احساسها و راه های بیان آن
برداشت آزاد خودیاری
احساسها و راه های بیان آن
وهمي ايه احساس ها تابع قانون كلي جهان هستن
My imagination is a feeling that follows a universal law.
وان قانون چيزي نيست جز اين كه هميه چيز در جهان ناپايداره
And the law is nothing but the fact that everything in the world is impermanent.
حتى اشخاص نميميات
Even gossiping people.
هميه چيز ناپايداره حتى قم وخشم
Nostalgia is an ephemeral thing, even more so than the moon and the nose.
پس حالة كه هميه چيز ناپايداره
So the state in which everything is ephemeral.
چيه چيزي باعث بقايا روابط طولاني مدت ميشه
What causes the remnants of long-term relationships?
حتى حالة با خودتون فكردين
You even thought about it yourself.
جواب السؤال اينه
The answer to the question is here.
راز بقايا روابطها طولاني مدت
The secret of its long-lasting links.
سميمياتها ناپايدار
Its characteristics are volatile.
اما بسيار تكرار شونده
As for the replaying car.
سميميات اميق وشفا بخش
Luminous identifiers that penetrate deeply and provide healing.
زماني توي روابط ايجاد ميشه
My time is just creating connections.
كهر دو نفر لحظة هايا كتاه
Two people are experiencing a moment.
هم ديگر رو درك ميكونن
They understand each other.
وجهانشون رو باهم يكي ميكونن
They merge their faces together.
باهم تقسيم ميكونن
They will divide it among themselves.
توي اين حالة
Where are you?
فتاحت هر دو نفر خوب ميدونن
Both of them know well.
دى درك کردن ودرك شدن
Understanding and being understood.
چقد اونهارو در مرز آسيف قرار ميده
How many of them does he put at the Asif border?
اما انتخاب ميكونن
As for the election, they will take place.
كي باهم صادق
I really care about them.
ورو راست باشن
And be honest.
اونا سميميات رو انتخاب ميكونن
They will elect the candidates.
در واقع
In fact.
ما تواجه
What you face.
حس کردن سميميات
Feeling intimacy.
دارين بيشترين
Doreen is more expensive.
ميزان ترس رو هم
Balance of the gear also.
حس بيكونين
It will be fine.
ا يجي
Come here.
You translate.
ي bridges
"Y bridges"
كمي عجيب باشه اما اميغترين لحصه هاي سميميات ترسناكترين لحصه هاي سميمياته
I am amazing, but I am an immigrant in this place. These are the most beautiful moments in this place.
چون ما نمي دونيم بعد از اون چه اتفاقه برمون ميوفته ورابط همون به چه سمتي ميره
Since we don't know what will happen to us after that and what direction our relationship will take.
همين سميميات هاي ناپايدار اما اميقه كه تو دراز مدت شبيه تارا نازق ومحكمي ميشه
These are the ephemeral meanings, but deep ones that, in the long run, become similar to a strong and delicate star.
كه به بقايا رابطه منجرميشن وكمك ميكونن كه رابطه بقا داشته باشه
It leads to the remnants of the migration relationship and helps maintain a sustained relationship.
تارا هي كه آدم هاي رابطه رو كناره هم نگه ميداره وانه رو به هم ميبافه
Tara is like the person who keeps the relationships together and weaves them with each other.
ودل اونا رو به بودن كناره هم ديه گرب ميكونه
And this will lead them to be together, which makes it easier for them.
سميميات يجور رو راستي با درون خودمون وآدم روبرو ايمونه
Semantics do not always align with our inner self, and we are face to face with the person.
يجور اعتماد كهدن به جرياني كه خيل غير قابل پيشه
The dependence on a truce will lead to a situation that is uncontrollable.
محلوم نيس بعد از تجربة سميميات چي کار ميكونيم
What do we do after experiencing the meanings of dreams?
آية تو اون رابطه ميمونيم
This relationship is blessed.
آية آدمي كه روبرو ايمونه از صداقت ما سوى استفاده نميكونه
The human being who faces us does not take advantage of our honesty.
یا ما از صداقت آدمي روبرو ايمون استفاده نميكونيم و بهش ضربه نميزنی
We do not take advantage of the honesty of the person in front of us, nor do we hurt them.
آية این رابطه امن باقي ميمونه
What verse will remain safe in this connection?
هيتش محلوم نيس
Nothing is impossible.
بهرحال تو هر سميمياتي يه ريسكي وجوده
In any case, there is a risk in every estimate.
آدمو ممكنه قابل پيشبيني نباشن
Adam may not be able to predict the future.
ما هم غير قابل پيشبيني هستيم
We are unpredictable.
آدم سميمي ديروز امروز ميتونه
Adam Semimi can do it today.
بدترين و سردترين آدمي باشه كما ميشناسين
The worst and coldest person is the one you know.
اما ارزششو داره كه با سميمياتها شفا بديم خودمون رو
It is worth it to heal ourselves with our sincerity.
و ايجاد كنيم شفايرو كه بهش نياز داريم
And we find the keys that we need.
ما احتياج داريم كه سميمياتو حس كنيم
What we need is to feel your sincerity.
درك بشيم و دركمم
I am in despair and I am in trouble.
همه رابطه ها طولاني مدت و موفق
All relationships are long-term and successful.
حاصل پستي بلنده ها و فراز و نشيب ها زياري هستن
The postal result has many ups and downs.
كه هر دو نفر باهم تجربش کردن
Like both of them experienced it together.
ما هممون تعارض ها داريم و پر از نقص و كاسي هستيم
We have many conflicts and we are full of flaws and deficiencies.
مهم نيس چقدر تلاش ميكونيم
No matter how hard we try.
كه ظاهرمونو خوب نشون بديم
Let's show our appearance well.
بي نقص نشون بديم
I am feeling a lack of stability.
بنظر بيانيم كه هميشه خوشبختيم و همه چي آليه
In my opinion, we are always happy and everything is in harmony.
مهم انه كه بهن حقيقت آغاه باشيم
It is important that we are aware of this reality.
كه همه چيه
Like everything else.
در زندگيمون ناپايداره
In our lives, it is transient.
و همه آدم ها شبيه ما هستن
"All people are similar to us."
اگر با همين آغاهي وارد رابطمون بشيم
If we enter our relationship with this awareness.
انتظارمون از رابطه
Our wait from the relationship.
و احساساتمون منطقي تره
And our feelings are more rational.
يادمون باشه
Oh my God!
كه يك اصل اساسي و بسيار مهم توي زندگي جاريه
It is a fundamental and very important principle in daily life.
همه چيز ناپايداره
Everything is transient.
و در اين حال همه چيز پايداره
And in this situation, everything is stable.
اين يكي از مهمتين پارادوكس های زندگيه
One of the most important paradoxes of life.
كه با يومنا
As for our day.
يمكننا ان نتعلم عنه بسيارة
We can learn about it by car.
يقول حضرته عليه الصلاة والسلام
He says, peace be upon him.
اعطيك طريقة زندگي
I will give you my way of life.
يبدو ان يكون اليوم اخر يوم زندگيتك
It seems that today is the last day of your life.
و يبدو ان يكون اليوم جاودانة لك
It seems that today is your day, Javdana.
It means.
في نفس الوقت
At the same time
يجب ان تعتمد على يوم موتك
You must rely on the day of your death.
في نفس الوقت يجب ان تعتمد على
At the same time, you must rely on.
ان انسانك
Your human.
يجب ان تعتمد على يوم موتك
You must rely on the day of your death.
وكنت ذاهب لمعرفة'...
"And I was going to find out..."
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