الحب المختلف



الحب المختلف


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يتاجرون على حساب قضيته

They are trading at the expense of his cause.

وكل يدعي وصلا بليلة

"Everyone claims to have a connection with Layla."

وليلة لا تقر لهم بذاك

"And a night that does not agree with them in that."

لكن الكثرة ليست علامة صحة في كثير من الأحايين

But the majority is not a sign of correctness in many cases.

فقليل من عرف كنها الحب وحقيقته

Few have known the essence and truth of love.

ومن عرفه وعاش به قليل

And those who know it and live by it are few.

ومن عاش به وصدق حبه عمله قليل

"And whoever lives by it and believes in its love, their deeds are few."

فهم قليل من قليل من قليل

A little understanding of a little of a little.

والناس كائب لهم

"And people are sad for them."

وكل مئة لا تكاد تجد فيهم راحلة

"And in every hundred, you can hardly find a traveler."

يمشي معاذ رضي الله عنه مع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Muadh رضي الله عنه walks with the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم.

يتحدث إليه

He is talking to him.

يتأمله تارة وينصت له أخرى

He contemplates it at times and listens to it at others.

وبينهما كذلك

And between them as well.

إذ بالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Suddenly, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)...

يلتفت نحو معاذ

He turns towards Muath.

ويمسك بيديه

And he holds with his hands.

يضمهما ليضعهما بين كفيه الشريفتين

He embraces them to place them between his noble hands.

وأنوار النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

And the lights of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

تغمر وجه معاذ

The face of Muadh is covered.

وملامحه تشرق في وجهه

And his features shine on his face.

ثم يقول له

Then he says to him.

يا معاذ

O Mu'adh

والله إني لأحبك

By Allah, I truly love you.

أي لحظة هذه التي عاشها معاذ

What moment did Muadh experience?

وكأني ألمح كلمات النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

"As if I glimpse the words of the Prophet, peace be upon him."

تتهادى نحو سمعه

It glides toward his hearing.

أي سعادة تتحدى نحو سمعه

What happiness defies his hearing?

سعادة تلك التي غمرته

The happiness that engulfed him.

فلقد توقف الزمن حينها

Time stopped then.

وتغيرت ملامح الكون

And the features of the universe changed.

واستحال الظلمته نورا

And the darkness became light.

وتراقصت الأرض تحت قدميه رضي الله عنه

And the earth danced beneath his feet, may Allah be pleased with him.

فهو الآن معاذ

He is now Muadh.

الذي يحبه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

The one whom the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, loves.

أقبل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بوجهه على معاذ

The Prophet (peace be upon him) turned his face towards Mu'adh.

مع كونه يمسكه

While he is holding it.

ومشي بجانبه

And walked beside him.

ثم جمع يديه بين كفيه

Then he gathered his hands between his palms.

ثم ناداه بأحب الأسماء إليه

Then he called him by the dearest names to him.

وقال له

And he said to him.

والله إني لأحبك

By God, I truly love you.

الحب الصادق لا تكفيه الكلمات

True love cannot be fulfilled by words.

وإنما هو شعور

It is just a feeling.

يختلج في قلب المحب

It stirs in the heart of the lover.

يغمره صدقا

He is overwhelmed with sincerity.

ليفيض على الجوارح من بعدها

"To overflow onto the limbs afterwards."

مصدقة ذلك الشعور

Confirming that feeling.

سكنت الأرض قد تتحرك

The earth may move.


All of them.

إلا قلب معاذ

Except for the heart of Mu'adh.

وخشعت الأصوات كلها

And all voices fell silent.

إلا صوت معاذ

Except for the voice of Mu'adh.

ليجيب ذلك الهتاف النبوي الصادق

Let that truthful prophetic call respond.


He says.

وأنا يا رسول الله

And I, O Messenger of Allah.

والله إني لأحبك

By God, I truly love you.

تأمل معي كيف يتعاطى الحب في هذا المشهد

Ponder with me how love is portrayed in this scene.

وكيف تتلقفه الأفئدة قبل الأسماع

And how do hearts receive it before ears?

وكيف هو الأثر الذي تتركه فيه

And what is the impact that it leaves on him?

وكيف تتلقفه الأفئدة قبل الأسماع

And how do hearts receive it before ears?

وكيف تتركه كلمات الحب في نفس الإنسان

And how do words of love leave an impression on a person's soul?

هنا أقول

Here I say.

حتى لو شوه معنى الحب زمنا ليس باليسير

Even if the meaning of love has been distorted for quite some time.

سنعود به حبا صادقا

We will return it with sincere love.

لا تشوبه الصور الكاذبة

It is not tainted by false images.

والأخلاق الفاضحة

And the disgraceful morals.



لقد لوث الحب قوم تاجروا به

Love has corrupted those who traded in it.

واستعملوه في غير موضعه الذي جاء له

And they used it in a manner other than the one it was intended for.

فنشأ جيل تحت أكناف حب

A generation grew up under the wings of love.

لا يعرف من الحب اللسمة

He does not know the touch of love.

ولا يرى منه إلا رسمه

"And only his outline can be seen."

قشور لا تكاد تسمن ولا تغني من جوع

Peels that neither satiate nor satisfy hunger.

دمتم بخير

May you remain well.


Thank you.

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