من هم العشرة المبشرون بالجنة

إسلام أون لاين islamonline

العشرة المبشرون بالجنة

من هم العشرة المبشرون بالجنة

العشرة المبشرون بالجنة

من هم العشرة المبشرون بالجنة؟

Who are the ten who were given the glad tidings of Paradise?

اصطفى الله سبحانه وتعالى من أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

God Almighty chose from the companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

عشرة بشرهم بدخول الجنة

Ten of them were given the glad tidings of entering Paradise.

في حديث واحد الذي سيأتي ذكره

In one hadith that will be mentioned.

فمن هم هؤلاء العشرة المبشرون بالجنة؟

Who are these ten promised paradise?

أسماؤهم ونبذة عن سيرتهم ومنزلتهم في الإسلام

Their names, a brief overview of their biographies, and their status in Islam.

حتى نالوا هذا الشرف العظيم بالبشارة في الحياة الدنيا

Until they attained this great honor of glad tidings in this world.

العشرة المبشرون بالجنة هم أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The ten who were given glad tidings of Paradise are the companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

المذكورون في الحديث الذي رواه عبد الرحمن بن عوف

The mentioned ones in the narration reported by Abdul Rahman bin Awf.

قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said.

أبو بكر في الجنة وعمر في الجنة وعثمان في الجنة وعلي في الجنة

Abu Bakr is in paradise, and Omar is in paradise, and Uthman is in paradise, and Ali is in paradise.

وطلحة في الجنة والزبير في الجنة

Talha is in paradise and Zubair is in paradise.

وعبد الرحمن بن عوف في الجنة وسعد في الجنة وسعيد في الجنة

Abdul Rahman ibn Awf is in paradise, and Sa'd is in paradise, and Sa'id is in paradise.

وأبو عبيدة بن الجراح في الجنة

And Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah is in Paradise.

رواه الترمذي وأحمد بإسناد صحيح

Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi and Ahmad with a correct chain of narration.

واحد أبو بكر الصديق خليفة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

One Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, the caliph of the Messenger of Allah, may peace be upon him.

اسمه عبد الله بن أبي قحافة

His name is Abdullah ibn Abu Quhafa.

عثمان بن عامر بن عمر

Othman ibn Amir ibn Omar

ابن كعب بن سعد

The son of Ka'b ibn Sa'd.

ابن تيم بن مرة

Ibn Taym ibn Marra

ابن كعب بن لؤي

The son of Ka'b ibn Lu'ay.

وينتهي نسبه إلى فهر بن مالك بن النضر بن كنانة

His lineage goes back to Fhar, the son of Malik, the son of al-Nadr, the son of Kinanah.

ويلتقي في نسبه مع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

He shares ancestry with the Prophet, peace be upon him.

عند مرة بن كعب

At the time of Ibn Ka'b.

وينسب إلى تيم قريش

It is attributed to the tribe of Quraish.


It is said



أبو بكر

Abu Bakr

ويقف في بيان فضله ومكانته في الإسلام

And he stands in explaining his virtue and status in Islam.

أنه أحب الناس إلى الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم

He is the most beloved of people to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

فقد جاء في الحديث

It has been mentioned in the hadith.


The correct

قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said.

إن من أمن الناس علي في صحبته وماله أبا بكر

"Indeed, the most trustworthy person to me in his companionship and wealth is Abu Bakr."

ولو كنت متخذا خليلا

"And if I were to take a close friend..."

لاتخذت أبا بكر خليلا

If I had taken anyone as a close friend, I would have taken Abu Bakr.

ولكن أخوة الإسلام

But the brothers of Islam

لا تبقين في المسجد خوخة

Do not leave a gap in the mosque.

إلا خوخة أبي بكر

Except for Abu Bakr's peach.

متفق على صحته

Agreed on its validity.

وكان أول من آمن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The first to believe in the Prophet, peace be upon him.

من الرجال

Of the men

ودخل الإسلام طواعية

And he embraced Islam willingly.

قال عروة بن الزبير

Urwah ibn al-Zubair said.

أسلم أبو بكر يوم أسلم

Abu Bakr converted to Islam the day he accepted it.

وله أربعون ألف دينار

He has forty thousand dinars.

فقد اتجر إلى بصرى غير مرة

"I have traded in Busrā more than once."

وأنه أنفق أمواله على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

And that he spent his money on the Prophet, peace be upon him.

وفي سبيل الله

For the sake of God.

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said.

ما نفعني مال

Money has not benefited me.

ما نفعني مال أبي بكر

The wealth of Abu Bakr did not benefit me.

اختاره المسلمون خليلاً

The Muslims chose him as a friend.

وعليفة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم

And the wife of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

وأميراً عليهم بالإجماع

"And unanimously a prince over them."

لأنه الأصلح لهذا المنصب

Because he is the most suitable for this position.

أن يدير أمور المسلمين

To manage the affairs of the Muslims.

بعد وفاة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

وأخذت له البيعة العامة في المسجد

"And he took the public pledge of allegiance in the mosque."

بعد اجتماع سقيفة بني ساعدة

After the Saqifah of Banu Sa'ida meeting.

وكان أبو بكر أعدل سمتاً

Abu Bakr was of the most equitable disposition.

وأقرب صفة بالرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم

"And the closest attribute to the Messenger, peace be upon him."

فكان رجلاً عاقلاً سديداً رأي

He was a wise and sound-minded man.

وقد كان في بعض الأحيان

There were times when

شديد الحذر والحيطة في إدارته

Very cautious and vigilant in his management.

لكنه كان شريف الأغراض غير محب للذات

But he was noble in purpose and not self-loving.

ساعياً للخير لا لمصلحته الذاتية

Aiming for good, not for his own self-interest.

فلم يبتغ من وراء حكمه مطامع دنيوية

He did not seek worldly ambitions behind his rule.

بل كان لا يهمه الغنى

But wealth did not concern him.

زاهداً في الفخر

Aspirant of humility.

راغباً عن اللذات

Away from pleasures.

ولم يقبل أجراً على خدماته غير مبلغ زهيد

And he did not accept any payment for his services other than a modest amount.

يكفي لمعاش رجل عربي

It is enough for the livelihood of an Arab man.



ولم يكن له سوى جمل وعبد

He had nothing but a camel and a slave.

وكان يوزع ما كان يرد إليه في كل يوم جمعة

He used to distribute what he received every Friday.

إلى المحتاجين والفقراء

To the needy and the poor.

ويساعد المعووزين بماله الخاص

He helps the needy with his own money.

أقام أبو بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه

Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, established.

في الخلافة سنتين وأربعة أشهر

In the caliphate for two years and four months.

بعد وفاة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

سنة ثلاث عشر

Year thirteen

وعهد بالأمر بعده إلى عمر بن الخططة

And he entrusted the matter after him to Umar ibn al-Khattab.

وكتب له الأمر بذلك

And he wrote him the order for that.



عمر بن الخطاب

Umar ibn al-Khattab


The Farooq

هو عمر بن الخطاب

He is Omar ibn al-Khattab.

ابن نفيل بن عبد العزة

Ibn Nufail ibn Abd al-Uzza

ابن رياح بن عبد الله بن قرط

The son of Riyyah bin Abdullah bin Qart.

ابن رزاح بن عدي بن كعب

Ibn Razah bin Adi bin Ka'ab

ابن لؤي

Son of Lu'ayy

أمير المؤمنين

Commander of the Faithful

أبو حفص القرشي العدوي

Abu Hafs al-Qurashi al-Adawi

الفاروق رضي الله عنه

The Farooq, may Allah be pleased with him.

وكتب له الأمر بذلك

And he wrote the order for that.

استشهد في أواخر ذي الحجة سنة ثلاث وعشرين

He was martyred in the late days of Dhul-Hijjah in the year twenty-three.

اعتز المسلمون بإسلام عمر بن الخطاب

Muslims take pride in the conversion of Umar ibn al-Khattab to Islam.

وقد وقع الإسلام في قلبه

Islam has taken root in his heart.

بدعاء النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

With the supplication of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

وكان من دعائه عليه الصلاة والسلام

And among his supplications, peace be upon him, was

اللهم أعز الإسلام بعمر بن الخطاب

O Allah, honor Islam with Umar ibn al-Khattab.

قال عكرمة

Ikrimah said.

لم يزل الإسلام في اختفاء حتى أسلم عمر

Islam remained hidden until Omar converted.

وقال سعيد بن جبير

Saeed ibn Jubair said.

وصالح عمر بن الخطاب

And good is the age of Umar ibn al-Khattab.

سورة التحريم

Surah At-Tahrim

نزلت في عمر خاصة

I descended at a special age.

وقال ابن مسعود

Ibn Mas'ud said.

ما زلنا أعزة منذ أسلم عمر

We have remained dignified since Umar embraced Islam.

ولما أسلم عمر رضي الله عنه

When Omar (may Allah be pleased with him) embraced Islam.

كبر أهل الدار تكبيرة

The people of the house pronounced the Takbir.

سمعها أهل المسجد

The people of the mosque heard her.


And he said.

يا رسول الله

O Messenger of Allah

ألسنا على الحق

Aren't we on the right path?

إن متنا وإن حينا

Whether we die or we live.

قال بلى

He said yes.

والذي نفسي بيده

"By the One in Whose hand my soul is."


He said.

ففي المسجد

"In the mosque"

وفيما الاختفاء

And what about the disappearance?

والذي بعثك بالحق لتخرجن

"And the One who sent you with the truth will surely bring you out."

قال عمر

Omar said.

فأخرجناه في صفين

So we brought him out in Siffin.

حمزة في أحدهما

Hamza is in one of them.

وأنا في الآخر

And I, in the end.

له كديد

He has a knack.

ككديد الطحين

Like a lot of flour.

حتى دخل المسجد

Until he entered the mosque.

فنظرت قريش إلى حمزة وعمر

So Quraysh looked at Hamza and Omar.

فأصابتهم كآبة لم يصبهم مثلها

They were struck by a depression unlike anything they had experienced before.


He said.

فسماني رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

So the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, named me.


My day.

يومئذ الفاروق

On that day, the distinguisher.

وفرق الله بي الحق والباطل

"And God distinguished between truth and falsehood for me."

كان عمر بن الخطاب

It was Umar ibn al-Khattab.

موصوفا في القرآن الكريم

Described in the Holy Quran.

بصالح المؤمنين

For the benefit of the believers.

وكان أفضل هذه الأمة

And he was the best of this nation.

بعد نبيها

After its prophet.

وبعد أبي بكر الصديق

And after Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq.

وقد قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said.


For sure.

إذا سلكت فجا

If you take a path.

سلك الشيطان فجا غير فجك

The devil took a path other than yours.

رضي الله عنه وأرضاه

May Allah be pleased with him and grant him His pleasure.

وأيضا قدره

And also his ability.

قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said.

لو كان في الأمة ملهم

If there were an inspired person in the nation.

لكان عمر بن الخطاب

If only Umar ibn al-Khattab.

رضي الله عنه وأرضاه

May Allah be pleased with him and grant him pleasure.

وهناك رواية عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

And there is a narration about the Prophet, peace be upon him.

أنه قال

He said.

لو كان نبي بعدي لكان عمر

"If there were to be a prophet after me, it would be Umar."

وهي رواية صحيحة

It is a sound narration.

صححها الشيخ الألباني

Sheikh Al-Albani corrected it.

وقال علي رضي الله عنه

Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) said.

بالكوفة على منبرها

In Kufa, on its pulpit.

في ملأه

In his presence.

من الناس

From the people.

أيام خلافته

During his caliphate.

خير هذه الأمة بعد نبيها

The best of this nation after its Prophet.

أبو بكر

Abu Bakr

وخيرها بعد أبي بكر عمر

"And the best after Abu Bakr is Umar."

ولو شئت أن أسمي الثالث

"And if you want me to name the third..."


I named it.

وهذا القول متواتر

This statement is widely reported.

عن علي

About Ali

ولي الخلافة عشر سنين ونصفا

I held the caliphate for ten and a half years.

وكان أول كلام

And the first words were

تكلم به عمر

Omar spoke it.

حين استلم الخلافة

When he assumed the caliphate.

صعد المنبر

He ascended the pulpit.

أن قال

He said.

اللهم إني شاهدت

O Allah, I have witnessed.

شديد فليني

Severe Fellini

وإني ضعيف فقوني

"And indeed I am weak, so strengthen me."

وإني بخيل فسخني

"And indeed, I am stingy, so leave me."

استشهد سنة ثلاث وعشرين

He was martyred in the year twenty-three.

إثر طعنة طعنها

Following a stab that she was stabbed with.

عدو الله أبو لؤلؤة المجوسي

The enemy of God, Abu Lu'lu'a the Magian.

وكان غلاما يعمل

And he was a boy who worked.

عند المغيرة ابن شعبة

At Al-Mughira ibn Shu'ba.

قال عمر حين أخبر

Omar said when informed.

أن أبا لؤلؤة

That Abu Lulua

هو الذي طعنه

He is the one who stabbed him.

الحمد لله الذي قتلني

"Thank God who killed me."

من لا يحاجني عند الله

Whoever does not argue with me before God.

بصلاة صلى الله عليه وسلم

With prayers, peace be upon him.

وكان مجوسيا

He was a Magian.



عثمان بن عفان

Uthman ibn Affan

ذو النورين

The Possessor of Two Lights.

عثمان بن عفان

Uthman ibn Affan

ابن أبي العاص

Ibn Abi al-Aas

ابن أمية بن عبد شمس

The son of Umayyah ibn Abd Shams

أمير المؤمنين

Commander of the Faithful

أبو عمر

Abu Omar

وأبو عبد الله القرشي الأموي

And Abu Abdullah al-Qurashi al-Umayyad.

عثمان بن عفان

Uthman ibn Affan

رضي الله عنه

May Allah be pleased with him.

هو أحد العشرة المبشرين

He is one of the ten who were given glad tidings.


In paradise.

من السابقين إلى الإسلام

Among the early converts to Islam.

وثالث الخلفاء الراشدين

And the third of the rightly guided caliphs.

في عهده

In his era.

تم جمع القرآن الكريم

The Holy Quran was compiled.

في مصحف واحد

In one Quran.

لقب بذن نورين

He was titled with the two lights.

لأنه تزوج اثنتين

Because he married two.

من بنات الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم

One of the daughters of the Messenger of God, صلى الله عليه وسلم.

رقية وأم كلثوم

Ruqayyah and Umm Kulthum

كان أول مهاجر

He was the first immigrant.

إلى أرض الحبشة

To the land of Abyssinia.

لحفظ الإسلام

To preserve Islam

ثم هاجر الهجرة الثانية

Then he emigrated in the second migration.

إلى المدينة المنورة

To Medina.

وكان عثمان قد عرض

And عثمان had presented...

القرآن على النبي

The Qur'an upon the Prophet.

صلى الله عليه وسلم

Peace be upon him.


And he permitted it.

وعليه عرض عدد من التابعين

"And as a result, several followers were presented."

منهم أبو عبد الرحمن السلمي

Among them is Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami.

وزر بن حبيش

Wazir ibn Habīsh

وعثمان أحد السابقين الأولين

And Uthman is one of the early predecessors.

وذن نورين

And the light of two.

وصاحب الهجرتين

And the companion of the two migrations.

وزوج الابنتين

And the husband of the two daughters.

قدم الجابية مع عمر

The Jabiyah presented with Omar.

وتزوج رقية بنت رسول الله

And he married Ruqayyah, the daughter of the Messenger of God.

صلى الله عليه وسلم

Peace be upon him.

قبل المبعث

Before the Prophethood

فولدت له عبد الله

He was born to him Abdullah.

وبه كان يكنى

And he was known by this name.

وبابنه عمر

And his son Omar.

كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him, was.

يشبه عثمان بن عفان

He resembles Uthman ibn Affan.

بنبي الله إبراهيم

The Prophet of God, Abraham.

عليه السلام

Peace be upon him.

وسمي بذن نورين

And he was named Dhun-Nunayn.

لزواجه بابنتين رسول

To marry the two daughters of the Messenger.

صلى الله عليه وسلم

Peace be upon him.

وكان عثمان معطاء

And Uthman was generous.

ينفق جل ماله

He spends most of his money.

في سبيل الله

In the way of God.

حتى كان الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم

Until the Messenger, peace be upon him,

يدعو لعثمان

He calls for Othman.

جاء عثمان

Othman came.

إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

To the Prophet, peace be upon him.

بألف دينار

With a thousand dinars.

في ثوبه

In his garment.

حين جهز جيش العسرة

When the army of adversity was prepared.

فصبها في حجر النبي

"Then he poured it into the Prophet's lap."

صلى الله عليه وسلم

Peace be upon him.

فجعل يقلبها بيده

So he kept turning it over in his hand.


He says.

ما ضر عثمان ما عمل

What harm has befallen Uthman from what he has done?

بعد اليوم

After today.

عن أبي هريرة قال

On the authority of Abu Huraira, he said:

اشترى عثمان من رسول الله

Uthman bought from the Messenger of God.

صلى الله عليه وسلم

Peace be upon him.

الجنة مرتين

Heaven twice.

يوم رومة ويوم جيش العسرة

The day of Rome and the day of the army of hardship.

قتل عثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه

The killing of Uthman ibn Affan, may Allah be pleased with him.

محبوسا في بيته

Trapped in his house.

من قبل الثوار عليه

By the revolutionaries against him.

الذين أتوا من خارج المدينة المنورة

Those who came from outside the city of Madinah.

وكان يختم القرآن كاملا

He would complete the entire Quran.

في اليوم الواحد

In one day.

قتل سنة خمس وثلاثين

Killed in the year thirty-five.

للهجرة النبوية

To the Prophetic Migration

صابرا محتسبا

Patient and persevering.

وكان بيده

And it was in his hand.

مصحف يقرأ منه

A Quran to read from.

ثم ضربوه فجرى الدم

Then they struck him, and blood flowed.

على المصحف

On the Quran.

على فسيكفي

He will be enough.

كهم الله وهو السميع العليم

God is sufficient for them, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing.

سورة البقرة

Surah Al-Baqarah



علي بن أبي طالب

Ali ibn Abi Talib

أبو الحسنين

Abu al-Hasnayn

هو علي بن أبي طالب

He is Ali ibn Abi Talib.

بن عبد المطالب

Abdul Muttalib

بن هاشم بن عبد مناف بن قصي

Bani Hashim bin Abdul Manaf bin Qusay.

أبو الحسن القرشي

Abu al-Hasan al-Qurashi

رابع الخلفاء الراشدين

The fourth of the rightly guided caliphs.

ابن عم محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

The cousin of Muhammad, peace be upon him.

وزوج ابنته فاطمة

And the husband of his daughter Fatima.

وأخو جعفر بن أبي طالب

And the brother of Ja'far ibn Abi Talib.

وأبو الحسن والحسين

And Abu al-Hasan and al-Husayn.

وأول من أسلم من الصبيان

The first to embrace Islam among the boys.

وبطل غزوة خيبر

And the hero of the Battle of Khaybar.

وفدائي رسول الله

I am a devotee of the Messenger of God.

ليلة الهجرة

The Night of Migration

وأحد الذين شهدوا بدرا

"And one of those who witnessed Badr."

وأحد الصحابة

And one of the companions.

الذين بايعوا بيعة الرضوان

Those who pledged allegiance during the Treaty of Ridwan.

تحت الشجرة

Under the tree.

عن محمد القراضي قال

Regarding Muhammad Al-Qaradi, he said:

أول من أسلم خديجة

The first to embrace Islam was Khadijah.

وأول رجلين أسلما

The first two men to embrace Islam.

أبو بكر وعلي

Abu Bakr and Ali

وإن أبا بكر وعلي

"Indeed, Abu Bakr and Ali"

وكان أبو بكر أول من أظهر الإسلام

Abu Bakr was the first to publicly declare Islam.

وكان علي يكتم الإسلام فرقا من أبيه

Ali was concealing his Islam out of fear of his father.

حتى لقيه أبو طالب

Until Abu Talib met him.

فقال أسلمت

He said, "I have submitted (to Islam)."

قال نعم

He said yes.

قال وازر ابن عمك وانصره

"Support your cousin and help him."

وأسلم علي قبل أبي بكر

And I embraced Islam before Abu Bakr.

وكان علي صاحب لواء رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يوم بدر

Ali was the standard bearer of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, on the day of Badr.

وفي كل مشهد

In every scene

قال أبو هريرة وقال أبو بكر

Abu Huraira said, and Abu Bakr said.

إن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال يوم خيبر

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said on the day of Khaybar.

لأعطينا الراية رجلا يحب الله ورسوله

"We would give the flag to a man who loves God and His Messenger."

ويحبه الله ورسوله

And Allah and His Messenger love him.

ويفتح الله على يديه

"And Allah opens (or grants success) through his hands."

قال عمر

Omar said.

فما أحببت الإمارة قبل يومئذ

So I did not love the leadership before that day.


He said.

فدعا عليا

So he called Ali.

فدفعها إليه

So he handed it to him.

وهو أحد الصحابة من العشرة المبشرين بالجنة

He is one of the companions from the ten who were given the glad tidings of paradise.

فعندما أحببت الإمارة

So when I loved the emirate.

رضي الله عنه قال

May Allah be pleased with him, he said.

خرجنا مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى نخيل امرأة من الأنصار

We went out with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, to the palm trees of a woman from the Ansar.


He said

يطلع عليكم رجل من أهل الجنة

A man from the people of Paradise will come out to you.

فطلع أبو بكر

So Abu Bakr emerged.


So we gave him the good news.

ثم قال

Then he said.

يطلع عليكم رجل من أهل الجنة

"A man from the people of Paradise will appear to you."

فطلع عمر

So Umar emerged.


So we gave him good tidings.

ثم قال

Then he said.

يطلع عليكم رجل من أهل الجنة

A man will come out to you from the people of Paradise.

وجعل ينظر من النخل ويقول

And he began to look at the palm trees and say.

اللهم إن شئت جعلته عليا

O Allah, if You will, make it elevated for me.

فطلع علي رضي الله عنه

So Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) emerged.

قال الذهبي حديث حسن

Al-Dhahabi said the hadith is good.

وكان ممن بايع أبا بكر الصديق خليفة النبي

And among those who pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, the successor of the Prophet.

ولم ينازعه عليه خلافا لما ينشره بعض الفرق

And he did not dispute it, contrary to what some factions publish.

بل بايع مرتين

But he pledged allegiance twice.

جاء في البداية والنهاية

It was mentioned in "Al-Bidaya wa al-Nihaya" (The Beginning and the End).

وقال علي والزبير

Ali and Zubair said.

ما غضبنا إلا لأننا أخرنا عن المشورة

We were only angry because we were delayed in the consultation.

وإنا نرى أبا بكر أحق الناس بها

"And we see that Abu Bakr is the most deserving of it."

بعد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

After the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

إنه لصاحب الغار

It belongs to the owner of the cave.

وإنا لنعرف شرفه وخيره

"And indeed, we know his honor and goodness."

ولقد أمره رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

And indeed, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, commanded him.

بالصلاة بالناس وهو حي

"Praying with the people while he is alive."

قال ابن كثير معلقا

Ibn Kathir commented.

وهذا اللائق بعلي رضي الله عنه

And this is appropriate for Ali, may Allah be pleased with him.

والذي تدل عليه الآثار

"And what is indicated by the evidence."

من شهوده معه الصلوات

Among his witnesses are the prayers.

وخروجه معه إلى ذي القصة

And his going out with him to the story.

بعد موت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

After the death of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

كما سنرويه

As we will narrate it.

وبذله له النصيحة والمشورة بين يديه

And he offered him advice and counsel in his presence.

وأما ما يأتي من مبايعته إياه بعد موت فاطمة

As for what comes from his pledging allegiance to him after Fatima's death.

وقد ماتت بعد أبيها

And she died after her father.

عليه الصلاة والسلام

Peace and blessings be upon him.

بستة أشهر

In six months

فذلك محمول على أنها بيعة ثانية

That is understood as a second pledge.

كان قد وقع من وحشة بسبب الكلام في الميراث

He had fallen into loneliness due to the talk about inheritance.

وبايع المسلمون علي بن أبي طالب

The Muslims pledged allegiance to Ali ibn Abi Talib.

بالخلافة سنة خمس وثلاثين للهجرة

In the caliphate in the year thirty-five of the Hijra.

بعد موت الخليفة عثمان بن عفان

After the death of the caliph Uthman ibn Affan.

رضي الله عنه شهيدا

May Allah be pleased with him as a martyr.


Asking for accountability

المهاجرون منهم والأنصار

The emigrants among them and the supporters.

وقد اجتمع أمر الأمة بخلافته

The matter of the nation has been united under his caliphate.

ثم حدثت فتن واقعة الجمل وصفين

Then events of strife occurred, namely the Battle of the Camel and the Battle of Siffin.

استشهد علي رضي الله عنه بالكوفة

Ali (may God be pleased with him) was martyred in Kufa.

وهو خارج لأداء صلاة الفجر

He is going out to perform the Fajr prayer.

على رأس أربعين سنة للهجرة النبوية

At the age of forty years since the Hijra (migration) of the Prophet.

بضربة من عبد الرحمن بن ملجم

With a strike from Abdul Rahman ibn Muljam.

على الدماغ

On the brain.

وكان من الخوارج

He was one of the Khawarij.

ثم أمسكه الناس وعذبوه وقتلوه

Then the people seized him, tortured him, and killed him.



طلحة بن عبروه

Talha ibn Abrawah

طلحة الخير

Talha Al-Khayr

طلحة بن عبيد الله بن عثمان بن عمر بن كعب بن سعد القرشي التيمي

Talha ibn Ubayd Allah ibn Uthman ibn Amr ibn Ka'b ibn Sa'd al-Qurashi al-Taimi

من السابقين إلى الإسلام

From those who were early to embrace Islam.

أحد العشرة المبشرين بالجنة

One of the ten promised Paradise.

وأحد الستة أصحاب الشورى

And one of the six companions of the council.

الذين اختارهم عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه

Those chosen by Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him.

وطلب اختيار أحدهم للخلافة بعده

And he requested to choose one of them as his successor after him.

صحب طلحة بن عبيد الله رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

Talhah ibn Ubayd Allah accompanied the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

فأحسن صحبته حتى توفي وهو عنه راض

He treated him well in his companionship until he passed away while he was pleased with him.

له عدة أحاديث عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

He has several hadiths from the Prophet, peace be upon him.

وكان يعرف بطلحة الخير وطلحة الفياض

He was known as Talha al-Khayr and Talha al-Fayyad.

لكثرة بره وكثرة جوده

For his abundant righteousness and abundant generosity.

أسلم قديما على يدي أبي بكر الصديق

I embraced Islam long ago through the hands of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq.

فكان نوفل بن خويلد بن العدوي

Naufal bin Khwailid bin Al-Adawi.

يشدهما في حبل واحد

He binds them together with a single rope.

ولا تستطيع بنوتيم أن تمنعهما منه

And their daughter cannot prevent them from it.

ولذلك كان يقال لطلحة وأبي بكر

And therefore, it was said to Talha and Abu Bakr.


The two companions

وقد هاجر وآخى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

He migrated and the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, established brotherhood.

بينه وبين أبي أيوب الأنصاري

Between him and Abu Ayyub al-Ansari.

وشهد مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

"And he witnessed with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him."

بسهمه وأجره

With his arrow and his reward.

وشلت يداه في غزوة أحد

"And his hands were paralyzed in the Battle of Uhud."

مما وقع

What has happened.

بها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

In it is the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

عن جابر قال

Regarding Jabir, he said.

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said.

من أراد أن ينظر إلى شهيد يمشي على رجليه

Whoever wants to see a martyr walking on his feet.

فلينظر إلى طلحة بن عبيد الله

Let him look at Talha bin Ubaydullah.

وكان الصديق إذا حدث عن يوم أحد يقول

The friend would say when he recounted the Day of Uhud:

ذاك يوم كان كله لطلحة

That was a day that was entirely for Talha.

فلما كانت قضية عثمان

"When the matter of Uthman arose..."

اعتزل عنه

He withdrew from him.

فنسبه وقال

He mentioned and said.

بعض الناس إلى تحامل عليه

Some people have biased against him.

فلهذا لما حضر يوم الجمل

Therefore, when the day of the Camel (Battle of the Camel) arrived

واجتمع به علي فوعظه

And Ali met with him and advised him.

تأخر فوقف في بعض الصفوف

He was late, so he stood in one of the rows.

فجاءه سهم غرب فوقع في ركبته

Suddenly, an arrow from the west struck him in the knee.

وانتظم السهم مع ساقه خاصرة الفرس

The arrow aligned with the horse's flank.

فجمح به حتى كاد يلقيه

So he reared him up until he nearly threw him off.

وجعل يقول

And he kept saying.

إلي عباد الله

O servants of God

فأدركه مولا له فركه

So a master of his caught up with him and rubbed him.

وراءه وأدخله البصرة

"Behind him and he entered Basra."

فمات بدار فيها

"He died in a house."

وتوفي سنة ست وثلاثين من الهجرة

He passed away in the year thirty-six of the Hijra.



سعيد بن زيد

Sa'id ibn Zayd

سعيد بن زيد بن عمر بن نفيل

Saeed ibn Zaid ibn Omar ibn Nufail

بن عبد العز بن رياح

Bin Abdul Aziz bin Riah

ابن قرط بن رزاح بن عدي بن كعب

Son of Qart bin Razah bin Adi bin Ka'b.

ابن لؤي بن غالب

Son of Lu'ay ibn Ghalib.

أبو الأعور القرشي العدوي

Abu Al-A'war Al-Qurashi Al-Adawi

أحد العشرة المبشرين

One of the ten who were promised paradise.

والمشهود لهم بالجنة

"And those who are witnessed to be in Paradise."

ومن السابقين الأولين البدريين

And among the early ones are the ones from Badar.

ومن الذين رضي الله عنهم ورضوا عنه

And among those whom Allah is pleased with and who are pleased with Him.

شهد المشاهد مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

The witnesses were present with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

وشهد حصار دمشق وفتحها

"And the siege of Damascus and its conquest."

فولاه عليها أبو عبيدة بن الجراح

He appointed Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah over it.

فهو أول من عمل نيابة دمشق من هذه الأمة

He was the first to hold the position of deputy in Damascus from this nation.

وكان والده زيد بن عمر

His father was Zaid ibn Umar.

مما يقوله أنه

What he says is that

من فر إلى الله من عبادة الأصنام

Whoever flees to God from the worship of idols.

وساح في أرض الشام

"And he wandered in the land of Sham."

يتطلب الدين القيم

Religion requires values.

فرأى النصارى واليهود

And he saw the Christians and the Jews.

فكره دينهم وقال

He thought about their religion and said.

اللهم إني على دين إبراهيم

O Allah, indeed I am on the religion of Ibrahim.

ولكن لم يظفر بشريعة إبراهيم عليه السلام

But he did not obtain the law of Abraham, peace be upon him.

كما ينبغي

As it should be.

ولا رأى من يوقفه عليها

And there was no one to stop him on it.

وهو من أهل النجاة

He is among the saved.

فقد شهد له النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him, testified for him.

وقال لهم

He said to them.

بأنه يبعث أمة وحده

That he sends a nation by himself.

أسلم سعيد بن زيد بن عمر

Saeed bin Zaid bin Omar embraced Islam.

قبل دخول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Before the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) entered.

دار الأرقم

The House of Al-Arqam

وشهد المشاهد كلها

"And he witnessed all the scenes."

مع الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم

With the Messenger, peace be upon him.

قدم هو وطلحة بن عبيد الله

He and Talhah bin Ubaydullah قدم هو وطلحة بن عبيد الله.

بعد وقعة بدر الكبرى

After the Battle of Badr al-Kubra.

وضرب لهم الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم

And the Messenger, peace be upon him, set an example for them.

سهما وأجرا

Two shares and a wage.

لأنهما كانا بالشام يتجسسان

Because they were in the Levant spying.

خبر عير قريش

The news of the Quraysh.

لكنهما رجعا إلى المدينة يوم الوقعة

But they returned to the city on the day of the battle.

لذلك أعطاهما النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم السهم

So the Prophet, peace be upon him, gave them the arrow.

ولم يكن سعيد بن زيد متأخرا عن رتبة أهل الشورى

And Saeed ibn Zaid was not inferior to the rank of the people of consultation.

في السابقة والجلالة

In the previous and the majesty.

وإنما تركه عمر رضي الله عنه

And it was only Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, who abandoned it.

لألا يبقى له فيه شائبة حظ

So that he doesn't have any trace of luck in it.

لأنه ختنه وابن عمه

Because he is his circumciser and his cousin.

مات سعيد بن زيد سنة إحدى وخمسة

Saeed bin Zaid died in the year one hundred and five.

من الهجرة بالعقيق

From migration in Agate.

فغسله سعد بن أبي وقاص

So Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas washed him.

وكفنه وخرج معه

And he shrouded him and went out with him.



الزبير بن العوام

Al-Zubair ibn al-Awwam

حواري الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم

The disciple of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

الزبير بن العوام بن خويلد بن أسد بن عبد العزى

Al-Zubair ibn al-Awwam ibn Khuwailid ibn Asad ibn Abd al-Uzza

ابن قصي بن كلاب بن مرة

Son of Qusay ibn Kilab ibn Murrah.

ابن كعب بن لؤي بن غالب

Son of Ka'ab ibn Lu'ay ibn Ghalib.

حواري رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

The disciples of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

ابن عمته صفية بنت عبد المطلب

The cousin of his aunt Safiyya bint Abd al-Muttalib.

وأحد العشرة المشهود لهم بالجنة

"And one of the ten who were given the glad tidings of Paradise."

وأحد الستة أهل الشورى

"And one of the six people of consultation."

والزبير بن العوام

And Al-Zubair ibn Al-Awwam.

أول من سل سيفا في سبيل الله

The first to draw a sword in the path of Allah.

وذلك بمكة

And that is in Mecca.

حين بلغ الصحابة أن رسول الله قد قتل

When the companions learned that the Messenger of God had been killed.

فجاء الزبير شاهرا سيفه

Then Al-Zubair came, drawing his sword.

حتى رأى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

Until the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, saw.

فشام سيفه

He unsheathed his sword.

وكان لا يحدث بما سمع عن الرسول

And he would not speak of what he heard from the Messenger.

صلى الله عليه وسلم

Peace be upon him.

لأنه يتورع من أن يكذب على الرسول

Because he refrains from lying to the Messenger.

فينسب إليه قولا لم يقله

He attributes to him a statement he did not say.

كان أحد الفارسين يوم بدر

He was one of the knights on the Day of Badr.

الذين خرجا مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

Those who went out with the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

وكان الزبير على فرس على الميمنة

And Al-Zubair was on a horse on the right flank.

والمقداد بن الأسود على فرس على الميسرة

And Al-Miqdad ibn Al-Aswad is on a horse on the left flank.

كانت على الزبير يوم بدر عمامة صفراء

He was wearing a yellow turban on the day of Badr.

فنزلت الملائكة كذلك

And the angels descended likewise.

ولما انصرف المشركون من أحد

And when the polytheists departed from Uhud.

وأصاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وأصحابه ما أصابهم

And what happened to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and his companions happened to them.

خاف أن يرجعوا فقال

He was afraid they would return, so he said.

من ينتدب لهؤلاء في آثارهم

Who delegates to them in their aftermath?

حتى يعلموا أن بنا قوة

So that they may know that we have strength.

فانتدب أبو بكر والزبير في سبعين

So Abu Bakr and Al-Zubair were appointed with seventy men.

فخرجوا في آثار المشركين

So they followed in the footsteps of the polytheists.

فسمعوا بهم فانصرفوا

So they heard them and turned away.

قال تعالى

Allah, the Exalted, said.

فانقلبوا بنعمة من الله

"So they returned with a favor from Allah."

وفضل لم يمسسهم سوء

"And they have not been touched by any harm."

سورة آل عمران

Surah Al-Imran

لم يلقوا عدوا

They did not encounter an enemy.

وقد ثبت في مناقبه أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

It has been established in his merits that the Prophet, peace be upon him,

يسميه حوارية

He calls it dialogue.

قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said.

لكل نبي حواري

Every prophet has a disciple.

وحواري الزبير

And my disciple Al-Zubair.

أي الناصر أو الخالص من كل شيء

The helper or the pure from everything.

والزبير بن العوام

And Al-Zubair bin Al-Awwam.

من أحد شجعان العرب

One of the brave Arabs.

قال الثوري

Al-Thawri said.

هؤلاء الثلاثة نجدة الصحابة

These three are the supporters of the companions.

حمزة وعلي والزبير

Hamza, Ali, and Al-Zubair.

وقال عروة بن الزبير

Urwah ibn al-Zubair said.

كان في الزبير ثلاث ضربات بالسيف

There were three sword strikes in Al-Zubair.

إحداهن في عاتقه

One of them is on his shoulder.

إن كنت لأدخل أصابعي فيها

"If I were to insert my fingers into it."

ضرب ثنتين يوم بدر

The blow of two on the Day of Badr.

وواحدة يوم اليرموك

And one on the Day of Yarmouk.

وكان الزبير يعيل بعض أهالي الصحابة

Al-Zubair used to support some of the companions' families.

تنفيذا لوصاياهم قبل موتهم

In fulfillment of their wishes before their death.

قال عروة بن الزبير

Urwa ibn al-Zubair said.

أوصى إلى الزبير سبعة من الصحابة

He bequeathed to Al-Zubair seven of the Companions.

منهم عثمان وابن مسعود

Among them are Uthman and Ibn Mas'ud.

وعبد الرحمن

And Abdur Rahman

فكان ينفق على الورثة من ماله

He would spend from his wealth on the heirs.

ويحفظ أموالهم

And He preserves their wealth.

وخرج مع الناس إلى الشام مجاهدا

He went out with the people to Levant as a fighter.

فشهد اليرموك

The Battle of Yarmouk

فتشرفوا بحضوره

They are honored by his presence.

وكانت له بها اليد البيضاء

He had a great influence there.

والهمة العلياء

and the high ambition

اخترق جيوش الروم وصفوفه

The armies of the Romans broke through and the lines.

من بين الناس مرتين

Among people, twice.

من أولهم إلى آخرهم

From the first of them to the last of them.

وكان من جملة من دافع عن عثمان

And among those who defended Uthman was...

وجاحف عنه

And he was unjust to him.

فلما كان يوم الجمل

When the day of the Camel (battle) came.

ذكره علي بما ذكره به كما تقدم

He mentioned it to him as he mentioned it before.

فرجع عن القتال

He withdrew from the fight.

وكر راجعا إلى المدينة

And he returned to the city.

فمر بقوم الأحنف بن قيس

He passed by the people of Al-Ahnf bin Qais.

وكانوا قد اعتزلوا الفريقين

And they had separated from both teams.

فاتبعه عمر بن جرزوم

Then Omar ibn Jarzoum followed him.

وفاضلة بن حابس

Fadlah bint Habas


And Nafi'

في طائفة من غوات بني تميم

In the tribe of the Banu Tamim.


It is said

إنهم لما أدركوه

When they reached him.

تعاونوا عليه حتى قتلوه

They collaborated against him until they killed him.

مات الزبير بن العوام شهيدا

Zubair ibn al-Awwam died as a martyr.

وقد ترك مالا كثيرا جدا

And he left behind a lot of wealth.

ومآثر كبيرة

And great achievements.

وكان قتله يوم الخميس

He was killed on Thursday.

سنة ست وثلاثين

Year thirty-six.

وكان أصمر ربعة من الرجال

He was a medium-built dark-skinned man.

معتدلونه ومعه

Moderate them and with him.

وكان قدل اللحم خفيف اللحية

And it was said that the meat was lightly bearded.

رضي الله عنه

May Allah be pleased with him.



أبو عبيدة بن الجراح

Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah

ابن هلال بن أهيب

Ibn Hilal ibn Ahib.

ابن ضبة بن الحارث

The son of Dubbah bin Al-Harith.

ابن فهر بن مالك

Ibn Fuhar ibn Malik

ابن النضر بن كنانة

Son of Al-Nadr bin Kinanah

ابن خزيمة بن مدركة

Ibn Khuzaymah ibn Mudrikah

ابن إلياس

Son of Elias

ابن مضر بن نزار

The son of Mudar ibn Nizar.

ابن معض بن عدنان

Son of Mu'adh ibn Adnan.

القرشي الفهر

Al-Qurashi Al-Fahr

ابن فهري المكي

The son of Fahri Al-Makki.

أحد السابقين الأولين

One of the early predecessors.

وأحد العشرة المبشرين بالجنة

"And one of the ten who were given the glad tidings of Paradise."

ومن عزم الصديق على توليته الخلافة

And the friend was determined to appoint him as caliph.

وأشار به يوم السقيفة

"And he referred to it on the day of Saqifah."

لكمال أهليته عند أبي بكر

To complete his eligibility with Abu Bakr.

يجتمع في النسب هو والنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في فهر

He and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are united in lineage in Fihr.

شهد له النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بالجنة

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) testified to his place in Paradise.

وسماه أمين الأمة

And he was called the Trustee of the Nation.

ومناقبه شهده في الجنة

"And his virtues were witnessed in Paradise."

شهيرة جمة

Very famous

وغزى غزوات مشهودة

And he waged notable raids.

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عن أبي عبيدة

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said about Abu Ubaidah.

إن لكل أمة أمينا

Every nation has its guardian.

وأمين هذه الأمة

And the trustee of this nation.

أبو عبيدة بن الجراح

Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah

ثبت ذلك في الصحيحين

This is recorded in the two Saheehs.

وثبت في الصحيحين أيضا

It is also established in the two Sahihs.

أن الصديق قال يوم السقيفة

That the friend said on the day of the Saqifah.

وقد رضيت لكم أحد هذين الرجلين

I have chosen one of these two men for you.


So they pledged allegiance to him.

يعني عمر بن الخطاب وأبا عبيدة

It means Omar ibn Al-Khattab and Abu Ubaidah.

وبعثه الصديق أميرا على ربع الجيش إلى الشام

And Al-Siddiq sent him as a commander of a quarter of the army to Syria.

ثم لما انتدب خالدا من العراق

Then when Khalid was appointed from Iraq.

كان أميرا على أبي عبيدة وغيره

He was a commander over Abu Ubaidah and others.

لعلمه بالحروب

Due to his knowledge of wars.

فلما انتهت الخلافة إلى عمر

When the caliphate came to Umar

عزل خالدا وولى أبا عبيدة بن الجراح

He dismissed Khalid and appointed Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah.

وأمره أن يستشير خالدا

And he instructed him to consult Khalid.

فجمع للأمة بين أمانه

He united the nation with his trust.

أبا عبيدة وشجاعة خالد

Abu Ubaidah and the bravery of Khalid.

كان أبو عبيدة طوالا نحيفا

Abu Ubaidah was tall and thin.

أجنأ معروق الوجه

A person with a flushed face.

خفيف اللحية أهتم

Light beard, I care.

وذلك لأنه لما انتزع الحلقتين من وجنتي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

This is because when the two rings were removed from the cheeks of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

يوم أحد


خاف أن يؤلم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

He was afraid of hurting the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

فتحامل على ثنيتيه فسقطتا

He forced his incisors, and they fell out.

فما رؤي أحسن هتة

"Nothing was seen more beautiful than his voice."

من منه

Who is he?

توفي بالطاعون عام عمواس

He died of the plague in the year of Amwas.

كما تقدم سياقه

As its context suggests.

في سنة سبعة عشر

In the year seventeen.

عن سيف بن عمر

About Saif ibn Umar.

والصحيح أن عمواس

And the correct thing is that Amwas

كانت في هذه السنة

It was in this year.

سنة ثمان عشر

Eighteen years.

بقرية فحل

In the village of Fazal.

تسعة عبد الرحمن بن عوف

Nine of Abdul Rahman bin Awf

عبد الرحمن بن عوف

Abdul Rahman bin Awf

ابن عبد عوف

Ibn Abd 'Awf

ابن عبد بن الحارث

Ibn Abd ibn al-Harith

ابن زهرة بن كلاب

Ibn Zahra ibn Kalab

ابن مرة بن كعب

Ibn Murra ibn Ka'b

ابن لؤي

Son of Luay

أبو محمد

Abu Muhammad

القرشي الزهري

Al-Qurashi Al-Zuhri

هاجر إلى الحبشة وإلى المدينة

He migrated to Abyssinia and to the city.

وآخى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

And the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, established brotherhood.

بينه وبين سعد بن الربيع

Between him and Saad bin Al-Rabi.

وشهد بدرا وما بعدها

"And he witnessed Badr and what followed."

وأمره رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

And the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, commanded him.

حين بعثه إلى بني كلب

When he sent him to Banu Kalb.

وأرخى له عذبة بين كتفيه

And he let a sweet scent linger between his shoulders.

لتكون أمارة عليه للإمارة

To be a sign of leadership over it.

ورسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

And the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

وهو أحد العشرة المبشرين بالجنة

He is one of the ten who were given the glad tidings of Paradise.

وأحد الثمانية السابقين إلى الإسلام

And one of the eight who preceded to Islam.

وأحد الستة أصحاب الشورى

"And one of the six companions of consultation."

قال الزهري

Al-Zuhri said.

تصدق عبد الرحمن بن عوف

Abdul Rahman bin Awf donated.

على عهد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

During the time of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

بشطر ماله أربعة آلاف

With half of his money being four thousand.

ثم تصدق بأربعين ألفا

Then he donated forty thousand.

ثم تصدق بأربعين ألف دينار

Then he donated forty thousand dinars.

ثم حمل على خمسمائة راحلة

Then he charged with five hundred camels.

وحمل على خمسمائة راحلة

And he loaded five hundred camels.

وكان عامة ماله من التجارة

And most of his wealth was from trade.

ولما حضرته الوفاة

And when death came to him

أوصى لكل رجل ممن بقي من أهل بدر

He recommended for every man who remained from the people of Badr.

بأربعمائة دينار

For four hundred dinars.

وكانوا مئة

And they were one hundred.

فأخذوها حتى عثمان وعلي

They took it to Osman and Ali.

وقال علي

And Ali said.

اذهب يا ابن عوف

Go, son of Aouf.

فقد أدركت صفوها

I have realized its clarity.

وسبقت رنقها

And its echo preceded it.

وأوصى لكل امرأة من أمهات المؤمنين

And he recommended for each woman among the Mothers of the Believers.

بمبلغ كثير

With a large amount.

حتى كانت عائشة تقول

Until Aisha would say.

سقاه الله من السلسبيل

"May God give him to drink from the pure spring."

وأعتق خلقا من مماليكه

"And he freed a group of his slaves."

ثم ترك بعد ذلك كله مالا جزيلا

Then he left behind a great deal of wealth.

ومن أفضل أعمال عبد الرحمن بن عوف

One of the best deeds of Abdul Rahman ibn Awf.

عزله نفسه من الأمر وقت الشورى

He isolated himself from the matter during the consultation.

واختياره للأمة من أشار به أهل الحل والعقد

"And his selection for the nation is what those who have the authority and decision-making power indicated."

فنهض في ذلك أتم نهوض على جمعه

So he rose up fully in his assembly.

الأمة على عثمان

The nation is with عثمان (Uthman).

ولو كان محابيا فيها

"And if he were to favor someone in it."

لأخذها لنفسه

To take it for himself.

أو لولاها ابن عمه

"Otherwise, it would have been his cousin."

وأقرب الجماعة إليه

And the closest of the group to him.

سعد ابن أبي وقاص

Saad ibn Abi Waqqas

وكان عبد الرحمن بن عوف

And Abdul Rahman ibn Awf was.

ممن يفتي في عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

Who gives fatwas during the time of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him?

وأبي بكر وعمر

Abu Bakr and Umar.

بما سمع من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

"Based on what he heard from the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him."

توفي سنة 32 من الهجرة

He died in the year 32 of the Hijra.

رضي الله عنه وأرضاه

May Allah be pleased with him and grant him satisfaction.



سعد بن أبي وقاص

Saad ibn Abi Waqqas


The pink.

سعد بن أبي وقاص

Saad ibn Abi Waqqas

مالك بن أهيب بن عبد مناف بن زهرة بن كلاب

Malik ibn Ahib ibn Abd Manaf ibn Zahra ibn Kilab

ابن مرة بن كعب بن لؤي الأمير

The son of Murrah bin Ka'b bin Lu'ay, the prince.

أبو إسحاق

Abu Ishaq



الزهري المكي

Al-Zuhri Al-Makki

أحد العشرة المبشرين بالجنة

One of the ten promised paradise.

وأحد السابقين الأميرين

"One of the early princes."

وأحد الأولين

And one of the first.

وأحد من شهد بدرا والحديبية

"And one of those who witnessed Badr and Al-Hudaybiyya."

وأحد الستة أهل الشورى

"And one of the six members of the shura."

قال سعد عن نفسه

Saad spoke about himself.

ما أسلم أحد في اليوم الذي أسلمت

No one converted on the day I converted.

ولقد مكثت سبع ليال

And I have stayed for seven nights.

وإني لثلث الإسلام

"I am one third of Islam."

سعد بن أبي وقاص

Saad ibn Abi Waqqas

هو الذي مصر الكوفة ونفى عنها الأعاجم

He is the one who settled Kufa and expelled the non-Arabs from it.

وكان مجاب الدعوة

And he was responsive to the call.

وهاجر وشهد بدرا وما بعدها

And he emigrated and witnessed Badr and what followed.

وهو أول من شهد بدرا والحديبية

He was the first to witness Badr and Hudaybiyyah.

وهو من رمى بسهم في سبيل الله

"And he is one who shot an arrow in the way of Allah."

وكان فارسا شجاعا

He was a brave knight.

من أمراء رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

One of the leaders of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

وكان في أيام الصديق معظما جليل المقدار

"And in the days of the truthful, he was greatly esteemed and held in high regard."

وكذلك في أيام عمر

And likewise in the days of Umar.

وقد استنابه على الكوفة

And he appointed him in Kufa.

وهو الذي فتح المداء

And He is the one who opened the expanse.

وكانت بين يديه وقعة جلولاء

And in front of him was the battle of Jalula.

وكان سيدا مطاعا

He was a respected master.

وعزله عمر عن الكوفة

Omar removed him from Kufa.

من غير عمله

Without his work.

ولا عجز ولا خيانة

Neither impotence nor betrayal.

ولكن لمصلحة ظهرت لعمر في ذلك

"But there was an interest that appeared to Omar in that."

وقد ذكره في الستة أصحاب الشورى

And he was mentioned among the six companions of consultation.

ثم ولاه عثمان الكوفة بعدها

Then Uthman appointed him to Kufa afterwards.

ثم عزله عنها

Then he removed it from her.

كان سعد بن أبي وقاص

Saad ibn Abi Waqqas was.

من الساعين المصلحين في فتنة علي بن أبي طالب

Among the reformers striving during the fitna of Ali ibn Abi Talib.

ومعاوية رضي الله عنهم أجمعين

And Muawiya, may Allah be pleased with them all.

ولما حضرت سعدا الوفا

And when death approached Saad.

دعا بخلق جبه

He called for creating a front.

فقال لهم

So he said to them.


He said.

كفنوني فيها

Wrap me in it.

فإني لقيت فيها المشركين يوم بدر

"I indeed encountered the polytheists in it on the Day of Badr."

وإنما كنت أخبئها لهذا اليوم

I was just keeping it hidden for this day.

وكانت وفاة سعد بالعقيق خارج المدينة

Saeed's death was in Al-Aqiq outside the city.

فحمل إلى المدينة على أعناق الرجال

"So he was carried to the city on the shoulders of men."

فصلى عليه مروان

So Marwan prayed upon him.

وصلى بصلاته أمهات المؤمنين الباقيات الصالحات

And the mothers of the believers who remain righteous prayed with him.

ودفن بالبقيع

And he was buried in Al-Baqi.

وكان ذلك سنة خمس وخمسين

And that was in the year fifty-five.

وقد جاءه أمهات المؤمنين الباقيات الصالحات

And the remaining righteous mothers of the believers came to him.

تجاوز الثمانين على الصحيح

Exceeding eighty is correct.

وهو آخر العشرة وفاة

And he was the last of the ten to die.

رضي الله عنه وعنهم أجمعين

May Allah be pleased with him and all of them.

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