المال طمع الإنسان .. لكن كيف يطمع الشخص بإرثه؟ | حكمت المحكمة .. الإرث الحرام
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حكمت المحكمة
المال طمع الإنسان .. لكن كيف يطمع الشخص بإرثه؟ | حكمت المحكمة .. الإرث الحرام
حكمة المحكمة
The wisdom of the court.
الإرث الحرام
The forbidden inheritance.
وَقَضَى رَبُّكَ أَلَّا تَعْبُدُ إِلَّا إِيَّاهُ وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ إِحْسَانًا
And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment.
صدق الله العظيم
Allah, the Almighty, has spoken the truth.
صادق الطيب العم المسن
The honest uncle, the elder.
صاحب دكان بسيط يحاول العيش من بيع بعض البضائع البسيطة لأهل حارته الشعبية
A simple shop owner trying to make a living by selling some basic goods to the residents of his popular neighborhood.
كي لا يمد يده للناس ولأولاده
So that he does not reach out his hand to people and to his children.
يحبه كل من حوله ويرتدون دكانه ليكسبوا الحديث الشيق معه ودعواته الطيبة
Everyone around him loves him, and they frequent his shop to enjoy engaging conversations with him and his kind blessings.
توفيت زوجته وبقي وحيداً
His wife passed away and he was left alone.
أولاده الثلاثة يعيشون مع زوجاتهم وأطفالهم ولا يكترثون لأمر والدهم العجوز
His three sons live with their wives and children and do not care about their elderly father.
في صباح أحد الأيام يدخل محضر المحكمة إلى دكان مختار الحي أبو أنور
One morning, the court officer enters the shop of the neighborhood chief, Abu Anwar.
ليسأل عن دكان ورثة المرحوم صادق الطيب
To inquire about the shop of the late Sadiq Al-Tayyib's heirs.
يتعجب المختار من كلام المحضر ويخبره بأن العم صادق على قيد الحياة
The chosen one is surprised by the clerk's words and informs him that Uncle Sadiq is alive.
ربما هناك خطأ ما
Perhaps there is something wrong.
يطلب المحضر من المختار أن يراجع العم صادق المحكمة لتأكد من صحة وملابسات الموضوع
The officer asks the notary to review Uncle Sadiq at the court to confirm the accuracy and circumstances of the matter.
الله يسعد لي صباحك عمي أبو محمود
May God make your morning happy, Uncle Abu Mahmoud.
يا صباح الفن والريحان أهليم بالمختار أبو أنور
O morning of art and basil, greetings to the chosen one, Abu Anwar.
حماتك بتحبك الشاي ساخن تفضل
Your mother-in-law loves you, the tea is hot, please enjoy.
عراسي أبو محمود والله مستعجل تركيه
"Mr. Mahmoud, I swear I'm in a hurry, Turkey."
تركت الدكان والشغل لفوق راسي
I left the shop and the work above my head.
الله يعطيك العافية
May God grant you strength.
قل لي شو لازمعك
Tell me what you need.
والله سلامتك بس مريت بدي قل لك شغلة ضرورية
By God, I wish you well, but I passed by to tell you something important.
خير اللهم اجعله خير
Oh God, may it be good.
خير عمي خير
Good uncle, good.
من شوية مر لعندي محضر المحكمة وفي خطأ صغير بخصوص دكانتك
A little while ago, the court officer stopped by and there is a small mistake regarding your shop.
يمكن دعوة بالغلط
Someone can be invited by mistake.
لهيك يا ريت بكرة تمر على المحكمة وتصلحها الغلط
So, I wish you could pass by the court tomorrow and fix the mistake.
أوف أوف أوف
Oof oof oof
خير شو هالدعوة ما قال لك
What kind of invitation is this? Didn’t he tell you?
لا والله ما قال لي بس شغلة بسيطة
No, by God, he didn't tell me, just a simple matter.
روح بكرة وراجعون ومحلولة ان شاء الله
"Tomorrow we will go and return, and it will be resolved, God willing."
يلا أنا لازم امشي السلام عليكم
Alright, I have to go. Peace be upon you.
وعليكم السلام
And peace be upon you too.
والله شغل باني هالمختار
By God, this is the work of the builder of this chosen one.
خير اللهم اجعله خير
Good, may God make it good.
بكرة من الصبح لازم اروح وشوف الوضع بعيني
Tomorrow morning, I have to go and see the situation with my own eyes.
اكا انا خايف ما تزبط القصة
I'm afraid the story won't work out.
ويصير شي محلول
And it becomes something resolved.
وحاسبين حسابه
"And they are calculating his account."
ليك سامير لا تظل تنق
"Samir, don't keep whining."
اذا خايف ليش وافقت من البداية
If you're scared, then why did you agree in the first place?
اتوجع لي راسي لك اخي
My head hurts, my brother.
طول بالك محمود
Take it easy, Mahmoud.
اخوك سامر من يوم يوم وبيخاف
Your brother Samer has been afraid since the day he was born.
ومو جديدي عليها القصة
And my story with her is not new.
سامر صرت قايل لك للمرة الألف
Samir, I've told you for the thousandth time.
انا مظبط القصة
I have arranged the story.
وصاحبي المحامي رشيد شاطر
And my friend the clever lawyer Rashid.
وهو ضامن القصة وحابكا
He is the guarantor of the story and its weaver.
بحيث يمر الموضوع على خير
So that the matter goes smoothly.
لك يا اخي والله انا ما بدي اوجع لكم راسكن
I swear to you, my brother, I don't want to bother you.
بس يلي ما بيحسب ما بيسلم
But those who don't calculate do not succeed.
وابي رجال كبير اذا سمع بالقصة
"My father is a great man if he hears the story."
ما بنعرف شو ممكن تكون ردة فعله
We don't know what his reaction might be.
كلام سامر صحيح
Samir's words are true.
هلأ بتكون تقضولنا يا هنق مثل النسوان
Now you will be wasting our time like women.
ولا بدنا ننبسط؟
Don't we have to have fun?
ليكو في مطعم جديد فاتح
There is a new restaurant opened.
وفي مطرب ظريف وبرنامج فني
In a delightful entertainer and artistic program.
خلونا نروح ننبسط وننسى الهم
Let's go have fun and forget our worries.
وبكرا الرزق الكبير يناطرتنا
And tomorrow, the great fortune awaits us.
اي والله هاد الكلام الحلو
Oh yes, this is sweet talk.
وخلونا نحكي مع المحامي رشيد وناخده معنا
"Let's talk to lawyer Rashid and take him with us."
لانو رح يزعل اذا سمع انو رح نسهرنا بلا ما نخبره
Because he will be upset if he hears that we are staying up without telling him.
ما بدنا نوجع راسنا بالقصص والمشاكل؟
We don't want to complicate things with stories and problems.
لك دخيل ربو الفهمان
You have the understanding of an insightful person.
تعلم من اخوك الازغر منك كيف تنبسط
Learn from your younger brother how to enjoy.
مو بيقيدك
It doesn't bind you.
طالع لابوك صاحب هم
Look at your father, a man of burdens.
خلص خلص يا اخي متل ما بتكون
It's done, it's done, my brother, just as it should be.
بوقتكن ما افتحت امي بكلمة
At your time, my mother did not open her mouth.
ايه بيكون افضل
Which one would be better?
يلا جاهزوا حالكن
Get ready!
وانا عايم اتصل بالاساز رشيد
And I am floating, call Mr. Rashid.
بخطوات بطيئة
With slow steps.
وجه لا يخلو من ابتسامة طيبة
A face that does not lack a kind smile.
رغم قسوة الحياة
Despite the harshness of life.
ذهب العم صادق وابوه
Uncle Sadiq and his father have gone.
ابو محمود الى المحكمة
Abu Mahmoud to the court.
مستندا على عصاه
Leaning on his stick.
التي تعينه على حمل تعب السنين
"That helps him bear the burden of the years."
صعد ادراج المحكمة
He ascended the court steps.
وانفاسه تلهف
And his breath is eager.
وبدأ يسأل
And he started to ask.
حتى وصل الى القاعة المرجوة
Until he reached the desired hall.
فدخل والقى السلام
He entered and greeted.
وجلس على مقعد خشبي
And he sat on a wooden bench.
يمسح عرق جبينه
He wipes the sweat from his brow.
بمندينه القماشي العتيق
With the old fabric headscarf.
تفضل يا عم كيفيني ساعدك؟
Here you go, uncle. How can I help you?
من بعد اذنك يا عمو
"Excuse me, Uncle."
اخبروني انه في دعوة بخصوص دكاني
They told me there is an invitation regarding my shop.
او يمكن في غلط
Or maybe there is a mistake.
انا رجال كبير
I am a big man.
مالي بالمشاكل والدعاوي
I have no interest in problems and lawsuits.
ما في مشكلة عمو
No problem, Uncle.
شو اسم حضرتك؟
What is your name?
صادق محمود الطيب
Sadiq Mahmoud Al-Tayeb
دقيقة لشوف السجل عندي
Just a minute, let me check my record.
صادق صادق
Sadiq Sadiq
عم ممكن تورجيني هويتك لنتأكد من الاسم؟
Can you show me your ID to verify the name?
تفضل يا عمي
Here you go, uncle.
هاي هويتي
This is my identity.
خليك مرتاح عمو
Stay comfortable, uncle.
في مشكلة وقضية كبيرة بخصوص هالاختيار
There is a big problem and issue regarding this choice.
غير شو القصة حكيني؟
What's the story? Tell me.
في دعوة حصر قرص من ورثة المدعو صادق الطيب
In the invitation to restrict a share from the heirs of the late Sadiq Al-Tayeb.
شو عم تحكي؟
What are you talking about?
ورجيني مزكرت الدعوة لشوف؟
Show me the invitation ticket to see?
تفضل استاز
Here you go, sir.
هاي الدعوة مرفوعة من قبل اولاد صادق الطيب لتلاتة
This invitation is raised by the children of Sadiq Al-Tayyib for three.
شو هاد معقول؟
What is this, is it reasonable?
استاز شو بدنا نقله للعم المسكين؟
What are we going to tell the poor uncle?
ما بعرف
I don't know.
هاتي ما انحطت بيك موقف محرج متل اليوم
Bring me a situation where you found yourself in an embarrassing position like today.
سيد صادق
Mr. Sadiq
ممكن تتفضل عندي لو سمحت؟
Could you please come to me if you don't mind?
تقدم العم صادق
Uncle Sadiq has made progress.
بخطواته البطيئة
With his slow steps.
ينظر الى القاضي بعينيه الممتلئتين
He looks at the judge with his filled eyes.
بتعب الحياة
Life is exhausting.
بينما كان قلب القاضي
While the judge's heart was
يدق بسرعة لا تتفق
It beats at a speed that does not agree.
مع خطوات العم صادق
With Uncle Sadiq's steps
وعيناه تشوعان بالحزن والغضب
And his eyes were burning with sadness and anger.
والاسئلة تملأ المكان
And the questions fill the place.
هل صار الطمع والمال
Has greed and money become?
يجعل من الاولاد ضباع
It turns the children into hyenas.
تنهش اجساد الاباء؟
Do the bodies of the fathers get gnawed?
ألم يقل ربك
Didn't your Lord say?
في ذكره الحكيم
In his wise remembrance.
وقل رب ارحمهما
And say, "My Lord, have mercy on them."
كما ربيان صغيرا
"As they were raised small."
ايه يا ابني
What is it, my son?
ان شاء الله تكون القصة
God willing, the story will be.
سودفاهم والدعوة بالغلط
"Misunderstanding and a wrong invitation."
لانو هاد محلي
Because this is my local.
وانا مشتريه من تعبي
"And I bought it with my hard work."
وشقة عمري
And the apartment of my life.
والله يا عم صادق ما بعرف شو بدي قلك
I swear, Uncle Sadiq, I don't know what to tell you.
قل لي يا عمي
Tell me, uncle.
والله قلبي مو متحمل
By God, my heart can't take it.
ابو سيدك يا ابني حكيلي
"Your father is talking to you, my son."
في شي بيضرني او بيضر ولادي
Is there something that will harm me or harm my children?
عم تفكر بولادك واكل همه
You are thinking about your kids and worrying about them.
حسبي الله انا عم الوكيل
Allah is sufficient for me; He is the best disposer of affairs.
طبعا بدي اكل همه
Of course, I want to eat him.
الطنة غالية يا ابني
The tone is expensive, my son.
شو القصة حكيلي
What's the story? Tell me.
بصراحة بحياتي ما كنت محرج من شي متل اليوم
Honestly, I have never been embarrassed about anything like today.
يا عم صادق
Oh, Uncle Sadiq.
للأسف في دعوة حصر قرس
Unfortunately, there is a call to restrict the Circassians.
حصر قرس؟
What is the meaning of "Hasser Qars"?
ليش مين المتوفي؟
Why, who passed away?
كيف وليش
How and why?
ومين المتداعي؟
And who is the one who is falling apart?
المتداعين ان الولادك الثلاثة
The claimants are that your three children...
محمود وسامر ورامي
Mahmoud, Samer, and Rami
كل ولادي متداعين علي؟
Are all my children gathering around me?
ما في ولا واحد منن مو متداعي؟
Is there not a single one of them that is not dilapidated?
للأسف كلن
Unfortunately, everyone.
متل ما قلتلك وذكرتلك اسماقن لثلاثة
As I told you and mentioned to you, there are three names.
ولادك مقدمين للمحكمة
Your children are being brought to court.
ان بيان وفاة باسم حضرتك
This is a statement of death in your name.
It means.
موفينك لحتى يحطوا ايدن على كل شي
They're moving until they put their hands on everything.
You own.
لا لا لا
No no no
ابدا ما بصدق
I never believe it.
ما بصدق
I don't believe it.
هدول ولادي ضن قلبي
These are my children, the light of my heart.
My children
هدول والله ولادي
These, I swear, are my children.
انا بحبن
I love them.
وهن بحبوني
And they love me.
انا بحبن وهن بحبوني
I love them and they love me.
الذين فรحو خوفهم
Those who were happy feared them.
والسمع التماسيق
And the hearing is the harmony.
والستاعظ كونهم
And the rise of their existence.
جدم charles
Grandfather Charles
كان العم محترج бой agricult huh
The uncle was embarrassed about the agriculture, huh?
فيه ولم يبقى بيد العم صادق حيلة
In it, and uncle Sadiq had no more tricks left.
فالمدعين عليه هنف الذات كبده
The defendants have harmed his soul.
سحب اقدامه واعكازه
He pulled his feet and his cane.
باتجاه باب المحكمة
Towards the courthouse entrance.
وليس في ذاكرته سوى
And there is nothing in his memory except
صور ابنائه وهم اطفال
Pictures of his children when they were kids.
ويذكر كيف كان يلاعبهم ويحضنهم ويقلق عليهم إذا ما مرضوا
He recalls how he used to play with them, hug them, and worry about them if they became ill.
وأصواتهم كانت ترافقه في مشيته المتهلكة والدموع تنهال من عينيه
And their voices accompanied him in his weary walk, while tears streamed down from his eyes.
فلم تعد تلك العصى قادرة على سنده
The stick was no longer able to support him.
فجأة عند باب المحكمة يلتقي العم صادق بأبنائه الثلاثة
Suddenly, at the courthouse entrance, Uncle Sadiq meets his three children.
فينظر إليهم نظرة الأب المكسور اللائم
He looks at them with the gaze of a broken, reproachful father.
ليتهاوى على الأرض أمام أبنائه مفارقاً الحياة
May he fall to the ground in front of his children, departing this life.
فارق الحياة كي يهنأ الأولاد بهذا الإرث
He passed away so that the children could enjoy this inheritance.
وكأنما بالعم صادق يريد الموت
It seems that Uncle Sadiq wants to die.
كي لا يكون أولاده كاذبين أمام القضاء
So that his children do not lie in front of the court.
فالأب أب ولو كانت سكين أبنائه على منحره
A father is still a father, even if his children's knife is at his throat.
My father.
أبو سيدك يا أبي تسامحني
Oh my father, forgive me.
إن شاء الله ترد علي أبي
God willing, my father will respond to me.
لا تموت
Don't die.
لا تموت يا أبي
Don't die, my father.
الله يلعن أبو الطمع
God curses the father of greed.
أبي طول عمرنا نغلط وانت سامحنا
My father, all our lives we've made mistakes, and you forgave us.
وهالمرة أكيد رح تسامحنا
This time, you will definitely forgive us.
مو هيك أبي؟
Isn't it like this, Dad?
أبو سيدك ترد
Your father is responding.
والله بوعدك إني ما فارقك لحظة
"I swear I promise you that I won't be apart from you for a moment."
وما عزعلك مني
And what makes you anxious about me?
أبي أنا غلطت كتير بحقك
Dad, I made a lot of mistakes towards you.
والله الشيطان لعب برأسي وأنا نهتفان يا أبي
"By God, the devil played with my mind while I was shouting, 'Oh my father.'"
رح تسامحنا يا أبي ما
Will you forgive us, Father?
رح تسامحنا مثل ما لك رابي
You will forgive us just like you do, my lord.
My father
أبي مشوك
My father is a bride.
أبي أبي أبي
Father, father, father.
My father
بعد ما سمعناه في هذه القصة
After what we heard in this story.
ماذا سيكون مصير أبناء العم صادق بعد موته؟
What will happen to the children of Uncle Sadek after his death?
هل سيكون الدكان والبيت من نصيبهم بعد كل ما حدث؟
Will the shop and the house be theirs after everything that happened?
وهل سينالون عقاب تزوير الحقائق أمام المحكمة؟
Will they face punishment for falsifying the facts in court?
أم أن عقابهم سيكون عند الله تعالى فحسب؟
Or will their punishment be only with Allah, the Exalted?
سيد القاضي السادة المستشارين
Mr. Judge, esteemed counselors.
قال الله في كتابه العزيز
God said in His glorious Book.
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed devil.
ووصينا الإنسان بوالديه حملته أمه وهنا على وهن
"And We have enjoined upon man [care] for his parents. His mother carried him with hardship and gave birth to him with hardship."
وفصاله في عامين أن اشكر لي ولي والديك إلي المصير
And his weaning is in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your parents. To Me is the final destination.
صدق الله العظيم
Allah, the Almighty, has spoken the truth.
إن من يمثل أمام عدالتكم اليوم
"Indeed, the one who stands before your justice today..."
من المؤكدي أنه لم يسبق لهم وعلموا أو سمعوا بوصايا رب العالمين
It is certain that they have never known or heard of the commandments of the Lord of the Worlds.
والأديان والأخلاق ببر الوالدين
And the religions and ethics regarding honoring the parents.
وها نحن نراهم اليوم صامتين أفواه
And here we see them today, with their mouths silent.
متأطئين رؤوس
Bowing their heads.
ولا يدرون بأي غطاء يسترون عورة تصرفهم
And they do not know what cover will hide the shame of their actions.
ولا نعلم إن عرف الندم طريقه إليهم
And we do not know if regret has found its way to them.
لينهش ما تبقى من أرواحهم بعد فعلتهم الدنيئة
"To tear apart what remains of their souls after their ignoble act."
حتى وفاة أبيهم المسكين
Until the death of their poor father.
وتحايلوا على القانون لينزعوا من أبيهم دكانه التي يغنيهم فيها عن طلب الحاجة منهم
They circumvented the law to take away their father's shop, which supports them and spares them from needing anything from others.
دون أن يفكروا بسوء العاقبة والمصير
Without considering the bad consequences and fate.
ومهما أنزلت محكمتكم الموقرة من حكم بحق هؤلاء المتهمين
And regardless of what your esteemed court may rule regarding these defendants.
فلن يكون حكم القانون أقصى من الحكم الإلهي
The rule of law will not be greater than divine rule.
وعلى الجاني تدور الدوائر وسيشربون من أولادهم من نفس الكأس
The circles will turn upon the offender, and they will drink from the same cup as their children.
لذلك ولمجمل ما تقدمه
Therefore, for all that it offers.
نلتمس من عدالتكم الموقرة إنزال أقصى العقوبات المقررة
We kindly request your esteemed authority to impose the maximum penalties provided.
بحق المدعى عليهم محمود وسامر ورامي والمحامي رشيد
By the right of the defendants Mahmoud, Samer, Rami, and the lawyer Rashid.
ليكونوا عبرة لكل من يعتبر
To serve as a lesson for everyone who considers.
شو يا سيد سامر؟
What's up, Mr. Samar?
عندك شيء تقوله؟
Do you have something to say?
والله، والله يا سيادة القاضي أنا ما كان بدي هالشغلة كلها
By God, I swear to you, Your Honor, I didn't want this whole thing at all.
بس أخي محمود زرع الفكرة براسي
But my brother Mahmoud planted the idea in my head.
والشيطان أغواني
And the devil tempted me.
أنا وقت شفت أبي وطلع فيني نصرة اللوم الأخيرة
I was when I saw my father, and the last blame fell on me.
ندمت وحسيت أنه أبي غضبان علينا
I regretted and felt that my father was angry with us.
و وقت شحسية إنه رضاء أبي عليه بيسوا ما للدنيا كلها
"And at the time of my personal struggle, the approval of my father means more to me than everything in the world."
ندمت وقت ما عادي ينفع الندم
I regretted when it was too late for regret.
وانت يا سيد محمود شو؟
And you, Mr. Mahmoud, how are you?
مو حابب تدلي بدلوه ك؟
Don't you want to give your opinion?
تهغ الله يخزيك يا شيطان
May God disgrace you, O Satan.
والله ما بعرف شو بدي أحكي
I swear I don't know what to say.
رب العالمين اختباركم وجربكم برضا الوالدين
The Lord of the Worlds tests you and tries you with the obedience of parents.
وأنتم فشلتوا بهالاختبار
And you failed this test.
مو هيك يا رامي ولا السهر والملاهي الليلية والمصاري عميت على قلبك
Isn't it like this, Rami, or has the nightlife and the money blinded your heart?
والله أخي محمود السبب هو ورفيق المحامي رشيد يا سيادة القاضي وأنا ددمان كتير جاهز لإيه
By God, my brother Mahmoud, the reason is him and my partner lawyer Rashid, Your Honor, and I am very ready for it.
الجلسة الآن للنطق بالحكم باسم الشعب
The session is now for the verdict in the name of the people.
وبعد الاطلاع على مطالعة النيابة العامة وأقوال المتهمين وكافة وثائق الدعوة
After reviewing the prosecution's memorandum, the statements of the accused, and all the documents of the case.
وبالمراجعة والتدقيق حكمت المحكمة حضوريا بالإجماع ما يلي
Upon review and scrutiny, the court unanimously ruled as follows:
أولا تجريم المدعى عليهم محمود وسامر ورامي والمحامي رشيد بجيناية التزوير واستعمال مزور
Firstly, the defendants Mahmoud, Samer, Rami, and the lawyer Rashid are charged with the felony of forgery and using a forged document.
عملا بأحكام المادة 443 و444 من قانون العقوبات
In accordance with the provisions of Articles 443 and 444 of the Penal Code.
ثانيا الحكم عليهم من حيث النتيجة بالسجن لمدة ثلاث سنوات
Secondly, the verdict against them is a prison sentence of three years.
ثالثا ونظرا لظروف القضية وللعلاقة بين المدعى عليهم والمرحوم صادق الطيب
Thirdly, considering the circumstances of the case and the relationship between the defendants and the late Sadek Tayyeb.
تقرر تشديد العقوبة لتصبح ست سنوات
It was decided to increase the penalty to six years.
رابعا رد دعوة حصر الإرث المقامة من قبلهم لافتقارها للأساس القانوني
Fourthly, the response to the inheritance lawsuit filed by them due to the lack of legal basis.
وثبوت تزوير الوثائق المستندة إليها
And the evidence of the forgery of the documents relied upon.
قرارا وجاهيا صدر وأفهم علنا قابلا للطعن بطريق النصر
A decision has been issued and I understand that it is publicly subject to appeal by means of victory.
حكمة المحكمة
Court ruling
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