سورة القصص (18)
تفسير القرآن الكريم | Tafsir Al-Quran Al-Kareem
تفسير سورة القصص - الشيخ محمد راتب النابلسي
سورة القصص (18)
الحمد لله رب العالمين
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد الصادق الوعد الأمين
Peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad, the truthful and trustworthy.
اللهم لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا إنك أنت العليم الحكيم
O Allah, we have no knowledge except that which You have taught us. Indeed, You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.
اللهم علمنا ما ينفعنا وانفعنا بما علمتنا وزدنا علمه
O Allah, teach us what benefits us, and benefit us with what You have taught us, and increase us in knowledge.
وأرنا الحق حقا وارزقنا اتباعه
And show us the truth as truth and grant us the ability to follow it.
وأرنا الباطل باطلا وارزقنا اجتنابه
"And show us falsehood as falsehood and grant us to avoid it."
وجعلنا ممن يستمعون القول فيستبعون أحسنه
"And We have made some of them listen to the speech and follow the best of it."
وأدخلنا برحمتك في عبادك الصالحين
And admit us, by Your mercy, among Your righteous servants.
أيها الإخوة المؤمنون
O believers, brothers.
مع الدرس الثامن عشر والأخير
With the eighteenth and final lesson.
وعندما نتحدث عنه
And when we talk about him
من سورة القصص
From Surah Al-Qasas.
وصلنا في الدرس الماضي
We arrived in the last lesson.
إلى التعقيب الكريم
To the esteemed commentary.
الذي جاء بعد قصة قارون
What came after the story of Qarun.
وهو قوله تعالى
And it is His saying, the Most High.
تلك الدار الآخرة
That is the Hereafter.
نجعلها للذين لا يريدون علوا في الأرض ولا فسادا
We make it for those who do not seek dominance in the land or corruption.
والعاقبة للمتقين
And the end is for the righteous.
من جاءتها
Who came to her?
ونجاء بالحسنة
And we came with goodness.
فله خير منها
He has better than it.
They said.
فاعل الخير
The do-gooder.
خير من الخير
Better than good.
يعني مهما كان عمل الخير عظيما
No matter how great the good deed is.
فلابد من أن تطويه الأيام
The days must fold it away.
ولابد من أن ينتهي
And it must come to an end.
بعد نهاية العالم
After the end of the world
ولكن فاعل الخير
But the doer of good.
سيسعد به
He will be pleased with it.
And it makes him happy.
إلى الأبد
لذلك فاعل الخير
So, the doer of good.
خير من الخير
Better than good.
وفاعل الشر
And the doer of evil
شر من الشر
The worst of the evils.
مهما كان هذا العمل
No matter what this work is.
الذي ألقى قنبلة
The one who dropped the bomb.
على مدينة اليابان
On the city of Japan
So it annihilated.
ثلاثمائة ألف رجل
Three hundred thousand men.
في ثانية واحدة
In one second.
هذا العمل بعد مضي مئة عام
This work after a hundred years.
نسيه الناس
People forgot him.
ولكن الذي فعله
But what he did
شر من الشر
The worst of the evils.
سيشقى به
He will suffer because of it.
إلى أبد الآبدين
Forever and ever.
الشي الخطير
The dangerous thing.
أنك أخطر ما في الكون
You are the most dangerous thing in the universe.
مهما كان عملك طيبا
No matter how good your work is.
فأنت أطيب منه
You are sweeter than him.
مهما كان عملك خيرا
No matter how good your work is.
فأنت أخير منه
So you are better than him.
ومهما يكون العمل سيئا
And no matter how bad the work is.
فالذي فعله أسوأ من الشر
What he did is worse than evil.
فاعل الخير
Good doer
خير من الخير
Better than good.
وفاعل الشر
And the doer of evil.
شر من الشر
The worst of the evils.
فالله سبحانه وتعالى يقول
For Allah, the Exalted, says.
من جاء بالحسنة
Whoever brings a good deed.
فله خير منها
He has better than her.
يعني مهما كانت هذه الحسنة عظيمة
It means no matter how great this good deed is.
مهما كان حجم هذا العمل كبيرا
No matter how big this work is.
فله عند الله عز وجل
He has a place with Allah, the Exalted.
من السعادة الأبدية
From eternal happiness.
ومن التقلب في جنات النعيم
And from the fluctuations in the gardens of bliss.
ما هو خير من هذا الخير
What is better than this good?
حتى أن بعضهم يقول
Some even say
من أطعم لقمة
Whoever fed a bite.
افتغاء وجه الله عز وجل
Seeking the face of Allah Almighty.
جاء يوم القيامة
The Day of Judgment has come.
يراها كجبل أحد
He sees her as Mount Uhud.
يا علي لأن يهدي الله بك رجلا واحدا
O Ali, if Allah guides through you even one man...
خير لك أن تتعلم
It's better for you to learn.
مما طلعت عليه الشمس
Whatever the sun rises upon.
خير لك من حمر النعم
Better for you than red camels.
خير لك من الدنيا وما فيها
Better for you than the world and everything in it.
لأن الله شكور
Because Allah is Appreciative.
إذن من جاء بالحسنة فله خير منها
"Whoever brings a good deed will have better than it."
يعني فعلت صالحا
It means I did good.
بذلت من وقتك الثمين
You dedicated your precious time.
بذلت من خبرتك الغالية
I have given my valuable expertise.
بذلت جاهك من أجل ضعيف
You exerted your influence for the sake of the weak.
بذلت مالك الذي حالك
I exerted my wealth which is your condition.
حصلته بعرق جبينك
You earned it through your hard work.
من أجل إطعام بطن جائع
In order to feed a hungry stomach.
من جاء بالحسنة فله خير منها
Whoever brings a good deed will have better than it.
فودت على نفسك دنيا عريضة
You have entrusted yourself with a wide world.
خشية الله عز وجل
The fear of Allah, the Almighty.
جاءك عرض مغرن
An attractive offer has come to you.
لكنك أردت مرضاة الله عز وجل
But you wanted to please Allah, the Almighty.
ففاتك ربح كبير
You missed out on a great profit.
من جاء بالحسنة فله خير منها
Whoever comes with a good deed will have better than it.
من أتعب نفسه في سبيل أهله
Whoever exhausts himself for the sake of his family.
And his children.
ومن حوله
And around him.
فله خير منها
He has something better than that.
يعني من ذا الذي يقرض الله قرضا حسنا
Who is it that will lend to Allah a goodly loan?
فيضاعفه له أضعافا كثيرا
And He will multiply it for him many times over.
إذا فعلت الصالحات
If you do good deeds.
فكأنك أقربت الله عز وجل
It is as if you have brought closer to Allah, the Almighty.
إذا فرجت عن مكروب
If you relieve someone in distress.
إذا واسيت محزونا
If you comforted a sorrowful person.
إذا أعنت فقيراً
If you help a poor person
إذا طمأنت خائفاً
If you reassured someone who is afraid.
إذا بذلت معروفاً
If you do a good deed.
إذا أديت نصيحة
If you gave advice.
إذا أمرت بمعروف
If you command what is right.
إذا نهيت عن منكر
If you are forbidden from something wrong
إذا أدخلت الفرح على قلوب الصغار
If you bring joy to the hearts of the little ones.
إذا جبرت خاطر زوجتك
If you pleased your wife's heart.
من جاء بالحسنة فله خير منها
Whoever brings a good deed will have something better than it.
يقول هذا الكلام خالق الكون
These words are said by the Creator of the universe.
يقول هذا الكلام رب العالمين
These words are spoken by the Lord of the Worlds.
إنه إذا قال لك إنسان
If a person says to you
أنا أعطيك مبلغاً كبيراً
I'm giving you a large amount of money.
وحجمه كله مائة ليرة
And its total size is one hundred lira.
كل ما يملك مئة ليرة
Anyone who has a hundred liras.
فكلمة كبير ممن يملك مئة ليرة لها معنى
The word "big" for someone who possesses a hundred liras has a meaning.
إذا قال لك إنسان وهو يملك مئة ألف
If a person tells you that he has a hundred thousand.
لك عندي مبلغ كبير
I have a large amount of money for you.
كلمة كبير من للإنسان الثاني لها معنى آخر
The word "big" for the second person has another meaning.
إذا قال
If he said
إذا قال لك غني كبير لك عندي مبلغ كبير
If a wealthy person told you, "I have a large sum of money for you."
إلى معنى ثالث
To a third meaning.
فإذا قال ملك الملوك لك عندي خير كثير
"When the King of Kings says to you, 'I have much good for you.'"
يعني ملك ماذا يعطي؟
It means what does a king give?
يعطي قلم رصاص؟
Does he give a pencil?
إذا أراد أن يقدم الملك هدية
If he wanted to present the king with a gift.
ماذا يقدم؟
What does it offer?
منحات صغيرة قلم رصاص
Small pencil grants
مئة ليرة كتاب صغير
One hundred liras for a small book.
أم يقدم لك بيتا مثلا
Or does he offer you a house for example?
أو مركبة فارهة
Or a luxury vehicle.
أو منصبا رفيعا
or a high position.
يعني العطاء يتناسب مع المعطي
It means that the giving corresponds to the giver.
فلما ربنا عز وجل يقول لك
When our Lord, may He be exalted, says to you
من جاء بالحسنة فله خير منها
Whoever brings a good deed will have better than it.
أنت كمؤمن
You as a believer.
هذا كلام الله عز وجل
This is the word of God, exalted and mighty.
ماذا تفهم من كلمة فله خير منها؟
What do you understand from the phrase "he has better than it"?
خير منها
Better than her.
دللت إنسانا على الله
I guided a person to God.
أتعبت نفسك من أجله
You tired yourself for him.
بدلت وقتك الثمين
You wasted your precious time.
كم تهرت من ليال من أجله
How many nights have I spent for his sake?
كم بدلت من مال تأليفا لقلبه
How much money have you spent to win his heart?
إلى أن عرف الله واستقام على أمره
Until he knew Allah and stood firm in His command.
من جاء بالحسنة فله خير منها
Whoever brings a good deed will have better than it.
فلا تعلم نفس ما أخفي لها من قرة أعين
"None knows what is hidden for them of joy as a reward."
جزاء بما كانوا يعملون
A recompense for what they used to do.
إذا عمت عامل خالق الكون
If the Creator of the universe is pervasive.
ما عمت عامل خالق الكون
What a worker of the creator of the universe!
عامل إنسان عادي
An ordinary human worker.
ينسى المعروف
Goodness is forgotten.
He denies.
إنك تعامل خالق الكون
You are dealing with the Creator of the universe.
هو أهل التقوى وأهل المغفرة
He is the one worthy of piety and the one deserving of forgiveness.
من جاء بالحسنة فله خير منها
Whoever brings a good deed will have better than it.
يعني هذا الصحابي
This means this companion.
الذي عينه النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام
"Whom the Prophet, peace be upon him, appointed."
القائد الثالث في معركة مؤتة
The third leader in the Battle of Mu'tah.
والذي معرفه
And the one who knows.
مات زميلاه الأول والثاني
His first and second colleagues died.
سيدنا زيد وسيدنا جعفر
Our master Zayd and our master Ja'far.
فلما جاء دوره في رفع الراية
When his turn came to raise the banner.
ورأى نفسه على وشك الموت المحقق
And he saw himself on the verge of certain death.
يبدو أنه تردد
It seems that there was hesitation.
فقال يا نفس إلا تقتلي تموت
He said, "O soul, if you do not kill, you will die."
هذا حمام الموت قد صليتي
This is the bath of death, have you prayed?
إن تفعلي فعله ما رضيتي
If you do what you are not pleased with.
وإن توليتي فقد شقيتي
"And if you turn away, you will be in misery."
عيرت هذين البيتين
I have composed these two verses.
فإذا هما ثلاثون ثانيين
Then they are thirty seconds.
يعني تردد
It means hesitation.
ثلاثين ثانية
Thirty seconds.
ثلاثين ثانية
Thirty seconds.
النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام
The Prophet, peace be upon him.
وهو في المدينة المنورة مع أصحابه
And he is in Medina with his companions.
قال أخذ الراية أخوكم زيد
He said, "Your brother Zayd has taken the banner."
فقاتل بها حتى قتل
"So he fought with it until he was killed."
وإني لأرى مقامه في الجنة
"And I see his status in Paradise."
ثم أخذ الراية أخوكم جعفر
Then your brother Ja'far took the banner.
فقاتل بها حتى قتل
And he fought with it until he was killed.
وإني لأرى مقامه في الجنة
"And I see his place in heaven."
ثم تتب
Then you follow.
فلما سكت
So when he fell silent.
فقال أخوكم زيد
Your brother Zaid said.
خاف أصحاب النبي على صاحبهم
The companions of the Prophet were worried about their companion.
عبد الله بن رواحة
Abdullah ibn Rawahah
فقالوا يا رسول الله
They said, "O Messenger of Allah."
ما فعل عبد الله
What did Abdullah do?
قال ثم أخذها عبد الله
He said, then Abdullah took it.
وقاتل بها حتى قتل
"And he fought with it until he was killed."
وإني لأرى في مقامه
"And indeed I see in his position..."
إزورارا عن صاحبي
I am worried about my friend.
فضى الدرج
Empty the drawer.
يعني إنسان أعطاك مثلا
It means a person who gave you, for example.
أعطاك محل
He gave you a shop.
كنت أعطاك محل
I was giving you a place.
كنت صانعا
I was a maker.
فأصبحت تاجرا
So I became a trader.
زوجك ابنته
Your husband is his daughter.
أعطاك بيتا كبيرا
He gave you a big house.
أعطاك مركبة
He gave you a vehicle.
خلال أعوام قليل
In a few years.
يصرت إنسانا شهيرا
You became a famous person.
غنيا وجيها
Rich and wealthy
رأيته في الطريق يمشي
I saw him walking on the road.
وأنت معك سيارة
And you have a car.
قال لك يا فلان
He said to you, O so-and-so.
أوصلني إلى البيت
Take me home.
أنت ماذا فعل
What have you done?
سكت ثلاثين ثانية
He remained silent for thirty seconds.
ثم قلت له تفضل
Then I said to him, go ahead.
لهذا السكوت
For this silence.
في حقك جريمة
A crime against you.
مع هذا الإنسان
With this person.
فربنا عز وجل
So our Lord, the Exalted.
إذا دعاك لفعل الخيرات
If he invites you to do good deeds.
في تردد هنا
There is hesitation here.
من علامة المؤمن
One of the signs of a believer.
أنه إذا دعي إلى الخير
That if called to goodness
ألقى بنفسه عليه
He threw himself on him.
طرق بابك
Knocked on your door.
هذا السائل
This liquid
ساقه الله إليك
God brought him to you.
لينظر ماذا تفعل
"Let him see what you are doing."
مرضت فلم تعودني يا عبدي
"I fell sick, so you did not visit me, O My servant."
قال كيف أعودك وأنت رب العالمين
He said, "How can I return you when You are the Lord of the worlds?"
قال مرض عبدي فلان فلم تعوده
"My servant so-and-so fell ill, and you did not visit him."
أما علمت أنك لو عدته لوجدتني عنده
Didn't you know that if you had visited him, you would have found me there?
تطعمك عبدي فلان
"Your servant, so-and-so, feeds you."
الحديث معروف عندكم
The hadith is well known to you.
يعني أنا أرى
It means I see.
أن المؤمن الصادق
That the sincere believer
أكبر همه في الحياة الدنيا
His greatest concern in this worldly life.
أن يعمل عملاً
To perform a task.
صالحاً يرضي الله عز وجل
Pleasing to God Almighty.
يا ربي هل أنت راض عني
Oh my Lord, are You pleased with me?
هل خدمت عبادك كما تريد
Did you serve Your servants as You wish?
هل أنا في موضع رضاك يا ربي
Am I in a position to please You, my Lord?
من جاء بالحسنة فله خير منها
Whoever brings a good deed will have better than it.
له خير منها في الدنيا
He has better than it in this world.
ما ترك عبد شيئا لله إلا عوضه الله خيرا منه في دينه ودنيا
No servant has forsaken anything for the sake of Allah except that Allah compensates him with something better in his religion and his worldly life.
في الدنيا
In the world
إذا أنفقت عبدي أنفق أنفق عليك
"If My servant spends, I will spend on him."
إذا أعنت هناك من يعينك
If you help, there will be someone to assist you.
إذا نصرت هناك من ينصرك
If you are supported, there will be someone to support you.
إذا واسيت هناك من يواسيك
If you comfort others, there will be someone to comfort you.
إذا ذكرت الله عز وجل في ملأ من الناس
If you mention God Almighty among a gathering of people.
ذكرك الله في ملأ خير منهم
"God mentioned you in a gathering better than them."
يأتي اسمك عطراً جداً في ملأ خير من هؤلاء
Your name comes as a very sweet fragrance in a gathering better than these.
أنت تحدثت أمام شخصين أو ثلاثة عن الله عز وجل
You spoke in front of two or three people about God, the Exalted and Majestic.
وأثنيت عليه وعلى أسمائه الحسنى وصفاته الفضلى
"And I praised Him and His beautiful names and excellent attributes."
فجاء ذكرك في مجمع كبير
"Your mention came in a great assembly."
فجاء من يذكرك بخير
So someone came to remind you of good.
مثلاً من جاء بالحسنة فله خير منه
"For example, whoever brings a good deed will have something better than it."
تعامل خالق الكون
The Creator's dealings with the universe.
تعامل أكرم الأكرمين
The treatment of the Most Generous of the Generous.
تعامل من بيده ملكوت السماوات والأرض
"Deal with the One who holds the dominion of the heavens and the earth."
إنك تعامل من يقول للشيء كن فيكون
You deal with the one who says "Be" and it is.
الأمراض كلها بيده
All diseases are in His hands.
الجراسيم كلها بيده
All the germs are in his hands.
عضلة القلب والصمام
Heart muscle and valve
صمام القلب الشريان الثاني
The second artery heart valve.
الغاجي والضغط العام
The pressure and general pressure.
وعمل الكليتين وعمل الكبد
Kidney function and liver function
وعمل الرئتين والأعصاب كلها بيده
"And the function of the lungs and all the nerves is in His hand."
وأهلك بيده وأولادك بيده
"And your family is in His hands, and your children are in His hands."
خصومك بيده وعدائك بيده
Your enemies are in his hands, and your hostility is in his hands.
والعالم كله بيده
"And the whole world is in His hands."
يقول لك من ذا الذي يقرض الله قرضاً حسناً
"Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan?"
فيضاعفه له أضعافاً كثيرة
He will multiply it for him many times over.
ألا تحب؟
Don't you love?
يعني أنت الآن إذا لقيت بيت لهطة
It means that if you now come across a house of "lahtha" (a term that might require context for a specific translation).
بالضغط درجة
By pressing the degree
وأنت ساكن ببيت
And you live in a house.
تقول أنا أشتريه وأبيعه
She says, "I buy it and sell it."
أربح مئة ألف
I win a hundred thousand.
هذا أرخص من سعره بمئة ألف
This is cheaper than its price by one hundred thousand.
فكيف إذا قيل لك
So how would it be if you were told?
ادفع ليرة واخذ مليوناً
Pay a lira and take a million.
ومعك الليرة
And with you is the lira.
وبتبخل فيها
"And you are stingy with it."
والله رقم قليل نسبة قليلة والله
By God, the number is small, a small percentage, by God.
ادفع صدقة
Pay charity.
واخذ جنة عرضها السماوات إلى الأبد
"And he took a paradise the width of the heavens forever."
أتبخل؟ قال تعالى
"Do you withhold? Allah, the Exalted, said."
وَمَنْ يَبْخَلُ فَإِنَّمَا يَبْخَلُ عَنْ نَفْسِهِ
And whoever is stingy is only stingy towards himself.
وَاللَّهُ الْغَنِيُّ وَأَنْتُمُ الْفُقَرَاءُ
And Allah is the All-Sufficient, while you are the needy.
لذلك من شاء فليؤمن ومن شاء فيكثر
Therefore, whoever wishes may believe, and whoever wishes may disbelieve.
فأما الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات فلأنفسهم يمهدون
As for those who believe and perform righteous deeds, they are preparing for themselves.
من جاء بالحسنة فله خير منها
Whoever brings a good deed will have [a reward] better than it.
ومن جاء بالسيئة
And whoever comes with an evil deed.
هذا كرم الله عز وجل وهذه عدالته
This is the generosity of God Almighty and this is His justice.
فلا يجزى
It is not acceptable.
الذين عملوا السيئات إلا ما كانوا يعملون
Those who did evil deeds except for what they were doing.
فيهم سؤال
There is a question among them.
من جاء بالحسنة مفرد فله خير منها
Whoever brings a good deed will have better than it.
عشر أمثال
Ten times
عشرين مثل
Twenty examples.
سبعون مثل
Seventy like.
سبع مئة
Seven hundred
مثل الذين ينفقون أموالهم في سبيل الله
Like those who spend their money in the way of God.
كمثل حبة أنبتت سبع ثنابل
Like a seed that has sprouted seven ears (of grain).
في كل صنبرة مئة حبة
In every ear of corn, there are a hundred grains.
والله يضاعف لمن يشاء والله واسع عليم
And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills; and Allah is All-Encompassing and Knowing.
لكن ومن جاء بالسيئة
"But whoever comes with an evil deed..."
قال فلا يجزى الذين عملوا السيئات
He said, "So those who have done evil deeds will not be rewarded."
جاءت السيئات جمع وهنا مفرد
The bad deeds came in plural, and here it is singular.
لماذا لم يقل الله عز وجل
Why didn't God Almighty say?
من جاء بالحسنة فله خير منها
Whoever brings a good deed will have better than it.
ومن جاء بالسيئة فلا يجزى إلا بها
And whoever brings an evil deed will not be recompensed except by it.
For example
فلا يجزى الذين عملوا السيئات
"Those who have done evil deeds will not be rewarded."
ربنا عذل عن الضمير إلى الاسم الظاهر
Our Lord has excused the pronoun in favor of the explicit noun.
تأكيدا على أن هذا الذي يعمل السيئات
Confirming that this one who commits evils
عملها عن قصد وتصميم وبنية الاستمرار
She did it intentionally and with a design and a structure for continuity.
يعني عملها قاصدا مريدا
It means to do it intentionally and with purpose.
ونوى الاستمرار عليهم
And he intended to continue with them.
فلا يجزى الذين عملوا السيئات
"Those who have done evil deeds will not be rewarded."
جاءت متكررة عملها مرة بعد مرة
It came repeatedly, doing its work time after time.
أكد عليها أرادها صمم عليها
He stressed it, wanted it, and insisted on it.
لم يتوب منها أعادها
He did not repent; he returned to it.
إلا ما كانوا يعملون
Except for what they used to do.
الآن انتهت قصة قارون
Now the story of Qarun has ended.
مع التعقيبين
With the two comments.
والذين جعلاها قواعد ثابتة
And those who made it a fixed foundation.
لكل من يقرأ القرآن
For everyone who reads the Quran.
الآن جاءت نهاية السورة
Now the end of the surah has come.
ويجب أن تعلموا أيها الإخوة
And you should know, O brothers,
أن السورة الكريمة
That the noble surah
تأتي في نهايتها ملخصات مكثفة جدا
At the end, there are very concise summaries.
قال تعالى
The Almighty said.
إِنَّ الَّذِي فَرَضَ عَلَيْكَ الْقُرْآنَ يَا مُحَمَّدٍ
Indeed, the One who has made the Quran obligatory upon you, O Muhammad.
لَرَادُّكَ إِلَى مَعَادٍ
He will surely bring you back to your destination.
المعنى الأول
The first meaning
إِنَّ الَّذِي فَرَضَ عَلَيْكَ هَذَا الْقُرْآنَ أَن تَقْرَأَهُ
Indeed, the One who has obligated you to read this Quran.
وَهَذَا الْقُرْآنَ أَن تَتَدَبَّرَهُ
"And this Quran is for you to ponder over."
وَهَذَا الْقُرْآنَ أَن تَتْلُوَهُ
"And this Quran, that you should recite it."
وَهَذَا الْقُرْآنَ أَن تُبَلِّغَهُ
"And this Quran is for you to convey."
لَرَادُّكَ إِلَى مَقَامٍ عَظِيمٍ
"Surely, He will return you to a place of great honor."
لا يعلمه إلا الله
Only God knows it.
سلوا لي الوثيلة
Ask for the intermediary for me.
فإنها مقام لا ينبغي إلا لواحد من خلقه
It is a مقام (station) that should be held by none other than one of His creation.
وأرجو أن أكون أنا كما قال عليه الصلاة والسلام
"And I hope to be like he said, peace be upon him."
يعني أنت إذا دعوت إلى الله
It means if you call to Allah.
أمرت بالمعروف
I commanded what is right.
نهيت عن المنكر
I was forbidden from wrongdoings.
دللت الناس على الله عز وجل
"I guided the people to God, the Almighty."
حببتهم إلى الله
I made them love God.
بينت لهم
I explained to them.
فصلت لهم
I explained it to them.
I convinced them.
ضربت لهم الأمثال
I set examples for them.
أخذت بيدهم
I took their hand.
تحملت أسئلتهم
I endured their questions.
تحملت أحيانا
I sometimes tolerated.
Surpass them.
إلى أن وصلتهم بربهم
Until they reached their Lord.
فاستقاموا على أمره وسعدوا بقربه
So they remained steadfast in His command and rejoiced in His proximity.
إن الذي فرض عليك القرآن
"Indeed, it is He who has decreed upon you the Qur'an."
أمرك أن تدعو إلى الله
Your duty is to call others to God.
أن تتلو عليهم القرآن
To recite the Quran to them.
أن تبينه لهم
To clarify it to them.
لرادك إلى معاد
"I will return you to your place."
يعني أحيانا
It means sometimes.
نرسل إنسان بمهمة صعبة
We send a person on a difficult mission.
لكن حينما يعود
But when he returns.
استقبال عظيم
Great reception
وجائزة عظيمة
And a great award.
ومرتبة عظيمة
And a great rank.
ومقام كريم
And a noble station.
واحتفال كبير
and a big celebration
وأوسمة وما إلى ذلك
And medals and so on.
إنسان أيام
Days of a man
يرسل إنسان بمهمة صعبة خطرة
A person is sent on a difficult and dangerous mission.
فإذا عاد من مهمته ناجحا
"When he returns from his mission successful."
كان له التكريم
He received the honor.
الذي لا حدود له
The one without limits.
فالمعنى الأول لهذه الآية
The first meaning of this verse
إن الذي فرض عليك القرآن
Indeed, the One who has obliged you to recite the Qur'an.
أمرك أن تتلوه
It is your command to recite it.
أمرك أن تبلغه
It is your duty to inform him.
أمرك أن تبينه
It is your duty to clarify it.
أمرك أن تدعو إلى خالق الكون
Your command is to call upon the Creator of the universe.
إن الذي فرض عليك القرآن
"Indeed, it is He who has decreed upon you the Qur'an."
لرادك إلى معاد
"To return you to a time."
إلى معاد كريم
To a generous date.
إلى مقام كريم
To a noble مقام
إلى جنة عرضها السماوات والأرض
"To a paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth."
هذا هو المعنى الأول
This is the first meaning.
طيب نحن كمؤمنين
Well, as believers
قياسا على هذا المعنى
In light of this meaning.
يعني أنت إذا دعوت إلى الله
It means if you call to Allah.
هل تعرف أنك مؤمن؟
Do you know that you are a believer?
هل تعرف ما مكانك عند الله عز وجل؟
Do you know what your place is with Allah, the Most Exalted?
هل تعلم ماذا ينتظرك من خير عظيم؟
Do you know what great good awaits you?
ماذا يعد الله لك من مقام كريم؟
What has God prepared for you in a noble position?
ماذا يخبأ لك من سعادة أبدية؟
What eternal happiness is hidden for you?
أنت أنت مؤمن
You are a believer.
جاء في آخر الزمان
It came in the end of times.
في الثمانينات والسبعينات
In the seventies and eighties.
أردت بإخلاص شديد
I wanted with great sincerity.
أن تهدي الناس إلى الله
To guide people to God.
أن ترشدهم إلى ربهم
To guide them to their Lord.
أن تقربهم من خالقهم
To bring them closer to their Creator.
أن تصلهم إلى الله
To bring them closer to God.
بمن خلقهم
"By whom they were created."
هل تعلم ماذا أخفي لك؟
Do you know what I'm hiding from you?
ماذا خبئ لك؟
What is hidden for you?
ماذا ينتظرك من إكرام وسعادة؟
What awaits you in terms of honor and happiness?
لأن القرآن الكريم
Because the Holy Quran
إذا خاطب به النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام
If it was addressed to the Prophet, peace be upon him.
فالمؤمنون مخاطبون بالآيات نفسها
The believers are addressed by the same verses.
على قدر إيمانهم
According to the extent of their faith.
يعني إذا قال الله عز وجل
It means if Allah, the Exalted, said.
للنبي عز وجل
To the Prophet, may He be exalted.
فإنك بأعيننا
"For indeed, you are in our sight."
معنى ذلك أن كل مؤمن
This means that every believer
له من هذه الآية نصيب
He has a share of this verse.
على قدر إيمانه
According to the strength of his faith.
إذا قال الله عز وجل
If Allah, the Exalted, said
إن الذي فرض عليك القرآن يا محمد
Indeed, the One who has imposed the Quran upon you, O Muhammad.
لرادك إلى معاض
To return you to suffering.
يعني وأنت أيها الأخ الكريم
I mean, you, dear brother.
أيها المؤمن
O believer
إذا حضرت مجلس علم
If you attend a knowledge assembly.
واستوعبت الآيات
And the verses were comprehended.
وتأثرت بها
And I was affected by it.
فأردت أن تنقلها للآخرين
So I wanted to share it with others.
إلى جيرانك
To your neighbors.
إلى إخوانك
To your brothers.
إلى أصدقائك
To your friends
إلى أهلك
To your family.
إلى أولادك
To your children.
إلى زملائك
To your colleagues.
إلى من تحبه
To the one you love.
بيّنت لهم بجهد جهيد
I showed them with great effort.
وفصلت لهم
And I explained it to them.
ودعوتهم إلى هذا المجلس
And I invited them to this council.
ودعوتهم إلى معرفة الله
And I called them to know God.
لرادك إلى معاد
"To bring you back to the time."
لك عند الله عودة مشرفة
You have an honorable return with God.
في عودة مشرفة
In a glorious return.
في عودة مبجلة
In a reverent return.
في عودة موقرة
In a respectful return
في عودة مسعبة
In a difficult return.
هذا المعنى الأول
This is the first meaning.
المعنى الثاني
The second meaning
إن الذي فرض عليك القرآن
Indeed, the One who has imposed upon you the Quran
لرادك إلى معاد
"To bring you back to a date."
يعني سيسألك
It means he will ask you.
عن أمانة التبليغ
About the trust of conveying the message.
هل بلغت؟
Have you reached?
إنك إذا ذهبت إلى قبر النبي
When you go to the grave of the Prophet
عليه الصلاة والسلام
Peace be upon him.
تقول يا رسول الله
You say, O Messenger of Allah.
يا نبي الله
O Prophet of God
يا حبيب الله
O beloved of God
أشهد أنك أديت الرسالة
I bear witness that you delivered the message.
وبلغت الأمانة
And the trust was fulfilled.
ونصحت الأمة
And I advised the nation.
وكشفت الغمة
And the cloud was lifted.
ومحوت الظلمة
And I erased the darkness.
وجاهدت في الله حق الجهاد
And I strove in the way of Allah with the right striving.
وهديت العبادة إلى سبيل الرشاد
"And I guided the worship to the path of righteousness."
يعني إذا دعوت إلى الله
It means if you call to Allah.
أنت مسؤول سرد
You are responsible for the narrative.
كلما فعلت شيئا
Whenever I do something
يا عبدي
O My servant
هكذا تقول للناس أنت
This is how you tell people you.
أنت في مستوى كلامك
You are at the level of your speech.
دعوتهم إلى الصدق
I called them to honesty.
هل أنت صادق؟
Are you honest?
دعوتهم إلى غض البصر
I called them to lower their gaze.
هل أنت صادق؟
Are you honest?
هل أنت غاض لبصرك؟
Are you angry with your sight?
دعوتهم إلى الأمانة هل أنت أمين؟
I called them to honesty. Are you honest?
دعوتهم إلى النصح
I invited them to give advice.
هل تنصح زلائناك؟
Do you advise your guests?
ألا تستحي مني
Aren't you ashamed of me?
أن تدعو الناس إلى شيء
To invite people to something.
وتخالفهم أنت؟
And you disagree with them?
فهذه مبدأ المسؤولية
This is the principle of responsibility.
إن الذي فرض عليك القرآن
"Indeed, He who has decreed upon you the Qur'an."
لرادك إلى معاد
I will bring you back to the appointment.
He addresses you.
فيرى ماذا فعلت
"He sees what I did."
هل كان شركك بمستوى دعوتك؟
Was your partnership on par with your invitation?
هل انفصلتك؟
Have you separated?
هل انفصلت دعوتك عن سلوكك؟
Did your call separate from your behavior?
هل كانت دعوتك في واد وأنت في واد؟
Was your invitation in one valley while you were in another?
هل طبقت في بيتك
Did you apply it in your house?
ما أمرت به إخوانك؟
What did you command your brothers?
هل كنت قدوة صالحة لهم؟
Were you a good role model for them?
هل طبقتهم إلى طريق الخيرات؟
Did you guide them to the path of goodness?
أم قصرت عنهم؟
Did she fall short of them?
أم جعلت الدعوة
Or did you make the invitation?
مهنة وحرفة تستلزق منها؟
What is the profession or craft you are engaged in?
إن الذي فرض عليك القرآن
"Indeed, it is He who has decreed upon you the Quran."
لرادك إلى معاد
"To return you to the time."
He will address you.
Will reveal
Your work.
فإذا الإنسان
So if the human...
قال للناس
He said to the people.
قال الله تعالى
God, the Almighty, said
وفضية أهله
And his family's case.
مبدأ غير قراءة أو كتابة
Principle of non-reading or writing.
لكن هناك المسؤولية
But there is the responsibility.
هل أنت في مستوى هذه الدعوة؟
Are you at the level of this invitation?
هل فعلت شيئا خلاف ما تقول؟
Did you do something contrary to what you say?
هل في شخصيتك ازدواج؟
Do you have a dual personality?
هل لك مظهر ومخبر؟
Do you have both appearance and substance?
هل لك ظاهر وباطن؟
Do you have an outward appearance and an inward self?
هل لك جلوة وخلوة؟
Do you have a presence and solitude?
هل أنت في مستوى ما تقول؟
Are you up to the level of what you are saying?
إِنَّ الَّذِي فَرَضَ عَلَيْكَ الْقُرْآنَ لَرَادُّكَ إِلَى مَعَادٍ
Indeed, He who has obligated you to the Quran will surely bring you back to a place of return.
تنتبه أن تقول
You should be careful to say.
قبل أن تقول لابنك يا بني كن صادقا
Before you tell your son, "My son, be honest."
أنت مع الناس بعض صادق
You are sometimes honest with people.
تقول والله اشتريتها بأغلى مما أبيعك إياها
She says, "I swear I bought it for more than what I am selling it to you."
هل أنت في هذا الكلام صادق؟
Are you sincere in this statement?
حينما تنصح ابنك أن يكون صادقا
When you advise your son to be honest.
هل أنت صادق مع الناس؟
Are you honest with people?
قضية خطيرة جدا
A very serious issue.
لذلك ألف كأف وواحد كألف
Therefore, a thousand is like a thousand, and one is like a thousand.
لماذا صنع الأنبياء المعجزات؟
Why did the prophets perform miracles?
لا يوجد إزدواجية لأنهم
There is no duality because they
فعلوا ما قالوا
They did what they said.
الله عز وجل ما قال
Allah, the Exalted and Almighty, did not say.
لقد كان لكم في رسول الله عالم شهيد
"Indeed, there has been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent example."
ولا خطيب بارع
And there is no eloquent speaker.
قال أسوة حسنة
He said, "a good example."
ربنا اختار الأسوة الحسنة
Our Lord chose the good model.
باح بحاسي
Bah Bahasi
علامي translates to "knowledgeable" or "scholar."
لا لا
No, no.
قال لقد كان لكم في رسول الله أسوة حسنة
He said, "Indeed, you have in the Messenger of Allah a good example."
أسوة حسنة
A good example.
يعني ما أمر الناس بشيء
It means that people were not commanded to do something.
إلا كان سباقا له
"Unless it was a race for him."
وأنت إذا أردت أن تكون
And if you want to be
أن تدعو إلى الله عز وجل
To invite to Allah, the Almighty.
لا تفكر
Don't think.
أن الناس أغبياء
That people are stupid.
الناس أذكى مما تظن
People are smarter than you think.
هم يراقبونك
They are watching you.
يضعونك تحت المجهر
They put you under the microscope.
يسلطون عليك
They are targeting you.
أشد الأضواء
The strongest lights
فإذا أردت أن تقول كلمة
If you want to say a word
فكن في مستواها
So be at her level.
وإلا الله عز وجل سيحاسبك
Otherwise, Allah Almighty will hold you accountable.
إن الذي فرض عليك القرآن
"Indeed, He who has made the Qur'an obligatory upon you..."
لرادك إذا معهد
"Your institute if you want."
هذا المعنى الثاني
This is the second meaning.
المعنى الثالث
The third meaning.
تروي كتب التفسير
The books of interpretation narrate.
أن النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام
That the Prophet, peace be upon him
حينما خرج من مكة
When he left Mecca.
مهاجر إلى المدينة
Immigrant to the city.
الله عز وجل
Allah, the Almighty
في فطرة الإنسان
In human nature.
أن يحب بلده
To love his country.
And his homeland
ولو أن كتبنا عليهم
"And if We had written upon them..."
أن يقتلوا أنفسكم
To kill yourselves.
أو يخرجوا من دينهم
Or they abandon their religion.
ما فعلوه إلا قليل منهم
What they did was only a few of them.
المعنى الثالث
The third meaning.
هو أن النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام
He is the Prophet, peace be upon him.
حينما غادر مكة مهاجرا
When he left Mecca as an emigrant.
ووصل إلى الجحفة
And he reached Al-Juhfa.
تروي بعض كتب التفسير
Some books of تفسير narrate.
أن هذه الآية
That this verse
نزلت في هذا الموضوع
I descended on this topic.
يعني يا محمد لا تحزن
It means, "Oh Muhammad, do not be sad."
سوف تعود فاتحا لمكة
You will return as a conqueror to Mecca.
أخرجت منها في سبيل الله
I took it out for the sake of Allah.
وسوف تعود فاتحا لك
And you will return as a conqueror for you.
وعندما تحزن
And when you feel sad
يعني وأنتم أيها الإخوة الأكارم
It means, "And you, dear brothers..."
يقابل هذه الآية
This verse is met with.
قول النبي الكريم
The saying of the noble Prophet.
ما ترك عبد شيئا لله
A servant has not left anything for the sake of Allah.
إلا عوضه الله خيرا منه
"But God will replace it with something better."
في دينه ودنيا
In his religion and worldly affairs.
إياك أن تظن
Do not ever think.
أنك إذا تركت
That if you leave
شيئا لله ضع عليك
Something for God's sake has fallen upon you.
لا والله
I swear by God.
لا بد من أن يؤتيك الله خيرا منه
Allah will surely give you better than it.
في الدنيا والآخرة
In this world and the hereafter.
فإن الذي فرض عليك القرآن
"Indeed, it is He who has enjoined upon you the Qur'an."
دعوت يا محمد
You called, O Muhammad.
إلى الله
To God
فعاداك الناس
People have turned against you.
وتآمروا على إخراجك وأخرجوك
And they conspired to expel you and they expelled you.
لا بد من أن تعود
You must come back.
إليهم فاتحا وظافرا
To them, as a conqueror and victorious.
لا بد من أن
It must be that
يعزك الله عز وجل
May God honor you.
لا بد من أن يرفع قدرك
You must elevate your status.
لا بد من أن يذل أعداءك
Your enemies must be humiliated.
ألم نشرح لك صدرك
"Did We not expand for you, O Muhammad, your breast?"
ووضعنا عنك وزرك
"And We have removed from you your burden."
الذي أنقذ ظهرك
The one who saved your back.
ورفعنا لك ذكرك
And We have raised your mention.
وإيام بيكون شد ناشئ
"And some days there will be a strong pull."
وعادوا أخواته
And his sisters returned.
His family
And his father
And his neighbors.
وبيت عمته
And his aunt's house.
وبيت خالته
And his aunt's house.
انجدب وتمشيخ
He became attached and became old.
وصار عقله صغير
And his mind became small.
And the sisters.
And his nights.
And its parties.
And launches
هو قاعد غرفة لوحده
He is sitting alone in the room.
خايف من أن يعضي الله معهم
Afraid that God will punish them.
وصار منكمش على نفسه
And he became withdrawn into himself.
لا بد من أن يرفعه الله فوقهم
God must raise him above them.
بس والعاقبة
But the outcome...
The righteous
الحب المرخي
Loose love
لا بد من أن يرفعه الله فوقهم
God must elevate him above them.
لا بد من أن يعزه
He must honor him.
لا بد من أن يغنيه
He must sing it.
لأنه آثر مرضاة الله عز وجل
Because he preferred the pleasure of Allah, the Almighty.
إن الله لا يباهي الملائكة بالشاب المؤمن
Indeed, Allah does not boast about the believing young man to the angels.
يقول انظروا عبدي ترك شهوته من أجلي
He says, "Look, my servant has forsaken his desires for My sake."
طبعا لأنك تخشى الله عز وجل
Of course, because you fear Allah, the Almighty.
فضت هذه النزهة المختلطة مع أهلك
This mixed outing with your family was cancelled.
ذهبوا إلى المكان الفلاني وتناولوا أطيب الطعام
They went to that specific place and enjoyed the tastiest food.
وشربوا أطيب الشراب وضحكوا
And they drank the finest drink and laughed.
ويعني لعبوا وتراشقوا بالسلج
It means they played and shot at each other with snow.
وأنت جالس في بيتك تخشى أن تكون معهم
"And you are sitting in your house, fearing to be with them."
لا بد من أن يرفعك الله عز وجل
Surely, Allah the Almighty will elevate you.
دعيت إلى حفلة إلى سهرة إلى دعوة
I was invited to a party, to an evening, to an invitation.
فيها ما لا يرضي الله
It contains what does not please God.
فقلت معاذ الله إني أخاف الله رب العالمين
I said, "God forbid, I fear Allah, the Lord of the worlds."
بدوت وكأنك جاهل خائف
You seemed like a fearful fool.
هم منطلقون
They are off.
هم لا يهابون شيئا
They are afraid of nothing.
إن الذي فرض عليك القرآن لرادك إلى معاذ
"Indeed, He who has ordained upon you the Qur'an will surely bring you back to a place of return."
ما ترك عبد شيئا لله
No servant leaves anything for the sake of God.
إلا عوضه الله خيرا منه في دينه ودنياه
"Except that God will replace him with something better in his religion and his worldly life."
الله عز وجل بحب المؤمن يكون واثق منه
Allah, the Almighty, loves the believer to be confident in Him.
ولا تهنوا ولا تحزنوا
And do not weaken or grieve.
وأنتم الأعلون إن كنتم مؤمنين
"And you are the highest if you are believers."
لا تكن ضعيفا
Don't be weak.
أنت ولي الله عز وجل
You are the ally of Allah, the Exalted.
ألا إن أولياء الله لا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون
Indeed, the allies of Allah will have no fear, nor will they grieve.
الذين آمنوا وكانوا يستقون
Those who believed and sought help.
لهم البشر في الحياة الدنيا
They have the promise of happiness in this worldly life.
إن الذين قالوا ربنا الله ثم استقاموا
"Indeed, those who said, 'Our Lord is Allah,' and then remained steadfast..."
تتنزل عليهم الملائكة أن لا تخافوا ولا تحزنوا
The angels descend upon them, saying, "Do not be afraid and do not grieve."
يحبك الله عز وجل أن تعتز به
God Almighty loves you to be proud of Him.
وأن تشق بنصره
"And that you may triumph through His victory."
وأن تشق بتوفيقه
And to succeed with His grace.
وأن تشق بدفاعه عنك
"And that you break with your defense of him."
إن الله يدافع عن الذين آمنوا
Indeed, Allah defends those who believe.
لذلك إن الذي فرض عليك القرآن
Therefore, the one who has obligated upon you the Quran
دعوت إلى القرآن إلى رب القرآن
I called to the Quran, to the Lord of the Quran.
إلى رب السماوات والأرض
To the Lord of the heavens and the earth.
دعوت إليه
I invited him.
فتآمر عليك قومك فأخرجوك
"Your people conspired against you and expelled you."
لا بد من أن تعود إلى مكة
You must return to Mecca.
وهم تأطئوا الرؤوس
And they bowed their heads.
لما استعرض أبو سفيان جيش رسول الله
When Abu Sufyan surveyed the army of the Messenger of God.
قال يا ابن أخي ما أعقلك
He said, "O my nephew, how wise you are!"
وما أحكمك
And how wise you are.
وما أوصلك
And what brought you?
ما أعقلك
How wise you are!
وما أحكمك
And how wise you are.
وما أرحمك
And how merciful you are.
وما أوصلك
And what brought you here?
قال ما تظنون أني فاعل بكم
He said, "What do you think I will do to you?"
والله الذي لا إله إلا هو
By Allah, the one who has no deity but Him.
أرواحهم جميعا
All their souls.
معلقة بين شفتيه
Hanging between his lips.
عشرة آلاف سيف متوهج في ضوء الشمس
Ten thousand glowing swords in the sunlight.
تنتظر هذه الصيوث
These youths are waiting.
كلمة من رسول الله
A word from the Messenger of Allah.
ما تظنون أني فاعل بكم
What do you think I will do to you?
هؤلاء الذين عذبوه
Those who tortured him.
هؤلاء الذين عذبوا أصحابه
Those who tortured his companions.
هؤلاء الذين أخرجوه
Those who brought him out.
ائتمروا على قتله
They conspired to kill him.
Cut him off.
Fight him.
فعلوا به كل ما فعلوا
They did to him everything they did.
لذلك إن الله يرفع بهذا الكتاب أقواما
Therefore, Allah elevates with this book nations.
ويضع به آخرين
And he puts others in it.
أتقن تجويدا
I mastered the art of recitation.
Keep it.
تفهم تفثيرا
Understand the explanation.
اعمل به
Work with it.
هذه المعاني كلها مستفادة من قوله تعالى
All of these meanings are derived from His saying, the Most High.
يتلونه حق تلاوته
They recite it as it should be recited.
اجعله كتابك المقرب
Make it your close book.
اجعله كتاب الحياة
Make it the Book of Life.
اجعله كتاب العمر
Make it the book of a lifetime.
احرص على فهم آياته آية آية
Be diligent in understanding His verses, one verse at a time.
المعنى الرابع
The fourth meaning
المعنى الرابع جاء به ابن عباس رضي الله عنه
The fourth meaning was brought by Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him.
قال حينما قال الله عز وجل
He said when Allah, Almighty, said.
اذا جاء نصر الله والفتح
When the victory of Allah comes and the conquest.
ورأيت الناس يدخلون في دين الله اطواجا
"And I saw people entering the religion of God in crowds."
فسبح بحمد ربك
So glorify the praises of your Lord.
واستغفره انه كان تواب
And seek His forgiveness, for He is the Most Forgiving.
اشتركوا في القناة
Subscribe to the channel.
فهذا الصحابي الجليل
This great companion.
فهم من هذه السورة
Understanding from this surah.
نعوة النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام
The eulogy of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
لان العظماء
Because the great ones
The prophets
اهدافهم الكبيرة
Their big goals.
They make them.
اذا حققوا اهدافهم
If they achieve their goals.
لا شأن لهم بالحياة بعدها
They have no concern with life afterwards.
اما عامة الناس
As for the general public.
يعيش ليأكل
He lives to eat.
او يأكل ليعيش
He eats to live.
ما دام الاكل موزود
As long as the food is available.
and the adult
والزوجة موزودة
And the wife is provided.
عايش مكيف
Living comfortably.
اما العظماء اهدافهم كبيرة جدا
As for the great ones, their goals are very big.
فاذا حققوها
So when they achieve it.
لا معنى لحياتهم بعدها
Their lives have no meaning after that.
اذا حققوها
If they achieve it.
حياتهم لا معنى لها
Their lives are meaningless.
لذلك اذا جاء نصر الله والفتح
So when the victory of Allah has come and the conquest.
ورأيت الناس
And I saw the people.
يدخلون في دين الله
They enter into the religion of God.
I am unsure about the specific context or meaning of "اطواجا." It could be a proper noun or a regional term. Could you please provide more context or check for any potential typos?
انتهت حياتك يا محمد
Your life is over, Mohammad.
فسبح بحمد ربك
So glorify the praises of your Lord.
واستغفره انه كان تواب
And seek His forgiveness, for He is the Most Forgiving.
اشتركوا في القناة
Subscribe to the channel.
وفهم الصحابي الجليل ابن عبال
And the noble companion Ibn Abal understood.
هذه الصورة
This image
وفهم هذه الآية ايضا
And understand this verse as well.
ان الذي فرض عليك القرآن
"Indeed, He who has prescribed for you the Quran..."
يرادك الى معين
You are wanted to a source.
فاذا ردك الى مكة
"When you return to Mecca."
فقد فتحت مكة
Makkah has been opened.
ودانت لك الجزيرة
And the island yielded to you.
وانتهت مهمتك
And your mission is over.
وهذا الذي حصل
And this is what happened.
بعد الفتح بزمن يسير
Shortly after the conquest.
جاءت وفاة النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام
The death of the Prophet, peace be upon him, has come.
وبعضهم قال
And some said.
ان الذي فرض عليك القرآن
"Indeed, He who has enjoined upon you the Qur'an."
يرادك الى معاد
You are wanted for a meeting.
اي الى الموت
"Towards death."
او الى الحشر
Or to the gathering.
او الى القيامة
Or to the resurrection.
او الى الجنة
Or to paradise.
وبعضهم يفهم هذه الآية فهما عمليا
And some of them understand this verse in a practical way.
يعني اذا اراد ان يسافر
It means if he wants to travel.
وتمنى على الله ان يرجع
And he wished from God that he would return.
لا ان يرجع في نعش
"Not to return in a coffin."
ان يرجع على قدميه
To return on his feet.
يتلو هذه الآية
Reciting this verse.
ان الذي فرض عليك القرآن
Indeed, He who has made the Quran obligatory upon you.
يرادك الى معنى
You are wanted for a meaning.
الانسان بسافر يرجع او لا يرجع
A person travels, whether he returns or not.
على كل المعاني كلها
In all meanings altogether.
المعنى الاول
The first meaning
اذا دعوت الى الله
If you call to الله.
عن طريق هذا القرآن
Through this Qur'an.
كما قال الله عز وجل
As Allah, the Exalted, said.
وجاهدهم به جهادا كبيرا
And strive against them with a great striving.
اذا جاهدت الناس
If you struggle with people.
في تعليم القرآن
In teaching the Quran.
الله عز وجل
God, the Exalted and Majestic.
رادك الى معاد
He returned you to the destination.
لك مقام كبير
You have a great status.
والمعنى الثاني لك حساب عسير
And the second meaning of "you have a difficult account."
He will ask you.
هل كنت في مستوى هذا القرآن
Have you been at the level of this Quran?
النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام
The Prophet, peace be upon him.
كان قرآنا يمشي
He was a walking Quran.
السيدة عائشة سئلت عن خلقه
Lady Aisha was asked about his character.
She said.
كان خلقه القرآن
His character was the Quran.
فانت في مستوى القرآن
You are at the level of the Quran.
انت مطبق للقرآن
You are applying the Quran.
المعنى الثاني
The second meaning.
المعنى الثالث لهذه الآية
The third meaning of this verse.
ان الذي فرض
The one who imposed
اذا تركت شيئا لله
If you leave something for the sake of God.
عوضك الله خيراً
May God compensate you with something better.
من في دينك ودنياك
Who is in your religion and your worldly life?
المعنى الرابع
The fourth meaning
ان الانسان اذا حقق
When a person achieves
اهدافه الكبرى
His major goals.
انتهت مهمته في الحياة
His mission in life has ended.
يعني انت لك مهمة الحياة
It means you have a life's mission.
من ايام
For days.
خطر في بالي مثلا
It crossed my mind, for example.
الجامعات المتقدمة جدا
Very advanced universities
اللي فيها اموال طائلة
It has huge amounts of money.
تبذل من اجلها
You strive for it.
فيها حدائق غناء
It has lush gardens.
فيها ملاعب
There are playgrounds in it.
فيها مسابق
It has competitions.
فيها مطاعم للدرجة الاولى
It has first-class restaurants.
تبني فيها ذاتي
I build my identity in it.
وفيها اماكن للنوم
It has places for sleeping.
راقية جدا
Very sophisticated.
طبعا وفيها قاعات تدريس
Of course, it has classrooms.
فيها مكتبات ومخابر
It has libraries and laboratories.
اذا طالب انتسب بهذه الجامعة
If a student enrolls in this university.
اعجبه مسبحها
He liked her pool.
واعجبه ملعبها
And he liked her playground.
واعجبته حديقتها
He liked her garden.
واعجبه الطعام فيها
And he liked the food there.
اما غرفته
As for his room.
في بناء الطلاب
In building students.
اعجبته جدا
He liked it very much.
فصار يمضي وقته
So he began to spend his time.
بين النوم في غرفته
Between sleeping in his room.
وبين اللعب في الملعب
And between playing in the playground.
واستباحة في المسبح
And a violation in the pool.
والتنزه في الحديقة
And strolling in the park.
Like this
من ملعبها الى مسبحها
From her playground to her swimming pool.
الى حديقتها
To her garden.
الى الطعام
To the food.
الى النوم
To sleep.
يوم اثر يوم
Day after day.
واسبوع اثر اسبوع
Week after week.
وشهر اثر شهر
And month after month.
ثم ماذا؟
And then what?
نسي اخطر ما في الجامعة
He forgot the most dangerous thing in the university.
نسي الدراسة
He forgot the study.
نسي قاعات التدريس
He forgot the classrooms.
نسي المطالعة
He forgot the reading.
نسي التهيئة للانتخابات
He forgot to prepare for the elections.
نسي الانتحان
He forgot the exam.
نسي ميل الشهادة
He forgot the testimony.
والله الذي لا اله الا هو
By Allah, there is no deity but Him.
مع ان هذا مثل غريب
Although this is a strange analogy.
لكنه ايضا بعيد عن الحقيقة
But it is also far from the truth.
يعني هذا الذي يلهو في الدنيا
This means the one who is playing around in the world.
يأكل ويشرب وينام
He eats, drinks, and sleeps.
ويعمل ويحطل اموال
He works and earns money.
ويسافر ويعود
He travels and returns.
وينسى لماذا هو في الدنيا
And he forgets why he is in the world.
لماذا خلقه الله عز وجل
Why did Allah, the Exalted, create him?
انه في خسارة كبيرة
He is facing a big loss.
اذا انتظروا
If you wait.
انت لك مهمة هل عرفتها
You have a task; did you understand it?
ان الذي فاض عليك القرآن يرادك الى معاد
The One who has bestowed upon you the Quran is calling you to a return.
قل ربي اعلم من جاء بالهدى
Say, "My Lord knows best who has brought guidance."
ومن هو في ضلال مبين
And who is in manifest error.
يعني اجمل دعاء سمعته مرة من رجل
It means the most beautiful prayer I've ever heard from a man.
قال لي الحمد لله على وجود الله
He said to me, "Thank God for the existence of God."
الله يعرف المهتدين من الضال
God knows the guided from the misguided.
والمحق من المبطل
And the truth is from the falsehood.
والصادق من الكاذب
The truthful one is distinct from the liar.
والمخلص من المنافق
And the sincere one is different from the hypocrite.
الله يعرف
God knows.
ما ب過ع الناس
I don't betray people.
حقنоту translates to "injections."
شك الله
Thank God.
يا ثيان
Oh, Thyan.
You spoke to me.
The coffee
شك الله
Thank God.
The case.
والاكتر 님
And more, sir.
There is.
And construction.
I cannot translate "ική" from Arabic as it appears to be a Greek word. Please provide an Arabic text for translation.
يا nossos
Oh our
The gaze
Did you read?
وإذا كان معك كيلو جهب
And if you have a kilo of jabeh.
وظن أنه تناك
And he thought that it was a mistake.
معدن رخيص
Cheap metal
أنت الربحان
You are the winner.
علاقتك مع الله فقط
Your relationship with God only.
من عرف نفسه
He who knows himself.
ما ضرته مقالة الناس به
What harmed him was the article of the people about him.
كن مع الله ولا تبالي
Be with God and do not worry.
كن مع الله ترى الله معك
Be with God and you will see God with you.
قال له من الذين قتلوا في القادسية
He said to him, "Who are the ones who were killed in Qadisiyyah?"
يا ثلاثين عمر
O thirty years of age.
قال مات خلقهم كثير
He said, "Their creation has died down a lot."
قال له منهم
He said to him, "Who among them?"
قال أنك لا تعرفهم
He said that you don't know them.
بكت يا عمر
She cried, Omar.
قال وما ضرهم أني لا أعرفهم
He said, "And what harm is it to them that I do not know them?"
إذا كان الله يعرفهم
If God knows them.
ومن أنا
And who am I?
إذا الله يعرف خلقهم
If God knows their creation.
إذا عرف نيتك
If your intention is known.
وإخلاصك وصدقك
Your sincerity and honesty.
واستقامتك وتحرك للحق
And your steadfastness and movement towards the truth.
ليقول الناس
Let people say.
عنك ما شاء
About you, whatever He wills.
كلامهم لا وزن له
Their words have no weight.
لا قيمة له
It is worthless.
كما قال النبي الكريم
As the noble Prophet said.
ابتغوا الرفعة عند الله
Seek elevation with Allah.
العبرة أن تكون في رضوان الله
The lesson is to be in the pleasure of Allah.
أن تكون صادقا مع الله
To be honest with God.
أن تكون مخلصا مع الله
To be sincere with God.
أن تكون عند الأمر والنهي
To be in charge of command and prohibition.
أن تكون في طاعة الله
To be in obedience to God.
ليس من يقطع طرقا بطلا
Not everyone who robs roads is a hero.
إنما من يتق الله البطل
"Only those who fear Allah are the true champions."
قال أحد العلماء الكبار
One of the great scholars said.
في العصور السابقة
In ancient times.
يعني يبدو أنه
It seems that...
بسبب من غيرة أو عداوة أو حسد
Due to jealousy, enmity, or envy.
روج عنه بعض خصومه
Some of his opponents promoted against him.
ما روجه
What did he promote?
فقال له مرة واحد
So one person said to him.
قال له والله يا سيدي
He said to him, "By God, my master."
إني أشفق عليك
I feel sorry for you.
مما يقال عنك
What is said about you
فقال هل قلت أنا عنهم شيئا
He said, "Did I say anything about them?"
قال لا والله
He said, "No, by God."
قال إذن عليهم فأشفق
He said then upon them, so he felt pity.
They are on them.
أنا ما خلفت أمر الله إطلاقا
I have never disobeyed God's command at all.
هل قلت عنهم شيئا
Did you say anything about them?
قال لا
He said no.
قال عليهم فأشفق
He spoke to them, and they were filled with apprehension.
أتشفق علي
I feel pity for you.
فإذا كنت مع الله لا تبالي
So if you are with God, you do not worry.
إن الله لا يتخلى عنك
God does not abandon you.
ولا يسلمك لأحد
And He will not hand you over to anyone.
ولا يفضحك
And it won't expose you.
لأنه هو الولي الحميد
Because He is the Praiseworthy Guardian.
ولي الحميد
And for the Most Praiseworthy.
هذه جميلة الآية
This verse is beautiful.
قل ربي أعلم من جاء بالهدى
Say, "My Lord knows best who has brought guidance."
ومن هو في ضلال مبين
And who is in clear misguidance.
يعني يكون الضال طريق اللسان
It means that the tongue can lead one astray.
قوي الحج
The argument is strong.
عنده قوة تأثير هيمن عن الناس
He has a dominating influence over people.
والمحق قاصر أحيانا
And the investigator is sometimes limited.
He imagines it.
قالوا الناس أن الحق مع فلان
They said that the truth is with so-and-so.
النبي قال هذا
The Prophet said this.
قال لعل أحدكم ألحنوا بحجته من الآخر
He said, perhaps one of you is more eloquent in his argument than the other.
خصمين جاءوا النبي
Two opponents came to the Prophet.
واحد طريق اللسان قوير حجة
One way is the language; it is a strength and a proof.
يعني بالهلمة
It means by the dream.
حلفوا التالف وجاب أدلة أنه أنا الحق معي
They swore an oath and brought evidence that I am right.
قال فإذا قضيت له بشيء
He said, "So if I have fulfilled something for him..."
فإنما أقضي له بقطعة من نار
"I only give him a piece of fire."
شوف الحديث
Look at the hadith.
يعني إذا نجوت من النبي
It means if you survive the prophet.
لا تنزو من الله عز وجل
Do not be distant from God Almighty.
إذا نجوت من النبي
If you survive the prophet.
مثلا بإذلك أنا
For example, I am.
أنا تزوجت زواج شرعي
I married in a legal manner.
إيجاب وقبول
Offer and acceptance
وشاهدي عدل
"And my witness is just."
and a dowry
وما في أي مخالفة شرعية
And there is no violation of religious law.
ولكن في نيتي
But it is my intention.
أن أطلقها بعد أن أنتهي من الدراسة
I will let her go after I finish my studies.
في هذا البلد
In this country.
قد تنزو من القضاء الإسلامي
It may stem from Islamic jurisprudence.
من العقد والإنسانية
From the contract and humanity.
والزواج الشرعي فعلا
And legitimate marriage is indeed.
الزواج الشرعي إيجاب قبول في ولي شاهداء عدل مهر
The legal marriage is an offer and acceptance in the presence of witnesses, a fair dowry.
ولا مشكلة
No problem.
لكن ليست على التأبيد
But it is not everlasting.
في نيتك أن تطلقها
Do you intend to divorce her?
هل تنجو من الله عز وجل
Will you be saved by God Almighty?
لا تنجو
Do not survive.
الله عز وجل له أمر تكليفي وله أمر تكويني
God Almighty has a prescriptive command and a creative command.
مثلا أمرنا بقطع يدي السارق
For example, we ordered the hand of the thief to be cut off.
هذا أمر تكليفي
This is a mandatory task.
ربنا أحيانا يقطع يد السارق بأمر تكويني
Our Lord sometimes eliminates the hand of the thief with a creative command.
فإذا لم تقطع اليد بأمر تكليفي
"If the hand is not to be cut off by a prescriptive order."
إذا عطل هذا الأمر أو لم يطبق
If this matter is disrupted or not implemented.
قد تقطع هذه اليد بأمر تكويني
This hand may be severed by a creative command.
إذا نجوت من تدمير المال
If you survive the destruction of money.
أو من إطلاف المال بأمر تكليفي
Or from the spending of money in a mandatory order.
لا تنجو من أمر تكويني
You cannot escape from a cosmic matter.
يعني بإنشاء أيام
It means to create days.
إذا امتنعت عن دفع الزكاة
If you refrain from paying zakat.
قد يأتي أمر تكويني
A creative command may come.
فيأكل الأخضر واليابس
He consumes everything, both green and dry.
ودليل إخلاص النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام
And the evidence of the Prophet's sincerity, peace be upon him.
وما كنت ترجو أن يلقى إليك الكتاب إلا رحمة من ربك
"And you were not expecting that a book would be sent down to you, except as a mercy from your Lord."
يعني النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام
It means "the Prophet, peace be upon him."
ما كان يعلم أنه سيكون نبياً
He did not know that he would be a prophet.
دليل إخلاصه ما كان يعلم
The evidence of his sincerity was what he did not know.
لو أنه يعلم لكان مفتري
If he knew, he would be lying.
ما طلبها ولا فكر بها ولا خطرت في باله
He neither asked for it nor thought about it, nor did it cross his mind.
وما كنت ترجو أن يلقى إليك الكتاب إلا رحمة من ربك
"And you did not hope that a book would be sent down to you except as a mercy from your Lord."
فلا تكونن ظهيراً للكافرين
So do not be a supporter of the disbelievers.
لو أن هذه الدعوة النبوية ليست من عند الله عز وجل
If this prophetic call is not from God Almighty.
لعرف النبي أنه لعرف ما يفعل
If the Prophet had known, he would have known what to do.
لكن لأن النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام ما كان يعلم إطلاقاً أنه نبي
But because the Prophet, peace be upon him, did not know at all that he was a prophet.
وأنه رسول
And that he is a messenger.
وأن كتاباً سيتنزل عليه
"And that a Book will be sent down to him."
هذا يؤكد إخلاصه لله عز وجل
This confirms his sincerity to Allah, the Almighty.
ربنا عز وجل قال
Our Lord, the Exalted, said.
وما كنت ترجو أن يلقى إليك الكتاب
And you did not expect that the book would be delivered to you.
ما كنت ترجو أن يلقى إليك الكتاب
You did not hope that the book would be given to you.
حتى أن قوله تعالى
Even His saying, the Almighty
فَأَمَّا الْيَتِيمَ أَلَمْ يَجِدْكَ يَتِيمًا فَآوَى وَوَجَدَكَ ضَالًّا فَهْدَى
As for the orphan, did He not find you an orphan and give refuge? And He found you lost and guided you?
ما هو الضلال في حق النبي
What is misguidance regarding the Prophet?
النبي رأى قومه منحرفين
The prophet saw his people deviating.
وليس عنده الوسيل كي يهديهم
And he does not have the means to guide them.
كان في حيرة شديدة من أمره ماذا يقع
He was in a great confusion about what was happening.
فلما جاءه الوحي
So when the revelation came to him
فاصدع بما تؤمر
"So declare what you are commanded."
هذا هو معنى الضلال
This is the meaning of misguidance.
ما كان يعرف ما الطريق إلى هدايته
He did not know the way to his guidance.
فالله سبحانه وتعالى يقول
"Indeed, Allah, the Exalted, says."
وما كنت ترجو أن يلقى إليك الكتاب
And you never hoped that the book would be given to you.
ما معنى إلا رحمة من ربك
What does "except as a mercy from your Lord" mean?
يعني حينما ألقي إليك هذا الكتاب
It means when this book is handed to you.
كان إلقاؤه برحمة من ربك
His delivery was by the mercy of your Lord.
أراد أن يرحمك ويرحم أمتك
He wanted to have mercy on you and your nation.
لا تكونن ظاهرا للكافرين
Do not be an ally to the disbelievers.
لا تكونن معينا لهم
Do not be a supporter for them.
يعني أنت لا تفعل هذا
It means you don't do this.
وهذا نهي المقصود منه أمته
And this is a prohibition intended for His nation.
لذلك من أعان ظالما
Therefore, whoever aids an oppressor
صلته الله عليه
May God connect him.
ومن أعان ظالما
Whoever aids an oppressor.
ولو بشطر كلمة
"Even with half a word."
يعني أنت عند صديق لك موظف
It means you have a friend who is an employee.
يوقع عقوبة بحق موظف صغير
Imposes a penalty on a junior employee.
وأنت شعرت أن هذا الموظف مظلوم
And you felt that this employee was wronged.
قال لك ما قولك؟
He said to you, what is your opinion?
قلت له فزيت رأسك
I said to him, "You raised your head."
قد أعنته على هذا الظلم
I have helped him with this injustice.
من أعان ظالما ولو بشطر كلمة
Whoever aids an oppressor, even with half a word.
جاء يوم القيامة مكتوب على جبينه
The Day of Resurrection has come written on his forehead.
آيس من رحمة الله
I am far from the mercy of God.
إذا فلا تكونن ظاهرا للكافرين
So do not be one of those who appear to the disbelievers.
المعنى الثاني
The second meaning.
لا تكونن ظهيرا لهم
Do not be a supporter for them.
أي لا تكونن بين ظهرانيهم
Do not be among them.
من أقام في بلد المشركين
Whoever resides in the land of the polytheists.
فقد برئت منه ذمة الله
The obligation of God has been cleared from him.
يعني ساكن ببلدك بلد إسلامي
It means living in a country that is an Islamic country.
في مجالس علم في مساجد
In educational circles in mosques.
لك أهل لك دخل مقبول يكفيك
You have people, and your income is sufficient for you.
أنت طموح ذهبت إلى بلد
You are ambitious, you went to a country.
إذا بلد ترتكب فيه فاحشة الزنا على قارعة الطريق
If a country commits the abomination of adultery on the roadside.
أينما تحولت فالمعاصي من كل جانب
Wherever I turn, sins are coming from every side.
من أقام مع المشركين فقد برئت منه ذمة الله
Whoever resides with the polytheists has been released from the protection of Allah.
وأغلب الظن أن هذا الذي يعتد بنفسه
It is most likely that this is someone who takes themselves seriously.
ويقيم في بلد الكفر أغلب الظن
He most likely lives in a land of disbelief.
أنه بعد مدة ليست بالقليلة يصبح منهم
That after a period of time, they become one of them.
من جرفت والتيار قوي
"Who was swept away by the strong current."
أربعين محطة تعمل 24 ساعة باستمرار
Forty stations operate 24 hours continuously.
شيء مغري يا أخي طبعاً
It's definitely something tempting, my brother.
من أقام مع المشركين برئت منه ذمة الله
Whoever resides with the polytheists, the protection of Allah is removed from them.
فقال العلماء فلا تكونن ظهيراً للمشركين
The scholars said, "So do not be a supporter of the polytheists."
بمعنى لا تقم معهم
Meaning do not stand with them.
قال بعضهم هذه أمر بالهجرة
Some said this is a command for migration.
وهذا هاجر النبي من هذه الآية
"This is the migration of the Prophet from this verse."
فلا تكونن ظهيراً للكافرين
"Do not be a supporter of the disbelievers."
ولا يصدنك عن آيات الله بعد إذ أنزلت إليك
And let not those who disbelieve in the verses of God deter you after they have been sent down to you.
وادع إلى ربك
And call to your Lord.
ادع إلى معرفة ربك
Call to the knowledge of your Lord.
وادع إلى طاعة ربك
And call to the obedience of your Lord.
وادع إلى عبادة ربك
"Invite to the worship of your Lord."
ولا تكونن من المشركين
And do not be among the polytheists.
كن خالص الطاعة وخالص الوجهة وخالص النية
Be purely obedient, purely focused, and purely sincere.
والوجهة والنية
The destination and the intention.
أيام الإنسان مطيع لله
The days of a person are obedient to God.
لكن الوجهة لغير الله عز وجل
But the destination is not for Allah, the Mighty and Majestic.
من فيه بعمله بشغله
"Whoever is engaged in their work through their actions."
أيام مطيع لله وله وجهة إلى الله
Days obedient to God and a direction toward God.
مطيع وله وجهة وخالص النية
Obedient, with a direction, and sincere in intention.
وادع إلى ربك
Invoke your Lord.
ولا تكونن من المشركين
And do not be among the polytheists.
ولا تدع مع الله إلها آخر
And do not leave another god with Allah.
ألا كل شيء ما خل الله باطل
"Everything is false except for God."
أي جهة تدعوها مع الله فهي باطلة
Any entity that you call upon alongside God is false.
لا إله إلا هو
There is no deity except Him.
لماذا لا تدعو مع الله إلها آخر
Why do you not invoke with Allah another god?
لأنه لا إله إلا هو
Because there is no god but Him.
هذه دعوة باطلة
This is a void invitation.
هذا تزييف للحقيقة
This is a distortion of the truth.
هذا وهم
This is an illusion.
هذا جهل
This is ignorance.
هذا تصور كاذب
This is a false perception.
ولا تدعو مع الله إلها آخر
And do not call upon another deity beside Allah.
لأنه لا إله إلا هو
Because there is no god but Him.
كل شيء هكذا إلا وجهه
Everything is like this except his face.
من معاني هذه الآية
One of the meanings of this verse.
يعني أي عمل في الدنيا مهما بدى عظيماً
It means any work in the world, no matter how great it seems.
أخي هالبناء 112 طابق
My brother, this building has 112 floors.
بنيت من الحديد الصرف
It was made of pure iron.
فيها 30 نفعات
It contains 30 benefits.
هذا المعمل يغطي العالم بإنتاجه
This factory covers the world with its production.
أقيم نفق تحت البحر بين فرنسا وإنجلترا
A tunnel was built under the sea between France and England.
شي جميل
Something beautiful.
بني أطول جسر في العالم أجمل منه
The longest bridge in the world is more beautiful than it.
وصلنا إلى القمر
We have arrived on the moon.
قال كل شيء هالك إلا ما ابتغي به وجه الله
He said, "Everything is perishable except for what is sought for the face of Allah."
من معاني الآية هذه
Among the meanings of this verse.
كل شيء هالك
Everything is perishing.
تأتي يوم القيامة
The Day of Judgment comes.
إذا الأرض
If the earth
إذا السماء كورت
"When the heaven is folded up."
وإذا النجوم انكذرت
"And when the stars fall, losing their brightness."
وإذا وإذا
And if, and if.
إذا السماء انفطرت
When the heaven is split open
وإذا الكواكب انتفرت
And when the stars are scattered.
وإذا البحار فجرت
"And when the seas are set on fire."
وإذا القمور معترت
"And when the moons are set in motion."
فمهما كان العمل عظيم
No matter how great the work is.
البناء شامخ
The building is towering.
الجسر طويل
The bridge is long.
النقنات عظيمة
The reports are great.
اخترعنا كشفنا الفيروس مثلاني
We invented a method to detect the virus like ours.
عملنا كذا
We did this.
وصلنا إلى أعماق البحار
We have reached the depths of the seas.
وصلنا إلى الفضاء
We have reached space.
أرسلنا مركبة إلى المشتري
We sent a vehicle to Jupiter.
بقيت ست سنوات تسير بسرعة 30 ألف كيلو بالساعة
I spent six years traveling at a speed of 30,000 kilometers per hour.
قال كل شيء هالك إلا وجهه
"Everything will perish except His Face."
أي ما ابتغي به وجه الله
"Anything that is sought for the sake of Allah."
الأنبياء أعمالهم خالدة
The works of the prophets are eternal.
وغيرهم أعمالهم بائدة
And their deeds are vain.
خالدة وبائدة
Eternal and perishable
هذا المعنى الأول
This is the first meaning.
كل شيء هالك إلا وجهه
"Everything perishes except His Face."
المعنى الثاني
The second meaning.
كل شيء هالك مستقبلا
Everything will perish in the future.
حتى إذا أخذت الأرض زخفها
Until the earth takes on its burden.
And the adornments.
تيك المنظر للمدن الغربية
The view of Western cities.
الحدائق وناطحات السحاب
Gardens and skyscrapers
والشوارع والنظافة والترتيب والدسور
The streets, cleanliness, organization, and decor.
والحدائق العامة وحدائق الحيوان والمتاحف
Public parks, zoos, and museums.
والأبنية والأدراج المتحركة
The buildings and the escalators.
حتى إذا أخذت الأرض زخرفها والزينت
"Until when the earth has adorned itself and beautified itself."
وظن أهلها أنهم قادرون عليها
And its people thought they were capable of it.
أتاها أمرنا ليلاً أو نهاراً
Our command came to her by night or by day.
فجعلناها عطيداً
So we made it a punishment.
ما الخراب هاي؟
What is this mess?
هون كان في مدينة اسمها باريذ مثلاً
Here there was a city called Baridh, for example.
فجعلناها حصيداً
So we made it a harvest.
هي قيام الساعة
It is the Day of Resurrection.
كأن لم تغنى بالأمس
As if it had not been sung yesterday.
إذاً كل شيء هالك مستقبلاً
So everything is doomed in the future.
المعنى الثالث
The third meaning.
الإنسان وجوده غير ذاتي
Human existence is not self-sufficient.
فهو في حكم الهالك
He is considered doomed.
يعني إذا كان آلة متحركة
It means if it is a moving machine.
تهرباء من عندها
She escaped from her.
أنت بأي لحظة تقبل ذلك توقفها
At any moment, you can accept that you stop it.
هل لها أن تفتخر بحركتها؟
Can she be proud of her movement?
كل شيء هالك
Everything is perishable.
يعني هالك لأن وجوده غير ذاتي
It means that this is because its existence is not self-sufficient.
لولا أن الله تجلى عليه لما كان
If it weren't for God's manifestation upon him, he would not exist.
كن فيكون زل فيزول
Be, and it is; slip, and it disappears.
فإما أنه هالك مستقبلاً
Either he is doomed in the future.
أو أنه الآن هالك
Or he is now dead.
الإنسان فاء الصباح ما في شيء
A person wakes up in the morning and finds nothing.
الله شاء لك أزالك
God willed that you were removed.
وإلا إذا كان نامي جنب زوجته
"Unless he was sleeping next to his wife."
دأتوا كثير بردان
You started feeling very cold.
آمت أتوا ميت
The dead have come.
شخص بعرفه
A person I know.
ما في شيء
There is nothing.
مست يدها يده في أثناء الليل
Her hand touched his hand during the night.
فشعرت ببرودة في يده
So I felt the coldness in his hand.
فاستيقظت فإذا هو ميت
So I woke up and discovered that he was dead.
فإذا واحد صباحاً استيقظ
So one morning, he woke up.
يرى ويسمع حركته صحيحة
He sees and hears that his movement is correct.
أجهزته أعضاؤه
His members are ready.
معنى الله سمح لك ذلك
The meaning is "God allowed you that."
فأنت بالأساس هالك
So you are basically doomed.
النائم ميت
The sleeper is dead.
ثم يبعثكم ليقضى أجله
Then He will send you to fulfill your term.
إذا كل شيء هالك
If everything is destroyed.
ما معنى شيء أولاً؟
What does something mean first?
كل شيء أي كل موزون
Everything, that is, everything is balanced.
مهما بدأتا فيهم
No matter what you started in them.
الشيء تعني الموجود
The thing means the existent.
كل شيء هالكم إلا وجهه
"Everything is perishable except His face."
ما قال الحكم له قال له الحكم
What the judge said to him, the judge said to him.
لو قال الحكم له ولغيره
If the ruling were to be given to him and others.
أما له قصراً وحصراً
He has a palace and a fortress.
هو الحاكم
He is the ruler.
الأمر أمره
The matter is his.
القرار قراره
The decision is his decision.
الفعل فعله
The action was done.
التنفيذ تنفيذه
The execution of its implementation.
له الحكم
He has the authority.
وأما أنتم فأنتم مخيرون
As for you, you are given a choice.
وإليه ترجعون
"And to Him you will be returned."
وسوف يحاسبكم
And He will hold you accountable.
ولا تدعوا مع الله إلها آخراً
And do not call upon another deity beside Allah.
لا إله إلا هو
There is no deity but Him.
كل شيء هالك إلا وجهه
Everything will perish except His Face.
له الحكم وحده
He has the judgment alone.
ما هو الشرك؟
What is shirk?
أن ترى الحكم بيد غير الله
To see judgment in the hands of someone other than God.
أن ترى أن فلان ينفعك
To see that so-and-so can benefit you.
بإمكانه أن ينفعك
He can help you.
بإمكانه أن يضرك
He can harm you.
له الحكم
He has the judgment.
حصراً وقصراً
Exclusively and solely.
وإليه ترجعون
"And to Him you will be returned."
لتحاسبوا عن أعمالكم
To be held accountable for your deeds.
صغيرها وكبيرها
Her small and big one.
جليلها وحقيرها
Its greatness and its insignificance.
والحمد لله رب العالمين
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.
وبهذا انتهت سورة القصص
And thus ends Surah Al-Qasas.
وإن شاء الله تعالى في الدرس القادم
God willing, in the next lesson.
نبدأ بسورة العنكبوت
We begin with Surah Al-Ankabut.
وقد مضى علينا في تفتير هذه السورة
And we have already discussed in detail the interpretation of this chapter.
ثمانية عشر أسبوعاً
Eighteen weeks
وهذا من فضل الله وكرمه
And this is from the grace and generosity of God.
جاءتني رسالة
I received a message.
الحقيقة رسالة مؤثرة ومعبرة
The truth is a touching and expressive message.
هذه الرسالة
This message.
يقول صاحبها
Its owner says.
أريد منكم يا سيدي أن تبين ماذا أعمل لحل مشكلتي
I want you, sir, to clarify what I should do to solve my problem.
عمري ثلاثون عاماً
I am thirty years old.
ولم أتزوج حتى الآن
And I have not married yet.
والسبب معروف ومفهوم
The reason is known and understood.
إنه الحالة المادية
It's the financial situation.
فيقول في هذه الرسالة
He says in this message.
أنه ماذا أعمل
What should I do?
أهلي أفقر مني
My family is poorer than me.
ودخلي لا يسمح لي بتأمين الطعام فقط
My income does not allow me to secure only food.
فكيف بتأمين ثمن البيت والزواج
How about securing the price of the house and marriage?
حقيقة هذه رسالة موزجية
This is indeed a sample message.
يعني أنا أقول لكم
I mean I am telling you.
ما من عمل
No work.
الآن في هذه الظروف الصعبة
Now, in these difficult circumstances.
أعظم عند الله
Greater with Allah.
أن نتعاون جميعاً
That we all cooperate.
على تزويج الشباب المؤمنين
On the marriage of believing young people.
ما من عمل
There is no work.
وأنا أقول لكم مرة ثانية
And I tell you again.
إذا حج الإنسان بيت الله الحرام
When a person performs Hajj to the Sacred House of God.
حجة الفرض
The proof of the obligation.
إذا أعان شاباً على الزواج
If he helps a young man to get married.
فوالله الذي لا إله إلا هو
By Allah, there is no deity but Him.
هذا أعظم عند الله من حجة النافلة
This is greater in the sight of God than the nafl pilgrimage.
الخيار صعب
The choice is difficult.
إما الزنا
Either adultery.
وإما إذا جاءكم من ترضون دينه وخلقه فزوزوا
And if there comes to you one with whose religion and character you are pleased, then marry them.
إلا تفعلوا تكون فتنة في الأرض وفساد كبير
If you do not act, there will be corruption in the land and great disorder.
الشباب عندئذ يجنحوا إلى السفاح
The youth then tend to indulge in debauchery.
حينما يستحيل النكاح يجنحون إلى السفاح
When marriage becomes impossible, they resort to illegal intercourse.
فإن كنت آباء لا تعقدوا الأمور
"If you are parents, do not complicate things."
سمعت عن قرية
I heard about a village.
اجتمع وجهاؤها واتخذوا قراراً
The dignitaries gathered and made a decision.
أن الخاطب يكفيه أن يقدم لمخطوطة
The suitor only needs to present a manuscript.
خاتم بسيط وساعة
A simple ring and a watch.
فإذا كنتم آباءاً لا تعقدوا الأمور
So if you are fathers, do not complicate matters.
إذا كان الشاب طيباً مؤمناً
If the young man is kind and faithful.
تساهلوا معه إلى أبعد الحدود
They were very lenient with him.
وإن كنتم شباباً
And if you are young.
أيضاً ابحثوا عن المؤمنة
Also, look for the believer.
لعل المؤمنة كما قال النبي الكريم
Perhaps the believer, as the noble Prophet said.
أعظم النساء بركة أقلهن مؤنثاً
The greatest women in blessings are those who are the least feminine.
أعظم النساء بركة أقلهن مهراً
The most blessed women are those who have the least dowry.
وأساسي بالمجتمع وأفضل من أعظم الأعمال
And essential in society and better than the greatest deeds.
فهذا الشاب يضع يده على الجرح
This young man is placing his hand on the wound.
يعني بال بغرفة مثلاً مع منافحها
It means "like a room, for example, with its net."
لا يوجد داعي غرفتين
There is no need for two rooms.
اجعلوا منطلق
Make it a starting point.
بال ببيت خارج دمشق لا يوجد مانع
There is no objection to a house outside Damascus.
لا تحتم
Don't impose.
لا تكون جباراً في الأرض
Do not be tyrannical on earth.
لا تسكن غير جن بيتي بمشي
"Only jinn dwell in my house while I walk."
لا تسكن غير جن بتي بمشي
"Don’t inhabit anything other than my jinn while I walk."
لا يوجد كده الا بالشام
There is nothing like that except in Sham.
بدنا بيت ملك معك ورقة طابو يا ابني
We want a house, and we need the title deed, my son.
لا تعقدها حتى الله ما يعقدها عليك
"Don't complicate it, so that Allah doesn't complicate it for you."
اذا عندك بنت مؤمنة وجاها شاب مؤمن
If you have a believing daughter and a believing young man approaches her.
وهي رضيانة غرفة ومنافحها
And she is pleased with the room and its amenities.
باطراف دمشق ما في مانع
In the outskirts of Damascus, there's no objection.
ما عنده سيارة ما عمل شي انت اخذت سيارة انت
He doesn't have a car, he didn't do anything. You took a car, you.
اخذتها بالاربعين اخذتها
I took her at forty, I took her.
هذا الشاب عمره 22 سنة
This young man is 22 years old.
فهذا مطلب حيوي
This is a vital demand.
اخ ما ابعثت منه ما في اشارة الى اسمه
Oh, how I wish I could send him something in reference to his name.
على كل اردت قراءة هذه الرسالة
I wanted to read this message.
لان المجتمع يحيا بسعادة ابنائه
Because society lives through the happiness of its children.
وان الاسرة في المجتمع هي اللبن الاولى
The family in society is the primary building block.
فاذا صلحت صلح المجتمع
If it is reformed, the society will be reformed.
واذا فسدت فسد المجتمع
And if it corrupts, society corrupts.
واقول لكم مرة ثانية ايها الاباء
And I say to you again, O fathers.
اذا كنت ابا نموذجيا ابا صالحا
If you were a model father, a good father.
كان همك الاول
Your primary concern was
ان تربي اولادك وان تزوجهم
To raise your children and marry them off.
ابوتك المثالية عمل تلقى الله به
Your ideal father is a work to be done to please God.
ويا ايتها الامهات
"O mothers,"
اذا كنتن امهات مثاليات
If you are ideal mothers.
الامومة وحدها عمل طيب
Motherhood is a good deed in itself.
تلقى المرأة به ربها
The woman received her Lord.
الابوي عمل طيب
The parental work is good.
والامومة كذلك والاخوة كذلك
Motherhood is the same, and brotherhood is the same.
ومهنتك اذا اتقنتها ونصحت المسلمين
And your profession, if you perfect it and advise the Muslims.
عمل طيب تلقى الله به
A good deed that you present to God.
قال له يا بشر لا صدقة ولا جهاد
He said to him, "O Bashar, no charity and no jihad."
فبما تلقى الله اذا
So what will you meet God with then?
والحمد لله رب العالمين الفاتحة
And praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Al-Fatiha.
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