عبدالله الشريف حلقة 20 الثورة بدأت الموسم الرابع
Self Nourishment
عبدالله الشريف - توك شو
عبدالله الشريف حلقة 20 الثورة بدأت الموسم الرابع
لما تسرق قوت عيالي تبني بيقصور جنرالاتك
When you steal the livelihood of my children, you build with it the palaces of your generals.
واللي باقي فالبوائي نسخة اسوأ من مبارك
"And what remains in the wasteland is a worse version of Mubarak."
طب ايه انت مش شايفني مش عارفني مش خايفني
So what, don't you see me, don't you know me, don't you fear me?
ولا حتى في اعتبارك
Not even in your consideration.
رغم ان الارض ارضي وانت كنت حراسة عني
Although the land is mine, you were a guard for me.
ليه بتنهش ليه في جلدي انت والاوباش كلابة
Why are you biting me and the thugs are like dogs?
لا خلاص بنقول كفاية كل شي ولو نهاية
No salvation, we're saying enough of everything, even the end.
خدنا خطوة البداية يعني بكرة يكون حسابك
We took the first step, which means your account will be ready tomorrow.
ومع احلى يلا بينا
And with the sweetest, let's go!
يوم 6 ابريل سنة 2008 كانت فيه دعوات لاضراب عمالي في المحل
On April 6, 2008, there were calls for a labor strike in the store.
والناس ما كانتش متوقعة ابدا ان فيه حد ممكن ينزل الشارع
And people never expected that anyone could go down to the street.
او حتى يتجرأ انه يكسر قبضة مبارك الامنية
Or even dare to break Mubarak's security grip.
او يقرب حتى من انه يهز صوته
Or it might come close to shaking his voice.
الا ان الناس مجرد ما بدأت تتجمع ويضموا على بعض تجرأوا
However, as soon as people started to gather and come together, they became bold.
وصوتهم كمان عالي وغضبهم الطافح مش بس خلاهم هزوا صوته
And their voices are loud, and their anger is overflowing, not only did it make them shake their voices.
دول ما تدق ديه
Countries don't interfere with this.
وسحبوها وحطوها تحت رجليهم اللي عبروا بيها عن اوجعهم واهر السنين
They dragged it and placed it under their feet, which expressed their pain and the burdens of years.
المشهد ده مؤمن مع انه كان في 2008
This scene is convincing even though it was in 2008.
ويحسد طبعا لحركة 6 ابريل
And he is envious, of course, of the April 6 Movement.
الا انه خلى الناس تقول الله ايه ده
But he made people say, "What is this, God?"
طب ما هو ينفع اهو
So, what is it good for?
ما فيش طير ابابيل نزلت من السماء خرمت روس الناس دي بالحجارة
There are no Ababil birds that descended from the sky and pelted these people's heads with stones.
ولا الشعب كله بيحب مبارك زي ما هم كانوا مفاهيمين
Not everyone in the country loves Mubarak as they were made to understand.
ايوة كانوا مفاهيمين ان اللي هينزل الشارع الشعب هيسحقه
Yes, they were understanding that whoever takes to the streets, the people will crush them.
وما اللي حصل اجد عند الشعب هو اللي دايس على مبارك بجزمته اهو
"And what happened is that I find the people stepping on Mubarak with their boots."
مش الشعب ديه يا بلطفي ولا اني غلطاه
Isn't this the people's fault, Baltafi, or am I mistaken?
تنويم مغناطيسي مفعول وانتهى فجأة
Hypnosis was in effect and ended suddenly.
وبدأت الناس تشوف الامور على حقيقتها
People started to see things as they really are.
الله ده مبارك مش محبوب ولا حاجة
God, this is blessed; it's not disliked or anything.
الصور المتعلقة هناك والبانرات دي اما من منافقين
The images related to that and these banners are either from hypocrites.
او اصحاب مصالح او مرتجفين وخيفين
Or people with interests, or those who are anxious and fearful.
الكم واحد اللي بيلفوا عقنوات طول النهار ويقنعون انه كله تمام
The one who goes around all day and convinces everyone that everything is fine.
ما لان هم كانوا بياخدوا مرتبات وان دي لقمة عشو
What do you mean? They were getting salaries, and this is a random meal.
المزعين اللي بيطبلونهم والمطربين اللي بيغنونهم
"The hosts who cheer for them and the singers who sing for them."
كل ده طلع وهمه وكتبة كبيرة عشناها كلنا سنين
All of this turned out to be an illusion and a big story that we all lived for years.
بس يا طيب وكان له ما بعده يا مولاني
But, dear one, there was something after it, O our lord.
قدرة الاحتجاجات ومبارك بدأ يتراجع وهمش الحريات بدأ يزين
The power of the protests and Mubarak began to retreat, and freedoms started to be marginalized and beautified.
وده طبعا كان غصب عنه وبأمر الشعب
And this was obviously against his will and by the order of the people.
لحد ما جي 25 يناير وامطوت صفحة الطاغية للأبناء
Until January 25 came and the page of the tyrant was turned for the sons.
ومن 2013 حتى 2020 كانت تبانت جمهورية خوف
From 2013 to 2020, the Republic of Khawf had fluctuated.
اشد احكاما عشان ما تتكررش الاخطاء السابقة
Stricter regulations to prevent previous mistakes from happening again.
لا ومن كتر احكامها كمان طلعت طاغية بكل ثقة وعجرفة
No, and due to the multitude of her judgments, she has also become a tyrant with full confidence and arrogance.
هو مدينا ظهره كالعادة وبيقول لنا
He turned his back to us as usual and is telling us.
مؤخز انا شايف كده كلام احزاره
I'm sorry, I see that this is upsetting.
كلام اللي كان يتعامل من 7-8 سنين مش هيتكرر تاني في مصر
The words that were being said 7-8 years ago will not be repeated again in Egypt.
ويزيد بعدها من طغيانه ويتعامل مع المصريين بكل استخفاء
And then he increases his tyranny and deals with the Egyptians with complete arrogance.
وهو بيقول لهم هنزلوه
He is telling them that they will lower him down.
ويقول لكم الجيش يبيت شقاكم
And the army tells you: "Your hardship sleeps."
والشرطة تكسر شقا عمركم ومراس عيالكم
"And the police break the joy of your lifetime and the play of your children."
ظن ان الخوف اللي فرضوا والرعب اللي نشروا موت النخوة جواهم
He thought that the fear they imposed and the terror they spread killed the spirit of honor within them.
وانه كسرهم وسلبهم كرامتهم قدام طغيانهم
And that he broke them and robbed them of their dignity in the face of their tyranny.
ما فيش شك ان القوة والسلاح بيده الطاغية ثقة وغرور
There is no doubt that power and weapons in the hands of a tyrant breed confidence and arrogance.
بس كمان بيدوله شيء من الغباء وسوء التقدير
They also give him a bit of foolishness and poor judgment.
محمد علي اللي المعيش شغالين عليه ترياح
Muhammad Ali, who is currently working on the project, is taking it easy.
واعلامه شغال يسوق في سمعته مع باكتج طبعا بتاع التخوين والعمالة
His media is actively promoting his reputation, of course, with a package of accusations of treason and betrayal.
بقالهم اكتر
They have been around longer.
طلع الراجل من كاميرا موبايله وقال السلام عليكم يا مصريين
The man appeared from his mobile camera and said, "Peace be upon you, Egyptians."
احنا نزلين بكرة عشرين تسعة والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
We are going down tomorrow, the 20th of September. Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings.
بس كده يا مولي
That's it, Molly.
كمعارضة سياسية ضمت معاك
As a political opposition, it included you.
ولا نخبة قالتلو احنا في ضهر
And the elite didn't tell him, "We are behind you."
ولا حد نظم وحشد
And no one organized and gathered.
ولا اي حاجة في اي حاجة حرفية
And nothing in anything is literal.
ودوق حذر طول اليوم والناس مترقبة
And the duke was cautious all day while people were watching.
اللي هو الناس بتبصل بعضها
Which is that people look at each other.
سريقة من المعيز على الاخوان في محاولة بائسة لربطهم بالاحداث
A theft from the goats against the brothers in a desperate attempt to link them to the events.
الاعلام شغال طول نهار عشرين تسعة على وطر محدش نزل
The media is active all day on the twentieth of September, but no one has come down.
وايس فجأة يا شاق السميع العليم
"And suddenly, O you who are All-Hearing, All-Knowing."
وتقوم خناءا بارح العصر في نفس اليوم اللي دعا فيه محمد علي للنزول في قرية الكداية مركز اطفيح في الجيزة
And a fight broke out yesterday afternoon on the same day that Muhammad Ali called for a gathering in the village of Al-Kadayya, in the Atfih Center of Giza.
وكان عادة تنزل الشرطة وتتعامل مع الناس بمنطق الاسياد والعبيد
The police usually descended and dealt with people in terms of masters and slaves.
فالناس تتجرق عليهم ويحدفوهم بالطوب ويترضوهم
People insult them, throw stones at them, and abuse them.
ويقلبولهم عربياتهم كمان ويولعوا فيها
And they also flip their cars over and set them on fire.
ايوة اللي قدامك دي فلوس الامارات
Yes, the one in front of you is UAE money.
ان الدفعة اللي جت للسيسي في 2014 هدية
The payment that came to Sisi in 2014 is a gift.
عشان يقمع بيها المصريين ويسيطر عليهم كنوع من الدعاية لعيال زايد
"To suppress the Egyptians with it and control them as a form of propaganda for the children of Zayed."
المهم يا مولانا ان هذا الحدث يعيد الى ذاكرة المصريين ما حدث في يوم ستة ابريل سنة 2008
The important thing, my lord, is that this event brings back to the memory of the Egyptians what happened on April 6, 2008.
لا ومات لها كمان من خمسة وعشرين يناير
No, and she died for that as well on January 25th.
الله ده ينفع اهو والشرطة طلعت كمان بتخاف وتجري زينا
God, this is useful, and the police also get scared and run away like us.
وما هي الا ورها من الزمان يا سيدنا
"It is nothing but a short while, our master."
والناس اللي كانت بتبص لبعضها في سؤال صامت من شوية
And the people who were looking at each other with a silent question a little while ago.
تذكرهم انت
You remember them.
ايوة هم
Yes, they are.
بعد طب ايه
What comes after medicine?
يلا بينا
Let's go!
طب يلا بينا
Okay, let's go.
وتنطلق العياط من نفس ذات محافظة الجيزة لتعلنها لا اله الا الله
The cries originate from the same Giza governorate to proclaim there is no god but Allah.
عشان ترجع تاني اطفيح جيزة برضو ترد عليهم
So you can return to Atfih, Giza, you should also respond to them.
نفس ذات الهتاف السيسي عدو الله
The same cry: Sisi is the enemy of God.
ثم تنضم محافظة الاليوبية من خلال الاناطر الخيرية يا مولانا
Then the Al-Qalyubia Governorate joins through the charitable channels, O Master.
وينادوا على اللي خايف ويقولولو
"And they call out to those who are afraid and say to them."
فيرد عليهم اهليهم من نفس ذات محافظة الاليوبية برضو
Their families respond to them from the same province of Qalyubia as well.
بس من حتة تانية اسمها
But from another place called
ويقولولهم لا متخافوش انتوا احنا مش خايفين
And they say to them, "Don't worry, we're not afraid."
ويطلع بعدها شباب المعمورة في اسكندرية ويشتبكوا مع مدرعات السيسي بدون خط
Then the youth of the universe emerge in Alexandria and clash with Sisi's armored vehicles without a line.
ويجبروهم انهم يترجعوا في مشهد يجبرني ان اقول وحشتين يا اسكندرية اوكسندرية
"They force them to return in a scene that makes me say I miss you, Alexandria."
ويقول حد اسوان يا سيدنا كان الشباب بالمرصاد للقوة الغاشمة اللي ذكرها الغاشيم في اخطاباتهم وهدت بيها جموع المصريين
The Aswan limit says, "Oh, our master, the youth were on the lookout for the brutal force that was mentioned by the oppressors in their speeches and that intimidated the masses of Egyptians."
شباب في دار السلام هناك قرروا انهم يعملوا زفة شعبية لسيادة الزعيم القاهرة
Young people in Dar es Salaam have decided to hold a popular parade for the esteemed leader in Cairo.
بس يا مولانا الدنيا شغالة وازب القاهرة تسجل دخول وكان ذلك من خلال شباب ورجال البساتين ثم قالوا
But, oh our master, the world is moving, and the Azb of Cairo has logged in, and that was done through the youth and men of Al-Basatin, then they said.
ثم كان ختامها ميسك مع شباب العاشر في مدينة مصر اللي حرفيا كانوا في مواجهات المسافة صفر
Then it concluded with a sweet ending with the youth of the tenth in the city of Cairo, who were literally facing each other at point-blank range.
لازم تعرف ان في واحد مهزوز هو اللي بيدير المشهد
You need to know that there is a shaky person who is running the scene.
وتم الارسال كمان من جهاز سامسونج
It was also sent from a Samsung device.
يعني لا شعب اختار ولا متمسك ولا اي نيلة
It means no people have chosen, nor are they holding on to anything.
لما تلاقي المعيز بتسخر طول النهار
When you find the goats mocking all day long.
ويقولوا اللي هينزل هيتضرب على دماغه بالشبشب من المصريين وما حدش نزل
They say that whoever goes down will get hit on the head with a flip-flop by the Egyptians, and no one went down.
ولما تفاجئوا ان المصريين هم اللي في الشارع
And when they were surprised that the Egyptians were the ones in the street.
ولو كانوا لمحوا معزة منهم كانوا جابوا من دير
"And if they had seen a goat among them, they would have brought it from the monastery."
لما حضرتك لازم تعرف حجمك كويس وقدقين تواجع
You need to know your size well and to be aware of the consequences of your presence.
لما تلاقي الCNN ما نقلتش من كل اللي انا نقلته لك ده غير خبر واحد عن ترياءة عمر اديب على محمد علي
When you see that CNN didn't report on all that I've shared with you except for one news item about Omar Adib's mockery of Muhammad Ali.
وهو بينادي على المعارضة بدم حامي
"And he is calling for the opposition with fervent blood."
يبقى لازم تسأل نفسك هم بيخبونا ليه
You still have to ask yourself why they are hiding it from us.
مش يمكن احنا كتير قوي
Maybe we are a lot.
مش يمكن هم عارفين حجمنا اكتر مننا ومخبييننا عن بعض
Maybe they know our size better than we do and are hiding us from each other.
مش يمكن اللي بيحصل ده ما يكونش مجرد 6 ابريل ويكون شرارة 25 يناير
Could it be that what is happening is not just April 6 but the spark of January 25?
مش يمكن تكون فعلا الثورة بدأت وهم قصدين يحبطوكم ويقللوا من عزيمتكم
Could it be that the revolution has really started and they intend to discourage you and diminish your determination?
طب والله العظيم انكم امبارح فرحتوا الملايين
I swear by God that you made millions happy yesterday.
والله العظيم انكم امبارح ادخلتوا السرور على قلوب مكسورة ونفوس يأس
I swear by God, yesterday you brought joy to broken hearts and despairing souls.
وحيتوا فيها الامل من جديد
And they revived hope in it anew.
والله العظيم الاف الرسائل جتلي من امبارح للنهاردة
I swear by God, thousands of messages have come to me from yesterday until today.
بالدموع من الناس اللي اتحرموا من عيالهم في معتقلاته بيقولوا لكم شكرا
With tears, the people who have been deprived of their children in its detention centers say to you: thank you.
من اللي الفقر نهش في لحمهم بسبب غباءه في قراراته بيقولوا لكم شكرا
Those whom poverty has gnawed at due to their foolish decisions say thank you.
من المتهددين انهم يترموا هم وعيالهم في الشارع بسبب جبيته وإتواته بيقولوا لكم شكرا
They are threatened that they and their children will be thrown into the street because of his extortion and bribes, and they say thank you.
شكرا والله وقلف قلف شكرا
Thank you, and really, really thank you.
انتوا المصريين اللي كانوا بيخوفوكم بيكم
You Egyptians who used to scare you with yourselves.
انتوا صحاب الارض اللي كانت مبارح تحت رجليكم
You are the owners of the land that was beneath your feet yesterday.
وانتوا الامل الوحيد للبلد دي فربنا يحفظكم وينجيكم
And you are the only hope for this country, may God protect you and save you.
وما فيش كلام تاني ممكن يتقال غير ربنا يسعد قلوبكم
And there's nothing else to say except may God make your hearts happy.
زي ما اسعدته الملايين من حواليكم
Just as you have made millions around you happy.
وبس كده يا مؤمنين
That's it, O believers.
سلام عليكم
Peace be upon you.
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