Md Iqbal@Buffalo

Jewel of the Quran


Jewel of the Quran



ما أنزلنا عليك القرآن لتشقى

We did not send down the Qur'an to make you unhappy.

إلا تذكرة لمن يخشى

"Indeed, it is a reminder for those who fear."

تنزيلا ممن خلق الأرض والسماوات العلا

A revelation from He who created the earth and the high heavens.

الرحمن على العرش استوى

The Most Merciful ascended to the Throne.

له ما في السماوات وما في الأرض وما بينهما وما تحت الثرى

To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth and whatever is between them and whatever is beneath the soil.

وإن تجهر بالقول فإنه يعلم السر وأخفى

"And if you speak out loud, He knows the secret and what is even more hidden."

الله لا إله إلا هو له الأسماء الحسنى

God, there is no deity except Him; to Him belong the best names.


And this

وهل أتاك حديث موسى

"Has the story of Moses reached you?"

إذ رآ نارا فقال لأهلهم قثوا إني آنست نارا

"When he saw a fire, he said to his family, 'Stay here; indeed, I have perceived a fire.'"

لعلي آتيكم منها بقبس أو أجد على النار هدا

"Perhaps I will bring you a torch from it or find guidance on the fire."

فلما أتاك

When it came to you

فلما أتاها نودي يا موسى

When he came to it, he was called, "O Moses."

إني أنا ربك فاخلعنا عليك إنك بالواد المقدس طوا

Indeed, I am your Lord. So remove your sandals; you are in the sacred valley of Tuwa.

وأنا اخترتك فاستمع لما يوحى

"And I have chosen you, so listen to what is revealed."

إنني أنا الله نائم

I am God sleeping.

إله إلا أنا فاعبدني

There is no deity except Me, so worship Me.

فاعبدني وأقم الصلاة لذكري

"So worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance."

إن الساعة آتية أكاد أخفيها

"The hour is approaching; I can barely conceal it."

لتجزى كل نفس بما تسعى

That every soul may be recompensed for what it has earned.

فلا يصدنك عنها من لا يؤمن بها

So let not those who do not believe in it turn you away from it.

من لا يؤمن بها

Whoever does not believe in it.

واتبع هواه فتردى

And he followed his desire, so he fell.

وما تلك بيمينك يا موسى

"And what is that in your right hand, O Moses?"

قال هي عصايا أتوكأ عليها

She said, "It is my staff on which I lean."

وأهش بها على غنمي

"And I use it to herd my sheep."

ولي فيها مآرب أخرى

I have other interests in it.

قال ألقها يا موسى

He said, "Throw it down, O Moses."

فألقاها فإذا هي حيتها

So he threw it, and suddenly it was a serpent.

ثم تسعى

Then she strives.

قال خذها ولا تخف

He said, "Take it and don't be afraid."

سنعيدها سيرتها الأولى

We will restore it to its original state.

واضم يدك إلى جناحك تخرج بيضاء

"And fold your hand into your wing; it will come out white."

من غير سوء آية أخرى

No problem, another verse.

لنريك من آياتنا الكبرى

"To show you some of Our greatest signs."

اذهب إلى فرعون إنه طغى

Go to Pharaoh, for he has transgressed.

قال ربك

Your Lord said.

اشرح لي صدري

"Explain my chest to me."

ويسر لي أمري

And make my task easy for me.

واحلل عقدة من لساني يفقه قولي

"And untie the knot from my tongue so that they may understand my speech."

وجعل لي وزيرا من أهلي

"And make for me a minister from my family."

هارون أخي

Aaron is my brother.

أشدد به أزري

I strengthen my support with him.

وأشركه في أمري

"And share with me in my affair."

كي نسبحك كثيرا

So that we may praise You a lot.

ونذكرك كثيرا

And we remember you often.

إنك كنت بنا بصيرا

Indeed, You were Seeing us.

قال قد أمتيت سؤلك يا موسى

He said, "I have buried your question, O Moses."

ولقد مننا عليك مرة أخرى

And indeed, We have bestowed upon you again.

إذ أوحينا إلى أمك ما يوحى

"When We revealed to your mother what was revealed."

أنقذ فيه في التابعين

Saved among the followers.

فقض فيه في اليم

So He decreed it in the sea.

فليلقيه اليم بالساحل

"Let the sea throw him onto the shore."

يأخذه عدني وعدله

He takes it, makes it mine, and adjusts it.

وألقيت عليك محبة مني

"And I have cast upon you a love from me."

ولتصنع على عيني

"And let it be made in front of my eyes."

إذ تمشي أختك فتقول

When your sister walks, she says.

هل أدلكم على من يكفلكم

"Shall I guide you to someone who will sponsor you?"

فرجعناك إلى أمك

So we returned you to your mother.

كي تقر عينها ولا تحزن

So that her eye may be comforted and she may not grieve.

وقتلت نفسا

And killed a soul.

فنجيناك من الغم

And We rescued you from grief.

وفتناك فتونا

"And we have tempted you with temptation."

فلبثت سنين في أهل مدينة

I remained for many years among the people of the city.

ثم جئت على

Then I came upon.

على قدري يا موسى

As much as my fate, O Musa.

واصطنعتك لنفسي

"I have made you for myself."

اذهب أنت وأخوك بآياتي

"Go, you and your brother, with My verses."

ولا تنيا في ذكري

"And do not be weary in remembering Me."

اذهبا إلى فرعون إنه طغى

Go to Pharaoh, for he has transgressed.

فقولا له قولا لينا

So speak to him a gentle word.

لعله يتذكر أو يخشى

Perhaps he remembers or fears.

قالا ربنا إننا نخاف

They said, "Our Lord, indeed we are afraid."

إننا نخاف أن يفرط علينا أو أن يطغى

We fear that he may become excessive or domineering.

قال لا تخافا

He said, "Do not be afraid."

إنني معكما أسمع وأرى

I am with you, I hear and see.

قال لا تخافا

He said, "Do not be afraid."

إنني معكما أسمع وأرى

I am with you; I hear and see.

فأتياه فقولا

"So go to them and say."

إنا رسولا ربك

Indeed, we are messengers of your Lord.

فأرسل معنا

So send with us.

فأرسل معنا بني إسرائيل

"Send with us the Children of Israel."

ولا تعذبهم

And do not punish them.

قد جئناك بآية من ربك

We have come to you with a sign from your Lord.

والسلام على من اتبع الهدى

And peace be upon those who follow guidance.

إننا رسولا ربك

Indeed, we are messengers of your Lord.

إنا قد أوخي إلينا أن العذاب على من كذب وتولى

Indeed, it has been revealed to us that punishment is for whoever denies and turns away.

قال فمن ربكما يا موسى

He said, "So who is your Lord, O Moses?"

قال ربنا الذي أعطى كل شيء خلقه ثم هدا

Our Lord, who gave everything its creation, then guided it.

قال فما بال القرون الأولى

He said, "What about the first generations?"

قال علمها عند ربي في كتابه

He said, "Its knowledge is with my Lord in His Book."

قال ربني ليس مை.

He said, "My Lord, there is no."

والدنيا ليس يكلف delt Israel

And the world does not cost Israel.

وقل لمن أسلم

And say to those who have submitted (to Allah).

فعطي لفضل

So give to Fadl.

لا يظل ربي ولا ينسА

My Lord does not forget nor neglect.

الذي جعل لكم الأرض مهدا

"Who made the earth a bed for you."

وسلك لكم فيها سبل

"And He has made therein paths for you."

وأنزل من السماء ماء

And He sends down water from the sky.

فأخرجنا به أزواجا means seeds of a rich plant

So we brought forth through it pairs.

كنوا وارعوا أنعامكم إن في ذلك لآيات لأولنها

"Be mindful and take care of your livestock; indeed, there are signs in that for those who reflect."

ولقد أريناه آياتنا كلها فكذب وأبى

And indeed, We showed him Our signs all, but he denied and refused.

قال أجئتنا لتخرجنا من أرضنا بسحرك يا موسى

He said, "Have you come to us to drive us out of our land with your magic, O Moses?"

فلنأتينك بسحر مثله فاجعل بيننا وبينك موعدا لا نخلفه نحن ولا أنت مكانا سوا

"Then we will come to you with a magic like it, so set a time between us and you that neither we nor you will fail to meet, at a place other than this."

قال موعدكم يوم الزينة وأيما

"Your appointment is on the day of adornment, and whichever..."

وأن يحشر الناس ضحا

"And that people will be gathered at noon."

فتولى فرعون فجمع كيده ثم أتا

Then Pharaoh took charge and gathered his plot, then he came.

قال لهم موسى وي لكم لا تفتروا على الله

Moses said to them, "Woe to you! Do not fabricate lies against Allah."

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