سلسلة قصص من السيرة ( الحلقة الأولى) كيف أسلم الصحابي الباحث عن الحق ؟
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سلسلة قصص من السيرة ( الحلقة الأولى) كيف أسلم الصحابي الباحث عن الحق ؟
فتح باب القصر الفارسي العظيم وخرج منه الصحابي الجليل سلمان الفارسي
The great Persian palace door opened, and the venerable companion Salman the Persian emerged from it.
منطلق إلى أبوه الدهقان فما أن وقعت عيناء به عليه حتى أشرق وجهه بالابتسام من الحب
He rushed to his father, the farmer, and as soon as his eyes fell upon him, his face brightened with a smile of love.
فقد كان أحب عباد الله إلى أبيه الشيخ لاجتهاده في المجوسية
For he was the most beloved of God's servants to his father, the sheikh, for his diligence in Zoroastrianism.
ثم ذهب الصحابي وسلمان إلى بيت النار ليرتل الأدعية وقراءة كتاب ساردشت
Then the companion and Salman went to the fire house to recite prayers and read the book of Zoroaster.
الذي فاض بالأساطير والخرافات وراح يقرأ فيه قصة بدء الخليقة
The one who overflowed with legends and myths and began to read about the story of the creation.
ولطالما كان يشعر أن عقله الحر لا يسيخ هذه القصص الخرافية
He always felt that his free mind does not accept these fairy tales.
فهو يرى أثر الوضع والفلسفة في كل ما يقرأ
He sees the influence of context and philosophy in everything he reads.
وذات يوم أرسله أبوه إلى ضيعته وبينما هو بالطريق مر بكنيسة للنصارى
One day, his father sent him to his village, and while he was on the way, he passed by a church of the Christians.
ومس أذني صلاتهم مسا رقيقا فسار إليها كالمأخوة
And the touch of their prayer on my ear was gentle, so he moved toward it like a brother.
ودخل الكنيسة وأعجبته صلاتهم وقال لنفسه هذا خير من ديننا
He entered the church and was impressed by their prayer, saying to himself, "This is better than our religion."
وأعجب الصحابي هذا الدين الذي جاء به النبي عيسى عليه السلام
The companion was impressed by this religion brought by the Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him.
فقال لهم أين أصل هذا الدين فقالوا له الشام
He said to them, "Where is the origin of this religion?" They said, "Syria."
ولما سمع أبوه بالخبر أكد لإبنه أن الشيطان أضله
When his father heard the news, he assured his son that the devil had misled him.
ولما لم يستجب الصحابي وسلمان لأبيه
And when the companion and Salman did not respond to his father.
جعل أبيه في رجليه الحديد
He put his father in iron legs.
وحبسه حتى يعود إلى ملة قومه
"And he imprisoned him until he returns to the religion of his people."
ولم يحس الصحابي سلمان بقوة الأغلال والقيود
The companion Salman did not feel the strength of the shackles and chains.
فقد كانت روحه حرة طليقة تهيم في الوجود
For his soul was free and untethered, wandering in existence.
وعندما سمع الصحابي بخروج وفد إلى الشام
When the companion heard about the delegation going to Sham (Syria)
ألقى الحديد من رجليه مسرعا وانطلق خافق القلب
He threw the iron from his legs quickly and set off with a pounding heart.
تملأ جوانحه فرحة يكاد يطير
His soul is filled with joy that he can hardly contain.
وبعد وصوله إلى الشام
And after his arrival in Sham.
أبوه المسيحية قام على خدمة أحد أثاقفتهم
His father, Christianity, was established on the service of one of their scholars.
الذي اكتشف أنه يظهر الصلاح ويخفي نفاقه
He who discovered that he appears righteous while hiding his hypocrisy.
ففكر الصحابي أيقفر بذلك الدين لأن أسقفا قد خان الأمانة
So the companion thought, is this religion tarnished because a bishop has betrayed the trust?
إن العيب في الرجل لا في الدين
The fault is in the man, not in the religion.
وبقي الصحابي وسلمان على دينه مجتهدا وإن كره هذا الرجل
The companion and Salman remained steadfast in their faith, diligently practicing it, even though this man disliked it.
وتعلم أن علم العالم للناس
And you know that the knowledge of the world is for the people.
أما فجره يتعلمه على دينه
As for his dawn, he learns it according to his religion.
وبعد أن مات هذا الأسقف المنافق
And after this hypocritical bishop died.
وضعوا مكانه أسقف لم يرى مثل أخلاقه
They placed in his position a bishop whose morals were unparalleled.
فأحبه وأقبل عليه يحسب أنه قد بلغ غايته
He loved him and turned to him, thinking that he had reached his goal.
ولما حضر الأسقف الوفاء
And when the bishop attended the faithfulness.
سأله الصحابي سلمان بمن توصيني أن ألحق
The companion Salman asked him, "Who do you recommend I follow?"
فأوصاه بواحد منهم
So he advised him to choose one of them.
وهكذا بقي الصحابي سلمان دهرا
And thus the companion Salman remained for a long time.
يتنقل بين علماء النصارى
He moves among the Christian scholars.
كلما حضرت الوفاء أحدهم
Whenever loyalty is present, one of them shows up.
أوصاه بأسقف آخر
He advised him with another bishop.
ولكنه بعد طول الترحال
But after a long journey
وكل هذا الاعتكاف في الكنائس الشام
And all this seclusion in the churches of Sham.
لم يهرف باله الراحة الحقيقية
He has not tasted true comfort.
فلا يزال في بحر ساخر متلاطم من الشكوك
He is still in a choppy, mocking sea of doubts.
وذات يوم قال له رجل صالح من شيوخ الرهبان
One day, a righteous man from the elders of the hermits said to him.
أنه قد أضل زمان نبي
"That he has misled the time of the Prophet."
وهو مبعوث بدين إبراهيم عليه السلام
He is a messenger of the religion of Abraham, peace be upon him.
يخرج بأرض العرب
It comes out in the land of the Arabs.
ويقوله أنه أردت أن يتعلمه أحدهم
And he says that he wanted someone to teach him.
يهاجر إلى أرض بين حرتين
He migrates to a land between two hot springs.
بينهما نخل
Between them, there are date palms.
وله علامات لا تخفى
And it has signs that are not hidden.
فيأكل الهدية ولا يأكل الصدقة
He eats the gift but does not eat the charity.
وبين الكتفيه خاتم النبوة
"And between the shoulders is the seal of prophethood."
فإن استطعت أن تلحق به فافعل
If you can catch up with him, then do so.
فنزل قول الراهب على قلبه
And the words of the monk settled in his heart.
نزول المطر على الأرض الميتة
The rain falling on the dead earth.
وبعد أن هيئت له الأسباب
And after I provided him with the means.
سافر متلهفا إلى المدينة المنورة
He traveled eagerly to Medina.
منتظرا هذا النبي العظيم
Awaiting this great prophet.
وبعد أيام جاءه رجل
After a few days, a man came to him.
يخبره بأن من ينتظره وصل
He tells him that the one who is waiting for him has arrived.
وهو جالس بين أصحابه
He was sitting among his friends.
فما أن سمع الصحابي سلمان
As soon as the companion Salman heard...
أصابته العرواء من شدة الفرح
He was struck with hysteria from intense joy.
ولما جاء الصحابي سلمان إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
When the companion Salman came to the Prophet, peace be upon him.
قدم إليه شيء من التمر
He was offered some dates.
وأخبره أنه أحضره
"And tell him that he brought it."
لوجود بعض الفقراء من الصحابة
Due to the presence of some poor companions.
فأخذها الحبيب صلى الله عليه وسلم
So the beloved one, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, took it.
ولم يأكل منها
And he did not eat from it.
فخفق قلبه وتحققت العلامة الأولى
His heart fluttered and the first sign was realized.
ثم رجع مرة أخرى بالتمر
Then he returned again with the dates.
ولكنه هذه المرة قال له
But this time he said to him.
هذه هدية لك
This is a gift for you.
فأكل منها صلى الله عليه وسلم
And he (peace be upon him) ate from it.
فتحققت العلامة الثانية
The second sign was realized.
وبالطبع علم الحبيب صلى الله عليه وسلم بمراده
And of course, the beloved Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, was aware of his intention.
فكشف له عن شمس خاتم النبوة بين كتفيه
So he revealed to him the sun of the Seal of Prophethood between his shoulders.
فأقبل سلمان
So Salman approached.
أقبل طفل والهان
A cheerful child approached.
ضائع بين السحام
Lost among the arrows.
وكأنه رأى أمه بين الأنام
As if he saw his mother among the people.
أقبل عليه مشتاق
He approached him yearningly.
أقبل عليه بكل حب
I approached him with all love.
بعد رحلة في البحث عن الحق
After a journey in search of truth.
أقبل عليه وقبله
He approached him and kissed him.
وبكى بكاء لم يبكيه قط
And he cried a cry he had never cried before.
هنا عندما تكون الرحلة في الله
Here when the journey is in God.
ومن أجل الله
For the sake of God.
يأتي العوض العظيم من رب كريم
The great compensation comes from a generous Lord.
فخسر الصحابي سلمان
So the companion Salman lost.
وقال له
He said to him.
وعوضه الله بحبيبه
And Allah replaced him with His beloved.
عوضه بسيد الخلق
"Compensate him with the master of creation."
وأعظم فائدة من هذه القصة
And the greatest benefit of this story
أن الحق أحق أن يتبع
Indeed, the truth is more deserving of being followed.
وأن الفطرة السليمة التي فطر الله عليها الإنسان
And that the sound nature with which God has created man.
تستطيع أن تصل إلى الحق
You can reach the truth.
ولكن إذا حافظ الإنسان عليها
But if a person maintains it.
وأننا جميعا ملزومون بالبحث عن الحق
And that we are all obligated to seek the truth.
إلى آخر يوم في حياتنا واتباعه
Until the last day of our lives and beyond.
نهاية الدرس
End of the lesson.
ترجمة نانسي قنقر
Translation of Nancy Qanqar
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