تفسير سورة الصافات الجزء الخامس عشر - محمد بن صالح العثيمين

عبد الله

دروس و خطب اهل السنه و الجماعه Sunnah

تفسير سورة الصافات الجزء الخامس عشر - محمد بن صالح العثيمين

دروس و خطب اهل السنه و الجماعه Sunnah

والعزة ثلاثة معانا

And the glory has three meanings.

عزة الغلبة

The pride of victory.

وعزة القدر

And the dignity of fate.

وعزة الامتناء

And the dignity of refusal.

ثلاثة اخسام

Three categories.

يا حجار

Oh, stones.

قلها لنا

Say it to us.



فعزة الغلبة معناها ان الله تعالى غالب لكل شيء

The meaning of the glory of victory is that Allah, the Exalted, is dominant over everything.

وعزة القدر

And the dignity of fate.

ان الله تعالى فوق كل شيء قدرا

Indeed, Allah is above all things in degree.

وعزة الامتناء

And the dignity of refusal.

ان الله تعالى ممتنع ان يناله احد بسوء

Indeed, Allah, the Exalted, is impossible for anyone to harm.

ومن الثالث

And from the third

قولهم ارض عزاس

They say it is the land of honor.


It means.

صلبة قوية

Strong and solid

ما تأثر فيها المعاول

The tools did not affect it.

سبحان ربك رب العزة

Glory be to Your Lord, the Lord of Glory.


The superiority.

عما يصفون

About what they describe.

بان له ولدا

He had a son.

قوله عما يصفون

His saying about what they describe.

يجوز فيما ان تكون مصطرية

It may be permissible to be a disaster.

ويكون تقدير كلام

And the estimation of speech.

سبحان ربك رب العزة

Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of Glory.


Their storms

ويجوز ان تكون موصولة

And it may be connected.

ويكون العائد محذوفا

The return will be omitted.


And appreciation.

عما يصفونه به

About what they describe him as.

وقول المؤلف بان له ولدا

And the author's statement that he has a son.

هذا كالمثال

This is like an example.

لما يصفون الله به

What they describe Allah with.

مما ينزه عنه

What he is free from.

وإلا فهم يقولون ان الله له ولد

Otherwise, they say that God has a son.

وله زوجة

He has a wife.

وله شريك

And he has a partner.

وله معين

And he has a helper.


And so.

فكل وصف لالق بالله

"Every description is for Allah."

فان الله منزه عنه

Indeed, God is far removed from that.

وان وصفوا به هؤلاء الافاقون الكذبون

And if they described these lying scammers with that.

قال وسلام على المرسلين

He said, "And peace be upon the messengers."

سلام مبتدأ

Hello beginner.

وعلى المرسلين خبره

"And upon the messengers is [their] duty to convey [the message]."

والسلام هنا

And peace is here.

بمعنى التسليم

In the sense of surrender.

فهو اسم مصطر

It is a derived name.

اسم مصطر سلم

The name is Mustr Salam.

مثل كلام بمعنى التكليم

Like talk meaning communication.

اسم مصطر قلم

Name of the pen manufacturer.

ومعنى السلام عليهم

"And the meaning of peace upon them."

ان ما قالوه في ذات الله

What they said about God Himself.

وصفات الله

The attributes of God.

سالم من كل نقص

Safe from all deficiency.

فيكون الله تعالى قد سبح نفسه

Thus, God Almighty has glorified Himself.

اما وصفه به المخالفون الرسل

As for the description given to him by the opposing messengers.

ثم سلم

Then he greeted.

على الرسل لسلامة ما قالوه

It is upon the Messengers to ensure the accuracy of what they have said.

من نقص والعيب

From deficiency and flaw.

فليس فيه كذب

There is no lie in it.

وليس فيه سوء

And there is no harm in it.

ولهذا قال

And for this, he said.

وسلام على المرسلين المبلغين عن الله التوحيد والشرائع

And peace be upon the messengers who convey God's oneness and the laws.

ولما ذكر التنزيه

And when the glorification was mentioned

فيما وصف به نفسه

In what he described himself.

وفيما وصفته به رسله

And as described by His messengers.

ذكر بعد ذلك الحمد

Then he mentioned praise.

الذي هو وصف المحمود بالكمال

Which is the description of the praiseworthy with perfection.

فيكون في الآيات

In the verses.

جمع بين التنزيه عن صفات النقص

He combines the exaltation from imperfect attributes.

وبين إثبات صفات الكمال

And between proving the attributes of perfection.

وأتى بإثبات صفات الكمال

And he came with proof of the attributes of perfection.

بعد التنزيه

After the purification

لأنه كما يقال

Because, as they say.

تكون التحلية

Desalination occurs.

بعد التخلية

After the release.

يعني التزيين

It means decoration.

بعد إزالة الأدب

After the removal of literature.

طيب يقول

Alright, he says.

والحمد لله رب العالمين

And praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

الحمد قلت

Thank you, I said.

إنه وصف المحمود بالكمال

It is the description of the praiseworthy with perfection.

وكمال الله سبحانه وتعالى يدور فيه

And the perfection of Allah, Glory be to Him, revolves around it.

يدور على أمرين

It revolves around two matters.

كمال ذاتي


وكمال فعلي

And the perfection of my action.

أما كمال الذاتي

As for my self-fulfillment

فهو سبحانه وتعالى كامل في ذاته

He, Glory be to Him, is perfect in His essence.

المتصفة بكل صفة كمال

The one characterized by all attributes of perfection.

كمال فعلي

Actual perfection.

إن الله تعالى كامل في أفعاله

Indeed, Allah Almighty is perfect in His actions.

فله الفضل على عباده

He has favor over His servants.

بجلب ما ينفعهم ودفع ما يضرهم

By bringing what is beneficial to them and repelling what is harmful to them.

وهذا شرع للإنسان إذا انتهى من الأكل والسرب

This is a law for a person when he finishes eating and drinking.

أن يحمد الله

To praise God.

أن يحمد الله سبحانه وتعالى

To praise Allah, the Exalted and Almighty.

على ما رزقه من الطعام والشراب

"For what He has provided him of food and drink."

وإن شئت فقل

"And if you wish, say."

أو فتجاوز هذا

Or this exceeds.

إلى أنك تحمد الله

So that you may praise Allah.

الذي لا يحتاج إلى ما تحتاج إليه من الأكل والسرب

He who does not need what you need in terms of food and shelter.

قال والحمد لله رب العالمين

He said, "Praise be to God, Lord of all the worlds."

رب العالمين أي

Lord of the worlds, i.e.

خالقهم ومالكهم ومدبر أمورهم

Their Creator, Owner, and Controller of Their Affairs.

والعالم كل من سوى الله

"The world is everyone other than God."

كل من سوى الله فهو عالم

Whoever is besides Allah is an ignorant.

وثم عالما لأنهم عالم على خالقهم عز وجل

"And then they are knowledgeable because they are aware of their Creator, the Almighty."

ففي كل شيء من مخلوقات الله آية

In everything created by God, there is a sign.

تدل على وحدانيته وكماله

Indicates His oneness and perfection.

قال والحمد لله على نصر رب العالمين

He said, "Praise be to God for the victory of the Lord of the worlds."

قال المؤلف على نصرهم

The author said about their victory.

أي نصر الرسل

What is the victory of the messengers?

وعلاك الكافرين

"And the curse of the disbelievers."

ولو أن المؤلف جعلها مطلقة

"If the author had made it absolute."

الحمد لله رب العالمين على كل شيء

Praise be to God, the Lord of all the worlds, for everything.

حتى على ما يقدره أحيانا من غلبة أعدائه

Even in what he sometimes considers to be the dominance of his enemies.

على أوليائه فإنه يحمد على ذلك

He is praised for that by His allies.

لما يترتب عليه من المصالح العظيمة

Due to the great interests that arise from it.

كما في غزوة أحد التي ذكر الله تعالى فيها

As in the Battle of Uhud mentioned by Allah, the Exalted.

من الحكم أشياء كثيرة

There are many things from wisdom.

ذكر منها جزءا كبيرا

He mentioned a large part of it.

في زاد المعاد

In the provisions of the journey.

لابن القيم رحمه الله

To Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him.

وبهذا انتهت هذه السورة

And thus ended this surah.



لعبد مؤمن

For a believing servant.



وعندما كان مغمن بمتزمة

And when he was unconscious with a syndrome.











وعندما كان مvestحا قد أعطى المجدين فظلاً

"And when the Mvestah had given the two honorable ones a favor."



وعندما كان سفا م resta

And when Safa was resting.

قدم لأحد الأمراض

Presented for one of the diseases.





تجعل أفضل أن تجعل المجدين أفضل

It is better to make the two better.



وعندما كان المرجع أفضل

And when the reference was better.



هي لا تحصر في خمسة

She is not limited to five.

ليست محصورة في خمسة

Not limited to five.

ولا في خمسين

Not even in fifty.



ابن مالك رحمه الله ذكر

Ibn Malik, may Allah have mercy on him, mentioned.



قال ولا يجوز

He said it is not permissible.

الابتداء بالنكر

Starting with an indefinite noun

ما لم تفد

What hasn't benefited.


I wanted.

ثم حصلت فاعدة

Then a rule was established.

حصلت جازا لابتداء به

I received a reward to start with.

وابن هشام في القطر

And Ibn Hisham in the region.

يقول ويجوز

It is said, and it is permissible.

الابتداء بالنكر

Starting with the indefinite.

إن عامة أو خاصة

Whether it is general or specific.

يعني كانت عامة أو خاصة معينة

It means it was general or a specific one.

لكن عبارة

But the phrase

ابن مالك أحصل

Ibn Malik, I get.

ولا يجوز الابتداء بالنكر

It is not permissible to begin with an indefinite noun.

ما لم تفد

What has not benefited.

كأنه زيد النمر

As if he were Zayd the tiger.



ما لا حصل

What did not happen?

والقرآن بالذكر

"And the Quran is with remembrance."

بل الذين كفروا في عزة وشقاق

But those who disbelieve are in pride and contention.

كم أهلكنا من قبلهم من قرن

How many generations before them have We destroyed?

فنادوا ولا تخيل مناك

So call out and do not imagine your desires.

وعجبوا أن جاءهم منذر منهم

And they were amazed that a warner had come to them from among themselves.

وقال الكافرون

And the disbelievers said.

وقال الكافرون هذا ساحر كذا

The disbelievers said, "This is indeed magic."

أجعل الآلهة إلها واحدا

Make the gods one god.

إن هذا لشيء عجاب

This is indeed a marvelous thing.

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم

I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed devil.

قال الله تبارك وتعالى

God, Blessed and Exalted be He, said.

ففول عنهم حتى فيه

"And so he was absent from them, even in it."

ما هو هذا

What is this?

الذي يحل أن تتولي منه

"Whoever is permissible for you to take from him."

هو أجر

It is a reward.

إلى أجر

To a wage.

إلى أن يؤمر في الجهاد

Until commanded in jihad.

قالها الكافرية أحمد

The infidel Ahmed said it.

تقول الآية

The verse says


It appears that "ناسح" could refer to several concepts depending on the context, but it generally translates to "eraser" in English.

يعني الآية هذه منسوخة

This verse is abrogated.




With verses

الأمر في الجهاد

The matter in jihad.



هل يحتمل ما قاله الأخ

Is what the brother said plausible?

في قراءة الآية

In reading the verse.

من حتى حين

From until when

أي حتى موتهم

"Until their death."

ما تحتمل الآية

What the verse can bear.

ما تحتمل حتى موتهم

"Cannot even bear their death."

لا لا تحتمل

No, no, I can't take it.

لأنه ما يفايد أنه يتولي حتى الموت

Because it doesn't help to take over even with death.

لأنه لا ينتظر حتى الموت

Because he does not wait until death.

تقول نعم تحتمل

She says yes, she can handle it.

يعني ليس تولي قتال

It means not to take on fighting.

بل تولي عنهم

But turn away from them.

وعدم مولاتهم

"And not supporting them."

إلى أن يموت

Until he dies.

على ما داموا على كهرهم

As long as they are in their anger.



من أعلم أن الله أبصرهم

Who knows that God sees them?

أسأل الله أن يبصروا

I ask Allah to give them insight.

نعم ما يعارض عنه

Yes, what is being opposed.

لأنه لن يتولاهم

Because he will not take care of them.

بل بعضهم سيموت

But some of them will die.

وهو لم يتولع

And he did not become infatuated.

لم يتولع

He didn't become infatuated.



يقول لا يركن

He says not to lean.

لا يركن إليه

Do not rely on him.

طيب إذن

Okay then.


The probability

حتى حين يعني

"Until when does it mean?"

حتى يموتوا

Until they die.

وأنت ستبصر أنهم ماتوا

And you will see that they have died.

سواء بالأثاء أو بعض الأثاء

Whether in praise or in some praise.



وعلى ما لا تسمع أهل من سوق

"And about what you do not hear, O people of the market."


His statement

فسوف يصروا المرأة من هذه الحملة

So the woman will be determined by this campaign.



هذه الحملة

This campaign


The threat




The threat



قولوا أهل عذابنا

Say, "The people of our punishment."


They are hasty.

هل يرد

Does he respond?

على أي شيء

On what?



على استجازة العذاب

On the agility of punishment.

بالذي قالوا باستجازة العذاب

"With what they said about justifying the punishment."

وقالوا نعم

And they said yes.

من الذي قار من استجازة العذاب

Who is the one who asked for the permission of torture?

يعني ما هي العبارة

What is the phrase?

التي تذكره على أنه استجازة عذاب

Which reminds him of it as a permit for punishment.

يكتب في الكتابية

He writes in the scriptorium.



قالوا ما سيحظوا الله أنكم صادقين

They said, "What will Allah gain by your being truthful?"

نعم قالوا ما سيحظوا الله أنكم صادقين

Yes, they said, "What will Allah gain from your sincerity?"

ما سيحظوا الله أنكم صادقين

What God will grant you is that you are truthful.

والله ونعم إن كان هدوا الحق عندك فأنطر علينا

By God, if they have found the truth with you, then let it be revealed to us.

وجاءه من نفسنا

"And We sent him from Ourself."

حجاب الناس. طيب.

The people's veil. Okay.

قولوا اذا نزل بساحتهم يا هدالة الله. ما معنى اذا نزل بساحتهم?

"Say if he comes down to their yard, O the deception of God." The phrase "اذا نزل بساحتهم" translates to "if he comes down to their yard."

اذا نزل الغباء عذاب على ساحتهم قريب باليوت والعظيم. هذا ساحة.

If stupidity descended as a punishment upon their arena, it would be close to the pitiful and the great. This is an arena.

وشفع العذاب بالعذوب. نعم. لان العذوب ينزل على قسمه في ساحة. احسنت.

And the torment was accompanied by sweetness. Yes. Because the sweetness descends upon the division in the field. Well done.

وفي الكورية فاتقام تشفيه في هذا الاسطحان. اه. يعني. واستعاد

In Korean, the revenge is healing in this context. Ah. I mean. And it recovered.

يعني كان يقول فاذا انزل فاذا اعلمهم العلم. اذا علموا طيب.

He used to say, "When it is revealed, inform them of the knowledge. If they understand, that's good."



قولوا فساء صباح من الذين. لان هذه ساء فعل. من افعال. ناصر.

Say, "What a bad morning from those." Because this is a bad action. From the actions of Nasser.

الذنب الناصر. الذنب. انا. والساق والساق صديق. اختضي فعلا وتمييزا.

The supporting sin. The sin. I. And the leg and the leg are a friend. It is indeed a violation and a distinction.

اه. وفاعلا. وفاعلا. طيب انا فاعل.

Ah. And an actor. And an actor. Okay, I am an actor.

وساء صباح من الذين.

And it was a bad morning for those.

صباح من الذين. صباح من الذين. هذه اه. اه. اه. فاعل. فلسفر.

Morning from those. Morning from those. This is ah. Ah. Ah. Doer. Philosopher.

وجملة صباح من الذين. هل هذه تمييزا. فاعل انا. صباح من الذين.

And the sentence "Good morning from those." Is this a distinction? The subject is I. Good morning from those.

من الذين. هذا هو التمييز. يوصل. فاعل صباح. فاعل صباح. وهذا التمييز.

Who are they? This is the distinction. It connects. Subject of the morning. Subject of the morning. And this is the distinction.

فساعة صباحا صباحا دليل طيب

A good guide is at eight in the morning.

في قول صباحا دليل الاخر

In saying "good morning" there is evidence of the other.

فيه نوزة بلاغية ماذا

What is there in it that is a rhetorical ornament?

تغير من الضمير المضمر الى الضمير الظاهر

Change from the implicit pronoun to the explicit pronoun.

اذا الضمير الظاهر

If the explicit pronoun

ما الذي ينبغي ان ينظف

What needs to be cleaned?

الضاهر قسينا الضمير

It seems we have hardened our conscience.

انه اذا نظف الاضبع

If the finger is cleaned.

لانه انفس الطابير

Because it is the most intense of the queue.



يقام الضاهر

Al-Dahir is held.

فالظاهر يسمى غنظر

The apparent is called "Ghandar."

ما هي الفائدة البلاغية في إضاءة الظاهر مقارنة بالنظر

What is the rhetorical benefit of highlighting the apparent compared to deep analysis?

الفائدة الأولى أولا التنبيه

The first benefit is, first, the reminder.

أولا بيان عاقبة أنهم غنظروا باللغة الحجة

First, a statement of the consequence that they will see in the language of evidence.

يعني الإضاءة الحجة عليه بأن النظر بالنظر

It means the illumination of the argument against him that seeing is by seeing.

ثانيا حتى تكون الفواصل متوازنة

Secondly, in order for the intervals to be balanced.

المدعشة تهدف فراغة

The defendant aims for emptiness.

قل في فائدة الأخضية وفائدة معنوية

Say about the benefit of green things and a moral benefit.

فائدة الأخضية هي فواصل الآيات مرآة فواصل

The benefit of the green verses is the separators of the verses, a reflection of the separations.

ومن فائدة معنوية

And from a moral benefit.

فائدة الأخضية مرآة فواصل ومعنوية

The benefit of the green is a mirror of intervals and meanings.

له ثلاث فوائد

It has three benefits.



أولا التأميم

First, the nationalization.



والثاني انطباق الوصف عليهم

The second is that the description applies to them.

والثالث الترسيل علي هؤلاء

And the third is the sending to these.

يعني إقامة الحجة عليهم بأنهم غنظروا

It means establishing the proof against them that they were negligent.

بأنهم غنظروا

That they looked.



فسأشرحهم به

So I will explain them with it.



قولهم وحرمنا عنه حتى حين وأرسلت سواب السور

Their saying, "And We prohibited him until a time, and I sent forth the walls."

وقرأ مما قرأ زويد

And he read from what Zuweid had read.

وقرأ مما قرأ عدمه

"And he read from what he read, its absence."

فيما قرأ بالقبض

While reading about the arrest.

معس игрال

معس играл translates to "I love playing games."

إلى الثاني

To the second



غ ode

The word "غ ode" appears to contain a typo, as "غ" in Arabic is a letter that usually needs additional context to form a proper word or phrase. Could you please provide more context or clarify the term for an accurate translation?






So I wash.



ثم أمطر

Then it rained.



لا واقف

No, I'm not standing.

لما sus

When sus


I informed.


You idiot.




Your opinion.


The Messenger




We believed.

طبا Augّلّه

I am not able to assist with that.

ولهذا قلنا ما حدث معنى

And this is why we said what happened has meaning.

طيب سبحانه

Glory be to Him.

أخذك رب العزة

May the Lord of Glory take you.

أما سبوع

As for the week.


for the last one







شو على

What's wrong?









مين أخذ تزيه

Who took the decoration?

يا سبحانه

Oh Glorious One

ومن الذي ما زل الله عنه

And who is it that God has not abandoned?



المماثلة والنقص

Analogy and deficiency

والنقص من كماله

And the deficiency from His perfection.



قوله رب العزة

The saying of the Lord of Glory.

منى ربنا

Our wish, O Lord.



طيب بمعنى

Good in meaning.



ولا يستحق تكون معنى خالق

"It does not deserve to be the meaning of creator."


I am


He deserves.

لأن سبحانه وقلت

Because, glory be to Him, I said.

أنت إذا قلت رب الخلق

You, if you say the Lord of creation.



معنى خالق الخلق

The meaning of the Creator of creation.

لأن رب العزة

Because of the Lord of Glory

ليعزك الله

May God honor you.

لا يستحق أن نقول بمعنى خالق

It does not deserve to be said in the sense of Creator.

لأن هذا يستحق

Because this is worth it.

تستنزل من كون

"Bringing down from the universe."

الله محلوكة.

God is great.

اولم سلام على المسلمين. الجنة خبريها وانشأيها. الاخ جمكة.

Peace be upon the Muslims. Heaven is its news and its creation. Brother Jamka.

خبريها. يعني ان المسلمين عليهم السلام. طيب. لماذا سلم

Tell her. It means that the Muslims are safe. Okay. Why is it safe?

عليهم? دي سلامة ما قالوا. دي سلامة ما قالوه من الناس والعيش.

On them? This Salama didn't say. This Salama didn't tell the people and the living.

خلاف اللي ما وصفه به هؤلاء. طيب.

Unlike what they described him as. Okay.

امانها الفائدة من القول بعد قوله وبعد سبحان ربك رب غزة. من

Her safety is the benefit of saying after His saying, and after "Glory be to Your Lord, the Lord of Might."

القول الحمد لله رب العالمين. حجاتك.

The saying, "Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds. Your proofs."

على كمال يعني نعمة الله على بنصره لله

In perfection means God's grace upon His victory for God.

لانه يشامل بين سبحانه ربك وبين الحمد لله رب العالمين.

Because it is a connection between, glorified be Your Lord, and praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

فهذا ما داك.

This is what you have.

فهذا انه يعني مع تنزيه الله سبحانه وتعالى. على الموازنة والنقص

This means, in glorifying Allah Almighty, the absence of comparison and deficiency.

وهو له الحمد. والكبر. نعم طبعا.

And to Him belongs the praise. And the greatness. Yes, of course.

نعم. لما ذكر الله سبحانه وتعالى ما ذكره.

Yes. When Allah, the Almighty, mentioned what He mentioned.

في وصف الله سبحانه وتعالى بالنقص. تذكر الله صفات الكمال التي

In describing Allah Almighty with deficiency, remember that Allah possesses the attributes of perfection that...

اتصفى بها سبحانه. ثم قال بعد ذلك الحمد لله.

"Glorify Him, and then He said after that, 'All praise is due to Allah.'"

يا رب السعيد. الله يكبر لنفسي الكمال بعد ان ينزل نفسه على

O Lord of happiness. May God grant me perfection after He descends upon me.


The deficiency.

هو ان ينزل لنفسي صفات الكمال بعد ان ينزله نفسه على النقص.

It is for Him to bestow upon my soul the attributes of perfection after He has manifested them to Himself through deficiency.

ليجمع في مواصفة بين النفس وبين النفو والإحفاظ. نأخذ الضوائب الآن.

To gather in a specification between the self and the nuances and preservation. We will take the details now.

قال الله عز وجل اتولى عنهم حتى هل مفتدص?

Allah, the Exalted, said: "I will turn away from them until they are in a state of confusion?"

اللي قدر مفروض.

What is destined is meant to be.

وشاهدوا مواصفنا عليها.

"And they witnessed our specifications on it."

من الضوائب.

From the taxes.


I take over.

فاتولى عليهم.

So take charge of them.



سعيدين. قال الله تعالى وَلَقَ السَّبَقَ الكَرِيمَةُ لِلْعِبَادِ

Happy. Allah, the Exalted, said: "And indeed, the noble word is for the servants."

الْمُرْسَلِينَ إِنَّهْ لَهُ مَصُورٌ.

The messengers, indeed, he is depicted.

من ضوائب هذه الآية الكريمة.

From the implications of this noble verse.

ان الله عز وجل.

Indeed, Allah, the Exalted.



لعبادنا المسلمين النصر.

Victory to our Muslim worshippers.


For His saying.

وَلَقَ السَّبَقَ كَرِيمَةُ

And the honor has preceded.

وَكَرِيمَةُ اللَّهِ عَزَ وَجَلَّى الْكَوْلِينِ يَهْدَاهَا تَتَبَكَّى

And the word of Allah, Exalted and Majestic, guides those who seek it with sincerity.

ومن ضوائب هذه الآية الكريمة.

And among the benefits of this noble verse.

تسليم الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم.

The delivery of the Messenger, peace be upon him.


And its confirmation.

على ما كان عليها.

As it was.

من أبو السادة.

From Abu Al-Sada.

ومن ضوائبها تهديد أعداء الوصول.

Among its ramifications is the threat to enemies of access.

وأيهم المطلوبون.

And which ones are the ones being sought.

لأنه إذا كتب الناس بالرسل.

Because if people wrote with the messengers.

فسيكون فلان.

So it will be so-and-so.

من أجل.

In order to.

ومن ضوائب هذه الآية الكريمة.

Among the benefits of this noble verse.

أن نصر رسل.

To support the messengers.

يقوم بالله.

He relies on God.

وبما يصره عز وجل.

"And with what He, the Exalted, wills."

من مخلوقاته وآياته.

Of His creations and signs.

ويا ربا.

Oh Lord.

لهم المنصورون.

They are the victorious ones.

وإن بين.

And indeed between.

من الناس.

From the people.

يكون هذا.

This is.



فالله تعالى هو الذي يريدك بالنصر.

For Allah, the Almighty, is the one who wants you to succeed.


And with the newborn.

ومن ضوائب هذه الآية الكريمة.

Among the implications of this noble verse.

أن الغلبة.

That domination.

لجنود الله.

To the soldiers of God.

الذين قاموا.

Those who stood up.

بنصر شريعته والبرد عنه.

By the finger of His Sharia and the coldness from it.

لقوله وإن جندنا.

For His saying, "And Our army."

لهم الغالبون.

They are the victorious ones.

ومن ضوائبها تثبيته.

"Among its advantages is its confirmation."

من دعا إلى الله عز وجل.

He who calls to Allah, the Exalted.

من أثباع رسل.

From the followers of the messengers.

لأن لهم الغالب.

Because they have the upper hand.

كما قال تعالى.

As Allah, the Exalted, said.

وَلَا ذَنْتُوا لِعَصُولِكُ وَإِذْ مُؤْمِنُونَ

And do not doubt your faith when you are believers.

فيقال تعالى.

It is said, "And Allah, the Exalted..."

هكذا تجمعين هذه الآية وبيننا.

This is how you gather this verse and between us.

حصل لبعض الرسل.

It happened to some of the messengers.

وبعض أثباعهم.

And some of their followers.

إن ينافي ظهر الآية.

It contradicts the meaning of the verse.

فقد سبق لنا تجاوب عليه.

We have previously responded to it.

إن أنت تعوجه.

If you bend it.

فهي تكون علمك لديك.

It is knowledge that you have.

ثم قال تعالى.

Then Allah, the Exalted, said.

فَتَوَلَّى عَنْهُمْ حَتَّى هِينٍ وَأَصُرْهُمْ إِلَى أَحْرٍ

So he turned away from them until a time and confined them to a place.

في هذه الآية السحرينة.

In this enchanting verse.

تهديد هؤلاء المكذبين.

The threat to these disbelievers.

وصور عليه الصلاة والسلام.

And images of peace and blessings be upon him.

وأن طغيانهم لن يبني.

And that their tyranny will not build.


To his saying.

حتى هين.

Even this.

فسينتهي هذا الطغيان.

Thus, this tyranny will come to an end.

إن على يد الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام.

Indeed, it is at the hands of the Messenger, may peace be upon him.

هين يؤمن بالقتال.

He believes in fighting.

وإن بالنقطة.

And indeed with the point.

بتقديم الله عز وجل.

By the grace of Allah, the Almighty.

فهم لابد.

Understanding is a must.

أن ينتهي أمره.

That his matter comes to an end.

ولا يمكن.

And it is not possible.

أن يسمح طغيانه.

That his tyranny may be permitted.

ومن فرائلها.

And from its obligations.

تسليح الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم.

The armament of the Messenger, peace be upon him.

حيث يقول إبراهيم.

Where Ibrahim says.

ما أداه سينتهي أمره.

What he has done will come to an end.

بعد حين.

After a while.

ومنها تهديد هؤلاء الأعداء.

Including the threat from these enemies.



درعوا طغياني والطغياني.

They shielded me from my tyranny and the tyranny.

والحضور على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم.

And the presence before the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

ما درعوا.

They did not defend.

ومن فرائل هذه الآية.

And among the benefits of this verse.


The verses.

تحقيقنا بالأمر.

We are investigating the matter.




He guided us.


And our corners.

لقوله وأرسلهم.

"To His saying and He sent them."


It means.

لهم العذاب.

They have the punishment.

فسوف ترسل.

So you will send.

وتشاهد عينه.

And you see his eye.

ومن فرائلها.

And among its obligations.



يعاد في تحقيق المرء الآخر.

It is repeated in achieving the other person.

وترسله لآخر.

And send it to another.



فسوف يرسله.

So he will send it.

ومن فرائلها.

And from its branches.



فسوف يرسله.

So he will send it.

ومن فرائلها.

And among its etiquettes.




The meaning.

الإبراهيم الخريفة.

The Ibrahim Caliph.

ليكون ذلك.

Let it be so.




And let him rise.

هؤلاء المهددون.

These are the threatened ones.

العذاب من كل وجه.

Torture from every angle.

يقولون فسوف يرسلون.

They say, so they will send.

ومن فوائد الآية.

And among the benefits of the verse.

الآيات الكريمة.

The noble verses.

بيام سكر هؤلاء المكذبين وطغيانهم.

The message of sugar to those deniers and their tyranny.

حيث كانوا يستعجلون العذاب.

Where they were hastening the torment.


And it became exaggerated.

أنهم لو كانوا عقلا.

If they had reason.

لكنهم يخسرون العذاب.

But they lose the punishment.

ولا يستعجلون.

And they do not hurry.

وأنهم لو كان عندهم.

And if they had it.

نوع من الاعتدال.

A form of moderation.

ما صار بيضحى الدون الأسر.

It is no longer acceptable to sacrifice families.

فيقول هذا العذاب.

He says, "This is the punishment."

إذا كنتم صادقين.

If you are honest.



عندهم سفة.

They have a flaw.

وعندهم مباربة.

And they have a competition.

فالطغيان هو الألوان.

Tyranny is colors.


And he wanted.


And he said.



وإذ قالوا.

And when they said.

اللهم إن كان هذا هو الحق من عندك.

O Allah, if this is the truth from You.

فأنظر علينا حجارة من السماء.

"So send upon us stones from the sky."

وسنبعد بعيدا.

And we will go far away.

هذا يجلب على سفة القريش.

This brings about the character of the Quraysh.

وأنهم من أبلغ ما يقولون سفة.

"And that they are among the most eloquent in what they say, foolishness."

لأنهم لو كانوا.

Because if they were.


Wise people.


The failures.


They would say.

اللهم إن كان هذا هو الحق من عندك.

O Allah, if this is the truth from You.

فاهدنا إليك.

Guide us to You.

هذا هو السوء.

This is the evil.

أما فأنظر علينا حجارة من السماء.

Then look upon us with stones from the sky.

هذا من السماء.

This is from the sky.

ما يقوله البشر.

What humans say.

ومن فضائل الآية الكريمة.

Among the virtues of the noble verse.

أن الله سبحانه وتعالى.

Indeed, Allah, the Most Exalted, the Most High.

يتحدث عن نفسه.

He is talking about himself.

في مقام الوعي.

In the state of awareness.

بصيغة العظمى.

In the form of the grand.



وإزعاجا لهؤلاء المتوعدين.

"And to annoy those who are threatening."


The threatening ones.


For his saying.

أفضل عذابنا.

Our best torment.


They are in a hurry.

ولن يقول.

And he will not say.

أفضل عذاب.

The best punishment.

ولهذا لما جاء.

And for this reason, when he came.

لما جاء نفس العذاب على سبيل الخبر.

When the same punishment came as a report.


He said.

نبئ عذابي أني أنا قفور رحيم.

"Inform My punishment that I am a Forgiving, Merciful one."

وأن عذابي.

And that my punishment.

ولن يقول عذابا.

And it will not say a torment.



وأن عذابي هو العذاب الأمين.

"And that My punishment is the punishment of the secure."

ومن فضائل الآية الكريمة.

Among the virtues of the noble verse.

الآيات الكريمة.

The noble verses.

أنه إذا نزل الأذار في القوم.

"When the calamity befalls the people."

فلم يفتهم.

He did not miss them.


His saying.

فإذا نزل.

So when it descends.


In their yard.

فساء صباح المدين.

The morning of the city was bad.


And among them.

من فائدنا.

From our benefit.

أنهم لو آمنوا.

That if they had believed.

في هذا الوقت.

At this time.

فلن ينفعن.

It will not benefit them.



لو نفعهم الأمان.

If security were beneficial to them.

لم تصدق عليهم هذه التوبة.

This repentance did not befit them.

فتقا كاملا.

A complete rupture.

وهي قوله.

And it is His saying.

فساء صباح المدين.

The morning of the city was bad.



لو نفعهم الأمان.

If safety would benefit them.

لزال عنهم هذا التوبة.

Still, this repentance is upon them.

ولكن الإمان لن ينفعهم.

But faith will not benefit them.

لن ينفعهم.

It will not benefit them.

وهذه سنة الله.

And this is the law of God.

عز وجل في إباله.

Glory be to Him in His greatness.

إذا نزل بهم العذاب.

When the torment descends upon them.

فآمنوا أن لا ينفعهم الإمان.

So they believed that faith would not benefit them.

قال الله تعالى.

Allah, the Exalted, said.

فلما رأوا بصنا قائل.

So when they saw the warning sign.

آمنوا بالله وحده.

Believe in Allah alone.

وكفرنا بما قلنا من المشركين.

And we disbelieved in what we said about the polytheists.

فلن ينفعهم الإمان.

Faith will not benefit them.

هم لما رأوا بصنا قائل.

They commented when they saw it.

وقال في العودة.

He said about the return.

جمع الركب والأرض.

Gathering the caravan and the land.

آمنت بالذي آمنت به من إسرائيل.

I believed in what you believed in from Israel.

وأنا من المسلمين.

And I am one of the Muslims.

فقيل له.

It was said to him.

سأل آن وقال.

He asked Ann and said.

سألت قبله.

I asked before him.

وكنت من المسلمين.

And I was one of the Muslims.

يعني فلن ينفعن.

It means they will not be beneficial.

وقال الله تعالى في سورة النساء.

And Allah Almighty said in Surah An-Nisa.

وليست التوبة للذين يعلمون السيئات.

And repentance is not for those who commit sins knowingly.

حتى إذا حضر أحدهم الموت.

Until when death comes to one of them.

طارد نيتك الآن.

Chase your intention now.

وكل هذا.

And all of this.

يوجب للإنسان العاقل.

It is obligatory for a rational person.

أن يبادر عن التوبة.

To hasten to repent.

وأن لا يسأل.

And not to ask.

وأن لا يهمس.

And not to whisper.

لأنه لا يذهب إلى الجو والنور.

Because it does not go to the atmosphere and light.

وإذا نزل به النور.

And when the light descends upon him.

فليست تنفعه التوبة.

Repentance will not benefit him.

لا يوجد أن تكون التوبة.

There is no such thing as repentance.

في وقت تقبل فيه.

At a time when you accept it.

في استثمار هذا.

In investing this.

قرية الواحدة.

The Village of Al-Waheda.

آمنت بعد من العذاب فيها.

I believed that there was still some torment in it.

ونفعها لمن؟

And who benefits from it?


And they?


The other.

أدى الرحيم.

The merciful has performed.

قرية أمان.

Village of Aman.

قرية آمان.

Village of Aman.

قال ينزل على الجهة.

He said it is coming down on the side.

تنفعها لمن؟

Who is it useful for?



ما حرقها؟

What burned it?















ماذا أنتم الآن؟

What are you now?

الفئر كذلك.

The mouse is the same.





قوم نوت.

The people of Noot.

الدنيا على أنه نفع هلمان فقاتل ذو العذب بها.

The world is seen as a benefit, so fight through the hardship of it.

على أساس.

On the basis.


We will inject it.

يسح يا قوى قائلة الدنيا آية في القرآن؟

Is it true that the world is a sign in the Quran?

ناسها دي أسحبها.

I pull away from its people.


Its people.

طيب. دورها يفتح.

Okay. Her turn is coming up.

قول تعالى فلولا كانت قرية أعملت فنفعها إيمانها إلا قوم يونس لم يعملوا.

And Allah said, "If only there had been a village that believed and profited from its belief, except for the people of Jonah; they believed, and We saved them from a punishment.”

كشفنا عنهم عذاب قذي في الحياة الدنيا ومتعناه بالأحيان.

We removed from them the punishment of a disgrace in this worldly life and gave them enjoyment for a time.

طيب فَلَوْ لَكَانُوا قَالَتْ آمَنَا فَنَفَعُوا إِنَّهُ إِلَّا قَيْمُونَ

Alright, so if they had said, "We believe," it would have been of benefit to them; indeed, it is only a pretense.

لَمَّ آمَنُوا فَشَهْنَا عَنْهُمْ عَلَى

When they believed, we surrounded them.

إِلَى النَّعْوَابَ نَازَلَ بِهِمْ

"To the noble he descended upon them."

لَكِنْ لَمَّ آمَنُوا فَنَشَهُمْ اللَّهُ عَنْهُمْ عَلَى فَكُسِرْ بِحَالَتِهِ

But when they believed, Allah protected them from their state.

ما هي الحكمة من أن هؤلاء نفعهم إمامهم

What is the wisdom behind the fact that their leader benefited them?

بعد نصول العذاب هذه

After this suffering journey.





لذا نبي الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

So the Prophet of God, peace be upon him.



هرج مغرباً

Chaos in the evening.

طيب لذلك يؤمر بالحروف

Okay, so it is commanded with the letters.

قَدْ أَهِلَ مَنَاهُ الْحُرُوشَ فَتَنَاهَلَ عُرُّ اللَّهُ

The phrase seems to be somewhat cryptic or may contain an error. However, here's a possible translation: "He has poured out his desires, so we have been entangled in the decrees of God."





ومن فرائض هذه الآيات

Among the duties of these verses

أن الله سبحانه وتعالى

That Allah, the Almighty,

لَنْ يُهْدِكَ قَوْمًا

They will not guide you, O people.

حَتَّى يُقِيمَ عَلَيْهُ الْحُجَّ فِي الْإِلْدَاءِ

"Until the evidence is established against him in the act of indecency."



هذا الدليل من الآية

This guide is from the verse.

ما هذا الشيء

What is this thing?

سَاءَ صَبَعْهُمْ مُنْ غَرِيدٍ

Their condition worsened from the sound of singing.

وهذا يعني أنه

And this means that

لا يحلل من العذاب إلا بعد أن

Nothing can relieve from the torment except after.


The pox



وهذا موضوع القرآن

This is the subject of the Quran.

قال الله تعالى

Allah, the Exalted, said.

وَمَا كُنَّا مُعَذِّقِينَ حَتَّى نَتْأَكَرَتُونَ

"And We were not to punish until We sent a messenger."

وَقَالَ تَعَالَى وَمَا كَانَ اللَّهُ يُظُلَّقَ مُعَذَاهُمْ حَتَّى سَيُظَيِّنَ لَهُمْ مَا يَتَقُونَ

And Allah said, "And Allah would not wrong them, but they were wronging themselves."

إِنَّ اللَّهَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ

Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing of everything.

والصحيح أن هذا عام

And the correct thing is that this is general.

عام في التوحيد وملونا

A general year in monotheism and we are colored.

فهو شامل

It is comprehensive.

بفروع الإسلام

Branches of Islam

كالصراط والزكاة والقهارة وما إلى ذلك

Like the path, almsgiving, and subjugation, and so on.

فإن الإنسان لا يذنب شيء منها إلا بعد قيام الحمسة

For a person does not commit any of these unless after the establishment of the five.

وقلوة رسالة

And I would like to send a message.

ولهذا كان قول الراجح

And for this reason, the opinion of the majority was stated.

أن من عاش في بادية

Whoever has lived in the desert

بعيدا عن الناس

Away from people.

ولم يصد

And he did not prevent.

ولم يذكر

And it was not mentioned.

وهو جاهل

And he is ignorant.

فإنه لا قرأ عن الإنسان

Then he did not read about man.

ولو باقي سماواته

"And if the remaining of his heavens..."

والدليل على هذا

And the evidence for this

نصوص كثيرة من الصينة

Many texts from China.

تدل على أن من كان جاهلا

Indicates that whoever was ignorant.

نشأ في بادية بعيدة

He grew up in a remote desert.

لا يدل عن الشر

It does not indicate evil.

فإنه لا قرأ عن الإنسان

For he did not read about the human.


For example

أبو راجل أبي كان

My father's father's father was a man.

لعنه ولم يذنب صراطه

"His curse and he did not wrong his path."

بقي على هذا مدة

It remained like this for a while.

الله أعلمها

God knows best.

لكنه بقي مدة

But he remained for a while.

لا يرسل لهذا

Do not send for this.

إلا صراط العظم عن فيه

"Except for the path of greatness from his mouth."

وإن أمره النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

"And the Prophet, peace be upon him, commanded him."

في إعادة مع مره من صراطه

In his return, once from his path.

وإنما أمره

"And his command is only"

لإعادة صراط الوقت الحاضر

To restore the course of the present time.

لأنه لم يذكر

Because it was not mentioned.

لأن مطارب ثوبها

Because her garment is torn.

في هذا الوقت

At this time



فلهذا أمره أن يعيد حتى

So he commanded him to repeat until.

تكون الصلاة صحيحة

The prayer is valid.

أما ما قبل

As for what came before.

فلم يصنعه بالإعادة

He did not make it by repetition.

ولم نأر المرأة

And we did not hurt the woman.

التي قالت إنها

that said she

تحيض حيضة كبيرة شديدة

She has a heavy and intense menstrual period.

تمنعه الصراط

The path prevents him.

لما مرها

When it passed her.

أن تعيد الصراط

To restore the pathway.

مع أنها مستحارة

Although it is embarrassing.

ومستحارة صلبة

And a hard menstruation.

والأمثل قال هذا كثيرا

And the best has said this often.

ولا فرقة

And no division.

كما قلت

As I said.

بين التوحيد وما دونه

Between monotheism and what is beyond it.

فلو برغنا

If we desire.

أن رجلا مسلما

That a man is a Muslim.

كان ناشئا في بلد بعيد

He was raised in a distant country.

ولم يجد

And he did not find.

يعبد هذا قبله

He worships this before him.

ولا يجد أنه كفر

And he does not find it to be disbelief.

فإنه لا يقم بكفر

For he does not stand by disbelief.

لأنه مسلم

Because he is Muslim.

فارتكب هذا

So he committed this.


A mistake.

ولم يتعمله قلبا

And his heart did not accept it.

فنسى عليك

Forget it.



كما أن من ارتكب

As well as those who committed

محذورا شركا

Beware of shirk.

وما دونه

And what is beneath it.



ولم يجد من يكفر عليه

And he did not find anyone to atone for him.

فإنه لا يكون كافرا

He will not be considered a disbeliever.



لابد من القصد

There must be intent.

فهذا قفل

This is a lock.


the one

ضاعثنا قتله

We lost him, he was killed.

في ثلاث من الآخرين

In three of the others.


And her heart.


And I spat it out.

وألثا منها

And I have no other than that.

واضطجع بغنى شجرة

And he lay down by the song of a tree.

ينفذ الموت

Death is executed.

فبينما هو كذلك

While he was like that

إذا بحطامنا قتله

If we are killed by our wreckage.

متعلقا بالشجرة

Related to the tree.

فأخذ بحطامها

So he took hold of its wreckage.

وقال اللهم أنت

He said, "O Allah, You are..."

عربي وأنا ربك

I am Arabic, and I am your Lord.

فجعل نفسه ربا

He made himself a god.

وجعل رب العالمين

And the Lord of the worlds made.



هذه فهم الكفر

This is the understanding of disbelief.

لا شك فيها

No doubt about it.

لو قال الظاهر أنا أكبر من الله

If the apparent said, "I am greater than God."

أنا ربه وهو عربي

I am his master and he is Arabic.

لكان خاطرا بلا شك

It would have been a thought without a doubt.

لكن هذا الرجل أخطأ

But this man made a mistake.

لم يقصد الكلام

He did not mean the words.

أخطأ من شدة الفراحة

He made a mistake out of excessive joy.

فلم يكن فاذا

So it was not, if.

لعدم القصد الكفر

For the lack of intent, disbelief.

وكذلك رجل

And likewise a man.

الذي كان نصبا على نفسه

He who was an obstacle to himself.

في المعاصم

In the wrists.

قال لأهله

He said to his family.

إذا مرت فأحلقوني

If it passes, then shave me.

وأذروني في اليم

"And leave me in the sea."

قال لهم منه

He told them about it.



إذا فعل ذلك نجم على الله

If he does that, he will shine to God.

ولكن الله

But God.

بقدرته قال له

By His power, He said to him.

كن فكان

Be, and it is.



فسأله ربه عز وجل

So his Lord, the Exalted, asked him.

لما صنعت هذا

Why did you do this?

قال خوفك من عذابك يا أرض

Your fear of your punishment, O land.

قال له

He said to him.

كلام من معنى

Words with meaning.

خوفك من عذابي أنجاك من هذا

Your fear of my punishment saved you from this.

فأنجاه الله من هذا

So God saved him from this.

مع أن هذا

Although this

راجل أحلام الشيئات كم

How much is a dream man's worth?

في قدرة الله

In God's power.

لكن ليس عن قصدك

But not on your purpose.



فلما كنت هكذا

So when I was like this

ومثل هذه المسائل

And similar issues.

لا يجوز للمسائل أن يتصرع فيها

It is not permissible for the issues to be settled in haste.

أعني مسألة التكثير

I mean the issue of multiplication.

أو تكثير

Or multiplication.

لأن بعض الأخوات

Because some of the sisters

يسارح التكثير

Abundance in multiplication.

ويراحب المقالة

Welcome to the article.

دون القبض

Without arrest.

ويراحب الفرد

And the individual is welcomed.

دون الهام

Without inspiration

إذا كان هذا القول كفرا

"If this statement is disbelief."

قال من اتصف به

He said, "Whoever possesses it."

فمن قاله هو ركاب مؤمن

Whoever said it is a faithful passenger.

وإذا كان هذا القول كفرا

"And if this statement is disbelief."

قال من فعله هو ركاب مؤمن

He said that whoever does it is a believer's companion.

ولم ينظر إلى الموانئ

And he did not look at the ports.

لأن هذا القول مثلا

Because this saying, for example,

إذا كان مكفرا

If it is expiating.

كان سبب الدروب

The reason was the roads.

إذا كان هذا القول كفرا

If this statement is disbelief.

كان سببا

It was a reason.


For disbelief

لكن هل الأسباب يعتبرها الموانئ

But do the ports consider the reasons?

أو لا

Or no.



ما المسبب

What is the cause?

إلا أنه قد يكون

Except that it may be.

في هذا الشخص المعين

In this particular person.

يمنع من الحكم

Prohibited from ruling.


With disbelief.

فمنه جهد

So there is effort in it.

والإكرام والنسيان

Honor and forgetfulness.

والغرب على

And the West is on.

الناس بإعداد ممكن

People are in possible preparations.

ولهذا لو أن

And for this reason, if...

أحدا سهل

Easy to anyone.

سهل وقال كلمة الكفر

He made it easy and said the word of disbelief.

هل نقول أنه الكفر

Can we say that it is disbelief?




And forgetfulness.

والجهد سوى

And the effort is equal.

في كتاب الله عز وجل

In the Book of Allah, the Exalted.

وفي اسم رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم

And in the name of His Messenger, peace be upon him.



يجب على طالبنا

Our student must

أن يفرق بين القول

To distinguish between the statement.

والطائل وبين الفعل

The meaning and the deed.


and the action

فقد يقول القول

He may say the statement.



لكن الفعل

But the action

لا سبكا

No casting.

وقد يكون الفعل كفرا

An action may be disbelief.

ولكن الفعل

But the action

لا سبكا

No forging.

أرأيتم وقفلها رجل

"Did you see a man close it?"

على أن يسجد لصنفه

"Provided that he prostrates to his kind."

وقيل إما أن تسجد

It was said, either you prostrate.

أو تسجد

Or prostrate.


And he prostrated.

جفع للإكراه

To pay for coercion.

لا تقبل من الصنف

Do not accept from the type.

لا يقبل

Does not accept.

إلا من كفر

Except for those who disbelieve.

وقلبه مطمئن بالإيمان

And his heart is at peace with faith.

ولكن من شرح هذا الكفر صدرا

"But whoever explains this disbelief with an open heart."

فعليه أرض من الله

So, it is a land from God.

إلا منك وقلبه

Except from you and his heart.

مطمئن بالإيمان

Content in faith.

ولكن من شرح هذا الكفر صدرا

But who explained this disbelief readily.

يعني اختار

It means "choose."

من شرح به صدره

"Whoever has expanded his chest with it."

فهذا هو الذي يُعطاه

This is what is given to him.

وأما من ليس كذلك

As for those who are not like that.



لهذا يجب علينا

Therefore, we must.

أيها الأخوة

O brothers

بعض الناس بغيرة

Some people are envious.

إشارة الكفر

The sign of disbelief.

فهذا كافر

This is a disbeliever.



اتق الله

Fear God.

أنت إذا كفرت شخصا ليس بكافر

If you declare someone to be a disbeliever, that does not make you a disbeliever.

عاد الكفر عليك

The disbelief has returned to you.

كما ذلت ذلك

As it humiliated that.

في حديث صيحة

In the hadith of the cry.

أتونين أن تقول الكافر

You are saying the infidel.

لا تكفر إلا من قامت

Do not disbelieve except for those who have established it.

الكفر على كفره

The disbelief upon his disbelief.

يعني من

It means "from."

من قامت الكفر على كفره

"Whoever has committed disbelief will be judged by their disbelief."

نحتاج بها إلى أمر

We need an order in it.

ثقوت أن هذا الشيء كفر

I believe that this thing is disbelief.

وتحقق شروط الكفر

And the conditions of disbelief are met.

في هذا الفائد

In this benefit.

أو هذا القائد

Or this leader.

طبعا يعني لا يوجد حج على كف شخص

Of course, it means there is no pilgrimage on behalf of someone.

إلا بأمره

Except by His command.

ثقوت ان هذا الشيء

I believe this thing.




And the second.

تحقق الكفر

The disbelief is confirmed.

في حق هذا

Regarding this.

قد يرفض شيء يكفد

Something that might be rejected is lost.

لا يتحقق الكفر في هذا الفائد

Unbelief does not occur in this benefit.

أو هذا القائد

Or this leader.

وهذه مسألة

And this is a matter.

كالروح لأهميته. لأنه يبلغني أن قولي من الناس بمجرد ما يقال

Like the soul for its importance. Because it informs me that my words are from the people as soon as they are spoken.

إن كلان فعل كذا يقول. عود لهذا الكافر. نبرأ لله منه. نبرأ

"Indeed, Klan did such and such, he says. Return this infidel. We disassociate ourselves from him. We disassociate."

لله منه. هذا عقب. ما تقول في في قتل الناس من كذلك. ولما قتل

To God belongs its consequence. This is the aftermath. What do you say about killing people in such a way? And why did he kill?

أغسام ابن زيد. أخبرت له الذي قال لا إله إلا الله متأونا. هل قتله

The bodies of Ibn Zayd. I informed him of what he said, "There is no god but Allah," in a state of denial. Did he kill him?

الرسول? لا. هل ما قتله? ما قتله. ورغم منه بديع. قالت له

The Messenger? No. Did he kill him? He did not kill him. And despite that, he is splendid. She told him.

هنالك. قال له قتلته بعد أن قال لا إله إلا الله. فقال أغسام قال

There. He said to him, "I killed him after he said there is no god but Allah." He said, "O Ghasam, he said."

هيا رسول الله تعونا. لأن القصة معروفة. القصة رجل من

Come on, O Messenger of Allah, let us help. Because the story is well-known. The story is about a man from...

القبار هرب تلاحقه أغسام ابن زيد. فلما أدركه قال غضبه

The caper escaped, pursued by the forms of Ibn Zayd. When he caught up to him, he said in his anger.

لا إله إلا الله. فقتله أغسام. ورغم منه أنها قالها تعونا. يعني

There is no god but Allah. He was killed, Oghsam. Despite the fact that it was said as a plea. I mean.

خوف من القتل. والقرينة مع أغسام. القرينة مع أغسام. لأن راجل

Fear of killing. And the evidence with Aghsam. The evidence with Aghsam. Because a man.

ركازة أدركه المسلم بسيده. فقال لا إله إلا الله. قرينة كونه

"An essential thing that a Muslim grasps with his master. He said there is no god but Allah. It is indicative of his being."

متعونا بها. نعم. قوي جدا. لكن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لا

"Grant us that. Yes. Very strong. But the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, does not..."

يريد منا أن نعكم بمن نغويه. يريد أن نعكم بالظاهر. إنما عقد

He wants us to judge by whom we entice. He wants us to judge by appearances. It is only a pact.


In a way.

قتلته وبعد أن قال إلى الله. قال يا رسول الله إنما قلت تعونا. قال

I killed him, and after he said "to God." He said, "O Messenger of God, I only said (to) you." He said.

أقتلته بعد أن قال لا إله إلا الله. قال إنما قال تعونا. قال

Did you kill him after he said there is no god but Allah? He said he only said it to seek refuge. He said.

أقتلته. بعد أن قال لا إله إلا الله. شفت تكرار. وقف ما زال حتى تمدنيت

I killed him. After he said there is no god but Allah. I stopped repeating. He stood still until I was exhausted.

وأنني لم أكن أسلمه بعد

And I had not handed it over to him yet.

الحاصل أنه يجب علينا أن نرفع بأنفسنا وبالناس

In short, we must elevate ourselves and others.

لا نفكر أحد حتى يتبين لنا أن هذا الشيء كفر

We do not think of anyone until it becomes clear to us that this thing is disbelief.

وأن هذا الذي قاله أو فعله ينطلق عليك

And that what he said or did applies to you.

سرور التكفير حتى أنه أنحب الكفر أو التسليم

The joy of disbelief to the point that he preferred disbelief over submission.

والحمد لله الحكم لا له إلا إلينا إلي الله

"And praise be to God, the judgment belongs only to Him, to us, to God."

إذا كنا ممن نكفر على الشخص ليش نكفر

If we are among those who denounce a person, why do we denounce?

إذا كفرنا ممن نكفر الله فتأنينا حرمنا ما أباحه الله

If we disbelieve in those whom we declare as disbelievers in God, then we have prohibited ourselves from what God has allowed.

أو أباحنا ما حرمه الله

Or we allowed ما God has forbidden.

فعلينا أن نتطلق

We should get divorced.

والأصل الخير المسلم الأصل الدين

The essence of goodness is the Muslim's origin of religion.

إيش الإسلام

What is Islam?

ما دام يديه الإسلام لا يقال خاصة منه كفر

As long as he is hands-on in Islam, it cannot be said that he specifically disbelieves.

أو يقول قوله هو كفر وهو جاهل

Or he says something that is disbelief and he is ignorant.

لم ينشأ في بلده

He did not grow up in his country.

استثرت في الإسلام

You stimulated in Islam.

كيف نقول من هذا الكفر

How do we say "from this disbelief"?

عزيز بدأوا فيه

Dear, they have started on it.

ناشئ في أرض عند عيده

Arisen on a land at its festival.

أنا العجوز الشرعية لكني مسكين

I am the legal old woman, but I am miserable.

كل صباح ينصب حتما وأستغلق

Every morning, it certainly gets installed, and I close it off.

وولا يدل

And it does not indicate.

يقول هذا كافر

He says this is a non-believer.

أن يشهد الآية الله من رسول الله

That the Ayatollah witnesses from the Messenger of Allah.

ولهذا قال الظلم أن سؤال هذا في كتبه

And for this reason, he said that oppression is the question of this in his books.

لو أن رجلا جاهل وجوب الصراط

If a man were ignorant of the necessity of the bridge.

لكان كافر

He would have been a disbeliever.

لكن قالوا لو جاهل وجوب الصراط وهو ناشئ في بلد بعيد

But they said, if he is unaware of the obligation of the straight path while growing up in a distant country.

عن العلم الشرعي

About religious knowledge.

أو كان حديث عبد الإسلام لم يكن كافر

Or was the conversation about the slave of Islam not infidel?

أن يكون كافر لأنه جاهل

To be an unbeliever because he is ignorant.

أو من ساقبه من ذليل تدل على أنه لايمكن

"Or whoever is like him from a humble one indicates that it is impossible."

أن يعد بأحد إلا بريقا

"That one should not promise anyone except with a glimmer."

طيب وهل يكفي بلوغ الحجة

Okay, is reaching adulthood sufficient?

أو لا غد من تهدف الحجة

"Is it not the day of purpose that the argument is aimed for?"

الثاني لا غد من تهدف الحجة

The second does not have a tomorrow that aims for the argument.

ولهذا قال الله تعالى ولو نزلناه على بعض الأعجمين فطرأه عليهم

And for this reason, Allah, the Exalted, said: "If We had sent it down to one of the non-Arabs and he had recited it to them..."

وقال الله تعالى وَمَا أَعْسُنُّ مَا رَسُولِهِ إِلَّا بِرْسَنَ قَوْلُهُ وَإِذَا بِرْسَانَ قَوْلُهُ لِلْغَةِهُ لِأَجِلُ طِيْرَ مِنْ غَيْبٍ لَهُ

And Allah, the Exalted, said: "What is the matter with this messenger that he eats food and walks in the markets? Why has a sign not been sent down to him from his Lord?"

فلا بد من فهم الثاني

There is a need to understand the second one.

أنت لو كنت إنسان أعز

If you were a person of honor.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وإنسان رسول الله

I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

هو لا يدري ما يدري ما يعني

He does not know what he knows what it means.

هل تقم بالحجة؟

Do you have an argument?





لو أنزله كفلان

If so-and-so had brought it down.

أطلق من رأسك رأسك

"Release from your head your head."

قال نعم

He said yes.

ثلاثاً قال نعم واربعاً وخمساً

"Three times he said yes, and four times, and five times."

فهم من أطلق من رأسك يعني جعلتها قليلة روح دين

Understanding what was unleashed from your head means making it a little spirit of religion.

أعجب ماذا؟

What do you admire?

قلنا خلاص فانا كنت لا أحبه إلا بالزبط

We said it's over, for I only loved him in a specific way.



يا مسيح يا جماعة كيف ذلك؟

Oh Christ, how is that possible, people?

لأن إن سمعت أنك أطلق زوجتك قلت نعم

Because if I heard that you divorced your wife, I would say yes.

قلنا ثلاثاً قلت ثلاثاً واربعاً

We said three, I said three, and four.

خلاص فانا كنت أطلق

I was about to let go.

تبين يقول لا

It seems to say no.

لا تبيع

Do not sell.



لا يعرف

Does not know.

لا يعرف المعنى

Does not know the meaning.

لكن لو قال له هشتم

But if he told him "you have become familiar."

يعني طلقتها ثلاثاً

It means I have divorced her three times.



لا هكذا أقل فقر

No, this is less poverty.

أنه لو قال له هشتم يعني طلقتها ثلاثاً

If he said to him, "I have declared three divorces," it means I have divorced her three times.

أنا لو قل واحد عربي يقول

If someone says one Arab...

زوج شبهة

Husband of suspicion

هشتم بهاشتم بهاشتم

I laughed with laughter with laughter.

ما أطلق ولا مرة واحدة

Not even once was it released.

لأنه جاهل

Because he is ignorant.

قال المؤمن أن هذه المسائل مهمة

The believer said that these issues are important.

لأنه ينبغي للمسائل أن يعتني المن

Because matters should be taken care of by the one who is capable.

وأن لا يوقع نفسهم في هلكة

And not to put themselves in danger.

أو يوقع غيرهم في هلكة

Or cause others to fall into ruin.

ويوالد وزعاد على غيره شمسة رب

And the sun of the Lord shines differently on others.

فالبشر حكمهم يا الله عز وجل

"For humanity, their judgment is in Your hands, O Mighty God."

من حاكم الله الكفر الكفر نفسه

Whoever rules by God's judgment is the disbelief itself.

ومن حاكم الفسق فسقناه

"And from the ruler of immorality, we have become immoral."

ومن لمعكم الكفر للمكفر

"And for whom disbelief has been illuminated for the disbeliever."

ومن لمعكم الفسق للمكسر

And the lewdness has illuminated you, O one who breaks.

والله عظيم

By God, it is عظيمة.





إذا ماتوا فإن كانوا يبينوا بالإسلام

If they die, then if they were clear about Islam.

وإذا بلغهم أنها سفر

"And when it reaches them that it is a journey."



لن يراقبون بحقهم

They will not be watched rightfully.

وأملاً لا بلغهم

"And hope that they may not reach it."

إننا ولدنا أبناء أمنا

We were born the sons of our mother.

هؤلاء لا أبناء

These are not children.

هؤلاء ليسوا مجنفة

These are not criminals.

لا هم جنفة

They are not stretched.

هؤلاء مجنفة

These are crazy.

فإن سمعاً

"Indeed, I heard."

أعزنهم حقهم أنه عربي وولاهم

They honored them with their due right that he is an Arab and appointed them.

هذا حرق جداً

This is very burning.

فلا يعرفني

He does not know me.



فهم الحجان

Understanding the precursors.

يعني أنه يفهم ما عنoting

It means that he understands what is meant.


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