بودكاست كلام مفهوم | الحلقة 2 | عن الشغل


بودكاست كلام مفهوم

بودكاست كلام مفهوم | الحلقة 2 | عن الشغل

بودكاست كلام مفهوم

مستر موحي اسماعيل شايف نفسك فين بعد خمس سنين وش معنى جاي تشتغل معنا احنا بالذات؟

Mr. Mohe Ismail, where do you see yourself after five years and why do you want to work with us specifically?

بعد خمس سنين هبقى المدير بتاعك وجاي اشتغل معك وهنا عشان انتو طالبين ناس

After five years, I will be your manager and I am coming to work with you here because you are looking for people.

ايه تاني؟

What else?

ياه مديري مرة واحدة ده السقة اللي انت فيها دي يعني

Wow, my boss, is this really the confidence you have?

مش ثقة ده غرور انت بتعرفش تتكلم

It's not confidence, it's arrogance; you don't know how to speak.

طيب هل انت بتوجيد الشغلة تحت ضغط مثلاً؟

Sure, are you good at working under pressure, for example?

انا لا اوجيد الشغلة اصلاً بلا ضغط بلا كساب

I don't really know the job at all, no pressure, no gain.

ومش هاخد قليل من ست الاف جنيه لاني عبقاري وشكرة

I won't take less than six thousand pounds because I am a genius and a thank you.

طيب لحظة بس وهو سؤال اخير

Okay, just a moment, and it's one last question.

احنا سمعنا انك سبت الشركة اللي كنت فيها عشان المراتة

We heard that you left the company you were in for the woman.

لا مش المراتة

No, not the woman.

انا اتصلت بمديري مرة وقلت له مش جاي النهارد

I called my manager once and told him I'm not coming today.

فقال لي هرفدك قلت له رفدني انت اللي خسران قيمة زيه ودخلت كملت نوبة

He said to me, "I will support you," and I told him, "You are the one losing value," and I entered and continued with my shift.

ياه بعد ثلاث سنين

Wow, after three years!

اخر حلقة اللي بدأت

The last episode that started.

اخر حلقة كانت الساعة كانت

The last episode was at the time.

الساعة كم؟

What time is it?

كانت بالليل على فكرة كنا نزلناها بالليل

It was at night, by the way, we had brought it down at night.

بس هي كانت من ثلاث سنين

But it was three years ago.

في واحد وعشرين

In twenty-one.

واخر الحلقة الاولانية قلنا فيها ان احنا جماعة نلقاكم في

And at the end of the first episode, we said that we would meet you in...

هنرمي الحلقة في اسمائي رياهب

We will throw the ring in the names of the monks.

دي رياهب ولا دياهب

Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

قلنا قلت كده كلمة غريبة طلعت من بوقي

I said I said this strange word came out of my mouth.

اللي هو في رياهب الانترنت دياهب

Which is in the internet flows.

حاجة كده يعني في العلم الانترنت

Something like that, in the science of the internet.

شبكة دي

Network D.

ريميناها في العلم الانترنت ونسيناها

We taught her about the internet and forgot her.

وبعدين في احد السنين كنت مسافر فاكرت؟

And then, in one of the years, I was traveling, did you think?

وبعدين قلتلي وبعدين بعدتلي وقتها قلتلي

And then you told me, and then you sent me, at that time you said to me.

الراجل اللي قدامي في الاوتوبيس بيسمع البودكاست بتاعنا

The guy in front of me on the bus is listening to our podcast.

اه واحنا عملنا بودكاست

Oh, we made a podcast.

فقعدت بقى ندور ونبص ومش عارف ايه

So we sat down and started to look around, not knowing what to do.

لقينا الميل ولقينا البودكاست بتاعنا ولقينا نشرناه فعلا

We found the style, we found our podcast, and we actually published it.

احنا اصلا كنا فاكرين ان احنا مش نشرين

We actually thought that we weren't publishing.

فطلع ان هو منشور وطلع ان فيه ناس سمعتنا

It turned out that it is published and there are people who heard us.

اكيد بالصدفة يعني فيش حد يعرفنا عشان يدور علينا لسه

Sure, by coincidence, there isn’t anyone who knows us to look for us yet.

بس بالصدفة لقيته كان فتح الاسم هو ايه سبوتيفاي

I found it by coincidence; the name was "Spotify."

ومشاريع الحاجات وبتاعه عماش يسمع في البودكاست كذا وبودكاست فلان

And the projects of the needs, and he keeps listening to this podcast and that podcast.

وبودكاست مش عارف مين

And the podcast "I Don't Know Who."

وبعدين فجأة لقيت اللوجو بتاعنا ظاهر عنده وقعد وسمع

Then suddenly I found our logo appearing in front of him, and he sat and listened.

فجاء الصدفة يعني

So it was a coincidence, I mean.



من اسبوعين لقينا كنا احنا مش فاكر كان مين لقى

Two weeks ago, we found out we weren't sure who found it.

فتح الموضوع كان مع عمر

The topic was opened with Omar.

لا كان عمر بيسأل عن الجواز

Omar wouldn't have asked about the marriage.

اه طلعت في دماغنا بقى حلقت البودكاست بتاعت الجواز

Oh, we've come up with the idea for the marriage podcast episode.

وبعتنا قال هو اسمعها ودانا فيدباك

And he sent us saying to listen to it and gave us feedback.

كان ظريف يعني وكان في بعض النقاط ان احنا نحسنها

It was nice, and there were some points that we could improve.

بس بعد كده قلنا احنا دي ماكملناش

But after that we said we haven't completed this.

احنا عندنا كلام وفيه ناس سمعته

We have something to say, and there are people who have heard it.

وشافت ان هو كان بيدفلها حاجة

"And she saw that he was throwing something to her."

فقلنا نرجع بقى نكمل على أقل نشوف هنوصل لفين يعني

So we said let's go back and continue, at least to see where we will end up.

حلقة كل اسبوع كده صح

A weekly episode like that, right?

الله اعلم بس

God knows best.

بس ان هي حلقة كل اسبوع

But it's a weekly episode.

هو الهدف من البودكاست ان احنا بنتكلم عن مواضيع

The goal of the podcast is that we talk about topics.

ملهاش اجابات

It has no answers.

يعني احنا كجيل والجيل الاصغر مننا فيه دايما حاجات شاغلها في دماغ

It means that as a generation, and the younger generation than us, there are always things occupying their minds.

واسئلة على متى تفهم

And questions about when you will understand.

احنا بنفكر فيها بصوت عالي لان مفيش حد يدينا اجابات ليه

We are thinking about it out loud because there is no one to give us answers.

فكانت الحلقة الاولى عن الجواز

The first episode was about marriage.

والحلقة التانية انت قلت

And in the second episode, you said.

عادينا نتكلم كتير في الموضوع ده

We keep talking a lot about this topic.

وعادينا نقول مفروض بقى نحضر

And we said we should get ready now.

لا مش هنحضر

No, we won't attend.

طب احنا هنحط اسئلة

Well, we will put questions.

طب انا هسألك وانت تسألني

Okay, I'll ask you and you ask me.

طب الموضوع ايه

What's the matter?

وعادي برضو كان ساعتها عمر كان بيتكلم يا جماعة المواضيع كتير والله المواضيع سهلة

And it's normal too; at that time, Omar was talking, guys, the topics are many, I swear the topics are easy.

وانتوا لو عاديتوا هتتكلموا مش عارف ايه وبتاع

If you oppose me, you will talk about who knows what and stuff.

فاخر حاجة كنا بنقول فيها عن الشغل

The best thing we used to say about the work.

بما ان الثلاث سنين اللي فاتوا دول او السنتين اللي فاتوا دول كانوا

Since the last three years or the last two years have been

عن مستنقعات ودهاليز وحاجات بتطلع وحاجات بتنزل وشغل هنا وشغل هناك

About swamps and corridors, with things coming up and things going down, and work here and work there.

صح حالنا ثلاث سنين في الشغل ما خدناش بالنا اصلا لما ثلاث سنين

Our situation has been like this for three years at work; we didn’t even notice when three years passed.

وتجارب خالد بسم الله ما شاء الله يعني لف اتقلتين او ثلاثة

And Khalid's experiences, in the name of God, what God wills, mean that he has gone through two or three tough situations.

ما الله يمسكر اتقلتين اتقلتين

What, is God preventing you from getting married, getting married?

فقلتنا ده يعني موضوع لطيف نبتدي فيه ونشوف بقى يودينا على فين

So we said this means a nice topic to start with and let's see where it takes us.

يعني النهاية مش معروفة بصراحة

It means the ending is honestly unknown.

مش عارفين دي حلقة ولا حلقتين بس هنشوف هنشوف

We don't know if this is one episode or two, but we'll see, we'll see.



حاجات نحن نتكلم فيها مفيهاش صح ومفيهاش غلط

There are things we talk about that have no right or wrong.

وما نتكلمش في حقائق

"We don't talk about facts."

على قد ما احنا بنفكر الاسئلة اللي شاغلانا

As much as we think about the questions that occupy us.

احنا بنصحى كل يوم

We wake up every day.

اولا انا بعملو ده صح ولا غلط

First, am I doing this right or wrong?

طب اكمل يمين ولا اكمل شمال

Should I continue to the right or continue to the left?

طب اعمل ايه اوصل لفين

So what should I do and where should I go?

مافيش حد يدينا اجابة صح او اجابة اللي هي لنموذج المسائل اللي بتلاقيه

There is no one to give us the correct answer or the answer that is needed for the type of problems that you find.

هو تجارب مختلفة

It is different experiences.

فاحنا بنتكلم بصوت بنفكر بصوت عالي في المواضيع دي عشان

"We are talking out loud and thinking aloud about these topics so that..."

لو انت عندك نفس التساؤلات

If you have the same questions.

فانت هتحس ان فيه لأ المشكلة دي مش عندنا بس

You will feel that this problem is not just with us.

موجودة عند كذا حد

It is present with several people.

فيه كلام ممكن احنا بنقوله

There is something we might be saying.

ينور في دماغك حلول لها

Solutions illuminate in your mind.

بس فنمستنيين كومنتاتك ورسالتك وتعليقاتك

But we are waiting for your comments, messages, and feedback.

وعلى المواضيع اللي احنا بنتكلم فيها او اللي احنا محتاجين

And on the topics that we are discussing or that we need.

او اللي انتو محتاجين تسمعوها

Or what you need to hear.

ماشي النهاردة بنتكلم عن الشغل

Okay, today we're talking about work.



ايه السؤال في الشغل

What's the question about work?

هو السؤال اللي احنا بنسأله كل مرة

It's the question we ask every time.

يعني المرة اللي فاتت سألنا هو انا لازم اتجوز

Does that mean last time we asked if I have to get married?

هو لازم اتجوز ولا مش لازم

Does he have to get married or not?

فالمرة دي برضو تعالي نبتدي بنفس السؤال العجيب

This time, let's start again with the same strange question.

انا لازم اشتغل ولا مش لازم اشتغل

Do I have to work or do I not have to work?

هو انا لازم اشتغل ولا مش لازم اشتغل

Do I have to work or do I not have to work?

طبعا كل الناس اول ما تسمع السؤال هو ايه

Of course, when people first hear the question, it's "what is it?"

هو ايه اللي لازم اشتغل

What is it that I need to work on?

انا اكيد هاشتغل يعني انا هعمل

I will definitely work, I mean I will do it.

لا لا في ناس بتقولك

No, no, there are people who tell you.

وانا اشتغل ليه عم انا هنزل قد الان انا انا ارضى لو اشتغلت شغل انا بمبلغ اكس فانا هنصرف مواصلات بمبلغ اكس وهصرف اكل بمبلغ اكس فالمبلغ اكس بتاع الشغل انا بتاع المبلغ الاجمالي عموما مش هيكفي فاكس انا اعود في البيت

I work for what reason, uncle? I’m going down now. I would be satisfied if I worked for amount X, but I will spend transportation with amount X and I will spend on food with amount X, so the amount X from work will not be enough for the total amount in general. So, I might as well stay at home.

طب تتكرر في اللحظة دي او في الوقت ده يشتغل فعلا ولا يعود في البيت

So does it happen again at that moment or at that time, does he actually work or not return home?

لان هو يشتغل فعلا الشغل بيجيب شغل يعود في البيت ما انت مش هتلاقي مبلغ الاكس المبلغ الاكس اللي انت مستنيه مش هتلاقيه

Because he actually works, work brings more work. If he stays at home, you won't find the amount of money you're waiting for.

من اول مرة انت محتاج تنزل دايما النصائح دايما نحن بنسمعها يقولك انت محتاج تنزل البيئة العملية

From the first time, you need to go down; we always hear this advice saying you need to get into the work environment.

يقولك مثلا طلبت الجامعة في الجامعة انزل خد تدريب انزل اشتغل احتك بالناس

For example, they tell you that the university requested you to go down, take training, go work, and interact with people.

احتك بالناس

Interact with people.

احتك بالبيئة العملية احتك بالالتزام وهاكذا

Engage with the work environment, engage with commitment, and so on.

على الجانب التاني لو انت رحت لنتوع الـ HR لبتوع الناس صاحب البيزنس هيبقوا محتاجين فلسفيهات

On the other hand, if you go to the HR department of the business owners, they will need philosophies.



بزبط انت دايما انت لاقيش شغل انا الموضوع ده الدينامي اللي احنا فيها انت لاقيش شغل انا محتاج ايه

Exactly, you always find a job. I need to know what I need in this dynamic situation we are in.

انا محتاج حد فريش بس عنده خبرة خمس سنين طب اجيبهم منين خمس سنين دول

I need someone fresh but with five years of experience. Where am I supposed to get these five years from?

هي الخبرة هنا المقصود بها ده انت كنت بتعمل ايه جنب الدراسة احتكين بمين

The experience here refers to what you were doing alongside your studies and who you interacted with.

الالتزام بتاعك عامل ازاي

How is your commitment?

يعني صحت الساعة السابعة الصبح كل يوم

It means I wake up at seven in the morning every day.

اتعملت في تسكات اتعملت مع ناس مختلفة بافكار مختلفة جواب ايه تلعمل

I worked in different tasks with different people with different ideas. What is the answer to what I did?

المشاكل اللي وجهتك وجهتك ازاي كده

How did the problems you faced happen like that?

لان حتى لما انت تدخل الانتريفيو بتاعك

Because even when you go into your interview.

الاسئلة هتبقى يعني هو يسألك على ايه لو انت مثلا انا فريش اهو بس ما عنديش حاجة

The questions will be, I mean, what will he ask you if, for example, I’m fresh here but I don't have anything.

حلو هيسألك في ايه بقى

It's nice, what will he ask you about?

بس فانت محتاج اصلا كحد

But you actually need someone.

حتى لو انا باخد انترنشيب

Even if I am doing an internship.

او حاجة يعني مثلا

Or something, for example.

عشان ادقي حاجة اقولها في الانتريفيو بتاعي الشغلة بقى لان انا بضارع

I need to find something to say in my job interview because I am struggling.

فالحركة دايما هي اللي بتجيب

Movement is always what brings.

بتجيب حاجات احنا مش متوقعينها ومتخيلينها

You bring things that we are not expecting or imagining.

فانا انا دايما مع التجربة ومع الحرفة كده يا خالد

I am always with experience and craftsmanship like that, Khaled.

من زمان وانتو شايفين ده يعني

You've been seeing this for a long time, right?

ده تقبخ كتير

This is too much.

طيب يعني هو الوقت المفروض ان هو ينزل وينجرب ويشوف حتى لو كانت الفلوس مش بس على قد المصروف

Okay, so the time is supposed to come when he goes down, tries it out, and sees even if the money is not just enough for expenses.

ده ممكن كمان يكون

This could also be.



من جيبه او بيتدرب في حتة معينة

From his pocket or he is training in a specific place.

او في حاجة معينة

Or in a specific need.

علشان يجمع الخبرة

In order to gain experience.

اللي بيها يوصل للرقم

The one who reaches the number with it.

او للوظيفة

Or for the job.

اللي هو عايز يتوظفها او اللي هو عايز يوصلها

Whoever wants to get employed there or whoever wants to reach it.



هو دلوقتي اصلا

He is actually now.

هنتكلم على اساس ان هو كمان

We will talk on the basis that he is also involved.

حدد هو عايز يشتغل ايه

He specified what he wants to work on.

ده فيه سؤال تاني بتاع

There is another question regarding...

هو انا

It is me.

اشتغل ايه

What do you work as?

عشان يوصل للسؤال ده انا محتاج يجرب

In order to reach this question, I need him to try.

انا انزل اشتغل انا شوية

I'm going down to work for a bit.

مش شغلة

Not my job.

فانزل اشتغل انا شوية

"Come down, I need to work a little."

لا ما عجبنيش الموضوع ده

No, I didn't like this topic.

انزل اشتغل انا شوية وهكذا

Come down and work a little, like that.

طيب امتى يقول تمام

Okay, when does he say "fine"?

او لا مش تمام

Oh no, not good.

يعني لو جرب وليكن مثلا لمدة

It means if I try, let's say for a duration of

اربع خمس سنين او تلت سنين

Four or five years or three years.

او اي ان كان لمدة

or whatever the duration is

بس هو جرب لمدة

But he tried for a while.

وجرب شغلنات كتير جدا

And I tried a lot of jobs.

وموصلش ليه الشغلانة

And he didn't get the job.

اللي فيها هو

What is in it is.

تمام او اللي فيها هو

Okay, or what is in it is.

زي الفل

Like a flower.

فهو مفروض يجرب لحد فين

He is supposed to try to what extent.

حد امتى

Until when?

انا حاس ان احنا كجيل

I feel that we as a generation

عارف انت اللي هو ايه

Do you know what it is?

تتحط في دماغنا

It gets implanted in our minds.

او تربينا على فكرة كده

We grew up with that idea.

اللي هو ايه

What is it?

اللي هو الشغف

Which is passion.

وان الناس دي

And these people

عارف احنا اسمعنا دايما

Aref, we always heard this.

احنا اسمعنا عن الشغف

We heard about passion.

وان الناس ايه

And what is people?

انا بشتغل الشغلانة

I am working the job.

انا بحبها

I love her.

وحبها ما تعمل

And her love does nothing.

كي تعمل وتحبها اكدس

To work and love her, pile it up.

بس الكلام ده احنا بنسمعه من مين من الناس

But who do we hear this talk from? From people.

هي وصلت لبوزيشينات عالية

She reached high positions.

يعني الناس خلاص هي بقى

It means people have had enough now.

عشر سنين عشرين سنة

Ten years, twenty years.

في نفس البوزيشينات

In the same positions.

يعني اشتغلت

It means I worked.

ابتدت من الصفر

Started from scratch.

وطلعت ترقت اكتر

And it was elevated more.

ترقت اكتر وكذا

I got promoted more and so on.

فصل الحتة حلوة

The piece is nice.

يعني بقى ويكسبرت في المجال بتاعه

It means he will excel in his field.

فالموضوع ما عادش يسهل اول

The topic is no longer easy as before.

او اي حاجة طبيعي

Oh, or anything natural.

في اي حاجة انك لما تجد ابتديها

In anything, when you find it, start it.

يبقى فيه مشاكل فيه صعوبات

There are still problems and difficulties.

واحدة واحدة بالممارسة بتتعلم

One by one, you learn through practice.

بتفهم فالموضوع بتاعك

You understand your matter.

بيبقى سالس اكتر

It becomes smoother.

من هنا بتيجي بقى ايه

From here, what comes next is...

انه انا المشاكل اللي بتقابلني

It's the problems that I face.

بعرف تعمل معها بسالس

I know how to handle her with ease.

فانت النهاردة الصبح

So, you are this morning.

الاسترس اللي كان عليك وانت لسه بادئ من سنة

The stress you had while you were just starting out a year ago.

مش زي ما الاسترس هو هو

It's not like the stress is the same.

وانت بعدها بخمسة عشر سنة

And you, after fifteen years.

فوقتها طبعا انت هتحب الحاجة اللي انت بتعمل

At that time, of course, you will love the thing you are doing.

احنا تحط في دماغنا

We have it in our minds.

بقى فكرة الشغف

The idea of passion remained.

ويلا بينا ولازم احنا بندور

Let's go and we have to look for it.

على الحتة اللي احنا مخلوقين علشانها

In the spot that we were created for.

ما ظنش ان

I don't think that.

يا دي الحاجة الصحية

Oh my, the healthy thing!

يعني ما ظن يعني اسأل اي حد لسه بديلي كده

I mean, I don’t think, so ask anyone, I still want it like this.

انت عايزت

You wanted.

انت بتحب تعمل ايه

What do you like to do?

او النهاردة مثلا بحب البرمجة

Today, for example, I love programming.

كمان سنتين انت شخصيتك اصلا بتتغير

In two more years, your personality will actually change.

فكمان سنتين انت ممكن

In another two years, you could be...

انت بتحب المنتج

Do you like the product?

فاهم انا جربت البرمجة شوية

I understand, I tried programming a little.

وشفتها وتعلمتها وكذا

I saw it and learned it and so on.

بس خلاص ما عدش في حاجة بضفها

That's it, there's nothing more I need to add.

ما عدش في حاجة عندي اعمل

I don't have anything else to do.


It covers.

فكمان سنتين اصلا شخصيته هتتغير

In another two years, his personality will actually change.

فاحتمالاته بتتغير

His probabilities are changing.


And so.

فموضوع ان هو يلاقي الشغف دي

The topic is that he finds passion in this.

بالنسبة لانا

As for us

انا لحد دلوقتي ملت الشغف

I have not yet lost my passion.

مش عارف لو حد لقى شغف

I don't know if anyone has found passion.

كمل فيه ولا مكملش فيه

Continue with it or not continue with it.

بس انا بشوف دايما ان هو المفروض

But I always see that he is supposed to...

انت جوا كل الشغلانة

You are in the middle of all the work.



الاسكيلز اللي بتطلع منها

The skills that emerge from it.

المهارات اللي انت بتعلمها جوا الشغلانة دي

The skills that you are learning in this job.

لان دلوقتي العالم متغير جدا

Because now the world is very different.


So it turns out.

شغلانات جديدة

New jobs

ما كانتش موجودة قبل كده

It wasn't there before.

وما بيتمش تدرسها في جامعات

"It is not studied in universities."

ولا مدارس

And no schools.

ولا اي ديجيدال ماركتينج

And no digital marketing.

وكل الكلام ده كله

And all this talk.

دلوقتي كلها علوم مستحدثة

Now all of them are emerging sciences.

دي بنقن على مهارات

I want to focus on skills.

موجودة عندي ناس بتشتغلها

I have people who work on it.

يعني محتاج دلوقتي الشغلانة دي

I mean I need this job right now.

احنا هنعمل في احتياج جوا مؤسسة

We will work in a need within the institution.

لحاجة معينة

For a specific need.

فاحنا هنعمل بوزيشن للحاجة دي

So we will create a position for this.

واحنا بنصمم البوزيشن محتاجين اسكيلز معين

While designing the position, we need certain skills.

الاسكيلز دي فين؟ في شغلانات تانية

Where are those skills? Are there other jobs?

بس مفيش شغلانة

But there isn't a job.


It means.

خصوص او حاجة بتعمل دي بس

Specifically, is there something that does this only?

المهارة دي هو اخذها من الشغلانة الاولانية

He acquired this skill from the previous job.

والمهارة دي مجمعة من الشغلانة التانية

And this skill is accumulated from the other job.

المهارة دي مجمعة من الشغلانة التالية

This skill is a combination of the following job.

فكلما انت جمعت اسكيلز من مهارات

The more skills you gather.

مش عارف ايه بيتقدر على

I don't know what you're capable of.

انك تواكب التطور ده

You are keeping up with this development.

وحتى انك انت تخلق الشيء

"And even you create the thing."

يعني تخلق البوزيشن

It means you create the position.

اللي هو انت عندك مشكلة في الحتة الفلانية

You have a problem in that specific area.

في بيزنس عنده مشكلة في الحتة الفلانية

There is a business that has a problem in that specific area.

فطب انا عارف احل ده

So I know how to solve this.

من المهارات اللي عندي دي

One of the skills I have is this.

فوالله انا بروح بص انا جاي النهاردة معايا سنة هعمل لكو كذا

I swear, I will go, but I’m coming today with a new plan that I will do for you.

هطور حتة الفلانة في كذا

I will take care of that in a while.

ده بيقول ان انا عم المهارات اللي هو اجمعها من الخبرات اللي اتراكمت عليها

He says that I am the master of the skills he has accumulated from the experiences that have built up.

اكتب مشابهانة مش لازم نفس الشابهانة كده

Write a similar sentence, it doesn't have to be exactly the same.

بالزبط طبعا لو احنا قولنا من الاول خالص انت دلوقتي فريش

Exactly, of course if we said from the very beginning that you are now fresh.

ونزلت ايه وما نزلتش تشتغل

And a verse came down, but you didn't work.

ما جمعتش خبرات

I haven't gathered experiences.

طب لو انا بقى ايه نزلت اشتغل بمرتب اكس اللي هو انا بصرفه في المواصلات وفي الاكل

What if I go work for a salary of X, which I spend on transportation and food?

يعني دلوقتي بقى اتفعى تمن السكيل اللي انا بجمعه

So now I have to pay the price of the skill that I'm collecting.

او الخبرة او العلم اللي انا بجمعه

Or the experience or knowledge that I am acquiring.

والده بقى او على المدى الطويل المفروض ان هو بيحصل

His father remained, or in the long run, it is supposed that he is getting.

تلاقي النتيجة يعني بتاعت ده

The meeting result means this.

بس هو المشكلة بتاعت الجنة اللي هو احنا مستنين ايه بقى

But the problem is with paradise, what are we waiting for?

الحاجة السريعة

The urgent need

لازم دلوقتي بص انا بقى

I have to look now, see me now.

انا مش مين اتنين بس فيه منك مليون

I'm not someone special, but there are a million like you.

قابلنا ناس كمان في حياتنا كانوا بيدوروا على شغل

We also met people in our lives who were looking for work.

ليه علاقة بالدراسة اللي هو درسها

It relates to the subject he studied.

في ناس في الوقت برضو

There are people at the time as well.

انا درست مثلا 4 سنين في كلية كذا

I studied for about 4 years in such and such college.

وليكن كلية محاسبة

Let it be a College of Accounting.

او كلية تجارة

Or a College of Commerce.

درست حسابات وابتاء

I studied accounting and started.

فانا عايز ابقى محاسب

I want to become an accountant.

وفي ناس كمان بتدور على مدير حسابات

There are also people looking for an accounts manager.

مش على محاسب بس بس هو بيدور على

"He's not just an accountant, but he's looking for..."

الحاجة اللي هو قاعد يدرس فيها فترة طويلة

The thing that he has been studying for a long time.

وما بيوصلش

And it doesn't arrive.

قد كده

How much is that?

بيقعد يجرف في حاجات بس طول ما هو حاطف في دماغه ان هو عايز يوصل للحاجة اللي هو درسها

He keeps digging into things, but as long as he has in his mind that he wants to reach what he studied.

ما بيعرفش ان هو يكمل فيها

He doesn't know how to continue with it.

اي حاجة مهما كانت

Anything, no matter what it is.

حتى لو كانت الحاجة دي في غيره بيتمنها برضو

Even if this need is desired by someone else, they still wish for it.

فممكن مثلا

So it's possible, for example.

تلاقيه بيقف في سوبر ماركت

You find him standing in the supermarket.

بيشتغل في مخازن بيقف مش عارف فين بس

He works in the warehouses, standing around not knowing where he is.

هو ما بيكونش

It doesn't happen.

مرتاح لانه

Relaxed because...

هو حاطف في دماغه ان انا محتاج اشتغل الشغل

He is convinced in his mind that I need to work.

اللي انا درستها

what I studied

في بقى العكس

There is the opposite.

تلاقيه الناس اللي خرجين

You meet the people who are coming out.

جامعات خاصة

Private universities



اشتغلوا في شركات

They worked in companies.

international على طول

international all the way

وبعدين ايه

And then what?

يقولك لا عم ان دي شغلانة رتيبة

He tells you that this job is monotonous.

دي علاقة ونمزج كتيرة جدا انت ليه

This is a very complex relationship; why are you?

هما اتبعوا شغفهم وراحوا فتحوا عربية كبدة

They followed their passion and went to open a liver sandwich food truck.

في الشيخ زيل او التجمع الخامس

In Sheikh Zayed or the Fifth Settlement.

او مش عارف بين

He doesn't know how to choose.

فخلاص واستقل من الشغلانة

So just quit the job.

وراح في ناس اللي هو بتاع تجارة

And there were people who were into trade.

جامعة الملفوية دلوقتي بيعمل ايه

What is the Al-Milfawiya University doing now?

بيحاول يسعى

He is trying to strive.

يبقى intern في الشركة دي اصلا

An intern remains in this company anyway.

هو ده ساب بوزيشن في الشركة دي

He left a position in this company.

وراح يفتح عربية كبدة

He went to open a liver sandwich shop.

وشايف ان دي حاجة ده الشغف بتاعه

And I see that this is something that is his passion.

دلوقتي او حاجة مش عارف ممكن

Right now or something, I don't know, maybe.

تبقى حاجة جديدة ان هو او بيضيف

There is something new that he is adding.

قيمة في ناس تقولك انا بضيف قيمة

Some people say, "I add value."


For the people

فانا بعمل

I am working.

الكبدة دي

This liver.

لو انا بعملها حلو فهي بتحسن

If I do it nicely, she improves.



بحظات حلوة للناس اللي بتاكلها

Sweet moments for the people who eat it.

وكذا في برضو كان في

And also there was in...

تلاقي حتى العيال الزغيرة

Even the little kids meet.

جوا مك

Your air.

يدخلوا جوا يتلاقي المدرين كده

They go inside and the managers meet like this.

وياخدوا العيال الزغيرين جوا الكتشن

"And they take the little kids inside the kitchen."

ويوريهم السندولتش بتعمل ازاي

And show them how to make the sandwich.

واحيانا يخليهم يعملوا السندولتش بايديهم

Sometimes they let them make the sandwiches by hand.

ده كده هتلاقي

This is how you will find it.



بتاع ماك اصلا هو زارع

The guy from Mac is actually a farmer.

الفكرة او الكلمة بتاعت ان انا بحبهم

The idea or the word that means I love them.

يعني التاج لاين بتاعهم انا بحبهم

It means their tagline, I love them.

فهو بقى

He stayed.

هو حتى الحاجات اللي هم

He even the things that they are.

بيقولوها للاستاذ بتاعهم

They say it to their teacher.

ان هو ايه ده مكان

What is this place?

ضيافهم او

Their hospitality or

المفروض بتحسس الناس اللي جاية

It's supposed to make the people coming feel.

جوا المطعم ان هو ده ايه

What is that inside the restaurant?

بيتهم و

Their house and

انت بتستضيفهم

Are you hosting them?

مكان مريح قاعدة عائلية هكذا

A comfortable place, a family base like this.

نجاحهم في خلق الكلمة دي

Their success in creating this word.

خلى ان دلوقتي الطفل

Now the child is empty.

انا عايز ادخل و اعمل السندولتش

I want to go in and make the sandwich.

فاهم واحدة واحدة كان في حدا

I understand, one by one, was there someone?

كان كاتب ان نسأل ابنه انت عايز تطلع ايه

The writer was asking his son what he wants to become.

كان قال له

He had told him.

انا عايز افتح محل ايس كريم

I want to open an ice cream shop.

عشان هبيع السعادة للناس

So I can sell happiness to people.

او هبيع حاجة زي كده

I will sell something like that.

فهم دايما بيبصوا دلوقتي الاطفال حتى

They always look at the children now even.

هو بيدور كطفلة بقى بريء

He spins around like a child, remaining innocent.

هو بيدور على القيمة

He is searching for value.

اللي ورا الشغلانة دي

The one behind this job.

انا هشتغل دلوقتي انا هبيع عايز كريم

I'm going to work now; I want to sell cream.

بس عشان اعرف ان انا هدي

Just so I know that I will calm down.

هدي هعمل تأثير حلو

I will make a nice effect.

في حياة الناس

In people's lives.

نيجي بقى لنقطة مهمة

Now let's get to an important point.

قبلتها في كذا حد

I kissed her in front of several people.

كانوا زملاء

They were colleagues.

يعني في الشغل قبل كده

It means "I mean in the work before that."

كانوا خدمة عملاء

They were customer service representatives.

قالك بقى يعرف انت تيجي تقولهم

He said that you should go tell them.

مثلا كنت انا باخد حتى

For example, I was taking even.

كنت اعمل لك كون انت كده على منصة

I was working for you because you were like that on the platform.



وبعين بقوله

"And with the same eye, I say to him."

بص باشا انا اخد لك كون انت هو

Listen, sir, I took care of it as if you were there.

في حدة كورس كده ايه خدمة عملاء

Is there any customer service in the course?

وبتاعه مهمة قوي واخده

And its thing is very important and intense.

فكان رده اللي هو

So his response was...

ايه هم خدمة عملاء ايه

What is customer service?

انا مش نام اكمل اصلا في المجال دي حاجة كده

I'm not really continuing in this field at all.

خدمة عملاء

Customer service

فقال له

He said to him.

هو مش لوحده

He is not alone.

واحيانا كتير كده تبصت جيت لقينا بنعمل ايه

And sometimes, when you look, you'll find us doing something.

بنقلل من قيمة الشغل

We underestimate the value of work.

اللي احنا متشتغل

What we are not working on.

هي ممكن تبقى حاجة كبيرة

It could be a big thing.

بالنسبة لحد وممكن تبقى

As for the limit, it can be.

مش مهمة تبقى كبيرة

It's not important to be big.

بس هو اي شغل من ناحية تانية

But it's any work from the other side.

هو ممكن يبقى قليل

It might be little.

يعني لو دخلت على LinkedIn

It means if you log into LinkedIn.

هتلاقي الناس هتلاقي

You will find people, you will find.

بروفيالات رهيبة وناس

Awesome profiles and people.

ماسكة حاجات واو مش عارف ايه

Holding things and I don’t know what.

السواء بيعمل ايه هو sales

What does Al-Sawa do? He works in sales.

اصلا هو خدمة عملاء

He is actually customer service.

او مثلا تلاقي فيه position اسمه

Or for example, you might find a position called...



customer experience

تجربة العميل



customer experience manager حاجة كده

Customer experience manager is needed for something like that.

طب اهو ده بيعمل ايه اصلا

So what does this actually do?

ده ما كانت بدايته هو خدمة عملاء

This was not its beginning; it was customer service.

بس حاجة اعام من خدمة العملاء ان هو بيرد

It's just that the customer service is responding.

على التليفونات او كذا

On the phones or something like that.

فبرضو جيلنا كده في حتة كده

"Our generation is also in a similar situation."

تربى على ايه ان هو

What was he raised on?

بص انا ايه هنزل هشتغل

Look, I’m going to go down and work.

رئيس مجلس ادارة

Chairman of the Board of Directors

على طول او مش لازم اشتغل

Should I work continuously or is it not necessary?

رئيس مجلس ادارة انا هيبقى

The chairman of the board will be.

هبقى محاسم على طول

I will always be held accountable.

فتلاقي في حتة

So you'll find it in a place.

تقليل كده من ال position او

"Reduce this from the position."

من الشغلات اللي انا بشتغلها

One of the things I work on.

بيقلل منها

It diminishes her.

طيب بص هو

Okay, so he...

انا معاك في ده بس

I'm with you on this, but...

هو ممكن يكون مش

It might not be.

بيقلل منها من نفسه

He diminishes himself.

او مثلا

Or for example.

من تربيته او كده

Who raised him or something like that?

هو الفكرة كلها ان هو بيقلل منها لان

The whole idea is that he belittles her because...

هو بياخد قيمتها من الناس اللي حواليه

He derives its value from the people around him.

فلو هو مثلا

For example, he is...

حاسس ان الناس اللي حواليه

I feel that the people around him.

بتقدر جدا الوظيفة دي

You really appreciate this job.

زي مثلا احنا

Like for example us.

هنا بنقدر جدا في مصر

Here we are very appreciated in Egypt.

يعني بنقدر جدا وظيفة

It means we greatly appreciate the job.

الدكتور وظيفة

The doctor is a job.

المهندس وظيفة

The engineer is a job.

الظابط او

The officer or

الشرطي بس

Just a policeman.

وظيفة تانية بتاعت مثلا

Another job, for example.

السباك النجار

The plumber is the carpenter.

الناس دي ما بنقدرهاش قوي

We don't appreciate these people very much.

يعني بالنسبة لنا هي حاجة عادية

It means for us it's something normal.

يعني في كذا في كذا

It means there is this in this.

يعني سباك ده بده عكس ان احنا

It means that this plumber is the opposite of us.

بتنصره ان هو اقل اقل اقل

He is lesser, lesser, lesser.

في احتياج كبير جدا ليه

He is in great need of it.

برا بقى

That's enough now.

في بلاد تانية شركات سباك

In other countries, there are plumbing companies.

بالزبط بيقدر جدا

Exactly, he can do it very well.

اي حاجة بتتعامل بالايد

Anything that is done by hand.

ده بيعمل

This is doing.

هاند ميد ده الهاند ميد ده مش عارف

Handmade, this is handmade, I don't know.

3000 يورو

3000 euros

عشانها هاند ميد عشانها بس في حد

Because it's handmade, that's why there is someone.

قعد لها كده من عمره

He sat like that for ages.

شهرين تلاتة قعد

He stayed for two or three months.

بيعملها بايده فبقيت

He does it with his own hands, so it became.

3000 يورو يعني

3000 euros means

تكلفتها مش كده بس هو الشخص ده

Its cost is not just like that, but it is this person.

عملها بايده فهي غالية

She did it with her own hands, so it is precious.

الوظيف اللي بتتعامل

The job you are dealing with.

بالايد زي النجار زي

Like a carpenter's hand.

الشخص اللي هو النحال

The person who is the beekeeper.

اللي بينحط الشيء ده

The one who puts this thing.

احنا هنا بنعمل

We are here doing.

القوض النوم الصالون

The bedroom is the living room.

الحاجات دي كلها ده نحال لشخص

All these needs belong to a person.

فنان بيروح

An artist goes.

يعمل الورد والزرع

The flowers and plants are growing.

والشجرة والحاجات

The tree and the needs.

بيعمل الحاجات دي ده فنان

Doing these things is an artist.

القطع دي 300 مليون دولار

These pieces are 300 million dollars.


For example

فهي قيمة

It is valuable.

قيمة الحاجة اللي هو بيعملها دي هو بياخدها من

The value of the need that he is doing is what he gets from.

الناس الحوالي

The people around.

فكان في مثلا واحنا اطفال

"We were like this when we were children."

في المدارس كان دم

In schools, there was blood.


It means.

بيشرحوه و وبتاع عشان بيقولك

"They explain it to you and all that because they tell you."

ايم تك في المكان

Where are you in the place?


So it was.

هي مثلا مفروض معروف جدا

She is supposed to be very well known, for example.

يعني والناس كلها هتبقى عارفة لما هبتدي

It means everyone will know when I start.

احكي بس هو

Just tell him.

أب بيقول لابنه انت هتاخد 3

Dad is telling his son, "You will get a 3."

بين حجرات او 3 حجارة

Between one room or three stones.

من الارض واحدة هتروح تباعها

From the land, one will go and sell it.

في السوق واحدة هتروح تباعها في المزاد

In the market, one will go to be sold at auction.

واحدة هتروح تباعها مش حالف فيه

Someone will go and sell it, I'm not sure about it.

فكل واحدة من دول اتبعت برقم

Each one of these countries followed by a number.

يعني مثلا اللي راح باعها في السوق باعها

For example, the one who went sold it in the market sold it.

دينار اللي راح باعها في مزاد قاعدوا يزيدوا على الحجرة لحد ما

The dinar that he sold at the auction, they kept bidding on the stone until...

وصل لمية دينار واللي راح اه حطاها في متحف ما حدش قدر يشتريها

It reached one hundred dinars and the person who took it put it in a museum, no one could buy it.

لان هي كانت غالية جدا عليهم فهي حسب الحجرة دي كانت بتتبع في

Because she was very dear to them, she was considered to be worth this stone.

كانت محطوطة فين لو محطوطة في السوق مع عامة الناس او مع الحتة

Where was it placed, if it was placed in the market with the general public or in that area?

بتاعت اه الحاجات الرخيصة فانت هتكون من الحاجات الرخيصة او

The cheap things, so you'll be one of the cheap things or...

هتباعها من ضمن الحاجات الرخيصة حجرة بدنار لو هي اتحطت في مزاد

It will be sold among the cheap items for a dinar if it's put up for auction.

الناس هتحس بقيمتها اكتر هتحس ان هي حجرة مميزة فهتقعد تزايد

People will feel their worth more; they will feel that they are a special gem, so they will start to increase their value.

تزايد تزايد لحد ما واحد بس اللي هيكسب بالحجرة دي لو اتحطت في

It has increased to the point that only one person will win in this room if it is put in.

متحف هيتبقى حاجة نادرة جدا محدش قادر يجيب قيمتها ومحدش قادر

The museum will remain a very rare thing that no one can value and no one can.

يوصل لقيمتها عشان خاطر يحصل عليها حسب هي محطوطة انا عامل ايه

He reaches its value in order to obtain it according to how it is placed; what am I doing?

اه نرجع بقى تاني انا هشتغل ولا مش هشتغل وهشتغل ايه وهشتغل ازاي

Oh, let's go back again. Am I going to work or not, and what am I going to work as, and how am I going to work?

حتة مش عارف ايه كده او الشغلانة دي ما هو كده كده اصلا في

I don't really know what this is or this job, but it's like that anyway.

الطبيعية هتلاقي مفيش حد يعني فاهم مفيش حد كده يعني اسأل اي

You will find that there is no one who understands, there is no one like that, just ask anyone.

حد على ايه الشغلانة جامدة جدا حاجة كده لو واو مش عارف ايه مين

This job is really intense, something like "wow," I don't know what or who.

دكتور ومهندس طيب النهاردة دكتور ومهندس سوماليين ياكلوا يعني

Today, a doctor and an engineer, Somali doctors and engineers, are eating.

فاهم بلد من ايه دكاترة بلد من المهندسين فاهم كنت بتكلم مع حد

Do you understand where the country is from, the doctors or the engineers? I was talking to someone.

كان في سيلز مؤخرا يعني كان بيقول لي في دكتور كان مقدم على

There was something about sales recently, he was telling me about a doctor who had applied.



من دون ما بيعات فا هو من دون ما بيعات نزل اه نزل يبيع بقى مع

Without sales, he is without sales, he went down, ah he went down to sell now.

مع اخذ العربية بقى ونزل يبيع مع السواق وبتاعه فكل شوية كل ما

With taking the Arabic, he stayed and went down to sell with the driver, and every now and then...

ينزل العميل يقول له انا اصلا دكتور انا اصلا دكتور فلهو يا

The customer comes down and says, "I am a doctor, I am actually a doctor, so what do you want?"

عم اهو لا العميل مهتم ان انت دكتور ولا ولا انت دلوقتي دكتور

Is the client interested in whether you are a doctor or if you are a doctor now?

انت دلوقتي يعني ما بيعات انت نزل تبيع منتج معايا نزل تروح

You mean you are not selling now? Come down and sell the product with me. Go down.

تقيم حاجة معايا وطبعا ما كملش لان انا دكتور لان انا

"You're establishing a need with me, and of course it didn't finish because I'm a doctor because I..."

انا دكتور اللي هي مش عارف ايه فهو مستني من الناس اللي في

I am a doctor, which is something I don't know, so he is waiting for the people who are in...

المجال ده ان هو لا انت انا دكتور اصلا يعني دكتور وجه كده

This field is that you are not, I am a doctor, I mean, a doctor's face like that.

بعمل ايه بيشتغل ما بيحد دلوقتي يعني فاهم ازاي ففي مشكلة تانية

What am I doing? He is working, but he is not limiting himself right now, you know? So, there is another problem.

ان انا احنا نفهم طبيعة الشغلات اللي انا بشتغلها بتعمل مع مين

I want us to understand the nature of the things I work on and who they interact with.

وانا دلوقتي فين فانا مثلا لو انا دلوقتي دكتور فانا دكتور في

And where am I now? For example, if I am a doctor now, I am a doctor in...

الحد في المستشفى دلوقتي فاي وقت فالشغل ده بتتطلب مني حاجات

The limit in the hospital right now at any time for this job requires me to do things.

معينة والوضع يعني مختلف عن وضع بتاعي في شغلنا تانية وهكزا

It's specific and the situation is different from my situation at my other job, and so on.

زي مثلا انت لاقي مثلا حد طالب في هندسة هو في هو مستني من الناس

For example, you find someone studying engineering who is waiting for things from people.

اللي هو انا مش مهندس يعني ماشي يا عم انت مش مهندس في الموقع بس

Which means I'm not an engineer, so okay man, you're not an engineer on site only.

جوه فانت فاهم ازاي فطبيعة الشغلات اللي احنا نفهم طبيعة

You understand how the nature of the work we understand is.

الشغلات بتاعتي اه حاسس ان احنا عندنا مشكلة في الحتة دي لو ما

I feel like we have a problem in this area if we don't...

افهم طبيعة الشغل بتاعي دلوقتي ايه

I understand what my job is like now.

او ازاي انت اصلا ممكن تبقى اهم من اه دكتور لو انت وصلت

How could you possibly be more important than the doctor if you got there?

للمرحلة معينة لمرحلة كبيرة جدا من الخبرة في مجال شغلك ايا كان

For a certain stage to a very significant stage of experience in your field, whatever it may be.

هو ايه ايا كان هو ايه انا كان خدمة عملة طاولت الوقت ان في

What is it, whatever it is, I was at customer service, and time stretched out.

وظيفة جديدة طلع من خدمة عملة اللي هو تجربة العميل او تجربة

A new job has emerged from customer service, which is customer experience or experience.

المستخدم ان انا واحد اه من كتر ما هو بيتعامل مع ناس او من كتر

The user is saying that he is one of those people because of how much he interacts with others or because of the abundance.

خبرته في خدمة العمل او عارفة

I informed him about the job service or I know.

ان العميل ده عايز يوصل لايه واحتياجاته وايه متطلباته والحاجات

What does this client want to achieve, and what are his needs and requirements?

دي كلها بقى هو تجربة العميل بقى هو اللي عارف العميل ده اه لو هي

This all becomes the customer experience; he is the one who knows this customer. Yes, if it is.

ستة بيت كبيرة هتبقى احتياجاتها ايه لو هي شخص مش عارف عامل ازاي

What will be the needs of a large household of six if it is someone who doesn't know how to manage?

احتياجاته ايه هو من كتر ما هو بقى متمرس في الوظيفة دي من كتر ما

What are his needs? He has become so skilled in this job.

هو عارف ازاي يوصل للحاجة دي بقى هو عمل لنفسه وظيفة جديدة دي

He knows how to achieve this, so he has created a new job for himself.

الحتة اصلا بتاعة الايمة بتاعة الوظيفة او الايمة

The piece is originally for the account of the job or the account.

القيمة اللي انا باضيفها للشيء اللي انا بعمله دلوقتي

The value that I am adding to the thing that I am doing now.

اين كان انا بعمل ايه

Where was I doing what?

فكرة ان انت

The idea that you

بتحط نفسك في مكانك ده

You're putting yourself in that situation.

مش معناها ان انت تروح

It doesn't mean that you should go.

تتوظف رئيس مجلس ادارة

Chairperson of the Board of Directors is employed.

يبقى هو ده مكانك اللي انت هتحط نفسك فيه

This is your place where you will put yourself.

معناها ان انا

It means that I am

وانا في مكاني انا ازاي

And while I'm in my place, how am I?

اخلي نفسي

I free myself.

ايمة كبيرة

A big value.

او ازاي اخلي نفسي حاجة

How can I make myself something?

تقيلة في المجال ده

Heavy in this field.

فانا مثلا هتطور من

For example, I will develop from.

خبرتي هتطور من اسلوبي

My experience will enhance my style.


I will arrive.

لنهاية المجال

To the end of the field.

ده ازاي وهل هو

"How is that and is he?"

هي دي النهاية

This is the end.

وهل انا ممكن اختار حاجة جديدة

Can I choose something new?

بعد النهاية دي زي مع

After this end, it's like...

الوظيفة الجديدة اللي طلعت

The new job that came out.

وده واحد من قدر خبرته في خدمة العملة

Here is one of the amounts of his experience in servicing clients.

طلق حاجة لقاها احتياج

A need has been found in what was needed.

اصلا محدش حاسب بيه

No one accounts for it at all.

وطلعها وابتدى ان هو

And he brought it up and started that he.


He knows her.

كمان للناس ان هو

It also for the people that he.

يا جماعة فيه احتياج موجود في الشغل

Guys, there is a need at work.

او فيه احتياج موجود في الشركات

Or there is a need present in the companies.

هو الوظيفة دي

What is this job?

او هي تجربة المستقدم ده

This is the experience of this applicant.

ودي هتخليك توصل الواحد اتنين تلاتة

I will make you reach one, two, three.

طلع حاجة جديدة من خدمة العملة

A new feature has emerged from the currency service.

لانه هو وصل للنهاية

Because he reached the end.


Her thing.

فيه بقى نقطة تانية

There is another point.

يعني فيه بقى انت تلاقي الناس دلوقتي

It means you can find people now.

او فيه ناس

Is there anyone there?

تعمل ايه بقى

What are you doing now?

انا بشتغل شغل هنا معينا

I am working a job here with us.

خلطي منها مهارات ومش عارف ايه فهم تراحل شغل تاني

Mixing skills and not knowing what else, understand that it’s a step to a different job.

فالمهارات والحاجات دي

So these skills and needs

انا رميتها

I threw it.

فهو يعني

It means.

هو مش انت رميتها

Didn’t you throw it?

هو انت المفروض انت اخدت مهارات هنا

You were supposed to have gained skills here.

من الشغلانة دي

From this job.

فانت بتروح الشغلانة التانية بالمهارات دي

So you're going to the other job with these skills.

وبتشوف بالمهارات دي المفروض ادائك هنا يبقى احسن

With these skills, your performance here should be better.

او حتى لو انت لسه بتتعلم

Or even if you are still learning.

في الشغلانة الجديدة

In the new job.

بعد مدة المفروض المهارات دي

After a while, these skills are supposed to...

اللي انت كنت اكتسبتها من مدة

What you had acquired a while ago.

تبقى اضافة للمكان ده

It remains an addition to this place.

فتضيف حاجة

It adds a need.

في الهرم تكسنهم بقى

In the pyramid, they remain.

تبقى تكريت

Tikrit remains.

توصل مهارات انك تكريت حلول جديدة

Develop skills to create new solutions.

خدمات جديدة

New services

تضيف لها محدش دافو

"No one paid for it."

هو ده اصلا بيفرق

This really makes a difference.

ما بين موظف والتاني في اي وظيفة

Between one employee and another in any job.

خبرات العملية اللي عنده في حياته

The practical experiences he has in his life.

هو قابل ناس كتير

He met a lot of people.

والدي اول مرة ينزل للشغل مثلا

My father is going to work for the first time, for example.

وده بيفرق

This makes a difference.

في ان هو حتى ترقيته وكلامه كله

In him, even his promotion and everything he says.

هو بيفرق في معاملته وبيفرق في تعليمه

He makes a difference in his treatment and makes a difference in his teaching.

ان هو عنده

If he has it.



خبرات حياتية

Life experiences

بتخلي ان هو يوصل اسرع

It makes him arrive faster.

ان هو يفهم اكتر

He understands more.

ان هو يكون احسن في استيعابه مثلا

"He can be better at understanding, for example."

فدي كلها خبرات حياتية

These are all life experiences.

فتخلي لما يكون الخبرات الحياتية بتاعته دي كمان من وظيف تاني قبلها

So he should also consider his life experiences from another job before this one.


It will start.

هيبقى اسرع من الناس كتير جدا

He will be much faster than a lot of people.

مثلا هيدخل سلزة

For example, he will enter a surprise.

هيبقى كبار عمرها على طول

She will always remain older than her age.

مش هيبتلي من داعي

I won't be late for the occasion.

مش يرتاوي

Not satisfied.

عرفت في ناس

I met some people.

تدخل انت بقى جوا شغلات

You should get involved in some work.

تدخل جوا الشركة وبتاعه تشتغل

You go inside the company and work on it.

وبعين فجأة تلاقي ايه

And suddenly you find what?

مشاكل بتحصل من وراء زمايق ناس

Problems arise because of the actions of some people.

موجودين في الشركة بقى لهم 10 سنين

They have been in the company for 10 years.

15 سنة

15 years

الراجل حاس بتهديد

The man feels threatened.

بوجودي في الشغلانة

With my presence in the job.

او انا جوا الشغلانة وقيت حد جديد

I was in the job and I met someone new.

وجاي يشتر مني او جاي بيعمل حاجة جديدة

Are they coming to buy from me or are they coming to do something new?


And they were amazed.

فهبى بقى انا هبتدي تعمل ايه

So go ahead, I'm going to start, what will you do?

انا حاس بتهديد فهدافع عن

I feel threatened, so I will defend myself.

البوزيشن بتاعي هدافع عن نفسي

My position is to defend myself.

فبتدي هبوزله شغله

I'm going to ruin his work.

هبتدي كدا ايه

I'll start like this, what?

مش هتعاون معاه

I will not cooperate with him.

اثبت ان الجديد مهوش هو الصح

Prove that the new is not the right one.

اه دي بقى بتيجي من

Oh, this comes from

انا بقى شايف انها بتيجي

I think it's coming.

من حتة ان هو بيحدد هويته

From the point that he defines his identity.

بنون على ان انا بعمل ايه

What do you think I'm doing?

فانا كخالد دلوقتي انا

So I am now like Khalid.



ايه قول اي بوزيشن

What do you mean by position?

محاسب يعني

Accountant means.

فاهم فانا

I understand, so I.

يعني خالد محاسب

Khalid means accountant.

لو انا مشتغلتش في المحاسبة

If I hadn't worked in accounting.

انا دلوقتي هويتي

I am currently my identity.

انا خالد مدير

I am Khalid, the manager.

زي ما هي كانت حكاية الدكتور

Just like it was the story of the doctor.

برضو انا دلوقتي دكتور

I am also a doctor now.

فهو انا كدكتور

He is me as a doctor.

انا بتعمل 24 ساعة في اي حتة هبقى دكتور

I will work 24 hours anywhere, I will become a doctor.

فبيستمد جزء

Part is derived

من هويتي

From my identity

يعني هويتي كلها بتبقى الشغلين اللي هو بيشتغلها في حين

It means my entire identity is just the jobs he works at the time.

المفروض ان هي جزء من هويتك مش كل هويتك

It is supposed to be part of your identity, not your entire identity.

فانت ممكن تبقى دكتور الصبح

So you can be a doctor in the morning.

بس بالليل من دون مباعت

But at night without sending messages.

انت هنا هويتك

You are here, your identity.

متكونة من شغلين تين

Consisting of two jobs, two figs.

دون مباعت هنا وفيه دكتور فين

There are no sales here, and where is the doctor?

ففكرة التأقلم

The idea of adaptation.

ان انا اتأقلم على ان افهم طبيعة الشغل

I am getting used to understanding the nature of work.

انا الاول عشان اعرف

I am the first so I know.

اتأقلم على الشيء ده

I adapt to this thing.

فاجمع مهارات اكتر

So gather more skills.


The subject

يبقى ظريف اكتر

It remains more amusing.

حتى بقى عندي القدرة

Until I maintained the ability.

ان انا اشتغل

I am working.

في كذا حتة او اشتغل كذا حاجة حتى

In several places or worked in several things even.



اسمها ايه

What is her name?

اواكب تطورات

Keep up with developments.

او عمل جديدة

Or new work.

ما انت كل يوم عندك شغلات جديدة

Don't you have new things every day?

امهارات جديدة

New skills

كل الحاجة الجديدة بتظهر دي

Everything new appears like this.

وازاي نستخدمها او كذا

And how do we use it or something like that?

لو انا ما واكبتاش او كده الدنيا

If I don't keep up with it or something like that, the world...

هتفارق تكنية

You will see a separation technique.

طالع سؤال في دماغي هو

A question is running through my mind, which is

كل يعني ممكن حد يجمع

It means that anyone can gather.

ما بين اي شغلين تين

Between which two jobs are you?

مع بعض ينفع بعد دكتور الصبح

It works well after the doctor in the morning.

وبيليس اباك مثلا

"And your father is an example."

مش عارف يعني هل

I don't know what that means.

عادي كده ان اي حد

It's normal for anyone to do that.

يعني مثلا لما بسطها

It means, for example, when I simplified it.

الله او انت بتتكلم ان انا الصبح دكتور

God, or are you telling me that I am a doctor in the morning?

وبالليل من دون مبيعات

And at night, without sales.

طب هو ده ينفع

Is this okay?

هو نفسه حياته

His life itself.

في المجتمع عموما كده

In society, that's generally how it is.

هيبقى شخص سوي

He will be a sane person.

لما يكون بالنهار دكتور

When he is a doctor during the day.

وبتعامل مع الناس النهار دكتور

"I deal with people during the day, doctor."

واحد مريض يجي يسأله

A sick person comes to ask him.

ويستشيره هو يقوله

He consults him and tells him.

ويكتبله الادوية وكلامنا كله

"And he prescribes him the medications and our entire conversation."

وبالليل ينزل بقى من دون مبيعات

And at night it comes down without sales.

ويبقى عليه مشرف

And a supervisor remains over him.

يعود يقلفه في حياته ويقوله الحاجة دي

He keeps thinking about it in his life and says this thing.

مش عارف في التوالف والحاجات دي

I don't know about the relationships and those things.

اكسباير والكلام

Expire and the talk.

هيبقى سوي نفسين بقى في المجتمع

He will have two personalities in society.

ولا لا فيه

Neither yes nor no.

وظايف تليق على بعضها

Jobs that fit well with each other.

ووظايف مش هتليق على بعضها

And jobs that won't fit together.

بالعكس هترجعك للوراء

On the contrary, it will take you backward.

مثلا يعني انا

For example, I mean me.

لو انا دكتور الصبح ومن دون مبيعات

If I am a doctor in the morning with no sales.

بالليل انا ممكن ينجيلي

At night, it might come to me.

انا كعازبي مثلا انا ممكن ينجيلي

As a bachelor, for example, I might receive.

انتظام الشخصية

Personality consistency

يعني انا نحن نهائي

It means I am we finally.

شخصيتين مختلفتين تماما

Two completely different personalities.


It means.

انا ممكن في البداية يعني انا مثلا

I could at the beginning, for example, I...

لو انا هبقى دكتور مثلا وهفت حياتي

If I become a doctor, for example, I will ruin my life.

وبتاع وعايز اتعامل

And I want to deal with it.

بقى مع ناس وانا ما اتعاملتش مع ناس كتير

"I stayed with people and I haven't interacted with many people."

قبل كده وبتاع هنزل المدومة بعد

Earlier and stuff, I will drop the documentation afterwards.

واشوف الناس واشوف الناس بتعامل ازاي

I see people and I see how they behave.

واسلوب الشخصية بتاعتهم

And their personality style.

بس مش هقول لحد انا دكتور

But I won't tell anyone I'm a doctor.

فاهم انا بس باخد خبرة

I understand, I'm just gaining experience.

الناس دي بتعامل ازاي

How do these people behave?

بتتكلم ازاي اتعامل معهم ازاي

How do you talk and how do you deal with them?

اللي بيحبوه اللي بيكرهوه

Those who love them, those who hate them.

اللي بيكونوا عايزين يوصلوا الى ايه

What they want to achieve.

الكلام ده كله ابقى وسطهم زي بيقولك

All this talk, just be among them as they say.

انا بنزل وسط الناس عشان اعرفهم وبيعملوا ايه

I go out among people to get to know them and see what they are doing.

ده على اساس ان انا فوق يعني

That's based on the assumption that I'm above, right?

بس لما افتح بقى

But when I open it now.

خلاص بقى حياتي بقى واتكلم

That's it, my life is over, and I'm talking.

وابتدي بقى ان انا دكتور وهكتب الادوية

"And now I'm starting to be a doctor, and I will prescribe the medications."

والكلام ده مش هقدر

And I won't be able to say that.

مش هقدر اجمع بين

I won't be able to combine between.

الاتنين خلص يعني انا مع

Monday is finished, so I am with...

دكتور اللي ساب ان هو كان من دون

The doctor who left saying he was without.

ما بعته ساب لان هو

I didn’t sell it because he is.

هو عمل كده عشان حياة

He did that for life.

يعني هو عشان صحيته النفسية

It means he, for the sake of his mental health.

اصلا هو مش هيقدر فعلا ان هو يكمل

He really won't be able to continue.

حتى لو ما كانش بيقول لي الناس ان هو دكتور

Even if he doesn't tell people that he is a doctor.


It means

في ناس انعرفهم

There are people we know.

السؤال بقى هو هل

The question now is whether

هو في حتة ان هو في حد

He is in a place where there is someone.

يعرف يكمل كده يعني

He knows how to finish like that, I mean.

انا بقولك انا

I am telling you I.

عن نفسي رأيي الشخصي احصل

In my opinion, I get.

انفصام في الشخصية

Dissociative identity disorder

هيبقى ما بين مجتمعين

It will be between two communities.

مختلفين يعني

It means "they are different."

انا في مجتمع الدكاترة

I am in a community of doctors.

او في دايرة الدكاترة

Or in the circle of doctors.

بيتعاملوا معي بسلوب معين

They treat me in a certain way.

وهبقى هنزل بقى تحت تاني

I will go down again.

في دايرة

In a circle.

القوة العاملة زي ما بيقولوا

The workforce, as they say.

مثلا يعني انا هبقى

For example, it means I will be.

بسلوب تاني خالص

In a completely different way.

حد مثلا هنا ينديلي يا دكتور

"Someone here is calling me, Doctor."

وهنا ينديلي خد يا ولا تعالى

"And here, come here, my dear."

انا بقولك مش عارفين

I'm telling you we don't know.

انت لو قاله يا ولا اصلا

If you had said it, oh boy, not at all.

طيب دي تعتبر نقطة قوة انك تبقى تعرف

Well, this is considered a strength that you know.

تتعامل في بيئات مختلفة

You deal in different environments.

في شغلات مختلفة وكده

In different things and such.

البني ادم سوي مش هيقدر ان هو

The human being, when balanced, will not be able to...

يعيش حياته في مكتب

He lives his life in an office.

في مجتمعين مختلفين طوال الوقت

In two different communities all the time.

يعني انا كبني ادم وبني خالقني

It means I, as a human, and my Creator made me.

انا دايما بضور على الناس اللي شبهي

I always look for people who are like me.

عشان اعيش وسطهم عشان ابقى مرتاح

So I can live among them to be comfortable.

يعني دي نقطة الراحة

That means this is the point of rest.

بالنسبة لي انا بضور على الناس

For me, I am looking for people.

شبهي بضور على اصحاب هكون مرتاح

"I will be comfortable with the kind of people I am around."

معاهم عشان افكارهم شبه

I am with them because their ideas are similar.

افكاري شوية فهنفهم بعض بسرعة

My thoughts are a bit scattered, but we'll understand each other quickly.

مثلا لكن انا

For example, but I.

يعني هما مين فيهم

So who are they among them?

شبهي يعني الدكاترة اللي شبهي اكتر

My resemblance means the doctors who are more like me.

فانا مرتاح معاهم ولا

Am I comfortable with them or not?


The workers

والطبقة اللي تحت قوي

And the layer underneath is strong.

وهم دول شبهي فانا مرتاح معاهم

They are kind of like my family, so I feel comfortable with them.

فاهم او مجتمع

Understanding or society.

مثلا هما دول شبهي فانا مرتاح معاهم

For example, these are my kind of people, so I feel comfortable with them.

انا مرتاح فين اكتر

I am more comfortable here.

وبنعليه هكمل لكن انا بكمل في الاتنين

"And on it, I will continue, but I am continuing in both."

يبقى انا كده

I remain like this.

عندي شخصيتين

I have two personalities.

او انا عندي انفصام يعني انا

I have schizophrenia, which means I...

هنا كويس ومرتاح وانا كويس ومرتاح

Here is good and I'm comfortable, and I'm good and comfortable.

خبا ده كده راح نحيت ان هو انت فعلا انت

"Is it really you?"

الشخص يعني

The person means.

ان الشغلانة بقت هويتك

The job has become your identity.

يوه اما هو انت مش هتكمل

Wow, are you not going to continue?

في شغل دلاخر

In the work of Dlahar.

إلا لو كنت مرتاح فيه شوية على الأقل

Unless you feel a little comfortable with it at least.

يعني فيه سنة راحة كده

It means there is a year of rest like that.

اللي هو تمام الشغلية دي بالنسبة لي على الأقل تمام

Which is great for me at least.

يعني مش مرتاح قوي ومبسوط

It means I'm not very comfortable and happy.

بس تمام

But it's fine.

مش باجي على نفسي

I'm not harsh on myself.

صحيتي ما بتسوقش

I don't drive when I am healthy.

ما باخدش أدوية كل يوم بسبب أني نزل الشوق فاهم؟

I don't take medication every day because I've lost my desire, you understand?

ما يعني ما بروحش إلى الدكتورة

It means "I won't go to the doctor."

عشان أنا عندي شغل

Because I have work.

بقى بشتغل شغلية كذا

I will keep working on this matter.

فأنا تمام بالنسبة لي الشغلية دي

For me, this job is perfect.

فواحدة وواحدة بحاول أطور من نفسي

So one by one, I'm trying to improve myself.

وأبقى فلة

And I will keep Fella.

أبقى حلو يعني يبقى الدنيا تمام بالنسبة لي وحلوة

It means staying sweet means that everything is fine for me and sweet.

لكن أنا مش تمام

But I am not okay.

خالص وبيشتغل

Sincere and working.

الشغلية دي يبقى أنا علي من ده بيه

This task will be done by me accordingly.

معلش يعني

Sorry, I mean.

يعني أنا بقى بانزل كل يوم الشغل

It means I go to work every day.

ويجي لي المدير بتاعي ويقعد يضغط علي

My manager comes to me and keeps pressuring me.

نفسيا وعصبيا

Psychologically and neurologically.

ويقعد يتكلم معايا بسلوب مش كويس

And he sits talking to me in a disrespectful manner.

ويقعد يطلب مني تسخط بسلوب مش كويس

He sits and asks me to get angry in an inappropriate way.

ويقعد كل يوم يقول لي

He sits every day and tells me.

أنت عملت ولا ما عملتش وسويت ولا ما سويتش

Did you work or not, and did you do it or not?

ومش عارف إيه وتسلم النهاردة قبل بكرة

"I don’t know what, and it should be delivered today before tomorrow."

وتقعد تسهر لحد نص الليل

And you stay up until midnight.

وتقعد تعمل تسليمات مع موظف تاني

And you sit down to make handovers with another employee.

موظف تاني عمال يخز وقفيك طول الليل والنهار

Another employee is bothering you all night and day.

ويجي لك ناس من هنا ويجي لك ناس من هنا

"You'll have people coming from here and people coming from there."

ده دي موجودة في كل الشغلنات

This exists in all the jobs.

بس بشكل ما

But somehow.

أنا بقدر أبقى تمام مع ناس معانا

I can be fine with people around us.

أو لا

Or not.

مش قادر أبقى تمام مع الناس دي

I can't be okay with these people.

مش قادر أبقى تمام مع اللي بيحصل فيها ده

I can't be okay with what's happening to her.

أنا بقيت بتعب

I have been feeling exhausted.

بقيت باخد أدوية

I kept taking medications.

أنا بقيت بروح لدكاتر نفسيين

I kept going to psychologists.

ده مشكلة تابيئة مش مشكلة مجال

This is a problem of tabbing, not a problem of the field.

هو مشكلة

He is a problem.

أيوة هو مش مشكلة مجال

Yes, it's not a problem in the field.

على قد ما هي مشكلة

As much as it is a problem.

هو أنا ما عرفش إيه اللي جابني النقطة دي

I don't know what brought me to this point.



أيوة هي المشكلة في

Yes, the problem is in.

ده غير فكرة

That's a different idea.

إن أنا هكمل في وظيفة تانية

I will continue with another job.

أو لا أصلا

Or not at all.

بس هي الفكرة بالنسبة لي

But that's the idea for me.

أين كان بقى إيه الوظيفة أو أين كان هو دكتور

Where was he, what was the job, or where was he a doctor?

أنا مش عارف أكمل في وظيفة لو أنا مش تمام فيها

I don't know if I can continue in a job if I'm not doing well in it.

يعني أنا بستخدم لفظ تمام كمان مش مرتاح

It means I'm also not comfortable using the term "fine."

إحنا بالوقت اللي بقينا بنتكلم على أنا مش

We're at a time when we're talking about I'm not.

وظيفة أنا مبسوط فيها

I have a job that I'm happy with.

لا أنا تمام فيها

No, I'm fine with it.

على الأقل أنا تمام فيها

At least I'm fine with it.

قادر أتعامل مع الناس دي

I can deal with these people.

إنت عارف لو الناس دي كلها

You know if all these people...

بتعمل كده اللي هو بيخزوقوك ومدير كذا ومش عارف

You're doing this while they're taking advantage of you, and the manager is like this, and I don't know.

وكل الناس وحشة

And all people are lonely.

وإنت مرايح بالك ومرايح دماغك

And you are at ease in your mind and relaxed in your head.

وأخذهم على قد عقله ومش عارف

"And he took them according to his limited understanding, and he doesn't know."

فأنت تمام بالنسبة للشغلات دي

You are perfect for these things.

ما دي بقى بشوفها دي قدرة على

What is this ability that I see now?

أنك تتعامل مع الناس دي بتيجي بقى بالممارسة

You learn to deal with these people through practice.

إنت لو عندك القدرة فأنت تمام بالنسبة للشغلات دي

If you have the ability, then you're good regarding these things.

لكن لو أنت ما عندكش القدرة

But if you don't have the ability.

أنت مش تمام

You are not okay.

أيوة أنت ما عندكش القدرة

Yes, you don't have the ability.

ما عندكش القدرة على الدفع

You don’t have the ability to pay.

فأنت خلاص بقيت مش مناسب

So you have become unsuitable now.

ما هوصل السوق العامل كله كده دلوقتي

What has happened to the entire workforce market now?

دي بيئة في الماشي مش شرط

This environment is not necessarily in motion.

بس دي بيئة تعمل

But this is a working environment.

ففي أي مجال في الدنيا هتلاقي البيئة هي موجودة في كل المجالات

In what field in the world will you find that the environment is present in all fields?

فدلوقتي هتلاقي

So now you will find

لو أنت دي نقطة ضعف كده

If you are such a weakness.

مع ناس معينة أو مش عارف إيه

With certain people or I don't know what.

ما دي كده مشكلة

What's the problem with this?

لأن أنا مش دايماً هلاقي

Because I'm not always going to find.

الحتة التانية المناسبة

The other suitable piece.

حلو وده سؤال جميل جداً جداً

That's nice, and it's a very beautiful question.

بيئة العمل عموماً

The work environment in general.

أنا دلوقتي

I am right now.

هختار بيئة العمل اللي أنا هتعمل فيها

I will choose the work environment that I will work in.

وإمتى أقول إن بيئة العمل دي

And when do I say that this work environment is...

بالنسبة لي تمام

For me, it's fine.

بالنسبة لي أنا

For me, I am

لو أنا لفيت

If I were to wrap up.

ودورت وشفت

I looked around and saw.

كذا بيئة عمل

Such a work environment.

ولما دورت

And when I turned.

وشفت كذا بيئة عمل دي

And I saw such a work environment.

ولقيت إن أغلبهم شوية بعض

"I found that most of them are a bit off."

فساعتها أنا هسمع كلامك خالد

"Then I will listen to your words, Khaled."

وأبقى فعلاً لازم أتأقلم

"And I really have to adapt."

ولازم أدور

And I have to search.

على حاجة أقدر بيها

I need something to manage with.

أتعامل مع الناس دي

I deal with these people.

لو أنا مثلاً

If I, for example,

أشتغل في التسويق

I work in marketing.

فاشتغلت في شركة محمد

I worked at Mohammed's company.

في التسويق فلقيت بيئة

In marketing, I found an environment.

مش قادر أستعمل معاها

I can't use it with her.

فهمت رايح في شركة أحمد في التسويق

I understand you are going to Ahmed's company in marketing.

فلقيت البيئة مشابهة قوي

I found the environment very similar.

في التسويق فلقيت البيئة هي هي

In marketing, I found the environment to be the same.

فإذاً أنا هكمل في شركة محمود

So, I will continue with Mahmoud's company.

عشان أقدر أتأقلم

So I can adapt.

مع البيئة دي لإن هو

With this environment, because it is...

بالشكل ده

In this way.

السوق شواه بعض في الحتة دي

The market has shown some action in this area.

فيبقى أنا مطلوب مني أتأقلم

So I have to adjust.

لكن لو أنا جربت بيئة محمد

But if I tried Muhammad's environment.

ولقيتها سيئة جداً

I found it very bad.

وجربت بيئة أحمد ولقيتها نص سيئة

I tried Ahmed's environment and found it to be a bad experience.

وجربت بيئة محمد

And I tried Mohammed's environment.

ولقيتها جامدة جداً

And I found her very stiff.

فإذاً مش كل البيئة سيئة بعض

So not all of the environment is bad, some of it is.

فيبقى أنا مش هقدر أحكم

So I can't make a judgment.

اللþلى العزيمة يا جماعة كله شواه بعده

"Those with determination, everyone else, follow after."

ما هو كله شواه بعده دي

What is it all after this?

أي أنت بنان على إيه

What are you relying on, Benan?

أنا ما شوفتش أصلاً

I haven't seen it at all.

كله شواه بعده أنا لازم أروح أشوف

Everything is fine, but I have to go see.

أن كله فعلاً شواه بعض

That everything is indeed a reflection of each other.

واتأكد أن كله شواه بعض لأن brass more like Khaled

And make sure that everything is the same because brass is more like Khaled.

مش كل الناس تقدر

Not everyone can.

يعني أنا مش هبقى زي

It means I won't be like.

tallest more than Khaled

taller than Khaled

في إنه أقدر أستوعب

Indeed, I can comprehend.

أو إنه أقدر أتأقلم

Or I can adapt better.

أو إنه أقدر أاخد الناس عالقادة علىها

Or can I take people to the leadership on it?

أنا مش هبقى زيه في نفسي كل حاجة

I won't be like him in everything about myself.

فبالنز affordable خالداً

So, affordable Khaled.

بكتير من البيئة اللي انا فيها. وبالنسبة لخلد البيئة اللي انا

With a lot of the environment I'm in. And regarding the environment I'm in...

فيها احلى بكتير من البيئة دي. مش كل الناس زي بعضها. مش كل

It's much nicer there than in this environment. Not everyone is the same. Not everyone.

الناس عندها نفس. اشايف ان بيئة العمل هي مهمة جدا في انت ما

People have a soul. I see that the work environment is very important in what you do.

اهم معك انا عندك او مرض او اي ان كان اما جوة بيئة عمل انت

The most important thing is that I am with you whether you are sick or whatever it is, but you are in a work environment.

مش عارف تعمل معاك او مش مرتاح انك تنزل كل يوم عصبا عنك في

I don't know if you can do it or if you're not comfortable going down every day against your will in.

يوم من الايام هتقول مش فاكس تحرق الدنيا كلها. بيئة بيئة

One day you will say it's not worth it to burn the whole world. Environment, environment.

العمل بقى هنا اللي انا بتكلم فيها دي بتاعت اه بيئة العمل اللي

The work is now what I'm talking about here, related to the work environment.

انا قادر اتعامل معها. مش بيئة العمل المثالية. يعني ما فيش

I can deal with it. It's not the ideal work environment. I mean, there's nothing.

بيئة عمل مثالية. الا لو انت بقى صاحب الشغلانة دي. حتى لو

An ideal work environment. Unless you are the owner of that job. Even if...

صاحب الشغلانة صاحب الشغلانة يراوي بيسب ويراني. تخلق انت

The one with the job, the one with the job is telling tales and cursing me. Create yourself.

بيئة العمل بتاعتك بقى اللي انت عايزها بقى. تجيب فلانة ماشية

Your work environment is now what you want. You bring in a certain person who is coming.

تجيب علانة ماشية تعمل مش عارف ايه? انت بتخلق بيئة العمل

What does Alana do, I don't know? You are creating the work environment.

المثالية بالنسبة للموظفين وليك. انت بقى اه موظف في بيئة عمل

Idealism for employees and for you. You are indeed an employee in a work environment.

معينة فانت مش بتدور على بيئة عمل مثالية انت بتدور على بيئة

You are not looking for an ideal work environment, you are looking for an environment.

العمل اللي انت قادر تتعامل معها. اللي انت قادر تشتغل فيها.

The work that you are able to handle. The one you are able to work in.

اه في اخر حاجة كنت برضو كنت عايز اقولها بتاعت اه امتى اشتغل

Oh, the last thing I wanted to say was about when to work.

وامتى ما اشتغلش من كلامنا كله. السؤال في الاول خالص ده. كل

And when I didn't work from all our talk. That's the question at the very beginning. Everything.

وقته دي حاجة كل وقته دي متطلبات. فانا مثلا الشخص. والجديد في

This is something that requires all my time. For example, I am the person. And what’s new in...

اللاك ده ادمن. انا رأيه قرن. انا شخص في ابتدائي فمش مطلوب من

This is a loser. My opinion is irrelevant. I am a person in elementary school, so it's not required from me.

اشتغل صح? بس انا شخص عندي تلاتين سنة. لا انا مطلوب من اشتغل. فهي

I have to work, right? But I am a person who is thirty years old. No, I am required to work. That's it.

فرق في كده. انا امتى بعمل ايه? انا الوقت مثلا عندي اهل بيصرفوا

There's a difference in that. When do I do anything? I have family supporting me, for example.

علي ومش عارف ايه وبتاعه اقعد في البيت وانقلص كلية. بس مش ده

Ali, I don't know what to do. I just sit at home and feel completely restricted. But that's not it.

الوقت اللي انا قعد فيه في البيت. طب اما انا ممكن ابقى

The time I spent at home. So, what if I could be...

ورس اه ماتمان كان ورس اه. حلو. يا لهو. ماتمان كان ورس. صح. وراح

"What a funny thing it was. Sweet. Oh my. It was a funny thing. Right. And it went."

عامل زهق يعني قال لك بس انا اروح احرب الاشرار. هنا هنا السؤال

A bored worker means he told you, "I just want to go fight the evildoers." Here, here is the question.

بتاع اه هو بتاع صاحب تيسلا لسه عايز فلوس. ايلون ماسك. لسه عايز

It's about, yes, it's about the owner of Tesla who still wants money. Elon Musk. He still wants.

فلوس. لا وبيشتغل كل يوم. ما عندهش بيت لحد دلوقتي. يعني ما

Money. No, and he works every day. He still doesn't have a house. I mean, no...

يعني بلاش ندخل في تفاصيل الراجل بس. هو لسه صح عايز فلوس. لا مش

I mean, let's not get into the details about the man. He still wants money. No, not really.

لسه عايز فلوس. بس بيشتغل. بقى هو

He still wants money. But he is working. That's him.

هنا بيعمل الحاجة اللي هو بيحبها او اللي هو عايز يوصلها. هو عايز

Here, he does what he loves or what he wants to achieve. He wants.

يوصل للفضاء. وعايز يوصل مش عارفين. وعايز يعمل للتقى فيه.

He wants to reach space, but they don't know how to get there. He wants to create a meeting point for it.

فهو عنده حاجات واهداف. هو نفسه يوصلها. بالفلوس اللي معاه.

He has needs and goals. He himself wants to achieve them with the money he has.

وبالتالي فهو بيشتغل. عنده حاجة هو عايز يعملها. وبالتالي فهو

Therefore, he is working. He has something he wants to do. Therefore, he...

بيشتغل. فيه ما هو شعيفه من ورا الحاجة اللي هو بيعملها. فانا

He works. There is something behind what he is doing. So I...

الوقت يا واحد مسلا عنده خمسة عشرين سنة او عنده عشرين سنة او

Time, O one who is twenty-five years old or twenty years old or...

وعندو تلاتين سنة او اي مكان انا هشتغل او مش هشتغل بناء على

"And when I'm thirty years old, I will work or not work depending on..."

الحاجة اللي انا عايز اوصلها انا عايز اعمل لنفسي بيت وشخصيتي

The point I want to reach is that I want to create a home and a personality for myself.

تبقى كذا وبقدر اخد قرار وكلام ده كله مش هعرف اعمل كل ده مغرب

I will remain like this and I can't make a decision, and all this talk, I won't be able to do all of this in Morocco.

يكون معي فلوسي مغرب ما اكون صاحب قراري ولا مش عارف اكون صاحب

I have my money in Morocco, I can't make my own decisions or I don't know how to be the owner.

قراري غير لما يكون مستقل بنفسي فمش عارف اكون مستقل بنفسي كل

My decision is not when I'm independent by myself, so I don't know how to be independent by myself at all.

اللي انا بشتغل ومعي فلوسي والله اذا اشتغل بقى انا صاحب المكان

The one I'm working with has my money, and if I work, then I'm the owner of the place.

معي فلوس وادس وبتاعه مش عارف ايه انا صاحب المكان ابي افتح لي

I have money and I'm doing this and that, I don't know what, I am the owner of the place, I want to open for myself.

مكان او اي ان كان فده شغل بالنسبة له ده شغل فعلا لو انا

Wherever it is, this job is really work for him.

صاحب المكان انا بشتغل مش صاحب المكان سايبه وعمل بلعب تلو اليوم

I am the one working in the place, not the owner; I left it and am playing all day.

او انا موظف في مكان اي ان كان هو انا بعمل ايه دلوقتي بس هو

I am an employee in a place, whatever it is. What am I doing right now? It's just that.

الشغل عمره مكان اه الهدف نفسه وديه النقطة بتاعت الشغف اللي

Work has never had a goal in itself, and this is the point about passion.

انت بتقول عليها الحاجة ان انت بتشهد

You are saying that the thing you are witnessing.

تعملها في اليوم انت راح تعمل ايه القمل الموظفة هو وسيلة انا

You do it in a day, what will you do? The employee is a means, it's me.

دايما دايما واقف عند نقطة مع اصحابي بتاعت معيش اصلا الشغل

I'm always stuck at a point with my friends related to not actually having a job.

اخدني الجملة دي بالنسبة لي مرعبة انا بشتغل عشان اكون مرتاح في

This sentence is terrifying for me; I work to be comfortable in.

حياتي عشان اقدر اقابل اصحابي عشان اقدر اخرج واخروجة حلوة

My life is so I can meet my friends, so I can go out and have a nice outing.

عشان اقدر اصرف على بيتي لو انا متجوز عشان اقدر اعيش عيالي

So I can provide for my home if I am married so I can support my children.

يعيشة كويسة لو هم موجودين

It's a good life if they are present.

فانا الشغل بالنسبة لي هو وسيلة عشان اكون مرتاح لكن لو انا

For me, work is a means to be comfortable, but if I am...

بس انا مش طول حياتي بشتغل والحاجات التانية بأجلها او

But I don't work my whole life and postpone other things or...

الحاجات التانية باجي عليها عشان عندي شغل انا مش عارف اقابلك

I have other things to attend to because I have work, I don't know when I can meet you.

والله عشان عندي شغل انا مش عارف احضر فرح اختي عشان عندي

I swear, I have work and I can't attend my sister's wedding because I have it.

شغل في ناس توصل لكده ادي النفس كسوت ده عبد في ناس بتوصل لكده

There are people who reach such a level; this is a slave's wall, there are people who reach such a point.

هو ما عليش يصل عندي شغل فمش عارف احضر فرحك معا هو الشغل

I can't make it to your wedding because of work.

معمول علشان انت لما تحضر فرحة تكون لابس بدلة كويسة تكون معك

It's for when you attend a celebration, so you can wear a nice suit and have it with you.

عربية كويسة تقدر تزفها تكون بتعمل لها حاجة في بيتها تكون

A good car can be used to do something for her in her house.

بتعمل حاجة في بيتك هو الشغل معمول عشان كده عشان هو يبقى

You do something at home; the work is done for that reason so that it becomes.

الوسيلة بتاعت هدفك ايه هو ده يعني هي دي بالنسبة لنا هي دي

What is the means to achieve your goal? This is it, for us, this is it.

نقطة هي دي جابت سؤال هو ليه ايلون ماسكت بيشتغل لحد الوقت هو

The point is, it raised a question: why is Elon Musk still working until now?

مش ناقص فلوس هو عنده هدف معين عايز يوصل له يعمل تأثير معين في

He doesn't lack money; he has a specific goal he wants to achieve and make a certain impact in.

في الفلك يعمل تأثير معين في الفضاء يعمل تأثير معين في

In astronomy, a certain effect operates in space that has a specific impact.

الطاقة هو عنده هدف معين عايز يوصل له فهو بيشتغل عشان يوصل

Energy has a specific goal that it wants to achieve, so it works to reach it.

للهدف ده بيعمل كل ده عشان يوصل لهدف ده طب هو مش ممكن يجيب ناس

He does all of this to reach that goal, so can't he just bring people?

يخليها تشتغل ويدلها فلوس ويقول لها اوصل له الهدف ده عادي هو

He makes her work and gives her money, telling her to reach that goal, it's normal for him.

مش ناقص فلوس هو مش عايز فلوس من وراء الهدف ده هو عم عاين لي

He's not short on money; he doesn't want money from this goal, he's just eyeing me.

هو جامد جدا خد فلوس وبتابع بس

He is very rigid; he takes money and just follows.

بس ده اللي بيعملوا مين بقى المستثمر بتاع اللي هو اسمه ايه بتاع مايكروسوفت

But that's what the investor from Microsoft, what's his name, is doing.

بلجيتس بيعمل كده بلجيتس معندوش هو مش عايز فلوس بس هو معفل شوية فلوس وبيستثمرها

Bill Gates does that; he doesn't want money, but he has some money and invests it.

بيروح بقى يجيب مدير المشروع مش عارف يخد فلوس ايه

He goes to get the project manager, not knowing what money to take.

عندو اماكن في بلاد كتير جدا عبارة عن مختبر بيعمل فيه حاجات لا علاقة بان هو يدور على علاجات معينة

He has places in many countries that serve as laboratories where he works on things unrelated to searching for specific treatments.

هل هو هدفه في حياته ان هو يعمل كده

Is his goal in life to do that?

لأ بس هو بيستثمر فلوسه في حتة زي دي

No, he is just investing his money in a place like this.

وصلت ده الفرق ما بين الاتنين واحد عنده هدف عايز يوصله فهو بيشتغل عشان يوصل لهدف ده

The difference between the two is that one has a goal he wants to achieve, so he is working to reach that goal.

واحد تاني بيستثمر فلوسه هو مش عايز فلوس قد كده يعني فبيحط فلوسه هنا وفلوس هنا وفي نفس الوقت بيستمتع وبيعيش

Another person invests his money; he doesn't want too much money, so he puts his money here and there while also enjoying himself and living.

اه فانا المطلوب مني ايه كواحد دي السفريش او واحد مش عارف انا اصح اشتغل

Oh, so what is required of me as a person in this situation, or one who doesn't know what I should be doing?

هو المطلوب انك انت ايا كان هدفك هو ايه بالنسبالك الشغل وسيلة

What is required is that whatever your goal is, work is a means for you.

ان انا اعيش حياة احسن

I live a better life.

عمرها ما هتكون هي الهدف

It will never be the goal.

ما يبقاش هدفك في حياتك انك تكون مدير

Your goal in life shouldn't be just to become a manager.

ما يبقاش هدفك في حياتك انك تكون رئيس مجلس ادارة شركة كذا ده مش هدف

Your goal in life shouldn't just be to become the chairman of a certain company; that's not a real goal.

الشغل هو وسيلة

Work is a means.

انت بتطور من شغلك

You are developing your work.

عشان تكون الوسيلة بتاعتك اسرع

To make your means faster.

انا بجمع فلوس عشان اوصل لهدفي بسرعة

I am saving money to reach my goal quickly.

بطور في وظيفتي عشان اوصل لهدفي بسرعة بس

I am improving in my job to reach my goal quickly.

لكن انا مش هدفي ان انا اكون موظف مثالي اخر الشهر

But my goal is not to be an ideal employee at the end of the month.

فاصهر لحد ساعتنا دي ليل

So melt until this hour of ours at night.

واعمل تسكاتي كلها على اكمل وجه

And I do all my tasks to the fullest.

واعمل مش عارف ايه وايا ان كان المدير هيطلق مني انا هعمله حتى لو على سبيل

"And I will do whatever it is, and if the manager is going to release me, I will still do it, even if just for the sake of it."

حتى لو على

Even if it's on.



على صحتي وعلى بيتي وعلى كلام ده كله

On my health, on my home, and on all this talk.



لا مش ده المفروض توصل له خالص

No, this is not what you're supposed to reach at all.

ومش ده الموظف المثالي نهائي

And this is definitely not the ideal employee.

ده الموظف المثالي بالنسبة للموديل

This is the ideal employee for the model.

يعني هو مراجح الموديل اكتر

It means he is more inclined towards the model.

مش موظف المثالي بالنسبة للوظيفة نفسها

Not the ideal employee for the job itself.

بس مش عارف يعني ده اللي انت بتقولي عندك كلام اخر لبتاعك انا كده تمام

I'm not sure if what you're saying is that you have other things for your person, but I'm okay with that.

هم ثلاث حاجات المفروض بقى انا بفكر نفسي بيوم من الصبح

There are three things that I should think about myself from the morning.

انا بحابل انا بنزل يعني

I am going to work, I mean I'm going down.

اشتغل وغلط وخسر عادي انت بتتعلم مش نهاتي الدنيا يعني لو انت غلط بها او انهاري سود وكهرة سامش عارف ايه يعني مش عارف

Work hard, make mistakes, and lose; it's normal. You're learning, it's not the end of the world. Even if you mess up, or things go dark and difficult, it doesn't matter. I don't know what else to say.

زي ما انت قولت هي وسيلة

As you said, it is a means.

الوسيلة وقعت تقصرت

The means has been shortened.

عادي نجيب وسيلة تاني

It's okay, we can get another means.

الحل دايما متغير مش هيستمر فالنهاردا طبيعي جدا تلاقي الشغلة دي اصلا انه معدش ليها وجود

The solution is always changing; it won't last. It's very normal today to find that this work no longer exists.

او شغلانة جديدة بقيت موجودة والناس كلها رايحة لها. فانت

It's a new job that's become available and everyone is going for it. So you...

بتستغل البوزيشن اللي انت فيه او الشغلانة اللي انت فيها انك

You are taking advantage of the position you are in or the job you are in that you...

تتعلم اه مهارات باكتر اه قدر ممكن. المهارات دي الهدف منها

You learn as many skills as possible. The goal of these skills is...

انك تكرييت قدام جديد او تكرييت مشروع او تكرييت حل جديد في

You have created a new front or a new project or a new solution in.

شغلانة جديدة. اه انت بتجمع علم او العلم ده انت بتجمعه عشان

A new job. Oh, are you gathering knowledge or are you collecting this knowledge for a reason?

تعمل بيه حاجة جديدة او تضيف بيه حاجة. بس وتحمد ربنا بقى على

You do something new with it or add something to it. Just thank God for it.

الشغل انه لان فيه ناس مش لقايا شغل. وان الدنيا كلها يعني ايه

The work is that there are people who can't find jobs. And what does it all mean?

ربنا بيضم برد امر يعني. فالحتة اللي انت فيها وده تدبير فشوف

Our Lord encompasses everything, meaning. So the situation you are in is part of a plan, so take a look.

انت موجود هنا تعمل ايه. او انت مطلوب منك تاخد ايه من الحتة دي

What are you doing here? Or what are you required to take from this place?

او بتضيف ايه في الحتة دي. دي تلات حاجات انا بفكر نفسي بيهم

What do you add in this area? These are three things I think about myself.

يعني كل يوم انا رايح الشغل. احنا كده قلنا لعندنا في حلقة

It means every day I go to work. We've just said we have a meeting.

الشغل. بعد تلات سنين من حلقات الجواز. بس الحلقة الجاية هتبقى

The work. After three years of marriage episodes. But the next episode will be

كمان اسبوع. الاسبوع الجاي اه هيبقى في حلقة. اه المواضيع اللي

Next week. Yes, there will be an episode. Yes, the topics that...

انتم عايزين ان احنا نتكلم فيها ونفكر بها بصوت عالي اه

You want us to talk about it and think about it out loud, right?

ابعتوها لنا او اكتبوها في الكومنتات. اه هيبقى عندنا صفحة

Send it to us or write it in the comments. Yes, we will have a page.

ولا? عندنا صفحة. ايه ان كان انت سمعتها فين حاولت توصلها لنا

No? We have a page. If you heard it somewhere, try to get it to us.

وخلاص. بالزبط. لو. لو هتلاقوا الوصيل التواصل بتاعتنا في اه

That's it. Exactly. If. If you will find our contact details in...

في رابط الحلقة يعني.

In the episode link, I mean.

كان معكم خالد. ومحمد العزبي. شكرا لكم.

This was Khalid and Mohamed Al-Azbi. Thank you.

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