ما بين العند ... والقيادة
Hossam El-Frmawy
قهوة بلس
ما بين العند ... والقيادة
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you.
دماغه ناشفة عاملة زي ابوه بالزبط
His mind is stubborn just like his father's.
عنيد جدا
Very stubborn.
كل حاجة مش عايزة يعملها
Everything he doesn't want to do.
يعمل عكسها وكل حاجة يطلبها منه
He does the opposite of everything and asks him for everything.
ما يعملهاش
He doesn't do it.
ايوة يعني انت صنفت ابنك انه عنيد
Yes, so you categorized your son as stubborn.
هو ده الوصف اللي انت شايفه
This is the description you see.
انه يليه بيه
It follows him.
خلاص انت الصفة دي عاكبك يعني
So you like this trait, huh?
عنيد عينة دي
Stubborn sample this.
ما بيسمعش الكلام ودماغه ناشفة
He doesn't listen and is stubborn.
طيب مبدايا
Okay, initially.
ما فيش وصف اللي اقدر اوصف به الاطفال
There is no description that I can use to describe children.
اوديهم الصفة
I take them to the description.
ونعتهم انهم عينديين
And we described them as they are Indian.
او طفلة عنيد
She is a stubborn girl.
او دماغه ناشفة
His mind is closed.
حتى ذكر كلمة عنيد في القرآن
Even the word "stubborn" is mentioned in the Quran.
دايما كانت مقترنة بالجحود
It was always associated with denial.
It means.
مش بس بيكفروا
Not only do they disbelieve.
لا ده فيه عند في الموضوع
No, there is something wrong with the topic.
يعني بتنزل عليهم الايات
It means that the verses are being revealed to them.
And they understand it.
وعارفين كل الموجود فيها
"And we know everything that is in it."
وبيعصوا وبيعصوا بعند
"They will rebel and they will defy stubbornly."
فكل الايات
"So all the verses"
اللي ذكرت فيها كلمة عنيد
The one where the word stubborn was mentioned.
كان الناس فيه اسرار
There were secrets among the people.
على الكفر
On disbelief.
فهل انت لما بتيجي تتعامل مع ابنك
So when you come to deal with your son, do you...
بتحس ان هو فاهم
Do you feel that he understands?
And he knows.
ومقرر ان هو يعمل خطأ
It is decided that he is going to make a mistake.
ومسر عليه
"And I am pleased with it."
تعالى نوصف السلوك ده
Let's describe this behavior.
ونحطه في اطاره
"And we put it in its frame."
هو ايه اللي بيحصل
What’s happening?
اللي بيحصل بس ان انت بتطلب طلب
What happens is that you just make a request.
والطلب ده ما بيتنفسش
This request cannot be fulfilled.
او بمعنى ادق شوية ان انت بيقول لك رأي في حاجة
Or to be a bit more precise, it's like you're giving your opinion on something.
وهو ليه رأي تاني بس كده
He has another opinion, but that's it.
يعني انت لو انت مصنف ابنك او بنتك
It means if you classify your son or daughter.
ان ده عندك
This is with you.
لا لا لا خالص
No, no, no, not at all.
الفكرة كلها ان هو عنده شخصية
The whole idea is that he has a personality.
ان هو صاحب قرار
He is the decision-maker.
ان هو مش حابب ان هو ينفذ كل حاجة
He doesn't want to implement everything.
ويقول امين ويقوم يعمله
And he says, "Amen," and does it.
مجرد ان هو بيسلم بالامر اللي انت عملته
As soon as he accepts what you did.
انت هنا انت كل اللي انت بتعمله انت بترايح دماغك بس
You are here, you are just relaxing your mind.
انت بتدور على حل سهل
You are looking for an easy solution.
انما انت ربنا رزقك بطفل
Indeed, you are our Lord, blessed with a child.
او طفلة اللي انت بتسميها هنا دي
Oh, the girl that you are calling here.
لا الطفل عنده شخصية
The child has a personality.
عنده قرار هنا هو عنده قرار
He has a decision here, he has a decision.
حابب يستقل بقراره
He wants to be independent in his decision.
انت دايما لما بتيجي تقوله على حاجة
You always tell him about something when you come.
او انت بتأمره بحاجة
Are you ordering him to do something?
انت شايف ان هي في مصلحته بس انت مهما هو
You think it's in his interest, but no matter what he is.
هو مايعرفش مصلحته فين
He doesn't know where his own interest lies.
هو لسه صغير دماغه مش مدرك
He is still young, his mind is not aware.
هو كل اللي هو عايزه انه عايز يستقل
All he wants is to be independent.
عايز يستقل بيبقى ليه ليه قرار
He wants to be independent, so he has a reason.
عايز يبقى ليه شخصية
He wants to have a personality.
دي حاجة المفروض تخليك مبسوط
This is something that should make you happy.
ما تبقاش متدايق ان انت عندك طفل بالمواصفات دي
Don't be upset that you have a child with these characteristics.
لان انت لو مشي معاك على كل حاجة انت بتطلبها منه
Because if he goes along with everything you ask of him.
ان هو ياخدها اه طيب حاضر ويقوم ينفذ
If he takes it, okay, fine, he will then carry it out.
سواء عارف دي تتعامل ليه او مش عارف دي تتعامل ليه هو بيقوم ينفذ وخلاص
Whether he knows how to deal with it or not, he just goes ahead and executes it.
انت مع الوقت هيبقى عندك طفل تابع
Over time, you will have a child who will follow you.
مع الوقت لما هيكبر هيبقى شخص
As time goes by, when they grow up, they will become a person.
ابتستة من القاد
I am not sure what this means. Please provide more context or check the spelling.
اي حد يلي ماشي في مكان حيمشي معاه
Anyone who walks in a place will walk alongside him.
اي جماعة يكون موجودة في وسطهم
Which group is present among them?
ههليهم بيعمله ده صح ههيعمل معاه
What they are doing is right; he will work with him.
ههليهم بيعمله غلط ههيعمل معاه
They are doing it wrong, he will do it with him.
لان هون مش حاجة بدماغ في التفكير
Because here there is nothing in the mind to think about.
هو عايز يتعايش مع الجو اللي موجود فيه
He wants to adapt to the environment he is in.
الناس ماشوا في الانتجاه ده انا ماشي معاهم
People are walking in this direction, so I'm going with them.
الناس ماشي في الانتجاه ده انا ماشي معاهم
People are going in this direction, I’m going with them.
هو معقودش نفسه من صغره ان هو يفكر
He never tied himself down since he was young to think.
وان هو ياخد قرار ونقول ع دي او دي Stein
And if he makes a decision, let's say on this or that Stein.
وان انت ربيته ان هو اللقا والقا دي بناء على الصحة والغلط
And if you raised him, it is based on right and wrong.
والحلال والحرام انت ما خليش دي ما بقى موجود انت ده انت لغيته
You made the halal and haram no longer exist; you have eliminated it.
منه من صغره انت ما كنتش عاوز كده ان ده كل ما كان ياخد قرارك
He has been like this since he was young; you didn't want it this way that every time he made a decision.
وتقول لا ده عينة دي وتقوم تضربه او لا انت ما تتكلمش معي
And she says, "No, this is a sample," and then she hits him or says, "Don't talk to me."
بالاسفل لا الموضوع مش كده الموضوع من صغر الطفل اللي بتلاقيه
The issue is not like that; the issue is about the small child you find.
عنده المواصفات دي بالعكس انا مفروض ان اتعامل معها اه هتتعبك
He has these specifications, on the contrary, I should deal with them, yes, it will tire you out.
شوية بس انت تشوف تتعامل معها ازاي لان دي هتطلع لك في الاول
Just a little, but you need to see how to deal with it because it will come to you at first.
والاخر هتطلع لك شخص قيادي هتطلع شخص يقدر يقول على الحاجة
"And the other will emerge as a leader, someone who can speak about matters."
اللي بعد كده يقعد يفكر فيها ومهما كان ان البيئة اللي هو
The next person will then sit and think about it, and no matter what, the environment that he is in...
موجود فيها لا هيعرف يختار صح وهيعرف يبقى عنده الجرأة ان هو
Those present in it will not know how to choose correctly, and they will know how to have the courage to...
يتحمل مسؤولية قراره ان هو يقول هنعمل دي مش هعمل دي لان هو من
He bears the responsibility of his decision when he says we will do this or we will not do this because he is the one...
صغره بياخد القرارات دي
He makes these decisions in his youth.
المطلوب بقى مننا دلوقتي ان نعرف انه يتعامل لزي ما
What remains for us now is to know how it is handled.
مع الشخصية دي او مع الطفل اللي عنده المواصفات دي خلاص احنا
With this character or with the child who has these specifications, that's it.
عرفنا ان دي حاجة مش مية في المية حاجة سلوك سيء ولا ان دي اوصف
We know that this is not completely a bad behavior nor can it be described as such.
ان هو طفل عنيد ولا ولا اتعامل ازاي مع الموضوع ده اول حاجة
He is a stubborn child, and I don't know how to deal with this issue. The first thing is...
لازم لما اجي ابي عايز اخد اي قرار او اقول له على اي حاجة
I have to come when I want to make any decision or tell him about anything.
لازم ابي اعرف ان القرار ده طالما يخصه وانا عندي طفل
I need to know if this decision concerns him, and I have a child.
بالمواصفات دي ان لي حق ان هو يوافق او يرفض صح? فيبقى
With these specifications, do I have the right for him to agree or refuse, right? So it is.
انت عليك ان انت تعمل حاجة من اتنين اما ان تخش في سقة
You have to do one of two things: either get involved in a compromise.
الاقناع على حسب طبعا مرحلته العمرية وهل هيسوع الكلام ده
Persuasion depends, of course, on his age stage and whether he will accept this talk.
ولا ان انت تقنعه بالحاجة اللي انت عايزها او لو هو لسه دماغه
And if you can't convince him of what you want, or if he is still stuck in his own thoughts.
ما وصلتش ان هو يقتنع بالكلام يبقى اشركه في القرار اشركه في
I couldn't get him to be convinced by the words, so involve him in the decision, involve him in...
القرار يعني انا عايزه يسيب اللعب اللي في ايده مسلا ويقوم
The decision means I want him to leave the game he is holding and get up.
يأكل فهقول له قوم كل فيقول لي لا لا مش هيكل سيب اللي في
He eats, and I will tell him to get up and eat, but he will say to me, "No, no, I won't eat. Leave what's inside."
ايدك قوم كل لا مش هيكل مش هيكل طيب اشركه
Your hand, go up, no it won't be a structure, won't be a structure, okay, share it.
تقوم تحضر معي الاكل ولا استنى عشر دقايق على ما الكرتون يخرس
Are you preparing food with me or should I wait ten minutes for the carton to stop making noise?
وبحط لك الاكل انت هنا بتدي له اختيارات اللي اختيارين فيهم
"I'll put the food for you here, giving you options of which two to choose from."
الحاجة اللي انت عايزها بس انت بتدي له اللي هو يختار فانت اما
The thing you want, but you give him what he chooses, so either you...
ان انت طفلك يكون اه ابنك يكون واعي وتتكلم معه وتقنعه باللي
If your child is aware, you should talk to him and convince him of what...
انت عايزه فلما هيقتنعه يلاقي الاسوب نفسه في مشاركة وان انت
You want him to be convinced to find the same way in sharing, and that you...
بتحاول تقنعه ان انت الموضوع مش فرض رأي ولا الموضوع ازعي ولا
You're trying to convince him that this is not about imposing an opinion or causing trouble.
الموضوع سريق ولا الموضوع امر اه هنا ممكن يستجيب وهيبقى فيه
The topic is stolen or the topic is a matter that can respond here and there will be.
الهات والخد لو ابنك لسه في المرحلة العمرية ما يوصلش
The phone and the cheek, if your son is still at an age where he can't reach it.
المرحلة اللي انت ده اخد وتدي معاه وطفل صغير وعايز ينفذ
The stage you are at involves interacting with a small child who wants to execute something.
الطلب اللي انت عايزه مش هتعرف تقنعه خلاص يبقى بعمل له اوبشنز
The request you want, you won't be able to convince him, so I'll give him options.
بقى هتيجي تنزل معي ولا استنىك عشر دقايق لما بتخلص اللي في
Are you coming down with me or should I wait for you for ten minutes until you're done with what you're doing?
ايدك فانت عايزه يقوم من اللي في ايده فانت بتدي له اوبشنز اهو
You want him to stop what he is holding, so you are giving him options.
انت عايزه يأكل هتاكل دلوقتي ولا اصبر عشر دقايق هتقوم تنام
Do you want to eat now or should I wait ten minutes for you to sleep?
دلوقتي ولا من نراوق القضا مع بعض بتدي له اوبشن بحيس ان هو
Right now, or when we deal with the issues together, I give him options so that he feels that he...
يختار منها فلما يختار يبقى برضو بينفز لك من انت عايزه بس
He chooses from it, and when he chooses, he still executes only what you want.
ما يحسش ان الموضوع فرض عليه دي الحاجة الاولى الحاجة التانية
He doesn't feel that the issue has been imposed on him. The first thing, the second thing.
ان انت حاول ان انت ما توصلش مع المرحلة الندية لو انت وصلت
If you try not to reach the competitive stage, if you do reach it.
مع طفلك او ابنك ان الموضوع وصل للندية في واحد فيه نحن اللي
With your child or son, the subject has reached a level of competitiveness, and we are the ones who...
اتنين خسران ولو واحد خسر يبقى اتنين خسرانين بمعنى ان اعمل دي
Two are losers, and if one loses, then two are losers, meaning to do this.
لأ مش عامل لأ مش عامل لأ مش عامل فانت قدام نفسك وصورتك بتحس
No, I'm not doing it. No, I'm not doing it. No, I'm not doing it. You are in front of yourself and your image feels.
ازاي يعني يرفض لطلاف فانت مش هتسكت على الموضوع غلما تنفذ
How can he refuse? You won't stay silent about the matter anyway, regardless of what happens.
اللي انت عايزه وهو في نفس الامر هو هو مش هيسكت غالبا ففي واحد
What you want, and in the same matter, it is the same; he will likely not keep quiet, so there is someone.
فينا احنا الاتنين هيخسر يا اما انت هتخسر وان انت تنفذ له اللي
Both of us will lose; either you will lose, or you will do what he wants.
هو عاوزه او ان هو هيخسر وانت هتنفذ اللي انت عايزه بس غصبا
He wants it or he will lose, and you will do what you want but by force.
عنه هيبقى ليه آآ تبعيات تانية هيصرخ هينهار هيحبس نفسه فلو
It will have other consequences; he will scream, he will break down, he will imprison himself for a while.
واحد فينا خسر فاحنا الاتنين خسرانين فانت حاول على ده ما
One of us lost, so we both lost, so you should try not to let this happen.
تقدر متوصلش بيك الموضوع وتطوره ان انت توصل ان ان انت
You may not be able to reach the topic and develop it to the point where you reach that you.
تتعامل مع ابنك في مرحلة ندية زي ما بقول لك انت في عندك في
You deal with your son at a stage of rivalry, just as I tell you, you have in.
عندك خيارات لو وصلت للموضوع ده ان انت دخلته في ندية فيه
You have options if you reach this topic that you entered into a competition with.
مية في المية واحد فينا احنا الاتنين خسران مش بس كده انت
One hundred percent, both of us are losers, and not just that, you...
لو انت طوعته مرة خلاص هو عارف نقطة ضعفك فين وهيبقى الموضوع
If you obeyed him once, then he knows where your weakness is and the situation will be.
ده على طول انتو نزل في مكانه انا عايز دي لا مش هيبقى يقعد
That's it, you go down to his place, I want this one, no, he won't sit.
يزن ويخبط ويرزع وانت تحس ان انت مفضل في وسط الناس يا ابني
"You're making noise and causing a stir, and you feel like you're special among people, my son."
اسكت يا ابني بطل طب لما ان روح هو مش هيسمع فانت تحس ان انت
Be quiet, my son, stop it. When you go, he won't hear, so you feel that you...
محرج فهيبقى قدامك انت هتضربه يا انت هتزعقله يا هتنفذ باللي
It's embarrassing, so you'll either hit him, yell at him, or you'll run away with what...
هو عاوزه فدايما بقول لك لو دخلت في موضوع الندية مية في
He wants it, so I'm always telling you if you get into the issue of rivalry, it's 100%.
المية واحد فينا خسران يبقى احنا الاتنين خسران يبقى اسطوب
If one of us loses, then we both lose. That's the way it is.
التربية نفسه هيمشي على طول حياته كلها ان هو هيبقى بيدور
Education itself will continue throughout his entire life as he will always be seeking it.
على لويدراع انا هاخد منك اللي انا عايزه بالطريقة اللي انا
On your shoulder, I'm going to take what I want in the way I want.
شايفها صح فحاول على قد ما تقدر لو انت شايف ان ابنك بالمواصفات
If you see it right, try as much as you can if you think your son meets the specifications.
دي اوعى اوعى اوعى تحط نفسك في وضع ان انت هيبقى الموضوع في
Don't, don't, don't put yourself in a situation where you will be in...
ندية تقولي طب انا دلوقتي انا عامل ايه انا ابني فعلا بتعامل
"My dear, tell me what should I do now? I am really dealing with my son."
معي بالوضع ده يعني انا دلوقتي ابني بيسرخ بيسرخ بيسرخ انا عايز
In this situation, I mean my son is screaming and screaming and screaming, I want...
دي انا عايز انا هعمل ايه انا في في حل تاني او في حل تاني
I want to know what I should do, is there another solution or another solution?
الحل ان انت لازم تغير الموضوع عشان ما توصلش لمرحلة الاهمال
The solution is that you must change the subject so that you don't reach a state of neglect.
يعني هي بتبقى تضرب اه حاول تتجهل خالص اللي هو بيعمله او
It means she might be trying to ignore completely what he is doing or...
قبل التجاهل ممكن تعمل عملية تشويش يعني حاول تغير
Before ignoring, you could create some interference, meaning try to change.
الموضوع اللي هو بيزن على حاجة معينة اه تحاول تشيله تب
The topic he is focusing on something specific, yes, you try to take it away.
تعالى طب انا اه هنجيب دي انت عايز دي طب ارأي اخفي دي اه او
Come on, let's get this. Do you want this one? Should I hide this one or what?
تتكلم في اي حاجة تانية او اه تلفت انتباه لحاجة تالتة تكلم
"Talk about anything else, or if you want to bring attention to something third, speak."
حد تاني على موضوع مهم ويبقى وشك فيه تعابيرات ان انت بتتكلم
Someone else about an important topic and your face shows that you are talking.
على حاجة او فهو تحاول تعمله تشتيت تشويش تغير الموضوع خالص
"You're trying to distract him or completely change the subject."
والله استجاب استجاب ما استجابش يبقى انت هتخش في موضوع الاهمال
By God, He responded; if He didn't respond, then you'll get involved in the issue of negligence.
تجاهل خالص اللي هو بيتم خبط رزع عيط اعمل اللي انت عايز
Complete disregard; what’s happening is just banging and shouting. Do whatever you want.
وانا وانا الموضوع ده يفرق معي خالص افرش معي لان زي ما قلنا
And I, and this topic doesn’t matter to me at all, lay with me because as we said.
لو هو حاس ان هو انتصر فانت خسرت فانت خسرت فانت على طول
If he feels that he has won, then you have lost, you have lost, you have lost forever.
هتبقى دائما خسرا لان هو هيكون المسيطر والمتحكم وكل ما هيكبر
You will always be a loser because he will be the one in control, and as he grows, he will dominate even more.
كل ما هيتعامل معك بنفس الموضوع طلباته هتزيد وهيبقى عارف
Whoever deals with you on the same subject, their demands will increase, and they will become aware.
هيتعامل معها امتى وازاي وبأني اسلوب وأني طريقة وكل واحد
When will he deal with her, how, and in what style and in what way, and each one?
هيتعامل معك باسلوب معين وطريقة معينة لان عارف ان هو ده يعني
He will deal with you in a specific way and manner because he knows that this is what it means.
اللي بيحقق لهم الرغبات فهيتعامل معكم بالاسلوب ده فإياك
Whoever fulfills their desires will deal with you in this way, so be careful.
ان ده يعني يكون في استجابة منك طيب ممكن يكون الاصلي راجع لك
This means there should be a response from you. Okay, the original may come back to you.
انت يعني راجع لنا احنا واحنا مش واخدين بالنا في بعض الاحيان
You mean you're coming back to us while we sometimes don't notice each other.
بيبقى في مبالغة يعني بيكون في مبالغة من الاوامر اه انت
There tends to be exaggeration, meaning there is an exaggeration in the orders, yes you.
غسلت يدك انا حاسس انت مغسلتش يدك ليدك مو مغسل يدك
I washed my hands; I feel like you didn't wash your hands. Your hands are not clean.
يا ابني انت يدك قوم يغسل يدك قوم يغسل يدك هتوصل لابنك ان
Oh my son, you wash your hands, wash your hands, you will reach your son that...
هو هيجذب غسلت يد اه غسلت يد هنا بقى في مبالغة او ان هو يعني
He is attracting, I washed my hands, oh I washed my hands, there is exaggeration here or he means...
مش غسل انا زهيت انا طب ليه يبقى دايما حاول على الادن ما
I didn't wash, I'm bored, so why does it always try to go to the ear?
تقدر ان يبقى طلباتك قدر المستطاع يعني ينفع تتعامل انت
You can keep your requests to a minimum, which means it’s okay for you to handle it.
برضو احنا اتفقنا قبل كده ان انا ما ما بربيش ابني على
We also agreed before that I don't raise my son on...
المثالية لازم يكون طلباتك كلها قدر المستطاع تقدر تتنفز ما
Idealism should have all your requests as feasible as possible to be implemented.
يبقاش فيها مبالغة ما يبقاش دايما رفضك للحاجات اللي ابنك
There shouldn't always be an exaggeration; don't always reject the things your son desires.
بيطلبها اه بدون سبب لان دي بتولد عنده هو نفسه من جوة ان
He asks for her without a reason because it generates something within him.
هو لو يقدر يقول لك على اي حاجة لا هيقولها انت بالزبط زي
If he could tell you anything, he would say it just like you.
علاقتك بمديرك علاقتك بحد معك في الشغل زي ما هيتعامل معك لو
Your relationship with your boss is like a boundary at work, just as they will treat you.
مديرك بتعامل معك بحب ومديرك بتعامل معك بيصل على شغلك
Your manager treats you with love, and your manager takes care of your work.
ومديرك اه مقدر مجهودك طبيعي انت هتبقى شغال كويس ونفسيتك
Your manager appreciates your efforts; it's natural that you will work well and feel good.
مرتاحة انت ابنك لما يجيت ابنك لا عايز اتفرق شوية لا لا لا
You’re comfortable, your son, when your son comes, I don't want to be apart for a little while, no, no, no.
خش هناك عايز انزل مع اصحابي لا لا لا لا اه خش ازاكر لك
"Come on, I want to go down with my friends. No, no, no, no. Come on, I'm studying for you."
كلمتين لا لا لا لا اللي جاي منك انت ما بتقاش واخد بالك انت
Two words, no, no, no, no, what’s coming from you, you’re not paying attention.
بترفض دي او انت من جواك عارف ان انت بتعمل لمصلحته بس انت
You refuse this, or deep down you know that you are doing it for his benefit, but you...
ما هونتلوش انت ما هونتلوش انت كل اللي انت بتعمله انت
I won't let you, you won't let him, everything you are doing is you.
بتقول لا لا لا وبترفضه خلاص فطبيعي ان هو لما هيكون عنده
She says no, no, no and refuses him, so it's natural that when he has...
المجال ان هو هيعمل كده هيعمله مية في المية هيعمله ففي بعض
The field, if it does that, will definitely do it, so there are some.
الاحيان بنكون احنا سابق واحنا مش راخدين بالنا يبقى اتكلمنا
Sometimes we are ahead without realizing it, so we may have already spoken.
على المبالغة طلباتنا ما يكونش فيها مبالغة ان يكون اه التعامل
Our requests should not have exaggeration; there should be no exaggeration in the way we deal.
نفسه اللي انا باتعامل به اكون عارف ان الولد او الطفل في البيت
The same approach I use makes me aware that the boy or child is at home.
بياخد وبيقلدني هو ده اللي انت بتقول عليه اه دماغه ناشفة زي
He takes and imitates me, that's what you're talking about, yes, his head is hard like.
ابوه لا هو مش دماغه ناشفة زي ابوه هو دايما بيبقى فيه تقليل
His father is not as stubborn as his father; there is always some reduction.
اللي بيتم في البيت انت زي ما انت بتعمل هو كمان هيعمل طيب
What happens at home, you will act as you do, and he will do the same.
الحاجة التالتة ان انت دايما يكون العلاقة دايما دايما دايما
The third necessity is that you always have the relationship to be always, always, always.
وخصوص مع الاطفال دول ان انت حاول تبقى الاعلاقة دايما حلوة
Especially with these children, you should try to keep the relationship always nice.
العلاقة حلوة زي ما قلنا بفكرة المدير انت لو عندك مدير شديد
The relationship is sweet, just as we said with the idea of the boss. If you have a strict boss...
قوي بس انت شافه ان هو بتعامل معك باحترام وبحب انت نفس الكلام
He is strong, but you see that he treats you with respect and love; you say the same thing.
هتعرض له نفس الشعور لما ابنك يكون ليه شخصية وليه دايما اه
You will feel the same way when your son has his own personality and is always yes.
قرار هو اللي بياخده من دماغه لما يلاقيك دايما انت على طول
The decision is made by someone in their own mind when they always find you there.
محتويه على طول بتلعب معاه على طول مشاركه على طول بتقعد تكلم
Always interacting with him, always sharing, always sitting and talking.
معه في اي موضوع حتى لو تقصك لما هتيجي تطلب منه طلب هو حتى
With him on any topic, even if you upset him when you come to ask him for a favor, he will...
هيستحي ان هو يقول لك لا يعني عارف ان هو ايه حيفكر هو عايز
He is shy to tell you no, meaning he knows what he wants to think about.
رضيك وعارف ان انت بتعامل معاه كويس وعارف ان انت بتعامل معه
You are satisfied and know that you are treating him well and are aware that you are dealing with him.
بحبه وعارف ان انت ما مش بتلفظه كل حاجة فعارف انت عارف انت
I love him and I know that you don't always pronounce everything, so I know you know you.
حيفكر كذا مرة قبل ما يقول على حاجة لا او حيفكر هو هيقول لا
He will think several times before saying no to something, or he will think about whether he will say no.
ليه هو نفسه من جواه انا هقول لا ليه انا هعمل دي ليه لان هو
Why is he himself inside, I will say no, why am I doing this, why, because he is.
بقى فيه علاقة انت بنيت علاقة بينك وبينه تسمح ان يبقى فيه
There remains a relationship that you built between you and him that allows for it to continue.
هتخد تسمح ان هو هيسمع كلامك تسمح ان هو بيصك في اللي انت
"Will you allow him to listen to your words? Do you allow him to trust in what you say?"
بتقوله له فانت هنا حتة اللا اللا اللا اللا اللي عنده دي
You tell him, "So here you are, the part where it's no, no, no, no that he has."
مع الوقت مع الوقت مش هتكون موجوده. نبني على دين الحاجة
With time, it will not be there. We build on the needs of the situation.
الرابعة والاهم الصبر. انت مش ابنك هيقعد يخطط ويرزع دلوقتي
The fourth and most important is patience. Your son is not going to sit down and plan things out right now.
فانت لما هتتجاهله هتيجي تاني يوم تقول ليه! تجاهل ما عملش
So when you ignore him, the next day you'll come back asking why! Ignoring didn't work.
معي حاجة! لسه بيخطط ويرزع معه. اه اي ريوما وما طبيعي!
I have something! He is still planning and dealing with it. Yes, any Rima, and it's not normal!
الموضوع ده لازم ي이지 معه بصبر. دلوقتي ممكن الفت انتباه
This subject must be approached with patience. Now I can draw attention.
في الحاجة. بعد شوية ممكن اتجاهله خالص. بعد شوية ممكن اغير
In need. After a while, I might completely ignore it. After a while, I might change.
الموضوع بعد شوية ممكن انا اروح بصصه بصة كده بعد شوية اقوم
The subject might be that I can go and take a look after a little while.
اخد اخوه او اخته ونوم نلعب كأنه هو مش موجود فالموضوع محتاج
Take his brother or sister and pretend to play as if he is not present; the matter needs it.
صبر الشاهد من الكلام ان لو اي حد ربنا كرمه بتفل شايفه من
The patience of the witness lies in the fact that if anyone is blessed by God, he sees it in the dust.
وجهة نظره عنيد اعرف ان ربنا كرمك بتفل زكي جدا شخصيته قيادية
His perspective is stubborn; I know that God has honored you with a very smart mind. His personality is leadership-oriented.
بيعرف ياخد قرار حاول بس تنمي فيه ان هو يعرف الحلال والحرام
He knows how to make decisions, just try to help him develop an understanding of what is permissible and what is forbidden.
والصح والغناء عشان لما يكبر ويتحط في اي ظروف وفي اي بيئة
And the singing is for when he grows up and is placed in any circumstances and any environment.
وتحت اي ضغط ما يكونش اللقاء غير الحرام والغناء شكرا لكم
"Under any pressure, the meeting will not be anything but forbidden and singing. Thank you."
سلام عليكم
Peace be upon you.
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