أيهما أحب جن ام انس ؟! | قصص رعب | جانا يوتيوبر
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أيهما أحب جن ام انس ؟! | قصص رعب | جانا يوتيوبر
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تختار إنسان من نفس العالم بتاعك
You choose a person from your own world.
مع العلم أن الكائن الأول
Knowing that the first creature
عمال يضغط عليك
Workers are pressuring you.
عشان ما تختارش الإنسان
So that you don't choose the person.
وعمال يعمل كل ما في قدرته
"And the workers do everything in their power."
علشان يخليك تبادى عن الطرف التاني
To make you stay away from the other party.
فالسؤال هنا
So the question here
هل لو أنا حطيت في اختيار مبين
If I put in a choice between.
أن أنا أكون على ارتباط
That I am in a relationship.
بكائن من عالم تاني
A being from another world.
هيوفر لي كل
It will provide me with everything.
اللي أنا عايزاه
What I want.
وهيحميني أشدها حماية
And it protects me with the strongest protection.
أو أن أنا أكون مرتبطة
Or that I be in a relationship.
With a human.
أكيد مهما كان بيحبني
Sure, no matter what, he loves me.
ومهما كان عايزني
"And no matter how much he wants me."
مستحيل يكون زي الشيء
It can't be like the thing.
اللي مش من البشر أساساً صح
Those who are not human at all, that's right.
فتفتكروا أنا لو اتحطيت في الاختيار ده
So you think that if I were put in this choice...
مين هاختار؟
Who will I choose?
الإجابة هتكون في الجزء ده
The answer will be in this part.
بس عشان تفهموا
Just so you understand.
اللي بيحصل لازم تسمعوا الجزء الأول
What is happening, you must listen to the first part.
اللي هو بتاع قصة حب
It's about a love story.
مش رومانسية ولكن مرعبة
Not romantic, but terrifying.
لأن الجزء ده مش هيكون
Because this part will not be...
إلا هو مجرد تكملة
It's just a continuation.
لا أكتر ولا أقل
No more, no less.
And now
هتي بقى خلينا نخش في أحداث القصة
Let’s go ahead and dive into the events of the story.
النقطة اللي وقفت عنها آخر مرة
The point I stopped at last time.
إني كنت بوجه رسالة للكائن ده
I was sending a message to this being.
وبقوله إني يسيبني في حالي
And by saying that he will leave me alone.
عشان أنا أورادي اخترت وحبيت حد
Because I already chose and loved someone.
ولكن هل تتوقعوا إن الإجابة كانت في منتهى الهدوء أو عادية؟
But do you expect that the answer was extremely calm or ordinary?
في نفس اليوم نمت بالليل
On the same day, I slept at night.
عشان أحلم بكبوس مرعب جداً
So that I can dream of a very scary nightmare.
المفروض إن أنا مربية عندي قطة في البيت
I am supposed to be a caretaker; I have a cat at home.
لقيت فجأة القطة دي
I suddenly found this cat.
عينيها حمرى وضخمة أكتر من المعتاد
Her eyes are red and larger than usual.
ووقفة على باب قطتي
And a pause at my cat's door.
وبتبص لي بغضب
And you look at me with anger.
عشان بعد كده تطلع من القوضة
So that later you can leave the room.
وترزع الباب جامد
And you slam the door hard.
ويحصل هوا جديد جداً في القوضة
A very new air is coming into the room.
يخلي كل حاجة في القوضة
He leaves everything in the room.
تقع وتتحدف عليها
It falls and is thrown on it.
بما فيها الكتب اللي في مكتبتي
Including the books in my library.
طبعاً قمت مفزوعة
Of course, I was startled.
عشان ألاقي كل حاجة في قطتي زي ما هي
So that I can find everything in my cat just as it is.
لأن ده كان مجرد كبوس مش أكتر
Because it was just a nightmare, nothing more.
والكوابيس دي ما سكنتش لحد هنا
And these nightmares didn't stop here.
وفضلت كبوس ورا التاني ورا التالت
"I preferred the nightmare over the second and the third."
ومن دني الكوابيس دي فيها تهديد
And from the depths of these nightmares, there is a threat.
للطرف الآخر
To the other party.
إنه هيتأذي بشكل أقوى آخر
He will be hurt even more strongly.
ولكن أنا آخر مزهيق
But I am the last one to be bothered.
طلبت أن أتكلم مع الشيء ده
I asked to talk to this thing.
لو سموجن أو إياً كان
If you don't mind, or whatever.
قررت أن أتكلم معاه
I decided to talk to him.
قلت له أنا عندي حل لك هيرديك
I told him I have a solution for you that will make you happy.
قال لي إيه هو هتختاريني؟
He said to me, "What, are you going to choose me?"
قلت له لا
I told him no.
أصلاً الحب والحاجات دي ما بتجيش بالعافية
Love and those things don't come through force.
وما فيها السيطرة زيادة عن اللزوم
"And it does not involve excessive control."
الموضوع مش بيمشي كده
The topic doesn't work like that.
فأنا هختار لك شيء حلو
So I will choose something sweet for you.
أنا مش هختارك
I am not going to choose you.
ومش هختارك
And I won't choose you.
أنا مش هختاره
I'm not going to choose him.
أنا خلاص قررت أبعد
I've finally decided to distance myself.
وقررت أنهي الموضوع
I decided to end the topic.
أنا مش عايز أحب حد ولا عايز أرتبط بحد
I don't want to love anyone nor do I want to be in a relationship with anyone.
أنا عايز أكون مع نفسي
I want to be with myself.
وأنا بعيدت بالدرجة الأولى برضو
And I am also far away in the first degree.
عشان أحمل حد ده من أي أزا ممكن يحصل له بعدين
So that I can carry this burden for someone in case something happens to them later.
وأكيد مش هختارك
"And I'm sure I won't choose you."
لأنه ما نفعش تفرد نفسك علي
"Because it doesn't benefit to impose yourself on me."
الحاجات دي ما نفعش عافية برضو
These needs cannot be met with just well-being either.
ولو أنت بتحبني مجد
"And if you love me, Majd."
هتسيبني يكون ليه الاختيار ده
Are you going to leave me to have that choice?
إنه لو عايز أبعد
If he wants to stay away.
قال لي
He said to me.
طب إفرد أنا قلت لك
"Okay, I told you."
That it
الحد ده عنده حد تاني في حياته
He has another limit in his life.
وأنه حتى لو موجب بيك
"And that even if it is necessary, you are."
شوية صغيرين
A little bit.
فالحد التاني ده عنده أهم منك بكتير
This second limit is much more important than you.
الواحدة التانية اللي بيحبها
The second one that he loves.
أهم منك
More important than you.
إيه رأيك في الموضوع ده؟
What do you think about this topic?
ولا أي حاجة
Nothing at all.
I will go away.
هبعد وهسيبه الحياته
"I'm going to leave and let life go."
وهسيبه الاختياره
And I will leave it to your choice.
لأن اللي بيحب حد بجد
Because the one who truly loves someone
بيحبه في أي وضع
He loves him in any situation.
بيحبه أنه يكون مبسوط ومرتاح
He loves being happy and comfortable.
سواق معاه
Driver with him.
أو مع غيره
Or with someone else.
فأنا عمري ما أعترض سعادة حد
I have never interfered with anyone's happiness.
المفروض أنها بحبه
She is supposed to love him.
أكيد هبعد
Sure, I'll be far away.
يعني أنت هتبعدي
Does that mean you are going to distance yourself?
عشان أنت أصلا ما عندكيش اختيار
Because you actually have no choice.
أنت قلت هون هو قردي بيحب حد تاني
You said here that my monkey loves someone else.
أنا مش متأكدة من حاجة
I'm not sure about anything.
أنا مجرد شك بسيط عندي
I just have a small doubt.
لكن مش متأكدة من حاجة
But I'm not sure about anything.
وفرد أنا قدرت أكيد لك
And I definitely can for you.
أنا مش عايز أكيد تأكيد لي حاجة
I definitely don’t want confirmation for something.
وحاجة أنا معرفتهاش بنفسي
And something I didn't know by myself.
يبقى مش عايزكي تأكيد لي حاجة
He doesn't want you to confirm anything for him.
أنت تعرفوني
You know me.
وأنا بشكل العام
And I, in general
ما بحبش أعرف أزيد من اللازم
I don't like to know more than necessary.
طالما في حاجة كان المفروض معرفهاش
As long as there is a need, I shouldn’t have known.
يبقى المفروض معرفهاش
It should remain unknown to her.
مفهش أنه سر أن أعرفها
It's not a secret that I know her.
طب من عندي فكرة ليكي أحلى
I have a better idea for you.
من اللي أنت قلتها
From what you said.
إيه هي؟
What is it?
إيه رأيك
What do you think?
أجينك عن طريق الحد ده
Can I come to you through this line?
عن طريق جسمه
Through his body.
زي ما يكون كأنه ملبوس
As if it were possessed.
في الحالة دي
In this case
هكون بحبك أنت ومش بس كده
I will love you, and not just that.
ما بعيدة عن التانية اللي هو مركز معي هادي
It's not far from the other one, which is centered around me.
إيه رأيك
What do you think?
وكده يبقى أنا كأني
And so it seems like I am...
جيبتهولك عافية
I brought it to you safely.
بس لازم تبقي عارفة
But you must be aware.
أنت بتتكلمي معي أنا مش بتتكلمي معه هو
You are talking to me, not to him.
جسمه ده مجرد أفطار
His body is just a breakfast.
إيه رأيك
What do you think?
أنت سخيف قوي
You are very silly.
هو أنت مفكر
Are you a thinker?
أن أنا حبيت الحد ده
I loved this limit.
عشان شكله أو مظهره الخارجي
Because of his appearance or external look.
فنوئز بس أن أنت تاخد جسمه
I just want you to take his body.
وتتحرك بيه تتكلم عن طريقه
And you move with him, talking about him.
لا طبعا
No, of course not.
مش موافقة على الموضوع ده
I don't agree with this topic.
أنا حبيت روح الشخص ده
I loved the spirit of that person.
حبيت اللي جوه الشخص ده
I loved what was inside this person.
مش هيقيته الخارجية
It won't be a foreign matter.
ولا جسمه
Nor his body.
حاجة كده أنت مستحيل تفهمها
It's something you will never understand.
أنت متعود تاخد كل حاجة عافية
"You are used to taking everything with ease."
ومتعود تاخد كل حاجة ز...
"And you are used to getting everything..."
هتفهم إزاي حاجة زي كده
How will you understand something like that?
أنا بحبه
I love him.
بالمناسبة أنا عايز أقولك
By the way, I want to tell you.
على حاجة غريبة شوية عشان أنا
It’s a bit strange because I am...
لو فكرت أن أستحوذ على جسمه
If I thought about taking over his body.
قلتلك ما تفكرش
I told you not to think.
بقول لو
I say if.
أو خير
Or better.
الحد ده وردي في حاجة معي أنت عارفة؟
This limit is pink for something I have, you know?
عارفة أني في حاجة معي
I know that I need something with me.
بتعرفي إزاي الكلام ده؟
Do you know how this talk goes?
ما تقدرش أني عايزة أشارك معي
I can't because I want to participate with me.
كل معلومة دي
All this information.
ولا عايزة أشاركها مع الناس اللي في الحلقة
I don't want to share it with the people in the circle.
بس أنا عارفة
But I know.
أن الحد ده معي حاجة كده تانية
That limit is with me something else.
سميها عفريت
Call her a demon.
طبعا كان ممكن
Of course, it was possible.
أنك فوض مع العفريت اللي عنده ده
You are dealing with the devil that has this.
وخليه خليني
And let him leave me alone.
أم تلك الجسم ده صح؟
Is that body correct?
أنا مش عايزك تتفاوض مع حد
I don't want you to negotiate with anyone.
ولا عايزك تتكلم مع حد
And I don't want you to talk to anyone.
أنا عايزك تبعد عني
I want you to stay away from me.
وعن طريق الحد ده
And through this limit.
أبعد عني نحن الاتنين
Stay away from both of us.
وسيبه ويختار اللي هو عايزه
"Let him go and choose whatever he wants."
وسيبه يكون مع اللي هو عايزه
"And let him be with whoever he wants."
إن دي حياته الشخصية
This is his personal life.
وهو حر فيها
And he is free in it.
من حقه يختار اللي هو عايز يختاره
He has the right to choose whatever he wants to choose.
طبعا يعني خلاص كده
Of course, that means it's settled then.
لهاية الكلام ده قل له
The end of this talk, tell him.
إن انت مش مختروني
If you are not my choice.
ومش مختراء
"And not chosen."
وقررت تبقي مع نفسك
And you decided to stay with yourself.
آه صح
Oh right.
ومفروض أنا عامل إيه بقى
And what am I supposed to do now?
أتقبل القرار بتاعك ده عادي
I accept your decision, that's normal.
وإلا أبقى وحش
Otherwise, it will remain a monster.
وبحاول أبلطج عليكي
"I'm trying to bully you."
وهدك عفية
"May you be protected."
وبفرد بقى عنفوزي وقدراتي خارقة
And by the individual, my name is Fawzi and my abilities are extraordinary.
اللي مش موجودة عندكو عليكي
What is not available with you is upon you.
قل له آه صح
Tell him, "Oh, right."
قل لي انت
Tell me, you.
ممكن يبقى لها شكل
It could have a shape.
بلاش مش عن طريق
Leave it, not through.
أي إنسان موجود حواليكي
Any person around you.
أنا ممكن أعمل شكل
I can make a shape.
من الفراغ أعمل لكي شكل
I work to create form from emptiness.
ده أنا مش عايزة
I don't want that.
طب تعالي للعالم بتاعي
Come to my world.
صدقيني هتبصتي أكتر
Believe me, you will look even more.
وهتحسي بفرق كبير قوي
And you will feel a big difference.
بين العالم بتاعكو والعالم بتاعي
Between your world and my world.
عمرك حتى في العالم بتاعي
Your age even in my world.
هيختلف وهيبقى أطول
It will differ and it will be longer.
بكتير من العالم بتاعكو
More than your world.
أنت في العالم بتاعكو بتفن بسرعة جدا
You are in your world, and you are fading away very quickly.
ليه ترفضي عرض كبير
Why do you refuse a big offer?
جاي كده مني؟
"Is this how I'm coming across?"
ليه عايزة تفضلي موجودة
Why do you want to stay present?
على حيث أمل حد بيحب حدا
Where there's hope, someone loves someone.
وقاعدة مستنية بالسنة
And a rule waiting for the year.
في يوم أنا مش مستنية حدا على فكرة
One day, I'm not waiting for anyone, by the way.
قاعدة فتكت أنا مستنية حدا
The rule has killed; I'm waiting for someone.
أش مستنية حدا
What are you waiting for?
أنا في حقيقة واحدة
I am in one truth.
أنا مدركها ومركزة
I am aware of it and focused.
على الحقيقة دي ومش ببص
In this reality, I'm not looking.
لأي حاجة تانية
For anything else.
إن أنا اخترت وقلبي حب حد
If I chose, and my heart loves someone.
معين فحب أن أشوف
I want to see a specific person.
الحد المعين ده مبسوط
This specific limit is satisfactory.
أو معايا أو مع غيري
Either with me or with others.
مش مستنية أي حاجة من الحد ده
I'm not waiting for anything from this person.
حولس كل اللي عايزة
I want everything.
أنا شوفه ناجح
I see him as successful.
وكويس ومنتح في حياته
And he's good and productive in his life.
لا أكتر ولا أقل
No more, no less.
مش عايزة حاجة تانية
I don't want anything else.
وتركيزي الأهم
And my main focus.
والأكبر على أهدافي
And the bigger one is for my goals.
وعلى الحاجات اللي أنا عايزها أحققها
And about the things I want to achieve.
عندي لستة أهداف وحاجات محضروها
I have a list of goals and needs that I have prepared.
ده اللي شاغل بالي أكتر
This is what occupies my mind the most.
لأن الإنسان الصح
Because the right person.
بيشغل باله
He is preoccupying his mind.
بأهدافه في الدرجة الأولى
With his goals in the first degree.
وفي الدرجة التانية بيجي الحب
In second place comes love.
and connection
ماينفعش يكون الحب والارتباط هو الحاجة الأولى
Love and commitment shouldn't be the top priority.
وقبل اللي اتنين دول
And before these two.
لازم الإنسان يتعلم يحب نفسه
A person must learn to love themselves.
بشكل كافي جدا
sufficiently enough
يخليه يقدر يميز مين يستحقه
It allows him to distinguish who deserves him.
ومين ما يستحقهوش
And who does not deserve it?
وانتي مش قادرة تحسي
And you can't feel.
بعد ده كله
After all this.
إنه أنا استحقك
It is I who deserve you.
إتعرف أنا حبتك ليه أساسا؟
Do you know why I loved you in the first place?
مش عشان جسمك ولا جكلك لأن معلش
Not because of your body or your shape, because it’s okay.
ما تزعلش منك
Don't be upset with you.
ما أنا بشوف أحلى منك وأجمل منك بكتير
I don't see anyone more beautiful and prettier than you.
لكن أنا عجبني فيك
But I liked about you.
Your thoughts.
وعنادك وعدم استسلامك
And your stubbornness and refusal to give up.
أعجبني فيك أن انتي إنسانة مقاتلة كده
I liked in you that you are such a fighting person.
لو فيك حاجة عجيبة شوية
If you have something a little strange.
أنتي من دنيا البشر
You are from the world of humans.
ومع ذلك سبحان الله
However, Glory be to God.
By your feeling.
مش زيهم
Not like them.
ولا نفس أفكارهم ولا تفكيرهم
Neither their ideas nor their thinking.
وحتى بتنبذي مجموعة كبيرة منهم
"And even if you reject a large group of them."
وحسيتك بتفضلينا أكتر
"I felt that you prefer us more."
تفتكر إحنا أحسن منكو؟
Do you think we are better than you?
لا أنتو مش أحسن مننا في حاجة
No, you are not better than us at anything.
ما زي ما عندنا أخطاء
Just like we have mistakes.
أنتو كمان أكيد في العالم بتاعكو
You guys surely have your own world too.
بتغلطو بردو
You are also making a mistake.
بس عايزي يعني كلهم وجهين العملة واحدة
I just want them all to be two sides of the same coin.
بفيش حد أحسن من حد
There's no one better than another.
أصدك إيه؟
What do you mean?
مصديش أيهاج
Don't bother me.
أنا أصدي حاجة واحدة
I mean one thing.
أنا عايزك أنت بكمل قرارتك
I want you to continue with your decisions.
وبكمل مزاجك
And it completes your mood.
تبايد عني
Get away from me.
وتديني فرصة إن أكون حرة نفسي
"And give me a chance to be my own free self."
ومش هيبقى عندي مشكلة لتوصل معيك ما بين حينا وآخر بس
"I won't have a problem connecting with you every now and then, just."
ابايد عني
Stay away from me.
لو ما كنتيش قابلتي لحد
If you hadn't met anyone.
كنت هتكوني بتقوليني نفس الكلمتين دول دلوقتي. او كنت
You would be telling me those same words right now. Or you were.
اقولهم لك لان الموضوع مرهج جدا. انت فاكر انت جيت لي ازاي
I say this to you because the matter is very troubling. Do you remember how you came to me?
اصلا في الدرجة الاولى? انت جيت لي عن طريق سنسلة احلام. انا
"Are you even in the first place? You came to me through a chain of dreams. I..."
كنت مفكرة نفسي بحلم. وان كل ده مش حقيقة. فاكر انت? طب فاكر
I thought I was in a dream. That all of this is not real. Do you remember? Well, do you remember?
ازاي خلتني اوافق على حاجة انا معتقد انها مش حقيقية ومش
How did you make me agree to something I believe is not true and not...?
هتحصل. ووردتني? فاكر ولا مش فاكر? انت خدعتني. انت خدعتني.
It will happen. Did it come to me? Do you remember or not? You deceived me. You deceived me.
انا ما خدعتكيش. انا قلت لك الحقيقة. بس قلتها بشكل غير
I didn't deceive you. I told you the truth. I just said it in a different way.
مباشر هي هتفرق. او هتفرق كتير. ازاي يكون انا معتقدة ان ده مجرد
Directly it will make a difference. Or it will make a big difference. How can I believe that this is just...
حلم? وان الشخص اللي عمله قبله في الحلم ده مجرد حلم? ويلتدح انه
A dream? And the person who did it before in that dream is just a dream? And it seems that...
حقيقة. ويلتدح انه كائن مش بشري. ويلتدح انه
Indeed. It is clear that it is a non-human entity. It is clear that...
الاول اللي خلاني اقولها او النعم اللي خلاني اقولها على
The first one that made me say it or the yes that made me say it on.
الاتفاق بتاعه. كانت حقيقية والاتفاق كان حقيقي بنسبة مية
His agreement was real, and the agreement was genuine by one hundred percent.
في المية. وبقى عندك القدرة انك تتبع الحياة عن قربي وتكون موجود
In the water. And you have the ability to follow life up close and be present.
حوالي بشكل ما تزعلش مني اقولها لك وش مزعج. فاكر انت قبل ما
"Anyway, don't be upset with me for saying this; it's not annoying. Do you remember before..."
الحد ده يظهر في حياتي. كم عريس تقدم لي? وانا كنت بفكر اريح نفسي
This limit appears in my life. How many suitors have approached me? And I was thinking of taking it easy.
وبشكل عقليني ابدأ
Rationally, I begin.
اقبل اي حد من العرسان دي وخلاص عشان ياه شايفة نفسي عايز
I'll accept any of these grooms and that's it because I see myself wanting.
استقر ازاي مع باقي الناس مستقرة وخلاص يلا ايا اما كان مخي تعبين
How did you settle in with the rest of the people? Just go on; by the way, my mind is exhausted.
شوية. مش زي دلوقتي طبعا. كنت انت بتعمل ايه? بتهبى فكرك? اه
A little. Not like now, of course. What were you doing? Was your mind wandering? Yes.
فكريني. كنت بتجيلي في احلامي عشان توريني الحاجات اللي انا
You used to come to me in my dreams to show me the things that I...
بترعب وبخاف منها على انها بتطردني. وما كنتش بتسكت لحد
"I'm terrified and afraid of her because she's going to kick me out. She never stays silent for anyone."
هنا حتى وانا صحية كنت بتزاول. وكنت بشوف حاجات
I was here even when I was healthy, I used to practice. And I used to see things.
مرعبة مش عايزة اشوفها. كل ده لحد مرفض العريس. وانتهى بيه
Scary, I don't want to see it. All of this until I refused the groom. And it ended with me.
المطاف لوحدي. حتى مش بتخليني اعرف اتعامل مع الناس بطريقة
I'm left alone. It doesn't even let me know how to deal with people in a way.
طبيعية وعادية. ليه بقى? لان انت مخليني اعرف حاجات عنهم انا
Natural and normal. Why? Because you’re making me know things about them myself.
المفروض معرفوش. هم حياتهم الخاصة. انا مالي بيها. ليه بتجبرني
I’m not supposed to know. It’s their private lives. What do I have to do with it? Why are you forcing me?
اعرف الا المفروض معرفوش. المفروض تديني. قالت
I know what I shouldn't know. You are supposed to give me. She said.
ان الفضل اللي انا بقولهولك انت ناجتي من مشاكل كتيرة تنكري ان انا
The favor I'm telling you about is that you saved me from many problems, denying that I...
عم قصتك من ناس كتيرة كانت ناوية توقعك تنكري لا ما انكرش شكرا
Many people intended to bring you down, but I won't deny it, thank you.
جدا بس مش طبيعي اللي بيحصل ده مش طبيعي ان الاقي نفسي مش عارفة
It's very much, but what's happening isn't normal; it's not normal for me to find myself not knowing.
اتعامل مع الناس ومش عارفة ارتبط ومش عارفة اختلط بحد عشان في كائن
I deal with people but I don't know how to connect or mingle with anyone because there is a being.
عجيب متدخل ومتحكم في حياتي بطريقة زي كده
It's strange how you interfere and control my life like this.
صدقني عشان كده انا مقتنعة تمام الاقتناع ان انا المفروض ابيض
Believe me, that's why I am completely convinced that I should be white.
عن الحد اللي باهبه ده عشان هحميه بكل الطرق عشان حتى لو هو
About the limit I am giving him because I will protect him by all means, even if he is...
فضلني او اخترني عن التانية في النهاية برضو هيتعرض لازا وانا
Choose me or prefer me over the other one; in the end, he will still be exposed to the same thing as me.
اكيد مش عايزة ايه تعرض لازا ومين قالك بكل ثقة العالم كده ان
Surely, I don't want to show anything to anyone, and who told you with such confidence that the world is like this?
هو هيسيب التانية مش هيسيبها ما انا عارف خليه معيها العلمك هي
He will leave the other one, he won't leave her, I know that, let him stay with her, just so you know.
احسن كتير لي على اقل ايه انسانة طبيعية مش
"Much better for me at least, what is a normal human being?"
عاملة زي ايه ما عندهاش حاجات غريبة مريبة عجيبة زي
What kind of worker doesn't have strange, suspicious, or odd things like that?
اللي في حياتي او وما تقيلاش انا ابعد انا بطمئنة جولة المرة
Whoever is in my life or not, I assure myself during this round.
الاخيرة انا ابعد وخلاص بعد كده انا مش هركز على الحب مرة
"Recently, I'm distancing myself, and after that, I won't focus on love again."
تانية لانه زي ما فيه ناس ما اكتب لها الحب والكلام ده فيه
"I say this again because just as there are people I don't write love and such words for, there are also others."
ناس ثانية لا للأسف هي مطروضة من الكلام ده وانا من دون الناس
Other people are unfortunately excluded from this conversation, and I am one of them.
اللي مطروضة من الكلام ده فميل احسن ان انا اركز على اهدافي
What I'm excluded from this conversation, it's better for me to focus on my goals.
اكتر بكتير يكون افضل
It would be much better.
افضل للكل الحقيقة. انا هسيبك دلوقتي وهجيلك بعدين عشان اقرر
It's better for everyone to know the truth. I'm going to leave you now and I'll come back later to decide.
سؤالي تاني عليكي لاني شكلك عبيطة كده وتجري ورا عواطفك قوي
My second question to you is because you seem naive and you rush after your emotions too much.
فهسيبك لحد ما توصلي لشوية عقل شوية تخليكي تفهمي ان انا احسن
I will leave you until you reach some sense that makes you understand that I am better.
بكتير من الطرف الثاني فقري فيها بس فقري فيها في عز الظروف اللي
"I feel it a lot from the other side, but I feel it deeply in the midst of the circumstances."
انت فيها دلوقتي اعدائك كتير وصدقين انا الحيطة
You have many enemies right now, and believe me, I am the wall.
ستكونوا احسنين
You will be better.
السندة محدش هيسندك زي ما انا سندك فلو انا زعبت لنفسي
No one will support you like I support you, so if I defend myself...
انت هتلاقي الكل بيلطش فيكي ففكر شوية قبل ما اتقررت تخلي عني
You'll find everyone taking advantage of you, so think a little before you decide to give up on me.
سمعيني? شو محتاج افكر? انت لسه مش قادر تستواب? انا مش
Can you hear me? What do I need to think about? Can't you understand yet? I'm not...
عايزاك. وبرغم اني هكون بعيدة عن الطرف الثاني بس مش عارف ان
I want you. And even though I will be far from the other side, I still can't know...
نهايته مش هتتغير. انا هبعد بس عشان احميه مش اكتر. انت فاهم
His ending won't change. I'm just distancing myself to protect him, nothing more. Do you understand?
عزيزي? بس على كده. اظن ان احنا وصلنا لنهاية القصة.
Dear? That's it. I think we have reached the end of the story.
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