قصص الأنبياء ـ سليمان عليه السلام 2

Dr. Tareq Al Suwaidan

د. طارق السويدان | السيرة النبوية ـ قصص الأنبياء

قصص الأنبياء ـ سليمان عليه السلام 2

د. طارق السويدان | السيرة النبوية ـ قصص الأنبياء

فهكذا آمن هؤلاء الحواريون

Thus, these disciples believed.

لكن حدد قليل وفي نفوسهم مع ذلك تردد

But there is a little certainty, and yet there is hesitation in their hearts.

ففي يوم من الأيام

One day

قالوا قولة يريدون بها أن يتوثقوا من إيمانهم

They said a statement with which they intend to strengthen their faith.

ويريدون يعني ما زال كل هذه المعجزات ما زالوا مترددين

And they want to say that despite all these miracles, they are still hesitant.

مؤمنين لكن فيهم تردد ويريدون اليقين

They are believers, but they have doubt and seek certainty.

يقول الله سبحانه وتعالى في آيات عظيمات في سورة المائدة

Allah, the Exalted, says in the great verses of Surah Al-Ma'idah.

وبها تسمت السورة

"And with it, the surah was named."

وإذ أوحيت إلى الحواريين أن آمنوا بي وبرسولي

"And when I inspired the disciples to believe in Me and in My Messenger."

قالوا آمنا واشهد بأننا مسلمون

They said, "We have believed, and bear witness that we are Muslims."

بعد ما آمنوا كان عندهم تردد

After they believed, they had hesitation.

بعد الإيمان

After faith

بعد ما آمنوا ماذا قالوا

"What did they say after they believed?"

إذ قال الحواريون

When the disciples said

يا عيسى بن مريم

O Jesus, son of Mary.

هل يستطيع ربك أن ينزل علينا مائدة من السماء

"Can your Lord send down to us a table spread with food from heaven?"

ما زال عندهم تردد

They still have hesitation.

قال اتقوا الله إن كنتم مؤمنين

He said, "Fear Allah if you are believers."

ما آمنتم

You did not believe.

قالوا نريد أن نأكل منها

They said, "We want to eat from it."

وتطمئن قلوبنا

And our hearts are reassured.

ونعلم أن قد صدقتنا

And we know that you have told us the truth.

ونكون عليها من الشاهدين

And we will be witnesses over it.

لا نتردد فيها

We do not hesitate in it.

وعلى طلبنا

And upon our request.

حتى نكون متأكدين أنك صادق

So that we can be sure that you are honest.

وحتى نأكل منها

"And so that we can eat from it."

وحتى تطمئن القلوب

"And to soothe the hearts."

نحن آمننا لكن نريد تطمئن القلوب

We have believed, but we want to reassure the hearts.

فعيسى عليه السلام أخذ يدعو الله عز وجل

So Jesus, peace be upon him, kept calling upon Allah, the Exalted.

ويدعو الله

And he calls upon God.

ولبس كما في الحديث

"And he wore as mentioned in the hadith."

لبس الثياب الصوف

Wearing woolen clothes.

يعني ثياب فيها تذلل لله عز وجل حتى يستجيب له

It means clothes that show humility to Allah, the Exalted, so that He responds to him.

وأخذ يلح بالدعاء والصلاة

And he continued to insist on supplication and prayer.

فاستجاب الله سبحانه وتعالى له

So Allah, the Exalted, responded to him.

قال عيسى بن مريم

Jesus, son of Mary, said.

اللهم ربنا أنزل علينا مائدة من السماء

O Allah, our Lord, send down to us a tablespread from the heaven.

تكون لنا عيدا لأولنا وآخرنا

It will be a feast for our first and last.

الكل يأكل منها

Everyone eats from it.

وفي روايات أنهم نادوا بني إسرائيل ليأكلوا منها

In some narratives, they called upon the Children of Israel to eat from it.

تكون لنا عيدا لأولنا وآخرنا

It will be a celebration for our first and our last.

وآية منك

"And a sign from You."



حسب طلبهم

As per their request.

وأنت خير الرازقين

And You are the best of providers.

فقال الله سبحانه وتعالى

And Allah, the Exalted, said.

قال الله

God said.

إني منزلها عليكم

I am bringing it down to you.

ستنزل عليكم المائدة

The table will be sent down to you.

معجزة من عز وجل

A miracle from Almighty God.

لكن من شأن الله عز وجل

But it is the concern of Allah the Exalted.

لاحظنا هذا في منهج كل الأنبياء

We noticed this in the approach of all the prophets.

أن المعجزة إذا جاءت حسب طلبهم

That the miracle comes according to their request.



ناقة صالح

The she-camel of Salih.

على طلبهم

At their request.

إذا جاءت المعجزة على طلبهم وكفروا

If the miracle comes as they requested and they disbelieve.

يفنون جميعا

They all perish.

فقال الله عز وجل

And Allah, the Exalted, said

إني منزلها عليكم

Indeed, I will send it down to you.

فمن يكفر بعد منكم

So whoever disbelieves after that among you.

فإني أعذبه عذابا لا أعذبه أحدا من العالمين

"So I will torment him with a torment such as I have not inflicted on anyone among the worlds."

إذا نزلت

If you come down.

ينزل على الكافر بعد ذلك

It descends upon the disbeliever after that.

بمن شاهدها وراها

By those who saw her and witnessed her.

عذاب ليس على أحد من العالمين

A torment not on any of the worlds.

وفعلا نزلت هذه المائدة

And indeed, this table was laid down.

من الجنة

From heaven.

وهم ينظرون إليها أمام أعينهم

And they are looking at it before their eyes.

نزلت حتى

I went down until

نزلت على الأرض

I landed on the ground.

وأكلوا منها

And they ate from it.

أكلوا منها

They ate from it.

وظلوا على الإيمان

And they remained firm in their faith.

ما كفروا

They did not disbelieve.

إلا واحد منهم

Except for one of them.

خان عيسى كما سنرى

Isa betrayed, as we will see.

لما بدأت هذه المعجزات تظهر وتحدث الناس بها

When these miracles began to appear and people talked about them.

خاف اليهود أن دينهم

The Jews feared that their religion

رهبان اليهود وملوك اليهود

The monks of the Jews and the kings of the Jews.

خافوا أن دينهم يندثر

They feared that their religion would vanish.

ويتبع الناس عيسى عليه السلام

And people will follow Jesus, peace be upon him.

فخافوا على سلطانهم الدنيوي والديني

So they feared for their worldly and religious authority.

يخرج منهم الملك وتخرج منهم

The king comes out from them and she comes out from them.

سياسة أمور دين الناس يصبح دين جديد

The politics of people's religious affairs becomes a new religion.

فتآمر أحبار اليهود

Then the Jewish scribes conspired.

وجاءوا إلى ملك تلك المناطق

And they came to the king of those regions.

وكان يتبع للرومان

And it was under Roman rule.

فأخذوا يحذرونه

So they began to warn him.

من عيسى عليه السلام وينبهونه ويقولون له أن هذا يقول أنه ملك اليهود

From Jesus, peace be upon him, and they are warning him, saying that this one claims to be the king of the Jews.

وسيأخذ منك الملك

And the king will take from you.

فخاف هذا الملك على ملكه

So this king was afraid for his kingdom.

فأمر بالبحث عن عيسى

He ordered to search for Jesus.

ليقتلوه ويصلبوه

"To kill him and crucify him."

كان شأنهم الصلب

Their matter was serious.



ما كانوا يقتلون الرجل

They were not killing the man.

وإنما كانوا يضربون المسامير على الصليب

"They were only hammering the nails onto the cross."

يضربون المسامير في يديه وفي وسطه وفي رجليه

They drive nails into his hands, his sides, and his feet.

يعلقونه على الصليب

They hang him on the cross.


So he dies.

اللي يموت على الصليب

He who dies on the cross.

يموت اختناقا

He dies of suffocation.

الرئة تنزل

The lung descends.

من هذا التعليق

"Who is this comment from?"

فما يستطيع يتنفس

So he can't breathe.

وعادة يموت

And usually, it dies.

بعد يوم على الأقل

At least after a day.

يظل معذب يوم كامل بهذه الطريقة

He will remain tortured like this for an entire day.

ثم يموت ليس من النزيف

Then he dies not from the bleeding.

يموته خنقا

He dies by strangulation.

فكان هذا تعذيبهم

So this was their torture.

لمن يريدون أن يعذبوه

For those who want to torture him.

فبدأت مؤامرة اليهود

The conspiracy of the Jews began.



على عيسى

On Isa.

عليه السلام

Peace be upon him.


To kill him.

وكان هذا بعد إرساله بثلاث سنين فقط

And this was only three years after sending him.

ثلاث سنين

Three years

ما صبروا عليه

They did not endure it.

عليه السلام

Peace be upon him.

يقول الله سبحانه وتعالى

Allah, the Exalted, says.

وتكلم الناس في المهد وكهلا

"And the people spoke in the cradle and in their old age."

في المهد وهو في

In the cradle, and he is in.

صغير في الرضاعة

Baby in nursing.

والكهل هو الذي تجاوز الثلاثين

The middle-aged person is one who has surpassed thirty.

ليس كما يظن الناس أن الكهل هو الشايب

It is not as people think that the elderly is the old man.

فذلك يسمونه الشيخ

They call him the Sheikh.


And this

بعلي شيخا

My husband is a shaykh.

شيخ كبير

Old Sheikh

أما الكهل

As for the elderly man

أي واحد يتجاوز الثلاثين

Anyone who is over thirty.

يسمونه الكهل

They call him the middle-aged man.

فكان عمره ثلاثة وثلاثين سنة

He was thirty-three years old.

جاءت روايات كثيرة جدا

Many very different accounts came.

عن رفع

About raising

عيسى عليه السلام إلى السماء

Jesus (peace be upon him) to the heavens.

روايات كثيرة جدا

Very many novels.

كلها من الإسرائيليات

All of it is from the Israeli narratives.

أو نقلا

Or transferred.

عن الإنجيل والتوراة

About the Gospel and the Torah.

ولم أجد

And I did not find.



في الصحاح

In the authentic books.

في هذا

In this

سوى حديث واحد

Except for one conversation.


It narrates him.



على شرط الإمام مسلم

On the condition of Imam Muslim.

وهو أفضل

And he is the best.

ما في هذا الباب

There is nothing in this door.

وإلا روايات كثيرة إسرائيلية

Otherwise, many Israeli narratives.

وفي الإنجيل وغيرها تجاوزت عنه

"And in the Gospel and elsewhere, I have overlooked it."

للتحريف الذي جرى

For the distortion that occurred.

في التوراة

In the Torah

في الإنجيل

In the Gospel

فلا ندري أين الحق

We do not know where the truth is.

وأين الباطل فيه

And where is the falsehood in it?

فأكتفي بالرواية

So I will suffice with the narration.

التي في النسائي على شرط

"Which is in Al-Nasa'i under certain conditions."



عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما قال

On the authority of Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him.

لما أراد الله

When God willed.

تعالى أن يرفع

Come to lift.

عيسى إلى السماء

Jesus to the sky

خرج على أصحابه

He went out to his companions.

وفي البيت

In the house.

إثنى عشر رجلا منهم

Twelve men among them.

من الحواريين

From the disciples.

وهذا فيه دليل

And this is evidence of it.

على أن الحواريين كانوا

That the disciples were

إثنى عشر رجلا

Twelve men

فخرج عليهم

And he went out to them.

من عين في البيت

Who is in the house?

كان يغتسل

He was taking a shower.

وخرج عليهم ورأسه يقطر ماء

And he came out to them with his head dripping with water.


He said.

إن منكم

"Indeed, among you"

من يكفر

Who disbelieves

بي إثنى عشرة مرة

Twelve times.

بعد أن آمن بي

After he believed in me.

فيكم واحد سيكفر بي إثنى عشر مرة

Among you, there is one who will disbelieve in me twelve times.

ثم قال

Then he said.


Which of you?

يلقى عليه شبهي

He resembles me.

فيقتل مكاني

So he kills my place.

سيأتون ليقتلوني

They will come to kill me.

من منكم مستعد

Who among you is ready?

أن يضحي لأجلي

To sacrifice for my sake.

فينزل عليه شبهي

"Then a likeness of me is sent down upon him."

يصبح الله سبحانه وتعالى يغير شكله

Allah Almighty becomes and changes His form.

ويصبح شبهة مثلي

And it becomes a semblance of being similar.

من منكم

Which of you

أيكم يلقى عليه شبهي

Which of you resembles me?

فيقتل مكاني

So he kills in my place.

فيكون معي

So he will be with me.

في داخليي

Inside me

في درجتي

In my drawer.

يعني في الجنة

It means in paradise.

يكون معي في الجنة

He will be with me in Paradise.

فقام شاب

A young man stood up.

من الحواريين

Among the disciples.

من أحدثهم سنا

Who among them is the brightest?

أصغرهم سنا

The youngest in age.

فقال له عيسى عليه السلام

Jesus, peace be upon him, said to him.

حنى عليه

He leaned towards him.

ما أراد أن هو يقتل أصغرهم

He did not want to kill the youngest of them.

قال اجلس

He said sit down.

ثم عاد عليهم

Then he turned back to them.

من مستعد أن يفدي نفسه بنفسه

Who is willing to sacrifice himself for himself?

فكلهم ترددوا

So they all hesitated.

إلا هذا الشاب

Except for this young man.

فقال أنا

He said, "I am."

فقال عيسى عليه السلام

And Jesus (peace be upon him) said.

أنت هو ذاك

You are that one.

فنزل عليه شبه عيسى

Then a likeness of Jesus was cast upon him.

تغير شكله أمام عيونهم

He changed his shape in front of their eyes.

وصار شكله

And his appearance became.

شكل عيسى عليه السلام

The appearance of Jesus, peace be upon him.

والحديث ما زال متواصل

The conversation is still ongoing.

كلام ابن عباس

The words of Ibn Abbas.

ورفع عيسى أمام عيونهم

"And Jesus was raised up before their eyes."

وهم ينظرون

And they are watching.

رفع عيسى من روزنة في البيت

Isa raised from a window in the house.

من الروزنة

From the window.

هي الشباك الذي يقوم بفتحه

It is the window that opens.

في السقف

In the ceiling.

إلى السماء

To the sky

وهم ينظرون

And they are looking.

أمام عيونهم

Before their eyes



قال ابن عباس

Ibn Abbas said.

وجاء الطلب من اليهود

The request came from the Jews.

فأخذوا الشبه

So they took the form.


So they killed him.

ثم صلبوه

Then they crucified him.


So he disbelieved.

به واحد من هؤلاء

"With one of these."

اثني عشر مرة

Twelve times.


The novels

أنهم أمسكوه الحواريين

The disciples held him.

فكلهم قالوا نحن أصحابه

So they all said, "We are his companions."

قال لا أنا لست صاحبه

He said, "No, I am not its owner."

كفر به

He disbelieved in it.

فأمسكوه أطلقوه

So they caught him, let him go.

بعدين جاء الحديث

Then the conversation came.

والأدلة على أنه نعم صاحبه

And the evidence that he is indeed his companion.

فأمسكوه مرة ثانية

So they caught him once again.

فقال لا أنا لست صاحبه

He said, "No, I am not his owner."


So they released him.

فأمسكوه مرة ثالثة

So they seized him for the third time.


They threatened him.

فحلف أنه ليس صاحبه

He swore that he was not his companion.

فكفر به مرة ثالثة

So he disbelieved in it for the third time.

فأطلقوه ففر

So they released him and he fled.

فكان الناس يتحدثون

So people were talking.

أن واحد من الحواريين

That one of the disciples

من أصحاب عيسى فر

From the companions of Jesus, he fled.

فكانوا كل ما شكوا فيه يكفر به 12 مرة

They would disbelieve in whatever they doubted 12 times.

فهذا الذي كفر به 12 مرة

This is what he disbelieved in 12 times.

ثم إن اليهود خافوا أن تصبح فتنة

Then the Jews feared that a fitna would arise.

وأن الذين بدأوا يتأثرون بهذا الدين

And those who began to be affected by this religion.

يثأرون لمقتل أصحابهم وأهلهم من الحواريين

They seek vengeance for the killing of their companions and family members from the disciples.

فتركوهم واشترطوا عليهم أن لا يدعون لهذا الدين

So they left them and stipulated that they should not call for this religion.

فكان الحواريون يدعون بالسر

The disciples were praying quietly.

وظل دين النصارى بالسر 240 سنة

The religion of the Christians remained secret for 240 years.

بالسر يدعون

They call in secret.

وبدأ الدين ينتشر لكن بالسر

And the religion began to spread but secretly.

وما ظهر هذا الدين

And this religion has not appeared.

إلا عندما آمن به أحد ملوك الروم

Except when one of the Roman kings believed in him.

اللي هو قسطنطين

Which is Constantine.

آمن بالنصرانية

He believed in Christianity.

لكن أدخل فيها شيء من الشركيات

But it incorporates some aspects of polytheism.

هو الذي أدخل فيها شيء من الشركيات

He is the one who introduced some elements of polytheism into it.

في الحديث أنهم ظلوا على التوحيد 240 سنة

In the hadith, they remained on monotheism for 240 years.

لكن كانوا يقدسون عيسى عليه السلام ويعظمونه

But they revered and honored Jesus, peace be upon him.

ولا يدرون كيف يفسرون هذه الأمور

And they do not know how to interpret these matters.

فجاء قسطنطين وبدأ يحيي إليهم بأقواله

Then Constantine came and began to greet them with his words.

وجعل هو الذي يختار الأحبار والرهبان والقساوس بينهم

And He is the one who chooses the scholars and monks and the priests among them.

فبدأ الانحراف الظاهر البين

The evident and clear deviation began.

يقول ابن عباس وجاء الطلب من اليهود

Ibn Abbas says that the request came from the Jews.

فأخذوا الشبه فقتلواه

So they took the resemblance and killed him.

فكفر به بعضهم 12 مرة بعد أن آمن

So some of them disbelieved in it 12 times after they had believed.

وافترقوا ثلاث فرق

They separated into three groups.

فقالت طائفة كان الله فينا ما شاء

A group said, "God was with us as He wished."

ثم صعد إلى السماء

Then he ascended to the heavens.

وهؤلاء يسمون اليعقوبية

They are called the Jacobites.

وقالت فرقة كان فينا ابن الله

And the group said, "There was among us a son of God."

ما شاء ثم رفعه الله إليه

What He wills, then Allah raises him to Himself.

وهؤلاء النصطورية

And these are the Nestorians.

وهؤلاء الذين انتشرت ديانتهم

And these are the ones whose religion has spread.

وصاروا معظم النصارى

And most of the Christians became.

وقالت فرقة كان فينا عبد الله ورسوله

And the group said, "There was among us a servant of Allah and His Messenger."

ما شاء ثم رفعه الله إليه

What He wills, then Allah raises it to Him.

وهؤلاء المسلمون

And these are the Muslims.

المسلمون هؤلاء إلى اليوم

These Muslims to this day.

من النصارى فرقة تسمى الموحدة

There is a group among the Christians called the Unitarian.



يونيت يعني واحد

Unit means one.

يونيتيرين الموحدون

The Unified Unitarians

ولهم كنائس ولهم إنجيل ليس فيه شرك

They have churches and they have a Gospel that does not contain polytheism.

إلى اليوم يسمى إنجيل برنابا

To this day, it is called the Gospel of Barnabas.

وكنت لما كنت في أمريكا

"And when I was in America"

نرى كنائسهم ونعرفهن

"We see their churches and we know them."



مشهورين معروفين

Famous well-known.

لكنها فرقة قليلة جدا

But it is a very small group.

أتباعهم قليلين جدا

Their followers are very few.

من أقل فرق النصارى

Among the least of the Christian denominations.

يقول ابن عباس

Ibn Abbas says.

فتظاهرت الكافرتان على المسلمة

The two disbelievers conspired against the Muslim woman.


So they killed her.

قتلوا في هؤلاء الموحدين

They were killed among these monotheists.

فلم يزل الإسلام طامسا

Islam remained suppressed.

حتى بعث الله محمدا

Until God sent Muhammad.

صلى الله عليه وسلم

Peace be upon him.

قال ابن عباس

Ibn Abbas said.

فذلك قول الله تعالى

That is the saying of Allah, the Exalted.

فأيدنا الذين آمنوا على عدوهم

"We supported the believers against their enemies."

فأصبحوا ظاهرين

They became evident.

يقول الله سبحانه وتعالى

Allah Almighty says


And their saying

إنا قتلنا المسيح عيسى بن مريم

"We killed the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary."

رسول الله

Messenger of God

هذه كلمة رسول الله

This is the word of the Messenger of God.

إضافة من عند الله

An addition from God.

يعترض عليهم

He objects to them.

وما قتلوه

"And they did not kill him."

وما صلبوه

"And they did not crucify him."

ولكن شبه لهم

But it was made to appear to them.

وإن الذين

And indeed, those who

اختلطوا فيه

They got mixed up in it.

تفرقوا فيه

They dispersed in it.

لفي سك منه

I am in love with him.

ظهر الشك فورا بعد مقتله

Doubt appeared immediately after his murder.

حيث أن هذا الحواري

As this dialogue



فقالوا إن كنا قتلنا عيسى

They said, "If we had killed Jesus..."

فمن هذا أين هذا

So where is this from?

وإن كنا قتلنا هذا

"And if we have killed this."

فأين عيسى فاختلفوا

"So where is Jesus? They differed."

وإن الذين اختلفوا

And indeed, those who have differed.

وإن الذين اختلفوا فيه

"And those who disagree about it..."

لفي شك منه

"I have no doubt about it."

ما لهم به من علم

They have no knowledge of it.

إلا اتباع الظن

"Except to follow conjecture."

وما قتلوه يقينا

And they did not kill him, for sure.

بل رفعه الله إليه

But God raised him up to Himself.

وكان الله

And God was.

عزيزا حكيما

Dear Wise One

وجعله الله سبحانه وتعالى

And Allah, the Exalted, made it.

من علامات الساعة

Among the signs of the Hour.

يقول الله سبحانه وتعالى

Allah, the Exalted, says

وإنه لعلم للساعة

"And it is indeed a sign of the Hour."

إنه لعلم للساعة

It is a sign of the Hour.

يعني علامة

It means a sign.

من علامات يوم القيامة

From the signs of the Day of Judgment.

فلا تمترن بها

So do not be in doubt about it.

واتبعون هذا

"And follow this."

صراط مستقيم

Straight path

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