اطلع برة الحلقة ١٤

Amr Younis

اطلع بره

اطلع برة الحلقة ١٤

اطلع بره

اهلا اهلا اهلا

Hello, hello, hello.

انتوا جيتوا تاني

You came again.

ده ايه الروعة دي كلها

What is all this awesomeness?

انا عارف ان انا نزلت فيديو على تيك توك

I know that I posted a video on TikTok.

قلت فين انا عايزة بطل كلام

I said, where am I? I want a hero to talk.

بس انا طلعت ان انا بجذب على نفسي

But I realized that I have been lying to myself.

لسه طلع جوا شوية كلام

There are still some words that came out.



اتمنى بقى ان الطريق

I hope that the road...

اللي جابنا انا هنا النهاردة ما كانش طريق صعب

The reason we are here today wasn't a difficult path.

وحتى لو صعب قدينة دلوقتي

"Even if it is difficult right now."

احنا مع بعض

We are together.

وبكده انا عمر يونس وكل حب بقولك

And so I am Omar Younis, and with every love, I tell you.

اطلع برا

Get out.

والله الحكاية بقى اللي جابتني النهاردة

By God, the story is what brought me here today.

عمل الحلقة حكاية غريبة شوية

The making of the episode is a bit of a strange story.

لا على فكرة هي حكاية مش غريبة خلص

Actually, it's not a strange story at all.

انا بقولكو كده عشان انتوا

I’m telling you this because you all.

تفضلوا تسمعوا للاخر

Please feel free to listen to the others.

بس شفتوا على اقل ازاي

But did you see at least how?

بسيكت نفسي وانتم صريح كنتوا

I calmed myself, and you were clear.

في النص كده عشان محدش تشعلق

In the text like this so that no one gets involved.

يعني في امل

It means there is hope.

فاشل انا بحطهولكو

I am a failure, I will put it for you all.

ان شاء الله تبقى حلقة لطيفة

God willing, it will be a nice episode.

وتعجبكو لان انا شايف ان موضوع

And you are amazed because I see that the topic...

بتاعها شايق شخصيا

It's personally interesting to me.

وهو الحكاية كلها بدأت

And that’s how the whole story began.

بان دكتورتي النفسية

My therapist said.

انا كنت بتكلم معها في الجمعة

I was talking to her on Friday.

اللي فاتت وعمل اقول لها

What happened and I will tell her.

والله انا وصلت المرحلة غريبة جدا

By God, I have reached a very strange stage.

وحسن انا اتجننت

And it's good that I went crazy.

وكل الكلام اللي انا قلتولكو في الحلقة

"And all the things I told you in the episode."

اللي فاتت وفي الفيديو بتاع

Last time and in the video of

تيك توك


وبعدين هي كان ردها

And then her response was.

قالتلي انت بتعدي في مرحلة

She told me you're going through a phase.

جديدة هنا انا دكتورتي النفسية

I'm new here, I am my psychologist.

لطيفة جدا لان هي

Very nice because she is.



بتحب قوي فكرة ان هي عارفة

You really love the idea that she knows.

انها ساعات بتبقى ووو

It’s hours that stay and...

عارفين مصطلح ووو

Do you know the term "woo"?



اللي هو يعني ايه

What does that mean?

اللي هو علم الفسة

Which is the science of the soul.

زي ما بيقولوا يعني

As they say, you know.

سوري في الاستخدام هذا اللفظ

Sorry for the usage of this term.

بس دايما لما تديك حاجة

But always when they give you something.

وووو بتقولك

And she is telling you.

خد اقرأ ده او بص اسمع ده

"Come read this or look, listen to this."

او شوف الحكاية دي

Oh, check out this story.

او كذا لان هي بتقول

Or something like that because she's saying.

انا حتى لو انا كلامي ووو

Even if my words are...

ففي جزء منه طلع من حتة حقيقية

In part, it came from a real place.

يعني فمن فضلك

It means "So please."

دور قبل ما تاخد الكلام

"Role before you take the words."

زي ما هو

Just as it is.

المهم يعني هي رشحت لي كتاب لطيف جدا

The important thing is that she recommended a very nice book to me.

من نفس الكاتب

By the same author.

اللي هي رشحته لي قبل كده

Which you recommended to me before.

بتاع The Power of Now ده اللي هو الكتاب

"That's the one, The Power of Now, the book."

اللي انا حسيت ان هو بيتكلم انت

What I felt is that he is talking about you.

على سخرة وكده وطلع لأ كتاب حلو

On a rock like that, a nice book came out.

يعني الكتاب اللي انا رشحته

It means the book that I recommended.

اسمه A New Earth

Its name is A New Earth.

كتاب حلو

A nice book.

او انا مستمتع به جدا حاليا

I am really enjoying it right now.

وموجود منه اوديوبوك على يوتيوب ببلاش

There is an audiobook available on YouTube for free.

وكده يعني

And like that, you know.



كتاب حلو لذيذ يا اخي

A sweet delicious book, my brother.

يعني هو بيتكلم قوي في فكرة

It means he talks a lot about the idea.

احنا ايه اللي بنبني

What are we building?

هو الكتاب كله داير

The whole book is like that.

على فكرة الايجو

By the way, the ego.

الفكرة انت بتبني

The idea is that you are building.

فكرة عن نفسك عاملة ازاي

What do you think about yourself?

وبترد فعل في كل حاجة ازاي

How do you react to everything?

وشيء لطيف جدا لانها

And it's something very nice because she

هي رشحته لي لانه

She recommended him to me because he

انا بدأت افصل الاتنين

I started to separate the two.

بدأت افصل العمر اللي انا تعبت فيه

I started to separate the time in which I was tired.

وبزلت فيه جهد دهو

And I put in great effort in it.

لما بقول لها ان انا عايز ابطل كلام

When I tell her that I want to stop talking.

وعايز معرفش ايه وبتأتيت اشوف كذا

I want to know what it is and I come to see this.

وبتأتيت اشوف كذا ومبقيتش

I went to see like this and I didn't stay.

يعني انجيجد قوي في

It means finding strong engagement in.

في حاجات في حياتي

There are things in my life.

وبتاع هي بتقول لي انت واضح

And she says to me, "You are obvious."

انك انت داخل في الحتة بتاعت اللي هو

You are getting into the whole thing about what he is.

فصل تفصل الايجو

The chapter separates the ego.

او بتأتيت تشوف الايجو بزيادة على اللزوم

Or you come to see the ego excessively and unnecessarily.

وهيت لي اقرأ الكتاب ده والكتاب ده استوقفني

I was excited to read this book, and this book caught my attention.

فيه حاجة معينة كنت عايز اتكلم فيها

There is a specific thing I wanted to talk about.

في الحلقة بالذات

In that particular episode.

انا طولت قوي بصراحة

I took a long time, honestly.

وانا اسف ان انا بطول

I am sorry for taking too long.

بس انا في صديقة لي

But I have a friend.

قالت لي ان البودكاست

She told me that the podcast

الاستاذة بوند اهلا وسهلا

Professor Bond, welcome!

قالت لي ان البودكاست بتشغلوها في المطبخ

She told me that they play the podcast in the kitchen.

بتعمل اكل وبتبقى حاسة انها

You cook and feel like she is.

قاعدة بتدردش او بتسمع دردشة

A base is either chatting or listening to a chat.

بتحصل يعني فتمنى انها ما تكونش

I mean, I hope it won't be.

تقيل على قلبكو ودي تاني مرة

It's heavy on your heart, and this is the second time.

قلقت نفسي وانا الايجو بتاعي

I worried about myself while my ego was involved.

خايف ان انا

I'm afraid that I

اتشاف بشكل معين

It is observed in a certain way.

مهم الكتاب بيتكلم على فكرة

The book is important because it talks about an idea.

احنا ازاي كبشر في الوضع

How are we as humans in this situation?

الحالي اللي احنا عليه

The current situation we are in.

بنينا عالم لنفسنا

We built a world for ourselves.

بيفصلنا تماما عن جوهرنا

It completely separates us from our essence.

عن الاسنس بتاعنا

About our essence.


And even

بيقول فكرة انتوا عارفين اللي هو

He says the idea you all know what it is.

I think therefore I am الفلسفة

I think therefore I am philosophy.

المعروفة جدا دي هي وبعدين قال لك

This one is very well known, and then he told you.

ايه ده طب ما فيه واحد فيه بقى

What is this? There's someone inside.

فيلسوف تاني طلع عل عليه

Another philosopher emerged against him.

قال له I think therefore I am

He said to him, "I think therefore I am."

طب هو مين اللي لقط انك انت

So who noticed that you are?

you're thinking

أنت تفكر

ونفس الحكاية كان فيه فيديو تشهر اول

And the same story was in a video that went viral first.

جيم كاري برضو وردهولي صديقة

Jim Carrey also sent me a flower, my friend.

لي برضو

Me too.

بتشتغل في هذه

Are you working in this?


The field.

اهلا يا استاذة نعمة

Hello, Professor Ni'mah.


And the video.

هو الراجل بيتكلم جيم كاري

He is the man who talks like Jim Carrey.

بيتكلم على فكرة انه جاء في يوم

He's talking about the idea that he came one day.

الايام لقط انه هو

The days are for him.

اتنين انه هو فيه

Two that he is in it.

اللي بيفكر وفيه الشخص اللي

The one who thinks is the person who...

بيبص على الشخص اللي بيفكر

He looks at the person who is thinking.

او فيه الانتتي

Where is the entity?

او اللي هو معرفش

Or what he doesn't know.

بنسميه ازاي انك انت

How do we call it that you are?

اللي انت بتفكر فيه ده هو مش هو ده

What you're thinking about is not this.


Your foundation.

اساسك هو اللي شايف انت

Your foundation is what you see yourself.

فكر في ايه وبيقولك انك

"Think about what he's telling you."

كل ما بتمسك نفسك

Whenever you hold yourself back.

كل ما بتمسك نفسك وانت بتفكر

The more you hold yourself back while you're thinking.



بتبقى اونست اكتر

You become more honest.

مع نفسك او بتبقى

With yourself or you stay.

بتوصل للترو اسنس بتاعك

You will reach your true essence.

مهم الحتة اللي في الكتاب اللي عجبتني

The part in the book that I liked.

قوي او اللي استوقفتني شوية

"Strong or what caught my attention a little."

يعني كان بيتكلم على العلاقات العاطفية

He was talking about romantic relationships.

وانا طول ما صراحة

And as long as I'm honest

الاوديوبوك شغال وانا سايق في العربية

The audiobook is playing while I'm driving in the car.

اهل عمال اقول اه

Workers' families, I say yes.

اه اه زي الايه اللي هو يعني

Oh, oh, like the verse that means...

مقتنع قوي انا بالكلام يعني

I am strongly convinced by the words, I mean.


And I

المعنى مش عايز طبعا اتكلم عن الحياة الشخصية

The meaning is, of course, I don't want to talk about personal life.

قوي بس انا كنت في علاقة

"I'm strong but I was in a relationship."

ما اشتغلتش يعني بعد

I haven't worked yet, that means.

بعد investment طويل

After a long investment

قوي قوي قوي قوي العلاقة

Very, very, very strong relationship.

ما نكحتش من الطرفين يعني

I haven't married from either side, meaning.

وتعلمت منها حاجات

And I learned things from it.

كتير بصراحة وكان منهم

A lot, honestly, and there were some of them.

دلوقتي بقى في السن اللي انا فيه

Now I am at the age I am in.

ومرحلة انا فيها دي فهمت

"And I am in a stage that I understood."

ليه العلاقة ما اشتغلتش

Why didn't the relationship work?

هو الراجل كاتب

He is a writer man.

انه المرحلة الاولى

It is the first stage.

falling in love او المرحلة

falling in love or the stage

اللي هي بتاعت اللي هو اتنين

Which is the one that is two.

بقى لقوا بعض وهكذا هكذا هكذا

They met again, and so it went on like this.

صح بيبقى فيه

It remains correct.

connection حقيقية موجودة بس

The connection is real, but it's just there.

اللي بيحصل للأسف

What is happening, unfortunately.

هو انه كل واحد فينا

It is that each one of us

بنعمل بقى لعبة او مصرحية

Let's make a game or a play.

بنقول انه يلا نعمل role playing

Let's say let's do some role playing.

هو بيسميها role playing يعني

He calls it role playing.

انه انا بحب

I love.

اتحب بالشكل

Do you love in this way?

الفلاني وانا بحب

I love the person in question.

فيه الرفيقي

It has my companion.

الشئ الفلاني

That certain thing.

وبنقعد نسمع

"And we sit listening."

مع بعض كده ال construction

With that, the construction.

اللي هو في مخنا اللي احنا بنناه

What is in our minds that we have built.

واحنا عايزين ايه

What do we want?

من الشخص اللي قدامنا

Who is the person in front of us?



وبعدين كل واحد فينا بيسمع من التاني

And then each one of us listens to the other.

انه اه والله انت عايز كده

Yes, by God, you want it like that.

انت عايزة كده انت كذا كذا كذا

You want it this way, you are like this, this, this.

طيب تعالى نلعب اللعبة بتاعت ان انا

Okay, come on, let's play the game where I...

احاول ان انا اديك اللي انت عايزه

I'm trying to give you what you want.

او اديك اللي انت عايزه

I'll give you what you want.

بس هي في اول يوم او في اخره

But it's on the first day or at the end of it.

لعبة يعني متبقاش حاجة حقيقية

A game means there is nothing real left.

بتبقى حاجة انت بتحاول تعملها

You have something you are trying to do.

من اللي قدامك يديك انت

Who is in front of you is your own hands.

اللي انت عايزه بقى فبتحول موضوع

What you want becomes a topic.

لبزنس وبتبقى

Business and it becomes.

العلاقة بعد طبعا بقى لما

The relationship, of course, will be when...

لما بتفوق وبيعدي بقى

When you wake up and it passes.

وقت معينة من السنين

A certain time of the years.

وبتبقى انت خلاص ما هو انت اصلا حتى لو انت

And you remain, after all, you are, even if you are.

بتلعب او انت

Are you playing or what?

مستمتع بوقتك حتى

Enjoying your time until

بتيجي وقت ملاقات بترهق ولما بترهق

"When the meeting time comes, it tires you out, and when it tires you out..."

بتبتدي بقى تشوف

You start to see now.

الشخص اللي قدامك الحقيقي عامل ازاي

How is the real person in front of you?

ومش بالضروري خالص يكون الشخص ده

And it is not necessarily that this person is...

او حلو هو بس شخص مختلف

Oh, he's sweet, he's just a different person.

خالص عن الشخص اللي انت اتفقت معه

Exclusively about the person you agreed with.

في الاول ان احنا نعمل مصرحية مع بعض

At first, we should do a play together.



بتفشى العلاقات بعد مدة طويلة جدا

After a very long time, relationships flourish.

وخاصة ان هما كانوا دايما بيقولوا

Especially since they always used to say

سبع سنين يعني لانه بعد

Seven years, meaning because it is still…

السبع سنين دي الهرمون

These seven years of the hormone.

اللي في جسمك بيخلص

What is in your body will finish.

وبتبتدي تشوف

"And you start to see."

الشخص اللي قدامك على حقيقته يعني

The person in front of you is who they truly are, I mean.

الحكاية التانية اللي اتكلم

The second story that was mentioned.

فيها الكتاب بصراحة وعجبتني

The book in it is frankly interesting to me.

قوي برضو هي فكرة

It's also a strong idea.


It is

الايجو بتاعنا بيتبني

Our ego is being built.

على حاجات كتير طبعا

Of course, about many things.

وفكرة انك انت بتعيش على

"And the idea that you are living on..."

مثلا مجملات

For example, compliments.

ده معناه انك انت بتخاف

That means you're afraid.

يعني انك انت بتخاف من الرجاكشن

It means that you are afraid of rejection.

وكل حاجة وعكسها

Everything and its opposite.

وكل حاجة في بالنس ودخل كده

"And everything is in balance, so just go ahead."

في قصص بصراحة انا كنت مستمتع

In the stories, honestly, I was enjoying myself.


And I

بسمعها يعني او بقراها

I hear it or I read it.

خاصة مثلا لما اتكلم على

Especially, for example, when I talk about...

الفيكتم منتالتي

"Your mentality is fake."

اللي هو دور المظلوم او دور الضحية

The role of the oppressed or the role of the victim.

ان في ناس بتبقى

There are people who become.

عايشة على

Living on

السيمباثي او البتي

Sympathy or pity

يعني ده الحاجة اللي بتغزي

It means this is the thing that nourishes.

وجودهم في العالم هو انه

Their existence in the world is that they.

تعود انه هو ياخد

He is used to taking it.

كل ما هو

Everything that is.

كيانه مبني عليه

His being is built upon it.

من الشفقة

Out of pity.

او انه يعيش ضحية في مخه يقولك

"Or he lives as a victim in his mind, telling you."

انا صعبان علي نفسي قوي

I feel really sorry for myself.

وحتى لو محدش اديه

"And even if no one gives it to him."

له الشفقة هو هيصعب عليه نفسه

He has compassion; it is difficult for him.

فعلا ويقول انا والله ده انا مسكين

Indeed, and he says, "By God, I am really a poor man."

ده انا الدنيا متكتفة

I'm really feeling restricted by the world.

وعليه وانا حظي وحش

And therefore, my luck is bad.

وكذا وانا كنت من الناس دي

And I was one of those people too.

انا شخصيا انا كنت من الناس

Personally, I was one of the people.

اللي دايما شايف ان حظي وحش

I always see that my luck is bad.


And that

انه العالم بخطط

He is the world with plans.

ضدي وبعدين

Against me and then.

لما دخلت في الرحلة

When I entered the journey.

وكل الحاجات اللي انا

And all the things that I am

قعدت احكيها لكم على البودكاست دلوقتي شايف ان

I sat down to tell you about it on the podcast, now I see that...

موضوع عبيط جدا ايه الهبل ده

This is a very silly topic, what is this nonsense?

ليه انا

Why me?

كنت متمسك

I was holding on.

بفكرة انه الدنيا

With the idea that life is...


I want.

تبهدلني واكتشفت ان انا

You humiliated me, and I discovered that I am...

عشان كنت دايما بقار النفسي ان انا

Because I was always comparing myself to others.

ليه اخ توأم واخوة توأم شاطر

Why is one twin clever and the other twin not?

مراوان جميل

Marwan is beautiful.

شخص جميل ونفسه مفتوح

A beautiful person with an open heart.

للحياة ويبص

For life and it shines.

ويشوف الفرص وانا مش زيه

"He sees the opportunities, and I'm not like him."

انا شخص تاني وده

I am another person, and this is.

طبيعي عادي جدا ان ابقى شخص تاني

It's completely normal for me to be another person.

وانا بقى قمت

And I got up.

واخد العكس

And the opposite is true.

هو بيبص للحياة وشايف الفرص

He looks at life and sees the opportunities.

فين انا بقى هقول الفرص

Where am I going to say the opportunities?

كلها مش هتجي ليه هتروح له هو بس

"None of them will come to me; they will only go to him."

وقمت لاعب دور الضحية

"I played the role of the victim."

وعشت بقى الضحية دي

"And I lived as this victim."

سنين يا جماعة انتو مش تخيلين

Years, guys, you can't imagine.

سنين لدرجة ان انا كنت كل ما

Years to the point that every time I...

بخش اي مكان كان لازم

It was necessary to be where it was needed.

الناس توقفني عشان حاسة ان انا جاي

People stop me because they feel that I'm coming.

مكان غلط او ان انا اي دونت بيلونج

A wrong place or that I just don't belong.

لان انا دايما بقيت حاسس بقى ان انا

Because I always feel like I am

فيكتم وماشي

He would keep it secret and continue.

بطلع الطاقة دي في كل حتة

This energy comes out everywhere.

ويعني موضوع

It means a topic.

عبدالجد لو قعدنا فكرنا

If we sat and thought, Abduljad.

احنا ليه بنرياكت

Why do we react?

ليه بنرد فعلنا بأشكال

Why do we react in different ways?



وايه سبب ايه

And what is the reason for it?

الايجو فلير اوب

The ego will flare up.

زي ما دكتورتي النفسية بتقول

As my therapist says.

او ليه الايجو بتاعنا بيقوم

Why is our ego getting up?

مصاهيا قوي

Strong chords

كده مع شوية

Like this with a little bit.

تريجرز معينة

Specific triggers

وده هيوديني

This will take me away.

الموضوع تاني

The second topic.

او يعني موضوع اخير بصراحة هختم بيه

Oh, I mean a final topic, honestly, I will conclude with it.

لان انا حاس ان الحلقة دي كوكتيل

Because I feel that this episode is a cocktail.

من كل الحلقات اللي فاتت بصراحة

Honestly, from all the previous episodes.

وانا هختمها باخر حاجة في الكوكتيل

And I will conclude it with the last thing in the cocktail.

اللي هي

which is

ليه السايكيداليكس

Why psychedelics?

تعتبر من الحاجات

It is considered one of the necessities.

القوية جدا

the very strong

او تول قوية جدا

She is very strong.

انها تساعدك

It helps you.

انك انت تفهم

You understand.

فكرة ايه الايجو اللي انت بقيته

What idea of the ego have you become?

عن نفسك وهكذا

About yourself and so on.

زي ما انا حكتلكوا

As I told you.

انا كان عندي كذا تجرب مع سايكيداليكس

I had several experiences with psychedelics.

وده طبعا تاني هرجع واقول ده مش تشجيع

And of course, I'll say again that this is not encouragement.

خالص لأي حد ان يروح يجرب حاجة

It's totally fine for anyone to go and try something.

لانه الناس

Because people

اللي عندها امراض نفسية لو اخدت سايكيداليكس

Those who have mental illnesses, if they take psychedelics.

ممكن مخها يبوز للأبد

Her mind might go crazy forever.

فالحاجات دي لازم تعمل

These things need to be done.

بعقل جديد جدا ولازم تبقى

With a very new mind, and you have to be.

كشفت عن نفسك وعارف انك

You revealed yourself and you know that you are.

انت ما عندكش مشاكل

You have no problems.

حتبوز او كيمويات مخك

You will ruin your brain with drugs or chemicals.

مش بايزة

It's not broken.



الحاجات اللي انا اتعلمتها من سايكيداليكس

The things I learned from psychedelics.

كلها سواء كانت بتقسم

It all matters whether it divides.

الضفادع او الايوازكا

Frogs or the Eyewitnesses

او الماشرومز

Oh, the mushrooms.

الماشرومز انا دخلت بنية ان انا كنت عايز افهم

The mushrooms, I entered with the intention that I wanted to understand.

هو ايه الحب

What is love?

والنتيجة اللي جت ان الحب

And the result that came is that love

عبارة عن عطاء

It is a form of donation.



ما تستنى

Don't wait.

عطاء في المقابل

Giving in return

اللي هو الان كونديشنال لوف

Which is now conditional love.

وده حصل

This happened.

لما كنت في البيك

When I was at Al Baik.

بتاعت التريب نفسها واقعد عمال اقول

It's about the training itself, and I keep saying.

انا عايز افهم يعني ايه حب

I want to understand what love means.

انا عمال اقول انا عايز اتحب

I keep saying I want to be loved.

ما فيش اي حاجة بتحصل

Nothing is happening.

لحد ما قلت طب انا عايز احب

Until I said, "Okay, I want to love."

ولقيت نفسي بنفجر

I found myself exploding.

الى بقر الضوء

To the cow of light

عمال اوجه حب في جميع اتجاهات العالم

Workers express love in all directions of the world.

ما بيخلصش

It doesn’t end.

السورس نفسه ما بيخلصش بتاع الحب

The source itself never runs out of love.

عطاء ما بيخلصش

Generosity never ends.

ومن هنا فهمت انه انا مش مضطر

And from here I understood that I am not obligated.

استنى باقي

Wait for the rest.

يعني حضرك تفضل ووديني

Do you mean you prefer that I take you?

خد بالباقي البان

Take the remaining milk.

لأ ده انا انا حدي حب

No, I love you.

بدون ما استنى خالص ان يبقى في عائد

Without waiting at all for there to be a return.

وهو ده معنى الحب

This is the meaning of love.

معنى الحب هو انك تعطي

The meaning of love is that you give.


And my support.

وطلع متفكرش خالص

"And it turns out you're not thinking at all."

فانت عاود عليك بايه

What did it do to you again?

وكله طلع لبرة كده

And everything came out like this.

وده نوع من انواع

This is a type of

اللي هي مصطلح مشهور

which is a popular term

مع فكرة

With an idea.

هي فكرة انه وجودك

It's the idea that your presence...

او كيانك بينتهي

Or your entity will end.

وبتتحول لدول

And it turns into nations.

بتتحول لروح

It turns into a spirit.

وفكرة انت بنيتها عن نفسك

And the idea you built about yourself.

بتنتهي خالص

Completely finished.

ونفس الحكاية حصلت في البوفو

And the same story happened in the buff.

اللي هو سم الضفادع اللي حكيت عنه

Which is the poison of the frogs that I mentioned.

في حلقة رقم واحد

In episode number one.

انه لما تلغيت خالص

It was completely canceled.

لما تلغيت من الوجود

When I was erased from existence.

ووصلت الانفينيتي

And the Infiniti has arrived.

الانفينيتي دي هي لحظة الحاضر

The infinity is the moment of the present.

هي العيشة

It is life.

بتوريك ان كل وقت

It shows you that at all times.

كل لحظة حاضرة

Every moment is present.

فيها انفينيتي

It has infinity.

اختيارات انت ممكن

You have options.

تشكل فيها حياتك

Your life takes shape in it.

وبالتالي بتلغي خالص

Thus, it completely cancels.

فكرة القلق من بكرة

The idea of worrying about tomorrow.

والندم على الماضي وتمسكنا

Regret for the past and our attachment.

بصورتنا والحاجات دي

In our image and these things.

كلها بتخليك

It makes you all.

دايما تفكر انت ازاي تعيش

Always think about how you live.

دلوقتي وثالثا

Now and thirdly.

الايواسكا اللي كانت

The ayahuasca that was.

تجربة صعبة جدا من نسبالي

A very difficult experience for me.

يعني كان كل

It means everything was.

محور التجربة

Axis of the experiment

كانت بتوريني انا ايه الماسك

She was showing me what the mask was.

اللي بلبسه والصوت اللي بستخدمه

The clothes I wear and the voice I use.

وانا بتعامل مع الغير

And I deal with others.

وازاي قبيح جدا وانو

"And how ugly it is, really."

الشكل الطبيعي والحقيقي بتاعي

My natural and true form.

والصوت الطبيعي والحقيقي بتاعي

And my natural and true voice.

هو الحاجة اللي الناس بتحبها

It is the thing that people love.

وده تعليق انا قريته

This is a comment I read.

كتير جدا على فيديوهات تيك توك

Very much on TikTok videos.

من ساعة ما غيرت المحتوى بتاعي

Since I changed my content.

وعلى البودكاست انو كتير منكو

"And on the podcast, many of you..."

بيقولي ان انا عم اتكلم

He tells me that I am talking.

بصدق وبتكلم من قلبي

Honestly, I'm speaking from my heart.

ودي حقيقة انا عشان كده

I really want that, that's why.

برفض ان انا اعمل سكريبت للحلقة

I refuse to write a script for the episode.

وبرفض ان انا اكتب سكريبت

"I refuse to write a script."

لفيديوهات تيك توك وبتكلم

For TikTok videos and I'm talking.

من اللي بيجي في مخي وبطلعه وخلاص

Whoever comes to my mind, I just let it out and that's it.

والله الناس

By God, the people.

عجبها كويس قوي الناس معجبهاش

She liked it a lot, but people didn't like it.

محصلش مشكلة انا مش

I didn't have a problem, I'm not.

متوقع اي حاجة في المقابل يعني

Anything is expected in return, I mean.

حتى تجربتي

Even my experience.

مع نبات الحرمل

With the harmal plant.

نبات الحرمل ده نبات في الشرق الاوسط

The harmal plant is a plant in the Middle East.

يا جماعة نبات

Hey guys, it's a plant.

يعني ليجل مش

It means "so it should not be."

مش ممنوع حتى نبات

Not even plants are prohibited.

هو اصلا مسكن طبيعي

It is a natural painkiller.

وجميل جدا بس كمان فيه

And it's very beautiful, but there is also...

جانب منه سايكيداليك

A psychedelic side of it.

لو حضرته بشكل معين يعني

If I attended it in a certain way, that means...

وبرضو اللي تعلمته من الحرمل

"And also what I learned from the harmal."

كان يعني ايه

What did it mean?

تسامح ويعني ايه انك انت تحب

Forgiveness means that you love.

غيرك حتى الناس اللي جراحتك

"Others, even the people who hurt you."

وقرفتك في عيشتك وعملتلك مشاكل

"I bothered you in your life and created problems for you."

وايه معنى فكرة

What does the idea mean?

انه ايه معنى فكرة

What does the idea mean?

ايه اه هي صح

Yes, it is correct.

ايه معنى فكرة انك انت

What does the idea of you mean?

تخلي قلبك

Let your heart go.

مش ماسك في اي حاجة ليه

Why aren't you holding onto anything?

لقب الماضي

The title of the past.

من تفاعلات عملتها مع ناس غيرك

From the interactions I had with people other than you.

او كده يعني

Like that, I mean.

فخلصت الموضوع انه

So I concluded the matter that...

اه الكتاب ده

Oh, this book.

لطيف قوي اعيزكوا

Nice, strong, I want you all.

اللي فاضي يعني وعنده وقت

The one who is free means has time.

وشاطر شوي في الانجليزي

And a little bit skilled in English.

يعني راه هو كتاب بردو لغته مش صعب

It means it's a book, and its language is not difficult.

يعني في الانجليزي

It means in English.

قصدي يعني و

I mean, and...

وعايز اعرف رأيكوا ايه يا جماعة

I want to know what you all think, guys.

سيبوا تعليقات على الحلقة

Leave comments on the episode.

او ابعتولي على تيك توك

Or send it to me on TikTok.

في البركت ماسج انا

I am in the mosque.

انستجرام انا باستخدموش

I don't use Instagram.

قوي يعني زي ما بستخدم

Strong means just as I use.

تيك توك وانا عارف

TikTok, and I know.

ان تيك توك بييجي ماسج ريكوست

TikTok sends a message request.

بس انا دايما ببصها وها حتى لو

But I always look at her, even if...

من شخص جديد يعني

It means "from a new person."


And that's it.

انا عمرو يونس وكل حب boa

I am Amr Younis and all love boa.

بقولك اطلع برة

I'm telling you to go outside.

بقى اطلع برة

Stay outside.

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