طريق الغابة - لؤي حمزة عبّاس

Omar Zakaria

قصة الأسبوع مع عمر زكريا

طريق الغابة - لؤي حمزة عبّاس

قصة الأسبوع مع عمر زكريا

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قريبين من غابة

Close to the forest.

لم يكن أي منهما قد دخل غابة من قبل

Neither of them had ever entered a forest before.

خففا من اندفاع دراجتيهما

They slowed down the momentum of their bicycles.

ونظر كل منهما للآخر

And they looked at each other.

واصلا سيرهما تضللهما الأشجار

Their path is shaded by the trees.

كان شعور غريب يحثهما على الاندفاع أبعد ما يمكن

There was a strange feeling urging them to rush as far as possible.

من دون أدنى إحساس بالتعب أو الخوف

Without the slightest feeling of fatigue or fear.

وفي وسط الغابة

In the middle of the forest.

النقطة التي يمكن أن ندعوها وسط الغابة

The point that we can call the center of the forest.

صادفتهما شجرة عالية

I encountered them at a tall tree.

أعلى من أي شجرة

Higher than any tree.

وبدافع من شعورهما الغريب

Driven by their strange feeling

توجها نحوها من دون أن يخففا سرعتهما

They headed towards her without slowing down.

انحرف أحدهما ومر إلى جانبها

One of them veered off and passed by her side.

أما الآخر فلم ينحرف ودخل فيها

As for the other, he did not deviate and entered into it.

بعد بضعة أمتار انتبه الأول إلى اختفاء صاحبه

After a few meters, the first one noticed the disappearance of his companion.

وخفف من سرعته منتظرا أن يظهر من الجانب الآخر

And he slowed down his speed, waiting for it to appear from the other side.

ثم استدار حول الشجرة ونادى باسمه

Then he turned around the tree and called his name.

فأفزع نداؤه الطيور

His call startled the birds.

وسمع اصطفاق أجنحتها

And he heard the flapping of its wings.

بقي قرب الشجرة حتى نزول الظلام

Stay near the tree until dark.

وفي اليوم التالي عاد إلى الغابة

The next day, he returned to the forest.

أسند دراجته منتظرا ظهور صديقه

He leaned his bike against something while waiting for his friend to appear.

كانت أيامه تنضي بطيئة

His days were passing slowly.

وفي كل يوم يذهب إلى الغابة

Every day he goes to the forest.

أنهى دراسته الإعدادية ودخل الجامعة

He completed his preparatory studies and entered the university.

في الجامعة كان يترقب أيام العطل ليزور الغابة

In college, he looked forward to the holidays to visit the forest.

ويبقى ما أمكنه قرب الشجرة

And he stays as close to the tree as possible.

بعد تخرجه أعلنت الحرب فجند فيها

After his graduation, war was declared and he was recruited into it.

لم يسمح له بالنزول من معسكر التدريب

He was not allowed to leave the training camp.

حتى صار يجيبه

Until he started to respond to him.

توجه بعدها إلى جبهة القتال

He then headed to the battlefront.

كان حريصا على أن لا يموت

He was keen not to die.

لأن عليه أن ينتظر عودة صديقه

Because he has to wait for his friend's return.

بعد سنوات طويلة انتهت الحرب

After many years, the war has ended.

لم يجد لانتهائها طعما

He found no taste in its end.

ولم يؤاته شعور الناس

And he could not feel the people's sentiment.

عادة عند انتهاء الحروب

Usually at the end of wars

عاد للغابة

He returned to the forest.

وكانت الشجرة كما هي

And the tree was as it is.

انتظر صديقه قربها

His friend waited near her.

لكنه لم يظهر أيضا

But he didn't show up either.

فعاد لحياته

He returned to his life.

عمل وتزوج وصار أبا

He worked, got married, and became a father.

سألته زوجته عن الإسم

His wife asked him about the name.

الذي يحب أن يطلقه على الطفل

The one who wants to name the child.

ولم يكن في ذهنه

And it was not on his mind.

غير صديقه

Change his friend.

بعد سنوات ضاقت المدينة

After years, the city became cramped.

فزحفت على الغابة

And I crawled through the forest.

قطعت أشجارها

Its trees were cut down.

إلا الشجرة العالية

Except for the tall tree.

تركت وسط دائرة تراب

I left in the middle of a circle of dirt.

محاطة بسياج قصير

Surrounded by a short fence.

بجانبها أريكة من حديد مزخرف

Next to it, there is an ornate iron sofa.

كان يجلس عليها

He was sitting on it.

في الأيام التي لا يعمل فيها

On the days when he doesn't work.

متأملا صغيره

A little contemplative.

الذي يلعب حول السياج

The one who plays around the fence.

في آخر النهار

At the end of the day.

وكان متوقعا

It was expected.

أن يفزع نداؤه الطيور

That his call startles the birds.

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