أنا الولاعة
أحسن واحد في أخوانه
أنا الولاعة
انا الولاعة
I am the lighter.
معك ولاع
With you, no.
من المدخن اللي ما سأل هذا السؤال
Who is the smoker that didn't ask this question?
هذا اللي خلى الناس يربطوني دائما بالتدخين
This is what made people always associate me with smoking.
فصار وجودي في جيب واحدهم شبهة
"Thus, my presence in one of them became suspect."
فياما مراهق
How many teenagers?
علقه ابوه بسموع
His father hung him by the ear.
لاني شافني في ده
"Because he saw me in this."
وهو مار بالسيارة على مركزه
He is passing by his center in the car.
وهو الى الحارة
And he is heading to the neighborhood.
ولا بيقدر حتى اعظم كمبيوترك
And he cannot even estimate your greatest computer.
همومي انه يتنبأ بعدد السجائر اللي شبلت في روسيا
My worries are that it predicts the number of cigarettes that I smoked in Russia.
عشان كذا فعلا ما علقه قدري غير المدخن
That's why I really only hung it up with the smoker.
يعني تخيل تقوم دخن وتقوم سافر من مدينة لمدينة
It means imagine you start smoking and then travel from one city to another.
ومشتري بكتشين دخان ناخد بقالة مريتها قبل تستمع
And the buyer of the Bitcoin smokes, we’ll take a grocery store before you listen.
وبعد 15 كيلو تفق بكت
"After 15 kilometers, she opened her bag."
وتذهب لأول سيارة وتشمها
And you go to the first car and smell it.
وتلغط ولاعة السيارة وتنتظرها تسوي ذيك الحركة
And you press the car lighter and wait for it to do that action.
لكنها ما تسويها
But she doesn't do it.
تجرع من جحرها وتكتشف انها برائحة
She drank from its burrow and discovered it had a scent.
تجرع من وجه الطفران وتعود لجيبك وتظهرني
"Drink from the face of poverty, return to your pocket, and show me."
وتدعس راسي ببهامك بس تكتشف ان ما في غطسك
"And you step on my head with your ignorance, only to discover that there is no cover for your actions."
تهزني وتفر راسي مرة ثانية وثلاثة والعاشرة بصبعك
You shake me and hit my head once, twice, three times, and ten times with your finger.
لاني حمر بس اقول لك مع نفسك
"Because I’m angry, I just want to tell you to be with yourself."
فتقول لي معك بالسيارة
She says to me, "Do you have a car with you?"
انا الكاميرا
I am the camera.
اقصد الكاميرا خفية لان الوضع اللي انت فيه يبدو لك مسرح
I mean the hidden camera because the situation you’re in looks like a theater to you.
بس انت بسافر الحالة
But you are in a traveling situation.
الان صار الامر بالنسبة لك تحق
Now the matter has become a reality for you.
تحاول معغلعت السيارة بس ما عندك حد
You are trying to fix the car, but you don't have anyone.
وتحاول معي بس تطلع كل محاولاتك تنجب القدر
And you're trying with me, but all your attempts end up producing fate.
هتصبر نفسك وتقول لها
You will hold yourself and tell her.
خلانا في الروء محطة بتقابلني
"She left me at the station where you meet me."
وتتناسى الغبن اللي تلعب زيق صدرك وتركز مع ساعة جمعة
"And you ignore the injustice that plays with your heart and focus on the hour of Friday."
وبعد دقيقتين تخرج من المسجل اللي عن صدرك صار ضائق من قلة نوكوتين
And after two minutes, the recording coming from your chest became tight due to a lack of nicotine.
وتحط شريك نزع الفرحان الجديد وتسمعي غني
And you take off the new joyful partner and you hear my song.
ليت الجروح اقصاص واخذ اذكاري
I wish the wounds were stories and took my memories.
لاجرحك جرح مايداوية دكتور
Your wound is a wound that cannot be healed, Doctor.
جرح يطفي منك الواهية
A wound extinguishes the frail one from you.
And the fire.
وهنا ما اعطاني الواهية والنار ما اتخلي ابو فرحاني يكمل الشطر في عملي
"And here, what has weakened me and the fire has not allowed Abu Farhani to complete the verse in my work."
لانك ذكرتني
Because you reminded me.
وذكرت سيجارتك وتسحبها من وراء سمعك
"And you mentioned your cigarette and pulled it from behind your ear."
وتم يمسح وجهي على الطابلون لان ما هاد يبقى فيه كرامة
I wiped my face on the dashboard because there’s no dignity left in this.
فتقربني من رأس السيجارة وتطرق سمعي وتظهر شرارة صغيرة
It brings me closer to the tip of the cigarette, and I hear a sound, and a small spark appears.
دورها في هذه الدراما الانسانية انها تزيد ما تساعدك
Its role in this human drama is that it increases what helps you.
ما في امل الا انك تمر اول محطة
There is no hope except for you to pass the first station.
بس اول محطة مالها ريغة
But the first station has no direction.
ويبع الظهر اي شارع
"And the back is sold, which street?"
ان فيه على الطريق محطات
There are stations along the road.
وتتذكر ان ما في اي سيارة تجاوزك
And remember that no car has overtaken you.
وتتذكر انك ما شفت على الطريق المعاكس اي سيارة من يوم غدار تمانية
And you remember that you didn't see any cars on the opposite road since the eighth of Ghadar.
ولكن ان تمشي 45 دقيقة
But to walk for 45 minutes.
الطريق ده تعرفه مثل ظهر كفك
This road is as familiar to you as the back of your hand.
بس الى في شي غريب
But there is something strange.
تحس انك تمشي على الطريق
You feel like you are walking on the road.
خلعنا نقول من زمن اخر
We could say from another time.
او بمعنى ادق
Or to be more precise.
طريق في غير زمن
A road out of time.
بس تتذكر انك
Just remember that you
بحسب الفيزياء
According to physics.
مستحيل ان يوجد مكان
It's impossible for there to be a place.
من دون زمان
والعكس صحيح
And the reverse is true.
And suddenly
ودائما فجأة
And always suddenly.
تنظر حي يمينك فما تشوف شي
Look to your right and you won't see anything.
وما في غرام
And there is no love.
لان الوقت ليه
Because there's no time for it.
الظلام الدامس هذا مفهوم
This pitch darkness is understandable.
لكن اللي ما هم مفهوم هو الوضع اللي على اليسارك
But what is not clear is the situation on your left.
وش فيه على اليساري
What's wrong with the leftist?
تكفيني انا بلع لتقولي انه دينوسور
I only need you to tell me that it is a dinosaur.
لا ما هم دينوسور
No, they are not dinosaurs.
It doesn't mean anything in Arabic; it could be a typographical error or a dialectal expression. Could you please provide more context or check the spelling?
اليسارك شمس الساعة واحدة ظهر في الرياض
Your left is the sun at one o'clock in the afternoon in Riyadh.
في شهر يوليو
In the month of July.
يعني تقصدين اني امشي بسيارتي بين زمنين مختلفين
Do you mean that I drive my car between two different times?
على يميني ليل
On my right is night.
وعلى يساري نهار
"And to my left, there is a day."
طيب وفوق
Good and above.
My head
اقصد الزمن اللي انا امشي فيه
I mean the time in which I walk.
بينما بين
While between
كيف يعني
What does that mean?
يعني زي الفجرة
It means like the dawn.
يعني اذا طفيت النور اقدر اشوف
It means that if I turn off the light, I can see.
طيب وش سبب ذي اللي اخبطها
Okay, what's the reason for the one who confused me?
السبب هاللي بتلقى بعد 500 متر
The reason will be found after 500 meters.
واضيب نص المساء
I prepare the text in the evening.
نص المساء الثاني
The second evening text.
من هو
Who is he?
لحظات وتعرف اللي جامع نفسها
In a moment, you'll know who has collected herself.
انا نخلوكم اعزائي المستمعين من الي انا نولاها
I leave you, dear listeners, with what I have presented.
نخفيكم مشغول بنفسي معاه دو في حال يسمع ليشان في الحق
"I am busy with myself, in case he hears me mentioning the truth."
نزل ابو عالي من سيارته ونقدر نقول اضطر على النزول منها
Abu Ali got out of his car, and we can say he was forced to get out of it.
وانا ما زلت في ده
And I am still in that.
سكر الباب وبحقني في جيب ثوبه ليمين
He locked the door and swore at me from the pocket of his right side.
وجاي امشي بحذر
And I'm coming to walk carefully.
بصدق وبخوف
Honestly and with fear.
لان ابو عالي ما يخاف الا من اللي يخلقه
Because Abu Ali fears no one but the one who created him.
الان بينه وبين الشخص الواقف في نص الخط السريع
Now between him and the person standing in the middle of the fast lane.
متر و78 سنتي
1 meter and 78 centimeters
بالتمام والقنوان
In full and its entirety.
انا بالزبط طول مايك تايسون
I am exactly the same height as Mike Tyson.
خالوا اش عندك مسوي فيها مايك تايسون
They thought you were acting like Mike Tyson.
قال ابو عالي الغريب
Abu Ali Al-Ghareeb said.
رفع الغريب منظره وحدق فوجه ابو عالي فسارت قشعريرة في جسم ابو عالي
The stranger raised his gaze and stared at Abu Ali, causing a shiver to run through Abu Ali's body.
بدت من قنة راسه وظهرت من اصابع رجله
It appeared from the top of his head and emerged from the toes of his foot.
قال الغريب يسأل
The stranger said he asks.
ابو عالي
Abu Ali.
نعم ابو عالي انا اللي يسأل
Yes, Abu Ali, I am the one who is asking.
قال الغريب ماهو شغب من اللي يسأل
The stranger said, "What is trouble from those who ask?"
قال ابو عالي احترم شايبك
Abu Ali said, "Respect your elder."
ايوة نسيت اعلمكم الغريب شايب عمره 62 سنة 18 ساعة
Yes, I forgot to tell you, the strange thing is that he is a 62-year-old man who works 18 hours.
قال الشايب انا احترم شايبتي قبل اشوف تصمتك
The old man said, "I respect my elder before I see your silence."
خافهم ابو عالي كلمة تصمت بسبب اختلاف اللهجات
Abu Ali was afraid of them; a word silences because of the differences in dialects.
وحست الغريب بذلك اتفق على موضحهم
The stranger felt that and agreed with their explanation.
يعني قبل اشوف وجهك وخصوصا منطقة الفم وما حولها فهي التصمة
I mean, before I see your face, especially the area around the mouth, it is the "tsuma."
فقال ابو عالي طيب دي حين وش تبي
Abu Ali said, "Okay, what do you want now?"
قال الشايب سلامك ما برشت
The old man said, "Your greeting is not recognized."
قال ابو عالي لا انا قلت لك اني ابرشت
Abu Ali said, "No, I told you that I am itchy."
قال ابو عالي لا ما قلت لك انك واقف نص الطريق
Abu Ali said, "No, I told you that you are standing in the middle of the road."
رفع الشايب يده مصحها في نص المسار الثاني وانت صادق
The old man raised his hand, correcting it in the middle of the second path, and you are right.
والطريق في ثلاثة مسارات
The road has three lanes.
واضاف بطريقة
And he added in a way.
ما انا خدت واحد منها بس انت مسوي فيها جعروم
I didn't take one of those, but you are acting like a big shot.
فهم ابو كلل ابو عالي كلمة جعروم فهي جاية من كلمة جعرمة
Abu Kallal, Abu Ali understood the word "Ja'room" as it comes from the word "Ja'rma."
وابو عالي سيد الجعرمة كلها من يوم كان ولع امره 12 سنة يمشي في الحارة برجل فيها وطية ورجل حافية
And Abu Ali, the lord of all the jarmas, has been walking in the alley with one foot shod and the other bare since he was 12 years old.
واضح ان الشايب بيعها بس في لحظة
It's clear that the old man sold it just in a moment.
انتبه ابو عالي للوضع في المجمل
Abu Ali is aware of the situation in general.
يعني على يدها اليمين الساعة واحدة بالليل
It means it's one o'clock at night by her right hand.
وعلى يدها اليسارة الساعة واحدة الظهور
And at her left hand, it is one o'clock in the afternoon.
واقف يسد الضريق الشايب
An old man is standing blocking the road.
مستند بيداه الثنتين على مركع على شكل
A document with both hands resting on a curved shape.
حدق ابو عالي في المركع
Abu Ali stared at the parking lot.
كان المركع على شكل عمود فقري
The structure was shaped like a spine.
في نهاية راس ادمي
At the end of a person's head.
على في اللحظة دي يد الشايب اليسار
At this moment, the old man's left hand.
فوقها اليمين
Above it is the right.
وفوق اليمين دقن الشايب
And above to the right is the old man's beard.
لكن نظرة التحدي اللي قبل شوي
But the challenging look from a while ago.
راحت وصارت نظرة
She went and became a gaze.
اقدر اقول لكم نظرة رحمة
I can tell you a perspective of mercy.
رفع الشايب بدقنه
The old man raised with his beard.
وقال لابو عالي
He said to Abu Ali.
يا ابو عالي انت زعلاء
Oh Abu Ali, are you upset?
بس سبب زعلك ما هو نعم
But the reason for your upset is not yes.
سبب زعلك يا ابو عالي
What's the reason for your anger, Abu Ali?
انك بتدخل ولا معك ولاعة
Are you going in without a lighter?
وتمني نفسك انك بتسلق بعد كم كيلو محطة
"And you wish to yourself that you will climb after a few kilometers to the station."
عشان تشتري منها ولاعة
To buy a lighter from her.
وترمي ولاعة كاللي في جيبك اليمين
And throw the lighter like the one in your right pocket.
تحت كفر السيارة الخلفي الجهد
Under the rear tire cover, the voltage.
وتسحب اول نفس
And take the first breath.
وتطلع في سيارة وتتكبر مشوارك
"And you look at the car and elevate your journey."
بس الطريق يا ابو عالي
But the road, oh Abu Ali.
ماذا عليها محطات
What are the stations on it?
او بمعنى صحيح
Or in the correct sense.
ما فيه محطات على ذا الطريق
There are no stations on this road.
في هذا الزمن اللي انت فيه الان
In this time that you are in now.
لكن في قرية على يمين الطريق
But in a village on the right side of the road.
بتصلها بعد 13 كيلو
She will reach it after 13 kilometers.
"Then she enters it."
فتلقى البقالة الوحيدة في القرية مفتوحة
The only grocery store in the village was open.
مع ان الحاملة اللي فيها يقفلها في العادة 12.5
Although the carrier that has it usually closes at 12.5.
لكن هلالة لسبب غير مفهوم
But Hilala for an incomprehensible reason.
I'm late.
You enter it.
وتشتري ولاعة جديدة
And she buys a new lighter.
وقبل ترمي ولاعة القديمة تحت الكفر
And before you throw away the old lighter under the tire.
تولع سيقارتك وتمز اول مزة
Light your cigarette and take your first puff.
لكنك ما تخرجها من صدرك
But you don't express it from your heart.
والسبب ان الرصاصة انطلقت من مسدس
The reason is that the bullet was fired from a gun.
ما وصلت حدفها
I did not reach its target.
واللي هو راس واحد من ثلاثة اشخاص جالسين قدام البقالة
And it is the head of one of three people sitting in front of the grocery store.
لانها دخلت في راسك من الخلف
Because it entered your head from the back.
بس ما بتخرج
But it doesn't graduate.
وبتندفن وهي في مكانها
"And it gets buried while it is in its place."
وتبقى تسبب لك صداعة ابدا
And it will always give you a headache.
تير عن سكتي لا اخليك امس حي
"Get off my path, or I won't let you live until yesterday."
قال ابو عالية للشايب
Abu Aliyah said to the old man.
ورجع وطلع سيارته وعشقها
He returned, took his car, and fell in love with it.
لكن الشايب طلع صامل
But the old man turned out to be serious.
فما تزحزح من مكانه لو شبر
He did not budge from his place, not even an inch.
فعرف ابو عالية انه فعلا بايقها
So Abu Aliya realized that he was indeed in a trap.
لف عنها ابو عالية
Abu Aliah turned away from her.
وكمل مشواره
And he continued his journey.
كيلو ورا الثاني ورا الثالث ورا الرابع
A kilo after the second, after the third, after the fourth.
ولا فيه اثر لاي محطة
And there is no trace of any station.
وبعد 13 كيلو شاف ابو عالية قرية هادئة على يمين الطريق
After 13 kilometers, Abu Aliya saw a quiet village on the right side of the road.
وانتبه في اخر لحظة لمخرجها
And he noticed her exit at the last moment.
فدخلها فشعر بقشعريرة خفيفة تسري في جسمه
He entered it and felt a slight shiver running through his body.
كانت قرية صغية يقسمها شارع لقي فيها ابو عالية بقالة
There was a small village divided by a street, where Abu Aliya found a grocery store.
جنب ابو عالية ونزل
"Abu Aliyah moved aside and got down."
وقبل يدخل البقالة رد السلام على ثلاثة شباب
Before entering the grocery store, he greeted three young men.
جالسين على يساره وهو داخل
Sitting to his left as he enters.
اشتر ولاعة وخرج
Buy a lighter and go out.
ولاحظ ان الشايبياه واقف على يساره
And notice that the old man is standing on his left.
وهو خارج من البقالة
And he is coming out of the grocery store.
مقابل بالزبط للشباب الثلاثة
Exactly opposite to the three young men.
وقبل يفتح ابو عالية باب سيارته
And before Abu Alia opened the door of his car.
ولع سيارته بالولاعة الجديدة
He ignited his car with the new lighter.
اللي كانت على ظهر العادة في يدها اليسار
"Which was on the back of the habit in her left hand."
وفي نفس الوقت اخرج من بيدها اليمين
At the same time, she pulled out of her right hand.
ونجيب ثوبها اليمين وروماني
"And we answer her right gown and Roman."
بلا حتى كلمة شكرا تحت الكفار
"Without even a word of thanks under the infidels."
لكلمة عددري وش اللي حصل
What happened to the word "Adri"?
لاني ضربت الارض وانفجرت
Because I struck the ground and it exploded.
وانا الان اسولف معاكم في بداية اول جزء
And now I am chatting with you at the beginning of the first part.
من الالف جزء اللي في الثانية الاولى لانفجاري
From the thousandth part that is in the first second of my explosion.
اللي هو اخر جزء اكون فيه مدركة
Which is the last part where I am aware.
والباقي خلو الولاعة الجديدة
And the rest is to keep the new lighter.
تعلمكم بها سنهايات اقص من عائلتي
It teaches you the endings of my family stories.
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