هل نحن فئران؟. تجربة_Universe 25!
Mohammad Ashkanani
مسافة سكة
هل نحن فئران؟. تجربة_Universe 25!
صفحتين جاهزين
Two pages ready.
كل شي جاهز ان شاء الله
Everything is ready, God willing.
Let's start.
يا اهلا وسهلا
وحياكم بالله في حلقة يريدن
Welcome to the episode we want.
من بودكاست مساعدة سكة
From the podcast of Sike Assistance.
اليوم الحلقة يا جماعة ان شاء الله راح تعجبكم
Today the episode, guys, hopefully, you will like it.
فيها تفكير عميق جدا
It has very deep thinking.
هل نحن في ايران
Are we in Iran?
هذا الاسم اللي طلع يعني
This name that came out means.
ليش تنس
Why forget?
لان التجربة اليوم هي تجربة في ايران
Because today's experience is in Iran.
اسم التجربة اليوم
The name of today's experiment.
Universe 25
Universe 25
او الكون 25
Or the Universe 25
طالع عمركم
May you have a long life.
هذه التجربة كانت في
This experiment was in
بلشت في 1960 الى 1970
Started in 1960 to 1970.
واكثر شوي
A little more.
صاحب التجربة هذه هو عالم
The owner of this experiment is a scientist.
الثيولوجيس بيسمونه هذا
They call this the theologian.
اللي هو علم الاخلاق والسلوك
It is the science of ethics and behavior.
علم السلوكيات والاخلاق
The science of behaviors and ethics.
اسمه جون كالهون
His name is John Callahan.
هذا جماعة قال
This is a group that said.
انا بسوي تجربة
I am going to do an experiment.
بني في ايران
Built in Iran.
وندرس سلوكياتهم وشذي
And we study their behaviors and scents.
ورحت سؤاله في الغريبة
And I went to ask him in the strange place.
عجيبة اللي قاعد تصير
The amazing things that are happening.
بالتجربة هذه كلها
With all this experience.
فشو نسوي الريان
What should we do, Rayyan?
قال بسوي
He said, "I will do it."
العالم المثالي
The ideal world.
الكون المثالي
The perfect universe.
مكان ارض مثالية
A place of ideal land.
ما فيها اي نقص كلها
There is no deficiency in it at all.
كل سبب الراحة موجودة
All the reasons for comfort are present.
فقال بسوي هذا العالم حق
He said, "I will make this world right."
في ايران
In Iran
فانا ادري وانا قاسوله في ناس رح تحكي كوائد من الفيران الظاهر
I know, and I'm sure there are people who will talk nonsense like rats, apparently.
ما ادري
I don't know.
فشو نسوي
What should we do?
سوي اليوتوبيا على قولته هذي
"Create the utopia as he said."
العالم الامتاز
The distinguished world.
او العالم اللي يخلو من الاخطاء
Oh, the world that is free from mistakes.
فشو نقال
What happened?
قال انا بسوي هالعالم
He said, "I will create this world."
في وفرة اكل
There is an abundance of food.
Drinking place
مرتاحين فيه
Comfortable in it.
تنظيف دوري
Regular cleaning
فيه ناس تنظف في الاماكن هذي حق الفيران دايما
There are people who always clean these places for the mice.
والمكان وسيع طبعا
And the place is spacious, of course.
بدون مفترسين
Without predators.
ما في مخاطر تواجرهم
There are no risks in dealing with them.
درجات حرارة ثابتة معتدلة
Moderate constant temperatures
فهي يعني سوبل العيش يعني بيرفكتو
It means the means of living, which is perfect.
كل شي تمام عندهم
Everything is fine with them.
فشو نقال
What is the news?
قال يلا خنبلش
He said, "Come on, let's start."
شو نبلش
What should we start with?
قال يبولي اربع ازواج من الفيران
He said, "I want four pairs of mice."
طبعا يبولهم من
Of course, he urinates on them.
شو سمونا المنظمة هذي
What did they call this organization?
منظمة عالمية حق الفيران هذي
This is a global organization for the rights of rats.
منظمة عالمية حق التزاوج والتزاوج
Global Organization for Marriage and Monogamy
يعني يحافظون على البريد منهات الحيوانات
It means they keep the mail away from the animals.
فليش جاب من هناك
So why did he bring (it) from there?
عشان يضمن ان هذول الازواج انضاف
To ensure that these couples are added.
ما فيهم مشاكل بالديانيه ولا فيهم امراض ولا فيهم اي من ذلك
They have no problems with religion, nor do they have any diseases, nor any of that.
جاب الاربع ازواج
The four couples arrived.
قطهم بالعالم هذي
This cat in the world.
اللي فيه سكن واكل ومشرب
The one that has housing, food, and drink.
كل شي كل شي ناضم
Everything, everything is organized.
هذول اول ما انقطعوا تغريبا
These are the first ones that were cut off, approximately.
قدر لهم شهر
It was destined for them a month.
يحوسون بالمكان لين تقلموا على المكان
They wander around the place until they settle down.
And congratulations.
اتبلش معانا تجربة
Are you having a tough experience with us?
Universe 25
Universe 25
والقصة الجميلة الغريبة هذي كلها
And this whole beautiful strange story.
عقب شهر
A month later
تقلموا على المكان
They are taking care of the place.
وقاموا يشرفوني مروحون واستانسوا
They came to honor me as they were leaving, and they enjoyed themselves.
So it was.
دهم طاقة ايجابية قوية متفجرة حق الحياة
A strong, explosive positive energy that embodies the essence of life.
الانتاجية زادت
Productivity has increased.
التزاوج زاد
Mating increased.
كل شي كان مرتاحين
Everything was comfortable.
فكان فيه اقبال على الزواج
There was a growing interest in marriage.
كان فيه اقبال على العيش
There was a demand for living.
كان فيه اقبال على تنظيم المجتمع
There was a demand for community organization.
او تكوين المجتمع
Or the formation of society
تاخذنا قصة التجربة هذي الى اليوم
This story of the experiment takes us to today.
الثلاثمية وخمسة عشر
Three hundred and fifteen.
شو نصار
What's wrong?
اليوم الثلاثمية وخمسة عشر
Today is the three hundred and fifteenth.
صاروا تقريبا اكثر من ستمية فار
They have now become more than six hundred rats.
على قولة الكاتب انه
As the writer said, it is
انه بالصعدة والنزلة
It is by ascension and descent.
اكتافهم ببعض
Their shoulders are close to each other.
خلاص دزني ودزك
Enough, just send me and I'll send you.
فصار زحمة المكان
The place became crowded.
شو نلاحظ بعدها العالم كان هون
What do we notice after the world was here?
قام يلاحظ ان النمو السكاني صار ابطئ
He noticed that population growth had become slower.
انه ما قام يصير فيه انتاجية سريعة
There is no quick productivity happening.
نفس ما اول ما اسكنوا
Same as when they first settled.
صار زحمة فلاحظ انه الانتاجية قلت
It got crowded, so he noticed that productivity decreased.
ما قاموا ينتجون اكثر
They didn't produce any more.
The mice
اليهال صار عندهم
The children have received.
نثل سلوك او ردة فعل على المجتمع انهم
They exhibited behavior or reactions towards society that they...
حسوا نفسهم ضايعين
They felt lost.
يعني قبل
It means before.
عالم الوهايم او عالم الفيديات هذا
The world of wahyim or the world of fidiat.
ينولد على طول
It is born continuously.
صار صار بس يكبر سن الرضاعة
"Once it happens, it's just a matter of time until the breastfeeding age grows."
بلوغ فيه هدف بالحياة
Achieving a goal in life.
او انه فيه دور مجتمعي هو لازم يعبيه
Or that there is a social role that he must fulfill.
قام يلاحظ ان الجيل
He noticed that the generation
اليديد هذا ما بعد الزحمة ما بعد
The new one, this is after the crowd, after.
ستمية فار قام ينولدون
Six hundred rats are being born.
ويسال ما عندهم هدف يعني ضايعين
They ask what their goal is, meaning they are lost.
بس واقفين مادر شو ننسوي
But we're standing here, we don't know what to do.
بس ناكل ونقعد
We just eat and sit.
كانوا همان يعني لما قلت لكم ما عندهم هدف
They were the same, meaning when I told you they have no goal.
ما كانوا يقدرون يعبون اللي هو
They couldn't fill what it is.
مجتمعية يعني لان انا قلت لكم
It means social because I told you.
سنة الحياة ان المجتمع عبارة عن
The way of life is that society is a...
ادوار يعبيها الناس والامر
Roles fulfilled by people and the matter.
هذي كلها ليش انا قلت لكم موضوع الادوار
This is all why I told you about the topic of roles.
او الادوار المجتمعية اللي هو
Or the social roles it represents.
الهايراكي السوسيتي هايراكي
Social hierarchy hierarchy
كيف نقول لان هذا رح نرجع
How do we say because we will return this?
لبعدين تالي
For later then.
فقلت لكم اليهال صاروا ضايعين
I told you, the kids have become lost.
وشوي شوي
Slowly, slowly.
الاجتماعي قام يتغير
The social has started to change.
وشنو صار
What happened?
صار زحمة فلاحظوا ان الذكور
It became crowded, so they noticed that the males...
قاموا يتنافسون ما بينهم
They competed with each other.
على الازواج
On couples.
على الاماكن على السكن
On the places about housing.
مع انه ترا فيه وفرة
Even though there is abundance in it.
اكل وكل شي بس يوم صار
He ate everything, but when it happened...
الزحمة بلش هذا السلوك يطلع
The crowding has started this behavior to emerge.
الذكور قاموا يتهاوشان مع بعض
The males were fighting with each other.
صاروا ادوانيين وبعض من
They became adversaries and some of them...
اعضاء المجتمع الفاري هذا
Members of this fairy community.
مثل ما تقول ازهقوا وفقدوا
"Just as they say, they got bored and lost."
الامل صاروا مكتبين جدا
The hope has become very low.
قاموا يتزلون الناس ما يروحون
They are making people stumble so they don't go.
مكان في زحمة يقدرون شي بزوايا
A place in a crowd where they can find something in corners.
في مدينة الفاضلة هذه على قولتهم
In this ideal city, as they say.
Sweet or nice.
وقام التواصل الاجتماعي بلش يقل
Social media communication has started to decline.
ويقل ويقل ويقل
And less, and less, and less.
شنو يعني يقل ويقل
What does it mean to decrease and decrease?
انا اقولك
I am telling you.
الاناث اعتزلوا المجتمع
The females have withdrawn from society.
شون يعني مفهومة اعتزل المجتمع
What does it mean to understand the community's withdrawal?
يعني ما قاموا يبادرون
It means they didn't take the initiative.
في الخوض في المجتمع قاموا يقعدون
In discussing society, they would sit down.
فوق ببيوتهم حتى يعني حتى
Above their houses, even means even.
العالم ركز انهم ما قاموا يقعدون بالبيوت
The world focused on the fact that they did not stay at home.
اللي تعهت لا قاموا يسعدون اعلى بيوت
Those who promised do not come to bring happiness to the highest houses.
يعني خلينقول اذا هم عندهم شغلق فهم
I mean, let's say if they have a job, then they do.
اعلى دور خلاص بيوخرون عن الناس كلهم
The top floor will isolate everyone from others.
فما قاموا وما قاموا يهتمون
They did not rise, nor did they care.
حق المجتمع والتزاوية والامراضي كلها
The rights of the community, marriage, and all matters.
المجتمع انقسم
The society is divided.
الى كذا قسم فصلهم العالم
To this extent, the world divided them into sections.
كالهون شون قال
What did Kahloun say?
في قروب سماهم العلوين
In the group called Al-Alawiyyin.
هذول شون جوهم
How are they doing?
هذول جيناتهم حلوة
Their genes are beautiful.
شكلهم حلو
They look nice.
هذول قام تتطور عندهم
These have started to evolve.
النرجسية والضرور وشافوا نفسهم
Narcissism and the necessity, and they saw themselves.
انهم وايد افضل واحسن
They are much better and superior.
واجمل من المجتمع
And more beautiful than society.
لدرجة ان شون حياتهم
To the extent that it became their life.
يقوم من النوم يأكل يشرب
He wakes up, eats, and drinks.
يمشط شعره
He combs his hair.
او يعني يتنظف وشذي ويردي نام
Oh, he means he will clean up and then go to sleep.
ما هم المجتمع ولا التزاوج
What are society and marriage?
ولا انه يقز ولا انه
Neither does he leap nor does he...
ولا انه اي شي تخيلم
"It's not something you can imagine."
انا ادري يا احواني انك اسالف عن المجتمع هذا
I know, my brothers, that I am talking about this society.
انتوا ببالكم في افكار قاعدة
Do you have ideas in mind?
تنربط ببعضها
They are connected to each other.
قاعدة تستنتجون اشياء صح
You deduce things correctly, right?
يعيكم بالحشي
It affects you with the hashish.
فالقروب الاول اللي هو
So the first group, which is
البيوتيفل وينز
Beautiful Wins
فيه تدورة عادة جديدة
There is a new habit formation.
وقروب جديدة اللي هو الكنابلزم اللي
And a new group which is the cannibalism that
اكلين لحوم كانوا يأكلون بعضهم من بعض
They were meat eaters who used to eat each other.
وفيه قروب ثاني
And there is another group in it.
انتشرت فيه المثلية الجنسية طبعا
Homosexuality has spread in it, of course.
انا مقول لكم قروب يعني مو قروب قروب
I'm telling you, it's a group, I mean not just any group.
ان الضوار هذا يتنتشر في المجتمع
This phenomenon is spreading in society.
كنت لكم العدوانية
I was aggressive towards you.
الحريم اعتزل المجتمع الناس صار فيها كعبة
The women have withdrawn from society; people have become like a Kaaba.
ومو الناس طبعا الفران يعني انزين
"And of course the people are the baker, I mean, that's good."
the sweet ones
وصار فيه
And it became in it.
ظهرت اكل اللحوم كانوا يأكلون بعضهم
The meat eaters appeared to be eating each other.
انتشرت المثلية الجنسية والعزوف عن الزواج
Homosexuality and the aversion to marriage have spread.
الاس اكشواليتي
The essence of actuality.
الريائي الما قايم يحتمون بالحريم
"The hypocrites who cannot stand on their own rely on women."
وخلاص المجتمع يخترب
And the society will fall apart.
وانتشر العنف بشكل جدا كبير
Violence spread very widely.
وين مصكم راح
Where did your bag go?
ادري والله العظيم
I swear, I know.
ادري شو لقعته فكروا
I know what you’re thinking.
بدون والله بس انا نوعا ما ادري شو لقعته
I swear, I just somewhat know what I found.
فكروا فيه لاني انا قايل حوشني نفس الافكار
Think about it because I’m telling you to keep the same thoughts.
لما سمعت عن التجربة هذي اول مرة
When I heard about this experience for the first time.
وقلت لازم اسونا فيها بالبودكاست وياكم
I said we have to do it in the podcast with you.
اقول لكم شو سويت انا
I'm telling you what I did.
تاخدنا قصة التجربة هذي
This experience story takes us.
الى اليوم
Until today.
الخمسمية وستين
Five hundred and sixty.
احنا كنا قاعد نتحدث عن ثلاثمية وخمستعش وشوية جدام
We were sitting talking about three hundred and fifteen and a little ahead.
احنا الحين في اليوم
We are now on the day.
اللي هو بالخمسمية وستين
It's five hundred and sixty.
يقول لك كمية قليلة
He tells you a small amount.
من المواليد
Of the births
البيبيات الفيران
The baby mice.
مو هامسترز صح
Not hamsters, right?
فصيلة مختلفة الهامسترز عن الفيران
A different breed of hamsters than mice.
في جرث في فار في هامستر صح
There is a germ in a mouse in a hamster, right?
والله ما ادري يا جماعة كلهم نفس الشي بالنسبة لي
I swear I don't know, guys, they're all the same to me.
فما ادري همتاروا اي واحد
I don't know which one they were referring to.
هو مو همتاروا هما
They are not the same.
هذول ما ادري شو نزيل
I don't know what to remove these.
والله شو اخباري همتاروا
By God, what are my news?
المهم باليوم الخمسمية وستين
The important thing is on the five hundred and sixtieth day.
شنو صار
What happened?
كمية قليلة من المواليد
A small number of births.
كملوا سن البلوغ
They have reached puberty.
اللي هو
That is it.
ما بعد سن الرضاعة يعني
What comes after the weaning age means.
قليل اللي كملوا وصلوا لسن البلوغ
Few who completed have reached puberty.
يعني تطافوا سن الرضاعة وشذي
It means they were around the age of breastfeeding and that's it.
احنا قلت لهم سن البكاء اللي مكتوب بالبحث
We told them the age of crying that is mentioned in the research.
They circled.
نسبة الحمل صارت جدا
The pregnancy rate has become very high.
قليلة جدا مخفضة صارت
It has become very low.
بعدين دشوا فيزي جديد اللي هو
Then they entered a new physics, which is...
الوفيات زادت وفيات المواليد
The deaths of newborns have increased.
المواليد اللي بدت
The births that started.
قاعم يموتون ما قاعم يعيشون صلاص
The ones standing die, while those who are sitting live safely.
ظروف المعيشة مو وايد زينا
Living conditions are not very good.
شوي شوي
Slowly, slowly.
المجتمع قاهم يوصل مرحلة
The community will reach a stage.
توقف انتاج مجتمعي
Societal production has stopped.
المجتمع قاعم يوقف انتاج
The society is stagnant and halting production.
زين واليهال قاعم يموتون
Fine, and the children are dying.
ومصغار والكبار معششين
And the small ones and the big ones are nesting.
لانه ما في مخاطر ما في شي ضرهم في
Because there are no risks, there is nothing that harms them.
اكل في كل شي
He eats in everything.
واليهال اساسا قلين والدون ما عندهم
"And the children, basically, we told them, have nothing."
حدف بالحياة
Deleted from life.
شي تجربة قاعد تصير
It's an experience that's happening.
ويقول لك شوي شوي
And he tells you to take it easy.
لغة التواصل قاهم تختفي عندهم
The language of communication disappears among them.
شون يعني لغة التواصل يعني
What does communication language mean?
المجتمع ما قاهم يكلم
"The society does not understand them."
بعضه ما قاهم يتواصلون نفس قبل
Some of them are still communicating like before.
ترى الفكرة مجتمع الفئران
The idea of a community of rats is seen.
والجردان ترى مجتمع خطير جدا
And the rats are a very dangerous community.
حتى لو تشوفونا بالصد شي ترى يعني
Even if you see us by chance, it means nothing.
فيه قروبات وحزاب وفريق ويروح
There are groups, parties, and teams, and they go.
فريق يسقيد فريق مدري شنو
A team is watering a team I don't know what.
فالمجتمع ما قاهم يشالف مع بعضه خلاص
The society doesn't communicate with each other anymore.
دا تنتشر للعزلة وتنتشر للطوائية
This spreads for isolation and spreads for the sects.
والعدوانية والامراضي كلها السلبية
Aggression and all negative ailments.
ونسوا علاقاتهم شون
And they forgot their relationships.
يرجعون يعني وصلوا خط لا راجع فيه
They mean they're back; they've reached a point of no return.
إنه نسوا شون يعدلون المجتمع مرة ثانية
They forgot how to change society a second time.
لأنه على كلام
Because it is being spoken.
لأنه على كلام جون كالهون
"Because according to John Calhoun."
يقول إن منو
He says that it is me.
اللي عنده القدرة على التزاوج
Whoever has the ability to mate.
للحين بصفحته وعافيته يقدر يتزاوج
He can still marry at his age and health.
اللي القروب اللي صرفنا عنهم مساعة اللي فهم منو الحلوين
The group we were distracted from, who understood where the nice ones are.
اللي شايفين نفسهم هالمجتمع
Those who see themselves as part of this society.
صار فيهم نرجسية عالية جدا
They have developed a very high level of narcissism.
أنا وايد أكشخ منكم إني أنا وايد أحلى منكم
I am much more stylish than you; I am much prettier than you.
فليش أنا أتعب نفسي مع المجتمع
So why should I exhaust myself with society?
أنا أحس نفسي أعلى منكم
I feel myself above you.
هذول اللي عندهم قدرة تزاوج لأنه
These are the ones who have the ability to mate because...
صحتهم جمالهم عافيتهم يعني يعتبرون
Their health, their beauty, their well-being are all considered.
وايد هلثي بعالم الفئران
Very healthy in the world of mice.
زي ومنو
Who and what
والحريم اللي طيقوا المجتمع
"And the women who defied society."
By helicopter.
المشكلة مو هني
The problem is not here.
المشكلة مون هذول شايفين نفسهم حلوين
The problem is these people think they are attractive.
ومرضين على حد ولا المشكلة
"Two patients in the same situation or the problem."
بالحريم اللي اعتزلوا
With the women who have withdrawn.
المجتمع بسبة الضيم اللي قاي شوفونا
The society is because of the oppression we are experiencing.
المشكلة أنه مع الوقت
The problem is that over time
على كلام العالم يقول
The scholar says.
نسوا طريقة التواصل يعني
They forgot the way to communicate, I mean.
يعني شو أنا بسط لها لكم يعني
What do you mean by I made it easy for you?
المجتمع نسى شو أنا أروح
The society forgot where I am going.
أتعرف أتزوج
Do you know I am getting married?
يعني نسوا الطريقة نسوا أولياتهم
It means they forgot the method, they forgot their fundamentals.
بالمجتمع شنو هي أني أنا أتزوج وتكاثر
In society, what does it mean for me to get married and reproduce?
وأبني المجتمع وأطور المجتمع
I build the community and develop the community.
وأنتوسع بالمجتمع
And we expand in the community.
بمعنى آخر الشباب نسوا شو
In other words, youth have forgotten what.
يقزون والحريم نسوا شو
"They are playing around while the women have forgotten what."
يصورون ربات منزل ويرضعون ويأكلون اليهال
They portray housewives breastfeeding and feeding children.
وشان شي قاي يموتون اليهال وهذا
"And what about those kids who are dying?"
الحريم نسوا دورهم والريائيل أيضا
The women have forgotten their role, and so have the men.
نسوا وجودهم
They forgot their existence.
ونسوا هدفهم بالحياة كذكور
And they forgot their goal in life as males.
عفوا يعني وإناث
Excuse me, meaning females.
We continue.
التجربة إلي
The experience to me
إلينا اليوم اللي هو
Today is the day.
تسعمية وعشرين نعم
Nine hundred and twenty, yes.
بين قوسين مكتوبة
(in parentheses written)
بتجربة طبعا يا جماعة أنا منقرأت
Of course, I'm speaking from experience, guys; I haven't read.
هالفقرة شوية ضاكو
This paragraph is a bit funny.
دي ما هي ليش معنى أنا مو وايد مع الفيراض
This is not for me, meaning I don't really care about the worries.
اليوم التسعمية وعشرين بين قوسين
Today is the nine hundred and twenty (in parentheses).
يضيق خوقي لمسوا شي ما يليش
"My heart feels constricted, no one can feel what I feel."
يعني تخيلت فار صغير شوية
I imagined a small mouse a little bit.
And after that.
آخر فار مات في
The last mouse died in
تاريخ فلاث وعشرين مايو
The date is the twenty-fourth of May.
ألف وتسعمية وثلاثة وسبعين
One thousand nine hundred and seventy-three.
According to
اللي فهمت أنه فار كان صغير يعني
What I understood is that the mouse was small, meaning.
آخر حمل كان في اليوم تسعمية وعشرين
The last shipment was on the day nine hundred and twenty.
وآخر فار مات كان في ثلاث وعشرين مايو
The last rat that died was on May twenty-third.
يعني وبس
It means "and that's it."
تجربة استمرت أربع
An experience that lasted four.
سنوات وعشر
Ten years.
وانتهى المجتمع
And the community has ended.
خلاص انتهى انتهى المجتمع
It's over, the society is finished.
والتجربة هذه انعدت أكثر من مرة
This experiment has been repeated more than once.
وتكررت النتائج
The results were repeated.
يا كالهون كان يقول
Oh, Kahloun used to say.
المجتمع هذا يا جماعة
This community, folks.
قبل شفناه كله
We saw it all before.
ما مات موته عادية
He did not die a regular death.
شلون حجي كالهون
How are you, uncle?
قال المجتمع هذا مات موتين
The community said, "He died two deaths."
مختلفين تماما
Completely different.
واحدة تسبق الثانية
One precedes the other.
شني قال رقم واحد ماتوا
What did number one say? They died.
موتة الروح والألفة والمجتمع
The death of spirit, familiarity, and community.
their spirits
خلاص المجتمع حياته
The essence of society is its life.
ونبضه مات وقف
And his heartbeat stopped.
والموتة الثانية هو الموت الفعلي
The second death is actual death.
الموت البدني خلاص طاحه وماته
Physical death is a release from suffering and pain.
فالمجتمع مات واندثر قبل
The society died and disappeared before.
يموت هو فعليا
He is actually dying.
فيو العلماء قالوا
Some scholars said.
لا يمعوت
Don't worry.
دا غاية تجربتك تدييات هذا نفس الشي
This is the ultimate experience; the expenses are the same.
قيسر مع البشر ليش قلت لكم
"Why did I tell you that Caesar is with humans?"
خلصنا سؤال بعدين تالي
We finished the question, then later.
وما بطول عليكم لانه راضي حان وصلنا 14 دقيقة
"And I won’t take too long because we arrived in 14 minutes."
شنقول لا احنا بلشت الأفكارنا بالعكس
What should we say, no, our ideas started in the opposite direction.
خلاص نعزز ال depopulation
Let's enhance the depopulation.
خلاص نحفز الناس
Let's motivate people.
يلبسون او يستعملون طرق
They wear or use methods.
عشان ما يحملون
So they don't carry.
ولا نكثر عدات السكان بالعالم
And we do not increase the population numbers in the world.
عشان لا يسرع علينا ان المجتمع ضيج
So that the community doesn't rush us, it's cramped.
او العالم يضيج علينا وتصير هالسؤال اللي قاعد تصير
"Oh, the world is narrowing around us, and this question that is happening becomes the focus."
وانتو رادي مخكم في اشياء
You are still thinking about things.
تشوفونها بالصد صارت صح
Do you see it? It became true.
بس كان هون يعني يحليله شنو قال
"Well, it was here, I mean, he was saying something nice."
قال لا انا عندي نظرة
He said, "No, I have a perspective."
تفاؤلية انا متأمل
I am optimistic.
على العرق البشري
On human sweat.
شون كابتن
How are you, Captain?
يقول ان
He says that
انا متأمل بالبشر لان
I am hopeful about humanity because
البشر اللي يضاج علينا المكان
"The people who disturb us in this place."
احنا ممكن نخلق لنا مكان ثاني نعيش فيه
We can create another place for us to live in.
It means.
حسب تفسير اللي قاعد افهمه ان
According to the interpretation that I understand, that
السوشال ميديا هو عالم
Social media is a world.
بروح نختلقه وترى همان السوشال ميديا صار زحمة
"Let's create it, and look, social media has become crowded."
رقم ما صار زحمة بالسوشال ميديا
There was a number that became trending on social media.
انتشرت العدوانية وانتشرت المثلية
Aggression has spread, and homosexuality has spread.
وانتشرت شي هذا بس بسوشال ميديا وهذا عالم
"This spread only on social media, and this is a world."
افتراضي فهمتوا الفكرة
I assumed you understood the idea.
ان احنا كبشر عندنا القدر ان نحسن
As humans, we have the ability to do good.
ونخلق لنا عوالم ثانية نعيش فيها
"And we create for ourselves second worlds to live in."
او غروبات ثانية ننتمي اليها
Or other groups that we belong to.
وهذا بطبيعة الحال يعني
And this naturally means
فقال انا عادي عندي مو لازم احنا نطبق
He said, "I’m fine with it; we don’t necessarily have to implement it."
نذبح ناس ولا
"Shall we slaughter people or not?"
وتافر يعني
And travel means.
لان على قولته هو
Because, as he said, he is.
راح الف شي اسمه behavioral sync
"Something called behavioral sync has gone."
اللي هو ما ادري شو نشرها
I don’t know what he published.
البالوع السلوكية او
Behavioral trap or
البلاع السلوكية ما ادري شو نشر لكم اياها
I don't know what behavioral observations I have shared with you.
ان كل شي يصب في شي
Everything converges into something.
اتوقع تيشة ترجمتها
I expect its translation will be a mess.
اقدر اترجم لكم اياها
I can translate it for you.
قال احنا الناس عندنا الرقبة دائما في المخالطة
He said, "We people always have our necks in mingling."
من الوجود مع الناس
From existence with people.
احنا كمشهر نحب شدي
We, as stars, like this.
نحب ننتمي لغروبات نحب ننتمي للناس
I want to belong to groups; I want to belong to people.
فمو من المنطقة
He is not from the area.
ان احنا نقلل هالشي
We should reduce this.
عشان we survive
So that we survive.
والbehavioral sync
Behavioral sync
يعني شو انا اشرح لكم
What do you mean, should I explain to you?
ان كل شي مربوط بشي
Everything is connected to something.
اساسها كان شي والمثلية
Its basis was something and homosexuality.
هو اساسها شي
It is basically something.
وانا رابط عمض بها الموضوع وايد يمكن نصور فيه بحلقة ثانية
I am really interested in this topic, and we might film it in another episode.
بكل شي عن النسوية
Everything about feminism
عن الذكورية وعن هذا كله
About masculinity and all of this.
فهذه التجربة يا جماعة
So this experience, folks,
انا ليش قاعد اتفكر فيها
Why am I thinking about her?
واسأل فياكم فيها لانها شغلت منخي
"And ask for your opinion in it because it occupied my mind."
لان اتوقع انتو في منكم
Because I expect that some of you are here.
يلقى يسمع الحين
He is being heard now.
قال يا اخي التجربة هذا كانها موجودة بالصج
He said, "Oh my brother, this experience feels like it actually exists."
كان هذا اللي يسير فينا احنا
This is what was happening to us.
حاشا اننا طبعا البشر نكون نفس الفئران
Far from it, of course we humans are not like the mice.
ولكن بالنهاية لو نقارن فيها
But in the end, if we compare it.
طبعا احنا تديات هما تديات
Of course, we are in a gathering, they are in a gathering.
فهذه التجربة اللي هي اسمها
This experience that is called
الكون 25 او الونيفورس 25
The Universe 25
اتمنى عجبتكم الحلقة
I hope you liked the episode.
وان شاء الله مجايزين حلقة يديدة
"And God willing, we will have a new episode."
وارادي موجودة
And my desires are present.
ان شاء الله ما نطاول عليكم الحلقة اليديدة
God willing, we won't keep you waiting for the new episode.
نبي نسمع ارائكم عن التجربة هذي
We want to hear your opinions about this experience.
وشكرا حق الناس اللي رجلشت علي
And thanks to the people who stood by me.
وكلمتني وعطتني مثلا نصايح
She spoke to me and gave me some advice.
او مدحت البودكاست
She praised the podcast.
حق الناس اللي سوت فولو حق البودكاست
It's the right of the people who followed the podcast.
وانا وايد سعيد متشرف فيكم
I am very happy and honored to meet you.
وقربنا نكمل 10 حلقات
We are close to completing 10 episodes.
عشان ننهي السيزن انا حط عندي هدف اني
To finish the season, I set a goal for myself to
انا اكمل 10 حلقات
I completed 10 episodes.
واقفل السيزن وان شاء الله
"And close the season, and God willing."
حسيت ان الامور طيبة وشذي
I felt that things are good and so.
ممكن نسوي سيزن 2 وممكن يكون
We can make season 2 and it could be.
بودكاست مصور
Video podcast
فيديو اياه
His video.
اذا انتوا تحبين متى هذي الاشياء فشكرا جزيلا لكم
If you like these things, then thank you very much.
اتمنى تشاركوني رايكم بالحلقة
I hope you share your opinion about the episode with me.
ونشوفكم ان شاء الله في حلقة يديدة من مسافة
We will see you, God willing, in a new episode of "Distance."
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