ميرهان كيلر:هناك مجال الآن للناس أن تتعامل مع مشاكلها النفسية بكل سرية.
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ميرهان كيلر:هناك مجال الآن للناس أن تتعامل مع مشاكلها النفسية بكل سرية.
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وترتاح عشان تتعافى
And rest so you can recover.
من أثار اليوم اللي قبله
From the effects of the day before.
فطبعاً دي حاجات إحنا للأسف
Of course, these are things we unfortunately...
ما كناش نفهم زمان ما كانش
We didn't understand back then.
الناس عندها وعي زي دلوقتي
People have awareness like now.
ما كناش بنفهم يعني إيه
We didn't understand what it meant.
ضرر نفسي مش شرط
Psychological harm is not a requirement.
مرض نفسي فيه ضرر نفسي
A mental illness that causes psychological harm.
يعني مش شرط يكون عندي مرض
It doesn't necessarily mean that I have a disease.
كبير نفسي علشان
I am proud of myself because...
أكون بتألم أو بتأذى
I am in pain or I am hurt.
أو مؤثر على حياتي
Or influential in my life.
فيه ضرر نفسي إحنا بالنسبة لنا
There is psychological harm for us.
بنحس إن إحنا لو تكلمنا فيه
We feel that if we talk about it.
ده معناه إن أنا ضعيف
This means that I am weak.
ما الناس كلها كويسة شميعنا أنا
Why is everyone good except for me?
ما تستحمل ما كل الناس عندها مشاكل
You can't bear that everyone has problems.
في الجمعة البالية إحنا متعودين
On the regular Friday, we are used to it.
نسمعها إني لو تكلمت
We hear it, if I were to speak.
عن مشاكلي الناس هتقولي
About my problems, people will tell you.
ما كل الناس عندها مشاكل
Not everyone has problems.
ويحاولوا يصغروا من حجم مشكلتك
They try to minimize the size of your problem.
لحد ما أنت نفسك تتجهلهم
Until you yourself ignore them.
وما تتعاملش معها
"And don't deal with her."
أنا ما بدأتش أتعامل مع مشاكلي
I haven't started dealing with my problems.
إلا بالزبط من
Except exactly from
وكان عندك كم سنة من 30
How many years did you have from 30?
لو بدأت تتعاملين
If you started to deal with it.
حاجة طبعا مش مقبولة لأي
Of course, it's something that is not acceptable for anyone.
بنا آدم يعني
It means "the building of Adam."
تخيلي الطفل أو أي شخص
Imagine the child or anyone.
شايل كل ده
Carrying all of this.
شايل معبي كل ده
Carrying all of this.
لحد السن
To the limit of age.
اللي أنت بتقولي عليه 26
What you are talking about is 26.
أو 25 أو 30 أو 40
Or 25 or 30 or 40
طبعا بيأثر على
Of course it affects.
العلاقات بيأثر على
Relationships affect...
حب الزاد بيأثر على احترام
Love for provision affects respect.
الواحد بنفسه بيأثر على
A person himself has an impact on...
أن البنا آدم لما بيفضل
That when Adam remains.
موقف يكسره يكسره يكسره
A situation that breaks it, breaks it, breaks it.
بيعيش في الحتة دي
He lives in this area.
بيعيش غصبا عنه مكسور
He lives broken against his will.
He lives.
It means.
بيعيش براحة بال
He lives in peace of mind.
طبعا لا
Of course not.
عشان كده احنا بنعمل البرنامج ده
That's why we are doing this program.
احنا يعني
We mean.
الهتف من كل
The chanting from everyone.
الكلام اللي احنا بنقوله
The words we are saying.
حد يسمعنا ويلاحظ انه مش محتاج يستنى
Someone hears us and realizes that they don't need to wait.
أنا مثلا
I, for example.
التجربات المررت بيها
The experiences I went through.
And certainly.
كمان انت يا مرهان كده
You too, Marhan, like this.
I felt.
ان القوة
The power
لها معنى مختلف تماما
It has a completely different meaning.
المعنى اللي انا اتربيت بيه
"The meaning I was raised with."
قلت ايه ده
What did you say?
هو انا لما
It's me when
اتكلم مع حد
Talk to someone.
اكون واسق فيه
I will be confident in him.
واوري نفسي
And I show myself.
يعني انا شايف ان احنا
I mean I see that we are...
اتربينا على
We were raised on
ان احنا
We are
نفهم حاجات مؤسسية في حياتنا
We understand institutional things in our lives.
In a way
زي ما قلتي عليها
Just as you said about her.
الدين حاجات كده
Religion is like that.
واللي احنا بنعمله ده
What we are doing here
ما هواش مخالف
It's not contrary.
For speaking.
الانتحاح عن المواضيع دي
The discussion about these topics.
مش مخالفة بس
It's not a violation, just.
لازم نتعلم ان احنا
We need to learn that we are.
الكونفرسيشن دي مع
This conversation is with
الحياة العامة
Public life
او رؤية العام
Or the vision of the year.
لكن دلوقتي
But right now.
ما بيبقى فيه حالة من الوعي
There is no state of awareness.
في حتة معينة
In a certain place.
الطبيعة ايه
What is nature?
والكورس الطبيعي هنا
And the natural course is here.
It spreads.
بكل حاجة
With everything.
فانا اعتقد ان الحركة
I believe that the movement...
النسوية الاخيرة
The latest feminism.
اللي حصلت في مصر
What happened in Egypt.
على ان
provided that
الديل اللي موجود دلوقتي
The deal that is currently available.
عنده وعي اكتر
He has more awareness.
منفتح اكتر
More open.
تعليمه بقى مختلف
His education has become different.
مثلا عن تعليم
For example about education.
الاجيال اللي قبل كده
The generations before that.
فبقوا فاهمين اكتر
They understood more.
اللي بيحصل
What is happening
وده فتح مجال
This opened a field.
من الناس تتكلم
Who are you speaking about?
في الضرر النفسي
On psychological harm
ومشاكل نفسية
And psychological problems.
And bullying.
والكلام ده
And this talk
كله اللي كنا زمان
We used to be everything.
We ignore him/her.
بنعتبره صار
We consider it to have become.
And he departed.
and jokes
ونفوش مشكلة
What is the problem?
فاعتقد دلوقتي
So I think now.
بقت حاجة ممتازة
It became an excellent thing.
واللي عجبني اكتر
What impressed me the most
في الحاجة
In need
اللي انت بتعملها
What you are doing.
تحديدا يعني
Specifically means.
بلادفورم للناس
Platform for the people
اللي ملهاش
The one who has none.
زي اي حاجة في الدنيا
Like anything in the world.
لما بتبدأ
When do you start?
بتوصل لشرايح معينة
You reach certain segments.
حكم حاجات كتير
It governs many needs.
سواء كانت اسباب مادية
Whether the reasons are material.
لشخص مش قادر مادية
For a person who is financially unable.
يروح لدكتور نفسي
He goes to a psychiatrist.
They consider it.
حاجة مش مهمة قوي
Not that important.
مدام مش عضوية
Since it's not a membership.
مدام ما عنديش مرض
As long as I don’t have any illness.
فمش مهم
So it's not important.
المجتمع بيحكم عليه
The society judges him.
ده مجنون
He is crazy.
ده مش طبيعي
This is not normal.
ده بيروح لدكتور نفسي
He's going to a psychiatrist.
يبقى ما نتعاملش معاه
We won't deal with him.
نبعد عنه
We stay away from it.
ففيه نبز مجتمعي برضو
So there is also a societal stigma in it.
إنما دلوقتي
It's just now.
فيه مجال
Is there a chance?
إن الناس تقدر
People can estimate.
بمنتهى السرية
In complete confidentiality.
أقدر أدخل مثلا
Can I enter, for example?
على الموقع فلاني
On that website.
هلاقي معلومات تساعدني
I will find information that will help me.
لما يجيلي
Whenever it comes to me.
panic attack
نوبة فزع
أعمل إيه
What should I do?
لما أحس بكده
When I feel this way.
أعمل إيه
What should I do?
إمتى أعرف إن الموضوع فعلا
When will I know if the matter is really?
بقى صعب
It remained difficult.
محتاجة أروح
I need to go.
لحد professional
Until professional
أتكلم معاه
I am talking to him.
ما ينفعش
It doesn't work.
أحتوي الموضوع بنفسي
I contain the subject myself.
فده حاجة
That's something.
اللي إنت بتعمله
What you are doing.
ده شيء كبير
This is a big thing.
ده foundation
This is foundation.
بيبدأ دلوقتي
It starts now.
وهيفضل سنين قدام
And it will continue for years to come.
هيبقى علي في كتاب التاريخ
It will remain on me in the history book.
يا رب أنا بس
Oh Lord, it's just me.
يعني والله
I swear to God.
مش على تاريخ
Not on the date.
أو على حاجة أكتر
Or for something more.
من إن
From whom
لما الواحد بيمر
When one goes through
In crisis.
أنا طبعا
I am of course.
يعني تربيت في
It means I was raised in.
سكة سباح
Swimming lane
يعني بصي
It means "Look at this."
I am
كنت بعمل هنا في نادي النصر
I was working here at Al-Nasr Club.
في نادي الجزيرة
At Al Jazeera Club
فريدة عثمان
Farida Osman
يعني إحنا تربينا
It means we were raised.
مع بعض
نفس البسين
The same bassine.
طلعت كواحد
I appeared as one.
He/she is able to.
واللياقة البدنية
and physical fitness
In a way
طبعا مرضية
Of course, it is satisfactory.
يعني بس
It just means.
Of course.
لما واجهت مشكلة نفسية
When I faced a mental health issue.
in an envelope
حصل في حياتي
Happened in my life.
أني نقلت كندا
I moved to Canada.
وما كنتش قادر
And I couldn't.
تقلم مع
"Trim with"
ضغوطات الحياة
Life pressures
كان عندي 17 سنة
I was 17 years old.
لاحظت أن كل الحاجات
I noticed that everything
اللي أنا كنت شايفها
What I was seeing.
جامدة جدا
Very stiff.
في نفسي
In myself
ما قادرتش توقفني
I couldn't stop myself.
على رجلي
On my feet.
يعني طبعا
Of course.
في سنة ونص
In a year and a half.
لاحظت أني
I noticed that I
خلاص يعني
It means "That's it." or "Enough then."
خلاص بقى مش قادر
That's it, I can't take it anymore.
I live.
وبفكر في أقار انتحارية
"And I am thinking of suicidal relatives."
والموضوع بقى
And the topic remains.
غزبا عن البناء آدم
Whether Adam wants it or not.
الحالات دي
These cases.
مش طبعية
Not normal.
يعني الحالات النفسية دي
It means these psychological conditions.
بتبقى أمراض عادية
They remain ordinary diseases.
الواحد مش عاوز يخف
One doesn't want to get better.
You remain.
أن العقل ممكن
The mind is possible.
اللي ما
The one who doesn't
اللي ما مرش بحاجة زي دي
Who hasn't experienced something like this?
ممكن يتوقعها
It can be expected.
أو ممكن حتى
Or maybe even
ييماجن it
Imagine it.
and this is why
وهذا هو السبب
عشان كده
That's why.
احنا بنعمل كمان
We are also doing it.
البرنامج ده
This program.
بس أنا مش عاوز أدخل
But I don't want to enter.
أوي فيه
It's there.
أنا عاوز أكمل فيك
I want to continue with you.
You (feminine)
أكتر حاجة
The most thing
أنا بحبها فيك يا مرهان
I love it in you, Marhan.
أنك ما بتخفيش
You don't hide.
أكتر حاجة
The most thing
بحبها فيك
I love it in you.
أنك بتتكلمي
You are talking.
وحتى لو
Even if.
You will lose.
حد عزيز
A dear limit.
For you.
لو بتعملي الحاجة
If you are doing something
على حق
وعلى حق
And it is true.
It means.
واسقة من نفسك
Confident in yourself.
وواسقة من
and confident of
ليه أنتي بتعملي كده
Why are you doing that?
Are you going to do it?
وما بتخفيش
"And you don’t hide."
إيه الحاجة
What is the matter?
اللي وجهتيها
The one you directed to her.
Because of
Your words.
بسبب صوتك
Because of your voice.
You took a picture of her.
أو كسبتيها
Or you won it.
عاوزة تشاوريها معنا
I want you to consult her with us.
The need
the one
funny enough
مضحك بما فيه الكفاية
اللي خسرتها
What I lost.
And I won it.
نفس الحاجة
The same need.
بس بشكل مختلف
But in a different way.
It means.
I am
بالنسبة لي
For me.
في حاجة كثير صعبة
There is something very difficult.
عادت عليها في حياتي
It has returned to her in my life.
قبل كده
Before that.
يمكن حلت عندي
It can be solved for me.
إحساس شوية
A little feeling
يعني عادي
It means normal.
إلا هيحصل أسوأ
Otherwise, it will get worse.
من اللي حصل
What happened?
توب عاد
Top returned.
لو حصل حاجة
If something happens.
أول مرة
The first time
مش مشكلة
No problem.
إركني حببتي
Park it, my beloved.
جنب أخواتك
Next to your sisters.
مش مشكلة
No problem.
The one who.
اللي زعلني
What upset me.
And scared me.
إني أخسر حد
I am losing my limit.
بسبب موقفي
Because of my position.
كان عزيز علي
He was dear to me.
أو أخسر
Or I lose.
كنت مثلا
I was for example.
أو فكراها
Or her ideas.
عندهم نفس
They have the same.
The level
من المسئولية
It is the responsibility.
على الأقل
At least
مش هقول الوعي
I won't say awareness.
لأن الوعي ده
Because this awareness
بيجي بوقته
It will come in time.
ما ينفع شدي حد
No one benefits from this.
أقول له
I say to him.
تقدمك سنتين
You are two years ahead.
وتبقى أزل
And it remains eternal.
كل واحد فينا
Each one of us
عنده مشوار
He has an errand.
وجيرني في حياته
And guide me in his life.
هيمشي فيها
He will walk in it.
يبقى عندك
It remains with you.
قدر من المسئولية
A sense of responsibility.
فلما ده بيحصل
So when this happens.
ببقى محطوطة
I remain put.
في موقف
In a موقف
إني أخد صف
I take a class.
أو شخص
Or person.
With pride.
ولا أخد صف الحق
And no one took the side of truth.
Its time.
بيبقى تريكي
It remains tricky.
بغض النظر
عن الموقف نفسه
About the same situation.
I am
ورد رأيي اختلف
My opinion was different.
دلوقتي عنه
Now about him.
حتى من كم شهر
Just a few months ago.
He missed it.
دايما بسيب الباب
I always leave the door open.
في كل الظروف
In all circumstances.
لكل الناس
For all people.
بسيب الباب
I leave the door.
For the opportunity
واثنين وثلاث
Two and three.
ممكن الشخص ده
Can this person?
أنا مثلا من
I am for example from
أربع خمس سنين
Four to five years.
لو قابلت نفسي
If I met myself.
هحبها ولا هستظرفها
I will love her or I will not find her amusing.
ولا حتى هقولها
"Not even going to say it."
How are you?
So I remained.
أحط نفسي
I surround myself.
مكان الناس
The place of people.
Of course.
إن هم برضو
They are also satisfied.
We see you.
في موقف معين
In a certain situation.
اتبنت عليه فكرة
The idea was based on it.
فبقى في حاجز نفسي
So there remained a psychological barrier.
بينك ومن الشخص
Between you and the person.
فسيب الباب موارد
The door will be a resource.
ممكن الشخص ده
Is this person possible?
is going
is going
هو نفسه
It is himself.
أو هي
Or she.
في حاجة حصلة
Something happened.
في حياته
In his life.
ممكن أنت جيت له
Maybe you came to him.
على الجرح
On the wound.
في حتة
In a place.
أو في موقف
Or in a situation.
عد عليه قبل كده
He has counted it before.
فلما حصل معك وجع
So when you experienced pain.
فالموضوع مش أنت
The issue is not you.
it's not about you
It's not about you.
And it is supposed to be
ما تاخدهاش
Don't take it.
إن هي
It is.
it's about you
إنه عنك
إحنا كلنا
We are all.
في السنة أو السنتين
In a year or two.
اللي فاتوا
The ones who passed.
اتحطينا تحت
You put us down.
ما كناش عمرنا
We were never.
في حياتنا
In our lives
We accepted it.
So it happened.
وحصل اختلافات
And there were differences.
في الرأي
In opinion
وحصل شد وجزء
There was a tug and pull.
حصل خوف
There was fear.
And tension.
وكل واحد
And everyone.
بقى مش فاهم
I still don't understand.
مين بيحصل
Who is happening?
وفي نفس الوقت
At the same time
سننا صغير
We are young.
تجاربنا على قدنا
Our experiences are in line with our capabilities.
محدش كان فاهم
No one understood.
إن دي هتبقى حاجة
This will be something.
كبيرة أكبر
Big bigger
مننا كلنا
From all of us.
ففي وقتها
At its time.
يمكن كان فيه غضب
There may have been anger.
بعدها بيجي
Then it will come.
اللي إحنا
What we are
من هو عليه
Who is he?
إلا أنا مش مبسوط
But I'm not happy.
إن أنت كنت
If you were
aggressive معايا
aggressive with me
أو عنيف في ردك
Or harsh in your response.
أنا فاهم
I understand.
عملت كده ليه
Why did you do that?
أو قلت كده ليه
Why did you say that?
I understand where you're coming from
I understand where you're coming from.
فهسيب لك الباب موارد
So, I will leave the door open for you.
It can.
we can
We can.
We appreciate.
نقدر نوصل
We can reach.
لحاجة وسط
For a middle need.
مش شرط
Not necessarily.
توافق على كلامك
I agree with your words.
مش شرط
Not necessarily.
توافق على كلامك
I agree with what you said.
بس نتعلم
But we learn.
نعيش في النص
We live in the text.
من غير
ما أنا أضررك
I do not harm you.
ولا أنت تضرني
"And you do not harm me."
That's all.
طبعا يعني
Of course, I mean.
بالنسبة لي
For me
It means.
I am
I'm a big fan of
أنا معجب كبير بـ
The command.
Indeed you
With empathy
الأجيال دلوقتي
The generations now.
بقت عايشة
She lived on.
psychological space
psychological space
It means.
The parents
My family.
Your family.
في عالم تاني
In another world.
حتى لو
Even if
معانا في البيت
With us at home.
Due to
The internet
Because of
ال social media
Social media
Because of
Their use
Their life
Their brain.
في حاجات
There are things.
Our age
ما هنفهمها
We won't understand it.
وفي حاجات
And in needs.
هم عمرهم
They are their age.
ما هنفهموها
We won't understand it.
بس أهم حاجة
But the most important thing
إن إحنا ندي
We are giving.
ال benefit of the doubt
the benefit of the doubt
زي ما بتقولي
As you say.
That's it.
إنتي قلتي
You said.
وحاوز ألمس فيها
And I want to touch it.
The wound
We touched.
على الجرح
On the wound.
ومش هدخل
And I won't enter.
قوي قوي قوي
Strong strong strong
بس يعني
But I mean.
ما تدخلش
Don't come in.
وإيه عم تدخل
What do you mean by entering?
مغرطة علي
It's boring for me.
إيه عم تدخل
Yes, I'm coming in.
في غرفتك
In your room.
هنا ياما
Here we go.
you're very vocal
أنت صريح جدًا.
بتستعملي صوتك
Do you use your voice?
قوي في
Strong in
domestic violence
domestic violence
وفي حاجات كتيرة
And there are many things.
قوي في
Strong in
إيه حاجة
What a thing!
You licked it.
في آخر سنة
In the last year.
واذر بقى عن نفسك
And leave the rest to yourself.
واذر عن
And leave it.
It means.
نفسية ناس حواليك
The mindset of the people around you.
ما كنتيش عارفاها
You didn't know her.
I taught you.
It means.
حجم الجرح ده
The size of this wound.
And I taught you.
إن ده
This is it.
محتاج يتلئم
It needs to be adjusted.
وتشتغلي عليه
And you work on it.
By yourself.
تشتغلوا عليه
You work on it.
and a little bit
اللي حواليك
Those around you.
The cloud
إنك تلئموا مع بعض
You match well together.
أنا عارفة قبل ما دخلنا
I knew before we entered.
على البرنامج
On the program.
وقلت لها
And I said to her.
أنا سافرت مع حد صاحبتي
I traveled with my friend's companion.
And we went.
We are pleased.
وده كان
This was
أحسن self care
Better self-care.
Our work
يمكن ده
This could be.
It means.
قريب قوي حصل
Something strong happened recently.
آخر سنتين
The last two years.
تامر أمين
Tamer Amin
يعني حاجات
It means things.
عمر وردة
Omar Warda
And wonderful.
يعني في حاجات عجيبة
It means there are strange things.
وأنا مش
And I am not.
Like this.
يعني حتى من كم يوم
It means just a few days ago.
هو يقرر
He decides.
بدل ما يبقى
Instead of staying
أفراد منفردين
Individual members
راح شاتر من السعيد
He went to Shater from Al-Saeed.
راح يكون
It will be.
والناس دي
And these people.
على فكرة
By the way.
الحمد لله
All praise is due to God.
It means.
الحمد لله
Praise be to God.
يعني هم ممكن
It means they might.
حتى لو نواياتهم
Even if their intentions...
ما ينفعش
It doesn't work.
إحنا لو هن
If we are going to
لو هنتكلم عن التعاطف
If we are going to talk about empathy.
في حاجات
There are things.
ما ينفعش
It doesn't work.
To deal with
And for the pain.
It creates.
يعني جرح
It means a wound.
يعني لما بيقول هو كده
It means when he says it that way.
بيجرح ناس كتيرة جدا
It hurts a lot of people.
وبيبقى جرح
And it remains a wound.
في المجتمع
In society
And a wound.
يعني أنا
It means "I mean."
أنا عارف أن الرايس
I know that the captain.
كمان طلع
Also came out.
And I speak.
وعلق على الموضوع ده
And comment on this topic.
ليه أن السعيد
Why is the happy one?
It means.
حتة مهمة جدا
A very important piece.
It means.
ناس مهمين
Important people
قوي في مصر
Strong in Egypt.
And people.
فعلا زي أي فئة
Really like any category.
وليها قوة
Her power.
الموضوع ده
This topic
ممكن يسبب
It could cause.
إيه المشاكل
What are the problems?
the one who
It is possible.
I faced it.
Because of
كل الحاجات دي
All these things.
وعلى فكرة
By the way
I am
مش بستقل
I'm not underestimating.
Of course.
الدرجة اللي أنت
The degree that you are.
ممكن تكون
It could be.
يوصلت لها
I delivered it to her.
إحنا مش عارفين
We don't know.
نفسية مرهان
The psyche of Murhan.
كانت عاملة إزاي
How was it going?
فمن برا
"Then from the outside."
أنا بشوف أن أنت
I see that you.
And you will be kissed.
And you became.
وإيه ده مرهان
What is that, Merhan?
ما بيفرقش مع حاجة
"It doesn't matter to anything."
دي واحدة قواية
This is a strong one.
وأنا عارف أن أنت
And I know that you are.
قوي أنا مش بقول
I'm strong, I'm not saying.
إيه اللي كان بيحصل
What was happening?
جوا أنا عاوزك تفهمين
I want you to understand.
لا كتير طبعا
No, of course not.
I am
إحنا زي ما قلت لك
We are just as I told you.
تعودنا أن إحنا
We are used to that we
We stay.
في مكان معين
In a certain place.
في مساحة عقلية
In a mental space.
مهما كان بيحصل لك
No matter what happens to you.
أكبر دليل عندنا
The biggest evidence we have.
عادي تلاقي أب
It's normal to find a father.
مثلا والأم
For example, and the mother.
يروح لعطش ابنه
He goes to quench his son's thirst.
ألم على وشه
A pain on his face.
وييجي لأكل
And it comes for food.
يقول له عاود كل
He tells him to repeat everything.
يقعد يأكل
He sits and eats.
والدموع نازل
And the tears are falling.
عادي بس بيأكل
It's normal, but he eats.
يعني الولد
It means the boy.
لكن بايز
But Baiz.
He has.
عنده trauma
He has trauma.
يعني الولد
It means the boy.
بايزة بايزة
Baisa baisa.
الماتور مش عطلان
The engine is not broken.
بتقول له
She says to him.
كل بيأكل
Everyone is eating.
By itself.
The repentant
إنما هو من جواه
It is only from his inner self.
فده نفس الوضع
It's the same situation.
أنا تعودت
I have gotten used to it.
إن أنا
If I am
وده للأسف
And this is unfortunately.
Because of
تجارب سيئة
Bad experiences
حصل فيها كده
It happened like this.
ما أنت
What are you?
إزاي بتتوقع
How do you expect?
السيناريو الوحش
The monstrous scenario.
إن هو اللي هيحصل
If it's going to happen.
إنه أكيد حصل لك
It surely happened to you.
قبل كده
Before that.
أو أكيد شفته
Oh, I definitely saw him.
بيحصل قبل كده
It happens before that.
فخايف إنه يحصل
I'm afraid it will happen.
With you.
فأنا تعودت
"I have gotten used to it."
إن أنا أبقى
If I remain.
أخد موقف دفاعي
Adopt a defensive stance.
لما حس
When he felt
إن فيه
Indeed, in it.
أو تهديد
Or a threat.
جاي حتى من بعيد
Coming even from afar.
لسه ما وصلتش
I haven't arrived yet.
بأخد موقف دفاعي
Taking a defensive stance.
بعمل كده
I do it this way.
أنا ده
I am this.
ده رد الفعل
This is the reaction.
أطول عندي
Longer for me.
فلما كبرت
When I grew up
ولما بقيت
And when I remained
الناس عارفة أنا مين
People know who I am.
ولما المواضيع كلها
And what about all the topics?
بقت للأسف
Unfortunately, it remains.
حتى لو حاجة
Even if it's something.
ليها علاقة بي
It has to do with me.
أنا ومثلاً
Me and for example
واحدة صاحبتي
One of my friends.
تخانقنا مع بعض
We fought with each other.
بقت في الميديا
It remained in the media.
تاني يوم
The next day.
في كل مكان
تتنفخ وتكبر
It inflates and grows.
ولقيت قصة تالتة
And I encountered a third story.
ما سمعتها أشق
I didn't hear it more difficult.
بيكده في حياتي
It means "like this in my life."
على حاجات عني
About things about me.
بقى بتتكتب
It remains to be written.
وده الواحدة
This is the one.
بيعمل لي توتر
It makes me anxious.
مش عشاني أنا
Not for my sake.
In order to
My family
مش متعودين
Not used to it.
على الكلام
On the talk.
أنا شخصية عامة
I am a public figure.
Used to
أن الناس
That people
هيبقى ليها أراء
She will have opinions.
سواء كانت كويسة
Whether it's good.
أو وحشة
Or loneliness.
لكن أهلي
But my family
مش زيي
Not like me.
مش كل الناس
Not all people.
جدها تخين
Her grandmother is fat.
وهو ده
This is it.
اللي بيقلقني
What worries me.
I am sorry.
لما يسمعه
When he hears it.
حد بيقول
Someone is saying.
كلام من النوع ده
Words of this kind.
نفسية والدتي
My mother's psychology.
أنا والدتي
I am my mother.
دخلت المستشفى
I entered the hospital.
جالها أزمة
She had a crisis.
والحد النهاردة
And the limit is today.
عندها مشاكل صحية
She has health problems.
بسبب الخضة دي
Because of this shock.
لأن هي
Because she
واحدة ست
One will.
في سنها ده
At her age.
الكلام ده
This talk.
ما تعرفوش
You don't know.
ما تستحملوش
You can't handle it.
تخيل والدتك
Imagine your mother.
والدت أي حد فينا
The mother of anyone among us.
احنا عارفين أمهاتنا
We know our mothers.
عاملين إزاي
How are you doing?
إحنا شعب كمان
We are a people too.
عاطفي بالزيادة
Overly emotional.
أكتر من بقية الدول
More than the rest of the countries.
فتلاقي الأم
So you meet the mother.
Are you afraid?
And it trembles.
من أضعف الحاجات
One of the weakest needs
So imagine.
اللي يحصل لها
What happens to her?
لما أنت
Why are you?
تشوف ابنك
Do you see your son?
ولا بنتك
And your daughter.
24 ساعة
24 hours
في 24 ساعة
In 24 hours.
على كل القنوات
On all channels.
في كل الجرائد
In all the newspapers.
في كل المجالات
In all fields.
بسبب حاجة
Due to a need
ملوش داخل بيها
It has nothing to do with him.
بسبب أنه
Because it is
من حاجة
From need.
مش عجباه
Not impressed.
من حقي
It is my right.
I complain.
أقول أنا مش عايزة فلان
I say I don't want so-and-so.
يبعث لي رسائل
He sends me messages.
وفيديوهات إباحية
And pornographic videos.
Outside of you.
أنا حر
I am free.
ده دي المساحة بتاعتي
This is my space.
مش من حقك
It's not your right.
تقطحي من
You cut from.
السبيس بتاعي
My space.
وتفرد وجودك
And your presence is unique.
بشكل فج
فلما تلاقي
So when you meet.
إن العكس
The opposite.
هو اللي بيحصل
It's what's happening.
طب ما هو
So what is it?
إحنا تعودنا
We are used to it.
إن الوحش
The monster
عندنا تعودت علي
I have gotten used to you.
طب ما بقيناش
What do you mean we no longer exist?
We'll see him.
يعني انت فكر
It means you think.
وإحنا صغيرين
When we were little.
والله فعلا
By God, indeed.
مساعد بقى
Assistant remained.
ده فتكر الحاجات دي
He remembered these things.
يقول أغنية
He is singing a song.
دابتوبة تخينة دي
This is a fat caterpillar.
أنا بالنسبة لي
As for me
دي أغنية مؤذية
This is a hurtful song.
جدا نفسيا
Very psychological.
For children
لأنك بتتريع
Because you are being sarcastic.
على الوزن
On the scale.
أنت بتتريع على الوزن
You are making fun of the weight.
ودي حاجة ما دحكش
I wish something wouldn't make me laugh.
فلما بيبقى طفل
So when a child is born
وبيسمع الأغنية دي
And he listens to this song.
فحابه يكرروها
So they want to repeat it.
في المدرسة
At school.
وإحنا كلنا
And we all
أهالي نضحك
The families laugh.
كأن الموضوع عادي
As if the subject is normal.
طب ما أنت بتحط شرخ
Well, you are causing a crack.
أدي قوي شرخ
A strong performance caused a crack.
في شخصيته
In his personality.
بعد كده
After that
يبقى ما عنده
He remains what he has.
ثقة في نفسه
بعد كده هتأثر
After that, it will affect you.
على مستوى الدراسة
In terms of study.
بعد كده
After that
لما هيتحول
When will it be transformed?
هو البني آدم
He is the human being.
بقى غاضب
He remained angry.
ولا مجرم
And no criminal.
ما نقدرش
We can't.
بقى نقول
Let's say.
أنت السبب
You are the reason.
إحنا اللي عملنا كده
We are the ones who did that.
إحنا اللي زرعنا
We are the ones who planted.
الحاجات دي
These needs.
So we reaped.
بني آدم
Children of Adam
أو بني آدم
O Children of Adam
بقى بيقرأ الناس
He kept reading to the people.
بسبب الطريقة
Due to the way.
اللي بيعملوا بيها
What they do with it.
للأسف الشديد
It means.
The conditions.
ده هو
This is it.
أنا بالنسبة لي
As for me
الفترة دي
This period
كانت من أسوأ
It was one of the worst.
فترات حياتي
Periods of my life
كنت لسه
I was just.
بتعافى من
recovering from
وفاة والدي
My father's death.
اللي عمري ما تعافيت منها
The thing I've never recovered from.
وراءها على طول
Behind it all the way.
You will recover.
من وفاة ديوجو
From Diogo's death
عز بني آدم عندي
The dignity of the son of Adam is with me.
وراء خبتتين
Behind two hills.
وراء بعض
Behind some.
قبلها كنت أنا نفسي
Before that, I was myself.
حالتي الصحية
My health condition.
صعبة جدا
Very difficult.
كنت في المستشفى
I was in the hospital.
في وضع صعب
In a difficult situation.
كنت عاملة حدثة
I was in an accident.
Before it.
فاللي هو كانت
So what it was.
زي ما بيقول
As they say
الأشهر اللي قسم
The months that divided.
الظهر البعير
The back of the camel.
ده last straw
This is the last straw.
إنت وصلت
You have arrived.
لأخرك بقى
For your sake, then.
فالناس بتشوف
So people see.
من بره
From outside.
And he remembers.
إن أنت
If you
It makes you tender.
ده مش حقيقي
This is not real.
And Instagram.
والسوشال ميديا
and social media
ده عالم تاني
This is another world.
أنا بس عاوز أدخل
I just want to come in.
في كام حاجة
How many things are there?
With you.
It means.
إنتي لمستي
You touched.
في كام حاجة
How many things are there?
في آخر
In the end
كذا دقيقة دول
How many minutes, countries?
أنا عارفها
I know her.
You are getting hurt.
أي نوع
What type?
وادر بقى
And stay calm.
In it.
عبر الإنترنت
حاجات إباحية
Pornographic items
And for the pain
دي حاجة
This is something.
ما نقدرش
We can't.
نغمض عينينا
We close our eyes.
For her
بس كده
That's it.
إزاي مرهان
How is Merhan?
بتتعامل مع المواضيع
You deal with the topics.
وأنا متأكد
And I am sure.
أي حد
Any person
He imagines.
His shape.
يعني شكله
It means his appearance.
How are you?
In the image.
اللي إنتي
You are the one.
بتزهري بيها
You bloom with it.
ومش عيب
And it's not a shame.
إن حد يحب
The limit of love.
أنا كنت
I was.
مودل في
Model in
أبر كرومبي
في أول سنة
In the first year
في كندا
In Canada
مش عيب
It's not a shame.
أنا بحب
I love.
The field
I am
ما بحسش
I don't feel anything.
That it
Of course.
The field
دي حرية شخصية
This is personal freedom.
I am
كنت فيه
I was in it.
And dear.
His house
The period
طريقة التعامل
Method of dealing
With you.
It means.
Do you see?
Forced or coercion.
It means.
مش طبعا
Of course not.
I am
بس حد
Just someone.
بيعتدي عليك
He is attacking you.
أو بيعتدي
Or it is an assault.
على حريتك
At your freedom.
The character
whether online
whether online
or in person
أو شخصيًا
بالطريقة دي
This way.
ردك الفعل
Your reaction.
والأي حد
And to what extent.
He listens to us.
تقولي له
Tell him.
أو تقولي
Or you could say.
for them
أو تقولي
Or you can say.
For her.
I say it.
أن أنا
That I am
أنا أسفة جدا
I am very sorry.
إنه هو
It is he.
قابل في حياته
He met in his life.
ظروف كتير بشعة
Very horrific circumstances.
شوهت مفهومه
You distorted his concept.
لحاجات كتير
For many needs
خلته بقى
I thought it was over.
بيحكم على غيره
Judges others.
وهو مش فاهم
He doesn't understand.
ما هو أكيد
What is certain?
هو نفسه
He himself.
أكيد حياته
Of course, his life.
ما كانتش حياة كويسة
It wasn't a good life.
وإلا مين فينا
Or else, who among us?
بدل ما يبقى بره
Instead of staying outside.
بيعمل حاجة مفيدة
He is doing something useful.
أو بيعمل حاجة
Or he does something.
He loves her.
أو بيستمتع بحياته
Or he enjoys his life.
أو بيفكر في الخطوة
Or he's thinking about the step.
اللي جاية
The upcoming one.
بيشتم في ناس
He's insulting people.
ما يعرفهاش
He doesn't know her.
وعمره في حياته
And his age in his life.
ما شافهم
He did not see them.
على خيارات
On options
And decisions
تخصهم هم
They are specifically for them.
مين يعمل كده
Who does that?
إلا إنسان حزين
Except for a sad person.
في حياته
In his life
فكل اللي أقدر أقوله
So all I can say is
إن أنا فعلا أسفة
I am really sorry.
إنه يبقى حزين
He remains sad.
لدرجة إنه
To the extent that
بيطلع ده
This will happen.
على غيره
On others
بدل ما يتعامل
Instead of dealing
معاه هو
He is with him.
I am.
I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that.
دي مش هتأثر فيه
This won't affect him.
في نهاية اليوم
At the end of the day.
أنا معرفش
I don't know.
مين الشخص ده
Who is this person?
ووجوده في حياتي
And his presence in my life.
أو عدمه
or its absence
مش هيدرني
He won't be able to support me.
ولا هيفني
"And it will not perish."
إنما اللي بيتضر
It's just that the one who gets harmed.
هو الشخص
He is the person.
اللي بيبضل
What remains.
عنده غضب
He is angry.
بيفضل يزيد جواه
He prefers to increase within himself.
لحد ما هينفجر
Until it explodes.
وعمره في حياته
And his age in his life.
ما يكون إنسان مقصود
No person is meant to be targeted.
بغض النظر عني
Regardless of me.
أنا مولا
I am a master.
ومش هو مش بيعمل معاي
And he doesn't interact with me.
أنا أنا بس كده
I am just that.
بيعمل معاي
He is working with me.
ومع غيري
And with others.
ومع ناس كتير
And with many people.
وهتلاقيه كمان
And you will find it as well.
في بيته عصبي
He is nervous at home.
ومع أصحابه عصري
"And with his companions, his era."
وفي شغله عصبي
He is nervous at work.
عمره ما يعرف
He never knows.
يوصل لحاجة
It leads to a need.
So I am
في الغالب
Most of the time
ما بمسحش التعليقات
I don't delete comments.
The bad thing.
On the contrary.
أنا بخليها
I will leave it.
علشان تبقى مراية
So that you become a mirror.
للشخص اللي بيكتبها
To the person who is writing it.
He looks.
He sees.
هو كتب إيه
What did he write?
ويقف كده قدام نفسه
And he stands like that in front of himself.
And he thinks.
ليه أعمل حاجة زي دي
Why would I do something like this?
هستفيد إيه من وراها
What will I benefit from it?
إيه الماسيج
What is the message?
اللي عايزة أوصلها للناس
What I want to convey to the people.
إيه موقفي
What is my position?
من حاجة زي دي
From a need like this.
هل ده يعبر عني
Does this express me?
وعن تربيتي
And about my upbringing.
وعن أخلاقي
And about my morals.
وعن الطريقة
And about the method.
اللي أهلي ربوني بيها
"What my family raised me with."
أو تعليمي
Or educational.
And my experiences.
في الحياة
In life
أهم من التعليم كمان
More important than education as well.
لو هو شايف
If he sees.
إن ده شيء يرضي
This is something that pleases.
برضو ده مشواره
This is also his journey.
وهيوصل للحقيقة
And he will reach the truth.
لما يبقى مكتوب له
"When it is meant for him."
إنه هو يوصل للحقيقة
He is the one who leads to the truth.
إنما أنا مش بمسحه
I am just not washed.
I will leave them.
كل واحد حر
Everyone is free.
في رأيه
In his opinion.
بما إن أنا شخصية
Since I am a character
عمال ناس كتير
Many people's workers
كهيبقى لها أراء
He will have opinions about her.
في ناس كتير
There are a lot of people.
هتعترض عن اللي بقوله
Are you going to object to what I'm saying?
وخصوصاً إن إحنا
Especially since we
بنتكلم في حاجة
Let's talk about something.
يمكن في بلدنا
It is possible in our country.
لسه الناس كلها
Still, all the people.
ما كانش مستعد
He wasn't ready.
ده أنا هتتكلم فيها
I will talk about it.
من عشان كده
That's why.
سألتك السؤال ده
I asked you this question.
عشان كده
That's why.
يعني بالذات
It means specifically.
حوالين أي حاجة
Around anything.
ليه علاقة
Why is there a connection?
بثقافة جنسية
With sexual culture.
يعني أنا
It means "I mean" or "I am".
بشتغل مع نور إمام
I work with Nour Imam.
اللي هي
"Which is"
mother's being
وجود الأم
she's a rock star
She's a rock star.
يعني أنا
It means I.
بتعلمت كتير
I learned a lot.
قوي منها
Stronger than her.
بتعلمت كتير
I've learned a lot.
قوي حوالين
Strong around
حوالين الجنس
Around sex
في الوطن
In the homeland.
The Arab
وفي مصر بالذات
In Egypt specifically
إيه اللي
What's going on?
You lived it.
من عيشتك بره
From your experience, outside.
وقراراتك بره
And your decisions are outside.
اللي محدش
No one.
له دعوة بيها
He has an invitation with her.
إيه اللي أنتي
What are you?
Did you learn it?
And yourself.
تشوفيه يوم الأيام
You'll see him one day.
And it is possible.
إيه سر
What a secret.
التغيير ده
This change.
اللي تعلمته
What I learned
أن كل واحد
That everyone
بيخليه في حاله
He keeps him in a state.
حياته هو
His life is him.
بتبقى أحسن كتير
It becomes much better.
مش حياة غيره بس
It's just a life of someone else.
It means.
الناس بره
People are outside.
لما بيشوفك
When he sees you.
بيشوفك بني آدم
He sees you as a human being.
مش بيشوفك
He doesn't see you.
حتة لحمة
A piece of meat.
وأنا عارفة
And I know.
أن التعبير ده
That this expression
الناس كثير
There are many people.
بقى بتستعمله
Are you still using it?
بس بجد
But really.
لو إحنا فكر
If we think
بشكل منطقي
In a way
في مادر نيتشر
In Mother Nature
مادر نيتشر
Mother Nature
and our bodies
و أجسادنا
إحنا كبشر
We as humans
أجسامنا دي
These are our bodies.
ما تخلقتش
I wasn't created.
أو ربنا ما خلقهاش
Or our Lord did not create it.
وتبنت كده
And it adopted that.
عشان يبقى
So it becomes.
شكلها حل
It looks like a solution.
إحنا أجسامنا
We are our bodies.
I was created.
عشان تبقى
So that you become.
علشان أستعملها
So that I can use it.
عشان أعيش
In order to live.
And it was shortened.
والأرض تتعمل
And the earth is being worked on.
ربنا خلق لي
My Lord created for me.
إيده عشان أمسك بيه
His hand so that I can hold it.
من حاجة
From need
وأبني بيها
"And I will build with it."
وأكل بيها
And he ate with it.
خلق لي رجل
A man was created for me.
عشان أقف بيها
So I can stand with it.
خلق لي
Created for me
The women
Their chests
علشان يبقى
So that it remains.
عندها بيبي
At that time, baby.
You eat it.
إحنا عبارة
We are just
عن مشين
About Machin
ربنا خلقها
Our Lord created it.
بشكل ممتاز
أنا سألت رحاب
I asked Rehab.
لما كنا مع بعض
When we were together.
بما إن إحنا
Since we are
بنفكر في المار
We are thinking about the past.
His visions
and philosophy
قلت لها
I told her.
Do you think?
الإنسان البداي
The primitive man.
اللي هو
Which is
الإنسان زمان
The human being in time
يعني أول ما تخلقنا
It means as soon as we are created.
كان الراجل والستة
There was a man and a woman.
بيبصوا البعض
They look at each other.
بشكل بيشة
In a manner befitting Bisha.
and nationality
لإنها عريانة
Because she is naked.
ولا كانت بالنسباله
And it was not for him.
حاجة غريبة
A strange thing.
ومش عارف دقي
"I don't know how to knock."
مجرد شيء
Just something.
مجرد جسم
Just a body.
So indeed.
إحنا اللي بنحط
We are the ones who put.
فكرة الجنس
The idea of sex.
في دماغنا
In our brain
With ourselves.
زي الكابسولة
Like the capsule.
الجسم ده
this body
ليه وظائف حيوية
Why vital functions?
كتير قوي
Very much.
غير الجنس
Gender change
لخصنا كله
We summarized everything.
في الجنس بس
In sex only.
ست بتردع
You will be deterred.
Her son.
بقى بالنسبالهم
It remains for them.
حاجة جنسية
Sexual need
مع إن دي أكتر حاجة
Although this is the most thing...
ربنا خلقها في الدنيا
Our Lord created it in this world.
حاجة ناتشول
Natural need
It means.
الحاجات ده
These things.
اللي أنا نفسي
What I really want.
أشوفه في الوطن
I see him in the homeland.
أنا نفسي
I myself.
You understand?
الكلام بشكل صح
Speaking correctly.
يبتدوا يفكروا
They start to think.
يشوفوا الكلام
They see the words.
ولا لا
Yes or no.
الغرض إيه
What is the purpose?
من أن أمم
From that nations
And countries
It continues.
ملايين السنين
Millions of years
إن إحنا نرجع
We are returning.
نشوف تاريخنا
Let's see our history.
نشوف غلطنا فيه
We see our mistake in it.
قبل كده
Before that.
And we fix it.
نشوف العلم
We see the knowledge.
وصل لحد فين
Where has it reached?
حيسهل حياتنا
It will make our lives easier.
ولا لا
Yes or no.
ونعمل تغييرات
And we make changes.
عشان يبقى
So that it becomes
منطلع لقدام
Let's move forward.
وبنستغل التطور
And we take advantage of the development.
And knowledge.
and awareness
بشكل كويس
In a good way.
مش نبتدل بقى
We won't change anymore.
في العصر الحجري
In the Stone Age.
75 مليون سنة
75 million years
And we say
That's all.
بس بنوصل
Just to let you know.
By God.
حس إن إحنا
I feel like we are
It means.
مش بس زي دي
Not just like this.
زي حاجات كتيرة تانية
Like many other things.
والله بتعلم
I swear I'm learning.
And we
شوية شوية
Slowly, slowly.
أنا حاس إن فيه أمل
I feel that there is hope.
وأنا عارف إن إنتي
And I know that you are
أكتر واحدة
The most one.
بتأهلي الإحساس ده
This feeling is qualifying me.
يعني إحنا
It means "We mean" or "That means we."
إحنا الاتنين بنعمل كده
We both do that.
عشان الأمل ده
For the sake of this hope.
حاجة نفسي
A necessity for my soul.
أسألك عليها
I ask you about it.
ودي حاجة
I like it.
يمكن شخصية شوية
It can be a bit of a character.
You (feminine)
أنا عارفك
I know you.
إنتي صاحبتي
You are my friend.
وبعزك قوي
By your honor, I am strong.
بس الناس كتيرة
But there are many people.
ممكن ما تعرفكيش
Maybe I don't know you.
اللي يشوف
Whoever sees.
صورة مرهان
Image of Murhan
على إنستجرام
On Instagram
It makes me cry.
ويقول دي
And he says "Di"
ما تعرفش ربنا
You don't know God.
Your feeling
You feel.
من جواكي
From within you.
I am
مش قصدي
I didn't mean to.
هولع نار في الوقت
A fire ignited at the time.
بس أنا
But I am
قصدي يعني
I mean.
هدي النفوس
Guidance of souls.
هقوم أولع
I will get angry.
في الإنستجرام
On Instagram
كل دلوقت
All the time.
هشوف أي حد
I will see anyone.
كتب تحليق
Books of flight
مش عجبني
I didn't like it.
She says.
يا ولا
Oh, wow!
اللي تحليق
The one soaring.
بس بالله
But by God
أنا مثلا
I am, for example.
I am
I sit.
And after.
ساعات كده
Sometimes like that
I say.
It means.
أنا نفسي
I myself.
أصلا أنا نفسي
Actually, I myself.
أبقى بيوم
Stay for a day.
The days
I am
أما جيلك
As for your generation
علي دبي
Ali Dubai
هقعد معايك
I will sit with you.
My mobile.
This is a desire.
And I will give you.
My mobile.
And I tell you.
you little
you little
لو عندك
If you have
تقرأ الرسائل
You read the messages.
My thing
For a duration.
عشر سوان
Ten swans
Your hands
I am
مش قادر
I can't.
اتخيل انا ممكن اشوف ايه عشان
I can imagine what I might see to...
يعني يدواك من شوية
It means "I just saw you a little while ago."
سكرين شوتز بتبعطيهم لي
Do you send me the screenshots?
اللي جارى لا ينكتب ولا ينقرى
What happens cannot be written or read.
يعني انزل انزل
It means "come down, come down."
مفيش خالص بقولك
There is absolutely nothing I'm telling you.
لا يمكن
It is not possible.
ما هادسز يعني ده عشان كده
What does this mean? Is that why?
بس انت
But you.
انا عارفك
I know you.
الناس الناس الناس
People, people, people.
انت احساسك ايه في نفسيتك
What is your feeling in your psyche?
من جواكي كواحدة حية
From inside you, like a living being.
بناء ادمة
Building Adama
بيبقى ايه الشعور
What is the feeling?
اللي بتحسيه او بتشعوريه
What you feel or sense.
في اللحظة دي لما حد يكون
At that moment when someone is
وقاصد ومتعمد انه
Intentionally and purposefully that he...
يشوف الحاجة من نصرته
He sees the matter from his support.
يعني يشوفك لابس الحاجة
It means he sees you wearing the thing.
وما يقول ان انت
And what do you say if you?
فلانة او علانة
So-and-so or what's-her-name.
تعرف ان انا والله العظيم
You know that I swear by God.
دايما بفكر في البني ادم
I always think about the human being.
اللي بيقول لي الكلام ده
Whoever tells me this كلام.
يا ترى اخته عاملة ايه
I wonder how his sister is doing.
بتعامل معاها في البيت ازاي
How do I deal with her at home?
والدته بتعامل معاها ازاي
How is her mother dealing with her?
الستات زميله في الشغل
The women are colleagues at work.
زميله في الجامعة
His university colleague.
بيعمل معاهم ايه
What is he doing with them?
لما انا بعيد عنه
Why am I far from him?
ومش بقابله ولا بشوفه
"And I don't meet him or see him."
ومدي نفسه الحق انه هو يعمل كده
"And he extended himself, the truth is that he does this."
فالشخص ده
This person
بيدر كم بني ادم تاني
"How many human beings have been created?"
وللأسف هو ده السبب يا علي
Unfortunately, that's the reason, Ali.
ان الاحصائيات عندنا في مصر
The statistics we have in Egypt.
بالرقم المفزع ده
With this terrifying number.
انه اكتر من 93% من الستات
More than 93% of women.
يعني انا حتى مش قادر اقول
I mean, I can't even say.
99% اللي هو الرقم بتعدي طول ده
99% is the number that exceeds this length.
99% من الستات في مصر
99% of women in Egypt
هتداق عليهم جنسية
They will have their nationality revoked.
بيقما بالاغتصاب
He is committing rape.
بيقما باللمس
It touches.
بيقما بالكلام
He gets carried away with the talk.
بيقما اي حقات جنسية
There are no sexual rights.
فده بقى انت تفهمولي
So you understand me now?
فيه منطق صح
There is some correct logic in it.
منين انت معترض على لبسي
Where are you objecting to my clothing from?
وشايف ان لبسي
And I see that my clothes...
ومنين انت بتتحرش
Where are you harassing from?
لو انت هتدعي الفضيلة
If you are going to invoke virtue.
وانت انسان محترم
And you are a respectable person.
ومش عجبك الحال المايل ومش عجبك اللبس
You don't like the crooked situation, and you don't like the clothes.
يبقى مفروض مايعجبكش التحرش
It should be assumed that you don't like harassment.
طب لما انت مش بتتحرش
So when you're not harassing?
مين التسعة وتسعين في المائة
Who are the ninety-nine percent?
ده بقى السؤال اللي انا بسأله الكل
This is the question that I ask everyone.
مش عجبك الحال المايل
Aren't you bothered by the crooked situation?
انا مش بتحرش
I am not harassing.
انا بعملش حاجة
I am not doing anything.
انا عمري في حياتي مع كس تبين
I am at an age in my life with a clear view.
انا عمري بقى طب طب نحسة واحدة
I am old, just one cursed year left.
او مال مين
Whose money is it?
مين اللي بيحكس
Who is the one who is gossiping?
تسعة وتسعين في المائة
Ninety-nine percent
مينكو كداب
Minko is a liar.
وانا انا انا مش قادر
And I, I, I can't.
انا انا
I am I.
في حتة بسيطة جدا كراجل
In a very simple way, as a man.
مشيت فيها
I walked in it.
I felt.
اني مش مرتاح نفسيا
I am not mentally at ease.
والاحساس ده
And that feeling.
انا ما بحبوش
I don't like him.
يعني مش هقولك اني بترعب منه بس بيبقى احساس
I mean, I won't say that I'm terrified of him, but it's just a feeling.
سوري في اللفظ
Slightly confusing in wording.
قذر يعني بيبقى احساس
"Dirty means it feels"
يعني زفت ببقى ماشي اللواء
It means "the asphalt is there, I keep going, the flag"
واخر مرة حسيته بصراحة كان
And the last time I felt it, honestly, was...
يعني كنت
It means I was.
يعني ماشي في سيتي معروفة
It means "I am walking in a well-known city."
قوي يعني في داونتاون الي
It means strong, as in downtown.
يعني وحسيت اني كنت
I mean, I felt that I was...
بالليل ما بس
At night, I don't just...
فانا مش قادر اتخيل
I can't imagine.
او على فكرة كنت بكلم مع اخوي في النقطة
Oh, by the way, I was talking to my brother about the point.
ويت ويت ويت
Wet wet wet
انت رحت داونتاون الي
You went downtown.
رحت في جان في يناير
I went to a place in January.
عشان كان في كونفرنس بودكاستن
Because there was a podcast conference.
اما لا تعلمت كل ده ازاي
But how did you learn all of this?
دميون انت حرية يا بابا
Damion, you are freedom, oh Dad.
من حد يروح وست بلد في روس انجلس
Who would go to Westwood in Los Angeles?
لا لا لا انا بقولك
No, no, no, I'm telling you.
انا كنت ماشي في الشارع
I was walking in the street.
ولكي انت اتخالي
And for you, you think.
مش بس انا متعود على هوملس
I'm not the only one used to the homeless.
انا عايش في تورونتو
I live in Toronto.
واحنا في مصر عندنا ناس كتير قوي
In Egypt, we have a lot of people.
ما عندهاش بيوت
She doesn't have houses.
وما فيش يعيب في الموضوع دا
And there's nothing wrong with that issue.
بس اني اشوف ناس
But I see people.
بتتعاطى مخدرات
Are you using drugs?
يمكن معدل
It can be average.
ايوة ما ده انا اقصده
Yes, that's exactly what I mean.
انا حد مثلا جي ماشي ورايا
"I am someone, for example, who is walking behind me."
وانا كان الوتيل
And I was the pillow.
وانا بتكلم ان انا لو كنت بنت
And I'm saying that if I were a girl.
في الحالة دي في النطاق
In this case, it is within scope.
اللي احنا بنتكلم فيه دا
What we are talking about now.
مثلا كان معايا ولاع
For example, I had a lighter with me.
او واحد صاحبي كان معايا ولاع
Or a friend of mine was with me and played.
انا انت عشان حد يمشي وراك
I am not you so that someone can follow you.
عشان عاوز حاجة والشخص دا
Because I want something and this person.
هو مش
He is not.
مش نظيف بس الشخص دا انت مش عارف
He's not clean, but you don't know this person.
رد فعله يعمل ازاي
How does his reaction work?
عشان عنده كمويات في دماغه
Because he has chemicals in his brain.
ما هو الادمان
What is addiction?
مراد نفسي يعني
It means "my desired self."
اللي انا عاوز اقوله
What I want to say
ان عدم الاحساس بالامان
The lack of feeling safe.
بأي صفة ما
In any capacity at all.
دي حاجة
This is something.
بتخلي البناء ادم
It makes the building Adam.
مش مؤهل
Not qualified.
مش عنده حاجات البدائية
He doesn't have primitive things.
ان هو التكوين
It is the formation.
ان هو يأهل نفسه
He is qualifying himself.
يمكن اخر حاجة عاوز اكلم
I can talk about anything else.
يمكن هسالها لك يا مرهان
I can ask her for you, Marhan.
انتي ايه
What are you?
ايه مكوناتك
What are your ingredients?
النفسية لو دا اصلا
The psychology if this is actually.
له معنى انك تأهلي نفسك
It means that you are qualifying yourself.
بتكوني نفسك ازاي
How are you being yourself?
او بتأهلي نفسك ازاي
How do you qualify yourself?
ايه الحاجات اللي بتعمليها
What are the things that you do?
كل يوم
Every day
ازبوعيا كل سنة
Once a week every year.
ما ينفعش بقى تستغني
You can't afford to do without it anymore.
عنها عشان تبقي المرهان
About her so that you can be the broker.
اللي انتي بتحلمي
What you are dreaming of.
تبقاها او المرهان
You stay with her or the bet.
اللي نفسيا
the one who is psychological
You keep it.
You adore her.
بتعشقي انك تعيشي في المرهان
You love to live in the challenge.
او بطاقة المرهان دي
Or this betting card.
عشان كلنا عندنا
Because we all have it.
الحلم ان احنا عاوزين نبقى شخص
The dream is that we want to be someone.
والحلم دا اصلا ان احنا مش نبقى
And the dream is that we don't become...
الشخص دا ان احنا نعيش
This person wants us to live.
في الرياليتي بتاعة الشخص دا
In this person's reality.
ازاي بتأهلي مرهان انها تعيش
How do you prepare Marhan for living?
في الرياليتي بتاعة الشخص دا
In the reality of this person.
انا دلوقتي بحاول
I am currently trying.
مرة لنفسي ان مش كل حاجة
"One time for myself, that not everything..."
في حياتي اقدر اتحكم فيها
In my life, I can control it.
لان هو دا
Because this is it.
من اكبر الاسباب اللي كانت بتخلي
One of the biggest reasons that used to make...
نفسيتي سيئة. اني بحس اني ما عنديش على حاجة مش عارفة اتحكم.
My mental state is bad. I feel like I have no control over anything.
في حاجات كتير وحشة بتحصل وانا مش عارفة اوقافها او مش عارفة
There are a lot of bad things happening, and I don't know how to stop them or I don't know.
امنعها. احنا لازم نفهم ان في حاجة اسمها عدالة على الارض وفي
Prevent her. We must understand that there is something called justice on earth and in
حاجة اسمها عدالة الهية. في عدالة كونية وفي عدالة انسانية
There is something called divine justice. There is cosmic justice and there is human justice.
وعدالة كونية وعدالة الهية. انا كانسان عندي خدود مقدرة.
Cosmic justice and divine justice. As a human, I have valued boundaries.
اقدر اعلم اقدر اوعي اقدر اقول لغيري اوافيت غيري بتجربتي.
I can teach, I can warn, I can tell others, I fulfilled my experience for others.
هم. لكن ما اقدرش اغير الواقع. اوقات ما اقدرش اعمل فيها حاجة.
They are. But I can't change reality. Sometimes I can't do anything in them.
وده مش معناه ان انا فشلت او مش معناه ان كده الحياة وقفت
This doesn't mean that I have failed or that life has come to a halt.
خالص. على فكرة انا كنت واحدة من الناس اللي بقول اه ممكن الواحد
Of course. By the way, I was one of those people who said yes, maybe one can...
يتدايق او يتعب نفسيا شوية لكن مستحيل يوصل لكزا. كنت من الناس
He feels a bit distressed or exhausted mentally, but it's impossible for him to reach that point. You were one of the people.
دي. لقول لا مستحيل ان شخص اه يقول ان هو كان
"Yes. It is impossible for someone to say that he was."
نفسيته تعبانة فارتكب جريمة. اه. مسعى. اه. او مستحيل ان حد
His mentality is tired, so he committed a crime. Oh. Striving. Oh. Or it's impossible for anyone.
يكون اه حالته النفسية وحشة فيقتل نفسه. لحد ما ما تخطط في
His mental state is so bad that he kills himself. Until you plan it.
نفس المنقص. صح. انت عارف حدود نفسك وعارف ان انت قوي وعارف
The same deficiency. Right. You know your limits and you know that you are strong and you know.
لكن في اللحزة دي بيبقى مفيش مخك بيعطب ما بياخدش قرارات
But at that moment, your brain is not functioning; you don't make decisions.
سليمة. صح. بيحصل حاجة ما بتعرفش تاخد قرارات سليمة. الناس
Salima. Right. Something happens, and you can't make sound decisions. People.
كتير كتقول يعني ما كنتش بتفكر ايه اهلك يا برد فيها
Many say that you weren't thinking about what your parents would feel about it.
اليوم ايه لو حصل لك حاجة هيزعلوا عليك. الشخص اللي بيوصل
Today, if something happens to you, they will be sad for you. The person who delivers.
للمرحلة دي ما بيفكرش في الكلام ده نهائي. فهو بيبقى شايف
At this stage, he doesn't think about that at all. He sees it...
بالعكس. بيبقى شايف من خروجه هيبقى احسن ليه واحسن للناس.
On the contrary. He will see that leaving will be better for him and better for the people.
لانه بيبقى فاكر ان هو لوحده. ما بيش حد مهتم. صح. فساعتها
Because he thinks he is alone. No one cares. Right? So at that time...
بتديت اقول اوكي. هنا لو انا حاسس ان انا بقيت خطر على نفسي. مش
I started to say okay. Here, if I feel like I'm becoming a danger to myself. No.
قادر اخد قرارات سليمة. احساسي بالحزن او احساسي بالزعل بقى
I can make sound decisions. My feeling of sadness or my feeling of upset has become.
كبير. يبقى ساعتها لازم يا اما اقعد مع شخص في المجال ده في
It's big. At that time, I either have to sit with someone in this field or...
المجال الطب النفسي او الهلاج النفسي او التأهيل. اه يا اما
The field is psychiatry or psychological therapy or rehabilitation. Oh, mother.
يكون عندي شخص اصدق فيه اتكلم معي. عشان ما حاسس اني لوحدي.
I want to have someone I can trust to talk to me, so I don't feel alone.
وافهم ان في ناس كتير جدا تحب تتسمعني وتتكلم معي. انت مش
"And I understand that there are a lot of people who love to listen to me and talk to me. You are not."
لوحدك. كلنا بيبقى بنوصل لنقطة صودة. للاسف وبنحتاج حد يشد
You are alone. We all reach a dark point, unfortunately, and we need someone to pull us up.
دينا وبنحتاج حد ينور لنا. اه.
Dina, and we need someone to enlighten us. Yes.
الطريقة عشان نبقى فاهمين ان لسه في امل. فانا الحمد لله من
The way to understand that there is still hope. So, thank God I am from...
حسن حظي ان عندي اصحاب عندهم واعي. عندي انت عندي رحاب عندي
I am lucky to have friends who are aware. I have you, I have Rehab, I have...
باسم عندي ناس كتير جدا باسق فيهم. عندهم واعي وعندهم فهم.
I have a lot of people I trust very much. They have awareness and understanding.
بيعرفوا يعني ايه يعني ايه ضرر نفسي وبأثروا ايه على الناس.
They know what psychological harm means and how it affects people.
فبيعرفوا يقدموني الدعم النفسي اللي انا محتاجها. اه. وده اللي
"They know how to provide me with the psychological support that I need. Yes. And this is what..."
لازم كلنا نعمله. واللي مش عنده. اللي مش عنده حد دي
We all have to do it. And those who don't have anyone, those who don't have anyone at all.
يقدر يقدم له الدعم النفسي ده. هو ده الغرض. اللي احنا بنتكلم
He can provide him with this psychological support. That is the purpose. That's what we are talking about.
انا وانت دلوقتي بسببه. ان احنا نوفر لهم المكان ده. يعرف ان هنا
You and I are here because of it. That we provide them with this place. He knows that here.
اقدر ادخل اخد معلومات. من غير ما اتكلم مع حد. لو انا مش مستعد
I can go in and take information without talking to anyone if I'm not ready.
نفسيا لنتكلم مع حد. اخد وقتي. واحدة واحدة وتنفس. وبكرا هي
Psychologically, let's talk to someone. Take my time. One step at a time and breathe. Tomorrow is it.
بقى احسن. او التأمل انا كنت زمان ما بصدقش الكلام ده وبقول
It got better. Or meditation, I used to not believe in this at all and I would say...
موضعة وقت. لكن فعلا بيفيد كتير كده.
It's a waste of time. But it really helps a lot like this.
خصوصا ان احنا بننسى نتنفس كويس. احنا بنتنفس عشان نعيش. نفس
Especially since we forget to breathe well. We breathe to live. Breath.
سريعة. مش بناخد وقتنا نتنفس ونحس باعضاء جسمنا فين بيوجع فين
Quick. We don't take our time to breathe and feel where our body hurts.
مرتاح فين. ده برضو اسمه حب الزيت. مش الحاجة وحشة. مش معناها ان
Where are you comfortable? This is also called oil love. It doesn't mean that something is bad. It doesn't mean that...
انا شخص اه. لا. حبي لنفسي ده مهمة عشان اعرف احب غيري. غازم.
I am a person, ah. No. My love for myself is important so that I can love others. It's essential.
صح. انا شايف ان اه يعني قلت كلام مهم جدا.
Right. I see that yes, I said something very important.
والكلام ده يتطبق على الراجل على قد ما هو يتطبق على الست. يعني
And this applies to the man as much as it applies to the woman. That is to say...
يمكن احنا بنتكلم في عواطف دلوقتي وبنتكلم في او حاجات ان
We might be talking about emotions right now, and we are discussing the things that...
احنا ازاي نعمل يعني ناخد الخطوات اللي هي تدفعنا لقدام بس انا
How can we take the steps that will push us forward, but I...
مثلا الكلام اللي كنت بتقوليه ده مرهان انا من اكتر الناس من
For example, the things you were saying, Marhan, I am one of the people most...
اكتر الشخصيات اللي ممكن تكون معضلة في حياتي في صديقي يعني
The most challenging character that could be in my life is my friend, I mean.
اوي اوي اوي عايش في كامل.
Oh oh oh, I'm living fully.
انا ده مبارح لما كلمني كان بعيد. وانا مثلا كعليم مش متعود اني
I was surprised when he called me yesterday. And for example, as someone who is not used to it, I...
يعني عندي صحاب بس ساعات الراجل يبص لمرحلة ما يبقاش عارف يمسك
It means I have friends, but sometimes a man looks at a stage and doesn’t know how to handle it.
نفسه فيها. طبعا. فلما انا تعلمت والله العظيم تعلمت في اللحظة
He has it in him. Of course. So when I learned, I swear by God, I learned in the moment.
دي ان وهو يمر بالازمة دي عشان بينفصل او يمر بازمة معينة في
He is going through this crisis because he is separating or going through a specific crisis.
His life.
Of course.
مش قادر يتحرك.
He can't move.
عشان كده بيسيب على التليفون معي. اتعلمت ان ساعات اهم حاجة انك
That's why he leaves the phone with me. I learned that sometimes the most important thing is that you...
تبقى موجود على الخط مع الشخص ده. تتكلمش. بس توجد له المساحة. ان
Stay on the line with this person. Don't speak. Just give them the space.
هو يحس ان هو مش عبء. عنده دهر. وحد بيسمع له. وانت معاه. ساعات
He feels like he is not a burden. He has a back. Someone listens to him. And you are with him. Sometimes.
والله واحنا بناخد التعليم ده في الكورس في كندا. ساعات حاجة زي
"By God, while we were taking this education in the course in Canada, sometimes something like..."
دي بتخلي الشخص اللي قدامك لو بيفكر ان هو يعني
This makes the person in front of you think that they mean...
ينهي حياته. ساعات الفعل ده بيخلي الشخص يكمل ويعيش وتكتب له انت حاجة
He ends his life. Hours of this action make a person continue and live, and something is written for him.
جديدة. اه بسبب الفعل ده. يعني حاجة برضو بتعزش يرى ان انا ما وانت
New. Oh, because of this action. It means something that also makes me feel that I and you are not seen.
بتقولي الكلام ده. انا شايف طبعا انا راجل وبسمع بسمع بسمع من جهة
You’re telling me this. I can see, of course, I’m a man, and I listen, listen, listen from one side.
وبسمع من جهة تانية. بس انا شايف ان ان كرجالة الكلام ده مهم جدا.
"I hear it from another side. But I think that as men, this conversation is very important."
بالذات في الحالات اللي احنا بالذات يعني.
Especially in the cases that we specifically mean.
في الكورونا وبالذات في احيانا في في الاوقات اللي احنا ممكن نكون بنمر
During the coronavirus, especially in times when we might be going through...
بها بوقت صعب. ماديا الناس مش مش مية في المية. اه نفسيا الناس مش مية
It's a difficult time. People are not doing well financially. Yes, people are not doing well psychologically either.
في المية. بس احلى حاجة في الفترة دي يا مرهان حاجة واحدة. ان احنا
In the water. But the best thing during this period, Merhan, is just one thing. That we are...
قربنا لبعض. انسانيتنا بقت الف في المية. صحيح جدا. يعني نفسي
We've gotten closer to each other. Our humanity has become a hundred percent. That's very true. I mean I wish.
اشكرك. نفسي اشكرك ان انت من اول الناس اللي مسألتها تطلع على اصرار
Thank you. I want to thank you for being one of the first people who asked her to stand firm.
اه وافقتي ووافقتي بحماس. طبعا. ويا رب. طبعا احنا محتاجين احنا
Yes, you agreed, and you agreed enthusiastically. Of course. Oh God. Of course, we need it.
محتاجين موسات زي المنصة بتاعتك. محتاجين اه اه ولاد. في المجال. دي
We need instruments like your platform. We need, yes, yes, kids. In the field.
حاجة مهمة جدا. ان احنا بقى عندنا رجالة. بقى عندنا رجالة بتتكلم ان
A very important thing. Now we have men. We have men who speak about
الراجل مش لازم يبقى ان هو يبقى اه قوي ما بيعيطش وما بيزهرش ما
A man doesn’t have to be strong, not crying or showing emotions.
شاعره. وان هو يبقى عنده قسوة. يا اما ما يبقى يبقى قسوة. اما ما
A poet. And if he remains harsh. Either he remains harsh. Or not.
يبقاش راجل. ده مهم جدا. الرسالة دي لازم تتسمع. انا مهما
A man shouldn't stay. This is very important. This message must be heard. No matter what I...
اتكلمت. مش هقدر اوصل لوحد راجل مسلا اه عايش في مصر بقاله اربعين
I spoke. I wouldn't be able to reach a man, for example, who has been living in Egypt for forty years.
حاجة واربعين سنة بيتقال له ما تعيطش. لكن ممكن يسمعك. اه. انت
A need for forty years is told not to cry. But you might be heard. Yes. You.
هتعرف توصل له. وهي مسئولية والله يعني انا شايف ان اه الصوت
"You will know how to reach him. It's a responsibility, and God means it; I see that yes, the voice..."
بني ادم ده اللي ربنا بيدهوله ده بيبقى مسئولية. بيبقى مسئولية.
This human being that God has given him is a responsibility. It is a responsibility.
وانت بتتحسب عليه يعني. فانا شايف ان اهم حاجة في المشوار ده ان
"And you are being held accountable for it, right? So I believe that the most important thing in this journey is that..."
احنا كلنا نبقى المساعدين بعض. ان انا مسلا ما بعرفش يعني اكسب
We all should help each other. For example, I don’t know how to earn.
اه وجهات النظر دي غير لما اتكلم مع شخص ازاي. فاهم ما انا اصلي
Yeah, these viewpoints are different from when I talk to someone. Do you understand what I mean?
ايه? طبعا. غير لما اسمع الطرف التاني فا واكون رأي واشوف ازاي
What? Of course. Unless I hear the other side, so I can form an opinion and see how it goes.
اعاوز اتكلم بالطريقة دي عشان لما اتكلم ما احرقش كزا. او ما
I want to speak this way so that when I talk, I don't burn certain things. Or not.
احرقش كزا بس اعبر عن نفسي بطريقة يعني بتدي طبعا معبرة
I want to express myself in a way that is clearly expressive.
وفيها وفيها اه يعني اه فيها شيئة كده. طبعا. اهم حاجة اهم
And in it, and in it, uh, I mean, uh, there is something like that. Of course. The most important thing, the most important.
حاجة في البناء ادم وانا بالنسبة لي التعاطف هو الطريق ان انت
A need in building Adam, and for me, empathy is the way that you...
بتفوز فيه في الحياة. وادر في الحياة العملية والحياة ان اه
You win in life. And I am involved in practical life and in life that...
الشخصية. وادر بتعمل ديل كبير قوي وعاوز الناس يبقوا اه معاك
The personality. And you create a big impact and want people to be with you.
عشان تكسبوا البزنس ده. او وادر بتحاول تقنع مراتك او بنتك ان
To win this business. Or you are trying to convince your wife or daughter that...
هم ينزلوا معاك. وشايف ان هم تعبانين النهاردة بس هم ايه?
They are coming down with you. I see that they are tired today, but what about them?
اتحمسهم ونخرج ويلا مش عارف كزا. وايه رأيكم بقى ان انا فكرت في
I get them excited and we go out, I don't know how many. And what do you think about the fact that I thought of...
حاجة عشان انتوا وانا عارف ان انتم مش عارف. فبيبقى الشخص دي
A need because you all, and I know that you don't know. So this person becomes...
صفة. دي صفة. ودي ثقافة. واتمنى ان احنا يعني ازاي مستمعيننا
Character. This is a character. And this is a culture. I hope that we, you know, our listeners...
النهاردة يعني يكونوا استفادوا. واحنا يعني عاملين مع ايد واحدة.
Today means they should have benefited. And we are working together as one hand.
فانا عارف طبعا ان ولمست طبعا في الحاجات دي معاكي ان احنا في
I know for sure that I have touched on these things with you that we are in.
كوفيد الاعتداء اللي بيحصل في المنازل كتير جدا. وناس كتيرة
The COVID assaults happening in homes are very common. And many people...
جدا متأثرة. فاي حد هي لل اللي هنحطه مع ايد واحدة. هيروح للاي
"Very affected. Whoever is with me will go to the one."
ضحايا عاوزين تأهيل بطريقة اه او بطريقة اه يعني مع اي محامي عشان
Victims want rehabilitation in some way or another, meaning with any lawyer so that...
يعرفوا حقوقهم ايه. فحبيت بس اقول كده ومرهان انتي شخصية جميلة
They know what their rights are. I just wanted to say that, and Marhan, you are a beautiful person.
جدا يعني ام اونرد او فرند انت عارف ان انت عارف انا قلت بحبك
"Really, I mean I'm yours or a friend, you know that I said I love you."
جدا اللي انت بتعمله اه على المستوى الشخصي وبحترمك جدا على
What you are doing is very commendable on a personal level, and I have a lot of respect for you.
المستوى المهني. مبسوطة ان في حد من مصر من بلدي وعنده كمية اه
The professional level. I'm glad there's someone from Egypt, from my country, who has a lot of...
الوعي والصبر انه يطلع يعمل ده كله. فانا اللي بقول لك ربنا يخليك
Awareness and patience that he goes out and does all this. So I'm the one saying, may God keep you.
هنا. مرسي. عاوز اشكركم واشكر مرهان. مرسي يا مرهان على الحلقة
Here. Thank you. I want to thank you and thank Murhan. Thank you, Murhan, for the episode.
الجميلة دي. وان احنا بنختم برنامج اسرار النفس معاكي.
This beautiful one. And we are concluding the "Secrets of the Soul" program with you.
اه عاوز اشكر كل حد شاركنا برنامج اسرار النفس من الين اللي
Oh, I want to thank everyone who participated in the Secrets of the Soul program from those who...
في بوديو لستافانو اللي في بوديو من نرهان اطماني اه معانا في من
In the studio of Lestafano, who is in the studio with Nahran Atmani, we have with us in...
الجزائر لكل حد ساهم وحط ايده فعلا انه انه يسوق ويسبب نجاح
Algeria to everyone who contributed and really put in the effort to drive and cause success.
الشو ده بجد يا جماعة من غيركم الشو ده ما كانش يعني يوصل لاي
This show is really something, guys. Without you, this show wouldn't have reached anything.
حاجة واحنا تعمدنا ان احنا يعني نخلي الموضوع ده از لو كي اس
"We needed to make this subject seem like it's a case."
يعني تخمننا ان احنا نعمل كل حاجة بادينا قبل ما نروش ومش عارف
You mean you expect us to do everything by ourselves before we go, and I don't know.
نقول يا جماعة عاوزين نعمل معاناكم عشان يبقى في الشو ده وراه حاجة
We say, everyone, we want to do this with you so that there will be something behind this show.
كبيرة هو مش وراه اي حاجة غيركم انتم مش وراه اي مش وراه اي حاجة
She is big; there is nothing behind her except for you. There is nothing behind her; there is nothing behind her at all.
كلنا بنتعاون ان احنا نعمل حاجة جامدة وبجد ان انتم نجحتم
We are all cooperating to do something great, and really, you have succeeded.
الشو مش اي دعم او اي راعي رسمي او اي شيء من اي حاجة او اي جهة خاليه.
The issue is not about any support or any official sponsor or anything from any source or any entity.
المايك والمستمع ومستفنو صاحب بوديو وبجد شراقة رهيبة جدا.
The microphone and the listener, and the exceptions of the podcast owner, have a really amazing sparkle.
عاوز اشكر كل حد مرة تانية. عاوز اشكركم انتم لوقتكم ولدعمكم.
I want to thank everyone once again. I want to thank you all for your time and support.
ويا جماعة ده جميل كبير جدا علي. وان شاء الله السنة جاية نشوفكم
And oh guys, this is really great for me. God willing, next year we'll see you.
بحلقة جديدة من برنامج اصرار النفس. ويا رب يا رب يا رب تكون
In a new episode of the program "Determination of the Soul." Oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord, may it be.
سنة سعيدة عليكم وعلينا وكل سنة وانتم طيبين. وتابعوني ان شاء
Happy new year to you and to us, and may you always be well. Please continue to follow me, God willing.
الله علاقات علي سلامة لو في اي حاجة عاوزين تسألوها. عاوزين
God, Ali Salama has relations if there is anything you want to ask. We want.
يعني بجد طلعة كمان شوية. وان شاء الله ان شاء الله ان شاء
It means, seriously, just a little longer. Hopefully, hopefully, hopefully.
الله هنكمل مشوارنا. وهنكمل مشوار معكم. مشسي جدا لدعمكم.
God, we will continue our journey. And we will continue the journey with you. I am very eager to support you.
وكل سنة وانتم طيبين. ونشوفكم السنة الجاية بازن الله على
Happy new year to you all. We hope to see you next year, God willing.
برنامج اصرار النفس.
Program of self-determination.
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