نورا / دان
نورا / دان
اهلا انا نور هذا بودكاست رمادة اصراحة ببداية بحكي شي بحكي سر مرات وقتر لما احكي انا نور وهذا بودكاست رمادة احس انه فعلا هو بودكاست بودكاست
Hello, I am Noor. This is the Ramada podcast. Honestly, at the beginning, I want to say something and sometimes it feels like a secret when I say I am Noor and this is the Ramada podcast. I truly feel that it is really a podcast, a podcast.
بس هو في الواقع نور افكارها يتناقشون فقط ما اهتم صحة الفكرة اللي انا بحكيها او بناقشها العام او بعدين احتمال تكون خطأ كلي لكنها افكاري بالنهاية
But in reality, her ideas are only discussed; they are not concerned with the correctness of the idea that I am talking about or discussing in general, and it could later turn out to be completely wrong, but they are my ideas in the end.
هذا الشي اللي لازم اوضحه في البداية وفي الحلقات انا اكيد لا بأس بالاشخاص اللي يختلفون مع افكاري ولا بأس باللي يشوفونها اصلا خاطئة
This is something I need to clarify at the beginning and in the episodes: I definitely have no problem with people who disagree with my ideas, and I have no problem with those who see them as fundamentally wrong.
انا بشان يكون نقاشنا او اختلافنا
I want our discussion or disagreement to be...
نقشتوني او ما او بينكم بين انفسكم كون باحترام ما يحتاج ان تدعي لشخص عشان افكاره احنا نشوفها خاطئة او تختلف مع افكارنا
You have engraved me, or rather, among yourselves, be respectful; there is no need to curse someone because of their thoughts, even if we see them as wrong or different from ours.
This moment.
مثل ما قلت انه هذا البودكاست نور تناقش افكارها فقط
As I mentioned, this podcast Noor discusses her ideas only.
ما كنت ناوي انشرة ما كنت ناوي كنت بس بسجل ارفع وبعدين اسمع يعني انا كيف كنت افكر كيف كنت اناقش
I didn’t intend to publish it, I just meant to record and upload it, and then listen to it. I mean, this is how I was thinking, how I was discussing.
او لاني احب اناقش وغالبا
Oh, because I love to discuss and often.
ما روح لاشخاص واناقشهم
I don't want to engage with people.
ما ريمة اناقشني انا
What does Rima discuss with me?
بحكم انو انو عندي عدة شخصيات
Since I have several personalities.
فانا قاعدة اتناقش
I am sitting and discussing.
سوقررتني اسجل اتناقشهم
"I decided to register and discuss with them."
هذا هو السبب الاساسي لوجود هذا البودكاست
This is the main reason for the existence of this podcast.
عسل اقولت كانت اني انو انا اسجل وارفع فقط مو اشارك
Honey, I said that I am only registering and uploading, not participating.
لكن حكيت بتويتر انو او الاصدقاء التويتر
But I mentioned on Twitter that the Twitter friends...
انا مراحة بتويتر على فكرة
I am relaxing on Twitter, by the way.
انا عندي بودكاست وفكر اشارككم اياه واعتقد انهم ايد الفكرة. ما
I have a podcast and I thought to share it with you, and I think they supported the idea. What?
اعتقدهم هما اي ايد الفكرة واعتقد اني راح اشاركهم يعني. فهذه
I thought they were the ones who had the idea, and I believe I will participate with them. So this.
الحلقة هي حلقة ثانية. راح انشرها. راح اشاركها معكم.
The episode is a second episode. I will publish it. I will share it with you.
اشوية متوترة. احتي ما تشوفون حروب تختفي. لا بس. كمان خطر على
A little tense. I don't see wars disappearing. Just that. It's also dangerous for...
بالي. الاقتباس وهذا واحدة من الاهداف الفرعية. اعتقد انهم
Bali. The quote, and this is one of the sub-goals. I think they...
مو مو هدف اساسي صراحة يعني. البودكاست. بس في الاقتباس من
Mo Mo is not a primary goal, to be honest, I mean the podcast. But there is a quote from...
الكتاب اللي انا اقرأه الان. يقول.
The book that I am reading now says.
نحن قدروا الاقتباس.
We appreciated the quote.
من اختفى.
Who disappeared?
هذا دليل انه انا ما اعمل اعداد مسبق الحلقة. حسيت انه بودكاست
This is proof that I don't prepare the episode in advance. I felt like it's a podcast.
بودكاست. لا جد ما احبه. خلاص ببلش هذا البودكاست انه انا افتح
Podcast. I really love it. I'm going to start this podcast now that I'm opening it.
واحكي بنتي وانا افتح واحكي ما راح ما راح ابدل جهد بالاعداد او انه
And I tell my daughter, as I open and speak, I will not spare any effort in preparation or that...
بالمنتاج او انه قص شي لا بيبقى نفس ما هو. عشان كده مرات اسمه
In editing or if something gets cut, it won't remain the same. That's why sometimes it is referred to as such.
انا عادل اسمه صوت سيارة.
I am Adel, my name is the sound of a car.
اسمه صوت اشخاص او قطاوة ماوي. ها. لا بأس بهذا الشي كده
His name is the sound of people or the sound of Maine Coon cats. Ha. This is okay like that.
يعني. ايوة حسيت. الاقتباس يقول احيانا كل ما عليك فعله هو التابير
It means. Yes, I felt it. The quote says sometimes all you have to do is tap.
عن حقيقتك بصوت مرتفع وستجدين اشباهك. ما انكر انه يمكن هذا يكون
Speak your truth out loud and you will find your kindred spirits. I do not deny that this is possible.
واحد من الاهداف الفرعية اللي بحطه. هون بقرره. انه حصل اشخاص
One of the sub-goals that I set. Here I decide it. That people have obtained.
يشبهوا ليه ونفس افكار بعض. ولا بأس بوجود الاشخاص اللي فارقوا
They resemble each other and have the same ideas. And it's okay to have people who have passed away.
لنا. مفرقون. انه يختار.
For us. We are separated. He is choosing.
افكاري. عشان اتناقش. احب اتناقش مع اشخاص يكونون يختلفون معي.
My thoughts. I like to discuss. I love to discuss with people who have different views from mine.
اهم شيء بحترمه. دون ما حدث اداة ثانية. لانه قليلين الادم
The most important thing I respect. Without what happened, a second tool. Because there are few people.
له مكان. داهن اولا باي باي مكان ثاني. على مواقع التواصل. تابعي
He has a place. He has been to another place first. On social media. Follow him.
تكتوك او تويتر. او انستا.
TikTok or Twitter. Or Instagram.
صراحة اللي خلاني اسجل هذه الحلقة هو اقتباس من كتابة قاعدة اقرأة
Honestly, what made me record this episode is a quote from the writing of the reading rule.
اه. احنا كثير نتخذ قرارات ونندم عليها. كثير. ونستمر سنوات
Ah. We often make decisions and regret them. A lot. And we continue for years.
نجلد انفسنا على هذه القرارات. احنا. بعيدا عن جلد الاشخاص
We beat ourselves up over these decisions. We. Away from blaming others.
الاخرين. يعني حاولنا سواء كانوا من الاهل او من الاصدقاء. او حتى
Others. It means we tried whether they were family or friends. Or even
غرباء. يعني غرباء مرات وقحين وبجيحين درجة انه يجون يجلدونك
Strangers. I mean, strangers can sometimes be so rude and shameless that they come and beat you.
على قرار انت اتخذتها. يعني لها درجة بجيحين يعني. عموما. لنا
Regarding the decision you made. It means it has a degree of audacity, you see. In general. For us.
ندم على كثير قرارات. نستمر سنوات نجلد معنا هذه القرارات. من دون
Regret over many decisions. We spend years beating ourselves up about these decisions. Without.
ما نفكر انه لا بأس. انه اتخذ قرار. وبعدين حتى ما احصل اشياء
We don't think it's okay. He made a decision. And then I don't even get things.
تثبت لي ان هذا القرار كان خاطئ. لكن انا كيف اجتهاد شخصي مني.
You prove to me that this decision was wrong. But it is a personal endeavor from me.
فكر انه هو خاطئ وبلش اجلبني. نورا نفس الشي. نورا اتخذت قرارات
He thought he was wrong and started to bring me down. Nora is the same. Nora made decisions.
كثير وهي من حقها. انفصال. تخلي عن حلم والديها. امها وابوها.
A lot, and it's her right. Separation. Abandoning her parents' dream. Her mother and father.
تخلي عن حلم اخوها. التخلي عن حلم صديقتها. وكلهم اه يعني
Giving up on her brother's dream. Giving up on her friend's dream. And they all mean, you know.
الصديقة خسرتها والاخ خسرتها. والعلاقة العاطفية خسرتها. او
I lost a friend, and I lost a brother. I lost the romantic relationship. Or...
تخلت عنها. وخسرت شريك الحياة. وبلشت تلوم نفسها. وكمان
She left her. And lost her life partner. And started blaming herself. And also...
الاشخاص اللي حولها يلومونها. وهذه قمة الانانية. اخوها يلومها
The people around her blame her. This is the height of selfishness. Her brother blames her.
لانه ما حقق حلم فرقة المتاهات. وصديق اخوها يلومها لان اخوها
Because it did not fulfill the dream of the Maze team. And her friend blames her because of her brother.
ترك المدينة وسافر. وصديقتها تلومها. وقاية تحملها دم انها ان
She left the city and traveled. Her friend blames her. A protective instinct makes her carry the blood.
صداقتهم انتهت. وامها وابوها كانوا في البداية.
Their friendship ended. And her mother and father were involved from the beginning.
يحاولون يوصلوا لها رسالة انه كل المشاكل قاية تسبح لنا الان
They are trying to convey to her the message that all the problems are now swimming towards us.
بسبب انك تخليتين حلمك. او مو حلم. كما كان حلم. حلم اهم اهمة.
Because you follow your dream. Or it's not a dream. It was a dream. A dream of great importance.
انها تكون سباحة.
It is swimming.
ودي اشتم هبال الاشخاص.
I want to smell the insanity of people.
حتى لو كانوا اهل. مو مسموح لا يبني ادم يلوم شخص ثاني على قرار.
Even if they are family. It is not allowed for a person to blame someone else for their decision.
اهو قرر نيابة عن هذا الشخص. مو مسموح الام والاب يلومون الطفل على
He decided on behalf of this person. It is not permissible for the parents to blame the child for
قرار. اهو ما قرروا عنه. واستمر سنوات يعمل وبداية فجأة تخلى عن
Decision. That is what they decided on. He worked for years and then suddenly, he gave up.
هذا القرار تبعهم وهذا الحلم تبعهم. ولا مسموح الصديقة انها
This decision is theirs, and this dream is theirs. And it is not allowed for the friend to...
تلوم صديقتها عشانها تخلت عن قرارهم اتفقوا عليه لما كانوا
She blames her friend for abandoning the decision they agreed on when they were together.
قبل سنوات والان اكتشفت انها ما يناسبها.
Years ago, I discovered that this is not suitable for her.
اه حس قلبي منيانة على هبال الاشخاص. اللي يحملونك خطأ.
Oh, my heart aches for the foolishness of those people. Who wrongly burden you.
او يلومونك على انك تخليت او بعت. نرجع النورة. بحكي لكم قصتها
"They blame you for leaving or selling. Let's go back to the story. I'll tell you its tale."
باختصار. هي فتاة عملت كثير قرارات اندمت عليها مثل ما حكيت
In short, she is a girl who made many decisions she regrets, as I mentioned.
لكم استمرت سنوات تجلد نفسها على هذه القرارات. بعيدا عن جلد
How many years she has tormented herself over these decisions. Away from punishment.
الاشخاص اللي حولها.
The people around her.
نورة صيبت بالاكتئاب ما في ضربات ثانية. غير الاكتئاب. عاشت حياة
Noura was struck by depression, and there are no second chances. Other than depression, she lived a life.
اقدر اقول عنها حياة يرسالها. خسرت وظيفتها. في وظيفة مرة براتب
I can say that her life is sending her messages. She lost her job. In one job with a salary.
قليل يعني يلا يدبك فيها انها تشتري ادويتها وتدفع ايجاب
It means she should hurry up and buy her medications and pay positively.
شقةها. توفقتها بيوم من الايام وهذه كانت القشة التي قسمت ظهر البعير.
Her apartment. I caught her one day, and this was the last straw that broke the camel's back.
من تدربة شخصية كان عندي انا قشة قسمت ظهر البعير. وفي شخص آآ قد
From personal experience, I had a straw that broke the camel's back. And there is a person who...
سمعت عنها. فتاة كمان كان عندها قشة قسمة ظهر البعير وكان موت عصفورها.
I heard about her. The girl also had the last straw that broke the camel's back, and it was the death of her little bird.
الفتاة كانت سنوات عايشة مع الاكتئاب والضروات اخرى. ما كانت
The girl had been living for years with depression and other hardships. She was not...
تعرفت حسب انه هذه حياتها. وكانت تعاني اعني. ومثل ما حكيت انه
I recognized that this is her life. She was suffering, I mean. And as I mentioned, that...
القشة التي قسمت ظهر البعير كان موت العصفور عندها. درشناها
The straw that broke the camel's back was the death of the bird at that moment. We were astonished.
دخلت من صحها. وقلت تعالج. اتمنى انها الان تكون افضل. واتمنى انه
I entered her room and said she's receiving treatment. I hope she is better now. And I hope that...
انها تحسنت يعني. فنورا نفس الشيء. موت القط كان
It has improved, I mean. Funora is the same. The cat's death was...
القشة التي قسمت ظهر البعير. يعني كل شخص يختلف. تختلف هالقشة.
The straw that broke the camel's back. It means that every person is different. This straw varies.
كل شخص قصته. لكن نورا كان نقط. ذاك اليوم ذاك اليوم كان سيء
Everyone has their story. But Nora had a dot. That day was a bad day.
اصلا. سمرت بالشرب. لما اكدت. او اخذت جرعة مضاعفة مضاعفة مضاعفة
Actually. I stayed with drinking. When I assured. Or I took a triple, triple, triple dose.
من ادويتها. اقدمتها الى الانتحار.
"From her medicines, she resorted to suicide."
صاحبت وحصلت نفسها المكتبة. هذه المكتبة يكون وقعها بين الحياة
She accompanied and found herself in the library. This library has an impact on life.
And death.
فيها كتب كثيرة. اول كتاب كان مفروض على نورا انه تفتحه هو كتاب
There are many books in it. The first book that Nora was supposed to open is a book.
الندم. كتاب الندم كان كتاب مرة ثقيل. ومرة حساسها بشعور سيء.
Regret. The book of regret was sometimes heavy and sometimes it made me feel bad.
لانه كان موجود فيه كل القرارات اللي هي كانت تجدد نفسها. على
Because it contained all the decisions that would renew themselves.
اتخاذها. على اتخاذ هذه القرارات. انفصالها. فرقة موسيقية تبع
Making it. On making these decisions. Its separation. A musical band followed.
اخوها. السباحة. بخصوص حلم امها وابوها وكمان صديقتها. وباقي
Her brother. Swimming. Regarding her mother's and father's dream, as well as her friend. And the rest.
The decisions.
اول قرار كان قدام نورا او اول قرار قررت نورا انها ترجع وتعيش
The first decision that was in front of Nora, or the first decision Nora decided to make was to go back and live.
اللي هو ارتباطها بدان. خطيب هذه فصلت عنها. كانت مع دان الفترة
She is connected to Dan. Her fiancé has separated from her. She was with Dan during that time.
ونخطبوا مع بعض. وسافرت معه بر المدينة تبعها. لكن لما امها
"We got engaged together. I traveled with him to the city that followed it. But when her mother..."
صيبت بالسرطان هي رجعت. عشان امها. قبل زواجهم شهرين امها
She was diagnosed with cancer; she returned for her mother. Two months before their wedding, her mother...
توفيت. فهي قررت انها تبصل. هي اصلا كانت تعاني من الاكتئاب.
She passed away. She decided to end it. She had been suffering from depression.
المعدان يعني. بس ما كان مرة شديدة. بعد وفاتش امها الاكتئاب
The mine means. But it wasn't very severe. After her mother passed away, the depression.
صار اشد. فقررت ان تبصل لانها مي قادرة. تكون اهيلة يعني. ومنهارة
It became more intense. She decided to look away because she couldn't handle it. It means being overwhelmed and shattered.
بسبب وفاة امها. سمرتها سنوات تجد نفسها على هذا القرار وكان عن دان
Due to her mother's death, Samra found herself faced with this decision after years, and it was about Dan.
حلم اللي هو انه يمتلك حانة ريفية. فكانت تلوم نفسها حتى على عدم
His dream was to own a country pub. She blamed herself even for not...
تحقيق دان لهذا الحلم. لانه كان مخطط ان هم يعملونا سوا.
Dan achieved this dream. Because it was planned for them to do it together.
انا صراحة اه مرة اكره الاشخاص اللي نفسي نان. عرفت ذلك
Honestly, I really hate the people I envy. I realized that.
الاشخاص اللي لما تبعد عنهم وتتخلى من العلاقة معهم. يقدرون
The people you distance yourself from and detach from the relationship with can.
يلومونك على كل اشياء الخطر اللي صارت بحياتهم بعد ما انفصلت
They blame you for all the dangerous things that happened in their lives after you separated.
عنهم. خسارة مشروع درجة ضعيفة في اختبار. مادة بصبت فيها. وما
About them. A project loss, a weak grade on the test. A subject I was supposed to pass. And what.
الا مالك. كل اللي تقدر ان تتلامي عليه وانت
Oh, owner. Everything you can be blamed for is you.
كمان لك خاص انت بس اتخذت قرار انه تتبع
Also, you specifically decided to follow.
فهذه الاشخاص انا مرة اكرههم
I really hate these people.
احسهم مرة انانيين
I feel they are a bit selfish.
And also
ما عندهم اي حس في المسؤولية
They have no sense of responsibility.
لانه يا عزيزي انا مو مسؤولة عن
Because, my dear, I am not responsible for...
نجاحك ولا خسارتك ولا مشاريعك ولا علاماتك
Your success, your losses, your projects, and your grades.
هذي الاشياء تخص حياتك انت
These things are related to your life.
كوني تخليت او مسحبت حتى لو كان حلم احنا بننا
Even if I had let go or withdrew, it would still be a dream we built together.
ثوافا لي اسبابي
I have my reasons.
لا اصحف تصوتي
I don't suppress my voice.
يانى دايم لما اجーーي افكر
I always think when I come.
انه مثل ما
It is like what
انا لما أدخل عن اللقى وهدف
I enter when I find a target.
ونازة تأخذ خطوة التخطي
And Naza takes the step of skipping.
لهذي اللقى والهدف نازة مسجونه فيهم
For this encounter and goal, a prisoner is confined in them.
وعلاقة فيهم
"And a relationship with them."
وهذي الخطوه تكن تخصني انا ومسؤوليتي انا
This step is specifically my responsibility.
انا اومن وواثقه واكهدة
I believe, and I am confident and determined.
لان الشخاص الاخرين
Because of other people.
مسؤوليتهم وهم ومسؤوليتي انا. انا ما دي خاص. انا مؤمنة انه
Their responsibility is theirs, and my responsibility is mine. This is not my personal affair. I believe that...
هذه الخطوة خطوتهم. يعني مسؤوليتهم وهم ومسؤوليتي انا.
This step is their step. It means their responsibility and my responsibility.
خالص. فظل الاشخاص اللي يستمرون يلومون للطرف الاخر. على كل
Sincere. The people who continue to blame the other party remain. In every case.
اشياء سيئة تحصل لهم. بعد انتهاء هذه العلاقة. اه الاشخاص
Bad things happen to them after this relationship ends. Oh, the people.
سيئين وانا مليئين وما عندهم مسؤولية بس لما حكيت. عموما نرجو
They are bad and I am full, and they have no responsibility, but when I talked. In general, we hope.
لنورة. فنورة بس مرة سنة طويلة لما حكيت لهم نفسها على هذا
To Noura. And Noura, just once a long time ago, when I told them the same thing about this.
القرار. من ضمن القرارات الباقية. فلما صارت مكتبة منتصف
The decision. Among the remaining decisions. So when it became a mid-library.
الليل قررت انها اول قرار ترجع وتعيش اهو ارتباطها بدائم. فعلا
The night decided that her first decision is to return and live as if her connection is permanent. Indeed.
صار. ورجعت حصلت نفسها بالحانة الريفية اللي هم قرروا يفتحونها
It happened. She found herself back at the rural tavern they decided to open.
او هو قرر يفتحها. صراحة كان حلمه اكتشفت
Or he decided to open it. Honestly, it was his dream, I discovered.
حلمه او مو حلمها. بعد مرور اول ساعة من وجودها في هذه الحياة
His dream or not her dream. After the first hour of her existence in this life.
مع دان وهذه الحياة اللي كانت متلحة انها تعيشها وصبرت اتلوات تجد
With Dan and this life that was meant for her to live, she endured the hardships she faced.
ذاتها وتلوم نفسها على كل الاشياء السيئة اللي هي تعيشها ولي قد
She blames herself for all the bad things she is experiencing.
يعيشها طرف الآخر اللي هو دان. اكتشفت انه دان هو الشخص
The other side is Dan. I discovered that Dan is the person.
The appropriate.
مرة الموضوع يعني ما قدر احكي انه يضحك يضحك.
Sometimes the subject is such that I can't say it makes me laugh, it really does.
معني ضحك. لا هو مرة يغبط. ديك الضحك اللي منغبط. تجيك.
The meaning of laughter. No, it's not just a moment of envy. This is the laughter that is envious. It comes to you.
ايه. بالضبط. اكتشفت انه مش رخص مناسب. ومو بس اكتشفت انه مش رخص
Yes. Exactly. I discovered that it is not a suitable discount. And I didn’t just discover that it’s not a discount.
مناسب فقط. اكتشفت اشياء اخرى. بالبداية تناقشوا عن موضوع اه
Only suitable. I discovered other things. At first, they discussed the topic, huh.
الانجاب. وكان كان كان السلوك سيء مرة. يعني كانت تناقش له. وهو
Reproduction. And the behavior was bad once. I mean, she was discussing it with him. And he...
يحكي له يعني بقيت تحكيه لانه هي كيف انه منخلف وكده. وكانت
It tells him, meaning you kept telling him because it's how she gives birth and such. And she was...
يقول لها انه يلا تعالي خلينا ننام خلصت يا رفاق تعالي خلينا ننام.
He is telling her, "Come on, let's go to sleep. It's over now, guys. Come on, let's go to sleep."
كان واقع. مرة واقع. كان اناني. حرمها من هي كان عندها حلم انها
He was a reality. Once a reality. He was selfish. He deprived her of her dream that she had.
تكون عازفة بالفرقة مع اخوها. وبعدين تخلت عن هذه الفرقة. لكن
She was a musician in the band with her brother. Then she left this band. But...
كان وقتها وقت ارتباطه منها كان عندها هذا الحلم. كان يقولها لا
At that time, when he was connected to her, she had that dream. He would tell her no.
يا انا يا الفرقة. فهي كانت تحسب انه هو يحبها عشان كذا يبغاها
It's either me or the band. She thought that he loved her, that's why he wanted her.
تكون معه. والان اكتشفت انه هو اناني. ما يفكر له بنفسه وبحلمه.
He is with you. And now I discovered that he is selfish. He only thinks about himself and his dreams.
وكمان اكتشفت انه مو ذاك الشخص اللي عنده حلم اصلا يبي حق القويسة
"I also discovered that he is not really the kind of person who has a dream; he just wants an easy way out."
وراه. لا. هو يبي متل كابل حانة عشان مدمن اصلا كحول. وهذه الصدمة
And there it is. No. He wants something like a cable bar because he's an alcoholic. And this is the shock.
دي اول اول صدمة عرفتها. لما شافتها يشرب بشكل مستمر. تذكرت انه
This was the first shock I experienced. When I saw him drinking continuously, I remembered that...
هو كمان ما كان يشرب. بس ما كانت مدركة انه هو مدمن كحول. كمان
He also didn't drink. But she wasn't aware that he was an alcoholic. Also.
من خلال النقاش اكتشفت انه هو خانها مع الهاملة عندهم. نفس
Through the discussion, I discovered that he cheated on her with the maid they have. Same.
الحانة. كان يقول لها اوه انت الان سلوبك حاد معي. اه
The pub. He was telling her, oh, you're being harsh with me now. Ah.
عشان يخنتك. ده الدرجة كانت بجيحة. هذه كانت اول واسرة خيبة
"To betray you. That grade was embarrassing. This was the first and a disappointing family."
امل تحاجها نورة. بس القرار هي اندمت عليه طوال هذه السنوات.
Noura needs it. But she has regretted the decision all these years.
بعدين اكتشفت انه ما كان ما كان ذاك القرار اللي لنا المفروض اندم
Then I realized that it wasn't the decision that I should regret.
عليه. كان المفروض كان القرار اللي لنا المفروض اعتز فيه. ما
It was supposed to be a decision that I should take pride in.
تخلص من كده علاقة. وما كده شخص. اوكي موضوع الخيانة هو ما راح
Get rid of that relationship. And that person. Okay, the issue of betrayal is still not resolved.
تعرفه لبعد ما يرتبطون. لكن في كثير مؤشرات اول كانت تثبت لانه
You know him after they get involved. But there are many indicators that initially proved that because.
مش شخص مناسب منها اسلوبك بحظ. كمان كمان كان شخص يسخر منها
He's not a suitable person; your attitude is unfortunate. Also, he was someone who mocked her.
باستمرار واصلا اعتقد انه غير منها. يعني لما تجي الجاوب يكون
I constantly and truly believe that it is not like that. I mean, when you come to answer, it should be...
في سؤال بينهم. عن اي شيء بحكم انها اي شخص درس الفلسفة وكمان
There is a question among them. About anything, given that it is anyone who studied philosophy as well.
مثقفة مرة وتقرأ كثير. فلما تجاوب يبدأ يتمسخر عليها. فكان
She is cultured and reads a lot. So when she responds, he starts mocking her. So it was...
دائما لما يصير في سؤال او يصير في نقاش تتحاشى ما تتناقش مع
Whenever a question arises or a discussion takes place, you always avoid discussing it with...
اصحابها لما يكون هو موجود. بسبب هذا
Its owners when he is present. Because of this.
الاسلوب اللي فيه. لهذا الدرجة ما كان شخص مناسب. وهي كانت
The style in which it is. To that extent, he was not a suitable person. And she was.
تحسب انه اوه هذه شخصيته وانا وانا احبه. فما يحتاج انه ادخل
You think, "Oh, this is his personality, and I love him." So there's no need for me to get involved.
نفسي مشاكل او اناقش او احاول انه اظلم انه يوقف هذا الشيء. معانا
I have problems, or I discuss, or I try to stop this thing from continuing. With us.
هذه تعتبر فضوت حام راسي. يوجد شخص يسخر دائما مني او من حتى
This is considered a burden on my head. There is someone who always mocks me or even makes fun of me.
نجاحي او شيء بسيط ياه. ثقافتي يا ابني رح تثقف.
My success is something simple, oh. My culture, my son, will educate.
في اقتباسي
In my quotation
من نفس نفس هذا الكتاب حكت عنه او تساءلت فيه نورا. وهذا هذا هو
From the same breath as this book, Nora spoke of it or wondered about it. This is it.
الاقتباس اللي خلاني اسجل هذه الحلقة. اللي هو اه تساءلت بينها
The quote that made me record this episode. That is, I wondered between them.
وبين نفسها عن هذه هي الحياة التي كانت في حداد عليها. هذه هي
This is the life that was in mourning for her. This is it.
الحياة التي ندمت انها لم تعيشها. هذا هو الخط الزمني الذي اعتقدت
The life that I regretted not living. This is the timeline I believed.
انها قد ضيعت من بين يديها.
It has slipped away from her hands.
هذا الشيء كان يتردد باب نورا. لما اكتشفت كل هذه الاشياء من
This thing was knocking on Nora's door. When she discovered all these things from...
اول ساعة.
The first hour.
ما يعني ما ما اقدر اقول انها كانت مبسوطة لا بالعكس وصيبت بخيبة
What I mean is that I can't say she was happy, on the contrary, she was disappointed.
امل لانها طول ذيك سنوات كانت مستمرة بجزاتها. على شخص ما يستاهل
Hope, because for all those years it was continuous with its rewards. For someone who deserves it.
او على شخص ما كان مناسب.
Or someone who was suitable.
احنا نكون نورا. كثير قرارات. نستمر سنوات نجلب نفسنا عشان ما
We will be Noura. Many decisions. We continue for years bringing ourselves so that we don't...
كنا بذيك العلاقة. او مع ذاك الشخص وبدأت نكتشف انه او ما
We were in that relationship or with that person, and we started to discover that he or she wasn’t.
نكتشف نستمر نجلبنا لهذه اللحظة. ما في شيء ينتهي كده.
We discover, we continue, we bring ourselves to this moment. Nothing ends like that.
هذي اقدارنا. انه انا ما اكون مع ذاك الشخص وبذيك العلاقة حتى
These are our destinies. It's just that I am not with that person and in that relationship at all.
لو كنت انا ابغى هذا الشيء. هذا قدري. هذا قراري. تمام? انا قررت
If I want this thing. This is my fate. This is my decision. Okay? I have decided.
انه اتخلى عن هذه العلاقة.
He has given up on this relationship.
مرة اندم على هذا القرار حتى لو كنت مفكرة انه هذي العلاقة راح تكون
Sometimes I regret this decision even if I thought this relationship would be.
مرة جيدة بالنسبة لي. انا ما وصلت. القرار ان انا اتخلى وابعد
A good time for me. I haven't reached it. The decision is for me to let go and distance myself.
او انسحب الا لانو.
He withdrew, except for Lanu.
فاض الكيل. خلاص. وصلت للمهاية.
The measure has overflowed. Enough. I've reached the end.
يزعل مرانا مرات نحاول نحاول نحاول باستمات انه نكون بعلاقة.
Marana gets upset sometimes as we try and try desperately to be in a relationship.
عمها شخص. و البدي انه اكتشف انو. كم ذاك الجهد وكن فيه قطیقة
Her uncle is a person. And what I want is that he discovered how much effort there was and that it was significant.
انا بذلت هاد مكان خطأ. اعطيت هاد لشخص خطأ. انا وصلت لهذه الحالة
I made a mistake in this place. I gave this to the wrong person. I reached this situation.
او لهذا الوضع. الا انو انا حاولت ذاك الشخص. لا بأس. لا بأس انو انا
Oh for this situation. But I tried that person. It's okay. It's okay that I...
حاولت مكان خطأ لا ابلش اجد نفسي ان انا حاولت مكان خطأ لكن في
I tried a wrong place, I shouldn't have started; I find myself that I tried a wrong place, but there is...
اشخاص حتى بعد محاولاتهم بعد يأسهم انهم خلاص مقدرين يكملون
People, even after their attempts and their despair, feel that they can no longer continue.
فهذه المحاولات يستمرون يجدون نفسهم سنوات انهم ما كانوا في
These attempts continue to find themselves years later that they were not in.
ذيك العلاقة يستمرون يحملون نفسهم ذنب انتهاء ذيك العلاقة
They continue to carry the guilt of that relationship's end.
مع ان لو نرجع نفكر شوي ونعطي العقل مجال انه يسيطر على
Even though if we go back to think a little and give the mind space to take control over...
الامور نكتشف انها ما كانت العلاقة المناسبة وما كان الشخص
We discover that the situation was not the right relationship and the person was not the one.
الجيد بالنسبة لنا انا ما احكي انه كل الاشخاص اللي حين
The good thing for us is that I'm not saying that all the people who are now...
انتهت علاقتنا معهم لو استمرنا راح نحصلنا مع شخص خاين او شخص
Our relationship with them has ended; if we had continued, we would have ended up with a treacherous person or someone.
ممناسب او مو مناسب يعني مو مناسب او متنمر يعني ممكن يكون
"Is it suitable or not suitable means not suitable or could be a bully?"
بكل بساطة مو مناسب لشخصياتنا بس هو شخص جيد لا بأس لا بأس
Simply not suitable for our personalities, but he's a good person, that's fine, that's fine.
بهذا كله العلاقات شي مرة معقد ونعرف ان العلاقات ما راح تكون
With all of this, relationships are very complicated, and we know that relationships won't be...
مرة مثالية وما راح ايش هي ما خطط لها وفن كله
An ideal moment, and I won't say what it is; I didn't plan for it, and it's all art.
فيها العلاقات راح يكون مرة راح يكون نفس ما انا فاكرة فيه
In it, the relationships will be once, it will be just as I am thinking of it.
العلاقات مليانة مشاكل اصلا لانه شخصين مختلفين اصلا انسان
Relationships are filled with problems because there are two different people, as human beings.
يعني روحين او اكثر من شخص يعني كيف انا بغى اتخيل انه
It means two or more souls from a person, so how can I imagine that.
شخصين بشر انسان راح يستمرون سنوات مع بعض من دون ما يكون
Two human beings are going to continue for years together without there being.
بينهم خلافات
There are disagreements among them.
مستحيلة هذه فكرة مستحيلة مستحيل مسابع مستحيلة انها تصير ومرات
This is impossible, it’s an impossible idea, it’s impossible for it to happen sometimes.
نواجه مشاكل تختبر صبرنا وتختبر اصلا المدى تمسكنا بها لكن ما
We face problems that test our patience and challenge the extent to which we hold on to them, but what...
توصل للخطوط الحمراء اللي تكون عند كل شخص لذلك قبل ان نبلش نجلد
We reach the red lines that exist for every person, so before we start punishing.
نفسنا على علاقة انت هتلازم نفسنا قبل هذا الشيء او هذه
We are in a relationship, you will have to stick with us before this thing or this.
العلاقة تستاهل كل هذا
The relationship deserves all of this.
كل هذا اللون نهيكم على اللون الاشخاص حولنا وهذا واحد من
All this color is a warning about the colors of the people around us, and this is one of them.
الاسباب اللي يقنعنا مرات ان احنا خسرنا خسرنا باكل شخص خسرنا
The reasons that sometimes convince us that we have lost, we have lost with every person we have lost.
ذيك العلاقة خسرنا شيء عظيم وحنا بالمقابل ترى ما خسرنا شيء
In that relationship, we lost something great, but in return, we really didn't lose anything.
بالعكس احنا نجينا مرات تكون علاقات انت نجعوتي منها انا ما
On the contrary, we sometimes survive from relationships that you benefit from while I do not.
احكي ان كل علاقة احنا نتخلى عنها تكون سيئة مية في المية لا
Say that every relationship we leave is 100% bad, right?
مرات احنا نتخلى لا مو مناسبين ما ما نبغى وجع رأس صراحة وانا مبالي
Sometimes we let go because we are not suitable, we don't want the headache honestly, and I don't care.
لا عشان ما اواجه وجع رأس يعني انا ما اني قادرة احل او اني
No, because I don't want to face a headache, I mean, I can't solve it or that I'm...
وصلت النقطة انا ما اني قادرة حتى اناقش فيهم خلص انت يعني
I reached the point where I can't even discuss with them anymore, that's it, you know?
يعني خلص مش لابد اني كوني شخص ثاني سيء مش لابد اني قاعد يعني
It means that I don't have to be a bad person just because I'm sitting here.
يعني افكر ان هو سيء سيء لا هو كوني شخص جيد لكن مولي شخص ثاني
I mean, I think he is bad, bad, but he is being a good person, just not to me.
نختلف كثير ما بيننا حتى اهتمامات مشتركة كيف انا بقدر
We differ a lot among ourselves, even in common interests. How can I manage?
مع شخص كده اوكي لا بأس بوجود اهتمامات مختلفة انا اثنين ما
With a person like that, it's okay to have different interests; I'm not bothered by it.
لكن يفرق وجود الشخص معي حتى لو كان اهتمام يختلف عن اهتمام
But it makes a difference having a person with me, even if their interests are different from mine.
انا من استمتع باشياء انا من اهتماماتي او استمتع مع هذا الشخص
I am someone who enjoys things that are my interests or enjoys being with this person.
باشياء من اهتماماته لو كان اختلافنا يعني مختلفين بالاهتمامات
With things that are of interest to him, if our differences mean we are different in interests.
كلية لكن بالنهاية يبقى شخص مو مناسب عشان كده ما تخليت
It's a college, but in the end, it remains a person who is not suitable, that's why I didn't let go.
لكن مشاركة اتقناني بعكس للشي فيHay أشخاص كنانة حالي يقنون يقامون
But my participation in the opposite of the thing in Hay are people who are currently in a situation where they are going through.
انbacks e في لشاجره If We Missed it why did you miss.
If we missed it, why did you miss?
شملت انتش؟isserquis عن انت عن انت عن انت عن انت و inaccurate
Your message seems to contain some errors and unclear parts. Could you please provide the correct text for translation?
مع ان هذه الاشخاص لدينا الكرار واحترمناawy هنبسل ما حكيت قبل نقطت عشان كده لازم نركي
Although these people have our respect, we must be careful because I didn't mention this point before, so we need to be cautious.
للاهلاقة علاقتي القصة قصتي وأنا لم حدد انا أخسرت فعلاayo أو ابنجوت
My relationship with the story is my story, and I haven't really decided if I have lost or I'm still fine.
فعل و تخليت كل بساطه
"I acted and abandoned all simplicity."
ده لا دليلا sout тخلاء بكالبساطة
This is not a proof, just a simple explanation.
intent fried
intent fried
وليس الأشخاص الذين يحاولون ذلك
And not the people who try to do that.
وليس الشخص الذي يستطيع أن يستعمل ذلك
And it is not the person who can use that.
وليس الأشخاص الأنانيين
And not selfish people.
الذين يرمونك بعد أن فصلت عنهم
Those who cast you aside after you have separated from them.
مثل ما تحدثت في البداية
As I mentioned at the beginning.
عن أي شيء سيئ أهم إلى وجهنا
What bad thing is most important to our face?
I am
اللي أقرر
I decide.
أنا اللي راح أكتشف
I am the one who will discover.
إذا هذا الشيء
If this thing
يستاهل أن أندم عليه
He deserves my regret.
أو هذه اللاقة تستاهل أن أندم عليها
Or this experience deserves to regret.
نجد نفسي طول هذه السنوات
I find myself over these years.
أو ما قدرت أحاول فيها
Or I couldn't try it.
أو خليها تنجح بذلك تخليت
Or let her succeed in that, I gave up.
لا بأس
It's okay.
لا بأس حتى بأني ما أحاول
It's okay even if I'm not trying.
فيه شخص كثير يبدو
There is a person who seems very much.
يقولون أوه أنت ما حاولت
They say, "Oh, you didn't try."
أوه أنت ما بذلت جهد
Oh, you haven't made an effort.
لا بأس لا تبذل جهد
No problem, don't exert yourself.
I know.
أعرف من العلاقات تحتاج أن تتبع شخص جهد
I know which relationships require you to put in effort to follow someone.
حتى بالذات أنه لما تكون مع شخص
Especially when you are with someone.
أنت مرة تزعله
You upset him once.
هو مرة يزعلك ماليش
He sometimes annoys you, I'm sorry.
لكن مرات نوصل
But sometimes we reach.
To the stage
إحنا ما فينا نحاول
We can't try.
عشان أنفسنا كيف نقدر نحاول
For ourselves, how can we try?
عشان شخص
For a person.
مرات ترى للام عشان محاولاتنا
Sometimes you see a mother because of our attempts.
كانت قليلة الطرف الثاني
It was somewhat limited on the other side.
يشوف أنها مرة قليلة وما كانت كافية
He sees that it is very little and not enough.
أنه حتى نتفاهم
So that we can understand each other.
أو نوصل لنقطة نتناقش فيها
Or we reach a point where we can discuss it.
لكن أنا أعرف أنها كانت
But I know that she was.
كل محاولاتي
All my attempts.
كان هذا كل جهدي
That was all my effort.
يمكن ما كان كافي للطرف الثاني
It may not have been enough for the second party.
لكن أنا أعرف أنه أنا خلاص
But I know that it's over for me.
مقدرة أحاول كمان
I will try again.
So enter.
وبعد فترة
And after a while
أرجع لبني
Return to my sons.
لما أكتشف أن أنا
When I discovered that I am...
It means.
أو أنا أكتشف أن
Or I discover that
أنا أقدر أحاول أكثر
I can try harder.
بس أنسى أني بذيك الفترة أنا ما كان
Just forget that during that period I wasn't...
ما كان عندي القدرة أن أحاول أكثر من كده
I did not have the ability to try harder than that.
عشان كده
That's why.
لما نبلش نروح نحسن عشان ولاقع انتهات
When are we going to start improving so that things don't end?
أو شخص انتهى من حياتنا
Or a person who has ended our lives.
لازم نتبكر كيف كان وضعنا بذيك
We need to remember what our situation was back then.
كل فترة
Every period.
أنا أقدر أحاول عشر مرات
I can try ten times.
أنا الآن
I am now.
بعد ما انتهت ذيك العلاقة
After that relationship ended
وفق مر فترة
According to a period of time.
اكتشفت أني أنا أقدر أحاول مئة مرة
I discovered that I can try a hundred times.
أنا الآن لا أقدر أني أحاول مليون مرة
I can't try a million times now.
بس بذيك الفترة أنا ما كان
But at that time I wasn't.
أقدر أحاول أكثر من عشر مرات
I can try more than ten times.
لذلك لا بأس
So it's okay.
أنا بذلت جهد
I made an effort.
حتى لو ما حاولت
Even if you don't try.
أنا عارفة أنه أنا ماني قادرة
I know that I am not able.
بذل جهد زيادة
Made an extra effort.
وأعمل حتى لو محاولة رقم واحد
And I will work even if it's just attempt number one.
لا نكون مثل نورا
Let's not be like Nora.
لا تصيروا مثل نورا
Don't become like Nora.
لما قريتها بالكتاب
When I read it in the book.
عرفت كديش أنها
I knew that she is a spy.
اكتئابها كان سيء
Her depression was bad.
وكان كل يوم تلوم نفسها
And every day she blamed herself.
بالذات لأنه كان يتواصل معها مرأة دان
Specifically because he was communicating with Dan's woman.
يرسلها ويتضمن عليها
He sends it and includes it.
فهي ترجع وتلوم نفسها
She goes back and blames herself.
تلوم نفسها تلوم نفسها
She blames herself, she blames herself.
إنها ما كانت معي
She was not with me.
وبالنهاية اكتشفت أني أنا شخص خائف
In the end, I discovered that I am a fearful person.
أنا ما أحكي
I am not talking.
أنه كل العلاقة إحنا تركناها
That all the relationship we left it.
أو تخلينا عنها
Or we let go of it.
أو انفصلنا أو إيش ما كان
Either we separate or whatever.
لو كملنا فيها
If we continue with it.
رح يكون هذا الشخص خائف
This person will be scared.
لكن محتوى مارد
But the content is huge.
يعني العلاقات اللي إحنا نتخلى عنها
It means the relationships that we give up.
يكون عندنا أفكار تجاهها
We have ideas about it.
وتخلينا فجأة وبدأنا
And we suddenly let go and began.
لازم نعملها مع عملة الأشياء
We have to do it with the currency of things.
اللي تكون تنتظرنا في المستقبل
What awaits us in the future.
إيش ما كان ينتظرك في المستقبل
Whatever was waiting for you in the future.
هو 50% يكون جيد
It is 50% likely to be good.
و 50% يكون سيء
And 50% will be bad.
لذلك هذه العلاقات
Therefore, these relationships.
لما أجي أبلش علوم نفسي
When I start to delve into my own mind.
أو ما قدرت أستمر فيها
Or I couldn't continue with it.
أو ما قدرت أحافظ على هذا الشخص
Or I couldn't keep this person.
أحكي لنفسي
I talk to myself.
50% يحتمل أن تكون جيدة
50% may be good.
50% يحتمل أن تكون جحيم
50% it could be hell.
50% يحتمل أن تكون
50% likely to be.
أو أن نكون نورا
Or that we may be a light.
قصتنا إحنا
Our story is about us.
نورا حتى اكتشفت أنها مع شخص أناني
Nora eventually discovered that she was with a selfish person.
خلاها تتخلى عن حلمها
She made her give up her dream.
بالفرقة مع أخوها
With the separation from her brother.
و كان دايما يردد عليها
And he always used to repeat it to her.
أوه أنا لأني أحبك
Oh, because I love you.
أريد أن تكون معي
I want you to be with me.
لما نحقق حلمنا
When we achieve our dream.
The tavern.
الحانة الرفيع
The upscale tavern.
لكن اكتشفت لما رجعت خلال ساعة
But I discovered when I returned after an hour.
بعد النقاش و مراجعت
After the discussion and review.
بعض الأحداث السابقة
Some previous events
ولأن العقل كان مسيطر وقتها
"And because the mind was in control at that time."
عرفت أنه كان أنا
I knew it was me.
و كان الحلم هذا حلم و ليس حلمها
And this dream was a dream, not her dream.
لذلك كذا
So like this.
لما مشاعر تسيطر
When emotions take over.
نحن نبقى نداري الشخص
We continue to hide the person.
و نشوف حتى
"And we'll see even."
الخطوط الحمراء
Red lines
و بعد ما نترك أو
And after what we leave or...
تصدف أنه
It happens that
كان خير
It was good.
يعني كان هذا هو الخير الوحيد
It means this was the only good thing.
اللي واجهنا بهذه العلاقة
What we faced in this relationship.
و نحن تركناها
And we left it.
دلشنا لونا
We have known a color.
و هذا يسود أنه
And this predominates that...
المشاعر تسيطرت
The emotions took over.
لو العقل تدخل كان يمكن
"If only reason had intervened, it could have been."
يرتب الفرقة هذه كلها
He arranges all this band.
عرفت أني
I knew that I
لست ذاك الشخص الذي
I am not that person who.
لدي فجارة أو قدرة
I have a neighbor or a capacity.
تلومون نفسكم
You blame yourselves.
لأنكم تخلتوا مني
Because you abandoned me.
The mind.
اسمحوا للعقل
Allow the mind.
أن يتدخل
To intervene
اسمحوا للعقل
Allow the mind.
أن يرتب هذه الفرقة
To arrange this band.
All of them.
اسمحوا للعقل
Allow the mind.
أن يكشف لكم بعض الحقائق
To reveal to you some truths.
يعني وياكم تبقون
It means "So you all stay."
At the bottom.
يعني وياكم تلومونكم
It means, "So, you blame yourselves."
عشان نشوف الثاني
So we can see the other one.
أبدا مستاهل
Always deserving.
مستاهل بس
Just deserved it.
مستاهل أبدا
Not at all deserving.
ان نحن نلومنا عشان لسان ثاني
We blame ourselves because of another tongue.
حتى لو كان لسان ثاني
Even if it was a second tongue.
نحن نشوفه حتى الآن جد
We still see him serious.
فيها فرص
There are opportunities in it.
كثير من هذا الكمان يكون كره
Much of this violin is hatred.
بالنسبة لكم
For you.
حتى لو ما كان ولا فرصة
Even if there was no chance at all.
حتى لو كان ما في ولا فرصة
Even if there is not a single opportunity.
خياري ما أنا قررته
My choice is what I have decided.
تذكروا من احتمال تكون النورة
Remember the possibility of being enlightened.
كل مرة احتمال تكون النورة
Every time there's a possibility of the glow.
العلم اللي هي عاشته
The knowledge she lived.
خلاني أفكر على كل قرارة
It made me think about every decision.
انت خلتها جسد
You turned it into a body.
وجلبني عليه
"And he brought me upon it."
الندم بشع يا جماعة
Regret is ugly, guys.
مرة بشع
A hideous time.
لذلك مو مستاهل
So it's not worth it.
ولا شي بهادي الحياة مستاهل
Nothing in this life is worth it.
ان يخليك او يحسسك
To make you feel or sense.
بذاتها كان اشخاص
It was people themselves.
يعني بذاتها اشخاص
It means, in itself, individuals.
مو مستاهل ان يخلوكم تنضمون
It's not worth it for them to let you join.
يخلوكم تفيدون نفسكم السنوات
You empty yourselves to benefit yourselves for the years.
وتستمرون الدوامات
And you continue the rotations.
تخسرون صحتكم النفسية
You are losing your mental health.
او يكونوا سبب انتكاساتكم النفسية
Or they could be the reason for your psychological setbacks.
او يكونوا زلقاش
Or they could be slippery.
الثلاثة قاسة
The three are tough.
والطهر ربيع
And purity is a spring.
لا بأس
No problem.
بهذا كله
With all of this.
لا بأس بقرارك ان تران ندم عليه
It's okay with your decision to train; I regret it.
لا بأس فيه
It's okay.
انتهى وقت الندم انتهى وقت لون الذاتي
The time for regret has ended, the time for my true colors has ended.
نبلش من جديد
Let's start anew.
لا تبلش من جديد
Don't start over.
بلش من هذا اللون من الندم
Start with this shade of regret.
بلش تخفف منه
Start to reduce it.
ارجع واقول احتمال تكون النورة
I go back and say it might be the nora.
Your gaze.
او انت نورة بصتك
Or you are Noura, your face.
اذا كذا لا بأس بالتخلي
If so, it's okay to let go.
حتى لو كنا نشوف ان هذا الشخص
Even if we see that this person
مرة جيد
Once good.
اعتقد انو وصلت لنهاية
I think I've reached the end.
الفكره هل في الثاني تسجيل
The idea is whether there is registration in the second one.
هذه الحلقة
This episode
عشان خطأ
For the sake of a mistake.
اما اظهر في الحلقة القبل فاعدت الان
As for appearing in the previous episode, I am ready now.
هذا او هذه كانت فقرة نقاشي مع افكاري لهذا اليوم. وهالفكرة
This was a discussion paragraph with my thoughts for today. And this idea...
اننا نناقش نتيجة انا قاعدة نناقش شخصية انا قاعدة يعني نفسي
We are discussing the result; I am sitting and discussing my own personality.
مثلا مشكلتي مرات ونحلها سواء انا افكاري وانا شخصياتي. فا
For example, my problem sometimes is solved either by my thoughts or my personalities. So...
يهو. مشرط اي شيء يحكي عني تكون مشكلة انا قادة اواجهها. بس
Yeah. Any scalpel that talks about me becomes a problem I can deal with. Just that.
تكون فترة خطرت على بالي جالسة نناقشها مع شخصياتي فاجأت
There was a moment that crossed my mind where I was sitting discussing it with my personalities, which surprised me.
لحكيتكم عنها. اه اللقاء. اه راح اقول حلقة قادمة لانه يعني
I told you about her. Oh, the meeting. Oh, I will say in the next episode because it means...
يحس انه ما احكي الحلقة القادمة حس انه بيوت كاست رسمي مرة
He feels that if he doesn't talk about the next episode, he feels like a formal guest house.
مفيد بحث. بس راح احكي انه الى اللقاء. تلتسجيل قادم. او
Useful research. But I will say goodbye. A recording is coming. Or.
نقاش قادم مع افكاري.
An upcoming discussion with my thoughts.
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