I am telling you a story of the Prophet (cover) | أروي لكم عن قصة للمصطفى

Fattom's stories

Fattom's stories

I am telling you a story of the Prophet (cover) | أروي لكم عن قصة للمصطفى

Fattom's stories

أروي لكم عن قصات للمصطفى

I will tell you about the stories of the Chosen One.

إذ قاما يوما في الجهاد منظيما

"When they stood one day in organized jihad."

رص الصوف فكما الصالات تصفهم

Gather the wool as the halls gather them.

فكأنهم بنيان سد أحكيما

"Like a solid wall, tightly constructed."

وتجول المختار بين صفوفهم

The chosen one wandered among their ranks.

فإذا بشخص بينهم متقدما

Then there was a person among them who was standing out in the front.

قد غير الصف القاويم خروجه

The class has changed its schedule.

نظر الرسول إليه ثم تبسما

The Messenger looked at him and then smiled.

وبعودي غصن للصوف أعاده

"And with my return, a branch of wool returned it."

وأعاد للصف القاويم تقوما

And he restored the standing position to its proper alignment.

قال الفاتح في رقات وتمسكون

The conqueror said in the states and you hold on.

يشكو إلى المخ

He complains to the brain.

تاري منه تألوما

I am sorry, but the provided text appears to be a bit unclear. Could you please provide more context or check if there are any typos?

ألمتني بالعود يا خير الوارا

"You have made me ache with the return, O best of companions."

فاستغراب الجمع الغافير وهمهما

So the amazement of the large gathering and their murmurs.

ما ظنوكم ماذا يكون جوابه

What do they think your answer will be?

هذا رسول حاز خلقا عظيما

This is a messenger who possesses great character.

فتأملوا في قائد ومجند

So reflect on a leader and a recruit.

قد أزهر الإسلام حبلا فيهما

Islam has blossomed in both of them.

هذا محمد كشيفا عن بطنه

This is Muhammad exposing his stomach.

تفديه روحي مرسالا ومعليما

"I would sacrifice my soul for him as a messenger and a teacher."

يعطيه ذاك العودة دون تردود

He gives him that return without hesitation.

ويقول خذ مني القصاص مسليما

"And he says, 'Take from me the retribution as a Muslim.'"

وإذا به في لحفات وتشوق

"And suddenly he was wrapped in excitement and anticipation."

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