في ظلال السيرة | معجزة عند دفن المشركين | 150


القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية

في ظلال السيرة | معجزة عند دفن المشركين | 150

القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية

معجزة عند دفن المشركين

A miracle when burying the polytheists.

ذات يوم

One day

سأل أحدهم نبي الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال

Someone asked the Prophet of God, peace be upon him, and he said:

أرأيت إن قتلت في سبيل الله

Did you see if I were killed in the way of God?

أتكفر عني خطاياي

Do you atone for my sins?

فأجابه صلى الله عليه وسلم

He replied to him, peace be upon him.



وأنت صابر محتسب

And you are patient and seeking reward.

مقبل غير مدبر

Advancing, not retreating.

إلا الدين

Except for the religion.

فإن جبريل عليه السلام قال لي ذلك

"Indeed, Gabriel, peace be upon him, said that to me."

هكذا أمسى شهداء بدر

Thus became the martyrs of Badr.

أمسوا رحيلا إلى عالم يخطف العقول ويسحر الأرواح

They have become a journey to a world that captivates minds and enchants souls.

لكنه ممنوع على من امتلأت صحيحا

But it is forbidden for those who are full of righteousness.

وبأعراضهم حقوقه

"And with their symptoms, his rights."

أو حتى بأموال دولته وممتلكاتها

"Or even with the funds and properties of his state."

لو تغفر للشهيد كل الذنوب التي بينه وبين ربه

If you forgive the martyr all the sins between him and his Lord.

صغارها وكبائرها

Its young and its elders.

تغفر مع أول قطره ينزفها

It forgives with the first drop it bleeds.

وعندما يدخل قرآنه

And when His Qur'an enters.

فإن أمسوا رحيلاته

If they spent the night in their belongings.

يدخل قبره يرى بروحه كما يرى النائم قصوره ومنتجعاته وأنهاره ومراكبه

He enters his grave and sees with his soul as a sleeper sees his palaces, resorts, rivers, and boats.

والوجوه التي تتحرق شوقا إليه

"And the faces that burn with longing for him."

فيطير قلبه نحو ذلك النعيم

His heart flies towards that bliss.

فيقال له نم نم نومة العروس

It is said to him, "Sleep, sleep the sleep of the bride."

لا يوقظه إلا أحب الخلق إليه

Nothing awakens him except for the most beloved of creation to him.

وهي نومة مهما طالت فلن يشعر بها

And it is a sleep, no matter how long it lasts, he will not feel it.

فالزمن يموت بالنوم وبالموت

Time dies in sleep and in death.

غفى شهداء بدر على النعيم

The martyrs of Badr slept in bliss.

ومكث نبي الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بعدهم ثلاثة أيام

And the Prophet of God, peace be upon him, stayed with them for three days.

تحسبا لهجمة منه نعيم

In anticipation of an attack from him, Naim.

أثناء ذلك قام الصحابة بدفن جثث المشركين

During that time, the companions buried the bodies of the polytheists.

وقد كان على أرض بدر بئر قديمة

There was an old well on the land of Badr.

فأمر صلى الله عليه وسلم

So he ordered, peace be upon him.

بدفن أربعة وعشرين من كبار الطواغيت فيها

"Twenty-four of the major tyrants are buried there."

سحبت جثثهم واحدة واحدة

I pulled their bodies one by one.

وعندما اقتربوا من جثة أميرتهم

And when they approached the body of their princess.

وجدوها قد انتفخت وتعفنت وتغير لونها

They found it swollen, rotting, and discolored.

حاول الصحابة سحبها فعجزوا

The companions tried to pull it, but they were unable to.

ليس لضخامتها

It's not because of its size.

ولكن لأن لحمه تزايل وبدأ يتفسخ

But because its meat has started to decay and rot.

عندها تركوها وألقوا عليها التراب والحجارة

Then they left her and threw dirt and stones on her.

حتى واروها

"Until we bury her."

كأني بأماني

As if I am with my hopes.

وهذا المشهد يبكي بلالا

And this scene makes Bilal cry.

فكم دفنه أمية بالحجارة الحامية في حر الصيف

How many times did Umayyah bury him with hot stones in the heat of summer?

وكأني بأبي بكر يتذكر ذلك اليوم

As if Abu Bakr is remembering that day.

الذي اشترى فيه بلالا ليعتقه

The one who bought Bilal to emancipate him.

اشتراه وهو مدخون بالحجارة

He bought it while it was covered in stones.

بعد ذلك أمر صلى الله عليه وسلم

After that, the Prophet, peace be upon him, commanded.

بجمع الغنائم والأنفال

By collecting the spoils and the extra properties.

وهو لا يدري ما يفعل بها

And he does not know what to do with it.

فالوحي لم ينزل عليه

For the revelation did not come down upon him.

أثناء ذلك

During that time

شاهد صلى الله عليه وسلم

Witness, may peace and blessings be upon him.

سعد بن أبي وقاص يتوجه نحوه

Saad bin Abi Waqqas is heading towards him.

يحمل سيفين

He carries two swords.

سيفه وسيفا قويا وجده بين الجثث

His sword was strong, and he found it among the corpses.

ولما وقف قال

And when he stood, he said.

يا رسول الله

O Messenger of God

إن الله قد شفى صدري اليوم من العدو

Indeed, God has healed my heart today from the enemy.

فهب لي هذا السيف

"Grant me this sword."

فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم

He (peace be upon him) said.


Put it.

ثم قام سعد فقال

Then Saad stood up and said.

يا رسول الله نفلنيه

O Messenger of Allah, grant us an increase.

فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم

He said, peace be upon him.


Put it.

إن هذا السيف ليس لي ولا ليس ليه

This sword is neither mine nor his.

لذلك تأثر سعد ووضع السيف وانصر فحزينا وهو يقول لنفسه

Therefore, Saad was affected, he put down the sword and felt sad while saying to himself.

يعطاه اليوم من لم يبل بلائي

"Today he will be given to someone who has not experienced my trials."

وبعد ساعات سمع منادي يناديه

After hours, he heard a caller calling him.

فارتجف قلبه

His heart trembled.

خشية أن يكون قد نزل في إلحاحه قرآن يعاتبه

Fearing that a Quran may have been revealed in response to his insistence, admonishing him.

في غلال السيرة

In the midst of the biography.


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The Garden

والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

And peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.



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