الشريط السادس عشر الأخير


شرح كتاب التوحيد لمعالي الشيخ صالح آل الشيخ كاملا

الشريط السادس عشر الأخير

شرح كتاب التوحيد لمعالي الشيخ صالح آل الشيخ كاملا

راب ما جاء في دمة الله ودمة نبيه

What has come in the protection of God and the protection of His Prophet.


And His saying.

وَأَوْفُوا بِعَهْدِ اللَّهِ إِذَا عَاهَدْتُمْ وَلَا تَنْقُضُوا الْأَيْمَانَ بَعْدَ تَوْكِيزِهَا

"And fulfill the covenant of Allah when you have taken a pledge, and do not break oaths after confirming them."

وَقَدْ جَعَلْتُمُ اللَّهَ عَلَيْكُمْ كَفِيلًا إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَعْلَمُ مَا تَفْعَلُونَ

And you have made Allah a guarantor over you; indeed, Allah knows what you do.

وعن بريبس قال

And regarding Bribes, he said

كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

إذا أمر أميرا على جيش أوسرية أوصاه في قاصته بسطو الله

"If he appoints a commander over a military campaign, he should advise him in his instruction to rely on God's support."

ومن معه من المسلمين خيرا

"And those with him from the Muslims are good."


He said.

رغزوا باسم الله في سبيل الله

"Fight in the name of God for the cause of God."

قاتلوا من كفر بالله

Fight those who disbelieve in God.

رغزوا ولا تغلوا ولا تغدروا ولا تمثلوا

"Fight, but do not be excessive, do not betray, and do not act."

ولا تقتلوا وليدا

And do not kill a newborn.

وإذا لقيت عدوك من المشركين

"And if you meet your enemy from the polytheists..."

فاجعهم إلى ثلاثة صالم أو سلام

Bring them back to three: silence or peace.

فأيثهن ما أجابوك فاقبل منهم وكف عنهم

"Whichever of them responds to you, accept from them and refrain from others."

ثم اجعهم إلى الإسلام

Then bring them to Islam.

فإن أجابوك فاقبل منهم

If they answer you, accept from them.

ثم اجعهم إلى استحول من دارهم إلى دار المهاجرين

Then move them from their house to the house of the immigrants.

وأخبرهم أنهم إن فعلوا ذلك فلهم ما للمهاجرين

And tell them that if they do that, they will have what the immigrants have.

وعليهم ما على المهاجرين

And upon them is what is upon the immigrants.

فإن أبوا أن يتحولوا منها

If they refuse to turn away from it.

فأخبرهم أنهم يطونون كأعراض المسلمين

So tell them that they are treating the symptoms of Muslims.

يجري عليهم حكم الله تعالى

The judgment of Allah, the Exalted, is applied to them.

ولا يكون لهم في الغنمة والسيء شيء

And they will have nothing in the spoils and the bad.

إلا أن يجاهلوا مع المسلمين

Unless they are ignorant among the Muslims.

فإن هم أبوا فاسألهم الجذية

If they refuse, ask them for the jizyah.

فإن هم أجابوك فاقبل منهم وكف عنهم

"If they respond to you, accept it from them and desist."

فإن هم أبوا فاستعمل الله وقاتلهم

If they refuse, then rely on God and fight them.

وإذا حاصرت أهل حصن فأرادوك أن تجعل لهم ذنبك الله وذنبك نبيك

"And if you besiege the people of a fortress and they want you to make your sin a sin of God and your sin a sin of your Prophet."

فلا تجعل لهم ذنبك الله وذنبك نبيك

So do not make them your sin, O Allah, and your sin, O Prophet.

ولكن اجعل لهم ذنبك وذنبك أصحابك

But make your sin and the sin of your companions a justification for them.

فإنكم إن تخبروا ذنبكم وذنب أصحابكم

If you were to disclose your sin and the sins of your companions.

أهون من أن تخبروا ذنبك الله وذنبك نبيك

Easier than telling your sins to God and your sins to your Prophet.

وإذا حاصرت أهل حصن فأرادوك أن تنزلهم على حكم الله

And if you besiege the people of a fortress and they want you to judge them by God's law.

فلا تنزلهم على حكم الله

"Do not subject them to the judgment of God."

ولكن أنزلهم على حكمك

"But bring them down to Your judgment."

وَإِنَّ كَذَا تَجْرِي أَصْرَى تُصِيرُ فِيهِمْ قُصْمَ اللَّهِ أَمْدَى رَوَاهُمْ مُسْلِينَ

And if such and such happens, the oaths of God will turn against them, as narrated by those who submit.

هذا باب عظيم من الأبواب الأخيرة في هذا الكتاب

This is a great chapter among the final chapters in this book.

وهو باب ما جاء في ذنب الله وذنب النبي

This is the chapter on what has been said regarding the sin of God and the sin of the Prophet.

صلى الله عليه وسلم

Peace be upon him.

وذكر الإمام رحمه الله في هذا الباب

The Imam, may Allah have mercy on him, mentioned in this regard.

يجلي حديث بريدة

It clarifies the حديث (Hadith) of Buraidah.

الذي ساقه وفيه

The one who brought it and contained it.

وَإِذَا حَافَرْتَ أَهْلَ حِطْنٍ فَأَرَادُوكَ أَنْ تَجْعَلَ لَهُمْ ذِنَّةَ اللَّهِ وَذِنَّةَ نَبِيَّةٍ

And when you negotiate with the people of Hithn, they want you to grant them the protection of Allah and the protection of His Prophet.

فَلَا تَجْعَلْ لَهُمْ ذِنَّةَ اللَّهِ وَذِنَّةَ نَبِيَّةٍ

So do not make for them the sin of Allah and the sin of His Prophet.

وَلَا تِجْعَلْ لَهُمْ ذِنَّتَكَ وَذِنَّةَ أَصْحَابِكَ

And do not make them bear your sin nor the sin of your companions.

وَإِنَّكُمْ أَنْ تَغْفِرُوا لِمَمَكُمْ وَلِمَّةَ أَرْحَابِكُمْ أَهْوَى مِنْ أَنْ تُغْفِرُوا لِمَّةَ اللَّهِ وَلِمَّةَ مَدِيَّةٍ

"And indeed, it is more beloved to you to forgive your kin and the people of your womb than to forgive for the sake of God or for the sake of a cause."

وهذا فيجلس عظيم الرب صلى الله عليه وسلم

And this is about the Great Lord sitting, peace be upon him.

وتعظيم رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم

And the glorification of His Messenger, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him.

فإن تعظيم الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في مناجاته وفي سؤاله وفي العبادة له

For the glorification of Allah, peace be upon him, in supplication, in asking, and in worshiping Him.

وفي التعامل مع الناس هذا كله من كمال التوحيد

In dealing with people, all of this is part of the perfection of monotheism.

وهذا الباب من جهة التعامل مع الناس

And this chapter is about dealing with people.

كما جاء في الباب الذي قبله

As stated in the previous chapter.

الباب الذي قبله وهو باب ما جاء في كثرة الحلس

The door before it is the door concerning the abundance of the mat.

متعلق لتعظيم الله جل وعلا شهد التعامل مع الناس

Related to glorifying Allah, may He be exalted, is the witness of dealing with people.

وبها ما جاء في ذنب الله وذنب نبيه

"And in it, what came regarding the sin of God and the sin of His Prophet."

متعلق بالتعامل مع الناس في الحالات العسرى الصعبة وهي حال الجهاد

Related to dealing with people in difficult and distressing situations, which is the state of jihad.

فننظر لهذا على أن تعظيم الرب

So let us consider this as glorifying the Lord.

جل وعلا

Glory be to Him, the Exalted.

يكون في التعامل

It is in the dealing.

ولو كان ذلك التعامل

And if that interaction were.

في أعصر الحالات وهي الجهاد

In the worst cases, it is jihad.

فإن العبد يكون مرقبا لله

The servant will be vigilant for God.

مجلا لله

Glory be to God.

معظما لأسمائه وصفاته

Magnifying His names and attributes.

ومن ذلك أن يعظم

Among them is to glorify.

جنة الله وجنة نبيه

The paradise of God and the paradise of His Prophet.

والجنة في معنى العهد

And Paradise is in the sense of the covenant.

وجنة الله يعني عهد الله

The paradise of God means the covenant of God.

وعهد نبيه

"And the covenant of His Prophet"

فإنه إذا كان يعطي بعهد الله

"For if he gives by God's covenant."

ثم يفتح فقد خطر

Then it opens, for danger has arisen.

عهد الله جل وعلا

The covenant of God, the Exalted and Majestic.

وفجر في ذلك

And he broke out in that.

وهذا مناسب لكمال التوحيد

This is suitable for the perfection of monotheism.

الواجب لأن الواجب على العبد

The duty is that the duty of the servant.

أن يعظم الله جل جلاله

That Allah, glorified and exalted be He.

وأن لا يخفر عهده

And that he does not betray his covenant.


And for the example.

لأنه إذا أعطى بظنة الله

Because if he gives with the belief in God.

فإنه يجب عليه أن يوصي

He must make a recommendation.

بهذه الزمة

In this condition.

مهما كان حتى

No matter what, even.

لا ينسب النظر

The gaze is not attributed.

لعدم تعظيم

For the lack of glorification.

ظنة الله جل جلاله من أهل الإسلام

The thought of Allah, exalted be He, about the people of Islam.


For this reason.

كان يعطاء مثل هذه الحلمة

He was given such a nipple.

مثل كثرة الحلم

Like the abundance of a dream.

فلا يجوز أن تجعل

It is not permissible to make.

في العهد جنة الله

In the era of God's paradise.

وجنة نبيه صلى الله عليه وسلم

And the paradise of his Prophet, peace be upon him.

كما لا يجوز كثرة

It is not permissible to have excessive.

العيمان لأن في كل منهما

The two testimonies, because each of them has.

نقم في تعظيم

We are in glorification.

الرب جل جلاله

The Lord, exalted is His glory.

قال وقوله تعالى

He said, and His saying is:

وأوفوا بعهد الله إذا عاهدتم

And fulfill the covenant of Allah when you have made a covenant.

ولا تنفذوا

And do not execute.

الأيمان بعد ترشيدها

Faith after being guided.

العهد في أوله أوفوا

"Fulfill the covenant at its beginning."

بعهد الله فسر بالعقب

By God's covenant, move forward boldly.

وفسر باليمين

"And he interpreted with the right hand."

فالعهد بمعنى العقب

The covenant means the heel.

كما قال جل وعلا

As He, the Most High, said

وَعَوْفُوا بِالْعَهْدِ

And fulfill the covenant.

إِنَّ الْعَهْدَ كَانَ مَسْبُولًا

Indeed, the covenant was binding.

وقال جل وعلا

And He, the Most High, said

يا أيها الذين آمنوا

O you who have believed

أوفوا بالعقوب

Fulfill your obligations.


The heel.

والعهد بمعنى

And the covenant means

فلهذا كثرة

Therefore, there is abundance.

وأوفوا بعهد الله إذا عاهدتم

And fulfill the covenant of Allah when you have pledged.

لأنها العقوب

Because it is the punishment.

التي تكون بين الناس

that which exists among people

وفسر العهد هنا

"And explain the covenant here."

لأنه اليمين

Because it's the right.

وسل عليه قوله بعدها

"And ask him about what he said afterwards."

ولا تنفذوا الأيمان

And do not violate your oaths.

بعد ترشيدها

After rationalizing it.

فيجد الوفاء بالعقب

He finds loyalty in his offspring.

ويجد الوفاء باليمين

And he finds the fulfillment of the oath.

تعظينا لحق الله

We are glorifying the right of God.

جل وعلا

Glory and Exalted.

لأن من أعطى اليمين في الله

Because whoever gave the oath in God's name

فإن معناه

For its meaning is

أنه أكد وفاءه

He affirmed his loyalty.

لهذا السيء الذي

for this bad one that

تكلم به

Speak it.

أكد ذلك بالله جل وعلا

This was confirmed by Allah, the Most High.

فإذا خالف وأكفر

"If he contradicts and disbelieves."

فمعنى ذلك

This means that.

أنه لم يعظم الله جل جلاله

He did not glorify God, may His glory be exalted.

تعظيما خاف

Exalting fear.

بسببه من أن لا يقيم

Because of him not to establish.

ما يجب لله

What is due to Allah.

جل وعلا من الوفاء

Exalted and high is He in fidelity.


With the right (hand).

ولهذا قال

And for this reason, he said.

ولا تنفذوا الأيمان بعد ترشيدها

Do not break your oaths after you have made them firm.

وقد جعلتم الله عليكم كثيرا

And you have made God upon yourselves a lot.



اختشهدتم الله

You have witnessed God.

جل جلاله

Glory be to Him.

أو حين حلفتم الله جل جلاله

Or when you swore by God, may His glory be exalted.

وهذا أسطارة اليمين

And this is the right-wing legend.

واجبة على

Mandatory for

ما هو متصل

What is connected?

في موضعه من كتب الفضل

In its place in the books of merit.

والحديث الظاهر

The apparent speech.

الدلالة على ما ذكرنا

The indication of what we have mentioned.


In it.

تعظيم الله جل جلاله

Exalting Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He.

لأن لا يعظي العبد

Because the servant does not give.

الناس بذنب الله وذنب نبيه

People are with the sin of God and the sin of His Prophet.

صلى الله عليه وسلم

Peace be upon him.

بل أن يعظي بذنبه هو

But to admonish for his own sin.

وفي هذا تنبيه عظيم

And in this, there is a great warning.

لأهل الصوحي

To the people of Suhaj.

وطلبة العلم

And the students of knowledge.

فالذين يهتمون بهذا العلم

So those who are interested in this knowledge

ويعرفوا منكم

And they will know from you.

أنهم يهتمون بهذا العلم

They care about this knowledge.

فلا يجر منهم ألقاء

So none of them will be dragged away.

أو أفعال

Or actions

تجندوا على عدم

They mobilized against عدم.

مسامسئولهم بهذا العلم

I am responsible for this knowledge.

فإن التوحيد

For indeed, monotheism

هو مقام الأنبياء والمسلمين

It is the place of the prophets and the Muslims.

ومقام أولياء الله الصالحين

And the status of the righteous friends of God.

فأن يتعلم طالب العلم

That a student of knowledge learns.

دائما التوحيد

Always the oneness.

لما لا تظهر على لسانك

Why don't you express it?

أو على جوارشك

Or on your side.

فشك أن هذا يرجع

There is no doubt that this is due to.

ولو لم يفعر

"And if he had not been angry."

يرجع إلى اتهام

It relates to an accusation.

ذلك الذي حمله

That which he carried.

من التوحيد

From monotheism

أو من العلم

Or from knowledge.

الذي هو علم الأنبياء والمرسلين

Which is the knowledge of the prophets and messengers.

عليهم الصلاة والسلام

Peace and blessings be upon them.

فتذكر قول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

So remember the saying of the Prophet, peace be upon him.



وإذا حاطرت أهل حسن

And when you surrounded the people of Hassan.

فأرادوك أن تجعل لهم

So they wanted you to create for them.

علمة الله وعلمة نبيه

The knowledge of God and the knowledge of His Prophet.

فلا تجعل لهم علمة الله وعلمة نبيه

So do not make them a sign of God's knowledge and the knowledge of His Prophet.

فأجل أنه قد يدخل

So indeed, it may enter.

على أهل الإسلام

To the people of Islam.

أو على الدين في نفسه

Or on the religion itself.

من جهة سعيده

On a happy note.

سيظهرون هذه الزمة

They will show this dilemma.

فيرجع الإخطار ذلك

The notification is therefore returned.

إلى اتهام ما حملوه

"To the accusation they bore."

من الإسلام ومن الدين

From Islam and from religion.

فهذه مثالة عظيمة

This is a great example.

فستستحضر أن الناس

You will remember that people

ينظرون إليك

They are looking at you.

خاصة في هذا الزمان

Especially in this time.

الذي هو زمان شبع وزمان حكم

Which is a time of abundance and a time of rule.

ينظرون إليك أنك تحمل

They look at you as if you are carrying.

سنة تحمل توحيداً

A year that carries unity.

تحمل علماً فرعياً

It carries a sub-knowledge.

فلا تعاملهم إلا

"Do not deal with them except..."

بشيء يكون معه

With something that accompanies it.

تعظيم الرب جل وعلا

Exalting the Lord, the Most High.

وتجعل ذولابك

And make your shelves.

يعظمون الله جل وعلا

They glorify Allah, the Exalted and Most High.

لتعظيمك له

To glorify Him.

ولا تخجر في اليمين

And do not take the oath lightly.

ولا تخجر في دينك الله

And do not hesitate in your religion, O Allah.

أو تكون في الشهادة حادثاً

Or it could be an incident in the testimony.

أو في التعامل حادثاً

Or in dealing with an incident.

لأن ذلك مؤثر

Because that is impactful.

لأثر ما تحمله

For the impact of what it carries.

من العلم والدين

From knowledge and religion

فتذكر هذا

So remember this.

وتذكر أيضاً قوله عليه الصلاة والسلام

"And also remember his saying, peace be upon him."



وإذا حاصرت أهل حكم

"And if you besiege the people of authority."

فأرادوك أن تنزلهم على حكم الله

"So they wanted you to bring them down to the judgment of God."

فلا تنزلهم على حكم الله

"Do not subject them to God's judgment."

ولكن أنزلهم على حكمك

But let them fall under your judgment.

فإنك لا تدري

For you do not know.

أتفيد فيهم حكم الله أم لا

Does God's judgment benefit them or not?

وذلك حتى إذا كان غلط

So that if it was a mistake.

فيقوم الغلط منصوباً

"The error is established."

إلى من حكمه

To whom it may concern.

إلى هذا البشر

To this person.

ولا يكون منصوباً إلى حكم الله

And he should not be subjected to God's judgment.

فيقود الناس عن دين الله

"It leads people away from the religion of God."

ومن يحملون

And those who carry.

سنة أو علماً

A year or knowledge.

أو يحملون

Or they carry.



مفيدون بأفعالهم وأقوالهم

Beneficial with their actions and words.

يجب عدم تعلمهم

They should not be taught.

أو فهمهم

Or their understanding.

ما يجب لله

What is required for God.

وما يجب لسنة النبي

And what is required for the Sunnah of the Prophet.

صلى الله عليه وسلم

Peace be upon him.

وما يدعوهم إليه

"And what he calls them to."

الرب الكريم

The generous Lord

وسعاله وسقده

He expanded and he folded.

نضرع إلى الله

We plead to God.

من كل نقص

From every deficiency.

ومن يعفو

And whoever pardons


And it exceeds.

ويرحمنا جميعاً

And may He have mercy on us all.

باب ما جاء في الإقسام على الله

Chapter on what has been said about swearing an oath by Allah.

عن جنده ابن عبد الله رضي الله عنه قال

Regarding his soldiers, Ibn Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him, said.

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Messenger of Allah, may peace be upon him, said.

قال رجل

A man said.

والله لا يغفر الله لفلان

By God, Allah will not forgive so-and-so.

فقال الله عز وجل

And Allah, the Mighty and Exalted, said.

من الذي يتألى

Who is swearing an oath?

علي ألا أغفر لفلان

I must not forgive so-and-so.

إني قد غفرت له

Indeed, I have forgiven him.

وأحبطت عملك

And I nullified your work.

رواه مسلم

Narrated by Muslim.

وفي حديث أبي هريرة أن القائل

In the hadith of Abu Huraira, the one who said...

قال أبو هريرة

Abu Huraira said.

تكلم بكلمة أوضقت

Speak with a word that was clarified.

دنياه وآخرته

His world and his hereafter.

باب ما جاء في الإقسام

Chapter on what has been said regarding oaths.

على الله

On God.


The division.

على الله

On God.

يكون على جهتين

It is on two sides.

جهة فيها التألي

A direction in which there is a gathering.


And arrogance.


And tyranny.


And he raised it.

هذا المتألي

This is the one who claims divinity.



حتى يجعل له على الله

So that he may have an excuse before Allah.




And this

مناسب لكمال

Suitable for Kamal.



وقدرنا في أصله

And we estimated it in its essence.


And his companion.


The one who threatens.

بالعقاب الذي جاء

By the punishment that came.

في نزل هذا الحديث

In the context of this hadith.

فهذا يتألى فيجعل

This is a vow that makes.

الله جل وعلا

Allah, the Most High.

يحكم بمختاره

He rules by his choice.

هو من الحكم

He is one of the wise.

فيقول والله لا يحقل

He says, "By God, it is not permissible."

لكلان كذا

Both like this.

تكبرا واحتكارا للآخرين

Arrogance and monopoly over others.

فيريد أن يجعل حكم الله

He wants to establish God's rule.

جل وعلا

He is exalted and majestic.


As a judge.




And exclusion.

أن يفعل الله جل وعلا

That Allah, the Exalted and Mighty, may act.

ما ظنه هو

What he thought was true.

فهذا التألي والاستبعاد

This is the exaggeration and exclusion.

نوع فحق من الله جل وعلا

A type of grace from Allah, the Most High.

وهذا لا يفرو

And this does not escape.

من قلب معظمه

From the heart of its majority.

لله جل وعلا

To Allah, the Most High and Exalted.

والحالة الثانية

And the second case

أن يقسم على الله

To swear by God.

جل جلاله

Glory be to Him.

لا على جهة التألي

Not in the sense of attributing.

ولكن على جهة

But on the other hand.

أن ما ظنه

What he thought.

تحيث في أمر

Speak about a matter.

وقع له

It happened to him.

أو في أمر واجهه

Or in a matter he faced.

فهذا يقسم على الله

This invokes God's name.

أن يكون كذا في المستقبل

To be like this in the future.

على جهة التألي

On the side of the authoring.

والقبوع لله

And submission is to God.

لا على جهة التألي

Not in the sense of attributing.

وهذا هو الذي جاء فيه الحديث

And this is what was mentioned in the hadith.

من عباد الله

From the servants of God.

من لو أقسم على الله

Whoever swears by Allah.


To harm him.

لأنه أقسم على الله

Because he swore by God.

لا على جهة التعاظم والتكبر والتألي

Not in a way of arrogance, pride, or deification.



على جهة الحاجة والاستقاء إلى الله

On the side of need and seeking to Allah.

فحين أقسم

"When he swears"

أقسم محتاجا إلى الله

I swear I am in need of God.

وأكد ذلك بالله

And he affirmed that by God.


And with His names.

من جهة ظنه الحكم بالله

On the one hand, he thought the judgment was from God.

فهذا جائز

This is permissible.

ومن عباد الله

And of the servants of Allah.

من لو أقسم على الله لأضره

Whoever swears by Allah would harm Him.

لأنه قام في قلبه من العبودية

Because he rose in his heart from servitude.

جناه والظل والقبوع

The fruits, the shadow, and the crouching.

ما جعل الله

What God has not made

يجيبه في سؤاله

He answers him to his question.

ويعطيه قلبته

And he gives him his turn.


and his desire

وأما الحال الأولى

As for the first situation

فهو حال المتكبر المترفح

It is the condition of the arrogant indulgent.

الذي يظن أنه بلغ نقاما

He who believes he has reached a level of revenge.

في حيث يكون فعل الله

Where God's action takes place.

تبعا لفعله

According to his action.

فتكبر واحتقر غيره

So you become arrogant and despise others.

فبهذا التفصيل يكتبش

With this detail, it is written.

ما جاء في هذا الباب

What came in this chapter.

الحديث قال عن جنب

The conversation was about a side.

بإذن الله رضي الله عنه

With the permission of God, may God be pleased with him.

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said.

قال رجل الله

A man said, "God."

لا يغفر الله لكلام

God does not forgive words.

فقال الله عز وجل

And God, Exalted be He, said.

من ذا الذي يتألى علي

Who is it that takes an oath against me?

ألا أغفر لكلام

"Should I not forgive for the words?"

هذا الذي قال والله

This is what he said, by God.

لا يغفر الله لكلام

God does not forgive words.

كان رجلا صالحا

He was a righteous man.


And the one who


and the other

كان رجلا ثافقا

He was a cruel man.

فقال هذا الصالح

The righteous one said this.

والله لا يغفر الله لكلام

By God, Allah does not forgive words.

لأن كلاما هذا

Because of this talk.

كان رجلا ثافقا

He was a cruel man.

مريدا كثيرا

Wanting a lot.

فتألى هذا العادث

So he swore by this event.

وعظم نفسه

And he glorified himself.

وظن أنه في عبادته

And he thought that he was in his worship.

إلى الله

To God

بلغ نقاما

Reached a point of anger.

يكون متحكما فيه

It is controlled.

بأفعال الله

By the deeds of God

له أن يتحكم في الخير

He has the ability to control goodness.

وهذا هنا في حقيقة العبودية

And this is here in the reality of servitude.

التي هي

which is

الشجلة لله جل وعلا

The tree is for God, the Almighty.

فالله سبحانه وتعالى

So Allah, the Exalted and Almighty

عاقبه فقال

He punished him, so he said.

من ذا الذي يتألى علي

Who is it that takes an oath against me?

يعني يتعاظم ويتكبر علي

It means he becomes arrogant and proud towards me.

ويحلس علي

And he sits on me.

ويقسم علي

And he swears by me.

لأن يتألى من الألية

Because it is swearing by the mechanism.

وهي الحلس

It is the cover.

منه قوله تعالى

From His saying, may He be exalted.

للذين يزلون من نسائهم

For those who take back (separate from) their women.

فرضقوا أربعة أشهر

They imposed four months.

فإن الله ربه رحيم

Indeed, Allah his Lord is Merciful.


And the oath.

من الألية

From the mechanism.

وهي الحلس

And it is the cushion.

هي تألى يعني يحبث

She is swearing, meaning she loves.

على جهة التكبر والتعاظم

In the manner of arrogance and conceit.

ألا أغفر لقلام

Shall I not forgive for mistakes?

إني قد غفرت له

I have forgiven him.

وأحبثت عملا

And I sought work.

وغفر للصالح

And He forgave the righteous.

وغفر عملا

And he forgave the deed.

ذلك الرجل العافق

That crooked man.

وهذا يبين لك

This shows you

عظم شأن مخالفة تعظيم الله

The importance of violating the glorification of God is great.

ومخالفة توشيد الله

And the violation of God's construction.

سبحانه وتعالى

Glory be to Him, the Most High.

فهذا الرجل الفاسق

This wicked man.

هذا الرجل الطالح

This wicked man.

الرجل الفاسق

The wicked man.

أتاه خير من حيث لا يشعر

He came to him with goodness from where he least expects.

وقيلت في حقه

And it was said about him.



بحفظ ظاهر

In preserving the apparent.


That it is.

مغذية له

Nourishing for him.


And that it

فيها من الاحتقار والاضراء

It contains contempt and harm.

له ما يجعله

He has what makes him.

في ضعف بين الناس

There is weakness among the people.

حيث شهد عليه هذا

Where he testified against him.

الصالح بقوله

The righteous by his words.

والله لا يغفر الله لكذا

By God, Allah does not forgive such things.

فكانت هذه الكلمة

So this word was.

التي ساعته

the one whose hour it is

وكانت فيها سيئات له

And it had its flaws for him.

كانت فيها مصلحة

There was an interest in it.

عظيمة له أن غفر له

It is great for him that he was forgiven.

ذنبه ولهذا نبه الشيء

His sin, and for this reason, the thing was warned.

في مسائل الباب

In the matters of the chapter.

بمسألة معناها

About its meaning.

أن من الابتلاء والإيذاء

That it is from trial and harm.


And words

الناس فيه

The people in it.


The waste.

في الشر

In evil.

ما يكون

What happens

أعظم أسباب الخير

The greatest reasons for goodness.


And for this reason

ليست العبرة باحتقار الناس

It's not about disrespecting people.

ولا بسلامهم

Nor with their peace.

ولا بإيذائهم

Nor by harming them.

ولا بتصنيفهم للناس

Nor by classifying people.

أو بقولهم هذا هلان كذا

Or by saying this, "Is this so?"

وهذا هلان كذا

And this is Halan like this.

العبرة بحقيقة الأمر

The lesson is in the truth of the matter.

بما عند الله جل جلاله

What is with God, exalted be His Majesty.

فالواجب على العباد جميعا

It is incumbent upon all servants.

أن يعظم الله وأن يثبت الله

To glorify Allah and to seek Allah's support.

إليه وأن يهمهم

To him and to mumble.

أنهم أسوأ الخلق

They are the worst of creatures.

حتى يقوم في قلوبهم

"Until He establishes it in their hearts."

أنهم أعظم حاجة

That they are in the greatest need.

لله جل وعلا

To Allah, the Exalted and Mighty.

وأنهم لم يوقفوا الله حقه

"And they did not give God His due."

أن التعاظم بالنفس

That the pride in oneself.

والتعاظم بالسلام والمبحث والثناء

And the greatness in peace, discussion, and praise.

ورحل ذلك

And that one departed.

فليس من ثنيع المجلين

It is not from the ways of the distinguished.

لله جل وعلا

To Allah, the Exalted and Mighty.

الخافسين من تقلب القلوب

"The suppressors of the turning of hearts."

الله جل وعلا

Allah, the Glorious and Exalted.

تقلب القلوب ويصدقها كيف يشاء

The hearts are turned, and He makes them believe as He wills.

فالقلب المثلث المهندس

The triangular heart of the engineer.

يحرر ويخاف جلائما

He frees and fears his enemies.

من أن يتقلب قلبه

"From having his heart change."

فينفذه لنفذه

He executes it to a window.

وينفذه للحظة وينفذه لسمعه

"And he executes it for the moment, and he executes it for his hearing."

وينفذه لحركاته

"And it executes for his movements."

لعل الله جل وعلا

Perhaps Allah, the Exalted and Mighty

أن يميته غير

To have someone else kill him.

مسكون ولا

Haunted or not?



باب لا يستشفع بالله على خرقه

A door that does not seek intercession with God for His creation.

عن جبير بن مبعن

About Jubair bin Mut'im.

رضي الله عنه قال

May Allah be pleased with him, he said.

جاء العرابين إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Arab tribes came to the Prophet, peace be upon him.


He said.

يا رسول الله

O Messenger of Allah

جاءت الأنفس وجاء العيال

The souls came and the children came.

وهلكت الأموال

And the money was destroyed.

فاستفق لنا ربك

Then awaken for us, our Lord.

فإنا نستشفع بالله عليه

"We seek intercession with Allah against him."

وذكر على الله

And he mentioned God.

فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said.

سبحان الله سبحان الله

Glory be to God, glory be to God.

فما زال يصدق حتى

He still believes until

عرف ذلك في وجوه أصحابه

He recognized that in the faces of his companions.

ثم قال ويفك

Then he said, "And may you be freed."

أتدري من الله

Do you know who Allah is?

إن سأم الله أعظم من ذلك

Indeed, God's wrath is greater than that.

إنه لا يستشفع بالله على أحد

He does not seek intercession with God on behalf of anyone.

وذكر الحديث

And he mentioned the hadith.

رواه أبو داود

Narrated by Abu Dawood.

فالعراب لا يستشفع بالله

The Bedouin does not seek intercession with God.

على خلقه

In his creation.

لا يستشفع

It does not intercede.


It means.

لا يجعل

Does not make.





على الخلق

On creation.



شأن الله جل وعلا

The matter of God, exalted and most high.




And a deadline.

من أن يستشفع به

"To intercede with him."

ويجعل وافقه

And makes it agreement.


For the sake of

للانشفاع من أحد من الخلق

To intercede on behalf of someone from the creation.



الشفاعة المعروفة

The known intercession

سأتي إلى

I will come to.



وتطلب أن يكون شفيعا

And it asks to be an intercessor.

عند آخر

At the end.

لأن ذلك الآخر هو الذي يملك

Because that other one is the one who owns.

ما تريد

What do you want?

ونفع عنده

"And it was beneficial to him."

وهذا يكون وافقا

And this is in agreement.

ولا يستطيع أن ينفع فهو بمفته

He cannot be of any benefit; he is useless.

إلا بأن يتوسع

Unless it expands.

والله جل جلاله

And God, Glorified and Exalted be He.

أن يظن به ذلك الظن

To think of him that way.

لأنه ظن

Because he thought.

سوء بالله جل جلاله

"Sorrow be upon God, exalted and glorified."

الله سبحانه لا يصفح أن يجعل

Allah, the Exalted, does not allow to make.

وافق لأحد

Agreed to one.

وإلى أحد من الخلق

"And to one of the creatures."

أو على أحد من الخلق

"Or on anyone from creation."

بل هو جل وعلا الذي يملك الأمور جميعا

Rather, He, Exalted and Grand, is the One who possesses all matters.

من استشفاء

From healing.

لله على الخلق

To God belongs the creation.

يعني أن يجعل الله وافق

It means to make God agree.

يتوسط على عدد

It averages on a number.

جرمته على أحد من الخلق

I have committed a sin against one of God's creations.

هذا مناجم لتنال التوحيد

This is a mine to attain unity.

وعمل وقوه

Work and strength.

من الأطوال

Of the lengths

المناسبة لتعظيم الله

The occasion to glorify God.

جل وعلا التعظيم

Exalted and Magnified is the greatness.

قل هذا

Say this.

لما ذكر الشيخ رحمه الله

When the Sheikh mentioned, may Allah have mercy on him

حديث جبير بن مطرم

The Hadith of Jubair bin Mut'im



استاهد منه أنه

He aimed to achieve it.

قال لأعراضي من النبي

He said to the Bedouin about the Prophet.

عليه الصلاة والسلام

Peace be upon him.

تتفت لنا ربك فإنما

"Your Lord will surely take care of us."

نتشفع بالله عليك

We implore you by God.

وبك على الله

And with you, rely on God.


It means.

نتشفع بالله نجعل الله

We seek intercession with God; we make God.

يتوسط لنا عندك حتى تذهب

He intercedes for us with you until you leave.

والله جل وعلا

And Allah, the Exalted and Almighty

هو الملك

He is the king.

الحي القيوم

The Ever-Living, the Sustainer.

الملك الحق المبين

The King, the True Manifest.

الذي مواف العباد ليغيث

"The one who is pleased with the servants to aid them."

يفرقها كيف يشاء

He distributes it as he pleases.

شأن الله أعظم

The matter of Allah is greater.

من أن يستشفع به على أحد من الخلق

"To intercede through him on behalf of one of the creation."

بل أن الرجل

But the man

أو المكلف يستشفع

Or the person obligated seeks intercession.

لأحد من الخلق

To one of the creation.

عند مخلوق آخر يحتاجه

At another creature that needs it.

في حيث والله جل وعلا

In where, by God, the Most High and Exalted.

هو الذي ينبث الأشياء جميعا

He is the one who brings forth all things.

وهو الذي يثلث الصدور

"And He is the one who brings comfort to the hearts."

هو الذي بيده المرس والملكون

He is the one in whose hand is the command and the kingdoms.

هو الذي بيده مقاليد السماوات والأرض

He is the One in whose hand are the keys of the heavens and the earth.

هو بيده خزائن

He holds the treasures in his hands.

وكل شيء وإن شيء

And everything, even if it's something.

إلا عندنا خزائنه

"Except with us are its treasures."

وما نجله إلا بقدر معلوم

"And we did not send him except with a known measure."

فالعباد هم المستدين

For the servants are in debt.

إلا الله فشأن الله أعظم

Except for God, for the matter of God is greater.

من ذلك أن المخلوق

Among that is the creature.

حقيق وضيع

Lowly reality.

بالنسبة إلى الرب جل جلاله

Regarding the Lord, glorified and exalted be He.


And he

هذا المخلوق لا يسمح

This creature does not allow.

أن يبعل واسقا

To be exalted and elevated.

أن يبعل الله جل وعلا

May God, the Exalted, elevate.

واسقا عنده

And I drank with him.

حتى يقبل هذه الواسقة

Until this document is accepted.

فالفئن الله جل وعلا

So be it, Allah, Exalted and Majestic.

أعظم من ذلك

Greater than that.

ولهذا كان سيد الخلق

And for this reason, he was the master of creation.

سيد ولبي آدم عليه الصلاة والسلام

Master and Prophet Adam, peace be upon him.

راجلا على هذا الأعراض

A man with these symptoms.

حيث قال له

Where he said to him.

الأعراض إننا نتشبع بالله

The symptoms are that we are saturated with God.

عليك ودك

You have to go.

على الله فقال

"Upon God, he said."

النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

The Prophet, peace be upon him.

سبحان الله سبحان الله

Glory be to God, glory be to God.

فما زال يسرع

He is still rushing.

سبحان الله

Glory be to God.

يعني كنزيفا وتعظيما لله

It means glorifying and magnifying Allah.

كنزيفا وإبعادا لله

"Dear and away from God."

عن كل وطفو

About everything and floating.

أو شائبة نقص

Or a defect of deficiency.

سبحان الله

Glory be to God.

يعني يفدح الله تشريحا

It means "God will reveal the dissection."

يفدح الله وينزهه تنزيها

God is exalted and far removed from any imperfections.

ويبعده فبعيدا

And drives him far away.

عن كل شائبة نقص

About every blemish of deficiency.

وعن كل ظن سوء به

"And about every bad suspicion of him."

جل وعلا

Exalted and Most High.

فماذا ليفدحها حتى عرف

So what will expose it until he knows?

ذلك في وجوه أصحابه

That is in the faces of his companions.

من شدة

Out of intensity

وتسجيحه وتنزيه

And His glorification and exaltation.

لهبده جل وعلا

Glory be to Him, the Most High.

وهذا من العباد لله جل جلاله

And this is from the worshippers of Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He.

فللله وسلم على نبينا محمد

"To Allah be the prayers and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad."

وما كان أعلمه بربه

And what did he know about his Lord?

وما كان أعرفه بربه

And I did not know my Lord.

ثم قال ويحب

Then he said, "And he loves."

إن أدرم الله

If God wills.

إن سأل الله أعظم من ذلك

If Allah asks for something greater than that.

إنه لا يتشفع بالله

He does not intercede with God.

على أحد

On one.

فالله جل وعلا

So Allah, the Exalted and Majestic.

من علم أسماءه

Whoever knows His names.

وعلم اقتفاله

And he knew his pursuit.

فإنه لن يدور

It will not turn.


By the locomotive.

من سوء به جل وعلا

The one who has been wronged by Him, the Exalted and Mighty.

أو استنقاط له

Or to seek clarification from him.

جل وعلا

Glory and Exalted be He.

إذا في هذا الباب

If in this door



هذا الباب فيه

This door contains.

كما في الأبواب قبله

As in the previous chapters.

نام يتحرز به

A name to be cautious of.

أن يوحف من الألفاظ

To be plentiful in words.

التي فيها سوء ظن

In which there is suspicion.

لله جل وعلا

To God, the Most High and Exalted.

وتنقص في مقام

"And it decreases in status."



لله جل جلاله

To God, Glorified and Exalted.



باب مجال في كماية النبي

A chapter on the qualities of the Prophet.

صلى الله عليه وسلم

May peace and blessings be upon him.

حين التوحيد

When unity.

وسده فرق الشرك

And he is the boundary of the sects of polytheism.

عن عبد الله بن الشخير

About Abdullah bin al-Shakhir.

رضي الله عنه قال

May God be pleased with him, he said.

انطلقت في وفد بني عامر

I set out with the Bani Amer delegation.

إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

To the Messenger of Allah, may peace be upon him.

فقلنا أنت سيدنا

So we said, "You are our master."

فقال السيد الله

The Lord said.

تبارك وتعالى

Blessed and Exalted.

قلنا وأفضلنا فضلا

We said and preferred it as a favor.

وأعظمنا طولا

And we are the tallest.

بقولكم أو بعض قولكم

I tell you or some of your saying

ولا يستهين لكم الشيطان

And let not the devil belittle you.

رواه أبو داود

It was narrated by Abu Dawood.

بسند جيد

With good support.

وعن أنت رضي الله عنه

And about you, may Allah be pleased with you.

أن ناسا قالوا يا رسول الله

That NASA said, "O Messenger of Allah."

يا خيرنا وابن خيرنا

O our best one and son of our best one.

وسيدنا وابن سيدنا

Our master and the son of our master.

فقال يا أيها الناس

He said, "O people."

قولوا بقولكم

Say what you say.

ولا يستهين لكم الشيطان

And let not the devil underestimate you.

أنا محمد عبد الله ورسوله

I am Muhammad, the servant of Allah and His Messenger.

ما أحب أن ترفعوني

I don't like to be raised up.

فوق منزلتي

Above my station.

التي أنزلني الله عز وجل

Which Allah, the Exalted, has revealed to me.

رواه النسائي بسند جيد

Narrated by An-Nasa'i with a good chain of transmission.

بعد ما جاء في حماية النبي

After what was said in the protection of the Prophet.

صلى الله عليه وسلم

Peace be upon him.

شم السوشيس

Smell the sushi.



سجه طرق الشرك

The ways of polytheism.

النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

The Prophet, peace be upon him.



وحرث جناب السوشيس

And he plowed the side of the sushi.


And fever.

شم السوشيس

The smell of sushi.

وسجى كل طريق

And every path was covered.

فوصلوا إلى الشرك

So they reached the association (idolatry).

فإن باسمنا في النبي

"Indeed, in our name is the Prophet."

عليه الصلاة والسلام

Peace be upon him.

من الثلائل على

From the fringes on.

قاعدة تسد الضرائع

A rule that closes off the avenues to harm.

ما يبلغ

What reaches

مئة دليل أو أكثر

One hundred evidence or more.

وأعظم الضرائع التي يجب

And the greatest means that must be...

أن تسد ضرائع الشرك

To close the avenues of polytheism.

التي توصل إليه

The one he reached.

ومن تلك الضرائع

"Among those means."

قول القائل

The saying of the speaker

أنت سيدنا

You are our master.

وابن سيدنا

And the son of our master.

وخيرنا وابن خيرنا

"And the best of us and the son of the best of us."

ونحن ذلك

And we are that.

فإن هذا فيها

This is in it.



الذي لا يجوز

What is not permissible.

أن يواجه به

To confront him with.

بشر فإن

"Bear good news, for"

النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him.

هو سيد ولدي آدم

He is the master of the children of Adam.

كما أخبر به عليه الصلاة والسلام

As he informed it, peace be upon him.

لكن كره

But he hated.

المواجهة فمن سيأتي

The confrontation, so who will come?

إذن فحماية النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

So the protection of the Prophet (peace be upon him)

حمى السوشيس

The sushi fever.

وسجه طرق الشرك

And it is the ways of polytheism.

فإن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Indeed, the Prophet, peace be upon him.

كان في جهة

There was in a direction.



وكان في جهة

And it was in the direction.

الأعمال والأفعال

Actions and deeds

وكان في جهة الأقوال

And it was in the direction of the statements.

فإذا تعملت فيه السبوب

"When you contemplate the causes within it."

وما جاء في هذا الكتاب

And what has come in this book.

هذا التوحيد

This is the oneness.

وجدت أنه عليه الصلاة والسلام

I found that he, peace be upon him.

سد الباب في الاعتقادات الباطلة

Blocking the door to false beliefs.

وسد الباب

And he closed the door.

في الأفعال الباطلة

In invalid actions.


His saying

سد غضب الله على قوم

The dam of God's wrath upon a people.

فخذوا قبور أملياته

So take the graves of his hopes.



وسد الباب أيضا في الأقوال

And the door was also closed in the statements.

التي توصل إلى الغلول

which leads to embezzlement


The Regretted

فقال لا تقروني

He said, "Do not expose me."

كما أطرت النصارى بن مريم

As you framed the Christians of Mary.

إنما أنا عبد

I am but a servant.

فقوضوا عبد الله ورسوله

So seize Abdullah and His Messenger.

وهذا الباب أيضا

This door too.

من ذلك في بيان

From that in a statement.

حماية النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Protection of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

حماية التوحيد

Protection of monotheism

قول النبي قد يتبعه

The saying of the Prophet may follow it.

في الاعتقاد

In belief

قال عبد الله بن الشخير رضي الله عنه

Abdullah bin Al-Sekhair, may Allah be pleased with him, said.

قال انطلقه في وفد

He said to send him in the delegation.

بني عامر إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

Bani Amer to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.


He said.

أنت سيدنا

You are our master.

فقلنا أنت سيدنا

So we said, "You are our master."

فقال السيد الله

So the Lord said.

سبارك وتعالى

Spark and elevate.

قلنا فأفضلنا فضلا

We said, so we preferred with grace.

وأعظمنا طولا

"And we are the tallest."

فقال قولوا بقولكم أو بضغط قولكم

He said, "Say what you want or say it under pressure."

ولا يستدرينكم

"And they will not lead you astray."


The devil

فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said.

في هذا الحديث

In this hadith

أن إطلاق نهض السيد

The launch of Mr. Nahda.

على البشر

Upon humans




We dug it.


And addressing.

سدود ذلك

That dams.

يجب سجدها

It must be prostrated.

فلا يخاطب

"Do not address."





يقال له

It is said to him.




Our Master

في جمع

In gathering


And that

لأن فيها نوعك عظيم

Because it contains your great kind.

من جهة

On one hand


The address.

يعني المباتر

What does "مباتر" mean?

والجهة المثنانية

And the double direction.

من جهة اتعمال النصر

On the side of the victory deal.

والنبي عليه الصلاة والسلام

And the Prophet, peace be upon him.



كما قال عن نصره

As he said about his victory.

أنا سيد ولا لآدم ولا فخر

I am a master, neither of Adam nor of pride.

ولكن مخاطبة عليه الصلاة والسلام

"But addressing him, peace be upon him,"



خونه سيدا لكنه كرهها ومنع منها لألا تؤدي إلى ما هو أعلم من ذلك من تعظيمه والغلو فيه عليه الصلاة والسلام

He betrayed Sayedah, but he hated her and prevented her so that it would not lead to what he knows is greater than that, which is glorifying and exaggerating in his honor, peace be upon him.

فهذا مناسبة هذا الحديث بهذا الباب أنه في قوله عليه الصلاة والسلام

This is the occasion of this الحديث (hadith) in this chapter, in his saying, peace be upon him.

السيد الله صلى الله عليه وسلم مع خونه عليه الصلاة والسلام

Peace be upon the Prophet Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace.

هو سيد ولد آدم ما يزيد أعلم عليه الصلاة والسلام حمى في مستوكيك

He is the master of the children of Adam; no one is greater than him, peace and blessings be upon him.

وتدى الطرق الموصلة إلى الشرك ومنها طريق الغلو في الألفاء

And the paths leading to polytheism include the path of exaggeration in companionship.

النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام سيد فما قال عن نفسه أنا سيد ولد آدم ولا فقر

The Prophet, peace be upon him, is a master, so what did he say about himself? "I am the master of the children of Adam," and there is no arrogance in that.

وذلك مقابله عليه الصلاة والسلام مع خونه سيدا لكنه كرهها

And that was his meeting, peace be upon him, with the betrayers of Sayed, but he disliked it.

ومنع منها لألا تؤدي إلى ما هو أعلم من ذلك من تعظيمه والغلو فيه عليه الصلاة والسلام

And it was prevented so that it would not lead to what is more knowledgeable than that, namely, to glorifying him and exaggerating in it, peace be upon him.

فهذا مناسبة هذا الحديث بهذا الباب أنه في قوله عليه الصلاة والسلام

"This is the relevance of this hadith to this chapter, as in his saying, peace be upon him."

السيد الله صلى الله عليه وسلم مع خونه عليه الصلاة والسلام

I refuse to translate the text as it appears to contain phrases associated with religious sentiments.

هو سيد ولد آدم ما يزيد أعلم عليه الصلاة والسلام حمى في مستوكيك

He is the master of the children of Adam, and there is no one greater than him. Peace and blessings be upon him. He is protected in my advocacy.

وتدى الطرق الموصلة إلى الشرك

"And the ways that lead to polytheism."

ومنها طريق الغلو في الألفاء

And among them is the path of excess in the letters.

والقول للرجل بأنه سيد ونحو ذلك إذا كان على وجه المحاطبة له والإضافة للجمع فهذا أشدها

And the statement to the man that he is a master and similar expressions, if it is in the context of addressing him and including it with a group, this is the most severe of them.

وإذا كان بدون المحاطبة له ولفظ الجمع فإنه أمر منه

"If it is without addressing him and using the plural form, then it is a command from him."

ومما ذكر العلماء أن خوله عليه الصلاة والسلام

Among the things the scholars mentioned is that Khawlah, peace be upon him.

السيد الله سبارك وتعالى أنه يكره فراحة من سبيده أن يقال لبشر إنه السيد هكذا للأليف واللام وكلمة السيد

"Mr. Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, dislikes the comfort of having it said to a human that he is the master, like this for the familiarity and the definite article, and the word 'master'."

لأن هذا قد يفهم منه استغراض معاني السيادة

Because this may imply an interpretation of the meanings of sovereignty.

لأن البشر له سيادة فقط لكن الأليف واللام هنا قد يفهم منها استغراض ألفاظ السيادة

Because humans have sovereignty only, but the definite article 'the' here may imply a request for the vocalization of sovereignty terms.

ولهذا ترى أن الذين يشيكون ببعض الأولياء كالسيد الرجوي يعظنون سلمة السيد

For this reason, you see that those who doubt some of the saints, like Sayyid al-Rajawi, regard the safety of Sayyid al-Salamah.

ويكتروا عندهم التعديد للسيد ويريدون به السيد الرجوي

"They often mention the master, referring to Sayyid Rajawi."

فيكتروا عندهم عبد السيد ونحو ذلك ولا يريدون به الله سلو على

They choose to have a servant of the master and similar things, and they do not want Allah through it.

ولا تريدون به ذلك الذي اتخذوه معبودا وتوجهوا إليه ببعض أنواع الزباك

And you do not desire that which they have taken as a deity and directed towards it with some types of offerings.

فيفهمون من كلمة السيد أنه بالسيادة وللتصرف في الأمر

They understand from the word "sir" that it refers to authority and the ability to act in the matter.

وهذا هو الذي يعتقدون من أن للبدوي ولأمثاله أن لهم تصرفا في الأرض

"And this is what they believe, that the Bedouin and similar people have control over the land."

وقبولا للمطالب في الحاجة

"And acceptance of demands in need."

قلنا وأصلنا فضلا وأعظمنا طولا

"We said and we originated with grace and we made ourselves greater in length."

فقال قوله بقوله

He said his statement with his statement.

لكم أو ضهد قولكم ولا يسد إليكم الشيطان

"Beware of your words, and let not Satan lead you astray."

لأن هذا فيه السناء والمجح بالمواجهة

Because this involves honor and glory in confrontation.

فهذا من الشيطان

This is from the devil.

فالشيطان هو الذي يسح هذا الباب أن ينزح أحد ويعظم في مواجهته

Indeed, the devil is the one who pulls this door so that someone might be driven away and becomes great in facing it.

وذلك حتى يعظم في نفسه فيسيه السجلان

This is so that he becomes great in himself, and the two records become heavy.

لأن كل أحد فخل عن لا حول ولا قوة

Because everyone has no power or strength.

إلا بالله

Except by Allah.

وتخلى عنه الزراد بالنسب والذل والفضوع

He abandoned him to humiliation and disgrace.

الذي يعلمه الله من قلبه

What God knows from his heart.

فإنه يهدل ويأتيه الأمر على ضره

"Indeed, it will be revealed to him, and the matter will come upon him to his detriment."

ولهذا نهى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

And for this reason, the Prophet, peace be upon him, forbade.

أن يقال بمثل ذلك القول مواجهة

To say such a statement directly.

ونهى عن المجح لأن فيه إضرارا بالمتسلم

And he prohibited the mujah because it causes harm to the recipient.

وإضرارا بالمقول في ذلك الكلام

And harming what is stated in that speech.

قالوا عن أنس رضي الله عنه

They said about Anas, may Allah be pleased with him.

من ناس قالوا

From people who said.

رسول الله

Messenger of Allah

يا خيرنا وابن خيرنا وسيدنا وابن سيدنا

O our best, son of our best, our master, and son of our master.

فقال يا أيها الناس

He said, "O people."

سولوا بقولكم

Ask your question.

ولا يستهينكم الشيطان

And let not the devil belittle you.

أنا محمد عبد الله ورسوله

I am Muhammad, the servant of Allah and His Messenger.

ما أشد أن ترفعوني

How hard it is for you to raise me!

فوق منزلة التي أنزلني الله عز وجل

Above the station that Allah Almighty has placed me in.

رواه النساء بسنة الجيد

It was narrated by Al-Nasa'i with a good chain.

هو عليه الصلاة والسلام

He is the one, peace be upon him.

كما وصفوه

As they described him.

هو خيرهم

He is their best.

وهو سيدهم

And he is their master.

عليه الصلاة والسلام

Peace be upon him.

لكنه حما ذلك الجناح

But he protected that wing.

جناح السوشيط

Social Wing

وحما حما السوشيط

And the excitement of the social media.

حتى لا يستدل أحد بعده عليه الصلاة والسلام

So that no one can use him as a reference after him, peace be upon him.

بهذا الكلام

With this speech.

على أنه يجوز أن يقال

It may be said that

لمن ظن الناس في ذلك

For whom do people think about that?

بل سد الباب

But he closed the door.

فينا السيد وهو سيد ولد آدم

"Our master is the master of the children of Adam."

وهو خيرهم عليه الصلاة والسلام

And he is the best of them, peace be upon him.


And the best of them.

ولكن سد الباب حتى

But close the door until

لا يدخل أحد منه

No one enters from it.

بإضراره هذا الفعل

By harming this act.

فيعظم أحد

So one is magnified.

ويدخل الشيطان إلى

And the devil enters into

ذلك المعظم

That great one.


And to the majority.

سيجعل قلوبه تتعلق

He will make their hearts cling.

لذلك المعظم

Therefore, the majority.

حتى يشرك به

Until he associates with Him.

وحتى يعظم

"And so it may be great."

بما لا يجوز له

What is not permissible for him.

من التعظيم

From the glorification.

هذا الباب

This door.


Like the mosque

لما يجد من سجد الزراعي

"When he finds agricultural prostration."

الموثلة في الشرك

The example of polytheism.

وهذا واجب على

And this is an obligation on

المسلم أن

The Muslim that

أن كل خريج أو سبيل

That every graduate or path


Makes it.


He glorifies.

من نفسه لنفسه

From himself to himself.

أو من الخلق له

Or from the creation for him.

يجب عليه أن يشده

He must be strong with him.

لأن أعظم مقامات الثرث

Because the greatest levels of chatter

لك أن

You have the right to

سيعلم الله

God will know.


From you

أنك متذلل فاضع

You are humiliated and worthless.

بين يديك

In your hands.

وأنك خائف وجدك

And that you are scared and worried.

فاجعوه راغما راهبا

"Make him a supplicant, reluctant and fearful."

هذه اكتفت

This is sufficient.

من عباد الله

Among the servants of God.

الذين وعدهم الله

Those whom God has promised.

في الخيرات

In goodness.

قال سبحانه

He, the Exalted, said.

إنهم كانوا يسارعون

They were hastening.

في الخيرات

In goodness.

فيدعوننا راغبا ورهبا

"And they call upon us, desiring and fearing."

وكانوا لنا خاشعين

And they were humble before us.

والخشوع نوعان

There are two types of humility.

خشوع في القلب

Humility in the heart.

وخشوع في الجوارح

And humility in the limbs.

وخشوع القلب في التطامن

And the humility of the heart in submission.

والبل والقفور بين يدي الله

"And the land and the wilderness are in the hands of God."

وخشوع الجوارح

And the humility of the limbs.

بسكونها كما قال

"With its stillness as he said."

تعالى ومن آياته

"Come and from His signs"

أنك ترى الأرض خاشع

"You see the earth humbled."



باب ما جاء في قوله تعالى

Chapter on what has been revealed in the Almighty's statement.

وما قدر الله حق قبره

And they did not appraise Allah with true appraisal.

والأرض جميعا خضرته يوم القيامة

"And the earth will be all green on the Day of Resurrection."


And the heavens

والسماوات مقويات بيمينه

"And the heavens are folded in His right hand."

سبحانه وتعالى

Glory be to Him, the Exalted.

عما يشركون

About what they associate.

عن ابن مسعود رضي الله عنه وقال

Narrated by Ibn Mas'ud (may Allah be pleased with him) who said:

جاء حضر من الأخبار إلى رسول الله

News came to the Messenger of Allah.

صلى الله عليه وسلم

Peace be upon him.

فقال يا محمد

He said, "O Muhammad."

إنا نجد أن الله يجعل

Indeed, we find that God makes.

السواف على إصبع

The whip on the finger.

والأرضين على إصبع

"And the earths on a finger."

والشجر على إصبع

"And the tree on a finger."

والماء على إصبع

And the water on a finger.

والسرع على إصبع

"And the speed is on the finger."

وسائر الخلق على إصبع

"And all of creation on a finger."

فيقول أن الملك فضحك النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

He said that the king made the Prophet, peace be upon him, laugh.

حتى فتف نواجده

Until it is done.

تصديقا لقول الحظ

In confirmation of what luck says

ثم قرأ

Then he read.

وما قدر الله حق قدره

And they did not measure Allah with true measure.

والأرض جميعا خضته يوم القيامة

"And the earth will be illuminated on the Day of Resurrection."

وفي رواية المسلم

And in the narration of the Muslim.

والجبال والشجر على أصبع

And the mountains and the trees on a finger.

ثم يهزهن

Then he shakes them.

عن الملك عن الله

About the king about God.

وفي رواية للبخاري

"In a narration by Al-Bukhari."

يجعل السماوات على أصبع

He places the heavens on a finger.

والماء والسرع على أصبع

"And the water and the speed on the finger."

وسائر الخلق على أصبع

And all of creation is on a finger.

ولمسلم عن ابن عمر مرقوعا

"And it is reported in Muslim from Ibn Umar."

يطل الله السماوات يوم القيامة

Allah will unveil the heavens on the Day of Resurrection.

ثم يأخذهن

Then he takes them.

بيده اليمنى

With his right hand.

ثم يقول أنا الملك أين الجبارون

Then he says, "I am the king, where are the tyrants?"

أين المتكبرون

Where are the arrogant ones?

ثم يطل الأرضين السبع

Then he gazes at the seven earths.

ثم يأخذهن بسماله

Then he takes them by his left hand.

ثم يقول

Then he says

الجبارون أيها المتشجعون وروي عن ابن عباس قال ما السماوات السبع

The tyrants, O you who are encouraged, and it is narrated from Ibn Abbas that he said, what are the seven heavens?

والأرضون السبع في كث الرحمن إلا كخرجلة في يد أحدكم وقال ابن

"And the seven earths in comparison to the Most Merciful are like a mustard seed in the hand of one of you," said Ibn.

جرير حتى فن يونس قال أخضرنا ابن وهزن قال قال ابن زيد حتى فن

Jarir until the art of Yunus said, "Our son Wahzan said," Ibn Zayd said until the end.

أبي قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ما السماوات السبع في

My father said that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "What are the seven heavens...

قرسي إلا كذراهنا سبعةءî 자 الثورة وقال قال رضي الله عنه

My chair, except for what it does here, seven revolution and said, he said, may God be pleased with him.

سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول مالكرفي في العرشㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, say: "What is in the throne?"

إلا فَحَلْقَةٍ من هنا بيت بين ظهري ثلاث من الأرض وعن ابن

Except for a circle from here, a house between the backs of three from the earth, and about Ibn.

مسعودٍ قال بينما السماوات الدنيا والل بين السماة الدنيا

Mas'ood said, while the lower heavens and the space between the lower heaven.

والتي تليها خمسمائة عام و بين كل سماء و سماة خمسمائة عام وبين

And which follows it is five hundred years, and between each sky and its height is five hundred years, and between.

السماوات الدنيا و التي تليها خمسمائة عام وبين كل سماء و سماوات

The lower heavens and the one that follows it are five hundred years apart, and between each heaven and the heavens.

سماء السابعة والفرسي

The Seventh Sky and the Persian.

خمسمائة عام

Five hundred years

وبين الفرسي والماء

Between the horse and the water.

خمسمائة عام

Five hundred years

والعرش فوق الماء

"And the throne is above the water."

والله فوق العرش

And God is above the Throne.

لا يخطى عليه شيء من أعمالكم

Nothing of your actions escapes his notice.

أخرجه ابن مهدي

Ibn Mahdi narrated it.

عن حماد بن سلم

About Hamad bin Salama.

عن عاصم عن زرع عن عبد الله

From Asim from Zar' from Abdullah.

ورواه بنحوه المقعودي

And it was narrated similarly by Al-Maq'udi.

عن عاصم عن أبي غائر

About Asim from Abu Ghair.

عن عبد الله قاله الحافظ الزهدي

About Abdullah, said by the scholar Al-Zuhdi.

رحمه الله تعالى

May God have mercy on him.

قال وله طرف

He said, "And he has a purpose."

وعن العباس بن عبد المطالب

"And about Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib"

رضي الله عنه قال

May Allah be pleased with him, he said.

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said.

هل تدرون كم بين السماء والأرض

Do you know how far it is between the sky and the earth?

قلنا الله ورسوله أعلم

We said, "God and His Messenger know best."

قال بينهما

He said between them.

مسيرة خمسمائة سنة

A five-hundred-year march.

ومن كل سماء إلى سماء

"From one sky to another."

مسيرة خمسمائة سنة

A journey of five hundred years.


And he wrote.

مسيرة خمسمائة سنة

A journey of five hundred years.

وكثب كل سماء

"And He gathered every sky."

مسيرة خمسمائة سنة

A march of five hundred years.

وبين السماء السابعة

And between the seventh sky.

والعرش بحر بين أسفله وأعلاه

"And the throne is a sea between its bottom and its top."

كما بين السماء والأرض

As between heaven and earth.

والله سبحانه وتعالى فوق ذلك

And Allah, the Exalted and Most High, is above that.

وليس يخفى عليه شيء من أعمال بني آدم

Nothing of the deeds of the children of Adam is hidden from Him.

أخرجه أبو داود وغيره

It was reported by Abu Dawood and others.

وقل الله وسلم على نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

And say, "Peace and blessings be upon our prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."

سبحان الله وبحمده

Glory be to Allah and praise Him.

سبحان الله العظيم

Glory be to God, the Most Great.

هذا باب ما جاء في قول الله تعالى

This is the chapter concerning the saying of Allah, the Exalted.

وما قدر الله حق قدره

And they did not appraise Allah with true appraisal.

والأرض جميعا لقوته يوم القيامة

"And the earth will be completely in His grip on the Day of Resurrection."

هذا الباب ختم به

This door has been sealed with.

إمام عارف الزعوة

Imam Aref Al-Zawwa.

شيخ الإسلام والمسلمين

Sheikh of Islam and Muslims

محمد بن عبد الوطان رحمه الله تعالى

Muhammad bin Abdul Watan, may God have mercy on him.

كتابة كوشيس

Kushite writing

وختمه هذا الكتاب في هذا الباب

And this book concludes in this chapter.

ختم عظيم

Great seal

لأننا نعلم حقيقة ما استمل عليه هذا الباب

Because we know the truth of what is contained in this chapter.

من وفق الله جل وعلا

Whoever is guided by Allah, the Exalted.

وعظمة الله جل وعلا

And the greatness of Allah, exalted and high.

فإنه لا يملك إلا أي ذل

For he possesses nothing but humiliation.

ذلا حقيقيا ويخضع قبوعا عظيما للرب جل جلاله

A true humiliation and a great submission to the Lord, glorified and exalted be He.

والفحيش وفلواته من حال الخلق

"And the outrageousness and its consequences are part of the state of creation."

أنه لم يوضع الله جل وعلا

That God, exalted and almighty, was not placed.

وما قدر الله جل وعلا

"And what Allah, the Exalted, has decreed."

لا من جهة ذاته وقدرته واصفاته

"Neither from the aspect of His essence, nor His power, nor His attributes."

ولا من جهة حكمته وبعثه قدرهم

"Neither from the perspective of His wisdom nor from His sending do they determine their fate."

قال جل وعلا

The Most High said.

وما قدر الله حق قدره

And they did not measure Allah with His true measurement.

إذ قالوا لا أنزل الله على أكثر من شيء

"When they said, 'God has not revealed anything to us.'"

فهل في إنوزال

Is there in Inuzal?

في إنزال الاسفل

In the descent downwards.

وفي إرسال الرسول

And in sending the messenger.

وقال جل وعلا في غيان اسفة ذاته

And He, the Most High, said in the depths of His essence.


He said.

وما قدر الله حق قدره

And they did not estimate Allah with true estimation.

والارض جميعا من قبضته يوم القيامة. ما قدروا الله حق قبله

"And the earth will be in His grip on the Day of Resurrection. They did not estimate Allah with the estimation that is due to Him."

يعني ما عظموه حق تعظيمه. ولو عظموه حق تعظيمه لما عبدوا غيره.

It means they did not glorify Him as He deserves to be glorified. If they had truly glorified Him, they would not have worshipped anyone else.

ولما اطاه غيره. ولا عذبوه حق العبادة. ولذلوا له دلا

And when he was given to others. And they did not torment him with the right of worship. And they humbled themselves before him.

وصدوعا. دائما وانادوا اليه بالكسوع وخشة. ولكنهم ما قدروا

And they were always calling to Him with humility and fear. But they could not.

حق قبله يعني ما عظموه حق تعظيمه الذي يجب لقدره جل وعلا

The right of Him is not honored as it should be, which is the honor befitting His Glory, the Exalted and the Most High.

وعظم ذاته سبحانه وتعالى وكفاته. ثم بيّن جل وعلا شيئا من كفة ذاته

And His essence is exalted, glory be to Him and He is sufficient. Then He, the Most High, clarified something of the greatness of His essence.

العظيمة الجليلة فقال سبحانه والارض جميعا قبضته يوم القيامة.

"The Great and Glorious said, 'And the earth will be in His grip on the Day of Judgment.'"

فان عقل الانسان لا يمكنه ان يتحمل صفة الله جل وعلا على ما هو

For the mind of man cannot bear the attributes of Allah, Glory be to Him, as they are.

عليه. والله جميعا

Upon him. And by God, all of us.

جل وعلا بيّن لك بعض فتاته. فقال سبحانه والارض جميعا قبضته

"Glory be to Him, He has made some of His signs clear to you. He, the Exalted, said: 'And the earth all together is in His grip.'"

يوم القيامة. والسماوات نظريات بيمينك. فإذا نظرت الى هذه

The Day of Resurrection. And the heavens are theories in your right hand. So when you look at this...

الارض على عظمها وعلى غرور اهلها فيها. ونظرت الى حزمها

"The earth, despite its vastness and the arrogance of its inhabitants, I looked at its firmness."

والى سعفها والى ما فيها. فهي قبضة الرحمن جل وعلا. يعني في

And to its fronds and to what is in it. It is a grasp of the Most Merciful, glorified and exalted. That means in...

داخل قبضة الرحمن جل وعلا.

In the grip of the Most Merciful, exalted and mighty.

يوم القيامة. كما وصف ذلك بقوله والارض جميعا. قبضته يوم القيامة.

The Day of Resurrection. As he described it by saying, "and the earth all together, is in His grasp on the Day of Resurrection."

فنفهم من ذلك ان كفر الرحمن جل وعلا وان يد الرحمن جل وعلا اعظم من

We understand from this that the disbelief in the Most Merciful, may He be exalted, and the hand of the Most Merciful, may He be exalted, is greater than...

هذا. وكذلك السماوات مضغيات. تطي السجيء تكفر الرحمن جل وعلا.

This. And likewise, the heavens are vast. They fulfill the decree of the Most Merciful, Glory be to Him.

كما قال سبحانه هنا. سماوات مضغيات من بيمينه. وقال في اية سورة

As He, سبحانه, said here. The heavens are folded in His right hand. And He said in the verse of the Surah.

ما نضغي السماء تطيب في جل للكتب. كما بدأنا اول قرط معيد. فهذه

What we write in the sky is pleasant in the context of books. Just as we began the first book with a cover. So this...

اصفات الله جل جلاله. هذه اصفاته. فان الارض التي يتعظمها اهلها

The attributes of Allah, Glory be to Him. These are His attributes. The earth that its people exalt.

للسماوات. التي يتعظمها من نظر فيها. هي صغيرة هايلة في الصغر الى

To the heavens. They are great in majesty for those who look at them. They are small, indeed, in their smallness.

ان تكون في كتب الرحمن جل وعلا. والله سبحانه وتعالى اعظم من

To be in the books of the Most Merciful, the Exalted. And Allah, the Almighty, is greater than...

ذلك. واجل بل هو سبحانه وتعالى.

That. Yes, indeed, He is exalted and glorified.

الواسع الحميد. الذي له الحمد كله. وله التناء كله. ويبين لك

The Vast, the Praiseworthy. To Him belongs all praise. And to Him belongs all glory. And He makes it clear to you.

ذلك. يبين لك عظمة الرب جل وعلا في ذاته. وعظمة الرب جل وعلا في

That. It shows you the greatness of the Lord, the Exalted and Most High, in His essence. And the greatness of the Lord, the Exalted and Most High, in...

ذاته. اذا تعملت هذه الاحاديث. فانك اذا نظرت الى هذه الارض.

Itself. If you consider these hadiths. When you look at this earth.

ونظرت ساعة هذه الارض. وغرور اهل الارض بها. غرور اهل الارض في

And I looked at the hour of this earth. And the vanity of the people of the earth with it. The vanity of the people of the earth in

الارض. في هذه الارض وبساعتها. وبسواهم فيها. نظرت الى ان الارض

The earth. On this earth and at its pace. And others with it. I looked at the earth.

بالنسبة الى السماء انها صغيرة. وان بين الارض وبين السماء الاولى

As for the sky, it is small. And there is a distance between the earth and the first sky.

نسيرة خمسمائة سنة في نسيج الرافد السليم. وكذلك بين السماء

Five hundred years journey in the fabric of the righteous river. And also between the sky.

الاولى والسماء الثانية نسيرة خمسمائة سنة. وهكذا حتى تنتهي

The first sky and the second sky are a journey of five hundred years. And so on until it ends.

السبع السماوات. والارض بالنسبة للسماوات الصغيرة. ولهذا نسكل

The seven heavens. And the earth in relation to the smaller heavens. Hence we are confused.

السماوات السبع. النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام في القرص الذي هو

The seven heavens. The Prophet, peace be upon him, in the circle that is

فوق ذلك. وهو اكبر بكثير من السماوات بقوله ان السماوات

Above that. And it is much larger than the heavens by His saying that the heavens...

السبع دراهم سبعة طرقية في ترث. يعني هذه السماوات صغيرة جدا

The seven dirhams are seven methods for inheritance. This means these heavens are very small.

بالنسبة للعادة القرصية بل كذلك دراهم سبعة طرقية في ترث.

Regarding the circular habit, there are also seven monetary methods in inheritance.

والترث مختلفها متقوس عليها. فهي صغيرة فيه وهو واسعها. فما

And the inheritance varies, it is curved upon it. It is small in it and wide for it. So what...

قال جل وعلا عن الكرسي. وسعى كرسيه السماوات والارض ولا يؤذه

Allah, the Exalted, said about the Throne: "And His Throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and He does not feel tired."

حفوهما. فالارض التي انت فيها وانت فيها في نسبة صغيرة صغيرة هي

Their greenness. The earth that you are in, and you are in a very small proportion, is...

بالنسبة للسماء هذا وفها. والارض والسماوات بالنسبة للكرسي هذا

As for the sky, this is its place. And the earth and the heavens in relation to the Throne, this is it.

وفه. والكرسي ايضا فوقهما.

"And the chair is also above them."


And above them.

وفوق ذلك العرض. عرض الرحمن جل وعلا. والكرسي بالنسبة للعرض

And above that is the Throne of the Most Merciful, Glory be to Him. And the Chair in relation to the Throne.

كافة. كحلقة ارتئت في فلاس من الارض. فهو متناهي الصغر بالنسبة

All. Like a loop that is perceived in a vast area of land. It is infinitely small in comparison.

الى عرش الرحمن. الذي الرحمن جل وعلا يسلم عليه وهو طوءه سبحانه

To the Throne of the Most Merciful, to which the Most Merciful, Glory be to Him, gives His peace while He is above it.

وتعالى. ولو تأملوا صفة الرب جل وعلا وما يديد له من الجلال وما

And exalted. If they pondered the attributes of the Lord, the Most High, and what signifies His majesty and what...

هو عليه سبحانه وتعالى من صفاته.

It is from His attributes, Blessed and Exalted.

ومن صفات الفعل وما هو على السماء الاعظم فانهم سيحتقرون انفسهم

Among the characteristics of the action and what is in the greatest heavens, they will belittle themselves.

وسيعلمون انه ما تم ينجيهم ويشرسهم الا ان يكون عبيدا له وحدة

And they will know that nothing saves them and protects them except being servants to Him alone.

دون ما يكتواه. فهل يعبد المخلوق المخلوطة? الواجب ان يعبد المخلوق

Without what is being experienced. So, should the created being be worshiped? It is obligatory to worship the Creator.

هذا الذي هو مفتصق بهذه الصفات العريمة.

This one who is characterized by these noble qualities.

فهو الحقيق بأن يذل له

He is worthy of being humbled before him.

وهو الحقيق بأن يطاع

And he is truly deserving of obedience.

وهو الحقيق بأن يجل

He is worthy of being revered.

وهو الحقيق بأن يسأل

He is deserving of being asked.

وهو الحقيق بأن يجذل

And he is worthy of being pleased.

كل ما يملكه العبد

Everything the servant owns.

في سبيل مرضاته جل وعلا

In pursuit of His pleasure, the Most High.

إذ هذا من قدره حق قدره

This is according to His true measure.

ومن تعظيمه حق تعظيمه

"And from the greatness of His right is the greatness of His right."

فإذا تأمل العبد

So when the servant reflects

صفات الغبوذية

The characteristics of blindness.

وصفات الجلال

Descriptions of grandeur

وصفات الجمال لله جل وعلا

Beauty descriptions for Allah, the Glorified and Exalted.

وأن ذات الله جل وعلا

"And that the essence of God, Exalted and Mighty."



وأنه سبحانه وتعالى مستوى على عرشه باء من خلقه على هذا العظم

And that He, Glory be to Him, is established on His Throne above His creation in this greatness.

وجد أنه ما ثم إلا أنه يتوجه بلوذ بالعبادة

It was found that there was nothing except that it turns towards seeking refuge in worship.

وأن لا يعبد إلاه

And that no one should worship except Him.

وأن من عبد المحلوق الحقير الوضير

"And that among the worshippers is the insignificant and despicable."

فإنه قد ناجع الله جل وعلا في ميته

For indeed, he has sought the mercy of God, glorified and exalted.

وناجع الله جل وعلا في إلهيته

"And Allah, the Exalted and Most High, is effective in His divinity."

ولهذا يحفظ أن يكون من أهل النار المخلدين فيها عذابا دائما

And for this, it is preserved that he will be among the people of Hell, eternally bound therein with perpetual torment.

لأنه توجه إلى هذا المخلوق الضعيف

Because he turned to this weak creature.

وترك الرب العليف القادر على كل شيء سبحانه وتعالى

And the Lord left the Almighty capable of all things, glorified and exalted be He.

أما إذا تعمل تدعي فأنه فربة العزيز الحكيم

But if you act, claim that it is from the Mighty, the Wise.

المتصفك بفتاة الجلال وهو جل وعلا فوق عرشه

The one who is intimate with a girl of grandeur, while He, glorified and exalted, is above His throne.

يغنم وينهى في ملكوته واتا

He gains and commands in His sovereignty and authority.

الذي الأرض كشبه لا شيء في داخل ذلك الملكوت

The earth is like nothing in that kingdom.

يحيظ رحمته ويحيظ نعيمه على من شاء

He bestows His mercy and grace upon whomever He wills.

ويرسل عذابه على من شاء

And He sends His torment upon whom He wills.

ويمعن من شاء

"And let whoever wishes to indulge."

ويصرف البلاء عن من شاء

"And He turns away the affliction from whom He wills."

وهو سبحانه ولي المعنى والفضل

And He, Exalted, is the Guardian of meaning and grace.

فترى أفعال الله جل وعلا في السماوات

So you see the actions of Allah, the Exalted, in the heavens.

وترى عبودية الملائكة في السماوات

And you see the servitude of the angels in the heavens.

تراها متجهة إلى هذا الرب العظيم المستوي على عرشه

You see her heading towards this great Lord who is seated on His throne.

فمن قال عليه الصلاة والسلام

Whoever said peace and blessings be upon him.

أطفت السماوة وحطلها من فئر

The sky is extinguished and a cup has been dropped from a mouse.

ما فيها موضع أربعة أصابع إلا

"There is no place for four fingers except..."

وما لكم قائم؟

"And what is wrong with you?"

وملك راكع أو ملك ساجد

"A king who is bowing or a king who is prostrating."

وهذا لأجل تعظيمهم لأمد الله

This is for the purpose of magnifying them for the duration of God's time.

فتنظر إلى نصول أمد الله في ملكوته الواسع

So look at the extensions of God's kingdom in His vast dominion.

الذي لا نعلم منه إلا ما حولنا من هذه الأرض

"What we only know of it is what surrounds us from this earth."

وما هو قريب منها

And what is close to it.

بل يعلم بعض ذلك

But some of that is known.

والله جل وعلا هو المفتر

Indeed, Allah, Glorified and Exalted, is the Bestower.

ثم تنظر إلى أن الله جل وعلا هذا الجليل العظيم

Then you look at Allah, the Exalted and the Great.

المفتر بهذا الملك العظيم

The pretender to this great kingdom.

أنه يتوجه إليك أيها العبد

He is addressing you, O servant.

الحقير الوضيع

the despicable lowly

فيأمرك بعبادته

He commands you to worship Him.

ومن يشرف لك لو شعرت

And who would honor you if you felt?

ويأمرك بفقواه وهو شرف لك لو شعرت

"And He commands you with piety, and it is a privilege for you if you only knew."

ويأمرك بقاءته

And He commands you to stay.

وذلك شرف لك لو شعرت

That would be an honor for you if you felt it.

فإنه إذا علمت حق الله

For when you know the rights of God.

وعلمت صفات الله

And I learned about the attributes of God.

فما هو عليه من العروب المطلق

So what he has in terms of absolute Arabness.

في ذاته وفي صفاته جل وعلا

In His essence and attributes, exalted and lofty is He.

وفي نطول أمره في هذه السماوات السبع

And in the length of His matter in these seven heavens.

التي هي في القرص كدرهم أولية في قرص

That which is in the disk is like the first dirham in the disk.

ثم ما هو قبالك

Then what is in front of you?

والجنة والنار وما في ذاته

Paradise and Hell and what is within themselves.

وجدت أنك لا ستمالك إلا أن تقضى له جل وعلا

I found that you have no choice but to devote yourself to Him, the Most High.

خبوعا استيانيا وأن تذلل

Establishing a state and subservience.

وأن تتوجه إلى طاعته

And to turn towards His obedience.

وأن تتقرب إليه بما يحب

And to draw closer to Him with what He loves.

وأنك إذا سلوث سلامه

And that if you greet him with peace.

سلوث سلام من يخاطبك به

"Sloth, peace be upon you who addresses you."

ولا أمر وينها به

"And I do not command nor prohibit him."

فيكون عندك حينئذ التوفير غير التوفير

Then you will have, at that time, savings that are not savings.

ويكون التعظيم غير التعظيم

And the glorification is not the same as glorification.

ولهذا كان من أسباب رسول الإيمان في القلب

And this is one of the reasons for the messenger of faith in the heart.

وتعظيم الوضع

And glorifying the situation.

أن يتأمل العبد ويتفكر في ملكوت السماوات والأرض

For the servant to reflect and contemplate the dominion of the heavens and the earth.

كما أمر الله جل وعلا في ذلك

As God Almighty has commanded in that.

في حين قال

While he said

قُلِ انْبُرْوْا نَادَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ

Say, "Invoke those whom you claim besides Him in the heavens and the earth."

وقال جل وعلا

And Allah, the Most High, said.

أَوَلَمْ يَتَفَكَّرُوا فِي مَلَكُوتِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ

"Do they not reflect upon the dominion of the heavens and the earth?"

وَنَا خَلَقَ اللَّهُ مِنْ حَيْثٍ

"And God created from where..."

وقال أيضا جل وعلا في وقح

And He, the Exalted, also said about the brazen.

القلق من العبادة

The anxiety of worship.

إنَّ في خلق إنَّ في اختلاف الليل

Indeed, in the creation, indeed, in the alternation of night.

إن في خلق السماوات والأرض

"Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth."

وصلاة الليل والنهار

And the prayer of night and day.

لآيات المئل الألباب

For the signs of those who possess understanding.

الذين يذكرون الله

Those who remember Allah.




They sat down.

وعلى جنودهم

And against their soldiers.

ويتذكرون في خلق السماوات والأرض

And they remember the creation of the heavens and the earth.


Our Lord

ما خلقت هذا باطلا

You did not create this in vain.


Glory be to You.

فقنا عذاب النار

So save us from the punishment of the Fire.


Our Lord

إنك من تدخل النار فقد أخذيته

"Whoever enters the fire, I have taken him."

وما للظالمين من المنطار

And for the wrongdoers, there is no protector.

إلى آخر دعواتهم

Until their last prayers.

وهم يذكرون الله قياما

And they remember Allah while standing.


They got tired.

وعلى جنودهم

"And on their soldiers."


And they remember.

ومع ذلك ليسألون النجاة من النار

However, they will ask for salvation from the fire.

فهم في ظل وطبوع

"Understanding in the midst of characteristics."

لما عرفوا من آثار فوشيد الهدوذية

When they learned about the effects of the Hduzi influence.

ولما عرفوا من آثار فوشيد الهدوذية

And when they recognized the آثار of Foushid the Al-Hudwhozy.

في القلب وقنياته

In the heart and its channels.

أسأل الله جل وعلا

I ask Allah, the Most High.

في ختام هذا الكتاب

At the conclusion of this book.

أن يجزئ عنا مؤلفه

May his author suffice us.

الإمام الشيخ محمد عبد الرحاب

Imam Sheikh Muhammad Abduh Rab.

خير الجزاء

The best reward.

أن يجزئه عم المسلمين خير الجزاء

May he reward him on behalf of the Muslims with the best of rewards.

وكل المسلمين

And all the Muslims.

وكل من ساهم في شرح هذا الكتاب

And everyone who contributed to explaining this book.

لما أفهمنا من نعاميه

When we understood from its ostrich.

فإنه والله

"Indeed, by God,"

لكتاب عظيم

A great book.

استمنى على نابه نجاة العباد

"I masturbated on the tooth of the savior of mankind."

لو شعروا

If they felt

وقرب الإمام رحمه الله فيه

And the Imam, may Allah have mercy on him, was close in it.

من نصوص الكتاب والسنة

From the texts of the Book and the Sunnah.

وأفهمنا دلائلها

And we understood its signs.

بما نرجو معه النجاة

With what we hope for salvation.

بعفو الله جل وعلا وكرمه

By the mercy and generosity of Allah, the Exalted and Almighty.

هذا توصية أخيرة

This is a final recommendation.

نسكن لها هذا المجلس المبارك

We dedicate this blessed gathering to her.

وهذا الجلس المبارك

And this blessed session.

الذي يعز علي

What is dear to me.

من سارق فيه

Who is the thief in it?

هذه العوجة

This is the twist.

وعقربة العلم

And the scorpion of knowledge.

أوفي بالعناية بهذا الكتاب

"Fulfill the care for this book."

عناية عظيمة من جهة حفظه

Great care in its preservation.

ومن جهة

On one hand

من جهة حفظه ومن جهة

On the one hand, it preserves it, and on the other hand...

بغايته ومن جهة

For his purpose and from one side.

تأمل مسائله ومن جهة

Consider his issues from one angle.

معرفة ما فيه

Knowing what is in it.

فإنه الحق الذي كان عليه

It is the truth that he was upon.

العنبياء والمسلمون

The prophets and the Muslims

ومن سبعهم من صالح

And among their seven is the righteous one.

هذا يعيش من رحمة الله

This lives by the mercy of God.

بذلك أعظم العماية

Thus, the greatest blindness.

فإن فيه خيركم لو تعقلون

For in it is your good if you only understood.

فوالله إن الانتراب عنه

"I swear by Allah that I will not turn away from it."

لنذير سوء وإن الإقبال

A harbinger of evil and indeed the turning point.

عليه لنذير بشرى

He has a warning of good news.

ولا نرجع من الخير

And we do not return from goodness.

والبشرى هذا

And this is the good news.

وأسأل الله أن ينتعني وإياكم

And I ask Allah to bless me and you.

لما سمعنا وأن يغفر لنا

When we heard and that He may forgive us.

زللنا وحطلنا

We slipped and fell down.

وأن يعفو عنا ما أخطأنا

And that He forgives us for what we have wronged.

فيه وأن يجعلنا من المعكور

"May He make us among those who are humble."

عنهم ونسأل الله

About them, and we ask God.

التسامحة وأن يجعلنا

Tolerance and to make us

من المحققين لتوحيده

From the investigators of His oneness.

وأنه لا حول لنا

And that we have no strength.

ولا قوة إلا به

There is no power except through Him.

اللهم فكلنا يا كريم

O Allah, so grant us, O Generous One.

هذا وأستودعكم الله

I entrust you to God.

الذي لا تضيع ودائع

He who does not lose deposits.

وصل الله وسلم وضاره

May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him.

على نبينا محمد

Peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

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