ابنٌ قاتل ووالد زومبي؟
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الأطفال الأكثر شراً
ابنٌ قاتل ووالد زومبي؟
قصة حزينة تحولت للغز حير الاطباء والمحقيقين
A sad story turned into a mystery that perplexed doctors and investigators.
قصة ارعبت الرأي العام
A story that terrified public opinion.
ليس فقط لفضاعة الجرم بل لغرابة احداثها
Not only for the horror of the crime but for the strangeness of its events.
سنرويها لكم في حلقة اليوم من سلسلة المجرمين الصغار والمراهقين
We will tell it to you in today's episode of the series on juvenile delinquents and teenagers.
هذه القصة ستدهشكم كما ادهشتنا بالضبط
This story will amaze you just as it amazed us exactly.
وكما اثارت الدهشة في نفوس كل من قرأ تفاصيلها
And it has sparked astonishment in the hearts of everyone who read its details.
لذا لا تفوتوا هذه الرواية التي تكاد ان تبدو لكم وكأنها مقتبسة من فيلم خرافي
So don't miss this novel, which almost seems to be taken from a fantastic movie.
الجريمة كانت من اصعب الجرائم التي تم حل لغزها
The crime was one of the most difficult crimes to solve.
وذلك ليس بسبب مهارة القاتل او مكره
This is not due to the skill of the killer or their cunning.
لا بل بسبب ما حدث بعد ارتكابه للجريمة وتركه للمنزل
No, but because of what happened after committing the crime and leaving the house.
لذلك من المهم التعرف على تفاصيل الجريمة اولا
Therefore, it is important to understand the details of the crime first.
جريمة القتل التي حدثت
The murder that occurred.
في شهر نوفمبر من عام 2004
In November of the year 2004.
والتي تعرض لها زوجان هما
"Which was experienced by a couple, namely"
بيتر بوركو وزوجته جوان
Peter Burko and his wife Joan.
والذي يجعل القصة اكثر مأسوية
And what makes the story even more tragic
هو ان القاتل هو ابنهما كريستوفر بوركو
The killer is their son Christopher Porco.
وهو السفاح الذي اربك العالم بعنفه الشديد
He is the butcher who confused the world with his intense violence.
هاجم والده وامه في الليل
He attacked his father and mother at night.
فجأة اثناء نومهما
Suddenly, during their sleep.
مستقدما فأسا كبيرة
Bringing a large axe.
وحادة جدا
Very sharp.
حيث قام بضرب والده اكثر من عشرين مرة
Where he hit his father more than twenty times.
ضربه في الرأس
A blow to the head.
حيث اخترقت جمجمته ودمرتها
Where it penetrated and destroyed his skull.
وتهشمت تماما
And it was completely shattered.
حصل ما يفوق التخيل
What surpasses imagination has happened.
وازيل الفك بالكامل
And I will completely remove the jaw.
قام كريستوفر بضرب امه بنفس الفأس اكثر من مرة في رأسها
Christopher hit his mother in the head with the same axe multiple times.
ولكنها بقيت على قيد الحياة
But she stayed alive.
لحصن حظها
To secure her fortune.
واصبح وجوها مشوها تماما
And they became completely disfigured faces.
دعونا نعود معكم الى الاب
Let's go back to the father with you.
فوضعه هو اولا
So he placed himself first.
وهو كان المثير للعجب
And he was the one who aroused wonder.
فهذا الرجل ضرب اكثر من عشرين ضربة في الرأس
This man was struck more than twenty times in the head.
واصبحت رأسه شبه مهشمة تماما
His head became almost completely crushed.
والفك يكاد يكون مقلوعا بالكامل
The jaw is almost completely extracted.
بمعنى انه لا يمتلك واجه
Meaning that he does not have a face.
اي انسان يتوقع ان هذا الشخص قد مات
Any person would expect that this person has died.
او على الاقل لا يستطيع الحراك
Or at least he cannot move.
لكن ما حدث كان شيئا مرعبا
But what happened was something terrifying.
اذ استيقظ بيتربورك من نومه
When Peterburg woke up from his sleep.
كأنه لم يتعرض لاي شيء
As if he hadn't been exposed to anything.
لم يلاحظ ان رأسه تكاد تكون نصف رأس
He did not notice that his head was almost half a head.
او ان زوجته تنزف الدماء بجواره
Or that his wife is bleeding next to him.
فدخل الحمام وجلس على المرحاب
He entered the bathroom and sat on the toilet.
دون ان يلاحظ انه كان ينزف بغزارة
Without realizing that he was bleeding profusely.
وكان من الغريب معرفة كيف قام بغسل وجهه
It was strange to know how he washed his face.
الذي يكاد يكون غير موجود
"That which is almost nonexistent."
ونزل بعدها الى المطبخ
And then he went down to the kitchen.
قام بعدها بغسل الاطباق وتحضير الافطار
He then washed the dishes and prepared breakfast.
وتوضيبه في حقبته
"And organizing it in its period."
وكل هذا وهو نصفه
And all of this is half of it.
اما اذا كنتم تعتقدون ان هذا غريب
If you think this is strange.
فاليكم الاغرب
Here is the stranger.
اذ الاكثر رعبا
If the most terrifying
هو انه كان هناك اثار تدل على ان بيتر
There were signs indicating that Peter...
خرج من المنزل ليأخذ الجريدة
He went out of the house to take the newspaper.
واقفل على نفسه باب المنزل
He locked himself in the house.
وهو في الخارج دون ان يدري
And he is outside without realizing it.
وكأن لديه ادراكا كافيا
As if he has sufficient awareness.
ان يتذكر انه يوجد مفتاحا احتياطيا
To remember that there is a spare key.
تحت نبتة مميزة في الحديقة
Under a distinctive plant in the garden.
فقام بفتح الباب والدخول مرتين
He opened the door and entered twice.
جلس على الكرسي المليء بالدماء
He sat on the chair filled with blood.
وتذكر انه نسي شيئا في الطابق العلوي
And remember that he forgot something on the upper floor.
لكنه وعند صعوده على اول درجة من السلم
But when he stepped onto the first rung of the ladder.
مات بسبب كثرة النزيل
He died due to excessive intake.
وترك بذلك بيتر اغرب مسرح جريمة في التاريخ
And thus, Peter left behind the strangest crime scene in history.
مليئا بالدماء
Filled with blood
مما صعب بذلك على اي محقق ان يجد حلا للقضية
This made it difficult for any investigator to find a solution to the case.
ماذا حصل بالابن الذي دمر وجه والده بالفأس
What happened to the son who destroyed his father's face with an axe?
وماذا حل بالام المصابة والمشوهة
And what happened to the injured and deformed mother?
التحاليل الطبية جاءت بنتائج مرعبة
The medical tests came back with terrifying results.
فقد اثبتت ان الضربات التي تعرض لها بيتر
It has been established that the blows Peter received...
اثرت على جزء معين من مخه
It affected a specific part of his brain.
جعله يفقد حاسة الشعور تماما
It made him lose the sense of feeling completely.
فلم يشعر بانه نصف ميت
He did not feel that he was half dead.
واصبح وكانه زومبي
And he became as if he were a zombie.
يسير ويتحرك وهو بنصف وجه
He walks and moves with half a face.
فكان ميتا لكنه كان يتحرك كما انه شخص طبيعي
He was dead, but he moved as if he were a normal person.
وقد اكتشف الجيران الجثة
The neighbors discovered the corpse.
واتت الشرطة لاكتشاف اغرب مسارح الجرائم قط
The police arrived to uncover the strangest crime scenes ever.
تخيلوا معنا
Imagine with us.
رجل بنصف رأس تكاد تكون مهشمة
A man with a head that is almost crushed in half.
وبدون فك وبدون ملامح في وجهه المليئ بالدماء
And without a grin and without features on his bloodied face.
وبالرغم من كل ذلك فعل كل تلك الامور
Despite all that, he did all those things.
فكانت تفاصيل حركة الوالد التي اخذت حيز اهتمام المحققين
The details of the father's movements were what captured the investigators' attention.
لانها صعبت مهمة كشف الحقائق عليهم
Because it made the task of revealing the truths difficult for them.
فبات كريستوفر خارج سباق المتهمين
Christopher is now out of the race of the accused.
مختفيا عن الانظار
Hiding from sight.
التي وجهت جميعها نحو الوالد بنصف وجه
"Which were all directed towards the father with half a face."
لكن ما الدافع وراء الجريمة
But what is the motive behind the crime?
ولماذا قام الشاب بهذا الفعل الوحشي
And why did the young man commit this brutal act?
وبحق من
And by the right of whom
بحق اهله
By the right of his family.
بعد التحقيقات المطولة والمعقدة
After lengthy and complex investigations
تبين وبعد القاء القبض على كريستوفر
It became clear after the arrest of Christopher.
بان السبب الحقيقي وراء مفاجأته
That the real reason behind his surprise.
فعله هذا القاتل
This killer did it.
هو انه قد استدان اموالا طائلة من البنوك
He has borrowed a huge amount of money from the banks.
وكان مهددا بالسجن
He was threatened with imprisonment.
لذلك وجد في قتل والديه فرصة لدفع اموال الديون
Therefore, he saw the killing of his parents as an opportunity to pay off his debts.
كانت هذه من اكثر الجرائم تعقيدا
This was one of the most complicated crimes.
فكانت الاسباب خفية
The reasons were hidden.
وكانت الملابسات صعبة الاكتشاف
The circumstances were difficult to uncover.
لان بيتر جعل من الجريمة لغزا يصعب ايجاد حله
Because Peter made the crime a puzzle that is difficult to solve.
بكل تلك التحركات التي قام بها
With all those moves he made.
وهو غير واع انه ينزف دما
He is unaware that he is bleeding.
ويترك اثارا اينما تنقل
And it leaves traces wherever it goes.
لكن وبعد صعوبة في تحديد موقع الشاب الفار
But after difficulty in locating the escaped young man
تم القبض عليه ليحكم عليه بالمؤبد بعدها
He was arrested to be sentenced to life imprisonment afterwards.
وبذلك انتهت القصة المرعبة
And thus the terrifying story came to an end.
لاغرب مسرح جريمة عرفه التاريخ
The strangest crime scene known in history.
اشتركوا في القناة
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