السيرة النبوية - الحلقة 27

السيرة النبوية - الشيخ إسماعيل العوفي

السيرة النبوية - الشيخ إسماعيل العوفي

السيرة النبوية - الحلقة 27

السيرة النبوية - الشيخ إسماعيل العوفي

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قال له ماذا تريد يا أخي

He said to him, "What do you want, my brother?"

قال دعنا نذهب

He said, "Let us go."

وندخل فيما يدعو إليه هذا الحجر

And we delve into what this stone calls for.

قال والله

He said, "I swear by God."

إن هذا لك

This is for you.

الدرس السابع والعشرون

Lesson twenty-seven

لا يزال الحديث

The conversation is still ongoing.



في أحداث السنة الثالثة

In the events of the third year.

من هجرة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

From the migration of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

ففي هذه السنة

In this year

تزوج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) got married.

السيدة أم سلمة

Mrs. Umm Salama

رضوان الله عليها

The pleasure of God be upon her.

هذه المرأة

This woman.


The struggle.

التي بدلت الغالية والنفيس

"Who exchanged the precious and valuable."

في سبيل نصرة هذا الدين

In the cause of supporting this religion.

والدفاع عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

And the defense of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

فقد هاجرت هي وزوجها أبو سلمة

She and her husband Abu Salama emigrated.

عبد الله بن عبد الأسد

Abdullah bin Abdul Asad



رضوان الله عليه

May God's pleasure be upon him.


The two migrations.

هاجرت أولا إلى الحبشة

I first migrated to Abyssinia.

مع زوجها أبي سلم

With her husband Abu Salam.

فكان أول من هاجر في سبيل الله

He was the first to migrate in the cause of Allah.

ثم هاجرت مع زوجها

Then she emigrated with her husband.

أبو سلم

Abu Salam

إلى المدينة المنورة

To Medina.

فكان أول من هاجر في سبيل الله

He was the first to migrate for the sake of God.

مستجيبين لأمر الله تبارك وتعالى

Responding to the command of Allah, Blessed and Exalted.

وأمر رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم

And He commanded His Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

وكانت العلاقة بينها

And the relationship between them was...

وبين زوجها العظيم

And between her great husband.

السيد أبي سلم

Mr. Abu Salam

رضوان الله عليه

May Allah be pleased with him.

علاقة عظيمة

Great relationship.

قائمة على الإيمان

Based on faith

قائمة على التقوى

Based on piety.

وما كانت هذه المرأة

And this woman was not


You imagine.

في يوم من الأيام

One day

أن مشيئة الله تبارك وتعالى

That the will of God, blessed and exalted be He.

تشاء أن يتقدم عليها زوجها

She desires that her husband advances over her.

إلى الدار الآخرة

To the hereafter.


And the truth

أن المؤمن

The believer

عندما يذهب إلى الدار الآخرة

When he goes to the afterlife.

يذهب لينال جزاءه من الله

He goes to receive his reward from God.


And therefore.

قصة تلك الجنازة

The story of that funeral.

التي مرت على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

that passed by the Prophet, peace be upon him.

وهي محمولة تعرفونها

It is a portable thing that you know.

مرة قوم على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Once a group came to the Prophet, peace be upon him.

يحملون جنازة

They are carrying a funeral.

فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said.

وبينه أصحاب من كل صوب

"And between them were companions from every direction."

مستريح أو مستراح منه

Resting or relieved from it.

تعجب الصحابة رضوان الله عليه

The companions (may Allah be pleased with them) were amazed.

من هذا الكلام العجيب

What is this strange talk?

الذي يسمعونه أول مرة من النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

What they hear for the first time from the Prophet, peace be upon him.

مستريح أو مستراح منه

Resting or relieved from it.


Please provide the text you would like to have translated from Arabic to English.

يا رسول الله ما المستريح وما المستراح منه

O Messenger of Allah, what is the one who finds comfort and what is he seeking comfort from?

فقال المستريح المؤمن يستريح من هم الدنيا وأذاها إلى رحمة الله

The believer who finds rest is relieved from the worries and troubles of this world to the mercy of God.

والمستراح منه الفاجر يستريح منه البشر والحجر والشجر وكل شيء

"And the wicked person, from whom the human, stone, tree, and everything else finds relief."

متأذي منه الكائنات الحية وغير الحية الفاجر

The wicked one harms both living and non-living beings.

فقال مستريح أو مستراح منه

He said, "Resting or one who is at rest from it."

أبو سلم رضوان الله عليه كان من المؤمنين الصادقين

Abu Salma may Allah be pleased with him was among the sincere believers.

ولذلك سيد أم سلم رضوان الله عليه في مرة من المرات

And therefore, Sayyid Umm Salam, may Allah be pleased with her, at one time...

قالت لأبي سلم بلغني أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول

She said to Abu Salama, "I heard that the Prophet, peace be upon him, says..."

ما من زوجين يكونان صالحين في الدنيا

There are no two spouses who are righteous in this world.

فتتقدم الزوجة أو يتقدم هو

The wife approaches, or he approaches.

إلا وجعلهم الله تبارك وتعالى زوجين في الجنة

Except that Allah Almighty made them pairs in Paradise.

قالت لتعال نتعاهد

She said, "Come on, let's make a pact."

قال هل نتعاهد على أي شيء

He said, "Shall we make a pact on anything?"

قالت إذا أنا تقدمت أنت ما تتزوج بعد

She said, "If I advance, you won't marry anyone after me."

هذه مصيبة كبيرة

This is a great disaster.

وإن تقدمت أنت لم أتزوج بعدك

"And if you advance, I haven't married after you."

لنكون زوجين في الجنة

Let us be married in heaven.

فقال لها

He said to her.

أما أنا إنتبهت

As for me, I noticed.

فقال لها أما أنا إنتبهت

He said to her, "As for me, I noticed."


So marry.

اللهم ارزق أم سلم

O Allah, grant Umm Salm.

بعلا خيرا مني

Better than me.

لا يخزيها ولا يؤذيها

He does not disgrace her nor harm her.

يعرف هذه المرأة

He knows this woman.

ويعرف قدرها

And he knows its value.

وهي معروفة القدر عند الله

"And she is known in stature with Allah."

وعند رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

"And with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him."

ولو لم تكن كذلك كما سيأتي

And if it were not so, as will come.

لما اختارها الله تبارك وتعالى

When Allah, Blessed and Exalted, chose her.

زوجة للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Wife of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

وأما للمؤمنين والمؤمنات

As for the believers, both men and women.

إلى أن يرث الله الأرض ومن عليها

Until God inherits the earth and all who are on it.

اللهم ارزق أم سلم

O Allah, provide for Umm Salim.

بعلا خيرا مني

Better than me.

لا يخزيها ولا يؤذيها

It does not shame her nor hurt her.

فأجاب الله تبارك وتعالى دعوة أبي سلم

So Allah, Blessed and Exalted, answered Abu Salama's prayer.

أبو سلم رضوان الله عليه في بدر

Abu Salama, may Allah be pleased with him, in Badr.

أصيب بقرح

He developed ulcers.

لكن لم يمت

But he did not die.

معنا ظهر في البداية بأنه بخير

It appeared to us at first that he was fine.

حتى أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Even the Prophet, peace be upon him.

أرسله فيه

Send it in.

سري إلى بني أسد

Secretly to the Banu Asad.

بلغ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him, has delivered the message.

أن جماعة من بني أسد

That a group from Banu Asad.

قد اجتمعوا يريدون

They have gathered wanting.

لإغارة على مدينة

To raid a city.

رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Messenger of God, peace be upon him.

فأرسل النبي

So the Prophet sent.

صلى الله عليه وسلم إليهم

Peace be upon him.

سرية بقيادة

A unit led by

هذا البطل العظيم

This great hero.

وهو أبو سلم رضوان الله عليه

He is Abu Salama, may Allah be pleased with him.

في 150

In 150.

ذهب أبو سلم

Abu Salam went.

عندما وصل باغتهم

When he arrived, they were taken by surprise.

وهجم عليهم

And he attacked them.

وفرق جمعهم وغنموا غنائم

They scattered their gathering and returned with spoils.

وعادوا إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

And they returned to the Prophet, peace be upon him.

ما هي إلا ساعات

It's only a matter of hours.

يعود فيها أبو سلم

Abu Salama returns in it.

إلى مدينة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

To the city of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

حتى يثور به

Until he revolts with it.

أحد جروحه فينتفخ

One of his wounds swells up.

انتفخ أحد جروحه

One of his wounds has swollen.

وزاره النبي

The ministry of the Prophet.

صلى الله عليه وسلم

Peace be upon him.

فوجده في حالة عصيبة

He found him in a difficult situation.

حتى أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Even the Prophet, peace be upon him.

قد تأثر

It has been affected.

فخرج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

And the Prophet, peace be upon him, went out.

فمات أبو سلم رضوان الله عليه

And Abu Salama passed away, may Allah be pleased with him.

أبو سلم كان قد قال كلمات للسيدة أم سلم رضوان الله عليها قبل أن يموت

Abu Salama had said words to Lady Umm Salama, may Allah be pleased with her, before he died.

في حياته

In his life

قال لها سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يحدث بحديث

He said to her, "I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, narrating a hadith."

ما أحب لي به كذا وكذا

I don't like this or that for myself.

أحب شي ذلك الحديث إلى نفسي

I love that conversation to myself.

سمعت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول

I heard the Prophet, peace be upon him, say.

ما تصيب أحدا مصيبة فيسترجع عند الله

No calamity befalls anyone but that it is accompanied by a prayer to Allah.

فيسترجع عند الله

It will be retrieved before God.

ثم يقول

Then he says.

اللهم اللهم إني أحتسب مصيبة هذه عندك

O Allah, O Allah, I consider this calamity a trial from You.

اللهم أخلفني فيها إلا أعطاه الله

Oh Allah, grant me in it what You have given me.

قال سمعت هذا الحديث من النبي

He said, "I heard this حديث (hadith) from the Prophet."

صلى الله عليه وسلم

Peace be upon him.

سيد أم سلم رضوان الله عليها

Sir Abu Salama, may Allah be pleased with her.

بعد أن مات أبو سلم تذكرت هذه الكلمات

After Abu Salim died, I remembered these words.

التي سمعتها من زوجها أبي سلم

Which she heard from her husband Abu Salam.

يرويها عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

It is narrated from the Prophet, peace be upon him.


He said.

اللهم إني أحتسب مصيبة هذه عندك

O Allah, I bear witness to this calamity with You.

ولكن عندما أرادت أن تقول

"But when she wanted to say"

اللهم أخلفني فيها

O Allah, replace it for me.


I hesitated.

ولم تنطق بهذه الكلمات

And she did not utter these words.

وقالت من خير من أبي سلم

She said, "Who is better than Abu Salim?"

لو دعيت قلت اللهم أخلفني فيها في هذه المصيبة

If I were called upon, I would say: "O Allah, compensate me in this calamity."

اللهم أخلفني في أبي سلم

O Allah, grant me a substitute in Abu Salim.

من خير من أبي سلم

Who is better than Abu Salim?

من الرجال الذين كانوا حول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Among the men who were around the Prophet, peace be upon him.

من خير من أبي سلم

Who is better than Abu Salm?

رجل عرفته وعرفها

A man I knew and she knew.

وحفظ لها حقها

And he preserved her right.

ودعا لها حقها

And she called for her right.

وقالت لها بدعوات وهو حي أن يرزقها الله تبارك وتعالى من لا يخزيها ولا يؤذيها فمن خير من أبي سلم

And she said to her in prayers while he was alive to ask Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, to grant her one who would not disgrace her or harm her, and who could be better than Abu Salama.

ثم قالت بعد هذا التردد قالت لأنها سمعت هذه الكلمات من أبي سلم يرويها عن من يرويها عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Then she said, after this hesitation, because she heard these words from Abu Salama narrating them from someone who narrated them from the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

فقالت وأخلفني فيها فما إن انقضت عدتها إلا وأرسل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إليها من يخطبها للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

She said, "And he left me in it, and as soon as her waiting period was over, the Prophet, peace be upon him, sent someone to propose to her on behalf of the Prophet, peace be upon him."

لقد اختارها الله تبارك وتعالى لتكون زوجة للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وأمًا للمؤمنين والمؤمنات

Allah, Blessed and Exalted, chose her to be the wife of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the mother of the believers.

إلى أن يرث الله الأرض ومن عليها بنص كتاب الله

Until Allah inherits the earth and whoever is on it, according to the text of the Book of Allah.

النبي أولى بالمؤمنين

The Prophet is closer to the believers.

من أنفسهم وأزواجه أمهاتهم

From themselves and their wives, their mothers.

فلما بلغها الأمر قالت للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في خلال ثلاث

When the matter reached her, she spoke to the Prophet, peace be upon him, within three.

أحسن خبرك قبل

I better tell you first.

في خلال ثلاث عندي ثلاث صفات

In three, I have three qualities.

لا بد أن أخبرك عنها قبل أن

I must tell you about her before...

يقع الزواج

Marriage takes place.

فقالت له أما أنا كبيرة في السن

She said to him, "As for me, I am old."

امرأة كبيرة في السن

An elderly woman.

لم تكن صغيرة في السن

She was not young in age.

أما أنا فامرأة كبيرة في السن

As for me, I am an elderly woman.

وامرأة ذات عيال عندها أولاد

And a woman with children who has kids.

عيال تقوم عليهم أيتام

Children who are being raised as orphans.

مات أبوهم أبو سلم رضوان الله عليه

Their father Abu Salama passed away, may Allah be pleased with him.

وامرأة شديدة

And a very strong woman.



والنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم له زوجات

And the Prophet, peace be upon him, had wives.

غير السيدة أم سلم رضوان الله عليه

Except for Lady Umm Salama, may Allah be pleased with her.

عنده عائشة أم المؤمنين

He has Aisha, the Mother of the Believers.

وعنده غيرها

And he has other than it.

عنده سودة بنت زمعة رضوان الله عليها

He has a daughter named Suada bint Zam'ah, may God be pleased with her.

عنده غيرها

He has others.

قالت امرأة شديدة الغيرة

A very jealous woman said.

فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said.

مجيبا لها عن هذه المجيبة

Responding to her about this respondent.

تجيباً لها على هذه الخلال الثلاث أو الصفات الثلاث

In response to these three characteristics or attributes.

قال لها أما أنا فأكبر منك

He said to her, "As for me, I am older than you."

إن كنت أنت كبيرة فأنا أكبر منك

If you are big, then I am bigger than you.

وأما العيال فأمرهم إلى الله

As for the dependents, their matter is with God.

لن يضيع الله تبارك وتعالى أحد

Allah, Blessed and Exalted, will not let anyone go to waste.

وأما الغيرة فأدعو الله تبارك وتعالى أن يذهبها عن قلبك

As for jealousy, I pray to Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, to remove it from your heart.

فكانت هذه المرأة العظيمة من أعظم نساء النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

This great woman was one of the greatest women of the Prophet, may peace be upon him.

وحسبنا أنها أخرجت المؤمنين من أمر كادوا أن يقعوا فيه ويهلكوا

"And it is enough for us that it saved the believers from a matter they were about to fall into and perish."

في الحديبية

In Hudaybiyyah.

لما وقع الصلح بين النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وبين قريش

When the treaty was concluded between the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Quraysh.

وقع الصلح فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم للناس

The peace agreement was made, so the Prophet, peace be upon him, said to the people.

قال لهم احلقوا رؤوسكم

He told them to shave their heads.

وانحروا هديكم

"And sacrifice your Hady (offering)."

قالوا لا لا

They said no, no.

هم راضين بالصلح

They are satisfied with the reconciliation.

كيف أنت قائلنا أن نصير نعتمر

How are you telling us that we should perform Umrah?

وندخل مكة ونطوف حول البيت

"We enter Mecca and circumambulate the Kaaba."

نوصل هنا ويقع هذا الأمر

We arrive here and this matter occurs.

أنت واعدنا حتى عمر بن الخطاب

You promised us until the time of Omar ibn Al-Khattab.

قال له ألم تعدنا أن نعتمر ونطوف حول البيت

He said to him, "Did you not promise us that we would perform Umrah and circumambulate around the House?"

قال له النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said to him.



ولكن هل ذكرت لك زمنا معينا

But did I mention a specific time to you?

أنا ما قلت لك

I didn't tell you.

قلت لك السنة

I told you the year.

ولا السنة القاية

Nor the coming year.

ولا بعد سنتين

Not even after two years.

قلت لك نعتمر

I told you we will perform Umrah.

لكن ما حدد

But what was specified.



فسكت عمر رضوان الله عليه

So Umar remained silent, may Allah be pleased with him.

والصحابة رضوان الله عليهم

And the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them.

اشتدوا اشتدادا عظيما

They intensified greatly.

علي بن أبي طالب

Ali ibn Abi Talib

قال له النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said to him.

عندما أمره أن يكتب

When he commanded him to write.



مجتمع عليه محمد رسول الله

Agreed upon by Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah.

وسهيل بن عمر

Suhail ibn Amr

النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him.

عن المؤمنين

About the believers.

وسهيل بن عمر عن أهل مكة

Suhail bin Umar from the people of Mecca.

فقال له سهيل بن عمر

Suhail bin Amr said to him.

قال لمسح هذه الكلمة

He said to erase this word.

قال لو كان رسول الله ما قاتلنا

He said, "If he were رسول الله (the Messenger of Allah), we would not have fought him."

أصلا ما معترفين أن هذا رسول الله

They don't even acknowledge that he is the Messenger of God.

لو كان رسول الله ما قاتلنا

If the Messenger of God had been here, we wouldn't have fought.

فقال له النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said to him.


Erase it.

فرفض علي بن أبي طالب

Ali ibn Abi Talib refused.

فمحاها النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him, erased it.


By himself.

دلني عليها

Guide me to it.

فدله عليها

He showed her to it.

فمحاها النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

So the Prophet (peace be upon him) erased it.

صحاب رضوان الله عليهم قيل لهم احلقوا رؤوسكم قيل لهم انحروا هديكم واحلقوا رؤوسكم

The companions of Allah's pleasure upon them were told, "Shave your heads." They were told, "Sacrifice your offerings and shave your heads."

قال لا لن ننحر ولن نحلق

He said, "No, we will not slaughter and we will not shave."

فدخل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وفي نفسه ما فيها من أصحابه

The Prophet, peace be upon him, entered while he had in his heart what he had regarding his companions.

دخل على السيدة أم سلمة رضوان الله عليها التي كانت في قبة قد ضربت لها في خيمة

He entered upon Lady Umm Salama, may Allah be pleased with her, who was in a tent that had been set up for her.

فسألت رأت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم متغير الوجه فسألت

So she asked when she saw the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with a changed face, so she asked.

فقال لها إن أصحابي قد عصوني وأخاف أن يهلكوا

He said to her, "My companions have disobeyed me, and I fear they will perish."

عصيان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ليس أمرا هينا

The disobedience of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is not a trivial matter.

صحاب رضوان الله عليهم ما تعمدوا العصيان

The companions, may Allah be pleased with them, did not intentionally commit disobedience.

ولكن ظنوا أن ذلك

But they thought that it

هذا الأمر لم يكن جازما من النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

This matter was not conclusive from the Prophet, peace be upon him.

يمكن الأمر يتغير ولكن

Things may change, but...

وما كان لمؤمن ولا مؤمنة إذا قضى الله ورسوله أمرا أن يكون لهم الخيرة من أمرهم

"And it is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter, to have any choice in their affair."

ومن يعص الله ورسوله فقد ضل ضلالا مبينا

And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly gone astray in plain error.

فلا وربك لا يؤمنون حتى يحكموك فيما شجر بينهم

But no, by your Lord, they will not believe until they make you the judge in what they dispute among themselves.

ثم لا يجدوا في أنفسهم حرجا مما قضيت ويسلموا تسليما

Then they do not find in themselves any discomfort about what you have judged, and they submit in full submission.

هذا الأمر

This matter

ما ينفع أبدا

It is never useful.

فقالت السيدة أم سلم رضوان الله عليها

Lady Umm Salama, may Allah be pleased with her, said:

يا رسول الله أخرج

O Messenger of Allah, come out.


Get out.

وأمر بنحر هديك وأمر حالقك أن يحلق لك رأسك

"And he commanded to slaughter your sacrificial animal and instructed your barber to shave your head for you."

فخرج استحسن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم هذا الرأي

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) liked this opinion.

قال إن رأوك يمكنهم ظنين بأن الأمر ما جازم

He said that if they saw you, they might think that the matter is not definite.

ما مطلوب منهم وجوبا لكن إن رأوك

What is required of them by obligation, but if they see you...

هديت وحلقت رأسك علموا أن الأمر واجب فتبعوك

You were guided and shaved your head; they knew that the matter was obligatory, so they followed you.

فخرج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

So the Prophet, peace be upon him, went out.

فأمر بهديه أن ينحر فنحر

So he commanded that his sacrifice be slaughtered, and it was slaughtered.

ثم أمر بحالقه فأتى حالقه فحلق للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم رأسه

Then he commanded his barber, and the barber came and shaved the Prophet's (peace be upon him) head.

فقام الصحابة رضوان الله عليهم سراعا

The companions of the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with them, rushed forward.

ونحروا هديهم وحلقوا رؤوسهم اقتداءا بالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

They sacrificed their offerings and shaved their heads in emulation of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

هدي السيدة أم سلم

The guidance of Lady Umm Salama.

والسيدة أم سلم ذات قرابة بالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

And Mrs. Umm Salama has a kinship with the Prophet, peace be upon him.

سيدة أم سلم ذات قرابة

Lady Umm Salama is a relative.

وزوجها أبو سلم ذو قرابة بالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

And her husband Abu Salama is a relative of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

فأبو سلم هو ابن عمة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Abu Salama is the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

أمه برة بنت عبد المطلب

His mother is Barra, the daughter of Abdul Muttalib.

أخت والد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The sister of the Prophet's father, peace be upon him.

وأبو سلم أخ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم من الرضاع

Abu Salama is the Prophet's foster brother.

له إخوة من الرضاع في بني سعد له أخت وله أخ

He has siblings by breastfeeding in Banu Sa'd, he has a sister and a brother.

وأخوه من الرضاع أيضا حمزة بن عبد المطلب

And his milk brother is also Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib.

وأخوه من الرضاع أبو سلم عبد الله بن عبد الأسد

And his milk brother is Abu Salama, Abdullah bin Abd al-Asad.

فهؤلاء إخوة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم من الرضاع

These are the brothers of the Prophet, peace be upon him, by nursing.

ولكن عندما مات حرص النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

But when he died, the Prophet (peace be upon him) took care of it.

على أن يؤدي الواجب تجاه هذا الرجل

To fulfill the duty toward this man.

فيرعى أهله ويقوم بشأنهم

He takes care of his family and looks after them.

والأمر الآخر وهو لأول أن الله تبارك وتعالى هو الذي أمره بذلك

The other matter is that, first of all, it is Allah, Blessed and Exalted, who commanded him to do that.

أم سلم رضوان الله عليها كان أبوها كريما ذا خلق

Umm Salama, may Allah be pleased with her, had a father who was generous and of good character.

لذلك في تاريخ العرب يذكر زاد الركم

Therefore, in the history of the Arabs, the increase of the number is mentioned.

يضرب به المثل في الكرم زاد الركم

It is used as an example of generosity, as in the saying "the more the merrier."

من زاد الركم والد السيدة أم سلم رضوان الله عليها

"Who increased the number was the father of Lady Umm Salama, may Allah be pleased with her."

كان عندما يرحل ويذهب معه الناس

It was when he leaves and people go with him.

لا يأخذ أحد من الناس طعاما ولا شرابا

No one takes food or drink from the people.

وإنما يتكفل زاد الركم

"And it is only the provision of the number that is guaranteed."

والد السيدة أم سلم رضوان الله عليها

The father of Mrs. Umm Salama, may Allah be pleased with her.

بطعامهم وشرابهم حتى يرجعوا

With their food and drink until they return.

ولذلك معروف في تاريخ العرب بزاد الركم

Therefore, it is well-known in Arab history as the Zaad al-Rakm.

فتزوجها النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, married her.

وماتت في السنة التاسعة والخمسين

And she died in the fifty-ninth year.

من هجرة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

From the migration of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

يعني بعد كم سنة بعد تسعة وأربعين

It means how many years after forty-nine.

بعد تسعة وأربعين سنة

After forty-nine years

أو ثمانية وأربعين سنة من وفاة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Or forty-eight years after the death of the Prophet, may peace be upon him.

بعد هذه الحادثة

After this incident.

والمعركة التي كانت قبل هذه المعركة

And the battle that took place before this battle.

أو الغزوة التي كانت قبل هذه الغزوة

Or the battle that took place before this battle.

وهي غزوة ذات الرقاع

It is the Battle of Dhāt al-Ruqāʿ.

جاءت غزوة أخرى

Another raid came.

في شهر شوال

In the month of Shawwal.

في السنة الرابعة

In the fourth year.

من هجرة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

From the migration of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

كان هناك موعد

There was an appointment.



أبي سفيان والنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Abu Sufyan and the Prophet, may peace be upon him.

أبو سفيان عندما رأوا أنهم قد انتصروا في أحد

Abu Sufyan when they saw that they had won in Uhud.

والحقيقة أنهم لم ينتصروا

In reality, they did not win.

قال صرخ وقال للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

He shouted and said to the Prophet, peace be upon him.

موعدنا بدر

Our appointment is at Badr.

ما يسدنا هذا مفعلناه هنا

What fills us here has been accomplished.

ننتقم منكم ونقتل منكم في بدر

"We take revenge on you and kill among you in Badr."

كما فعلتم وقتلتم قتلانا

As you did and killed our people.

موعدنا بدر

Our appointment is at Badr.

العام المقبل

next year

فأمر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عمر بن الخطاب أن يرد عليه

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) commanded Umar ibn al-Khattab to respond to him.

فقل له موعدنا بدر إن شاء الله

Tell him our appointment is at Badr, God willing.

أذكى أبو سفيان في ذلك الوقت

Abu Sufyan was clever at that time.

قال هذه الكلمات

He said these words.

وهو مستشعر النشوة النصر

"And he is sensing the ecstasy of victory."

وفي الحقيقة لا يوجد نصر

In reality, there is no victory.

جاء هذا الموعد

This appointment has come.

فأخذ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يعد العدة

So the Prophet, peace be upon him, began to prepare.

لأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Because the Prophet, peace be upon him...

إذا لم يخرج هان في عيونهم

If Han does not appear in their eyes.

وتجرأوا عليه

And they dared to confront him.

وتجرأوا على المسلمين

And they dared to attack the Muslims.

وتجرأوا على مدينة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

And they dared to attack the city of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

فأخذ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يعد العدة

So the Prophet, peace be upon him, began to prepare.

فاستعد لهذا الأمر ألف وخمسمائة من أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

"So prepare for this matter one thousand five hundred of the companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him."

كان في المدينة في ذلك الوقت نعيم بن مسعود والرجل لم يكن مسلما وكان مشركا

At that time, there was in the city a man named Nuaym ibn Mas'ud, and he was not a Muslim but a polytheist.

نعيم بن مسعود رأى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو يعد ويستعد ورأى تلك الجموع وقد اجتمعت حول مسجد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Naeem bin Mus'ud saw the Prophet, peace be upon him, as he was preparing and getting ready, and he saw those crowds gathered around the Prophet's mosque, peace be upon him.

كتب السير بعضها يقول إن نعيم بن مسعود خرج إلى مكة ليخبر المشركين باستعداد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Historical accounts mention that Na'im ibn Mas'ud went to Mecca to inform the polytheists about the Prophet's (peace be upon him) preparations.

وبعض كتب السير تقول إن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم طلب من نعيم بن مسعود أن يخبر قريش أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قد خرج للموعد بيننا وبينكم موعد

Some biographies state that the Prophet, peace be upon him, asked Nu'aim bin Mas'ud to inform the Quraysh that the Prophet, peace be upon him, had set a meeting between us and you at a specified time.

فأمره أن يخبرهم أنه

So he ordered him to inform them that he...

أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قد خرج للموعد

The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم has gone out for the appointment.

خرج نعيم بن مسعود

Nu'aym ibn Mas'ud went out.

فوصل مكة

And he arrived in Mecca.

وصل مكة

Arrived in Mecca.

الجماعة كانوا يظنون أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لن يخرج

The group thought that the Prophet, peace be upon him, would not come out.

ويرون بأن الناس والأعداء كانوا يحيطون بالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم من كل الجانب

And they see that people and enemies were surrounding the Prophet, peace be upon him, from all sides.

خرج من أحد مرة يحاربه بنو فلان ومرة بنو فلان ومرة بنو فلان

He went out one time to be fought by the clan so-and-so, and another time by the clan so-and-so, and another time by the clan so-and-so.

ومرة يريد أن يغير عليه بنو فلان

And once he wants to be opposed by the people of so-and-so.

فقالوا محمد غير متفرغ للخروج للموعد

They said Muhammad is not available to go to the appointment.

ما متفرغ لهذا الأمر

I'm not available for this matter.

فجاءهم نعيم بن مسعود

Then Ni'man ibn Mas'ud came to them.

فقال لهم إن محمد قد أعد للخروج إلى بدر

He said to them, "Indeed, Muhammad has prepared to go out to Badr."

أعد الجموع جمع الجموع

Prepare the crowds, the gathering of crowds.

رأيت العجب العجاب

I saw the amazing and the wondrous.

قال أبو سفيان ما هذا البلجب ما حاسبي له

Abu Sufyan said, "What is this nonsense? What account do I have for it?"

ما هذا الأمر

What is this matter?

قالوا له يا نعيم

They said to him, "O Naeem."

أنت عليك شيء

You have something on you.

عليك تذهب ترجع مرة أخرى إلى يثرب المدينة

You have to go back to Yathrib city again.

لأنهم كانوا يسمونها يثرب

Because they used to call it Yathrib.

وقبل هجرة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كانت تسمى يثرب

Before the migration of the Prophet, may peace be upon him, it was called Yathrib.

سماها النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم المدينة

The Prophet, peace be upon him, named it Medina.

قالوا عليك أن ترجع إلى يثرب إلى المدينة

They said you must return to Yathrib, to the city.

وتقولهم بأن

And she tells them that

تقول لمحمد وآل صحابه

She says to Mohammed and all his companions.

بأن قريش جمعت الجموع

That Quraysh gathered the crowds.

لآلاف المؤلفة والحشود والفرسان والأسلحة إلى غير ذلك

"Thousands of masses, crowds, knights, and weapons, among others."

نبغى منك هؤلاء الناس تخذلهم

We want you to let these people down.

تكذب قدر عشرين كذبة

You lie about twenty lies.

ولك عشرون ناقة

And you have twenty camels.

إلى عشرين ناقة قالوا نعم لك عشرون ناقة

"To twenty camels, they said, yes, you have twenty camels."

قالوا نعم لك عشرون ناقة

They said yes, you have twenty camels.

أبا سفيان رأى الرجل بشكك في هذا الأمر

Abu Sufyan saw the man with doubt in this matter.

قال نعم قل لي أعطيك عشرين ناقة وناسير

He said yes, tell me and I will give you twenty camels and a Nasir.

وأرجع إلى المدينة

And I return to the city.

ودورك ذب على الناس وخلف ما يطيني شيء

"And your role is to be a burden on people, and behind it, nothing gives me anything."

فلما رأى أبا سفيان

When he saw Abu Sufyan.

فلما رأى أبو سفيان تردده

When Abu Sufyan saw his hesitation.

قال له يسلمها لك سهيل بن عمر

He said to him that it would be delivered to you by Suhail ibn Umar.

رحل سهيل بن عمر

Suhail bin Omar has departed.

قال لتضمنها لي

He said to guarantee it for me.

لعشرين ناقة تضمنها لي

"Twenty camels that you guarantee for me."

قال له أضمنها لك

He said to him, "I guarantee it to you."

فخرج نعيم بن مسعود

Then Naim bin Mas'ud went out.

إلى مدينة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

To the city of the Prophet, may peace be upon him.

فأخذ يوضع بين المؤمنين

So he was placed among the believers.

يقول لهم بأن قريشا جمعت الجموع ألوف مؤلفة

He tells them that Quraysh has gathered countless troops.

ناس خارقين ما يشوفوا إلا الموت

Extraordinary people only see death.

ويفعلوا ويريدون أن يفعلوا كذا

And they do and want to do such and such.

يريدون أن يصنعوا كذا

They want to make this.

ما اكتفى بإخبار النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

He did not suffice with informing the Prophet, peace be upon him.



ويأخذوا من أحد إلى أحد من أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

And they take from one to another among the companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

مرة يكلم هذا ومرة يكلم هذا

Sometimes he talks to this one and sometimes he talks to that one.

الثالث الرابع

third fourth

وعلى ذلك يجلس له مع مجموعة يدور

And on that, he sits with a group that revolves around.


He informs them.

حتى وقع الرعب في قلوب أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Until fear fell into the hearts of the companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

قالوا احنا من تهيد من تهيد

They said, "We are from Tahid, from Tahid."

وقع الرعب في قلوب أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Fear fell into the hearts of the companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him.


And they nearly.

أن لا يخرجوا

Not to leave.

فقام أبو بكر وعمر إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

So Abu Bakr and Umar went to the Prophet, peace be upon him.

وقالوا يا رسول الله ليس لنا إلا أن نخرج

They said, "O Messenger of Allah, we have no choice but to leave."

ما يستمع نخرج

What we listen to, we go out.

إذا ما خرجنا ماذا سيقول

If we go out, what will he say?

ماذا ستقول قريش وماذا سيقول الناس

What will Quraysh say and what will people say?

سيجرؤ علينا الناس بعد ذلك

People will dare to challenge us after that.

ليس لنا إلا أن نخرج

We have no choice but to leave.

والأمر لله يفعل ما يشاء ويحكم ما يريد

And the matter is for Allah; He does what He wills and decrees what He wants.

رجع نعين إلى القرشيين

Naein returned to the Quraysh.

قال أبو سفيان اجتمع بأصحابه

Abu Sufyan said, "Gather with your companions."

يعني الناس ما كانوا يريدون أن يخرجوا

It means people didn't want to go out.

اجتمع بأصحابه قال نسير ليلة أو ليلتين

He gathered with his companions and said, "We will travel for a night or two."

نسير ليلة أو ليلتين

We walk for a night or two.

وبعد ذلك

And after that.

إذا علمنا أن محمد لم يخرج

If we knew that Muhammad did not go out.

رجعنا ظافرين

We returned victorious.

الناس سيتكلمون على محمد

People will talk about Muhammad.

وليس علينا

And it is not upon us.

قال وإذا لم يرجع محمد

He said, "And if Muhammad does not return..."

قلنا للناس بأن هذه السنة سنة فيها محل

We told people that this year is a year with opportunities.

لا عشب ولا ماء

No grass and no water.

كانت سنة سنة محل

It was a year of stagnation.

نرجع ونحارب محمد في سنة خصم

"We go back and fight Muhammad in the year of the opponent."

هذه السنة سنة محل ما تصلح للحرب

This year is a year where it is not suitable for war.

فهم متجهزين على الناحيتين

They are prepared on both sides.

ساروا ليلة أو ليلتين

They walked for a night or two.

حتى وصلوا مجنة

Until they reached Majna.

وهو السوق المعروفة

And it is the well-known market.

سوق العرب المعروفة مجنة

The Arab market is known as a source of joy.

العرب عندها أسواق في الأشهر الحرم

The Arabs have markets during the sacred months.

الأشهر التي لا يكون فيها قتال

The months when there is no fighting.

يقيمون أسواقا

They establish markets.

يقع فيها بيع وشراء وأخذ وعطاء

It involves buying and selling, receiving and giving.

وهذا يلقي قصيدة وذلك يلقي خطبة

One recites a poem and the other delivers a speech.

ومنافرات ومفاخرات إلى غير ذلك

And competitions and boasts, among other things.

مما كان يقع في أسواق العرب

What used to happen in the markets of the Arabs.

من تلك الأسواق مجنة

From those markets, there is madness.

بفتح الميم والجيم

With the 'm' and 'j' open.

مجنة وصلوا إلى مجنة

They arrived at Majna.

وصلوا إلى مجنة

They arrived at Majnah.

قالوا هذه السنة

They said this year.

بلغهم أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قد خال

Inform them that the Prophet, peace be upon him, has passed away.

قالوا هذه السنة سنة محل

They said this year is a year of drought.

ونحن نعود إلى محمد

And we return to Muhammad.

ونحاربه في سنة خصم

"And we will fight him in a year of scarcity."


So they returned.

فسموا جيش السويق

They named the army of Al-Suwaik.

يوم رجعوا داره يضحك عليهم الناس في مكة

The day they returned to their home, people in Mecca laughed at them.

قالوا أنتوا سيرين تكلوا سويق

They said, "You all are going to eat sawiq."

هذا السويق القمح

This is the wheat flour.

يخلط مع الماء

It mixes with water.

أو يخلط مع السمن

Or mixed with ghee.

أو يخلط مع العسل

Or mixed with honey.

يعني يخلط مع شيء من ذلك

It means to mix it with something of that kind.

قالوا كل واحد شاللله معنا

They said everyone should be with us.

معنا كم

How much do we have?

قدر معين من السويق

A specific amount of sawiq.

ذهب إلى هناك وأكله ورجع

He went there, ate it, and returned.

أنتم جيش السويق

You are the army of Al-Suwaiq.

فأخذ الناس يضحكون عليهم

So people started laughing at them.


And they mock them.

خرج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet (peace be upon him) went out.

وخرج معه أصحاب

And his companions went out with him.

كلما مشي خطوات جاهم واحد

Every time he took a few steps, someone came to him.

قالهم قريش جمعت لكم الجموع

He said to them, Quraysh has gathered armies for you.

قريش جمعت لكم الجموع

The Quraysh have gathered armies against you.

ماذا عساكم أن تصنع

What could you possibly do?

والمؤمنون يقولون

And the believers say

حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل

Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs.

مشي خطوات جاهم واحد

As he walked a few steps, someone came to him.

قالهم قريش قد جمعت لكم الجموع

He told them that the Quraysh have gathered an army against you.

ماذا عسا أن تصنعوا

What can you do?

قالوا حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل

They said, "Sufficient for us is Allah, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs."

قرب قبل بدر

Near before Badr.

وهذا بدر أيضا سوق من أسواق العرب

And this is also Badr, a market among the markets of the Arabs.

كان يبدأ في بداية ذي القعدة

It would start at the beginning of Dhu al-Qi'dah.

ثمانية أيام

Eight days

من بداية ذي القعدة

From the beginning of Dhu al-Qi'dah.

إلى ليلة التاسع هذه الأيام

Until the night of the ninth these days.

كلها يجتمع العرب في بدر

All Arabs gather in Badr.

يوقع بيع وشراء وأخذ وعطاء

It involves sales, purchases, receiving, and giving.

والمؤمنون رضوان الله عليهم

And the believers, may Allah's pleasure be upon them.

كانوا قد أخذوا معهم بضائع

They had taken goods with them.

قالوا حسنا ما نخرج كذاك فقط

They said, "Alright, we won't go out like that."

نخرج أيضا نبيع ونشتري

We also go out to sell and buy.

عندهم آمال نبيع ونشتري

They have hopes to buy and sell.

فأخذوا معهم بضائع

So they took goods with them.

قبل ما يوصلوا بدر

Before they reach Badr.

جاءهم جماعة منهم

A group of them came to them.

قال إن قريش قد جمعت لكم الجموع

He said that Quraysh has gathered armies against you.

قالوا حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل

They said, "Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs."

ينتظرونكم في بدر

They are waiting for you in Badr.

حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل

Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs.

فوصل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى بدر

And the Prophet, peace be upon him, arrived in Badr.

ونزل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ببدر

And the Prophet, peace be upon him, descended at Badr.

ولم يجد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فيها أحدا من قريش

And the Prophet, peace be upon him, did not find anyone from the Quraish in it.

أهل حرب

People of War

بل وجد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم سوقا قائمة

But the Prophet, peace be upon him, found a market that was established.

يبيع فيها الناس ويشتري

People buy and sell in it.

فباع المؤمنون واشتروا

So the believers sold and bought.

وربحوا أرباحهم

And they made their profits.

وقيل إن هذه الحادثة هي التي ذكرها الله تبارك وتعالى في سورة آل عمران

It was said that this incident is the one mentioned by God Almighty in Surah Al-Imran.

الذين قال لهم الناس إن الناس قد جمعوا لكم فاخشوهم فزادهم إيمانا

"Those to whom the people said, 'Indeed, the people have gathered against you, so fear them.' But it only increased them in faith."

وقالوا حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل فانقلبوا بنعمة من الله وفضل

And they said, "Sufficient for us is Allah, and He is the best disposer of affairs." So they returned with grace from Allah and bounty.

لم يمسسهم سوء واتبعوا رضوان الله والله ذو فضل عظيم

No harm touched them, and they followed the pleasure of Allah, and Allah is the Possessor of great bounty.

إنما ذلكم الشيطان يخوف أولياءه فلا تخافوه وخافون إن كنتم مؤمنين

"Indeed, it is only Satan who frightens his allies; so do not fear them, but fear Me if you are believers."

فبقي المؤمنون تلك الأيام الثمانية هناك يبيعون ويشتغلون

So the believers remained there for those eight days, selling and working.

ثم رجعوا ضافرين بحمد الله تعالى وتوفيقهم

Then they returned victorious, praising God Almighty for His success.

ذهب معبد بن أبي معبد جهني إلى قريش قال لهم كيف لم تأتوا

Mabad bin Abi Mabad al-Juhani went to the Quraysh and said to them, "Why did you not come?"

حضر محمد

Mohammed attended.

ومعه جماعة من أصحابه معه جيش وتكلمت عليكم العرب وقالت وقالت وقالت

And with him a group of his companions, and he had an army, and the Arabs spoke about you, saying and saying and saying.

قال صفوة النؤمية لأبي سفيان من قال لك أن تعيد محمدا

Safwa al-Nu'maniya said to Abu Sufyan, "Who told you to return Muhammad?"

من قال لك توعد محمد

Who told you to promise Muhammad?

جئت وحدك طشيت وقلت توعدنا العام المقبل لا أحد قائل لك ولا شيء

I came alone, I was careless, and I said you promised us next year, no one is telling you anything.

وبقي عاد الخلاف فيما بينهم من قال لك

And the dispute lingered among them, who told you.

قلنا لك نحن توعد محمد

We told you we promised Muhammad.

سكت أبو سفيان لم يتكلم

Abu Sufyan fell silent and did not speak.

فكان هذا الأمر فضيحة

This matter was a scandal.

فكان هذا الأمر فضيحة لقريش

This matter was a scandal for the Quraysh.

معنى سمعتها

The meaning of her reputation.

وهي سمعة بغي في الحقيقة

It is, in fact, a reputation of immorality.

لكن كانت لها هيبة في النفوس في المنطقة

But she had a presence in the hearts of people in the area.

كانوا يعدونها أقوى قوة

They considered it the strongest force.

تلك الهيبة نزلت إلى الأرض

That majesty descended to the earth.

ولذلك كانت قريش بعد ذلك تبحث عن مخرج ومنفذ

Therefore, Quraish was afterward looking for an exit and a way out.

لتعيد شيئا من تلك الهيبة التي ذهبت بهذه الحادثة

To restore some of the dignity that was lost with this incident.

التي وقعت في بدر

The one that took place in Badr.

ولذلك استغلوا أي شيء

Therefore, they took advantage of anything.

استغلوا الأحزاب كما سيأتي

They exploited the parties as will be mentioned.

استغلوا الأحزاب وحاولوا من خلال الأحزاب

They exploited the parties and tried through the parties.

أن يردوا الهيبة التي ذهبت عنهم

To restore the dignity that has been lost from them.

رجع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) returned.

إلى المدينة المنورة

To Medina.

وبقي بها زمنا

And he remained there for a time.

من السنة الرابعة من هجرته صلى الله عليه وسلم

From the fourth year of his migration, peace be upon him.

هذا الأمر كان في شهر

This matter was in the month.

ذي القعدة

Dhu al-Qi'dah

رجع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, returned.

وبقي زمنا من السنة الخامسة

And a time remained from the fifth year.

هذه الحادثة التي وقعت في بدر

This incident that occurred in Badr.

بدر الأخرى

The other full moon.

عندنا بدر الأولى أو الصغرى

We have the first or minor moon.

وبدر الكبرى

And the great moon

وهي المعركة المشهورة

And it is the famous battle.

وبدر الأخرى

And the other full moon.

وهي التي تحدثنا عنها قبل قليل

It is the one we talked about a little while ago.

تأمنت المنطقة

The area has been secured.

أصبح المدينة المنورة

The city of Medina has become.

تأمنت المنطقة آمنة

The area is secure.

الناس يذهبون ويرجعون

People come and go.

ويبيعون ويشترون

They buy and sell.

وهذا مطلب من مطالب الإسلام

This is one of the requirements of Islam.

لأمن من واجبات الإسلام

Security is one of the duties of Islam.

إقامة الأمن من واجبات الإسلام

Establishing security is one of the duties of Islam.

ولذلك كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

And therefore, the Prophet, peace be upon him,

يقوم بهذا الواجب

He performs this duty.

فأمن الناس

So the people felt secure.

وأصبحت الديار آمنة

And the homes became safe.

والناس يعني يتحركون

And people mean they move.

المسلم والكافر

The Muslim and the disbeliever.

على حدثه وأصبحوا آمنين

They were on his news and became safe.

بفضل الله تبارك وتعالى

Thanks to God, the Blessed and Exalted.

وفضل تلك الدولة الفتية

And the favor of that young state.

دولة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The state of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

التي قامت في المدينة المنور

Which took place in the enlightened city.

وهذا مطلب

And this is a demand.

لأنه إذا ذهب

Because if he goes

في الحقيقة إذا ذهب الإيمان فلا أمان

In fact, if faith goes away, there is no safety.

سر هذا الأمان

The secret of this safety.

هو الإيمان

It is faith.

هو الدين الذي جاء به النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

It is the religion that was brought by the Prophet, may peace be upon him.

وإذا ذهب الإيمان فلا أمان

And when faith departs, there is no security.

الإمام نور الدين السالمي رضي الله عنه

Imam Noor Al-Din Al-Salimi, may Allah be pleased with him.

يقول وقد رأيت العدل أقوى جيشي

He says, "And I have seen that justice is my strongest army."

أقوى جيش يحمي به الإنسان مملكته هو العدل

The strongest army that a person can use to protect his kingdom is justice.

والأمن في البلاد أهنى عيشي

"And security in the country is my greatest comfort."

وأهنى عيشه هي الأمن

And I congratulate him on his life, which is security.

وقد رأيت العدل أقوى جيشي

"I have seen justice as my strongest army."

والأمن في البلاد أهنى عيشي

And security in the country is the best for my living.

هذا الكلام صحيح

This statement is correct.

الإنسان إن لم يكن هناك أمان

A person cannot be secure.

لو كان عنده الملايين

If he had millions.

ما يقدر يخرج من باب بيته

He can't leave through his front door.

لو عنده الملايين

If he had millions.

ماذا عساه أن يصنع بملايين

What could he possibly do with millions?

ولذلك أمنت المنطقة

And therefore, the region was secured.

التي كانت حول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

"Which was about the Prophet, peace be upon him."

ولكن بلغ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

But the Prophet, peace be upon him, reached.

أن جماعة من الناس

That a group of people.

في دومة الجندل

In Dumat al-Jandal.

وهي منطقة مشرفة

It is an honorable area.

أول بلاد شام دومة الجندل

The first land of the Levant is Dumat al-Jandal.

هذه المنطقة

This area

أول قرى الشام

The first villages of the Levant.

أقرب قرى الشام

The nearest villages of the Levant.

إلى مدينة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

To the city of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

يحتاج السائر

The traveler needs.

15 يوم إلى 16 يوم

15 days to 16 days

ليصل إلى هذه المنطقة

To reach this area.

طبعا بالحسابات السابقة

Of course, with the previous calculations.

معنا سواء كان يسير على دبة

With us, whether he is walking on a donkey.

أو يسير على رجليه

Or he walks on his feet.

يحتاج 15 إلى 16 يوم

It takes 15 to 16 days.

حتى يصل إلى دومة الجندل

Until he reaches Domat al-Jandal.

وهي أقرب مدن الشام

It is the closest city to the Levant.

إلى مدينة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

To the city of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

من دومة الجندل

From Dumat al-Jandal.

هذه المنطقة

This area.

إلى دمشق

To Damascus

بالحساب السابق أيضا

With the previous calculation as well.

مسير خمسة أيام إلى أربعة أيام

A journey of five days to four days.

بلغ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) conveyed.

أن جماعة من الناس

That a group of people

قد اجتمعوا في دومة الجندل

They gathered in Dumat al-Jandal.

أهل دومة الجندل

The people of Dumat al-Jandal.

ومعهم جماعة من الناس

And with them a group of people.

ماذا يصنعون؟

What are they making?

يقطعون على الناس الطريق

They block people's way.

ويسلبون ما عندهم من المال

"And they take away what they have of money."

والمسألة ما تقف عندهم؟

And the matter does not stop with them?

قد يقول قائل

One might say

طيب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

بعيد عن هذه المنطقة

Far from this area.

يقطعون الطريق على الناس

They block the road for people.

ويسلبون أمواله

And they take away his money.

النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him.

بينه وبين هذه المنطقة

Between him and this area.

وبين دولة 15 إلى 16 يوم

Between 15 and 16 days.

فقد يقول قائل

Someone might say.

ما الداعي أن يذهب إليه؟

What is the reason for him to go there?

قلنا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

We said the Prophet, peace be upon him.

جاء لنشر الأمن

He came to spread security.

في الأرض

On the earth

وما أرسلناه إلى دمشق

And We did not send it to Damascus.

إلا رحمة للعالمين

Except as a mercy to the worlds.

الأمر الآخر

The other matter

هم غير مكتفين

They are not satisfied.

بقطع الطريق

Cutting the road.

وسلب ما عند الناس

And take away what people have.



وكانوا يعدون العدة

And they were preparing for it.

للهجوم والإغارة

For attack and raid.

على مدينة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

About the city of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

ما سدنهم قطع الطريق

What did their guards do? They blocked the way.

ونهب أموال الناس

And he looted people's money.


To raid.

يريدون الإغارة

They want to raid.

على مدينة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

About the city of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him.

فبلغ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

And the Prophet, peace be upon him, conveyed.

هذا الأمر

This matter

فخرج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, went out.

عليه وسلم في جيش

Peace be upon him in the army.

قوامه ألف

Its structure is a thousand.


And he appointed as a successor.

على المدينة سباع

There are beasts in the city.



وسار النبي صلى الله

And the Prophet, peace be upon him, walked.

عليه وسلم

Peace be upon him.

خطة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The plan of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

أخذ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him, took.

دليلا معه دليل

A proof with him is a guide.

استأجر دليلا

Hire a guide.

قال دلنا على الطريق

He said, "Guide us to the road."

والظاهر أن النبي

It seems that the Prophet

صلى الله عليه وسلم استأجر

Peace be upon him, hired.

دليلا لأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قصد سلوك طريق غير الطريق المسلوك

As evidence that the Prophet, peace be upon him, intended to take a route other than the customary one.

طريق المسلوك يعرفها النبي ويعرفها كثير من أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The path of the one being followed is known by the Prophet and many of the companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

لأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ذهب إلى الشام مرتين قبل النبوة

Because the Prophet, peace be upon him, went to Levant twice before prophethood.

مرة عمره إثنة عشرة سنة ومرة عمره خمس وعشرون سنة ذهب مرتين

Once he was twelve years old and once he was twenty-five years old, he went twice.

النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم استأجر دليلا لأنه يريد أن يسلك طريقا غير مسلوكا

The Prophet, peace be upon him, hired a guide because he wanted to take an untraveled path.

فسار بهم الدليل

Then the guide led them.

ما خطة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

What is the plan of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him?

كانت خطة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه يكمن نهارا ويسير ليلا

The plan of the Prophet, peace be upon him, was to lie in ambush during the day and travel at night.

في النهار يكمن يتخفى هو والجيش حتى لا يراهم أحد

During the day, he hides with the army so that no one can see them.

فيصل خبرهم إلى أهل دومة الجندل ومن معهم ممن اجتمعوا هناك

Faisal informed them to the people of Dumat al-Jandal and those who had gathered there with them.

لفعل تلك الأفعال الثلاثة التي ذكرناها

To perform those three actions that we mentioned.

ويسير في وقت الليل

And he walks at night.

حتى وصل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إليهم

Until the Prophet, peace be upon him, reached them.


So he surprised them.

باغتهم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) surprised them.

وصل إليهم فجأة

He suddenly arrived to them.

قد اجتمعوا خارج دومة الجندل

They gathered outside Dumat al-Jandal.


So flee.

وتركوا أغنامهم

And they left their sheep.


And their wishes.

وما كان معهم

And what was with them.

تركوا كل شيء وفروا

They left everything and fled.

فغنم المسلمون تلك الأموال

The Muslims took possession of those funds.

وذهب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى دومة الجندل

And the Prophet, peace be upon him, went to Dumat al-Jandal.

ذهب إلى دومة الجندل

He went to Dumat al-Jandal.

فوجدها خالية أيضا

He found it empty as well.

ووجدها أحد الناس

And one of the people found it.

قال أين أصحاب المكان

He said, "Where are the owners of the place?"

قال هربوا

He said, "They ran away."

أصحاب المكان هربوا

The owners of the place fled.

بلغهم مجيء كفى هربوا

They informed them of Kafi's arrival; they fled.

كفى الله المؤمنين القتال

God has spared the believers from fighting.

فدعاه النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى الإسلام

So the Prophet, peace be upon him, called him to Islam.

فأسلم الرجل

So the man converted to Islam.

وهداه الله تبارك وتعالى

And Allah, Blessed and Exalted, guided him.

وأتي للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم برجل

A man was brought to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

من بني عبد القيس

From Bani Abdul Qais.

فسأله النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

So the Prophet, peace be upon him, asked him.

ممن أنت

Who are you from?

قال من بني عبد القيس

He said, "From the tribe of Abdul Qais."

قال أين أهلك

He said, "Where is your family?"

قال في المكان الفلاني

He said in that particular place.

ما الذي جاء بك

What brought you here?

قال جئت لأؤمن بك

He said, "I came to believe in you."

هذا الرجل جاء هو أهله

This man came with his family.

سمعوا بالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

They heard about the Prophet, peace be upon him.

وجاء ليؤمن بالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

He came to believe in the Prophet, peace be upon him.

ومعه أهله

And with his family.

جئت لأؤمن بك

I came to believe in you.

وأشهد أن الله هو الحق

And I bear witness that Allah is the Truth.

فنطق بالشهادتين

He pronounced the two testimonies (of faith).

عند النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

At the Prophet, peace be upon him.

ودعا الله تبارك ودعا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

And Allah the Exalted called, and the Prophet, peace be upon him, called.

دعا لهذا الرجل دعا له بالخير

He prayed for this man, he prayed for his well-being.

ودخل في الإسلام فكان ممن شرف بصحبة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

He embraced Islam and was among those honored with the companionship of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

ولقاء النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

And the meeting with the Prophet, peace be upon him.

رجع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى المدينة

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) returned to Medina.

في الطريق وادع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عيينة بن حصن

On the way, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) invoked 'Uyaynah ibn Hisn.

وادعه صالح

Wadi'ah Saleh

صلح هذا قضى بأي شيء بأن هذا عيينة بن حصن

This reconciliation was settled with the matter that this is 'Ayyina ibn Hisn.

طبعا هذا عيينة بن حصن كان يعني رجل سيء الخلق

Of course, this is A'yina bin Hissan, who was a man of bad character.

كان رجلا سيء الخلق

He was a man of bad character.

ولذلك من خبره أنه عندما جاء ليسلم

Therefore, from his story, when he came to embrace Islam.

كما سيأتي في محله

As will be mentioned in its place.

دخل على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم من غير استئذان

He entered upon the Prophet, peace be upon him, without permission.

وتكلم عند النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بكلام قبيح

And he spoke unpleasant words in the presence of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

فصبر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لأذى

So the Prophet, peace be upon him, was patient with the harm.

وكان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يلقبه الأحمق المطاع

And the Prophet, peace be upon him, used to call him the "Obedient Fool."

رجل أحمق ما في عقل

A foolish man with no mind.

وكما يقال مع كل داء دواء يستطب به

As it is said, for every ailment, there is a remedy that can be sought.

إلا الحماقة أعيث من يداويها

"Except for foolishness, who can cure it?"

ما يلهدى والحماقة

What folly and foolishness.

فالواحد عندما يكون أحمق

When a person is foolish.

يتصرف تصرفات الحمق

He acts foolishly.

أي دواء هذا

What medicine is this?

إلا إذا يخترع إلها دواء الله أعلم مع التقدم

"Unless a God invents a medicine, God knows with progress."

فسبحان الله

Glory be to God.

ومع حمق الأحمق المطاع

"And with the folly of the obeyed fool."

كان إذا شهر سيفه ورفعه

He would draw his sword and raise it.

شهرت مع سيفه عشرة آلاف سيف

He became famous with his sword among ten thousand swords.

من غير أن يسألوا

Without asking.

حاله هذا الإنسان قال النكذاك

The state of this person said the truth.

ما عنده حمق

He doesn't have any foolishness.

ما عندهم خبر عن الدين

They have no news about religion.

قالهم حرب حرب

He told them it's war, war.

قالهم سلم سلم

He told them, "Peace, peace."

فوادع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The farewell of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

عيينة بن حصن

Uyayna ibn Hisn

على أن يرعى

provided that he/she takes care of

في المناطق التابعة لمدينة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

In the areas belonging to the city of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

بشرط أن يكف أذاه عن المسلمين

Provided that he stops his harm to the Muslims.

ولا يكثر عليهم عدوا

And do not make them have many enemies.

ما يدخل مع آخرين

What comes in with others.

عادوا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وأصحابه

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions returned.

وكف أذاع المسلمين

And how the Muslims broadcast.

وكف أخذ يرعى في المناطق

And he began to graze in the areas.

وقريبا من مدينة كان دياره ديار محل

And close to the city of Cannes, there are homes located.

مع أن حتى كما قيل

Even as it was said.

حتى قوي الخف والحافر عنده

Even the hoof and the sole became strong with him.

قوي ما عنده من حيوان

He has strong animals.

وأصبح سمينا بعد أن كان هزيلا

And he became fat after being thin.

وهذه أمة عظيمة من الناس

This is a great nation of people.

ليسوا واحدا واثنين

They are neither one nor two.

ثم رجع

Then he returned.

بعد ذلك دخل مع الأحزاب

After that, he joined the parties.

في حرب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

In the war of the Prophet, may peace be upon him.

دخل مع الأحزاب في حرب

He entered into war with the parties.

فعابه الناس

People criticized him.

قالوا له أنت ما تخجل على وجهك

They said to him, "Aren't you ashamed of your face?"

حتى المشركين قالوا له

Even the polytheists said to him.

ما تخجل على وجهك

Don't be ashamed of your face.

كيف هذا الرجل يتركك ترعى في أرضه وأرض قومه

How does this man let you graze in his land and the land of his people?

حتى يقوى الخف والحافر

Until the hoof and the shoe become strong.

ثم تحاربه

Then you fight him.

ما الجواب قال ذلك الحافر حافري

What is the answer? The hoof said that it is my hoofprint.

ما أحد قال لك ما حافرك

No one told you what your problem is.

قال هذا كان برعن الحيوانات

He said this was miraculous for animals.

ما حيواناته وحيوانات أنت

What are your animals and the animals you have?

قال لك إنهما حيوانات

He told you that they are animals.

لكن ما هذا الفعل الذي تفعله

But what is this action that you are doing?

هذا أمر ما كانت العرب ترضاه أبدا

This is a matter that the Arabs would never accept.

عندهم ما عندهم من الأخلاق السيئة

They have what they have of bad morals.

لكن عندهم حفظ للعهد

But they have a commitment to the covenant.

وعندهم وفاء

And they have loyalty.

بيننا وبينك عهد

There is a pact between us and you.

عندهم حفظ للعهد

They have a covenant to uphold.

وعندهم وفاء

And they have loyalty.

ولذلك من خالف العهد والوفاء عندهم كان شاذا

Therefore, anyone who violates the covenant and loyalty among them is considered deviant.

السموء الشاعر المشهور

Al-Samaw'al, the famous poet.

هذا السموء الشاعر المشهور

This is the famous poet Al-Samou'

مرؤ القيس عندما ذهب إلى

Marwan Al-Qays when he went to



ليمده بالمدد لحرب من قتل أباه

"To support him with aid for the war against the one who killed his father."

مرؤ القيس ترك أدرعه

Muruq al-Qais left his armor.

وترك ممتلكاته عند السموؤل

And he left his belongings with al-Samou'il.

والسموؤل له حصن مشهور

And the Sumo stands has a famous fortress.

اسمه الأبنق

His name is Al-Abnaq.

بعدما قتل مرؤ القيس جاء

After the death of Imru' al-Qais, he came.


The leader

القائد الرومي

The Roman leader

طبعا قائد هو عربي من قبل الروم إلى السموؤل

Of course, the leader is Arab from the Romans to the Sumool.

وأحاطوا بحصنه

And they surrounded his fortress.

قالوا سلمنا ما تركه عندك مرؤ القيس

They said, "We have surrendered what Murad al-Qays left with you."

قال ما سلمكم؟ كيف أسلمكم؟

He said, "What has protected you? How can I protect you?"

اختارني على من سواي

Choose me over anyone else.

العرب تارس بالناس

The Arabs are delayed with people.

اختارني على من سواي

"Choose me over others."

ليترك عندي ما عنده

"Let him leave with what he has."

كيف أسلمكم؟

How do I submit to you?

قالوا لسلمنا

They said to our peace.

قال لا ما سلمتم شيئا

He said, "No, you haven't delivered anything."


And there was.

ولد السموؤل لم يدخل إلى الحصن قبل أن يتحصن السموؤل

The son of the Smith did not enter the fortress before the Smith fortified himself.

قالوا لعندنا ولدك

They said, "Your son is with us."

عندنا ولدك

We have your son.

نذبحه أمامك إن لم تسلمنا ما لم رئ القيس

"We will slaughter him in front of you if you do not give us what Al-Mu'tamid requested."

قال لا أسلمكم

He said, "I will not surrender you."

فذبحوا ولده وهو ينظر

So they slaughtered his son while he was watching.

ولذا قال يعني عد ذلك من مفاخره

"And so he said, consider that one of his prides."

وفيت بأدرع الكندي إني إذا ما خان أقوام وفيتوا

"I fulfilled my promise to the Kindis; if the tribes betray, I remain loyal."

ولذلك ماذا يقال أوفى من السموؤل في الأمثال العربية

And that is why nothing is said to be more fulfilling than Al-Samaw'al in Arabic proverbs.

كما يقال أكرم من حاتم يقال أوفى من السموؤل

As it is said, more generous than Hatim, it is said, more trustworthy than Samawal.

هذا هو خبر

This is the news.

عيينة بن حسن الذي فعله في حق النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في حق أهل المدينة

The actions of Uyayna bin Hassan towards the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, with regard to the people of Medina.

لم يكن مقبولا أبدا

It was never acceptable.

لم يكن مقبولا

It was unacceptable.

وله خبر عن هذا الرجل أظهر أولا إيمانه ثم ارتد على عهد أبي بكر

There is a report about this man who first showed his faith and then apostatized during the time of Abu Bakr.

ولحق بطليحة الذي ادعى النبوة

And he joined Talha who claimed prophethood.

ووقع بعد ذلك في أسر خالد بن الوليد

And then he fell captive to Khalid ibn al-Walid.

فأتى به خالد بن الوليد إلى المدينة وسلمه لأبي بكر له خبر

So Khalid ibn al-Walid brought him to Medina and handed him over to Abu Bakr; he has news.

نقف عند هذا القدر

We will stop at this point.

ألا قاصد الأرض النبي محمد

O traveler to the land of the Prophet Muhammad.

يجوب إليها فجفدا بعد فجفدي

He roams to it after I have roamed.

إذا ما شممت الطيب من أرض طيبتي

If I smell the fragrance from the land of my goodness.

وشاهدت قبر الهاشمي المميدي

I saw the grave of the Hashemite Memidi.

فسلم على ذاك الضريحة

So greet that shrine.

الذي حواه

"Which it contained."

أجل نبي في الأدام وسيده

Yes, the Prophet in the eternity and his master.

وقبل ثرامه فهو مسك وعنبر

"And before the friction, it is musk and amber."

بأنف ذليل خاشع متودد

With a humble, meek, and affectionate nose.

وسلم على الزاكي أبي بكر

And greet the righteous Abu Bakr.

الذي تقدم في التصديق كل موحد

"Whoever advances in faith is a unifier."

وصاحبه الفاروق ذي البأس والثقا

And his companion, the one who distinguishes between truth and falsehood, strong and steadfast.

أبي حفصن المحل

My father, Hafsan the merchant.

وأحمود في كل مشهدي

"And Ahmad in every scene of mine."

وبلغهم تسليم عبد مكبل

They informed them about the delivery of a bound servant.

بكبل المعاصي والذنوب مقيدين

Bound by the chains of sins and transgressions.

وقل يا رسول الله جئتك زائرا

"And say, O Messenger of Allah, I have come to you as a visitor."

فكن شافعني عند ربك في غني

So intercede for me with your Lord in abundance.

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