الصمود النفسي
حدوتة غدودة
حدوتة غدودة
الصمود النفسي
السمود النفسي كلام كبير بقينا نسمعه كتير
Psychological resilience is a big term that we are hearing a lot.
صباح الفل والورد والياسمين وحدوتة جديدة من حدوتة غدو
Good morning with jasmine, roses, and a new story from the tale of tomorrow.
انا مش هشرح لكم ايه هو السمود النفسي
I am not going to explain to you what psychological resilience is.
لكن هحكي لكم حكاية
But I will tell you a story.
حكاية اتنين حبوا بعض
A tale of two who loved each other.
حبوا بعض كذا سنة قبل ما تجوزوا
They loved each other for a few years before they got married.
يعني قبل ما يستقروا ويأسس نفسه
It means before they settle down and establish themselves.
برغم ان هو كان دكتور من عيلة كبيرة
Although he was a doctor from a prominent family.
بس اصل الستينات كانت برضو الظروف صعبة
But back in the sixties, the circumstances were also difficult.
شويتين تلاتة عشرة
A little, three, ten.
المهم هو كان دكتور وهي ستة هانم
The important thing is that he was a doctor and she is a lady.
كان يتيم الام منه هو بيبي
He was an orphan, his mother was Beppy.
وبابا حصله هو في اخر سنة كلية
And my dad got it in his last year of college.
اما هي بقى لما كانت بيبي وقعت وكسرت رجلها
As for her, when she was a baby, she fell and broke her leg.
وعملت ايه عمليات كتيرة
And I did many operations.
بفضل الموضوع ده عمل لها مشاكل صحية طول عمره
Thanks to this issue, it has caused her health problems throughout her life.
وكمان كانت يتيمة الاب منه هي مراقبة
And she was also an orphan, her father was a monitor.
ومامتها حصلته لما كانت حامل في بنتها
Her mother found him when she was pregnant with her daughter.
هتقولولي ايه البداية انك تبديا
What will you tell me is the beginning of you starting?
بس هي الحياة كده
But that's life.
شوية حزن على شوية فرح على شوية حاجات كتيرة تانية
A little sadness, a little joy, and a lot of other things.
المهم حياتهم كان فيها من كل حاجة
The important thing is that their lives had a bit of everything.
بس اهم نعمة كانت حبوهم لبعض وارتباطهم القوة
But the most important blessing was their love for each other and their strong bond.
اتجوزوا اوائل الستينات والطواع في الجيش
They got married in the early sixties and were conscripted into the army.
ما هي الدكاتر مهمين جدا خصوصا في الحرب
Doctors are very important, especially in times of war.
وخدم ايام حرب اليمن ورجع بالسلامة وخلف ولدهم
He served in the days of the Yemen war and returned safely and gave birth to their son.
وخدم في غزة وكانت مع عائلته كلها
He served in Gaza and was with his entire family.
وفي يوم وليلة رحلوهم هبط على مصر وفضلوا هو
And in a day and a night, they took them down to Egypt and he remained.
وحصلت النقصة
And the deficiency occurred.
وابتدى مشوار الرجوع
And the journey of returning began.
وطبعا ده كان مختلف تماما عن اليمن
And of course, this was completely different from Yemen.
انه رجع ماشي
He went back walking.
ماشية الصحراء اللي مالهاش حضور
Desert cattle that have no presence.
ابتدوا كذا مية شخص
They started with about a hundred people.
ما بين ظابط وعسكري
Between an officer and a soldier.
لكن الوصل في الاخر اقل من عشرة
But the connection in the end is less than ten.
طيارات كانت بتطلع تسلى عليهم كل شوية
Planes would take off and entertain them from time to time.
تطلع ترشهم وترجع السكنة التانية
"Look at them and return to the other residence."
طبعا الاكل والشرب كانوا اقل للاليل
Of course, food and drink were less for the night.
الباب وساعدوهم في مشوارهم
The door and helped them on their journey.
وكانت الجمال عارفة كل دروب الصحراء
And the camels were familiar with all the paths of the desert.
اللي صاحبها ما كانش ممكن يبحها
The one whose owner couldn't afford to sell it.
ولو ادفع له عشر تلاف جنيه سعيد
"If I could pay him ten thousand pounds, I would be happy."
شوفوا بقى دولة يسوقان دولة
Look at how a state drives another state.
بقى دولة يسوقان دولة
A country remains driving a state.
مشوار الرعب ده استمر 23 يوم
This horror journey lasted 23 days.
23 يوم ماشي في الصحراء
23 days walking in the desert
تقز الحرب اقل لاكل وشرب
The war has reduced the availability of food and drink.
طبعا اهل ما كانوش عارفين حاجة عنه
Of course, the family didn't know anything about him.
وقالوا يا ماتي اتأثر
They said, "Oh, Matty, will you be affected?"
وكانوا مش بيبطلوا دعا
And they never stopped praying.
انه يطلع عايش ويرجع لهم بالسلام
He goes out alive and returns to them safely.
وربنا استجاب ورجع
And our Lord responded and returned.
بس رجع حيك العظمي ومحروق من الشمس
But his big arm is back and burned from the sun.
فجرجت ان بنته اللي كان عندها خمس سنين
She said that her daughter who was five years old.
ما عرفتهوش وعمر لون وشه
I didn't know him, and his face never changed color.
ما رجع لونه القصد
What returned to its intended color?
فضل مودة يسمعوا عياطه وهو الوحدي
The favor of affection is that they hear my crying while I am alone.
وكان بترعب من قل صوت
He was terrified by the sound of silence.
لانها بتفكر بالطيرات
Because she is thinking about the planes.
وطبعا زي اي حد راح الحرب
"And of course, like anyone who went to war."
اللون الاحمر وطبعا الطماطم
The color red and, of course, tomatoes.
بتفكرهم بتزمع الموت
You think they are plotting death.
مش هقولكم نبطل يقولها بس اخد وقت
I won't say we should stop saying it, but it takes time.
تجربته دي خليته يكون
This experience made him become.
ممتن ومسلم
Grateful and Muslim.
امره دايما لله
His command is always to God.
وبيحمد ربنا تير على نجاته
"And we thank our Lord for His salvation."
وعلى كل تفصيله في حياته
"And on every detail of his life."
وان ربنا نجا وقفل ولاد الحلال
And our Lord has saved and secured the noble ones.
For happiness
ما واحنا مش مخلوقين عشان نكون وحدنا
We are not created to be alone.
احنا مخلوقين عشان نساعد بعض
We are created to help each other.
ونرحم بعض
"And we have mercy on each other."
ونهون على بعض الايام والمواقف الصعبة
"And we make it easier on some of the days and difficult situations."
طبعا حب اهله ورعايتهم
Of course, his love for his family and their care.
خليه يرجع تاني الحياة وشغله
Let him return to life and work again.
هو برضو كان عنده ارادة من حبيب
He also had the will of a loved one.
والحمد لله طبعا كان دايما مليم
"And praise be to Allah, he was always quite generous."
ويا سبحان الله
And glory be to God.
دايما التجارب الاسية بيجي تخلي الناس
Experiences always make people...
يا اما اقسى يا اما قليل
Oh mother, either it's very harsh or very little.
هو كان اصلا حنين وخدوم
He was originally caring and helpful.
فطبعا بقى قليل
So of course it has become scarce.
وزاد عنده جدا الحاجات
The needs have greatly increased for him.
واكتر ناس كان حنين عليهم كانوا الاطفال
The most caring people towards them were the children.
وكانوا كلهم بيحبونه
And they all loved him.
ولما كبروا فضلوا داوله سنين
And when they grew up, they continued to trade for years.
حتى بعد ما قابل ربه
Even after he met his Lord.
اصي الشي الاتيب
The thing is not good.
الناس بتبقى دايما فاكرة مين كان حنين عليهم
People always remember who was kind to them.
ومين بيطبطب عليهم
And who is comforting them?
لما كانوا صغيرين خصوصا لو كانوا يتاني
When they were little, especially if they were twins.
وعلى فكرة دي كانت اخر مرة اتكون عن كبر
By the way, that was the last time it was about being big.
لانه ما كانش ينفع يرجع تاني
Because it wasn't possible for him to go back again.
بعد اللي حصله
After what happened.
وفعلا عمره ما حط رجل تاني
And indeed, he never put another man's foot.
ابدا في سينة
Start in Sinai.
حتى بعد ما رجعت بقيت مطاقة صحية
Even after I returned, I remained in good health.
وكل الناس بيركوها
"And everyone is ignoring it."
وعيش حياته كلها وما كانش بيجيب سيرة الموضوع دا
And he lived his whole life without ever bringing up that subject.
اما هي بقى فصبت على سنين الحروب
As for her, she poured herself into the years of wars.
اللي عشتها وتأثرت بيها
What I lived and was affected by.
من اول 48 لغاية 73
From the first 48 to 73.
فايلتها كلها
I filed them all.
كانت بيشة كانت دايما راضية
Bisha was always content.
ومبتسمة بالرغم من
And smiling despite.
مشاكلها الصحية وعدد المرات
Her health problems and the number of times.
اللي قصرت رجليها فيها
The one who shortened her legs in it.
فمر فيهم قعدت 8 شهور تسيرير
He spent 8 months wandering among them.
مش بتتحرك وتي طبعا كانت مدة
It doesn't move, and of course, it was a duration.
ممكن تكسر اي حد نفسيا
You can break anyone psychologically.
بس الحمدلله لطف ربنا وفضله
But thank God for our Lord's grace and favor.
كان دايما محاوطها وعليتها
He was always surrounding her and elevating her.
وعارفين لما جالها السرطان اول مرة
"And knowing when she had cancer for the first time."
هو ما قالهاش من قط ما كان بيحبها
He never said that he loved her.
وخالف على نفسية
And it conflicted with the psyche.
كان بيعيط من وراه كان خايف انها تسيبه
He was crying behind her because he was afraid she would leave him.
وتروح للخلق بس يا سبحان الله
"And you go to the creation, but glory be to God."
هو اللي سبقها وهي حصلت
He was the one who preceded her, and she got it.
وبعدها ب17 سنة
Seventeen years later.
هي خفت بس بعدها بسرعة
She was scared but then quickly became calm.
ومن حزنها عليه جالها نوع ثاني من السرطان
Out of her grief for him, she developed a second type of cancer.
كانت برضو راضية وصبرة
She was also content and patient.
ومكتسبة وبتهون على اللي معاها
"And she is acquired and it becomes easy for those who are with her."
هم حتى بياخدوا الجلسات
They even take the sessions.
كانوا بيدوروا عليها عشان يكونوا جنبها
They were looking for her to be by her side.
كان عندها قدرة غريبة انها
She had a strange ability to...
تشع الجمال وامل متفائل
Radiate beauty and hopeful optimism.
وفعلا خفت اي نعم جالها امراض
"And indeed, she became ill, yes, she developed diseases."
تانية كتير بس حتى نزيف المخ
A lot more, but even a brain hemorrhage.
يا سبحان الله طلعت منه برضو
Glory be to God, it also came out of him.
كانت بتطلع كل مرة
She would go out every time.
لغاية بس اخر مرة
Until but the last time.
سرها كان قوة ايمانها واراضتها
Her secret was the strength of her faith and her determination.
وتمسك انها تكون جنب ولادها
And she insists on being next to her children.
لكن في الاخر كانت تعبت وكبرت
But in the end, she got tired and grew up.
وقالت كفاية كده على ايه
She said enough is enough for what.
واصل الرغبة في الحياة
Continue the desire for life.
والامل يكون لهم دور كبير جدا
And hope plays a very significant role for them.
ان الواحد يبقى يحافر ويبقى عنده منعة
One continues to dig and maintains his resilience.
كويسة لكن اول ما بيروه
It's good, but as soon as they see it.
تبتدي النهاية
The end begins.
هو اكيد طبعا الاجل متحدد
It is definitely certain that the deadline is set.
معاد ومتحدد منه
Scheduled and specified.
بس ربنا عند ظننا به زي ما هو قال لنا
But our Lord is as we think of Him, just as He told us.
هم اللي تنتنوا سمودة النفس
They are the ones who spoil the purity of the soul.
عندهم قوي جدا كانوا مهما
They were very strong, no matter what.
وقعوا كانوا بيقوموا تاني
They fell, they were getting up again.
وثالث ومكمله وبدلوا راضين
And a third and a complement, and they replaced it with what they were pleased.
ممتنين على كل النعم
Grateful for all the blessings.
وهو رب الخير
And He is the Lord of goodness.
ما بيجيبش الا الخير
He brings nothing but good.
ربنا يرحب بهم ملكين
May God welcome them as two angels.
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