأخذ الشغل ويقول
You take the work and say.
في جيبب
In the pocket.
Here you go.
الأشخاص الأعلى ترأيك
The people you look up to.
And the rest.
هذه نصيحة للمديرين
This is advice for managers.
أنا أقول لكم
I am telling you.
لو أنت مدير
If you are a manager
أفعل كذا
Do this.
إنه هذا ما يفعل
This is what he does.
هناك شيء يسمى
There is something called
كرش أنمي
Anime belly
It means.
إذا وجدت عدوك قدامك
If you find your enemy in front of you.
كيف سأخذه؟
How will I take it?
لا تتركه يوم آخر
Do not leave it another day.
لأنه لو وجدت آخر
Because if another was found.
سيضعه عليك
He will put it on you.
فهذه غلطة كبيرة
This is a big mistake.
أجعل الناس يأتون إليك
Make people come to you.
And they use it.
إذا كان بحاجة
If he is in need.
إن شاء الله
God willing.
تحقق الغلطة والحظ
Mistakes and luck are verified.
It means.
ماذا هذا؟
What is this?
It means.
تحقق أي بني آدم
Verify, O son of Adam.
نيجاتيب في العمل
Negative in work.
You leave him.
إركنه على جانب
Park it on the side.
أمل أنه
I hope that
أهلا حبيبي
Hello my love.
لا ترد عليه
Don't respond to him.
رد علي
Reply to me.
إذا لم ترد علي
If you do not respond to me
He says.
يا عم
Oh uncle.
أنت لا ترد علي
You are not responding to me.
لا أهم
No importance.
It means.
ما الدنيا كلها
What is the whole world?
جاي علي
Coming on.
أنت أيضا
You too.
بقيت جاي علي
I stayed coming to you.
والعمل كله جاي علينا
"And all the work is coming to us."
وقاله تماما
And he said it exactly.
إذا بلغ الإتشار عنه
If the dissemination reaches him.
هناك شيء في الإتشار
There is something in the spread.
It is called.
You talk.
It means.
عندما تجد شيئا
When you find something.
ثم تتكلم
Then you speak.
ده دخل إليك يا جماعة
This has entered to you, guys.
هناك شخص نيجاتيب هنا
There is a negative person here.
جيب السهل للإدارة
The easy pocket for management.
تعلم أن تبقي الناس تعتمد عليك
Learn to keep people dependent on you.
It means.
دع الناس تعتمد عليك
Let people rely on you.
لأنهم يعملون عليها حوار
Because they are working on a dialogue about it.
It means.
ورول كبير
And a big roll.
It means.
It means.
Here you go.
And this
في مجرد
In mere.
It means.
في عمل
In work
The neighbors
دائما ما تبقاش ماشي بطريقة واحدة في الشغل. راجع بطريقة. راجع
Always don't go in one way at work. Review your approach. Review.
بطريقة. طبعا الكلام ده بلح. آآ الطريقة بدقة شغلة. لو انت
In a way. Of course, this talk is nonsense. Uh, the method works precisely. If you...
شغال بطريقة والناس خلاص هرشتها تريش تهالي بطريقة تانية. دخل
He is working in one way and people have completely worn him out; he seems to be handling it in another way.
طريقة تالتة. دخل مش عارف ايه? لوقت ما ربنا كلمة كنت استخيل
A third way. I don’t know what happened? Until God said a word I couldn't imagine.
ان شاء الله. يعني بنتعم الحمام تخصي ايدك عم عفن. طبعا مشكلة.
God willing. It means we're going to the bathroom, wash your hands, it's disgusting. Of course, it's a problem.
ايوة يعني اي مشكلة هتحصل تبقى خارج منها ايدك نظيفة. مش
Yes, it means that any problem that happens, you'll come out of it with clean hands. No.
خارج ملطوط. مش رايح صباح الفولة رجالة فيه. يا غناء انا
Outside it's wet. I'm not going to the morning market, there are men there. Oh wealth, I am.
لا. ورايح مش شامل اي حاجة تقوم لابس تهمة تنفسك قاعد مع الاتش
No. And the future doesn't include anything that makes you seem guilty of breathing while sitting with the itch.
وار. اهو يا جماعة نقسم بالله كنت راح اشتري. يمس يمس ينهر يسود
Oh. This is it, folks. I swear I was going to buy it. He touches, he touches, he scolds, he darkens.
على الكلام. ميك يور اككمبليشمنت سيم افورتلس. يعني خلي انجازاتك
About the speech. Make your accomplishments seem effortless. It means to let your achievements shine.
تبين ان هي بلا مجهود. افورتلس. بيسوف كيك يا جماعة. بيسوف كيك.
It turns out that it is effortless. It's effortless. It's easy, folks. It's easy.
دي دي دي اللي ماشيين عليها على طول. حتى لو الحاجة دي تفهى بيين يا
This is the path we are constantly following. Even if this thing seems trivial to you.
عم انها صعب ممكن يبقى لعاك جنبك فاهم او ودامك وراك فاهم او في
It is difficult, but it might be by your side, understanding, or in front of you, understanding, or in.
ادارة تانية للاك مثلا مبعوث في ايميل كده ولا حاجة ويقول لك ايه
Another management for the example, like being sent in an email or something and telling you what.
ده عم. ده حوار صعب قوي. بس هي اصلا حاجة تفهى. حاجة تفهى تفهى.
This is serious. This is a very difficult conversation. But it's actually something trivial. Something utterly trivial.
تفهى حاجة تفهى فشخة. كنترول دي اوبشنز. انا هاريس سويد. يعني
I don't understand anything. Control the options. I am Harris Sweden. Meaning?
ايه? اه. دي بقى هترفدني ان شاء الله. يعني انت راجل دلوقتي مدير
What? Oh. This will get me fired, God willing. So now you are the manager.
الادارة. ماشي? وعايز الناس تمشي في اتجاه معين. تدي كل الاختيارات
Management. Is that clear? And I want people to move in a certain direction. Give all the options.
بتؤدي الى هذا الاتجاه. تلاقي عيني الواد قاعد يقول لك يا امي ده
It leads to this direction. I meet the boy's eyes, and he's telling you, "Mom, this."
انا ومديري مدلعنا ومدينا حاجات بها وعمالين نختار. وانت حمار.
I and my boss are spoiled and we have things that we are choosing from. And you are a donkey.
اخترت كل الاختيارات هي عملت المدير عايزها. كنترول دي اوبشنز.
I chose all the options; she did it because the manager wants it. Control the options.
لا لا لا. لا يا راجد عاني ايه?
No, no, no. No, Raed, what are you suffering from?
خبرة بيض. يعني فكر زي ما انت عايز. بس تصرف زي الناس. يعني
Experience is like eggs. It means think however you want. But act like people do. That is to say.
ممكن ادارة كلهم بيطبروا المدير. فكر زي ما انت عايز. بس
Maybe everyone is just flattering the manager. Think however you want. But...
عمل زيهم. ما معلش زيهم هتقوم واخد. الصندرة عند المدير. يسقع
Do like them. It's okay, you will be taken care of. The decision is with the manager. It's freezing.
لك. ولا تترقى ولا تت اه. اه دي بقى دي دي دي الخاصة بالناس
For you. And do not promote or... Oh, this is for the people.
اللي شغالين في المنبور سعيد. اللي قريبين من معيني والسواحل.
Those who work in Al-Manbour are happy. Those who are close to my aides and the coasts.
بيقول لك ايه? اه. يعني ان شاء الله لما تيجي تصطاد الصح.
What does he tell you? Yes. I mean, hopefully when you come to catch the right one.
يعملوا لها جوجل وحاولوا تفهموها. واربعة واربعين اللي مش عارفوا
"They're doing a Google search on it, and try to understand it. And forty-four who don't know it."
قويها اصلا. خمسة واربعين اه ايه ده. واربعة واربعين مش مهمين.
Strengthen it originally. Forty-five, oh what is this. And forty-four are not important.
خلاص الفيديو خلاص يا راجد.
The video is over, Raged.
اشتركوا في القناة
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