إيـّـاك والحـرص على الدّنـيا..قـصـة عـجـيـبـة
مقطاع الشيخ سعيد الكملي
إيـّـاك والحـرص على الدّنـيا..قـصـة عـجـيـبـة
The desire.
يكسب صاحبه
It gains its owner.
سؤال قاله
A question he asked.
ويكسبه السخط
And it earns him wrath.
العقل الذي
The mind that
makes him
الإنسان على نفسه
Man is against himself.
ويجعل له سلطان على نفسه
And He grants him authority over himself.
He understands it.
يكفه وينهاه
He suffices him and restrains him.
هذا عقل محمود جدا
This is a very good mind.
يذكرني هذا
This reminds me.
بالحديث الذي تعرفونه جميعا
With the narration that you all know.
حديث الأقرع
The Hadith of the bald man.
and the leper
and the blind man
أراد ربنا سبحانه
Our Lord, the Exalted, wanted.
He tests them.
فبعث إلى كل واحد
So he sent to each one.
منهم ملكا
Among them is a king.
بعث إلى الأقرع
Sent to the naked.
ما تشتهي
What do you desire?
He said.
بعث إلى الأبرص
Sent to the leper.
قال ماشي قال
He said, "Okay, he said."
جلدا حسنا ولولا حسنا
A good skin and yet good.
قد قذيرني الناس
People have insulted me.
يعني كان به برص شديد
It means he had severe leprosy.
إلى درجة أن الناس
To the extent that people
Its filth.
نحن رأينا
We saw.
برصان كثيرين
Many people are lepers.
وما أحسسنا باستقذار منهم
"And we did not feel any disgust from them."
شمئزاز ونفور
Disgust and aversion.
كأنك تعافه
As if you are disgusted by it.
لكن تصور هذا الذي صار
But imagine what has happened.
He avoids.
الناس تستقذره ترى هذا شيئا قذرا
People find it disgusting; they see this as something dirty.
هذا الجلد وهذا اللون
This skin and this color.
يقولوا قد قذيرني الناس
They say that people have wronged me.
فمسح على فأعطي لون حسن وجيدا حسن
So he wiped it and was given a good and beautiful color.
أي الأموال تشتهي أحب إليك
Which money do you desire the most?
قال الإبل
The camels said.
فأعطي ناقة عشراء
So he gave her a pregnant she-camel.
وقال له الملك بارك الله لك فيها
The king said to him, "May God bless you in it."
ثم أتى الأقرع
Then the one with the bald head came.
He said.
فتشتهي شعرا حسنا
She longs for beautiful poetry.
قد قذيرني الناس
People have abandoned me.
أولا ما أفهم هؤلاء الناس يقدرون
First, I don't understand these people, they can.
أصلع يقدر ما أفهم هذا
Bald, I can understand this.
أو هو راسه
Or is it his head?
ما أدري كيف هو وكيف هو
I don't know how he is and how he is.
ما يستره قبيح رأسه شعر
What covers his ugly head is hair.
فلما عري شعره
When his hair was stripped bare.
وعري رأسه عن شيء يستره
And he exposed his head from something that covered it.
صار الناس تقذره لأني أحب
People have started to detest him because I love.
أن أفهم
To understand
لماذا تقذر الناس الأقرع
Why do people revile the bald?
It means.
يشكوا أن تقرع أنت أيضا
He complains that you are being knocked as well.
يصيبك الصلع
You will become bald.
ويقذرك الناس ليس كل أصلع مقذورا
"People may disdain you, but not every bald person is despised."
هذا كان مقذورا
This was despicable.
قذرني قد قذيرا للناس
He sullied me as he sullies people.
أعطي شعر حسن
I have beautiful hair.
ماذا تجتهي أي المالي أحب إليك
What do you crave? Which finance do you prefer?
قال بقرة فأعطي بقرة
He said a cow, so give him a cow.
يعني حاملا
It means pregnant.
فبارك الله لك فيها
May God bless you with it.
ثم أتى الأعمى
Then the blind man came.
ما أجتهي قال أني أرد الله عليه بصري
What I want to say is that I want God to restore my sight.
فأرد الله عليه بصره
So Allah restored his sight to him.
أي المالي أحب إليك
Which money do you prefer?
فأعطي أشعة ولودا
So give birth to rays.
فأنتج هذاني
So produce these two.
وولد هذا
And this was born.
فصار لهذا واديا
So it became a valley for this.
صار لهذا وادي من الإبيل
This valley has become a place for camels.
وادي من البقر عدوا الرؤوس. انتم اهل ابيل. ونحن اهل غنم. في
A valley of cows running with heads. You are the people of Abel. And we are the people of sheep.
ناحيتنا والى في المغرب ايضا في جنوبه عند الناس ابيل. يعني
In our region and also in Morocco, there is a donkey among the people. It means.
حيانا الارض قطيع كبير جدا جدا. لكنه لا يملأ بين جبلين. وهو
Sometimes the earth is a very, very large herd. But it does not fill the space between two mountains. And it
كبير يعني رؤوس كثيرة. واحدثت عن بعض المغاربة من اهل الجنوب
"Great means many heads. I talked about some Moroccans from the south."
حدثني من كان يعرفوا انه له كان له ثلاثة الاف رأس من الابيل. وما
He told me that he used to have three thousand heads of camels. And what...
احسبوا ان هذه الثلاث الاف رأس تملأ ما بين جبلين. فتصور انت
"Do you think that these three thousand heads fill the space between two mountains? Just imagine."
كم سارة لهذا الاقرع ولهذا الاعمى ولهذا الابراس. ثم جاءهم
How much Sara for this bald man, for this blind man, and for this eunuch. Then he came to them.
الملك. جاءهم يأتي يأتي الاقرع في صورة الاقرع. يأتي
The king. He came to them, the bald man appearing as the bald man. He comes.
الابراس في صورة الابراس. ويأتي الاعمى في صورة الاعمى. في
The blind man appears in the form of the blind man.
الصورة التي كنت كنت عليها. ليبدي لك. فضل الله عليك. هكذا كنت.
The image you were in. To show you. God's grace upon you. This is how you were.
هكذا صيرت. قال مسكين اه تقطعت بي السبل. فليس لي بلاغني اليوم
Thus I became. He said, "Poor me, ah, I have lost my way. I have no means of sustenance today."
الا بالله ثم بك. دي بجت سؤال. الذي يقدم بيه
"Only with God, then with you. This is a personal question. Who is presenting it to me?"
يدي سؤاله لاسترقاق القلب واستجلاب العطف. مسكينا قطعت بي
My hand is asking to enslave the heart and attract compassion. Poor me, I am torn apart.
السبل. وهو صادق يعني فيما يبدو لهذا. وليس لي بلاغني اليوم. الا
The means. And he is honest, it seems, for this. And I have no news for today, except...
بالله ثم بك. يعني اذا لم اتبلغ منك بشيء. فانت ترميني الى لك.
By God and then by you. It means if I do not hear anything from you, then you are throwing me to you.
ويأتي لي الصورة التي كنت بها. وانت تعلم يعني احس الناس اكثر
"And it brings me the image I was in. And you know, I mean, people feel more."
الناس شعورا به. به انت.
People feel it. You too.
تعرف بالذي احس به وكيف يا ترميني الناس وتلفظوني من ابوابها. ثم
Do you know what I feel and how people throw me away and reject me from their doors? Then
يقول اسألك بالذي اعطاك اللون الحسن والجد الحسن. ناقة اتبلغ
He says, "I ask you by the One who granted you beautiful color and noble ancestry. A she-camel that conveys."
بها في سفري. يذكرون نعمة الله عليه. اسألك. بالذي اعطاك هذا
"In my journey. They mention God's blessing upon him. I ask you, by the One who granted you this."
اللون الحسن هذا الجد الحسن. ناقة. يسأل من? يسأل انسانا له من
The good color, this good grandfather. A she-camel. Who is asking? Asking a person, who has...
الابل ما غطى وجه الارض. يريد ناقة. فش يجيبوه ماذا يجيبوه?
The camels have not covered the face of the earth. He wants a female camel. What should they respond to him?
قالوا الحقوق كثيرة. انا استحي ايها الظالم. حقوق كثيرة. لو اه
They said there are many rights. I am ashamed, O oppressor. Many rights. If only...
لو لو استوعبت الحقوق حقوق من خلق الله جميعا. واردت ان تقضيها
If you understood the rights, the rights of all of God's creation, and you wanted to fulfill them.
عنهم ما استوعبت مالك. ويسألوك ناقة.
About them, I couldn't grasp your wealth. And they ask you about a she-camel.
اه من اية الله في البخيل. واحد يصف بخيلا بخيل. يقول له لو كان
Oh, from the signs of God in the miser. One describes a miser as stingy. He says to him, "If he were..."
بيتك يا ابن عم محمد. ابار لو كان بيتك يا ابن عم محمد ابارا يضيق
Your house, O cousin Muhammad. I wish it were your house, O cousin Muhammad, a well that narrows.
بها فضاء المنزل. بيتك هذا هو البيت مملوء بابر الخياطة. كم
The house has space. Your house is filled with sewing needles. How many?
تحتاجون من تحتاجون من الابر? ليملأ هذا الفضاء.
Who do you need from the needles? To fill this space.
كله? لو كان بيتك يا ابن عم محمد. ابارا يضيق بها فضاء المنزل.
All of it? If it were your house, cousin Muhammad. I would feel suffocated by the space of the home.
واتك واتك يوسف يستعيرك ابرة. ليخيط قد قميصه. لم تفعلي.
Watek Watek, Yusuf is borrowing a needle from you to sew his shirt. You didn't do it.
ويتك نبي الله. نبي. ما يقول لك اعطني. اعرني ابرة. لاخيط بها
And the Prophet of God says to you: "Give me." "Lend me a needle, so I can sew with it."
هذا القد وقدت قميصه
This is the pot, and I lit his shirt.
من دبر ويريد أن يخيط هذا القد
Who is plotting and wants to stitch this [thing]?
لم تفعل
You didn't do it.
الحقوق كثيرة
Rights are many.
قال له كأني أعرفه
He said to him, "It's as if I know him."
ألن تكون
Won't you be?
أبرص يقذرك الناس
A leper makes people disgusted with you.
فأعطاك الله كذا
So God has given you this.
وكنت فقيرا فأغناك الله
And I was poor, and Allah enriched me.
ماذا قال هذاك
What did that one say?
سبقت له من الله
It has been decreed by God.
The unfortunate.
قال إنما ورثت كابرا
He said, "I have inherited from my ancestor."
To be noble.
أنا أبرص
I am a leper.
أنا كنت فقير
I was poor.
أنا متأكد
I am sure.
أنا ما تعرفني
You don't know me.
أنا فلان
I am so-and-so.
وأبي فلان جدي فلان
And my father is so-and-so, my grandfather is so-and-so.
نحن من الأسرة فلاني
We are from the Al-Fulani family.
كابرا لكابر
Kabra for Kabria.
إن كنت صادقا
If you are honest.
إن كنت كاذبا
If you are lying.
فصيرك الله إلى ما كنت
May Allah return you to what you were.
ثم أتى
Then he came.
The bald man.
فقال له مثل ذلك
He said to him something like that.
فرد عليه مثل ما رد
He replied to him just as he replied.
الأول حقوق كثيرة وكذا وأنا ورثت كذا
"The first has many rights and I inherited such."
هكذا تجحد فضل الله عليك
Thus you deny the favor of God upon you.
You deny him.
إن كنت كاذبا
If you are lying.
فصيرك الله إلى ما كنت
"May God restore you to what you were."
ثم أتى الأعمى
Then the blind man came.
فقال له
He said to him.
ابن سبيل
انقطعت بي السبل
I found myself at a dead end.
فلا بلاغ لي اليوم إلا بالله ثم بك
I have no means of communication today except through God and then you.
أسألك بالذي رد عليك بصرك
"I ask you by the One who restored your sight."
وأعطاك كذا
And He has given you such and such.
شاتا أتبلغ بهذه سفري
"Shata, I inform you of my travel."
فماذا قال من سبق له من الله
So what did those before him say from God?
قال إني كنت أعمى
He said, "Indeed, I was blind."
فرد الله علي بصري
God restored my sight.
فقيرا فأغناني الله
I was poor, and God enriched me.
فخذ ما شئت
Take what you wish.
لا تخذ وحدة
Don't worry.
خذ ما شئت
Take what you want.
فوالله لا أرزأك اليوم شيئا أخذته لله
"I swear by God, I will not take from you today anything that you have taken for the sake of God."
خذ لله خذ جر الذي تشاء
"Take for God, take whatever you wish."
ماذا قال له الملك
What did the king say to him?
قال إنما أنا ملك
He said, "I am merely a king."
بعثني الله ليبتليكم فقد رضي الله عنك وسخط على صاحبيك
Allah sent me to test you, for Allah is pleased with you and is angry with your two companions.
The guard
سلطان الحرس
Sultan of the Guard
سلطان الحرس يفعل بأهلي الأفاعيل
The Sultan of the Guard does terrible things to my people.
ماذا كان يضره
What harm was it to him?
لا أن يبذل ناقة بل يبذل عشر نياق
Not to give one she-camel, but to give ten she-camels.
وذاك ماذا كان يضيره أن يبذل قطيع بقر
And what would it harm him to offer a herd of cattle?
ويقال ادوان الله عليه
It is said, "May God's wrath be upon him."
ولكنه الحرس
But it is the guard.
يفعل بأهلي الأفاعيل
"He does terrible things to my people."
يحدثني والدي عن رجل من الفلاحين
My father tells me about a man from the peasants.
كان في المغرب
He was in Morocco.
وكان وقت حصاد
It was harvest time.
والناس عندنا عندما يحصدون
"And people among us when they harvest."
إذا كانوا أهل بور فإنه يجب عليهم العشر فيما أخرجت الأرض
If they are the people of Bawor, then they must pay one-tenth of what the land produces.
فيجعلون بعد أن يذر القمح ويفصلوه عن سنبله
They will do so after they sift the wheat and separate it from its ear.
يجعلونه في أكياس
They put it in bags.
فتسعة أكياس يجعلون بعضها فوق بعض
So nine bags are stacked on top of each other.
والعاشر يجعلونه في جانب هذا
And the tenth they place on this side.
حظ الزكاة حق المساكين
The share of zakat is the right of the poor.
وهكذا تسعة أكياس أخرى ثم واحد
And thus nine more bags and then one.
تسعة أكياس ثم واحد
Nine bags and then one.
إلى أن ينتهوا من جعل القمح في الأكياس
Until they finish putting the wheat in the bags.
فهذا الفلاح قال لهم طيب استمروا على هذا وذهب
So the farmer told them, "Okay, continue like this," and left.
فلما رجع وكانوا أوشكوا على الانتهاء
When he returned, they were almost finished.
نظر إلى تلك الأكياس المجموعة
He looked at those gathered bags.
واحدا إثر واحدين
One after another.
أكثرها وجد تلا كبيرا من هذه الأكياس
Most of them found a large pile of these bags.
قال استعظم ذلك هذا كله يخرج في الزكاة هذا الشيء كثير
He said, "He found all of this to be a lot, and it comes out in the zakat."
فنظر إلي ثم قال رده رده ومنعها
He looked at me and then said, "Return it, return it," and he prevented her.
هذا الحرص
This eagerness.
هذا الذي أخذ الله منك
This is what God has taken from you.
أخذ منك واحد رؤى بقالت تسعة
One vision took from you and said it was nine.
استعظمت الواحد واستقللت التسعة
I revered the one and belittled the nine.
هذا الحرص هذا الحرص يهديب به أرقى من أركان الإسلام
This diligence, this diligence leads to the highest of the pillars of Islam.
ويوم القيامة إضحك الشيطان عليه
And on the Day of Judgment, the devil will laugh at him.
وقال الشيطان لما قضي الأمر
And the devil said when the matter was concluded.
إن الله وعدكم وعد الحق
Indeed, Allah has promised you the promise of truth.
ووعدتكم فأخلفتكم
"I promised you, but I have let you down."
وما كان لي عليكم من سلطان
"And I had no authority over you."
إلا أن دعوتكم فاستجبتم لي
"But your call, and you responded to me."
فلا تلوموني ولوم أنفسكم
So do not blame me, but blame yourselves.
ولوم أفيا
And if I remember.
يا عباد الله
O servants of God
إياكم والشح
Beware of stinginess.
إياكم والحرص
Beware of greed.
حذر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم من ذلك
The Prophet, peace be upon him, warned against that.
يحمل على كل قبيح
It carries every ugly thing.
يستسهل به الإنسان كل معصية
It makes it easy for a person to commit every sin.
ليستبقي شيئاً لا يبقى
To keep something that cannot remain.
هذاك المال إما أنت اجتاحه مصيبة
That money is either a disaster that you have consumed.
وإما أنت اجتاحك أنت مصيبة
Either you were overwhelmed by a disaster.
إما تذهب وإما يذهب
Either you go or he goes.
وأن قلت لك إذا لم يفدك مالك خيراً
And if I told you that your money does not benefit you?
إما لك وإما لك أنت مصيبة
Either it's for you, or it's a disaster for you.
وإما على إخوانك المسلمين
And either on your Muslim brothers.
وإما على أبنائك وعيالك
"And either on your children and dependents."
فأنت لا معنى لك
You are meaningless.
لكنك حريص فقير لا تدري
But you are a careful poor person who does not know.
نهاية الدرس
End of the lesson
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