مزيج في البال | الرياض ٢ ليلا
خلف عبدالهادي
مزيج في البال | الرياض ٢ ليلا
الرياض في أواخر سنة 2023
Riyadh in late 2023.
الساعة الثانية ليلة
It is two o'clock at night.
سطور مضللة بقلم أصفر منزوجة في البال
Misleading lines written in yellow ink intertwined in the mind.
الليل عند العرب قصص إذا قسموه أستاسا
Night among Arabs is stories if they divide it as a foundation.
الأصيل والوقت من أقصى العصر إلى المغرب
The original and the time from the end of the afternoon to sunset.
والإحمرار وقت الغروب
And the redness at sunset.
ثم الغسق هو ظلمة الليل
Then dusk is the darkness of the night.
ويأتيك الدجاة وهو سواد الليل وظلمته
The darkness comes to you, the blackness of the night and its gloom.
وجوف الليل هو ثلثه الأخير
The middle of the night is its last third.
والسحر هو آخر الليل قبيل الفجر
And the magic is the last part of the night before dawn.
وفي اضطراب المشاعر وارتباكها في صدر العاشق
And in the turmoil of feelings and their confusion in the heart of the lover.
قال أبو الصخر الهذلي
Abu al-Sakhr al-Hudhali said.
هجرتك حتى قيل لا يعرف الهوى
"I abandoned you until it was said that love is unknown."
وزرتك حتى قيل ليس له صبر
"I visited you until it was said that he has no patience."
صدقتي أنا الصب المصاب الذي به
You are right, I am the afflicted lover who is in pain.
تبارح حب خامر القلب أو سحر
The love that lingers in the heart, or enchantment.
يقول نصيب بالرباح
Nasib says about the profits.
The poor.
مساكين أهل العشق ما كنت أشتري
"Poor lovers, I would not buy."
جميع حياتي العاشقين بيدرهمي
All my life, the lovers are my harvest.
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
And peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah Almighty and His blessings.
مرحبا مرحبا مرحبا من اليوم بالغالي خرف
Hello, hello, hello! Starting today, it's precious nonsense.
الله يسعدك أبد أبطل عملك كاللي تحت أمرك
May God make you happy; I will never stop working for you as you command.
قالوا أهم شيء في الحياة صديق
They said the most important thing in life is a friend.
يمكنك الاتصال به في الرابع فجرا
You can call him at four in the morning.
وقالوا كم من ديك نصدق
They said, how many roosters should we believe?
أن الشمال يتحرر في حياتك
That the north is liberated in your life.
تشرق بصياحه
It shines with its brightness.
يقال أن أميرا نزل مع ولده الشاب
It is said that a prince came down with his young son.
بخيمة عجوز على أطراف الصحراء
In an old tent on the edge of the desert.
وأكرمتهما وذبحت لهما شات
I honored them and slaughtered a goat for them.
عند الإنصراف أخرج الأمير كيسا مملوء
Upon leaving, the prince took out a bag filled.
بالدنانير الذهبية وأعطاها للعجوز
With the gold dinars, and he gave them to the old woman.
وانصرف مع ابنه قال له ابنه
He left with his son, and his son said to him.
يا أبي
Oh my father.
هذه عجوز لا تعرفنا ولا نعرفها
This is an old woman who does not know us, and we do not know her.
فكيف أعطيتها كل هذا المال
So how did I give her all this money?
قال له والده
His father said to him.
هي لا تعرفنا
She does not know us.
لكننا نعرف أنفسنا
But we know ourselves.
الشيء بشيء يذكر
Everything has a connection to something.
يقولون أن العبيدي الذي كان بمصر
They say that the Abidi who was in Egypt.
أرسل شخص إلى أندلس
Someone sent to Andalusia.
وكان هذا الأندلسي هجل العبيدي
And this Andalusian was Hajj al-Abidi.
فكتب إليه أما بعد
He wrote to him, "As for what follows."
فقد عرفتنا فهجوتنا
You have known us, so you have criticized us.
ولو عرفناك
If we had known you.
We would have answered you.
سئل رسطو عن تعريف الجمال
Aristotle was asked about the definition of beauty.
فقال دعوا هذه المسألة للعميان
He said, "Leave this matter to the blind."
طلب أحد أباطرة الرومان من كبيراً
One of the Roman emperors asked a chief.
لرساميهم في القصر
For their painters in the palace.
محو الشلال الذي رسمه في لوحة جدارية
Erasing the waterfall that he painted on the mural.
لأن خرير الماء كان يمنعه من النوم
Because the sound of the water was preventing him from sleeping.
He said it.
تسمحين أن أطبع قبلة على وجهك
Do you allow me to print a kiss on your face?
قالت هي
She said.
لا مانع
No objection.
اطبعها بشرط
Print it with a condition.
ألا تنشرها
Don't publish it.
غضيب عبد الملك بن مروان من رجاء بن حيان
Ghadib, the son of Abdul Malik bin Marwan, from Rija' bin Hayyan.
فقال والله لئن أمكنني الله منه لأفعلن به كذا وكذا
He said, "By God, if Allah enables me to do so, I will certainly do such and such to him."
فلما صار بين يديه قال له برجاء
When it was in front of him, he said to him with pleading.
يا أمير المؤمنين قد صنع الله ما أحببت فاصنى ما أحب الله
O Commander of the Faithful, God has done what you wished, so do what God loves.
فعفى عنه وأمر له بصلة
So he forgave him and ordered that he be treated generously.
أوحشية العينين أين لك الأهل
The wildness of the eyes, where are your family?
أب الحزن حلوا أم حلهم السهل
Is the father of sorrow sweet, or is it their ease?
وأي أرض أخرجتك فإنني
"And any land that brought you out, for I am..."
أراك من الفردوس إن فتش الأصل
I see you from paradise if the origin is searched.
قفي خبرينا ما طعمتي ما الذي شربتي
Come tell us what you tasted and what you drank.
ومن أين استقبل بك الرحلو
Where did the journey receive you from?
تناهيتي حسنا في النساء فإن يكن
You have excelled in women, if there are any.
لبدر الدجا نسل فأنت له نسل
To the moon of the night, a lineage is born; so you are a lineage for him.
قال جداد الحارثي
Al-Harithi's grandfather said.
لقيت أسودا بالبادية
I found a black one in the desert.
فقلت له لمن أنت يا أسود
I said to him, "Who do you belong to, oh black man?"
فقال لسيد الحي أصلع
He said to the master of the tribe, "Bald."
قلت ما أغضبك من الحق
I said, what has made you angry about the truth?
قال الحق أغضبك
The truth has angered you.
قلت أو لست بأسود
I said, or am I not black?
قال أو لست بأصلع
He said, "Am I not bald?"
من طرائف الأصفهان في كتاب الأغاني قال
From the curiosities of Isfahan in the Book of Songs, it was said.
وعد الشاعر محبوبة له مكانا من شعاب عرج الطائف
The poet promised his beloved a place among the valleys of the rugged hills of Taif.
إذ نزل رجالها يوم الجمعة إلى مسجد الطائف
When its men descended on Friday to the mosque of Ta'if.
فجاءت على أتان ومعها جارية لها
She came riding a she-donkey and with her was a maidservant.
والأتان هي أنثى الحمار
The she-ass is the female donkey.
وجاء الشاعر على حمار ومعه غلام له
The poet came on a donkey with a boy accompanying him.
فواقع المرأة وواقع الغلام الجارية
The reality of the woman and the reality of the boy.
ونزل الحمار على الأتان
And the donkey descended upon the she-donkey.
فقال الشاعر هذا يوم قد غاب عذباله
The poet said, "This is a day when 'Adhabal' has disappeared."
هنا يكتب سمير عمر
Here writes Samir Omar.
العمر ابن ربيها يقول
"The age of the one who raised her says."
أيوتي هنو إعجاب؟
Do you have any admiration?
هذا الذي يدفعه لقول هذا الشعر
This is what drives him to say this poetry.
هذا عمر ابن ربيها فتاة قريش المدلل
This is Omar, the pampered son of Rabiah, a girl from Quraish.
وشاعروها المنذور للحب والغزل
And her poet is devoted to love and flirtation.
يطوف بشعره بين أحياء مكة
He roams with his hair among the neighborhoods of Mecca.
والحكاية ببساطة كما يرويها ابن ربيها شعرا
And the story is simply as narrated by Ibn Rabihah in poetry.
أن ثلاث فتيات كنا يتمنين أن يأتيهن عمر سرا
Three girls were wishing that Omar would come to them secretly.
وبينما هن يتحدثن بذلك
And while they were talking about that.
ظهر عمر وهو فوق حصانة الأغر
Omar appeared while he was on the horse Al-Agharr.
قالت الكبرى أتعرفن الفتاة؟
The elder said, "Do you know the girl?"
قالت الوسطى هذا عمر
The middle one said, "This is Omar."
قالت الصغرى وقد تيمتها
The younger one said, as she was captivated by him.
وهل يخفى القمر؟
And does the moon remain hidden?
وتسألني هل أحببت مثلي؟
And you ask me if you loved like me?
وكم من معشوقة لك أو خليلة؟
And how many sweethearts or mistresses do you have?
فقلت لها وقد هممت بكأسي
So I said to her as I was about to raise my glass.
إلى شفتي راحتيها النحيلة
"To the lips of her slender hands."
I forgot.
وما أرى أحببت يوما كحبك ولم أعرف مثيلة
"I don't think I have ever loved anyone as I love you, and I have not known anyone like you."
فقالت لي جوابك لم يدعلي
She said to me, "Your answer did not leave me."
إلى إظهاره ما تخفيه حيلة
"To reveal what is concealed by a trick."
بينيك أسرار حيارة
Between you and me are mysterious secrets.
تكذب ما تحاول أن تقوله
You are lying about what you are trying to say.
فقلت عجل عرفت هوى الغواني
I said, hurry, I have recognized the affection of the charming ones.
لكل غانية ولها وسيلة
Every woman of ill-repute has her own means.
إذا طالعتني أنسيت جرحي
If you looked at me, you would forget my pain.
وإن الحب لم يرحم قتيله
"And love has not spared its victim."
وجاذبني إلى اللذات قلب
"And my heart was attracted to pleasures."
شقي ضل في الدنيا سبيله
A miserable one lost his way in this world.
وعدت كما ترين
I promised as you see.
صريح كأس أن الضمآن لم يطفئ غليله
The explicit cup that the thirsty one did not quench his thirst.
فقالت كيف تضعف
She said, "How do you weaken?"
قلت ويحي وكيف أطاع شمشون دليله
I said, "Oh my, how did Samson obey his guide?"
فقالت ما حياتك
She said, "What is your life?"
قلت حلم من الأشواق أوثر أن أطيله
I said a dream of longing; I prefer to prolong it.
حياتي قصة بدأت بكأس لها غنيت
"My life is a story that began with a cup for which I sang."
وإمرأة جميلة
And a beautiful woman.
ترجمة نانسي قنقر
Translation of Nancy Qanqar
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