الحسد و العين
واقع خيالي مع سمير كمال
الحسد و العين
اشتركوا في القناة
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نحن نعرف أنهم مذكورين في القرآن
We know that they are mentioned in the Quran.
وسيدنا محمد حذر من العين والحسد تحديدا
Our Master Muhammad warned specifically about the evil eye and envy.
بس أنا هنا جاي علشان أتكلم على حاجة ممكن بتكون بتمس كل واحد فينا
But I'm here to talk about something that might affect each one of us.
وأكيد أكيد في حد فينا أعدم الموضوع ده
And surely there is someone among us who destroyed this matter.
الموضوع ما فيه أن أنا كان بقالي فترة بابتدي أدرس الأشخاص الحوالية
The subject is that I had been starting to study the people around me for a while.
وما في دايرة معرفتي الناس اللي ممكن تكون كويسة وحشة
"And there are people outside of my knowledge who could be good or bad."
أنا واخد عندهم خلفية وحشة وهم كويسين والعكس
I have a bad impression of them, and they are nice, and vice versa.
اكتشفت أن فيه ناس قريبة أو فيه ناس في المعرفة في دايرة المعارف
I discovered that there are people close or there are people in acquaintances within the circle of knowledge.
يعنيهم مش حلوة للأسف
It means they are not nice unfortunately.
وبيحسدوا للأسف
And unfortunately, they are jealous.
فيه شخصيتين
There are two personalities.
شخصية ما تعرفش أن هي بتحسد
A person who doesn't realize they are envious.
وفيه شخصية هي عارفة وفهمة هي بتعمل إيه كويس
"And it has a character who is aware and understands what they are doing well."
خلينا نقول أن الشخص اللي بيحسد
Let's say that the person who is envious...
ونفسه الحاجة اللي عندك تكون معاه
"And the same thing you have should be with him."
هو عايز يعيش حياتك
He wants to live your life.
هو عايز ياخد كل حاجة حلوة في حياتك
He wants to take everything beautiful in your life.
تبقى عنده
It stays with him.
هو لو عليه هو يبدل حياته ويجي يقعد معاه
If it were up to him, he would change his life and come sit with him.
يعيش حياتك أنت
Live your own life.
بس في الحل وبتاعك
But it's in the solution and yours.
ما يشوفش الوحش
He doesn't see the monster.
ولو عمل كده هيبص على حد تاني وهيتمنى إن هو يعيش حياته
If he does that, he will look at someone else and wish to live his life.
فالشخص اللي بيحسد هو عارف هو بيعمل إيه كويس
So the person who is envious knows very well what they are doing.
فخلينا نفلتر علاقاتنا يا جماعة
Let's filter our relationships, guys.
خلينا نشوف مين اللي حوارينا
Let's see who is talking to us.
اللي إحنا نقدر نوضح له ونقول له ونحكي له
What we can clarify to him, tell him, and explain to him.
عن حياتنا وعن مجيبنا وعن أسرتنا وأهالينا
About our life, our responder, our family, and our loved ones.
وايه اللي احنا جيبناه جديد وايه اللي احنا اشتريناه جديد
What have we brought new and what have we bought new?
هو مش شرط ان انا لما اجيب حاجة جديدة
It's not necessary that when I get something new...
اعرف الناس كلها صح
I know all the people correctly.
مش شرط ان انا لما اخرج خروجة حلوة
It’s not necessary that when I go out, it has to be a nice outing.
اروح منزل بعدها بساعتين تلاتة على السوشال ميديا
I’ll go home and then in two or three hours I’ll be on social media.
ان انا متصور في المكان الفلاني او باكل الاكل الفلاني
I imagine I am in a certain place or eating a certain food.
مش شرط الناس كلها تعرف حياتي
It's not necessary for everyone to know my life.
لانك انت مش بتصور نفسك وانت بتعيط
Because you don't take pictures of yourself while crying.
او انت بتعيطي
Are you crying?
مش بتصور نفسك وانت في اخر الشهر ومديون مش عارف تجيب فلوس منين
I can't imagine yourself at the end of the month, in debt and not knowing where to get money from.
مش بتنشر كل السلبيات دي
"Don't spread all these negatives."
لأ انت بتنشر الايجابيات
No, you are only spreading positivity.
فبالتالي الشخص اللي في دايلة معرفتك ده
So the person in your circle of acquaintances is...
اللي عينيه ما شاء الله قاد كده
"His eyes, mashallah, are like this."
هو هيرزعك العين المتينة
He will put you in the strong eye.
ما تتسناش ان يحصل لك حاجة
Don't wait for something to happen to you.
انت يا ربنا سلمها معك مرة واثنين وثلاثة
You, O our Lord, protect her with You once, twice, and three times.
فمش شرط ان هي في الخمسة او الستة
"It's not necessary for her to be in the fifth or sixth."
You will be fine.
وارد عينه دي تصيب
"His eye is struck by this."
فخلي بالكوا تحديدا من عيالكوا
So be careful specifically of your children.
مش لازم اتصور مع اطفالي وانزل لهم الصور والستوريز اللطيفة الحلو دي
I don't have to take pictures with my children and post those cute lovely pictures and stories.
ايه الذكريات دي انا بعملها لمن
What are these memories I'm making for whom?
الذكريات دي لي ولأسرتي صح
These memories are for me and my family, right?
بحيث احنا لما نجبر نبتري نتفرج عليها ونشوفها ونتحكوا
So that when we have to, we start watching it and see it and laugh.
تبقى ذكريات حلوة ودافية قدام لما نكون كبار
Sweet and warm memories will remain when we grow up.
اعيش حياتك خفافي
Live your life lightly.
ما تبقاش ظاهر وباين قدام الناس وتتكلم وتطلع تتحكي عن اسرارك
Don't remain visible and obvious in front of people, speaking and revealing your secrets.
معلش يعني هو 150 ولا 200 فرد
Sorry, is it 150 or 200 individuals?
ولا 300 فرد اللي عصوشيال ميديا
And not 300 individuals who are social media.
اللي عاملينلك فولو هما دول
Those who are following you are these.
لما يعملولك لايكات على الصورة اللي انت بتعملها
When they give you likes on the picture you take.
هو ده اللي هيحسسك بنفسك
This is what will make you feel like yourself.
لا طبعا
No, of course not.
ده جزء ده شخصية احنا كلنا ممكن نكون عدت علينا
This part is a character that we all might have encountered.
وانا متأكد ان هي عدت علينا كلنا
And I am sure that she has been through all of us.
النوع التاني الشخص اللي بيحسد من غير ما بياخد باله للأسف
The second type is the person who envies without even realizing it, unfortunately.
اللي احنا بنقول عليه عينك وحشة
What we call the evil eye.
الشخص ده هو ما بيتمناش زوال النعمة
This person doesn't wish for the blessing to be removed.
اكتر من ان هو يعني نفسه في الحاجة اللي في ايدك
More than just meaning itself in the thing you have in your hand.
لان فيه فرق بين العين والحسد
Because there is a difference between the "eye" and "envy."
او فيه فرق بين الشخص اللي عارف ان هو بيحسد
Is there a difference between a person who knows they are envious?
وشخص اللي هو ما يقصدش
"And a person who does not mean it."
اللي ما يقصدش ده ما بيتمناش زوال النعمة منك وتجيله هو
Those who don't intend this don't wish for the blessing to be taken from you and given to him.
ده بيكون بس حالته المادية مش احسن حاجة مثلا او
This typically happens when his financial situation isn't the best, for example, or...
في وضع اجتماعي مش قلطف حاجة او او او او
In a social situation, it's not the least bit pleasant or something like that.
ان هو يكون مكانك
That he should be in your place.
بس من غير ما يقصد
But without intending to.
علشان كده تاني وتالت ورابعة
That's why again, and again, and again.
خلي حياتك مقتصرة على الجانب
Keep your life confined to the side.
مثلا انت خارج برة مع عيلتك
For example, you are outside with your family.
رايحين تتغدف مكان
We are going to hang out somewhere.
فخليه مقتصر على حكاوي البيت والاسرة اللطيفة الحلوة اللي فيها نكت اللي بتضحك
So let it be limited to the sweet, nice family stories at home that have jokes that make you laugh.
خلينا نتكلم في المواضيع العامة
Let's talk about general topics.
خلينا نسأل على بعض
Let's check on each other.
نعرف احنا كنا فين وغايبين ليه الفترة اللي فاتت
We know where we were and why we have been absent for the past period.
اي موضوع عام
Any general subject.
مش لازم تطلع كل اسرار بيتك
You don't have to reveal all the secrets of your home.
وانت عملت ايه في حياتك
And what have you done in your life?
وانك كنت رأيتي في شغلك
And you had seen it in your work.
واخدت جديد وانك جالك بونس بمبلغ كبير
I heard that you received a bonus of a large amount.
في اخر شغلانة واخر سفرية
In the last job and the last trip.
مش لازم
Not necessary.
مش هيفيد الشخص اللي قدامك باي حاجة
It won't benefit the person in front of you in any way.
طب قولي كده هو استفاد ايه
So tell me, what did he gain?
يعني انا دلوقتي قاعد مع واحد صديق لي على القهوة
I mean, I'm currently sitting with a friend of mine at a café.
And we are talking.
جاي وقال لي تصدق
He came and told me, "Do you believe it?"
انا جالي افر ان انا اسافر انجلترا
I have an opportunity to travel to England.
والمرتب هيكون 5000 جنيه سترليني
The salary will be 5000 British pounds.
هل من الطبيعي
Is it normal?
في الوضع الحالي
In the current situation.
اللي احنا عايشينه
What we are living.
والظروف الحالية
and the current circumstances
وانا شخص مثلا ولنفرض مش هقولك شغال شغلانة ايه كلمة
"I am a person, for example, and let's assume I'm not going to tell you what job I'm doing."
لا انا شغال شغلانة كويسة
No, I have a good job.
بس بقبض بالعملة المحلية
I only accept payment in the local currency.
وبقبض مبلغ ولا قليل ولا كبير
And by receiving an amount, neither small nor large.
يروب معايشني ومقضيني
He lives with me and makes me happy.
فانا هتتدي لو انا شخص عندي او من نوعي التاني
So I will be started if I am a person who has or is of my other type.
هتتدي اقول ياريتني كنت انا
"I wish I were the one."
هديك حبة نصايح وهبتدي اسمع منك
I'll give you a piece of advice, and then I'll start listening to you.
بس انت استفدت ايه
But what did you benefit from it?
انت استفدت ايه لما جيت وحكيت لي حاجة مش المفروض اعرفها
What did you benefit from when you came and told me something I’m not supposed to know?
دي نقطة
This is a point.
نقطة تانية طب انت عايز حد يجي يقولي طب ما هو برضو فيه اشخاص عايزة تستشير عايزة تاخد قراءة اللي حواليها
Another point is that you want someone to come and tell me that there are also people who want to consult and get an understanding of those around them.
هقولك صح
I will tell you the truth.
ممكن تستشير اقرب الناس ليك اللي انت واسط
You can consult the closest people to you that you have connections with.
فيهم مليون في المئة
There is a million percent in them.
ابوك امك اختك اخوك خالك صاحبك اللي انت تعرفه منه انتو متربيين سوا
Your father, your mother, your sister, your brother, your uncle, your friend that you know, you all grew up together.
ايا كان حد من دول في القطار ده مش لازم اروح اتكلم يمين وشمال واحكي للناس كلها
If any of these people are on this train, I don’t need to go around talking left and right and telling everyone.
ربنا يحفظنا جميعا ويسلم من العين والحسد
May God protect us all and keep us safe from the evil eye and envy.
ويبعد عن ولادنا كل الحاجات الوحشة وكل الناس اللي بتبص في حياتنا ومركزين معانا
"And keep away from our children all the bad things and all the people who look into our lives and focus on us."
واللي انا عايز اقولوه خل بالك من نفسكو خل بالكو من كلامكو
What I want to say is take care of yourselves and watch what you say.
خل بالكو من tصرفاتكو خل بالكو من حكويكو قدام الناس
Be careful with your actions and be careful with your talk in front of people.
لانك ما تعرفش النوايا شي لإيه ما تعرفش اللي قدامك بيفكر فيك ازاي
Because you don't know the intentions, you don't know how the person in front of you is thinking about you.
مش كل الناس بتفكر بنفس التفكير العادي السلمي المنطقي الهادي المحب
Not everyone thinks in the normal, peaceful, logical, calm, loving way.
فيه ناس نواياها للأسف مش سليمة
There are people whose intentions, unfortunately, are not sincere.
نسألنا كل أسبوع جاي في بودكاست جديد من واقع خيالي مع سمير كمال
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