سورة الأنبياء (8)

تفسير القرآن الكريم | Tafsir Al-Quran Al-Kareem

تفسير سورة الأنبياء - الشيخ محمد راتب النابلسي

سورة الأنبياء (8)

تفسير سورة الأنبياء - الشيخ محمد راتب النابلسي

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

الحمد لله رب العالمين

All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

وأفضل الصلاة وأتم التسليم على سيدنا محمد

And the best prayer and the most complete greetings be upon our master Muhammad.

الصادق الوعد الأمين

The truthful and trustworthy promise.

اللهم لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا

O Allah, we have no knowledge except that which You have taught us.

إنك أنت العليم الحكيم

Indeed, You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

اللهم علمنا ما ينفعنا

O Allah, teach us what benefits us.

وانفعنا بما علمتنا

"And benefit us with what You have taught us."

وزدنا علمه

And we increased his knowledge.

وأرنا الحق حقا وارزقنا اتباعه

"And show us the truth as truth and grant us the ability to follow it."

وأرنا الباطل باطلا وارزقنا اجتنابه

"And show us falsehood as falsehood, and grant us the ability to avoid it."

واجعلنا ممن يستمعون القول فيستبعون أحسنه

"And make us among those who listen to the word and follow the best of it."

وأدخلنا برحمتك في عبادك الصالحين

"And admit us by Your mercy among Your righteous servants."

أيها الإخوة المؤمنون

O you faithful brothers.

مع الدرس الثامن والأخير من سورة الأنبياء

With the eighth and final lesson from Surah Al-Anbiya.

وصلنا في الدرس الماضي

We reached in the last lesson.

إلى قوله تعالى

To the saying of Allah, the Exalted.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

إن هذه أمتكم أمة واحدة

Verily, this is your nation, one nation.

وأنا ربكم فاعبدون

"And I am your Lord, so worship Me."

هذه اسم إشارة

This is a demonstrative pronoun.

وكأن الله سبحانه وتعالى

And as if Allah, the Exalted and Glorified,

يشير إلى قصص الأنبياء

Refers to the stories of the prophets.

وكيف أن هؤلاء الأنبياء

And how these prophets.

الكرام عرفوا ربهم

The honorable have known their Lord.

ووحدوه وأفردوه بالألوذية والربوبية

"And they made Him one and unique in His divinity and lordship."

وعبدوه عبادة خالصة

And worship Him with pure devotion.

ودعوا أقوامهم إلى هذا

And they called their people to this.

فإن هذه المواقف وهذا التوحيد

For indeed, these positions and this unity.

وهذا التسليم وتلك العبادة

This submission and that worship.

إن هذه أمتكم

This is your nation.

هذه ملتكم

This is your religion.

كلمة أمة في هذه الآية معناها الملة

The word "nation" in this verse means "religion."

يعني هذا دينكم

Does this mean your religion?

هذا مذهبكم

This is your doctrine.

هذه عقيدتكم

This is your creed.

هذا دستوركم

This is your constitution.

هذه شريعتكم

This is your law.

إن هذه مواقف الأنبياء

These are the positions of the prophets.

سيدنا إبراهيم وسيدنا نور

Our master Abraham and our master Noah.

أيوب وسيدنا داود وسيدنا سليمان

Job, our Master David, and our Master Solomon.

وسيدنا إسماعيل وإدريس وذلكفر

And our lord Ishmael, Idris, and Dhul-Kifl.

هؤلاء الأنبياء جميعاً

All of these prophets.

يجمعهم شيء واحد

They are united by one thing.

هذا الشيء هو أنهم عرفوا ربهم

This thing is that they knew their Lord.

ووحدوه وعبدوه

And they unified Him and worshipped Him.

فسعدوا بقربه

So they rejoiced in His proximity.

ودعوا أقوامهم إلى هذا

And they called their people to this.

فهذا الذي مر بنا قبل قليل

This is what just passed by us a little while ago.

أو في الأسبوع الماضي

Or last week.

عن قصص الأنبياء الكرام

About the stories of the noble prophets.

إن سيرة هؤلاء

The biography of these individuals.

واعتقاد هؤلاء

And the belief of these people.

وتضحية هؤلاء

And the sacrifice of these.

وإقبال هؤلاء

And the acceptance of these.

فوجوهروا دينكم أيها الأمة العربية

Embrace your religion, O Arab nation.

إن هذه أمتكم أمة واحدة

Indeed, this is your nation, a single nation.

يعني هذا الدين

This means religion.

دين واحد

One religion

هذا الدين مبادئه واحدة

This religion has unified principles.

سننه واحدة

It is one of our traditions.

قيمه واحدة

One value

أوامره واحدة

His orders are one.

لا نفرق بين أحد من رسله

We make no distinction between any of His messengers.

وقالوا سمعنا وأطعنا

They said, "We have heard and we obeyed."

غفرانك ربنا وإليك المفور

Your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the final destination.

طبيعة الرسالات السماوية واحدة

The nature of the divine messages is one.

لا تتبدل ولا تتغير

It does not change or alter.

فإذا تبدلت

So if it changes.

فإذا زاد بعضها على بعض

"So if some of it exceeds others."

فبحكم تطور البشر

Due to the evolution of humans.

كلما ارتقت البشرية من طور إلى طور

Whenever humanity ascends from one stage to another.

جاء التشريع السماوي

The heavenly legislation has come.

ليغطي هذا الطور الجديد

To cover this new phase.

ولكن طبيعة الرسالات السماوية واحدة

But the nature of the heavenly messages is one.

إن هذه أمتكم

This is your nation.

كلمة هذه

The word "this"

لأن اسم الإشارة

Because the demonstrative pronoun

جاء بعده اسم معرف بأل

A definite noun came after him.

لكان بدلا

"Instead of."

إن هذه الأمة أمة واحدة

Indeed, this nation is one nation.

أما إن هذه أمتكم

As for this, it is your nation.

أمتكم هي الخبر

Your nation is the news.

يعني كأن الله سبحانه وتعالى

It means, as if Allah, the Exalted and Mighty,

يشير بهذا الاسم

He indicates with this name.

اسم الإشارة

Demonstrative pronoun

إلى قصص الأنبياء جميعا

To the stories of all the prophets.

وإلى عقيدتهم

And to their creed.

وإلى توحيدهم

And to their unity.

وإلى عبادتهم

"And to their worship."

وإلى استقامتهم

"And to their righteousness."

وإلى أعمالهم الصالحة

"And to their good deeds."

وإلى تضحياتهم

And to their sacrifices.

وإلى دعوة الناس إلى ربهم

"And to inviting the people to their Lord."

إن هذه أمتكم

This is your nation.

والخطاب موجه

And the letter is addressed.

لمن أنزل هذا القرآن إليهم

To whom was this Quran revealed?

وهذا القرآن

And this is the Quran.

الذي أنزل على قلب النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

That which was revealed to the heart of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

نحن المسلمين مخاطبون به

"We Muslims are addressed by it."

نحن مخاطبون به

"We are addressed by it."

وكأن الله عز وجل

And as if God, the Almighty

يبين لنا أن هذه القصص

It shows us that these stories

التي ذكرتها لكم

Which I mentioned to you.

لم تذكر من أجل

You did not mention for the purpose of.



ولكن من أجل أن تتخذ

But in order to take...

أساسا لعقيدتكم

Basically for your belief.


And your steadfastness.


And for your deeds.

إن هذه أمتكم

This is your nation.

أمة واحدة

One nation

وهذه الملة

And this nation.

وهذا الدين

And this religion

دين موحد

Unified religion

لأن الخالق واحد

Because the Creator is one.


And mankind.

فهم خلقه

He understood his creation.

ولهم طبيعة واحدة

And they have one nature.

خلقكم من نفس واحدة

He created you from one soul.

إنسان يسكن في أقاص البلاد

A person living in the remote corners of the country.

في القطب الشمالي

In the Arctic.

وإنسان آخر

And another person.

يسكن في القطب الجنوبي

He lives in the South Pole.

وإنسان من شرق الأرض

And a man from the east of the earth.

وإنسان من غربها

"And a man from its west."

كل هؤلاء لهم طبيعة واحدة

All of these have one nature.

فترة الله التي فطر الناس عليها

The period of God that He created people upon.

لا تبديل لخلق الله

There is no changing the creation of Allah.

فترة واحدة

One period

كل هؤلاء البشر

All these people

حرصون على سلامتهم

They are keen on their safety.

كل هؤلاء البشر

All these people

حرصون على سعادتهم

They are keen on their happiness.

كل هؤلاء البشر

All these people

يخافون المصيبة

They fear the calamity.

يخشون الهلاك

They fear destruction.

يحبون الخير

They love good.

يحبون الحق

They love the truth.

يحبون الرحمة

They love mercy.

يحبون العدالة

They love justice.

هذه فترة الله عز وجل

This is a period of God Almighty.

فكلمة أمة واحدة

The phrase "فكلمة أمة واحدة" translates to "One nation word."

أي أنه لا ينبغي أن يكون هناك

That is, there should not be any.

تناقض بين الأديان

Contradiction between religions.

لأن الأصل واحد

Because the origin is one.

لأن المشكات واحدة

Because the niche is one.

ألم يقل النجاشي

Did not the Najashi say?

حينما بلغته رسالة النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

When the message of the Prophet, peace be upon him, reached him.

إن هذا والذي جاء به عيسى

This is what Jesus brought.

يخرج من مشكات واحدة

He comes out of one niche.

من أصل واحد

Of one origin.

ولو أن الإنسان اطلع

And if a person were to gain insight.

على الإنجيل كما أنزل

To the Gospel as it was revealed.

وعلى التوراة كما أنزلت

"And on the Torah as it was revealed."

قبل أن يطرع عليها التحريف والتبديل

Before it is subjected to alteration and modification.

لوجد الكتب السماوية من روح واحدة

The heavenly books would be from one spirit.

لأنها كلها كلام الله سبحانه وتعالى

Because it is all the word of God, Glory be to Him.

إن هذه أمتكم أمة واحدة

Indeed, this is your nation, one nation.

وأنا ربكم فاعبدوه

"And I am your Lord, so worship Me."

وربنا هو هو

And our Lord is the same.

ربنا الذي نعبده

Our Lord whom we worship.

هو رب هؤلاء الأنبياء

He is the Lord of these prophets.

الذي أوحى إليهم الكتب

The one who inspired them with the books.

وأنزل عليهم الشرائع

And He revealed to them the laws.

ودعاهم إلى دعوة الناس

And he called them to invite people.

للإيمان بالله وعبادته

To believe in God and worship Him.

وأنا ربكم فاعبدوه

"And I am your Lord, so worship Me."

وتقطعوا أمرهم بينهم

And they cut off their affair among themselves.

لكن أتباع هؤلاء الأنبياء

But the followers of these prophets

تقطعوا أمرهم

They severed their matter.

أمرهم هو دينهم

Their command is their religion.

تقطعوه جعلوه قطعاً

They cut it into pieces.

هذا أخذ من الدين هذا الجانب

This aspect has taken from religion.

وضخمه وجعله الدين كله

And he inflated it and made it the whole religion.

وهاجم فريقاً آخر أخذ جانباً آخر

And another team attacked from a different side.

أساس الأديان واحد

The foundation of religions is one.

أو أساس الدين الواحد واحد

Or the foundation of the one religion is one.

لكن أتباع الأنبياء

But the followers of the prophets

أخذوا من الدين

They took from religion.

ما يناسب أهواءهم

What suits their desires.

وتركوا ما يعارض شهواتهم

And they left what opposes their desires.

وتعصبوا لما أخذوه

And they became furious when they took it.

وتهجموا على ما لم يأخذوه

And they attacked what they had not taken.

فأصبحت الديانات من بعد الأنبياء

So the religions became after the prophets.

نزقاً وقطعاً

Nastily and cut off.

وأصبحت متناقضة

And it became contradictory.

وكل حزب بما لديهم فرحون

"And every faction is rejoicing in what they have."

يعني هذه الخلافات

This means these disputes.

التي جاءت بعد الأنبياء

"which came after the prophets"

ما أنزل الله بها من سلطان

What God has not sent down any authority for.

وما أرادها الله

And what Allah did not intend.

إن أتباع الأنبياء اتبعوا شهواتهم

The followers of the prophets followed their desires.

ولم يتبعوا أنبياءهم

And they did not follow their prophets.

باتباعهم شهواتهم

By following their desires.

أخذوا من الدين ما يروق لهم

They took from religion what pleases them.

وتعصبوا له

And they became zealous for him.

وهاجموا كل طرف آخر

And they attacked every other party.

لم يأخذ ما أخذوا

He did not take what they took.

يعني هذا على مستوى الأديان

This means at the level of religions.

أما على مستوى الدين الواحد

As for the level of a single religion.

الإسلام كما ترون

Islam as you see it

رأى أن

He saw that

مثلاً الفقه كل شيء

For example, jurisprudence is everything.

مع أن الفقه هو جوهر الدين

Although jurisprudence is the essence of religion.

وجانب رأى أن التفسير كل شيء

And there is a side that believes that interpretation is everything.

وجانب آخر رأى أن علم الحديث كل شيء

Another perspective sees that the science of Hadith is everything.

وجانب رابع رأى أن التوحيد كل شيء

And a fourth aspect saw that monotheism is everything.

وجانب خامس رأى أن علم الأصول كل شيء

And a fifth perspective saw that the science of principles is everything.

وجانب خامس رأى أن

And a fifth aspect suggested that


The presence.

المواجدة والأحوال هي كل شيء

Existence and conditions are everything.

وكل فرقة تعتز بما عندها وتهاجم أختها

Each group prides itself on what it has and attacks its sister.

لذلك أصبح الدين مذقا وفرقا

Therefore, religion has become a taste and a division.

هذه كلها أشياء متكاملة

These are all complete things.

يعني الدين يجب أن يلم بكل هذه العلوم

It means that religion should encompass all these sciences.

ويجب أن يراها متكاملة وليست متناقضة

And he must see it as complete and not contradictory.

متعاونة لا متنافسة

Collaborative, not competitive.

الدين له جناحان جناح العقل وجناح القلب

Religion has two wings: the wing of the mind and the wing of the heart.

فالدين لا يقوم على جناح واحد

Religion does not stand on a single wing.

لا بد من علم الشريعة ولا بد من علم الحقيقة

There must be knowledge of Sharia and there must be knowledge of truth.

لا بد من الإيمان ولا بد من العمل

There must be faith, and there must be action.

لا بد من الفقه ولا بد من الحب

There must be understanding and there must be love.

لا بد من ضبط الحديث ولا بد من ضبط التفسير

It is necessary to regulate the الحديث (Hadith) and it is necessary to regulate the تفسير (Tafsir).

كل إنسان يظن أنه وحده على حق

Every person believes that they are the only one who is right.

والآخرون على ضلال

And the others are in misguidance.

هذه نظرة ضيقة لا يرضاها الإسلام

This is a narrow viewpoint that Islam does not accept.

بعضهم يرى أن الدين طرب

Some see religion as a form of ecstasy.

وأناشيد ومدائح

And hymns and praises.

بعضهم يرى أن الدين كتاب

Some see religion as a book.

بعضهم يرى أن الدين سلوك

Some see religion as behavior.

والحقيقة أن كل هذه الأقوال صحيحة إذا كأ

In fact, all of these statements are true if...

أن كل هذه الأقوال صحيحة إذا كانت مجتمعة

That all these statements are true if they are combined.

ومتكاملة ومتعاونة

Comprehensive and cooperative.

وتقطعوا أمرهم بينهم

And they cut off their affair among themselves.

يعني يجب أن يكون الناس متجهين اتجاها واحدا

It means that people should be heading in one direction.

يجب أن يكون الناس متكاتفين

People should be united.

أما هذه الخصومات بين الفرق الدينية

As for these disputes among religious sects.

وبين المذاهب

And between the sects.

ما أن يكونوا متكاتفين

Once they are united.

ما أنزل الله بها من سلطان

"What God has not sent down concerning it any authority."

هذه الخصومات مفتعلة

These discounts are fabricated.

هذه الخصومات ما أرادها الأنبياء

These discounts were not what the prophets wanted.

ولا أرادها صاحب الرسالة العظمى

And the one who bears the great message did not want it.

لذلك كلما توحدت القلوب

Therefore, whenever hearts unite

وكلما أحب بعضنا بعضا

And whenever we love each other.

وعذر بعضنا بعضا

And we forgive each other.

كلما كثرت القواسم المشتركة

The more common denominators there are.

وكلما ازدادت نقاط اللقاء

And the more meeting points increase

فنحن في خير

So we are in good.

لذلك الإنسان ينبغي أن يكون ذا أفق واسع

Therefore, a person should have a broad perspective.

وأن يرى أنه عضوا في أسرة

And to see himself as a member of a family.

وليس هو الأسرة كلها

And it is not the whole family.

يرى أنه جندي للحق

He sees himself as a soldier for the truth.

وليس هو الجيش كله

And it is not the entire army.

هذه النظرة المتواضعة

This humble perspective.

وهذه النظرة المنفتحة

This open perspective.

هي سر تقدم المسلمين

It is the secret of the advancement of Muslims.

وتقطعوا أمرهم بينهم

And they cut off their matter among themselves.

لكن كل إلينا راجعون

But to us, all will return.

هؤلاء الذين اختلفوا

Those who disagreed.

وتناحروا وتباغضوا وتحاسدوا

They quarreled, became hostile towards each other, and envied one another.


And they shared.

واتهم بعضهم بعضا

They accused each other.

كل يتهم الآخر بأنه على ضلال

Everyone accuses the other of being misguided.

وأن في عقيدته زيغ

"And that in his belief there is deviation."

وأن في سلوكه انحراف

And that there is a deviation in his behavior.

وأنه وحده على الحق

"And that he alone is on the truth."

هذه النظرة الضيقة

This narrow perspective.

هذه سوف يحاسب الإنسان عليها

This will be accountable by the human.

كل إلينا راجعون

To us, all will return.

كل هؤلاء الأطراف

All these parties

الذين فهموا الدين فهما جزئيا

Those who understood religion partially.

أخذوا منه قطعة

They took a piece from him.

وأعلنوا أنها هي الدين كله

And they declared that it is the whole religion.

هؤلاء سوف يرجعون إلينا

They will return to us.

وسوف نحاسبهم على هذه الفرقة

And we will hold them accountable for this division.

التي أحدثوها

the one they created

وتلك الخصومات التي افتعلوها

And those conflicts that they fabricated.

وهذا التمزق الذي صنعوه

And this tearing that they have made.

وتقطعوا أمرهم بينهم

And they divided their matter among themselves.

كل إلينا راجعون

To us, all will return.

يعني من أساء الظن بأخيه

That means whoever has a negative opinion about his brother.

فقد أساء الظن بربه

He has thought poorly of his Lord.

الأخ المؤمن

The believing brother.

من غلب عليه الصلاح والتسكر

"Whoever is dominated by righteousness and sobriety."

يصلي الخمس

He prays the five (daily prayers).

يصوم رمضان

He fasts Ramadan.

يعلن الشهادتين

He declares the two testimonies.

يأكل مالا حلالا

He eats lawful money.

يغض بصره عن محارم الله

He lowers his gaze from the forbidden things of God.

هذا أخ لك

This is a brother of yours.

ولو كان تابعا لأحدهم

"And if he were a follower of one of them."

لأحد العلماء الآخرين

To another scientist.

هو أخ لك حقيقة

He is truly a brother to you.

أما هذه النظرة الضيقة

As for this narrow perspective.

هذا من جماعتنا وهذا من جماعتكم

This is from our group and this is from your group.

وهذا منا وهذا منكم

This is from us and this is from you.

هذه نظرة ضيقة

This is a narrow perspective.

لا تليق بالمسلمين أبدا

It is not befitting for Muslims at all.

وتقطعوا أمرهم بينهم

"And they cut off their affair among themselves."

كل إلينا راجعون

"Indeed, we belong to Allah and indeed to Him we shall return."

يعني في بعض العثور

It means there is some finding.

بلغت الحماقة بالناس

People have reached the height of foolishness.

أنه لا يجوز

It is not permissible.

أن نزوج الحنفية بالشافعين

To marry the Hanafi (school) with the Shafi'i (school).

وقد خاف الناس

And the people were afraid.

إذا تزوج الحنفي بالشافعية

If a Hanafi marries a Shafi'i.

أن يأتي ولد حنف شعي

To have a son named Hanif Shu'ay.

كما يقولون

As they say.



وتقطعوا أمرهم بينهم

"And they became divided in their affair among themselves."

كل إلينا راجعون

We are all returners to Him.

فمن يعمل من الصالحات من هؤلاء

So whoever does good deeds from among these.

هؤلاء الذين

These are the ones who

تفرقوا من بعد ما جاءهم الأنبياء

They separated after the prophets came to them.

فمن يعمل من الصالحات

"So whoever does righteous deeds..."

وهو مؤمن

And he is a believer.

فلا كفران لسعيه

"Indeed, there is no denial of his striving."

وإنا له كاتبون

"And indeed, We are its writers."

هذه الآية دقيقة جدا

This verse is very precise.

يعني بعد هذه الفرقة

It means after this separation.

وبعد هذا الخلاف

And after this disagreement

وبعد هذا التمزق

And after this rupture.

وكل يدعي أنه على حق

Everyone claims that they are right.

وأن أخاه على باطل

And that his brother is in the wrong.

كل فرقة تدعي أنها هي

Every group claims that they are the one.

تعرف جوهر الدين

Know the essence of religion.

وأن الأخرى لا تفقه شيئا

"And the other does not understand anything."

وسط هذا

Amid this

وسط هذه

In the midst of this

الزحمة من المذاهب والاتجاهات

The crowd of denominations and trends.

والتعصبات والأفق الضيق

Intolerance and narrow-mindedness.

من هؤلاء جميعا

Who are all of these?

فمن يعمل من الصالحات وهو مؤمن

"Whoever does righteous deeds while being a believer."

سوف نقياس ربنا عز وجل

We will measure our Lord, the Almighty.

أن يكون عملك صالحا

To have your work be good.

وأن يبنى هذا العمل الصالح على إيمان

And that this good deed be based on faith.

لو تعلمت علم استقلين

If you had learned the science of independence.

وكان عملك سيئا

Your work was bad.

لا لست عند الله مقبولا

No, I am not accepted by God.

لو صحت عقيدتك وساء عملك

If your belief is correct and your actions are bad.

لست عند الله مقبولا

You are not accepted by God.

لو صلح عملك وساءت عقيدتك

If your deeds are good but your faith is corrupt.

لست عند الله مقبولا

I am not accepted by God.

عند الله شيئان

With God, there are two things.

نقياسان دقيقان

Two precise measurements

إذا توافر في الإنسان

If it is available in a person

رفعه الله سبحانه وتعالى

May Allah, the Almighty, elevate him.

وقبله وتجلى عليه ورضي عنه

"And before Him, and He manifested Himself to him and was pleased with him."

فمن يعمل من الصالحات وهو مؤمن

Whoever works righteousness while he is a believer.

هذا الذي يصلي ويكذب

This is the one who prays and lies.

مرفوض عند الله عز وجل

Rejected by God Almighty.

هذا الذي يصلي ويغتاب الآخرين

This is someone who prays and backbites others.

مرفوض عند الله عز وجل

Rejected by Allah, the Exalted.

هذا الذي يصلي ويأكل مالا حراما

This is the one who prays and eats forbidden money.

يصلي في أول صف

He prays in the front row.

ولم تفته الصلاة إلا في وقتها

He did not miss the prayer except at its appropriate time.

ويأكل مالا حراما

And he eats unlawful money.

مرفوض عند الله عز وجل

Rejected by God Almighty.

والله كما قال سهل التستري

"By God, as Sahl al-Tustari said."

لترك دانق من حرام

To leave a dirham from what is unlawful.

خير من ثمانين حجة بعد الإسلام

Better than eighty pilgrimages after embracing Islam.

والله كما قال عليه الصلاة والسلام

By God, as he said, peace and blessings be upon him.

لأن أمشي مع أخ مؤمن في حاجته

Because I walk with a believing brother in his need.

خير لي من صيام شهر

Better for me than fasting for a month.

واعتكافه في مسجد هذا

"And his seclusion in this mosque."

للبشر مقاي

For humans, there are measures.

أنت إذا درست في جامعات راقية

You, if you studied at prestigious universities.

وحصلت شهادات عالية

And high certificates were obtained.

وأعلنت للناس أنك تحمل هذه الشهادة

And I announced to the people that you hold this certificate.

وأنه قد مضى عليك كذا من السنوات

And that so many years have passed for you.

حتى حصلتها

Until I got it.

ربما كنت عند الناس عظيما

Perhaps you were great in the eyes of people.

بمقياس أهل الأرض

By the standards of the people of the earth.

وإذا عرف الناس أنك غني

And if people know that you are rich.

تملك ألوف الألوف

You own thousands of thousands.

ربما عظمت في نظر الناس

Maybe you are greatly esteemed in the eyes of people.

لأن مقياس الناس

Because the measure of people



ومقياس الناس الشهادات الرفيعة

The measure of people is high honors.

وإذا عرف الناس أنك ذو حول وطول

"And when people know that you are capable and influential."

وأنك من أولي الحل والعقد

"And that you are among those who hold authority and decision-making."

فربما هابوك بمقياس الناس

"Perhaps they feared you by the measure of people."

ولكن البطولة أن تنجح بمقياس السماء

But true heroism is to succeed by the measure of the heavens.

بمقياس الله سبحانه وتعالى

By the scale of Allah, the Almighty.

هذا مقياس الله عز وجل

This is the scale of Allah, the Almighty.

فمن يعمل

So whoever works.

من الصالحات

Of the righteous.

وهو مؤمن

And he is a believer.

فلا كفران لسعيه

"His effort will not be denied."

هذا هو جوهر الدين

This is the essence of religion.

عمل طيب

Good deed.

استقامة على أمر الله

Uprightness in the command of God.

ائتمار بما أمر الله

Acting upon what God has commanded.

وانتهاء عما نهى عنه

"And to refrain from what has been forbidden."

وأعمال طيبة

And good deeds.

كل هذا مبني على عقيدة صحيحة

All of this is based on a correct belief.

إيمان صحيح

True faith

إذا توافر فيك

If you possess

هذان الشرطان

These two conditions.

إيمان صحيح

True faith

وعمل صالح

And righteous deeds.

أي استقامة وعمل صالح

Any righteousness and good deeds.

فأنت في بمقياس الله سبحانه وتعالى

So you are in the scale of God Almighty.

مقبول سعيد في الدنيا والآخرة

Accepted, happy in this world and the Hereafter.

فمن يعمل من الصالحات

Whoever does righteous deeds

وهو مؤمن

And he is a believer.

فلا كفران لسعيه

There is no denial of his efforts.

وإنا له كاتبون

"And indeed, We are recorders of it."

هذه كي نطمئن

This is to reassure us.

لأن الله سبحانه وتعالى

Because Allah, the Almighty,

لا يحتاج أن يكتب

He doesn't need to write.

لا يضل ربي ولا ينسى

My Lord does not stray nor forgets.

ولكن خطاب على مستوى عقولنا

But a speech that matches our intellect.

الشيء إذا كتب أصبح ثابتا

When something is written down, it becomes fixed.

فالذي يتملك البيت

So, the one who owns the house.

من دون مستندات رسمية

Without official documents.

يبقى قلقا

He remains anxious.

أما إذا معه مستند رسمي مكتوب

However, if he has an official written document.

موقع مخطوم

Makhdoom site

في رقم في تاريخ

A number in history.

يطمئن لك بموجب

"It assures you under the provisions."

العقد الفلاني رقم وتاريخ

The specific contract number and date.

فربنا عز وجل يخاطب عباده

Our Lord, Exalted and Almighty, speaks to His servants.

بحسب مرطلاتهم

According to their documents.

وإنا له لكاتبون

"And indeed, we are writing down (his deeds)."

يعني من يعمل من الصالحات

It means whoever does good deeds.

وهو مؤمن

And he is a believer.

فلا كفران لسعيه

"His efforts will not be denied."

وإنا له كاتبون

"And indeed, We are recorders of it."

يعني حقك محفوظ

It means your right is protected.

وزوال السماوات والأرض

The passing away of the heavens and the earth.

ومؤمن عند الله

And a believer in the eyes of God.

من أن يضيع عليك عملك الصالح

So that your good deeds do not go to waste.

عملت عملا صالحا

I did a good deed.

لن يضيع عليك هذا العمل

You will not miss this opportunity.

وحرام على قرية أهلكناها

"And it is forbidden for a village that We have destroyed."

أنهم لا يرفعون

That they do not raise.

يعني الإنسان أحيانا يتوهم

Sometimes a person deludes themselves.

أن هذه القرية أهلكها الله

That this village was destroyed by God.

وانتهى الأمر

And that's the end of it.

ليس هلاكها نهاية لها

Her destruction is not the end for her.

ولكن هلاكها بداية

But its destruction is just the beginning.

لحسابها حسابا عسيرا

To reckon with it harshly.

ليس الموت نهاية إنه بداية

Death is not an end; it is a beginning.

المؤمن تنتهي مشكلاته الدنيوية بالموت

The believer's worldly problems end with death.

ولكن غير المؤمن تبدأ مشكلاته بعد الموت

But the non-believer's problems begin after death.

يحاسب حسابا عسيرا

He will be held to a severe account.

فوربك لنسألنهم أجمعين

"By your Lord, we will surely question them all."

عما كانوا يعملون

About what they were doing.

وحرام على قرية أهلكناها

"And it is forbidden for a village that We have destroyed."

يعني حرام يعني واجب

It means forbidden, it means mandatory.

على أي قرية أهلكناها

On which village did we bring destruction?

أنهم لابد من أن يرجعوا إلينا

They must return to us.

حرام أن لا يرجعوا

It is forbidden for them not to return.

يعني مستحيل أن لا يرجعوا

It means it's impossible for them not to come back.

أي لابد من أن يرجعوا إلينا

So they must return to us.

وبعد الرجوع إلينا

And after returning to us

يحاسبون على ظلمهم

They will be held accountable for their injustice.

وعلى أعمالهم وانحرافاتهم

"And on their actions and deviations."

وفي بعض التفاسير

In some interpretations

يعدون أن لا زائدة

They consider that there is no surplus.

وهم يرجعون

And they return.

أي لا يرجعون إلى دنياهم

They do not return to their worldly life.

يعني ماتوا

It means they died.

لا يعودون إلى مساكنهم

They do not return to their homes.

ولا إلى شهواتهم

"Nor to their desires."

ولا إلى ملذاتهم

Nor to their pleasures.

ولا إلى بيوتهم الفخمة

"Nor to their luxurious homes."

ولا إلى أعمالهم الرائعة

Nor to their wonderful works.

إذا أهلكوا فكان هذا الهلاك نهاية لهم

If they were destroyed, this destruction would be the end for them.

ولا مانع من أن نجمع بين المعنيين

There is no objection to combining the two meanings.

هذه القرية الظالمة

This unjust village.

إذا أهلكها الله عز وجل

If Allah, the Almighty, destroys it.

لن ترجع إلى الدنيا

You will not return to the world.

لتستمتع كما كانت تستمتع

To enjoy as she used to enjoy.

بل سوف ترجع إلى الله عز وجل

But you will return to Allah, the Exalted.

لتلقى حسابها عن كل عمل قامت به

To receive her account for every work she has done.

وما ينطبق على الجماعات

And what applies to the groups

ينطبق على الأفراد

Applies to individuals.

الإنسان حينما يموت

When a person dies.

لن يرجع إلى بيته

He will not return to his house.

ولن يستمتع بغرفته

And he will not enjoy his room.

ولن يستمتع بأهله

And he will not enjoy his family.

ولن يستمتع بمكانته

And he will not enjoy his position.

ولن يستمتع بماله

And he will not enjoy his money.

إذا مات انتهى الأمر

If he dies, the matter is over.

وسوف يرجع إلى ربه

And he will return to his Lord.

إن إلينا إيابهم

"Indeed, to Us is their return."

ثم إن علينا حسابهم

Then we have to account for them.

يعني أن يمكن أن نجمع بين المعنيين

It means that we can combine the two meanings.

الدقيقين لهذه الآية

The two precise meanings of this verse.

وحرام على قرية الله عز وجل

"And it is forbidden for the village of God, Almighty."

من أهلكناها أنهم لا يرجعون

Those we destroyed did not return.

الآن الآية التي تليها

Now the next verse.

حتى إذا فتحت يأجوج ومأجوج

Until Gog and Magog are unleashed.

وهم من كل حدب ينسلون

"They come rushing from every direction."

واقترب الوعد الحق

And the true promise drew near.

فإذا هي شاخصة

Then she is gazing.

أبصار الذين كفروا

The eyes of those who disbelieve.

يا ويلنا قد كنا في غفلة من هذا

Oh, woe to us, we have been in heedlessness of this.

بل كنا ظالمين

But we were wrongdoers.

كلمة حتى تفيد انتهاء الغاية

The word "until" indicates the completion of a goal.

يعني الله سبحانه وتعالى

It means Allah Almighty.

أرسل الأنبياء والمرسلين

The prophets and messengers were sent.

وأنزل معهم الكتاب بالحق

"And He brought down with them the Book in truth."

ليدعو الناس إلى عبادة الله

To invite الناس to worship God.

فمن استجاب أكرمه الله في الدنيا والآخرة

Whoever responds, Allah will honor him in this world and the Hereafter.

ومن لم يستجب أهلكه الله

"And whoever does not respond, Allah will destroy him."

وما تزال هذه السنن قائمة

And these traditions continue to exist.



أي حتى تحين الساعة

Until the hour comes.

حتى تحين ساعة النهاية

Until the hour of the end comes.

لا يزال الله سبحانه وتعالى

God Almighty is still.

يدعو عباده إلى طاعته

He calls His servants to obey Him.

وإلى الإيمان به

And to the belief in Him.

وإلى التقرب إليه

And to draw near to Him.

فمن استجاب أكرمه في الدنيا

Whoever responds, he will be honored in this world.

ومن لم يستجب عذبه في الدنيا

"And whoever does not respond will be punished in this world."

فإن كان الكفر عاما

If disbelief is widespread

أهلك الله القرية ومن فيها

God destroyed the village and all those in it.

وما يزال الله عز وجل

And Allah, the Exalted, still...

يبين وينزل على عباده

He shows and reveals to His servants.


The books


And the prophets.

ينزل على أنبيائه الكتب

He sends down the scriptures to His prophets.

ولكن بعد أن جاء النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

But after the Prophet, peace be upon him, came.

وهو خاتم الأنبياء

And he is the seal of the prophets.

وبعد أن نزل عليه القرآن

And after the Quran was revealed to him.

وهو آخر كتاب ثماوي

It is the last book of Thamoud.

هذا يستمر إلى أن

This continues until.

يأتي يأجوج ومأجوج

Gog and Magog will come.

ويأجوج ومأجوج من أشراط الساعة

Gog and Magog are among the signs of the Hour.

وللعلماء مذاهب كثيرة في تفسير هذه الظاهرة

Scholars have many schools of thought in interpreting this phenomenon.

أوجه هذه التفاسير

I address these interpretations.

حتى إذا فتحت يأجوج ومأجوج

Until Gog and Magog are unleashed.

يأجوج ومأجوج مطلق الأمم والشعوب

Gog and Magog are the absolute nations and peoples.

التي تستفزد بعضها بعضا

"Which provoke each other."

يعني حينما يطلق الناس الدين كله

It means when people embrace religion entirely.

وحينما ينصب على شهواتهم

And when it is directed towards their desires.

وعلى دنياهم

"And on their world."

وحينما تصبح حروبهم حروب منافع

And when their wars become wars of interests.

وحروب مكتسبات مادية

And wars for material gains.

وحينما يأكل القوي الضعيف

And when the strong eats the weak.

وحينما يصبح المنكر معروفا والمعروف منكرا

"And when evil becomes معروف (recognized) and good becomes منكر (denounced)."

وحينما يوسد الأمر إلى غير أهله

"When the matter is entrusted to those who are not qualified for it."

وحينما تريد الأمة ربتها

And when the nation wants its creator.

وحينما يؤتمن الخائن ويخون الأمين

"When the traitor is trusted and the honest one is betrayed."

وحينما يقترب الوعد الحق

And when the true promise draws near.

وحينما فتحت يأجوج ومأجوج

"And when Gog and Magog are unleashed."

يعني شعوب كثيرة انفجار في السكان

It means many peoples experience a population explosion.

وبعد عن الرحمن

And far from the Most Merciful.

بشر لا يعدون ولا يحصون

"People who cannot be counted or numbered."

ينسلون من كل جانب

They creep in from every side.

وهم جميعا معرضون غافلون

And they are all heedless and unaware.

يرتكبون الفواحش

They commit immoral acts.

يفعلون كل شيء من دون قيد أو شرق

They do everything without restriction or constraint.

لا قيمة اردعهم

There is no value to deter them.

ولا دين يحجزهم

And no religion restrains them.

ولا منطقة يسيرهم

And there is no area to guide them.

ولا حكمة تقودهم

And no wisdom guides them.

إنما هي شهواتهم

It is merely their desires.

تحرفهم إلى مصيرهم وإلى هلاكهم

They are led to their fate and to their destruction.

حتى إذا فتحت يأجوج ومأجوج

"Until Gog and Magog are unleashed."

وهم من كل حدب ينسلون

"And they come from every direction."

بعض المفسرين فسر هذه الآية

Some interpreters have explained this verse.

ووجهها إلى موجات التتر

And she directed it towards the waves of the Tatars.

التي خرجت من شرقي آسيا

that came out of East Asia

وغزت معظم البلاد

And most of the countries were invaded.

وقوضت العروس والممالك

And the bride and the kingdoms were dismantled.

يعني في حينه كانت هذه الهجمات

It means that at that time, these attacks took place.

يعني تنطبق عليها هذه الآية

This verse applies to her.

ولكن العلماء يقولون إنه

But scientists say that it

إذا رأيتم شحا مطاعا وهوا متبعا

"If you see greed being obeyed and desires being followed."

وإعجاب كل ذي رأي برأيه

And the admiration of everyone with an opinion for their own opinion.

يعني بشر لا يعدون ولا يحصون

It means people who cannot be counted or numbered.

كلهم كفار كلهم غافلون

They are all disbelievers, they are all heedless.

ينكرون وجود الله عز وجل

They deny the existence of God Almighty.

دينهم شهواتهم

Their religion is their desires.

إذا بلغت البشرية هذا المستوى

If humanity reaches this level.

فاعلم أن الساعة قد اقتربت

So know that the Hour has drawn near.

حتى إذا أخذت الأرض زخرفها

"Until when the earth has adorned itself..."

وزينت وظن أهلها أنهم قادرون عليها

And it was adorned, and its people thought they could handle it.

أتاها أمرنا ليلا أو نهارا

Our command came to her by night or by day.

فجعلناها حصيدا كأن لم تغن بالأمس

So We made it a harvest, as if it had not flourished yesterday.

القرآن حمال أوجه

The Quran is multifaceted.

القرآن زوجوه

"Marry the Quran."

يعني انفجار سكاني

It means population explosion.

وقيم مدمرة

And destructive values.

ما في قيم أبدا

There are no values at all.

أحيانا تحس أن القوي يأكل الضعي

Sometimes you feel that the strong devour the weak.

على مستوى الكرة الأرضية

On a global scale.

الحق للقوة

The right is with the power.

وليس هناك قيم ثابتة أبدا

There are no fixed values ever.

كل إنسان دينه شهوته

Every person’s religion is their desire.

ولا يعنيه ربه ولا آخرته ولا حياته

He does not care about his Lord, nor the Hereafter, nor his life.

ولا سعادته

Nor his happiness.

إنما يبحث عن لذته الآنية

He is only searching for his immediate pleasure.

إذا كان هناك انفجار في السكان

If there is an explosion in the population.

وبعد عن الرحمن

And far from the Most Merciful.

فهذه ملامح هذه الآية

These are the features of this verse.

حتى إذا فتحت

Until it opens.

يأزوج ومأزوج

Gog and Magog

وهم من كل حدب ينسلون

"And they come from every direction."

الحدب المكان المرتفع

The hump is the elevated place.

واقترب الوعد الحق

And the true promise drew near.

فإذا هي شاخصة

Then she is staring.

أبصار الذين كفروا

The gaze of those who disbelieve.

علماء اللغة يقولون

Linguists say

أن شخص البصر في عنا باللغة نظر

That the person who has sight looks at us with their gaze.

في عنا حدج

We have a limit.

قال عليه الصلاة والسلام

He (peace be upon him) said.

حدثي القوم ما حدجوك بأبصارهم

"Speak to the people as long as they do not gaze at you with their eyes."

نظر مع محبت

Look with love.

في عنا رنى نظر

We have Rana's gaze.

في عنا الشرور

We have evils.

رنوت إليه

I looked at him.

واحد نظر لمنظر طبيعي جميل

Someone is looking at a beautiful natural scenery.

يقال رنى إليه

It is said he looked at him.

فرنى وحدج

Furni and Huj.


And he stares.




And stared.

ظهر حملاق العين

The eye of the beholder appeared.

واستشرف واستشفى

And he foresaw and sought healing.

ونظر شذرا

And he glanced sideways.


And a person.

ولاح ولمح

And he noticed and flashed.

في حوالي خمسين كلمة

In about fifty words.

تعبر كل كلمة عن حالة دقيقة من حالات النظر

Each word expresses a precise state of observation.

شخص هنا معناها نظر مع الخوف

A person here means to look with fear.

فإذا هي شاخصة أبصار الذين كفروا

"And behold, their eyes are fixed upon those who disbelieved."

يا ويلنا قد كنا في غفلة من هذا

Oh woe to us, we had been heedless of this.

بل كنا ظالمين

But we were the wrongdoers.

لذلك البطولة ليس من يقطع طرقا بطلا

Therefore, the hero is not the one who robs the roads.

إنما من يتق لها البطل

Only those who are cautious of it will be victorious.

البطولة أن تعد لهذه الساعة

The championship is to be prepared for this hour.


Her waiting period.

البطولة أن تعد لساعة الموت

The heroism is to prepare for the hour of death.


Her waiting period.

الذكاء أن تتوقع هذا اليوم

Intelligence is to anticipate this day.

قبل أن يأتي هذا اليوم

Before this day comes.

أما أن يفاجأ الإنسان

As for a person being surprised.

بساعة الوفاة

At the time of death

وقد قدم الأعمال السيئة

And he has committed evil deeds.

وكان غافلا عن الله سبحانه وتعالى

And he was heedless of Allah, the Exalted.

عندئذ يصعق

Then he is struck down.

قال تعالى

Said Allah, the Exalted.

وَإِنَّهُمْ يَخُوضُوا وَيَلْعَبُوا حَتَّى يُلَاقُوا يَوْمَهُمُ الَّذِي فِيهِ يُصْعَقُونَ

"And indeed, they immerse themselves and play until they meet their Day in which they will be struck down."

واقترب الوعد الحق

And the true promise drew near.

فإذا هي شاخصة أبصار الذين كفروا

"Then, it is as if their eyes are fixed on those who disbelieved."

في الدنيا

In the world

لما الإنسان يتيه ويشرد ويرتكب الموبقات

When a person becomes lost and strays, committing sins.

ثم يلقى القبض عليه

Then he is arrested.

وقد يفاجأ

And he may be surprised.

لكن انظر إلى وجهه

But look at his face.

لا ترى فيه لونا

You see no color in it.

إن الخوف يظهر من ملامح وجهه

Fear is evident in his facial features.

يا ويلنا قد كنا في غفلة من هذا

Oh, woe to us, we were in heedlessness of this.

البطولة أن لا تكون في غفلة

Bravery is not to be in a state of neglect.

ولا تحتبن الله غافلا عما يعمل الظالمون

"Do not think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do."

لا ينبغي أن ترون غافلا

You should not see someone who is unaware.

ولا ينبغي أن تظن أن الله غافل

And you should not think that God is unaware.

يا ويلنا قد كنا في غفلة من هذا بل كنا ظالمين

Oh woe to us, we were in heedlessness of this; rather, we were wrongdoers.

فيأتي جواب الله عز وجل

Then comes the answer of God, the Almighty.

إنكم وما تعبدون من دون الله حصب جهنم

You and what you worship besides Allah are the fuel of Hell.

أنتم لها واردون

You are its visitors.

قريش حينما نزلت هذه الآية

The Quraysh when this verse was revealed.

وجدت أن فيها تغرة

I found that it has a loophole.

أليس المسيح رسول الله؟

Isn't the Messiah the Messenger of God?

أليس العذير رسول الله؟

Isn't Al-Adhir the Messenger of God?

نبي من أنبياء الله؟

A prophet from the prophets of God?

فكيف يقول الله عز وجل

So how does Allah, the Almighty, say?

إنكم وما تعبدون من دون الله حصب جهنم

Indeed, you and what you worship besides Allah are the fuel of Hell.

أيكون هؤلاء الأنبياء الكرام حصب جهنم؟

Could these noble prophets be the fuel of Hellfire?

فلما جاء النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

When the Prophet, peace be upon him, arrived.

ليبين له هذه الثغرة في الآية

To explain to him this gap in the verse.

تبسم وقال لأحدهم

He smiled and said to one of them.

كأنك لا تفهم لغة قوله

It's as if you do not understand the language of his statement.

وعن قومك

And about your people.

هذه المال غير العاقل

This money is irrational.

لم يقل الله عز وجل

Allah, the Exalted, did not say.

إنكم ومن تعبدون من دون الله

Indeed, you and what you worship besides Allah.


He said.

إنكم وما تعبدون

Indeed, you and what you worship.

والماء تنصرف إلى الأصنام

"And the water is directed towards the idols."

فهذه الأصنام التي تعبدونها من دون الله

So these idols that you worship besides Allah

أيها الكفار كما جاءت الآية

O disbelievers, as the verse has come.

أنتم وما تعبدون من دون الله

You and what you worship besides Allah.

حصب جهنم

The stones of Hell.

ومعنى حصب جهنم؟

What does "the gravel of Hell" mean?

أي وقود جهنم

What is the fuel of Hell?

أنتم لها واردون

You are destined for it.

واردون يعني داخلون

"Wardun means entering."

لو كان هؤلاء آلهة ما وردوها

If these were gods, they would not have entered it.

المنات والعزة

Al-Lat and Al-Uzza

هذه الآلهة التي زعمها العرب

These gods claimed by the Arabs.

لو كانت آلهة حقا ما دخلتها

If they were truly gods, I would not have entered them.

لو كان هؤلاء آلهة ما وردوها

If these were gods, they would not have entered it.

وكل فيها خالدون

And they are therein forever.

المعبود والعابد

The worshipped and the worshipper.

الذي عبد هذه الأصنام

The one who worshiped these idols.

وهذه الأصنام التي عبدت من دون الله

And these are the idols that were worshipped besides Allah.

إنها جميعا حطب جهنم

They are all fuel for Hell.

لهم فيها زفير

They have within it a groan.

وهم فيها لا يسمعون

"And they do not hear in it."

يعني الزفير

It means exhalation.

الإنسان حينما يتألم ألمه

When a person feels pain, their pain...

يتألم شديدا

He is in great pain.

يتنفس بصوت

He breathes audibly.

الإنسان لما يتألم

When a person suffers.

يحدث مع تنفسه صوتا

He makes a sound while breathing.

تعبيرا عن ألمه الشديد

Expressing his severe pain.

فهؤلاء وهم في النار

So these are in the fire.

لهم فيها زفير

They have therein a loud sigh.

وربما كان هذا الزفير

And perhaps this exhalation

مرتفعا إلى درجة

Elevated to a degree.

أنه يتعطل استمعوا

It's getting interrupted, listen.

وهم فيها لا يسمعون

And they do not hear in it.

يعني صورة من صور

It means a form of images.


The torment.

في نار جهنم

In the fire of Hell.

نار تلفح الوجوه

Fire scorches the faces.

وأصوات تصم الآذان

And sounds that deafen the ears.

إن الذين سبقت لهم من الحسن

Indeed, those for whom goodness has preceded.

أولئك عنها مبعدون

They are far removed from it.

هؤلاء الذين عرفوا الله في الدنيا

Those who knew God in the worldly life.

اهتدوا إليه

They were guided to Him.

فكروا في مخلوقاته

Think about His creations.

قرأوا كتابه

They read his book.


They obeyed him.

تقربوا إليه

Draw near to Him.

وقرأوا إليه

And they recited to him.

هؤلاء سبق من الله وعد لهم

They are those whom Allah has promised before.

أن ينجيهم من هذا الهوض

To save them from this predicament.

هؤلاء الذين عرفوه في الدنيا

"Those who knew him in this world."

عرفوا عظمته

They recognized His greatness.

عرفوا مقامه

They recognized his status.

خافوا مقامه

They feared his position.

أطاعوا أمره

They obeyed his command.

طبقوا سنة نبيه

Apply the Sunnah of His Prophet.

تقربوا إليه

Come closer to Him.

هؤلاء وعدهم الله وعدا حسنا

"These are the ones to whom God has promised a good promise."

لهم البشرى في الحياة الدنيا

For them is good news in this worldly life.

هؤلاء الذين سبق من الله وعد لهم

These are those whom Allah has promised before.

تقربوا إليه

Draw closer to Him.

إن الذين سبقت لهم من الحسنى

Indeed, those for whom the good reward has preceded.

أولئك عنها مبعدون

They are far removed from it.

لا يسمعون حسيسها

They do not hear its sound.



صوت النار

The sound of fire.



لو وضعت في النار شيئا

If you put something in the fire

له صوت

He has a voice.

الحطب حينما يحترق له صوت

The firewood makes a sound when it burns.

وأي شيء حينما يضع في النار

And anything when it is put in the fire.

له صوت

It has a voice.

هذا هو الحسيس

This is the feeling.

هؤلاء الذين سبقت لهم من الله وعد لهم

Those who have been promised by God before.


The Most Beautiful Names

لا يسمعون حسيسها

They do not hear its sound.

أي إن كانوا مبعدين عن سماع حسيسها

If they are distanced from hearing its sound.

فهم بعيدون عن نارها من باب أولى

They are far from its fire, even more so.

يعني إن كانوا بعيدين عن صوتها

It means that if they are far from her voice.

فهم عن لهيبها أبعد

Understanding is further than its flame.

وهذه بلاغة في التعبير

This is eloquence in expression.

لا يسمعون حسيسها

They do not hear its sound.

وهم فيما اشتهت أنفسهم خالدون

And they will remain in what their souls desire, forever.

هذا هو الفوز يا أخوان

This is the victory, brothers.

هذا هو الفوز

This is the victory.

هذا هو الفلاح

This is the farmer.

هذا هو النجاح

This is success.

هذا هو الذكاء

This is intelligence.

هذا هو العقل

This is the mind.

هذه هي الحكمة

This is the wisdom.

هذا هو الإنسان الراقل

This is the wandering man.

الذي عرف ربه وأطاعه

He who knows his Lord and obeys Him.

ابن آدم أطع ربك تسمى عاقلا

O son of Adam, obey your Lord and you will be called wise.

ولا تعصه فتسمى جاهلا

And do not disobey Him, lest you be called ignorant.

وكفى بالمرء علما أن يخشى الله

It is sufficient for a person to have knowledge that he fears God.

وكفى به جهلا أن يعصيه

And it is sufficient ignorance for him to disobey Him.

لا يشعره بهذا

He doesn't make him feel this.

إن الذين سبقت لهم من الحسن

Indeed, those who have been favored with goodness.

أولئك عنها مبعدون

They are far removed from it.

لا يسمعون حسيسها

They do not hear its sound.

وهم فيما اشتهت أنفسهم خالدون

"And they will be in what their souls desire, forever."

لا يحزنهم الفزع الأكبر

The greatest fright will not grieve them.

إذا هناك فزع أكبر

If there is a greater panic.

نعوذ بالله منه

We seek refuge with God from him.

وَلَا يَحْزُنُهُمُ الْفَزَعُ الْأَكْبَرُ

And the greatest terror will not grieve them.

أيام في الدنيا

Days in the world

يفزع بعض الناس

Some people get frightened.

وأناس آخرون في طمأنينة

And other people are in tranquility.

تثور قضية

A case arises.

أناس يحاسبون عليها حسابا شديدا

People who are held to a strict account for it.

وأناس بريئون مستقيمون

And innocent, upright people.

هم في دعة وطمأنينة

They are in ease and tranquility.

هذا في الدنيا فكيف في الآخرة

This is in this world, so how will it be in the hereafter?

لَا يَحْزُنُهُمُ الْفَزَعُ الْأَكْبَرُ

The great terror will not grieve them.

وَتَتَلَقَّاهُمُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ

"And the angels greet them."

هَذَا يَوْمُكُمُ الَّذِي كُنْتُمْ تُوْعَدُونَ

This is your day that you were promised.

هذا هو اليوم الذي وعدتم به

This is the day you promised.

لذلك الشيطان

Therefore the devil.

وقال الشيطان لما قضي الأمر

And the devil said when the matter was decided.

إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَعَدَكُمْ وَعَدَ لِكُمْ

Indeed, Allah has promised you a promise.

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