الداعية الشيخ الناجي بودكاست تغيير 2


بودكاست تغيير

الداعية الشيخ الناجي بودكاست تغيير 2

بودكاست تغيير

لينت تتكلم اليوم لاروابيج وتوعظهم

Lynn is speaking to the people today and advising them.

اعرف علينك انت ابتداء

I know about you starting.

مانك النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

You are not the Prophet, peace be upon him.

والناس اللي قدامك مو اللي ما هم الصحابة عليهم

"And the people in front of you are not the ones who are not the companions."


They include them.

لينت عود انت

You have become soft, boy.

متوقع علينك

Expected from you.

لينشوفوك تقرأ القرآن

Let's see you read the Quran.

لينشوفوك تدعو الى الله

"Let's see you calling to God."

تسالهينا واخيرت

You have asked us, finally.


You ask us.

يا غير لينت عودت متوقعه وتحانيها تجيك

Oh, they have not eased; the return is expected, and the hardships will come to you.

المشكلة من نفسك

The problem is with yourself.

معناناك مافي تعالجت راسك

It means "It doesn't mean you've treated your mind."


My relationships


My trust.


My comfort


My trust.


My commitments


My trust.


My happiness.


My trust.

خلصوا فكاتير سوماليكو واس ان دي اهو الوفي عن طريق امانتي

They finished the invoices for Somali Co. and this is the one through my trust.

وامانتي لا يتعوضكم

And my trust cannot be compensated.

كل شهر امانتي لا يتعوض لتلفزوا بناء مبلغ الفكاتير اللي خلصوا

Every month, my trust cannot be compensated for the damage done to the amounts of the bills that were settled.

امانتي سعادتي

My trust is my happiness.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings.

مرحبا بكم معنا في حلقة جديدة من بودكاست تغيير

Welcome to a new episode of the Changing Podcast.

ضيف الحلقة اليوم الأستاذ الشيخ ناجي

Today's episode guest is Professor Sheikh Naji.

مرحبا بكم معنا في هذه الحلقة

Welcome to this episode.

وشكرا على قبول الدعوة

Thank you for accepting the invitation.

مرحبا بكم


أستاذ الشيخ ناجي مرحبا

Hello, Professor Sheikh Nagy.

في البداية نختارنا معكم حول تجربتكم الدعاوية

Initially, we would like to discuss with you about your advocacy experience.

وانت دخلت في السوشيال ميديا

And you entered social media.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

الحمد لله رب العالمين

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.

والصلاة والسلام على أسرة الأنبياء المرسلين

And peace and blessings be upon the family of the prophets and messengers.

وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

"And upon his family and companions altogether."

ومبارك للشباب كاملين هذا

And congratulations to all the youth on this.

تورك الله النجاح الباهر

May God grant you outstanding success.

الله يجزيكم الحسن

May God reward you with goodness.

ويتمنى لك إن شاء الله ثاني وجه

And may he wish you, God willing, a second face.

اللي تقول المسار الدعوي عموما

What you call the overall advocacy path.

قد دعوت منذ سنين باكرة

I have been calling for many early years.

وكانت التربية مع الجدة رحمة الله

"And the upbringing was with Grandma, may Allah have mercy on her."

كان عندها تأثير كبير على ذلك

It had a significant impact on that.

باللي بداية دخول المحضرة والاشتغال بالقرآن

With the beginning of the entry into the presence and working with the Quran.

كان ذاك على يدها هي سابق التعليم النظامي

That was at her hands, the previous formal education.

بدأت مع محضرة الحسن والأبي

I started with the teacher of Al-Hassan and Al-Abee.

ولين وفيت

And you fulfilled.

ذاك الجانب حتي بدأت في التعليم النظامي

That side until I started formal education.

بالتدرجة الطبيعية

In natural order.

الابتدائي ثم الإعدادي ثم الجامعي

Primary, then middle school, then university.

الليسانسو الماستر وهكذا

The bachelor's degree, the master's degree, and so on.

نظرتي صال الدعوة واللي

My opinion is about the invitation and what.

وساني أفكر دخول فيها

I was thinking of entering it.

لالي انتيت في مرحلة ما

Lali, you are in a certain stage.

درعت تقريبا عندي ساعة 14 سنة أولا

It has been almost 14 years since I started.

نهاية السنة الثانية الإعدادية تقريبا أولا

The end of the second preparatory year is almost here.

بدأت التفكير شيئا ما

I started to think a little bit.

بكل براءة بكل بساطة

With all innocence, with all simplicity.

جانبا بدأت أزيد بحسناتي

On the side, I began to increase my good deeds.

بذي البساطة ذهية وبذي البراءة في تلك المرحلة

So simple-minded and so innocent at that stage.

وحتى الآن بدأت نقول

And until now, we have started to say.

الدعوة اللي تجرب من ياسر

The invitation that Yasser tries.

من الصبغات اللي يدير عليها وسائل الإعلام

One of the dyes that the media focuses on.

ما ليبقى حد عنها

What remains for anyone after her?

نلاقي بعض المحمد الأمين بهذا المفهوم

We find some Muhammad the Trustworthy in this concept.

أنا وأنت كشباب

You and I as youth.

عندنا عمر محدود

We have a limited lifespan.

أعمار أمتي ما بين الستين والسبعين

The ages of my nation are between sixty and seventy.

وقليل منهم ما يجاوز ذلك

And few of them exceed that.

وهذا العمر المحدود عندنا فيه

And this limited age we have in it.

علم محدود

Limited knowledge

وما أتيته من العلم إلا قليلا

"And I have not been given of knowledge except a little."

عندنا فيه جهد محدود

We have limited effort in it.

وخلق الإنسان وضعيفه

"And He created man weak."

وأنا مطالب مني لأخرأ ندخل الجنة

"I am required to be the last one to enter Paradise."

مطالب مني نعدرش من الأعمال الصالحة ما تبوح

I cannot express the good deeds that I am required to do.

بس محالة

But it's impossible.

نقدر نحصل أكبر كم ممكن من الأعمال الصالحة

We can obtain the largest possible amount of good deeds.

اللي نقدر نضمن بها بلاسطي بالجنة

What we can guarantee for my place in paradise.

بدون أي تعب

Without any effort.

مع هذه المحدودية كاملة اللي فارق بيها

With this complete limitation that distinguishes it.

لأنت تأمل نصوص الشرع

You reflect on the texts of the law.

مالك اللي تجبر عمل

You own what compels you to act.

اللي قد يضمن لك خاطئ دعوة إلى الله سبحانه وتعالى

"Whoever can guarantee you is mistaken in calling to Allah Almighty."

الدعوة إلى الله بمفهومها القرآني

The invitation to God in its Quranic concept.

ومفهومها اللي في سنة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

And its concept in the year of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

يعني لا رقاش تقعد ماشي معاه

It means you won't get to stay with him.

بشكل بسيط تقول فلان صلي على النبي

In simple terms, you say someone to pray for the Prophet.

مالك قاعد معد المحاضرة

Why are you sitting without attending the lecture?

ولانك قاعد في المسيد

"And since you are sitting in the mosque."

ولانك معد المنبر

"And since you are prepared for the pulpit."

ولانك جماعة عند الإعلان الدرس الفلاني

And because you are a group during the announcement of that particular lesson.

ما هون كلفك جد

What are you really costing you?

تقول صلي على النبي

Say prayers upon the Prophet.

يقول هو عليه الصلاة والسلام

He (peace be upon him) says.

خرص لي هذا العمل

This work is too much for me.

من حيث الأصل أجر شنو

In principle, what is the salary?

من صلى عليه صلاة واحدة

Whoever sends one prayer upon him.

صلى الله عليه بها عشرة

May peace be upon him ten times.

وفي بعض الروايات أن الله يرفع له عشرة درجات

In some narrations, it is mentioned that God raises him ten degrees.

ويحط عنه عشرة خطيئات

And he will be relieved of ten sins.

ذا الأجر كامل اللي لا حد قالها وحده

This complete reward that no one has ever mentioned alone.

أنت سهديتني أنا عليها

You made me stay up all night because of her.

وقلت أنا عليه الصلاة والسلام

And I said, peace and blessings be upon him.

تجبر أنت نسخة طبق الأصل من أجري أنا

You are a perfect copy of my effort.

بدون أن لا ينقص من أجرك أنت شي

Without it diminishing your reward in any way.

لذلك هذا الحساب الجاري عليك أنت

So this current account is yours.

ولو بعد موتك

"Even after your death"

ما يقدر أجي فرط فيه

I can't come and break it down.

لذلك كافي من فضلها

So it is enough from her grace.

على الملاهة اللي أنت يتكلم عنها

About the amusement that you are talking about.

ما قال لك أنها زينة

Who told you that she is Zina?

ما قال لك أن ملاهة عودة كلامه زين

What did he tell you about the amusement of his return? His words are good.

قال قاعوا من أحسن قوله ممن دعا إلى الله

"Who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah?"

خالق حد شبه كلام ممن دعا إلى الله تعالى

The Creator's limit resembles the speech of those who call to Allah, the Exalted.

ما هو خالق

What is a creator?

حد شهد له الله سبحانه وتعالى

One whom Allah, the Exalted, has testified to.

يعني أنه عمله والله كلامه

It means that his work is, by God, his words.

يقول لك أنت في هذه اللحظة اللي تتكلم فيه

He is telling you that you are at this moment that you are speaking in.

تبقى شبه حد عندك كلام

You still have some words to say.

يقول لك رب العالمين

The Lord of the worlds says to you.

التفكير بهذا المنظور الذي هو

Thinking from this perspective, which is

وفي هذه السنة المبكرة

In this early year

تقول نجعل قدام عيني مني

You say, "Let's put in front of my eyes."

نحاول ما استطعت

We try as much as we can.

أن نجعل هي مشروع عمري

To make her the project of my lifetime.

نعدل هي من عيني

We adjust it from my eye.

مشروع العمر اللي يمشي فيها رقاش

The lifelong project that Rakash is pursuing.

ولهي متناقضة ولهي متنافية

It is contradictory and it is incompatible.

إطلاقا مع أي عمل ذان

Absolutely with any work at all.

يسوى جانب دراستك

Your studies are worth it.

يسوى جانب عملك

Your work side matters.

تتعود هي المنطلق اللي ماشي عليه

She gets accustomed to the path she is on.

واللي هو السوشال ميديا

And which is social media.

ستقوله كان فترات

He will say it was periods.

آخر من ذاك شوي

A little bit more than that.

البداية كانت الله في كلمات المساجد

The beginning was Allah in the words of the mosques.

ولو أنك تقبض كتاب رياض الصالحين

"And if you were to receive the book of Riyad as-Salihin."

تقرأ ما عندك رصيد ما عندك شي قايله

"You read what you have; you have no balance, you have nothing to say."

ما تأجز بعد أن توقف عقب الصلح

What do you hesitate to do after the agreement has been reached?

تقرأ حديث

You read a Hadith.

تطايح فيه تصلحه مرة يوصلح لك مرة

It falls apart, you fix it once, and it gets fixed for you once.

أنت بعد الله داخل في الركب

"You are, after God, part of the journey."

الله وصلت والله بعد مزدت في الطريق

God, I swear I arrived, and by God, I didn't take longer on the way.

ثم بعد ذلك الكلمات في المدارس

Then after that, the words in schools.

الله الراحة

God is the comfort.

يدخل لرقاش قسم معدل كلمة

Al-Raqash enters the department of word modification.

ولينفتح فيه ياسم الافتيح

"And let the jasmine of the keys open in it."

ولينقاله على أنه ما بس

"And it was said to him that it is not just."

واخباره ياسر

And his news is Yasir.

ودعاة آخر الزمان

And the callers of the end times.

ولينقال لك متناقض ودعاة مثالية

"And they may say you are contradictory and advocates of idealism."

لكن مع تراكم هذه التجربة

But with the accumulation of this experience.

يربح منها رقاش ياسر

Raqash Yasir profits from it.

ياسم المعارف ياسر

The jasmine of knowledge, Yasir.

ثم بعد ذلك جاءت الصالح

Then after that, the righteous came.

السوشيال ميديا

Social media

حسابي فيها

My account in it.

أساسا عندي حساب الفيسبوك

Essentially, I have a Facebook account.

استخدمه منذ فترة ما نعرف كانه 2014

I have been using it since around 2014.

والله سابق

By God, I am ahead.

لكن ما كنت نشط عليه لفترات كاملة

But I wasn't active on it for full periods.

بدأ نشاط عليه طبعا عند 2017 بشكل فعلي

His activity actually started in 2017.

خاطئ ذلك كنت لها مرة نادر نشط المقطع

That was wrong; I was a rare active segment for her once.

ولكن اللي تلاحظ أن توجه الناس على هذه المسائل التواصل

However, what you notice is that people's focus is on these communication matters.

على الناس كاملة عملها

For the people, her work is complete.

معنى الله اللي قد توصلش من أرواقيش

The meaning of God that you may have reached from your depths.

أضعاف أضعاف اللي قد توصلوا في المساجد

Many times more than those who reached the mosques.

والله في كلمات الساحة

By God, in the words of the arena.



بدأت نفكر في إنشاء محتوى

We started thinking about creating content.

وتقطع وفيها أسر من الأخطاء وفيها أسر من النواقص

It is cut off and contains many mistakes, as well as many deficiencies.

لكن بعد الله نزل فيهم ولان البركنشن

But after Allah, He descended upon them, and indeed, the blessing.

حتكلمنا عن تجربتك مع سلسلة هدايات

Tell us about your experience with the Hidayat series.

سلسلة هدايات

Guidance Series

سلسلة هدايات كانت فكرة عارضة جدا

The idea of the gift series was very casual.

أنا نقد نقول لك كلمة القرطوي

I نقد we say the word Al-Qurtubi.

فأول تفسيره

So the first interpretation of it.

أنت يتكلم عن أسباب اشتغاله بالقرآن

You are talking about the reasons for his work with the Quran.


He said it.

عندما كان هذا الكتاب بهذه المنزلة

When this book was held in such esteem.

حيث نزل به أمين السماء على أمين الأرض

"Where the Keeper of Heaven descended upon the Keeper of Earth."

ونبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

And the Prophet, peace be upon him.

عزمت أن أفني فيه عمري

I have vowed to devote my life to it.

عرفت أن هذه هي الطريقة للنشيدين

I learned that this is the way for the two anthems.

وهذه الكلمة وقعت مني موقعا عظيما

"And this word had a great impact on me."

أثرت فيها حد

It affected me to a limit.

وعدت نبقي فكرة يعني والله

I promised to keep the idea, I swear.

نشاطي أنا الدعوة عود متمركز لا حول جانب القرآن

My activity is الدعوة (Da'wah) centered around the Quran.

عود هو أساسه

The oud is its foundation.

ونخرص أي شي قد يخدم هذا البعد

"And we suppress anything that may serve this dimension."

جاءت في بالي فكرة هدايات

An idea for guidance came to my mind.

هدايات فكرتها كانت كالتالي

The idea behind the guidance was as follows.

ألا ما يمكلف شي

"Isn't it that nothing is too much?"

ما يقابلها جهود ما يقابلها وقت ذاكو

What corresponds to it is efforts, what corresponds to it is time.

ولا إعلام بسيط نشروه في الفيس

There is no simple announcement they posted on Facebook.

إعلاننا لينقبضوا عدد معين

"Our announcement is to reduce a certain number."

يتواصلوا مع الرقم الفلاني حد مهتم به

They should contact that specific number if anyone is interested in it.

لينقبضوهم ونحدوا لهم سورة معين

"Let them be captured and we shall set for them a specific surah."

بدايتها كانت مع سورة يوسف

It began with Surah Yusuf.

أول سورة قبلنا

The first surah we accepted.

سورة يوسف ليندالوه مجموعة كاملة

Surah Yusuf is presented in its entirety.

عدد من الناس

A number of people

وتعود فهم لهم مجموعات فرعية مخصصة للتصحيح

They have dedicated subgroups for correction.

ذيك المجموعة الكبيرة

That big group.

يمشالهم فيها مقرر أسبوعي

They have a weekly schedule for it.


They will walk to them.

هذا ما زلنا نقبضه لا وجه واحد من المصحف

This is what we still recite, not a single face of the Quran.

يمشالهم بالرواية الثلاث

They walk them in the three narratives.

يقرؤوا بها ورش وحفص وقالوا

They read it with Warsh and Hafs, and they said.

يمشالهم بها ثم بعد ذلك يعطوا سبوع

They walk with it, and then after that, they give a week.

سابق ذاك يجيهم تعليق على الآيات تدبر لها

Previously, there would be comments on the verses for contemplation.

يعود رقاج مع النص

The man returns with the text.

يقابلوا مع هالفهم

They meet with this understanding.

لين نعطوا سبوع تقريبا كيف

Can we give it a week approximately?

من هنا إلى السبت والجمعة القادمة

From here to the next Saturday and Friday.

نفتح المجموعة الفرعية

We open the subgroup.

كل رقاج يمشي حفظه

"Every clown walks with his memory."

وكل هم اللي يعطي ميثاقه

"And everyone is concerned with the one who gives his pledge."

عهد أنه يحفظ هو من حفظه

"It is a covenant that he maintains; it is from his preservation."

وليس من المصحف

And it is not from the Qur'an.

في النهاية ما نقابل منك شي

In the end, we don't receive anything from you.

ما نقابل منك شي

We don't encounter anything from you.

حتى جاي له يحفظه يقول أنه ما يحفظه

"Even when he comes to memorize it, he says that he is not memorizing it."

الله يحفظ المصحف يقول أنه يحفظه

God protects the Quran; He says that He preserves it.

لا شي يعني هو

It means nothing.

نحن الآن نجيبه لك مدسات

We are now answering you with lessons.

تقبل من الجماعة اللي مشات معنا كاملة

"Accept from the group that went with us entirely."

ذيك التجربة

That experience.

اللي نجيبه لك مدة

What we bring you lasts.

تصحح لك

Corrects you.

ما الشي أنت من حفظه يصحه

What is something that when you memorize it makes you healthy?

ولكن هم يعلقوا لك لا على النصمه

But they hang it for you, not on the idiot.

تركيزا لا على النصمه

Focus not on the nonsense.

وعلى التجويد

"And on the recitation rules."


And thus

وحتى كامل المولي ما حفظه

"And even the entire Mawli did not preserve it."

ولا تأخر حفظه

And do not delay his preservation.

ينحذف من المجموعة

Removed from the group.

يعود فيه نوع من الجد في القضية

There is a kind of seriousness in the matter.

نحن دائما الأمور نقبلها بالجدية

We always accept matters seriously.

والنظام يقال لنا تعال قبلك

And the system tells us to come before you.

ونخليهم ندور نحفظه

"And we let them turn to preserve it."

وندور نرجع له

Let's go back to it.

ونزلت ندور نشوفه

And we went down to see him.

ما عندنا ذاك من العزم والاجتهاد

We don't have that kind of determination and effort.

ينعود متعلق بالجانب القرآني

It relates to the Quranic aspect.

وهكذا لنا قبلنا سورة يوسف

"And thus we have revealed to you the Surah of Yusuf."

وقبيل رمضان الماضي قبلنا سورة مريم

And just before last Ramadan, we accepted Surah Maryam.

كما أظن

I think so.

وسألي مولانا إن شاء الله يعيننا

And I ask our Lord, if He wills, to help us.

على استكمال القرآن كامل بهذه الطريقة

To complete the Quran in this way.

أمير إن شاء الله

Prince, God willing.

رأيك شنو هي أساليب تحسين الخطاب الدعوي الشباب

What do you think are the methods for improving the youth's religious discourse?



الخطاب الوعظي عموما والله

The sermon is generally, and God.

الخطاب الشبابي الدعوي خاصة

Youth-oriented advocacy discourse, especially.

فاصل في أسر متحسين

A gap in improving families.

فاصل في انطرح له الباء

A pause in which the letter "b" is placed.

ولين تتخرص النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

And when you speak nonsense, the Prophet, peace be upon him.

عليه الصلاة والسلام

Peace be upon him.

ما كان يرفض شيء يقد يؤدي إلى إيصال الرسالة بشكل أحسن

He would never refuse anything that could help convey the message better.

تجده مثلا كان يخطب صلى الله عليه وسلم على جذر

For example, you find him giving a sermon, peace be upon him, on a tree stump.

لين جبر رجل روم طلب منه أن يجعل لهم منبرا يخطبوا عليه

Lin Jabr, a Roman man, asked him to make them a pulpit to deliver sermons from.

ففعل فجعل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يخطبوا عليه

So he acted, and the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, began to deliver a sermon on it.

وحتى طريقة الكلام لين تصلى الله عليه وسلم يتكلم

"And even the way of speaking when he said, peace be upon him, he speaks."

عليه الصلاة والسلام

Peace be upon him.

التوصيف اللي عدو لك الصحابة لوعظ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The description that the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) gave for his sermons.

ولخطاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

And to the speech of the Prophet, peace be upon him.



ما هو رقاج يتكلم من فراغ والله رقاج لا يجي يزرق كلمات باردات وقيماش

What is it that a fool talks about out of nothing? Honestly, a fool comes and spouts empty words and nonsense.

وهذا من الأمور اللي فاصلين ننتبه لها

This is one of the things we need to pay attention to.

اللي نقال له الاهتمام فنون الخطابة في الخطاب الدعوي الوعظ الشباب

What was mentioned to him is the art of rhetoric in the youth preaching discourse.

تجبر واحد يقول لك الشباب ماتوا وصنتوا والشباب مقصرين

One forces you to say that the youth have died and that they are negligent.

وأنا قمت نتكلم ولا صنت لحد ولا أكل لقيماش

And I talked and didn't keep silent for anyone, nor did I eat what was not appropriate.

فعلا قد يقعدوا فم واحدين عندهم قدر من الفتور

Indeed, they may sit together with some people who have a certain degree of apathy.

والله قدر من الغفلة اللي وارد علينا كاملين

By God, it is a measure of the negligence that we all experience.

لكن أموالي نعود واضحين مع روسنا

But my money comes back clear with our heads.

نقوله على الخطاب الوعظي الحالي

We say about the current preaching discourse.

فاصل في ركز على فنون الخطابة والإلقاء

A pause focusing on the arts of oratory and delivery.

فمثلا لك أي وصف من أوصاف النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو يتكلم

For example, you can describe any of the attributes of the Prophet, peace be upon him, while he is speaking.

يقول لك مثلا كان صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا خطب إحمر وجهه

He would say, for example, that when he delivered a speech, his face would turn red.

تغير وجهه تبع لما يتكلم به

His face changes according to what he talks about.

وفي رواية حتى يقال كأنه منذر جيش

In one narration, it is said that he appears as if he is a herald of an army.

شفت الوصف الدقيق

I saw the precise description.

رقاج ليه أنت يتكلم لك

Why does he talk to you?

تشك أنه ليه يقول لك يقعد معاك جيش رعي جاي

"Are you doubting why he tells you that a herd of sheep is coming to sit with you?"

انا لعند قليلا له أيوش رعي

I am waiting a little for Ayush to come.

هاي الجيبة ولله الآخر

This pocket belongs to God, the Last.

يعيشك في ذا المشهد

May you live in this scene.

لأ أنت يتكلم لك تعود لا كأنك ترعي في هذا الجيش قعد معاك

No, you don't speak like you used to. It's as if you are tending to this army; sitting with you.

لأ أنت يتكلم لك عن جنة

No, you are talking to you about paradise.

تعود الجنة فعلا ما تروح فيها يتحس أنك

Heaven really comes back; when you go there, you feel like you...

لأ أنت يتكلم لك عن النار

No, he is not talking to you about the fire.

تحس أنك طحت في النار وقعدت فيه

You feel like you fell into the fire and stayed there.

هي رقاج الذي تكلم لك يعود واقع كلامه عليك أعظم

He is a fool who spoke to you; the reality of his words will greatly affect you.

نبي عليه الصلاة والسلام يقول عنه كأنه منذر جيش

The Prophet, may peace be upon him, said about him as if he were a herald of an army.

أنا أضعك لأ انت معذرك انت من جيش

I put you for you are excused, you are from the army.

نقول لك محمد رمين هون جيش كبير جاي طويل وعريض استلال جندي يكتلونه

We tell you, Mohamed, there is a large army coming here, tall and broad, to capture a soldier and kill him.

يدمرونه ماك شوط ما ليه بقبله معهم ليه خلوا بلدهم. ها بركة

They are destroying him. Why didn't they leave their country? Oh, what a blessing.

تشكي انه حد يتكلم لك عن جيش ياه والله. نعم. متوقع من يانا

He complains that someone talks to him about the army, oh my God. Yes. Expected from us.

ننخلع ونقول لا حول ولا قتل. كأنه مذر جيش يعني يتغير وجهه

"We are shocked and say 'there is no power and no strength.' It's as if a soldier's face changes."

ويرتفع صوته يحذر الناس حتى كأنهم رأي العين من ماء. دراعه

And his voice rises to warn the people as if they were seeing with their own eyes the water. His arm.

الصراع. يعني اعلن من الامور اللي تنبغي مراعاتها في الجانب

The conflict. It means it should be announced among the matters that need to be taken into consideration in this aspect.

الخطاب الوعظي الشبابي. دل ينقال له فنون فنون الخطابة والالقاء

The youth sermon. It is said to have the arts of rhetoric and delivery.

بشكل عام. كذلك ثم اعطاء البديل اذناء الوعظ. اه. شفت نبي

In general. Also, there is providing an alternative during the sermon. Ah. I saw a prophet.

عليه الصلاة والسلام. عليه الصلاة والسلام. يقول انك ما صح. من

Peace be upon him. Peace be upon him. He says that you are not correct.

قال هلك الناس. فهو اهلكهم. وفي رواية فهو اهلكهم. اه. من قال

He said, "People have perished. He is the one who has caused their perdition." And in another narration, "He is the one who has caused their perdition." Ah, who said this?

هلك الناس. انا هرقاج ليجي. ليقول

People are doomed. I am Harqaj Liji. Let him say.

لك علين الدنيا خلات وذرات. وعلين الفواحش انتشرت. وعلين

You have taken from the world its pleasures and fleeting moments, and the evils have spread among us.

نقدات فينا النار. ويسكت فيهم. احنا نعرف وذن اخالي وذن. لكن ما

The fire is kindled within us. And they fall silent among them. We know, and I have no excuse. But no.

عندك شيء داني تعطيه. ما عندك بديل تمت الشوف للناس. ما عندك

Do you have something nearby to give? You have no alternative; you looked for people. You have nothing.

صورة ناصعة البياضة تم تعرضها للناس يا كان هتعود ترنو الى

A bright white image has been presented to people, and it will return to what it used to look like.

الوصول اليها. تجبر ذي المبدأ القرآني حاضر بشكل عجيب. مثلا

Reaching it. This compels the principle of the Quran to be present in a remarkable way. For example,

يقول لك الله سبحانه وتعالى يتكلم عن اهوال يوم القيامة وعن

God, may He be exalted, tells you about the horrors of the Day of Resurrection and about...

النار وعن الوعد

The fire and the promise.

بل كذبوا بالساعة. الاية وقعها عجيب. بل كذبوا بالساعة. واعتدنا

But they denied the Hour. The impact of the verse is remarkable. But they denied the Hour. And We have prepared.

لمن كذب بالساعة سعيرا. اذا رأتهم من مكان بعيد سمعوا لها

"To whoever denies the Hour, there is a blazing fire. When it sees them from a distant place, it will hear them."

تغيضا وزفيرا. واذا القوا منها مكانا ضيقا مقرنين. دعوا هناك

They were in a state of anger and exhalation. And when they threw them into a narrow place, they were confined. They stayed there.

ذبورا. لا تدعوا اليوم ذبورا واحدا وادعوا ذبورا كثيرا. عاقب

Zabura. Do not call one Zabura today, but call many Zabura. Punish.

ذا كامل. ما وفات الايتهم? لان قل اذلك خيرا. ام جنة الخلد

Is that complete? What is the verse they referenced? Because it was said that it was better. Or the paradise of eternity?

التي وعد المتقن. شفت التوازي بين الامرين. لين خوفك

The one promised by the skilled. I saw the parallel between the two matters. Your fear is soft.

واخلق غاية الوعد. تلبلها مباشرة. هذا النموذج الثاني اللي

And create the purpose of the promise. Address it directly. This is the second model that...

تعود انت تتطلع اليه. قل اذلك خيرا. ام جنة الخلد التي وعد

You are used to looking up to it. Say, is that better, or the eternal paradise that has been promised?

المتقن. كانت لهم جزاء ومصير. لهم ما يشاءون فيها. لهم فيها ما

The proficient. They had a reward and a destiny. They have what they desire therein. They have therein what

يشاءون خالدين. كان على ربك وعدا مسؤولا. لين عود رقاج يذكر

They wish to be eternal. Your Lord has made a responsible promise. A slender branch may be remembered.

له الا البعد السلبي فقط. الخطاب الوعدي قائم على التقريع. انت

He only has the negative distance. The promise discourse is based on reprimand. You.

ما منك بايدا وانت ما عنك وانت بعيد منه ولا انا وانت وانت

What is yours is not mine, and you are far from it, and neither am I nor you, you and me.

وانا ماني اعطيك اي عمل صالح تقد تتطلع انك توصل مرحلته. انا

I am not going to give you any good deed that you expect to reach its stage. I am.

ضمنيا قلت لك انك قاعد لا يورطك. قلت لك انك لا يورطك لجنة قاعد

I implicitly told you that you are sitting there, so you don't get involved. I told you that the committee you are sitting with won't get you involved.

معلك صالحة. بينما اقبض لي رقاج يقعد كان بعيد عن مولانا. ومقصر

The teacher is good. While I hold for me a young man who sits far from our master. And he is negligent.

وكلنا ذلك الرجل. يجيها رقاج. قل انا قاعد ماني اتكلم لك عنه.

And we are all that man. He is coming to her. Tell her I am sitting and not talking about him.

شيء يسوي واسمه. اللي قد تسمعت لك عدل ما قال سبحان الله وبحمده

Something that is equal to its name. What you may have heard is correct: "Glory be to Allah and praise Him."

في يوم المئة مرة. حطت خطاياه وان كانت مثل زبادي البحر. لا

On the day of a hundred times, his sins were laid down, even if they were like the foam of the sea. No.

ذو القادة. عطيته انت هون شيء قد يحاول انه في يوم يحقه. عطيت

The leader. You gave him something here that he might try to achieve one day. You gave.

رواية ايجابية تغنيه عنه وتشغله عن ذلك الجانب السلبي الذي هو فيه.

A positive narrative that enriches him and occupies him away from that negative aspect he is in.

وعاد محافظ في حياته كاملة لعلي سبحان الله وبحمده في يوم

And the governor returned in his entire life to Ali, glory be to God and praise Him in a day.

المئة مرة. لين فتقت هالوت. تتوقع انه كيف يا رقاج ما عنده يكون انت

A hundred times. Lain Fatqat Halout. Do you expect that how, O Rqaj, he shouldn’t be you?

بعيد من مولانا انت بعيد من مولانا. اي نفرك. اي ما عطيتني

You are far from our lord, you are far from our lord. What do you mean? What have you given me?

شيء ثاني.

Something else.

يأخذ بيدي. معناها اللي نعود ننكر عليك المنكر. كذلك امرك

He takes my hand. It means that we keep denying the wrongdoing against you. Likewise, your matter.

بالمعروف. وادلك على ما يبعدك عن ذلك المنكر. نسد عليك من هيك

With kindness. And I will guide you to what keeps you away from that wrongdoing. We will block you from such matters.

الفراغ. نملأ عليك عليك الطريق. ما خليك لا ماشي في جانب واحد وفي

The void. We fill your path. Don't let yourself walk on one side and in...

سكة واحدة. صحيح. فهذا من الامور اللي. مندرا. احسن انتباه

One way. That's right. This is one of the things that requires better attention.

اليها. مندرا شنو سبب هذه الظاهرة اللي بدأت هذا تطاول على الرموز

What is the reason for this phenomenon that has started this disrespect towards symbols?

الجينية. هذا الالحاد اللي بدأ يخلق وضعه العقيدة. همم.

Genetics. This atheism that has started to create its own belief system. Hmmm.

شفت انا الله يعني المعركة اللي فيها احنا لازمان. معركة

"I saw that God means the battle we are in is necessary. A battle."

الفراغ. بشكل اولي. عندها كمية فراغ متينة. وذي الفراغ ما

The void. Initially. There is a solid amount of void. And this void is not...

يجبرنا له المحتوى. اللي نجده نعوضه به من ناحية ايجابية. نقول

The content compels us. What we find, we compensate for it positively. We say.

لك النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام نعمتان مغبونوا فيه ما كثير من

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "There are two blessings in which many people are at a loss."

الناس. الصحة والفراغ. الفراغ بحد ذاته نعم. وفي نفس الوقت هو

People. Health and leisure. Leisure in itself, yes. At the same time, it is...

انا عندي كمية من الوقت ما اتوهوا. ولاني جابرش نشحن بهذه

I have a lot of time, so I won't be lost. And since I rely on you, let's move forward with this.

الكمية. هم بل من ايه تلاوا احنا نلودوا الذيك النماذج اللي نجده

The quantity. They are not from what we read, we download those models that we find.

نطلعو لها. يا كان هتعطينا شفايته. نخرصو لها ما نجبروه.

We will look into it for her. She will give us her healing. We will silence her, we won't force her.

ندخلو السوشال ميديا ما نجبروه. ونجبروه في المقابل. نماذج تقدعود

We enter social media without being forced. And we are forced, on the other hand. Models that give way.

مواغلة في السلبية. واحيانا مواغلة في البعد آآ عن الشريعة.

An excessive negativity. And sometimes an excessive distance from the Sharia.

وهي اللي تأخذه بايدي الشباب. هذا من ناحية. ناحية ثانية كيف آآ

"And she is the one who takes it with the hands of the youth. This is one aspect. The second aspect is how..."

بتلاك على ان الخطاب من راسه بحد ذاته. الخطاب الدعوي. يتحمل

I blame the speech for being self-centered. The call to action. It bears responsibility.

شطر من هذه المسؤولية. اه. فكثير من المسالك والظواهر في

A part of this responsibility. Ah. Many of the paths and phenomena in

هذا الخطاب ينبغي ان تعالى جوة. ينتبهي ليها. شن هي الاساليب

This speech should be elevated above. Pay attention to it. What are the methods?

الفعالة. اللي اللي انت انقبل. اه يستحق استخدامها الجد بالشباب

The effective one. The one that you were accepted into. Yes, it is worth using seriously among the youth.

رابطة بالدين. اه يعيشوا حياتهم اليومية. اه كيف ما كان

Connected to religion. Ah, they live their daily lives. Ah, however it is.

الزمن الاول. بالنسبة للاساليب اللي تنبغي مراعاةها خاصة في

The first time. Regarding the methods that need to be taken into consideration, especially in

دعوة الشباب. مهمش من الاسس. اللي قريبة جدا. وتقد تعود اقرب هي

A call to the youth. Marginalized from the foundations. Which are very close. And it can come back closer.

قاعدة البداية. بديهية جدا. ولكن لين تحدي نبه عليه هذا الزمن. قد

The starting rule. Very intuitive. But a challenge that this time has pointed out. It could.

يتهم قاعد قصده في الجانب الدعوي. اه. كيفاشا? قد نقول لك اين

He accuses the one who intended him in the advocacy aspect. Oh. How so? I might tell you where.

الدعاة اليوم مثلا? عن مراعاة مبدئي التخول. تخول شنو?

What about the preachers today? Regarding the principle of gradualism. What is gradualism?

ابن مسعود رضي الله عنه كما في الصحيحين. كان كما في حديث

Ibn Mas'ud, may Allah be pleased with him, as mentioned in the two Sahihs, was as in the hadith.

يبي وائل. كان يعظهم كل خميس. نهار واحد من السبوع. فقالوا له ابن

Wail wants. He used to advise them every Thursday. One day of the week. They said to him, "Son."

مسعود ويتحدث عن الله وعن رسول الله رواية هو شاف بعينه وشاف

Masoud talks about God and about the Messenger of God; a narrative he saw with his own eyes and witnessed.

النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام. معناها الناس اللي تم لها من

The Prophet, peace be upon him. It means the people who have been made to...

الشوق للاستزادة منه. قالوا له الا تجعلوا لنا كل يوم موعد. دورك

The longing to gain more from it. They told him, "Why don't you set a date for us every day?" Your turn.

تمت ذكرنا قعك لنا هذا. قال له شوف تركيز السلف والمتقدمين.

"You have mentioned our status to him. He said, 'Look at the focus of the predecessors and the earlier scholars.'"

هذا امور احنا نعجلوا عنها اليوم. قال لهم اما اني قال له اكره ان

These are matters we rush to address today. He told them, "I hate that."

املكم. اكره ان املكم تتكلموا عن الله وتتكلموا عن رسول الله

I own you. I hate when you talk about God and talk about the Messenger of God.

عليه الصلاة والسلام. اما اني اكره ان املكم. هذه النفس

Peace be upon him. But I dislike to bore you. This soul.

البشرية. جبلت على الاقبال والادبار. عود رقاج عنده اقبال

Humanity is made to experience both attraction and retreat. A dancer's stick has an attraction.

على سماع الكلام. وعود في فترة عنده نوع من النفور وعدم الاقبال.

To listen to the words. And there is a period where he has a kind of aversion and lack of enthusiasm.

يسوي للتشاغل بامر بامر مباح. يسوي للانشغال بجانب معين. يتجين

It permits being occupied with a permissible matter. It allows being engaged in a specific aspect. It is beneficial.

كل وقت قبال وتقول له ليه نعدل لك في درس ولا نعدل لك في موعظة.

"At all times, you ask him why we should adjust your lesson or modify your sermon."

ده بطبيعة الحال ما ليه يقبله انسان بشكل عام حتى حتى الخطاب

This is, of course, something that no person would generally accept, even in speech.

الدعوي اليوم ليه صعب صعب نفوذ مشوار الشباب. الا ليه مثلا لك

The call today is difficult because it hinders the journey of youth. Why is it, for example, for you?

نعود مثلا في الجامعة عندك انتحار. هم. واخذوا من المادة

Let's go back, for example, to the university where you have suicide. Hmm. And they took from the subject.

الاولى شقلتك لا يلطف مولانا متبركة حتى. وما انت ما انك حامل

The first thing I told you is that our lord is blessed, even if you do not believe so. And what are you, are you not carrying?

رأسك تلك الوقت. وجايتك مادة ما تعرف انها موسم. واخذت وقاعد

Your head at that time. And your brain is material you don't know it's the season. And you took it and sat.

كانك يعطي مولانا تكرار يزيم ايا كانك

It seems you are giving our lord a repetition of something.

تركز يا كانك قاعد لا تعرف انت ايه العاقب لك شنو. وجايتك

Focus as if you don't know what your fate is. It is coming to you.

على السلام عليكم ورحمة الله اخي في الله. انا لنعدل لك درس ولا

Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah, my brother in faith. I will not make adjustments for you in the lesson, or will I?

يعدل لك موعظة. لين حد ذاك عن الله وعن رسول الله عليه الصلاة

He will adjust for you a sermon. He will guide you to Allah and His Messenger, peace be upon him.

وسلم. ولين ما تقبلها مولي. لين ورد فيك الايات واذا ذكر الله

And peace. And if you accept it, O my master. Until the verses are revealed to you, and when God is mentioned.

وحده اشم ازد قلوب الذين لا يؤمنون بالاخرة واذا ذكر الذين

Only I smell the scent of the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter, and when those are mentioned...

من دونه اذا هم يستبشرون. وانك لا تحبوا الخير. لين ترجع للسلف

Without him, they rejoice. And you do not love good. So that you may return to the predecessors.

تجبر ذي الفهم الغير واقع اطلاقا ما كان عندهم. لذلك

The understanding that is completely unrealistic forces what they had. Therefore.

خطابهم وصل الى كل الناس. واكثر الناس انتفاعوا بهذا الخطاب

Their message reached everyone. Most people benefited from this message.

الشباب. في حياة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم. وقال لهم اما اني

Youth. In the life of the Prophet, peace be upon him. And he said to them, "Indeed, I..."

اكره ان املكم. واني اتعاهدكم. من هالطريقة اللي قابلكم. كما

I hate to bore you. And I promise you. From this way that reaches you. As.

كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يتعاهدنا. نفس الكل كان

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, used to remind us. The essence of everyone was.

يعدلنا النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام. هو المعدل لكم. علق عليها

The Prophet, peace be upon him, edits us. He is the one who corrects you. Comment on that.

ابن عباس. ابن عباس ما له بعد اللي ما تقول على جهة من القرآن

Ibn Abbas. Ibn Abbas, what does he have after you do not speak about a part of the Quran?

وقطعا ما انت قرأ ايا يكون ابن عباس. جاء تعليقه عن ابن عباس

Certainly, you have not read any commentary from Ibn Abbas. His commentary came from Ibn Abbas.

وقال ابن عباس. ابن عباس كان يقول حدث الناس كل جمعة مرة.

Ibn Abbas said: Ibn Abbas used to say, "Tell the people once every Friday."

لين تعود الناس دورها تنتفع بلا اللي يتقول. عرف الفترات

People are used to benefiting without what they claim. They know the periods.

والاوقات وراعي الاوقات اللي هي تتكلم لهم فيه. هو هو لفظ بن

"And the times, and be mindful of the times when he speaks to them. It is the same as the term 'son'."

مسعود اللي قال يتخولنا. تخول. كما ذكر صاحبي وعمدة القاري

Masoud, the one who said he would entrust us. Entrust. As my friend and the head of the reader mentioned.

وغيره. مراعاة ظرف السامع. ده انا قلت لي صنت لا. الظرف اللي

And others. Considering the listener's circumstances. I said to you, I preserved it, no. The circumstances that...

تقد تجي فيه وتقد تتكلم له فيه هو عود هو عنده استعداد اللي

You can come to him and you can talk to him about it; he is open and willing.

يقبض منه. ما هو كله

He takes from it. What is it all?

تتكلم له. والنبي عليه الصلاة والسلام كان ينتهز كل مقام

You speak to him. And the Prophet, peace be upon him, used to seize every opportunity.

للتذكير بالله. وكل فرصة قاد تجبرها ذكر فيها بالله. واعظ

To remind of God. And every opportunity leads you to mention Him. A preacher.

الناس ويدعوهم. لما يجد حد يقولها فيش. فكان مثلا يجلس عند

People and he calls them. When he finds anyone saying it, there is none. For example, he would sit by.

القبر. لين تعود الناس في حالة من الاقبال ونوع من التأثير

The grave. It's soft when people return in a state of inclination and a kind of influence.

بفقد هذا الميت. هذي فرصة. فكان يجلس عند القبر ويبكي حتى يبقوا

With the loss of this deceased. This is an opportunity. He would sit by the grave and cry until they remained.

للثرابية به وهم. ويقولوا ايه اخواني لمثل هذا فاعدوا لمثل

For the wealthy, there is delusion. And they say, "What do my brothers have for this? So prepare for what is similar."

هذا فاعدوا. الى اخر الحديث. هذي مرعاة

This is a benefit. Until the end of the speech. This is a consideration.

للجانب. ومع ذلك النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم. نفس النبي صلى الله

To the side. However, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The same Prophet, may Allah bless him.

عليه وسلم كان يعظمهم. وهو الكان يتعاهدهم كما قال ابن مسعود.

He used to honor them. He used to take care of them as Ibn Mas'ud said.

يباعد لهم الفترات ويراعي احوالهم ويراعي نفسياتهم. ويقبالهم

He keeps a distance from them, considers their circumstances, takes their mental states into account, and meets with them.

وادبارهم. ان لهذه النفوس اقبالا وادبارا كما قال عمر. يراعد

"And their decline. Indeed, these souls have their ups and downs, as Umar said."

كامل. اياك ما يعود الخطاب لكم على حساب الجودة. نعدل لك يا

Complete. Do not let the correspondence return to you at the expense of quality. We will adjust it for you.

سلم الدروس. يا قد انت فاعد منها. قليل وكصيبين انت اصلا ما

The lesson is delivered. Oh, you are indeed far away from it. Little and not enough, you are not at all.

انك مستعد لها. لانه يعود كل نهار قاضي لك درس. وكل وقت قاضي لك

You are ready for it. Because it comes back every day judging you for your lesson. And every moment judging you.

كلمة. وكل وقت نتوقع منك انك تصنت. وكل وقت نتوقع منك انك

Word. And all the time we expect you to listen. And all the time we expect you to...

تتأثر وتقوم تبكي. ايه تعود المواعظ عادت لك شي روتيني يومي.

You get affected and start crying. Yes, the sermons have become a daily routine for you.

اهي. ما اللي يعود عند ذاك الوقع اللي مفروض انه يعود. اهي. ابن

Is it? What is it that should return at that moment? Is it? Son.

عباس كان يقول عظي الناس كل جمعة مرة. فانا بيته فمرتين.

Abbas used to say, "Give a sermon to the people every Friday." So I went to his house twice.

يعني تعود لا بدلك نزيد عدلها مرتين. اهي. والله فذل هذا. قال

It means getting used to your replacement, we must add it twice. Yes. By God, in this. He said.

له شوف الله. هذا كان قاله حد ما هو ابن عباس. يشع على ذاك الوقت.

"Look at God. This was said by someone who is not Ibn Abbas. It shines in that time."

ولا بل في انك تأتي القومة وهم في حديث من حديثهم. واحدين

"Rather, it is when you come to the people while they are in the midst of their conversation. Alone."

يجابروا بعد طول غياء. فاصحابهم يأسر عن يجابروا. وفي بلاصة عامة

They will reconcile after a long estrangement. Their friends will help them reconcile. And in a public place.

يخفوا عن الروس. امر مباح ما في اي محر. جي وما نقول لهم حان

It is hidden from the Russians. It is permissible, there is no prohibition. We won't tell them it's time.

شوي ده نعدلهم كلمة. ولا بل في انك تأتي القومة وهم في حديث من

Let's adjust the word a bit. Or is it better for you to come and they are in a conversation?

حديثهم. فتقطع عليهم حديثا. فتقص عليهم. معناها تتوعظ. فتقص

Their conversation. It interrupts their talk. It narrates to them. Its meaning is to give advice. It narrates.

عليهم. اه. فتملهم. اه. معناها انه وارد على الانسان. جانب السامة

They have it. Ah. So it overcomes them. Ah. It means that it can affect a person. The toxic side.

وجانب الملل. فتملهم. ولكن انصت. فاذا امروك فحدثهم وهم يشتهون.

And the aspect of boredom. So they bore you. But listen. If they command you, then talk to them while they desire.

اه. فحدثهم وهم يشتهون. معناها حد راعي في تقلبات هذا الواقع اليوم

Oh. So he spoke to them while they were craving. It means there is a limit to the shepherd in the fluctuations of this reality today.

ونفور الناس. اه. يزيدهم هو نفور. بعدم مراعاة احوالهم وعدم مراعاة

And people's aversion. Ah. It increases their aversion due to the lack of consideration for their circumstances and the lack of regard.

الزمان والمكان الحديث عن الله والحديث عن رسول الله عليه الصلاة

Time and place to talk about God and to talk about His Messenger, peace be upon him.

وسلم. النفسية واذا كان. احسنت النتيجة ليتعود عكسية. حقا. لذلك

And peace. The psychological aspect, and if it is good, the result is really like that. Therefore.

فم كلمة لعمر رضي الله عنه. قال لهم ايها الناس. لا تبغضوا الله

The word of Omar may Allah be pleased with him. He said to them, "O people, do not hate God."

الى عباده. كيفاش? قالوا له وكيف ذلك اصلحك الله? كيف ذلك? اه. كيف

To His servants. How? They said to him, how is that, may Allah set you right? How is that? Ah. How?



احدكم. يصلي بالناس. فيطولوا عليه. وما مقصود بها طبعا التطويل

One of you leads people in prayer, and they prolong it. Of course, the intention behind this is to make it lengthy.

اللي نحن لا نصلي حدوين اصلا عاديا ليه ونقول نطول علينا. لا

The fact that we don’t pray regularly is not normal, so why do we say it will take too long? No.

نحن عندنا التطويل المبالغ فيه. هو اللي تكلم عنه عمر. فيطولوا

We have excessive lengthening. This is what Omar talked about. So they prolong it.

عليه. فيبغضوا اليهم ما هم فيه. عود واحد حازمت ولا اصل. بهذاكم

He despises what they are in. A single stick is steadfast, but there is no origin. With this you have.

نادم اللي حكموا ساعتين والله لازم. ليصلي بيصلى ربعين. ايوة.

I'm regretful about those who ruled for two hours, I swear it had to be. If he prays, he prays for forty. Yes.

قال ويقوم احدكم. يقصوا على الناس. اليوم حدش

He said, "And one of you will get up and tell the people. Today, no one."

معناها هي. يعدلهم محاضرة نقول واحدة. موعدهم. فيطولوا عليه.

It means she is. They adjust their lecture, we say one. Their appointment. They take a long time.

يقف لك واحد يقول لك. شباب لا خمس دقايق من وقتكم. ولا خمس

One person stands up and tells you: "Guys, just five minutes of your time. Not even five."

دقايق ما ينطول عليكم ان شاء الله تعالوا. تقعد انت هيك خمس

A few minutes, God willing, don’t take long. You stay like this for five.

دقايق تعقل وتعود نص ساعة. عود واحد كان طالع. عود واحد كان

A few minutes of sanity can take half an hour. One stick was rising. One stick was...

بريض. عود واحد يحاني هالقاش. وهو ليه انه ما اللي يوقف. ليه تم

Sick. Just one smoke, how come this happens? And why is it that there's no one to stop it? Why did it happen?

ينضربوا عليه فليشات. ان قال ارى هو قال لكم ما يفوت المجالس ما

They are beaten for it, so let them be. If he said, "I see," he told you that what misses the gatherings does not matter.

يفوت يكون حد محروم. عود هو عنده عذر يقع ماشي بيش رأيه ما

It doesn't happen that someone is deprived. He has an excuse to not proceed, and his opinion is not considered.

قبول. لكن ليت من قال انه محروم انه بعيد. وعد ما اعرف يا كانو

Acceptance. But if only those who said he was deprived knew he was far away. I don't know, Kanou.

يدعد. والله يمشي. لا ينضرب فيه. لا ينضرب. لا ينضرب. لا ينضرب. لا

He walks. By God, he walks. He should not be hit. He should not be hit. He should not be hit. He should not be hit. No.

ينضرب. رأيكم بعد هذه المجالس خير واللي انا اعوذ بالله من

It strikes. Your opinion after these councils is better, and what I seek refuge in God from.

الحرمان. تعود تماشي وحاسن الحرمان واقتك انت. شنو تعاملك

Deprivation. You return to the alignment and benefits of deprivation and your behavior. What is your dealing?

مع مجالس الخير ومجالس الوعظ. لذلك كلمة عمر قال فيطولوا

With the councils of goodness and the councils of preaching. Therefore, the word of Omar said, it will be prolonged.

عليه. فيبغضوا اليهم ما هم فيه. عود واحدة حزم له الخال. الان

He is hated by them for what he is in. A single return has firmness to the uncle. Now.

يسلم يقف واحد يقول كلمة ينفضه هو قلبه. اعرف دي خمس دقائق

"One stands and says a word, and his heart is shaken. I know this is five minutes."

كانت عشرة دقائق. كانوا لقام له. مراعاة دي الجوارب. مما مما

It was ten minutes. They were going to wake him up. Considering the socks. From what.

يعينه على توصيل الخطاب. كذلك من الامور اللي اه تصعب الخطاب

It helps him deliver the message. There are also matters that complicate the message.

الشباب يدعو اليهم. اه. ظاهرة التقليد المطلق في الكلام مع

Youth calls to them. Ah. The phenomenon of absolute imitation in speech with

الشباب. حقا. شفت محمد لم يتعرف علينا.

The youth. Really. I saw that Mohammed did not recognize us.

اي رقاج اكثرت السماعة له. ليتتأثر به لا ارادية. ما هو قاعد

What a sound I have heard a lot of. I wish it would affect him involuntarily. What is he doing?

لا السماع في جانب الوعظ والمحاضرات. حتى رقاج تقعد معه

No listening in the aspect of preaching and lectures. Even a fool sits with him.

بشكل يومي. بشكل دايم. ليتعد متأثر به لا اراديا. تم لوازم

Daily. Continuously. It becomes involuntarily affected. Necessary items.

اللفظية تجري على لساني. كلمة دائما يعلها هو تم تدقولها ما

The verbalization flows from my tongue. A word he always says has been circulated.

انا قاصده. لدوام السماع ولدوام الخلطة. حتى دوارد على انه يخلق

I mean it. For the continuity of hearing and for the continuity of the mixture. Even though it’s said that it creates.

رقاج. في جانب العلماء في جانب الدعاء انه يتمنى صنة الحد

Raqaj. On one side are the scholars, and on the other side, there is the supplication that wishes for the virtue of the limit.

ويتأثر به ويتعرض به. طبيعة كل

It affects him and exposes him. The nature of everyone.

اعلامه ولهي تتغير تبعا لدى رقاج بما انه اصلا يراه قدوة

His awareness changes according to the influence of those around him since he sees them as role models.

ويراه ميداله. وده ما فيش. وحد في بدايته دائما يعود واقل على

And he sees it as a medal. And this does not exist. At the beginning, one always returns and is less on.

دي المرحلة. ثم بعد ذلك يتفرد يسوي يتفرد في نوعية الطرح دي

This is the stage. Then after that, he stands out by presenting this type of topic uniquely.

اللي هي طرح. والله بعد في طريقة الخطاب يعقب يستقل عن

Which is a proposal. By God, there is also a way for the speech to become independent of...

اللي هو متأثر به. ذيك ما هي المشكلة. لكن المشكلة يعود

Which he is affected by. That’s not the problem. But the problem goes back.

تقليدك انت مطلق وتحاول تطبقه على واقع والله على الساحة ما

Your imitation is absolute, and you try to apply it to a reality that does not exist.

هو اللي يطبقه. لنعطيك مثال انا حضرت له قبل اربع سنوات والله

He is the one who applies it. Let me give you an example; I attended for him four years ago, I swear.

خمس سنوات في الجامعة. اه. ونتكلم دائما للا عن الساحة

Five years in university. Ah. And we always talk about the square.

الشبابية تحديدا. او تقريبا سنة الاولى في الجامعة. اه كنت طالع

Specifically in youth. Or around the first year in university. Yes, I was going out.

العاشرة. جيت ذهوالي حد من الشباب يعدل كلمة. في الساحة. اه. نجوا

The tenth. I came to notice that one of the young men was correcting a word. In the square. Ah. We survived.

نستفادوا. نراوشي من الاجر. ننتفعوا كاملي. قوموا مغفورا لكم.

We benefit. We seek reward. We all benefit. Go, you are forgiven.

قد وديت سيئاتكم حسنة. وقفت نصان. وكان واضح لي من كلام اه ذا الشاب.

I have exchanged your bad deeds for good ones. I stood firm. It was clear to me from the words of that young man.

اه. انه عنده تأثير شديد الشيخ والسدياحية حبيب الله. والشيخ

Ah. He has a strong influence, the Sheikh and the beloved of God, Al-Sidiya. And the Sheikh.

والسدياحية تبارك الله مربي في هذا الزمن. من الذين نفع الله بهم

"And the guide, may God bless him, is a mentor in this time. He is among those whom God has benefited."

خلقا كثيرا. وفضلوا على هذا البلد لا ينكره احد. وعند الشيخ طريقة

A great deal of character. Their favor over this country is undeniable. The sheikh has a method.

خاصة وفريدة في الكلام. تعرف تبسيط وطرافة في كلام الشيخ. لحتى

"Special and unique in speech. You can simplify and add wit to the Sheikh's words. Until..."

هو يعود ما هيقصاده لكن اعطاه ملانة. لا ارجو انسي. اه. فهذا

He returns to what he means, but he gave it a full. No, I hope I forget. Ah. So this.

الشاب كان يتكلم بنفس طريقته. الشيخ. نفس الطرح. اه نفس الطرح

The young man was speaking in the same way. The elder. The same approach. Oh, the same approach.


And herself.

نفس الشيء. لين يزرق كلمة ها تفهمتكم الجماعة اضحك. لين قال

Same thing. Lin said the word, got it, the group is laughing. Lin said.

كلمة اضحكتنا اضحكنا. الان اضحكنا تلفت علينا. عقد بينا

The word made us laugh, it made us laugh. Now it made us laugh, it turned on us. A contract between us.

وجوه. قال لنا دماني قالوا لكم يا اكل واحكوا. خلصنا بشكل ما يسر

Faces. Dhamani told us, they said to you, "Oh eat and speak." We finished in a way that pleases.

معه. ذي ضرك الكلمة اللي قالها مثلا الشيخ والسدياحية لطلابه.

With him. This is the word that, for example, the sheikh said to his students.

اه. تقبل منه به اللي عاصروا الشيخ. ونظرتهم له كما قام

Oh. Accept from him those who experienced the Sheikh. And their view of him as he stood.

الوالد عندهم. انا قاي اجل لين يرى

The father is with them. I am waiting until he sees.

يعطي معاه حد فترة من الزمن يسمع له. يقيد يقول له لي ما يقيد يقول

It gives him a certain period of time to listen to him. He restricts him by saying what he should not restrict.

له لغيره. وجاي اصلا مقبلين عليه. هو يبقوا يسمعوا منه ويبقوا

"He's for others. And they are actually approaching him. They want to listen to him and be..."

يستفادوا منه. عندهم نوع من مكانتك انت ما هي كيف ما كانت هو.

They benefit from him. They have a type of status; you, what is it, no matter what it is.

السياقات اللي يتكلم فيها هو ما هي السياقات اللي تتكلمت فيها. ما

The contexts he is talking about are not the contexts I talked about. What?

هو كل شيء انقبل منه هو يقيد ينقبل منها. وللحضور والجمهور

"Everything that is accepted from him is bound by what is accepted from it. And for the presence and the audience."

اللي صنت له هو ما هو الجمهور. تجربة ما هي واحدة. انت واقف في

What I saved for him is not the audience. The experience is not the same. You are standing in...

ساحة جامعية. اشي من الشباب عندهم اشي من النوازع ما توفى. نوازع

A university square. Some of the young people have something of the impulses that have not passed. Impulses.

لن هذا الشاب بسم حاله يوقف في صنة الشاب واخر في مية القاع سنه.

This young man, by his condition, stands at the size of a young man and another at the depth of a pool of water.

وانا ما عندي الوقت وانا طالع للجامعة. اشي من المراد دي قلت

I don't have time as I'm heading to the university. I said something from what I meant.

يبقوا له الشيطان ما توفى يصرفوا فيها عنه. عن السماء. دي الامور

They keep the devil away from him until he dies. About the sky. These are the matters.

كاملة ودي النوازع واردة عليه. وكارته عني صنت له. معناها انه هو

Complete, and my tendencies are directed toward him. His card, I have taken care of it for him. It means that he is.

ليه نوقف وليه صنت له? معناها انه دور هذا الاجر. ندور هون نتعاون

Why should we stop and why did I keep it for him? It means that this is the role of this reward. We are here to cooperate.

انا وانت انا نعدوا صفقة. ترى انت اه ما هو من احسن وقولين من

I and you, we are making a deal. Do you see, you are not the best, and say it.

دعاية الله. وانا يجبرانا الذين يستمعون للقولة فيه يتبعون احسن.

The advertisement of God. And indeed, those who listen to it are compelled to follow the best.

ونتقاسموا الاجر ونتوادعوا. معناها انك حاول تقدم لهذا الخطاب

"And we share the reward and bid farewell. It means that you tried to present to this speech."

والله يدعوه. بالين واقرب ثوب واسلوب ان قد انا اتقبلوا به منه.

And God calls him. With gentleness and a closer garment and manner that I have accepted from him.

توقع ان انا معين يقال لكم ذلك? اضحكوا. اجتبنا يا عبلا. عرفنا

"Do you expect that I am appointed to tell you that? Laugh. We have chosen you, Abla. We know."

انه كانوا تخطيناها شوي. قال لهم هذا موجود في التلفزة. قال

They were a bit beyond us. He told them this is on television. He said.

انتم اللي عندكم تلفزات انا ما عندي تلفزة. هادرك لينة. عادي

You guys have TVs, I don't have a TV. It's fine.

احنا عم نتعالي. اي شي يعني انت لينة فهمانة منك انك انت فيفا

We are being arrogant. It means that you are soft I understand that you are FIFA.

لكن اخر. فالسياق اللي يتكلم فيه الشيخ وينقبل منه الكلام ما

But the context in which the Sheikh speaks and from which the words are received is not.

بضرورة يعود نفس السياق اللي اللي يتتكلم انت فيه. ولا بضرورة

It is necessary that the same context you are talking about returns. Or is it not necessary?

يعود يقبل منه هو اللي قد يقبل منك انت. فهذا التقليد اللي مطلق

He returns to kiss him; he is the one who might kiss you. This is the tradition that is absolute.

اللي ما يراعي الفوارق الفوارق العمورية الفوارق في الجمهور

Those who do not consider the age differences and the differences in the audience.


The recipient.

من الامور اللي قد تمنع كثير من الشباب انه ينتفع بالخطاب الوعظي

One of the things that may prevent many young people from benefiting from the preaching discourse.

الوعظي المعاصر. وهذه هون لفتة مهمة جدا. ان الشاب لين بالمفهوم

Contemporary preaching. This is a very important point. The youth is soft in understanding.

المعاصر يلتزم. لين يلتزم والله. يحاول انه يغير من الامور السلبية

The contemporary person is committed. Lin is committed, I swear. He is trying to change the negative matters.

اللي كانت فيه. ما معناه انه اندارت عشرين سنة خلال عمره. ما

What it means is that twenty years have passed during his life.

معناه انه طريقة خطابه طريقة كلامه سمته وقعاده ومشيه. هذا

It means that his manner of speaking, his way of speech, his demeanor, his sitting, and his walking are his characteristics. This.

كامل اللي يتغير وتجعله خمسين سنة. والله يعود ما هو داره.

Everything changes and makes it fifty years. I swear it won't be done again.

احسنت. دي الصورة النمطية اللي مقبولة اليوم عن عن الدعوة وعن

Well done. This is the stereotype that is currently accepted about الدعوة and...

اهلها. قد يعود بسبب ممارسة كثير منه. اللي انت رقاش يقعد لك به

Her family. He may return because of practicing a lot of it. What you have is a nuisance to you.

يقعد في جماعة. وعنده حضور وطريف وبسيط واخيرت به وفلان ما

He sits with a group. He has a presence, is witty, simple, and finally he has whoever.

عنده مشكلة. اللي ان يبدأ يلتزم. اللي هو لك ده كامل تقلب. اللي

He has a problem. He needs to start committing. This entire thing is a complete turnaround.

انت تضحك احذاء. اللي هو يخزرك بجرعين. اللي يقع معه يا الله.

You laugh at shoes. The one who tackles you with two drinks. Whoever falls with him, oh God.

وانت قاعد ما يضحك. ولين يتكلم معاك اكلام ولا ايش من الترطب

And when you sit, it’s not funny. And when he talks to you, what kind of conversation is it, or what is this weirdness?

ولا ايش من التقرير. هذلك هو اللي نقبله احنا انه عاد داعية

"What is the report? That is what we accept, that he has returned as a preacher."

وعاد وخير شباب. دي الصورة النمطية مغلوطة اصلا. وغالبا هذا

And again, the best of youth. This stereotype is fundamentally incorrect. And often this...

الخطاب ده هو ما يوصل للشباب اليوم. ولا يعود عندهم الليك

This speech is what reaches the youth today. They no longer have the like.

القدرة على الانتفاع بيه. بينا ويحسوا انه لا رقاش رتفت وانطرح

The ability to benefit from it. They realized and felt that there was no place for confusion and it was laid bare.

واحد اخر. لقى ما هو كيفتنا. اللي ما طروحنا احنا هو ما

Another one. He found what is our way. What we did not propose is what he did not.

طروحنا. حياتنا احنا اصلا هو موفي. فالانسان مطالب. يعني انه

Our lives are not a movie. So a person is required to...

لا كما قال الله سبحانه وتعالى. يعني انت يسول نحل الالتزام وبسم

No, as Allah Almighty said. This means you are saying the solution to commitment is to speak.

حاله وش نعدل ونغير. قولي يا اخي اجملها الله سبحانه وتعالى.

What is the situation that we need to correct and change? Tell me, my brother, may God beautify it.

وابتغي فيما اتاك الله الدار الاخرى. ولا تنسى نصيبك من

"And seek by means of what Allah has given you the home of the Hereafter. And do not forget your share of this world."

الدنيا. واحسن كما احسن الله اليك. ولا تبغي الفسادة في

"The world. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And do not seek corruption in..."

الارض. ان الله لا يحب المفسدين. هه. هذا اللي انت اقبلها اجمالا.

The earth. Indeed, God does not love the corrupt. Ha. This is what you generally accept.

لقيت لخص لك مفهوم الالتزام كما يسمى. هم. مفهوم البعد عن

I found that summarizing the concept of commitment, as it is called, is about the concept of distancing from.

الحرام. وكذلك يعود لك

The forbidden. And it will return to you as well.

حظ من حياتك كما يريد الله سبحانه وتعالى. فمن من هذه الظواهر

A portion of your life as God Almighty wills. So which of these phenomena?

اللي بتعود سلبية شيئا ما. اه. قضية عدم الانفكاك بين الرسالة

What becomes a bit negative. Ah. The issue of the inseparability between the message.

وصاحبها في كثير من المسائل. يعني ان الواعظ والله الداعية والله

And he accompanied her in many matters. This means that the preacher, truly, the caller (to faith), truly...

الرجال المتكلم. اللي انت يتكلم يعرف على انه هو مستقل عن الرسالة

The speaking men. The one you are talking to knows that he is independent of the message.

التي يحمل والتي يدعو اليها. انا اللي انت اقراها في القرآن انا

"Which he carries and to which he calls. I am the one you read about in the Quran."

ماني هو القرآن. لين تخلق مشكلة شخصية بينك معيانا. لين تغزلق

I am the Quran. Don't create a personal problem between you and me. Don't close off.

فييانا. ما معنى انك تغزلق في القرآن. طالك انك فهمت العين

Vienna. What does it mean that you are singing in the Quran? You said that you understood the eye.

قليلا. لين نتعاقب انا وانت. انجارات دعليك وهذا لا يليقوا

A little. Let’s take turns, you and I. Get over it, and this is not appropriate.

باهل الدعوة وهذا لا يليق ولا يقالوا لاهل القرآن. انا قبلت

The call of the people, and this is not suitable nor is it said to the people of the Quran. I accepted.

اجماعة القرآن كاملة درتهم. ديرها في وجهك انت. كأنك انت بعيد

The whole Quran is complete, I made it for you. Put it on your face, as if you are far away.

من القرآن. انا ما قلتها لك لكن ضمنيا ذا هو المفهوم. انت بعيد

From the Quran. I didn't say it to you, but implicitly this is the concept. You are distant.

القرآن نخاطب بها الان. اه. ولا يا الله تقول نحن اهل القرآن نحن

"The Quran speaks to us now. Ah. And oh God, do not say we are the people of the Quran."

اهل الدعوة. للخطاب بعيد تماما. عن رسالة رسول الله صلى الله

The people of the call. The discourse is completely distant from the message of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

وسلم. لين اعطيك تطبيق لهذا الامر. والله لضد هذا الامر. نبي

And peace. Let me give you an application for this matter. By God, I am against this matter. We want.

عليه الصلاة والسلام كما يقول الصحيحين. مر على امرأة تبكي.

"Peace be upon him, as stated in the two authentic books. He passed by a woman who was crying."

كانت امرأة فقدت عزيزا عليها. وتبكي ومتأثر. ولكن بكاءها بلغ

A woman had lost a dear one. She is crying and affected. But her crying reached...

حد اه اظهار الجزاع والفزاع ونوع من الاعتراض على هذا الامر. ما

This is a show of fear and panic, and a kind of objection to this matter. What?

هو اللي

He is the one.

حزن العادي البشري. وان لا نبي عليه الصلاة والسلام هو اللي كان

The ordinary human sorrow. And that no prophet, peace be upon him, is the one who was.

يقول ان القلب لا يحزن وان العين لا تدمع. فهذا من البشرية انك

He says that the heart does not grieve and the eye does not shed tears. This is part of being human.

تحزن على الفقد عزيز عليك. لكن ما تلحق هذا رجل الاعتراض على قضاء

You grieve for the loss of someone dear to you. But do not let this affect your objection to fate.

الله. جاه النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام. ياكل الشخص الوحيد. اللي

God. The Prophet (peace be upon him) is honored. The only person who...

لا عاد حد قد ينجال عنه الشخص اللي يمثل الرسالة هو الوحيد

No one can surpass the person who represents the message; he is the only one.

اللي ينجال عنه. عليه الصلاة والسلام. خاطر النبي عليه الصلاة

"Whoever speaks ill of him, may peace be upon him, has offended the Prophet, peace be upon him."

والسلام. النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام قوله شريعة. وفعله شريعة.

"And peace. The saying of the Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him, is a law. His actions are a law."

وتقرير الشريعة بأبي هو صلى الله عليه وسلم

And the report of Sharia is by my father, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him.

الله يوصل السلام

May God bring peace.



قال فلتصبري ولتحتسب

He said, "So be patient and seek reward."

قدم لها النصيحة قدم لها الرسالة

He gave her advice; he gave her the message.

كاتروا إليك عني

I will talk to you about me.

روى لك النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

The Prophet, peace be upon him, narrated to you.

ما يعرفته

What I knew.

كاتروا إليك عني

They will cut you off from me.

فإنك لم تصبي مصابي

For you did not strike my affliction.

أنت ما فقدت اللي فقدتها

You did not lose what you lost.

لين يعود حد من نحن

When will any limit return to who we are?

يعتبر على الرد للنصيحة أنه رد له

It is considered a response to the advice that it is a reply to him.

وتعود المشكلة عاد شخصي

The problem returns to a personal matter.

وكيف وهذا وتخلق الرد

And how is this creating a response?

وتعود أنت دائر القرآن والشريعة

And you return to the circle of the Quran and the Sharia.

درع في وجهي

A shield in my face.

هذا الشخص الذي رد عليه

This person who replied to him.

هذا النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

This prophet, peace be upon him.

قالوا إليك عني فإنك لم تصبي مصابي

They said, "Get away from me, for you have not experienced my tragedy."

شاعد النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

The Prophet, peace be upon him, witnessed.


He left her.

ما تكلم له

He did not speak to him.

عرف أنه في تلك الحال

He knew that in that situation.

وفي ذلك النفسية

And in that psyche.

ما يستعد أصلاً

What is not prepared at all.


So he left it.

ثم بعد ذلك

Then after that.

جاءه أروح

I came to him to relax.

وقالوا لهذا النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

And they said to this prophet, peace be upon him.

وفي عن طريق أمانتي

And through my trust.

وأمانتي لا يتعوضكم

And my trust will not be compensated.

كل شهر أمانتي لا يتعوض

Every month, my trust is irreplaceable.



وفي حتر لخلصوه

And in a matter of time, they will finish it.

أمانتي سعتي

My trust is my capacity.

جاءه أروح وقال لهذا النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

A man came to him and said to this Prophet, peace be upon him.

شعرت بهولي الأمر

I felt his authority.

كيف حد ليه يقول أرى أنه خلينا

How could he say I see that we should stay?

النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

The Prophet, peace be upon him.

وانت لفتان عليهم قلوه

"And you are telling them to say it."


So she came.

قال له يا رسول الله

He said to him, "O Messenger of Allah."

إني لم أعرفك

I have not known you.

أنا ما كنت أعرفك يا رسول الله

I did not know you, O Messenger of Allah.

تعرف شو قال

Do you know what he said?

قال إنما الصبر

He said, "Patience is only..."

عند الصدمة الأولى

At the first shock.

يا أخي هذا الموقف في كمية جمال

Oh my brother, this situation has a lot of beauty.

ما طبيعي

What is normal?

ما قالها عادي

He said it casually.

وكبير تحودي عرفتيني

"And my big brother, you knew me."

ومارك ما تحودي عرفتيني

And Mark, you haven't known me.

وانا رسول الله عليه الصلاة والسلام

And I am the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

كمية التجرد

The quantity of detachment.

في نفسية هذا البشر صلى الله عليه وسلم

In the psyche of this human being, peace be upon him.

ما طبيعي

What is normal?

كيف لهم يقول هذا ما مهم

How can they say this is not important?

خلي عنك شخصيا على زر

Leave it personally on the button.

لكن المهم إنما الصبر عند الصدمة الأولى

But the important thing is that patience is at the first shock.

مهم تقبضي انت

It's important that you receive it.

على العبرة تصبري

Be patient with the lessons.

تسلكي انت من النار

You take the path of fire.

تعد انت ما يخذك إلى جنة

You are what takes you to paradise.

إنما الصبر عند صدمة الأولى

Patience is only at the first shock.

سبحان الله

Glory be to God.

الرقاج الوحيد هو الشريعة صلى الله عليه وسلم

The only mentor is the Shari'ah, may peace be upon him.

قوله وفعله شريعة

His words and actions are a law.

حتى كما عند الطبراني

"Even as in Al-Tabarani."

مثال آخر مراعاة هذه البشرية

Another example is the consideration of this humanity.

والتجرد التام

And complete detachment.

الجمال في حيات النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The beauty in the life of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

ليس طبيعيا

It is not normal.

أنت توصلك الرسالة

You will receive the message.

المهم عليك أن تنتفع

The important thing is that you benefit.

المهم أن الرقاج ينجو من النار

The important thing is that the tormentor escapes from the fire.

الشخصي أنا لا أملك شيء في المعادلة

Personally, I have nothing in the equation.

هذه هي الطريقة لمنهج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

This is the method of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

بهذا الموقف العجيب

In this strange situation.

عليه أفضل السبب

Upon him be the best of reasons.

لذلك إذا جاء رجل يسول ويقول

So if a man comes and begs and says

يا رسول الله رأيت الشخص

O Messenger of Allah, I saw the person.

إذا تعودت متوقعة

If you become accustomed to expecting.

لأننا نرى أنك تقرأ القرآن

Because we see that you are reading the Quran.

لأننا نرى أنك تدعو إلى الله

Because we see that you are calling to God.

لأننا فرض لنا أن تسأل فينا

"Because it is imposed on us that you ask us."


And finally

بطبيعة الحال أنت كشخص طيب

Of course, you are a good person.

تسأله فينا

You ask him about us.

أو إذا تعودت متوقعة وتحانيها تأتيك

Or if you get used to it, it will come to you.

المشكلة من نفسك

The problem is with yourself.

معناها أنك لم تتعالج رأسك

It means that you did not treat your head.

لأنك تعود تتحاني لأنك

Because you keep coming back, because you

إذا وخيرت الشيخ خلوه يتخطى

If you give the sheikh the choice, let him bypass it.

إذا الشيخ نبي عوله بشوي

If the Sheikh is a prophet, he is a little bit.

لا تعالوا لأنك

"Don't come because you..."

لأنك تعودت متوقعة لأنك يا الله ترمتي يا ذات

Because you have become accustomed to expecting, for you, O God, have thrown me, O self.

بيل أنت شيخنا بيل أنت منها القرآن

Bill, you are our sheikh. Bill, you are from the Qur'an.

بيل أنت منها الدعوة

Bill, you are invited.

معناها أنك لب وجوهر وحقيقة الدعوة أصلا

It means that you are the essence, the core, and the truth of the invitation itself.

لم تتحقق

It did not happen.

وذلك في كل العبادات

And that applies to all acts of worship.

لذلك النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام لينجاه راجل وقال له

So the Prophet, peace be upon him, turned to a man and said to him.

يا رسول الله رأيت الرجل

O Messenger of God, I saw the man.

يغزو في سبيل الله

To invade in the name of God.

أنا أجاهد في سبيل الله

I strive in the way of God.

نبقي نطيح في الجنة نبقي نسلك من النار

We keep falling into paradise, we keep staying away from the fire.


And the mention.

يكتل يتخصر

A cluster is tightening.

نبقي الأجر يقال نبقي أني وخيرت بي

We keep the reward; it is said that we keep what is good for me.

والذكر يبقي أن قال

"And the mention remains, as he said."

أنه يغزو في سبيل الله وأنه أجاهد

"That he is waging a campaign in the way of God and that he is striving."

أرأيت الرجل يغزو في سبيل الله

"Did you see the man who fights in the cause of Allah?"

يريد الأجر

He wants the reward.

والذكر فما له

"And as for the mention, what is it for?"

إيش ليه يجبر من الأجر

What compels someone to earn a wage?

قال لا شيء لا

He said nothing, no.

إذا كاملت

If you completed

وخلط منه معباس قاعد ما أريد شيء سوى بسم

"And from that, Abbas mixed it, sitting down, wanting nothing except the name."

استغرب الرجل

The man was astonished.

فأتاه الثانية مرة أخرى

So he came to him a second time.

قالوا يا رسول الله أرأيت الرجل

They said, "O Messenger of Allah, what do you think about the man?"

يغزو في سبيل الله

He invades for the sake of God.

يريد الأجر والذكر

He wants reward and remembrance.

فما له

What is it for him?

قال لا شيء لا

He said nothing, no.

عل عليه نفس الجواء

He has the same mentality.

قالوا إن الله لا يقبل

They said that God does not accept.

من العمل إلا ما كان له

There is no work except what is his.

خالصة وابتغي به

Sincere and seek it through.


His face

هذا التجرد لين يحصل في القصد

This detachment does not occur in intent.

يظهر في ردات الفعل

It appears in reactions.

يظهر في تعاطي الداعية مع رقاش

It appears in the preacher's dealings with Raqash.

يظهر في قبول العذر

It shows in accepting the excuse.

يظهر في بشريته

It appears in his humanity.

قبوله أنه وارد عليه الخطأ أصلا

His acceptance that the mistake is originally directed at him.

فمشي من الناس في خطابهم

So he walked among the people in their discourse.

تحس إنهم ما مقابلين لرقاش أصلا أن يخطئ

You feel that they are not actually accepting the possibility of him making a mistake.

وإذا ما معناها التقليل

And what does it mean to reduce?

من خطورة الخطأ

The danger of error.

ولا التقليل من خطر المعاصي

Nor should the danger of sins be underestimated.


I am not able to translate "أعظمش" as it seems to be a typo or not a standard Arabic word. Please provide more context or check the spelling.

إن رقاش يعصي رب وهو أخطرش

Indeed, Raqash disobeys the Lord, and he is more dangerous.

لكن أنت في النهاية بشر

But you are human after all.

ووارد عليك الخطأ

And the mistake may occur to you.

مطلوب منك أنت كداعية

What is required of you as a caller (to Islam).

لين يجي كان وقد أخطأت

Lynn was supposed to come, but I made a mistake.

وقعت في معصية

I have fallen into sin.

وقابل أنك مازال

And it seems that you are still...

فم أمل أنك تعالجها

I hope you are treating it.

أنك تأخذ بيدي إلى الخير

You are guiding me towards goodness.

وما أنعود أنا جاي وتقبلني

"I won't be back, I'm coming and you accept me."

التبلوم وتقبلني بالتقريع

"The diploma and accept me with reprimand."

وتقبلني بتوقاف أسواقه والله اللي عدلت

"And you accept me with the timing of his markets, by God, I was the one who corrected it."

بسم الله عليك وتردد في عيان عليك

In the name of God, I invoke upon you and repeat this in your presence.

خوات رضي الله عني كما عندها

Sisters, may Allah be pleased with me as she has.



وصحابي في أول إسلامي

"And my companions in the early days of my Islam."

ومازال ما فات بلغ

"And what has passed is still not enough."

ذلك المرحلة ذاك الحد اللي بلغوا

That stage, that limit they reached.

كبار الصحابة من العزيمة

The great companions are of determination.

والقدرة على علاج النفس

And the ability to heal oneself.

طبيعي لأن فم نوازع في كل بشر

It's natural because there are desires in every human being.

خرج من خيمته ليلة

He left his tent at night.

ذهياله جماعة من النسوة

They went with a group of women.

عادي جماعة لا ما طير له يقعد فيها

It's normal, guys, no one can sit in it.

رجعوا يلبسوا حلته

They returned to wearing his attire.

ودراعة طيبة وقعد معه

And he wore a good robe and sat with him.

وجاب مجلس

And he brought a council.

هذا بشريته هو

This is his humanity.

فيها استطابة ذل جانب

There is sweetness in the side of humility.

وخلق الإنسان ضعيفة

"And mankind was created weak."

فمر به النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) passed by him.

ذهواله خوات قاعد

"His sisters are sitting."

جماعة صالحة

A righteous group.

فنادى عليه

So he called out to him.

فالآلين شافوا قاعد طايروا العليات

The parents saw that he was flying high up.

الجواري اللي كانوا فيهم

The concubines they had.

وجا خوات النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

And the sisters of the Prophet, peace be upon him.



النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام المشهد حضر له شاف

The Prophet, peace be upon him, attended a scene that was witnessed by a healer.

جماعة شاف

The group has seen.


So he came.

قال ما تفعل

He said, "What are you doing?"

ذروا عشان يقال

Leave it so that it can be said.

قالوا يا رسول الله

They said, "O Messenger of Allah."

إنما هو بعير اللي يضل

It is only the camel that strays.

وجعلت أطلبه عندي هون

And I made it a point to ask for him here.

بعير كان قادع لي

A camel was standing by me.

ماش اللي ودله

What did he want?

النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام هو أعقل الناس

The Prophet, peace be upon him, is the wisest of people.

وأفطن الناس

And the people became aware.

العرب عموما ينقال لك أنهم

Arabs in general are often said to be that they...

من أفطن الخلق

The most perceptive of creation.

فكيف بالنبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

How about the Prophet, peace be upon him?

لؤلؤت هذا الخلق كامل

This creation is a perfect pearl.

يعرف أن اللي قال له لا عذر وله حق

He knows that the one who told him there is no excuse is right.



ليه نعود القضية الشخصية بين

Why should we revisit the personal issue between?

الداعية والواعظ والمتلقي

The preacher, the exhorter, and the recipient.

اللي ينقالوا والله من الحق

What is said is indeed the truth.

وانت تعرف أنك وذي مايش قيل

And you know that you and he are not what was said.

وذي ما يضلش

"And this does not remain."

لكن هذه ما هي مسؤولية الداعية

But this is not the responsibility of the caller.

ما مسؤولية نجيك منه

What is the responsibility we have to protect you from?



لا أنا مطلوب مني

No, I am required.

أني لقد ديت أنا وأنت نتعاون

I have guaranteed that you and I will cooperate.

وكانك تكحز عن هذا الشعر

"It seems like you are teasing about this hair."

ممتاز ونقبض بيدك شور الخير

Excellent, and we hold in your hand the good hint.

لين نجيك بأسلوب صدام

We will come to you in the style of Saddam.

معناها أني مستعد لتقبل مني

It means that I am ready to accept from me.

هذه الكلمة

This word

فتركه النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

So the Prophet, peace be upon him, left him.

اقبل منه ظاهر العذر

"Accept the apparent excuse from him."

أنت عذر تبدأ ما عندك مشكلة

You are an excuse to start, you have no problem.

لين خطوها لك

They have made her step for you.

غير دورنا عقبون جولد إن شاء الله

"May our turn come after Gold, God willing."

ودورك عقب قضية تنقص بالشور

"And your role is after a case that lacks consultation."

ما رقب الحس

What a feeling!

صلى الله عليه وسلم

Peace be upon him.

يسلم عليهم ويتبسم

He greets them and smiles.

يقولوا ما فعل بعيرك

They say, "What happened to your camel?"


Your camel.

يكنشفر يا إخوة

Don't be silent, O brothers.


He feels shy.


And it surpasses.

يناظروا وماشيين في السفر

They are arguing while traveling.

يسلموا فدانه ما فعل بعيرك

Thank you, Fadane, what did your camel do?

أرى من النبي

I see from the prophet.

أرى منه فاهم

I see he understands.

لكن لين جوله بطريقة متكايسة

But Lynn swung in a casual way.

ما هو ليه يتصادم معك

Why does he collide with you?

لين تعقب أنت هو اللي تعطى

You are the one who gives.

حتى أنه دخل عليه المسجد

"Even he entered the mosque."



كيف أنه كبر

How he has grown.

حسب النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

According to the Prophet, peace be upon him.



قال فعزمته أنه طيل

He said, "So I urged him that he is lengthy."

الليلة اللي نصلي جيبها تراوح شاء الله

The night we pray, bring it; hopefully, God wills it.

ليلة ماتت واخذ من المسجد

A night died and was taken from the mosque.

قاعد مساعد يدخل لي النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

The helper is seated, let the Prophet, peace be upon him, enter for me.

أرجو أنه ما هم سلموا

I hope they haven't surrendered.

لين كبرت لي طول

When I grew up, I became taller.

قال هو النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

He said he is the Prophet, peace be upon him.

قالوا طول ماشيت

They said, "As long as you walk."

بعد ذلك

After that

فإني باق قالوا

"I will remain," they said.

أنا نحن نتكلم

We are speaking.

وضع حلولنا هذا

This is our solution.

من دراء

In front.

شيخ الناشي

Sheikh Al-Nashi

تشوف أن الشباب العصر الحالي

Do you see that the youth of the current era...

مختلفين عن جيل السابق

Different from the previous generation.



مشاكل مختلفة عن المشاكل

Different problems from the problems.

اللي يواجهها الجيل السابق

The challenges faced by the previous generation.

تحديات العصر مختلفة تماما

The challenges of the era are completely different.

هو لا شك

He is undoubtedly.

على التحديات اللي

On the challenges that

مطروحة للشباب اليوم

Proposed to the youth today.

ما هي مطروحة للسلف المتقدمين

What is proposed for the early predecessors?

وهذا له اعتباره

This is significant.

في ناحية الشر

In the direction of evil.

يعني اللي أنت تتكلم اليوم

It means what you are talking about today.

لأرواق جيش وتوعظهم

To the documents of the army and advise them.

أعرف علي أنك أنت ابتداء

I know that you are the beginning.

ما أنا كالنبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

I am not like the Prophet, peace be upon him.

من حيث قبول الناس لك

In terms of people's acceptance of you.


and their readiness

والناس اللي قدامك مولي ما هم الصحابة

"And the people in front of you are not the companions."

رضوان الله

The acceptance of God.

ذل مطروح لهم من الفتن

"A humiliation laid out for them from the trials."

وذل مطروح لهم من العوارض

"And this humiliation is presented to them as a consequence."

وذل مطروح لهم من عدم وجود الصحبة

And this humiliation is posed to them due to the absence of companionship.

التي تعينهم والطريق اللي ساهلهم

"Which helps them and the way that makes it easy for them."

وحتى النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

"And even the Prophet, peace be upon him."

كان طارح بلا دلال

He was a thorn without a guide.

ذلك أذكر لهم على أن يأتي بعدهم أقوى

That is to remind them that a stronger one will come after them.

أجر الواحد منهم

The wage of one of them.

كأجر خمسين منكم

As the reward of fifty of you.

سأقول له

I will tell him.

وماذاك يا رسول الله

And what is that, O Messenger of Allah?

مش بين نحن وهما

It's not between us and them.

قال لهم إنكم تجدون على الخير معينا

He said to them, "You will find support in goodness."

ولا يجدون

And they will not find.

ذل متوفر لكم توا من أسباب الهداية

This is available to you now as a reason for guidance.

ما هو متوفر لهم

What is available to them?

ذل متوفر لكم توا النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

This is available to you now, the Prophet (peace be upon him).

قاعد بيناتكم ليل ونهار

I am sitting among you day and night.

ما هو كيف تهمهم

What is how they matter?

تحديات الإعلام وتحديات العصر

Challenges of media and challenges of the era.

تحديات السباق

Race challenges

الشغل بشي ما تعرفوه

Work with something you don't know.

رقاش بلا كان واحد ولان يعرف واحد فاش

There used to be a person, and now no one knows about anyone.

اللي إنت تخاطب ذا رقاش اليوم

The one you are addressing is a fool today.

تبدأ بما بدأ الله به

"Begin with what God began with."

خطاب العمومة وكيه خطاب الأفراد

The letter of uncles and the letter of individuals.

خطاب الأفراد كلها يقيم

The speech of all individuals is evaluated.

حسب شخصه

According to his personality.

أنا الإنجني رقاش نعرف من ذا رقاش

I am the ingenious Rakash, I know who Rakash is.

يا الله يغلب له جانب الترغيب

O Allah, may the aspect of encouragement prevail for him.

فالله جانب الترهيب

So, God is on the side of intimidation.

جانب التخويف فالله جانب التقريب

The aspect of fear is that God is an aspect of closeness.

نفسيته هو حسب المشكلة

His mindset depends on the problem.

حسب استشكال مطروح له

According to the raised inquiry.

لكن واحد ذاني

But one of them.

يتكلم في محفل نعم

He speaks in a gathering, yes.

تتكلم في مصيد

You are talking in a trap.

والله تكلم في ساحة جامعية

By God, he spoke in a university courtyard.

تصنت لك الناس فرد

People eavesdrop on you, respond.

ما تعرف حالة حد منه

You don't know the condition of anyone.

هون تبدأ بما بدأ الله به

Here begins what God started with.

تبدأ بالأمور الكلية

It begins with general matters.

اتركز لهم على إقامة الفرائض

"Focus on establishing the obligatory duties for them."

اتركز لهم على مكارم الأخلاق

Focus on them regarding the virtues of good manners.

اتركز لهم على

I focus on them for.

تعزيز محبة الله تعالى

Enhancing the love of God Almighty.

في قلوبي

In my hearts.

تجبر حد يوقف قدام

You have to make someone stand in front.

ما يعرف وضعهم شنعود فيهم واحد

What do we know about their situation? Is there anyone we can help?

عندما يصلي

When he prays.

تحدث لهم عن حكم الأخذ من اللحية

Talk to them about the ruling on trimming the beard.

ما زاد عن القبض

What exceeds the grasp.

تكلم لهم عن حكم الإسبال

Talk to them about the ruling on letting garments hang below the ankles.

يكانوا خويلاء والله غير الخويلاء

They were spoiled, and by God, it was nothing but spoiled.

وذلك يمشي بين أشوار

And that walks among the thorns.

النقطة التي نذكرها

The point that we mention

في الإشكالات المطروحة

In the issues raised

للخطاب الوعظي المعاصر

For contemporary sermon discourse.

وهي مزج

It is a mixture.

الناحية الفقهية بالناحية الوعظية

The jurisprudential aspect with the moral aspect.

وهي خطيرة جدا

It is very dangerous.

الفقه مستقل

The jurisprudence is independent.

وعنده علوم آلة

He has knowledge of the tool.

وعنده طرق يتوصل بها إليه

"And he has ways to reach it."

الخطاب الوعظي

The exhortative discourse.

مسألة عود فقهية

A matter of jurisprudential return.

والعلماء ناقشوها منذ الأزل

And the scholars have discussed it since ancient times.

وكلهم لهوا أدلته

And all of them have their arguments.

وخوضوا فيها ما فيهم اللي قد يغلب الثاني

"Engage in it; there are those among them who may surpass the others."

لأن لحقتنا نحن اليوم

Because we have been caught today.

جيانا في لحظة واحدة قدام شمال الناس

Gianna at one moment in front of the people from the north.

وبعض الناس والعياذ بالله

And some people, may Allah protect us.

مسألة عود عتوى العياذ بالله

The issue of returning to tyranny, seeking refuge in Allah.

وتطرحها الناس تلزمهم به

And people impose it upon themselves.

دائرة الخطاب الفقهي

The circle of jurisprudential discourse.

أدق وأضياق بكثير

Much narrower and tighter.

من دائرة الخطاب الوعظي

From the realm of sermon discourse.

لذلك تنبغي مراعاة وذلك

Therefore, this should be taken into consideration.

حد ما هو مؤهل فقهيا

"Someone who is qualified in jurisprudence."

يحسن في المسائل والله يكي رجح

It is good in matters, and God makes it preferable.

والله باطي يكي قلت

By God, I swear I told you.

ما هي الله يعود كل مسألة فقهية

What is the meaning of God returning to every jurisprudential issue?

مختلف فيها اسمع هو فيها رواية

"There is a different opinion on this; listen, there is a narration regarding it."

والله تأثر بها والله عاطفت

By God, he was affected by it, and indeed, he was emotional.

وغالب عليها يطرحها الناس

And it is mostly suggested by people.

في ذوب وعظي في ذوب إنكار

In my melting, there is a melting of denial.

إذا حرام وعسو وخليتو

If it's forbidden and you let it go.

من قالك إنه حرام والله

Who told you that it's forbidden, I swear?

إذا حلال وعظي من قالك إنه حلال

If it is permissible and my advice, who told you it is permissible?

ما هي الله تنطرح المسائل في هذا السياق

What are the issues raised in this context?

ولو أن رقاج متشبذ منه

"If only those who cling to it."

يميله إلى الاحتياط

It inclines him towards caution.

عندنا نقابل جانب الاحتياط

We meet the precautionary side.

عاس من الرواية وشبه الله الاحتياط

He lived from the narrative, and God made precautionary measures similar.

نقال له حتى ولو

He told him even if.

كنت ميالا للاحتياط

I was inclined towards caution.

لأنه ما يعطيك الحسم في مسائل الشرع

Because it does not give you a definitive ruling on matters of religious law.

ابن مسعود يقول إن محرم الحلال

Ibn Mas'ud says that it is forbidden to make the lawful unlawful.

كمستحيل للحرام

As impossible as the forbidden.

الرواية لين تعود أحلال

The novel "Lynn Returns to Harmony."

ونجي كان أقول لك

I was going to tell you.

إنها حرام ما فين فرق بين

It is forbidden; there is no difference between them.

هي و الرواية حرام وقلت أنها حلال

It is forbidden with the story, and I said it is permissible.

إذا كامل

If complete.

تقول على الشارع بغير علم

She speaks about the street without knowledge.

معناها تنبغي مراعاة

It means it should be taken into consideration.

وذلك والخوارج

And that is while the Khawarij...

مع ميلهم إلى الاحتياط

With their tendency towards caution.

ومع ميلهم إلى التضيق وميلهم إلى التشديد

With their tendency towards restriction and their inclination towards severity.

كما قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

As the Prophet, peace be upon him, said.

نتحقرون صلاتكم إلى صلاته

"We belittle your prayers compared to his prayers."

جباههم كركب الماعز

Their foreheads are like the horns of a goat.

وحتى ما يسجد لين

"And even if he prostrates softly."

تشكلنا ركبة عنزة في جبهته

A goat's knee is formed on his forehead.

ويظلوا يصلوا

And they continue to pray.

ويباتوا يقوموا ويباتوا يبكوا

They stay up and wake up crying.

ومع ذلك قال عنهم

However, he said about them.

يمرقون من الدين

They drift away from the religion.

كما يمرق السهم من الرمية

As the arrow passes through the throw.

مجرد العاطفة وحدها

Just the emotion alone.

ما تقول لرقاج غير مؤهل

What do you say to an unqualified person?

إنه يحسم في مسائل الفقه

He decides on matters of jurisprudence.

إنه يعرف

He knows.

مواطن البعض

The citizens of some.

الذي يتحدث فيه

The one who is talking in it

والمواطن الفقهية

and the legal provisions

الذين ليسوا أهل الكلام فيه

Those who are not qualified to speak about it.

وإلا يختلطون المسائل الاثنتين

Otherwise, they mix up the two issues.

ويقع الناس في الحرج

And people find themselves in a difficult situation.

وذلك من أسباب نفورهم

That is one of the reasons for their aversion.

ما هو سبب عدم ظهور

What is the reason for the disappearance?

أهل العلم

People of knowledge

في السوشال ميديا كما في السناب شات

On social media just like on Snapchat.

وتيك توك

And TikTok.

ظهورهم فيه بعيد جدا

Their appearance in it is very distant.



وجود قد زاحم

An existence that has crowded.

أصحاب المحتوى التافه

Purveyors of trivial content


And the worshiper.

هو موجود

He is present.

هذا المؤثرين

This influencers.

بشكل إيجابي


والدعاء بشكل عام

And the prayer in general

مفصول فيه في وسائل التواصل

Suspended on social media.



لكن أنا قد حاول نعزي هذا

But I have tried to comfort this.

إلى أسباب متفهمة ومقبولة

To understandable and acceptable reasons.

إلى حد ما

To some extent.

أن يقعد أحدهم

For one of them to sit down.

ياسم للإنشغالات

Yasmin for engagements.

مانعته من التواجد في وسائل التواصل

I prevented him from being on social media.



يريد أن ينقى بنفسه

He wants to purify himself.

هو رقاج يسهو

He is a forgetful man.

يتصدر للناس ويظهر

He stands out and appears to people.

دائما لا يعود

He always does not return.

هو يدرى بنفسه ويدرى بقلبي

He knows himself and knows my heart.

يعرف أن بعض الساحات

It is known that some squares

وجوده فيها يضره أكثر من ما ينفعه

His presence in it harms him more than it benefits him.

فيبتعد عنه

So he turns away from him.

لكن مع تفهم هذا

But with this understanding.

لا يمنع من ينقال

"No one is prevented from speaking."

حاجة ضرورة مليحة

A good essential necessity.

للمزاحمة المحتويات

For the competition of contents.

الهابطة عموما

The declining generally.

ولا نتكلم كيف نقول دائما

And we do not talk about how we always say.

لا نتكلم عن المحتويات الترفيهية

We do not talk about entertainment content.

التي مقبولة بضوابط شرعية

which is acceptable under Sharia rules

لا نتكلم عن شيء في مخالفات شرعية صريحة

We are not talking about anything that involves clear legal violations.

فأصل الساحة

The essence of the square.

في وجود

in existence

محتويات تنافس له

Competing contents for it.

ولو أن رقاج يحاول يعطي من وقته

"If only Raqaj tries to give some of his time."

ويعرف أن هذه الأمة

And it is known that this nation

أمة مرحومة

A blessed nation.

وعلى أن لا يدرى الخير في أولها

"And that good may not be known at its beginning."

أم في آخرها

Or at the end of it

يعني أن رقاج يسهو الحق من التشاغل

It means that the person neglects the truth due to distraction.

يعرف أن الناس فيها خير

It is known that there is goodness in people.

ومستعدة لتصنت

"And ready to listen."

وناس يقول لك الشباب ضاعت والشباب بعدت

Some people say that youth has been lost and that youth has distanced itself.

يقول له هكذا

He says to him like this.

يعطيه خير

He gives him good.

لكن لا أفهم لك من الاجتهاد

But I don't understand your diligence.

في وسائل التواصل

On social media.

وفي نفس الوقت الذي لا يدخل لها رقاج

At the same time, it does not have any male presence.

لا يعود تعبه على محتوى

His exhaustion does not return to content.

كيف تعب غيره على محتوى

How did others tire over the content?

والشخص الذي يقدم محتوى لا يجاهده باسمية

The person who presents content does not do so with significance.

أنه محتوى دين محتوى عاضي

It is religious content that is binding.

وفرض عليكم تقبله

And it has been imposed on you to accept it.

الطريقة التي يتكلم بها طول المحتوى

The way the content length speaks.

قصارو الفائدة تركيزه

The summary of the benefit is its concentration.

إذا كان المركز الذي يقبله عنده اعتبار

If the center he accepts has any consideration.

في طبيعة الحالة يؤدي لصدود الناس عنه

In nature, this leads to people's aversion to it.

طولنا عليك شيخنا

We have kept you waiting, شيخنا (our Sheik).


And we differ.

في الختام أنك تختتم

In conclusion, you conclude.

بأبيات شعرية

In poetic verses.

إذا كان ذلك

If that is the case.

من الشعر عموما

From poetry in general.


He attracts me.

أدب شوقي

The literature of Shawqi

تعلقه بالنبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

His attachment to the Prophet, peace be upon him.

تقول أن الرجل الذي

She says that the man who

يتحدث عن رسول الله عليه الصلاة والسلام

He talks about the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

تقول أنه رجل ملعب

She says he is a playboy.

ما هو طبيعي

What is normal?

وخاصة ميميتو المشهورة

Especially the famous Mimoto.

في أولها ريمون

At the beginning, there is Raymond.

مطلع هريم على القاعي

The beginning of the chorus on the ground.

بين الباني والعالمي

Between the builder and the global.

حل سفك دمي في الأشهر الحرمي

"Solving my bloodshed in the sacred months."

لما رمى القضاء بعيني جؤذر أسد

When fate cast its eye upon the lion's cub.

يا ساكن القاعي أدرك

O inhabitant of the abyss, rescue me.

ساكن الأجمي

Resident of the village.

لما رنى حدثتني النفس قائلة

When he looked at me, my soul spoke to me, saying

ياوي حجم بكبش سهمي المصيبر

Oh, the size of my ram's arrow, Al-Musaybir.

جحدتها وكتمت السهم في كبدي

I denied it and concealed the arrow in my liver.

جرح الأحبة عندي غير ذي ألمي

The pain of loved ones for me is different from my own pain.

يا لائمي في هوا والهوى قدر

O you who blame me for love, love is fate.

لو شفك الوجد لم تعدل ولم تلوم

If longing sees you, you will not be swayed nor will you blame.

لقد أنلتك أذنا غير وعية

I have given you an unheeding ear.

ورب منتصت والقلب في صممي

And by the lord of the heavens, the heart is in silence.

لا أفصح الناطقين الضاد قاطبة

Not all speakers of the Arabic language are eloquent.

حديثك الشهد عند الذائق الفهمي

Your talk is sweet for the discerning listener.

إن قلت في الأمر لا أو قلت فيه نعم

If you said no to the matter or you said yes to it.

فخيرة الله في لا منك

God's choice is not from you.

أو نعم

Oh yes.

الله قسم بين الخلق رزقهم

God has apportioned the sustenance among His creation.

وأنت خيرت في الأرزاق والقسم

"And you have been given the choice in sustenance and fate."

أخوك عيسى دعا ميتا فقام له

Your brother Issa called a dead person, and he stood up for him.

وأنت أحييت أجيالا من الظلم

"And you have brought generations of oppression to life."

أسرى بك الله ليلا

"God took you on a night journey."

إذ ملائكه هو الرسل

The angels are the messengers.

في المسجد الأقصى على قدمي

At Al-Aqsa Mosque on my feet.

لما رأوك التفو بسيدهم

When they saw you, they gathered around their master.

كالشوب بالبدر أو كالجند بالعلم

Like the moon among the stars or like soldiers with their banners.

صلى وراءك منهم كل ذي خطر

"Every prominent person among them prayed behind you."

ومن يفز بحبيب الله يتممي

"And whoever wins the love of God will be complete."

شفت السماوات وما فوقه الندجة

I saw the heavens and what is above it.

على منورة درية

On the illuminated Minwara.

اللجوم ركوبة لك من عز

The ride is a means for you from glory.

ومن شرف لا في الجيات

And from dignity, not in the coming.

ولا في الأينق الرسم

Nor in the elegant drawing.

حتى بلغت سماء لا يطار لها على جناح

"Until I reached a sky that cannot be flown to on a wing."

ولا يسعى على قدم

And he does not strive on foot.

وقيل كل نبي عند رتبته

It was said that every prophet is at his level.

ويا محمد هذا العر فاستليم

"O Muhammad, this is the veil, so accept it."

مشيئة الخالق الباري وصنعته

The will of the Creator and His creation.

وقدرة الله فوق الشك والتهم

And the power of God is beyond doubt and suspicion.

والله صلى وسلم على وسلم

By God, may peace and blessings be upon him.

الله يصلي وسلم على وسلم

May Allah bless and greet (Prophet) Muhammad.

فكرا كان معكم في هذه الحلقة

It was a thought that was with you in this episode.

ينتظرونا في حلقة جديدة من بودكاست

They are waiting for us in a new episode of the podcast.



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