Qahwa chat #3- From People's Eyes حكايات عل قهوة #3 من عيون الناس

Mahmoud Noweir

Qahwa Diaries

Qahwa chat #3- From People's Eyes حكايات عل قهوة #3 من عيون الناس

Qahwa Diaries

هذا السلام فليم السلام

This is peace, so let it be peace.

ونظرة انت وليم قلبي في المنام

"And I see you, my heart, in a dream."

جمدة وحلقات خطيرة وجست جمدين

Inertia and dangerous circles and I am very inert.

ولو ما شفتش اخر حلقة عن spirituality في مصر مع احمد نجم

If you haven't seen the latest episode about spirituality in Egypt with Ahmed Nagm.

make sure انك تشاكر او

Make sure that you are thankful.

وour thoughts and prayers مع اهلنا في غزة والسودان

Our thoughts and prayers are with our people in Gaza and Sudan.

وان شاء الله ربنا ينصرهم

And God willing, may our Lord grant them victory.

النهاردة معانا جست حاس انه هو مش بس هيفدنا بخبرته في مجاله

Today we have just a feeling that he will not only benefit us with his expertise in his field.

لا وكمان هيدينا الحكمة اللي تعلمها من الشارع المصري

"No, and he's also going to give us the wisdom he learned from the Egyptian street."

الحلقة دي من حلقات اللي هو حاسس انه هو ايه

This episode is one of the episodes where he feels what he is.


We appreciate.

نعبر فيه عن اللي جوانا من خلال الكلام او الكلام اللي هو هيقوله

We express what's inside us through the words or the speech that he will say.

والكلام اللي انا هقوله ونقدر نريليت لكلام بتاع الناس اللي بتعبر فيه عن نفسها

And the words that I will say can be related to what people say to express themselves.

لانه هو مصور ومصور documentary

Because he is a photographer and a documentary filmmaker.

فبيصورهم وبيسألهم اسئلة ويخلهم يعبروا عن اللي جواهم

He portrays them and asks them questions, allowing them to express what is inside them.

مثلا لتعبان ومهموم اللي عنده مشاكل

For example, someone who is tired and worried, who has problems.

وحنا هنا عشان نشوف ازاي الناس التانية بتعبر عن اللي جواها

"And we are here to see how other people express what is inside them."


Its meaning

معناها علاق اشرف صنع محتوى فوتوغراف على انستجرام ما شاء الله اللي عاجبني في علاق ازاي

It means that Alaa Ashraf creates photographic content on Instagram, and what I like about Alaa is how.

هو استغى اللي بتعته الفوتوغرافي بتاعته ونزل الشارع وقدر انه هو

He called his photographer and went down to the street and was able to...

يحسن الاداة وان هو يقدر يخلي الناس تتكلم ويعبر عن اللي جواها بتكون

It improves the tool, and if he can make people speak and express what is inside them, it will be.

وسيلة يعني يحسن ربنا بعايتها للناس عشان الناس بتبقى يعني مغمومة

A means by which our Lord improves the situation for people because they are often troubled.

و جواها حمل فبتطلعه

"And inside it is a load, so it takes it out."

وهو بيستخدم

And he is using.

ال skills بتاعته عشان يوصل

His skills are what will help him succeed.

أصوات الناس دي

The voices of these people.

ستايل علاء فريد من نوعه لأنه

Alaa's style is unique because...

كمان عايز ال story بتاعت الناس

I also want the story about the people.

تطلع مش

Not looking forward.

متفابركة من جواهم

Manufactured from within them.

وما يبقاش فارق انت مين

"And it doesn't matter who you are."

هو كده كده صعب انك

It's still difficult for you.

تعبر لحد عن

It expresses to the limit about.

ال emotions والحاجات اللي جواك

The emotions and needs inside you.

تخيل بقى حد مثلا random جاء

Imagine someone, for example, a random person just came.

لك سألك سؤال

I will ask you a question.

لما تحس السؤال جاي على الوجه

When you feel the question is coming to the surface.


You embarrass.

فحب أقول لك مبسوط انك هنا

I'm happy to tell you that I'm glad you're here.

علاء والله ومبسوط انك قبلت

Alaa, I swear I’m happy that you accepted.

دعواتي انك تيجي بصراحة

My prayers are that you come, honestly.

في فيديوهات أنا بلاقي نفسي

In videos, I find myself.

فيها وإن ناس تانية

"There are other people in it."

بتقول لي جوايا

It tells me inside.

حبيبي أولا

My dear, first.

شكرا على الكلام الكتير ده

Thank you for all this talk.

وكتير علي أبو فريد

And it's too much for Abu Fareed.

كيف أرد فاو

How do I respond to Faou?

هو كلام حلو والله

It's beautiful talk, by God.

مقدمة جم دعوي

Introduction to a legal claim


Thank you.

وكلامك بجد فوق راسي

Your words are truly above my head.

وانا ليه شرف ان اطلع مع حد جم دعوي

And I have the honor to appear with someone who has a religious call.

حد محترم

A respected limit.

حد شايف ان هو مانع ليه طموح

"Does anyone think that he is preventing his ambition?"

وعايز ينجح

And he wants to succeed.

وعايز يوصل رسالة للناس

And he wants to send a message to the people.

عايز يفيد الناس كمان

He wants to benefit people as well.

قد ما هو عايز يستفيد هو كمان

As much as he wants to benefit, he will too.

هو بيفيد الناس معاه

He benefits the people around him.

ودي كانت نقطة فيها برضو

That was also a point for me.

انا حافزها منك انا اخر

I am her motivation, I am the other.

شكرا عم مقدم الحلوة دي

Thank you, Uncle, for this sweet treat.

ايوة اخويا اللي بيننا حاجات مشتركة

Yes, my brother, we have things in common.

بس فزي ما بقولك

But just as I tell you.

في حاجات كتير

There are many things.

شدتني ليك زي ما

You attracted me like...

الناس الكتير بتتفرج على فيديوهاتك

Many people are watching your videos.

شدتهم حاجات

They were pulled by needs.

شدتهم القصص بتاعت الناس

They were captivated by people's stories.

غير انك انت نفسك بتطلع

However, you yourself are coming out.


She speaks.

عايز ايه تحكي لنا كده عن نفسك اكتر

What do you want? Tell us more about yourself.

وازاي بديت اساسا

And how did I start in the first place?

يعني انا

It means I.

استطافت مصورين وكده من مصر

She managed to get photographers and such from Egypt.

وكانت بدياتهم

And their beginnings were…

اللي هو ايه كانت

What was it?

حاجة عالجنب كده

Something on the side like that.

يعني بيصوروا في اماكن سياحية وكده

It means they take pictures in tourist spots and such.

لغاية مثلا ما خلوها

Until, for example, they didn't allow it.

خلاص دي شغلاتهم الاساسية

These are their main tasks.



بس انا اصلا كنت

But I was actually...

بدرس حقوق وخلصت

I study law and I finished.


It means.

فهدي حاجة ما دا احيى علاقة اصلا بالتصوير عموما

This thing doesn't really have any relationship with photography in general.

يعني بس لما كنت

I mean, only when I was...

اعمل ثانية سنوي او فولة سنوي

Do a second year or an annual bean.

حاجة زي كده

Something like this.

كنت حابب فكرة او من صغري عموما

I have always liked the idea since I was young, in general.

بس الفترة دي اكتر حاجة

This period is the most thing.

كنت حابب فكرة ان انا بحب

I was fond of the idea that I love.

حابب ان انا اوصل كل حاجة بحياتي

I want to achieve everything in my life.

ومش هننزلها

And we won't upload it.

السوشيال ميديا لأ انا عايز اوصلها كالليه

Social media, no, I want to convey it like this.

انا بس عشان لما عجز

"I'm just because when I got old."

او كده

Or like this.

لو نقدر الله يعني جالي مثلا

If God wills, it means it has come to me, for example.

زايمر او انا بدأت انت على كلام دا كله

"Zaimir, I started all this talk."

يبقى في حاجات

There are still things.

يمكن تخلينا افتكر الايام دي تاني

Can we make ourselves remember those days again?

مش مجرد حقيقة انا عشتها

It's not just a reality I lived.

وراحت لحالها وانا انتهتها

She went on her own, and I finished it.

وخلاص لأ انا معايا حاجة وسيلة

That's it, I have something with me as an aid.

ممكن تخلينا ارجع افتكر الايام دي تاني

Can you let me relive those days again?

يعني انت بتقول

So you're saying.

reason او السبب

the reason

اللي انك ابتديت

What you started.

عشان تخلي الحاجات دي

To make these things.

زي ذكرى ليك

Like a memory for you.



دي كانت الفكرة خلاص الاول خالص

That was the initial idea completely.

وبعد كده

And after that.

كنت شوف فكرة الاول

I was going to see the idea first.

الاستراتيجية الصغيرة

The small strategy

والحاجات دي

And these needs.

عجبني بس عجبني

I liked it, but I really liked it.

الفكرة فيها انها انت بتوصك

The idea is that you are guiding him.

حياة الناس بردك ان انت ممكن

The lives of the people are cold; you can change that.

تتطور صورة لحد

An image is evolving.

ممكن حرفيا يبدل عايش عليها

It can literally change the way you live on it.

طول حياته كل ما يترجع عليها

Throughout his life, every time he would backtrack on her.

يبقى فرحان لسببها

He remains happy for her reason.

او انت وصقت حاجة في حياته معينة

Or you described something specific in his life.

هو وبنته مثلا

He and his daughter, for example.

او هو ابنه ولقدر الله ابنه ده بات

Or he is his son, and God forbid, this son has passed away.

فانت الوحيد اللي وصكت له

You are the only one I’ve reached out to.

صورة لي هو ابنه

The picture of him is his son.

بالذات مثلا الناس فيه

For example, people in it.

الناس غالبة في اشتاق كتير

People are mostly longing a lot.

ما عندهمش فكرة ان هما بيتطوروا

They have no idea that they are evolving.

او ليهم صورة سوا وكلام ده

Do they have a photo together and this talk?

انك توصك حاجة زي دي للناس

You recommend something like this to people?

فديت بحاجة حلوة جدا

I am devoted to something very sweet.

فالاول كنت بصور بحاجات دي

So at first, I was photographing those things.

بس ما كنتش بنزل

But I wasn't going down.

كان عندي حد اللي هو خوف

I had someone who was fear.

خايف ان ازل حاجات دي

I'm afraid to remove these things.

وحد يقول لي مثلا

Someone says to me, for example.

ايه اللي باتفاد منه او

What am I avoiding, oh?

صورة وحشة او تصورك مش حلو

The picture is ugly or your imagination is not good.

من انت كده كده انت لسه في البداية

Who are you? You're still at the beginning anyway.

فجات فترة كده

There was a period like that.

انا خلاص

I'm done.

خلاص انا خلاص انا سجع

That's it, I'm done, I'm done with poetry.

انا اعمل حاجة زي كده

I work on something like this.

وكان دي كان كل الجامعة بيان حاجة زي كده

It was like that in the entire university.

اللي هو انا ليه ما اعملش كده

Why shouldn't I do that?

اللي هو بحب اجرب

I love to try.

اي حاجة


يعني عارف مثلا الحاجة دي ممكن تفشل

It means, you know, for example, this thing could fail.

فاهم ومفيش اي

I understand, and there's nothing else.

امل انها تنجح

I hope she succeeds.

ولا الكلام ده كله بس على الاقل

And not all this talk, but at least.

اخذت الفرصة لانا عملت الحاجة دي

I took the opportunity because I did this thing.

بس بتدوس فيه

You just press it.

ايه بالزبط عشان ما جيت بعد كده اندم

What exactly is it so I won't regret coming afterwards?

اقول لي ليه كنت كنت عملت كده

I say to you, why did you do that?

انا بحبش اندم فقط

I just don't like to regret.

لان انا اكتر حاجة بخاف حياتي

Because the thing I fear most is my life.

انا اندم دي وضعه

I regret this situation.

وطعه بالاسباني

And put it in Spanish.

مش عايز مثلا الوقت

I don’t want the time, for example.

يجري مثلا ويكون قدامك كان

For example, he is running and in front of you there was.

فرصة وتكون

A chance and you will be.

اللي هو ايه عشان ما خدتش خطوة

What is it that I didn't take a step for?

تضيع منك

It slips away from you.

مثلا في المستقبل تقول انا كان عندي فرصة كذا

For example, in the future you might say, "I had an opportunity like this."

ان انا اعمل

I am working.

الحكاية دي بس كنت خايف

I was just afraid of this story.

وحاس ان الخوف

And I feel that fear.

فاكتر او حاجة

Factor or something.

بتمنعنا او بتمنعنا

Are you preventing us or are you holding us back?

من بعض احلامنا او ان احنا نجرب حاجات

From some of our dreams or that we try things.

وخلي بالك انا دايما مش مبدأ اللي هو ايه

And keep in mind that I am always not the type that is what.

اول سبب

The first reason.

للنجاح هو حس الخوف دي

Success is a sense of fear.

انت بداية

You are the beginning.

اي نجاح بحياتك هو ايه

What success in your life is it?

اصلا الاولى كانت خوف انت مثلا انت

The first one was fear, for example, you.

مثلا بتعمل فيديوهات على اليوتيوب مثلا

For example, you make videos on YouTube, for instance.

انت في الاول فالس كنت هتبقى خايف

At first, you would be scared.

ان الحاجة دي ما تنجحش

This need will not succeed.

بس كنت خدت اللي هو اللي زي ما بيقوله الرزق

I just took what you could call sustenance.

انت خلاص خدتها وانا هعملها

You’ve already taken it, and I will do it.

بعدين انت من جواة مرعوب من مرات

Then you're scared inside sometimes.

فاعل الناس وكل من الكل وكم انت في السلبيه

The people are active, and everyone is part of the whole, and how much you are in negativity.

وحياتي كلها يعني فاهم

"And my whole life, you know."

انت خدت التجربة وانجحت فيها

You took the experience and succeeded in it.

انت بدايتها كانت خوف اصلا

Your beginning was originally fear.

دي بالنسبة لي

This is for me.

كمان في حاجات بتأثر علينا يعني مثلا

"Also, there are things that affect us, for example..."

هل في حاجة مثلا او لحظة

Is there a need for something, for example, or a moment?

في مشوارك ده

In your journey.


I was influenced.

على اسلوبك

In your style.

او اللي هو خلتك انك تبقى عايز

Or what made you want to stay?

تشارك قص الناس

Share people's stories.

انك تروح لهم كده

You just go to them like that.

تقولهم سؤال او ممكن

You ask them a question or maybe.

اصوركم او كده

Should I take a picture of you or something like that?

انا شاب زي اي شاب في الدنيا

I am a young man like any young man in the world.

دايما بيمر بالظروف

Always goes through circumstances.

مش احسن حاجة

Not the best thing.

اللي هو مثلا ايه ليه يا رب

What is it, for example, oh Lord?

انا نفسي اجيب لبس لبس اجيب احسن تليفون

I want to buy clothes and the best phone.

نفسي نفسي نفسي حاجات كثير او كده

Myself, myself, myself, many things like that.

تقول ليه يا رب انا نفسي كذا

You say to Him, "Oh Lord, I wish for this."

تقول ليه ما اجتليش الحاجة دي وبتاع

She tells me why this thing didn't come to me and all that.

بس من قبل

Just before.

ما اصور مع الناس في الجهات

I don't take pictures with people in public places.

واخش جواهم انا كده كده انا من الناس

"I am one of those people anyway."

اللي احب تسمع اودي اكتما انا بكلم يعني

I love to hear what I mean when I speak.

دايما انا صار في مواصلات

I always have transportation.


He or she.

اللي اكتر بحرج الواحدة

What embarrasses a person the most.

اصلا لما اجي اخرج الواحدة

Actually, when I come to take out the one.

بتعامل مع الناس اكتر

I deal with people more.

بتعرف على الناس جديدة

You get to know new people.

بتكلم معاهم بعرف قصصهم وكلام ده كله

I talk to them, I know their stories and all that stuff.

بس لما اتصور

But when I imagine.

بديات اكتر

More beginnings

بجد شفت ناس حياتهم

I really saw people whose lives...

متدمرة ورغم

Devastated and despite

كده عندهم كمية رضا

They have a lot of satisfaction like that.

بطريقة رهيبة

In an amazing way.

انا مكسوف من نفسي

I am ashamed of myself.



يعني الناس زي دي

It means people like this.

وعندها كمية رضا بالطريقة دي

And at that moment, there is a level of satisfaction in this way.

ببالك انا بقول لي يا رب

In your mind, I am saying to myself, "Oh Lord."

لا انا بعد كده

No, I will not after that.

منفعش اعمل حاجة زي كده

I can't do something like that.

في اللي هو مثلا بيقول لك لما تشوف مصيبة غيرك

"When you see the misfortune of others."

تهون عليك مصيبتك

Your calamity becomes easier for you.

ممكن ما قلت ما كنتش قلت كويس

Maybe I didn't say it well.

بس اللي هو لما مثلا تتكلم مع ناس

But what happens is when, for example, you talk to people.

او انت محمومة وكده

Are you feeling feverish and such?

وتحس انهم

And you feel that they...

يعني في مقزق اكبر منك

It means there is something more disturbing than you.

تقول ان هو

She says that he

لا ربنا كان رحيم بيه

No, our Lord was merciful to him.

او خفف علي الدنيا

O lighten my burdens in this world.

بالضبط انت بخلي بالك برضه

Exactly, you take care as well.

جات علي فترة انا بقيت محتنى

There was a time when I became withdrawn.

انا اكتنعك

I convince you.

لان ربنا انعم علي بدعم كتير قوي

Because my Lord has blessed me with a lot of support.

كفاية ان انا بقعد راسحة من النوم عادي

It's enough that I wake up feeling relaxed normally.

المعاصف الكلمة اللي انا بخش الحمام عادي

The term "ma'asef" refers to the word I casually use when I go to the bathroom.

بشرب مية بتنزل عادي

I drink water, it comes down normally.

انت ربنا اصلا

You are our Lord, after all.

لو بيتي عمزيت انت ربنا ميديك كمية نعم

If my house was a blessing, may God grant you an abundance of blessings.

كبيرة قوي

Very big.

وانت اصلا مش واخد بالك

And you are not even paying attention.

احنا مشكلتنا برضه ان احنا الناس

Our problem is also that we are people.

دنيوية اكثر احنا عايزين

We want more worldly things.

الدنيا بطريقة رهيبة

The world in a terrible way.

والدنيا فيها

And the world contains it.

كمية متاع بطريقة كبيرة جدا

A lot of goods in a very large way.

بتخليك تلهيك اصلا

It makes you distracted in the first place.

عن انك انت تتقرب من ربنا

About you drawing closer to our Lord.

وانك تبص لاخرتك

And you look to your Hereafter.

لو جيت فكرت جدا بجد

If I really thought deeply.

انا مش عايز الدنيا زي اجرها انت

I don't want the world like you rented it.

لو جيت فكرت في الاخرة وبجنة وحاجات كلها

If you think about the hereafter and Paradise and all those things.

احلى بكتير

Much sweeter.

سيبك بعمل الدنيا

Leave the world to its own affairs.

وان الواحد مثلا يكلم

"And for example, one talks..."

الدنيا ويحبها وانه عنده احسن

The world and its love, and that he has the best.

عربية وانه معاه احسن تليفون

Arabic and he has the best phone with him.

وانه عنده احسن لبس ومش عارف ايه

And that he has the best clothes and I don't know what else.

ويبقى مشهور وكلام ده كله

And he remains famous and all that talk.

لو جيت فكرت فيها

If you think about it.

ولا اي حاجة

Nothing at all.

بالنسبة للاخرة ولا للجنة

For the Hereafter or for Paradise?

لو جيت فكرت فيها كويس جدا

If I really think about it well.

دي من الحاجات اللي كنت اتكلم فيها

These are the things I was talking about.

في حلقاتي اللي فاتتها مع

In my previous episodes with

احمد نجمين اللي هو يعني

Ahmed is two stars, which means.

قد ايه الجيل ده

How much is this generation?

او الجيل اللي جاي

Or the next generation.

اللي هو متأثر بالقيم الغربية

which is influenced by Western values

واللي هو مختار الحياة الدنيوية

"And he is the one who has chosen worldly life."

اكتر او بيبعد

More or farther away.

اكتر عن

More about

عن الدين

About religion.

ومش كلنا متربين مثلا نفسي

Not all of us are raised, for example, like me.

التربية في البيت الديني او كده

Education in a religious home or something like that.

او الكلام ده

This speech.

يعني انا تعلمت

It means I have learned.

اللي هو

Which is

ماينفعش ان هو اقيمك

It's not appropriate for me to evaluate you.

على مبادئ انا او على حياة انا

On principles I am, or on a life I am.

اللي انا تربيت فيها

The place where I was raised.

بس برضو

But still

من وجهة نظري

In my opinion.

من وجهة نظر اللي هو

From his point of view.

يعني شايفو حاجة

Do you see something?

مش حاجة مظبوطة يعني

It's not something right, I mean.

الناس عادي بتبعد

People usually keep their distance.

غير القيم الدينية

Non-religious values



الكولتشر بتاعتك

Your culture.

الكولتشر الشرقية

The Eastern Culture



وخيباتك برضك انا مش تيغي برضك

"And your disappointments, I still don't care."

اللي هو فاهم

Whoever understands.

اللي واحد بيحاول فاهم

The one who is trying to understand.

انا للاسف انا مش كون

Unfortunately, I am not a person.

الصلاوات بصليها بس

I pray the prayers, that's all.

على الاقل بحاول فاهم

At least I'm trying to understand.

بتجاهد مع النفس

You struggle with yourself.

ودي صوت اكبير برضه خلي بالك

I want a loud voice too, keep that in mind.

انت استطان بيبعدك

You are the reason for my distance.

بيحاول على قد ما هو يقدر انه يبعدك

He tries as much as he can to keep you away.

عن الصلاة

About prayer

وانت في نفس الوقت انت بتحاول تجاهد

"And at the same time, you are trying to struggle."

وتعافر على انك تصلي وتكرم من ربنا

"And strive to pray and to be honored by our Lord."

وكلام ده كله وربنا هي ديما

And all this talk, by God, is always true.

طب في حاجات في شخصيتك

There are things in your personality.


I have changed.

بعد ما بتديت تتكلم مع الناس اكتر

After you started talking to people more.

وبعد ما

And after what

بتطيق بتديت تنزل الشرق اكتر

Are you starting to feel the east more?

يعني هل بقت مثلا

Does that mean, for example, it remained?



متعاطف اكتر او حاجة كدا

More empathetic or something like that.

هي اول حاجة اتغيرت بي هي حياتي الرزق

The first thing that changed for me is my livelihood.

ان انا مرضي بنفسي

I am pleased with myself.

هي اول حاجة تغيرتها

It is the first thing that changed.

والحاجة التانية ان انا حرفيا

"And the second thing is that I literally"

لازم احسب يعني كل خطوة اعملها في حياتي

I have to calculate every step I take in my life.

عشان ما جيش هندم بعد الكادرين زي ما قلت لك انا بخاف هندم

"I don't want to regret after the deadlines; as I told you, I'm afraid of regretting."

لانا مش بحبها اول حتة دي يعني

I don't really like that part.

ودي غيرت حاجة اخر فترة يعني حتة اللي هو

I wanted to change something recently, like that part.

دايما وانا بعيش في الحاضر اللي احنا عايشينه ده

I always live in the present that we are experiencing.

دايما بمقتنع اقتناع سام

I am always convinced of a high conviction.

ان انا في المستقبل حاجات دي كده كده هتبقى ماضي

In the future, these things will eventually be the past.

وهتبقى ذكريات

And there will be memories.

فطول ما انا عايش في الحاضر

As long as I am living in the present.

افضل واخد بالي من كل حاجة هعملها

I prefer to pay attention to everything I will do.

عشان ما جيش بعد كده تبقى ذكريات وحشة بالنسبة لي

So that you don't become bad memories for me in the future.

بعيدا على ان دي حاجات لازم تحصل اصلا

This is something that needs to happen anyway.

بس انت بتحاول لقد ما تقدر برضك ان انت بتضبط حياتك

But you are trying as much as you can to get your life in order.

وبتخطط بالك من كل الخطوة تبتعملها

And you plan ahead for every step you take.

عشان ما تجيش بعد الكادرين تبقى ذكريات واحدة

So that you don't come back after the cadres and memories become one.

دي بلدك حاجة من الحاجات اللي تغيرت في اخر فترة يعني

This is your country, something that has changed recently.

دايما بيتمتوقع ان ممكن يعني

It is always expected that it might mean.

اللحظة اللي لحظة حياتك تتغير يسوى اول حاجة يسوى للأحلى

The moment when your life changes is worth it, the first thing worth it is for the better.

هبقى عامل حسابي

I will keep you in mind.

اللي هو ببقاش متعامل

Which is not being dealt with.

عشن ان الحاجات اللي تحصل لا هي ممكن تحصل ممكن ما تحصلش

I lived that the things that happen may happen or may not happen.

الله اعلم يبقى المغيب

God knows, the sunset remains.

اما بحاولي على قد ما اقدر ما اتعلم

I try as much as I can to learn.

وربنا شايل لي حاجات تانية احسن

And my Lord has saved for me better things.

ممكن ابحث حاجة قدامي

Can I look for something in front of me?

بيقول لك مو حصل ايه تفضل

He tells you, "What happened? Go ahead."

اني لا اللي هي غصة طيبة

I don't have a good feeling about it.

لو ما حصلتش افضل ازعلان ولا الكلام ده كله

If it didn't happen, I'd rather be upset than all this talking.

لا بس وربنا شايل لي واشالك حاجات تانية احسن

It's okay, and God has prepared for me and for you better things.

بيت برضك مقتنع بحاجات هكذا اكثر

You are still convinced of things like that more.

دي برضه اللي هو مع النقطة بتاعة الرضا

This is also related to the point of satisfaction.

او النقطة اللي هو بتاع

Or the point that belongs to him.

بردو نفس النقطة اللي باتكلم عليها اللي هو

Still the same point I'm talking about, which is

انت ليه ستريس تقى وليه يعني

Why are you stressed, Taqi, and what does it mean?



عارف شايل الهم

Aref is burdened with worries.

لان كده كده ماشي انت مفروض تعمل اللي عليك

Because anyway, you are supposed to do your part.

بس بردو ربنا اللي هو عاملك بلان

But still, it's God who has made you a plan.

عاملك خطة

I made you a plan.

اوك يعني لو حاجة من نصيبك هتكون من نصيبك

Okay, so if something is meant for you, it will be for you.

لو حاجة مش من نصيبك

If something is not meant for you.

خلص ما بتكونش نصيبة

It won't be your fate.

بس يعني احنا كهيومنز يعني كناس يعني عندها عاطفية عالية بنقعد نسترس ونقعد نفكر كتير قوي في الحاجة وده

But I mean, as humans, we have a lot of emotions; we tend to stress and think a lot about things.

او مثلا بنكون زي ما انتوا قلت متعشمين بحاجة جدا ومثلا انا الشغلينة دي انا عايز اخدها مثلا

Or for example, we might be as you said, very hopeful about something, and for instance, I want to take this job, for example.

او مثلا الانتربيو ده جالي وعايز مثلا ان شاء الله الشغلينة دي هتجيلي خلاص وحياتي هتبقى افضل واخد المرتب كذا واشتري كذا

For example, this interview came to me, and I want, God willing, this job to come to me, and my life will be better, and I'll get a salary of this amount and buy that.

بس دي الاكسبكتيشن ممكن الحقيقة تكون حاجة تانية خلص

But these expectations might actually be something completely different.


Of course.

بس دلوقتي بقى الحكاية حوارة انك تروح تقرب بقى للناس وتكلمهم دي مش حاجة سهلة يعني مثلا

But right now the situation is that you should go closer to people and talk to them, which is not something easy, for example.

لو انت شخص يعني

If you are a person, that means...



اكستروفيرت مش انت واقي

Extrovert, aren't you a protector?

تبقى حاجة سهلة لك

It remains an easy thing for you.

ايه بقى اسلوبك لما تيجي تقرب للناس من اول مرة

What is your approach when you try to get close to people for the first time?

عشان تصورهم

So that you can take their picture.

وازاي بتخليهم مرتاحين انهم يشاركوا مشاعرهم

How do you make them comfortable to share their feelings?

وقصصهم الشخصية

And their personal stories.

هو قبل اي حاجة

He is, above all else.

انا اصلا ما كنت اجتماعي

I was not social at all.

يعني انا مثلا انا في الجامعة

It means, for example, I am at the university.

ما كنت في الجامعة ما كانت لي اصحاب اصلا

When I was in university, I didn't have any friends at all.

اللي هو اصحاب باي علاء نازل

Which is the friends of Alaa are going down?

نازل الجامعة طب يلا بينا

I'm heading to university, let's go.

ما كانت دي عندي

What was not with me?

انا كنت دايما اصلا مع حالة اجتماعي

I was always in a social situation.

بس لما بدأت

But when I started

ان انا انزل الشارع

I am going down to the street.

وقرب من الناس اكتر

Get closer to people more.

وانا اسمحهم

And I allow them.

وحرفيا ان انا اكون مراياتهم

And literally, I am their mirrors.


To their responses.

الموضوع كان صعب بالنسبة لي

The topic was difficult for me.

وانت انا ما جاي انزل الشارع

And you, I'm not going out into the street.

مش اي حد بصوره

Not just anyone in my picture.

فاهم او الشارع ما فيهش اكتر من ناس

Do you understand, or is there nothing more in the street than people?

يعني ممكن في اليوم انت صور

It means you could take pictures during the day.

مع الف شخص

With a thousand people.

بس الفكرة مش كده

But the idea is not like that.

الفكرة انا ببقى ماشي انا شخص

The idea is that I am walking, I am a person.

معين انا شخص ده

I'm a specific person.

معرفش هو حاجة من جوايا كده

I don’t know, it’s something inside me like that.

انا مرتاح للشخص ده

I am comfortable with this person.

او حاسس ان عنده كلام ممكن

He feels that he has something to say.

يطلع يفيد الناس جدا يعني

It comes to be very beneficial for people.

وقبل اي حاجة

And before anything else.

قبل اي حاجة

Before anything else.

وتحس سبحان الله

And you feel, Glory be to God.

ان ربنا بعايتني للشخص ده

My Lord has called me to this person.

لان في حاجة

Because there is a need.

سبب انا لازم ارحله

The reason I have to leave him.

واطوره عشان تظهر للناس

And develop it so it can be shown to people.

ومعظم الفيديوهات بتاعتي كده

Most of my videos are like that.

ومكنتش بحب اظهر ده قوي

"I didn't like to show that much."

بعد ما يحصل يعني

After what happens, I mean.

يعني في كذا حد عندي

It means I have several people.

في ناس تانية ساعدتهم

There are other people who helped them.

او ساعدهم بحاجة معينة

Or help them with a certain need.

مكنتش بحب اطلع اتكلم

I didn't like to go out and talk.

في الحاجة دي قوي

In great need of this.

ليه بحب اللي هو ايه

Why do I love what it is?

وربنا بعيت انا للحاجة دي

"And my Lord, I sent this for this need."

وربنا حاجتني في المكان ده لانا اقدر سرعة تعب

And my Lord needed me in this place because I can handle fatigue quickly.

يعني يعني مثلا

It means, for example.


For example

انا كنت رحت اسكندرية

I went to Alexandria.

سنة قبل الفترة

A year before the period.

قبل رمضان

Before Ramadan

المفروض انا راح اعد خمس ديام

I am supposed to count for five days.


The important thing is...

الحمدلله الفلوس قضت معايا

Thank God, the money has been spent with me.

فقلتهم زود يومين كمان

I told them to extend it by two more days.

والخمس ديام

And the five days.

اللي عدتهم دول حرفهم صورت اي حاجة

The ones I counted, their letters formed any image.

فقلتهم انا راح اصور اصلا

So I told them that I'm actually going to take pictures.

وهيرجوا وكلام ذا كل

And this is all they wish and talk about.

فصورت اي حاجة

I photographed anything.

فربنا كرام وزودت يومين كمان

So our Lord is generous, and I added two more days.

في اليوم الاخير ده

On this last day.

انا كنت نزلت متأخر

I was late.

فبقى انا في بالي بقى ايه

So I was left wondering what remains in my mind.

اخذ الكاميرا وانزل جا وصور

Take the camera, go down, and take pictures.


At night.

قلت خلاص انا اخذ الكاميرا وعلى الله بقى

I said, "Okay, I will take the camera and leave the rest to God."

انا وريزي

I am my own.

المهم تمشيت حتة في اسكندرية اسمها محط الرمض

The important thing is that I walked a bit in Alexandria, a place called Ramad Station.

اه انا اسمي دراني انت عارف كده

Oh, my name is Durani, you know that.

اه اه اه

Oh oh oh

حط الرمض

The Ramadan has arrived.

مع شكاب

With a shake.

وقلتك حوار التصوير اللي هو كان

I told you about the photography conversation that was.

على كوبري ستانلي

On Stanley Bridge

لما تروح هناك هتلاقي مصورين بالهبل

When you go there, you'll find photographers everywhere.

بيبقوا عايزين يصوروا

They want to take pictures.



المهم انا عابلت راجل تحت

The important thing is I met a man downstairs.


He is in charge.

انا اكل مثلا حاجة 40 سنة وانا حاجة 50 سنة

I have been eating something for 40 years and I am 50 years old.

ومعي ابنه صغير كده

And I have a little son like this.

انا قلت ده عاجبني

I said this pleases me.

انا اصوره فاهم

I understand the scene.

بس ليه انا مش عارف

But why I don't know.

دخلت عليه ازاي عامل ايه

How did you come in? How are you doing?

انا اسمي علاق اشرف

My name is Aalaq Ashraf.

اعمل بيضات على النت وكلام ده كله

I make eggs on the internet and all that talk.

وكنت حاب يعني انا اصور معاك حاجة

"I wanted to take a picture with you."

فقالي لأ

So he said to me, "No."

فبدايا كده فاهم

So, to begin with, do you understand?

قلت له بص انا لما حد بيقولي لأ

I told him, "Look, when someone tells me no..."

بس يبقى هو مش باحترم رأيه

But he doesn't respect his opinion.

بس في حاجة جوايا

But there is something inside me.

بتقولي اصور معاك انا معرفش ليه

You’re telling me to take a picture with you, I don’t know why.

حرفين بجد

Two letters, seriously.

فقال لي

He said to me.

اصلا وكلامتها بتكلم بصراحة

She's actually speaking frankly.

انا فهمت روح الكلمة عن السياسة وكلام ده كله

I understood the essence of the word about politics and all that talk.

قلت له بص انا لسه شاب

I told him, "Look, I'm still young."

شاب ده حياتي انا مش طائز اصلا

A young man, this is my life; I am not even a goat.

انا بس اسأل اسئلة كده ايه عن حياتي

I'm just asking some questions about my life.

يعني بحاول اعد مواطن انا

It means I am trying to count the citizens.

بطلع لجواك

I go inside you.

فقال لي هتسأل اسئلة

He said to me, "Are you going to ask questions?"

ده ايه طيب عين التصوير دلوقتي

What is the camera's view now?

قلت له مثلا ايه في حاجة بحبها

I told him, for example, there is something I love.

في حاجة تانية ايه في حاجة نفسية

Is there something else, like a psychological issue?

بيقول لي عارف ايه في حاجة نفسية اصلا

He tells me, you know what, there’s actually something psychological.

فبقول له ايه قال لي اشتري الشقة اللي انا فيها

So I tell him what, he told me to buy the apartment I'm in.

صحابي ببيت رفعين علي قضية

A companion of mine is raising a case against me.

وانا مش باع فارغ وراكتين

"And I am not a vacant trader and two rockets."

وضيحكوا علي ومضينا علي ورق وانا عامل نظافة

"You clarified to me and we went on paper while I am a cleaner."

وجيت اخد كارد مرتين وطلع فرد

I went to take a card twice and it turned out to be an individual.

انا للحظة كده

I am for a moment like this.

انا كان فيه سؤال في الاول هالس

I had a question at first, did I?

كان دامي بسأله النفسي

He was bleeding, asking himself.

واجابته عرفته في الوقت ده

And I recognized him at that time.

اللي هو انا ليه ربنا

"Why is the Lord for me?"

اخترني في المكان ده

Choose me in this place.

انا ليه ربنا شهرني

Why did God make me famous?

ليه ربنا خلى فيديوهاتي تعرف الناس

Why did God allow my videos to reach people?

وليه وليه وليه وليه

And why, and why, and why, and why?

في الوقت ده بقى بالذات

At that exact time.

انا عرفت الاجابة دي

I knew the answer to this.

ان انا ربنا مخترني من وسط ناس كثير جدا

Verily, my Lord has chosen me from among a very large number of people.

ان انا اكون كبري في حياة ناس

I am to be a great influence in the lives of people.

وناس انا تعيضهم

"And people, I ask them."

انا من الصغري خلي بالك نفسي اساعد اي حد

I have always wanted to help anyone since I was young.

اي حد يقول لي حاجة لله

Anyone who tells me something for the sake of God.

ببقى زعلان انا بقول له اصلا يا ربنا اساعد لك

I will remain upset; I tell him, "Oh God, help you."

او كلام لكل

Or words for everyone.

بس انا اصلا عايز لي اساعد

But I actually want someone to help me.



ربنا اخترني ان انا اكون في الحياة دي

My Lord chose me to be in this life.

ان انا اكون كبري في حياتي

I want to be great in my life.

اه قلتله بص

I told him, "Look."

انا في الاول قلتلك لما حد بيقول لي لا بسيبه

I told you at first that when someone tells me no, I leave them.

بس انا كان في حاجة

But I had something.

جوايا بتقول لي صور معايا

"Something inside me is telling me to take pictures with me."

وقلت له ده في حاجة

I told him there's something.

الكلام ده خد كام

How long did this take?

ساعة ونص سلاسة عشر وطلع منه جيتو

It's one and a half o'clock, and I came out from it, Jito.

ما يكلمش دقيقة

He doesn't talk for a minute.

اه مشوف تستبر الواحد

Oh, I see it tests a person.

ما يكلمش دقيقة

He doesn't speak for a minute.

اه مهم صورت له

Oh, I took a picture of him.

صورت له الفيديو نزلته بعدها بسبوع

I filmed the video and uploaded it a week later.

فيها بنتي كلمتني ان ده لسه في حد عايز يساعدوا كدا

My daughter told me that there is still someone who wants to help him like this.

وكدا كدا

The phrase "وكدا كدا" translates to "And so on" or "And this and that."

كده كنتو خدوا رقم اصلا

So, did you even get a number?

وكنتم تديدوا رقم

And you were giving a number.

فاااااااااااااااااب بعت رجل يكلمني

I sent a man to talk to me.

كلمني اسمو السرمضان

My name is Ramadan.

فبعت له رقمو

So I sent him his number.

قلتله طيب لو هتساعدو او هتنتلو

I told him, "Okay, if you will help him or you will take him out."

اتمنى يعني ان انا بيكون معاكو

I hope that I am with you.

عشان بردك ايه

So what about the cold?

عشان اتاكد بردك

To make sure I'm also responding.

عشان اتصمل بردك

So I can hold on as well.

فلاقيته بعد العيد رجلي انا صورتو

I met him after the holiday; I took a picture of him.

البيئة. انه اسمه السيد كريم. بيقول لي عامل ايه? اه حمد

The environment. His name is Mr. Karim. He asks me how I'm doing? Oh, thank God.

الله انت افضلك ايه? انا بطرح مستغرب وابدلنا عليا فاهم? اه هم.

God, what is better for you? I am surprised and confused, do you understand? Ah, yes.

بيقول لي انا عايز اقبل اي حاجة عايز اشكلك جدا جدا جدا. قبل

He tells me he wants to accept anything, he wants to shape me a lot, a lot, a lot. Accept.

ما امضي عادي شقة جديدة. بيقول لي انا عارف انت اللي هو اللي

I'm moving into a new apartment. He tells me, "I know you're the one who..."

انا كنت اعايد طيب? اه سبحان الله. يعني انا عادت عادت السكر

I was just celebrating, okay? Oh, glory be to God. I mean, I returned to diabetes.

كده اللي هو يعني انا ربنا كانت عاداني من هنا او انا كنت

Like this, meaning God had favored me from here or I was...

اصرفت فلوس مجوتش يومين. ما كنتش هقابل الراجل ده. يعني الراجل

I spent the money and didn't come for two days. I wasn't supposed to meet that man. I mean, the man...

ده كان ممكن يتريد في الشارع مسلا او او او او. وطبعا بعد

This could have happened in the street, for example, or, or, or, or. And of course, after that...

ربنا طبعا بيطاري او يطاري بالبيت ويحطي جيله ويجيب له شقة

Our Lord, of course, takes care of him or provides for him at home and gets him an apartment.

وملك وكلام ده كله. سبحان الله. انت كنت عايد بجد. الموضوع بالتالي

"And the king and all this talk. Glory be to God. You were really serious. The matter is therefore..."

كان مفرح جدا. اه. وخلال عيادة ترتفي حاجات كتير او بقى.

It was very joyful. Oh. And during the visit, many things became better.

فاهم? ربنا بيسبب الاسباب. انا عارف. وحاجات من دي كتير

Do you understand? God causes reasons. I know. And there are many things like this.

بقى. اه. انا عارف الفيديو اللي بتتكلم عليه. اه لان كان كنت

Yes. I know the video you are talking about. Yes, because I was...

عايد بتتفرج على فيديوهاتك. ونقلت يعني اللي هو ايه كزا اه

"I watched your videos. And it means what, like, so and so."

كزا فيديو حاسس ان هم يعني اه قريبين لقلبي قوي. فيديوهاتك

I feel that your videos are very close to my heart.

المشهورة? اللي هو ايه? اه. نفسي اقول اه. احكي لك. اه? احكي لك

The famous one? What is it? Yeah. I want to say yeah. Let me tell you. Huh? Let me tell you.

كستيتو. طب تعال. بعد ما نتفرج. نفسك تقول لي مين انا اسف.

Kastito. Okay, come here. After we watch, do you want to tell me who I am, sorry?

يا ربنا. شمال. اشغال الصراحة بعد اصلي ساعات مثلا انقطع على

Oh our Lord. North. Honestly, after I pray, for example, I get interrupted.

الصلاة. فانا عايز اعتذر له بالصلاة بشوق الله بازن الله

Prayer. I want to apologize to him with prayer, longing for God, God willing.

بازن الله. لما يجي رمضان هصلي صلاة الترويح وهتزن بالصلاة بازن

God willing. When Ramadan comes, I will pray the Tarawih prayer and will be firm in my prayers, God willing.

الله. ومش هنقطع تاني. انت عسى خلي بالك.

God. And we won't stop again. You better be careful.

انت جميل والله. اه بصراحة ده من الفيديوهات اللي قصر فيها لان

You are beautiful, I swear. Honestly, this is one of the videos where I feel short because...

انا شخصيا اقدر اه اريليت لي واقدر يعني اللي هو ايه? اه انا

I personally appreciate what you mean by "Ariel" and I understand what that is. Ah, I...

مثلا كنت في المكان ده. اه وحس ان اي حد في اي فترة زمنية في عمره

For example, I was in this place. Yes, and I feel that anyone at any point in their life.

يعني يقدر يريليت للموضوع ده. اه لان الكلام الطفل ده بيمثل ناس

It means he can relate to this topic. Yes, because this child's words represent people.

كتير. انها مثلا تبقى بعيدة عن ربنا عايزة ترجع لربنا الكلام ده.

A lot. For example, she may be far from God and wants to return to Him.

اه وان الكلام ده انا يعني يبقى قول لي عنده كم سنة بس يعني الكلام

Oh, and this talk means tell me how old he is, but I mean the talk.

ده يطلع من حد انسان صغير في السن وكده اعقل من الناس كتير اه سنة

This comes from someone who is young in age but is more sensible than many people, yes indeed.

اكبر من كده. اعقل مني انا شخصيا ده. بص او انا ده ما قلت لك الاول

Bigger than that. More sensible than me personally. Look, I didn't say that to you first.

دي حرفيا رزق من الابتداء. اه. يعني انا مثلا مش بروح لحد اوي.

It's literally a blessing from the beginning. Yeah. I mean, for example, I don't really go to anyone.

انا في حد مكلمني مسلا ده فيه شخص فلوني حلو او ممكن تصور معي

I have someone talking to me, for example, there's a cool person named Fulani, can you take a picture with me?

الكلام ده كله. انا مماشي على الله. اه. يعني بتم التفصيل بتاعي

All this talk. I'm going with God's will. Yeah. It means I'm getting my details sorted out.

ده يعني بشبه نفسي بعمل النظافة. عارفين انت اللي هو انت ماشي اه

This means I compare myself to doing the cleaning. You know, it's like you're walking, right?

رزق رزقي ورزق على الله بقى. بتفهم? تلفل في الشوارع. زي

"My sustenance is my sustenance, and sustenance is with God. Do you understand? Wandering in the streets. Like..."

بالضبط انا بيقعد اشوف رزق وفهم. انا نفسي الحوار بعد الفل في

Exactly, I sit and see livelihood and understanding. I myself want the discussion after the money.

الشارع. يعني انا مسلا ممكن مسلا حرفيا ممكن امشي سوال عشرين كيلو خمسة عشرين كيلو. انا

The street. I mean, I can literally walk like twenty kilometers, fifteen kilometers. I...

اتمشيهم على اجر ودي مسافة كبيرة يعني. اه. انا كنت واقف فيه غير

I walk them on foot, which is a long distance, you know. Yes. I was standing in a different place.

حمام كده عجبتني اول فترة بصورها كده احتفاظا ليه كده بتأكد يعني.

I liked the bathroom like that at first, so I took pictures to keep it as a reminder.

انا حسيت ان في حد واقف ورايا. اه. فبص ورايا كده بقيت وهو

I felt like someone was standing behind me. Oh. So I looked behind me and there it was.

بيتفرج علي. فبقول له في حاجة. فبيقول لي لا اصلا بحب الكاميرا

He is watching me. So I tell him there is something. He replies that he actually loves the camera.

قوي كانت اتصور يعني الكاميرا وفتاة. هو بيقول لي كده. اه. بيقول

Strong, I was imagining a camera and a girl. He says that to me. Yes. He is saying.

له تعالى اصورك فيها ايه. بس قول لي ما عدد انت عاد تصور. بيقول

"To Him, I will depict you in it, but just tell me how many you can imagine. He says."

لي بس انا ما عايش فلوس بصراحة. بيقول له انا قلت لك هات فلوس

I just don't have money, honestly. He tells him I told you to bring money.

انا عايز بصورك ومش هاخد بصورك. فانت قلت له ايه? حجبني كلامه

I want to take your picture but I won't take your picture. So what did you tell him? His words blocked me.

وطريقة تفكيره كده. بيقول له طب بيقول لك انت ما تيجي طيب اصورك

And that's how he thinks. He says to him, "Well, why don't you come so I can take your picture?"

فيديو واسألك كده كم سؤال واسألك عادي ما تخافش يعني. وابيقول

Video, and I want to ask you a few questions, and you can answer normally, don't be afraid, okay? And I'll say.

لي مش عارفة مش عارفة اتكلم. بيقول له بص انت اكلني مش بس الكاميرا.

I don't know, I don't know how to speak. He tells him, "Look, you've eaten me, not just the camera."

حجبني اتنين صحابه واقفين مع بعض وبيتكلموا. يعني طلع يعني قولي

"Two friends blocked me, standing together and talking. I mean, what does that mean? Tell me."

ان انت حاسس. ما تقولش كلام من دماغك. انا عايزك اهم حاجة تطلع

If you feel it, don’t say things off the top of your head. I want you to be the most important thing to come out.

الكلام من القلب. وده وده الحاجة اللي دايما بقولها للناس اللي

The words come from the heart. This is what I always tell the people who...

بتطورها. اه هم. ما تطلعش كلام من الدماغ. طلعه من القلب. احنا

With its development. Ah, yes. Don't let words come from the brain. Let them come from the heart. We...

كده بدك احنا كده بدك دايما بسألهم اسئلة مفاجئة. بيقول له

So you want this, you want me to always ask them surprising questions. He says to him.

يعيس قولي له اسأله هو لي. ايه? دايما بيطلع من القلب كده. ما ده

I say to him, ask him who I am. What? It always comes from the heart like that. What is it?

نفس نفس الاستراتيجية اللي بعملها. اللي هو انا بقولش اي

The same strategy that I am doing. I am not saying anything.

جس بتوعي الاسئلة. ببعايز الكلام يطلع منهم. مش عايز اللي هو

"I want to ask my questions. I want the words to come out of them. I don't want it to be..."

يفكره في في الاسئلة او مسلا. طبعا لازم تفكر في شكلك. بس اللي

He thinks about the questions or something. Of course, you have to think about your appearance. But what...

عايز الاسئلة تطلع بجد من الاجوبة تطلع من القلب. عايز

I want the questions to come out sincerely from the answers that come from the heart. I want.

بجد ان هو الجواب يكون ان هو ما يكونش جواب فيك. وخلي بالك ده

Honestly, the answer should be that it shouldn't be an answer in you. And keep that in mind.

سر من الاسئلة ده كان البداية بتاعتك بتديه مشاهدات عالية جدا.

One of those questions was the start of you getting very high views.

ان الكلام بيطلع من القلب فبيمس للناس بسرعة. فالناس بتحس بالكلام

Words come from the heart, so they quickly resonate with people. People feel the words.

قوي. اهي. اه الوقت ده فلما صورته انا انا بصر. في بعض اشي حاجة

Strong. Here. Oh, at that time when I took the picture, I was seeing. There are some things.

بما هي فيها. لما اجي بصورة مع حد. انا انا شايف لايه عليه اسئلة

In what it contains. When I come in a picture with someone, I see that there are questions about it.

معينة. اهي. اهي. بس قاله في الاول اسئلة انا اصلا مش عايز

Specific. It is. It is. But he said at first there are questions I actually don't want.

اجابتها. بس عشان ادخله في الموضوع ده او كامل. اه قبل السؤال

ده في كام سؤال كنت بقول له نفسك تقول لي مينو حاجتني. انا

There were a few questions I was telling him you want to tell me who needed me. Me.

عايز اهو كطفل. عايز اعرف هو هيقول مينو حاجتني. فاهم? لازم

I want him to be like a child. I want to know who he will say needs me. Do you understand? It's necessary.

اقولك هو كطفل يعني. اللي جيته بيقول لي جدي الله يرحمه. قلت له

I'm telling you, he's like a child. The one who came to me was saying my grandfather, may God have mercy on him. I told him...

طيب لو هتقفه تاني مسلا هتقول له ايه ولا الكلام ده كله. هبدا

Okay, if you start again, what will you say to him, or all this talk? I will start.

الولد يعيط. فاهم? وهقول له حاجتني وهيقعد احدونه والكلام ده

The boy is crying. Do you understand? I'll tell him he needs something and he'll sit down with us and talk about it.

كله يعني. فاهم? اللي هو انا اسف ان انا خدقت عايز بس انت حد جامد

It all means. Do you understand? What I mean is I'm sorry for messing up, I just want you to know that you are awesome.

جدا. الولد عايز انت طيب قوي. طيب بالزيادة قطي من بقى اصلا

Very much. The boy wants you to be very nice. Well, who is my cat actually?



حرفيا ده. آآ الولاد جميل جدا يعني الصراحة يعني. هديك هتكس

Literally that. Uh, the boys are really nice, to be honest. You'll be surprised.

طيب. لا وآآ في قزز تانية آآ في قزز تانية اللي هي يعني برضو

Okay. No, and there are other reasons, there are other reasons that mean also...

تخليك آآ يعني تحمد ربنا على اللي انت فيه. يعني اصلا خلينا

It means you should thank God for what you have. I mean, let's just...

نشوف فيديو تاني مسلا آآ انت مسميه فيديو الصراع مع النفس.

Let's watch another video, for example, you titled it "The Struggle with Oneself."

من وجهة نظرك مين اكبر عدو الانسان?

From your point of view, who is the biggest enemy of humanity?

اكبر عدو الانسان نفسه. اكبر عدو الانسان نفسه.

The greatest enemy of man is himself. The greatest enemy of man is himself.

مش معنا بقى.

It doesn't mean anything now.

عشان هو تملي في الصراع مع نفسه. وهو اكبر عدو للانسان بيبقى ايه?

Because he is always in conflict with himself. And what is the biggest enemy of a person?

نفسه. لا معناه. بص طولة دي.

The same. Not its meaning. Look at this length.

بالنسبة لي. اه. بالنسبة لي الحد في الفيديو ده فعلا هو اكبر

For me. Yeah. For me, the limit in this video is really bigger.

عدو الانسان تاني هو نفسه. اه. وهو بجد فعلا اكبر عدو الانسان

The second enemy of man is himself. Yes. And he really is the greatest enemy of man.

نفسه. انت ساعات انت مثلا بتغير رأيك ثانية لثانية. اه. اه عارف

Yourself. Sometimes you change your mind every second. Yeah. Yeah, I know.

انت لو النفس اللوامة او حاجات دي يعني اه بحرفين بيبقى اصعب من

You know, having a conscious that judges you or things like that is actually harder than...

الشيطان اللي ممكن يواسي وسطك يعني انت ممكن تباوز حياتك اه في

The devil that could comfort you means you could ruin your life, yes.

لحظة او في قرار.

A moment or in a decision.

انت لو نفسك مش اه مش ملجمها او مش مسكها او مش هي لا تسوقك. انت

If you don't want it, then don't hold it back or let it control you. You.

مفروض انت المفروض انت اللي تسوق نفسك. بس الناس اللي اه مش اه

You're supposed to promote yourself. But the people, well, they're not.

ضعفاء مع مسكة انفسهم. نفسهم هاي اللي بتسوقهم. نفسهم والنفس

Weak with self-control. This self that drives them. The self and the soul.

دايما بتسوقك لحاجة وحشة. عشان يعني كده في رمضان الشيطان كده

"Always driving you towards something bad. Because, you know, in Ramadan, that's how the devil works."

كان متسلسل. اهمية.

It was sequential. Importance.

ايه اللي حاجة مش متسلسل? ايه الشيطان? ايه اللي سوري النفس.

What is something that is not sequential? What is the devil? What is the soul's apology?

اه. عشان النفس. طيب اه من كتر كمان اك مع الناس وفضفات الناس. هل

Ah. Because of the soul. Well, yes, from being around people so much and their gossip. Is it?

الناس في المجتمع مسلا بيخافوا يكونوا معبرين عن انفسهم يعني

People in society, for example, are afraid to express themselves.

مسلا بيحبوا. اه يخلي الجوام جواهم. اه و اه ولا بيحبوا

They love, yes, they keep the atmosphere inside them. Yes, and they don't love.

يعبروا. ولا مستنيين حد عشان يعبروله.

They express themselves. They are not waiting for anyone to express for them.

لانك انت كنت قائلا انه هو. لانك كنت قائلا انه. الكلام ده

Because you were saying that it is him. Because you were saying that. This talk.

لان الناس اللي صوتوهم. اقول اقول عشان انت كنت قائلا انت عادت

Because the people who voted for them. I say I say because you were saying you returned.

مسلا ساعة وبال ما تقنع اه عم كريم اه تصور معايا فاهمني? وامشور

For an hour, and you can't convince Uncle Karim, you know what I mean? Just go along.

انك قعدت تقنع الناس تانية اه بالساعات مسلا عشان تصور معايا

You sat convincing other people for hours, for example, to take a picture with me.

هم. بص هون ده حاجة. اه

They. Look, this is something. Yes.

المحتوى ده. انا خلي بالك حد الوقت ماخدتش منه ولا جنيه. تمام?

This content. Just so you know, I haven't taken any money from it so far. Alright?

ودي حاجة فيه ناس كتير بتتغربها. اه ازاي ومش ازاي وانت مش

I like something that many people find strange. Yes, how and how not when you are not.

والله جاي حاجات وكلام ده كله. بس هي الفيديو كلها انا مش عايز

I swear there's a lot of things and all that talk. But I don't want the whole video.

ابصرها كفتون. او انا مش عايز ابصرها انا مستني منها عائد

I see her as a burden. Or I don’t want to see her, I'm just waiting for a return from her.

مد. بس في جد انا واحد من الناس دايما تعاد بحس ان انا عايز

"Just kidding. But seriously, I'm one of those people who always feels like I want..."

حد يسمعني. مش عادي حد يقول لي تعمل ايه ولا كلام ده كله. فاهم?

Is there anyone listening to me? It's not normal for someone to tell me what to do or all this talk. Understand?

بص بجد انا عادي حد يسمعني. عادي حد يسمعني زحمة دماغي. عايز

Look, honestly, I just want someone to listen to me. I want someone to hear the chaos in my mind.

نفض فض. فاهم? بزبط فاهم? اه. بس الفيديو كلها انت بتفض لمين?

I finished it. Do you understand? Do you really understand? Yes. But who are you finishing the video for?

ومين هيسمعك بجد ومين هيسمعك بقلبه? مش اي حد هيسمعك. طيب اه

And who will really listen to you, and who will listen to you with their heart? Not just anyone will listen to you. Okay, fine.

لما انزلت الشارع وتتلمت مع الناس انا شفت فعلا الناس محبوبة.

When I went down to the street and mingled with people, I truly saw that people are lovable.

الناس تعبانة.

People are tired.

انها تفضل. بس في نفس الوقت الناس خايفة تفضل. تمام حاجة?

She prefers. But at the same time, people are afraid to prefer. Is that ok?

مم. مش دعوة باستياسة مش خايفة احنا احنا استياسة وكلام ده كله

What? It's not a call for too much concern; we're not worried, we're just being cautious and all that.

مش قصدي كده. هل خايفين ان هم يبقانوا ضعف? مش كده هم خايفين

I didn't mean it like that. Are you afraid that they will become weak? Isn't that what they are afraid of?

يتفضلوا يتعيشتهم والدنيا هتتغير او هتبقى احسن ما تحصلش

They should be generous; their lives will change, or things will improve, or it won't happen.

حاجة ويبتدل زي ما هم. تمام حاجة? فاهم. يعني دايما الراجل

A need and it changes just like they do. Is that okay? I understand. This means the man is always...

ما صورت معاه هو يعني فاقد الامل ان هو هتحصل حاجة جديدة. او

What I saw with him is that he has lost hope that something new will happen. Or...

او حياته تغير الامر. انا دايما بحاول انا اقنعه. دايما خافشي.

His life changed the matter. I always try to convince him. I’m always afraid.

تبقى بالله يعني انت ربنا انا جايبني عشان انا كنت. يعني شوفت

"Please, by God, you are our Lord, I came because I was. I mean, I saw."

الراجل لما قعدت معه ساعة ونصف ساعتين اخلاق فيه. انا كده كلمة

"When I sat with the man for an hour and a half to two hours, I noticed his manners. I find this to be significant."

يعني. يعني الجيل عادي. تمام? انا مش بستفاد حاجة اصلا. بس انا

I mean. I mean the generation is normal. Okay? I'm not benefiting from anything at all. But I...

فعلا انت ربنا مدينة مهمة لازم اعملها. انا امكن لما انا اساعدك

Indeed, you are our Lord, an important city that I must build. I can help you when I am able.

بحاجة زي كده. مش يمكن ان انا فهمه.

I need something like this. Maybe I don't understand it.

تحصل لي مشكلة. حاجة زي دي. خلينا اطلع من المشكلة دي او

I have a problem. Something like this. Let me get out of this problem or...

خلينا نحل المشكلة دي. اه? احسن ما انا يجي لي فلوس كتير ولا يجي

Let's solve this problem. Right? It's better than me getting a lot of money or not getting any.

لي بقى دلارات. او كرام ده كله ولا حياة دي كلها او حياة صغيرة

I have dollars left. Or is this all dignity, or is all this life just a small life?

او احسن تليفون وكرام دي كله. لا. مش عايز الكلام ده كله. انا

I have a better phone and all this stuff. No. I don't want all this talk. I am...

زي ما قلت لك في الاول. انا انا تفكيري تغير من ان انا كنت

As I told you before, my thinking has changed from what I used to be.

بحب الدنيا وعايز اجيب احسن تليفون وكرام دي كله. لحد هو

I love the world and I want to get the best phone and everything. Until it's him.

في انا بدي اعمل كل حاجة عشان الاخرة. لا الحياة دي ولا انا

I want to do everything for the hereafter. Not for this life, nor for myself.

عايز اخش للجنة. انا شفت احنا في مصر اللي من دول الجوة حرارة

I want to enter Paradise. I saw that we in Egypt, those from inside, have heat.

جدا. بقى لك بنار جهنم. هتبقى عاملة ازاي? انت يعني اللي انت

Very much. You will end up in the fire of Hell. How will that be? You mean what you are.

عايز تقوله ان هو انت مش فارق معك مسلا حاجات الدنيوية او كده

You want to tell him that worldly matters don't really matter to you, or something like that.

بس انت فارق معك يعني اللي بعد كده اخري لتقى مش فارق معك

But it matters to you, meaning that what comes next doesn't matter to you.

الحاجات اللي هي تتشرب الفلوس حاجات اللي هي الناس بتستخدمها

The things that consume money are the things that people use.

عشان عارف زي

Because I know like

الطووس ازاي بينفش ريشه وكده ويبين للناس جماله وكده. حاسة

The peacock puffs up its feathers to show people its beauty and such. I feel.

ان الناس مسلا ده اللي الناس عايز تعمله. حتى الناس ما بقيتش

People are like that; that's what they want to do. People have even become...

تشتري مسلا عربيات او كده عشان نفسها عشان تتفاشخر اكتر. اوكي?

She buys cars or something like that to show off more. Okay?

فالناس اه حوار الفاشخرة ده مش اه مش يعني مش هيفيدك احاجة.

So, people, this conversation about boasting, it doesn't really benefit you at all.

ممكن يعني انت عشان تخلي منظرك في المجتمع كويسة. الجراءة

It could mean that you want to maintain a good image in society. Courage.

اكتر. اه. ان اه

More. Yes. Um.

الحياة سيمبل ومش مستهلة. ان شاء الله. واربنا هو بيوفقنا كده

Life is simple and not complicated. God willing. And may God help us with that.

كده يعني. اه مع ما نكون مهمومين. ومع ما نكون فوينا احمال. اه بحس

Like this, right? Yes, while we are worried. And while we are carrying burdens. Yes, I feel.

من وجهة نظري يعني ان كل ما علاقتك بربنا تقوى كل ما الاسترس

In my opinion, the stronger your relationship with God is, the less stress you will have.

او الحمل اللي عليك بيخفسيك يعني مش مش بتبقى بتبقى دي وسيلة

The burden on you is suffocating you, meaning it becomes a means of stress.

هروبك. يعني في مسلا الناس طيب رب ما

Your escape. It means that there are people who are good, right?

شكلها مسلا بالشرب. الناس تقرأها. الناس تقرأها مسلا بالقراءة.

It looks like they are drinking. People read it. People read it, for example, as reading.

الناس تقرأها من مشاكلها اه بالصيد. في الاف الطرق. بس انا من

People read it for its problems, yes, for fishing. In a thousand ways. But I am from...

وجهة نظري يعني اه من تجربة الشخصية انك تهرب لربنا اه من

My point of view, based on my personal experience, is that you escape to God.

اكتر الحاجات اللي شفتها. طيب اه. بس اه ايه بقى ايه اكتر

The most things I've seen. Okay, yes. But what is it then? What's more?

الصعوبات اللي بتواجهها? وانت بتصور في الشارع مسلا يعني في ناس

What difficulties do you face? For example, when you're filming on the street, there are people.



زي ما انت قلت لي قبل كده وكره ان انا اتصور خالص. انا ممكن

As you told me before, I really hate to be photographed at all. I might...

احكي لك موكل. انا في مرة كنت اه في حاجة اسمها لغرية. اه داخل

I'll tell you about my client. There was a time when I was in something called "Laghriya." Yes, I'm going in.

اصور مع حد كده كبير. انا اسماته كان بيكلم مع حد بس بيتكلم معه

I'm taking a picture with someone really big. I saw him talking to someone, but he's just talking to him.

باللهجة بورسعيد يعني. اه فانا عجبني القوارئ اول ان انا اصور

In the Port Said dialect, it means: "Yes, I liked the readers at first because I wanted to take pictures."

مع حد راجيته مختلفة شو يعني في القاهرة وكده يعني. انا عايش في

I have a different perspective on what it means to be in Cairo and all that. I live in...

القاهرة اصلا بطل كلها في القاهرة يعني. احنا مجلس على

Cairo is basically the champion of everything in Cairo, I mean. We are a council on...

بورسعيد. انا كنت بتفرج انا كنت بتفرج على القناة اسمها خمسة

Port Said. I was watching, I was watching a channel called Five.

بورسعيد. وكنت يعني عاش اللهجة البورسعيدية. كنت عاوضة قلدي ده

Port Said. I mean, I lived the Port Said dialect. I was trying to imitate it.

احنا مسا عليك. انا من عند حمو بتاعك جنبري. وكنت اتفرج على اه

We are fine, how about you? I'm from your friend Hamou, next to you. I was watching...

فيلم ابو العربي.

The movie "Abu Al-Arabi."

هي اللهجة تعيشها من حياتها بصراحة. اه. انا شاديني اللهجة

This dialect is something you live with in your life, honestly. Yeah. I really enjoy the dialect.

بتاعته قوي. انا قلت هستغل الفرصة وراح اسجل معي. فراح سجلت معي

He is very capable. I said I would take advantage of the opportunity and sign up with him. So, I signed up with him.

هو كان

He was.

فرشة كده بيبيع فيها ملابس اطفال على على شباب الشباب على حاجات

He sells children's clothes on a mattress, young men's things, and other items.

غريبة. اه فهمت بطل انا بعمل ايه كده زي ما بعرف اي حد. قلت له انا

Strange. Oh, I understand what I'm doing like I know anyone. I told him I'm...

اسجل معاك وبتاعه. والدية خلاص سلامة يعني. ما مهم ايه سجلت معي

I'm registering with you and it's done. My family is fine, I mean. It doesn't matter what I registered with you.

و بس ما كانت الكلام احسن حاجة بتراوحها يعني. فبعد ما خلصنا

"And that's it, the conversation wasn't the best thing to go through, you know. So after we finished..."

بيقول لي يلا هاتي اعطي فلوس يلا. بصيت له كده فكرة ويهازة

He tells me, "Come on, give me money, come on." I looked at him with a certain thought and hesitation.

فاهم. بيقول لي تعطلتني ساعة.

I understand. He is telling me that it delayed me for an hour.

وبالطاورة بتاعها فاعوضها لي بقى. قلت بس انا هدي له اعملها

"And with its hammer, I'll replace it for her. I just said I'm going to do it."

عشرين جنيه ثلاثين جنيه. فاهم? قلت له بيقول لي هاتي ميتين جنيه

Twenty pounds, thirty pounds. Do you understand? I told him he said to give me two hundred pounds.

فاهم? بصيت له كده. متين جنيه ايه? انازل اصلا اعلي من مت جنيه

Do you understand? I looked at him like that. What do you mean by two hundred pounds? I'm actually above two hundred pounds.

فاهم? انا مش لا اكل حضرتك متين جنيه. تعبان يا كابتن. لا

Do you understand? I'm not going to pay you two hundred pounds. I'm tired, Captain. No.

والله. والله. تعبان. اه فاهم? متين جنيه ايه بس. قلت له خلاص

By God. By God. I'm tired. Do you understand? What do you mean two pounds? I told him that's enough.

بص انا انا خلاص مشتاديك حاجة. انا كده كده اصلا عاش فلوس. وانا

Look, I want to tell you something. I honestly hate money. And I...

مستعد ده مساحة الفيديوهات انا كده مش عايز اصلا. قال لي لا

I'm ready, this is the video space, I don't want it at all. He told me no.

ما تصورتني مش عارف ايه طب ايه عم تكتبني وانا بفرشك كده جايب

I didn't think you wouldn't know, so why are you writing to me while I'm in bed like this?

شومة كبيرة وروي عايز يدخل معي فاهم? اه. من نسبة لي مواقف غريبة

A big stick and Rawi wants to come in with me, you understand? Yeah. For me, strange situations.

انت جايب تدخلي معي بجد وانت بتحاصر كل ده فين رمز جلالة جلالة

"You are really bringing me in, and you are trapping all of this; where is the symbol of majesty?"

فاهم? ما هو ده انت انت ده بجد انت بتجيب لي شومة عايز تدخلي

Do you understand? What is this? Are you really bringing me a stick? Do you want to enter?

معي فاهم? فانا انا خضيت بصراحة يعني. اه دي كانت من مواقف

Do you understand me? Honestly, I was taken aback. Yeah, that was one of those moments.

الغريبة يعني. اه. بس في مواقف تانية برضك انك تيجي تتجل سرعة

The strange thing, I mean. Yes. But there are also other situations where you come and make an effort quickly.

مومنت تلاقي ام تلاقي الاهل والله بتبص عليك. ان هو هو ده مين

"At the moment you meet your mother or your family, they'll look at you and say, 'Who is this?'"

ده? هو ده بيعمل ايه? هو ده عايز ايه? فاهم? اه. بس بصراحة من

What is this? What does it do? What does it want? Do you understand? Yes. But honestly, from...

الحاجات اللي انا حبتها. اه اقصى مكان نزلت فيه بضرب الاحمر. اه

The things I loved. Yes, the farthest place I went down was a red strike. Yes.

بصراحة هو مكان صحفة. اه الناس كانوا

Honestly, it is a place of shame. Yes, people were...

كويسة جدا. ومن كتر ما انا بنزل هناك اه خاص الناس هناك

Very good. And because I go there a lot, I'm especially close to the people there.

عرفتني. عارف انت لو ايه? انا بيت من منطقة اصلا هناك. اه. خلص

You know me. Do you know what? I’m a house from that area originally. Yeah. That's it.

اه فاهم الناس. اه فاهم? انا كنت قعدت قاعدت اهو هناك ومنزل

Oh, I understand people. Oh, do you understand? I was sitting there and I got down.

مشاريب وكانت اهو بتاع كان مسلا مثلا حاجة وثلاثين جنيه حاجة

Drinks were, for example, something that cost around thirty pounds.

واربعين جنيه يعني. كنت قاعد لوحدة. اه اصراحة محارب كده في

And forty pounds means. I was sitting alone. Yeah, honestly, like a warrior here.

نصف اليوم في سوريا. انا بعد ما خلصت واي محاسب وبتاع. بقول له

Half the day in Syria. I haven't finished with the accountant yet. I tell him.

كم? قال لي لا.

How much? He told me no.

قلت له لا ايه? قال لي في الحاسب. قلت له ليه? بيقول لي لا انت

I asked him what? He told me in the computer. I asked him why? He said no, it's you.

فالله انت بيت من لنا فالله. انت مفاشي في حاسب. انت بيت حد

So, God, you are a house for us, so God. You are not a burden in a computer. You are a house for someone.

غريب. اجنز المسلا انت في يوم ثاني اه حد بس كنت مصور معي اهو

Strange. I swear, you were with me on another day, but I only took a picture with him.

ما يشوفني. ينادى ينادى عليها في السيارة. اه لا تعالي اصف

He doesn't see me. He calls out to her in the car. Oh no, come here and park.

حاجة. انتو عايشتي بقى اكتبه شوفتكش انت عارف ايه? اه الموضوع

Need. You have lived, write it down. I haven't seen you, do you know what? Yes, the subject.

بقى خلاني اعرف انت بس اه جميلة وبقى ليك معرفة حلوة انت بيت

Stay, let me know you are beautiful and I have a lovely connection with you, you are home.

يعني الناس حبك هناك. ودي حاجة حاجة حبه بصحة بالنسبة لي. اه

It means people love you there. It’s something that I really care about for me. Yes.

بعيدا انا بعمل فيديوهات وبعيدا انا انت يا جيب فيديوهات ومشاهدات

I'm far away making videos, and I'm far away, you bring videos and views.

وناس كتير شافتها. لا انت المكان اللي انت صورت فيه انت بيجي

"A lot of people saw her. No, you are the place where you took the picture; you come here."

تنزله تاني. انت شايف كانت بقى حب الناس هناك. انا بقى بحب الناس

You're downloading it again. Don't you see how people loved it there? I really love people.

على السيشي الميديا وكلام ده كله. ايه كان الحب ده بين وجهة

On social media and all that talk. What was this love between two faces?

نظر اهو من فيديوهم. فاهم? انا من تاني يوم لو بطلت اعمل فيديوهات

He saw their video. Do you understand? I, on the second day, if I stopped making videos...

الناس كلها في تاني اخرى. اهم. اهم. انما الناس دي بجاد فهم

Everyone is in another world. Important. Important. But these people do not understand.

محبهم دايج. الناس دي بتا كل ما بتنزل انت حاجة بتطلب حبهم.

Their love is overwhelming. These people are always asking for your love whenever you need to go down to them.

ما عايزين يساعدوك باي طريقة. ده ده ده اي حد اي حد سمعني وعيش

They don't want to help you in any way. This, this, this is anyone, anyone hears me and lives.

مسلا اه في كندا في اوروبا واتيفر وقيت ربا مسلا في مصر

For example, there is a difference in Canada and Europe, and whatever, if I stayed, for example, in Egypt.

او كان بينزل في مصر عارف اللي انا هقوله ده. ان هو المجتمع في

He was coming down to Egypt, knowing what I am going to say: that the society in...

كندا او في ام في نورث امريكا مجتمع يعني اه سلوك

Canada or MV in North America is a community, meaning, ah, behavior.

مجتمع يعني حيحب نفسه اكتر يعني مش مش يعني ما فيش اللي هو

A society means it will love itself more, which doesn't mean there isn't something else.

الحب بتاع الناس ده اللي هو اه كرم الضيافة اه العيالي والكلام

The love of the people is, yes, hospitality and the children and the talk.

ده عشان كده مسلا لما تلاقي مشاهيرة وناس تنزل مصر والكلام

This is why, for example, when you find celebrities and people coming to Egypt and the talk...

ده اه من اول الحاجات اللي بتكلموا عنها ان الناس ازاي

This is one of the first things they talk about, how people...

بتصدفهم. انت كده كده مسلا ممكن شخص في الشارع يقول لك تعال

You bump into them. It's like someone in the street might tell you to come over.

اشرب حاجة. ممكن تكون عزومة راكبية. بس في الاخر يعني ايه?

Drink something. It could be a hosted invitation. But in the end, what does it mean?

بيوريك بيوريك اللي هو اه ازاي هو عايز يستضيفك او ازاي الشعب ده

"How does he want to host you or how does this people want to?"

مسلا او او الشعوب العربية كلها مش اه مش شعب المصري بس حتى وانا

"For example, all Arab peoples are not just the Egyptian people, even I..."

في زيارتي للسعودية الباباية مسلا ايه? اه الناس اه تعرف ابويا

During my visit to Saudi Arabia, do people really know my dad?

كده تعال اشرب حاجة تعال كذا تعال كذا. بيحسسك بحب الناس لك

Come here to drink something, come this way, come that way. It makes you feel the love people have for you.

ان هو هو مش عايز منك فلوس مش عايز منك حاجة. ماشي? بس عايز

He doesn't want money from you, he doesn't want anything from you. Okay? He just wants...


And I forgot you.

بالباقي الفكرة دي الفكرة دي قريبة شوية من حياتي اللي هو انا

The rest of the idea, this idea is somewhat close to my life, which is me.

باجي انزل اصور بانزل اصور في المنطقة الشعبية مش بروح اماكن

I want to go down to take pictures in the popular area; I'm not going to other places.

بقى اللي هي العايز اه تجمع ولا اه ولا احيانا الحاجات اللي

The question is whether you want to gather or not, or sometimes the things that...

هناك دي فاهم? ان المناطق الشعبية دي انت بالفعل انت انت

Do you understand? These popular areas, you are already you.

انت ما رحلت في مكان غريب انت انت في منطقتك انت اه حوالين اهلك

You did not travel to a strange place; you are in your area, you are around your family.

برضو فاهم? في عيش شاكاية بحيث انت متربي هناك. يعني الناس دي

Do you understand? There's also a kind of bread known as "shaakaya" since you've grown up there. I mean those people.

اول ما اشوفك اصلا. بس

The first time I see you, actually. Just.

ولكنك ابنهم مسلا فاهم? ما المعاملة دي مسلا يعني يعني انا

"But you are their son, right? What does this treatment mean, I mean, I..."

مسلا انزل مصر اجازة وكده يعني محبش مسلا ان اروح اه اماكن هاي

For example, if I go to Egypt for vacation, I wouldn't like to go to places like that.

اماكن جامدة اصلا كده كده يعني هشوف هشوف الاماكن دي زي اللي

Cool places, I mean I'll see, I'll see these places like that.

هشوفها في كندا ان هم بيحاولوا مسلا يعلدوا نفس الستايل بس انا

I will see her in Canada if they are trying to replicate the same style, but I...

بحب مسلا انزل اماكن شعبية لان بحب اشوف شخصيات جديدة اه افكر

I love to go to popular places because I enjoy seeing new characters, yes, I think.

نفسي او يعني عارف اشحن نفسي اه بالبرينسبل او او طرق التفكير

I mean, I know how to motivate myself with principles or ways of thinking.

الشعبية اللي هو انا مش شايف حاجة غلط فيها يعني ممكن ناس تانية

The popularity that I see, I don't see anything wrong with it, I mean, maybe other people do.

مسلا فرق طبقاتي شوفوا دول غلطة او دول اقل من انا وشو حاجات كده

For example, a class difference, look at these countries, it's a mistake, or these are lesser than me, and such things.

بس انا شايف ان كل طبقة او يعني حاجة فيها خاصة طريقة تفكيرها

I just think that each layer, or rather each thing, has its own way of thinking.

وطريقة تعاملها وده يعني بحبه مسلا في مجتمع المصر انك عندك

And the way she interacts, and this means I love, for example, in Egyptian society, that you have...

الطبقتين والطبقتين انا من وجهة نظري جمال يعني في حاجات جميلة

The two layers and the two layers, in my opinion, beauty means there are beautiful things.

هنا وفي حاجات جميلة هنا وفي حاجات وحشة هنا وفي حاجات وحشة هنا

There are beautiful things here, and there are bad things here, and there are bad things here.

بالضبط في النهاية حاب اسألك ايه نصيحتك للناس اللي سمعانا او اي

Exactly, in the end, I'd like to ask you what your advice is for the people who are listening to us or anyone.

حد عايز يخش نفس مجالك او اي حد عايز يخش ينزل يكلم مع الناس ويعمل

Is there anyone who wants to enter your field, or anyone who wants to join, just go down, talk to people, and get to work?

زيك كده

Like you so.

طيب اهو اهم حاجة بالنسبة لي ان انت دايما لما تيجي تمزي

Okay, the most important thing for me is that whenever you come, you always...

تقارب مع الناس تقارب ان الناس بيشتغلها تحت كده دايما ما

Getting close to people is always about working under that.

حسستوش ان انت جاي تاخد مصلحة وتنزل. لا انت فعلا انت جاي بتساعده

Don't you feel like you're just coming to take advantage and leave? No, you are actually coming to help him.

وجاي معه. اه يعني مسلا في في مرة انا صورت مع حد هو بعد ما

And he's coming with me. Oh, I mean for example, once I took a picture with someone after he...

خلصت تصوير هو كان بيقول لي انا ما عرفش ازاي اتكلمت معي. انا

I finished filming; he was telling me I don't know how I talked to him. I.

عيالي حتى مش بتتكلم معهم. اه اعرض صحابي قريبين مني انا مش

My kids even don't talk to them. Yeah, I have friends close to me, I'm not...

بفصل معهم زي ما فصلت معك كده. وبيقولوا لي اصرار حرفي انا

"I'm separating from them just like I did with you. And they tell me that I'm insisting on it literally."

مفهش تطلع اصلا. وبيقول لي انا ما عرفش ازاي انت بتعمل حاجة زي

"You can't go out at all. And he tells me, I don't know how you do something like that."

كده. تحس في حاجة كده سر عاملة تحري كده. فاهم? اه وده يمكن

Like this. You feel like there’s something general going on, investigating like that. Do you understand? Yes, and maybe this...

بذلك بسبب قبل اي حاجة طبعا ده بيبقى ربنا زي زي ما تقول جعل في

Because of this, before anything, of course, it is like God has put in.

ايه كده قبول المسألة والناس تفتح ليه هتفهم حاجة? ايوة فاهم ان

Is it like this that the acceptance of the issue and people will open for me? Will they understand anything? Yes, I understand that.

ربنا حضرت فيك قبول. بالزبط. وتاني حاجة برضك لان انا انا مش جاي

Our Lord, I found acceptance in You. Exactly. And the second thing is also because I'm not coming.

اخذ مصلحة وانا انا اصور فيديو ويبايرل على صفحة الميديا ولا

"Should I take an interest while I am filming a video to go viral on the media page or not?"

كرام ده كله لأ. انا عارف ده اي حاجة انا بسجل مع الناس دي.

All this generosity? No. I know what that is; I'm just recording with those people.

وده بقى انا ايه? بطلع لجواهم. فاهم? وخلي بالك انا في فيديوهات

So what am I? I'm getting inside them. Understand? And keep in mind, I have videos.

خاصة مش محصورة يعني كده الناس بتتحاول بتتحاول معاه وتنزل على

Especially not limited, meaning people are trying and trying with him and go down to...

صفحة الميديا. مش كل الفيديوهات بتنزل يعني. عارف ايه كمان? ممكن

Media page. Not all videos are uploaded, you know? Maybe.

يكون الناس مسلا هو يعني مسلا زي ما اتكلمنا في الاول ان ربنا

People are like, it's like we've talked about before that God...

مسلا بعتك للناس دي. وان هم فوجة نظرهم انا عمرو ما اشوف الراجل ده

For example, I sent you to these people. And if they think that I will never see that man.

تاني. بس الراجل ده اه جاء ايه داس على جرح او فتح جرح مسلا اوكي انا

Again. But this man, did he step on a wound or open a wound, for example, okay, I?

كده كده مش هشوفه تاني. ماشي? خلاص انا مش عايز اطاق من كتر

Anyway, I'm not going to see him again. Okay? That's it, I don't want to argue anymore.

الضغط. اصلا الانسان لما يقعد يتضغط عليه يتضغط عليه يتضغط عليه

Pressure. When a person is continuously pressured, pressured, pressured.

هينفجر. عارف كده ايه لما تكون في البحر? وتجيب الكرة بتاعت البحر

It will explode. Do you know what it's like when you’re in the sea? And you bring the beach ball?

دي وتنزلها تحت المية تضغط تضغط فيها. لو سبتها اللي هيحصل هتطلع

"You put it under the water and press it down. If you leave it, what will happen is it will float up."

هتنفجر فوق. فده ده اللي بيحصل لناس الناس بتضغط تضغط تضغط وتطلع

It will explode above. This is what happens to people; they keep pushing and pushing until they blow up.

مسلا ضغطها ده على حاجة. على مسلا عيلها على ناس في الشغل على ناس

For example, her pressure on something. For example, it affects her on people at work and on others.

في الشارع كده. بس

Just like that in the street.

الطريقة. عارف النقطة دي برضك. اه. انا معيشة معاسف. بس النقطة دي

The method. You know this point too. Yes. I am sorry, but this point...

برضك. انا فيها ده فيديوهات انا مش بحب انزلها. مع ان انا نزلتها

I also. I have videos that I don’t like to upload. Even though I've uploaded them.

لجم ملايين. اه. فاهم? بس انا بحط نفس مكان الشخص ده. لو انا مسلا

Millions were restrained. Ah. Do you understand? But I put myself in that person's place. If I were for example...

مكان ابنه او مكان هو شفتين لو شفت منظري مسلا بالمنظر ده او انا

Where his son is or where he is, if I saw my appearance, for example, in that view or I.

قلت كلام مسلا مش هحب ان حد يسمعه. ما انا بقى ده باخد احتياطي في

I said something that I wouldn't want anyone to hear. Well, I'm just being cautious about it.

الحتة دي. ان في ناس مستغل الحتة دي. اه ده انا استخدم الشخص ده

This part. There are people exploiting this part. Yes, I will use this person.

اعجب منه مشاهدات ومتابعينه. عارف ايه الكلام ده كله. انا مش

I am amazed by his views and followers. Do you know what all this talk is about? I am not...

حاجة على حد عشان انا اجي له متابعينه ولا ابيو ولا اكلام

I need something from him in order to follow him, or I don't want to talk.

ده كله. بس كان في فيديو كان يخليني اعيد تفكيري ان انا عنصر

That's all. But there was a video that made me reconsider that I am an element.

ولأ. ان انا صورت مع حد كده. اه قلت بقول له مش عارف تقول لي مين

And by the way, if I took a picture with someone like that. Yeah, I said, I don't know, can you tell me who?

وحشيني حاجة ده كده. اه قال ابنه. اه هو متوافق يعني قال ابنه

"I miss you, is that so? Yes, said his son. Yes, he agrees, that is what his son said."

مرحمة وكده. مرحمة. كان متعاوزة ما حد بيقول لي اه اي حد نزل

Hello and stuff. Hello. I wanted to say that no one is telling me yes, anyone who has come down.

وحش وعو نزل يشوف الكلام ده كله. فقول له ايه انا وصفه مسلا تاني

A monster came down to see all this talk. So I tell him, for example, what my description is again.

لمدة عشر دقايق هتقول له ايه. انا دايما عندي حب استطلاع وفضول

For ten minutes, what will you tell him? I always have a sense of curiosity and inquisitiveness.

عايز اعرف كده شخص هيقول ايه. فاهم? اه ما قالش حاجة غير انا

I want to know what that person will say. Do you understand? Yeah, he didn't say anything other than "me."

وقال الله يرحمه وعيب. فاهم? ما قالش حاجة تانية. انا قاعد هو

He said, "May God have mercy on him, and it's a pity. Do you understand? He didn't say anything else. I'm just sitting here."

رغر قال لي قلت له انا اسف اه مش هنزل الفيديو ده. فالرغر قال

Raghar told me, I told him I'm sorry, I'm not going to upload this video. So Raghar said.

لي لا نزله عادي وعنديش مشكلة معي يعني. بس اما روحت البيت

I don't usually have a problem with him. But when I went home...

واسمعت الفيديو انا اتأسرت فاهم? رغر قال لي تعب علي. طب انا

I heard the video and I was affected, do you understand? Ragr said I worked hard on it. So what about me?

هنزله ونزلوش. طب انا لو نزلته انا هعتفل. الناس هتقول لي بقى

"I will let him down and they won't let him down. So if I let him down, I will get in trouble. People will start saying things to me."

تستغل بقى ظروفه. قولي اتا استخدم السعيات رح انتجي مشاهداته.

You take advantage of his circumstances. Tell me how I can use the efforts to achieve his views.

انا عارف الكومنتات دي هتجي لي. اه. بس قلت يمكن ربنا بيعاتي

I know these comments will come to me. Yes. But I thought maybe God is sending them.

لهذا الراجل ده. ويمكن ابنه محتاج حد يدعيله. فاهم? محتاج

This man. And maybe his son needs someone to pray for him. Do you understand? He needs it.

دلوقتي دعوات ممكن يقف عن ظروفه شوية. اه وربنا بيعاتني ليه?

"Now, the circumstances might stop him a bit. Yes, and why is God giving me this?"

اتطورت ما عارف ايه تبقى. فانا هنزله بنيت ان ربنا ايه بيعاتي

I developed, I don't know what it will be. So I will upload it based on the belief that God is providing.

الحتة دي. للناس بتعيب. ايه. والله بقى الناس شتمتني الناس

This part. People criticize. What. I swear, people have cursed me.

عملت ليها مش فرع معي. وفعلا نزلته بجالك النيت شتايم. اه بص

I didn't make a branch with her. And I actually downloaded it with your permission, you jerk. Yeah, look.

شتمت بكل شتايم. فاهم? بس بالنسبة لي انا ما عنديش مشكلة. او

I was insulted in every way possible. Do you understand? But for me, I have no problem. Or...

كفاية ربنا عارف نيتي ايه. فاهم? انت نيتك كانت في المكان الصح

God knows what my intention is, that's enough. Do you understand? Your intention was in the right place.

يعني يعني على حسب ما بتقول انك نيتك عشان النيتك ان الناس

It means, according to what you're saying, that your intention is that people...

تدعي له وكده. بس اه الظاهر للناس. الناس عمرا ما هتخش جواك

You claim it for him and stuff. But yes, it seems to people. People will never go deep inside you.

وتعرف ان في النيتك. هو اللي ظاهر للناس. هو اللي بيبان. وكمان

And you know that in your intention, it is what appears to people. It is what shows. And also...

مكان يعني مكان مكان مظلم او ان الناس ورا ورا تليفوناتها. ما

A place means a place, a dark place where people are behind their phones. What?

عنداش ممكن تقول اللي هي عايزة او فاكرة انها تقدر تقول اللي هي

Whenever she wants, she can say what she wants or thinks she can say what she wants.

عايزة. بس. طيب دلوقتي عندك اي اه

I want. But. Okay, so what do you have now?

او اي حاجة محضرة لمستقبل. ولا ايه? بس انا كنت عايز اقول

Or anything prepared for the future. Or what? But I just wanted to say.

حاجة. اه الميديا صعبة. اه صعبة قوي قوي قوي. فوق ما الناس ينفقرها.

It's a need. Yes, the media is tough. Yes, it's very, very difficult. It's hard for people to handle it.

الناس مفكرها ان انت بتفتح موبايل كاميرا ولا تصور اي حاجة

People think that you just open your mobile camera and take pictures of anything.

وتنجز في الميديا وتدعي مونتاج وحاجات بكلها. اه موضوع صعب. مش

And you excel in media and claim to do editing and all that. It's a difficult topic. Not really.

اه مش حاجة طرفية خالص. فاهم? الواحد بيطلع عينه بجد. واخر

Oh, it's not trivial at all. Do you understand? One really struggles. And it's exhausting.

فترة. زي زي ما كنت بقول لك عبدالله من سوية قبل ما نتسجل. انا

Period. Just like I was telling you, Abdullah, from Syria before we registered. I...

كنت بقول لك انا اعتزل مؤقتا او ممكن اعتزل دايما. اه بسبب دي

I was telling you that I might retire temporarily or maybe retire permanently. Yes, because of this.

انا اه نص الكلام قلت لك ان انا بيجي لك وانا اقول لك مية. ومش عايز

I told you that I come to you and say a hundred. And I don't want to.

يجي لي عائد مادية او مش عايز حاجة زي كده. بس انت ساعات تيجي

I want some financial return or I don't want anything like that. But sometimes you come.

عليك فترة انت كده كده المحتوى بتاعتك تجانع. انت محتاج فلوس

You need to take a break; your content is irrelevant anyway. You need money.

عشان تنزل تصور وكلام ده كله. انت فاهمني? طبعا انت ما فيش عائد

In order to go down, imagine and all that talk. Do you understand me? Of course, there is no return for you.

جاي لك. فانت مش عارف تنزل تصور. انت عارف تنزل تروح هنا وتروح هنا

I'm coming to you. So you don't know how to go down and take pictures. You know how to go here and go there.

وتروح هنا. الناس طبعا برضك مش شايف الحد ده. الناس فاكراتك

And you go here. People, of course, also don't see this limit. People think you...

تنزل تستغل مكان للناس. عارف ايه? طبعا حاجات دي مع قلة الفلوس

You come down to take up space for people. You know what? Of course, these things come with little money.

اللي تريدها تنزل تصور. ومع مشاكل نفسية ومع مشاكل اصلا. انت

What you want to come down and film. And with psychological problems and with problems in general. You.

انت عارف انت كبير. زي ما قلت حوالي الكورة وتنزل تحصل مية

You know you are great. Just like I said, you go around the ball and dive in to get a hundred.

وضغط وفقدة كلها. انت جايت عليك وقت انت مش قادر. مش قادر

And the pressure and the loss of it all. You're coming to a time when you can't. You can't.

تكمل عارف انت. بقى يجي لك احساس ان انت ما لكش مكان في اي حد.

You know, you start to feel like you don't have a place in anyone's life.

او انت كل حاجة مش عايزك في حياتك. طب في نقطتين عايز اخر حاجة

Either you are everything or I don't want you in my life. Well, there are two points I want the last thing.

اه قبل ما انني في نقطتين. اه اول نقطة انك لو اه لو مسلا يعني

Ah, before I say that, I have two points. Ah, the first point is that if, ah, for example...

بتديت مسلا تشتغل في الصبح او كده. اه هل هترجع تصور بعض

Did you start working in the morning or something? Will you get back to filming some?

الظهر? اه تانيا هل الفيديوهات دي قصرت على نفسيتك?

The back? Oh Tanya, did these videos affect your mood?

اه انا قبل السؤال الاولاني اجابته ان انا كنت دايما عايز

Oh, before the first question, my answer is that I always wanted.

هتفرغ للمحتوى. اه. حتى في الجامعة ما كنتش مهتم بالجامعة

"I'll focus on the content. Yeah. Even in university, I wasn't interested in university."

بتاعتي. انا كنتش بذكر انا حد النهاردة ما عرفش كلها بتاعتي

مواد بتاعتها بتتعني ايه اصلا. فاهم? انا خدت الحقوق. يعني

What do her materials actually mean? Do you understand? I got the rights. Meaning...

فاهم? اه بس ما عرفش حاجة عنها اصلا. فاهم? اه في نفس الوقت انا

Do you understand? Yes, but I don't know anything about it at all. Do you understand? Yes, at the same time I...

بضيق ما اشتغلتش. اه لانا مسلا كنت هشتغل مسلا وبعد الشغل بتاع

"I didn't work out due to stress. Yes, for example, I was supposed to work and then after that..."

ده اصور او يوم اجازتي انا ده اصور الكلام ده كله. دايما كنت

I will take pictures or on my day off, I always take pictures of all this.

شايفة ان انا مش عارف اقدل محتوى حقيقي. عاملين? اه. وكنت دايما

I see that I am not able to provide real content. Are you doing well? Yes. And I was always...

بقول فيما بعد يعني هيجي لي عائد منها او دي انا هتتضبط او

I mean later, it means I will get a return from it or I will be caught.

اكترس هارف اقف على رجل انا الكلام ده كله. بس اه يعني دي

I’m not sure how to stand on one foot. But yes, I mean this.

يعني نفس الحاجة كنت اتخيلها يعني. عشان كده كنت بقول ان

It means the same thing I was imagining. That's why I was saying that...

السوشيون ميديا صعبة. وانا دايما صغري انا دايما بحب اعمل

Social media is difficult. And ever since I was little, I have always loved to do.

حاجة اديها اه. بحب اتعب في الحاجة. فاهم? مش بحب لو ايه ايه

I need to give it my all. I love to work hard for something. Do you understand? I don't like to do it half-heartedly.

اكروت الحاجة. يعني مسلا ابسط حاجة مسلا الحوار الكتاب على

The need for basics. It means, for example, the simplest thing, like the written dialogue on...

الفيديوهات. في برنامج برامج ايه ايه بتكتب واحدة او كلام ده كله. اه.

The videos. In the AI programs, you write one or all that stuff. Yes.

انا بحبش اصغر منها. احب انا اكتب وامشي ثانية ثانية واكتب

I don't like to be smaller than her. I like to write and walk slowly and write.

الكلام وحس انا اتعب في الحاجة فاهم? اه. الناس ممكن يصبروا من

Talking and I feel tired in the matter, do you understand? Yes. People can endure from...

حاجة زي كده. لو انت تعالي تتعب بخلاص. لأ انا بالنسبة لي اتعب احسن

Something like that. If you're going to come, just get tired. No, for me, it's better to get tired.

باعمل حاجات كتير ووافر ووافر في وقت. هعمل حاجات بسيطة. يعني مسلا

I do a lot of things and I save time. I will do simple things. For example...

بدل ما تعمل اصل عشر فيديوهات وعشرين فيديوهات. اه كلام ده كله.

Instead of making ten or twenty original videos. Yes, all this talk.

لأ بالنسبة لي اعمل فيديوهات تعبينت فيهم بجد انت ساعت ربنا

No, for me, I make videos that I really put a lot of effort into; you help me, God bless you.

هيكلمك اكتر ما هتعمل فيديوهات كتير. اه. ودايما يتعلي بيه حاجات

He will talk to you more than you will make many videos. Yes. And there are always things that come up with him.

اتعف كل حاجاتك تعملها

You can do all your things.

مش اللي هو تعمل حاجات كتير وخلاص

It's not just about doing a lot of things for the sake of it.

اتعف كل حاجاتك تعملها

Leave everything and do it.

حاجاتك والله رب تجد ربنا هي كتير

Your needs, by God, are many, and our Lord will find them.

وهقول له سألتك عشان انسيت وقت

I will tell him I asked you because I forgot the time.

هل فيديوهات دي

Are these videos?

قصرتها على نفسيتك؟

Did you shorten it based on your mood?


A lot

تلتني شخص غامض

A mysterious person is following me.


Is it?

هل السترس

Is stress

وهموم الناس

And the concerns of the people.

يعني جا عليك فعشان كده

It means it has come upon you, that's why.

قلت عايز اخد بريك؟

I said I want to take a break?

ايه طبعا

Yes, of course.

ان انت بتشوف

You see.

تشوف مناظر صعبة

You see difficult sights.

يعني انا في مراقبة متصور مع واحد

It means I'm under observation with someone.

تو حرفيا عايش

You are literally living.

100 متر مثلا

100 meters, for example.

ولما اغسل بيعمل

And when I wash, it works.

مثلا الحمام بتاعه

For example, his bathroom.

بتاع بيبة صغيرة كده

It's a small thing, like a little piece.

حياته متبهدلة خالص

His life is completely messed up.

وبتشوف ده كتير بقى في البصوير وكده

And you see that a lot in the photos and such.

انت بتفكر بقى غازلي

Are you thinking of me now?

عنك ان انت مخصما يعمل

Concerning you, if you are a working competitor.

لواحد يبقى كده

"To stay like this."

ممكن حياته تخزأت

His life might have been ruined.

يبتقدر بيه مثلا ويبقى كده

You can trust it, for example, and it will be like this.

فعندك خوف كتير

So you have a lot of fear.

وانت عايز

And what do you want?

يعني عايز تأمن نفسك وهموش عارف تأمن نفسك

It means you want to secure yourself but you don't know how to secure yourself.



وبرضك عندي حاجة

And I also have something.

انا طمع نجاح قوي

I am greedy for strong success.

عايز انت لو نجحت

I want you to succeed if you can.

يعني بالنسبة لنا نجاحات ما انا عاملها دلوقتي

It means that for us, the successes I am achieving now.

بالنسبة لنا لسه ما نجحتش

For us, it hasn't succeeded yet.

برضك فاهم

You also understand.

في ناس كتير عاملتها قبل كده

Many people have done it before.

بالنسبة لنا انا عايز اعمل حاجة

For us, I want to do something.

قبل كده وانجح في حاجة محدش

"Before this, I succeeded in something that no one else did."

مجيحة قبل كده زيي

Have you been like me before?

فده خل علي ضغط اكتر

This has put more pressure on me.

لان انا عايز

Because I want.

اعمل فيديوهات اقوى عايز اعمل فيديوهات

I want to make stronger videos; I want to make videos.

بطريقة مختلفة وتبقى احسن

In a different way, it will remain better.

مش عارف ايه عايز اطور

I don't know what I want to develop.

من الصوت اطور من الكاميرا

From the sound I develop more than from the camera.

اطور مش عارف ايه اطور ما فيش فوز جاية

I don't know what to develop, there's no victory coming.


So you enjoy.

فانتع كفاية

Then take enough.

فانسى جيت عليك وقت اخر فترة تبقى حاليها دي

So forget that I came to you at another time, just stay in this situation.

انا تعبت

I am tired.

عارف انت انت مش قادر

You know you can't.

عارف استطاعيه

I know what you can do.

تقدر اكمل

Can you continue?

ودخل الجيش طبعا

And the army entered, of course.

قلت بعد الجيش لو ان واحد تشتغل وتغير

I said after the army, if one works and changes.

ويرجي على هبة اللي هو بيقوله

And he is hoping for the gift he is talking about.

انه انصح الله يعني واحد يكمل

I advise God means someone should complete.

ممكن حتى في الجيش تبقى تصور

You can even take a picture in the army.

الناس اللي معك

The people who are with you.

بس اه

Just yes.

انا دولة على طول

I am a state all the time.


I love.

في الاخر اشكرك جدا

In the end, I thank you very much.

استاذ علاء انك جيت ونورتني

Mr. Alaa, you came and enlightened me.

استفدت منك كتير

I have benefited a lot from you.

ومبسطة بحكينا ده

"And we simplify this by saying."

وحب اقول لكل مستمعين انهوا تروحوا تعملوا follow وتشوفوا content

And I want to tell all the listeners to go follow and check out the content.

واستاذ علاء بيقدم حاجة خرافية شكرا جدا انك جيت

And Professor Alaa is presenting something amazing. Thank you very much for coming.

حبيبي انا اللي شكرا والله جدا انا راح يتبسط الواحد كان محتاج يتكلم اصلا فاهم

My love, it's me who should thank you. Honestly, I feel very relieved; I really needed to talk, you know?

فاطفط شوية

Take it easy a little.

انا مش فاك واحد يجي عليه فاطرة اه واحد يجي عليه فاطرة عايز يتكلم فاهم

I don't remember one who comes to me during breakfast, yes, one who comes to me during breakfast wants to talk, you understand?

انا مبسوط والله

I am happy, by God.

بس فاشكرك جدا ونراكم في حلقة تانية

Thank you very much, and we will see you in another episode.

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