هدمة جديدة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته في بودكاست جديد او حلقة جديدة في
Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings. In a new podcast or a new episode in...
هدمة جديدة. اه كنت عايز اتكلم عن موضوع وهو الفصل الاول من
A new topic. Yes, I wanted to discuss a subject, which is the first chapter of...
الكتاب وهو الاستقرار. استعرف اكتر اه الاختيار صعب. اه التعلق
The book is about stability. It becomes more difficult to choose. Yes, attachment.
صعب. اه طريقة التفكير اصعب. حاجة معترفين علينا وعليها كلنا
It's difficult. Yes, the way of thinking is more difficult. It's something we all acknowledge about ourselves and each other.
ان الاختيار نفسه اصعب حاجة. الاكتساب في بقى كل الناس اللي
Choosing itself is the hardest thing. Acquiring it is left to all the people who...
عندك. فحب اقول لك ان اول نقطة هنبدأ بها النهاردة. اللي
You have it. So I want to tell you that the first point we'll start with today is that...
الاختيار. لان انا كلنا بنسأل عن الاختيار وازاي نختاره مش
The choice. Because we all ask about the choice and how to choose it, right?
عارف ايه. طيب. فتعال لنبدأ بها. اول حاجة الشخص ده لازم يبقى
Do you know what? Okay. So let's start with that. The first thing is that this person must be...
يبقى مهتم. لو يعرفك هتحس ان هو عايزك. فاهم? عايزك في حياته.
He will remain interested. If he gets to know you, you'll feel that he wants you. Do you understand? He wants you in his life.
عايزك تبقى صاحبه. عايزك تبقى معاه. هو ده الشخص اللي ممكن تبقى
I want you to be his friend. I want you to be with him. He is the person you could be.
حاسس ان هو يعني يهمه عليك. فاهم? هو عايزك. داني اي حاجة.
"I feel like he really cares about you. Do you understand? He wants you. He gave me something."
ان هو يبقى اه فاهمك. حاسس بزعلة. من وقت دي تلاقيه جنبك. ولكن
He still understands you. I feel upset. Since that time, you find him next to you. But...
لو اتغاضى عن كل الحاجات اللي انا قلتها دي فا ما فيش لازم
If I overlook all the things I've said, then there is no need.
القاعد يعني. قلت لك ما فيش لازم القاعد يعني. اما تيقى تقعد مع
The one sitting means. I told you there's no need to be sitting. When you sit with...
حد مش مش شايفك اصلا. باش ليك اه وجود بالنسبة له. اه ايه
Someone is not even seeing you at all. You have no presence for him. Oh, what?
الاهمية? اختار صح يعني يكام يشوف المقصفات اللي انا قلتها
What is the importance? Choose correct, meaning how many see the scissors that I mentioned.
بلا كده واختارها. اه طبعا العيوب دي همش هنتكلم عنها لان العيوب
Without that, just choose it. Yes, of course, we won't discuss these flaws because the flaws...
دي تختلف من شخص الاخر لكن من اكتر العيوب اللي ممكن تكسر اي
This varies from one person to another, but one of the biggest flaws that can break anything...
اتنين صحاب مثلا هي الكذب والنفاق. حاجة من الحاجتين دول
Two friends, for example, are lies and hypocrisy. One of these two things.
دايما بيدمروا شخصية او بيدمروا علاقة ما بين ما بين اتنين. ان كام
They always destroy a personality or ruin a relationship between two people. What if?
بقى. اه طبعا لو انت لقيت اللي قدامك بينفك بيكرهك مسلا وبيضحك
Stay. Yes, of course, if you find the person in front of you is unravelling, for example, they hate you and are laughing.
بخشك. انك عادي جدا شخص بيحبه جدا بيعشقك اللي هو عارف انت.
Thank you. You are just a very ordinary person who is loved very much, someone who adores you, which is what you know.
لكن من وراك يقعد يتكلم ويشتم. يعني مش حزين يتكلم كتير. ويجي
But someone behind you keeps talking and insulting. I mean, it's not sad to talk a lot. And then he comes.
يكدب بيقول معلومة غلطة يقول لك انا شفت انا ما شفتش اه شفتو
He's lying, saying a wrong piece of information. He tells you, "I saw it," but I didn't see it. Yes, I saw it.
مش عارف فلان بيعمل ايه شفت عشان عرف علام بيعمل ايه. خليك تاخد
I don't know what so-and-so is doing; I saw that I found out what Al-Amal is doing. Just keep taking.
فكرة غلطة عن الفلان اللي هو بيتكلم عنه. هتبدأ اه هيتلع
The idea is a mistake about the person he is talking about. It will start, yes, it will come out.
كداب يعني لو انت عرفت انه كداب هتتكسر من جواك تقول ايه الشخص
A liar means that if you know he is a liar, you will be shattered inside. What do you say about the person?
ده? ما ينفعش يبقى صاحبي. اه حاجة طبعا يعني الكذب هو اكتر او
This? He can't be my friend. Yeah, of course, I mean lying is more or...
الكذب والنفاء. انا باحتبرهما اتنين متلازمين مع بعض. ما
Lying and denial. I consider them two things that are closely linked together.
ينفعش يمشوا من جنب بعض لو في شخصية واحدة. لان لو بيجري
They can't walk side by side if there's only one character. Because if they're running...
بيبقى هيبقى منافق عادي. اه تعالوا نخش على النقطة التالتة او
He will just be an ordinary hypocrite. Yes, let's move on to the third point.
النقطة التانية مش فاكر قفت فين. هي الاهتمامات. الاهتمامات
The second point, I don't remember where I stopped. It's interests. Interests.
والاختيارات. الاهتمامات ما ينفعش تبقى واحدة. الاهتمامات لو
And the choices. Interests cannot be just one. Interests if
بقت واحدة. اه صدقني. هيبقى فيه توافق يعني. اه هتبقى ماشيين في
There will be one left. Yes, believe me. There will be compatibility, I mean. Yes, it will be moving along.
الغلط مع بعض. ماشيين في الساحة مع بعض. ماشيين في الساحة مع
The mistake is with both. We are walking in the square together. We are walking in the square together.
بعض. ده اشتا كده. بس مستحيل يحصل. لو ماشيين دايما هتمشوا
Some. This is strange. But it’s impossible to happen. If you're always walking, you'll keep walking.
في حتة غلط وش هتعرفوا تطلع منها غير برأي اه مختلف. مثلا يخش
In a wrong place, what will you know how to get out of other than a different opinion? For example, he enters.
بوستيك ورأي مختلف. فانت لو رأيك كده وهو رأيه كده فتعالى نشوف حل
"Let's have a different opinion. If you think this way and he thinks that way, then let's see how we can find a solution."
وسط. يعني انا نفسي اكل مسلا اه مكارونة اه هو نفسي اكل بيتزا.
I want to eat something like pasta, yes, I really want to eat pizza.
اه طب ليه ما نطلبش مسلا برغر. وصلنا لحل وسط وحلو بالنسبة لنا.
Oh, why don't we just order a burger, for example? We've reached a nice compromise that works for us.
لكن لو قلنا مسلا بيتزا. فكل ما ييجي يقول لك ناكل بيتزا ناكل
But if we say, for example, pizza. Every time he comes, he says let's eat pizza, let's eat.
بيتزا مع بعض. ناكل مش عارف ايه. ناكل بيتزا تاني. ناكل بيتزا تالي.
Pizza together. We eat, I don't know what. We eat pizza again. We eat pizza again.
هم لكم هتتغيروا. اه فهذا لازم يبقى فيه تطوير. لازم يبقى فيه
They will change for you. Yes, there must be development. There must be.
تطور. في الاختيارات والاهتمامات. ما يفاشيب اهتماماتك
Evolve. In choices and interests. What shapes your interests?
واحدة. ممكن الاهتماماتك واحدة تبقى بحاجات حلوة مثلا زي
One. Maybe your interests are to stay with nice things, for example like
الايراية. الحاجات دي. اه تشجعوا واحدة على الصلاة لكلام. بس
The gifts. These things. Yes, they encourage someone to pray about it. But...
يعني مش مش مش حوار يعني. اه انا قلت اتكلم عن المرضى بالنسبة
I mean, it's not a conversation, you know. Yes, I said to talk about the patients regarding...
يعني للاصدقاء. انهم انواع كتير. فقررت ان اطلع اتكلم في
I mean for friends. They are many types. So I decided to go out and talk about it.
اول حلقة للمودكاستر بتاعتي هنا.
The first episode of my podcast is here.
اتمنى هتعجبكم وبس كده. ممكن اكونش وضحت بعض كتير انا
I hope you like it, and that's it. I may not have explained a lot.
اسف لان الحلقة بوقتها صغير. ما فيش. يعني هما خمس دقايق
Sorry that the episode is short. It's just five minutes.
تقريبا. اه ما عرفتش اتكلم براحتي يعني. موضوع صعب. وبس
Almost. Yeah, I couldn't speak freely, I mean. It's a difficult topic. That's all.
كده. يعني شكرا لك سمعت الحد دلوقتي يعني. بس اشتشاير بقى
Okay. So thank you, I've heard the limit now. But let's get to the point.
الحلقة دي وتعمل ما تعملش لايب بقصة. اه شاير الحلقة بس شاير
"This episode, whether you do a live or not, has a story. Yes, I'm sharing the episode but just sharing."
الحلقة. سلام.
The episode. Peace.
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