الدرس الرابع - إتمام الحركات من حيث حجمها وزمنها - دروس تجويد الشيخ ابو عمرو حفظه الله


بودكاست المقرأة

الدرس الرابع - إتمام الحركات من حيث حجمها وزمنها - دروس تجويد الشيخ ابو عمرو حفظه الله

بودكاست المقرأة

إتمام الحركات ده أمر من الأمور المهمة جدا جدا جدا في خرائط القرآن

Completing the diacritics is a very, very, very important matter in the maps of the Quran.

المقصود بإتمام الحركات إتمام حجم الفتح والضم والكسر

The meaning of completing the movements is to fully pronounce the vowel sounds of opening, rounding, and closing.

إتمام الفتح والضم والكسر من حيث حجم الحركة وزمنها

Completing the opening, closing, and kasrah in terms of the size of the movement and its duration.

طيب إحنا يعني معظمنا وهو بيقرأ ما بيديش الحركة حقه

Well, most of us, when reading, don't give the movement its due.

معظمنا وهو يقرأ ما بيعطيش الحركة أيه حقه

Most of us, while reading, do not give movement its due.

فيختلص جزء من الفتح يختلص جزء من الضم يختلص جزء من الكسر

A part of the opening is taken, a part of the closing is taken, a part of the breaking is taken.

وده أمر في غاية الخطورة زي ما قولنا

This is a matter of utmost seriousness, as we have said.

اختلاص جزء من الحركة ممكن يصل بيقرأ

A part of the movement can be intercepted and may be read.

بيك إلى تغيير المعنى أنا ما قلت لكش إن انت غيرت الحركة يعني

I didn't tell you that you changed the movement, meaning you changed the meaning.

ما هيش فتحة بقى الضمة ولا العكس ولا آآ آآ ضمة بقت كسرة ولا

Is it a فتحه (fatha) that became a ضمة (damma) or the opposite, or is a ضمة (damma) now a كسرة (kasra)?

العكس خلاص لأ انت بس خدت جزء من الحركة نطقته والباقي وقعته زي

"The opposite is enough, you just took part of the movement, pronounced it, and the rest fell like..."

ما انت قلت الرحمن الرحيم الرحمن الرحيم ظهرت عندك آآ النون

What you said, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious appeared to you, ah, the noon.

بتاع الرحماني

The one belonging to Al-Rahmani.

في الكسر ظهرت كأنها شبه مضمومة عشان كده قلت لك عيد فما تستسهلش

In the fracture, it appeared as if it was somewhat closed, that's why I told you to repeat it, so don't take it lightly.

بالأمر ما تستسهلش بالأمر ده ده خطير جدا طيب مثال لآآ عدم اتمام

Don't take this matter lightly; it's very serious. So, as an example of not completing it...

الحركات اللي ممكن يغير المعنى في قول الله تعالى في نهاية العنكبوت

The diacritics that can change the meaning in the verse of Allah at the end of Surah Al-Ankabut.

وإن الله لا مع المحسنين في فرق اني اقول وان

"And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good, in differentiation I say and."

الله لمع المحسنين انت ممكن تسمعها عادي احنا ماشي احنا ما

God is for the doers of good. You can listen to it normally; we are fine, we are not...

غيرناش ايه الفتحة لضم او لكسرة لكن اللي حصل ان انا اختلست يعني

We didn't change the opening for a Dhamma or a Kasra, but what happened is that I stole, I mean.

خدت سرقت جزء من زمن الفتحة في اللام والميم والعين فبقت لمعا وهي

I took a part of the time of the opening in the L, M, and A, and it became luminous.


Its origin.

وان الله لمع المحسنين في فرق عن لمع المحسنين ها واضحت في فرق

And indeed, Allah shines upon the doers of good, and this is evident in the distinction between the doers of good.

كبير ايه اللي حصل هنا ان انت مدتش الفتحة حقها في اللام وكزلك

What do you mean what happened here, that you didn't give the "lam" its due opening, and likewise?

في الميم والعين لمعا خطف كده غير لمعا مش لا ما هتزودش انا برضو ما

In the meme and the eye, to Ma'a, it flashed like this, different from Ma'a. No, I won't increase; I'm also not.

هتزودش بحيس ان الفتحة تنقلب لالف ولا تضم الى واو والكسرة الى

It will not affect the opening, either transforming it into an "alif" or joining it to a "waw" and the "kasra" to.

ياء خد بالك الطبي بيقول ايه وعند نطق الحركات فاحذر وعند نطق

"Pay attention to what the medical professional is saying, and be careful when pronouncing the movements."

الحركات فاحذر نقصا انك تقلل او تختلص ماشي او اشباعا انك تزود

Beware of deficiencies in movements, whether you minimize or distort them, or of excesses in fulfilling them, whether you increase them.

لان النقص ممكن يتسبب في تغيير المعنى والزيادة هتخلي الحركة

Because a deficiency can lead to a change in meaning, and an increase will make the movement.

حرف الفتحة تبقى الف والضمة تبقى واو والكسرة تبقى ياء زي ما

The fathah remains as "a", the dammah remains as "u", and the kasrah remains as "i", just like that.

زي ما قلنا وعند نطق الحركات فاحذر نقصا او اشباعا اوان تغيرا

As we said, when pronouncing the vowels, be cautious of any deficiency, excess, or change.

انك تغير الحركة خالص خلاص بايه بقى بمزج بعضها بصوت بعض بصوت

You're completely changing the movement now, what is it then? By blending them together with each other's sound?

بمزج بعضها بصوت بعض

By mixing some with the sound of others.

طيب مسال للسكون بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم كسر البسملة اعوذ بالله من

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. I seek refuge in Allah from...

الشيطان الرجيم بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم احنا كده بنختلصه خلاص

The accursed devil, in the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, we are thus seizing him completely.

لو خدت بالك في وصل البسملة الباء تحس انها اقرب الى السكون من الكسر

If you pay attention, in the connection of the Basmala, the letter "ب" feels closer to being silent than to being broken.

بسم الله انا بقول ايه? لا بسم بسم دي اقرب الى السكون من الكسر غير

In the name of God, what am I saying? No, "Bism" is closer to silence than to breaking.

فيه فرقة. بسم الله غير بسم الله.

There is a division. In the name of God, unlike the name of God.

ماشي يا اخواننا ما هي باسم الله عز وجل ابتدائي او ابتدأ. خلاص?

Alright, our brothers, what is it? In the name of Allah, Almighty, is it the beginning or has it begun? Alright?

فلازم يبان كسر الباق. هتجر ما وراها. ولازم كسرها هي كمان

So, the remaining break must be visible. It will drag on afterward. And its break must also be visible.

يبان. فما قلتش بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. لا بسم الله الرحمن

It is obvious. I didn't say "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful." No, "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious."

الرحيم. والامر ده يساعدك فيه تحريك الفم. ابن الجزري بيقول

The Merciful. And this matter helps you in moving the mouth. Ibn Al-Jazari says

ايه? وليس بينه وبين تركه الا رياضة مريء بفكه. خلاص? طيب.

What? And there is nothing between him and leaving it except exercising his throat with his jaw. That's it? Okay.

ليه? عدم اتمام الحركات من ضمن المشاكل. اللي اه بتترتب عليه

Why? Not completing the movements is one of the problems that arise from it.

امور كتير. خلاص? احنا قلنا ايه?

A lot of things. That's it? What did we say?

اختلاس الحركة ممكن يؤدي الى تغيير المعنى. خلاص? اختلاس

The misappropriation of motion can lead to a change in meaning. Okay? Misappropriation.

الحركة ممكن يؤدي الى تغيير المعنى. اه الطيبي اه بيقول ايه?

Movement can lead to a change in meaning. Yes, what is Al-Taybi saying?

في موضع تاني? وكل مضموم فلن يتم. وكل مضموم فلن يتم. الا بضم

In another place? And everything combined will not be completed. And everything combined will not be completed. Except with a combination.

الشفتين ضم. ضم ديه مفعول ايه? مطلق وظفته تأكيد على الفعل ومؤكد

The lips are pressed together. What does this pressing refer to? It is an emphatic form that serves as a confirmation of the action and is considered an intensifier.

الفعل. خلاص? وكل مضموم فلن يتم الا بضم الشفتين ضمه. يبقى لازم

The action. Is that it? And every rounded vowel cannot be pronounced except by rounding the lips. It must remain.

تحرك الشفتين للامام. قد افلح المؤمنون. الذين هم في صلاتهم

Move the lips forward. The believers have succeeded. Those who are in their prayer.



خلاص? طيب لو انت قللت. قال لك ايه? فان ترى القارئة لن تنطبق

Done? Okay, so if you reduced it. What did he say? So you see the reader will not be applicable.

شفاهه بالضم كن محققة. بيه? بانه منتقص ما ضمه. والواجب النطق به

His lips are firmly pressed together. Why? Because it is incomplete what he has said. And it is necessary to pronounce it.

متمة. من ضمن مشاكل عدم اتمام الحركات.

Completion. Among the problems of not completing movements.

انه بيتسبب في خروج الغنى مع القراءة.

It causes wealth to come out with reading.

زي ما كنا نتكلم مع عبدالرحمن دلوقتي في في الامر ده. من ضمن

Just like we were talking with Abdul Rahman right now about this matter. Among the...

المشاكل انه بيتسبب في ظهور الغنى في القراءة. وهو انت ما

The problem is that it causes wealth to appear in reading. And you are not...

كسرتش قوي فما حركتش الفم. فما طلعش الحرف بتشكيل ما طلعش من

"I broke it hard so I didn't move my mouth. The letter didn't come out with the formation, it didn't come out from..."

مخرجه وما طلعش بتشكيله كامل. كل ده على بعضه هيسببه

Its output was not fully formed. All of this together will cause it.

لك مشاكل كتير زي ما قلنا منها خروج الغنى. ماشي الحل? طيب. زي

You have many problems, like we said, including the wealthy leaving. Is the solution okay? Alright. Like...

ما قلنا وقال الشيخ فان ترى القارئة لن تنطبق شفاهه بالضم

What we said and the sheikh said is that the reciter's lips will not match with the vowel sound when it is pronounced with a closure.

كن محققة. بانه منتقص ما ضمه. ما كملش الضم. والواجب النطق به

Be a investigator. It is incomplete what it has included. It did not complete the inclusion. And it is necessary to articulate it.

متمة. لازم تكمل الحركة. كاملة. علشان تتجنب

Complete. You need to finish the movement. Completely. To avoid.

المشاكل اللي احنا قلنا عليه. عدم تغيير ايه المعنى. او انك اه

The problems we mentioned. Not changing the meaning. Or that you are.

اه تقرأ بالاختلاس في غير موضعه. او انك تتسبب في قروج الغنى مع

Oh, you read by skimming in the wrong place. Or are you causing wealth to exit with...

الحرف. وكل ده يتحكم فيه حركة الفم. كل ده يتحكم فيه حركة الفم.

The letter. All of this is controlled by the movement of the mouth. All of this is controlled by the movement of the mouth.

وده امر فيه منتهى الخطورة. في القراءة. ده امر في القراءة فيه.

This is a matter of utmost danger. In reading. This is a matter in reading.

منتهى الخطورة. لازم تعود نفسك زي مالي بن الجزري وليس بينه وبين

Extreme danger. You have to get used to it like Ibn al-Jazari, and there is no one between him and.

تركه الا رياضة وامرين بفكيه. لازم الفم يتحرك. طيب الفم هو

He left it to the sport and two matters with his jaw. The mouth must move. So, the mouth is...

بيتحرك. الفم هو بيتحرك. وانت بتخرج معاه الصوت لابد من دفع

It moves. The mouth moves. And when you go out with it, the sound must be pushed.

الصوت للخارج. لابد من دفع الصوت للخارج. انت لو طرخيت في دفع

The sound goes out. The sound must be pushed out. If you ease up on pushing...

الصوت للخارج. هيخرج منه جزء. والباقي هيتحول ويخرج

The sound goes out. A part of it will come out. The rest will be transformed and will exit.

من الخيشون. مثال. هقول لك. مثال. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. قد

From the humble. Example. I will tell you. Example. In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. قد

افلح المؤمنون. انا ما ضميتش قوي. ففيه جزء خرج شوية بسيط.

The believers have succeeded. I didn't hold it tightly. There is a part that came out a little bit.

والباقي كله خرج من الخيشون. الذين هم في صلاتهم خاشعون.

"And the rest all came out of the kheshoun. Those who are humble in their prayers."

ناشي? ده بالنسبة للضم. ضم الشفتين.

Nash? That's for the union. The union of the lips.

وخرج الصوت لبرا. خرج الصوت من الجوف والحنجرق لبرا. قد افلح

And the sound came out clearly. The sound emerged from the inside and the throat clearly. Indeed, he has succeeded.

المؤمنون. الذين هم في صلاتهم خاشعون. صوت اختلف. علشان انت

The believers. Those who are humble in their prayers. A different sound. Because of you.

ضميت ضم فعلي. خلاص? خرجت الحرف مما اخرجه. تميت الحركة. دفعت

I embraced the act of embracing. Is that it? The letter emerged from what it brought forth. I ended the movement. I pushed.

الصوت من الداخل للخارج.

The sound from the inside to the outside.

دفع الصوت لبرا يا عبدالرحمن. ناشي? دفعنا الصوت من الداخل

"Turn the sound down, Abdul Rahman. Okay? We turned the sound down from inside."

للخارج. بتزقه لبرا. لكن لو طرخيت في دفع الصوت لبرا انت مكسل. قد

Outside. You're pushing it out. But if you slack in pushing the sound out, you're lazy. Perhaps.

افلح المؤمنون. انت بتقرأ كأن الصوت يعني ما ما تجاوزش شفتين

The believers have succeeded. You read as if the sound hasn’t passed your lips.

لبرا. لا انا عايز اخرجه برا الفم. خرج الصوت برا الفم. خلاص?

I want him to take it out of the mouth. The sound came out of the mouth. Is that it?


The believers.

ويساعدك على كده ضم الشفتين. ضم الشفتين مع دفع الصوت. خلاص? طيب.

It helps you with that to bring your lips together. Bringing the lips together while pushing the sound. Is that clear? Okay.

ده بالنسبة للضم. طب بالنسبة للكسر. الحمد لله رب العالمين.

This is regarding the Dhamma. As for the Kasra, praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

الرحمن الرحيم. مالك يوم الدين. طب لو انا ما فتحتش الفم العلاج

The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. But what if I don't open my mouth for the treatment?

بتاعها زي ما قال الطيبي. وزن خفاض بنخفاض للفم يتمه.

Her thing is just as Al-Taybi said. It weighs lighter with the lowering of the mouth.

معه ده انخفاض الفم. وزن خفاض اللي هو الكسر يعني بنخفاض للفم

With it, there is a decrease in the mouth. The weight is reduced, which means a decrease in the mouth.

يتمه. والمفتوح بالفتح الفامي. لو انت ما خفضتش الفك السفلي عند

It is done. And the open is with the opening of the mouth. If you do not lower the lower jaw عند

نطق الكسر والياء هجيب غن. مثال هننطق نفس الايات بالخطأ. الحمد

The pronunciation of the fraction and the "ya" will bring "ghin." For example, we will pronounce the same verses incorrectly. Praise.

لله رب العالمين. الرحمن الرحيم. مالك يوم الدين. انت بتقرأ

In the name of Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Are you reading?

الفتح. وفي ناس مش عارفة انت بتعمل ايه? اه انت بتقرأ والدنيا

The conquest. And there are people who don’t know what you’re doing? Yes, you are reading and the world.

ماشي. خلاص? لكن دي مش قراءة. معناه محمد? دي مش قراءة. خلاص

Okay. Is that it? But this is not a reading. Does it mean Muhammad? This is not a reading. That's it.

يا عبدالرحمن? دي بالصورة دي يا جماعة? لا دي مش قراءة القرآن.

Oh Abdul Rahman? Is this in this picture, guys? No, this is not reading the Quran.

تحريك الفم او رياضة الفم عليها عامل كبير جدا جدا جدا في قراءة

Mouth movement or mouth exercises have a very, very, very significant impact on reading.

القرآن. بالعكس. ده عداها ابن الجزري فيه.

The Quran. On the contrary. Ibn Al-Jazari has mentioned it in this.

يفاصل بين الصح والخطأ. فقال وليس بينه وبين تركيه.

He distinguishes between right and wrong. He said, and there is nothing between him and leaving it.

خلاص? وليس بينه وبين تركيه. يعني انت لو تركت تحريك الفم

That's it? And there is nothing between him and Turkey. I mean, if you stop moving your mouth.

ما فيش تجويت. لان تحريك الفم بيبقى تتسبب في في خروج الحرف

There is no vocalization. Because moving the mouth causes the letter to come out.

مما اخرجه. وبصفاته. خروج الحرف مما اخرجه. وفيه صفاته.

What was emitted from it. And with its attributes. The emission of the letter from what it emitted. And in it are its attributes.

الاصلية والعراضية.

The original and the transitional.

ماشي خوانا? فالقصة كلها فين? في تحريك الفم. يبقى احنا لازم

What's going on, guys? Where's the whole story? It's in moving the mouth. So we must...

نعود نفسنا في القراءة على اتمام الحركات. فتح ضم كسر. وده عشان

We train ourselves in reading to complete the movements: fatha, damma, kasra. This is because...

يحصل لازم نحرك الفم. كل حسب اتجاهه. الضم او المد بالواو

We need to move the mouth. Each according to its direction. The assimilation or elongation with the "و".

بضم الشفتين ضم فعلي. والسماء ذات البروجة. واليوم الموعودة.

With the lips together, an actual embrace. And the sky with its towers. And the promised day.

وشاهد ومشهودة. غير? والسماء ذات البروجة. واليوم الموعودة.

And the witness and the witnessed. Is there anything else? And the sky with its constellations. And the promised Day.

الفرق واضح يا جماعة.

The difference is clear, folks.

ماشي الحال? نفس القصة فين? زي ما اتفقنا? في الكسر. نفس القصة في

Is everything alright? Same story, right? As we agreed? In the break. Same story in.

الكسر اللي هو الخفض. يبقى خفض الفك وفتح الفم على الاجنان. الحمد

The fracture, which is the lowering. It involves lowering the jaw and opening the mouth at the corners. Praise be to God.

لله رب العالمين. الرحمن الرحيم. مالك يوم الدين. وهكزا. تاني نأكد

To God, the Lord of the worlds. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thus, let us confirm again.

الاهل الطيبي. قالوا عند نطق الحركات فاحذر نقصا او اشباعا اوان

The good people said that when pronouncing the movements, beware of deficiency, excess, or timing.

تغير بمزج بعضها بصوت بعض او بسكون فهو غير مرضي. وتكلم من جانب تاني

It changes by mixing some with the sound of others or with silence, which is unsatisfactory. And it speaks from another side.

في الضم والكسر بشكل اخر. وده طبعا يترطب عليها حاجات تانية.

In the context of addition and subtraction in another way. This, of course, depends on other factors.

وقلوا ما ضم فلن يتم الا بضم الشفتين ضم وضم خفاض من خفاض

And they said that what is combined will only be completed by bringing the lips together, combining and a gentle pulling from the gentle pulling.

للفم. يتم هو المفتوح والفتح الفمي. وقلنا زي ما قال وانتو

For the mouth. It is opened and the oral opening. And we said, as he said, and you all.

ارى القارئ لن تنطبق شفاه وبالضم يكون محققة. ده مثال يعني. بانه

I see the reader that the lips will not apply, and with the connection it would be realized. This is an example, meaning. That.

منتقي ثم ضم والواجب نطق به. متمة. يعني بس بنأكد على ايه

"Select then combine, and it is required to pronounce it. Supplement. It means we just want to confirm what?"

الابيات. ماشي? الموضوع ده هيحتاج تطبيق بجهد. هيحتاج تطبيق

The verses. Okay? This topic will require effort in application. It will require application.

بجهد. الموضوع ده مش بسيط. عشان نبقى متفقين. لان خد بالك ان ده

With effort. This topic is not simple. Just to be agreed. Because keep in mind that this

الاصل فيه بالنسبة لك تعود. يعني انت بالك زمن بتقرأ من غير ما

The essence of it, for you, is to get used to it. It means that you read in a time without...

تحرك الفم بمجهود. فهتتعب في الاول شوية.

The mouth moved with effort. It will be tiring at first a little.

هتتعب في الاول شوية. ليه? دايما انت في اغلب الاحيان يعني لما

You will struggle a bit at first. Why? Because most of the time, you...

بتقرأ على الاخوة بيبقى الاهتمام بايه? باسئيات التجويد. في حاجات

When you read to the brothers, what do you focus on? On the rules of Tajweed. There are things...

احنا مو مصلهاش. ما ينفعش يا خونة. مفعش. ده ركن راكين من

"We are not satisfied with it. It's not acceptable, you traitors. It's not acceptable. This is a hidden corner of..."

القراءة. ماشي يا خونة? هنطبق على الحاجات دي وهنشوف الدنيا

Reading. Are you okay, traitors? We will apply these things and see how it goes.

تمشي ازاي. بس زي ما انتفقنا الموضوع ده بياخد وقت ومجهود.

How do you walk? But as we agreed, this matter takes time and effort.

هياخد وقت ومجهود.

It will take time and effort.



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