عكوزتي لي تحداتني ندمتها ومن كيد النساء شربتها😂عند بالها بوحدها لي مطورت حتى جبت ليها التمام وصدمتها

hkaya قصتي

hkaya قصتي

عكوزتي لي تحداتني ندمتها ومن كيد النساء شربتها😂عند بالها بوحدها لي مطورت حتى جبت ليها التمام وصدمتها

hkaya قصتي

أهلا وسهلا بالأميرات وريدتي الفنة اللي منوري لي الحياة نتمنى تكونوا بخير مرحبا بكم كاملين في كيدنسا مع شهرازاد من صوتي بين القصة شاخ دوما لا أم لا لا صاحبة القصة كتقول لي شهرازاد القصة ديالي عمرك دوستي بحالها ناضي كناضي

Welcome, princesses, my artistic wish who enlightens my life. I hope you are all well. Welcome everyone in Kidnasa with Scheherazade from my voice, within the story. The story always says, "No, no, no." The owner of the story tells me Scheherazade, "You have never experienced anything like it, as I continue."

قلت لها آتينا بيها سمعتها يا البنات ما نقدمش عليكم القصة في الأول كانت غادية مزيان وصلت الواحد من النقيطة أنا منطفقاش معها بزاف

I told her to bring it to us, I heard it girls, we won't present you the story first, it was going well, I reached a certain point, I don't really agree with her much.

غنعود القصة باش نعطيكم رأيي وتعطوني رأيكم ونشوف وش أنا اللي غالطة ولا صاحبة القصة اللي غالطة

I will tell the story so I can give you my opinion and you can give me yours, and we'll see if I'm the one who's wrong or the one in the story is wrong.

مهم ما غنزيش نطور إليكم كتر وندخلوا مباشرة في القصة ديالنا

It's important not to prolong things with you and to go directly into our story.

معاكم هودا واليوم أجيت نعود لكم حكايتي وما جرى فيها وغديم ذلكم القصة ديالي في النهار لبهش تيطوخ والدار

I'm Huda, and today I came to share my story with you and what happened in it, and the beginning of that story of mine on the day of the beautiful Tanger and home.

وخلا مهمتي لي ما كتعرفش ليس من الزرواتة بوحدة مع ثلاثة البنات ما حن فيها ما قال موليك راغي جي يدق عليها ما تسوق لي ناقع

And as for my mission, you don't know it's not just with the three girls; we didn't care about it. He said to you, "Raghi is coming to knock on her door; don't drive me crazy."

المهم بفش مشى ومهمتي قالت مشى نهار ولا يومين حتى كتلقى عشر اليوم دازت وبما بان لبريالة تليفون

The important thing is that he walked, and my task said he walked for a day or two until he finds himself ten days later, and the call is visible.

كتسول علي صحابه كيقول لي هما شايفينوش حتى النهار ليسخنا الخبار أن السيد مشى معا واحد الشيخة ليه ليهوريكم فيها

You're asking about your friends, and they're saying they haven't seen him since the day the news broke that the man went with a woman who will show you everything.

المهم ميدك ساعة بغد تحمق نوضة تصدار

The important thing is that if the time comes, you will go crazy and stand up.

والمشاكل وبخسر علي هاك الموحدة الشريفية ما معمرش ليه عينيه واعطاني الثقة بغد براتك تسيري للمحكامة وشديها المهم انا ما غد لقاي مني باش تنقص منك

And the problems, and I lose over the unified Sharifia, which has never been my eye, and it gave me the trust that you will go to court tomorrow and take it seriously. The important thing is that I will not find a way to reduce you.

المهم شافت حتى عيات بكات وشدبات وفتالي رجعت غير دخلت للدار بق عليها موليك راغي وجا خرجت عنده وقالت له نعم الحش قال نعم الحش جا فلوسي الشريفية

The important thing is that she saw even when she got tired, she cried and insisted, and finally she went back in the house where her husband was talking. She went out to him and said, "Yes, what is it?" He replied, "Yes, what is it? My money has come, my honorable one."

بقات كتشوفي وكتصبح لق عينيها ما عرفت باش تقوليه بقات عطيها هالبكاوات وكتقولو شنو طراليه وشنو طراليه وشنو طراليه خلاها حتى سالت وقالليها ما قديش المشكل فتشي كامل وبقتي فيها ولكن حتى انا رعبه وليدات وخسني فلوسي المهم سيد مشى وميمتي ما كانت عارفة ليف من الزرواتة ما عرفة باش بدو ما عرفة باش سالي كل مجيرا ليوقفوا معاها هاديك الساعة وقالوا لها خاسك تخرجي تخدمي على وليداتك فعلا دكشي اللي

She kept looking and it was as if her eyes were telling her she didn't know what to say. She kept crying and asking what happened to her, what happened to her. It left her until she ran out of tears and he told her, "I can't fix everything, and you stayed in it." But I was also scared for the kids, and I needed my money. The important thing is that the man left, and my mother didn’t know how to start or what to do. She didn’t know what to do until everyone who was with her at that moment told her, "You need to go out and work for your children," which is really what...

وبدأت كتقلب على الخدمة وميمتي ما كانت كتعرف تديري حتى شي حاجة من غير المناج ولو هاك الناس هادي تعيط ليها على هادي هادي كتعرف صحيبتها هادي هادي أمي كانت حويرا كانت حادي قادي يلبس صح كانت كتمشي تخدم من الصباح تلاشية ودكشي اللي قسم الله يلا كتسوكلنا منه شوية والشي الاخر كتخبيه اللي كرى لأنه من اللي كرى كان كيوقف عليها ما كيعقلش عليها كيقولها يا خلصي يا خرجي ما عنديش جوش

She started as a flip on the service, and my mom didn't know how to do anything other than the chores. Those people would call her for this, and she knew her friend there. My mom was a bit of a fighter; she could dress well. She would go to work from morning till evening, and whatever God had decreed for us, she would take a little from it, while the rest would be hidden from the landlord, because when the landlord came to collect, she couldn’t remember him and would say, “Pay me or get out, I don’t have two.”

وماما حاولت تقلف بلا صخرة ولكن ما عمرها ما لقات الرخص كانت كتلقاها غلغلة وجاب الله ببا خلالينا ديك الدار أما كن خرجنا كن في ضيحتنا في ضيحة

And Mom tried to find a place without a rock, but she never found the spot; she would find only noise, and God brought us to that house, but when we went out, we were in our garden, in a little area.

مهم ويمتي بقات مقاتلها محل زمان وإحنا في ديك الوقيتة ثلاثة البنيتات بثلاثة بينا كنا كنقراو وكنا كنقراو مزيان

Important, and when its fighters remained in place for a long time, we were at that time three girls among three of us, and we used to study, and we studied well.

أتشي كامل اللي كنهود ليكم ما كنديروه سويا ما كنديروه تشي حاجة غير في الدار والوالدين ما كنوش قارين ما كيعرفوش يفرقوا ما بين ليفو الزرواطة وخهاكا كنا كنجيوما بين الأوائل ديال القاسم

I’m not doing anything with you; I’m only doing things at home and my parents weren't educated, so they don’t know how to distinguish between the level of a simple tool and that. Despite that, we were among the top in our class.

المهم دوزنا داك العام داك شيل لقصة من الله دوزناها مزيار بالساف حرفيا كنا كنأكلوا الخبز واتاي أمي كنت يالله يالله مكافية مع هداك الكرا وهداك الخبز واتاي ما كنتشي حاجة واحدة أخرى

The important thing is that we spent that year, that story from God, we went through it literally well; we were eating bread and tea. My mother was just barely managing with that blanket, and that bread and tea, there was nothing else.

الشيكساب والله اخرى اللي كنتلها بغيتو كنتقول يا ما عنديش منين غادي نجيبوليك يعني كانت القضية وادو ناشفة

I swear to God, the other one I was telling you about, I wanted to say I don't have where to get it for you, meaning the situation was really tough.

أبا عايشلو الحياة مع هداك الشيخة ها هو هنا يا ها هو هنا ها هو هنا مهم احنا ما مصوقش لينا كاس ديال الحليب والله اخر ما كنجيبولينا

I can't live with that sheikh, here he is, here he is, here he is. It's important that we don't have anyone bringing us a glass of milk, I swear it's the last thing they bring us.

واللي غايقولك مويو تمشي تضيع للنفاقة موي ديك الصعبة كان عندها باش تنقص النهى بقلبوها غار تمشي للمحكامة وتضيع للنفاقة

"And whoever tells you not to waste money on expenses, it was difficult for her to reduce it, so she goes to court and wastes money on expenses."

مهم دوزنا ديك العام كيف العادة فجعو النتائج كنجي نحن اللولين في الأقسام ديالنا لآنا لاخواتاتي بجوج

It's important that we passed that year as usual; we were shocked by the results, we were the first in our classes because of my two sisters.

مهم دوزنا العطلة الصيفية اللي كنا قلسين فيها غير في الدار ممشينا حتى بلاسة حتى من العروبية اللي كنا كمشيوليها ديك العام درنا بناقص لأن موي فجعت حسباتها

It's important that we spent the summer vacation just sitting at home; we didn't go anywhere, not even to the countryside that we used to visit last year. We did less this time because of the sudden situation.

حسبات الترانسبور حسبات شحال خسارة تصرف تمه قلت كنلا بمسلكاش احنا على الأقل كنكلو خبيز حرفيت وحد ما كسرتنا الخبار

The transportation costs mean how much loss is being spent, then I said we wouldn't complain as at least we eat good bread and no one broke our spirits.

للمساة التما والديها غيبدوا عليها احقجي بي تجاج احقجي بي هادي ابا هاي بغيت صواخ يقولوا يعطيني واحد أربع آلاف المهم شفت حتى عيات وقاتينا غن بقى وقالسين قلنا ماشي مشكيل

The parents of Lamsa seem to be worried about her, and they want her to talk to me. They want her to say that they need four thousand. The important thing is that I saw she got tired, and she told us that if she stays, it’s okay. We said it’s not a problem.

دوزنا العطلة الصيفية في الدخول المدراسي ايه واما يمسي جينا قلنا لها خسنا الكتوبة امي كتبكي من العين جوج دمعات وكتقولك انا ما عنديش من ايه غادي نجيبليكم

We spent the summer vacation preparing for the school year, and when evening came, we told her we needed the books. My mother cried two tears and said, "I don’t have any money; where am I going to get it for you?"

بقينا كمشي وكان جوه المدرسة تقريبا جيل

We stayed for a while, and it was like a generation inside the school.

واحد الشهر ديال اليوم

One month of today.

حتى النهار

Until the day.

للمديرة غدب برلينة في شكاير

The manager has anger in Berlin over complaints.

فيهم الكتوبة فيهم الأدوات

They have the books and they have the tools.

لأن كل شي كان جاي بالكتوبة إلا احنا

Because everything was coming written down except for us.

وكانوا شي أسداد ضي سمحليهم فالنهار

They were a burden that allowed them during the day.

كيسلخونا أنا الحمد لله الأسداد

"They are stripping us, thank God for the obstacles."

اللي جوا فيهم ما ضربونيش

The ones inside them didn't hit me.

ولكن واحد أختي كان ضربات الأسداد العربية

But my sister had the Arab chess strikes.

أختي الأخرى ضربات الأسداد العربية

My other sister is the beats of Arab lions.

والأسداد الفرنسي

and the French herds

كيقولوا لا لاش ما جيبتش الأدوات

They say no, why didn't you bring the tools?

لاش مش بتيش الكتوبة? لاش هادي? لاش هادي? المهم كان المديرة

Why aren't you writing? Why this? Why this? Anyway, there was the director.

مسكينة. كيف ما قالت لكم هي اللي دبرت للنا المدرسة اللي احنا

Poor thing. How could she not tell you that she’s the one who arranged the school for us?

اجينا فيها. ما كانوش ده كسيOUR وداك هاد الشكارة اللي ولا كيف

We came in it. It wasn't like this before, and that bag is now like that.

فرق المالك محمد السعدس دي laps shkara لكل كل هكا شي جمعية ولا

"Did the owner Mohammed Al-Saadis create a club or something like that for laps?"

شي حاجة. هو اللي كان كفرق واللي إمكان كانوا في مدارس خير pergunt madairinehave

Something. He was the one who was in the group, and it was possible that they were in charitable schools.

opimudrasa ديانا. هادشي ما كانش. يعني ما كانش Não actress, nemuis

Diana's opimudrasa. This wasn't the case. It means there was no actress, nemuis.

thikar. كانت المديرة مسكينة اللي دبرت لنا في الشكايار وفي

Thikar. The poor manager who arranged for us in the complaint.

كتوبة ودكشي منشي جمعية. مهم هم اللي شروا لنا الاداوات. صافي

We wrote and everything is from the association. They are the ones who bought us the tools. That's it.

مجينا كنقراه ومو يكدرب تنمار اتشي حاجة متغيرات غير هو. كيف

We came to read, and there is nothing that can change except for him. How?

سالينا العام? في الصيفية قلنا المو بغنا نخدمو. فاش غنخدمو

Did we ask last year? In the summer we said we didn't want to work. What are we going to work on?

ما كناش عارفين. المهم بقينا كنقلبو كنقلبو البنات اللي

We didn't know. The important thing is we kept searching, searching the girls who...

اللي بنات التسعينات آآ الاوائل ديال الافينات والاواخر ديال

The girls of the nineties, the early ones of the two thousand and the late ones of the...

التسعينات غير عارفوني بطبط علي ايش داوية? بيروري ومعرفش ببنات

The nineties don't know me; what does this medicine do? It's a burden, and I don't know about girls.

الالفيانو الفين واشرا الفين واربعتاش الفين وسبعة الفين

The astronomical year two thousand and ten, two thousand and fourteen, two thousand and seven.

واثلاثة ما عرفش اش كي عارفوا هدي الشيء. بيروري اه هدك سميتها.

"I don't know how they knew about this thing. I called it 'that'."

الشامية اه. الكلية. هد الشي كامل كنا كنبيعوه في الصيف. انا

The Levant, oh. The university. We used to sell all of this in the summer. I

واخواتتي كانت حدانة واحدة جردة واحدة. ده الجامعة. كانت جامعة

And my sisters had one thing, a single item. This is the university. It was a university.

واحدة واحدة جردة كبيرة كمشوا لي هت stomago. كانت ختي كدير بيروري.

One by one, a big goat, they went to me with a stomach. My sister was making biryani.

وكنت انا كندير آآ آآ شامية. وكانت ختي الأخرى كدير السلوان.

I was making a Syrian dish, and my other sister was making the Salwan.

ماعرفش وش هتي كتعرفوها.

I don't know if you know her.

او اذا لم تتكلم ، يمكن ان تقرب بالاسمك

Or if you don't speak, you can get closer by your name.

كنا نسويس الدوام العام

We used to smooth out the general schedule.

و كنا نذهب سرعاء

And we would go quickly.

واحدة نسويس حتى تسويس الامامه

One can forget until the position of leadership is forgotten.

و ن savez انه يجب ان نبيعه

And we know that we must sell it.

نسويس الرزيق الذي جبه الله

The sustenance that God has bestowed.

هذا هو الذي يشتاق لنا

This is the one who misses us.

والذي لم يخسر

And the one who did not lose.

و الذي يخسر وما نأكله هو الحنايه

"And what we eat is the humility."

finca nos podamos encomendar

"May we be entrusted to the estate."

هذاه هو الذي نجده في مدرسه

This is what we find in school.

نريد المدرسة

We want the school.

نريد الأدوات المدرسية

We want school supplies.

و الحميقه

The stupid one.

لاننا لم نكن نكسرها

Because we were not breaking it.

ولم يكن لدينا أمي

And we did not have our mom.

لأن الناس كانوا يعرفون أن هذه البنات هتامة

Because people knew that these girls were spoiled.

ونحن في الحياة ونحن تأتينا

"And we are in life, and life comes to us."

كانوا مثلاً هذه بنتها قد أعطيها أخت صغيرة

For example, they had given her a little sister.

هذه بنتها قد أعطيني

This daughter of hers has given me.

هذه بنتها قد أعطيها أختي الكبيرة

This is her daughter whom I gave to my older sister.

المهم هذا ما كان في الحواج

The important thing is that this was in the belongings.

أمي كانت تكسينا وعلينا

My mother used to dress us and cover us.

وعندما جمعنا المصاريف

"And when we collected the expenses."

كنا نذهب لتكسينا به

We used to go to get our clothes from it.

وشرحنا به الأدوات

And we explained the tools with it.

وفرحنا جداً

And we were very happy.

بدأنا بالقراءة وكيف العادة كنا نقرأ

We started reading and as usual, we would read.

لحفادة لحفادة لحفادة

For the sake of the sake of the sake.

وكننا نقرأ مزيان وأدكياء

We used to read well and were smart.

الحاجة كنا نسمعها في القراءة

We used to hear her in the reading.

سمسة في سالينا

A broker in Salina.

لم يكن لحق ما موريني

Mourinho's right was not valid.

لا هادي لا قرأي معايا

No, I don't want to read with me.

لا فرنسي لا عربية

No French, no Arabic.

أصلاً اللغة التي تقرأ معاك لا توجد

The language you are reading along with does not exist.

أميرة مسكينة أنا أمية

I am a poor princess, I am illiterate.

لم تتعرف البنات أنك قرأت شيئاً

The girls did not realize that you read something.

مهم بقينا جارين

It's important that we became neighbors.

بدأنا نكبر شوية بشوية

We started to grow little by little.

للمناج في الوقت الذي تكون

To the subject at the time you are.

غالسة ولهذا ولنا

"She is sitting, and for this reason, it is for us."

هذه الخدمة التي كنا نخدمها غير في الصيفية

This service that we used to provide is different in summer.

ولنا نخدمها في وسط العام

And we serve it in the middle of the year.

نبيعنا هذه كل مرة وماذا نفعله

We sell this every time, and what do we do?

مرة نبيع الخبز وحد الوقت

One time we sell bread at the same time.

ولنا نفعل البغرير

"And we will make the baghrir."

في رمضان نفعل البغرير

In Ramadan, we make baghrir.

نفعل الحريشات نفعل بطبيطات صغيرين

We do the little squids, we do the small flat ones.

بدأنا نكبر ونعرف طيبه

We began to grow and understand its goodness.

بشوية بشوية

Slowly, slowly.

ولنا ندفع الكيكات للمال

And we pay for the cakes with money.

لنحوانت المهم كنا مقاتلين

We were fighters.

معاهم يمتع للزمان وبقينا دائماً مستورين

They enjoy their time with them, and we always remain covered.

عمر كلمة لعيب

Omar is a word for a player.

ولشي حاجة خيبه ما درناها

"And for something that disappointed us, we did not do it."

كنا داخلين سوقراسنا الأمور كاملة

We were entering the market, our matters were all settled.

كنا العيالة اللي سأولح لهم في الزمان

We were the family that I used to support back in the day.

وفوق من هاد الشي رحنا

And on top of that, we went.

من الأوائل ديال القيسم

From the first of the districts.

رح كنجوح احنا الأولين

We will succeed, we are the first.

يعني كنقراو مزيان

It means we are studying well.

مهم بقينا جارين مقاتلين حتى النهار

It's important that we remain fighting neighbors until the day.

اللي خيتكم غتوصل لباك

"Whoever is your sister will reach the baccalaureate."

في هاد الوقيت أختي كانت

At that time, my sister was.

وصلت للباك أختي الكبيرة

My older sister has received her bachelor's degree.

وكانت جابت وحد المدرسة أولية

And she brought a primary school girl.

كانت كتقرأ فيها وكانت مقاتلة

She was reading it and she was a fighter.

كانت كتخدم

She was working.

وفي نفس الوقت كتقرأ

At the same time, you are reading.

يعني عارفة ما كنش ليه أعطيها الدرهم

It means I knew there was no reason for me to give her the dirham.

أرى لكم أنا وصلت للباك

I see that I have reached the baccalaureate.

وصلت للباك هالبنات جابت حتى أنا نقطة مزيان

The girls reached the baccalaureate; I also got a good grade.

وكنت خدت وحد المدرسة ديال الهندسة

And I took a course in that engineering school.

خدت لهديك المدرسة

I took her to that school.

وهنا غتغير حياتي

And here my life will change.

180 دراجة

180 bicycles

هاد الشي كامل اللي كنت كنعاود ليكم كوم

This is everything I was telling you about.

لأنه في هاد الفترة كاملة

Because during this entire period

عمرني تصاحبت عمرني هدرت مع شي حد

I haven't associated with anyone for a long time.

إيه أصلاً عقلت على رأسي فإيا المراهقة

Yeah, I actually realized it hit me hard, so anyway, the teenage years.

مكنش فيها أصلاً المراهقة

There was no adolescence in it at all.

كانت المراهقة جتني على القراية

The teenager came to me about studying.


And I work.

كانت الحويج اللي نطيب بيهم

The pots that we cook with.

اللي نشقى بيهم اللي منشي بيهم في المدرسة

The ones we struggle with are the ones we are taught in school.

أصلاً ما قديش ذكشي اللي عندي

Actually, I don't have much of what I have.

مكنش كنصوق مكنش نقول حقا يدحكم عليا البنات

I couldn't believe it; I could really say that the girls are judging me.

وخالوا يدحكون عليا

"And they thought they were fooling me."

مكنش كنصوق اليوم

I wasn't driving today.

كنديما كنحس براسي نشكون

Whenever I feel like I am someone.

كنديما كنحس براسي مميزة

I always feel special.

لمجرد إني نكرأ

Just because I am an introvert.

كان نوض للصبورة كان سكت العالم

There was a silence in the world when the board was written on.

وبالنسبة لي هات شي كافيني

As for me, that is enough for me.

وكان مخلي ان راسي يكون كبير في عينيه

He wanted my head to look big in his eyes.

ما عمرني ما كنت كنحس بالنقص

I have never felt a sense of deficiency.

عكس الوقت اللي غادي ندخل لهذه المدرسة

The opposite of the time I will enter this school.

دي المهندسين


اللي غا نتلقى مع واحد الفئة دي الناس

I will meet with a certain group of people.

اللي ما عمرني ما شفت كمارتهم قبل

I've never seen their market before.

ناس اللي لبت عليهم

People who responded to them.

وكايني الناس اللي فقرة ولكن والديهم كيصرفوا عليهم

Some people are poor, but their parents provide for them.

يعني كتلقى ولدك داخل واحد المدرسة

It means you find your child in a school.

مادام را كتقاتل علاوة دولاده الا انا

As long as she is fighting for his children, not me.

انا اللي دخلت لتمة دخل بهادوك الحويج

I am the one who entered with those clothes.

فحالشي طلابة ما قديش نكذب

So in this case, I can't lie.

بديت كنحس بالنقص وتمت حلو عينيه

I started to feel the lack, and his eyes were sweet.

فالاول كنت كنكابر ولكن ماداش بزاف

At first, I was in denial, but it didn't last long.

حتى اتقوم بدوك يخرجوش لهاد الشواري

Until she does her job, they won't come out for this mess.

بديت كنت اعرف علي البنات

I started to get to know the girls.

وبديت كنعرف ان كانين البنات معانا حتى هما على قد الحال

I started to realize that the girls are with us and they are just as they are.

وكنشوفهم لابسين ماكين خارجين واكلين شاربين

I see them dressed up, going out, eating, and drinking.

كنقولهم من اين لكم هادا

I say to them, where did you get this from?

ياك ماشي ورتا

You are not coming back.

ياك ماشي لعبة

You're not joking.

قالوا لي يلا

They told me to go.

احنا رح كنفتخو الرجال

We will open up the men.

كمشو مع راجل كبر منا

We are dating a man who is older than us.

كيعطينا يدبر علينا

He gives us what we need.

قلتلهم اويلو منك تديرو مع احوالو

I told them, "Beware of dealing with my situation."

قالوا لي يلا

They told me to go ahead.

ما نكذبش عليكم

We won’t lie to you.

تزاغوا عينيه

His eyes twinkled.

خاصة اني نكون زوينة وخما كنتش بينا

Especially since I look good and I wasn't there.

ولكن كانوا عندي الحروف اللي كانت مرسومة

But I had the letters that were drawn.

بديت احتعانا

I started to feel tired.

كنخرج معاهم في الاول كانوا كيسلفوني الحويج

I used to go out with them at first; they would lend me clothes.

كنخرج معاهم يماكي وليه يقعدوا ليه

I go out with them, but they stay behind.

ولسه انا نخرج معاها هدا ونخرج معاها هدا

And I'm still going out with her and spending time with her.

مدوشة لبنات حتى تلت شهور مقعدة وليه تكسر منهم

A girl has been in pain for three months and why does she break down from them?

وليتا لبنات غير نخرج غاديه وكانت اوش في الزنقة

And the girls were going out there while it was dark in the alley.

غير توقف عليها شي طا موبيل كان ضرب عليها

Nothing stopped her; a mobile phone had hit her.

بل ياشي دري صغير ما كان هدرش معاه

But, oh my small friend, I wasn't talking to him.

بل ياشي راجل هاك 40 50 60 عام

No, man, take 40, 50, 60 years.

كان طلع معاه هديك الساعات ونبدا نفتخ فيه

He brought those hours with him and we started to brag about it.

كيقول لي الضار كانسلت

He tells me the harmful thing has been canceled.

الضار ما ندخلش لها

We don't enter the harmful one.

حتي حد القهوة نهضار نضحك ندوي معاه في تليفون

Until the coffee shop, we laughed and chatted with him on the phone.

طمعونا خدنا عندو الفلوس

They tempted us; we took the money from him.

احقا خاسني يلا كسيني يلا مشو للمور

"Really, I'm losing. Come on, cover me and go to the end."

يلا هادي ونبدا نفتخ نفتخ نفتخ

Let's go, Hadi, and start blowing, blowing, blowing.

مهم كولا واحد كانت كنطلع منو شي حاجة

It's important, I'm just trying to get something out of it.

بقينا جارين نمشي معاه هدا ونمشي معاه هدا ونمشي معاه هدا

We stayed as neighbors, walking with this one, and walking with that one, and walking with this one.

حتى يالبنات البلاكار ديالي مبقاش كيسكا

Until the girls, my blazer is no longer fitting.

البلاكار ديالي وليه يالبنات بغي ينزل بالحوايش

My clothes are tight, and the girls want to wear them.

كانو اخواتاتي وماما كيسولوني

My sisters and mom were asking me.

وكيقولو لي الشريفية مني كتجيبي هادي الفلوس

"They ask me how you get this money, Sharifia."

كنقولو احقا محقا انا كنخدم فريلانس

We say, "Indeed, I work freelance."

كيقولو ايش هاد فريلانس وش هتتخربع

They say, what is this freelancing, are you losing your mind?

كنقولو لا انت وما تفهموش في هاد الشي

We say no to you and you don't understand this matter.

كتقولي يا اختي الكبير الله بابا ديالي كنفهمو

You're telling me, my older sister, that my dad's door is understandable.

كنقولي هلا دبع انا ركني المهندسين

I am telling you, hello, I am in the Engineers' corner.

وانا كنصيب ليهم واحد

And I got one for them.

وانا اختي ما عنداش علاقة بهالدومان

And my sister has nothing to do with this domain.

مهم كنبقى نكتب عليها وكنجيب لاشي وراق

It's important that we keep writing about it and I get some papers.

وديكس احنا يلا بدينا

We started, come on!

كنقولو شو فيه انا ركني اخدم ليهم هاد الخدمة

We're saying what's going on, I'm just here to do this job for them.

وهم ما كيكونش عندهم الوقت كدورو معايا

They don’t have time to hang out with me.

انا البياسة شاريها بزبالة الفلوس

I bought the biassa with a pile of money.

مثلا شاريها بواحد سبعمية درهم

For example, I bought it for seven hundred dirhams.

كنقولو شريتها بمية درهم

I bought it for a hundred dirhams.

كتقولي مني كتطح على هاد الهوتات

"Are you telling me when you fall for these hot ones?"

وكنيشي حوايش جديد كنقولو مشريتهم من البال

"I bought new clothes, I call them 'my purchases from the mind'."

كنقولو ليو تيكيتا

We say "ticket" to him.

كنقولو انا كنمشي وكنقلب البالة

I'm saying I'm going and looking for the deal.

وكنبقى مقاعتلة وانا فعلا ديكس اعجبت مرة مرة

"We keep fighting, and I really like this a lot."

كمشي البالة غير باش نسكت ليهم الفم

I just stroll around to silence them.

المهم كنت كندريب ليهم عائلتي

The important thing is that I was training my family.

مكانوش تعقل لي الخبار ومكانوش عارفين

They didn't remember the news and they didn't know.

دكس شللي كندير

What's wrong with you?

اه هالبنات انا هادشي عارفة خيبو مكيد دارش

Oh, these girls, I know this is a scandal and no one is doing anything about it.

وهادشي انا ممتفقاش معا

And I don't agree with this.

لا صاحبة القصة

No, the storyteller.

ولا شهرازة الحين تقبلكت لكم

And now I accept you for two months.

شحويج ممتفقاش معاهم

I have something that does not coincide with them.

هما هادو وكينا حاجة اخرى اكثر حاجة

These are them, and there is something else, even more.

ممتفقاش معاها

I didn't agree with her.

لان هادشي كل شي متفق انه مخسوشي الدار

Because this is all agreed upon that it should not be taken home.

ولكن كينا وحد الحاجة اخرى دارتها صاحبة القصة

But there is one other thing that the storyteller did.

انا شخصي هي

I am a person.

بالنسبة لها انه كيد ديال العيالات

For her, it's a woman's trick.

وانها دارت

And it turned.

تقدروا تكونوا متفقين معاها

You can agree with her.

انا محبيتش ماشي بساف

I didn't like it, I'm just going.

مهم كمليكم القصة

It's important to continue the story.

بقيت البنات هكاك

The girls remained like that.

داز العام الاول العام الثاني

The first year has passed, the second year.

العام الثالث اختكم

Your sister's third year.

ولا عندا ايفون الاخر

And when is the other iPhone?

اه داربا

Oh Darba!

الحويج الناضين

The ripe rinds.

اه الفلوس عندي

Oh, I have money.

ممي مبقدش كنقوليها الدرهم

I can't tell her the dirham.

خرجت قديا

I went out for a while.

كديو معايا مودي

"Come with me, my mood."

احق انا ماما خدام الراسي

"Indeed, I am the one who takes care of my head, Mom."

احق ماما انا كنبريكولي

I swear, Mom, I'm just kidding.

احق هادي كنقوليها ماما غنديلك

I swear, I'm telling you, mom, I will go to you.

غنشريلك الدار غنفعلك غنطركلك

I will get you the house, I will benefit you, I will wait for you.

ممي مسكينا فرحات

Mimi the poor is delighted.

قلت الحمدلله ضربت عمري على ابنياتي

I said, "Thank God, I've made it to my daughters."

ولكن عحنايا

But unfortunately

البنت كبيرة تبارك الله تقرأ في واحد المدرسة وعرا

The girl is big, God bless her, she is studying at a difficult school.

غتخرج غتخدم

You will graduate, you will work.

بنتي هادي هي ماشاء الله

This is my daughter, mashallah.

لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله

There is no power and no strength except with Allah.

غير تقرأ وشوفي فين وصلت

Just read and see where you’ve reached.

وكننا متوقعين انها غتجيبش نقطة

We were expecting that she wouldn't score any points.

واو اختي الكبيرة كنت قاتلها

Wow, my older sister, I was going to kill her.

شوفي ديري الطب

Look, do the medicine.

قاتلها انا نصرف عليك انا مبقاش ليه بالساف ونخرج نخدم

I’m fighting her; I’m taking care of you. I can’t just sit around and not work.

انا نصرف عليك وانا زعما نوقفك على رجليك

I support you, and I supposedly want to help you stand on your own two feet.


The important thing.

يعني مويدك الساحة كنت فرحات

I mean, your supporter is in the arena, I was happy.

كنت حس براسها انها جدتي اسمي بهديها

I felt in my head that she is my grandmother; I named her this way.

وخواتتي كلهم داخلي تقرأتهم

And my sisters, I have all read them internally.

اني اللي كنت كانت طير من المقلعة

I was the one who was a bird from the fortress.

امي الحقد قال مع مراد واسم عياء اللبس

My mother said with intention and the name of the dress is tired.

ولا شي حاجة

Nothing at all.

ما نبغيكم شوهوري

We don't want you, our monthlies.

ما نبغيكم شو تضحكوا عليها

We don't want you to laugh at her.

خاصة ان الناس كاملين كانوا كيد سنونا غير نطيحو

Especially since everyone was just waiting for us to fall.

كل شي مع ولادهم كيقولو

Everything with their kids they say.

شوفو بنات الهجالة

Look at the girls of the hijab.

شوفو بنات فلانة

Look at the girls of so-and-so.

ياك غير راجل خلاها ومشى معاشيخة

"You're just a man who left her and went to a different path."

وهي شوفي وليداتها

"And look at her children."

كيفاش كيقراو ما كيدوجو سويق

How do they read without turning the market?

ما والو كيجو هما اللولين دي ما كيعيروهم بينا

They don't care about us; they only notice the first ones.

وكن فاش كنكون وحنا حاضرين

And be what you want to be while we are present.

كيبدوي يحشوينا الهضراء

Kibdawi fills us with green.

شحن مره كذكولك

Charge once like your uncle.

خالتك اللي ما

Your aunt who didn’t...

مزداتوش في حياتك

You don't deserve to live.



ولا راه باش خدمي خاص ببك صاحبي

I can't help you unless you have a specific job for me, my friend.

مهم ديما كيطيحو لنا المعدويات

It always happens that we get the infections.

ديما كيقولو احنا بنات الهجالة

They always say we are the girls of the wandering.

احنا ديما نجيبو المناشي كرش

We always bring the snacks.

احنا هادي ديما دي الهضراء اللي كنسمعوه

We always hear this talk.

لو دنينا

If we were to come closer

حصول وما فيها البنات

What about the girls?

الوقت اللي غنكمل

The time when we finish.

اللي غندخل في العام الثالث في ذيك المدرعات

I will enter the third year in those armored vehicles.

غادي نتعرفه لأول مرة على واحد الشاب

I will meet a young man for the first time.

اللي تعرفت عليه كان راكب

The one I met was riding.

على واحد ال بي ام كات حمق

On a BMW, there is madness.

مهم كنت غادي يفاف

It's important that you go to the office.

كنت غادي يفضل زنقا كيف العادة

I was going to prefer the alley as usual.

السيد شافني وقف بغا النمرة

Mr. Shafni saw me and wanted the number.

انا كيفما كتلكم ما كانتش نمرة للشباب

I told you, there wasn't a number for the youth.

لان النهار الاول البنات قالولي

Because on the first day, the girls told me.

الدراري كيكونو مجابدين

The kids are usually mischievous.

غادي تعرفي الي غادي بغايددك على الدار

You will know that he wants to take you home.

وما غايدتك درهم وغايدتك جوجول

"And what is your guidance, a dirham or guidance (from) Google?"

غايدتك درهم خاصة يخرجها منك

Your guidance is a special dirham that comes from within you.

غايدتك الرجال الشارفين دحكي لي غرف وجهو

Your guidance is in the men who are ready to listen to me face to face.

جدديلي الشباب ديالو غايدتك العاقة

Renew his youth, your attitude is impressive.

واما انا الدراري كنت كنهرب منهم

As for me, I was running away from them.

هلا هذا

Is this it?

هدا فش شفتو عجبني

This is something I saw that I liked.

وقلتن اعطي فرصة

And I said, give me a chance.

اعطيتو النمرة تعرفت عليه

I gave him my number, I got to know him.

لقيت السيد خدام

I met Mr. Khaddam.

هو دير دكشة ديال تجارة

He is a businessman in the trade sector.

وتسيير الاعمال خدام في واحد شريكة

And managing the business, a servant in a company.

احتى هو انجينياء

Even he is an engineer.

اخرى في واحد مدراسة معروفة

Another one in a well-known school.

مهم السيد قاري واعي بوغوس

Important Mr. Qari Waji Boghos

صافي تعرفت عليه

I got to know Safi.

من النهار الاول قالي انا بغيتك

On the first day, he said to me, "I want you."

وانا يا زعمة حماقة

"And I, oh pretender, am foolish."

زعمة دك العلاقات ديال الزواج

You broke the ties of marriage.

قلت هدا هو اللي غادي نتعرف عليه

I said this is the one I'm going to get to know.

وكنت غادي معاه بنيتي

I was going with him, my daughter.

مهم جيت مع ذاك السيد بنيتي

It's important that I came with that gentleman, my daughter.

السيد ما كانش كنطلب منو الدرهمية

Sir, I wasn't asking him for money.

وخمان كذبش

Wokhman is lying.

هو كان كي

He was like that.

كان زعمة كيدور معايا خاصة اني انا

He was supposed to be with me especially since I am...

عاوت لي على دورو في كاملة

You repeated it for me completely.

ما كذبت عليه بحتى شي حاجة

I did not lie to him about anything at all.

ماما خدمت عينا في الدور

Mom served us in the round.

وبقي خدامة لحد الساعة

And she remains a servant until now.

وبابا مشام عشيخة

And dad is not old.

يعني ما عاقلش عينا

It means we didn't make sense of it.

اختيل فلان فلانية ارى هاد العام عندا

I think so-and-so has this now this year.

انا الاخيرة في المدرسة فلان فلانية

I am the last one in the school, so-and-so.

اختي صغيرة

My sister is small.

را عندها الباك وحتى هي زعمة را غا تقراو هدا وهدا

She has the baccalaureate, and she also pretends that she will study this and that.

مهم عاوتلو الينا قلية مزيان

It is important to tell us again the details clearly.

السيد فرح بزاف

Mr. Farah is very happy.

عجبو الحال مهم السيد

They were impressed with the situation, especially the gentleman.

قلية ما عنديش مشكيل في هاد شي كامل

I don't have a problem with all of this at all.

علشان عاوتلي هاد شي باش من نهار لولي

Because you told me this for the first time.

متلمش ماشيش يقولي احقاو الواد

"Don't come to me and say, 'Is the boy truthful?'"

احنا مشي من نفس المستوى

We are not on the same level.

نوريتو مستوية من النهار لول

Norito is leveled from the day, LOL.

قلية ما عنديش المشكيل وبالعكس

I rarely have a problem; on the contrary.

ماما كانت درويشة وتقاتلات

Mom was a dervish and fought.

وقرأت وخدمات

And I read and services.

وتعرفت على بابا وتزوجت بي

I met Baba and married him.

ومبات تلقات وتزوجت بفلان

"And she got married to so-and-so."

واحد السيد معروف انا ما قدرش نقول اسمي

One of the well-known gentlemen, I can't say my name.

احيت غادي يجي وشدوني في الحبس

I will revive it, and they will put me in prison.

يقولي احقاو الواد تشهير وداك

He tells me that the boy is a scandal and that.

العيبات المهم واحد السيد خدام مزيان

The important thing is that a man is working well.

والعيبات مهم قالك مو

What are the faults? Didn't you tell me?

كانت مزوجة به

She was married to him.

ويلا هداك الساعة فاش

"And when is that time?"

فاش عرفت عليه كانت يلا تلقات

What I knew about him was only when I met him.

يعني فاش ولدها خدام وداك شي

It means that her son is working and that kind of thing.

تلقات منو مقاش ليه الاسباب

"I received it from him; I have no reason for it."

قالي دابا انا اعيش مع امي

He told me that he is now living with his mother.

ما عندو لخوتو لخوتاتو

He has nothing for his brothers and sisters.

صولو ديال راسو

Solo of his own.

قالي يا ما ناقصني احتى شي حاجة

He told me, "I don't lack anything at all."

مهم ساكن مع امو فالدار ديال مو

He is important, living with his mother in his mother's house.

وما زل ما عندو لا دار لا دوار

He still has neither a house nor a home.

من البعد كان اكتشف ان احتى من ديك

From a distance, I discovered that even from that rooster.

الطموبيل اللي يسيقها مو

The car that he drives is not.

اللي شرتها ليه ما كانش عارفة

Why didn’t she know about the one I bought for her?

وجه ديالو مكتوبة في اسميتو ولا لا

Is his face written in his name or not?

مو هي بديس كانت تعرف عليه

She didn't know him.

بديلو كان خرجو السيد كيف

He was supposed to leave, the gentleman.

مكتلكم كيقولي اللي خصتك

"I'll tell you what you need."

اجيبها ليك انا ما كنت كنطلب منو

I'll answer it for you, I wasn't asking him.

والو ولكن هو كان كيعطيني

"But he was giving me."

ما غاديش نكتب كان كيعطيني

I won't write unless he gives me.

الفلوس كان خرج معاه كيكسيني

The money was spent with him, you know.

من احسن زاد كيشري ليه

Whoever prepares koshari well has done a great job.

فش كان جنديو معاه كيقولي لانتي غير

There was a soldier with him telling me, "You're nothing."

كتقراي انا احسبيني راجلك

"You consider me your man."

انا غنعودك على قاعدك الشي اللي فات

I will remind you of your past situation.

بلاتي حتى تخدمي وردليه

"Wait a moment until you serve me and then return it."

فش كما كان بغيش وكان قولو لا ملا

It was as if he was angry and I would say no, not a lot.

ودكش دا العزة نفسي كيقولي

And this praise, my soul, how it speaks to me.

وردليه مهم علاقتي معاه كانت مزيانة

My relationship with him was good.

حسولو ما فيه

What is there in it?

بقيه يتجرأ انا وياه

The rest dares me and him.

ليومو غدا ليومو غدا تدوس

Tomorrow is tomorrow, it will step.

انا وياه عام فوحد النهار

I am with him for a day.

وفهد العام ما غاديش نكتب

And next year I won't write.

السيد كان كيعطيني الفلوس بالهبال

The gentleman was giving me money for no reason.

يعني السالر ديالو تقريبا كتكن قسمو

It means his salary is almost divided.

انا وياه كيعطيني الفلوس

He and I are giving me the money.

كيصرف عليها كيكسيني

He spends on her, he makes me feel honored.

كيصبطني المهم فوحد النهار

"One day, something important will come to me."

امو غتعرف بالحالة قلي

I will know about the situation, tell me.

بيني وبينو مهم غتبقت تسليف

Between me and him, it is important that the loan remains.

امو حتى اخذت كساشف

I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that.

انه ولدها كيصرف عليها

He is her son so that he can support her.

المهم فاشعرفات قتلي وش منيتك

The important thing is that when she knew, she asked me what my wish was.

وش انت بغيت تزوج بوحدة

What do you want to marry someone for?

حيث هو عاود ليها

Where he returned to her.

لانه قتلي وليدي وعاود ليها

Because he killed my child and did it again to her.

ودرتلي ذاك العيب بدل مساعدة مصاحبة معاه

And that flaw turned to me instead of helping to accompany him.

قتلي ولدي عاود ليها

My son was killed; tell me again.

وهو يقولها شوف يا اموي

"And he says it, look, O Umway."

قلليها السيدة راه الحقد الحال

Tell her, lady, that hatred is the situation.

راه كاريين ومقاتلين مع الزمان

It is a journey of workers and fighters with time.

وهادي متهادي

And here is the one who is gentle.

وهو يتقولليها امو

And he is saying it to her, "Mom."

قتليها وليدي قتلي وش انت حماقتي

"You killed her, my son, and you ask what your foolishness is?"

انا قلتلي خسك تزوج بشي وحدة

I told you that you need to marry someone.

وانا دابا كنشوف لك بنت

I'm currently looking at a girl for you.

بنجلون بنت قلي

Banjalun is the daughter of Qali.

بنت برادة

The girl of Barada.

مو عندوك الكنيات عدوك الكنيات المعروفين

You don't have the nicknames, your known nicknames are your enemies.

عندنا في المغرب قلتلي ازعمها خسك تزوج

"In Morocco, you told me to take it easy; you must get married."

من شي وحدة تكونو داك شي ديال

What is that thing you have?

ما نعرف ببك صاحبي

What do we know about you, my friend?

قلتلي متزوج شي وحدة درويشة

You told me you married a pious woman.

قلتلي هادي قلتلي رامتسوه

You told me this, you told me she threw it.

متصلاح كتفتخ فيك وكتاخد من عندك

It opens up to you and takes from you.

الفلوس دابا امو انا جايكم

The money is coming now, my mother, I am on my way to you.

الهدر علشان مرضتش حيث امو اصلا كانت

The waste is because I didn't respond since my mother was already...

هي كتفتخ وفتخات اذاك الراجل

She smiled and flirted with that man.

ديالها التاني وسليس منوش

Her other one is smooth, not rough.

اللي فلوس من بعد هادشي غنعرفوه

We'll know what happens with the money after this.

ولي شراليها الدار ولي شراليها الطموبيل

I have bought the house and I have bought the car.

وهو هي خدامة اه قارية اه

And she is a servant, yes, a reader, yes.

ولكن داك الشي اللي عايشة فيه

But that's the thing I'm living in.

مستحيل ديرو بقرايتها يعني هي

It's impossible to do it by studying it, I mean her.

هو اذاك الراجل التاني هو اللي

He is that other man who...

صارف عليها وصارف علي ولدها

She spent on her and spent on her son.

ولدها قررها في المغرب وقررها برا المغرب

Her son decided it in Morocco and decided it outside Morocco.

وخسر علي الفلوس وضبر لي على خدمة

Ali lost the money and arranged for me to get a job.

الناضية ويمهولي كان هازها

The translation is: "The pauses and the flow were shaking her."

والنهار اللي صافي

And the day that is clear.

ولدها وقف علي رجلي وداك الشي

Her son stood on his feet and that thing.

وقعو مشاكل صافي كركباتو ارى لكي هي شافتني

They are having problems, my car got stuck; I see that she saw me.

انا فحلا النسخة التانية ديالها

I am the male version of her.

ومرضها هاتشو قلتلي شوف هادي

And her illness is Hachiko, she told me to look at this.

بغيتي اقلاها كان بغيها قلتلي

If you wanted me to say it, you should have told me.

بغيتي هادي دي هالدارة ولدي

You wanted this from this house, my son.

عندهم واحد دار في واحد الغنص

They have a guy who lives in a trap.

قلتلي ادي هالدار

You told me to give this house.

شبع منها

He became satisfied with it.

ومن بعد لوحة الزواج فيش كان بغنو

And after the wedding party, what were they singing?

تزوجو كان تزوجو من المستوى ديالنا

They got married; they married someone from our level.

وحسن من اللي غيطلعنا للفوق

"And it's better than what will take us up."

مش اللي غيعبطنا للتحت

It's not what will pull us down.

ارى لكم الحمار ديال السيد اللي انا معاه

I see the man's donkey that I'm with.

الهضرة ديال امو

His mother's talk.

دخلت ليه الدماغ

Why did it enter my mind?

ولا ما نعرف ليه

Or we don't know why.

ايوه بدأ معايا الخطة

Yes, the plan has started with me.

بدأ ليه كان حبك ما كان حبك

Why did it seem to me that your love was not love?

انا اصلا كنا نحبو بعضياتنا

We originally loved each other.

وانا ديك الساعة قلت هدا هو الراجل اللي غنزوج بيه

At that moment, I said this is the man I will marry.

حتى من هادوك الرجال اللي كنت كمش نفتخهم

Even from those men that I used to brag about.

ما بقيتش

I no longer exist.

وليه هادوك الحواج اللي عندي كنلبسهم

And why are those clothes that I have, I wear them?

ايوه بدأ في الله يجعل البراقة

Yes, it started. May God make it successful.

ما كنت لك نهضر لك نتكلم السيدة

I wasn't talking to you, I'm talking to the lady.

اتجمعي الديه

Gather the money.

ما بقاش كيعطاني بزاف انا ما كنش كنت نتناقش

He doesn't give me much anymore; I wasn't discussing.

وما كنش كنرد البال حتى الواحد النهار

"I wasn't paying attention until one day."

كلي احقا ما احقا

"All of me is truly what is true."

نمشيو للدار ما نمشيو للدار

We will go home, we will not go home.

قلتلولي انا ما نقدرش

They told me I can't.

قلتلولي انا باقي بنت وهدا وهدا

They told me I am still a girl, and this and this.

قلتلولي اللهي ما ندخل بيك

They told me, "Oh God, we won't get involved with you."

ايوه بدأ يمشي معاك ندوز معاك

Yes, he started to walk with you; let’s go together.

وقيتاما وقيتاما

Waqitama and Waqitama

هكا قال هالي النهار الول

This is what he told me the first day.

ايوه ما اخذكم امرها

Yes, I didn't take her matter lightly.

ما طلقت مع الشباب والسيدة

I did not divorce with the young men and the lady.

زعتات فالول ما امني ما زعت

Zaatat, in the first place, what do you trust if I don't trust?

هدرا ما كنتش كنديرها

I wasn't doing that.

لما فرصت زعت صافي فحلا كلي لي دماغي

When I had the chance, I cleared my mind fully.

وبدأ لي الله وانا عندي احتياجات

And it appeared to me that God was with me as I had needs.

ولا ما كنتش انتي غا تكون واحدة اخرى

Or you wouldn't have been someone else.

مهم الهدرا اللي كيكدبو بيا كامل

It's important, the talk that everyone is lying to me.

وانتي كبشي بها في الرجلين

"And you hit me in the legs."

هاديك الهدرا البنات

Those words are for the girls.

كتلو واخا وليتكمشي معاه

They killed him even though you were going to go with him.

لما كنتش هلاقة كاملة ولكن كانو بزاف الحاجات

It wasn't a complete relationship, but there were many things.

لي ماكنش خالص هوم يدارو

I wasn't at all able to do it.

هذك صاعو انا كنت فرحانه

That’s a shame; I was happy.

كن 아니�ه راجلي

"Don't be angry, my dear."

وهذ شي عااااااااااااادي جدا

This is very normal.

دوي سمعها الابنات

The sound was heard by the daughters.

مودة خيط الله ب بطل زيتين

The love of Allah is the thread of oil.

كل شوية غادي معاها هوا هزني

Every little while, the wind takes me away with her.

هوا ندني

He is my friend.

المهم درنا كل شي من غير انو يدخل بيا

The important thing is that we did everything without him getting involved with me.

فقط ه لي مدرناش

Just let me know.

هش الحرام كامل درناه

We did it all, O forbidden one.

اهو غادي مهم سيد هذك المدة

Is he going to be important during that time?

هكا يعطيلي الفلوس

This is how he gives me the money.

تطول الناس حتى قراءة نهاية لها

People take a long time to read to the end of it.

وراء يوم قرأت الخ vontade

"Behind the day I read the will."

وقل fin feet

And say fin feet.

وقلت أكيد

And I said for sure.

لست قصد ما الآن

I don't mean what now.

قلت له لماذا أنت قريب

I asked him why you are close.

عودت الى هذه الدولة fed

I returned to this country, fed.

وقلت لي adapted

And you told me adapted.

بقي sell

Remaining sell

لن أتوقع

I will not expect.

كارين بيت مع الجيران

Karen is staying with the neighbors.

ومحنا ما تكنيش في كاريان

"We don't have a place to stay in the neighborhood."

وتحية البنات الكاريان

And greetings to the girls of the neighborhood.

ما هي زعما ديك اللعيبة ديك الفقيرة

What is the claim of those poor players?


You understood.

ويقول لها ده بمواشي بغيتي

And he says to her, "This is with livestock, if you want."

قلت لها والو ما زال ما طلعاش لك في الراس

I told her that nothing has crossed your mind yet.

يا قلت لك اديها للدار

I told you to give it to the house.

ما زال ما قنعتيش

You still haven't convinced me.

يا وصافي فك

Oh, Safi, loosen up.

شوف لك شي وحدة خورة تاهية تمتع ودور وهاده

"Look for a nice girl who's fun and enjoyable."

قلت لها بقى لا تقفها لا تقفها

I told her to not stop it, don't stop it.

هتجيب لك شي كرش وتقولي لا تقفك في الزز

You’ll get a little belly and tell me not to stop you in the way.

تخيلوا انا كان سما

Imagine I was hearing.

رجليه بدو كتران

His legs are swollen.

دو عليها وكيقولي هميه ده مش وصلنا لهد

He went to her and said, "This did not reach us."

لهد راه وصافيك دك شي اللي بغيتي

"Go ahead, say what you want."

درتو يا كان ما عنزوش بيها

You did not care about it.

يا كان غنمشي وخليني عيش

Oh, let me live my life.

معها الحياة قلت لي اه

"With her, life said to me, 'Oh.'"

وبقى عيش معها الحياة تقولي مزعود فيها

"And I continued to live with her, life telling me that I am lucky to have her."

ولا تقولي لا تقع بك في شي كرش

And don’t tell me it doesn’t happen to you at all.

ولا تقولي انا البنات

"Don't tell me that I'm a girl."

مارديتش مارديتش مارديتش

I didn't heal, I didn't heal, I didn't heal.

مارديتش حكي نحس بلرد

I didn't want to talk about bad luck.

كتزعزع بيه كنقول اوه يلي

"I feel like I'm shaking, oh wow."

وش ادور السيد اللي بغيتو

What am I looking for in the gentleman I wanted?

وش ادور السيد اللي علاودو

What am I looking for, the man who is on the bed?

قلت مش موشكين

I said, "Aren't you worried?"

نمشي معاه للدار

We walk with him to the house.

ومش موشكين

And we are not mistaken.

ماشي موشكين

Okay, no problems.

ندير معاشي حويج

I manage my business.

دي معمار مكنس كان فكر نديروه معاشي واحد قبل منو

This architect, Makenes, thought about having someone do it before him.

وبزافت الامور

And the matters became complicated.

وش ده هو السيد

What is this, sir?

اللي وليت كان هزلي الهم

The one I turned to carried the burden.

ما بقيتش بغان فتخوه

I no longer want to open it.

ما بقيتش بغان ناخد من عندو فلوس

I no longer want to take money from him.

وليت هزلي الهم وبزافت الحاجات

May my humor alleviate worries and the burdens of needs.

عرفتو يا البنات اقطعت دك تلفون

You girls know, I cut off that phone.

وبقيت كان بكي كان بكي

And I stayed crying, I was crying.

كان بكي

He was crying.

كان بكي كنت

I was crying, you were.

كان بكي في واحد الوقت افكرت اني لنبلوكيه

At one point, I thought we would block him.

ولكن قلت له خسي نكون لله ومولاتي ومقرر رصام جبضة

"But I told him, let us be for God and my master, and I determined the course of the plan."

خس هذا الراجل نبين لي انني لله ومولاتي وهدموني الدم على النهار اللي اتزادت فيه

This man has lost; let me show that I am for God and my master, and the blood has destroyed me on the day I was born.

وهد خينا اللي قالتك غايد حكي عليا

"And my brother told you not to talk about me."

عليا بليمي لما تزوج بيا طيحت الدل عليا

I was upset when I married him; it brought me down.

ايوة مادرت جلسة مغلقة مع الشيطان

Yes, I didn't know a closed session with the devil.

وبقيت كنفكر شنو غاندير وشنو مغاديش ندير

And I kept thinking about what I would do and what I wouldn't do.

كيفاش غادي نتصرف وكيفاش غادي نعمل

How am I going to behave and how am I going to act?

المهم بقيت كنفكر وكنخمم وكنتكتك حتى طعت في بالي واحد الخطة جهنمية

The important thing is that I kept thinking and pondering until an ingenious plan popped into my mind.

وقررت اني نديرها

I decided to do it.

المهم في ذيك الساعة كنت ديره معاه غانطلقه معاه في واحد النهار فلان فلاني

The important thing is that at that time I was with him and I was going to go out with him one day, that person.

ومن موره مباشرة كنت غادي تجيني لغاقل

And directly from his matter, I was going to come to you with something reasonable.

انا كنت لغاقل عندي محددة وفاش كتجيني لغاقل كتجيني قليلة بزاف

I used to have a specific language, and when I would speak it, it would come to me very little.

اني كتبدأ فيها غير شوية

I just started it a little bit.

صافي انا ذيك النهار اللي كنت ديره معاه كنت صافي اجد

I was just clear that day I was with him; I was really clear.

ولكده انتلقاش معدي اتيك النهار عندي واحد الامتحان

I have an exam tomorrow, so I can't meet you.

انتلقا معه محتال نهار فلان فلاني قالي يا مرحبا

I set out with a con artist, and on a certain day, he said to me, "Welcome!"

مهم نهار فلان فلاني مشيت دوش قاديت على عشات زعما كيف الما كنت مولفت عندير

It's important that on such and such a day, I went for a walk like I used to do when I was accustomed to it.

مشيت معاه هذا المره بالعايني

I walked with him this time with my eyes.

انا الملابس الداخلية ديالي ماكنش كنحيدهم هذا المراه بالعايني

I don’t take off my underwear in front of that woman.

انا عاقلة ودير الرسومة عاقلاش ومحيدة الملابس الداخلية ديالي

I am sensible, and I keep my drawings sane and remove my underwear.

مهم بقيت معاه

It's important that I stayed with him.

حتى لو واحد بقي طغوت و forms ورد كده رتاشي حاجة

Even if someone remains arrogant and forms like that, it's just a waste.

و نحن نحاول تابعك و نريدك أن تزوج بناين dr samuele

"We are trying to follow you and we want you to marry Dr. Samuele."

وأخبرتها كيف أفضل .

And I told her how I prefer.

وقالتنا نبكي نبكي نبكي نبكي وقالوا لا هذا موجود

And she said, "We cry, we cry, we cry, we cry," and they said, "No, this exists."

تعنى انني ضعت فيها انت جعلتش جالسه انت س 😂

It means I'm lost in it; you made me sit here! 😂

أنت منانتكون نبذلتش

You must not have put in any effort.

فكنت colorful لا التهنايج فقط

I was colorful, not just a distraction.

يجب ان يلهم مجددا جمهوره

He must inspire his audience again.



لكن انا لا اسمع مهاته

But I cannot hear his words.

انت انتشيييييييى

You are so happy!

لست ديت فيك

I am not in debt to you.

لا ي��عني

Does not mean.

في الليل siendo jacket

At night, wearing a jacket.

ما جايب ممكن انا اول وحدة اه طلع معايا هاد الشي الله اعلمها

I might be the first one to experience this, only God knows.

البنات مهم السيد كان مطمئنك صافي هي هاديك اه بقاكي قولي

The girls are important, sir. You were reassuring, that’s it. Yes, stay and tell me.

يا كيفاش ما تكيفاش وهادي وشنو اللي بغيتي واللي بغيتي نديروه

Oh, how come it's not working out? What do you want, and what do you want me to do?

معاك والضمانة اللي بغيتي هنديرها معاك وقلت له شو من

I'm with you, and the guarantee you wanted I will put in place with you, and I asked him what it was.

ضمانة قلت له انا شوفي نتزوج بك اليوم قبل ما نخدك قلت له

I told him, "Look, we will marry you today before we take you."

شنو ضمني شنو ضمني لخرش دبا من الباب تعقل عليها ما سأل قلت

What do you mean, what do you mean? Close the door now, remember it, I didn't ask.

له انا ما عنديش شنو ضمانة في هاد الشي قلت له انا خسني

"Look, I don't have any guarantee in this matter, I told him I need it."

شنو حاجة قلت له ايه فحالاش قلت له ما عرفتش قلت له المهم اه

What did I tell him? I said I didn't know, but the important thing is yes.

شنو ضمانة وهو يقول لي يا قولي قلت له تحط لي دابا شيك تسني

What guarantee do I have when he tells me to say it, I told him to put a check for me now, I’m waiting.

لي فيه وتحط لي فيه شنو مبلغ قلت له انا ما عنديش شنو حاجة في

What do you want me to put in it? I told him I don't have anything in it.

البنك قلت له انا ما غاندفعش الشيك قلت له نتزوجو وديك صانع

I told the bank that I will not pay the check, I told him let's get married and that’s it.

تاك الشيك ديالك قلت له المهم شنو حاجة وصافي قال لي يا مرحبا

I took your check and told him what's important, he said welcome.

سيجبت الشيك

I will deposit the check.

قلت له عمر فيه عشرة المليون

I told him, "Omar, there are ten million."

قلت له والله من دفعه

I told him, "I swear by God, who paid him?"

قلت له انا اغير كسب الي

I told him I change my earnings.

غادي نشرك الشيك

I will share the check.

صافي كان كسب لي الشيك

Safi had earned me the check.

سنة فيه

A year in it.

انا رأت اما بدي سكنتر كليه

I saw a mother who wants to live near the college.

كان قلنا ما خارج اش من الدار

We said there is nothing outside the house.

غندير ودنيه

Ghandir and Dinya.

وغندير يديه

And he will bring his hands.

وغنقول يوم دخلني بزز علي

And I will say, the day he let me in was interesting.

واغتصبني وغمضى نشرك في حواجي تما

He raped me and closed his eyes, and I was exposed in my needs.

وهو عارف

And he is knowledgeable.

وكان خايف على راسه

He was worried about his head.

خايف على بلاث وخايف على بزاف

I'm worried about Blath and I'm worried about a lot.

ديال الأمور

The matters.

المهمية هذيك السيد

That important man.

جبد الشيك عمرو

Get the check, Amr.

قال لي وهاك يا للا

He said to me, here you go, oh mother.

صحيح حاجة أخرى قلت له لسافي

It's true, there’s another thing I told him for sure.

مشيت في حالاتي صفت له مساج

I walked in my own way, a message was delivered to him.

قلت له باش نغنديره إمتى غندزوجه

I told him when I'm going to marry him.

قال لي الوقت اللي بغيتي

He told me the time you wanted.

قلت له سافي غتجي لدارنا هدلي

I told him, "Safi, you're coming to our house, right?"

ما تدوم مع ماما

What lasts with mom?

قال لي أنا ما قدرش ندوم مع ماما

He told me I can't stay with my mom.

قال لي ما شي مشكلة ما قدرتش تدوم مع ماما

He told me it's no problem, you couldn't stay with mom.

كجي عند دارنا بلما تقولها لماماك

Come to our house without telling your mom.

قال لي يا بسم الله في إلان جال دارنا

He said to me, "With the name of God, here is the house of our neighbor."

جال دارنا بوعديته

He roamed our house with his promise.

أنا دويس مع ماما

I am going with Mom.

ماما ما بغيتش

Mom, I don't want it.

قلت لي اللي أنت باقي صغيرة

You told me that you are still young.

قلت له ماما من الدري بغيته

I told him, "Mama, I want him."

قلت لي ماما ما ماما

I said to you, "Mom, what Mom?"

قلت له ماما ما كيناش

I told him mom is not here.

قلت له ماما مشاتل كندا

I told him that Mom went to Canada.

قلت له ماما راه في المغرب

I told him, "Mom is in Morocco."

قلت له ماما ما كيناش في المغرب

I told him that Mom is not in Morocco.

باش مو مزعكش لي

"Don't bother me."

المهم بقينا جارين

The important thing is that we became neighbors.

قال لي يا أحقى نديرو غير الخطبة والعقد

He said to me, "Why don't we just do the sermon and the contract?"

قلت له لا غنديرو الخطبة وغنديرو العقد

I told him we will have the engagement and we will have the contract.

سوف نتزوج و سوف نحضر هذه الدرسة

We will get married and we will attend this lesson.

و في هذه الساعة سوف نذهب و نأتي معك وقت ما أردنا

"And at this hour, we will go and come with you whenever we want."

و لعرسة سوف نكمل قرائتي و أمك توافق على خاطرها

And for the wedding, I will finish my reading, and your mother agrees for her own sake.

و في هذه الساعة سوف نقوم بالعرس

And at this hour, we will hold the wedding.

لأن أمي قالت لي مازال صغير و مازال لا تستطيع الدار لدورك

Because my mother told me that I am still young and I cannot play your role yet.

و قلت لها أن تقوم بالدار لخاطرك

And I told her to take care of the house for your sake.

أنا أتمنى أن تكون ولدنا عشرين عاماً

I wish you were our son for twenty years.

المهم أن تكون مزوجة بك

The important thing is to be married to you.

و نقوم بعمل هذه الساعة الحلال

And we make this halal watch.

لا يوجد لدينا المشكلة

We do not have the problem.

قال لي بسم الله

He said to me, "In the name of God."

نعم هؤلاء البنات

Yes, these are the girls.

ذهبنا و قمنا بالخطوبة في الدار

We went and got engaged at home.

و قمنا بطيح العقد

We dropped the contract.

و ذهبت البنات مع أمي

The girls went with my mother.

و قمت بالجلوس معها في هذا الدار

And I sat with her in this house.

و أنا قمت بالجلوس مع أمي

And I sat down with my mother.

مرة أخرى جاءت أمي

My mother came again.

أصلاً كنت قريبة عنها

I was actually close to her.

لم يكن لدي المشكلة

I didn't have the problem.

كنت أمشي و أعيش معها الحياة

I was walking and living life with her.

بعد النهار الذي قمنا به العقد

After the day we made the contract.

قال لي يا شاك

He said to me, "Oh Shak."

قلت له هذا لا تتخش فيه

I told him, "Don't be afraid of this."

قلت له ماذا أنا سأضحك عليك

I said to him, "What, am I going to laugh at you?"

قال لي لا لا يمكن

He said to me, "No, it's not possible."

و كنت أبقى معك و كنت أرى أنك هنا

I would stay with you and I would see that you were here.

و أنت هنا

And you are here.

المهم نسيت و فتك الشاك

The important thing is that I forgot and the doubt left me.

و الوقت الذي قمت بالدخول بي

"And the time you let me in."

وجدت أنني أبنت

I found that I was a daughter.

لأنني أصلاً أبنت

Because I am originally a daughter.

قال لي ماذا؟ ماذا؟

He said to me, "What? What?"

قلت له لم أعرف

I told him I didn't know.

قلت له لم تفعل شيئاً

I told him you didn't do anything.

قلت له لا

I told him no.

قلت له أنا صاحبني

I told him I accompanied him.

دخلت بي

I entered you.

قلت له هذا النهار

I told him this morning.

ربما غرج رحتيني

Perhaps you have left me.

قلت له هذا النهار

I told him this morning.

لم تدخل بي

You haven't entered into me.

قال لي يا سيد

He said to me, "Oh, sir."

لا أعجبوش الحال

I don't like the situation.

و أظن أنك قرأت أن تزوج بي

"I think you read that I married me."

و أنك قرأت أن تدخل بي

And I read that you intervened with me.

يعني ماذا؟

What does that mean?

ما يفعل؟

What is he doing?

بل كنت أعرف ما أعطىت له

But I knew what you were given for.

و أنا كشهرة زاد

And I, like the fame of Zaid.

هذا الشيء كامل

This thing is complete.

لا أعجبني

I didn't like it.

لا أكتب لكم

I do not write to you.

و أصلاً

And originally.

هي بالنسبة له هذا الشيء

She is for him this thing.

و طيرت منه

And I flew from it.

و مازال ستطير منه

And it will still fly away from him.

الفلوس و ذلك الشيء

The money and that thing.

و لكن أنا بالنسبة لي

But for me

هذا الشيء

This thing

لا أعجبني

I didn't like it.

أنا أقول لكم

I am telling you.

لماذا أعطاكم رأي في الأخر

Why did he give you an opinion about the other?

ما علينا

Never mind.

أن نزوج به

To marry him.

و لتكن معه

And let it be with him.



و لتكنسل منه

And to cancel it.


Sneak in

أحقى خاص

Special Rights

دابة خصك تصرف عليها خصك تدل ليها خصك تفعل ليها. مهم.

You need to take care of the animal; you need to guide it; you need to make it active. It's important.

كنسل طال عواكلة نازل عواكلة طال عواكلة. مدوش بزاف طلت خرج لي

Cancel Tal Awakla, descend Tal Awakla. It hasn't taken long for me to come out.

الطاموبيل. قليها وانا ما عنديش وانا هادي وانا. قلت لو خرج لي

The car. Say it, and I don't have it, and I am this, and I am. I said if it comes out for me.

كريدي. قلت له ما شي مشكل. مشيت أنا يالبلاتة اللي يبيعوا فوق

"Credit. I told him it's not a problem. I went to the shop where they sell upstairs."

الطاموبيلات. قلت لهم يلا بغت ناخد الطاموبيل. وقضاها لي هو.

The cars. I told them, "Let's go, I want to take the car." And he took care of it for me.

واش ختتك فسميت وداروني فسميت. قالوا لي لما شي مشكل. يلا كان

Did your sister name you and they named me? They told me it's not a problem. If that's the case.

سيد موضف واحد نوع من الوظيفة. يعني هو كيبقى دكشة كي تقطع عليه

Mr. Employee is a specific type of job. It means he remains confused once he is interrupted.

والطموبيل كتكون في سميته. والكريدي كي يكون تابعه هو. المهم

The car is in his name. The credit is linked to him. That's important.

مشيت عندهم. هاللي مشينا باش يخرج ليه طموبيل خرج طموبيل ايه?

I walked to them. The one we walked with to get his car, did the car come out?

لا قد الحال. لوقت اللي بغيت نخرج الطموبيل. آآ بغيت يكسبها

No, it's fine. The time I wanted to take the car, I wanted to win it.

زعمة في سميته. قلت له لا. قلت له بلايك تكسبها في سميته. قلت له

You claimed it in your name. I told him no. I told him that if you have a little bit of it, you'll win it in your name. I told him.

ديش ديش بوليسي. احقى الطموبيل ديال راجلي. قلت له مانا. قلت له

"Stop, stop the police. The car belongs to my husband. I told him no. I told him..."

عادي. قلت له ماشي شي حاجة. ولما كانت تقش فيها وكانت حلوين

It's fine. I told him it's nothing. And when she was peeling it, it was nice.

عليه. في الوقت اللي عايشة معاه في الدار وليس كان دي له الحركات

"While I live with him in the house, he doesn’t do those things."

البهلوانية ومعيشة في الاحلام. السيد داخل. الماكلة والشرب

Acrobatics and living in dreams. Mr. Inside. Eating and drinking.

والطهاليوم كان السيدي فلانه. مهلية فيه. مهلية فيه من السياف

And today was my master so-and-so. There was a delay in it. There was a delay in it from the swordsman.

مولي ولداته. وكل شبية. احقى انا بغيت هادي. احقى شري ليه

Moli gave birth to them. And every one of them is like it. Indeed, I wanted this one. Indeed, buy it for me.

الدهب. الدهب كي طلع من من آآ من هذا. ثم قولوا ليش كي طلع اللي

The gold. The gold, how it came out from, uh, from this. Then tell me why it came out.

عرفتكم مقرصات مزبدات. كتطلع من دكشة الانتويات ومو دكشة ده

I know you as overbearing people. You come out of the old ways and not from the new ones.

كتولي انسة اه الهرمونات الانتوية ودك العيبات. المهم بقيت

I became a lady, oh the female hormones and those whims. The important thing is that I remained.

عليه. مش هادي شريت قرمط. هانا شريت براسلي. هانا هادي. هانا هادي

I didn't buy a car. I bought basil. Here it is. Here it is.

السيد غرقت باباه كريديات. غرقته يا لبنات. خستني هادي وبغيت هادي

Mr. Drowned Your Father Kriyadat. You drowned him, oh girls. This one made me sick and I wanted this one.

وصيب هادي والدار. عمرني قلت لي زيت فيها شروطة. هي اللي خرب.

"Haadi and the house were affected. I never told you it had a flaw. It's the one that got ruined."

بغيت فرش يفرش ونبغى اشي فرش. انا دي الناموسيق الناس فيها وما

I want something fresh and I want something new. I am tired of the same old stuff.

اديش قرام دي المشكل. اي شام ها بقينا جاري اليوم وغدا ومو في

How much is this problem? Is there any news? We are still running today and tomorrow, and there's nothing.

دلوقيتها. هو وضل الحرام كذب عليها وقال لها رجاز قلت سماعي

Right now. He lied to her and said there was no harm, and she said, "I heard it."

وفتر كتلوش قلت سماعك. قلت لي وش ممزوش بقى? قلت لها ممزوش بقى.

I asked you to listen. I said to her, "What do you mean it's not broken anymore?" I told her, "It's not broken anymore."

قلت له الخلا وجلوش طب اعيش وراها كاكا ولدي. تمتع فيها. وهادو في

I told him, "Leave it and enjoy it, my son. Enjoy it. And they are here."

اخر السوط هكا انك ما كتعرفها شيرة كبيرة. وبعقلها. ومع انك ما

The end of the whip is like this, you don't know it as a big deal. And with her mind. Even though you don't...

تصور منها. المهم. بقينا جارين جارين جارين جارين حتى النهار.

Imagine that. The important thing is, we remained neighbors, neighbors, neighbors, neighbors until daytime.

لخويتكم. غادي تدير آآ غادي ناخد وغادي نخدم مع واحد شريكة.

I'm going to do something. I'm going to take and I'm going to work with a partner.

خدمت بخدمة مزيانة للبنات. هذيك الساعة كنت جمعت من موراح

I provided a good service for the girls. At that time, I had gathered after going.

تقريبا شي تمانية ديال المليون من غير الدهب اللي شري ليها. من

About eight million, not including the gold that he bought for her.

غير ذاك الطموبيل من غير ذاك الشيك اللي كان عندي. المهم كان

Not that car, not that check that I had. The important thing was...

جامعة حصيصة من موراح. المهم بقينا غاديين جايل امور مزيانة.

The university is located in Hsissa from Mourah. The important thing is we are going there and good things are coming.

انا كنت خدام الفلوس اللي كان شد. كنت كنخزنهم وهو كيصرف. انا

I was the one managing the money he was earning. I would save it while he would spend.

دكشي اللي كان صافت كان صافت غير الممي. آآ زي ما ما تصرفوا

What was sent was only the copy. Ah, just as you all behave.

دكشي لان دكسة عاختي كانت آآ مقاتلة باش نشرو الدار. مهم كنت

I don't understand because my sister was a fighter to make the house public. Anyway, I was...

انا واختي معاولين انني انتفرضان ويا باش نشرو الممي الدار. في

My sister and I are planning to renovate the house together.

واحد الوقت اختي قتلي انا غنشر الراسي. قتلي الحمد لله تسهل

One time my sister told me I'm going to lose my mind. She said, thank God it's getting easier.

يعني يلا غنشر الراسي. وانتي ضبري الراسي. انا غنشر الراسي

Let's go, I'll spread my head. And you manage the head. I'm spreading my head.

كله شوفي شنو تديري. قلت له الله ما يسير. صافي بقينا جارين

Just see what you can do. I told him, "God will not make it happen." We ended up just being neighbors.

هكا حتى النهار. المهم تو ما عرفش كيف اشوق عليها حتى عرفت انني

Just like that until the day. The important thing is that I didn't know how to miss her until I realized that I...

انا مزوجة به. ستي ده انا قلت صافت دار عادة دقت عليها. حلت لي

I am married to him. I told my grandmother that I usually take care of the house. She opened the door for me.

هالباب. وهي تقول لي آآ واحد الكلمة خيبة. قلت لي شفت آآ هادو

This door. And she tells me, "Oh, one word is disappointing." I told her, "I saw these."

ولفو. قلت لي يا وشتي ما زال مباتيش ديري النفس. وشتي ما زال

And you said to me, "Oh, don't you still feel like being yourself? Don't you still?"

عاشت تدير تضي تعطي الولي التقهة رطب لعسفة ونزلت. قلت لها

She lived managing her affairs, giving the prince fresh dates, and then came down. I said to her...

شو كنتي يا. قلت لي يا ما عرفتينيش. قالت لها انا اغوستك.

What were you? You told me, "You don’t know me." She replied, "I have flirted with you."

قلت لها انا في قباري اغوستي في كندا. شيل يقال لي يا راجل.

I told her I'm in Kebari Agosti in Canada. She said to me, "Oh man."

قال لها اغوستي كينا في المغرب. ويا زولي في كندا كيفاش. قلت

He told her I visited Morocco. And oh my friend in Canada, how are you? I said.

لها يا نختية شيل يقال لي يا حت النهار جا اخطبني من عد ماما.

"Oh Nukhteya, they say to me, 'Oh, the day has come, propose to me from my mom.'"

وادلال درامك يناشا دي الكدوان دي اللي كذبتها. قال لها حت في

Wadi Dalal, your drama is like the lies you told. He said to her, "You will see."

وقالت لي انها اللي جاء خطابني من عد ماما ودرنا العرس

She told me that it was her who contacted me on behalf of her mom and we held the wedding.

قلت لي يا ماما في كندا دوما تقدرش تجي

You told me, "Oh Mom, you can never come to Canada."

قلت لي يا حوتي حوتي انا عرس كدوي اليه

You said to me, "Oh my whale, my whale, I am in a wedding celebration."

وانا خطابة ونجيب لي هالعقد

"I am a negotiator, and I will get this contract for you."

قلت لي ها هو خالتي مزوجة على سنة الله ولا رسوله

You told me here is my aunt married in accordance with the laws of God and His Messenger.

وهذه موضة وحبيبي اعطاني صداق

This is a trend, and my darling gave me a gift.

وفوق منه اعطاني عشرات ديال ملايين شاك

And on top of that, he gave me tens of millions in checks.

وقال لي النهار اللي ما نصدقش ليك سندفعي الشاك

He told me, "On the day I don't believe you, I'll pay the check."

قلت لي يا حوتي شنو قلتي اشكت خاربقي

You told me, "Oh my fish, what did you say? It's all messed up."

قلت لي هاكي في المسماتي

"You told me, here it is in the naming."

بغد تخطف لي هذاك العقد

After you snatch that necklace from me.

قلت لي هاكي يا الحبيبة ديالي غير خوديه

You told me, "Here you go, my dear, just take it."

العقد ديالي في المحكامة

My contract is in court.



قلت لي ها ما عديش المشكلة غدا نمشي

You told me that there is no problem, tomorrow I will go.

نحط غير شويشة الفلوس ونخرجه

Let's just put a little bit of money and take it out.

وده ما بنت الناس اجيبك الحال مرحبا

This is not how a respectable person behaves. Hello.

ما اجيبكش الحال لعونات

I can't answer you, it's not my situation.

سيري في حالاتك

Go about your business.

هاتش اللي اعطى الله

This is what God has given.

السيدة ما عرفت باش تبلات

The lady didn't know how to make a salad.

ومرضت وليغت قوليها علاج دويتي معاها حكا وكمشيتي معاها بالتي هي احسن

And I got sick, and I said to her, "Treatment, my companion, let us talk and walk together with what is best."

انا البنات ما تنسيتش لي الهضرة اللي سمعت بودنيها

I haven't forgotten what I heard with my ears about the girls.

احقق سرد حكا لبنت الناس وسرديها الضار

Achieve the storytelling of a tale for the people and narrate its impact.

وديرليها وفعلليها وتركليها

"And do it for me, and act on it for me, and leave it to me."

ما بغاتش البنات تنساليها

The girls didn't want me to forget her.

ما قدرتش البنات نسرتها ما قدرتش

I couldn't help the girls, I couldn't.

وخاصة ان في ذيك الوقيت اللي اطلعتها وانا وليس كمشي معاه

Especially since at that time I was with her and not walking with him.

ومرضيتش مرضيتش مرضيتش المهم

And I didn't agree, I didn't agree, I didn't agree, what's important.



السيدة خرجت معي عندي

The lady went out with me at my place.

عرفتي شعلة

You knew the flame.

عطت لولدها شولتها قوليها

She gave her son her shawl, telling him.

علاج قلتي يلا قلتلو نما

The treatment you mentioned, I said to him, "Let it grow."

قلتلو هي الوالو

I told him, "It's nothing."

قلتلو هي سيقة الخبار

I told him this is the news headline.

وعارفة انني انا ياراني

"And I know that I am being seen."

ياراني مزوجة بيك

I see myself married to you.

تقولو وكذبت عليك

You say, and I lied to you.

قاللي يلا امي قلتلو

He told me, "Come on, mom," I told him.

وياش повلي ابوك بشك دلو عشرة المليون

And your father told me to give you ten million.

قلتلو اني اللي قلتلو

I told him that I told him.

قالتلو انا انا قلتلو

She said to him, "I told him."

انا بغت نطلقها على عشرة المليون

I want to divorce her for ten million.

مهم انا کنلعبهو كنلعبهو

It's important, we are playing it, we are playing it.

زمده يرا فيها مطورة

He sees it as developed.

المهم ناتس دا والروي ناسي تقالي يا تخوي قلتلو ما عندي فين نخوي

The important thing is that I told my brother, "I don't have anywhere to go."

قلتلو انا جالسة في داري بيت الزوجية

I told him I am sitting in my marital home.

قلتلو بغت تخوي خبينتا يا انا جالسة هنايا

I told him she wants to hide our secret while I am sitting here.

مهم بقالي بالمشاكل وسطها مشيت للخدمة جلقت الباب مستود

I was important, but with the problems I went to work and locked the store.

مشيتها البنات عند البوليس قلتلهم انا راني جيت باش ندخل داري

I walked to the police station and told them I came to enter my house.

والجيران ها هما شاهدين الدار انا ساكنة فيها هادي مدة

And the neighbors are witnesses, I have been living in this house for a while.

ما سوقيش الدار ديال من دا اغوسي ولا ديال الشيخة ولا ديال ما نعرف ديال الجل العاشق

I don't care whose house it is, whether it's Agoussi's, the Sheikha's, or the house of the passionate lover I don't know.

المهم هالدار انا ساكنة فيها بيت الزوجية وعندي فيها تصاور

The important thing is that I live in this house, my marital home, and I have pictures in it.

والسيد بدل لي هالكانون

And Mr. Badal gave me this canon.

مهم كانوا حرروا لي المحضر

They made me sign the report.

هزيت راسي مشيت قديت وريقاتي وكل شي

I shook my head, walked, and took my papers and everything.

مشيتها البنات كريت لان ديك ساعة تخدمها في هادي المدينة

The girls walked to the market because that’s the time they work in this city.

وما كانش عندي كيفاش نمشي لدارنا آلية روتور كل نهار

I had no way to go home with a rotor mechanism every day.

صافي مشيت بحالاتي جهوا السيد قال لي يا شوفي بغيتي تبقي هكا بقي

I walked in my own way, and the man said to me, "If you want to stay like this, then stay."

بغيتي تطلقي تطلقي

If you want a divorce, get a divorce.

قلتلو سمعني غنقولك جوش كلمات

I told him, "Listen to me, I'm going to tell you a couple of words."

قلتلو انت هتبعتيك لاممك ما عنديش قرام ديال المشكيل

I told him I will send you to your mother; I don't have a penny for the problems.

غتمشي غتطلقني هتعطني حقوقي كاملة

If you leave me, you will give me my full rights.

ولما عطيتش ليه ديرو في بالك غتجمعلك غار غديتجمعلك غار غتجمعلك غار نفقة

And when you didn't give him, keep in mind that it will gather you a debt, it will gather you a debt, it will gather you a debt.

ومرزوا الوريقات قلتلو انا مشيت ودكلاريت وجاو البوليت وانت خرشيني من البيت الزوجية

"And I was worried about the papers, I told him I left and declared it, and the police came and you kicked me out of the marital home."

وده بغتجمعلك نفقة ديرا ديامات كاملة

This is to collect all the expenses for the diamond house.

مهم السيد مشى سول وسقصة جاب ده كيقولين ديرو طلاق اتفاقي

Mr. Mohamad went to ask and said that they are suggesting to do a mutual divorce agreement.

كانجا هو واحد خالو

Kanga is one uncle.

خالو كيقولي اتطلق ما اتطلق

My uncle is telling me to get divorced, but I don't want to.

وانا نقولو شوفها فلان

"And I'm saying, look at that person."

قلتلو انا اللي فراسي حين انا قالليه هو ممطلقة

I told him that I am the one who has in mind, but he told me she is divorced.

خالتو مطلقة قلتلو شوفها الشريف

"Your aunt is divorced, I told him to look at Al-Sharif."

قلتلو الا بغيت تلق

I told him, "If you want to find it..."

قلتلو انتو ماللي عارفين طرق المحكامة مول فين كتمشيوا ليها المحكامة كيعرفها

I told him, you know where the court is, you just go there, the court knows it.

يمشي تلق قلتلو انا في عائلة نتا واحد ممطلق ومكانعرفش المحكامة فين جات

He walks automatically, I told him I have a family member who is divorced and I don’t know where the court is located.

والحمدلله القانون كاين في البلاد يك ما كيسحب لكم كاين السيبة

Thank God, the law is present in the country, but it does not protect you; there is chaos.

نقص هو قاللي الشيك ما الشيك تلاش ما الشيك الشريف

He told me the check is not the check, the check is gone, the honorable check.

وقلتلو هادوك الفلوس انا سلفتهم ليك وعطتني الشيك دامانة

I told him those money I lent to you and gave me a check as a guarantee.

وقلتلي هنردهم ليك ونعطيني الشيك

And you told me we will return them to you and give me the check.

قلتلو مازال ما ردتي ليتا شي حاجة

I told him you still haven't replied to anything.

قاللي هي كيفاش

She asked me how.

قلتلو كيف ما اسماتي

I told him, "What is your name?"

وقلتلو دلدرا اللي كانقول ما بكتش نهائيا كنجبد ان الشيك اعطاه ليه على شي حاجة اخرى

I told him, "Daldra, what I’m saying is that he didn’t cry at all; I’m implying that the check was given to him for something else."

المهم السيد ما عرف باش شبله امشى

The important thing is that the man didn't know where to go.

امشى دوزنا مدة انا يبقيت جالسة كنت سنة ههو جاو تاني عندي

I walked for a while, then I stayed sitting for a year until they came back to me again.

قاللي نديرو طلاق اتفاق

He told me to do a divorce by agreement.

قلتلو ما كيله طلاق اتفاقي

I told him, "Isn't it just an amicable divorce?"

لا طلاق ما نعرف

There is no divorce that we know of.

قلتلو غنديرو الطلاق للشيقاق غنمشي ناخد حقوقي كاملة والله يعولي عونات

I told him that we will go for divorce due to disagreements, and I will take all my rights, and may God help me.

يلا بغتن ديرو الطلاق اتفاقي شوف المحامية شهر يخرج ليه انا في النفاقة والمتعة

Let's go to get the divorce by agreement. See the lawyer this month to get the support and enjoyment for me.

قلتلو علما تمتعتيش بيه

I told him that you didn't enjoy it.

قلتلو لاخوي انا كنعرف هاد الشي اللي كان في الشرع والقانون

I told my brother that I know this is what is in the Sharia and the law.

انا اخوي يا بنت هاد البلاد وخاصني قانوني فقط ما خاصني تاشي حاجة واحدة اخرى

I am my brother, oh girl of this country, and I only need legal matters; I don't need anything else.

يقول دي الناس تزوجنا على سنة الله ورسوله

These people say we married according to the tradition of Allah and His Messenger.

يقول دي الناس شعتتني الشيق

The people say you fascinated me, my dear.

قلتلو وصافي اعطني رسقي

I told him, "That's enough, give me my share."

ما سوقيش المهم سيد لقاك يدخل ويخرج ويخرج ويخرج ما لقا ما يدير

The important thing is that the gentleman comes in, goes out, and leaves without finding anything to do.

انا دوز وحد المدامشي ادفعت الشيق

I went to the doctor and paid the fee.

من هاللي ادفعته جهوة وموحي حوليه

Who is the one I paid for coffee and they are not around me?

احقا متحقا انتيا متيا قلتلو شوفو

Are you really serious? I told him to look.

يا فلوسي يا حبيبيس وياك ما كيسحبلكم انا يا

Oh my money, my dear, I won't withdraw for you.

غادي نبقى زعمك قلتلو انا دبا قالسا

I will stay, as you said, I told him I'm sitting now.

النفقة هاي كتجمعليا

This expense is bringing me down.

قلتلو معلي بليمي اللي حلفو بيبنات الرجال الشلاغمية

I told him, "I swear by the daughters of the men of Shalaghmia."

والله لاتفاكس معاكم حتى تعطوني ردقي كامل

I swear I won't be in touch with you until you give me my full rights.

نقزت امو وهي تقول لي يا يك ما كيسحبلكم انتيا

My mother jumped and said to me, "Oh, what a shame for you!"

انا تشوفيني بهكا يسحبلك راني

You see me like this, pulling you in.

كيلي مينيك راني عارفاك

Kylie Minogue, I know you.

وعودليا ولدك عليك كل شي

And I promise you, your son is everything to you.

وقال لي انكي فتختي الراجل الول وفتختي الراجل تاني

He said to me that you opened the door for the first man and opened the door for another man.

ودك شعريش انتي ما راديش انني كنفتخلك ولدك

Do you want me to tell you that I don't want to brag about being your son?

قلتلو هاي سمعيني غادي اعطيني رزقك

I told him to listen to me, give me your sustenance.

وانتي كتشوفي بعينك خلاوها

"And you see with your own eyes, they left it."

ذاك الفيديو اللي كان كيديع

That video that was going viral.

غناخدو لك رزقك

We will take your sustenance for you.


With manhood.

قلتلو هناخدو لك رزقك انتي ولدك بالرجولة

I told him we will take your livelihood with honor for you and your son.


And with the papers.

قلتلو هتحطي لي اشتاقك قلتلو هنجيكم من الاخر

I told him, "Will you tell me that you miss me?" I told him, "We will come to you from the end."

قلت لها انا سمعتك انت وهي في التليفون كتغضري وكتقولي لي احقا ولوادي هالدار وتمتع بيها وتصاحب ودير وفعل وترك وهذا وهذا وهذا

I told her I heard you and her on the phone talking, and you were saying, "Really? Go enjoy this house, have fun, do this and that."

قلت لها انا ما درتش حاجة تلاقيب ياك مشيت معاه بنيتي وهو طلع غدار انا دبا كنغدار فيه وكنخرج منه قاعدة كسيري دار فيها

I told her I didn’t do anything wrong, I went with him, my girl, and he turned out to be treacherous. Now I’m plotting against him and I’m planning to break his house down.

المهم السيدة تلفات معرفة باش تبلات صافي تم حطاعة البنات كواريها ملقت مدير عشرة المليون البنات

The important thing is that the lady wants to know how to submit, so she put the girls' folders, and she found the manager with ten million girls.

عطاهم لي حين تولدها كان غير دخول الحبس يلا ما عطاهمش لي ومن مراها كانت مشات سولات واسقسات وقالوا لي هالسيدة مادام مشات

They gave them to me when she was born, and it was different from entering the prison; if they didn't give them to me, she went and asked and inquired, and they told her that the lady had left.

وجابت هاداك الشي زعماء مشات في المستارة القانونية مشات هاتش البنات دي البوليس شكولي كيوشينا ما كان فهمش فيه

And those leaders brought that matter to the legal advisor; these police girls are saying something, but I don't understand it.

مهم مادام دارت المستارة القانونية وتبتات انها خرشوها من بيت الزوجين ومشات كرات وعندها العقد الكيرة حين انا كيف خرش

It's important as long as the legal procedure has taken place and it has been established that they separated from the marital home and went to the rental property, and she has the rental contract. How did this separation happen?

مشيت دارت العقد الكيرة وكريت وحد البرتما بزبالة ديال الفلوس قالوا لي ها ويا تقول لي هم لحقة محقة ويا كرات غالي

I walked around the big market and rented an apartment full of money trash, they told me here you go and told me it's overpriced.

قالوا لي هالسيدة كي تخلص مزيان وانا كانوا عندي الوراق ديال الخدمة باش كي تخلص يعني ما عندهم فين يزيدوني لهوك لهوك ونزيدكم مازال

They told me that this lady pays well, and I had the work papers to show that she pays, meaning they have no place to add more to me, and I can tell you more still.

انا راجلي الوقت اللي تزوجش به كتكن دير انا وياه تجارة الالكترونية وحتى داك الشي كتمسجله مهم مخليش البابا فين يتحرك

When my husband got married, he was running an e-commerce business with me, and even that was registered. My father didn't let me move around.

مهم قالوا لي ها غيخلص غيخلص بقيت غالسة حتى النهار اللي عايت لي قال لي ها نمشي وانا اتصافق ونطلق وكتلو ما عنديش مشكيل تحاسبو

They told me it would be paid, and I stayed waiting until the day he called me and said, "Let's go." I got ready and we left, and I told him I had no problem with settling up.

تحاسبو اسمعا من النهار اللي خرش من الدار شحال خسرت كلوها تعطيني قدة وا قدة وزيت بلاسكة تحييح قال لي ها لا مال لك كتلي ها شوفي هاتش اللي بغيتي

"Account for what you spent since the day you left the house. How much did you lose? Give me a little here and a little there, and you want me to revive this place? They told me there’s no money for you, so look at what you wanted."

بغيت تعطي لي بخاطرك نمشي ونفضي والمشكيل هو هداك مو بغتش تعطي لي بخاطرك القادي غايعطيه ليه

I want you to willingly let me go and clear things up, and the problem is that he doesn't want to give it to me willingly; the one in charge will give it to him.

شفت حتى عيات فاسرت انا وياهم مشينا درنا نطلق الاتفاقي فارتكنا المجمع الله يعاول العاونة هاتو كل فلوس كامل اللي صورت منهم زايدش فلوس كنت جاه معاهم

I saw that even the difficulties increased, so I went with them and we walked to finalize the agreement. We reached the meeting place, may God help those in need. Bring all the money that I got from them plus the extra money I had with me.

اليوم اشريت داري عايشة بخير وعلى خير مهمتي عايشة معززة مكرمة خوتتي بخير وعلى خير خدامة مزيان كنت خلص واحد الصالر ما نقدرش نوصفه لكم الحمدلله معيشني كيف القيدة

Today I bought my house, living well and comfortably. My family is living, honored and respected. My siblings are well and good, and I am working well. I received a salary that I can't describe to you. Thank God, I'm living like a queen.

انا اليوم اجيت نعاود لكم قصي باش اخدوها عبرة المذات ديالي انا غنعتكم رأيي ببساطة حيث واحد النقطة ماعجبتنيش وهذه النقطة بزافت المرات كتكدب وما بغيتش لبنات ياخدوها عبرة

Today I came to share with you a story so that you can learn from my experiences. I will simply give you my opinion because there is one point that I did not like, and this point often leads to lies, and I don't want the girls to take it as a lesson.

خدوش يحوج عبرة خدو القراية خدوش نوصلات اليوم تبارك الله قراية عاهية وخدامة ودكشي ولكنها لبنات فاش البنت كتكون كتقرأ يعني مثلا هي اصلا كتقرأ في مدرسات دي المهندسين

Scratches require a lesson from the reading. Scratches have reached today, thank God. The education is effective and working, but for the girls, when a girl studies, for example, she is actually studying in engineering schools.

غتخرج مهندسة

She is graduating as an engineer.

غتخدم وغتخدم زيان

I will use it and I will use it well.

علاش اختي انا واحد شخص ما بغاتنيش ممو

Why, my sister, is there someone who doesn't want me?

ولا اكتشفت عليه واحد الحاجة خيبة

And I didn't discover anything bad about him.

لشان بقى تابعاه ونبيل له انني للو مولاتي

"To be followed, and I tell him that I am for my lady."

وندخل مها في صراعات ومحاكيم

And we enter into struggles and trials.

وسيري ضحكي الي وسيري سيري مها ويكتشف انكي مشي بنت وانتي بنت ولا مشي بنت

And let your laughter be heard, and walk, oh Maha, and discover whether you are a girl or not, and whether you are a girl or not.

ويقدر هو هادو تلقيت معاول

He estimates that I received shovels.

الناس يقدر يكونوا ضل حرام يقدر يقتلك

People can be a bad omen that can kill you.

يقدر اختي ما يتزوجش بيك

My sister's boyfriend might not marry you.

يقدر قاعدة تزوجش بيها انتي متلقى

You can estimate the base that you don't find in it.

علاش اختي انا يا كنقراه

"Why, my sister, am I reading this?"

تعرفت الى واحد وخاصا ما اختش اتعرف عليه

I met someone, and I specifically didn’t feel shy to get to know him.

ترى بينو بينو المشكيل ممو ما بغاتنيش او لا هو

"Do you see, Bino Bino, the problem is that she doesn't want me, or is it him?"

ترى بينو بينو مشكيل الليعون

You see, there is a problem with the cats.

قطعه برات براه

A piece of land for rent.

المشكيل اللي هما قطعو ذيك الساعة

The problem was that they cut it that hour.

ما نكون متلقى ذيك الساعة انا بنتقدر تدرب بسهل اليه في شراجي

At that time we won't be able to receive, but I can easily train in Sharaji.

اللي يكون حسن من الولاني نستني في القديم والجديد

Whoever is better than the previous one, I await in the old and the new.

ما يعرف للماضي للحاضر للمستقبل

What is known about the past, the present, and the future.

بالنسبة لي انا هكا كنقول

As for me, I say it like this.

بالنسبة لصاحبة تلقي ساقة ليلا

Regarding the owner who receives legs at night.

ختيت حقي تاني ومتني منهم

I finished my right again and died because of them.

كنقول الله يكمل عليك هاتشي اللي عندي ما نقول

I say may God complete this for you; what I have, I won't say.

ويمدى مجرد رأي انا اعطيته

And it's just an opinion that I gave.

ما بغيت تسمى البنات يدخلوا في الصراعات

I didn't want the girls to get involved in the conflicts.

مثلا كتلقي العقوزة دارت واحد المشكيل

For example, the old woman encountered a problem.

كتبقى تابعها وتنكد عنها

You keep following her and annoying her.



خمت عينيك ودوزي وسيري عيشي حياتك سيري

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and go live your life.

النهار الليول ما بغاتش تزوجك

The day Lioness didn't want to marry you.

بيع طيقلي ليها الخلوج لا

Sell me the honey, no.

وسيري ربي غيس هاليك في راجل اخر

"And my Lord, I will not hide this from another man."

اللي يبغيك وتبغيه وموت حماق عليك

The one who wants you and whom you want, and it's a shame to die for it.

ليش كتدخلوا المشاكل والصداع والصراعات

Why do you bring in problems, headaches, and conflicts?

يعني كنشوف

It means "I see."

انها كان ممكن

It could have been possible.

انها غير تزبرها ذاك العام

She doesn't remember it that year.

وغا تخدم وغا تحقق هاتشي كامل

You will work and achieve all of this.

دبل حقاته بالمشاكل هي

His ring is filled with problems.

بنسبة لها حقات انجاز

For her, it is a matter of achievement.

شحال خداز قاع ديال الفلوس كان ممكن انها تخدم واحد شوية

How much money was there that could have worked a little?

يعني مش هي يخدم واحد تخدمها عادية

It means she won't work for someone; she will work normally.

رح قالت لي الصالار ديالها

She said her salary to me.

رح تتخلص مزيان الا كان ذاك الصالار

You will feel much better if that salary is good.

هادك الصالار يعيشك قيدة

That salary keeps you alive.

يعيشك موت بخير

May you live long, may you die well.

تزوجي بواحد موت

Marry a dead person.

تعيشي موت

Live and die.

معرفتش مهم ايه دا رأيي

I don't know what this is, that's my opinion.

مجرد رأيي نقدر نكون غالطة

Just my opinion, we could be wrong.

تقدر تكون صاحبة القصة غالطة

You might be the owner of the wrong story.

الله وعلم البنات انا كنت سنة الارأة

God and the knowledge of girls, I was in the year of the vision.

وتعالى قديركم انتوما

And exalted is your power.

وانتوما اعطيونا الارأة ديالكم

And you give us your opinions.

كنعطيها كبعد نصائح حين تسمعوني بنيتات صغيرين

I give her some advice when you hear me, little girls.

من بغيش انهم يديروا

I want them to do it.

اخطاء ليندموا اليهم من بعد

Mistakes that they regret later.

الغزالة ديالي هنا سالت قصنا

My deer is here, asked about our story.

ما تنسوش طبعا تخليو الارأة

Of course, don't forget to leave your opinions.

وتعاليق ديالكم لصاحبة القصة

And your comments for the owner of the story.

وما تنسوش من تعاليق زوينة ديالكم

And don't forget to leave your nice comments.

هنا ما بقى ليه الا مقول لكم حبيباتي

Here, all I have left to say to you, my dear ones, is...

ما سخيش بكم كات معكم شهر زاد

What is it that you want? I am with you, Shahrazad.

اللي كات حماق وكات متعليكم

What you are going crazy about and raising your voice about.

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