قوم سيدنا نوح وعبادة الأصنام
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قوم سيدنا نوح وعبادة الأصنام
سيدنا نوح عليه السلام
Our Master Noah, peace be upon him.
كان قوم سيدنا نوح عليه السلام كفاراً
The people of our master Noah, peace be upon him, were disbelievers.
يتخذون من الأصنام والتماثيل التي يصنعونها آلهة لهم
They take the idols and statues they create as gods for themselves.
ويسجدون لها ويقدمون لها القربان
And they prostrate to it and offer it a sacrifice.
وكان نوح مؤمناً بالله صاختاً على قومه الكافرين
Noah was a believer in God, angry with his disbelieving people.
أرسل الله إليه ليدعو قومه إلى الإيمان بالله
God sent him to invite his people to believe in God.
وترك عبادة الأصنام والتماثيل التي يصنعونها
"And he abandoned the worship of idols and the statues they made."
وكان قومه في ضلال كبير فتكبروا ولم يستجيبوا له
And his people were in great misguidance, so they arrogantly refused to respond to him.
أخذ نوح يذكرهم بنعم الله عليهم
Noah began to remind them of God's blessings upon them.
فهو الذي خلق لهم السماوات والأرض والشجر والماء والنبات
He is the one who created for them the heavens and the earth, the trees, the water, and the plants.
وهو الذي صورهم فأحسن تصويرهم
And He is the One who shaped them and made them beautiful in their form.
ووهبهم العقل ليفكروا ويتدبروا في ملاكوة الله عز وجل
And He bestowed upon them reason to think and reflect on the wonders of God, the Exalted.
أخذ نوح يخاطبهم بأن تلك التماثيل لا تغني عنهم شيئاً
Noah began to address them, saying that those statues would not avail them anything.
وأنها مجرد حجارة لا تنفع ولا تضر
"And they are just stones that neither benefit nor harm."
فكيف يعبدون تلك الحجارة؟
So how do they worship those stones?
قال تعالى
Allah, the Most High, said.
قال يا قوم ليس بي ضلال
He said, "O my people, there is no misguidance in me."
ولكني رسول من رب العالمين
"But I am a messenger from the Lord of the worlds."
أبلغكم رسالات ربي
I convey to you the messages of my Lord.
وأنصح لكم
And I advise you.
وأعلموا من الله ما لا تعلمون
And know from Allah what you do not know.
لم يطلب نوح عليه السلام من قومه أجراً
Noah, peace be upon him, did not ask his people for a reward.
ولا جزاء على دعوته
And no reward for his invocation.
وإنما كان يريد أن يعبد الله ولا يشرك به شيئاً
He only wanted to worship Allah and not associate anything with Him.
استجاب لنوح قلة قليل من قومه
Only a few of his people responded to Noah.
وهم الفقراء أصحاب القلوب الطيبة
They are the poor, the ones with kind hearts.
واقتنعوا بحديث نوح
And they were convinced by the words of Noah.
وأن تلك التماثيل ليست آلهة
And that those statues are not gods.
وإنما هي مجرد تماثيل لا روح بها
"They are merely statues without any spirit."
أما أغلب قوم نوح
As for most of the people of Noah.
فقد استكبروا وأخذوا نوحه إلى مدينة نوحة
They became arrogant and took his lament to the city of Lament.
وأخذوا يسدون آذانهم
And they started to plug their ears.
حتى لا يسمعوا حديثه
So that they do not hear his conversation.
واتهموه بالجنون
And they accused him of madness.
كما قال تعالى
As He, the Almighty, said.
وإني كلما دعوتهم لتخفر لهم
"And whenever I called upon them to forgive them..."
جعلوا أصابعهم في آذانهم
They put their fingers in their ears.
واستخشوا ثيابهم
And they covered themselves with their clothes.
And they insisted.
واستكبروا استكباراً
And they acted with immense arrogance.
تمسك قوم نوح بعبادة آلهتهم
The people of Noah clung to the worship of their gods.
التي أطلقوا على نوحهم
"Which they called their Noah."
وعليها أسماء
And it has names.
كما ذكرهم الله تعالى في كتابه الكريم
As Allah Almighty mentioned them in His noble Book.
حيث قال
Where he said
وقالوا لا تذارن آلهتكم
And they said, "Do not abandon your gods."
ولا تذارن وداً ولا سواعاً
"Do not leave any deities, nor Suwa."
ولا يغوثاً ويعوق ونسراً
"Neither Ghuath, nor Yauq, nor Nasr."
وقيل أن تلك الأسماء كانت لرجال صالحين
It was said that those names were of righteous men.
ولما ماتوا قام قوم نوح
And when they died, the people of Noah arose.
بصناعة التماثيل لهم
By making statues for them.
And their worship.
من دون الله
Without God
فلما كثر الجدال بين نوح وقومه
So when the argument increased between Noah and his people.
عرضوا عليه إن كان يريد أن يصدقوه
They offered him whether he wanted to believe them.
ويؤمن بالله
And believes in God.
فعليه أن يقوم بإبعاد الفقراء
He must keep the poor away.
الذين اتبعوه وآمنوا بالله
Those who followed him and believed in God.
فلا يمكن أن يجتمع رؤساء القوم
The leaders of the people cannot come together.
مع أولئك الفقراء المهدمين
With those poor devastated ones.
على حد قولهم وتصورهم
According to their saying and perception.
فردوا أنه كان يجب أن يتعلمون
They replied that they should have learned.
فرد عليهم نوح عليه السلام
Noah, peace be upon him, replied to them.
أنه لا يستطيع طرد الفقراء
He cannot expel the poor.
فليس لهم ذنب
So they have no sin.
وهم ليسوا ضيوفه
And they are not his guests.
بل خلقهم الله
But God created them.
وجعلهم يعيشون على تلك الأرض
And He made them live on that land.
حينها قال قوم نوح
At that time, the people of Noah said.
إذن اذهب بعيداً عنا
So go far away from us.
ولا تحاول أن تتحدث معنا مرة أخرى
And do not try to talk to us again.
لم ييأس نوح عليه السلام من دعوة قومه
Noah, peace be upon him, did not lose hope in calling his people.
وستمر في الدعوة
And you will continue to call.
إلى الله
To God.
ألف عام إلا خمسين
One thousand years less fifty.
وكان بطش قومه قد اجتد عليه
And the oppression of his people had overwhelmed him.
فكانوا يقومون بإهانته
They would insult him.
وسبه ورجمه بالحجارة
And he cursed him and stoned him.
كل ما أقبل عليهم
Whenever they approached them.
فحذرهم نوح عليه السلام
So Noah, peace be upon him, warned them.
من غضب الله
From the anger of God.
وأنه سيرسل عليهم عذاباً أليماً
"And that He will send upon them a painful punishment."
إن لم ينتهوا عما يفعلون
If they do not stop what they are doing.
حينها طلب قوم نوح منه
At that time, the people of Noah asked him.
أن يدعوا الله إلى الله
To call upon God to God.
وربه لينزل عليهم العذاب الأليم
"And indeed, their Lord will send down upon them a painful punishment."
إن كان صادقاً
If he is honest.
وأخذوا يستهزئون به
And they began to mock him.
ويسخرون منه
And they mock him.
فتوجه نوح إلى ربه قائلاً
So Noah turned to his Lord, saying.
قال نوح ربي إنهم عصودي
Noah said, "My Lord, indeed, they have disobeyed me."
واتبعوا من لم يزده ماله وولده
And they followed those whose wealth and children did not increase them.
إلا خسارة
Except for loss.
ومكروا مكراً كباراً
And they plotted a great plot.
دع نوح ربه أن ينزل عليهم
Noah prayed to his Lord to send down upon them.
حتى لا يضل باقي العباد المؤمنين
So that the rest of the believing servants do not go astray.
ولا ينشر الفساد والضلال في بقاع الأرض
And it does not spread corruption and misguidance in the lands of the earth.
قال نوح ربي
Noah said, "My Lord."
لا تذر على الأرض من الكافرين دياراً
Do not leave on the earth any dwelling of the disbelievers.
إنك إن تذرهم
"If you leave them..."
يضل عبادك ولا يلدوا
"Your servants will stray and not give birth."
إلا فاجراً كفاراً
Except for a sinful disbeliever.
استجاب الله لدعاء نوحٍ
God responded to Noah's prayer.
ووعده بإهلاك الكافرين
And He promised to destroy the disbelievers.
ونجاته هو ومن اتبعه من المؤمنين
"And his salvation and that of those who followed him from the believers."
وأمر الله عز وجل نوح عليه السلام
And Allah, the Exalted, commanded Noah, peace be upon him.
أن يقوم بصنع سفينة من الأخشاب
To build a boat from wood.
كانت صناعة سفينة نوح
The construction of Noah's Ark.
وفقاً لتوجهات الله
According to God's guidance.
وعلى مرء منه وبتعليمه
And under his supervision and with his guidance.
حيث قال تعالى
Where Allah, the Almighty, said.
وَاصْنَعِ الْفُلْكَ بِأَعْيُنِنَا وَوَحِّيْنَا
"And make the ship under Our eyes and according to Our inspiration."
وكانت سفينة نوح
And the ship of Noah was.
وقال قوم نوح يمرون عليه أثناء عمله في صناعة سفينة
And the people of Noah would pass by him while he was working on the construction of the ark.
فيسخرون منه
So they mock him.
لم يصمت قوم نوح
The people of Noah did not remain silent.
بل سخروا منه قائلين
But they mocked him, saying
لما تركت حديثك الغريب عن الإيمان
When you left your strange talk about faith.
وأصبحت نجاراً تصنع السفن والمراكب
And I became a carpenter who builds ships and boats.
هل رأيت أن ذلك العمل أكثر ربحاً من الدعوة إلى ربك؟
"Do you see that this work is more profitable than calling to your Lord?"
وتعجب قوم نوح كيف يصنع سفينة
The people of Noah were amazed at how he was building a ship.
وليس هناك سفينة
And there is no ship.
وليس هناك بحر أو نهر لتبحر فيه السفينة
There is neither a sea nor a river for the ship to sail in.
هل ستجري تلك السفينة على الأرض؟
Will that ship run on the ground?
كانوا يظنون أنهم على حق
They thought they were right.
وأن نوح على باطل
And that Noah was in the wrong.
وأن العذاب لن يقع عليهم أبداً
And that the torment will never befall them.
كما كان يحذرهم سيدنا نوح عليه السلام
Just as our master Noah, peace be upon him, used to warn them.
حينها كان يرد عليهم نوح
At that time, Noah was responding to them.
أن ينتظروا وسوف يعرفون ما سيقول بهم
They should wait, and they will know what he will say to them.
فيضحكون منه
So they laugh at him.
المجنون الذي يتنقل ما بين الرسالة والنجارة
The madman who moves between the message and carpentry.
انتهى نوح من صنع السفينة
Noah finished building the ark.
وكانت سفينة ضخمة هائلة
And it was a huge massive ship.
اختلف أهل التفسير في حجم السفينة
The scholars of interpretation disagreed about the size of the ship.
أو عدد طوابقها أو طولها أو عرضها وشكلها
Or the number of its floors, or its length, or its width, or its shape.
كم استغرق نوح في بنائها
How long did Noah take to build it?
أمر الله سبحانه وتعالى سيدنا نوح
Allah Almighty commanded our Master Noah.
من كل نوع من الحيوانات والطيور
From every kind of animal and bird.
والحشرات والزواحف زوجاً
Insects and reptiles are a pair.
كالبقر والنمور والجمال والخيل والأسود
Like cows, tigers, camels, horses, and lions.
والغزلان وغيرهم
And the deer and others.
ثم يدخلهم في السفينة التي صنعها
Then he places them in the ship he made.
ويقوم بدعوة أهله ومن آمن معه من قومه
"And he invites his family and those who have believed with him from his people."
لركوب تلك السفينة
To board that ship.
كما أمره الله تعالى
As God Almighty commanded him.
بتخزين أنواع الأطعمة والمشروبات في السفينة
By storing types of food and beverages on the ship.
ومن الحبوب واللعبات
From grains and toys.
والبذور والفاكهة ما يستطيع
"And the seeds and the fruit what it can."
ففعل نوح ما أمره الله به
So Noah did what God commanded him.
وبعد ابتلاء السفينة
And after the trial of the ship.
قام نوح بغلقها كما أمره الله سبحانه وتعالى
Noah closed it as God Almighty ordered him.
حتى إذا جاء أمرنا وفارت النور
"Until when our command comes and the light blazes."
قل نحمل فيها من كل زوجين اثنين وأهلك
"Say, we carry in it from every pair two and your family."
إلا من سبق عليه القول ومن آمن
Except for those upon whom the word has preceded and who have believed.
وما آمن معه إلا قليل
"And only a few believed with him."
وحين جاء أمر الله أظلمت السماء
And when the command of Allah came, the sky darkened.
وقامت الرياح والعواصف الشديدة
The winds and severe storms arose.
وتساقطت الأمطار بغزارة كبيرة
Heavy rain fell abundantly.
أخذت عيون الماء تتدفق من الأرض
The springs of water began to flow from the ground.
وأصبح الجو مرعبا
And the atmosphere became terrifying.
ففتحنا أبواب السماء بماء منهمر
"And We opened the gates of heaven with pouring water."
وفجرنا الأرض عيونا
"And We caused the earth to gush forth springs."
فالتقى الماء على أمر قد قدر
"And the water met for a matter already predestined."
وحملناه على ذات ألواح ودسر
And We carried him on planks and nails.
كان ابن سيدنا نوح عليه السلام كافرا
The son of our master Noah, peace be upon him, was an unbeliever.
حيث بذل معه الشهود الكثيرة
Where many witnesses made an effort with him.
لدعوته لعبادة الله وترك الكفر والضلال
I called him to worship God and abandon disbelief and misguidance.
ولكنه أبى
But he refused.
عصى الابن أمر أبيه وقال له
The son disobeyed his father's command and said to him.
سآوي إلى جبل وسأحتمي به من الماء
I will seek refuge on a mountain and protect myself from the water.
فحذره نوح عليه السلام
So Noah (peace be upon him) warned him.
أنه لا من جي من عذاب الله في ذلك
That there is no escape from the punishment of God in that.
اليوم إلا من آمن بالله
"Today, except for those who believe in Allah."
اجتدت الأمواج وارتفعت كثيرا
The waves surged and rose significantly.
فانقلب الابن وسط الأمواج
The son turned over amidst the waves.
وانجرف مع التيار حتى اختفى عن الأنظار
And he was swept away by the current until he disappeared from sight.
ونادى نوح ابنه وكان في معزل
And Noah called to his son who was in isolation.
يا بني يركب معنا ولا تكن مع الكافرين
O my son, join us and do not be with the disbelievers.
قال سآوي إلى جبل يعصمني منه
He said, "I will seek refuge on a mountain that will protect me."
قال لا عاصم اليوم من أمر الله
He said, "Today, there is no refuge from God's command."
إلا من رحم
Except for whom He wills (or has mercy on).
وحال بينهما الموج فكان من المغرقين
"And the wave came between them, and he was among the drowned."
وسارت السفينة وسط الماء
And the ship sailed in the water.
واستغرقت الرحلة أياما وليالي
The journey took days and nights.
يرتفع فيها الطفان
The flood rises in it.
حتى قام بتغطية كل شيء من أرض وجبال ومرتفعات وهضاب
Until he covered everything from the ground, mountains, heights, and plateaus.
ومات كل من على الأرض من ناس وحيوانات
And all the people and animals on Earth died.
وطيور ودواب
And birds and animals.
أمر الله تعالى أن يجف الطفان
God Almighty commanded that the flood should recede.
وقيل يا أرض بلع ماءك ويا سماء أقلعي
And it was said, "O Earth, swallow your water, and O Sky, cease."
وغيد الماء وقضي الأمر
"And the water flowed, and the matter was settled."
واستوت على الجودي
And it rested on Al-Judi.
وقيل بعدا للقوم الظالمين
And it was said, "Away with the unjust people."
حينها توقفت الأمواج وجف الماء
At that time, the waves stopped and the water dried up.
وتوقف الرعد والبرق
And the thunder and lightning stopped.
وعادت الشمس من جديد
And the sun returned once again.
فتاست السفينة على جبل اسمه الجودي
The ship settled on a mountain called Al-Judi.
حين توقفت السفينة
When the ship stopped.
فرح نوح ومن معه أشد الفرح
Noah and his companions rejoiced greatly.
واختلطت أصوات الناس والحيوانات مع بعضها البعض
The voices of people and animals mixed together.
وتوجه نوح وأهله إلى الله شاكرين نعمته
Noah and his family turned to God, thanking Him for His blessing.
ويحمدونه على النجاة من الهلاك والعذاب
And they praise Him for being saved from destruction and torment.
تأكد نوح من جفاف الماء على الأرض
Noah made sure that the water on the ground was dry.
ثم بدأ بإنزال الناس والحيوانات من السفينة
Then he started to disembark the people and animals from the ship.
فتفرقت الناس كل إلى مكانه
And the people dispersed, each to their own place.
وعادت الحياة مرة أخرى على الأرض
And life returned once again to the earth.
حينها نظر نوح إلى أبنائه وأهله
At that time, Noah looked at his sons and his family.
ووجد مكان ابنه فارغا
And he found his son's place empty.
تذكره وحزن حزنا كبيرا
He remembered her and felt a great sadness.
ودمعت عيناه ودع الله قائلا
And his eyes filled with tears as he prayed to God, saying.
فقال ربي إن ابن من أهلي
He said, "My Lord, indeed he is of my family."
وإن وعدك الحق
And your promise is the truth.
وأنت أحكم الحاكمين
And You are the best of judges.
حينها قال الله له
At that time, God said to him.
أن ابنه لم يعمل عملا صالحا
That his son did not perform a good deed.
حتى يرحمه
Until He has mercy on him.
فهو ليس من أهله
He is not one of his people.
بسبب كفره وطغيانه
Due to his disbelief and tyranny.
حينها خاف نوح أن يكون الله قد غضب عليه
At that time, Noah was afraid that God might be angry with him.
حينما طلب منه أن يعفو عن ابنه
When he was asked to forgive his son.
فاستغفر الله
So seek forgiveness from Allah.
وطلب منه أن يغفر له ذنبه وخطيئته
And he asked him to forgive his sin and his wrongdoing.
وأن يرد عنه
And to ward it off from him.
فغفر له
So he forgave him.
وناد نوحه
His lament and wailing.
فقال ربي إن ابن من أهلي
He said, "My Lord, indeed he is of my family."
وإن وعدك الحق
"And indeed, Your promise is true."
وأنت أحكم الحاكمين
And You are the best of judges.
قال يا نوح
He said, "O Noah."
إنه ليس من أهلك
He is not one of your family.
إنه عمل غير صالح
It is an invalid work.
فلا تسألني ما ليس لك به علم
So do not ask me about that of which you have no knowledge.
إني أعذك أن تكون من الجاهلين
I advise you not to be among the ignorant.
قال ربي إني أعوذ بك
My Lord said, "Indeed, I seek refuge in You."
أن أسألك ما ليس من أهلك
To ask you what is not from your family.
أن أسألي به علم
"To ask him is knowledge."
وإلا تخفر لي وترحمني
"Otherwise, forgive me and have mercy on me."
أكن من الخاسرين
I am one of the losers.
ثم أمره الله تعالى بتعمير الأرض
Then Allah Almighty commanded him to cultivate the earth.
هو ومن آمن معه
He and those who believed with him.
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