حكايات السحرة الحقيقية عجائب الجن من حراس ورصدة الكنوز

حسام مصباح ( مستر كايرو )

Mr Cairo عراب الجن

حكايات السحرة الحقيقية عجائب الجن من حراس ورصدة الكنوز

Mr Cairo عراب الجن

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وقدرتهم في التعامل مع الجن

And their ability to deal with jinn.

والتواصل مع كائنات العالم السفلي

And communicating with beings of the underworld.

وانهم بيسخروهم لخدمتهم

And they are using them to serve them.

تفاصيل اكيد متهمش بعض الناس

Details definitely don't involve some people.

لكن في ناس تانية غاوية قوي

But there are other people who are very passionate.

تعرف كل التفاصيل الغمضة والغريبة دي

Do you know all these strange and obscure details?

يا ترى جاهزين

I wonder if they are ready.

يلا بينا

Let's go!

واخر حلقات

And the last episodes.

روحان الكنوز

The Spirit of Treasures

في رحلة بحثنا عن الكنوز

On our quest for treasures.

طلعت انا وصديق لي

I went out with a friend of mine.

كان ظابط في المخابرات

He was an officer in intelligence.

رحنا بالعربية

We went in Arabic.

وطلعنا الجبل سوا

And we climbed the mountain together.

لما وصلنا للمكان

When we arrived at the place.

انا بدات اشوف شغلي

I started to see my work.

وشقيت الارض

"And the earth was split."

وبعد ما شقيت الارض

"And after I toiled the land."

سبنا المكان يتهوى شوية

Let the place ventilate a bit.

نزلت انا والراجل

I got down with the man.

اللي معايا

"Those with me."

لما دخلت للمكان

When I entered the place.

لقيته عبارة عن طرقة او سرداب طويل

I found it to be a corridor or a long tunnel.

الشيء اللي فرحني

The thing that made me happy.

اني كان فيه 366 تمثال من الدهب

There were 366 statues made of gold.

كانوا مرصصين يمين وشمال

They were lined up on the right and left.

وبين كل تمثالين

And between every two statues.

كان فيه تمثال صغير

There was a small statue.

طول التمثال حوالي 70 سنتي

The height of the statue is about 70 centimeters.

اشكالهم كانت عاملة

Their shapes were working.

زي الاشكال البهلوانية

Like acrobatic shapes.


For the priests.

كان فيه كمان قوة كتير مليانة دهب وحاجات

There was also a very strong force filled with gold and things.

الغريب ان اللقلوة

The strange thing is the lark.

والاحجار الكريمة

and precious stones

زي الزمرد واليقوت وغيرها

Like emeralds, rubies, and others.

كانوا محطوطين كلهم

They were all placed together.

على اشكال هرامية

In pyramid shapes.

ومرصصين بشكل هرامي

And arranged in a pyramidal shape.

مفيش قطعة واحدة بتقع على الارض

Not a single piece falls on the ground.

بالرغم انهم مش

Although they are not...

ملتصقين ببعض بأي مادة لصقة

Stuck together with some adhesive material.

انا كل ده شفت

I saw all of this.

بأم عيني

With my own eyes.

لكن مع كل ده

But with all of that

انا ما كانش يلزمني حاجة فيهم

I didn't need anything from them.

علشان انا عاوز

Because I want.

شيء معين عند الملك

Something specific at the king's.

جوه في قطه

There is a cat inside.

دخلت القوضة الملك

The king entered the room.

لقيته كاتب في قطه ما معناه

I found him writing in his notebook, what does it mean?

ان كنت اعلم مني

If you know more than me.

فاخذ ما شئت

"Take what you want."

طبعا دي كانت رسالة تحدي

Of course, that was a challenge message.

الملك بيتحدى

The king is challenging.

اي حد يدخل مكبرته

"Anyone who enters his magnifier."

انه يتجرأ

He dares.

ياخد منه حاجة تخصه

He takes something that belongs to him.

فانا قلت لا مش هاخد

So I said no, I won't take it.

بس ما شئت

But what you wanted.

ده انا هطلعك بحالك

I will bring you to your state.

وفعلا انا دخلت عند الملك

And indeed, I entered in front of the king.

وكان المكان هادي

The place was quiet.

وما فيش مشاكل

And there are no problems.

الغريبة ان مفيش جن اعترضني ولا رصد

The strange thing is that no jinn have interfered or noticed me.

ولا اي حاجة جات في وشي واعترضتني

And nothing came to my face and obstructed me.

لدرجة اني شكيت

To the extent that I doubted.

ان المكان ده

This place.

ما عليهوش خدمات بالمرة

He has no services at all.

كنت بحاول وبحاول اني بس

I was trying and trying just to...

ادخل واخد الشيء اللي انا عاوزه

"Come in and take what I want."

من على جسم الملك

From the body of the king.

لكني مقدرتش

But I couldn't.

وكان مستحيل اني اقرب منه

It was impossible for me to get closer to him.

فضلت على الوضع ده عشر ايام متواصلة

I preferred this situation for ten consecutive days.

كل مرة انزل عند الملك

Every time I go down to the king.

وقرأ جميع العزايم والاقارب منه

And he read all the mourning and relatives of him.

والاقسام والخدمات والملوك اللي معايا

And the sections, services, and the kings that are with me.

والعفريت وا وا وا

And the jinn, wow wow wow.

وغيرت جميع ملوك

And all the kings changed.

الجن علشان بس اوصل واخد شيء من الملك ده

The jinn, just so I can reach and take something from that king.

الشيء اللي انا عاوزه

The thing that I want.

كان مستحيل اني اقرب منه

It was impossible for me to get close to him.

حتى اني ما كنتش قادر احط ايديا

I couldn't even put my hand on it.

ناحية جسده

His body side.

كأن فيه شيء بيمنعني

It's as if there's something preventing me.

فيه قوة خفية كانت فعلا بتمنعني

There was a hidden power that was actually preventing me.

انا دخلت في حالة حزن جديد

I have entered a new state of sadness.

وازهقت من الوضع والفعل

"I am weary of the situation and the act."

من الفشل ده

From this failure.

وقررت اني خلاص امشي

I decided to move on.

بس قبل ما امشي

But before I leave.

قلت اخد حاجة من الحاجات اللي موجودة دي

I said take something from those available things.

طبعا التماثيل الكبيرة

Of course, the large statues.

ما كنتش قادر اخدها لانها ضخمة وتقيلة

I couldn't take it because it is huge and heavy.

قلت اخد حاجة من الحاجات البسيطة والصغيرة

I said to take something simple and small.

الصراحة كل حاجة كانت بتلمع قدام عيني

Honestly, everything was sparkling before my eyes.

كانت مغرية قوي

She was very enticing.

لحظتها كان فيه تمثال محطوط بين التماثيل دي وعجبني

At that moment, there was a statue placed among those statues that I liked.

قلت بس اخد ده احسن ما اخرج فاضي الادين

I said, "I might as well take this rather than go out empty-handed."

قربت من التمثال

I approached the statue.

وقلت اشيلو

And I said, "Let's remove it."

ولما شلتو يا شيخ محمد

And when did you carry it, Sheikh Mohammed?

التمثال كان بيوصل لحد صدري

The statue reached up to my chest.

وانا عمال اتحرك بيه يمين وشمال

And I'm moving it right and left.

والتمثال ثابت في مكانو ما بيتحركش

The statue is fixed in its place and does not move.

كان اخر حركة ليه انو بيرتفع لحد صدري وبس

His last move was just to rise up to my chest.

ما بيتحركش بعد كده نهائي ولا ملي واحد

It doesn't move at all after that, not even a single millimeter.

لكن لما حطو على الارض بيثبت على الارض

But when they put it on the ground, it stays on the ground.

ولما ارفعو بيكون اخرو

"When they lift me, it will be the last of me."

لحد صدري وما بيزدش عن المستوى ده في الارتفاع

To my chest and it doesn't exceed this level in height.

بعد محاولات كتير

After many attempts.

قررت ان انا اطلع برا

I decided to go outside.

وقتها قلت للظابط صاحب انو يجيب جنزير

At that time, I told the officer to bring a chain.

بعدين نزلنا بالجنزير

Then we went down the chain.

ولفيتو حوالين التمثال وبدأنا نشدو بالعربية لبرا

"And we surrounded the statue and started to chant in Arabic."

التمثال احنا بنتكلم عليه ده تمثال صغير حوالي 70 سنتي

The statue we are talking about is a small statue, about 70 centimeters.

ووزنو خفيف علشان بس تبقى الصورة واضحة معاكم

"And their weight is light so that the picture remains clear for you."

المهم العربية بدأت تشد في التمثال

The important thing is that the Arabic started to pull on the statue.

وعملنا كل شيء

And we did everything.

والتمثال برضو سابت ومش عاوز يتحرك من مكانو ملي واحد

And the statue is also stuck and doesn't want to move from its place at all.

ساعتها انا فعلا تعبت

At that time, I was really tired.

فعلا مقدرتش اعمل معاها اي حاجة

I really couldn’t do anything with her.

من تعبي وحزني وفشلي اضطريت انيقفل المكان

Out of my fatigue, sadness, and failure, I was forced to close the place.

ومن زعل الشديد كان ممكن يجيلي فيها الضغط والسكر

From severe anger, it was possible for me to suffer from high blood pressure and diabetes.

انا طبعا لما شفتو قدرات باقي الصحرة

Of course, when I saw the abilities of the other desert.

اللي شفتها من شوية

What I saw a little while ago.

قلت اكيد ممكن يكونو هما عندهم القدرة انهم يطلعو الحاجة دي من جوة

I said they can definitely have the ability to take this thing out from inside.

وانا بالتحديد كنت بفكر في الشيخ محمد

I was specifically thinking about Sheikh Mohammed.

انا سألتو ازا كان ممكن يعمل معايا حاجة

I asked him if it was possible for him to do something for me.

واكيد ممكن نلاقي حل ولو العمر لسه فيها 20 سنة تانين

And of course, we can find a solution even if there are still 20 more years of life left.

اخد الشيخ محمد ونروح المكان ده

Sheikh Mohammed took us to this place.


And I told him.

هو يا شيخ محمد انت عندك فكرة بالمكان ده

Hey, Sheikh Mohammed, do you have any idea about this place?

ووضعو ايه او مرصود على ايه

They put a verse or something recorded on something.

لان المكان ده واضح انه مرصود على شي احنا ما نعرفوش

Because this place is clearly haunted by something we don't know.

بعد ما سمع الشيخ محمد القصة

After Sheikh Mohammed heard the story.


He said.

انا طبعا عارف المكان وعارف مرصود على ايه

I obviously know the place and I know what it's being monitored for.

المكان ده مرصود على جاذبية الارض

This place is haunted by the gravity of the earth.

انا قلتلو يعني ايه

I told him what it means.

ده علم قائم بالذاتو

This is a science that stands on its own.

يعني ليه يعني ليك فيه صفة يعني نقدر نعمل حاجة

What does it mean that there is a trait in it that we can do something?

اكيد ليه فيه صفة وممكن اطلع كل اللي في المكان

Of course, there is a quality, and I can reveal everything in the place.

واطلعلك كل المحتويات اللي مع الملك

"And it will show you all the contents that the king has."

ولو عاوز اطلعلك الملك ذاتو

"And if you want, I can show you the king himself."

طب ياريتك كنت معايا وقتها

I wish you had been with me at that time.

الشيخ محمد سألني سؤال وقالي

Sheikh Muhammad asked me a question and said to me.

بص انت دلوقتي قلت انك شقيت وفتحت الارض وانزلت مع الظابط

Look, you just said that you struggled and opened the ground and went down with the officer.

انا بقى عاوز افهم حاجة

I want to understand something.

المتعرف عليه في العلم ان اللي يشق الارض ما بينزلش هو

It is known in science that whoever digs the earth does not go down himself.

وغيره هو اللي بينزل

"And others, he is the one who is coming down."

وهو يفضل ماسك العزيمة والبخور

He prefers the mask of determination and incense.

وما يسكتش عنهم علشان الارض ما تتقفلش

"And they don't stay silent about them so that the land doesn't close off."

لان ممكن الارض تقفل على الناس اللي تحته ويموتوا

Because the ground could collapse on the people below and they could die.

قولي بقى انت ازاي تسيب الارض كده مفتوحة

Tell me, how could you leave the land open like that?

وتنزل وتعزم وتتحرك عادي

And you go down, invite, and move normally.

ده غريب بجد

This is really strange.

هو صحيح انا كان ليه شيخ صداني

It is true that I had a sheikh who guided me.

وكان بيعمل حركة شبيهة بكده

He used to make a move similar to that.

وانت عملت ايه فاهمني

What did you do? Explain it to me.

انا بسطله قلتله الصراحة شيخ محمد

I talked to him honestly, Sheikh Mohammed.

انا كنت بكتب صورة معينة مع اسماء

I was writing a specific image with names.

التهطيل مع اسماء حملت العرش فوعاء

The flooding with names that carried the throne as a vessel.

وبحط فيه مية وبحط فيه شوية ملح

And I put water in it and I add a little salt.

وابقى اربع بيها المكان

And stay four at the place.

بتروح الارض مفتوحة

The land is left open.

وممكن كده الارض تفضل مفتوحة لحد يوم القيامة

And it is possible for the earth to remain open until the Day of Judgment.

ولو سبتها وما قفلتها

"And if you insulted it and did not respond."

بيفضل المكان مفتوح الى يوم يبعثون

He prefers the place to remain open until the Day of Resurrection.

الشيخ محمد استغرب

Sheikh Mohammed was surprised.

وليته بيقول

"I wish he would say."

سبحان الله فعلا العلم واسع

Glory be to God, indeed knowledge is vast.

انا عاوز كمان افهم حاجة

I also want to understand something.

فيما يخص الصورة اللي انت بتقول عليها

Regarding the picture you are talking about.

انا اعرفها وحافظها

I know it and have memorized it.

والتهطيل معروفة ده حابتليها صياغ كتيرة

And the modification is known; I wanted many formulations for it.

واسماء حملت العرش معاي وممكن اقولهملك

"And the names carried the throne with me, and I might say it to you."

وتشوف هما دول اللي بتشتغل بيهم ولا لأ

"And you see if these are the ones you work with or not."

لما الشيخ ذكر الاسماء

When the الشيخ mentioned the names.

انا رديت عليه وقلت له لا يا شيخ محمد اللي معاي هما الاصل

I replied to him and said, "No, Sheikh Mohammed, the ones with me are the originals."

واللي معاك ده حاجة واسمها محاكاة

What you have with you is something called imitation.

يعني شبيه او بديل

It means similar or alternative.

انما ماهياش الاصل

It is not the original.

وديه ما بتفتحش الارض ولا تعمل اي شي

It won't open the ground or do anything.

دلوقتي الاصل هتسمعه مني

Now you'll hear the original from me.

في الوقت اللي كانت فيه الحكايات دي بتتحكى

At the time when these stories were being told.

واحد من اللي قاعدين كان اسمه مصطفى

One of those sitting was named Mustafa.

كان قاعد

He was sitting.

ومحترمش المجلس

"And he did not respect the council."

طلع ورقة وقلم وجاهزهم علشان يكتب

He took out a paper and a pen and got them ready to write.

وكان بيبص علينا

He was looking at us.

اول ما بدأنا نتكلم مصطفى بدأ يكتب

As soon as we started talking, Mustafa began to write.

وبعدين لما قلت الاسم الثاني

And then when I said the second name.

لقيته كتبه هو كمان

I found his writings as well.

ولما خلاص كنت هول على الاسم الثالث

And when I was finally going to mention the third name.

هنا مصطفى قطعنا في الكلام وقال

Here, Mustafa interrupted and said.

يا شيخ علي هو الاسم الاول مظبوط بس الاسم الثاني ميزانه غلط

Oh Sheikh Ali, the first name is correct, but the second name Mazan is wrong.

هنا حصلت المدخلة ما بيننا وبين بنا

Here the entry occurred between us and our building.

وانا على طول قلتله انت بتقول ايه

And I kept telling him, what are you saying?

مصطفى قال لي

Mustafa told me.

ايوة زي ما سمعت الاسم الاول ميزانه مظبوط والاسم الثاني ميزانه غلط

Yes, as you heard, the first name is correct and the second name is wrong.

انت بتوزن عليه بالضبط

"You are weighing it exactly."

انا باوزن على التسعة

I will weigh on the nine.

ومين علمك ميزان التسعة شيخك ده

"Who taught you the balance of the nine, this sheikh of yours?"

هو كان بيشاور على الشيخ محمد

He was pointing to Sheikh Mohammed.

اختصر لكم

I will summarize for you.

يعني حصلت مجموعة من المشاحنات

It means a series of altercations occurred.

والكلام اتقلب

And the conversation turned.

ما بين المجموعة اللي كانت قاعدة

What was between the group that was sitting?

طبعا مصطفى كان السبب في كل اللي حصل ده

Of course, Mustafa was the reason for everything that happened.

شيخي كان دايما بيقول لي

My sheikh always used to tell me.

يا ابني ما تصاحبش الجهال تندم

Oh my son, don't associate with the ignorant or you will regret it.

ولما تطلع لمكان معين خد معاك رجل طقي وعائل

And when you go to a certain place, take with you a pious man and a family member.

وما يكونش كثير المزاح

And he shouldn't joke too much.

ودايما على طهارة

And always in a state of purity.

ودايما تتوضوا قبل ما تشتغلوا

Always perform ablution before you start working.

وتصلوا ركعتين لله قبل اي شغل

And perform two rak'ahs for Allah before any work.

انك انت هتقوم بيه

You are the one who will do it.

ودايما تحصل نفسك بالقرآن

And you always find yourself in the Quran.

وما تخدش معاك واحد جاهل

"And don't take along an ignorant person."

زي مصطفى ده

Like Mustafa.

لانه ضيع مننا كنزة عظيم

Because he lost for us a great treasure.

انا بعيد وقرر يا ناس

I am far away, and people, decide.

مفيش رصد يتكلم مع شيخ او معزم او ساحر

There is no surveillance that speaks with a sheikh, a sorcerer, or a magician.

واللي يقول غير كده

"And whoever says otherwise."

هو كداب

He is a liar.

هعرفكم يعني ايه رصد والتعامل مع الارصاد

I will introduce you to what monitoring and dealing with meteorological conditions mean.

وهعرفكم يعني ايه موانع

And I will let you know what is meant by prohibitions.

ونتكلم عن المشايخ وعمار المكان

And we talk about the sheikhs and the builders of the place.

وحرس المكان ومش الارصاد

And the place was guarded, not the meteorology.

لان فيه فرق ما بين العاملين

Because there is a difference between the two workers.

وفيه فرق ما بين الحارس

And there is a difference between the guard.

فيه فرق ما بين الرصد

There is a difference between observation.

وكده عندكم ثلاث انواع

So, you have three types.

حطوهم في دماغكم ان شاء الله

"Put them in your mind, God willing."

دايما هكون معاكم بكل التفاصيل

I will always be with you in every detail.

هعرفكم ازاي تتعاملوا معاها

I will show you how to deal with her.

وازاي احنا اتعاملنا مع الحاجات دي مع مشايخنا

And how did we deal with these matters with our sheikhs?

وانقشنا معاهم

And we discussed it with them.

وانقشنا مع ملوك الجن والاعوان وحل الارصاد

And we negotiated with the kings of the jinn and the aides and resolved the forecasts.

ازاي بيتنوا الطرق الشرعية

How are the legitimate ways built?

والطرق الروحانية ومن غير شرك

Spiritual paths and without polytheism.

هحكيلكم كل شيء للتوعية فقط

I will tell you everything just for awareness.

والحمد لله ما عملناهاش لنا

And thank God we didn't do it for ourselves.

ولا اي حد من مشايخنا الكبار

"Neither any of our respected elders."

دلوقتي بقى تعالوا نحكي في موضوع تحضير الملوك

Now let's talk about the topic of preparing kings.

وعلشان فيه ملوك انظلمت

"And because there are kings who have been wronged."

طب ليه انظلمت بصوا

Why was I wronged? Look.

فكرة تحضير الملك عامة اولا

The idea of preparing the king generally first.

ليها عزائم وطلاصم واشياء كتيرة

It has determination, spells, and many things.

وممكن الواحد فيكم هيسأل

"One of you might ask."

هو ممكن احضر ملك

Is it possible for me to attend the wedding?

من ملوك السبعة بالقرآن بس

One of the seven kings mentioned in the Quran only.

هرد عليه واقول له طبعا ممكن تقرا القرآن فقط ومتقراش غيره

I replied to him and said, of course, you can read the Quran and not read anything else.

وفيه صور معينة في القرآن لو قريتها وبتقراها بدون عكس الحروف

There are certain images in the Quran that, if you read them, you will read them without reversing the letters.

علشان ما يجيش اي شخص ويقول لي ده كفر وانت عكست الحروف

So that no one comes and tells me that this is disbelief and that I reversed the letters.

لا ابدا القراءة تكون صحيحة ومش معكوسة ابدا

No, reading should never be correct and inverted.

يعني مثلا الفتحة هي الفتحة بحروفها

It means, for example, that the fatha is the fatha with its letters.

وما فيش اي تبديل او تغيير ولا حتى زيادة او نقصان

There is no replacement or change, nor even an increase or decrease.

انا قلت قبل كده ان الملوك السبع عامة وممكن كلهم بيحضروا من القرآن

I said before that the seven kings in general, and possibly all of them, attend from the Quran.

والفكر او الهدف اللي عايز اوصله لكم هو انك طلبت الملك ازاي وليه

The idea or goal I want to convey to you is how and why you requested the kingdom.

وممكن معظمكم هيقول لا الكلام ده كله غلط

"Most of you might say that all of this is wrong."

بس انا هقول لك اسف شوف انت الطريق اللي انت دخلت بيها عاملة ازاي

"But I will tell you sorry, look at the way you entered, how it is."

وانا لو فاكرين من البداية انا قلت ان فيه طريق يمين وطريق شمال

And if I remember correctly, I said from the beginning that there is a way to the right and a way to the left.

يعني مثلا انت ممكن تطلب من شخص ايه يقول له طريق يمين وطريق شمال

For example, you could ask someone what to do, and they would say there is a road to the right and a road to the left.

وبطريقة مهزبة وتبعت له دعوة ورسالة مليانة كلمات ود وكرم

In a polite manner, I sent him an invitation and a message filled with words of affection and generosity.

طبعا الشخص ده هيجي لك طوعية وممكن كمان انك تجيبه بالغصب والاجبار

Of course, this person will come to you voluntarily, and you might also be able to bring them by force and coercion.

يعني نقول مثلا انك صاحب منصب وبعت شخص من الشرطة او بلطجي

This means we can say, for example, that you are an official and you hired a police officer or a thug.

علشان يجيب لك الشخص ده بشكل اجباري انت هنا في الحالة دي بتكون شخص مفتري

In order to bring that person to you forcibly, you would be in this case a bullying person.

عايز اقولك انك هتطلبه ازاي وبأي طريقة

I want to tell you how you will ask for it and in what way.

اذا يجب انك تطلبه ازاي وبأي طريقة

So, how should you ask for it and in what way?

انت ممكن تطلب الملك او الخادم او ايا كان راح تطلبه يعني

You can ask for the king or the servant or whoever you want to ask for.

هيتم اما عن طريق نوراني او عن طريق الظلماني

It will be done either through the Noorani method or through the Zulmani method.

وده شي بيخصك انت ونيتك في الطلب

This is something that concerns you and your intention in the request.

السؤال هنا ليه الملك او الخادم بيطيع الطلب ده

The question here is why the king or the servant obeys this request.

سواء بقى كان طلب خير او ازا

Whether there is a request for good or not.

الجن عموما محكمين بالاسماء وبالكلمات وبالطلاصن

Jinn are generally governed by names, words, and talismans.

وانت لما بتحضر ملك من الملوك

And when you attend a king from the kings.

وبتطلب منه مثلا عمل محبة

And you ask him, for example, to do a favor.

يبقى انت بتطلب بخور طيب وريحته حلوة

You are asking for good incense with a pleasant smell.

ومكانك طيب وهدومك نظيفة ومتحصن بقاية الكرسي

Your place is nice, your clothes are clean, and you are fortified by the rest of the chair.

بعدها بتقوم طالب الملك

After that, the student of the king stands up.

لما بيحضر الملك بتقوله مثلا

When the king arrives, you might say to him, for example,

انا عاوز اصالح فلانة على امراته

I want to reconcile that person with his wife.

هنا الملك هينفز ركزه معايا

Here is King Henfiz, focus with me.

نفس الملك ده ممكن تطلب منه يفرق بين فلان وفلانة

This same king can ask him to distinguish between so-and-so and so-and-so.

او يربط فلان

Or so-and-so is connected.

الفكرة هنا ان الاسماء اللي انت قلتها او الطلاصن

The idea here is that the names you mentioned or the tricks.

والشيء اللي انت عملته هو بيحكم عليه

And the thing you did is what judges him.

هو بالضبط باللفظ العربي

It is exactly in the Arabic pronunciation.

الملك ده بيبقى عبد المأمور

The king becomes a servant of the order.

يعني الزنب عليك انت مش عليه هو

It means the fault is yours, not his.

علشان هو ما طلبش منك انك تئذي ناس

Because he didn't ask you to hurt people.

وانت اللي طلبت منه الازى

And you are the one who asked him for harm.

يعني انت الشيطان المؤذي

It means you are the harmful devil.

واللي بيشتغل بطريق الشر هو اللي شيطانه

Whoever works through the path of evil is the one whose devil is in control.

المهم زي ما قلنا قدامكم طريقين لطلب الملك او غيره خير او شر

The important thing, as we said, is that you have two paths ahead of you to seek the king or others, for good or evil.

والملك بينفز لانه مقصوب عنه

And the king is being executed because he is targeted.

ولو ما نفزش الطلب ده الحاكم العلوي بتاعه هيقزيه

If he doesn't fulfill this demand, the Alawite ruler will harm him.

هو ملك مأمور زي مثلا زابط الجيش لما يقول العسكري اللي تحت منه في الرطبة بيقوله نفز الاوامر

He is a commanding king, like when a military officer tells the soldier under him in the ranks to carry out the orders.

سواء بقى كانت الاوامر صحة او غلط

Whether the orders were right or wrong.

المهم هنا العسكري هينفزه بس

The important thing here is that the military will carry it out, that's all.

الزنب علي اللي امره

The blame is on the one who ordered it.

مش علي اللي هينفز

It's not on the one who's going to execute.

ده بس شيء توضيحي وبسيط لمعرفة عالم الارواح

This is just a simple explanatory thing to understand the world of spirits.

وازاي بيحكموهم

And how do they govern them?

في بقى ارواح بتيجي باسماء الله الحسنة

There are still souls that come with the names of God.

ودي لها نظام وفيه كمان خدام لاسماء الله

I have a system for it, and there are also servants for the names of God.

زي السيد حفيال والسيد كهيال

Like Mr. Hafial and Mr. Khyial.

وكتير منهم

And many of them.

وانت بقى شوف الطريق اللي ماشي فيه

And you, see the path you are walking on.

دلوقتي هنحكي وندخل ونتكلم على

Now we will talk and get into discussing about

احنا عملنا ايه وشغل الكنوز ازاي

What did we do and how did we operate the treasures?

وايه هي الارصاد ويعني ايه موانع

What are the forecasts and what do obstacles mean?

وهفهمكم الكلام ده كله

And I will explain all of this to you.

علشان حتى الناس اللي هي بتشتغل في الكنوز

Because even the people who work in treasures

اغلبهم او تسعين في المية منهم بيشتغلوا غلط

Most of them, or ninety percent of them, are working incorrectly.

اللي بيتبع حيوان او بني ادم او طفل

Whoever follows an animal, a human, or a child.

ده شرك وكفر

This is polytheism and disbelief.

وعلى فكرة اغلب الكلام اللي انتوا بتسمعوه

By the way, most of the things you hear...

فيما يخص دبح الاطفال والناس والحيوانات

Regarding the slaughter of children, people, and animals.

كله غلط

It's all wrong.

علشان سبعة وتسعين او تمانية وتسعين في المية من الكنوز

Because ninety-seven or ninety-eight percent of the treasures

ما بتطلبش دم من نهاية

You don't ask for blood from the end.

ممكن برضو يطلع الكنز من غير دم

The treasure can also come out without blood.

ازاي هشرح معاكم في شغل الكنوز

How will I explain to you about treasure work?

وشغل الارصاد وطريقة التعامل معاها

Weather monitoring and how to deal with it.

اما بقى اللي يقولك انا جبت الرصد

As for those who tell you, "I got the monitoring,"

واتكلمت معاه تأكد انه هو كذاب

I spoke to him and confirmed that he is a liar.

مفيش حد بيتكلم مع الرصد

No one is talking to the surveillance.

ممكن انتم هتسمعوا مني كلام اول مرة هتسمعوه في حياتكم

You might hear words from me that you have never heard in your life.

وبصراحة الحاجات اللي انا احكيها لكم

To be honest, the things I'm telling you.

هتكون حصرية

It will be exclusive.

وهتكون القناة الوحيدة

It will be the only channel.

وحقائق اللي غيبة عن الناس

And the truths that are hidden from people.

انا بكرر مفيش رصد بيتكلم مع شيخ او معزم او ساحر

I repeat, there is no surveillance talking to a sheikh, a magician, or a sorcerer.

واللي يقول كده هو كذاب

"And whoever says that is a liar."

في البداية احنا عايزين نفهم ليه الجن بيمسك موضوع الكنوز والدفائن

To begin with, we want to understand why jinn hold onto the topic of treasures and hidden wealth.

وليه بيعود عليها وبيحرصها

And why does he keep returning to her and being careful with her?

اسمعوني بقى

Listen to me now.

في الاول لازم نعرف مين هم المتحكمين في الكنوز

First, we need to know who controls the treasures.

المتحكمين هم اتنين كبار

The controllers are two big ones.

متحكمين وبلا منازع

Dominant and without dispute.

انا هذكرهم بالترتيب

I will mention them in order.

الاول هو الملك طارش

The first is King Tarash.

هو اكبر ملك بيحكم على الكنوز

He is the greatest king ruling over treasures.

لانه ملك على العمار

Because he is the king of the creatures.

والعمار موجودين في كل مكان

The builders are everywhere.

فطبيعي ان انت لو رميت ابرة

It's natural that if you throw a needle.

تأكد ان الابرة دي هتقع في واحد فيهم

Make sure that this needle will fall into one of them.

او هتقع بين اتنين منهم

Or you'll be caught between two of them.

حتى لو كنت في بحر ورميت ابرة

Even if you were in the sea and threw a needle.

برضو هتقع على العمار اللي تبع الملك طارش

You will also fall on the buildings belonging to King Tarek.

حتى البير والجبال فيها عمار تبعه

Even the well and the mountains have their own inhabitants.

يعني في الاخر الملك طارش عماره

This means, in the end, the king is sending a message.

بيحكمه جميع الارض بسهولها وبحرها

He rules over all the land with its plains and its sea.

وكله طارش ليه فيها عمار

And he is all scattered, what does it have to do with Ammar?

فلما كانوا بيدفنوا اي شيء فالملك طارش عماره ركبين على حاجة دي

When they were burying anything, the king Tarash was riding on this matter.

او قاعدين عليها لان الكنز اتحط على العوالم بتاعتها

They are sitting on it because the treasure is placed on its worlds.

كأنك انت بالضبط بتروح تدفنها عنده دي اول حاجة

It's like you're going to bury it with him; that's the first thing.

تاني ملك هو الملك ميمون

The second king is King Maymoon.

ابا نوخ كبير المايامين

Abu Nukh, the great of the Ma'aymeen.

ودي قبيلة كبيرة اتكلموا عليها بعض من اخواننا في قناة الاستاذ حسام

This is a large tribe that some of our brothers talked about on Mr. Hussam's channel.

وقالوا ان الملك ميمون كبير المايامين وكلامهم صح ويحترم فعلا

They said that King Maimoun is the great one of the blessed ones, and their words are indeed true and worthy of respect.

انتبهوا انا باتكلم على كنوز محدش يكلمني على الجلب

Pay attention, I'm talking about treasures; no one should talk to me about attraction.

والحاجات دي يعني والازا والكلام ده احنا مش بنتكلم في الكلام ده خالص النهار ده

These needs and things, we are not discussing this at all today.

الكلام ده امسحوه من دماغكم علشان دي مش سكتي

Forget about this because this is not my way.

انا بس باتكلم في الكنوز والعجائب اللي قبلتنا

I'm just talking about the treasures and wonders that we have encountered.

في الكنوز والارصاد والتعامل معاها

In treasures and investments and dealing with them.

خصوصا والمهم هو توعية الناس

Especially, the important thing is to raise awareness among people.

الملك ميمون ملقب بالكهرمان ومعنى كلمة كهرمان الخازن الامين

King Maymoon, nicknamed Al-Kahraman, and the meaning of the word Kahraman is the trustworthy keeper.

سيدنا سليمان عليه السلام وكلهم بالكنوز

Our master Solomon, peace be upon him, and all of them with treasures.

وطارش ملك العمار علشان عماره في كل مكان

And the king of the jinn is worried because of the buildings everywhere.

اما بقى ميمون فانتم بتسمعوا كتير من الناس

As for Maimoun, you hear a lot from people.

بتقول انا لما دخلت مكان لقيت فيها عبد اسود تبع ميمون

She said, "When I entered a place, I found a black servant belonging to Maimun."

اغلب الحراس اللي بتلاقيهم على الاماكن دي

Most of the guards you find in these places.

بيكونوا تابعين للملك ميمون

They will be loyal to King Maimun.

كمان في حرس تانيين تابعين لملك تانية

There are also other guards belonging to another king.

والكلام ده على فكرة صحيح

And this statement, by the way, is true.

بس انا بتكلم مع حضراتكم على النسبة الكبيرة

But I am talking to you about the large percentage.

خلينا نقول مثلا بنسبة 80% للملك ميمون

Let's say, for example, 80% for King Maimun.

ونسبة 100% للملك طارش

A 100% share for King Taref.

هنرجع وهنوضح موضوع الحرس والعمار والراس

We will return and clarify the topic of the guard, the building, and the head.

وطبعا احنا وضحنا موضوع العمار

Of course, we clarified the issue of the construction.

قلت انهم موجودين في كل مكان وفي كل شبر

I said they are everywhere and in every inch.

فيها عمار البيوت والبحار والانهار والجبال والمحيطات

It contains the construction of houses, seas, rivers, mountains, and oceans.

كلها فيها عمار

They all have a presence.

والعامر ده بيقابلك في الاول

And this landlord meets you at first.

وانت هتقوم بصرفه قبل الشغل ده

And you will disburse it before this work.

لو كنت هتحفر

If you were going to dig.

والشي المهم واللي لازم تنتبهله قبل الشغل

And the important thing that you must pay attention to before starting work.

انها تجيلك موانع

It brings you obstacles.

الموانع دي

These obstacles.

بتختلف يعني ممكن تلاقي تعبان

It varies, which means you might find yourself tired.



تلاقي عقارب او حشرات

Encountering scorpions or insects.

ممكن تطلعلك من المكان نار اسناء الحفر

Fire might break out from the spot while digging.

كمان ممكن تلاقي دفادع

You might also find frogs.

الدفادع هنا بتبقى سجان

The frogs here become jailers.

هي تعتبر مانع من ضمن الموانع كمان

It is considered a barrier among the barriers as well.

طبعا هتسألوني طب ايه جاب الدفضع لقلب الحفرة دي

Of course, you will ask me what brought the frog to the bottom of this pit.

انا لو مسكت الدفضع ده

If I catch this frog.

المال اللي جوا اترصد

The money inside has been monitored.

ايه بقى معنى كلمة دفضع؟

What is the meaning of the word "defda'a"?

يعني المال اتبدل مثلا الدهب اتبدل لحجارة وفخار

It means the money was exchanged, for example, gold was exchanged for stones and pottery.

اما الجواهر بتتحول لفحم

But the jewels turn into coal.

وده كله بيحصل بسبب انك مسكت الدفضع

All of this is happening because you caught the frog.

الدفضع هي موجودة مخصوص علشان تبوازلك الدنيا والشغل

The frog is specifically there to ruin your life and work.

علشان كده بقول حزاري اللي بيشتغل في اماكن زي دي

That's why I say beware of those who work in places like this.

ويلاقي فيها حاجات زي اللي ذكرتها يقوم يمسكها او يموتها

He encounters things like the ones I mentioned, then he either holds onto them or kills them.

في كمان الصارخ وفيه الضارب وفيه الرجم

In the shriek of the violin, there is the striker and there is the stoning.

كل دي موانع وممكن تلاقي اسد او طور

All of these are obstacles, and you might encounter a lion or a bull.

وكل الحاجات اللي بتظهر كموانع هي اللي هتعيقك وهتوقفك عن الشغل

All the things that appear as obstacles are what will hinder you and stop you from working.

اما بقى كل مانع فلو علاج

As for every obstacle, there is a remedy.

وفيه نوع علاج في القرآن يعني فيه اية واحدة في القرآن الكريم

There is a type of healing in the Quran, which means there is one verse in the Holy Quran.

بتبطل 72 نوع من الموانع دي

It cancels 72 types of these constraints.

بتنكتب وتترش على المكان ونحط معاها ماء طيب

"It is written and sprinkled in the place, and we put good water with it."

وشوية ملح او مية ورد او زهر

And a little salt or rose water or flower.

المهم يعني ريحة طيبة

The important thing is that it smells good.

نافهاش اي تنكيس او تنجيس للكرآن الكريم علشان محدش يفهم الموضوع غلط

There is no disrespect or defilement of the Holy Quran so that no one misunderstands the matter.

بشكل تاني ومحدش يعني يضللكم

In another way, and no one should mislead you.

الكرآن الكريم له احترامه وقدسيته وجميع طواقف الجن بتحترم القرآن

The Holy Quran has its respect and sanctity, and all factions of jinn respect the Quran.

جميع الجن والشياطين بيحترموا اسم الله

All the jinn and demons respect the name of God.

على البني ادم

On the human being.

مثلا البني ادم لو اعترض طريقك ممكن جدا يأذيك ويقتلك

For example, if a person obstructs your path, it is very possible that they could harm you or kill you.

وانت في لحظة خوف وضعف عملت اقوله وقف وربنا وده حرام وكده يعني

"In a moment of fear and weakness, you acted, and I told you to stop, and it's forbidden, meaning like that."

وهو هيقولك هموتك وهعمل فيك واخد منك اللي انا عاوزه

He will tell you, "I'll kill you, and I'll do what I want with you, taking from you what I desire."

وناسي وامطنش توسله ليك بالرغم من ذكرك لاسم الله قدامه

"I forget and ignore his pleas to you despite your mention of God's name in front of him."

على العكس بقى الجن والشيطان وحتى ابليس نفسه

On the contrary, there are the jinn and the devil, and even Satan himself.

لو قلت اسم الله بس هوا هيخاف وهيخاف وهيخش اسم الله وهيهرب منه

If I say the name of God, it will be afraid, and it will be afraid, and it will enter the name of God and flee from it.

خلونا نرجع لموضوعنا احنا دلوقتي في اللي بيقبلك اللي هم العمار وصرفهم

Let's go back to our topic; we are now discussing those who are accepting you, which are the construction workers and their expenses.

وممكن تقبلك موانع والحرس اللي في المكان طيب هيجي شخص ويقولي انا حضرت الرصد

"There might be obstacles and the guards at the place, but someone will come and tell me that I attended the observation."

والرصد طلع وكلمني وقال لي جبل بحور كذا كذا

"The observation appeared and he called me and told me about the mountain of seas and so on."

انا هقول للشخص ده الكلام ده غلط ولما الشخص ده بيقول للرصد لما كلمني وطلب مني

I will tell this person that this is wrong, and when this person talks to the monitoring, he called me and asked me.

اني ادبح ولد او بنت زوهرية

"I want to slaughter a boy or girl with a violet color."

على فكرة انا زوهري

By the way, I am a Zohari.

والناس فاهمة كلمة زوهري غلط

People misunderstand the word "Zuhri."

واسناء الكلام

While speaking

انا هفهمكم يعني ايه زوهري

I will explain to you what it means to be a "Zuhri."

عارف ان كلامي

I know that my words

قد يبدو غريب

It may seem strange.

وهيقلب لكم الموازين من الاخر

"And He will turn the scales for you in the end."

خلوني بس اكمل

Just let me finish.

باقي الحكاية

The rest of the story

لما يجي الشخص يقولي انا حضرت الرصد

When a person comes to me and says, "I attended the observation."

وطلب مني اني ادبح طفل تكون له

And he asked me to slaughter a child for him.

مواصفات معينة ومميزة

Specific and distinctive specifications.

انا برضو هرد عليه وقوله

I will also respond to him and tell him.

كل ده كذب

All of this is a lie.

ايه بقى الحكاية انه يجي ويتكلم

What's the story about him coming and talking?

معاه هرد عليكم

I will respond to you later.

اولا مافيش رصد بيجي ويتكلم

Firstly, there is no monitoring that comes and speaks.

مع البشر نهائي

With humans, it's final.


And the weather forecasts.

ما بتتكلمش طب السؤال اللي هنا

You don't talk, so what's the question here?

مين اللي بيكلمك

Who is talking to you?

اللي بيكلمك واحد من اتنين

The one who is talking to you is one of two.

يا اما حرس المكان

Oh, mother, guard the place.

يا اما عمار المكان

Oh mother of the place.

وغير كده انسى

"And besides that, forget it."

لان مافيش

Because there isn't any.

رصد بيتكلم مع حد

A house is talking to someone.

طب ليه هم بيطلبوا حاجات زي كده

Why are they asking for things like this?

مثلا زي

For example, like

الدم ويقولك اتبح لفرخة

"The blood tells you to slaughter a chicken."

او ارنب وا وا وا

Oh rabbit, wah wah wah.

اتأكد انه كل الكلام ده لازم تحطوه

Make sure to include all of this information.

في دماغكم انه نوع من الشرك

In your minds, it's a kind of polytheism.

واي حد يسبح

Anyone who swims.

لغير الله فقد اشرك

"Whoever does it for other than God has committed shirk."

ليه بيتبح ويقولك المكان ده

Why does he slaughter and tell you this place?

له زبيحة

He has a sacrifice.

او دم

Oh, blood!

ليه الكاهن اللي رصد مكان

Why did the priest mark the location?

او صمم مكان وحط عليه الحرس

He designed a place and put guards on it.

بتاعه عمل الحاجات دي

The one who did these things.

يعني هو جاب حيوان

It means he brought an animal.

بلون معين وزبيحة

In a certain color and a sacrifice.

واخد دمه وكتب به

He took his blood and wrote with it.

وعمل تقوس بتاعته

"And he performed his arcs."

علشان يحرس عليه

So that he can guard it.


The jinn.

وهل الاماكن دي اللي اتعمل عليها

And are these the places that were worked on?

الدم لها حلول

Blood has solutions.

ايو لها حلول

Yes, there are solutions.

ولو انت ملقتش لها حل

And what if you don't find a solution for it?

فنصيحة مني خليه

My advice to you is to leave him.

ولو معرفتلوش

And if I didn't know him.

حل روحاني بحث

Spiritual solution inquiry

يعني خليه برضو

It means "let it be as well."

الدنيا مليانة خير كتير

The world is full of a lot of good.

ما تركزش وتصمم على نفس

Don't focus and insist on the same thing.

المكان اللي انت مش قادر عليه

The place you can't handle.

ده طالما انت جاي

That's as long as you're coming.

معاك واحد جاهل

You have an ignorant person with you.

ابعد عنه احسن

Keep the best away from him.

خاصة لما يقولك الجاهل ده

Especially when that ignorant person tells you.

انه لازم دم

It must be blood.

ومن غير دم مش هيطلع الكنز

Without blood, the treasure won't come out.

على فكرة

By the way

دي اسهل الاماكن

These are the easiest places.

اللي بيطلبوا فيها دم بشري

Those who demand human blood.

ومش صعبة

And it's not difficult.

وبالعكس دي اسهل من انه يطلب دم حيوان

On the contrary, this is easier than asking for an animal's blood.

وهتعرفوا ازاي لما احكيلكم

And you will know how when I tell you.

على المواقف اللي حصلت معانا

About the incidents that happened with us.

اول حاجة

The first thing.

انا قلت مفيش رصد بيتكلم مع شيخ

I said there is no monitoring talking to a Sheikh.

او اي حد

Or anyone.

يتكلم ده زي ما قلت

He speaks like I said.

يا اما عمار او حراس المكان

Either Ammar or the guardians of the place.

لما بينزل الشخص المكان

When a person enters the place.

وفيه واحد من الحرس

And there is one of the guards in it.

في المكان وضرب الشخص ده

In the place and this person hit.

اكيد لازم

Sure, definitely.

اربعين يوم علاج

Forty days of treatment.

يعني في خلال الاربعين يوم دول

It means during these forty days.

ممكن يتعالج ويخف

It can be treated and improve.

ولو ما تعالجش في الفترة دي

If you don't treat it during this period.

تأكد انه هو هيموت

Make sure he will die.

لان ضربة الرصد قاتلة

Because the reconnaissance strike is deadly.

في التو واللحظة

At this very moment.

شفتوا بقى الفرق

Did you see the difference now?

وليه الرصد وضعه مختلف

"And why is the observation in a different state?"

اللي بيحصل ان المعزم

What is happening is that the host...

او الكاهن او الشيخ

Either the priest or the sheikh.

او ايا كان او رصد المكان ده

Or whoever is monitoring this place.

بيكتب طلاصم معينة

He writes specific talismans.

وبيعمل طقوس معينة

And he performs certain rituals.

وبيستخدم فيها روح من روحانيات الكواكب

And it uses a spirit from the spirituality of the planets.


And he wears it.

ممكن في تمثال

Is there a statue?

وممكن حفرة على حيطة

And a possible hole in the wall.

في مكان

In a place

وتلاقي مثلا حفرة او رسمة معينة

And you might encounter, for example, a hole or a specific drawing.

ممكن تلاقي واحد

You might find someone.

ماسك سيف او حربة

Sword or spear mask

هنا انا هحذرك

Here I am, I will warn you.

لانه ممكن ده رصد

Because this could be a surveillance.

ان الرصد بيبقى ناظر للشيء

Observation remains focused on the thing.

يعني شبهه بالضبط

It means exactly like him.

او كشبيه ليه

Or like him.

الرصد ده

This monitoring.

ممكن يكون ناظر

It could be a supervisor.

لتمثال معين او تابوت

For a specific statue or coffin

ولو انت عديت من قدام الرصد ده

And if you passed in front of this monitoring.

كأنه طالع منه

As if it is coming out of him.

شعاع ليزر

Laser beam

واللي بيحصل كأن انت

And what is happening is as if you

بتقطع الشعاع ده او الخط ده

"You cut this ray or this line."

ولما بتقطع الخط

And when the line is cut.

بيقوم الرصد ضربك

The observation hits you.

والعياذ بالله ولو ضربك

"And may God protect us, even if he hits you."

بيقتلك فورا

He will kill you immediately.



يعني الموضوع مش هياخد ثواني

It means the matter won't take a few seconds.

وكلمة ثواني واللحظة كتير

The word "seconds" and "the moment" is a lot.

وهي مجرد اقل من ثانية واحدة بس

It's just less than one second.

وهنا هيكون الشخص ده مات

And here this person will have died.

ده هو الرصد

This is the observation.

الرصد ما بيتكلمش مع حد

The observation doesn’t talk to anyone.

والشغل في الكنوز

And the work in the treasures.

له شروط ونظام

It has conditions and regulations.

وعلشان انت تبقى عارف

"And so you should know."

لو حد قالك انه بيشتغل في الكنوز

If someone told you that they work in treasures.

انه كذاب ولا لأ

Is he a liar or not?

اولا لازم

First, it is necessary.

ما يكلش اي شيء فيه روح

It doesn't eat anything that has a soul.

او خارج الكنوز

He is outside the treasures.

يعني لو انت مثلا

It means if you, for example,

رحت للشيخ علشان يطلع لك كنز

I went to the Sheikh so he could reveal a treasure for you.

وقمت وحطيت قدام منه

I stood up and placed it in front of him.

لحوم او بيض

Meat or eggs

وجبنة او لبن

Cheese or yogurt.

يعني اكل وشرب من اي حاجة

It means eating and drinking from anything.

انت سيب الشيخ ده ياكل

Let this sheikh eat.

وضيفه عادي وبعد ما يخلص اكله

It's just a regular job, and after he finishes his food.

قل له يلا خد بعضك

Tell him to go take care of himself.

وامشي وتوكل على الله

And walk and put your trust in God.

ما لكش شغل معاي عارفين ليه

You have nothing to do with me, do you know why?

لان الشيخ ده ملوش في الكنوز

Because this sheikh is not into treasures.

لان لازم يكون فيه

Because there has to be.

صيام روحاني كامل

Complete spiritual fasting

مفيش لا اكل

There is no food.

ولا سمك ولا لحمة ولا بيض

No fish, no meat, and no eggs.

ولا لبن ولا غيرهم

Neither milk nor anything else.

ممنوع اي شيء فيه ارواح

Anything that contains spirits is prohibited.

علشان هي بتضعف

Because she gets weak.

من روح المعزن

From the spirit of the musician.

وهي خلي الارواح تتكالب عليه

"And she is the one where souls congregate around."

وممكن تتكاثر عليهم اثناء العمل

And they may multiply on them while working.


So he overcomes them.

علشان كده لازم تكون روحك قوية

That's why you need to be strong in spirit.

امتنع في وقت الشغل

Refrain during work hours.

عن الاكلات اللي انا حددتها دي

About the dishes that I specified.

وده شرط اساسي

This is a basic condition.

تاني حاجة لازم تكون

The second thing you must be.

طاهر الجسم والهدوم

Pure of body and clothes.

وتحصن نفسك بالقرآن

And fortify yourself with the Quran.

الكريم بآية الكرسي والمعوزتين

The generous one with the Throne Verse and the two refuge verses.

وفيه كمان

And there's also.

ايات للحفظ واوراد

Verses for memorization and prayers.

واسكار الصباح والمساء

And the morning and evening supplications.

كل ده شيء عظيم

All of this is wonderful.

وتحصنات من شر الجن

"And I sought refuge from the evil of the jinn."

ويتوكل على الله وياخد

"And he relies on God and takes."

معاه الناس اللي هتشتغل معه

He has the people who will work with him.

المفروض ان الشيخ

The Sheikh is supposed to...

بيعرف مين المطلوب ومين اللي

He knows who is wanted and who is not.

مش مطلوب وده مشكل

It's not required, and that's a problem.

وقع فيه كتير من الناس وخسره

Many people fell into it and lost.

كتير لما مثلا

A lot when, for example,

بتستحضر حد من الارواح

Are you invoking a spirit?

او ان كان معاه خدمات

Or if he has services.

او حضر حرس المكان

He brought the guards to the place.

او عمار المكان او غيره

Either the builder of the place or someone else.

او حتى خدمتك انت الشخصية

Or even your personal service.

اسألها مين مطلوب

Ask her who is required.

فينا في الشغل والغير

Us in work and others.

مطلوب ووعى تاخده

It is required and consciousness to take it.

معاك لانه هيعيق

"I'm with you because it will hinder."

الشغل بتاعك وممكن يبوزه

Your job might be ruined.

ودايما اشتغل مع ناس صالحة

Always work with good people.

بتعرف ربنا ومتهزرش

You know God and don't joke about it.

اسناء الشغل ليه

Why during work?

لان اسناء الشغل عمار

Because during work, Ammar.

المكان او الحرس

The place or the guard.

ممكن يلعبوا بالناس وممكن

They might play with people, and maybe.

يخلوا الناس تضرب وتعود

People get hit and come back.

وتموت بعضها بدون قصد

Some of them die unintentionally.

لانه بيختار الضعيف من الموجودين

Because he chooses the weak among those present.

وبيلعب عليه

"And he is playing on him."

ويحرك قرينه

And he moves his companion.

الجن اطوع من الجن

The jinn are more submissive than the jinn.

يعني عادي يعني

I mean it's normal, I mean.

الجن بيلعب مع قرينك

The jinn is playing with your companion.

والجن اطوع من الجن

"And the jinn are more obedient than the jinn."

من الانس للانس

From human to human.

واقصد هنا من التعامل ما بينهم

I mean here the interaction between them.

وبين بعض الجن بيساعدوا

And some of the jinn are helping.

بعض عكس الانس

Some opposite of the soul.

مفيش عناد او لقمة ما بينهم

There is no stubbornness or piece of food between them.

دي ميزة فيهم ودايما

This is a feature of theirs and always.

تختار الناس الكويسة

Good people choose.

راح تنزل معاك

Are you going to go down with you?

وتكون ناصح في شغلك ونزولك

Be sincere in your work and your dealings.

وتسمي اسم الله

And invoke the name of Allah.

وما تهزرش وقت الشغل

Don't joke around during work.

الافضل يعني انك ما تتكلمش

It's better that you don't talk.

اسناء الشغل

During work

اما لو قابلك اي مانع

But if you encounter any obstacle.

فالشيخ هو اللي يعالج المانع ده

The sheikh is the one who addresses this obstacle.

ما احترامي ليكم طبعا

My respect to you, of course.

انا مش هقول على العلاجات

I won't talk about the treatments.

لان ده شغله خاص

Because this is his personal work.

وانا مش هبوح به

"And I won't reveal it."

لو انت اصلا روحاني وشغال في المجال ده

If you are already spiritual and working in that field.

وكمان مش اي روحاني

And not just any spiritual being.

وبتكون انت اصلا شغال في

And you are actually working in

كنوز واكون متأكد

Treasures and I will be sure.

وواسق منك ساعتها

"And I was confident in you at that moment."

هاعد واتبادل معاك العلوم

I will discuss and exchange knowledge with you.

وندردش مع بعض

Let's chat together.

انما للعوام

It is only for the general public.

ماينفعش اني اتكلم عن الامور دي

I can't talk about these matters.

علشان فيه كلام بيتقال

Because there are things being said.

للعامة وفيه كلام

For the public, and there is a discussion about it.

بيتقال للخاصة

It's said for the special ones.

والكلام اللي بقوله ده للتوعية

And the words I'm saying are for awareness.

فقط ومش تعليم

Just and not education.

ديه توعية ومعرفة

This is awareness and knowledge.

علشان تبقى فاهم

So that you understand.

وتعرف تميز الناس الكذابة

And you recognize the distinction of deceitful people.

من الناس الصادقة

Among the honest people.

والناس النصابة

And the people are the impostors.

طيب ايه هو بقى شغل

Okay, so what is the work now?

الارصاد وعملت ايه

What did the meteorological department do?

وهل فيه قصص ومواقف

Are there stories and situations in it?

ومشاكل حصلت

And problems occurred.

وقابلت ناس من الارصاد

I met people from meteorology.

هقول لكم ايه

What should I tell you?

اسمعوا الحكاية دي بعد ما تصلوا

Listen to this story after you pray.

على النبي في يوم من الايام

On the Prophet on one of the days.

كنت قاعد مع الشيخ بتاعي

I was sitting with my sheikh.

محمد طبعا انتو فاكرين كلامي

Mohamed, of course you all remember what I said.

انا كنت قاعد اقامة كاملة

I was sitting for a full stay.

مع الشيخ محمد في الغربية

With Sheikh Muhammad in Al-Gharbiyah.

ماكنتش بروح لبلدنا

I wasn't going to our country.

واحنا عاديين دخل علينا

We were just normal when it entered us.

من الصعيد كان معاه

He was with him from Upper Egypt.

جوز اخته

Her brother-in-law.

الشيخ استقبلهم بالرغم انه

The sheikh welcomed them despite the fact that...

قليل جدا انه يقابل الناس

He rarely meets people.

علشان طبعا في الفترة دي احنا كنا

Because during that period we were...

مشغولين في الشغل بتاعنا

Busy with our work.

فماكناش فاضين ان احنا نقابل اي حد

We weren't free to meet anyone.

ساعات كان شيخي

My master was sometimes.

بيوافي يقابل ناس

Biwaafi meets people.

ومن ضمنهم الناس دي اللي جات

Among them are these people who came.

لحد عنده وقعدوا معاه

He sat with him.

المهم بعد السلام وكل شيء تمام

The important thing is, after the greeting, everything is fine.

اتكلم الراجل

The man spoke.

وقال للشيخ محمد

He said to Sheikh Mohammed.

ان اسمه اشرف

His name is Ashraf.

وعرفوا باللي معاه

And they realized who was with him.

وقال له ده حسن جوز اختي

He said to him, "This is Hassan, my sister's husband."

وانهم من منطقة مش بعيدة في الصعيد

And they are from an area not far away in Upper Egypt.

الشيخ محمد

Sheikh Mohammed

عزمهم على الغدى لكنهم رفضوا

He invited them for lunch, but they refused.

وقالوا انهم جايين علشان حاجتهم

They said they are coming for their needs.

ومصلحة يعني ويروحوا

And it means interest, so they go.

طلب من الشيخ يعمل لهم شاي

He asked the sheikh to make them tea.

المهم قعدنا وعملنا الشاي

The important thing is that we sat down and made tea.

وهنا تكلم اشرف

And here Ashraf spoke.

وقال للشيخ

And he said to the sheikh.

يا عم الشيخ الموضوع ما فيه

Oh uncle, there is nothing to the issue.

ان احنا شاكين ان بيت جوز اختي

We are suspicious that it's my sister's husband's house.

فيه كنز

There is a treasure.

وبصراحة احنا عايزينك تكشفلين

Honestly, we want you to reveal to us.

عليه وتشوفه

On him and you see him.

ولو فيه كنز اشتغلوا عليه

And if there is a treasure, work on it.

الشيخ محمد

Sheikh Mohammed

طبعا رد عليهم وقال لهم

Of course, he replied to them and told them.

ان هو مشغول ومش فاضي

He is busy and not free.

ان هو يروح لاي مكان

He goes anywhere.

ولا قادر يتحرك يا اليمين ولا شمال

"Neither can he move to the right nor to the left."

بس عادي

It's okay.

ممكن يبقى يروح ويكشفلهم عليه

He might go and get checked on them.

لو هم عايزين يعني

If they want to, that is.

ويقول لهم لو فيه حاجة او لا

And he tells them whether there is something or not.

لكن فكرة ان هو يروح

But the idea of him going...

ويطلع وكده

And it rises like that.

فقال لهم لا سيبوا الكلام ده على الله

He said to them, "Leave this matter to God."

لو خلصت الشغل انا فيه

If I finish the work I'm in.

هجلكم والصعيد اصلا

I forsake you, and the countryside in general.

عندكم جميل ومليان

You have something beautiful and full.

المهم بقى الجماعة دول

The important thing is that these people...

حصل بينهم كلام وحديث كتير

There were many conversations and discussions between them.


And here

اشرف حكلنا على موقف

Ashraf put us in a situation.

بيوضح ويفسر كل الكلام

He clarifies and explains everything.

والمعلومات اللي انا قلتها وذكرتها

"And the information that I mentioned and referred to."

من قبل


اشرف كان بيقول

Ashraf was saying.

يا شيخ احنا من فترة حصل معانا موقف

Oh Sheikh, we had an incident some time ago.

مرعب وانا بصراحة مستحيل انساه

It's terrifying, and honestly, I can never forget it.

الموقف ده بالذات

This particular situation.

خوفني وخلانا فكر

He scared me and made us think.

اني اروح واطلع اي كنز

I go and find any treasure.

مهما كان

No matter what

ده خلاني طبت عن المشاور دي كلها

This made me reconsider all these consultations.

بس جز اختي حسن

Just my sister, Hassan.

ده كان مصر انه عاوز

He was in Egypt because he wanted.

يشوف لو بيته فيه حاجة ولا لأ

He checks to see if there is anything in his house or not.

هنا سألوا

Here they asked.

شيخي موقف ايه ده

What kind of situation is this, my Sheikh?

اللي خلاك تخاف وتتوب

What made you afraid and repent?

والله احنا في الاول كنا تلاتة

By God, at first we were three.

اتجاهزنا ورحنا على مكان

We got ready and went to a place.

في الجبل

In the mountain.

هنا بقى خليكم مركزين واسمعوا معايا

"Now, stay focused and listen to me."

كويس علشان تعرفوا شغل الرصد

Good so that you know the work of monitoring.

وافتكروا كلامي

And remember my words.

ان الرصد ما بيتكلمش محد

Surveillance doesn't talk to anyone.

اشرف كمل كلامه

Ashraf finished his speech.


He said.

لما احنا دخلنا على الجبل الجبل ده فيه

When we entered the mountain, this mountain has...

مغارة كانت مشهورة

A cave that was famous.

بدأنا نفتح جوه في المغارة

We began to open a hole in the cave.

في قلب الحيط ونجحنا

In the heart of the wall, we succeeded.

وفتحناها بالفعل

And we have indeed opened it.

ولما دخلنا هنا اشرف

And when we entered here, it was a view.

بص للشيخ وكأنه افتكر الرعب

Look at the sheikh as if he remembered the horror.

والحاجات اللي شافها وقال له

"And the needs that he saw and told him."

يا عم الشيخ لما دخلنا شفنا

Uncle Sheikh, when we entered we saw

شيء ما يصدقهوش عقل

Something that the mind can't believe.

ومشاء الله ده كان كنز

Mashallah, this was a treasure.

بكل معنى الكلمة

In every sense of the word.

كنز كنز كبير

A treasure, a big treasure.

وذهب كتير واحجار كريمة

And a lot of gold and precious stones.

بصراحة حاجة فوق الوصف

Honestly, it's something beyond description.

وتنسيك اسمك

And it makes you forget your name.

احنا كنا مشيين

We were walking.

وعننا مبرأة على الاخر في كل حت

"And we are exonerated completely in every aspect."

وفي كل حاجة

In everything.

لقينا اوضة في اخر المكان جوه

We found a room at the end of the place inside.

كانت اوضة مفتوحة

There was an open room.

وبابها مش مقفول

And her door is not closed.

لما قربنا وطلينا عليها لقينا مشهد

When we got closer and looked at it, we found a scene.

بيوقف نبض قلبك

Your heart stops beating.

احنا شفنا مالكة نايمة جوه

We saw the owner sleeping inside.

والمالكة دي علشان انت تدخل لها

"And the owner is here so that you can get in."

او بيقفلها

Or he closes it.

المعنى يعني تدخل للاوضة دي

The meaning is that you enter this room.

لازم تعدي على شيء زي

You need to come across something like...

زي معدية صغيرة كده

Like a small ferry.

كان تحت منها

It was beneath her.

اناية زي اناية المية

It’s like the care of water.

ولو عاوز تدخل للاوضة دي

And if you want to enter this room.

لازم عليك تعدي من على

You must pass by.

المعدية دي

This ferry.

المساحة ما كانتش كبيرة

The area wasn't large.

كانت مساحة حوالي متر ونص او مترين

It was an area of about one and a half meters or two meters.

حاجة بسيطة كده

Just a simple thing.

واحنا واقفين وبنتفرج

We are standing and watching.

ومنتهشين من المشهد

And astonished by the scene.

لاحظنا ان فيه جزء عمدان

We noticed that there is a section of pillars.

على باب الاوضة دي

At the door of this room.

كان فيه عمدين

There were two pillars.

عمود في اليمين وعمود في الشمال

A column on the right and a column on the left.

ومرسوم في كل عمود

And engraved in every column.

رسم الواحد ماسك سيف

A drawing of someone holding a sword.

طبعا لما شفنا

Of course, when we saw

كل دا ام واحد فينا

All of this is one in us.

صمم انه يدخل الاوضة دي

He decided to enter this room.

ويشوف المالكة اللي نايمة جوه

And he sees the queen who is sleeping inside.

ويشوف معاها ايه

And what does he see with her?

وايه هي محتويات الحاجات

What are the contents of the things?

يعني اللي موجودة معاها علشان كان عايز يجبها

It means that she is with him because he wanted to bring her.

صاحبنا التالت

Our third friend.

اللي معانا رفض الموضوع بتاع الدخول ده

The person with us rejected the issue of entering.


And he warned him.

وقال له انه هو اكيد الطمع عماه

He told him that greed surely blinds him.

وانه لازم يبعد

And he must distance himself.

عن الحاجات اللي من نوع ده

About needs of this kind.

وقال له اسمع وشوف

He said to him, "Listen and watch."

ايه اللي مكتوب وشوف التحذير

What is written and see the warning.

اللي في المكان

The one in the place.

صاحبنا برضو اصر

Our friend also insisted.

وقال له هيكون مكتوب ايه يعني

He said to him, "What will it be written?"

بص على الحيطة

Look at the wall.

لقى المكتوب بيقول يا من دخلت

The letter says, "O you who have entered."

هذا المكان خذ

This place you take.

ما تشاء ولا تقرب

What you desire, but do not approach.

جسدي فان جسدي

My body, indeed my body.

وما عليه محرم

And there is nothing that is forbidden.

هنا قال له بس

Here he just told him.

ده اللي مكتوب طب علي

This is what is written, apply it.

الطلاء هدخل

The paint will dry.

هقلعها اي حاجة هي لبساها

I will take off anything she is wearing.

تاج او حتى هدمها

Crown or even demolish it.

حتى لو كان ملفوف عليها كتان

Even if it is wrapped in linen.

هقلع حلها وهاخدو

I will solve it and take it.

رد عليه صاحبنا

Our friend replied to him.

مالك ده تحذير واضح

This is a clear warning for you.

وممكن تحصل لك حاجة

And something might happen to you.

واحنا جينا هنا علشان ناخد حاجتنا وبس

We came here just to take what we need and that's it.

بلاش التهور ده

Stop this recklessness.

بص حواليك الدهب

Look around you at the gold.

والخير كتير وزي ما قال التحذير

"And there is much good, as the warning said."

خد اللي انت عايزه

Take what you want.

تعال يا ابني نجمع الدهب وناخد بعضنا

Come, my son, let's gather the gold and take each other.

ونمشي ونطلع من هنا

Let's walk and get out of here.

واحنا مش عارفين في ايه

And we don't know what's going on.

لكن طبعا صاحبنا ده

But of course, our friend here...

ركب راسه

He got it in his head.

كان مصامم على الدخول وحالف انه يدخل

He was determined to enter and swore that he would.

وما يطلعش غير لما يقلح

It only comes out when it is pulled out.

كل اللي عليها

All that is on her.

اشرف شاف

Ashraf saw.

للشيخ وهو حزين

For the Sheikh, who is sad.

وقال له

And he said to him.

صاحبنا اسرع عم الشيخ انه يدخل

Our friend, hurry up, the old man is coming in.

ويعمل اللي هو عاوزه وقفل دماغه

"And he does what he wants and closes his mind."

وقفل سود

And a black lock.

سكت اشرف وبعدين

Ashraf fell silent, and then...

قال لنا قسما بالله

He said to us, "I swear by God."

وكل شي كان قدام عينين

And everything was right in front of my eyes.

واحنا كنا بنحاول

And we were trying.

معاه وقاعدين بنحاول ونحاول

He's with us, and we're trying and trying.

علشان ما يدخلش القوضة

So that he doesn't enter the room.

ونرجع بس من غير فايدة

And we return but with no benefit.

كان ميبس راسه

He was nodding his head.

ومش شايف قدامه غير القوضة دي

He doesn't see anything in front of him except this room.

وقال لنا مالكمش دعوة بي

He said to us, "You have no concern with me."

ادهب قدامكم في المكان

Go ahead in front of you in the place.

خدوا اللي انتو عايزينه

Take what you want.

وسبوني ادخل انا

"And they insulted me, let me in."

واخد اللي عند الملك

And he took what was with the king.

قفل دماغه كأن في حاجة بتتلعب

His mind was locked, as if something was being played with.

في تفكيره ودماغه

In his thinking and mind.

سداني يا شيخ وقصما بالله

"Do not deceive me, O Sheikh, and I swear by God."

وقدام عيوننا صاحبنا اول

And in front of our eyes, our friend is the first.

ما دخل على المعدية

What has entered upon the infected?

وبمجرد انه دخل على العمود

As soon as he entered the column.

لقينا راسه

We found his head.

اتفصلت عن جسمه

I detached from his body.

وفي نفس الوقت

At the same time

راسه اللي كان اتفصل

His head that was cut off.

وقع في قلب الاناية اللي تحت

It fell into the heart of the care below.

المنظر كان مرعب

The view was terrifying.

بيطلع الروح من شدة الخوف

The soul leaves from extreme fear.

كأن فيه سيف

As if there is a sword in it.

غير مرئي او شعاع ليزر

Invisible or laser beam

قطع راسه فرمشة عين

He cut off his head in the blink of an eye.

احنا عادنا نسرخ

We are still screaming.

جوه المغارة وسبنا المكان

We entered the cave and left the place.

وسبنا كل حاجة وطلعنا نجري

"And we left everything and ran away."

زي المجانين

Like the crazies.

او اللي هربانين من شيء مرعب بيلحقنا

Oh, those who are fleeing from something terrifying that is chasing us.

جرينا وسبنا جسد صاحبنا

We ran and left our friend's body.

جوه وما درناش ندخل

We went in and didn't know how to enter.

ونجيب جسده من شدة الرعب

"And we answer with his body from the intensity of fear."

بعدها طبعا بلغنا اهله

After that, of course, we informed his family.

على اللي حصل

About what happened.

واشرف بيقول

"Washraf is saying."

الموقف ده بصراحة خلاني ان انا ترعب

This situation honestly made me terrified.

واعيش افزع كوابيس في حياتي

"I live in fear of nightmares in my life."

واقول مستحيل

And I say it's impossible.

اللي حصل قدام عيوني ده

What happened in front of my eyes.

وما عدت الشغال في الكنوز

"And I am no longer working in the treasures."

طبعا اللي حصل ده

Of course, what happened is this.

اكيد يعني

Of course, it means.

عبرة لان يا ناس ده شغل الرصد

A lesson, for this is the work of monitoring, people.

الرصد بيدرب

Monitoring is training.

وما بيحذرش

"And he doesn't warn."

اما اللي بيكلمك ويحذرك زي ما قلتلكم

As for the one who talks to you and warns you, as I mentioned to you.

في البداية

In the beginning

هم حراس المكان

They are the guardians of the place.

مش ارصاد المكان

It's not the location's forecasting.

لو تلاقوا فيه خطر

If they encounter danger in it.

نصيحة مني ابعدوا عنه

My advice is to stay away from him.

واللهم اني قد ملغت

O Allah, I have become weary.

اللهم فاشهد

O Allah, bear witness.

انا حبيت انقلكم مجموعة من التجارب

I wanted to share with you a collection of experiences.

اللي عشتها بشكل شخصي

What I lived personally.

انا وشيخي

Me and my sheikh.

ومجموعة من الصحرة

And a group of deserts.

من اصدقائي

From my friends.

اتمنى تكون المعلومات اللي سمعتوها النهاردة

I hope the information you heard today is useful.

معلومات مفيدة

Useful information

ولو حاب ان يكمل

And if he wants to continue.


They told me.

كمل يا روحان الكنوز

Complete, O spirit of treasures.

طبعا مجموعة زي ما اتفقنا النهاردة

Of course, a group as we agreed today.

من التجارب

From the experiences

والدروس المهمة

And the important lessons.

في عالم السحر

In the world of magic.


And the witchcraft.

وتحديدا في

Specifically in

صياد الكنوز

Treasure Hunter

يعني كل المعلومات اللي سمعناها النهاردة

It means all the information we heard today.

اكيد معلومات

Sure information.

هتكون مفيدة جدا للتوعية

It will be very useful for awareness.

زي ما روحان الكنوز وضح

Just like the spirits of treasures were explained.

وزي ما وضحت

As I explained.

انا حكيت الاحداث

I talked about the events.

زي ما بعدها لنا

Just as it comes after us.

روحان الكنوز

Spirit of treasures

صباح نصري يدوب بس يعني ايه

Morning of victory, just means what?

زبطت الكلام

I fixed the conversation.

بعض الشيء


لكن احنا نقلنا لكم التجربة

But we have shared the experience with you.

زي ما كتبها روحان الكنوز

As written by Rouhan Al-Kunoz.

وده يمكن السبب

This might be the reason.

انها تلاقوا الاحداث

They meet the events.

ممكن تكون

It could be.

مختلطة على بعضها بعض الشيء

A bit mixed up with each other.

لكن في النهاية حبينا نعيشكم

But in the end, we wanted to make you live it.

الاجواء زي ما حكاها

The atmosphere is just as it was described.

صاحبها حرفيا

Literally, her companion.

انا بشكركم كتير

I thank you very much.

على المتابعة

On the follow-up.

وبوعدكم بمفاجأة كبرى

And I promise you a great surprise.

قريب جدا

Very close.

عارفين ليه

Do you know why?

مستر كايرو

Mr. Cairo

هيكلمكم من فوق جبل الجن

He will talk to you from the top of the Mountain of Jinn.

قريبا على قناة

Coming soon on the channel.

مستر كايرو

Mr. Cairo

استنوا رايحين فين

Wait, where are we going?

الحلقة لسه ما خلصتش

The episode isn't over yet.

عندي مفاجأة لعشاء داغر

I have a surprise for Dagher's dinner.

قاهر الجن والصحرة

The conqueror of jinn and sorcerers.

لان العد التنازلي

Because the countdown

بدأ للوصول

It has started to arrive.

الى ما بعد اللحظة دي

To beyond this moment.

بقولكوا ايه

I'm telling you what.

تعالوا افكركم بيها

Come, let me remind you of it.





قاهر الجن والصحرة

Conqueror of the Jinn and the Sorcerers.

اصحى يا حبيبي

Wake up, my love.

لازم تكون جاهز ومستعد لكل المفاجأات

You must be ready and prepared for all surprises.

ليش عمش سهل

Why is it easy?

واجرابه دايما مليان

And his pockets are always full.

انا جاهز يا ريكا

I'm ready, Rika.

وما دام بدافع عن حبيبي

"As long as I am defending my beloved."


And with my faith



ربي سبحانه وتعالى

My Lord, Glory be to Him.


He will support me.

هينصرني انا

"He will support me."

يا داغر

O Dagger

سيبك من كلام الشعرات والمشاعر ده

Forget about the talk of sentiments and feelings.

يا داغر

Oh, Dager.

سيبك من كلام الشعرات والمشاعر ده

Forget about all this talk of poetry and feelings.

انت بتواجه إبليس

You are facing the devil.

إبليس دايما الأقوى

Iblis is always the strongest.

لكن انا معاك ومش هسيبك

But I am with you and I won't leave you.

ومعايا شوية مفاجآت

And I have a few surprises.

منها جيش صغير من الملك مقداد

A small army of King Migdad.

لكن النهاردة هتكون مسبحة

But today there will be a prayer bead gathering.

مش مضمون فيها مين هيعيش

It's not guaranteed who will live.

ومين هيموت

And who will die?

خلي بالك

Pay attention.

اهم حاجة تحافظ على المفاجأة

The most important thing is to keep the surprise.

بعد حوار كبير

After a long discussion.

بيني وبين ريكا

Between me and Rika.

بعد حوار كبير بيني وبين ريكا

After a long conversation between me and Rika.

تنفيه غ��ب يفوقني هامان

"To deny the greatness that surpasses me, Haman."

وإحنا تحت بيت ليشع

"And we are under the house of Elisha."

كان فيه جنود من مملكة

There were soldiers from a kingdom.

وإحنا تحت بيت ليشع

"And we are under the house of Elisha."

بتسلسل خدام

In the sequence of servants

وحماية ليشع

And the protection of the light.

اللي موجودين في مدخل البيت

Those present at the entrance of the house.


I went out.

الطول التاني

The second height

ياللي كان ساكن فيه ليشع

O you who used to dwell in it, to shine.

كنت شايف الحماية عنده

I saw the protection he has.

ولولا جيش مقداد فعلا كنت هموت

If it weren't for the Macdad army, I would have actually died.

من قبل مدخل الحوش

From the entrance of the yard.

ضربت الباب برجلي

I kicked the door with my foot.

وكان ليشع

"And it was for Elisha."

قاعد قدام مبخرة

Sitting in front of a incense burner.

فيها بخور

It contains incense.

انا عارفه كويس

I know very well.



بخور بيستدعي به

Incense that he calls upon.

ملوك وامراء الجن السفلي

Kings and princes of the underworld jinn.

كان على وشه

He was about to.

ابتسامة سخرية

A smile of mockery.

بتقول قد ايه

How much does it say?

انا عبيط

I am foolish.

وقال بصوت اجش

He said in a harsh voice.

انا قلتلك قبل كده

I told you before.

ان ننحرافك عن طريق ابوك

That you deviate from your father's path.

واجدادك حولك

Your ancestors are around you.

للشخص غابي

For the person, it's foolish.

انت فاهم

Do you understand?

انا مش هادر اعرف انت بتدبر لي ايه

I won't be able to know what you're planning for me.

رديت انا

I replied.

بشيء من السقة

With a little confidence.

علشان ما حسسهوش

So that he doesn't feel it.

اني مهزوز

I am shaky.

حتى لو عارف

Even if I know.

بس للأسف

But unfortunately.

مفيش حاجة في اديك

There's nothing in your hands.


You do it.

لاني في النهاية

Because in the end

انا الازكى

I am the smartest.

مش بس كده

Not just that.

انا الاقوى

I am the strongest.

انا معايا ربك

I have your God with me.

ورب ابليس اللعين

And by the Lord of the accursed devil.

سقف ليشع

A glowing ceiling.

بطريقة مصرحية

In a theatrical manner.

وقال بتهكم

He said with sarcasm.

ايه خطبة الجمع

What is the Friday sermon?

العصماء دي

This apple.

ما تسيبك من الهبل ده

Don't let this nonsense get to you.

انا هوريك بعنيك مش هتكلم

I will show you with my eyes, I won't speak.

انا هوريك ليشع

I will show you to Yash.

اكيد لسه

Sure, not yet.

عندك القدرة على قراءة

You have the ability to read.

تشكيل الدخان

Formation of smoke

انا بشكلها

I am as she is.

اكل مباشر

Live eating

بصيت على الدخان

I looked at the smoke.

اللي خارج من المبخرة

What comes out of the incense burner.

وكانت المفاجأة

And it was a surprise.

بيت شيرة

House of Shira

فيه اتنين من المرضى

There are two patients.

مستنين اشارة من ليشع

We are waiting for a signal from Elisha.

علشان يتلبسوها

So they can wear it.

لسه هتكلم

I will still talk.

خرسني هو بجملة تانية

My silence is due to another sentence.


And he said.

لسه العرض مخلصش

The offer is still not over.

بص كده

Look at this.

شوف مين ده كمان

Look who this is too.

كان حمزة

Hamza was.

راجع من الجامع

Back from the mosque.

وعلى كل كتف

"And on every shoulder."

مارت من الجن

Mart from the jinn.



وقال بتشفي

He said with contempt.

صراحة انا مش ناوي موتهم

Honestly, I don't intend to kill them.

على طول زيك كده

Just like you are.

عارف ليه

Do you know why?

لانك حبيبي

Because you are my beloved.

انا هتمتع بيهم

I will enjoy them.

وهم بيمردوا

"And they are going to get sick."

وبيتعذبوا وبيتمنوا الموت

And they are suffering and wishing for death.

علشان تعرف قيمة ابليس

To understand the value of Satan.

وتعرف انو كان بيلعبك وانك ايه

And you know that he was playing with you and that you are what?

انو كان بيلعبك وانك ايه

He was playing with you and you were like, "What?"



من انك تكون واحد من احقر خدامه

"That you are one of his most despicable servants."

هنا قلت بص قام عدومة

Here I said, "The body of the story has come."

بس انا لسة

But I'm still.

كمان ماورتك شعر بي

I also didn't show you my hair.

اللي اعتقد انو

I believe that

اعتقد انو هيعجبك

I think you will like it.

فجأه طرق عليه

Suddenly there was a knock on his door.

شعب صوابعه في الهوى

The people of its fingers in love.

ظهر تريكة

Tamer Hossam's appearance.

بتتكونها تحت رجلان اتنين

It is formed under two legs.

من الجن الاحمر

From the red jinn.


He said.

دي الخدامة الهبلة دي اللي ما كانتش بتقدر تحمي نفسها. مش بقول

This foolish maid who couldn't even protect herself. I'm not saying.

لك بقيت غبي. انت متخيل بضعف البشر تقدر تقف قدامي. الدبوع

"You are still stupid. Do you imagine that with the weakness of humans you can stand in front of me? The foolishness."

نزلت من عيني بدون مشعر وقلت له بترجي. ارجوك يا ليشع. ارجوك

Tears fell from my eyes without a warning, and I said to him, "I beg you. Please, Leish."

سيبهم هم وخد روحي انا. الموضوع ده بيني وبينك. وهم ملهمش زند.

Leave them be and take my soul instead. This matter is between you and me. They have no stake in it.

هنا عمل نفسه بيفكر بطريقة مصرحية. وشاور لواحد من اتباعه.

Here, he acted in a theatrical way and gestured to one of his followers.

رفع حربه. وضربها على هامان. اللي حاول يتفاداها. وقال اه كنت

He raised his spear and struck it at Haman, who tried to evade it, and said, "Oh, I was..."

هنسى. اللي اواك على ابليس يا ملعون انت وهو. في الوقت ده.

I will forget. Whoever supports you against the devil, you cursed one and he. At that time.

ما كنتش قادر بصراحة اكمل. قلت والدموع عم غرق وشي. يا ليشع دي

I honestly couldn't continue. I said, with tears drowning my face. Oh, why?

اخر فرصة تقبل عرض اخوك اللي بيحبك. حب الاب. دي اخر فرصة.

This is your last chance to accept your brother's offer who loves you. The love of a father. This is the last opportunity.

علشان تنجو بحياتك يا اخويا. بص لي وضحك بسخرية. وقال ادعي ربك

"To save your life, my brother. He looked at me and laughed sarcastically. Then he said, 'Pray to your Lord.'"

بس انك تموت بسرعة. وبص على

But you die quickly. And look at

هامان اللي كان مصاب اصابة خطيرة وقال وما يكونش مصيرك زي مصير

Haman, who was seriously injured, said, "And may your fate not be like mine."

صاحبك. الدموع مبطلتش. وهنا قلت. فليقضي الله امرا كان

Your friend. The tears haven't stopped. And here I said. Let God's will be done.

مفعولا. فجأة فجأة الحلقة خلصت يا حلوين. وللاسف عندنا اجازة

Suddenly, the episode ended, dear ones. Unfortunately, we have a break.

شهر رمضان الكريم طبعا طول الشهر وبناء على طلب من داغر نفسه

The holy month of Ramadan, of course, throughout the month and at the request of Dagher himself.

هستنىكم بعد رمضان علشان نعرف ايه هي المفاجأة اللي حصلت فقط

I will wait for you after Ramadan to find out what the surprise is that happened.

وحصريا على قناة مستر كايرو

Exclusively on Mr. Cairo channel.

لو كنت من منتسب قناة مستر كايرو فانت او انت على موعد مع داغر

If you are a member of Mr. Cairo's channel, then you have an appointment with Dagher.

قاهر الجن والصحراء والحلقة المنتظرة من قبل شهر رمضان الكريم

Conqueror of the jinn and the desert, and the episode awaited since the holy month of Ramadan.

واللي هتكون بعنوان داغر وسر حبة الكريز

And it will be titled "Dagger and the Secret of the Cherry Seed."

اما الجمهور العظيم ما عدنا بكل تأكيد بعد العيد واحداث حقيقية

As for the great audience, we certainly did not return after the holiday with any real events.

فقط وحصريا على قناة مستر كايرو

Exclusively on Mister Cairo channel.

القصة دي حصلتلي من حوالي سنة تقريبا

This story happened to me about a year ago.

بس لسه لحد النهاردة متأثر بكل اللحظات اللي عشتها وقتها

But still, until today, I am affected by all the moments I lived through back then.

كان يوم في شهر ديسمبر كنت معزوم مع مجموعة من اصحابي

It was a day in December when I was invited with a group of my friends.

لحفلة في نادي مكانه كان قرب الطريق السريع

For a party at a club, its location was near the highway.

واحد من اصحابي عرض علي ان يوصلني هناك فانا قلت له مية مية

One of my friends offered to take me there, so I told him "perfect."

كده احسن حاجة علشان ما شلش اهم المواصلات والمرواح والرجوع من هناك

This is the best option so that I don't have to worry about the main transportation and coming back from there.

خصوصا ان النادي كان مكانه في منطقة بعيدة ومترفع عن اي خط اوتوبيس

Especially since the club was located in a remote area far from any bus line.

لما رحنا هناك الجو كان ممتع جدا

When we went there, the weather was very enjoyable.

قضيناها ساعات طويلة جدا لدرجة اننا ما حسناش بالوقت

We spent a very long time that we didn't notice the time.

لما انتبهت وببص في الساعة لقيت الوقت اتأخر جدا

When I looked at the clock, I realized that it was very late.

دورت على صاحبي لقيته قاعد مع وحدة معرفهاش

I looked for my friend and found him sitting with a girl I didn't know.

لما شاورتله لقيته بيشاورلي بممعناه لسه بادري

When I asked him, I found him signaling to me that it's still early.

ساعتها فهمت انه بعني

At that moment, I understood that he means it.

طبعا اول ما بتدخل الستات في حاجة الرجالة بتتبع على طول

Of course, as soon as women enter something, men follow right away.

انا اتضيقتي جدا وقلت لنفسي يا حمي امشيها

I was very annoyed and said to myself, "Let it go."

وانت هتغلب المشوار قد ايه يعني ساعة وربع ماشي امشيها ولا الحجة لحد

How long will the trip take? I mean, an hour and a quarter? Should I just go for it or should I wait for the lady?

وفعلا اخدت في بعضي وطلعت من بوابات النادي ومن هناك على الطريق السريع

And indeed, I collected myself and left through the club gates and from there onto the highway.

في البداية شديت في المشي

At first, I struggled to walk.

الجو كان برده واجواء ديسمبر الشتوية المتقلبة كانت عاملة شغل جامد

The weather was cold, and the fluctuating winter atmosphere of December was doing a great job.

كان فيه رعد في السماء وحسيت انها ممكن تشتي

There was thunder in the sky, and I felt that it might rain.

بقيت بقول لنفسي بس لما شوفه ابن الله

I kept saying to myself, "Just wait until I see him, the son of God."

المهم بعد حوالي نص ساعة من المشي السريع كانت طاقتي بدأت تهبط

The important thing is that after about half an hour of brisk walking, my energy started to drop.

وحماسي بدأ يقل

And my enthusiasm has started to decrease.

الطريق كان عبارة عن خط مستقيم ملهوش نهائيا

The road was a straight line with no end at all.

وكنت ماشي بجر في نفسي جر

"And I was walking, dragging myself along."

شوية بدأت احس بنقط ميا نزل على راسي

I started to feel drops of water coming down on my head.

ففهمت انها بدأت تشتي

So I understood that it started to rain.

رجعت حاول اسرع من خطوتي تاني بس كنت مرهق

I went back, trying to speed up my steps again, but I was exhausted.

والطريق كان فاضي نادرا لما عربية بتعدي جنبي

The road was empty; rarely did a car pass by me.

وهنا الشتا كان بدأ يزيد وبقى سخيف

And here the winter had started to increase and became annoying.

ما كانش في محطة توبيس ادارة فيها او حتى شجرة استخبى تحتها

There was no bus station or even a tree to hide under.

قلت لنفسي ما بديهاش

I told myself I don't want it.

احاول اوقف اي حد معدي بإشارة الاوتوستوب لعله وعسى

I try to stop any passing car with a hitchhiking sign, hoping for a chance.

لكن طبعي المواسوس خلاني اتردد كتير

But my anxious nature made me hesitate a lot.

مجرد ما فكرت في فكرة الاوتوستوب

As soon as I thought about the idea of hitchhiking.

كان خيالي بدأ يشتغل

My imagination started to work.

ومخي اصبح عبارة عن شاشة عرض

My mind has become like a display screen.

شفت فيها لقطات سريعة من كل الحوادث

I saw quick clips of all the incidents in it.

اللي سمعت عنها في حياتي عن حوادث الاوتوستوب

What I've heard in my life about hitchhiking accidents.

البنت اللي خطفوها واختصبوها من سنتين على طريق ساحلي

The girl who was kidnapped and raped two years ago on a coastal road.

لما عربيتها اتلت وهي رجع من المصيف

When her car was hit while she was coming back from the summer resort.

والشاب اللي اختفى وهو سيء العجلة بتاعته

And the young man who disappeared while his wheel was bad.

وهو في طريقه للعاصمة

He is on his way to the capital.

وقتها لقوا العجلة بتاعته كان الجنزير واقع

At that time, they found his bike with the chain broken.

وواضح انه استنجد بحد

It is clear that he pleaded with someone.

والحد ده خطفو

And this limit is a kidnapping.

وباع اعضاؤه لشبكة التجارة بالأعضاء

And its members sold themselves to the organ trade network.

وبعدها تخلصوا من باقي جسته في الصحرة

And then they disposed of the rest of his body in the desert.

الصحافة ايامها عرضت صور راسه ويعنيه مش موجودة في مكانها

The press at the time showed pictures of his head, and it means he is not in his place.

وبطنه كانت مشقوقة

And his belly was split open.

والكليتين اختفوا ومعهم الكبد والقلب

And the kidneys disappeared along with the liver and heart.

كل المناظر دي كانت زي شريط السينما

All these scenes were like a movie reel.

عملت مر قدام عيني

It happened right in front of my eyes.

وده ما ساعدنيش ابدا في الوضع اللي كنت فيه

This didn't help me at all in the situation I was in.

بل انه زود من خوفي وديقي جدا

But it has increased my fear and deep concern very much.

كنت عارف اني ممكن اكون ببالغ

I was aware that I might be exaggerating.

وان دي حالات فردية بتحصل في كل حتة في العالم مش بس هنا

These are individual cases that happen everywhere in the world, not just here.

وبتكون حالات نادرة قوي

And it becomes very rare cases.

بس لقيتني بقول لنفسي

But I found myself saying to myself.

طبعا انا عارف حظي اكيد هشرف في حاجة كده

Of course, I know my luck; it will surely honor me in something like this.

لو جربت

If you tried.

ما انا اصلا عارف نفسي

I don't even know myself.

دايما المشاكل والمصايب بتدور علي

Problems and disasters are always looking for me.

وبتلاقيني لوحدها من غير اي مساعدة

You'll find me alone without any help.

قررت اسرف نظر عن الفكرة

I decided to abandon the idea.

وكمان احاول اشغل نفسي

And also I try to keep myself occupied.

بعد اليوفط اللي بتقابلني على الطريق

After the signs that you encounter on the road.

وبعدين بدأت العب لعبة كان والدي علمها لي وانا صغير

Then I started playing a game that my father taught me when I was little.

لما كنا دايما بنسافر سفريات طويلة

When we always used to travel on long trips.

وهي لعبة ارقام العربيات

It is a game of car numbers.

فبقيت ماشي بخم من العربية اللي هتعدي دلوقتي

So I kept walking, being careful of the car that would pass by now.

ارقامها زوجية ولا فردية

Are its numbers even or odd?

كان كل غرضي افصل دماغي عن التفكير

My only purpose was to disconnect my mind from thinking.

في اي افكار سودوية

In any bleak thoughts?

لاني عارف ان الوسواس لو تملك مني

Because I know that if the obsession takes hold of me.

مش هخلص ابدا

I will never finish.

وبالفعل دماغي كانت راحة في اماكن تانية بعيدة جدا

Indeed, my mind was at ease in very distant places.

وبدأت افكر واردت بيومي بكرة هيمشي ازاي

I started to think about how my day tomorrow will go.

عدد قليل من العربيات مر جنب مني

A few cars passed by me.

كنت عمال ابص على ارقامهم

I was just looking at their numbers.

ولعب لعبة زوجي وفردي

And played a game of doubles and singles.

لما الشتاء زاد قوي وخلاص بقى مفيش مجال للعد

"When winter became more intense and there was no longer any room for counting."

كنت لازم اركز في الطريق

I had to focus on the road.

وهنا اسمعت صوت عربية بتهدي جنب مني

And here I heard the sound of an Arab vehicle stopping next to me.

وبتعديني وبعدين بتقف

"And you keep moving away, and then you stop."

كنت شايف نور الفرامل الاحمر وسط المطر منور

I saw the red brake light shining in the rain.

قلت نفسي ده ماله ده

I said to myself, what's wrong with this?

لكن فضلت ماشي

But I preferred to walk.

لما جيت جنب العربية

When I came next to the car.

لقيت الشباك بيتفتح

I found the window opening.

والراجل اللي كان سائق العربية بيناديه

And the man who was driving the car is calling him.

وبيقول لي ايه رايح فين

And he asks me where I'm going.

تعال هو وصلك

Come, he has arrived for you.

انا وقفت وبصيت له وتنحت

I stood and looked at him, then stepped aside.

بصراحة ما كنتش عارف اخد قرار

Honestly, I didn't know how to make a decision.

كنت خايف وبردان

I was scared and cold.

وعارف ان المشوار لسه طويل

And I know that the journey is still long.

كانت زي نوع من الامار

It was like a type of emirate.

وانا مندمج في التفكير

And I am immersed in thought.

والحسابات سمعته بيقول

"And I heard him say the calculations."

يا بنركب ده انت هتغرق قبل ما توصل

Oh, let's ride this, you'll drown before you arrive.

اي حتة تعال تعال

Which piece, come on, come on.

ولقيته بيفتح باب العربية وهو بيقول

And I met him opening the car door while saying.

ما تقلاش الدنيا لسه بخير

Don't worry, the world is still fine.

انا بصراحة كنت عامل

Honestly, I was acting.

زي الانسان الالي وانا رايح اركب

Like a robot, and I'm going to ride.

مش عارف ايه اللي خلاله ووح

I don't know what made him upset.

وبطل تفكير اعتقد ممكن

And the thought of believing it's possible was defeated.

الهوى الدافي الجميل

The warm, beautiful passion.

اللي كان جوه العربية

The one who was inside the car.

لانه كان مشغل التكيف السخن

Because the heating air conditioner was running.

وانا كنت مرهق قوي وبردان

I was very exhausted and cold.

وعايز اخلص

"I want to finish."

وبالرغم من كل السيناريوهات الرهيبة

Despite all the terrible scenarios.

اللي كنت بفكر فيها من دقايق

What I was thinking about a few minutes ago.

الا اني بعد ما اسمعت الصوت الراعد بيدوي

"However, after I heard the deafening sound, it echoed."

في السنة على طول ركبت

I rode all year long.

وشديت الحزام وهو اتحرك بالعربية

"I fastened my seatbelt while the car was moving."

العربية كانت دافية وممتعة

Arabic was warm and enjoyable.

وكمان كانت موديلة حديث

It was also a modern model.

بعد ما كنت خلاص استقريت جنب منه

After I had settled down next to him.

والعربية بتتحرك

And Arabic is moving.

الكابينة كانت ظلمة

The cabin was dark.

فما كنتش عارفة تبين ملامح وشه

I couldn't tell the features of his face.

لكن عربية جاية في المقابل

But an Arab woman is coming in response.

كشفاتها ضربت علينا

Their revelations struck us.

فخلت الكابينة نهار

So I found the cabin empty.

وهنا شفت وشه

"And here I saw his face."

ووقتها ندمت اشد الندم

And at that time, I regretted it deeply.

اني اركبت معاه

I got on with him.

وشه كان مش مريح ابدا

And his face was not comfortable at all.

وتقاطيعه فيها شيء خوف

"And his features have something fearful in them."

في الاول قلت لنفسي اني مزودها

At first, I told myself that I was the supplier.

واني ماينفعش اخلي الوساوس تسيطر على حياتي

I can't let my worries take control of my life.

وانه مش معنى ان ملامحه حادة

And it doesn't mean that his features are sharp.

انه يكون حد مش كويس

He might be a bad person.

لكن واحنا على الطريق

But while we're on the road

بدأت تلاحظ انه كل شوية بيبصلي

She started to notice that he keeps looking at her every now and then.

بجنب عينيه بشكل مؤلق

Next to his eyes in a glittering manner.

وما كانش بيتكلم كتير

He didn't talk much.

يدوب جملة كل فين وفين

"Hardly ever a complete sentence."

قلت خلاص اتكلم انا

I said, "Alright, I'll speak."

فبدأت افتح كلام

So I started to open up the conversation.

وشكرته على التوصيلة

I thanked him for the ride.

لكنه تجاهل كلامي كأني مش موجود

But he ignored what I said as if I weren't there.

كان عامل زي ما يكون مش مرتاح

He seemed like he was uncomfortable.

لوجودي معاه في العربية

To be with him in Arabic.

لكن ده خلاني اسأل نفسي

But that made me ask myself.

لما هو كده اما ليه ركبني في الاول

Why did he get on me in the first place if it's like that?

من الاساس

From the foundation.

ووقف لي ليه انا حتى ما طلبتش

"And why did he stop for me? I didn't even ask."

لما بدأنا نقرب من المكان

When we started to get closer to the place.

اللي قلتله ان انا هنزل فيه

What I told him is that I will go down in it.

لقيته بيقول لي ممكن تناولني

I found him saying to me, "Could you pass it to me?"

حاجة من الدرج اللي قدامك ده

Something from the drawer in front of you.

قلتله بحماس طبعا طبعا

I told him excitedly, "Of course, of course!"

وطبعا كنت حابب ان انا ساعد

Of course, I wanted to help.

وبسرعة مديت ايدي وفتحت الدرج

Quickly, I extended my hand and opened the drawer.

اللي كان قدامي وهنا تجمدت

The one who was in front of me froze here.

في مكاني لاني لقيت

In my place because I found.

سكينة كبيرة قوي

A very strong knife.

محطوطة في الدرج

Put in the drawer.

فبصيت له

So I looked at him.

وقلت له هو انت

And I said to him, "Is it you?"

عايزي من الدرج بالزبط

I want exactly from the drawer.

لقيته بيلفلي وشه

I found him turning his face away from me.

وبنبرة كلها هدوء قاتل

"And with a tone that is all deadly calm."

قال لي ممكن تناولني

He told me, "Can you have me?"


The knife

ما كنتش عارف

I didn't know.

افكر في اي سبب منطقي

I am thinking of any logical reason.

او حتى اي سبب مش مخيف

Or even for any reason that isn’t scary.

اللي خليه يطلب مني اناوله السكينة

"Whoever makes him ask me to hand him the knife."

في التوقيت ده وهو سيء عربيته

At this timing, his car is bad.

فبصيت له وعيني كانت وسهة

So I looked at him, and my eyes were wide.

جدا من الخوف

Very afraid.

والادرنالين كان شلالات جوه عروقي

And the adrenaline was like waterfalls inside my veins.

وقلت له بصوت شبه بيرتعش

And I said to him in a voice that was almost trembling.

هو انت محتاجة ليه

What do you need me for?

في اللحظة دي

At this moment.

لقيت علامات الغضب الرهيب

I found signs of terrible anger.

مالت وشه

It tilted and fell.

عيني كانت جحزة وهتخرج من مكانها

My eye was about to pop out of its socket.

كان بيزعه وبيقول

He was bothering him and saying.

اخلص وديني الزفتة السكينة

"Finish and take me to the asphalt road."

لما ترددت

Why did you hesitate?

بدأ هو يميل بنفسه في اتجاهي

He started to lean himself towards me.

بيحاول يجيبها بنفسه

He is trying to get it himself.

لكن انا كنت اقرب للسكينة

But I was closer to tranquility.

ومن كتر خوفي وفزعي مديت ايدي بسرعة

Out of fear and fright, I quickly stretched out my hand.

وصحبت السكينة بايدي

And serenity accompanied me with hands.

وخلتها معايا

And I kept it with me.

وبعدين بدأتهوشه بيها

"And then I started to annoy him with it."

امرجع مكانه

Return to his place.

يركز على الطريق

Focus on the road.

وهنا انا قلتله اركن

And here I told him to park.

اركن على جنب دلوقتي

Park to the side now.

حالا كان شكله في قمة الغضب

He looked extremely angry.

وعلى اخره

And so on.

لكنه نفس طلبه وركن على جنب الطريق

But it was his request, and he leaned against the side of the road.

فتحت باب العربية

I opened the door of the car.


And I descended.

لقيته بيسرخ في وشه وبيطلب مني

I found him screaming in his face and asking me for help.

ان انا ارجع له سكينته

I am returning to him his tranquility.

انا رديت عليه وقلتله قدها لك

I replied to him and told him, "You got this."

بس اتكل على الله وانا هبقى سيبها لك هنا

Just rely on God and I will leave it here for you.

على جنب الطريق

On the side of the road.

وبارجع خدها بعد ما امشي

"I will return and take it after I leave."

هو اتحرك بالعربية وهو بيسبه

He moved in Arabic while he was cursing.


And curse.

وانا طبعا ما سبتش سكينة

"And of course, I didn't leave a knife."

انا طوحتها في المزارع

I threw her in the farms.

وقلت لنفسي اخر حاجة انا عايزها

And I said to myself, the last thing I want is...

انه يرجع بعد ما امشي وياخد السكينة

He will come back after I leave and take the knife.

ويرجع يطاردني

"And he comes back to chase me."

بعد ما انزلت انا اخدت نفسي ومشيت

After I calmed down, I took a breath and walked away.

ووصلت بيتي

I reached my house.

انا ما كنتش مصدق اللي حصل لي

I couldn't believe what happened to me.

بس يومها كنت خدت عهد على نفسي

But that day I made a promise to myself.

عمري ما هستخدم الاوتوستوب

I will never use hitchhiking.

ولو كان اخر اختيار لي

Even if it were my last choice.

في حياتي

In my life

جبل الجن وهصور فيه

The Mountain of Jinn and its terrifying presence.



انا هطلع جبل الجن وهصور فيه

I will climb Mount Jinn and film there.


And at night.

مش بالنهار

Not during the day.

ودي حاجة اعتقد

I think it's a nice thing.

هتبقى جديدة ومختلفة

It will be new and different.

انا هغامر بنفسي

I will gamble with myself.


And in my life.

لكن في المقابل

But on the other hand

محتاج نوصل

I need to get there.

للعدد اللي هيخليني

For the number that will make me...

اتشجع واغامر

Be encouraged and take risks.

وانقل لكم المغامرة دي

And I will tell you about this adventure.

من خلال قناة

Through the channel.

مستر كايرو

Mr. Cairo

يلا شيروا في كل مكان

Come on, share it everywhere.

تحدي جبل الجن

The challenge of Mount Jinn

تحدي مستر كايرو

Mr. Cairo Challenge

تحدي الاعضاء

Members Challenge

كلنا مع بعض

We are all together.

هنقدر نحقق الهدف

We can achieve the goal.

نقدر نجبر مستر كايرو

Can we force Mr. Cairo?

انه يطلع جبل الجن

He is climbing the mountain of the jinn.

بالليل قبل 30 ابريل

At night before April 30th.

لك علشان توصلك اخر المعلومات

So that you can receive the latest information.

اللي ممكن تفيدك وتحميك

What can help and protect you.

من عالم السحر والصحرة

From the world of magic and sorcery.

كمان هتخليك ملمن

It will also make you feel better.

بعالم الجن والعوالم الغنضة

In the world of jinn and the hidden realms.

اللي بتشاركنا حياتنا

Those who share our lives.

لو عندكم تجارب حقيقية

If you have any real experiences.

وحصلت بالفعل ليكم

It has indeed happened to you.

او لحد من اصحابكم

Or one of your friends.

حابين بقى تشاركوا بيها اصدقاء مستر كايرو

We would like you to share it with Mr. Cairo's friends.

ابعاتوا التجارب على الصفحة الرسمية

Send the experiences to the official page.

للاعلامي حسام مصباح

To the media person Hossam Misbah

على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي

On social media.



او على موقع الصراحة

Or on the Saraha website.

بكل السلامة

With all safety.

اخيرا المكان اللي ممكن

Finally, the place that is possible.

تبعت فيه قصصك

I followed your stories in it.

بشكل مباشر لمستر كايرو

Directly to Mr. Cairo.

هو تطبيق تيليجرام

It is the Telegram application.

كل الروابط دي جهزناها

All these links are ready.

وهتلاقوها موجودة في خانة الوصف

And you will find it available in the description box.

وفي اول تعليق وكمان

"In the first comment, and also..."

في خانة الوصف الخاصة بالقناة

In the channel's description box.

اما للحصول على كل الحصريات

As for getting all the exclusives.

انضموا لجروب

Join the group.

عراب الجن مستر كايرو

The demon's godfather, Mr. Cairo.

على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي فيسبوك

On the social media platform Facebook.

اللي هتلاقوا عليه كمان

What you will also find on it.

صفحة بعنوان عراب الجن

A page titled "The Godfather of Jinn."

مستر كايرو

Mr. Cairo

لو حابب تدعم

If you would like to support.

تجربة مستر كايرو وفريقه

Mr. Cairo and his team's experience

ادعمنا بالاشتراك في القناة

Support us by subscribing to the channel.

والاعجاب بالكليب طبعا لو عجبكم

And of course, the admiration for the clip if you liked it.

وشير الكليب في كل مكان

"The clip is shared everywhere."

هي دي الهدية

This is the gift.

اللي تقدر تهدينا بيها

What you can give us as a gift.

لو حابب ان المحتوى ده ينتشر

If you want this content to spread.

وانك تسمع منه

And that you hear from him.

كتير من الحلقات

Many episodes.

شيرنا على واتساب

We shared it on WhatsApp.

ميسنجر انستجرام تيليجرام

Instagram Messenger Telegram

تيك توك واخيرا هنا كمان

TikTok is finally here too.

على يوتيوب

On YouTube

خلي الدنيا كلها تعيش

Let the whole world live.



مستر كايرو عراب الجن

Mr. Cairo, the guardian of the jinn.

كل الشكر والتقدير للمهندس ياسر فاروق

All thanks and appreciation to Engineer Yasser Farouk.

على اخراج العمل الازاعي ده

For the release of this agricultural work.

بالشكل الرائع والمتقلق

In a wonderful and anxious manner.

اللي بنستمتع به كل اسبوع

What we enjoy every week.

من قلب لندن

From the heart of London

عاصمة الضباب

The Capital of Fog.

واكتر دولة مشهورة بحكايات الجن

The most famous country for tales of jinn.

والكينات السفلية

The lower units

وعلى بعد كيلومترات مش كتير من جبل الجن

And a few kilometers away from Mount Al-Jin.

بيجيلكم صوت مرعب ومخيف

A terrifying and frightening sound will come to you.

يحكيلكم ارعب تجارب رعب

He tells you about his most terrifying horror experiences.

ممكن تسمعوها في حياتكم

You might hear it in your life.

اهلا بيكم

Welcome to you all.

في عالم مستر كايرو

In the world of Mr. Cairo.

اشتركتم ولا لسه

Have you subscribed or not yet?

خيال الصالح

The imagination of the righteous.

اشتركوا في القناة

Subscribe to the channel.


Thank you.

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