الحلقة 14 المنهج الرباني - بودكاست كهف | الحبيب محمد السقاف
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ALMASTABA | المصطبة
الحلقة 14 المنهج الرباني - بودكاست كهف | الحبيب محمد السقاف
او نتكلم عن القضايا اللي ذكرها الله سبحانه وتعالى لنا في القرآن الكريم او في سورة الكاف
We can talk about the issues that God Almighty mentioned to us in the Holy Quran or in Surah Al-Kahf.
اللي تتعلق بفتن وقضايا الزمان وكانت قضايا اساسية وبعضها فرعية
Those related to temptations and issues of the time, and some of them were fundamental issues while others were secondary.
اليوم في خاتمة السورة كأن الله سبحانه وتعالى يعطينا خلاصة المفاهيم المذكورة في هذا القصص من بداية السورة الى نهايتها
Today, at the conclusion of the surah, it is as if Allah, the Exalted, is giving us a summary of the concepts mentioned in this narrative from the beginning of the surah to its end.
نبأ نختصر او نبأ نجعل خلاصة لهذه المفاهيم في هذا اللقاء يا حبيب
Let's summarize or distill these concepts in this meeting, my dear.
الحمد لله
Praise be to God.
والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن وهله
Peace and blessings be upon our master the Messenger of Allah, and upon his family and companions, and whoever follows them.
نسأل الله ان يعلمنا ما ينفعنا وينفعنا بما علمنا
We ask Allah to teach us what benefits us and to benefit us from what he has taught us.
نسأله ان يلهمنا الرشد في جميع احوالنا
We ask Him to inspire us with guidance in all our affairs.
وان يكون كلامنا في كتابه موفقا ان شاء الله تعالى
And may our words in His writing be successful, if God wills.
فان خوض يعني عباب هذا البحر ليس بالهي السهل
Diving into the depths of this sea is not an easy matter.
ان تتكلم في معاني او في تفكيرها
To speak about its meanings or in its thinking.
او في تفسير كلام الله سبحانه وتعالى
Or in the interpretation of the words of God Almighty.
وكما قلنا ابتداء ان نقول اختتاما في هذا اللقاء
As we said at the beginning, we say in conclusion in this meeting.
اننا نحن نأخذ بعض العبر والدروس المتعلقة بهذه السورة وليس تفسير
We are taking some lessons and morals related to this chapter, not an interpretation.
فمن اراد التفسير المدقق المحقق فليرجع الى كتب المفسرين المعتبرين
Whoever desires a precise and thorough interpretation should refer to the books of reputable exegetes.
هذه العشر الايات الاخيرة التي نتكلم عنها الان في خاتمة سورة الكهف
These are the last ten verses that we are discussing now at the end of Surah Al-Kahf.
فالعشر الايات الاخيرة التي نتكلم عنها الان في خاتمة سورة الكهف
So the last ten verses that we are discussing now are in the conclusion of Surah Al-Kahf.
ما هي ملامح هذه العصمة في كون هذه العشر الآيات الأخيرة والعشر الآيات الأولى فيها خلاصة تلك مقدمات هذه خواتيم
What are the features of this infallibility in that these last ten verses and the first ten verses contain a summary of those introductions as these are the conclusions?
فمقدمت سورة الكهف وخاتمت سورة الكهف فيها خلاصة وكل قصة من القصص الأربعة كذلك بينا مقدمتها وكذلك شيء من ملخصها أو الفوائد والدروس التي استفيدت منها بعد ذكر هذه القصة
The introduction and conclusion of Surah Al-Kahf contain a summary, and each story among the four stories is also presented with its introduction, along with a summary or some benefits and lessons that were derived after mentioning each story.
فيقول الله سبحانه وتعالى وعرضنا جهنم يومئذ للكافرين عرضا
Allah, the Exalted, says: "And We will present Hell that Day to the disbelievers, in full view."
يعني يوم القيامة تعرض هذه النار الهائلة التي أخبرنا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنها أوقد عليها ألف عام حتى حمرت ثم أوقد عليها ألف عام حتى بيضت ثم أوقد عليها ألف عام حتى سودت
On the Day of Judgment, this immense fire will be presented, which the Prophet (peace be upon him) informed us was kindled for a thousand years until it turned red, then kindled for another thousand years until it turned white, and then kindled for another thousand years until it turned black.
فهي سوداء مظلمة
It is dark black.
And likewise
وكذلك أن للنار سبعين ألف زمام على كل زمام سبعين ألف ملك وأنها يوم القيامة إذا رأتهم إذا رأتهم إذا رأتهم من إيش في الآية إذا رأتهم سمعوا لها إذا رأتهم بعيد سمعوا لها تغيضا وزفيرا يعني تهيج النار عندما ترى أصحابها
And also, that the Fire has seventy thousand reins, and on each rein are seventy thousand angels. And on the Day of Resurrection, when it sees them, when it sees them, when it sees them—as mentioned in the verse—when it sees them from afar, it hears a sound of rage and snorting, meaning the Fire becomes agitated when it sees its owners.
يوم نقلها
The day she moved.
تقول لجهنم هل امتلأتي
You say to Hell, "Have you filled up?"
فتقول هل من
So she says, "Is there any?"
ذلك اليوم
That day.
يعني تشيب الولدان
It means the boys turn gray.
الأمر عظيم
The matter is great.
النار من كل
The fire from every.
ألف تسعمائة وتسعون
Nineteen ninety.
أو تسعمائة وتسعة وتسعون
Or nine hundred and ninety-nine.
من بني آدم أمر هائل جدا
From the children of Adam, a very immense matter.
حتى أن
Even that
النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام
The Prophet, peace be upon him.
لما عظم هذا الأمر
When this matter became significant.
على الأمة
On the nation.
أشار إلى قضية متعلقة
He referred to a related issue.
بآخر كلام وهو يا جوج وما جوج
In the end, it's all about Gog and Magog.
أن كثير منهم هم أصلا
That many of them are originally
يا جوج وما جوج هؤلاء أهل النار
O Gog and Magog, these are the inhabitants of the Fire.
من التسعة وتسعين
From the ninety-nine.
لأن أعدادهم تكون هائلة
Because their numbers can be massive.
جيلا بعد جيل وزمانا
Generation after generation and time after time.
بعد زمان
After a while
وعرضنا جهنم
"And Hell was displayed."
يومئذ للكافرين
On that Day for the disbelievers.
عرضا الذين كان من هم
Who were those who were offered?
It means.
يهولهم ذلك العرض الشديد
That severe display terrifies them.
وكأنها مقابلة لأنهم في الدنيا
As if it is an interview because they are in this world.
كانت أعينهم في غفلة
Their eyes were unaware.
So they deserved.
أن يرى الحول
To see the year.
في ذلك اليوم
On that day.
الذين كانت أعينهم في غطاء
Those whose eyes were covered.
عن ذكري وكانوا لا
About my memory and they were not.
يستطيعون سمعا
They can hear.
كانت أعينهم
Their eyes were
أي بصائرهم
What are their insights?
في غطاء عن الذكر
In a cover about mentioning.
And it's amazing.
أنه الذكر
It is the male.
He hears.
فكيف أعينهم في غطاء
So how do I assist them in a cover?
عن ذكري
About my memory.
إشارة إلى أنه عمى للبصيرة
Indication that it is blindness of insight.
والطمس للبصيرة
"And the obliteration of insight."
والعياذ بالله تعالى
And seeking refuge with Allah, the Most Exalted.
حتى لا يرون
So that they do not see.
أثر الذكري ومنافع الذكري
The impact of remembrance and the benefits of remembrance.
ولا يشاهدونك
And they do not see you.
ولا يقرؤون القرآن
And they do not read the Quran.
ولا يتتبعون
And they do not follow.
عباد الرحمن
Servants of the Most Merciful
"In their eyes."
كانت مطموسة
It was blurred.
الذين كانت أعينهم في غطاء عن ذكري
"Those whose eyes were veiled from My remembrance."
وكانوا لا يستطيعون سمعا
And they could not hear.
لا يستطيعون سمعا
They cannot hear.
Because they
قال الله سبحانه وتعالى
Allah, the Exalted, said.
إنما يستجيب
Only responds.
الذين يسمعون
Those who listen
يعني الأحياء
It means the neighborhoods.
الذين عندهم السمع
Those who have hearing.
And sight.
أما هذول الذين لا يسمعون
As for those who do not listen
فإنهم كأنهم موتى
For they are as if they are dead.
إنما يستجيب الذين يسمعون
Only those who listen will respond.
and the dead
يبعثهم الله
God sends them.
ثم إليه يرجعون
Then to Him they will return.
So these are.
يعني كالموتى
It means like the dead.
لا يستطيعون
They cannot.
وكانوا لا يستطيعون سمعا
And they could not hear.
ثم ذكر الله سبحانه وتعالى
Then Allah, Glory be to Him, mentioned.
هذه القضية المهمة الخطيرة
This important and serious issue.
أفحسب الذين كفروا
"Do they think that those who disbelieve..."
أن يتخذوا عبادي
"That they take My servants."
من دون أولياء
Without guardians.
إنا أعتدنا جهنم
Indeed, We have prepared Hell.
للكافرين نزلا
For the disbelievers, there is a place of lodging.
لأن هذه قضية الولاية
Because this is a matter of guardianship.
ذكرناها في عدة أماكن تأتي
We mentioned it in several places.
ختم الله سبحانه وتعالى
God Almighty's seal
بها السورة وقبلها
"In it is the Surah and before it."
قال في إبليس
He said about Iblis.
وذريتها فتتخذونهم
"And make them your own."
وذريته أولياء من دوني
"And his offspring are guardians besides me."
وهم لكم عدو بئس للظالمين
"And they are a foe to you; how evil is the fate for the wrongdoers."
وفي أول السورة
At the beginning of the surah.
كذلك يقول الله سبحانه وتعالى
Thus says Allah, the Exalted.
وينذر الذين قالوا
And warns those who said
اتخذ الله ولدى ما لهم به من علم
"God has taken a son; they have no knowledge of it."
إلى آخر ما ذكر
To the last mentioned.
من شأن
It is likely that.
اتخاذ هؤلاء
Taking these.
The disbelievers
For these.
الشياطين والعياذ بالله تعالى
The devils, seeking refuge in Allah the Exalted.
So the issue
قضية الولاية هذه
This guardianship issue.
والتولي قضية عظيمة
And the authority is a great matter.
تكلمنا عنها لا نكررها
We talked about it, let's not repeat it.
ولكن هنا بيّنها الله
But here, Allah has made it clear.
فحسب الذين كفروا
For those who disbelieved
أن يتخذوا عبادي من دون
"To take My servants as gods besides Me."
فإذا هناك اتخاذ
So there is a decision.
اولياء من دون الله
Protectors without God.
واتخاذ أولياء بالله
And taking allies with Allah.
الله ولي
God is the protector.
الذين آمنوا
Those who believed.
يخرجهم من الظلمات إلى النور
He brings them out of darkness into light.
وقال الله سبحانه وتعالى
And God, Blessed and Exalted, said.
إنما وليكم الله ورسوله والذين آمنوا
Your only ally is Allah, His Messenger, and those who believe.
فإذا فإذا
So if, then if.
اتخاذ Vis a
Taking a visa.
اتخاذ الأولياء
Taking guardians.
ومحبة أولياء
And the love of the saints.
أو صحبة الأولياء
Or the company of the righteous.
أو اعتقاد الخير في الأولياء
Or the belief in the goodness of the saints.
أو التبرك بالأولياء
Or seeking blessings from the saints.
الذين هم أولياء الله
Those who are the allies of Allah.
وليس أولياء من دون الله
"And there are no protectors besides Allah."
هل نحن نحب النبي والأنبياء لله
Do we love the Prophet and the prophets for the sake of God?
ونتبركهم بهم
"And we seek blessings from them."
Because they are.
قربة إلى الله
Proximity to God
وحبهم قربة إلى الله
And their love is a means of drawing closer to God.
والأولياء والعلماء والصالحين
And the saints, scholars, and righteous.
We are going to wait for them.
في الله سبحانه وتعالى
In God, the Almighty.
ونحبهم في الله
And we love them for the sake of Allah.
سبحانه وتعالى لأن
Glory be to Him, the Exalted, because...
They will take care of them.
لأجل الله قربة إلى الله
For the sake of God, a means of drawing closer to God.
سبحانه وتعالى الحب في الله
Glory be to Him, the Most High; love for the sake of Allah.
والبغض في الله من أوثق عرى
And the hatred for the sake of Allah is one of the strongest bonds.
وعدم الفهم لهذا
And the lack of understanding of this.
إشكال عظيم لأن
A great problem because
بعض الناس لا يدرك
Some people do not realize.
التمييز بين
Distinction between
أن يكون يتولى
To be in charge.
لله أو يتولى من دون الله
"To God or to take over without God."
فيتهم كل من
He accuses everyone who...
كان تبرك
It was a blessing.
بأحد من الصالحين مثلا
"Like one of the righteous."
أو استشفع بأحد من الصالحين
Or seek intercession from one of the righteous.
أن هذا
That this
يعني اتخذ من دون
It means to take without.
الله إلها
God is one.
اتخذ من دون الله أولياء
"Take besides Allah protectors."
And the balance
هذا ميزانه
This is his balance.
إنما تصريح الله سبحانه وتعالى
It is only the declaration of Allah, the Exalted.
بالولاية لأوليائه
"With the authority of His allies."
ألا إن أولياء الله لا خف عليهم
"Indeed, the allies of God will have no fear upon them."
ولا هم يحزنون
Nor do they grieve.
اتخذوا إلى الله الوسيلة
"Take a means to God."
إلى غير ذلك من الشواهد
"To other such evidence."
والنصوص التي في أحاديث النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
And the texts that are in the Hadiths of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
نحن لسنا في صدد
We are not in the process of...
تفصيل كثير في هذه القضية
There are many details in this case.
وندخل في قضية التوسل
We enter into the issue of intercession.
And exaggeration.
وغلوء عند بعض
And it is excessive for some.
الفئات في تكفير
Categories in Takfir
وكل من توسل
"And whoever seeks intercession."
بالنبي والأنبياء
By the Prophet and the Prophets.
وفي تبديعهم وفي إخراجهم
"In their innovation and in their expulsion."
من الملة
From the religion.
كل هذا من الكلام الفارغ
All of this is empty talk.
الذي أوهن
The one who weakened.
هذه الأمة وأضعفها
This nation and its weakest.
وأتعبنا وأتعب الناس كله
And it tired us and tired everyone else.
ثم بعد ذلك الآن
Then after that, now.
يعني خلاص
It means "that's it" or "done."
تنتهي هذه
This ends.
المسلسلات الطويلة
Long series
لهذه المواضيع
For these topics
وهي في نهايتها إن شاء الله تعالى
And it is, at the end of it, God willing.
ولا يبقى إلا
And nothing remains except
الحق الصرفة
The absolute truth.
كتاب الله وسنة نبيه
The Book of God and the Sunnah of His Prophet.
وما عليه سلف هذه الأمة
"And what has been followed by the predecessors of this nation."
من أهل السنة والجماعة
From the people of the Sunnah and the community.
والسواد الأعظم منهم
And the vast majority of them.
أفحسب الذين كفروا أن يتخذوا عبادي
"Did those who disbelieve think that they could take My servants as allies?"
من دون أولياء
Without guardians.
إن أعتدنا جهنم للكافرين
Indeed, We have prepared Hell for the disbelievers.
هذا نزلهم
This is their descent.
ومنزلهم ومأواهم
Their home and refuge.
قل هل ننبئكم بالأخسرين
Say, "Shall we inform you of the greatest losers?"
هنا مسألة الإغترار ومسألة
Here is the issue of deception and the matter.
الوهم قل هل ننبئكم
The illusion says, "Shall we inform you?"
بالأخسرين أعمالا
"Indeed, those who lose in their deeds."
هل نخبركم
Shall we tell you?
Among the losers.
ما قال بالخاسرين
What he said about the losers.
الأخسرين بصيغة المضاعفة
The most lossy in the form of doubling.
والمبالغة الأشد خسرانا
And the exaggeration is the most profound loss.
الأكثر خسرانا
the most losing
قل هل ننبئكم بالأخسرين
Say, "Shall we inform you of the greatest losers?"
أعمالا من هم يا رب
"Who are they, O Lord?"
قال الذين
Those who said
ضل سعيهم في الحياة الدنيا
Their efforts in this worldly life were in vain.
وهم يحسبون
And they think.
أنهم يحسنون صنعا
That they are doing well.
هؤلاء الذين
Those who
وهذه مسألة
And this is a matter.
إشكالية كبيرة
A significant issue
إذا قيل لهم لا تفسدوا في الأرض
When it is said to them, "Do not cause corruption on the earth."
قالوا إنما نحن مصلحون
They said, "We are only trying to make peace."
ألا أنهم هم المفسدون ولكن لا يشعرون
Indeed, they are the corrupters, but they are unaware.
كذلك مسألة هنا
There is also a matter here.
تراها عجيبة
You find it amazing.
عند بعض الناس
In some people.
فكثير من الناس لا يميز
Many people do not distinguish.
قضية الحكم
The issue of judgment.
الإلهي في هذا العالم
The divine in this world.
فمن الإشكالات
Among the issues
التي تعرض لنا كثيرا في وقتنا
That is often presented to us in our time.
هذا ونحن في زمن الشبهات
This is while we are in a time of doubts.
كيف يا أخي
How, my brother?
أنا لا أتصور
I can't imagine.
أن الله تعالى
That Allah, the Exalted
He will be tortured.
من هؤلاء الغربيين
Who are these Westerners?
من هم
Who are they?
في أعمالهم
In their works
يعني يطعم الفقراء
It means to feed the poor.
ويعمل الأعمال الخيرية
And he does charitable work.
And he donates.
ما أدري من هذاك
I don't know who that is.
حق الشركة الفلانية
The right of that particular company.
يتبرع بنصف ماله
He donates half of his money.
في الإحسان
In benevolence.
إلى الناس
To the people
وهذاك ما ليش عمل
And that has nothing to do with me.
وأخي أنا أعرف واحد
And my brother, I know someone.
محسن حتى أنه يطعم
Al-Muhsin even feeds.
الكلاب والهرر
Dogs and cats
وأنه يتصدق
And that he gives charity.
ويساعد المرضى
And it helps the patients.
وكذا كيف هل هذا يعقل
And how is it possible?
أن الله تعالى سيدخله النار
Indeed, Allah the Exalted will admit him to the Fire.
يا أخي أنت هذا القياس
O my brother, you are this standard.
الذي قسته
"The one I measured."
على معيار
On a standard
شخصي لك
Personal to you
ليس على معيار كلي
Not on a universal standard.
مثلا لو ضربت لك مثال
For example, if I gave you an example.
وقلت لك
And I told you.
هناك رجل
There is a man.
He donates.
And he makes.
يعطي الفقراء
He gives to the poor.
ويسوي حفلات
And he organizes parties.
ويعمل ما دريش أعمال خيرية
He does charitable works without being aware of it.
وفاتح جمعية خيرية
And the opening of a charity association.
تراه في مظهره هذا
You see him in this appearance.
هذا رجل محسن
This is a benefactor man.
ثم أقول لك تعال
Then I say to you, come.
سأكشف لك الحقيقة
I will reveal the truth to you.
شوف السرعة
Look at the speed.
سرداب تحت بيته
A cellar under his house.
أدخلك إلى السرداب تحت بيته
I will take you to the basement under his house.
You find.
أن هذا الرجل حابس أبوه
That this man is imprisoning his father.
ومسلسل والده
And his father's series.
With chains.
وأن المال الذي عنده هذا
And the money that he has.
هو مال أبوه
It is his father's money.
وخلي أبوه جعان وما يعطي أبوه
"And let his father be hungry and not give him anything."
And it hurts him.
ويلعب بالمال
He plays with money.
ويظهر صورة إحسان
And it shows the image of Ihsan.
ماذا ستحكم عليها أنت
What will you judge her by?
أنه رجل إحسان
He is a man of kindness.
هذا مجرم
This is a criminal.
وخاين وعاق
Traitor and ungrateful.
وكل البلاغي اللي فيه
"And all the rhetoric that is in it."
فترى أنه غير مستحق
So you see that he is unworthy.
ولله المثل الأعلى
And to Allah belongs the highest example.
هذا إنسان
This is a human.
كل ما تملك أنت
Everything you own.
By actions
هذا التي فعلتها
This is what you did.
والمال والصحة وعيونك
And wealth, health, and your eyes.
وسمعك وجسدك
Your hearing and your body.
And your mind.
وكل التمكين
And all empowerment.
الذي أنت ممكن فيه
What you are capable of.
كما قال
As he said.
إنا مكننا له في الأرض
Indeed, We have established him in the land.
من الله
From God.
وما طلب منك
"And what was asked of you."
الإله العظيم الكريم
The great and generous God.
إلا أن تؤمن به وتوحده
"Unless you believe in Him and affirm His oneness."
فكفرت وجحت
So I disbelieved and denied.
وأخدت ماله
And I took his money.
جحودا به
Ingratitude towards it.
ثم صورت
Then I took a picture.
أنك تعمل به أعمال الخير
That you do good deeds with it.
ما طلب منك
What was asked of you?
إنما طلب منك التوحيد
You have only been asked for monotheism.
ثم بعد ذلك تعمل الخير
Then after that, you do good.
يثيبك على هذا
He will reward you for this.
فأنت جحته
"You are the one who misled him."
وجحت أن الرزق منه
"I found that the sustenance comes from Him."
وهذا إلهك
And this is your God.
الذي منه ابتداؤك
From which your beginning is.
وهو الذي خلقك
And He is the one who created you.
والذي صنعك
And the One who created you.
وهو الذي أنعم عليك
And He is the One who has bestowed upon you.
جحت به وكفرت به
"I succeeded with it and denied it."
وأنكرت وجوده
And you denied his existence.
ثم تريده أن يثيبك
Then you want him to reward you.
على ما أعطاك
According to what he has given you.
I embarrassed him.
كيف هذه الصورة إذن
So how is this picture then?
فإذن تصور الناس
So, the perception of people.
تصور دائما يكون
Always be an image.
قاصر هؤلاء الذين يأخذون
These are minors who take.
بهذه التصورات
With these perceptions.
المحدودة القاصرة البشرية
"Human limited capacity"
الدنيوية فقط
Only the worldly.
For that reason.
هذا من الصورة
This is from the picture.
قل هل ننبئكم
Say, "Shall we inform you?"
بالأخسرين أعمال
In the losers' actions.
الذين ضل سعيهم في الحياة الدنيا
Those whose efforts have been in vain in this worldly life.
وهم يحسبون أنهم يحسنون
And they think that they are doing good.
بوجوه مختلفة
With different faces.
هذه لما نطالع فيها الآية
This is when we look at the verse.
الذين ضل سعيهم في الحياة الدنيا
Those whose efforts in this worldly life have gone astray.
في عندنا سعي
We have an effort.
في الحياة الدنيا
In this worldly life.
وفيه ضلال
And in it is misguidance.
اليوم أنا لو بدي أطلع مشوار من هذا المكان
Today, if I want to go out from this place.
اللي احنا فيه إلى مطعم
What we are in is a restaurant.
عندنا اليوم خدمة
We have a service today.
الجوجل ماب هذا
This is Google Maps.
أضغط المكان اللي أبغى أروحه
I press the place I want to go to.
He takes me.
بأخسر الطرق إلى هذا المكان
I lost my way to this place.
من غير ما أضيع في الطريق
Without getting lost on the way.
أو أتأخر
Or I delay.
في هذا الوقت
At this time
فإذا أنا اليوم أبغى أروح مكان ما
So today I want to go somewhere.
وما أعرف مكانه
And I don't know his location.
ولا أعرف مكانه
I do not know his location.
ولا أعرف الوسيلة التي توصلني إلى هذا المكان
I don't know the means that will get me to this place.
إلا ما أضيع في الطريق
Except what I lose on the way.
أو أتأخر
Or I will be late.
فلما أقرأ الذين ضل سعيهم
"When those whose efforts have gone astray are recited to."
في الحياة الدنيا
In this worldly life
As if it
خروج عن اللي ذكر لنا
Deviating from what was mentioned to us.
الله سبحانه وتعالى في المنهج الرباني
God Almighty in the divine methodology.
في بداية السورة
At the beginning of the surah.
لما قال الله سبحانه وتعالى الحمد لله
When Allah, Glory be to Him, said, "All praise is due to Allah."
الذي أنزل على عبده الكتاب
The One who revealed the Book to His servant.
فكان الكتاب وكان عبده
So there was the book and there was His servant.
سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
Our Master Muhammad, peace be upon him.
In addition
واتلوا ما أوحي إليك من كتاب ربك
"And recite what has been revealed to you from the Book of your Lord."
هذه التلاوة
This recitation.
وبالإضافة إلى وأصبر نفسك
And in addition to that, be patient with yourself.
مع الذين يدعون ربهم بالغدات والعشي
With those who call upon their Lord in the morning and in the evening.
هذه الأدوات
These tools
كانت هي كفيلة أنه ما تخلي
She was capable of not letting go.
إنسان يضل
A misguided person.
أي يخرج عن الطريق الصحيح
It goes off the right path.
في سعيه في هذا الدنيا
In his pursuit in this world.
سعيه في هذا الدنيا ما هو مطالب
His striving in this world is not required.
فيه الإنسان أنه يسعى
In it, man strives.
He tries.
في هذه الحياة الدنيا الطريق
In this worldly life, the road.
ويشوف يمكن يسلك يمكن ما يسلك
He sees that it might work out or it might not.
عشان كده بعدها قال وهم يحسبون
That's why he then said, "And they think."
أنه طب ليش يأخذني
Why does he take me?
الله وأنا كنت أظن أني في الطريق
God, and I thought I was on the right path.
الصحيح وأنا في الطريق
I'm on the right track.
المحاسبة هنا لأنك ما سلكت
The accountability is here because you did not take the right path.
المسلك اللي أراد الله
The path that God wanted.
سبحانه وتعالى
Glory be to Him, the Most High.
عندنا المنهج عندنا الطريقة
We have the curriculum, we have the method.
عندنا الأدوات فإنت
We have the tools, so you.
أنك يسلك الإنسان هذا المسلك
That a person would take this path.
بمزاجه لو نخذناه كده
"In his mood, if we took him like this."
He is held accountable.
إنه هنا ما هي مسألة مزاجية
It's not a matter of mood.
الله ما تركنا في هذا الدنيا للمزاج
God did not leave us in this world to be whimsical.
تركنا في هذا الدنيا ومعانا
We left in this world with us.
كامل الأدوات
Complete tools
اللي بعدها يبدأ الحساب
The one after that will start the calculation.
وما خلقت الجن والإنس إلا ليعبدون
"And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me."
With the tools
نعم نعبده كما يريد
Yes, we worship Him as He wants.
لا كما نريد
Not as we want.
أنزل كتاب وأرسل عبد
"Send down a Book and send a servant."
مرسل يدلنا حتى
A sender guides us until.
نسلك الطريقة الذي رسمها لنا
We follow the path that has been drawn for us.
كما قلت صحيح
As I said, it's true.
إنه يساق اليوم من أفكار
He is being driven today by ideas.
It is.
الله يحاسبني فيما أعتقد
God will hold me accountable for what I believe.
فيما ظننت
As I thought.
وعلى الله يحاسبني على
"And God will hold me accountable for..."
بمفهوم خاطئ طبعا
With a wrong concept, of course.
في أنه أنا بجرب
It's about me trying.
من حقي أنا أجرب كل الطرق
It is my right to try all the ways.
التي توصل إلى الله وبعدها أشوف
"My connection to God, and then I'll see."
هذا تحكم
This is control.
أنا الآن
I am now.
ظني في هذا أنه
My impression about this is that
فما دام ظني فيه طيب
As long as my opinion of him is good.
فكيف سيحاسبني على
So how will He hold me accountable for...
شيء أنا ظننت أنه طيب
Something I thought was good.
سيحاسبك لأنه أرشدك
He will hold you accountable because he guided you.
لو كان لم يرسلك وما كنا معذبين
If He had not sent you, we would not have been punished.
حتى نبعث رسوله
Until we send our messenger.
لو لم يكن أرسل رسول
If a messenger had not been sent.
فنعم لا يحاسبك
So yes, he will not hold you accountable.
أرسل لك الرسول
The messenger sent you.
ورسم لك الخطة
And he drew the plan for you.
وبيّن لك المنهج
And he clarified the methodology for you.
عرفك الحلال من الحرام
The lawful is known from the unlawful.
في كتاب لا يأتيه الباطن
"In a book that falsehood does not come to."
من بين يديه ولا من خلفه
Neither from in front of him nor from behind him.
في كتاب واضح مثل الشمس نور
In a book as clear as the sun's light.
وأرسل لك نبي نور
"And I sent you a prophet of light."
وهادي إلى صراط مستقيم
And this is the path of straightness.
أوضح لنا الطريق
He showed us the way.
وبيّن لنا المعالم
And show us the landmarks.
وأوضح لنا المحجة
He clarified to us the straight path.
وما من باب من أبواب الخير
"And there is no door among the doors of goodness."
لا دلنا عليه
He did not guide us to it.
وما من باب من أبواب الشيء لا دلنا عليه
"And there is no door of the matter that we did not guide you to."
إلا حذرنا منه
Except we warned against it.
ما ترك شيء
Did not leave anything.
ما هناك
What is there?
لألا يكون للناس حجة على الله
So that people do not have an argument against God.
بعد الرسول
After the Prophet
ما شي حجة
There is no excuse.
إيش بتحتاج على الله
What do you need from God?
فتقول له ما حد لني موجود
She tells him that no one is available to me.
يقول لك شوف موجود في الكتب
He says to you, "Look, it's in the books."
موجود في الدلالة العلماء موجودين
The scholars are present in the evidence.
وصل إليك
It has reached you.
يعني أنت تعمدت عدم النظر
It means you deliberately chose not to look.
وصلك الذكر
The reminder has reached you.
فتعاملت عنه
So I dealt with it.
هكذا قال لك
This is what he told you.
قال الذين كانت أعينهم في غطاء عن ذكري
Those whose eyes were covered from My remembrance said.
وكانوا لا يستطيعون سمع
And they could not hear.
أنت ما أردت أن تسمع
You are what you did not want to hear.
تعاملت وتصاممت
I dealt with it and I persisted.
عن السماع مع أنه وصل إليك
About listening even though it reached you.
فحجة الله سبحانه وتعالى
The proof of God Almighty.
ولذلك يقول الله سبحانه وتعالى لهم
And therefore, Allah, the Exalted, says to them
كما ضربنا هذا المثال للولد
We have given this example to the boy.
الذي حبس أباه
The one who imprisoned his father.
وأخذ ماله
And he took his money.
وصرف من ماله على غيره
And he spent from his wealth on others.
ثم يريد أن يكون من أهل الإحسان
Then he wants to be among the people of goodness.
كذبا وزورا
Falsehood and deception.
كالذي استمتع بنعم الله تعالى
Like one who enjoys the blessings of Allah Almighty.
فأنكر وجحد الله المنعم
He denied and rejected the bountiful God.
وأراد أن يحسن من صورته
And he wanted to improve his image.
ويجملها بشيء من صناع المعروفة
And it adorns it with something of the known craftsmanship.
ولا يرجو بها خير من الله
And he does not hope for any good from Allah.
هو فعلها لأجل الدنيا
He did it for the sake of the world.
لا لأجل غرض آخر
No for another purpose.
فقال الله تعالى له
So Allah, the Exalted, said to him.
أولئك الذين كفروا بآيات ربهم
Those who disbelieved in the signs of their Lord.
And his meeting.
إيش نتيجة أعمالهم
What is the result of their actions?
فحبطت أعمالهم
So their deeds were wasted.
أعمال الخير
Good deeds
فحبطت أعمالهم
So their deeds were in vain.
فلا نقيم لهم يوم القيامة
So We will not establish for them on the Day of Resurrection.
Her weight.
هذا كله لا يزن شيء
This all amounts to nothing.
لأن قال لنا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
Because the Prophet, peace be upon him, told us.
في مظهر الإيمان
In the manifestation of faith.
ليس الكفر
Not disbelief.
قال أنه
He said that
يقف يوم القيامة الرجل بين يدي الله تعالى
On the Day of Judgment, a man will stand before Allah, the Exalted.
فيقول الله تعالى
Then Allah, the Exalted, says.
أدخلوه الجنة برحمتي
"Admit him to Paradise by My mercy."
فيقول يا ربي
He says, "O my Lord."
أنا عملت خمسمائة عام
I have worked for five hundred years.
أعمال صالحة
Good deeds
فيقول الله تعالى
And Allah, the Exalted, says.
زنوا عمله بعينه
They weighed his work by the same measure.
بس مقابل نعمه
Just in exchange for a blessing.
نعمة واحدة عين
One blessing is enough.
مش الاثنين البصر كله
Not both of them are worth the sight.
هذا هو محمد
This is Mohammed.
زنوا عمله بعينه
They committed the act in his very presence.
Weigh them.
فترجح نعمة العين
The grace of the eye prevails.
على كل الأعمال التي عملها
For all the work he has done.
خمسمائة سنة
Five hundred years.
He says.
طلعت على السالب
I went to the negative side.
على الماينس
On the minus.
ما في
There isn't any.
خذوه إلى النار
Take him to the fire.
فيقول يا رب برحمتك
He says, "O my Lord, by Your mercy."
With Your mercy
غفرت لك
I forgave you.
وقذوه إلى الجنة برحمتي
"And throw him into Paradise by My mercy."
ليعترف وبينا لنا النبي
Let him confess, and the Prophet has made it clear to us.
هذا المشهد وهذه الصورة
This scene and this image.
التي ستكون
"which will be"
بينها أمثال هذا العبد
Among them are examples like this servant.
وبين ربهم سبحانه وتعالى
"And between them, their Lord, Glory be to Him."
So what?
الإنسان يعني يتصور ويتوقع
A person means to imagine and to expect.
أن لعبد منه على الله
That is for a servant of Him (God).
أو أن لإنسان
Or that a person
عند الله سبحانه وتعالى
With Allah, the Most High.
حتى يقول أن فلان هذا الذي
Until he says that this person is...
بلغته الدعوة
The invitation reached him.
وبلغته الرسالة وهو
He received the message while he was...
بعقل آتاه الله
With a mind that God has given him.
إياه وصل به إلى حد
He reached a point with him.
الدكتوراه والهندسة والطب
Doctorate, engineering, and medicine.
أو إلى حد التفكير
Or to the extent of thinking.
والإبداع والإتقان
Creativity and mastery.
والفهم وآتاه الله السمع
"And understanding, and He gave him hearing."
والبصر إن السمع والبصر
"And sight, indeed, hearing and sight."
والفؤاد كل أولئك كان
And the heart was all of those.
عنه مسؤولة أعطيتك سمع
I gave you a hearing about him.
وبصر وفؤاد
And sight and heart.
عقل تفكر
A thinking mind.
وأرسلت لك الرسالة المستقيمة
And I sent you the straight message.
The phenomenon
التي هي صراط
which is a path
مستقيم حجة
Straight argument.
تامة وما قبلتها
Complete and I did not accept it.
وجحت بها وأنكرتها
I faced it and denied it.
وأعرض وتعاميت
And I turned away and acted as if I didn’t see.
وتصاممت عنها
And I was determined to stay away from her.
فعلى أي أساس
So on what basis?
أنا أثيبك بماذا
I will reward you with what?
أعمال صالحة عملتها
Good deeds I have done.
طيب هذه
Okay, this is.
We measure it.
بنعمة واحدة من النعم
With one of the blessings.
التي أنعمت بها عليك تروح كله
"Which You have bestowed upon me, it all goes away."
تطلع أنت بالبلاش
You're showing off for free.
فأنا أحسنت إليك
"I have treated you well."
أردت منك أن تؤمن
I wanted you to believe.
بي فقط وتطيعني
Just be with me and obey me.
وحتى لو آمنت بي وأنت عاصي
"And even if you believe in me while you are disobedient."
أغفر لك معاصيك
I forgive your sins.
ولكن آمن وصدق
But he believed and affirmed.
And he united.
حتى أقبلك
Until I kiss you.
لا ما رفض الله
No, God has not rejected.
لا إله إلا الله
There is no god but Allah.
والعياذ بالله تعالى رفض
And seeking refuge with Allah, the Most High, is a rejection.
فإذن هذا أولئك الذين حبطت
So these are those whose deeds have been rendered void.
Their works
فلا نقيم لهم
So we do not establish for them.
يوم القيامة وزنا
The Day of Judgment is a weighing.
لا قيمة لهذه الأعمال
These works have no value.
كلها ولا تزن عند الله جناح بعوضة
"All of them weigh nothing in the sight of Allah, not even the wing of a mosquito."
فجزاؤهم جهنم بما كفروا
Their reward is Hell for what they denied.
واتخذوا آياتي ورسولي
And they took my signs and my messenger.
هؤلاء سخروا
These mocked.
واستصغروا آياتي
"And they made my signs seem small."
واستصغروا وسخروا من رسولي
And they belittled and mocked my messenger.
من محمد
From Muhammad.
إيش جاب
What happened?
إيش سوى
What did he do?
طيب رجال كويس بس ما دلش
Okay, the men are good, but he didn't guide.
اتزوج تسعة نساء
I marry nine women.
أبعض النساء
Some women
وكنتما مع الله
And you were with God.
أن الله يحسب نهوا الجوانب
That Allah takes into account all aspects.
و spacing
and spacing
C tomorrow
See you tomorrow.
With him
كلمة من سحر الله
A word from the magic of God.
إن الرجل يتكلم بالكلمة من صخص الله يهوي بها في النار
A man speaks a word that pleases Allah, and he falls into Paradise by it.
أبعد من الثرية
Beyond the affluent.
الرواية سبعين حريفة
The novel is seventy sharp.
برضو الناس تخفون
People are also hidden.
من بيمان ال Allow
From the promise of Allah.
حز petit
Sad little one
لا بل
No, rather.
It seems that the text "оры" is not in Arabic. Could you please provide the Arabic text you'd like me to translate?
I will bring you.
آية من القرى لغل آخي الشيخ أدي الآية بالله هذا كلام
A verse from the villages says, "Oh my brother, sheikh, I swear by God, this is the speech."
تحفة فيهsticks
A masterpiece in it sticks.
إذا لم يعف الله عنه فيها
If Allah does not pardon him in it.
ليهوي بها في النار
"To plunge them into the fire."
أبعد من الثرية
Farther than the rich.
أبعد من مسافة ما بين النجوم والأرض
Further than the distance between the stars and the Earth.
في قعر النار
In the depths of the fire.
والعياذ بالله تعالى
And I seek refuge with Allah, the Most High.
لكلمة يقول هذا كلام من
This word says, "Who said this?"
هذا كلام الله
This is the word of God.
يحذر الإنسان عندما يريد أن يتكلم
A person is cautious when he wants to speak.
عن كلام الله المقدس
About the words of God Almighty.
ويقبله ويحط فوق راسه
And he accepts it and places it on his head.
ويضعه على صدره
And he places it on his chest.
وعندما يريد أن يتكلم
And when he wants to speak
يقول قول الله
He says the word of God.
كلام الله سبحانه وتعالى
The words of Allah, the Exalted.
وكل ما يستطيع أن يقوله
"And all he can say."
من ألفاظ التقديس والتعظيم
Words of sanctification and glorification.
والإجلال فليفعل ذلك
And reverence, let him do that.
وليحذر من أي لفتة استهزأ
And let him beware of any gesture of mockery.
أو لفتة استصغار
Or a gesture of belittlement.
وسخرية بشيء من آيات الله
And mockery of some of the signs of Allah.
أو بالنبي صلى الله عليه وآله
Or by the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family.
وصحبه وسلم
And peace be upon him and his companions.
أرى في أيامي هذا زمن الحداثة
I see in my days this era of modernity.
وزمن العلمانية
The era of secularism.
وزمن ما بعد الحداثة
The era of post-modernism.
وزمن الإنفلات
The time of the outbreak.
وزمن السخرية
And the time of sarcasm.
لأننا جيل نشأ
Because we are a generation that grew up
حياة كلها سخرية
A life full of irony.
آه ضحك
Ah, laughter.
كل شيء
ما أدري إيش في المواقع
I don't know what's on the websites.
السمون هذه
These are the sums.
التفكيك الاجتماعي
Social disintegration
بس تعود
Just get used to it.
يضحك على أكل
Laughing at food
يضحك على صاحبه
He laughs at his friend.
يضحك على كذا
He laughs at that.
حتى صار يجي حديث
Until a conversation started happening.
آه يضحك على الحديث هذا
Ah, he laughs at this talk.
كم لطمة يوم القيامة
How many blows on the Day of Judgment?
وكم ضربة وكم غوصة في جهنم
And how many strikes and how many dives into Hell.
Because of
هذا الاستهزاء
This mockery.
يعني لا يستسهل الإنسان
It means that a person should not take things lightly.
هذا أمر هائل جدا
This is a very huge matter.
وعظيم جدا
And very great.
هذا شوف انظر إلى
This is look at.
أولئك الذين قال الله سبحانه وتعالى
Those who Allah, the Exalted, said.
قل أبي الله
Say my father is God.
And His signs
and His Messenger
كنتم تستهزيون
You were mocking.
لا تعتذروا اليوم
Don't apologize today.
ما في قبل حتى عذر
There is no excuse even before.
ما في قبل عذر
There is no excuse before this.
تسخروا بالله ورسوله وآياته
They mock Allah, His Messenger, and His verses.
كانوا على قولهم يضحكوا التريق
They were laughing at what they said.
بعض ما قاله النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
Some of what the Prophet, peace be upon him, said.
لم يقبل الله سبحانه وتعالى منهم حتى الاعتدار
Allah Almighty did not accept an apology from them.
إلا هذا خطوط حمراء
Except this, there are red lines.
شديدة جدا
Very severe.
فيقول الله تعالى
And Allah, the Exalted, says.
واتخذوا آياتي ورسولي
And they took My signs and My messengers.
أسأل الله السلام والعافية
I ask Allah for peace and health.
ثم سيذكروا حال المؤمنين
Then they will mention the condition of the believers.
لتختم الآية
To conclude the verse.
ببشارة وبأنس
With good tidings and joy.
وبرضاء إن شاء الله تعالى
And with the pleasure of God Almighty, if He wills.
فختم الله سبحانه وتعالى
So Allah, the Almighty, concluded.
إن الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات
Indeed, those who believed and did righteous deeds.
كانت لهم جناحة
They had a wing.
الفردوس نزولا
Paradise has descended.
وسماها الله تعالى
And God, the Exalted, named it.
ما هي جنة واحدة
What is one paradise?
هذه جنات الفردوس
These are the gardens of paradise.
الفردوس التي أعلى
The highest paradise.
درجات الجنة
The levels of Paradise.
جنات واسعة
vast gardens
هي الفردوس نفسها منازل
It is the paradise itself, homes.
ودرجات متفاوتات
And varying degrees.
عظيمات جدا
Very great.
لا يمكن للعبد
The servant cannot.
أن يتصورها ما لا عين رأت
"That it is imagined in a way that no eye has seen."
ولا أذن سمعت ولا خطر
Neither has an ear heard nor has it occurred to the heart.
على قلب بشر
On the heart of a human.
جنات الفردوس نزولا
Gardens of Paradise as a reward.
أي منزلا
Which house?
They are bringing him down.
ويطمئنون فيه
And they find comfort in it.
وكم في هذه المنازل من فضائل
And how many virtues are in these dwellings.
ورد في بعض الروايات
It has been mentioned in some narrations.
أن المؤمن
The believer
في الجنة
In Paradise.
يكون قصره له سبعون حجاب
His palace has seventy curtains.
إذا جاء الملك
If the king comes
يستأذن عليه من وراء سبعين حجاب
He requests permission from behind seventy veils.
And that it
He calls them.
ويدعوهم ربهم
And their Lord calls them.
إلى ساحة النظر إلى وجهه الكريم
To the courtyard of looking at His noble face.
فيقبلون على وجوههم النور
So they come upon their faces, the light.
ويجتمعون مع النبي
And they gather with the Prophet.
والأنبياء والمرسلين
And the prophets and messengers.
ومع الصحابة والأولياء
"And with the companions and the saints."
والصالحين في مشاهد
And the righteous are in vision.
في زمر في مجموعات
In groups in clusters.
في مجالس عظيمة جدا
In very great councils.
هائلة جدا
Very huge.
تغشاهم الأنوار
The lights envelop them.
وتطيبهم الأعطار
"And the perfumes make them pleasant."
وتحفهم الملائكة الكبار
And the great angels surround them.
ويقبلون على
And they turn to
رب كريم غفار
A generous, forgiving Lord.
ويفتح لهم مجال
And it opens up a field for them.
addresses them
يا عبادي هل رضيتم
O My servants, are you pleased?
فيقولون يا رب كيف لا نرضى
They will say, "O Lord, how can we not be pleased?"
وقد غفرت لنا ذنوبنا
And our sins have been forgiven.
وقد أدخلتنا الجنة
And You have admitted us to Paradise.
وأعطيتنا الحور والقصور
"And You granted us the houris and the palaces."
والأنهار والأشجار والثمار
And the rivers, the trees, and the fruits.
فيقول ألا أعطيكم ما هو أكبر من ذلك
He says, "Shall I not give you what is greater than that?"
يقولون يا رب ما أكبر من ذلك
They say, "O Lord, what is greater than that?"
إيش هذا النعيم
What is this bliss?
الذي ما يتصور عقل أكثر من هذا
"What the mind cannot conceive more than this."
He says.
أحل عليكم رضواني
"I have made My pleasure lawful for you."
ولا أسخط عليكم بعدها أبدا
"And I will never be displeased with you again."
وأبيحكم النظر إلى وجهي الكريم
"And I permit you to look at my noble face."
فيسعدون سعادة
They will be happy.
لا تتخيلها العقول
Minds cannot imagine it.
ولا القلوب ولا الأفكار
Neither the hearts nor the thoughts.
بماذا يضيع الإنسان مثل هذا النعيم
What causes a person to waste such bliss?
خالدين فيها
They will remain in it forever.
لا يبغون عنها حولا
They do not wish to turn away from it.
لا يتحولون ولا خلاص
They do not transform nor find salvation.
الله الله
God, God.
يعني هذا مكان الدوام
Does this mean this is the workplace?
والأبدية والسرمدية
Eternity and perpetuity
اللا نهاية لها
وقل لو
And say if.
ثم بعد ذلك
Then after that.
لما ختم بهذا النعيم
When he was sealed with this blessing.
الذي نرجو الله أن يجعلنا وإياكم
We hope that God makes us and you.
سامعين إن شاء الله من أهله
We will hear, God willing, from his family.
نجعل منزلنا الفردوس الأعلى
We make our home the highest paradise.
إن شاء الله
God willing
قال قل لو كان البحر
He said, "Say, if the sea..."
مدادا لكلمات ربي
The ink of my Lord's words.
لنفد البحر قبل أن تنفد كلمات ربي
Let the sea run out before my Lord's words run out.
ولو جئنا بمثله
And if we brought something like it.
ما ددا
What does it mean?
لإنما هي كلمات الله
For it is only the words of God.
أو وحيه وعلومه
Or His revelation and sciences.
التي ينزلها على قلوب عباده
"Which He reveals to the hearts of His servants."
لا نفاد ولا نهاية لها
Endless and infinite.
أو معاني
Or meanings
ما تأتي به
What you bring.
هذه الكلمات
These words
أن هذا القرآن
That this Quran
معانيه وأسراره
Its meanings and secrets.
وأنواره وبركاته
And His lights and blessings.
And his openings.
لو جئنا بالبحار
If we were to bring the seas.
كلها حبر
It's all ink.
وبأشجار العالم كلها
And with all the trees of the world.
حولناها أقلام
We turned them into pens.
فأخذت الإنس والجن
So I took the humans and the jinn.
والملائكة يكتبون بها
"And the angels are writing it down."
ما يفتح الله عليهم
What Allah opens for them.
من علومها لا ما كفت
"Of its sciences, it did not suffice."
لا ما هو مكنون في علمه
No, what is concealed in His knowledge.
لأن ما هو مكنون في علمه
Because what is hidden in His knowledge.
أصلا مطلق لا نهاية له
An absolute with no end.
إنما هذا
This is just.
لا يكفي
Not enough.
ما يعطيه الله
What God gives him.
لمحبوبيه من عباده
"To His beloved ones among His servants."
من أنبيائه وصديقي عباده
Among His prophets and My friend, His servants.
من الفتوح
From the conquests.
لهذا كان يروون أن سيدنا الإمام
That is why they say that our Master the Imam
علي بن أبي طالب
Ali ibn Abi Talib
باب مدينة العلم كرم الله وجهه ورضي الله عنه
The gate of the city of knowledge, may God honor his face and be pleased with him.
يقول لو أردت أن أتكلم
He says if I wanted to speak.
عن بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
You have spent.
أثقلت سبعين بعيرا
I burdened seventy camels.
في معاني بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the meanings of "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful."
ويروى أنه بعد ذلك قال
It is narrated that after that he said.
لو أردت أن أتكلم عن الباء
If I wanted to talk about the letter "B".
يقول يا أخي بعض الناس يستعظم
He says, "My brother, some people consider it a great thing."
مثل هذا العبارات
Such expressions.
يقول أحد الصالحين
One of the righteous says.
لو أردت أن أتكلم
If I wanted to speak
عن قول الله تعالى
Regarding the saying of Allah, the Most High.
ما ننسخ من آية أو ننسها
"Whatever verse we abrogate or cause to be forgotten."
نأتي بخير منها أو مثلها
"We bring something better than it or like it."
أعجزت كتبة الدنيا
The writers of the world are unable.
كل شيء يعني هذا
Everything means this.
ما يدخل العقل
What enters the mind.
طبعا ما يدخل العقل
Of course, it doesn't make sense.
كيف يدخل عقلك أصلا
How does it even enter your mind?
هذا شيء من فوق العقل
This is something beyond comprehension.
هذا أطاء الله
This is God's gift.
الله سبحانه وتعالى لما يقول
When Allah, the Exalted, says
واتقوا الله ويعلمكم الله
And fear Allah, and Allah will teach you.
يعني تتخيل علم الله هذا
It means you can imagine the knowledge of God.
ما الله اللي يعلمك
What is God that teaches you?
يقول فلان
So-and-so says.
خريج جامعة كذا
Graduate of such and such university.
فلان عبقري
So-and-so is a genius.
تكون واحد ما شاء الله ناجح
You are one, mashallah, successful.
ثم تقول هذا درس الجامعة الفلانية
Then you say this is the lesson of this particular university.
عشان كذا ما شاء الله شاطر
That's why, Mashallah, you're smart.
خريج الجامعة الفلانية
Graduate of the specified university.
من الأوائل
One of the pioneers.
دكتوراه بامتياز
Doctorate with distinction.
لما تعرف أن هذا خريج
When you know that this is a graduate.
جامعة التلقي المباشر
University of Direct Reception
وعلمناه من لدنا
"And We taught him from Us."
واتقوا الله ويعلمكم الله
And fear Allah, and Allah will teach you.
يا أيها الذين آمنوا
O you who have believed
اتقوا الله
Fear Allah.
يا أيها الذين آمنوا
O you who have believed
من يتق الله يجعل له
Whoever fears God, He will make for him.
هذا الفرقان والنور والعلم
This is the criterion, the light, and the knowledge.
And the victory
هل يتصور الإنسان أنه يشيء
Does a person imagine that they are objectifying?
حد إشحد
What do you want?
شوف أقوى وأقصى وأكبر
Look at the strongest, the toughest, and the biggest.
ما يمكن لأقوى ميموري
What the strongest memory can achieve.
على قولهم ذاكرة في العالم
According to them, a memory in the world.
أن تجمع من العلم
To gather knowledge.
مليارات المعلومات
Billions of information
And the books
والله حاش الله
By God, far be it from God.
أن يكون
To be
عطاؤه لعبد واحد من محبوبيه
His gift is to a single servant among His beloved ones.
مما يفتح الله عليه
What Allah opens for him.
يقاس بمثل هذا
It is measured by such.
لا بد أن يكون
It must be.
عطاء الله
Gift of God
من فوق قدرات البشر
Above human capabilities.
فانظر إلى أقصى
So look to the utmost.
ما سيصل إليه البشر من قدرات
What humans will reach in terms of abilities.
جمع المعلومات
Gathering information
واضربها فيما تشاء
"And hit her as you wish."
ذلك فضل الله يؤتيه من يشاء
That is the grace of Allah, which He bestows upon whom He wills.
قل لو كان البحر مدادا
Say, "If the sea were ink..."
لكلمات ربي لنفد البحر
The words of my Lord would run out before the sea.
قبل أن تنفد كلمات ربي
Before my Lord's words run out.
ولو جئنا بمثله مددا
"And if we were to bring something similar as support."
وجاءت الخاتمة
And the conclusion came.
القفلة على قولهم للسورة
The ending according to their saying for the surah.
الخاتمة العظيمة في ذكر
The great conclusion in mention
سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وآلهه
Our Master Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family.
وسلم قل
And say peace.
أن أنت ابتدأت
You have started.
الحمد لله الذي أنزل على عبده
Praise be to God who has revealed to His servant.
يا أيها العبد المحبوب
O beloved servant
لدي قل
I have a heart.
الآن قل لهم قل إنما
Now tell them, say indeed.
أنا بشر مثلكم
I am a human like you.
يوحى إلي أنما إلهكم
It is revealed to me that your God is فقط.
إله واحد
One God
فمن كان
So whoever was
يرجو لقاء ربه
He hopes to meet his Lord.
فليعمل عملا صالحا
Let him perform a good deed.
ولا يشرك بعبادة
"And do not associate anything in worship."
ربه أحدا خلاصة
"His Lord is one, a summary."
موضوع وخلاصة الحياة
The subject and summary of life.
وخلاصة الدين والدعوة كلها
The essence of religion and the entire call.
قل إنما أنا بشر مثلكم
Say, "I am just a human being like you."
فالنبي صلى الله عليه وآله
So the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family.
وصحبه وسلم
And peace be upon him and his companions.
جعله الله تعالى في بشريته
May God make him among humanity.
لكنه بخصوصية
But it is with privacy.
وبعض الناس يجتزئ المعاني
Some people truncate the meanings.
فيقول لك النبي
The Prophet says to you.
بشر مثل البشر
Humans like humans.
هو قال الله تعالى قل إنما أنا بشر مثلكم
He said, "Say, 'I am only a human like you.'"
يعني ما في
It means there isn't any.
ما في بيننا وبين فرق
There is nothing between us and the difference.
ليش ما في الله قال مثلكم
"Why is there no God like you?"
الله قال مثلكم
God said, "Like you."
طيب أنت خلاص وقفت
Okay, you just stopped.
ما عاد في آيات ما في تكملة
There are no more verses, there is no continuation.
قل إنما أنا بشر مثلكم
Say, "I am only a human like you."
يوحى إلي
It is being revealed to me.
أنت يوحى إليك
You are being inspired.
يوحى إليك
It is revealed to you.
عشان تصير مثله
So you can become like him.
أنت مثله في هذه النسبة البشرية
You are like him in this human proportion.
So, homosexuality.
التي بيننا وبينه
"Which is between us and Him."
في نسبة البشرية
In the proportion of humanity.
أما في نسبة الخصوصية
As for the percentage of privacy
فإنه عبد الله المحبوب
Indeed, he is the beloved servant of God.
إنه النور
It is the light.
إنه السراج المنير إنه
He is the illuminating lantern. He is.
الذي يوحى إليه
The one who is inspired.
وهو الدليل المرشد على الله
And he is the guiding proof of God.
سبحانه وتعالى في علاه
Exalted and glorified be He in His height.
So, if...
قال بعضهم
Some said.
يفهم البشرية بهذا المعنى
Understands humanity in this sense.
المحجوب القاصر بينما
The veiled minor while.
تعال إلى أهل المعرفة والذوق
Come to the people of knowledge and taste.
أهل الإيمان يقولون
The people of faith say
لما يسمع قل إنما أنا
When he hears, say, "I am only..."
بشر مثلكم يسكر
Humans like you get drunk.
من لذة
From pleasure
هذا المعنى
This meaning
يا سلام كان
Oh wow, how wonderful!
شيخنا الحبيب أحمد
Our beloved Sheikh Ahmed
مشهور الحداد رحمه الله يقول
The famous blacksmith, may Allah have mercy on him, says.
في هذا المعنى له أبيات
In this sense, he has verses.
ما أحفظ الأبيات لكن معناها
I don't remember the verses, but I know their meaning.
Delight in it.
I will be.
هذه البشرية
This humanity.
النبي أفضل وأكمل
The Prophet is the best and most complete.
وأعظم وأجل
And the greatest and the most sublime.
وأقرب مخلوق لله سبحانه وتعالى
And the closest creature to Allah, Glorified and Exalted.
And created
على هذه الصورة البشرية
On this human image.
وأنا مخلوق على صورة
"And I am created in the image."
تشبه هذا الأقرب
This resembles the nearest one.
الأحب الأعظم
The greatest beloved
The term
عند الله سبحانه وتعالى
With God, the Exalted and Almighty.
فلما يعني
So what does it mean?
شوف لما في واحد
Look when there is someone.
مشهور في العالم
Famous in the world.
سلطان وإلا لاعب
Sultan or a player.
وإلا ما يكون من المشاهير الدنيا
Otherwise, they will not be among the worldly celebrities.
مشهور وكل أهل الأرض
Famous and all the people of the earth.
It means.
يحبونه ويجلونه
They love him and revere him.
وأنت تشبه له سبحان الله الخالق الناطق
"And you resemble Him, glory be to God, the Creator who speaks."
على قول أخواننا المصريين
According to our Egyptian brothers.
تشبه له جداً
You resemble him very much.
تفتخر بهذا الشبه
You are proud of this resemblance.
أو لما تفتخر
Or when you boast.
أو لما تمشي يقول فلان
Or when you walk, he says so-and-so.
أو لا شبيهه
Or its equivalent.
حسبتك هذاك
I thought you were that one.
She smiles.
وبعدين حتى يمكن لو حلق لحيته بشكل معين
"And then maybe if he styles his beard in a certain way."
تقوم بتسوي لحيتك زيه
You style your beard like him.
عشان يبقى الشبه هذا ما يتلخبط
So that this resemblance doesn't get mixed up.
الشبه هذا وتكون فخور
This resemblance makes you proud.
بهذا الشبه
With this resemblance.
صورة مثال بسيط جداً
A very simple example image.
سيد الوجود كله
Master of all existence.
إمام الكون كله
The Imam of the whole universe.
حبيب رب الوجود كله
Beloved of the Lord of all existence.
سيدنا محمد
Our Master Muhammad
الذي هو سيد على الملائكة
He who is the lord of the angels.
وعلى السماوات والأرض والعوالم
"And on the heavens, the earth, and the worlds."
All of it.
الشفيع المشفع
The intercessor who intercedes.
أنت بينك وبينه
You are between him and you.
مشابهة كبيرة
A big resemblance.
وأنف وفم شفتين
And a nose and a mouth with lips.
ويدين ورجلين
And two arms and two legs.
جسد وراس
Body and head
هذه مشابهة عظيمة جداً
This is a very great similarity.
هذه المشابهة سبيلك
This resemblance is your way.
الأعظم للقرب
The greatest of closeness.
لأنك يمكنك أن تتشبه به
Because you can resemble him.
ولو جعلناه
And if We made it.
ملكاً لجعلناه رجلاً
If he were a king, we would have made him a man.
وللبسنا عليهم
And we confused them.
ما يلبسون
What they wear
فكون هذا النبي
So be this prophet.
العظيم بشر
The great human.
هذا رحمة بنا وإكرام لنا
This is mercy upon us and a generosity for us.
أن نستطيع
That we can.
أن نقتدئ به
To emulate him.
كما يأكل فنثاب
As Phantab eats.
نشرب كما يشرب فنثاب
We drink as they drink, and we are rewarded.
نمشي كما يمشي فنثاب
We walk as we are rewarded.
نقرأ كما يقرأ فنثاب
We read like we read, and we are rewarded.
نصوم كما يصوم فنثاب
"We fast as we fast, and we are rewarded."
وهلما جر على هذا الحال في التشبه به
"And so on in this manner of resembling him."
قل إن كنتم تحبون الله
Say, "If you love Allah..."
So follow me.
يحببكم الله
May God make you beloved.
فتح الله لنا هذا ببركة هذه البشرية
May God open this for us with the blessing of this humanity.
طوى الله البشري
God has folded humanity.
الخصوصية العظمى في البشرية
The supreme privacy in humanity.
هذا العبد
This servant.
في بشريته
In his humanity.
إذا اقتديت به
If you follow him.
تنال الخصوصية المودعة فيه
It enjoys the privacy deposited in it.
ما هي الخصوصية المودعة فيه
What is the privacy deposited in it?
The belovedness.
أنهم محبوب الله الأكبر
They are the beloved of God the Most High.
ليس في الوجود
Not in existence.
شيء يقرب إلى الله
Something that brings you closer to God.
مثل هذا
Like this.
ما في شيء في الوجود يقربك إلى الله
There is nothing in existence that brings you closer to God.
صلوا كما رأيتموني
Pray as you have seen me pray.
لو طلعت العرش ونزلت
If you ascended to the throne and then descended.
You benefit.
لكن إذا اقتديت به
But if you follow him
يحبك رب العالمين سبحانه وتعالى
The Lord of the worlds, Glory be to Him, loves you.
قل إنما أنا بشر مثلكم يوحى
Say, "I am only a human like you, receiving revelation."
أنما إلهكم إله واحد
Indeed, your God is one God.
هنا نقول
Here we say
الخصوصية العظمى
The utmost privacy.
مودعة في البشرية الجميلة
Deposited in beautiful humanity.
للنبي صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم
For the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family and companions.
ذلك سر الله العظيم
That is the great secret of God.
الذي أودعه في هذا الحبيب
What I entrusted to this beloved.
وهو موصل إلى الله
He is a connector to God.
إنما أنما إلهكم إله واحد
Your God is but one God.
فمن كان يرجو لقاء ربه
So whoever hopes to meet his Lord
فليعمل عملا صالحا
Let him do a good deed.
ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا
And he does not associate anyone with the worship of his Lord.
علامة إيمانك
The sign of your faith.
أحبك ربك
I love you, my Lord.
علامة إيمانك
The sign of your faith.
وصدق إيمانك
And your faith is truthful.
وحقيقة إيمانك
And the truth of your faith.
أنك ترجو لقاء الله
You hope to meet God.
لا إله إلا الله
There is no god but Allah.
إن كنت مؤمن
If you are a believer.
وإن كنت متابع للنبي
And if you are a follower of the Prophet.
فإن لك شوق إلى الله
Indeed, you have a longing for God.
وترجو لقاء الله
And you hope to meet Allah.
وتعتقد وتظن لقاء الله في كل لحظة
And you believe and think about meeting God at every moment.
أنك يمكن أن تفد على الله
You can come to God.
سبحانه وتعالى
Glory be to Him, the Exalted.
وتعمل عملا صالحا
And perform righteous deeds.
أنت عارف أنك ستلقى الله
You know that you will meet God.
فستقوم بالعمل
You will do the work.
For the good.
هذه علامة إيمانك
This is a sign of your faith.
ولا يشرك بعبادة ربه أحدا
And he does not associate anyone with the worship of his Lord.
لا تشرك شركا أكبر
Do not associate partners with Allah in the greatest sense.
كفر بالله
He disbelieved in God.
وعبادة غيره
And the worship of others.
ولا تشرك به غيره
And do not associate anything with Him.
في مقصودك بالعمل من الرياء
Are you intending to work for the sake of showing off?
أن تريد أن تتقرب
You want to get closer.
بعملك إلى فلان
I am working with so-and-so.
أو إلى منصب
Or to a position.
أو إلى شهرة
Or to fame
بل يكون قصدك بعملك الصالح
But your intention should be in your good deeds.
طلب رضوان الله ووجهه الكريم
Seeking the pleasure of Allah and His noble face.
لخص الله سبحانه وتعالى
Allah, the Exalted, summarized.
لنا الدين كله
To us belongs the entire religion.
في هذه الآية
In this verse
وما نريد أن نطيل أكثر من هذا
And we do not want to prolong this any further.
في تفاصيل المعاني
In the details of meanings.
في هذا إن شاء الله
In this, God willing.
بيان ونفع كبير
Statement and great benefit.
To understand
هذه الآية الأخيرة
This is the last verse.
خصوصا من سورة الكهف
Especially from Surah Al-Kahf.
الله يجعلنا وياكم
May God grant us and you.
من من آمن بالله
Whoever believes in God
And His Messenger
ورجى لقاء ربه
And he hoped to meet his Lord.
شوقا وحبا
Longing and love
وتعلقا وخوفا
And attachment and fear.
وهيبة وإجلالا
With awe and reverence.
وعمل عملا صالحا
And he did a righteous deed.
وصدقا وأخلصا لله سبحانه وتعالى
And sincerely and truthfully for the sake of Allah, the Exalted.
إخلاصا تاما
Complete sincerity.
هذه هي النجاة
This is salvation.
هذه سفينة النجاة
This is the lifeboat.
هذا هو طريق النجاة
This is the path to salvation.
هذا هو طريق الحفظ
This is the way of memorization.
من الدجال الخبيث
From the wicked deceiver.
الذي هذه السورة
What this surah is.
وهذه الآيات
And these are the verses.
سبب للنجاة منه
A reason for salvation from it.
سبب النجاة من الدجال
The reason for salvation from the Antichrist.
كتاب الله
The Book of God
والنبي محمد
And the Prophet Muhammad.
الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم
May peace be upon Him, His family, and His companions.
لو خرج وأنا فيكم
If he leaves while I am among you.
فأنا حجيجه
So I am his argument.
ولما سئل عن الفتن
And when he was asked about the trials.
قال عليكم بكتاب الله
He said, "Hold on to the Book of Allah."
فأكثر الناس
So most people
حفظا من الدجال
Protecting from the deceiver.
هم الذين
They are the ones.
استمسكوا باتباع
Hold tight to following.
هذا النبي
This prophet.
And they requested.
لقاء الله لو جاءهم
The meeting with God, if it were to come to them.
الدجال وقال لهم تعالوا
The deceiver said to them, "Come."
آمنوا بي ولا سأقتلكم
"Believe in me or I will kill you."
فعل ما تشاء
Do what you want.
أخبرنا النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام
The Prophet, peace be upon him, told us.
أن الدجال بعد أن يطوف الدنيا
That the false messiah, after he roams the world...
It comes.
إلى المدينة المنورة
To Medina.
فتصده وتمنعه
So you repel him and prevent him.
الملائكة لأنه لا يستطيع
The angels because he cannot.
الدجال أن يدخل المدينة
The deceiver will enter the city.
ولا مكة وكذلك أجوج وماجوج
Neither Mecca nor Gog and Magog.
الذي ذكرناهم
Those we mentioned.
لا يستطيعون دخول مكة والمدينة
They cannot enter Mecca and Medina.
حرام عليهم
It is forbidden for them.
ما يقدروا يدخلوها أبدا
They can never enter it.
فيجلسوا على جبل
They sit on a mountain.
ويطل على المدينة
It overlooks the city.
يخرج إليه المنافقون
The hypocrites come out to him.
ويبقى المؤمنون
And the believers remain.
ويخرج إليه رجل
And a man comes out to him.
فيأخذه الدجال كما أخبرنا النبي
The false messiah will take him, as the Prophet informed us.
عليه الصلاة والسلام فيقول
Peace be upon him, he says.
تؤمن بأنني أنا
You believe that I am.
إلهك وكذا فيقول
Your god, and so he says.
بل إنما
But rather
أؤمن أنك أنت
I believe that you are.
الأعور الدجال
The false messiah, the one-eyed.
الذي أخبرنا عنك
The one who told us about you.
النبي صلى الله عليه
The Prophet, peace be upon him.
وآله وسلم استمسك بخبر
And may peace and blessings be upon him, hold fast to the news.
رسول الله لما يبقوا الأحاديث
When the Prophet of God speaks about the hadiths.
وكلهم مع الدجال
"And all of them are with the deceiver."
هل لدي خبر من النبي
Do I have news from the prophet?
About you
وإن لم يبقوا سنة النبي
"And if they do not uphold the Sunnah of the Prophet."
خلوكم لا تأخذوا سنة النبي
"Stay away from following the actions of the Prophet."
أنتم خدم الدجال
You are the servants of the impostor.
ولما يأتيكم
And when it comes to you.
بطرفة عين
In the blink of an eye
بتصفيقة واحدة
With a single clap.
ستكونون عبيده وأتباعه
You will be his servants and followers.
إنما أخبرنا عنك النبي
"The Prophet only informed us about you."
مكتوب بين عينيك
Written between your eyes.
أشوفها قدامي
I see her in front of me.
أخبرنا عنك النبي
Tell us about yourself, O Prophet.
Then he takes it.
فيقصه بالمنشارق نصفين
He cuts it in half with a saw.
ويمشي بين
And he walks among.
ثم يرجعه
Then he returns it.
So He gives him life.
أمر مذهل بالنسبة لنا
An amazing matter for us.
تؤمن بي الآن أن
Do you believe in me now that...
والله مازددت فيك
By God, I did not increase anything in you.
إلا إيمانا
Except for faith.
أهل الله وأهل اليقين
The people of God and the people of certainty.
لا تخدعهم
Don't deceive them.
هذه الخدع ولا تخدعهم
These are tricks and do not deceive them.
الأوهام ولا الأكاذيب ولا الغرائب
Illusions, nor lies, nor oddities.
ولا العجائب ولا التهاويل ولا التكنولوجيا ولا التغيرات ولا ما في شيء يخدعهم
Neither the wonders, nor the exaggerations, nor the technology, nor the changes, nor anything that deceives them.
كلام الله وسط قلوبهم وحب نبيهم واتباعه حشو أفئدتهم ما يمكن
The words of God are in their hearts, and the love of their Prophet and his followers fill their souls.
فيريد أن يتسلط عليه ثاني مرة ما يقدر
He wants to dominate him a second time, but he can't.
ما يقدر يمسكه ثاني مرة
He can't hold it again.
فمن ذلك اليوم وأمره في انخفاض في انخفاض في انخفاض يرجع إلى أرض الشام
From that day onward, his condition has been declining, declining, declining, returning to the land of Levant.
وينزله عيسى بن مريم ويدق راسه خلص البشرية من هذه الفتنة العظيمة الطويلة العريضة
"And Jesus, son of Mary, will descend and will strike down his head, freeing humanity from this great, long-lasting tribulation."
لا إله إلا الله
There is no god but Allah.
نختم بودكاست كهف بكفسلة للمعاني التي تطرقنا إليها في السورة كاملة في هذا البودكاست
We conclude the Cave Podcast with a summary of the meanings we discussed throughout the entire surah in this podcast.
ذكرنا أن الأصل من هذا البودكاست كان الإيواء إلى الكهف
We mentioned that the original theme of this podcast was seeking refuge in the cave.
هي الحصانة المعرفية
It is cognitive immunity.
هذا ما نطمح إليه حقيقة هو الحصول على هذه الحصانة المعرفية
What we truly aspire to is to achieve this knowledge immunity.
من الفتنة الظلمانية
From the darkness of temptation.
وإذا كبسل هذه المعلومات من أول السورة إلى آخر السورة
"If I summarize this information from the beginning of the chapter to the end of the chapter."
مصطلح كبسل هذا يعني الكبسلة
The term "kabsal" means encapsulation.
من كبسولة
From a capsule
نعم كامل كبسولات التي يأخذها الإنسان تختصر كثير من المعاني
Yes, the complete capsules that a person takes summarize a lot of meanings.
ولا غنى عن اللقاءات والمعاني والمعلومات التي ذكرناها
There is no substitute for the meetings, meanings, and information we mentioned.
إنما على وجه من الكبسلة
It is only in the form of compression.
الذي هو كتاب الله ومحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
Which is the Book of Allah and Muhammad, peace be upon him.
صلى الله عليه وسلم
Peace be upon him.
واتل ما أقوله
"And recite what I say."
موحي إليك من كتاب ربك لا مبدل لكلماته
It is inspired to you from your Lord's Book; there is no altering His words.
يحتاج الإنسان أن يكون مؤمنا بالله عز وجل
A person needs to be a believer in God Almighty.
ثم يزيده الله سبحانه وتعالى هدى ويربط على قلوبهم
Then Allah, Exalted and Mighty, increases them in guidance and strengthens their hearts.
ويصبر مع الذين يدعون ربهم بالغدات والعشي
"And be patient with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening."
يريدون وجهه
They want his face.
ولا تعد عيناك عنهم
"Do not turn your eyes away from them."
تريد زينة الحياة الدنيا
She wants the adornment of the worldly life.
زينة الحياة الدنيا يغتر بها الإنسان
The adornments of worldly life make a person become arrogant.
ويزداد طغيانا
And it increases in tyranny.
فاحذر من هذا وخلاصك
Beware of this and your salvation.
أن يكون في قولك
It should be in your speech.
ما شاء الله لا قوة إلا بالله
What God has willed; there is no power except through God.
أن يعود الأمر إلى مشيئة الله سبحانه وتعالى
That it is up to the will of God, may He be Glorified and Exalted.
إلى إرادة الله سبحانه وتعالى
To the will of God Almighty.
فهو القادر
He is the capable (one).
وبعد هذا الإغترار بالدنيا
And after this delusion with the world.
إن نجح الإنسان
If a person succeeds
فأن يكون حصانة من هذا الغرور
To have immunity from this arrogance.
تأتي مسألة مهمة وهي الزيادة في الدين
An important issue arises, which is the increase in debt.
and learning
والمكوث بين يدي العلماء
"And staying in the presence of the scholars."
ويكون بأدب
And it should be done politely.
والاتباع فيها مهم
And following it is important.
قل هل التبعات مهمة؟
Say, are the repercussions important?
تبعك على أن تعلمني مما علمت رجدة
"Follow you on the condition that you teach me what you have learned, Rujda."
ويحتاج هذا إلى صبر طويل
This requires a long patience.
ومع هذا الصبر وهذا التعلم
With this patience and this learning.
وزيادة في الدين
And an increase in faith.
يجد الإنسان
A person finds.
ظواهر الأسباب
Phenomena of causes
أو ظواهر الأقدار
Or the manifestations of destinies.
قد يستنكرها الإنسان
A person may denounce it.
وهو ما يحدث في هذا الفتن
And this is what happens in these tribulations.
يستنكرها الإنسان
Humans condemn it.
إلا أن باطنها قد يكون
However, its interior may be
فيه خير
There is good in it.
بل هو خير لمن
But it is better for whoever.
مشى على هذا المنهج الرباني
He walked on this divine approach.
الذي ذكرناه
What we mentioned.
بعد كذا يجد الإنسان
After that, a person finds.
أو ظهور حكم
Or the emergence of a ruling.
ينشر العدل
Justice is spread.
وهو كما ذكرتم قصة ذي القرنين
As you mentioned, it is the story of Dhul-Qarnayn.
وعلى الإنسان
And upon man.
أن يعود مرة أخرى إلى ذكر
To return again to mention.
أو تذكر هذا التمكين
Or remember this empowerment.
أنه من الله سبحانه وتعالى
It is from Allah, the Exalted.
وما على الإنسان إلا أن يأخذ بهذه الأسباب
It is only up to a person to take these means.
إلى أن يأتي
Until it comes.
الأمر الله يتعلمه
The matter is something God knows.
الله سبحانه وتعالى
God Almighty
زي ما ذكر الله سبحانه وتعالى
As mentioned by Allah, the Almighty.
أو ذكرت في الآيات
Or mentioned in the verses.
وكان وعد ربي حقا
And the promise of my Lord was indeed true.
ويرث الأرض ومن عليها
He inherits the earth and all who are on it.
إذا أردتم يا حبيب
If you want, my dear.
أو تكرمتم علينا
Or you have done us a favor.
أن نختم هذا البودكاست
Let’s conclude this podcast.
بدعاء يحفظنا
With a prayer that protects us.
ويحفظ المسلمين والسامعين
And may He protect the Muslims and the listeners.
and the viewers
فيكون كرم عظيم منكم يا حبيب
It would be a great generosity from you, my dear.
إن شاء الله ببركتي هذه السورة
God willing, with the blessing of this surah.
ومن أنزلت عليه
And to whom was it revealed?
نسأل الله سبحانه وتعالى
We ask Allah, the Almighty.
أن يحفظنا ويحفظنا
May He protect us and keep us safe.
ويغفر ذنوبنا ويستر عيوبنا
And He forgives our sins and conceals our faults.
ويفرج كروبنا
And may our worries be relieved.
ويعفو عنا تقصيرنا
And may He forgive us our shortcomings.
وما كان منا من زلل أو زيغ
"And what was from us was neither a mistake nor a deviation."
فيما تكلمنا به
In what we have spoken about.
نسأل الله سبحانه وتعالى
We ask Allah, the Exalted and Almighty.
أن يعفو عن ذلك
To pardon for that.
ويصفح عن ذلك وكله
"And he forgives all of that."
برحمته وبفضله وجوده
By His mercy, grace, and generosity.
ونسأل الله سبحانه وتعالى
And we ask Allah, the Exalted and Most High.
أن يحفظنا وإياكم
May He preserve us and you.
وندعوه بما دعاه به
And we call upon Him as He called upon Himself.
حبيبه المصطفى
The beloved of the Messenger.
صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه
Peace be upon him, his family, and his companions.
اللهم إنا نعوذ بك
O Allah, we seek refuge in You.
من عذاب جهنم
From the torment of Hell.
ومن عذاب القبر
And from the punishment of the grave.
ومن فتنة المحيا والممات
And from the trial of life and death.
ومن فتنة المسيخ الدجال
And from the trials of the false messiah.
نسأل الله سبحانه وتعالى
We ask Allah, the Most Exalted.
أن يجعلنا وإياكم من أهل الهدى
"May He make us and you among the people of guidance."
والتقى والعفاف والغنى
"Purity, chastity, and wealth."
سلوه فعر للخيرات وترك المنكرات
Ask him to strive for good deeds and abandon wrongdoings.
وحب المساكين
And the love of the poor.
وأن يغفر لنا ذنوبنا
And that He forgives us our sins.
وإذا أراد بخلقه
"And if He wishes for His creation."
فتنة أن يقبضنا
The trial of being taken away from us.
إليه غير مفتونين
To him, not captivated.
اللهم إنا نسألك
O Allah, we ask You.
أن تحفظنا من بين أيدينا
To protect us from before us.
وعن أيماننا وعن شمائلنا
"And from our rights and from our left."
ومن فوقنا ومن تحتنا
And from above us and from below us.
ومن خلفنا
And behind us.
نسألك اللهم
We ask You, O Allah.
أن تكرمنا بالثبات
To honor us with steadfastness.
على الهدى
On guidance
وأن تدفع عنا الزيغة والرداء
"And to keep away from us deviation and disgrace."
اللهم ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة
O Allah, our Lord, grant us goodness in this world.
وفي الآخرة حسنة
And in the Hereafter, there is good.
وقنا عذاب النار
And deliver us from the punishment of the Fire.
واجعل يا مولانا هذا العلم
And make, O our Lord, this knowledge...
واجعل كتابك
And make your book.
وسنة نبيك حجة لنا
And the Sunnah of Your Prophet is proof for us.
لا علينا
Never mind.
اللهم اجعلنا اللهم إنا نسألك
O Allah, make us, O Allah, we ask You.
بكل اسم هو لك
By every name that is Yours.
سميت به نفسك
You named Yourself with it.
أو علمته أحدا من خلقك
"Or did You teach anyone among Your creation?"
أو ادخرته في علم الغيب عندك
Or have you stored it in the knowledge of the unseen with you?
أن تجعل القرآن العظيم ربيع قلوبنا
To make the great Quran the spring of our hearts.
وجلاء هممنا وأحزاننا
And the relief of our ambitions and sorrows.
وأن تجعله حاديا لنا إلى الجنة
"And make it a guide for us to paradise."
ولا تجعله سائقا لنا إلى النار
And do not make him a driver for us to hell.
اجعله حجة لنا لا علينا
Make it an argument in our favor, not against us.
وافتح لنا فيه
"And open for us in it."
فتحا كبيرا مبينا
A great and clear victory.
واجعلنا من أهل القرآن الذين هم أهلك
"And make us among the people of the Quran, who are Your family."
And your special one.
اللهم أكرمنا بالإحسان في تلاوته
O Allah, honor us by bestowing kindness in its recitation.
وأكرمنا بحسن تدبره
"And grant us the honor of understanding it well."
وتأمله وفهمه
And contemplating it and understanding it.
والعمل بما فيه
"And to act upon it."
وإدراك جواهره ودراره
And the perception of its jewels and treasures.
وإشراقات أنواره وأسراره
And the radiance of His lights and secrets.
واجعلنا يا مولانا في كل أعمارنا
And make us, O our Lord, throughout all our ages.
مترقين في سلم هذا الكتاب العزيز
We are advancing in the ladder of this noble book.
حتى نصل إلى أعلى منتهى المعارف
Until we reach the highest peak of knowledge.
التي يبلغها عبادك وخلقه
"That which Your servants and creations reach."
وأكرمنا باتباع نبيك
And honor us by following Your Prophet.
مع تمام محبته
With all his love.
حتى نمتزج به امتزاجا تاما كاملا
Until we blend with it completely and thoroughly.
فنحيا على سنته
"Let us live according to His tradition."
ونموت على ملته
"And we die upon his faith."
ونحشر غدا في زمرته
"And we will gather tomorrow in his group."
اللهم اجعلنا محمديين أحمديين
O Allah, make us followers of Muhammad and Ahmad.
في أقوالنا وأفعالنا وأحوالنا وأطوارنا وتقلباتنا
In our words, actions, conditions, states, and changes.
وأكرمنا بخدمته وخدمة سنته ودعوته
And grant us the honor of serving him, his tradition, and his invitation.
وإحيائها في هذه الأمة
And reviving it in this nation.
ورفع رايته وحمل دينه
He raised his flag and carried his religion.
واجعلنا يا مولانا محض سرور لقلبه الشريف
"And make us, O our Master, a source of pure joy for His noble heart."
وارحم أمته وفرج كروبهم
And have mercy on His nation and relieve their hardships.
وارفع البلاء عنهم
"And lift the affliction from them."
وعجل بجمع شملهم ولم شعاتهم
"And hasten to gather them and unite their scattered ones."
وتوحيد كلمتهم
And unifying their words.
ورفع البلاء عنهم
And lifted the affliction from them.
اغفر ذنوبهم واستر عيوبهم
Forgive their sins and cover their faults.
واكشف كروبهم وعاملهم بالإحسان
"Reveal their troubles and treat them with kindness."
واللهم رد غائبهم
O Allah, bring back their absent ones.
وهدي ضالهم أقوم مع وجهم
"And this is their guide, I stand with their faces."
وأصلح شأنهم
And He rectified their affairs.
في خير وعافية
In goodness and health.
بسر الفاتحة إلى حضرة النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
With the Basmala, I invoke the presence of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
والحمد لله رب العالمين
And praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.
الرحمن الرحيم
The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.
أهلك يوم الدين
Your family on the Day of Judgment.
إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين
You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help.
اهدنا الصراط المستقيم
Guide us to the straight path.
صراط الذين أنعمت عليهم
The path of those whom You have blessed.
غير المغضوب عليهم ولا الضالين
not the ones who have earned Your anger nor the ones who have gone astray.
جزاكم الله خير
May God reward you with goodness.
نراكم في بودكاست آخر
See you in another podcast.
بإذن الله تعالى
With God's permission.
في أمان الله وحفظه ورعايته
In the safety of Allah, His protection, and care.
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