من وحي القرآن (1) - سورة البقرة (1) للشيخ الشنقيطي - مشروع كبار العلماء

الشيخ محمد الأمين الشنقيطي

المكتبة الصوتية للشيخ محمد الأمين الشنقيطي - كبار العلماء

من وحي القرآن (1) - سورة البقرة (1) للشيخ الشنقيطي - مشروع كبار العلماء

المكتبة الصوتية للشيخ محمد الأمين الشنقيطي - كبار العلماء

يسر مشروع كبار العلماء بالكويت أن يقدموا لكم هذه المادة

The Senior Scholars Project in Kuwait is pleased to present to you this material.

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم

I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed devil.

يقول الله جل وعلا

Allah, the Exalted, says.

واستعينوا بالصبر والصلاة وإنها لكبيرة إلا على الخاشعين

And seek help in patience and prayer, and indeed, it is a great burden except for the humbly submissive.

الذين يظنون أنهم ملاقوا ربهم وأنهم إليه راجعون

"Those who believe that they will meet their Lord and that they will return to Him."

استعينوا استفعال من العون

Seek help; it is the active form of assistance.

وياءه مبدلة من واو

His "yā" is replaced by a "wāw."

أصله استعون

Its origin is "استعين".

تحركت الواو بعد ساكن صحيح

The Waw moved after a consonant that is not a vowel.

فوجب نقل حركتها إلى الساكن الصحيح

"It was necessary to move its movement to the correct vowel."

على حد قوله في الخلاصة

According to him in the summary.

لساكن صحاق للتهريك من ذي ليل آت عين فعل كأذن

For the resident, a wailing of the night comes as a sign of action.

والسين واتاء للطلب

"And the letter 'S' and 'T' for request."

فمعنى استعينوا وطلبوا العون

The meaning of "استعينوا" is "seek help" and "طلبوا العون" means "they asked for assistance."

على أموركم الدنيوية والأخراوية

On your worldly and hereafter matters.

بالصبر والصلاة

With patience and prayer.

الصبر مصدر صبر صبراء

Patience is the source of patience.

وهذه المادة تتعدى وتلزمها

This material exceeds and requires it.

فمن تعديها في القرآن

So whoever transgresses it in the Quran.

واصبر نفسك مع الذين يدعون ربهم

"And be patient with those who call upon their Lord."


The verse

ومن لزومها في القرآن

And of its necessity in the Quran

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صِبِرُوا وَصَابِرُوا

O you who have believed, persevere and endure.


The verse

وَلَمَنْ صَبَرَ وَغَفَرَ إِنَّ ذَلِكَ لَمِنْ عَزْمِ الْأُمُورِ

"And for the one who is patient and forgives, indeed, that is from the resolve of the matters."

وقال بعض العلماء هي متعدية دائما

Some scholars said it is always transitive.

إلا أنها يكثر حلف مفهومة

However, it is often interpreted as understood.

ومن تعديتها في كلام العرب

And whoever transgressed it in the speech of the Arabs.

قول عن ثلاثة وقيل أبو يؤيد

It is said about three, and it was said that Abu supports.

فصبرت عارفة لذلك حرة

So I remained patient, knowing that it was free.

فارسو إذا نفس الجبان تطلع

"Fear not if the cowardly self emerges."

والصبر خفلة من خصال الخير عظيمة

Patience is a great quality among the attributes of goodness.

صرح الله في سورة فصلت

Allah stated in Surah Fussilat.

أنه لا يعطيها لكل الناس

He does not give it to everyone.

وإنما يعطيها لصاحب الحظ

"And it is only given to the one who is fortunate."

والنصيب الأكبر والنصيب الأوفر

The largest share and the greatest portion.

وذلك في قوله

And this is in His saying.

وَمَا يُلَقَّاهَا إِلَّا الَّذِينَ صَبَرُوا

"And none will receive it except for those who are patient."

وَمَا يُلَقَّاهَا إِلَّا بِحَظٍ عَظِيمٍ

"And none will receive it except those who are most fortunate."

وهذه الخصلة التي هي الصبر

And this trait, which is patience.

لا يعلم جزاءها إلا الله

Only God knows its reward.

كما قال جل وعلا

As Allah, the Exalted, said.

إِنَّمَا يُوَفَّى الصَّابِرُونَ أَجَرَهُمْ بَغَيْرِ حِسَابٍ

Indeed, the patient will be given their reward without account.

وَالصَّائِمُونَ مِنْ خِيَارِ الصَّابِرِينَ

And the fasting ones are among the elite of the patient.

وَلِذَا قَالَ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ فِي مَا يَرُوِهِنَ عَنْ رَبِّهِ

And for this reason, he said, peace be upon him, in what he narrates from his Lord.

إِلَّا الصَّوْمَ فَهُوَ لِي وَأَنَا أَجْزِبِهُمْ

"Except for fasting, it is for Me and I will reward for it."

والصبر يتناول الصبر على طاعة الله

And patience includes patience in obedience to Allah.

وإن كنت كالقافض على الجمر

"And if you are like one who is holding onto embers."

والصبر عن معصية الله

And patience in refraining from the disobedience of God.

وإن اشتعلت نعر الشهرات

"And if the flames of fame ignite."

يدخل في ذلك الصبر على المصائب

This includes patience in the face of calamities.

عند الصدمة الأولى

At the first shock.

والصبر على الموت تحت غلاب السيوف

"And patience in the face of death beneath the onslaught of swords."

وقوله هو الصلاة

And His saying is the prayer.

أي واستعينوا بالصلاة

"And seek help through prayer."

لأن الصلاة نعم المعين

Because prayer is indeed a great support.

على نوائب الدهر

On the calamities of time.

وعلى خير الدنيا والآخرة

And for the best of this world and the Hereafter.

كما قال تعالى

As Allah Almighty said

إن الصلاة تنهى عن الفحشاء والمنكر

"Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing."


The verse

وقال جل وعلا

And He, the Most High, said

وأمر أهلك بالصلاة

And command your family to pray.

واستبر عليها

And be patient with her.



لا نسألك رزقا

We do not ask you for sustenance.

نحن نرزقك والعاقبة للتقوى

"We provide for you, and the outcome is for the pious."

وكان صلى الله عليه وسلم

And he, peace be upon him,

إذا حزبه أمر صلى

If something concerns him, he prays.

ورؤي عن ابن عباش رضي الله عنهما

It was narrated from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him.

أنه منعي له أخوه قثم

His brother Qutham prevented him from it.

فأناخ راحلته وصلى

So he brought his mount to a stop and prayed.

وتلا واستعينوا بالصبر والصلاة

"And seek help through patience and prayer."

يستعينوا بالصلاة على صبر مصيبة أخيه

They seek help through prayer to endure the grief of their brother.

ولا شك أنه يتعلمونه

There is no doubt that they are learning it.

لأن لطالب العلم هنا سؤالا

Because the student of knowledge has a question here.

وهو أن يقول

And that he says

أما الاستعانة بالصبر

As for seeking assistance through patience.

على أمور الدنيا والآخرة

About the matters of this world and the Hereafter.

فهي أمر واضح لا إشكال فيه

It is a clear matter with no ambiguity.

لأن من حبس نفسه على مكروهها

"Because whoever confines themselves to what they dislike..."

في طاعة الله

In obedience to God.

كان ذلك أكبر معين على الطاعة

That was the greatest aid in obedience.

ولكن ما وجه الاستعانة بالصلاة

But what is the purpose of seeking help through prayer?

على أمور الدنيا والآخرة

About the matters of this world and the hereafter.


The answer

أن الصلاة هي أمور الدنيا والآخرة

Prayer is a matter of both this world and the hereafter.

أكبر معين على ذلك

The greatest help in that.

لأن العبد

Because the servant

إذا وقف بين يد ربه

If he stands before his Lord.

ينادي ربه

He calls upon his Lord.

ويتلو كتابه

And he reads his book.

تذكر ما عند الله من الثواب

Remember what is with Allah of reward.

وما لديه من العقاب

And what he has of punishment.

فهان في عينه كل شيء

Everything became trivial in his eyes.

وهانت عليه مصائب الدنيا

And the hardships of the world became trivial to him.

واستحقر لذاتها

And she despised for herself.

رغبة في ما عند الله

Desire for what is with Allah.

ورهبة من ما عند الله

"And fear from what is with Allah."

ثم إن الله أكبره

Then God made him greater.

وقال جل وعلا

And Allah, the Most High, said.

وإنها لكبيرة

And indeed, it is great.

إلا على الخاشعين

"Except for the humble."

للعلماء في مرجع الضمير

For scholars in the reference of conscience.

في وإنها

In and it.

أقوال كثيرة

Many sayings

منها أنه راجع

Among them, it indicates that he has reviewed.

إلى الاستعانة

To seek assistance.

المفهوم من قوله

The meaning of his saying.


And seek help.

ومنها أنه راجع

Among them is that he reviewed.

إلى المذكورات في الآية قبل هذا

To those mentioned in the verse before this.


And the investigation.

أنه راجع إلى الصلاة

He is returning to prayer.

والمعنى وإنها أي الصلاة

"And the meaning is that it (i.e., the prayer)..."


For the great one.

أو عظيمة مشاقة

Or great hardship.

على كل أحد

Upon everyone.

إلا على الخاشعين

"Except for the humble."

والصبر كذلك

And patience as well.

على المصائب

About the calamities.

وعلى طاعة الله

And to the obedience of Allah.

وعن معاصي الله

And about the sins of God.

كبير جدا

Very big.

إلا على الخاشعين

Except for the humble.

والظاهر أن الضمير

It appears that the pronoun

إنما رجع لأحد المتعاطفين

He only returned to one of the sympathizers.

اكتفاء به

Satisfaction with him.

عن الآخر

About the other.

لأن مثل ذلك

Because of that

يفهم في الآخر

It is understood in the end.

وهذا يكثر في القرآن

And this is common in the Quran.

وفي كلام العرب

In the speech of the Arabs

فمنه في القرآن

"So it is in the Quran."

قوله هنا

His saying here

واستعينوا بالصبر

And seek help with patience.

والصلاة وإنها

And the prayer, indeed it is.


And he looked.

الذين يكنزون الذهب

Those who hoard gold

والفضة ولا ينفقونها

"And silver, and they do not spend it."


The verse

وقوله والله ورسوله

And His saying, "By Allah and His Messenger."

أحق أن يرضوه

Is it right for them to please him?

ولم يقل يرضوه

And he did not say "they are pleased with it."



وقوله جل وعلا

And His saying, Exalted and Most High.

يا أيها الذين آمنوا

O you who have believed

أطيعوا الله ورسوله

Obey Allah and His Messenger.

ولا تولوا عنه

And do not turn away from him.

ولم يقل عنه ما

And he did not say anything about him.

ونغيره من كلام العرب

"And we change it from the words of the Arabs."

قول حسان بن ذابت

The saying of Hassan ibn Thabit.

إن شرخ الشباب

The crack of youth.

والسعر الأسود

And the black price.

ما لم نعاص كان جنون

What we have not experienced was madness.

ولم يقل ما لم نعاصيا

"And he did not say what we have not disobeyed."

وقول نابغة ذبيان

And the saying of the Nabigha of Dhubyan.

وقد أراني

"And He showed me."

ونعم اللهيين

And the blessings of Allah.


With it

والدهر والعيش لم يهم بإمرار

"And time and life did not care to pass."

وقول الأضباط بن قرية

And the statement of the officers from the village.

وقيل كعب بن زهير

It was said: Ka'b ibn Zuhair.

لكل هم من الهموم سعى

For every concern, there is a pursuit.

والمسي والصبح

And the anointing and the morning.

لا فلاح معه

There is no success with him.

ولم يقل لا فلاح معهما

And he did not say there is no success with them.

والشبيرة هنا

And the girl is here.

وصف من كبر

Description of arrogance.

بضم الباء

With the "b" pronounced as a "b" sound.

يكبر بضمها

It grows by covering it.

إلى عوم وشق

To swim and split.


And weight.

ومنه قوله

And among what he said

كبر على المشركين

"Grow up against the polytheists."

ما تدعوهم إليه

What you are calling them to.

وهذا النوع في المعاني

And this type is in meanings.

من كبر الأمر إذا شق وثقل

"The matter becomes significant when it becomes difficult and heavy."

أو كبر بمعنى عظم

Or it grew in the sense of becoming greater.


As his saying

كبر مقتل عند الله أن تقولوا

The greatest sin with Allah is that you say.

ما لا تفعلون

What you do not do.

يكبر الأمر فهو كبير

The matter grows because it is significant.

مضمون في الماضي

Content in the past.

تقول كبر يكبر

It says "grow, it grows."

فهو كبير

It is big.

كما بينا

As we have shown.

أما كبر السم

As for the poison.

ففعله كبير بكسر الباء

His action is significant with a broken 'b'.

يكبر بفتحها على القياس

It grows by opening it according to the scale.

وهو معروف

And he is known.

ومن أمثلته قول

One of its examples is the saying.

قيس المجنون

Qais the Madman

فأشقت ليلة وهي ذات

So the night was long while it was devoted.



ولم يبدو للعينين

And it did not seem to the eyes.

منذ بها حجم

Since it has size

صغيرين نرعى البهم

We are young, tending to the sheep.

يا ليت أننا إلى اليوم

If only we were to this day.

لم نكبر ولم تكبر البهم

We did not grow up, and the lambs did not grow.


And self-sufficiency.

في قوله إلا على الخاشعين

"In His saying, except for the humble."

استغناء مفرغ

Deprivation of the void




For the meaning.

وإنها لكبيرة

And indeed, it is a great matter.

أي ثقيلة عظيمة

What a great burden!

شاقة على كل أحد

Difficult for everyone.

إلا على الخاشعين

Except for the humble.

والخاشعون جمع الخاشع

"And the humble ones (are) the plural of the humble."

وهو الوصف من خشع

"And it is the description of one who is humble."

وأصل الخشوع

The origin of humility.

في لغة العرب

In the Arabic language.

من خفاض

From reduction.

في طمأنينة

In tranquility.

كل منخفض مطمئن

Every depression is reassuring.

تسميه العرب خاشعاء

The Arabs call it Khashi'ah.

ومنه قول ناذرة لبيان

And among them is the saying of Nadhira for clarification.

توهمت آيات

I imagined verses.

لها فعرفتها

So I recognized her.

لستة أعوام

Six years.

ولا العام سابع

And not the seventh year.

رماد ككحل العين

Ashes like kohl in the eye.

لأن أبينه

Because I clarify it.

ونؤين كجذن الحوض

And we are like the water in the basin.

أثلم خاشع

I am humble.

أي منخفض مطمئن

Any reassuring low.

هذا أصل الخشوع

This is the essence of humility.

في لغة العرب

In the Arabic language

وهو في اصطلاح الشر

"And it is in the terminology of Sharia."

خشية تداخل القلوب

Fearing the interference of hearts.

توهر آثارها على الجوارح

Her effects manifest on the limbs.

فتنخفض وتطمئن

So it decreases and reassures.

خوفا من خالق السماوات

Fear of the Creator of the heavens.


And the earth.


And the meaning

أن الصلاة

That prayer

صعبة شاقة

Difficult and arduous.

على غير منذ قلوبهم

"Against their hearts."

الخوف من الله

The fear of God.

ويذل لذلك

"And thus is humiliated."

شدة عظمها على المنافقين

The severity of its greatness upon the hypocrites.

كما قال جل وعلا

As the Most High said.

وإذا قاموا إلى الصلاة

And when they stand for prayer.

قاموا كسالة

They acted lazily.

يراؤنا الناس

People show off to us.

ولا يذكرون الله إلا قليلا

And they hardly remember Allah.

وقال جل وعلا

And He, the Most High, said

فويل للمصلين

Woe to those who pray.

الذين هم

Those who are

صلاتهم ساهون

Their prayers are heedless.


And he said.

الذين يظنون أنهم

Those who think they are

ملاقوا ربهم

They will meet their Lord.

الذين في محل خفض

Those in the state of lowering.

نأتون للخاشعين

We have come to the humble ones.

أي إلا على

Any except on

الخاشعين الذين يظنون

The humble ones who think.

والظن هنا معناه

And the meaning of " الظن " here is

اليقين على التحقيق

Certainty on verification.

خلافا لمن شذف

Unlike those who glanced.

سعم أنه ظن المعروف

He thought that the good deed was known.

وأن المتعلق

And that which is related.



والمعنى يظنون أنهم

And the meaning is that they think they are

ملاقوا ربهم بذنوب

They will meet their Lord with sins.

هم وجلون من سلك الذنوب

They are apprehensive about committing sins.

فهذا غير ظاهر

This is not apparent.

ولا يجوز حمل القرآن عليه

It is not permissible to hold the Quran against him.

وينقال به بعض العلماء

It is said by some scholars.

والتحقيق أن معناه يظنون يوقنون

The truth is that its meaning is they believe with certainty.

وقد تقرر في علم العربية

It has been decided in the science of Arabic.

أن الظن يطلق في العربية

That suspicion is used in Arabic.

وفي القرآن يطلقين

"And in the Quran, it is mentioned..."

يطلق الظن بمعنى اليقين

Suspicion is referred to in the sense of certainty.

ومنه قوله هنا

"And from him is his saying here."

الذين يظنون أنهم ملاقوا ربهم

Those who think they will meet their Lord.

أي يوقنون

"Who are certain."

ومنه بهذا المعنى

And from it, in this sense.

مني ظننت أني ملاق حسابية

I thought I would meet with a calculation.

أي أيقنت أني ملاق حسابية

Did you realize that I am about to face judgment?

ومنه قوله تعالى

And from it is His saying, the Exalted.

ورأى المجرمون النار

And the criminals saw the Fire.

فظنوا أنهم مواقعها

So they thought that they were going to fall into them.

أي أيقنوا أنهم مواقعها

"Do they not realize that they are its locations?"

إلى غير ذلك من الآيات

To other verses.

ومن أمثلة إطلاق العرب الظن على اليقين

Among the examples of the Arabs using doubt to refer to certainty.

أولو ذريذ بذنوبه

Those with heavy sins.

في السمة

In the signature

فقلت لهم ظنوا بألفين دجج

So I said to them, "Assume it to be two thousand dragons."

سراتهم في الفارسي المسردي

Their stories in the Persian narrative.

فقوله ظنوا أي أيقنوا

His saying "they thought" means "they were certain."

وقول عميرة بن طارق

And the saying of Amirah ibn Tariq.

بأن تغتزوا قوني وأقعد فيكم

That you may take me as a hostage and I sit among you.

وأجعل مني الظن غيبا مرجما

"And make my suspicion a stone-cast unseen."

أي أجعل مني اليقين غيبا مرجما

"Shall I make certainty a hidden aim?"

فمعنى يظنون أي يوقنون

The meaning of "يظنون" is "they are certain."

أنهم ملاقوا ربهم

They are indeed meeting their Lord.

وملاقوا ربهم

And those who meet their Lord.

وملاقوا أصله ملاقيون

"And those who meet, their origin is meeting."

مفائلون منقوص

Incomplete optimists.

والمنقوص تحذف ياءه عند التصحيح

And the deficient noun has its "yaa" removed when corrected.

وحليفة نون ملاقون للإضافة

And the suffix "Nun" is a meeting point for addition.

أي ملاقوا ربهم

Those who meet their Lord.

والمراد بهذه الملاقاة

And the intended meaning of this encounter

أنهم يعرضون على ربهم يوم القيامة

"That they will be presented before their Lord on the Day of Judgment."

فيجازيهم على أعمالهم

He will reward them for their deeds.

كما قال تعالى

As He, the Most High, said.

يومئذ تعرضون لا تخفى منكم خفية

On that day, you will be shown; nothing about you will be hidden.

وقال جل وعلا

And He, the Most High, said.

إن أجل الله لآت

The appointed time of God will surely come.

من كان يرجو لقاء الله

Whoever hopes to meet Allah


The verse

وقوله أنهم إليه راجعون

And His saying that they are returning to Him.

أي يوقنون أنهم أيضا إليه راجعون

They are certain that they will also return to Him.

جل وعلا يوم القيامة

Glory be to Him on the Day of Judgment.

فمجازيهم على أعمالهم

And He will reward them for their deeds.

وقدم المعمول الذي هو الجار والمجرور

"And the makhlooq that is the neighbor and the genitive."

في قوله إليه راجعون

"In His presence we shall return."


For two matters.

أحدهم المحافظة على رؤوس الآي

One of them is to preserve the heads of the verses.

وقاله أنهم إليه راجعون

"And they said, 'Indeed, to Him we shall return.'"

والثاني الحصر

The second is confinement.

وقد تقرر في ثن الوصول

It has been decided in the second arrival.

في مبحث دليل الخطاب

In the section on the evidence of speech.

أعني مفهوم المخالفة

I mean the concept of violation.

أن تقديم المعمول

The presentation of maamoul.

من أدوات الحصر

Among the tools of restriction.

وكذلك تقرر

It has also been decided.

في ثن المعاني

In the context of meanings

في مبحث القصر

In the topic of limitation

أن تقديم المعمول

The presentation of the maamoul.

من أدوات الحصر

Among the tools of limitation.

وهذا معنى قوله

This is the meaning of his saying.

الذين يظنون

Those who think

أنهم ملاقوا ربهم

That they will meet their Lord.

وأنهم إليه راجعون

And indeed, to Him we will return.

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